#selwyn demon
otterinthwater · 2 years
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selwyn but more incubus form !!
ok so saw some people asking why there weren't any drawings of selwyn indicating his cambion part so um !! i gotchu
i love drawing creatures so i had to im sorry
did not follow accurate incubus description as a) there is no set one b) they were all just for the most part "sexual human with wings and horns and sometimes questionable features" and i didnt want to do that c) vanilla extract (im sorry)
just a goofy guy !!! just a goofy part demon guy who is slightly (very) murderous :000 he is my child
oh yeah my handwriting is illegible lmaoo
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while i was searching for something else in legendborn, selwyn emyrs kane would you please explain what was your thought process for this??
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buddy i want a detailed explanation of this
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massiveladycat · 2 months
me trying to understand people who say nick davis is 'toxic'
he literally never can win. be nice to his girlfriend?? 'TOXIC NICE GUY!!' oh, wait, he punched sel because sel was actively letting his bloodlust hurt nick when nick begged him before to stop?? HOW RUDE OF HIM!!!! tell sel to stay away from bree because nick genuinely thought that sel was going to end up killing her?? ASSHOLE!!!
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lilytheenchantress · 1 year
Ok, Legendborn fandom, I need your attention for a few seconds!
I don’t know if someone already pointed out, but I didn’t found anything about that online, so I’m going to be the one who tell it.
I think that Erebus is Selwyn’s father.
In Bloodmarked Erebus is introduced first as the Mage Seneschal at Arms, and after as the Shadowborn King. When he talks with Bree about Natasia (Selwyn’s mom), he points out that they had a “deep and special relationship” and, in the end, Erebus is the one who knows where to di d her.
Also, I think that Natasia knew about Erebus’ real nature: he literally says that she is the one who named him (he also gave her a cute nickname, Nyx, as the greek goddess of darkness, which is a lovely way to show respect and admiration).
So, it’s possible that when Isaac and Martin tried to frame Natasia, Erebus was the one who helped her to run away and hide… and probably, he kept an eye on Selwyn, giving Natasia some news…
And this whole theory would explain why Natasia is the only Merlin who isn’t corrupted by her own powers!
And, and, and, if all of this is true, Selwyn would be the first real cambion in centuries (yes, I know that Valechaz is the last known real half demon, but… you know… I don’t think that Natasia went around screaming that her child is the son of a real demon).
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nyxblackwood · 2 years
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This scene.
No words.
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ackerbabezzz · 1 year
Wait so one thing that’s confirmed it was def Rhaz as Evan that night at the Eno Quarry, correct?
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amaramiyu · 10 months
My Legendborn Cycle Musings & Theories
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May 2023 is when I first got into this series and I've been hooked ever since. I've read Legendborn and Bloodmarked at least twice and I have some thoughts about the books and series in general. So without further ado:
Spoilers ahead!
First of all, I'm glad I waited to make this post because recently more information has been revealed about the next upcoming book (Oathbound), and that instead of the series being a trilogy of books it'll be a tetralogy (4 part book series).
I strongly believe that the Shadow Court is definitely going to be unleashed that was part of the bargain Bree made with the Shadow King after all.
Vera’s warning to Bree at the end of Bloodmarked: “Chaos thrives on imbalance.” In Oathbound, is Bree going to become villainous or corrupted in some form? Since she doesn’t have her ancestors to balance or influence her since she closed the ancestral stream?
Since the third book is called Oathbound I wonder if this means oaths will be broken or removed. Obviously, Natasia's Kingsmage Oath to Martin Davis had to have been removed. Could the same thing happen possibly between Nick and Sel?
At the end of Bloodmarked, the main trio: Bree, Nick, and Sel have become separated. Since this is Bree's story first and foremost I think the book will still only be from Briana's point of view. I don't think we'll be getting multiple points of view. However, I'm not quite sure.
Selwyn Emrys Kane
There’s more to Selwyn Kane than meets the eye. One of the main themes in the Legendborn Cycle is ancestry and inheritance.
Theory 1: Erebus (the Shadow King) is Selwyn’s father. Erebus is described as a father-like figure towards Sel and he has a history and a clear fondness for Natasia (He knew where she was at the end of Bloodmarked). However, we know that the Order supposedly monitored Natasia closely while they ensured she gave birth to an heir. Obviously, since both her and Sel are powerful Merlins there must be more to discover about their bloodline. Also, it is mentioned how closely Sel resembles Merlin his ancestor not only in appearance but also in mannerisms. Sel is a prodigy and has the rare ability to transform into an Owl like his ancestor Merlin. Not to mention, the skill he used to craft aether constructs to hold Bree together after her injury which isn’t easy to do and most likely would’ve killed other Merlins attempting to do it.
