#selwyn cambion
otterinthwater · 2 years
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selwyn but more incubus form !!
ok so saw some people asking why there weren't any drawings of selwyn indicating his cambion part so um !! i gotchu
i love drawing creatures so i had to im sorry
did not follow accurate incubus description as a) there is no set one b) they were all just for the most part "sexual human with wings and horns and sometimes questionable features" and i didnt want to do that c) vanilla extract (im sorry)
just a goofy guy !!! just a goofy part demon guy who is slightly (very) murderous :000 he is my child
oh yeah my handwriting is illegible lmaoo
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nyxblackwood · 2 years
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This scene.
No words.
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justbrainrot · 2 years
I was listening to LB again while I’m working on my cross stitch (like you do lol) & I heard a thing that hadn’t registered before: the Morgaines were Merlins before the splinter, so they are cambions too. The thing that differentiates them isn’t their heritage, it’s that they don’t administer oaths. Like. Nick just says that & then the conversation moves on.
Um. I need to know more about this, hello! So there’s this whole Line of cambions out there who live without oaths to bind them to their humanity & that’s just like a known thing? Mine them for information y’all! Since the other Legendborn presumably know how to contact them at this point! Maybe there are other Merlins besides Sel who are tired of the Order owning their asses in perpetuity! Gah! 👀
So excited to see how the Order crumbles in book 3!!!
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ficnoire2 · 4 months
A Little Legendborn/Bloodmarked
Top 10 Selwyn Kane Moments
Happy Gemini Season!  What better time to reflect on my favorite chaotic, angsty, and delightfully poetic Cambion.  Sel has given us so many moments that either made us want to ask “Who the F@$K you talking to?”, want to give him an all encompassing full bodied squeeze, or left our jaws on the floor at his assholery or reverent sweetness.  Whatever the case, Selly knows how to make an entrance and leave an impression.  There are so many Selwyn Kane moments that live rent free while hiking up the thermostat in my mind, but here are my top 10.  Hope you enjoy!
10. Weirdo in The Woods 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.  A wry voice from behind startles me and sends a few birds, hidden in the canopy above, squawking into the sky.  I hadn’t seen anyone approach through the underbrush, but a tall, dark-haired  boy leans casually against the tree as if he’d been there the whole time; arms over his chest and black combat boots crossed at the ankles.”
When I read this scene, I could not believe the level of nerve and confidence this dude had.  The lurking in the darkness was creepy as hell and then he upped the ante by putting his pale paws on Bree!  I thought “Why the fuck is he touching her!?”  I had to reread to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating.  Not only did he have a smart ass, arrogant vibe, but getting handsy to boot?  We would have been rolling around in the woods… and I don’t mean the fun way. 
9. Dripping Wet at The Door
“Half a second after that I’m struck thoughtless-because Sel flings the door open wearing nothing but a deeply annoyed expression and a pair of low-slung jeans.  I can’t help but follow the banded muscles from his abdomen to his chest.  Intricate black and gray tattoos encircle his arms, cover his shoulders, and connect in a Celtic knot on his breastbone.”
This delightful turning point had me squealing with antici…pation.  Tracy’s got some nerve really.  I remember being this age, and having an angsty, beautiful, asshole fling open the door half naked would have been a problem.  This was the point where Sel begins to soften for Bree.  The point where the two of them set off on a journey of personal discovery and develop a deeply intimate bond. They share a moment of realization about their mothers and how parallel that loss runs, about Nick, and about their own relationship.  I loved this moment so much because their masks begin to slip ever so slightly.  Bree being able to recognize the grief in Sel that she had become accustomed to, was beautifully written.  It gave us a bit of depth into his inner chaos and the pain that drives him.
8. The Gala/Kneel
“He admires my hair, taking in the size and shape of it, then his eyes follow the line of my temple to my borrowed earrings, down my neck and shoulders.  ‘You look stunning this evening Briana, it’s the truth,’ he says with a shrug.  ‘You do.  Even Though you’re distraught’.”  
“I’m not distraught.”
“He leans down so close that his lips brush against my ear when he whispers, ‘Liar’.”
This moment was so delicious. First, the way Sel takes her into his senses is divine.  His attention to detail in everything he does, whether in his detective work or being a silver-tongued devil, encompasses a space.  The act of admiring Bree’s appearance, covering every inch of her face and hair was top notch adoration. The two of them dancing at the gala was playful and intimate. I mean, telling someone you can smell their magic is…next level.  Bree was tuned into his very essence and he responded in kind, whispering LIAR in her ear as his lips brushed the delicate flesh, splaying his hands across her back knowing the heat from them radiated   through her gown.  Admiring all that she was becoming to him. Not to mention turning her around to face Nick while holding her at the hips, and whispering in her ear as he stewed across the room. It wouldn’t be right if he didn’t put a little Selly in it.
