#sell faulty phone
sellyourphone123 · 1 year
Sustainable Tech: The Environmental Benefits of Selling Your Old Phone Instead of Discarding It
Sell My Phone and Embrace Sustainable Tech Solutions
Do you have an old phone lying around in a drawer, collecting dust? Instead of letting it go to waste, why not consider selling it? In today’s fast-paced world, technology is evolving at an unprecedented rate, and new devices hit the market regularly. As a result, many people find themselves wondering what to do with their outdated smartphones. By choosing to sell your phone instead of discarding it, you can not only earn some extra cash but also contribute to a more sustainable future. At FoneBucks, we understand the importance of sustainable tech solutions, and we are here to guide you through the process of selling your phone responsibly.
The Environmental Impact of Discarding Phones
Discarding old phones can have a significant negative impact on the environment. Electronic waste, or e-waste, contains various hazardous materials, including lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. When improperly disposed of, these toxins can seep into the soil and water, posing serious risks to human health and the ecosystem. Furthermore, the production of new devices requires the extraction of finite resources, such as rare earth metals, which contributes to environmental degradation and climate change.
Sell My Phone for a Greener Future
By choosing to sell your phone, you play a crucial role in reducing e-waste and promoting a greener future. Here are the environmental benefits of selling your old phone instead of discarding it:
Extending the Lifespan of Devices
When you sell your phone, it gets a second lease on life. By passing it on to someone else who can use it, you extend the device’s lifespan, reducing the need for new manufacturing. This means fewer resources are consumed, and less e-waste is generated. Selling your phone not only benefits the environment but also allows others to access affordable technology.
Recycling and Responsible Disposal
At FoneBucks, we prioritize responsible recycling and disposal practices. If your phone is too old or damaged to be resold, we ensure it goes through proper recycling channels. Through specialized recycling processes, valuable materials and components are extracted, reducing the demand for new resource extraction. This circular economy approach minimizes waste and conserves resources.
Carbon Footprint Reduction
The production of new phones contributes to greenhouse gas emissions throughout the manufacturing process. By selling your phone, you indirectly reduce your carbon footprint. Choosing a refurbished phone or a pre-owned device decreases the demand for new manufacturing and, consequently, the associated carbon emissions. By opting for a second-hand phone, you contribute to the overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
The FoneBucks Advantage
When you choose FoneBucks as your platform to sell your phone, you gain several advantages:
Competitive Pricing and Hassle-Free Process
At FoneBucks, we offer competitive prices for your old phone based on its condition and market value. Our streamlined selling process ensures a hassle-free experience, allowing you to quickly and easily turn your unused device into cash. Simply provide us with the necessary information about your phone, and we’ll provide you with a fair quote.
Data Security and Privacy
We understand that data security and privacy are paramount concerns when selling a phone. FoneBucks takes these concerns seriously. Before reselling or recycling any device, we ensure that all personal data is securely erased, protecting your privacy and giving you peace of mind.
Contributing to a Sustainable Future
By choosing FoneBucks, you become part of a larger movement towards sustainable technology. Every phone sold and recycled through our platform contributes to the reduction of e-waste and the conservation of valuable resources. Together, we can create a more environmentally friendly future.
In conclusion, selling your old phone instead of discarding it is a simple yet powerful way to contribute to a sustainable future. By extending the lifespan of devices, promoting responsible recycling, and reducing carbon emissions, you can make a positive impact on the environment. Choose FoneBucks as your trusted platform to sell your phone, and join us in embracing sustainable tech solutions. Sell your phone today and be a part of the change!
Remember, selling your phone not only benefits you but also the planet. Let FoneBucks be your partner in creating a greener, more sustainable future.
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evilminji · 9 months
Actually? You know what would be darkly hilarious?
If, when the GIW can't get ghosts declared both malicious AND non-sapient/sentient? They push for "dumb animals" instead.
Which is accepted. Ghosts are animals. Checks out, says scientists everywhere.
HOW "dumb"?
What? Says the GIW, mid-victory high fives. They did not expect a follow up question. They SHOULD have, as this is the SCIENTIFIC community and that is literally their job, but here we are.
How. "Dumb"? The scientists repeate slower. What methodology did you use? What is your sample size? Are their different sub-species? Is this dimension like ours? Is Ghost the equivalent to Mammal? It says here their are humanoid ones.
What IQ are we talking about here and HOW DID YOU TEST??
A goldfish, parrot, and dolphin are all animals. WILDLY different levels of intelligence. You can't treat them the same. Technically speaking, WE are animals.
The GIW does not like where this conversation is going. Tries to shut it down.
.......well NOW the scientists are both offended AND invested. How DARE you try to push faulty science and hide the Truth from them! They're gonna do their OWN studies! *picks up the phone and dials that one embarrassing spiritualist friend they had in college* Hey! You still think you can summon ghosts? I'll pay you to try it for Science!
And like? As a Ghost? It's degrading as hell. But ALSO these fuckos just Whoopsie'd you into having both protections under the law, since animal abuse IS illegal, AND just put the ENTIRE planets scientific community on their asses.... by accident.
So you take a deeeeeeep breath you don't even need. Remember you're doing this for the little ghost babies and fluffy ghost animals. And show up at a research facility like "yes, hello, I am Ghost. Here for you to poke and prod at. Please ask me to name the object on the flash card or whatever IQ tests do these days."
Should you HAVE to prove your own fucking sentience? No. But? You do it. You're even polite about it. Ask for a copy of the study they plan to publish so you can BEAT some mother fuckers with it. The scientists nod in understanding and use the BIG font for your copy so it'll hurt more.
They've been there.
And just? Shitty people getting what they wanted only to have it blow up in their faces?? I see all these angst "but what if they were declared ANIMALS" prompts and I just?? Are we talking PARROT or goldfish!? One has the average intelligence of about a human 4yr old and the other is a FISH! People get RIGHTFULLY furious when you treat INTELLIGENT animals badly.
And would, in fact, adapt pretty easy to discovering one of said animal has become HUMAN lvl intelligent. It's easy to grasp the idea of human intelligence lvl dolphin or monkeys. Maybe there was some mutated strain, maybe in uetro tampering. Who knows. But if I tried to sell you a human intelligent housefly? Gold fish? Lizard?
You wouldn't believe me. There is some kind of trick at play.
So if GHOSTS are seen as animals? Everyone nods and then later? Someone comes in TV and very excitedly informs you "we found INTELLIGENT LIFE amongst the ghosts!" You'd believe it. Probably be really excited by your conversation starter for the day. Get a taco and move on with your life.
But? Having to willing sit for a barrage of testing? Is going to suuuuuuck so bad. Poor Danny. SATs all over again. For HOURS. At multiple facilities, just to be CERTAIN it's not a one off. All because he not certain he can insure good behavior from other ghosts and This Is IMPORTANT. He ALSO can't be certain it's even SAFE.
Might be a trap.
But if he has to do it again and again and again? Mexico to Bavaria to China to the Maldives? If this is what it takes for the scientific community to bitchslap the GIW into ORBIT before the UN? Hand him that pencil.
He has no where more important to be.
@hdgnj @nerdpoe @mutable-manifestation @ailithnight @the-witchhunter
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seabirdtxt · 9 months
.Irminsul --amend -m 'Scaramouche'
Nahida has called in the book club to try and start discussions about the Creator's situation. Cyno actually kinda knows what he's talking about and Alhaitham is... mostly there for moral support... [< prev] [Blog Tag] [next >]
Notes: SAGAU, reader is the Creator but no cult shenanigans. Separate warning for my writing being all over the place on this one. all relationships are currently platonic!
