#semisweet blood
hazardsoflove · 1 year
thinking about how soon i’m gonna have matching tattoos w my best friend of lyrics from my favorite fob song. whoa
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vecnuthy · 9 months
winner winner ☕️🍫
A cute little pre-steddie holiday-themed cooking competition with a hint of ronance | wc: 999 | G | cw: food | late entry for @steddieholidaydrabbles day 6: cooking together |
"Look, it's not my fault you're gonna lose," Eddie said slyly, his chin rested on the palm of his hand.
Steve narrowed his eyes, very much ignoring Eddie's own brown eyes as they practically danced with mischief, freaking glittered with a challenge. Or maybe that was just the reflection of Christmas lights that Robin had hung up along each door frame in the Harrington house.
One of the many things that Steve had come to learn about Eddie was that he was competitive. Being a dungeon master should've been enough of an indicator, but as Eddie had become more a part of the crew, his competitiveness had become more evident. Unfortunately for Steve, the younger guy found them all -- from the shopping cart races to the surprise water gun fight -- really fucking endearing.
Even now -- especially now, as Eddie smirked up at him, smelling the proverbial blood in the water.
Or maybe "cream in the coco" would be more fitting, because the two of them were about to go head to head in the next installment of the most fearsome, epic, insane competition of the season: the Hot Chocolate War.
Many a competitor had been eliminated, thanks to the swift but fair judgment of one Nancy Wheeler. Dustin had lost to Lucas because the cinnamon had been too strong. Max had triumphed over Robin because of the peanut butter pretzel stirrer. But Steve had beaten Max because of a chocolate-covered strawberry, and Eddie had managed to barely scrape by El (who had beaten Will) with a dollop of cheesecake cream and crushed snickerdoodle.
This competition was fierce and elaborate. Steve's kitchen was covered in candies, different types of chocolate, milks, fruits, cookies -- anything and everything that could possibly pair well with chocolate was available.
This was war, and it just happened to be the final battle: Eddie vs Steve.
"It's not gonna be your fault, huh?" Steve asked, leading to Eddie shaking his head, eyes still glittering in a way that made Steve's stomach swoop. "Did you bribe the judge or something?"
"Might've tried to," he shrugged without a shred of remorse.
"I'm unshakeable," Nancy said proudly as she got resituated on her chair with the kids milling around behind her.
"But I have a plan," Eddie winked. "You'll see."
Steve hummed like a skeptic, unable to keep a smile from forming, which made Eddie's grow even larger. But Steve was competitive, too, and he had the advantage of having dated the judge once upon a time. He had a plan, too.
Then they set off.
The competition was simple, the winner determined by presentation and taste.
They both used the stove, opting to do it from scratch. Steve used whole milk, whereas Eddie used regular with half n half. The space was cramped as they both stirred a blend of chocolates into the simmering liquid.
"White chocolate with dark?" Eddie asked as he added semisweet and milk chocolates to his.
"Little bit of creamy sweet to counter the bitter," Steve said as he stirred.
"Oh, yes. Quite right. Of course," Eddie muttered with feigned impress before he playfully bumped into Steve's hip.
"You ass," Steve laughed, bumping him back before pulling his pot off the stove to whisk it vigorously.
They then set to work on assembly, their creations blocked from the other's view behind leftover pizza boxes, and then a handful of minutes later, the two presented their entries one at a time.
Steve's was gloriously rich with the whole milk, dark chocolate, and milk chocolate combo, and the half-melted candycane sticking out of it gave it a minty kick. The whipped cream was fresh and also minty, and the green sugar sprinkles on top made it all glitter like an ornament. He was confident. Mint was Nancy's favorite chocolate combination, as were the York peppermint patties straddling the rim of the mug. Nancy smiled brightly at it, bolstering Steve's confidence. He caught the knowing look Robin shot him, then smiled at the dreamy look her face melted back into when her gaze settled back onto Nancy.
And then Eddie revealed his, and Steve's stomach sank. "Oh, come on!" he whined as Nancy started to say, "Oh--"
Because Eddie's...