Theory 2: Maybe Selwyn’s bloodline has ancestral ties to someone on the Shadow Court. 
Nicholas Martin Davis
He's going to be leading the faction of the Order that's still loyal to the Knights of the Round Table.
Maybe he'll continue to forge a further alliance with the Line of Morgaine. Nick will then be further exposed to how they live and maneuver outside of the Order. He is trying to find a solution to stop the Legendborn Cycle without the Scion of Arthur having to die. In Bloodmarked, he found something out but he didn't get to elaborate on it further.
In General
I think the relationship between Sel and William is underrated.
There’s still much we don’t know about Cambions and unions. So far, we know:
Full Demon + Human = Cambion
Human + Cambion = Cambion
But what about: Full Demon + Cambion = ?
Cambion + Cambion =  ?
Are these unions even possible or allowed and could they produce offspring?
On the cover of Bloodmarked, I think Bree is wearing the outfit that she wore during the Rite of Kings ceremony.
Valechaz is clearly enamored and fascinated with Bree and he's such a wildcard. Valec at times can also be hard to read. Will he be a friend or foe going forward?
This may be an unpopular opinion, but in terms of a TV series adaptation of the Legendborn Cycle, I would prefer that it be an animated TV series rather than a live-action series.
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brianakane · 6 months
Selwyn "no one needs as much therapy as I do" Kane
"You called me a monster once." "Maybe you were right. It looks like I can from one."
~ Legendborn, page 363
"An unreadable expression crossed Sel's face. An emotion that could become words if given the chance, but he presses his lips into a line, burying it. "I should go""
~ Bloodmarked, page 57
"Sel's standards for his own behaviour are terribly high, it's true-and they come at a terrible cost. I can't help but think of Sel's self-recrimination. His acceptance of Erebus's charges of negligence."
~ Bloodmarked, page 208
"Only a monster could look at you and want to destroy you, Bree."
~ Bloodmarked, page 368
"I turn back to see him standing there, the fallen angel I know, more demon than ever. Not from how he appears, but by what he's done."
~ Bloodmarked, page 370
""Yes you are!" The muscles work in his jaw. His eyes shine-he blinks it away. "You are. You just have to hold on a little longer, Bree. For me-""
~ Bloodmarked, page 405
"Then, it clicks: Sel didn't caution Nick about trusting him to protect me. He cautioned Nick about trusting him with me. Because Sel doesn't trust himself with me, either."
~ Bloodmarked, page 464
"There. You understand now. You can see how, for any merlin-even a weak one-raised as a human among humans, the greatest punishment would be to cast us out of the order's service. Force us to witness our own regression. To strip a merlin powerful enough to earn the title of kingsmags of that same title would mean taking them away from their charge. Cutting them off from the immense connective power of that Oath. It's a penalty so severe that it's never been done before"
~ Legendborn, page 342
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ficnoire2 · 8 months
A Little Legendborn/Bloodmarked Top 10 (Spoilers Ahead)
Happy Black History Month!  As we approach the release of the extended Bloodmarked chapter and the Will POV (as well as the painful wait for Oathbound), I thought I’d compile a list of my top 10 favorite Bree moments from LB and BM.  I have always enjoyed lists and trivia of some sort and thought it would be fun to highlight some of my favorite moments from the series. These are the moments that made me shout into my book with joy, frustration, delicious vengeance, and squeal with pure giddiness.  I am sure there are many more to add, but these are ten scenes that hit for me.  Hope you enjoy!
10. Punching a Demon
“The demon stands, snarling in a flash of triumph, lifting Nick high–then slams him into the silver stone.  His body goes still.  I’m running.  I barrel into the demon just as Sel swings Nick’s sword.  Together, we send the body in one direction, and the head in another.”
Well come on then fearless Scorpio KING!!!  I loved this moment because it gave us a glimpse into what was to come from our Bree.  Before she knew the extent of her power she was hurling herself into the thick of it.  It also gave us a sneak peak into her partnership and power sharing with Selwyn as well. This scene made me excited to see what else our King was truly capable of. 