WC. 2.6k
----- ⚘ -----
There’s not much to do except wait for Alhaitham and Cyno to show up, unfortunately, so you have taken to chatting with Nahida and Aranyani about some of the games and toys that exist back on Earth. Aranyani seems to be interested in the mechanics of each, comparing them to existing games in Teyvat, while Nahida is more interested in trying them out for herself, someday.
Scaramouche doesn’t seem interested in the conversation, but he sits with the three of you anyway and watches the shadows of birds moving beyond the stained glass windows. 
You’d just been explaining the concept of the rubix cube and algorithms to the two gods when a sure knock is heard on the sanctuary doors. Scaramouche takes the opportunity to make his escape from the conversation, shuffling to the door and opening it for the newcomers. 
Cyno steps in, followed by Alhaitham, and the two of them hold each other at a polite distance as they walk down toward the dais, where the rest of you stand to greet them. 
“Hello, my friends!” Nahida exclaims, smiling brightly and clasping her hands together even as she and Aranyani take a gracious step back to allow you and the newcomers space. “Thank you so much for being here! We have a lot to discuss!” 
“We came as soon as we heard,” Cyno replies, nodding. He then turns to you with a little salute. “Your Grace, it is an honor to be in your presence.”
You put your hands up placatingly. “Please, there’s no need for formality…” you say, shuffling awkwardly on the spot as everyone looks at you. You clear your throat and gesture for the newcomers to continue. 
“We heard about the circumstances after your arrival in Teyvat,” Alhaitham states, stepping around Cyno, stopping at his side and crossing his arms. Straight to the point. “Do you remember the circumstances that led up to your descent? It might help point toward the root cause, and shed light on the ‘how’s and ‘why’s.” 
“Uh, good question,” you mutter, scratching your head about it for a second. “I was probably hanging out in my room or something, really. Playing, uh, games on my phone.”
You wonder if it’s too early to mention that said game was Genshin, AKA. controlling their world. You know they’re marginally self-aware, but the extent of which still escapes you. 
“Alright, and did you do anything different while you were playing on this ‘phone’? See anything strange?” Cyno picks up, pulling out a small notepad and quill. “Anything out of the ordinary, things that you don’t normally do or notice.”
“Well, my phone has been glitching a lot when I play games, lately,” you muse. “And I kept getting these buggy screens while I was in-game, but I figured that was just because my device was overheating or something. You know, they build them faulty on purpose so they can sell you a new one every few years? Apparently in France or something they made companies give people the right to repair their own phones, but we don’t have that where I live…” 
Cyno writes down most of the first half of what you say, but you seem to lose the crowd as you ramble. He looks up from his notepad to fix you with a level stare, though you can tell there's just a hint of confusion behind his expression.
“Can you say something that makes sense to people who live in this world?” Scaramouche interjects somewhere in the middle of your rambling, the first time he spoke since you guys first teleported to the Sanctuary of Surasthana. “Or at least stay on topic, or something.” 
“Oh,” you reply, blinking. “Right.” 
Cyno nods to you again, though he keeps glancing at Scaramouche out of the corner of his eye. Alhaitham doesn’t bother with subtlety, fixing the Balladeer with a level, analytical stare. Cyno clears his throat after a few seconds of awkward silence, preparing his notepad once more. “So, you were saying you played on this ‘phone’ device, aside from the problem you noticed, was there anything else you did differently?”
“Not really,” you shrug. “I was playing the game like I normally would, doing commissions and stuff. No, wait, actually I did do something a bit weird.” 
This causes Cyno to perk up, and he leans forward onto the balls of his feet as he listens attentively. 
“Because the game was overheating my phone, my ping was super slow,” you explain. “So I was lagging pretty badly. I was doing one of the leylines in the jungle and I was spamming the interact button on the flower because I was getting impatient…”
“And then?”
“... And then I think another dialogue box popped up, but I didn’t notice what it said.” You finish, sighing. “After that, I just remember waking up beside a leyline thingy right here in Teyvat.” 
“Do you remember the exact location of the leyline?” Alhaitham asks, to which you shake your head.
“The Traveler and Wanderer found me not too long after that, and took me straight to the city. They probably have a better idea than I do, honestly. I didn’t really have a chance to figure out where I was, at the time…” 
“Do you recall any distinctive landmarks? Anything that stood out in an otherwise unremarkable location?” 
You shake your head again, trying to remember what you saw. “No, uh, I was a little bit distracted by discovering I was suddenly in- uh, in Teyvat, and-”
“So you were not already aware of your location when you descended?” Cyno clarifies. You nod quickly.
“I only figured out it was Sumeru when the Traveler started bringing me closer to the city,” you agree, wringing your hands nervously under the general’s gaze. “The few little houses and tents that started popping up, the architecture kinda gave it away…” 
“Were there any inconsistencies you noticed between your knowledge of Teyvat and the actual Teyvat when you arrived?” Cyno asks, his head tilted to the side ever so slightly. “Just to make sure you’re in the correct version.” 
“Well, funny you should mention that,” you figure it wouldn’t hurt to share this, given the result of it sitting right next to you. Out of the corner of your eye, Nahida is giving you a thumbs up. “I got hurt touching a leyline, not the same one as when I first got here, though! I got a little cut on my hand, because the leaves are a bit sharper than I was expecting…”
Alhaitham’s attention shifts from the Balladeer back to you. “What happened when you were injured?”
“I, uh, I accidentally made Irminsul recover some deleted information.” You simplify as best as you can. “And now there’s several things that were added back to the world that aren’t technically supposed to be here...”
“I’ve never heard of leylines doing that, before,” Cyno remarks. “Then again, it’s not every day the Creator descends to Teyvat.” 
“Have you tried going back to the same location to see if it yields reverse results?” Alhaitham wonders aloud, seeming amused by the strange predicament. 
“And what is that supposed to achieve?” Scaramouche interrupts again, snorting as he crosses his arms. “Besides going for a leisurely stroll through the jungle, I mean. Irminsul already recovered the missing data, and the location itself doesn’t matter, if you haven’t noticed already, since you can find a leyline just about anywhere.”
“It’s certainly an unprecedented behavior for leylines,” Cyno agrees. “But again, the Creator has never descended before-”
“We heard you the first time,” Scaramouche deadpans, earning him a smack upside the head courtesy of you. “Ow! Do you want to figure this stuff out or not?”
“Be nice,” you grumble, though you do feel slightly annoyed at the repetitive line of questioning. “He’s just ruling things out, right?” You turn to Cyno, nodding encouragingly for him to continue. 
“Ley lines are a complicated but fascinating subject to study,” Cyno states, crossing his arms and tucking his notebook under one elbow. “However, I’m afraid interdimensional travel is a little bit outside Spantamad’s realm of expertise.”
“Honestly, that’s fair,” you give a resigned sigh, but Scaramouche cuts you off.
“But how’s that supposed to help you?” He sneers and rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “It’s like you want to be stuck here forever with no explanation for how you got here in the first place.”
“Can we just chalk it up to magic or something?” You ask sheepishly, a little embarrassed at having taken the time out of two of Sumeru’s most important figures’ days.
“I was looking forward to hearing about how you got into this predicament with your own two idiot hands, honestly.”
“What I want to know,” Alhaitham suddenly interjects, surprising everyone else with his initiative. “Is how the Creator and the Dendro archon are here, cozying up to a Fatui harbinger?” 
Four pairs of eyes blink at him in surprise, while Cyno nods in agreement.
“I think that’s the more pressing matter, here,” he agrees, and you can sense the tingle of static in the air as his previously-relaxed grip on his notebook starts to tighten. 