“I fight against Arthur’s will, but he will not yield-not on this.  He demands obeisance.  Homage. And deference.  Especially after Davis’ public betrayal.  Thankfully, no one moves.  Then someone does."
"No," I whisper, because I don’t want to hear it.  But when Sel speaks, his voice is strong and clear.
"Y llinach yw’r ddeddf."
"The Line is Law.”
In the Ogof we get another glimpse of what makes Sel tick. The fact that he is so married to the idea of honor and procedure (to a fault) shines in these moments because of what he is constantly willing to do to show his care for Bree. It is telling when he witnesses Bree pull Excalibur and he falls right in step with his duty to his King.  When he is the one to kneel and speak before her, it is because of duty and procedure yes, but his devotion for her leaps off the page.  
7. Mother
“Suddenly, Sel is on his feet. He paces to the end of the room, the back of his hand pressed hard against his mouth like doesn’t trust what could come out of himself.  It takes everything in me to stay seated when he kicks his closet door and the wood splinters into a boot shaped hole.”
On the heels of coming to the door half naked, we begin to see some of Sel’s inner turmoil made real.  Unpacking this a bit, we know Sel has been lied to and we are watching in real time how it hits him.  He is dutiful, procedural, and used to being in control in some respect.  He seems to enjoy the fact that he is needed, deep down, he wants to be wanted, not out of duty, but out of sheer enjoyment of his company, his being.  This revelation about his mother causes his mask to slip.  The hard exterior cracks enough that Bree is able to seep into the jagged edges, and he lets her, if only briefly.  This was such a revealing moment because it is one of many instances that they see not only each other, but also themselves mirrored in one another.
6. Cariad
“I feel Sel’s attention on my cheeks-and wonder when the sparks in his eyes had become a comforting heat…’You are my king now, cariad.’ His voice carries all the intimacy of a caress and his eyes are a melted gold.  I turn away, overwhelmed at the meaning in both.”
I don’t know why I didn’t have sense enough to Google what cariad meant at the time I first read Legendborn.  Perhaps it was because Tracy blew my wig back with the story of Briana Irene, that I needed a moment to collect my thoughts.  This was the point in the story that Selwyn vocalized his feelings for Bree.  It was another peak at the vulnerability he would ever so slightly let come out to play.  And because our Selwyn is precise, his intent (in my opinion) was also.  He has studied Bree, yet she still mystifies him, challenges him.  Calling her cariad, however, was laced with a bit of challenge in and of itself.  He knows she is determined and inquisitive and if she really wanted to know she would do what needed to be done to find out.  We also get that at that moment she was not ready to know, despite her curiosity.  It was just enough of a breadcrumb for her to follow, if SHE chose to.  Also, his sense of duty and willingness to accept her as King even when the order so readily wanted her gone when she did not serve their purpose or fit their shitty standards.  It was such a sweet, quiet moment after all they had been through that left us hanging onto that balcony for dear life. 
5. The Not So Safe, Safe House Bathroom
“Can I tell you a secret, Briana?” His voice slips into the sliver of air between us, silk and heat. “ I like hearing the way people respond to me.  A pause. You in particular.”  
“It’s involuntary.”
“Oh, I know.” His mouth quirks…..Sel’s amusement skips across my cheeks.  “See something you like?”
First of all, telling someone, ANYONE, that you like hearing the way people respond to you is full on iconic, sex demon realness.  Excuse me, sir?  You just walk around doing shit to tie folks up in flustered knots? Kick your combat booted feet up and watch your handiwork?   And you like it?  My kind of fun!  The way Joniece Abbott Pratt (she voices our favesl in the books) reads this scene is so deliciously spicy and devilish.  She put an extra bit of Sazon on it.  It was the closeness for me.  He knew what he was doing (aside from mesmering Bree to oblivion) , caging her between his arms and enveloping her in full on Cambion heat.  It is almost as if the tease is more fun.  Taking off his shirt to pull her in. Catching her gaze in the mirror.  Acting like he can’t put tape on his wounds (because of course a dude who can forge shit out of thin air can’t operate tape!), telling her he likes how her body is responding, asking her if she sees something she likes!  Bree has the resolve of a bug that hangs onto your windshield while you are doing 90 on the freeway. 
4. Sel’s Birthday Surprise (Cariad Part Two)
“Okay.  All right.  His voice is low and soothing.  He takes a slow step closer with an outreached hand, as if waiting for me to bolt.  “This isn’t an interrogation.  I am sorry.  It is your birthday.  And I had questions…but I don’t want you to leave.” His fingers wrap around mine, and he rubs a slow circle across my palm with his thumb."  
 I nod.  “Okay.” 
“Let’s keep this simple?” He smiles softly.  “Tell me what you learned about cariad?”  