9. Threatening Aldrich
“You may have a King’s blood - Aldrich finds my gaze and holds it–but you are not a Scion.  You are…a camgymeriad.  A mistake.”  
To which Bree replies, 
“Aldrich!  I call.  He pauses at the door to look at me.  I let the grin spread slow across my face. Not here, Not today.  But somewhere.  Someday.”   
I loved this call back from the prologue in Bloodmarked when Jessie describes the smart ass at the diner with the slur written across his face.  We get a glimpse into the darker parts of Bree, the parts of her that enjoy the challenge, the fight.  It also showed that if the good ol’ boys club doesn’t have anything, they have audacity.  Imagine being in her presence and because she does not come in the package you want her in, she is deemed unworthy. Brought into this life because of mediocrity, brutality, and privilege.  To be deemed a mistake because her very being is too grand and unfathomable to comprehend.  I love the grin she gives him. It screams “Fuck around and find out” and I am looking forward to Bree making good on this promise. 
8.  Hitting Sel Where it Hurts
“Throwing a temper tantrum, crossroads child?  I spit.  Both of Sel’s dark brows fly up to his hairline, and red spots appear on his cheeks. Direct hit.”
I cackled when I read this!  Not to mention Sel was so pissed he was slamming doors off in the distance.  Anytime Bree gets in touch with her shadow side and employs psychological warfare, I squeal (just a tiny bit).  It was one of those scenes that made me say “That’s what your ass gets!” Which was mild in comparison to Sel trying to, oh I don’t know, KILL HER!  No matter how scary he was at the moment, the fact that she couldn’t help but toy with him was a masterclass in being with the shits. 
7. Embarrassing Vaughn (with his basic ass)
“You’re a bigot and a bully, Scheafer.  You insult me because you think you know what I am capable of, but you don’t.  I must make you nervous, though, for you to expose your insecurities about your odds of success in the tournament…”
“I grin at Vaughn and look him directly in the eye.  Our future king does not owe you an explanation, and behaving as though he does displays insubordination, disloyalty, and fear.  Not power.  Not strength.  In fact, I pity the Scion that chooses you as their Squire.  That is, if you get chosen at all.”
DAAAAAMMN HOMIE! Talk about reading for filth!  As you can tell, I love when Bree pipes up. Vaughn mustered up all that tiny dick energy to lunge himself across the table and the baby girl didn’t even get out of her chair.  The constant microaggressions, the persistent air of “She doesn’t belong here” primed Bree to get some things off of her chest at this moment and what better asshole, than Vaughn (who was mesmered into obscurity) to get all the smoke?  I have lived moments similar to this, when you just don’t care anymore.  The weight of decorum becomes too heavy and it's time to “Let them thangs go” as we used to say back in the day.
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6. Sexy Bloodwalk with Nick/ Kissing Sel
“His eyes snap open and lock with mine, pupils swallowed in silver.  “Yeah.” He nods, wraps a hot palm around the base of my neck, slides it up into my hair. “Yeah.” And then his mouth is on mine, and every call and response we’ve ever felt pales in comparison to this one.  Power cycling from his body to mine in a slow loop between his skin and mine.  Everywhere we touch speeds the rotation until I can’t tell whose breath is whose, whose flame arcs higher, which spark starts the fire that surrounds us.  He moans, tugging us to the ground.  I open my eyes –and see that the stars over his shoulder shine in our rhythm too.” 
Well, shit.  There was a lot to unpack in this passage. Lots of metaphors.  Were they…?  Whatever freaky dreamscape, bloodwalk, Camelot, ancient descendent sex magic was going on here, I was here for it.  I had to read it again to make sure I read it right, and yup, I did! The euphoric, cosmic otherworldliness of it all was so carefree and light.  As @justbrainrot says “They were high in Camelot!”  I love that this scene takes place after Sel hides his true face and she decides to go see her other man!  Came back so bathed in “Love” Selly had to roll all the windows down!  
“Well,” I say, biting my lip.  “Maybe it’s not enough for me.  Before I can respond, I pull his head down and press my mouth to his indignant scowl until it turns soft and warm.  He shudders against me.  Then, his palm wraps around the nape of my neck, turning the kiss fierce, his mouth open and hot.  He pulls me in by the hip, closer, a pulse building between us, a shared demand.  There’s a whoosh, movement, and I am against a tree, bark digging into my back, Sel’s mouth working against mine before he tears himself away entirely with a low groan.”