“Okay, see, that’s one of the things I was talking about!” You say quickly, the words leaving you in a rush in hopes of stemming the building tension in the sanctuary. “He was a harbinger before, but he’s all better now!”
“You say that like it was an illness,” Scaramouche snorts, to which you can only laugh.
“Yeah? As if you didn’t act a little bit sick in the hea-”
Nahida, who up until now has been doing an excellent job of pretending to mind her own business, decides to chime in before the general can come to his own conclusion.
“I apologize for not warning you two earlier, but I do have it on good authority—that authority being myself,” she hides her giggle with the palm of her hand, “that the Balladeer poses no harm to either of you, or the Creator!” 
“It’s also kinda my fault that he’s here, so I mean…” You trail off and give an apologetic shrug.
“How did you know I was a harbinger?” Scaramouche’s eyes narrow at Alhaitham and he crosses his arms as well, mirroring both the scribe and Cyno. “As far as I've been told, the memory of ‘me’ was erased from Irminsul.”
Cyno shakes his head. “No, there is recorded evidence of the Balladeer’s involvement with the sages’ god-creation plan,” he corrects, relaxing very slightly after Nahida’s reassurance but not dropping his guard completely. 
“I was present at the time of the Traveler’s investigation of the Joruri workshop, where they confronted the mechanical false god,” Alhaitham adds. “The person who fell from the machine indeed bears striking resemblance to you, but was confirmed to not be the Balladeer himself. However, Lord Kusanali’s own interjection confirms that you are indeed the Balladeer.” 
“He’s been reformed,” you say cheerfully, but your mind is running a mile a minute. Evidently Nahida and Aranyani are on the same page, because the two goddesses drift closer with curious looks on their faces. 
“So Irminsul has already started patching the holes in Teyvat’s history,” Nahida muses, hands on her hips. “It’s much faster than I anticipated, given the circumstances.”
“Not as surprising as you would think, little sprout,” Aranyani pats her head. “Irminsul is capable of very rapid computation, but the problem lies in resolving as many conflicting histories as possible. Two is faster, but three will cause some things to be shuffled around for a few days, still. The justification of the existence of multiple incarnations of the Balladeer may yet be subject to change.”
“So you’re saying that what we currently perceive as fact, is instead false?” Cyno asks, having retrieved his notebook once more. As the goddesses continue to muse on the subject, he writes down their theories and makes some notes of his own. 
“I’d say sorry for that workshop fight,” Scaramouche says, addressing Alhaitham with a smug grin. “But I honestly didn’t even remember you being there. I guess you just weren’t that noteworthy to me at the time. No hard feelings, right?” 
Alhaitham doesn’t even bother to grace him with a look, much to Scaramouche’s annoyance. Instead, the scribe quietly listens in on the Irminsul discussion.
Meanwhile, you try to remember what team you had when you took on the Archon quest fight. It’s been a while since then, and you’re not sure if you’re thinking of the right fight. Maybe you used Alhaitham in one of your weeklies? Speaking of which, do those boss fights exist in the world of Teyvat, or is that just for you as a player of the game? If they exist, how do the characters feel having to go beat up the same people on a weekly basis? What about the characters who are weekly bosses, like Wanderer, Childe, and Ei?
Thinking about it is starting to give you a headache. 
You decide to tune back in as Nahida and Aranyani finish bouncing ideas between themselves, with Cyno furiously scribbling annotations in the margins of his notepad. What was it they were talking about again? You get the sense that maybe you should've paid a bit more attention. 
“- that’s the case, then we should contact Inazuma and see if there is a new history that came up.” Cyno offers, to which Nahida shakes her head.
“If we ask directly, the answer we will get is the same.” She explains, wringing her tiny hands. “To them, this knowledge will have always existed. They will perceive it as an unchanged fact, in the same way you and the Scribe believe the circumstances of the Balladeer to be a fact. The better people to ask would be the ones involved in the anomaly.” 
“Alright, and how do we find them?”
“See, that’s the funny part…” You begin, only to be interrupted by a sudden swirling pressure in the chamber.
It’s strange to see the teleportation from an outside perspective. You watch as Wanderer shimmers into existence, adjusting his hat. The metal charms on the ends of it chime as they settle. He looks up, catching sight of you first and raises a hand to wave, only to stop short when he sees the other guests.
“... Looks like I’m late to the party,” he remarks, drifting over to Nahida’s side. “Wanna catch me up to speed? Not that I care, but I might as well get the full picture so I can correct you where you're wrong.”
“I asked for the General and the Scribe to come visit so that we could get a better grasp on the Creator’s situation!” Nahida explains, smiling brightly at him. 
“Great, and how did that go?”
Everybody chooses to look in different directions, unable to look Wanderer in the eye. You hear him heave an annoyed, but resigned, sigh. 
“We might’ve gotten somewhere if Buer hadn’t sidetracked,” Scaramouche adds helpfully. 
“And you might’ve gotten the groceries like you guys said you would, too, but here we are,” Wanderer crosses his arms, pinning you and Scaramouche with a pointed look. 
You wince and turn around, subtly leaning over to Scara, whispering: “I actually forgot about that…”
“Me too…” he replies, not quite as quietly as you. You both startle as hands come down on both of your shoulders, Wanderer’s grinning face appearing between the two of you. 
“Isn’t this just a splendid opportunity for you two to go find the traveler and restock our pantry, while Buer and I go over the details of what you clowns didn’t explain right?” 
Scaramouche wastes no time wresting his shoulder out of Wanderer’s grasp with a noise of disgust. “Who do you think you are to order me around, teacher’s pet? I’ll go when I feel like it.” He sneers, stalking off toward the doors of the sanctuary.
You offer a light chuckle and a wry grin of apology to the others, who watch unimpressed at Scaramouche’s display, while Wanderer dismisses you with a shooing motion.
Right. Time to get those supplies. 
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 4 months
I think Heaven have two very distinct cultures.
Winners, who are at least decent people (at first anyway) who have their own morality from Earth, and Angels, be it the big G's direct creations or later heavenborn.
Things like homophobia would be foreign to the latter, same for marriage honestly I think, as they're just on a different vibe, and in general, heaven seeing genuine goodness being pushed would avoid the worst.
I'm pretty sure faulty interpretations of the Bible get shut down very quickly.
So overall, while the influence of Winners would affect things, it's not like it would be too much, especially when winners too would be influenced, unlike the Sinners who are stuck in Pride Ring but still disliked by the hellborns.
I view the disdain toward Angel Dust as simply a disdain for his actions while not caring of his emotions.
Doing drugs is bad, selling your body is bad, and Angel already is in hell.
That hell part really is important, because I think Lute wouldn't be like that regarding Winners who were prostitutes in life or other unsavory sex related jobs.
Beside, there's a difference in people's mind between sleeping with people and sleeping with a lot at the same time.
Just listen to her argument "crackwhore who fucked up already" and "he blew his shot", the argument specifically is regarding him already being in hell.
TLDR, that's just Lute not caring for Angel's reasons and being hostile because sinner.
Though Vaggie misunderstanding being in relationship with a man instead of being married to your child's father is understandable.
Overall, I think the members of the Sisterhood would be key to getting her to be honest about it.
The discussion between Lute and Vaggie about it is sweet to imagine, and it definitely make Vaggie angsty.
Small headcanon, but I think Vaggie wrote notes for her mom as a child when Lute wasn't able to be there and vaggie couldn't go see her, both so that Lute could see them and so that Vaggie don't forget something, and it was something Lute played along with, especially since before Heaven's phone equivalent, letter would have been the go to, just like for Hell.
And during the 3 year times she has been in Hell, she wrote letters "to her mom" when feeling too emotionally overwhelmed, despite knowing what Lute did to her.
