#selfshipping ramble
rattilol · 1 year
Tell me abt ur selfship. ramble. infodump. just fucking pour your heart out bro.
gives you a nice cup of coffee (or another beverage you like if you dont like coffee)
I don't care who interacts with this post! Just be nice to eachother! ♡
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mattypattypinky · 6 months
self ship stuff but I want to sit in his little time room and argue w him
playfully 😒 Bc I don't like pickles and I've never liked Pickles but he pickles stuff and makes pickles so I feel like he'd be mortified. I feel like it'd start off w a small convo. He offers me food then I'm like... I don't like pickles😒
✨ "What do you mean you don't like pickles on your sandwich???"
🎀"I mean I don't like pickles on my sandwiches-"
✨"What. No, but like. A sandwich is like. So incomplete without pickles, tho."
🎀"Nah the pickles ruin it in my opinion 😒"
✨"What... - I can't.. believe you right now. The pickles make a pang of flavor! Don't knock it before you try it. 🥺"
🎀"I have tried it 😒"
✨"Oh." and then he sits there with a long silence and thinks, then he starts asking if I like any specific type of pickles (bc he has so much pickles 😭) and I'm like 🎀" nah dude. I don't like any pickles. "
and he just scoffs and is like ✨"What the hell, man. This is why I don't like being in relationships. There's always needless food drama. Why can't we just agree." and I'm like 🎀 "baby honey. we can eat different sandwiches, it's okay" and hes like ✨ "what do you mean we can eat different sandwiches? 😕 If it's a date we have to eat the same thing. That's how couples work." and I just exhale😒
🎀"No, we don't. We can eat two different things." And hes just shocked and amazed by the revelation
inspo from this scene bc i luv it its so funny😭😭😭 hes so cute
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ender-selfships · 7 months
Friendly reminder that it is COMPLETELY NORMAL to feel extremely attached to/have intense feelings for fictional characters.
The human brain cannot differentiate the feelings and attachments we have to irl people from the feelings and attachments we have to fictional characters. Chemically, the feelings are the exact same
More to the point, if a character you love ever gets hurt or god forbid dies, it is absolutely normal to feel genuine grief and hurt because of it. As far as the chemicals in your brain are concerned, you genuinely just watched your friend/partner/family member get hurt.
Your feelings are valid and normal.
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somecalicocat · 2 months
my f/os canonically love me btw
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selfrinsert · 7 months
your romantic f/o has suchhhh a huge crush on you‼️
they get butterflies whenever they look at you
they lay awake at night just thinking of you
they try to show off for you
they can’t help but stutter when they’re around you
they fidget with their hair or hands more
they offer to walk you home, or go with you to the store, any excuse to be around you
whenever you touch them, after you’re gone they lightly touch the same spot in awe
feel free to add more!!
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dalvs-wife · 2 months
the next time you get shown the ship or just have it in your head, imagine your f/o looking at the ship from over your shoulder and scrunching up their nose. being grossed out by it. being made uncomfortable by it, grimacing awkwardly at the sight of it. being confused by it!!!
they dislike that ship just as much as you do, believe me! no matter how many times someone draws them looking happy and in love with whoever, that ain't happening.
you two are each other's favorites, so the next time you see that sorta thing, just remember your f/o's silly little scrunched up weirded-out face at the mere sight :]
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rotruff · 2 months
oughhh ..... waking up in the middle of the night or just a little too early and your f/o groggily tugging you back into place with some little half-coherent words of encouragement. call them selfish, but they'll take the label with no complaint if it means they get to have you lie down at their side just a while longer. the tired little motions they go through to try and make sure that you're able to fall back asleep before they let themself do the same, whether that be tracing shapes along your skin in gentle little gestures or even humming, they're putting the effort in even though sleep might be clinging onto them like a 2 ton weight.
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v1-kisser · 3 months
Proship dni for my comfort thanks.
I feel like everyone portrays F/Os as these romantic, perfect all around lovers, and while that's all well and good! I prefer F/Os who are flawed, who don't always say the right things. Who can sometimes be petty or selfish. F/Os who have a habit of seeing conflict as a contest on who can talk the loudest, instead of a conversation. F/Os who run out of patience sometimes and have to go cool off mid-conversation, even if they're right. F/Os who struggle to communicate their emotions.
I find comfort in the idea of a relationship where mistakes like that are allowed and given room to breathe. A relationship where, no matter what the conflict is, the walls eventually come down. Maybe it takes hours, maybe days until you're both calm enough to work it out. Maybe it takes several conversations to solve it, but each end in Hey. I love you. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
You're not perfect, and neither is your F/O. That's okay. That can be beautiful, too. There's not a hug that's more comforting than the firm, tearful one after reaching mutual understanding. Knowing that you didn't mess it up too much, you didn't break things permanently. You couldn't if you tried. They missed you... and you've got some serious affection to catch up on.
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huntinglove · 4 months
From the creators of "He would not fucking say that" comes the brand new "He would not be this fucking good at sex"
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gojoest · 6 months
the first time satoru ate your pussy he came in his pants untouched and tried to hide it by not letting you take care of him after but of course you figured out and the surprised “oh?” that left your lips as you eyed his crotch made him all the more embarrassed
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self-shippy · 1 year
is it just me or are you ever watching/playing/reading your f/o's source material and you have to put it down for a moment because they made a face/did something that was so unbelievably cute/hot, and you couldn't keep going because you needed time to recollect yourself?