 These two love a good hand on the nape of the neck!  I always enjoy the parallels Tracy creates.  Nick’s tenderness (even though he had Bree on the floor looking at the stars over his shoulder) in Camelot juxtaposed with Sel, Merlin crip walking her against the tree was delicious. The hint of feral lust out there in the woods was perfection and I love that Bree made the first move.  Lots of world tilting and hot mouths and passing fire and heat and moans and shit!  Bree leaning into her light and dark side letting herself be loved on and loving on someone else.  Taking charge and going after what she wants (in the moment or otherwise).  Reckless girl indeed. 
5. At the Fair with Faye
“Inside the box my mother’s charm bracelet is pulsing like a heartbeat.  When the tips of my fingers touch the gold links, a voice echoes in my mind.”
“I drop it.  I’m gasping, choking, sobbing.  ‘Mommy…?’”
This was a hell of a scene.  The gravity of a mother understanding that she has limited time with her child.  Understanding that she will face terrifying peril while trying to give her as much covering as possible, without being there in the physical form to facilitate that protection was beyond heavy.  Listening to Faye nervously try to get it all out without alarming Bree, the desperation in her voice…heartbreaking does not cover it.  I adored the power in this scene because despite Faye knowing the hell her baby would go through, she wanted her to know that if she had to do it over again, she would.  It helps me understand some of Bree’s choices that will inevitably come with dire consequences.  When it comes to fight or flight, Bree is going to fight.  It’s in her blood. 
4. Root Sharing
“I take in a deep breath through my nose, and when I exhale, the flames of root blow to life in my hands, red and fierce.  I extend my hands before I can talk myself out of it.  Sel’s eyes rise to mine, drop to my fingertips, then back up to me.  I will him to understand, because I don’t know how to say what I want him to do.  I don’t know how to ask for this, don’t even know if it will work.”  
This moment had me on the edge of my seat.  I am one of those that shouts at the screen when I watch movies and I was shouting into the pages of this book.  I was STRESSED.  I knew they couldn’t go out like that, but I didn’t know how they were going to get out of this pickle.  The description of Sel looking at her like “Oh shit!” and then going with it!  They were in tandem.  Bree was in her bag here pouring her very being into Sel.  It was a show of force that let us know she has only scratched the surface of what she can do.  This was squeal worthy for me!
3. Escaping the Institute
“A release of breath through the earpiece.  ‘Crown Scion Matthews.’  A voice I don’t recognize.  I grasp the counter’s edge, swallowing. ‘Y-Yes.’  The voice turns muffled, like they’re facing away from the receiver.  ‘It’s her.’ 
‘Who are you?’
When they speak again, the voice is clear.  Confident.  ‘Someone who can create a five-minute window of escape for you…’  
‘Someone you can trust.’”
My number three moment takes me back to any film I’ve watched where the heroes were down and all seems lost.  An expertly crafted switcheroo, caper, great escape!  The hurried tone of the person on the other end of the earpiece, the anxiety of thinking “Damn, what if she drops the keycard?”  “What if the Mageguard is there when she opens the elevator!?”  And let’s not talk about Bree putting those track muscles to work to run down a dark hallway to free herself just before the barrier snaps back into place.  I felt the urgency of Samira telling her “You can go faster, run faster, trust me!”  When Bree crossed the barrier and made it to Alice, I cheered like I had won the Mega Millions. Plus, I love a good callback with the "someone you can trust" line William says in LB.
2. Burning the Streams/Erebus Deal
“Think of the power you possess and the woman who gave it to you. I smile, sadly. ‘I used to think that woman was my mother, and, through her, you.  Tried it her way and it didn’t work.’ She tilts her head.  ‘And why is that?’
‘Because you all didn’t give me my power.’  I kneel to face the streams, thrust my hands into the earth from which they came. ‘I did.’”
By the end of Bloodmarked, I was tired of Bree getting her ass handed to her.  Tired of her seeking out the ancestors only to be foiled at every turn.  This is the moment where she chose herself and I loved it.  It has sparked so many conversations and it makes me think of how older generations can sometimes shame you for choices that they did not have the courage to make.  Granted, Vera did what she needed to do in her time, but it also shows how generational curses  can follow and impact us.  I felt for Bree in this moment because she tried to do it like everyone told her (or didn’t tell her) and when all else failed, she bossed up and did it her way.  As a seasoned woman, I make it a point to give the younger girlies game, if they are willing to hear it.  By the time we got to her burning the streams and making a deal with Erebus, no matter how reckless it seemed, I was here for it.  Dragons take what they want and burn the rest, after all. 