The idea of the "Winners" and Heavenborn having different cultures from each other would make a lot of sense. Though I do think things can be complicated for people like Lute in my AU, who is Heavenborn herself, but was born to two parents who were "Winners", meaning she was raised more with their beliefs, but also learned and later developed a lot of the mindsets of most other Heavenborn.
That being said, I can and do imagine that there is some overlap in the beliefs structure, especially as time has gone on and more Winners would have been around to influence the Heavenborn. So, for example, I do think that while it wouldn't be as big of a scandal as it would be for Winners (especially ones like Lute's parents, who were likely alive sometime in the 1700s at the latest) having a child out of wedlock and choosing to be a single parent would raise some eyebrows among the Heavenborn. Though I also feel like, for them, "marriage" can just be two people being in a relationship and saying they're married; they don't need anything to make it "legal" or official.
Though I do feel like there are also things that Heaven itself considers even more of a big deal than they are on Earth and, honestly, in Hell for the most part. Two of those things being secrets and "rank". In reality, Lute being a single mother itself may not have been that big of a deal to most Heavenborn, but the fact that she kept the baby's father a secret was a bit of a scandal, and she kept the secret because while they could technically get away with having a casual "friends" relationship in public, with Adam being her superior/boss, she really wasn't supposed to be in a romantic or especially sexual relationship with him at all, and while they were mostly able to hide it, the baby did complicate things.
And that would make a lot of sense - Lute has a bias against Sinners and Hell, and the fact that she views herself as having "lost" her daughter to both by the time of the meeting would not improve her views on either. So of course, from her perspective, she wouldn't be willing to accept the idea that someone who was already deemed unworthy to get into Heaven could ever deserve a second chance. She just views demons and Sinners in particular, as flat out horrible people who will ultimately never be able to change.
Lute wasn't often openly vulnerable even to Vaggie when Vaggie was growing up, since she wanted to be "strong" for her daughter, to be the type of person she hoped Vaggie would want to become. But talking to Vaggie about her parents, and especially about her mother, did cause her to show a bit of emotion. Especially when young Vaggie, who was able to make the connection that her mom was sad because her parents weren't around, and the reason her parents weren't around was because they weren't happy about her being born, did ask if Lute ever wished she could still have her parents.
And Lute immediately tells Vaggie that even if she misses her parents, she wouldn't have given her up for anything. And if anything, she really feels sorry for her parents because, thanks to them not being willing to accept Lute's decision to raise her daughter herself, they're just missing out on getting to be part of Vaggie's life and seeing the person she's already becoming, even at that young age.
I could definitely see that happening. Vaggie especially did the "letters" a lot during the days she had to spend with Sera, when Lute had to go to Hell for the Extermination, and Vaggie was still too young to stay home on her own. And yes, she did still write the letters when she was in Hell, probably even up to the events of the series, but obviously she never sent them. Part of her wanted to just burn the letters, just write them to get those emotions and thoughts out on paper, but then destroy them because of the memories just doing that brought back. But she couldn't do that, so she has a little secret place where she just stores all these letters that she's never going to send, that not even Charlie has ever seen.
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palmviolet · 1 month
true detective s1 rewatch extravaganza: episode 3 edition
— theriot as a point of comparison/foil to rust has been discussed at length by others already, but boy oh boy is it apparent. rust is his own kind of preacher, not only in his philosophical monologues but also in his interrogations, offering his suspects catharsis via the 'language virus' of faith and recognition. (this distance of the 'virus' is questioned as the show goes on, however, as we see in 2002 with charmaine boudreaux and his personal vindictiveness there.) it emphasises the seductive power of rhetoric, and thereby comments on TD's form, as the series continues to be bookended by rust's own seductive monologues and both his and marty's interviews in 2012, which are shown increasingly to be unreliable. rust's rhetoric of pessimism is so captivatingly expressed — and a supposed counterpoint to the religious fervour we see in this episode, which a cosmopolitan audience is less disposed to connect with — as to draw you in, infect you.
— theriot's fervour — and therefore rust's as well — is aligned with the cult of the yellow king. ‘this world is a veil and the face you wear is not your own,' theriot preaches, just as rust describes death as the final liberation from the 'dream' that is selfhood. of course, this echoes the final 'take off your mask', which is a direct reference to the chambers work and has been unpacked wonderfully in a post somewhere on here that i unfortunately can't find right now. but the upshot is: in the end, rust steps out of the circle and does not become the 'little priest', does not turn himself into a prophet for the yellow king. this is a renunciation of institutional corruption as well: the cult is embedded in louisiana governance, education, and law enforcement, but religious institutions independent of it, like theriot's church, echo its rhetoric, and rust trots it out in interrogations, others' and also his own.
— rust makes this connection between religious optimism and the institution explicit: “the ontological fallacy of expecting the light at the end of the tunnel, that’s what the preacher sells. same as the shrink.” i'm considering writing a longer post about TD's treatment of psychiatry but even this has so much to unpack. for rust, psychiatric help is a faulty belief in betterment, betterment that is not possible, that does not exist. this connects to his conversation with maggie after he's mowed the lawn: she (a healthcare professional) is adamant that things get better, that you move forward and change because it's just what you do. rust, meanwhile, considers himself to be better already, as better as he's ever going to get, and he only humours her with wry talk of nurses and good drugs.
— by rust's connecting the shrink and the preacher, the psychiatric institution is demarcated as another bastion of corrupt belief — and rust likely sees it that way, with northshore having been just another instance of lost autonomy that did nothing to help him, only served a superficial and performative benefit for the corrupt institution that employs and controls him. ("psych pension — jackpot, right?") i'm unsure how far the series' anti-psychiatry sentiment goes but we're certainly not meant to look at rust and think 'therapy would fix him' — and this is partly why it's so important that when he and maggie finally have sex, as is foreshadowed in this episode with marty's jealousy and rust's "we know what we want and we don't mind being alone" on the phone, it's framed as detrimental and utterly destructive to the fragile existence rust has carved out for himself here. her intervention (as a healthcare professional — their dynamic is very much framed around her wanting to heal him, to 'make him better', as the kitchen conversation in ep3 makes evident, and she goes about this by encouraging him to open himself up sexually and romantically) only damages him further.
— maggie's role as 'healer' and 'caretaker' actually tends to fail in general. in this episode, marty gives her the sob story about racing towards 40 and diving off a cliff, and it seems to convince her: she tells him yeah, he is fucked up, and embraces him. they have sex and for the moment, as we see at the longhorn, their marriage is 'healed'. but of course this doesn't last, and as we'll see in ep4, the site of their major upcoming conflict is the hospital where she works. she and her colleagues are powerless to remove him — it's rust who has to come along to steer him away. this episode — and this series — tells us that the medical institution is at best powerless in the face of other institutions' corruption or else is corrupt itself.