Talk about a full circle moment.  For damn near two books, this man has been stewing about cariad and why Bree had not mentioned it again.  After being attacked by Jonas, and Bree begins to speak a bit of Welsh to William, I could almost envision Sel saying “Yeah, you over here practicing with William, but what about that cariad shit though?”  Ok, I know he wouldn’t have said it that way, but sometimes I read with my own voice in my head.  First of all, the planning.  The fact that he discovered a hidden gem in the woods with fireflies no less, and decided to make it a present (not a gift) to honor Bree’s birthday was delightful.  Plus being in the woods seems to be his happy place.   It was full circle in more ways than one because when we meet Sel (in the woods yet again) he is the epitome of ASSHOLE. This scene showed us how far the two of them had come and let us see that he truly values how Bree sees him and how much he wants her to have joy.  It seems like everytime these two are in the woods they have some sort of revelation.  The way he teases kisses on each cheek, then her forehead (third eye) showed us that he was done hiding and wanted her to fully understand the depth of his feelings.  And when she takes the kiss she wants, he responds in kind letting himself have the wish he has been denying himself by Merlin twirling her into the tree bark and KISSING HER DOWN!  Then, not only does he stop himself, but stops to watch the effect he is having on her, while telling her he likes it.  Damn you Selwyn Kane!  
3. Sharing Root With Bree/Most Gifted Merlin in a Generation
“Sel gasps, head thrown back as my aether climbs up his forearms, spiraling around his elbows.  For a moment, it feels like I’m wrapped around him.  His eyes snap open, and then he’s on his feet, bringing his hands together so the flames spread faster.  FWOOOM!  We explode together.”
I was shouting in my car listening to this scene.  Sel had been manacled by Erebus (to Valec’s amusement).  I remember thinking “Ain’t no way they are going out like this!” This was an edge of your seat, shout at the screen, moment.  The way he was in sync with Bree and knew exactly what to do when she shared her root was the boost I needed in that moment.  Sel was back like he never left!  Hair all shiny and shit!  The unspoken communication, the desperation in his eyes when he thought it wasn’t working was equal parts nerve wracking and rage inducing.  Plus, the whole scene was infused with a hint of sexy Cambion tension.  That last line is a double entendre if you ask me.  What better way to explode together than to blow Erebus’ ass back into the opportunistic shadows from whence he came?
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“I’m not gonna….”
“Yes, you are!”  The muscles work in his jaw.  His eyes shine-he blinks it away.  “You are.  You just have to hold on a little longer, Bree.  For me–”  His eyes are fixed on my side, a strained grimace on his face.  His hands hover an inch above my flesh.  Aether shimmers in the space between my body and his palms in a thin layer.”
“Don’t move,” he grits out.”
“What are you…”
“I’ve got you.  Stay with me.”
“The floating dullness claims me again, but Sel’s magic is there on the edges, keeping the darkness at bay.”
“Stay with me, Bree.”
On the coattails of the high I felt when Sel and Bree took Erebus out of the game (if only temporarily), was the accompaniment of Sel holding Bree together for three hours when she was nearly killed by demons in the woods.  I tell you, Tracy knows how to make you feel the discomfort and pain of constant loss.  No sooner than I cheered for the two of them, before I knew it I was biting my nails again.  The terror he feels here is palpable.  Nick has just run away from both of them.  He has just done the seemingly impossible and made a root bomb (untrained move) with Bree to stave off Erebus.  Now he is at the threshold of loss yet again.  I can’t imagine having all of that occur in the span of 30 minutes.  Not only that, he creates tiny aether constructs to serve as medical aid for Bree not knowing how long he can maintain it while pushing down the hurt and fear.  Even Valec thought she was not savable.  Thought only to be able to use his aether for violence, it was beautiful to see Sel use his aether to sustain life.  It really hints at how special his abilities are and how much about himself outside of the order’s grip he doesn’t know.  When he says, “I’ve got you” and “Stay with me,” I had to step away from the book for a hot lil minute. 
2. No Other Merlin 
“No other Merlin can protect you like I can, because no other Merlin feels about you the way I do.  I want you to live, because I want you to be happy.  Not because of a spell, but because so very many things would break and go dark if you weren’t in the world.  Myself included.”
Can we talk about how down bad Selly is here?  Like, the boy is threw! I say “Gah damn!” everytime I read and/or listen to these words. He let her know, “Ain’t nobody got you like I got you!”  Something about the most powerful and gifted Merlin of his generation saying he would break and go dark if Bree was not in the world.  Sheesh! It’s the kind of soul-bearing that makes you sit up straight.  Have you rethinking your whole approach to life.  That is a far cry from questioning how she managed to keep ending up in his path.  A far cry from trying to wipe her off the face of the earth!  I love this scene because at this point we are seeing the power and effect of experiencing softness, love, care.  Being touched and him letting the wave of vulnerability settle in.  The willingness to lay himself bare in front of her despite his many fuck ups.  He told her, I want you to be happy even if I am not the one, just as long as you are here.  Tracy certainly wrote him hella mannish! But in all seriousness, this was a bar.  Had that man pouring out his soul in the middle of the woods.