1. Pulling Excalibur
“We are in the cave again.  We take one step and we are already at the stone.  We grasp the ancient hilt, warm under our fingers.  We pull Excalibur free.”
Look at you!  You made it to the end, to my number one Bree Matthews moment!  I have to say that Legendborn sat in my office for a year before I picked it up (life was lifeing like it never lifed before).  Oddly enough, it called to me.  I started listening to it on Audible first (before I read it physically).  By the time I got to chapter 54 and Bree started recounting Vera’s life, her strength, then being at the hospital and meeting Sel’s mom, I said “Aww shit!”  It was a “On your left” Sam Wilson moment, a Charlie Baltimore “Die screaming MF” moment, a Tupac “Hit em up” moment.  I had that chapter on repeat!  It had everything!  The sheer awe of everyone in the cave with their mouths agape watching our good sis snatch that sword out of the stone, her switching to sinister employing battle tactics and throwing fire like Megan throws ass, Martin Davis curling into himself and fleeing after telling her essentially she was not worthy!  I am a sucker for deep reverence so at the end, when Sel was the first to kneel at the feet of this amazing, dynamic, black girl…I could have never imagined such a thing in all my years.  This scene was written beautifully and was so satisfying considering all that our Bree had gone through in book one.  It was a huge middle finger to all of the stuffy Order bigots that pined over their blood and lineage when in truth, all they have and represent was built on the backs of those whose blood is baked into the soil.  Black Folk. Those whose souls are as rich and complex as the truth history keeps trying to bury.
What are some of your top Bree moments?  Let me know in the comments or give your good sis a reblog. 
Happy Black History Month Y'all!
P.S. - Did you know there is a Black History Wales????
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skylarsblue · 2 years
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✦Wanderer's New Name✦
(SPOILER WARNING!  - In 3.3, we will apparently have the option to rename Scaramouche. He can’t be named what he’s had before; ie Scaramouche, wanderer, balladeer, etc. I overthink names usually so I made a list. I got these all from various sights with minimal fact-checking, so if these aren’t right, correct me.)
Aoi: Blueish green Arata: Fresh or new (Also, ARA, heh) Asahi: Morning sun, rising sun Asuka: Fly, bird, tomorrow Fujin: God of Wind (He wishes) Haruto: Soar or fly Hayate: Sudden & powerful sound of the wind Ichiro: One son Itsuki: Independence Kuragari: Darkness (Also sounds a bit like Kairagi, the enemy in Inazuma) Mokusei: Moon, Jupiter Osamu: Discipline, study, logic Riku: "Wise sky" Ronin: Drifter or Wanderer Ruka: Bright blue flower, spiritual Samuru: "His name is God" Shion: Aster (Like the flower) Shusuke: "One who learns to meditate" Soma: "Sudden sound of the wind" Takahashi: Bridge (Like bridging a gap) Takehiko: Prince, bamboo, military, martial Tsukiya: "One who resembles the white moon" Tsukiyomi: God of the moon Wakusei: Planet (He drops a fuckin' planet on us)
✧Celestia - Khaenri'ah✧
Aella: Storm wind, whirlwind Alto: High (He flies and also that vocal range bro) Amadeus; Lover of God (Irony) Ambrose: Immortal Aurelius: "The Golden One" Brutus: Heavy, dull, a brute Cassian/Cassius: Hollow (Does he have organs??) Coretin: Hurricane Lucian: Light Lucifer: Light-bearer (Demon names count, yeah? Or is this an angel name?) Notus: South wind Selwyn: Manor friend Silas: One who is prayed for, of the forest Thelonius: Lord Titus: Title of honor Valerius: Strength, health Vesper: Evening star Vito: Alive, life
Aahad: Unity, oneness, harmony Aalam: World, the universe Ali: Elevated, prominent, superior (He probably thinks so) Amir: A born prince Atum: Completion, totality Barak: Lightning Baran: Thunderstorm Buruj: A name for the signs of Zodiac Cyril: Lord Daboor: Soothing morning breeze Daiam: Everlasting, permanent (ETERNITY) Dajjal: To worship Dansith: Full of wisdom Dewen: He who brings water Enlil: Wind Mazin: Rain-bearing clouds Osiris: Mighty eyes Saladin: Righteousness of religion Sokar: Adored one Xerxes: Ruler over heros
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leifysprout · 1 year
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Demon Selwyn Kane 😈
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martiwikiwi · 4 months
I've been wanting to do this for a long time so not even sorry.