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whomst-the-hell · 2 years
steddie buzzfeed unsolved au. the boys explore various true crime cases and supposedly haunted sites across the country and fall in love along the way (not to imply anything abt shane and ryan /gen) ive seen a few but they all get one key detail wrong: steve is shane, eddie is ryan.
eddie is passionate about all of their cases— he started the show, originally with his friend gareth who decided to pursue other opportunities. he wholeheartedly believes in all the things that go bump in the night. he is also a self proclaimed coward who tends to scream, curse or even flee when shit gets real. he’s dedicated to the cause though and works through his fear
steve is passionate too, of course — he absolutely pulls his weight in the show and cares a lot abt it all and is genuinely very proud of their content. he just… doesnt believe in the supernatural. its all bullshit, so there’s nothing to be scared of. he takes joy in calling all sorts of ghosts, ghouls and demons “nerd ass punk losers who get no bitches” and doing comedically deranged shit like stealing a bridge or laying on a pentagram or whatever while eddie hyperventilates across the room
except the upside down shit all still happened (excluding eddie, obviously) so steve is 100% aware of the supernatural shit that does exist in the world. after alternate hell dimensions, he wouldnt Really be surprised by ghosts, though he is genuinely sceptical of most evidence.
eddie is infinitely confused by his cohost — he staunchly rejects even the most damning supernatural evidence, but he is a member of the most bizarre group of people eddie has ever met. and he’s superstitious abt the weirdest shit as well — flickering lights, faulty magnets, broken compasses. he once hurried them out of a building during an investigation because they heard a weird clicking sound, spent about 15 minutes on the phone with someone called owens to confirm that “everything was still shut off” (and what the actual fuck does that even mean????) before apologising for the ‘false alarm’ and suggesting they just continue the investigation and cut all that shit from the video. it was the first time any of the crew, including eddie, had ever seen steve scared.
eventually, once theyre together, steve tells eddie about his own experiences with the supernatural, with a handy demonstration from el to really sell it. eddie is horrified, especially when steve tells him he still doesnt believe in demons.
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baalzebufo · 1 year
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two years ago I tossed my designs for some fan cogs, the adbot department, onto tumblr. well its been a while and ive gotten back into toontown again, so! it was about time I gave them a fresh coat of paint and a few new faces. please zoom in/open in new tab for detail!
the adbots deal primarily in broadcasting and propaganda. they aim to reach toons through their tvs and radios, either convincing them to buy their products or their ideals, or skipping that in favor of straight-up brainwashing. a quick tldr of each cog below the readmore, if you’re interested!
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sockpuppet - a bold new recycling technique using parts from cogs that were either faulty or too broken to put together properly was used to create these lackeys. they can only mimic other cogs voices and follow orders very well, but most cogs dont like working around them- likening them to zombies and being generally unsettled by their presence.
signal jammer - adbot tech support, these guys are tech-addicted and always grouchy. usually because they keep accidentally jamming their own phone signals! they tend to work as cameramen, engineers, really any behind the scenes help an adbot would need.
viral marketer - working alongside signal jammers, these guys are ideas cogs and adept with technology themselves. small and numerous, none of the ideas they come up with are very good... but thats why they make so many of them. one of them is bound to have a profitable idea eventually!
wheeler dealer - these speedy cogs are door to door salesmen and expert at pestering toons until they just give up and take whatever theyre selling. they often run advertisements on cog radio signals and slip themselves into commercial breaks.
motor mouth - fast talking loudmouths, these cogs feature primarily in lengthy- and loud- infomercials. they have boistrous personalities and a smile that could sell sand to a beachgoer. however, they tend to get caught up in rambling unrelated to their actual sales pitch, seriously damaging their productivity.
string puller - these cogs tend to hide behind the scenes and help produce most of the adbot syndicated shows and advertisements. theyre sketchy talent scouts whose contracts always- always- have strings attached. often seen with a posse of sockpuppets, they love bossing them around.
talking head - they say each face has its own personality- but theyre all so boring, nobody can tell the difference. these cogs make watching paint dry seem interesting! their natural lack of charisma can be downright deadly to a toon if they spend too long listening to their droning.
crowd pleaser - uncharacteristically upbeat, these cogs seem fun until you learn that they work exclusively with talking heads. they charm toons into watching their shows before switching to their co-host, who can turn a toon sad before they can even change the channel! theres an insidious nature under that cheerful grin.
tv personality - these bots rarely leave the adbot studios, and thats a good thing- they’re highly dangerous! they seem to have technology similar to toon hypno goggles, and it works through a broadcast signal to boot. thankfully, their ego refuses to let them take parts in a show or commercial they feel is ‘below their level’- seriously reducing their screen time.
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if you read all this, hi! wow! hope you liked them! i’ve got plenty more lore about these guys and especially about their boss- the Executive Producer- but that’s stuff for another time and another post. hope you have a good day :D
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azspot · 1 year
Banning TikTok is not, as lawmakers claimed in the hearing, a sign that we’re about to get real tech reform. It will almost certainly be a PR move that lets some of the same politicians who profess outrage at TikTok get back to letting everyone from Comcast to the DMV sell your personal information, looking the other way while cops buy records of your movements or arrest you using faulty facial recognition and getting mad you’re allowed to have encryption that prevents the FBI (and probably also foreign governments) from hacking your phone. And it will be a PR move that betrays America’s supposed commitment to free expression in the face of an increasingly splintered internet — born out of a failure to think bigger than one disfavored app.
The TikTok ban is a betrayal of the open internet
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godesssiri · 1 year
Auctions can be great fun; I’ve been going for years. My great grandmother was an auction regular, and I’ve got some gorgeous Victorian through to Art Deco furniture that she picked up in the 40s and 50s because it was unfashionable old junk then and she got it for a song. Going to live in-person auctions is becoming a thing of the past in the age of the internet but they do still exist, and they can be a way to get hold of some very high-quality items very cheap. So here's my best tips and advice.
There is a local auction house I go to that has a no reserve auction every other Thursday and it’s so much fun, I’ve gotten some real treasures there. They do estate, police, insurance, and business closure auctions.
Estate is exactly what you think it is. Someone is downsizing or has died and so anything that might be worth money gets sent to auction, this is where you get the amazing antiques, affordable furniture, and box lots of random treasures/junk. Police auctions are lost property, looooots of bikes, drones minus their controllers, cell phones. Police hold onto that stuff for a certain amount of time then auction it to help with the storage costs. Insurance you get some really good new stuff. If things are freight damaged a company will make an insurance claim and get paid out the price of the whole crate or pallet or whatever, but the insurance company will take anything that’s not broken. So, if a box of 8 bottles of whiskey gets dropped and 4 of them smash then the insurance company has 4 unbroken bottles to sell, and they put them in an auction to re-coup their costs. Insurance auctions often have lots of booze, industrial quantities of cleaning products, some fancy shelf stable foods, beauty products, all brand new with maybe just some packaging that’s worse for wear. Business closures are either when the owner is voluntarily closing down or when they have gone insolvent, and the liquidator is selling off everything. This can be a great source for tools and specialist equipment.
All things sold at auction are sold as is, so buyer beware. There will be viewing before the auction during which you can handle the items and check them over, if they’re electrical plug them in a see if they work. I have bought some lemons from auction because I didn’t check them thoroughly enough and that was my own fault. Also check if you can still get replacement parts for the make and model of what you’re looking at, yeah got an impact drill that just needed a replacement part, except they don’t make parts for that model anymore. Police auctions especially watch for faulty/damaged stuff, particularly the bikes, there’s a reason that stuff has ended up in police lost and found lock up. Once you’ve decided that the thing you’re looking at is in good enough condition for you mark it in your auction catalogue.
Everything in an auction will have a lot number. Things will be sold either as an individual item or as a lot, if you only want one thing in a particular lot then too bad, you’re buying everything so if it’s a box lot of junk with 1 gem then you are responsible for finding homes for all the junk if you buy it to get that one gem, sometime it’s sooooo worth doing this, sometimes it’s not. The auction house will have a catalogue which is usually just a few sheets of paper with a numbered list of items. Carry your catalogue around with you at the viewing, take a pen, make notes of what you want, identifying info about the item, what you’re willing to pay, any other relevant info. It can be a really good idea to research on your phone. If it’s an insurance auction I always look up what you can buy things for retail, there’s no point getting caught up in bidding and paying more than you would at a retail store. Last auction I went to people were bidding $40 on a lot of 2 bottles of liquor that sells for $20 a bottle and with the auction fees they’ll have ended up paying more than retail.