1. Worth This and More 
“Merlin crawls on hands and knees.  ‘Just know Briana Matthews,’ he says, ‘That you are worth this and more.’ Without a second’s hesitation, he pulls me close enough that we nearly kiss-and inhales my power into his body.  Devours it whole.”
This scene hit me right in the gut for so many reasons.  It was the culmination of all that Selwyn had learned, endured, and sacrificed…for Bree.  Despite how much he had risked throughout Bloodmarked, he was still ready and willing to risk even more for her.  Pure veneration and sacrifice just for her.  In the Ogof, he kneeled to Bree and here he crawls to her, spent, and wants her to know that even at this moment he would do it again without question.  The poetry in how he approaches her.  The juxtaposition of kissing her in the woods and losing himself to that moment (even though briefly), giving in to that bit of euphoria and vulnerability, to losing himself as we know him totally, by devouring her root.  Because he knew the cost of that act and did it anyway, nearly did me in!  Tracy wrote the hell out of that and it is one of the chapters I have a hard time going back to.  Something about reaching a point of seemingly no return and pushing forward against all odds because you love the person before you so deeply. 
 No other Merlin indeed. 
What’d you think? I think I kicked Gemini season off right!  What are your favorite Selwyn Kane moments? What lives rent free in your head?  I am so excited that there are two more books to look forward to.  For me, those are more opportunities to talk my shit! 
Also, in case you missed it, here are my Top 10 Briana Matthews Moments
Happy Gemini Season Y'all!!!!
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Do think sel is jealous of valec
im hella late in answering anon this is in my drafts for like days and i forgot this one was asked I'm so sorryyy and i also don't have my tablet rn so i cant ss the specific parts but nvm imma just quote them
oh absolutely haha he's hella hella jealous and I've got proofs
so the main one where sel alsolutely is jealous
Sel shakes his head. “Don’t listen to him, Briana. He’s trying to convince you he has use here. He’s made up some reason to give you information, hoping it’ll turn into a debt you owe him.” Valec’s had enough. “You getting close to the edge again, kingsmage? Jumping to the worst-case scenario first. Assuming I want to tie Bree to me beyond the bounds of this conversation. Keep her for myself?” “Don’t you?” “Well,” Valec considers, smiling with not a small amount of fang. “Yes.” A minute tilt of Sel’s chin. “Watch yourself.” Valec’s smirk blooms wide. “The difference between you and me, Kane, is that I am a transparent sort, who’s happy to say out loud all that I desire.” Brown eyes flicker to red and back. “You want the same, you just can’t come out and say it. Not really.” Sel’s answer is a stunned silence. William flushes pink, and Alice looks downright disgusted.
i would also love to point out that sel was silent but William blushed. now i am so so so sure that their talk in the car on their way to volition?? bro i wanna know what they talked about because William sure as hell knows what sel and bree have going on, he definitely does. he's gonna be the kenji here i swear.
also, the balcony scene yall asdfghjkl like who's gonna say he's not jealous he is two steps away from killing valec whenever he says shit like that lmaooo
"Merlin's thoughts were harder and sharper than my own. Vicious in their clarity." Sel grimaces. "I wonder if it is because, unlike me, he was a half-human, half-demon... just like-" "Just like Valec." The tension in Sel's jaw tells me that my guess is right. Nick looks between us. "Who's Valec?" Sel's expression sours. "A rogue cambion and demon power broker with Rootcrafter ties." Nick's brow furrows. "Is he after Bree?" "Depends on how you define 'after'," Sel drawls. "Valec isn't trying to kill me," I clarify for Nick. "So that's refreshing." Sel snorts. "Valec flirts with you enough that it might kill me." Nick's eyes widen. "A demon power broker flirts with you?" He turns to Sel. "Who does this guy think he is?" "I can handle Valec," I say, rolling my eyes. "He is half demon, and apparently the balance makes him at peace with his demon side."
also the fact that nick said nothing about selwyn's feelings about someone flirting with bree. idk if this is poly confirmation or the fact that nick's plan includes him going somewhere and leaving bree and sel together but yall this is hilarious
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amaramiyu · 10 months
My Legendborn Cycle Musings & Theories
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May 2023 is when I first got into this series and I've been hooked ever since. I've read Legendborn and Bloodmarked at least twice and I have some thoughts about the books and series in general. So without further ado:
Spoilers ahead!
First of all, I'm glad I waited to make this post because recently more information has been revealed about the next upcoming book (Oathbound), and that instead of the series being a trilogy of books it'll be a tetralogy (4 part book series).
I strongly believe that the Shadow Court is definitely going to be unleashed that was part of the bargain Bree made with the Shadow King after all.