Dark fantasy. Hagan knows the Church of Twilight has never been a safe space for him but after so many years serving faithfully the church, how is he supposed to escape from his past and start anew? All he knows is killing demons. Queer stuff: Hagan is sex-repulsed biromantic asexual and will talk about asexuality now and then. Chorus is his aromantic hetero bestie and there are two more queer characters to join the party yet. Free on Comicfury. On hiatus until 12th June.
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Comedy. Short comic about a group of queer friends trying to solve the mystery of the missing queer books in the public library. Queer stuff: Selwyn is your monster fucker bisexual. Moon, also bi, asked him out like 5 times and got rejected every time. They are now besties. Beltane is super gay for Moon. Available on my Ko-fi in digital.
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Fantasy slice of life. A compilation of four short comics about prince Fireopal and their queer family. Queer stuff: Everything. Look at them. Their mere existence is a threat to the system. Available on my Ko-fi in digital and printed.
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[2021] ELLIS
Urban fantasy. A queerplatonic romance between a demisexual non-binary werewolf and a bisexual human who find themselves in an awkward situation when they both have a crush on the same unknown student. Queer stuff: Demi enby will think very hard of how is the romance they want only to conclude amatonormativity sucks so they'll make their own rules. In the meanwhile, bi boy will cry and paint a horrible oil painting of some flowers before becoming the best friend ever. Currently saving money for printing. You can read it for free on Comicfury.
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Older stuff under the cut!
Fantasy. A boy's love story of three lonely souls looking for a family. Queer stuff: One prince gay, his lil bi bro and his future bi husband. Available on my Ko-fi in digital and printed.
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Dark fantasy. A young cleric is devoted to fighting the system of a world ruled by violence and fear. There will be a lot of menstrual blood. Queer stuff: This is the most aromantic stuff you'll ever read because the main character couldn't care less about that shit. Also, both other characters are bisexual af. Free on Comicfury.
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Fantasy. A story of a silly sorcerer and a sad cleric made during a certain drawing challenge that took place in October 2019. Queer stuff: The silly sorcerer is very bisexual and the sad cleric super gay. They'll go friends to enemies to lovers. Available on my Ko-fi in digital.
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Dark fantasy. A story of a very unlucky child who tries his best to repair his own mistakes, but it means he will have to break the promise he made to his best friend. Queer stuff: This child is so trans they even transform into a werewolf. 70 pages free on Tumblr. Full comic on Ko-fi.
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NOT ENOUGH? Well, here you have an archive with all the short comics I've been posting on Tumblr since 2015. You'll find from watercolour and ink tests to ideas I have for longer projects and short queer comics I made for pleasure but also rejected scripts from anthologies. Also fan comics and comics that did make it to anthologies.
Finally, all my comic work together in a post. Happy Pride!
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Do think sel is jealous of valec
im hella late in answering anon this is in my drafts for like days and i forgot this one was asked I'm so sorryyy and i also don't have my tablet rn so i cant ss the specific parts but nvm imma just quote them
oh absolutely haha he's hella hella jealous and I've got proofs
so the main one where sel alsolutely is jealous
Sel shakes his head. “Don’t listen to him, Briana. He’s trying to convince you he has use here. He’s made up some reason to give you information, hoping it’ll turn into a debt you owe him.” Valec’s had enough. “You getting close to the edge again, kingsmage? Jumping to the worst-case scenario first. Assuming I want to tie Bree to me beyond the bounds of this conversation. Keep her for myself?” “Don’t you?” “Well,” Valec considers, smiling with not a small amount of fang. “Yes.” A minute tilt of Sel’s chin. “Watch yourself.” Valec’s smirk blooms wide. “The difference between you and me, Kane, is that I am a transparent sort, who’s happy to say out loud all that I desire.” Brown eyes flicker to red and back. “You want the same, you just can’t come out and say it. Not really.” Sel’s answer is a stunned silence. William flushes pink, and Alice looks downright disgusted.
i would also love to point out that sel was silent but William blushed. now i am so so so sure that their talk in the car on their way to volition?? bro i wanna know what they talked about because William sure as hell knows what sel and bree have going on, he definitely does. he's gonna be the kenji here i swear.