"--my god."
...made her and everybody else cackle.
A layer of peanut butter and cheesecake mixture supported vertical pretzel sticks topped with more of the mixture, to which coconut pieces clung, creating an edible forest. The mug held a molten helping of milk and semi-sweet hot chocolate, adorned by a piece of broken chocolate chip cookie that had a dot of cheesecake and snowy whipped cream on it to anchor a red gummy bear wearing a caramel chip for a hat. Caramel drizzle crisscrossed the cookieless part of the mug, and more gummy bears were stuck to the side, too, as if they were climbing.
Eddie twisted happily with his hands clasped behind him as he drank in the laughter and calls of it being "sick" and "awesome" and "bitchin."
"Did you top that with salt?" Nancy asked him after she took a sip.
"Sure did," Eddie grinned directly at Steve.
"That's amazing," she praised, using a spoon to eat a piece of the cookie with the hot chocolate.
Eddie mouthed "amazing" at Steve, then winked. Steve just shook his head with a grin, wanting nothing more than to tackle the idiot and squeeze him until he popped.
"Sorry, Steve," Nancy said with big apologetic blue eyes. "You know how much I love mint and chocolate, but Eddie wo--"
Eddie didn't even wait for her to completely say it before he whooped loudly and pressed a loud "MWAH" to Nancy's hair.
"Now you get to make it for everybody," she continued.
Eddie's face fell, his eyes big and pleading and pointed right at Steve.
"Them's the rules," Steve and a Robin said at the same time as the kids dug into the pretzel trees.
"I'll help you out, though," Steve winked, bringing the glitter back to Eddie's eyes.
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naviculariis · 3 months
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"We look at mountains and call them eternal, and so they seem... but in the course of time, mountains rise and fall, rivers change their courses, stars fall from the sky, and great cities sink beneath the sea. Even gods die, we think." -Maester Luwin, A Song of Ice and Fire
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Crocodile, known as تمساح [ Timsah ], is the God of the Desert. He is also the god of sandstorms, disorder, warfare, eclipses, and earthquakes. Offerings must be presented upon a sand-laden area, and are preferably: clove, red meat ( uncooked ), bread, tomatoes, or black coffee / coffee beans. In terms of appearance, he appears as a towering figure, with a scar akin to crocodile teeth across the center of his face, over the bridge of his nose. Legend has it that it was given to him in a fight against an Old God, in which he lost his left hand. It is replaced by a solid gold hook, which is used to pierce the souls of lost travelers. If they survive- he grants them permission to traverse the desert, oftentimes pointing them in the right direction. If they fail, he keeps them, adding to the ever growing army of lost souls.
*It should be noted that the tales speak of a Demigoddess, Princess Vivi Nefertari, being one of the few to survive not only having her soul pierced, but also returning to the Mortal World.
Colors associated with him: Gold, Emerald, Umber, Ruby Crystals / Rocks / Gemstones: Gold, Emerald, Ruby, Opal, Hematite, Diamond
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Robin, known as ज्ञान [ Gyaan ], is the Goddess of Knowledge, Wisdom, Learning, and Arts ( often music or dance ), as well as being the balance for Chaos. Sometimes prayed to has a Goddess of War, Robin has also been known as ज्ञान जंगी [ Gyaan Jangee ]. Offerings for her are: Lotus flowers, casablanca, sandwiches, semisweet cakes, coffee beans / black coffee. Her animal equivalent is a crane. With regards to her physical appearance, she appears as a tall woman with shoulder length straight black hair, and blunt bangs that sit across her forehead. She bears four arms ( or sometimes six, depending on the depiction ), and is often draped in rich purple silks and fabrics. She bears a scar upon her sternum, given to her by Timsah during a fight- in which she left his side, betraying him. There is whisper that Timsah is the chaos to which Gyaan balances with order.