You have to pay the auctioneers fees/premium. At most places this is about 15% so keep in mind if you bid $100 on something you will actually be paying $115. You agree to this when you sign up for the auction and get your bidding number, it’s a legally binding contract. Those people who were buying the lot of 2 bottles of liquor and bidding $40 would have actually paid $46 which is $6 more than they would have paid down the road at the liquor store. I put in a couple of bids but stopped when it got over $30 because it wouldn’t have been a bargain. The person who won that lot for $40 was obviously attending their first auction with a giggly group of friends and got caught up in the thrill of having the winning bid, I very much doubt she’d considered the premium, so she probably didn’t realize until later that she hadn’t gotten a good deal. This is why it’s really really important to have a good idea what things a worth, what you could buy them for elsewhere, and be very disciplined about how much you are willing to bid. Go into each auction lot with a figure in mind, calculate what the auction premium will be on that figure and do not go over it. Again remember that when you signed up for the auction and got your bidding number you entered into a legally binding contract so if you over bid that’s your bad.
If you have a problem with gambling, then auctions are not for you. It’s the same kind of adrenaline rush and a very similar financial risk. You might walk out with something worth far more than the money you’ve put in or you might overspend and end up feeling down on yourself for being so stupid. It’s very easy to get caught up in the rush of bidding and justify to yourself just $10 more but is it really just $10 or is it 3 or 4 times just $10 more? Always keep the figure you are willing to spend in the front of your mind. Write it on your catalogue. Have the calculator app open on your phone and quickly add 15% to the current bid. Is it still a bargain? Or are you caught in the rush and about to overspend?
When you sign up for the auction you will be given an auction number, this is important to hold onto, it’s how the auctioneer will identify you as the person who has put in the winning bid. When you bid you can wave your number or catalogue, or nod at the auctioneer, or say ‘bid’ or ‘yep’ or ‘here’, if possible, make eye contact with the auctioneer or their spotter when you bid. The auctioneer will be looking all around the room for bidders and will usually have at least 1 assistant who is also looking and will bring your bid to the auctioneer’s attention if they miss you. When you win a lot then the auctioneer will take your number and write it on the auction sheet, hold up your card and/or call out your number once you’ve won. If you have the winning bid, then write what you bid on your catalogue and add the auction premium. When you’re ready to leave go to the cashier and give them your number and they’ll go over the lots they have you down as winning and give you a total – check this against what you’ve got written on your catalogue, so you make sure you get all your stuff. Once you’ve paid you can go and collect your wins, you can do this even if the auction is still going, if there’s nothing else you want to bid on, they’re usually happy for you to pay and leave part way through.
Don’t make the first bid. Auctioneer’s will often put in an opening bid of what they think is reasonable for the item, sometimes it’s worth way less than that, sometimes it’s worth way more. If no one bids they’ll drop the opening, if still no one bids they’ll drop it again. Remember if you’re at a no reserve auction they have to get rid of this stuff, if that means accepting twenty bucks for a 200-year-old antique then they will. Wait to see if anyone else is going to bid then take your shot. Sometimes bidding will start slow but build up and the lot will go for close to or way more than the auctioneer’s opening bid but sometimes you can get something amazing for a ridiculously low price because no one want’s that particular lot. The last auction I went to was an antique store closing down and the retail price stickers from the store were still on all the items. I got a 500-year-old celadon glazed ginger jar for thirty bucks!!! $34.50 including the premium. The antique store’s price sticker was $375. The auctioneer started bidding at $100 but no one went for it, so I waited, and the auctioneer dropped it to $50 then $20. Someone else bid $20 but I wanted that jar, so I bid $30, and the other person didn’t want it enough to get into a bidding war, so I got it. Often if an item looks like it’s going to go for next to nothing then a dealer will put in a bid figuring that they’ll at least be able to make little profit on something they spent peanuts on and I’m pretty sure the other bidder was a dealer who didn’t want the risk of finding a buyer and making a profit if they couldn’t pick it up super cheap. Auctions are very much the luck of the draw with who is attending. Sometimes you’ll get lucky and the people who are there won’t want the same things you do. Sometimes you’ll have to fight for the thing you want.
Who attends auctions? Dealers mostly. If you go regularly, you’ll recognize the dealers and re-sellers. They’re there every auction, they know the auctioneers and each other and have inside jokes, they’re very focused and disciplined with their bidding, they know how to pinch a penny until it squeals. If you’re going to buy cool vintage or cheap household items you can sometimes edge out dealers because they know exactly what they can re-sell an item for and they’re thinking of their profit margins, on the flip-side they might outbid what you’re willing to spend because they do know exactly what they can get for that item and it’s worth more to them than it is to you if you’re just looking for a bargain. The other people who attend auctions are the professionals who are picking up tools/equipment for their business. If you’re a diy-er who want’s cheap tools they might outbid you because they know exactly what those tools are worth, if a professional has no interest whatsoever in a tool though then there’s a reason for that and you should probably steer clear yourself. People looking to stretch a buck will go to auctions because you can pick up full dining suites for less than $100 or perfectly good household appliances for next to nothing, if you’re broke and setting up house then an auction can be a great way to get the basics for even less than thrift store prices if you’re lucky. Collectors go to auctions because that’s where we get the truly unique stuff. Things I have bought at auction include the aforementioned 500-year-old jar, a taxidermy armadillo basket, 4 huge Victorian glass domes, a copper lobster shaped mold just like the one The Golden Girls had on the wall in their kitchen (the one that looks like a dick and balls from a distance). Collectors can be tricky because they might want something so much that they’re willing to outbid everyone else, but on the other hand they might not be willing to pay too much because they have to justify it to themselves and/or their partner. Often a collector will go to an auction for just a couple of specific items, if you’re lucky the items you want and the items they want will be different, so you won’t get into a bidding war. My last auction I was incredibly lucky because there were a few collectors there, but we were all after completely different things, one of them is actually in a FB group I’m in so when I showed off my win he congratulated me and said he’d gotten what he’d been there for and we were able to mutually gush over each other’s scores.
This tip is against etiquette in some auction houses and fully against the rules and will get you kicked out of others so be very careful if you choose to do it: If you were bidding on a box lot for one item in it and you lose but you see someone you think is a dealer has won it, you can quietly approach them and ask to buy that particular item off them. A lot of them will happily do you a deal for cash so they make some of their money back then and there and don’t have to take the item home. Maybe just approach them outside if it’s against the rules at that auction house because some places are really hardass about it.
People can be intimidated by auctions because they can be such high risk and high adrenaline events but once you’ve gained some confidence, they can be so much fun. If you’ve got free time when an auction’s on, I’d highly recommend just going and watching, even if you don’t bid on anything. Find a seat and just observe. They can be incredibly interesting, particularly if you like to people watch. Just watching the auction can help build your confidence until you feel like you can participate. You also learn so much by seeing what sells for a lot and what is hard to shift, it helps you gain an idea of what things are worth. There’ll always be a few old lady dealers who’ve been doing this forever and are happy to impart wisdom, or chatty collectors who will infodump about items in the auction or things they’ve scored in the past. Take some food and drink and a pen to make notes on your catalogue. A good auctioneer will usually go through about 100 lots in an hour so a 300-lot auction will take about 3 hours. Make sure you know where the toilet is. Have fun.
My last thrift post
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sellyourphone123 · 1 year
Sell Your Phone and Turn It into Cash with FoneBucks
Do you have an old phone lying around, gathering dust in your pocket? Whether it’s a faulty device or a flawless one, FoneBucks has got you covered! With our easy and hassle-free process, you can sell any phone, including iPhones, and turn them into profit. Say goodbye to your outdated or damaged device and hello to extra cash in your pocket!