Vera’s warning to Bree at the end of Bloodmarked: “Chaos thrives on imbalance.” In Oathbound, is Bree going to become villainous or corrupted in some form? Since she doesn’t have her ancestors to balance or influence her since she closed the ancestral stream?
Since the third book is called Oathbound I wonder if this means oaths will be broken or removed. Obviously, Natasia's Kingsmage Oath to Martin Davis had to have been removed. Could the same thing happen possibly between Nick and Sel?
At the end of Bloodmarked, the main trio: Bree, Nick, and Sel have become separated. Since this is Bree's story first and foremost I think the book will still only be from Briana's point of view. I don't think we'll be getting multiple points of view. However, I'm not quite sure.
Selwyn Emrys Kane
There’s more to Selwyn Kane than meets the eye. One of the main themes in the Legendborn Cycle is ancestry and inheritance.
Theory 1: Erebus (the Shadow King) is Selwyn’s father. Erebus is described as a father-like figure towards Sel and he has a history and a clear fondness for Natasia (He knew where she was at the end of Bloodmarked). However, we know that the Order supposedly monitored Natasia closely while they ensured she gave birth to an heir. Obviously, since both her and Sel are powerful Merlins there must be more to discover about their bloodline. Also, it is mentioned how closely Sel resembles Merlin his ancestor not only in appearance but also in mannerisms. Sel is a prodigy and has the rare ability to transform into an Owl like his ancestor Merlin. Not to mention, the skill he used to craft aether constructs to hold Bree together after her injury which isn’t easy to do and most likely would’ve killed other Merlins attempting to do it.
Theory 2: Maybe Selwyn’s bloodline has ancestral ties to someone on the Shadow Court. 
Nicholas Martin Davis
He's going to be leading the faction of the Order that's still loyal to the Knights of the Round Table.
Maybe he'll continue to forge a further alliance with the Line of Morgaine. Nick will then be further exposed to how they live and maneuver outside of the Order. He is trying to find a solution to stop the Legendborn Cycle without the Scion of Arthur having to die. In Bloodmarked, he found something out but he didn't get to elaborate on it further.
In General
I think the relationship between Sel and William is underrated.
There’s still much we don’t know about Cambions and unions. So far, we know:
Full Demon + Human = Cambion
Human + Cambion = Cambion
But what about: Full Demon + Cambion = ?
Cambion + Cambion =  ?
Are these unions even possible or allowed and could they produce offspring?
On the cover of Bloodmarked, I think Bree is wearing the outfit that she wore during the Rite of Kings ceremony.
Valechaz is clearly enamored and fascinated with Bree and he's such a wildcard. Valec at times can also be hard to read. Will he be a friend or foe going forward?
This may be an unpopular opinion, but in terms of a TV series adaptation of the Legendborn Cycle, I would prefer that it be an animated TV series rather than a live-action series.
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bbycosmo · 28 days
Has anyone else noticed this???
Okay... for sure I am not the first to notice this, but I feel there needs to me more people talking about this.
The parallels between Miles Morales and Bree Matthews?!
Both of them at the end of their respective arcs are being told who they are and what they are supposed to be and do. And the general feeling I get from both of them can be summed up by Miles in Across the Spider -verse, when he is being chased and assaulted back to back by Spidermen, women alike from across the whole multiverse, and Miguel is telling him that he was a mistake, that he was never supposed to even be spiderman.. that he is the ANOMOLY and for things to continue moving forward without any further hiccups he has to let his father die.
then he's LIKE!!!!
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which I feel is so so Briana Matthews right now. Of course Bree doesn't explicitly say a line like this towards the end of BloodMarked, but ohhhh I totally think we are going to get there in Oathbound.
In both LegendBorn and Bloodmarked Bree is told that her being the Scion of Arthur was a mistake. That she, someone like her shouldn't even be apart of the Legendborn let alone apart of their "traditions" and this was clear after Bree was never going to be allowed to pull Excalibur with the Regents in attendance. They had already made the decision that whatever Briana Matthews is or can potentially be is nothing more than a threat to their existence.
Can you not see the parallels here?!
That question feels like a shoutout to Lord Davis ( or as the #wizardteampod has coined Dud Davis.) and that thought irks me.
(( I will admit that I thought it was Doug Davis for like 10 minutes and I sat thinking... who the hell is DOUG?? ))
Dud David is just so fitting because a dud can be defined as a thing that fails to work properly or is otherwise unsatisfactory or worthless. Which is so funny because his whole plan to call on Camlann by opening the gates 25 years or so ago, was a bust. Yet that man was so delusion that be believes he is the chosen one, the one who will uproot all the corruption and evil, and believed that with Arthurs powers he would be able to do so.
THEN!! THEN!!! when he meets Arthur while he was in the possession of Bree's body EVEN PROBLEMATIC ASS ARTHUR wants nothing to do with him. That was poetic justice.