also, the balcony scene yall asdfghjkl like who's gonna say he's not jealous he is two steps away from killing valec whenever he says shit like that lmaooo
"Merlin's thoughts were harder and sharper than my own. Vicious in their clarity." Sel grimaces. "I wonder if it is because, unlike me, he was a half-human, half-demon... just like-" "Just like Valec." The tension in Sel's jaw tells me that my guess is right. Nick looks between us. "Who's Valec?" Sel's expression sours. "A rogue cambion and demon power broker with Rootcrafter ties." Nick's brow furrows. "Is he after Bree?" "Depends on how you define 'after'," Sel drawls. "Valec isn't trying to kill me," I clarify for Nick. "So that's refreshing." Sel snorts. "Valec flirts with you enough that it might kill me." Nick's eyes widen. "A demon power broker flirts with you?" He turns to Sel. "Who does this guy think he is?" "I can handle Valec," I say, rolling my eyes. "He is half demon, and apparently the balance makes him at peace with his demon side."
also the fact that nick said nothing about selwyn's feelings about someone flirting with bree. idk if this is poly confirmation or the fact that nick's plan includes him going somewhere and leaving bree and sel together but yall this is hilarious
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massiveladycat · 3 months
my thoughts about all legendborn series characters: Brianna Matthews: smart, stubborn in legendborn. obnoxious in bloodmarked. i also don't understand why almost every male in this book loves her,,, also we're yelling at our ancestors now??? we're pulling their souls up to a PLANTATION to yell at them??? the fuck??? Nick Davis: i personally love him Selwyn Kane: i was really confused because i'd heard from the community that he'd 'grow on me' and i'd 'love him' but,,,, all i thought was that he was a massive dick,,, then again i've always hated the 'hot and cold' trope and also the 'misunderstood bad boy' trope and the 'forgetting everything he did to you because he called you beautiful!!' also i'm personally not going to be forgetting valec exposing sel for mesmering bree because doesnt he KNOW of her trauma with mesmer?? doesnt he KNOW that she's traumatized when it comes to mesmer because it was used to take her mother from her in every way?? im ALSO never gonna forget how many times selwyn made genuine attempts on bree's life and wanted to send her to the regents to be experimented on but apparently nick telling selwyn to stay away from bree is WORSE... Alice Chen: i liked her! didn't love her, but i liked her in both books Valechaz: something gives me the book ick because the first black boy we ever meet in this series and get to know ends up being 205 and pedophile (the immortal x teenager trope is NOT it). it'd be cool if we could get more reoccuring black characters in this book because i'm not too sure if you can claim this book to be a black fantasy when we don't even know many black characters AND get to know them well. then again, thats just my opinion, feel free to feel differently!! William: i loved loved him in legendborn. in bloodmarked, it felt like he was the NPC you'd go to for information and then go out and kill like 15 demons for some type of potion. had to sit through two pages at least of william explaining shit to bree. i kept hoping he'd gain some of his personality back. he didn't. anyways. just to clarify before my ass is dragged out and publicly executed, i still love these books but i have to point some things out because i'm honestly thinking that tracy can do better and it'd probably do her some good to hear some solid criticism!! then again, i'm not that good at reviewing, probably would want to check goodreads for reviews
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Ok but theres TWO characters, TWO CHARACTERS, who give me the same fucking vibe.
Damian Wayne and Selwyn Kane
They both were forced into the roles of soldier/Bodyguard/Assasin/vigilante at a young age, and sure you can argue for damian that it was bound to happen or else he would have risked himself and he already raised as an assasin, same with selwyn, If he wasnt oathed to nick he would have transformed into a full demon he didnt really get a choice and he ddint want to loose his humanity.
-Both forced into roles that no chikd should be put through, highly dangerous and/or with high manipulation and torture
-Both didn't get a choice even if they "had " to choose. Damian was already soon of the Bat and he was already raised a ninja, groomed to be heir of both. Selwyn the son of a merlin who since his birth was groomed to become the Kingsmage, who as a child got sent to live with this Family and tasked to protect A community of die/loose his humanity.
-Both have deep trauma and self-loathing.
Like, Damian feels the guilt over the deaths on his shoulders fron when he was a child assasin, thats very deep guilt, mixed with his families treatment him,(not all bad but they could do better), he has very self sacrificial tendencies seeing himself as expendable and preferring others lifes over his own (In a very concerning level of suicidal ideation).