Sell My Phone for Cash — Even if It’s Faulty or Flawless!
At FoneBucks, we believe that every phone has value, regardless of its condition. Whether you have a broken screen, water damage, or simply want to upgrade to the latest model, we offer a convenient solution to sell your phone. Our platform accepts all types of phones, including faulty ones, so you can still earn money from your old device.
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Convenience: Selling your phone to FoneBucks is incredibly convenient. Instead of dealing with classified ads or unreliable buyers, you can complete the entire process online, right from the comfort of your home. No more wasting time and effort on finding the right buyer or negotiating prices.
Fast and Secure Payment: Once you’ve submitted your phone’s details to FoneBucks, we’ll provide you with an instant quote. If you’re satisfied with the offer, you can proceed to ship your device to us using our prepaid shipping label. As soon as we receive your phone and verify its condition, we’ll release the payment. It’s a quick and secure way to turn your phone into cash.
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fantasybots · 2 years
Gimme ten Valerie facts!
Tumblr media
Valerie doesn't have a phone plan. The Oberlins own a cell service company, which she invested in a share of simply because it gets her free service.
She sheds, and it's extremely aggravating. She hates it. The constant upkeep is really the worst part.
Her most loyal customer, and the one that she's the closest friends with before the events of Monster Prom, is Aaravi. She doesn't put much stock in the 'slayers have good relationships with cats' theory, but Aaravi is always straight to business and never tries to haggle. Plus, she's funny, so.
She doesn't have much of an interest in BIG business like the rest of her family, but she puts together a tidy sum all the same simply through the merits of her business acumen.
She's not exactly self absorbed, but she IS extremely confident, especially in her appearance. It took a lot of work to get comfortable with her own body, but now that she's there, she's very proud of herself.
She's aware of virtually every ending and the events of basically every route. It's self described as 'indie game shopkeeper knowledge', and she refuses to explain further.
This is also how she explains awareness of various game mechanics and character designations.
Vera can take care of herself, and Valerie isn't interested in making her lose faith by defending her when she can do it herself, but that doesn't mean she won't purposefully sell you faulty products or blacklist you entirely if you hurt her sister.
She has a button beneath her counter that controls the lock and the hinges of the door to her shop.
She may object to a lot of cat-based assumptions about herself, but god damn does she love ripping apart a good scratching post.
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ivy90com · 2 months
JUST THE OUTDOOR MOTORCYCLE BACKPACKS YOU'RE LOOKING FOR: NOW 27% OFF Get what you need at a price you can smile about. Our team is happy to offer a limited-time exclusive 27% off on our Outdoor Motorcycle Backpacks. Find your ideal Outdoor Motorcycle Backpacks with the Color and Ships From and Size that you like, then just click ADD TO CART. Shop with 100% peace of mind with our 100% satisfaction guarantee promise. OUTDOOR MOTORCYCLE BACKPACKS DETAILS Technics: Jacquard Interior: Interior slot pocket, cell phone pocket, interior zipper pocket, interior key chain holder, interior compartment, computer interlayer, shoe pocket Capacity: 20-35 liter Lining Material: Polyester Closure Type: Zipper Gender: Unisex Size: 48*21*31cm Weight: 1kg Choose the most suitable Color and Ships From and Size and click on the ADD TO CART button because you're certainly going to enjoy the exceptional quality of our outstanding 15.6 inch Laptop Backpack. PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Can I expect your product to meet manufacturing standards? Worry not, because all our products (and the Outdoor Motorcycle Backpacks as well) must meet the required standards before we offer them to our customers. Why are your products better than the offers in other stores? We work with leading suppliers. That's why we can guarantee an exceptional quality of the Outdoor Motorcycle Backpacks and we’d like to point it out that it has fine value for money. Do any extra fees apply? On the checkout page, you will see the total price. This is the final price, so no extra expenses will be necessary. Are you sure this product is affordable? The decision is yours. However, we are sure that if you compare this price with others on the market, you will realize that this is a really tempting offer. What did your previous buyers like the most about this product? All our customers who left a review speak highly of this product and its value for money. Furthermore, it has brilliant design. Is it the very product I’m looking for? Our store sells products of premium quality only. Meanwhile, our prices are one of the lowest on the market. That’s why all of our customers are happy with their purchases. We’re sure you’ll like the Outdoor Motorcycle Backpacks too. ORDERING & STORE POLICIES What to do if I don't get my order or it is faulty? We're proud of our customer-friendly return policy. So if anything happens to your package before it’s delivered, we’ll offer you a full refund. Can you assure me that my Outdoor Motorcycle Backpacks will arrive safe and sound? We treat proper product packaging as our top priority because we understand how important it is for customers all over the globe to receive their purchases in perfect condition. I think I’ve messed up something in my order. How can I sort it out? There is nothing to worry about. You just need to contact our support managers and let them know about your issue, so that they could change or cancel your order. How many are available for purchase? The number of the items available for purchase declines daily. However, if you place your order today, you won’t see a shortage in the Teenager Male Waterproof Travel Bag supply. Can I just go and buy the identical ones offline? Usually, offline stores have a more limited product range and less favorable prices. Therefore, they might seem to be a less appealing alternative for you. You got my attention. However, is your store reliable? We value our reputation and want to bring joy to each of our customers. Check out what our clients tell about us in their reviews, so you can see that they got what they were expecting! https://ivy90.com/outdoor-motorcycle-backpacks-15-6-inch-laptop-backpack-teenager-male-waterproof-travel-bag/?feed_id=150&_unique_id=66290f5fd04a8
0 notes
247greengadgets · 3 months
These platforms are best to sell Apple Watch Series 8
Searching for a suitable platform to sell Apple Watch Series 8 but utterly confused? We saved your time and made browsing easier for you. This list will get you a concise list of all those platforms that can be immensely profitable, so check them out now!
247 Green Gadgets UK
247 Green Gadgets is one of the most secure sites that makes selling of Apple Watch Series 8 profitable. They offer a standard market price and cash rewards and the process only takes 4 easy steps to cover! There are many platforms to sell your smartwatch too, but the process becomes too hectic and lengthy.
This platform offers a one-stop solution for selling by just filling out a form, which is child's play! The necessity for finding a platform that offers competitive pricing for the Apple Watch Series 8 is high because you want a high payout platform. From quick selling to the utilization of better resale value, this platform offers all the benefits!
Why should you choose this?
The reason for choosing this platform is:
Consistent high payments are provided
No fluctuation in price to sell my mobile phone online
Best quote provided
High resale value
No direct follow-up with buyers is needed
Complete seller’s transparency
Safe transaction and no third-party cost involved
Apple Trade-In
You can go for Apple trade-in features too. If I’m thinking of selling my mobile phone online or a smartwatch, Apple offers a convenient option. This is an extensive feature of Apple to help their users sell the Apple watch series at a standard market price. Apple usually allows its users to sell at a fixed price, which stays the same.
You can opt for either selling online or selling in-store, whichever way seems convenient for you. Apple has a separate troubleshooting section where you can get help for selling your smartwatch and raising questions. However, you'll need a trade-in-kit as well as a Quote ID Number for selling your Apple Watch. Now let's get to the benefits Apple offers:
Tracking selling status online
Just 2-3 days needed for the trade-in process
Quick evaluation of Apple Watch Series 8
Allows both online and in-store selling
Another good platform for selling your Apple watch. This platform equates selling your smartwatch with environmental sustainability and offers a competitive price. Before selling here, you'll need to remove your iCloud account, completely erase data from your watch, and unpair it with your iPhone.