ANYWAY.. I'm ready to see Ms. Briana Matthews start beating every bodies ass. It's about damn time!!
I do wonder how far her anger will take her in her story because she doesn't (currently that is, because she is with the Shadow King) have a Anng like character to keep her in check. Since she has isolated her self physically and mentally from everyone.
AANNNDD let's not forget she is not the only one full of rage either. William's arc is currently underway, and we do not know how he is going to deal with all the sadness for loosing his squire, Whitty and the anger he feels at the Regents and even himself. Especially towards the end of Bloodmarked where he is dealing with the fact that he is unable to heal Alice or Selwyn because there is no information on his powers being used to treat a Onceborn or a Cambion who has fully transformed.
Brianna says that the Regents will pay for the many things they have done but for making William question himself and breaking him will be chief among them. Can I just say how excited I am to see how this part will play out.!!!!
and of course after the Rites when she is in a drugged state while being interrogated she tells Regent Aldrich
"Not here. Not today. But somewhere. Someday."
And i JUST... UGHHH!!!
there are just so many moments where I can not wait to see how these people get what is coming to them!
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ALSO!!! a dishonorable mention... FUCK TOR! I do not want her to get a redemption arc I am comfortably fine with hating her and just like in real life there are some people who never get a redemption arc they stay sick and twisted till the day they die.
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back on the parallels', these songs from the Across the Spider-verse soundtrack just feel so Legendborn coded. AM I DREAMING is simply BREE's song and you can not tell me otherwise. She's been beaten and forced into a corner time and time again but even still she hasn't given up. This can be credited to the Oathbound teaser where the Shadow King has given the twins an interesting challenge and as she takes off into the forest she says she has no choice but to master this lesson and the one after this and when she has learned everything she can and finally has control she is going to kill him. (The Shadow King)
I will say ' Calling' can be interpreted as a song for so many different characters. I personally think any one of the trio can probably relate to this song. I on the other hand thought of 1 maybe 2 people while listening to the song. So I'm curious which characters will pop up in someone else's mind.
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lilytheenchantress · 1 year
Ok, Legendborn fandom, I need your attention for a few seconds!
I don’t know if someone already pointed out, but I didn’t found anything about that online, so I’m going to be the one who tell it.
I think that Erebus is Selwyn’s father.
In Bloodmarked Erebus is introduced first as the Mage Seneschal at Arms, and after as the Shadowborn King. When he talks with Bree about Natasia (Selwyn’s mom), he points out that they had a “deep and special relationship” and, in the end, Erebus is the one who knows where to di d her.
Also, I think that Natasia knew about Erebus’ real nature: he literally says that she is the one who named him (he also gave her a cute nickname, Nyx, as the greek goddess of darkness, which is a lovely way to show respect and admiration).
So, it’s possible that when Isaac and Martin tried to frame Natasia, Erebus was the one who helped her to run away and hide… and probably, he kept an eye on Selwyn, giving Natasia some news…
And this whole theory would explain why Natasia is the only Merlin who isn’t corrupted by her own powers!
And, and, and, if all of this is true, Selwyn would be the first real cambion in centuries (yes, I know that Valechaz is the last known real half demon, but… you know… I don’t think that Natasia went around screaming that her child is the son of a real demon).
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I need motivation to write, so I’m sharing all my fic ideas with y’all-let me know which ones sound good so I have a reason to open Wattpad again and actually get started. I want to write, my brain just refuses to give the happy chemicals until I have an excuse to weave those words.
Fairly long timeskip, 4 years at minimum, and just kind of exploring how everything’s changed. (Also Willark would be 100% canon and I’d probably kill off Tor for my own enjoyment.) May or may not end with a ruby ring and our favorite Merlin on one knee.
Let’s take that fluffy energy and run with it-a mixed bag of scenes that are post-kiss and pre-Mageguard, in that perfect universe where there is occasionally time to relax. Inspiration drawn from several ‘what would they do if they had the time’ posts.
Time to ruin everyone’s lives with a Sel death and Bree pleading with her ancestors to let him in, please, do whatever magic you have to, I just need to see him again, I would do anything. Unsure if Order spirits/non-blood relatives could access Mediums in the same way, but I feel like if anyone can it would be Selwyn.
Alternative BM ending of Sel not fully succumbing-I don’t know exactly what would have to change but basically he finds out about Bree’s deal (which would still happen-in this case it’s probably something close to demanding protection/stopping the hunt for her friends, idk-) and… let’s just say Nick and William don’t do a very good job of explaining anything to a Very Emotionally Unstable cambion and it goes badly for everyone involved. Partially because there’s a lot of bloodlust once Sel learns it was Erebus that took her.
Traumafluff at an Order event-probably a Selection Gala a year or so after BM/Camlann, everyone having to pretend they haven’t seen their friends suffer at the hands of the Order, it’s very much ‘we murdered SO many demons look at us isn’t this so awesome’ so I’m sure all those traumatized teens won’t be at all upset… fortunately, it doesn’t last forever, and the physical manifestation of you’re safe here doesn’t leave her side.