Sel has a similar deal, he deals with a lot of pain and grief from how he treated Bree to his mother abandoning him mixed with the regents and legenborns abuse of him, that and he feeks pain and doesnt show it and he makes choices and sacrifices himself especially due to that guilt.
-Both got them mommy issues
We dont know that much about Sels mother apart from that she can resist turning and she was friends with brees mother, we have few glimpses of her but thats it. We know this, Sel feels deep grief and pain over loosing her, he also is upset that she didn't come back for him, and angry on her behalf cause he can and cant justify her actions.
we have more information about damians mom and we know she loved him and its mutual, but Damian did get dropped off at his father after years, they didnt even meet until certain age for Damian, Damian was also trained since birth and he loves his mom, he cant condone her actions, he cant justify them and it pains him because its still his mom.
-They both are Dry humoured Emotionally constipated Teenager emos.
BOTH their characters are very angsty and dramatic but have a sense of dry humour and comedy.
Like Sometimes its cruel due to being defensive and sometimes its funny saracasm or something just makes them so done. Like Sel after bree told him to say something and he did exactly that, or the jokes they have,same with damian, Like the joke about the crowbar to jason in robin 2021, there he was defensive and trying to get the rise out of someone but it was dry cruel humour, very funny and also their humour is a mix of angst and "Try me bitch" so they will say espontaneous shit thats funny or obvious sarcasm mixed with the joke of "I need therapy" Because thats their mindset (And no Damian wayne is not the feral eight year old brat that cant ever laugh that some people think he is,he is a teenager and has developed well through the comics)
-They are self aware as fuck and idiots.
They can probably go on and say the most concerning shit about their childhood like being raised as an assasin or taken as a child. Selwyn joked about trying to help bree when she needs Just a much therapy than him or even more, and then he jokes saying no one needs more therapy than him, and then theres damian talking/Thinking about his childhood and sometimes realizing how messed up it was, or how it upset him to do certain things.
-They both are dramtic as shit and speak with a fancy air.
Like holy shit (I do too but i read too much) the calling people Full names or fancy titles miced with spite, or the way they speak bejng all "Thine thou shant" dramatic, or how damian Would give a speech to jason to electrocute him dramatically or Sel just being sel edgy.
Anyways theres a lot of similarities and differences but this characters are literally same.
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crissaeatscake · 1 year
Legendborn X Spider-Verse
Calling by Metro Boomin from the Across the Spider-Verse soundtrack is SO Selwyn Kane and Bree Matthews from Sel's perspective, and here's a bit of a dissection
Just to save you, I'd give all of me (Yeah)
I can hear you screamin' out, callin' me (Callin' me)
It's my fault, made you fall for me (Fall)
So to save you, I'd give my all (All)
Just to save you, I'd give all of me (All of me)
I can hear you screamin' out, callin' me (Callin' me)
It's my fault, made you fall for me (Fall for me)
So to save you, I'd give my all (All)
He always comes when she needs him AND he literally gave her his all by sacrificing his humanity for her😭. He also kinda did intentionally make her fall for him let's be real it's the part sex demon in him
You fell for me, I count on you when times are tough
Instead of holdin' you down, I should lift you up
It hurts me when you start to see my flaws (My flaws)
But just to save you, I'd risk it all (All)
I mean he literally hid his biggest flaw from her with mesmer out of shame and he was also fully aware that she had feelings for him
When I ran into you, I didn't plan on fallin' in love
Always there to wipe your tears, I hate to see you cry
If you tell me to jump, I'll ask you, "How high?"
I mean since he thought she was a demon he obviously didn't plan on falling for her, and now he'd do anything for her
I know sometimes it be hard for me to tell the truth
But I go through any obstacle to get to you
I'm not materialistic, but I got a thing for you
Treat the world like my guitar, I'm pullin' strings for you
We literally see how hard it is for him to tell her his truth. We already know he'd go through any obstacle for her. Also he's a violin player and violin and guitar both have strings
I know you can't stand me
Do I even need to explain I mean she can't half the time
If I don't speak to nobody, I'm sorry
And I'll save you if you can't save yourself
Hold on, let me catch my breath
Need a hero? I'm the last one left
He doesn't really speak to anyone unless it's a necessity. And the last three lines are literally that scene where she's ripped open by a demon and he's stitching her back together🤧 (also he's never out of breath except for in that scene because of her root)
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