However, this platform demands a few additional things when you're going to sell the Apple Watch Series 8. You’ll need to supply a charger if you don’t want to sell at £10 lower. This is the only condition that you’ve to meet. You don’t need the box or straps of your smartwatch while selling it.
No postage charge is calculated, which means you can sell from a long distance without paying the postage charge
No price fluctuation and complete price guarantee
Faster process
Better cash return
Good platform for selling the Apple Watch Series 8 at a higher price. You just need to select the mode, the size of your watch, and the condition. This site offers higher prices for Hermes and stainless steel. If your watch is completely faulty, you can still sell but the price will be exceptionally low. This platform also deducts 10% if your watch is engraved.
Main characteristics
Offers minimum price of £15 for faulty Apple watch
You can check out by keeping your watch in cart
You can sell Apple Watch Series 8 at a good margin
Offers sales of both aluminum and stainless steel
This site offers competitive prices for Apple Watch Series 8, although that's especially high for Hermes straps and lower for aluminum GPS watches. This price differentiation is however not to be worried about, as this brand offers instant selling without any additional charges. You can also add it to the wish list and sell it whenever you find it convenient. One thing that you need to note, is you'll be able to realise a higher price only if you sell with the strap and charger. Without these, the selling price can drop.
Top advantages
A quick comparison of prices
Simple checkout process
Better price quote
Lock selling price for 14 days after creating an account
Our final choice
All these platforms are selected based on their features and user ratings. To sell the Apple Watch Series 8, you just need to know the best-valued platforms that can offer you higher prices. There is no gimmick or quick magic that can get you a high price for selling your smartwatch.
But we had your back and chose the top platforms. However, according to our research, we found 247 Green Gadgets UK offers a better price for selling my Apple Watch Series 8 than other platforms. Moreover, the platform is safer and doesn’t allow any suspicious sales. We hope you’ll have a happy selling experience with our guide!
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uaeblogs-dubai · 4 months
Building a Robust Building Maintenance Strategy in the UAE
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Why is Building Maintenance Crucial?
Neglecting BUILDING MAINTENANCE can have far-reaching consequences. It can lead to:
Deterioration: Over time, exposure to the elements, wear and tear, and improper maintenance can cause various components of your building to deteriorate. This can manifest in cracked walls, leaky roofs, malfunctioning electrical systems, and breeding grounds for pests.
Safety Hazards: Unattended maintenance issues can pose significant safety risks to occupants and visitors. Faulty electrical wiring, for instance, increases the risk of fire hazards, while structural weaknesses can compromise the building’s integrity in the event of an earthquake or other natural disaster.
Decreased Property Value: A poorly maintained building suffers a decline in its aesthetic appeal and overall value. This can significantly impact its marketability in case you decide to sell or rent the property.
Higher Operational Costs: Reactive maintenance, addressing issues only after they arise, is often more expensive than PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE. A proactive approach through BUILDING MAINTENANCE helps avoid costly repairs and replacements down the line.
Building Maintenance Services in the UAE
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The UAE offers a diverse range of BUILDING MAINTENANCE SERVICES to cater to the specific needs of various property types and sizes. These services typically include:
General Maintenance: This encompasses routine tasks like cleaning, waste disposal, pest control, and minor repairs.
Electrical Maintenance: This service ensures the safety and efficiency of your electrical systems, including inspections, repairs, and upgrades.
Plumbing Maintenance: Qualified professionals handle leak detection and repair, fixture maintenance, and drain cleaning.
HVAC Maintenance: Regular servicing of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems optimizes their performance, ensures energy efficiency, and improves indoor air quality.
Structural Maintenance: This specialized service involves inspections, repairs, and reinforcements to address structural issues and ensure the building’s integrity.
Landscaping Maintenance: Maintaining the aesthetics and functionality of outdoor areas includes lawn care, hedge trimming, and irrigation system upkeep.
Finding the Right Building Maintenance Company in the UAE
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Experience and Expertise: Choose a company with a proven track record and a team of qualified and experienced professionals.
Range of Services: Ensure the company offers a comprehensive range of services that cater to your specific requirements.
Licensing and Insurance: Verify that the company is properly licensed and insured to operate in the UAE.
Safety Protocols: Inquire about the company’s safety protocols and commitment to adhering to industry standards.
Customer Reviews and References: Read online reviews and seek references from past clients to gauge the company’s reputation and service quality.
Cost and Transparency: Obtain clear quotes outlining the scope of work, pricing structure, and any additional fees.
The Advantages of Using TradersFind for Building Maintenance Services
TradersFind, a prominent B2B platform in the UAE, simplifies the process of finding reliable and qualified BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANIES. Here’s how TradersFind empowers you:
Extensive Directory: Search through a comprehensive database of pre-verified BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANIES in your area.
Convenient Search Filters: Refine your search based on location, service specialization, budget, and other relevant criteria.
Detailed Company Profiles: Access detailed information about each company, including their service offerings, experience, certifications, and customer reviews.
Direct Communication: Easily contact shortlisted companies through phone numbers, WhatsApp, or contact forms for quotes and inquiries.
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By leveraging TradersFind, you can streamline your search for BUILDING MAINTENANCE SERVICES in the UAE, saving time and effort while ensuring you connect with reputable and competent providers. Remember, BUILDING MAINTENANCE is an investment that safeguards your property, enhances its value, and fosters a safe and healthy environment for occupants.
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cpr-cellphonerepair · 4 months
CPR Cell Phone Repair: Your Partner in Reducing E-Waste
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Electronic waste, or e-waste, is becoming a critical environmental issue with severe consequences for our planet and health. When electronic devices are no longer helpful, they often end up in landfills. In addition, their toxic components, like lead, mercury, and cadmium, can pollute the environment and harm humans and wildlife.
One way to reduce e-waste is to repair our devices instead of purchasing new ones. Fixing electronic devices can be eco-friendly and cost-effective for minor repairs, such as replacing a cracked screen or a faulty battery. By extending the life of our devices, we can prevent them from becoming e-waste.
Another option to reduce e-waste is to trade in or purchase pre-owned devices. Buying a pre-owned device that has been repaired and tested is often cheaper than purchasing a new one. It also helps to reduce the number of devices in landfills, contributing to a cleaner environment.
CPR Cell Phone Repair is a franchise that specializes in electronic device repair and refurbishment. We offer a wide range of services, from screen replacements to battery repair, to help customers extend the life of their devices. We also sell new and pre-owned devices that are thoroughly tested to ensure they are in good working order.
Overall, reducing e-waste is an essential step toward creating a healthier and more sustainable future. By making simple choices, like repairing or trading in our devices instead of buying new ones, we can all play a part in protecting our environment and preserving it for future generations.
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anycashforcars · 6 months
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Cash For Cars Tyabb VIC 3913 Tyabb’s leading car disposal company is now offering its cash for car services to the local community of Tyabb. Call us today at 0466 039 221 or write us an email to get an instant quote up to $8,999 for dismantling your car in Tyabb. Old, junk or scrap, we accept all sorts of cars in Tyabb. Do you have a car, truck or van to sell in Tyabb? You can sell it to Cash For Cars Tyabb and get cash up to $18,999 at the time of removal. We will pay you money the same day you contact us to recycle your car in Tyabb. All faulty or broken cars are accepted regardless of their model or shape. Cash For Cars Tyabb are professional in scrapping and wrecking all domestic and commercial vehicles. With a car recycling yard in Tyabb and Melbourne, we are just a phone call #cashforcars #cashforcarsmelbourne #anycashforcars #carsforcash #carsforcashmelbourne #car4cash https://www.anycashforcars.com.au/cash-for-cars-tyabb-vic-3913/
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