Alice being Alice. Just oh my god, Matty, are you even trying to be subtle you keep running off with the damn incubus-do what you want but you don’t get to be surprised when I ask if you two are a thing now-
And that’s most of them. Again, lmk the one(s) that y’all are most interested in!
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astralbooks · 2 years
Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn
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Read: 07/10/2022 - 18/10/2022
Rep: Black main character, Taiwanese-American lesbian side character, bisexual love interest, Black side characters, achillean side character, various queer side & minor characters
CW: racism, death of a parent (in backstory), death of a friend (prior to book’s beginning), on page death, grief, violence, life-threatening injury, discussed rape (in backstory, not of main character), non-consensual drug use, non-consensual memory & perception manipulation, imprisonment
(This review will spoil the ending of Legendborn)
To put it simply, I’m obsessed.
The book opens a few weeks on from where Legendborn ended. Nick is still missing, and the Order haven’t given any indication that they’re all that concerned about trying to find him. Bree’s supposed to be their leader, their King, but you know how it is in both fantasy and through history with long time regents when the true monarch appears. At first they keep her identity secret for practical reasons that appear to be largely reasonable, but things soon take on a much darker tone.
The commentaries on generational trauma and institutionalised racism that were present in the first book haven’t gone anywhere in this one. Bree may be Arthur’s Scion, and the most powerful Scion there has ever been due to her own unique abilities, but in the eyes of many she is just a Black girl who needs to be controlled and possibly eliminated so that her power can go where they want it to go. Deonn doesn’t shy away from how horrific this is.
Bree learns a lot more about how the magic works in this world in this book and I really enjoyed that! Through the first book Bree met people who told her about magic that only works in a very specific way, and it was fun seeing Bree learn how these people were wrong, intentionally or otherwise. The magical world is a Lot bigger than Bree realised, and this isn’t always a good thing.
I liked Selwyn in book one but didn’t quite relate to the huge amount of hype centered specifically on him. It’s not incorrect to say that a lot of Sel’s hype stems from him being the mysterious hot white guy character who’s a bit of a jerk, and we all know that these are the characters that fandom likes to flock to. However, I get it. After reading this book, I get it. I’m surprised at how much I love him because he can be downright mean at times and I usually don’t like those characters at all, but this jerk does have a heart of gold and his meanness almost always stems from how deeply he cares about his friends, wants to keep them all safe, and doesn’t want them to worry about him. He’s not mean just for the sake of it, and he’s under a lot of pressure because a lot of people are relying on him. His relationship with Bree was So Good. There is an incident partway through the book involving him that has the potential to turn a lot of people off him entirely, but I think that his genuine understanding of what he did wrong and his genuine remorse, plus Bree not forgiving him right away due to how serious this incident is, has made me enjoy him and their relationship dynamic even more. 
Loving Selwyn does not necessarily mean that I’m rooting for him to ‘win’ this love triangle. Nick’s not in this book as much as he was in the first one, but with his limited page space he still manages to shine. Does this make me Team Nick? No it does not. There are a couple of scenes where both boys are talking to Bree at the same time and they were great and I would like to formally make it known that I think Bree deserves two boyfriends. I’m sure the boys would be down. 
A bunch of new characters were introduced in this book! I especially liked the new friendly cambions, Lark and Valec. Valec was particularly fun, and hit on a very specific trope that I enjoy a lot. Valec is attracted to Bree, is completely aware that these feelings are not reciprocated and is content with that, and delights in making fun of the other person present who also has feelings for her. Valec is the transparent sort, and Sel very much isn’t, even if Sel likely doesn’t know the meaning of the word subtlety.
I wrote in my review of the first book that I had a prediction about Alice and I didn’t write that prediction down and for the life of me I have no idea what that prediction was. I will learn nothing from this. Alice was great though.
Of course, with all these cool side characters, the fact remains that Bree is the star of the show here! She spends the whole book trying so hard to do the right thing, even when it seems like everything is against her. She doesn’t put up with anyone’s bullshit, isn’t afraid to put boundaries in place and fight for them when needed, and is willing to do so so much if it’s for the sake of the people she loves. She’s an excellent protagonist and I love reading from her perspective.
Speaking of perspective, the climax near the end was SO COOL! Once again there’s something that looks like a non-sequitur but really really isn’t in my review on this series, but I can’t explain in any more detail without spoiling things. Just know that I was yelling.
For some reason I was under the impression that this was a duology, and this made the final chapters of the book significantly more stressful for me. If that ending had been the ending to the entire series I would’ve been so mad. I’ve never been so happy to learn that I was wrong. I know that at the time of this review being posted this book hasn’t technically been released yet, but please I am begging for it to be less than another two years before the third installment’s release.