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roboraindrop · 6 months
Just.... Your f/o suddenly realizing that you've become so important to them.
I'm thinking about the absolute beauty in changing your f/os' lives. There was something missing in their life before, whether they knew it or not. And then one day... One day you show up and change everything. Maybe it's at first sight, or maybe it's slowly over time. But any way you slice it, it's different now. Whether they'll admit it out loud or not, you have changed their life for the better. They wouldn't want to live without you. They found that missing piece; It was you.
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bakugoushotwife · 8 months
a/n: some of my self-ship ramblings while i'm supposed to be writing gojo kinktober skfjskhdkgdf--this will be the family set up for a series of mine ;)
everyone says girl dad gojo this boy dad gojo that, when in reality it's gojo and his son + his two little sisters.
oh gojo just fusses all over his firstborn son when he arrives, all glossy eyed with pride as he boasts about the gojo line—and his son being the strongest yet! (though he'd rather die than let his son face the same perils he did-)
your husband turns into such a doting father with his little sidekick, teaching him how to gush over mama, but how to pick daddy's side. oh his son is just his best friend! a little carbon copy of him down to the dimples. he takes him everywhere once he's about five, letting your son traverse the school with him if for no other reason than to boast over his spawn. he's such a little gentleman thanks to tips from daddy, picking fistfuls of dirt and dandelion to plop on the table while you're making dinner—eyes of blue you know all too well grinning up at you, a smile that's missing a tooth or two. "got you flowers mama!" he brags, stepping up on his helper's stool to get a look at what you're doing—stage one clinger and nosy freak like his dad. you giggle at the mess and nod, patting his hair and thanking him with kisses.
"what about my kisses?" your husband smirks, revealing a proper bouquet from behind his back as he peeks over your opposite shoulder. your giggles intensify as you give him the same treatment, letting satoru finish up the food so you could put your bouquet and your dandelions away in a vase.
"i wanna help you daddy!" the high pitched determination from your son has your heart melting, and satoru doesn't think he could get any happier.
that is until his first daughter is born. his son changed his life, but the little girl in his arms now has him sobbing as she bats white lashes up at him—he knows he'll never be the same person, now forever occupied with her safety and happiness, raising her to be a good person, a sweet and kind person like you. her big brother is just as invested, eager to help his tired parents and hardly complaining about the baby's crying. he wants to be a big man like daddy, so he'll follow satoru into her nursery and help give her bottles while you sleep, though satoru (jokingly) wishes he was old enough to change a diaper—you've created some dynamic shitters, not that your son was any better.
but oh how his daughter was his sunshine. such a delicate and powerful little thing too, he didn't even know how to treat her at first. with his son it was easy, he was unafraid. but with his daughter, he knows he'll be the example in her life and he's terrified to mess it up. but he gets the hang of it—and she absolutely adores her father.
maybe one of these days you'll get one that prefers you, though your son is quite the mommy's boy thanks to satoru's shining performance.
the girl though, all hopes of her being sweet and kind go out the window by the time she's four. she's a mouthy little thing, bossing around her big brother, who's definitely grown less charmed with being a big brother—only on the outside. he still adores his little sister, but he does roll his eyes when you tell him that you're pregnant with another girl.
the baby of the family, satoru bawls when he holds her yet again. she's just as strong and beautiful as his first two, but by far the biggest daddy's girl yet. she grows up under the protection of her older siblings—her big sister dresses her like her own personal babydoll and her big brother rescues her from such activities. she is sweet and lovely despite her siblings, and you think it's a miracle. that only lasts so long, though.
satoru spoils all of his kids, but his girls are so snotty by the time they reach puberty, no boys can even catch their attention. this was all to his design of course, he would not have his smart, strong, and talented girls bogged down by boy troubles, gag. as bratty as satoru was in high school, imagine two of them. as girls. yes.
the teenage sisters are closer than close—banding up against their annoying big brother when he comes by to poke at them, the once protector turned aggressor—though he would die for his sisters without a second thought.
don't even get me started on gojo's son. if the girls are bratty, satoru's carbon copy is entitled and smug, even more handsome than his dad thanks to your enhancements and the only next gen gojo man? he's intolerable by the time he graduates, and satoru is absolutely tickled about it—even asking for another baby as yours grow and prepare to leave the nest. he's a family man, and so so good with babies...you may just give into his wishes just to witness it some more. <3
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selfrinsert · 3 months
it’s sooooo important to imagine you/your s/i wrapping up your f/os injured hand. your fingers brushing theirs, heat rising in your cheeks, murmuring “is that too tight?”
all the while they can barely breathe with you so close to them, being so tender with them. they forget they’re even hurt. they just stare at you in awe before answering, “ah- no, that’s fine.” heat rises to their face as well, “….thank you.”
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dalvs-wife · 1 month
do any other selfshippers get a little bit irked when seeing your f/o's headcanoned with sexualities that exclude your gender..... because uhhhh... no? we're dating?? we're married??? we're very in love??? wdym they aren't attracted to my gender? surely you jest...
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puss-in-boots-bf · 8 months
a lot of the time when i think about my relationship with my f/o it's like. yea of course i'm in love with him he's literally the perfect man blah blah whatever. but i think i've forgotten that my f/o feels the exact same way and i still can't comprehend it. you mean he chose me out of literally anyone on earth to start dating????????? he looked at me and decided he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me???????????????????? he loves me??????????????????????????????? i don't believe it i'm dreaming
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