I would absolutely recommend this book/series. 
Thank you to NetGalley and Simon and Schuster for providing me with an e-arc in return for an honest review.
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nyxblackwood · 2 years
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Kane… No.
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decafanxietybitch · 2 years
Things In Bloodmarked that broke me
*Spoilers Ahead*
"Just know Briana Matthews, you are worth this and more."
"Natasia Kane made no such promises"
The "Only a King" Section
That time that Bree and Sel was bloodwalking and sel and nick saw each other for the first time in the book
The scene in volition when Sel made the lights out of aether and Bree was like "wow I didn't know he could do that. And I don't think he did either"
All of it
Volition. Like the ancestors protection the barrier and keeping the house separate
Arthur fucking burning Bree
Selwyn Kane
William breaking that demons hand
Not having an immediate third book
The word "incubus"
Nick killing that guy
"Stay with me bree"
The sheer amount of found family vibes
Valec (I cried for a solid five minutes when he was the baby from the first book)
Reading the book in North and South Carolina (personal connection lol)
The word "cambion"
Bree being awesome all the time
The artistry of the book
The plot being just as strong as the characters
Alice calling Sel Kingsmage
Alice being comatose
Sel giving up his humanity to save Bree
The sheer amount of unhappiness the book left me with
The healing it did for some parts of me that really needed it
The way that Bree's grief is believable, tangible, and so heavy
I am very normal about this book.
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moveme4nt · 1 year
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i remember it like it was yesterday
(none of the characters belong to me except lars!)
LARAMIE DU LAC [daniella perkins]
bree’s cousin
part pixie
“y creawdwr”
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BREE MATTHEWS [reile downs]
lars’ cousin
hidden scion of arthur
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NICK DAVIS [owen joyner]
bree’s bf
assumed scion of arthur
hidden scion of lancelot
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SELWYN KANE [tenzing trainor]
nick’s kingsmage
lars’ ex
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worth-this-and-more · 2 months
why are only merlins succumbing to their blood: a selwyn's tattoo appreciation concerned post
sel's tattoos haven't been explained much, they are mentioned here and there but we don't really know much about their story or functions, if any
and the merlin's tattoo, it's only on the merlins, right?? obviously its in the name
and in the whole story, merlins are the only ones who are seen to succumb to their blood. they are the ones who are taught to be bound by oaths to keep their humanity, only natasia who went rogue is able to resist her demonia. and also, valec, even though he has the exactly-half-demon-half-human-bloodwork thing going on, he is still able to keep his demon inside way easily.
so what if the tattoos are the ones that are triggering the imbalance in merlins?? the tattoos definitely have some kind of purpose other than style or identification (lets be real identification is impossible because you wouldn't get close enough to see the tattoo anyway), because nothing tracy has ever said in the story has ever been useless. she has used the chekov's gun fundamental way too many times and I trust her on this. its just a theory, but this seems like a way bigger coincidence.
we know natasia has somehow retained her humanity, so what if with the help of faye she managed to get rid of those tattoos, and regained control of her demonia?? faye definitely helped her a lot considering that she risked her entire freedom just so she could meet bree one last time.
it's not highly unlikely, because just like valec there must be other cambions outside of the order, and assuming that they are not yet slaughtered by the order, they must also retain their humanity?? patricia's ancestor on the memory walk where pearl gave birth to valec said that "you have to cast it away before it grows big enough to do harm" but we all know valec didn't grow up unbalanced like that.
so what if cambions are just generally assumed to succumb to their blood because of the order's lies just so they can convince them to swear their undying loyalty to the order, place their whole existence in the service of legendborn, reduce their life's purpose as to just be a weapon??
merlins are constantly exploited and used throughout the order, at the price of letting them keep their humanity. no merlin with a sense of morality would ever want to go rampant like the very shadowborn they fight against, the largest part of selwyn's self-hatred stems from this. so whats to say order wont just make up another lie for this exact reason??
the orignal merlin probably used oaths to keep his descendants loyal to the order but we all know someday along the line someone is bound to question why the fuck are we supposed to save these people from our own kin?? so probably merlin made up this lie to keep the spell of eternity useful and his descendants loyal.
and then the line or mograine finally had enough of this bullshit and went rogue, ditching the order altogether. they dont seem succumbed to their demons. and I'm pretty sure they would've ditched oaths completely just out of spite, because why would you follow the footsteps of the very same thing they left??
nvm i just really need a whole detailed book chapter explaining each and every tattoo on selwyn.
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bbycosmo · 19 days
How think sel is right now like
This is hard to answer, because we know his mom has been able to live for so long without the Oaths and being her son he might have the same abilities as her, but the last few scenes of Selwyn he was... feral. So I think he probably is still in a similar state? Unless of course if there is a TIMESKIP.
Then our tree loving cambion might be acclimating to his recent change.
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