Colors associated with her: Royal purple, Turquoise, Gold, Black Crystals / Rocks / Gemstones: Amethyst, Obsidian, Selenite, Turquoise, Tourmaline
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Dracule, known by the epithet of γεράκι [ Geráki, Hawkeye ], is the God of Bloodshed and Quick Deaths. Oftentimes prayed to by soldiers entering battle, he has also been given the title of Άρεια [ Warlike ]. Offerings given to him are: Red wine [ wet or dry ], red meat, freshly spilled blood from the owner of said blood, peppercorn, butternut squash, apple, and pomegranate. Gold can also be offered, but is not seen as a main offering. His appearance is of a man of relatively normal stature, with jet black hair upon his head, and a black beard. His eyes are golden and ringed, often smeared with a dark sort of shadow. His clothing changes depending on where he is summoned for War; a knight's coat of armor in black, draping robes of red and onyx, etc. However, he is most often depicted as holding a large broadsword named Yoru, and wearing a black coat with no shirt beneath, paired with equally black trousers. The lack of armor shows the inability to be killed, for he bears no scars upon his form.
Colors associated with him: Maroon, Onyx, Sage green, Silver Crystals / Rocks / Gemstones: Onyx, Garnet, Agate, Bloodstone
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
May 2007
May 4, 2007
ryan ross lives in my house right now.
had a falling out with myself.
we just dont speak so much anymore.
theres nobody carrying weight.
nobody with hART and sole.
im sick but theres no hospital to fix this kind of thing.
i day dream at night.
i call em all in the air.
sometimes i get it right.
the things i keep inside are worth double the ones anyone knows about.
almost caught a break, but im pretty sure it was a bad throw.
youre always getting caught, so am i.
i guess we are into the same kind of things.
posted by xo at 7:35 PM
May 6, 2007
i like blowing out other peoples birthday candles and stealing their wishes.
days inn- kind of has a different meaning when its days INside my head.
shut my eyes to keep the world out.
who have you become vs. who you are supposed to be.
been shittalking so much with people who are asleep on the inside.
their veins are pumping blood but their hearts just arent in it.
they blow over legal limits and their organs have put in their two weeks notice.
sometimes i write to keep the world out.
but most of the time i write to keep my world inside.
you have no idea what i do while you sleep.
im having a 2/3rd life crisis.
i got boring.
somewhere along the way.
where the wild things are turned into where the wilde things are.
i have played russian roulette exactly once in my life.
it was the single worst thing i have ever done in my life.
it doesnt matter what the proportions are on the girl to my direct right.
or the way her heart flutters faster than a hummingbird.
just the way she looks at me sometimes.
everything about me hangs on that....
on another note, sometimes the best nights all rest on winds and conversations you have in them.
posted by xo at 6:31 PM
May 10, 2007
“fucking nuts.”
i dont care where our heads lie,
as long as yours is close to mine.
posted by xo at 3:46 AM
May 12, 2007
"i can hardly stand living but im afraid to die"
semisweet shadows lit in backrooms
would taste if they were baked into you
lost in my head
my gut has always been my compass
but lately ive been heaving it into gutters
and toilets
sex on tile floors next to bathroom sinks
fuck to forget fuck to remember
you smell of a grove of trees my family drove past for years when i was younger
its like a fortune cookie i opened 17 years early
or a palm reader that was set like a backdated check to age 27
i wouldnt dare say these words aloud as i fear they would set off a chemical reaction within me or you
or that they would come across like a foreign language straining for meaning
i feel like i have snapped awake out of a coma like in a bad movie
i want to get under your skin and its not just a metaphor mostly
your eyelashes kiss off everything i say except in the way that it only makes me dream
informercial love affair
you hair tipped blonde crashing on black roots
or at least thats the plan
if there ever is one
its like science but one i dont understand
turned in my badge and gun as far as anyone ever understanding me is concerned.
i like standing in the rain.
i like showing up late.
i like going home early.
i like having a short fuse.
i like the madness.
i am in love with it.
the shows have made me realize that there is no other reason for me to be on this planet besides connecting with you.
thank you for that.
you have never let me down.
i am magnetized to everything you do.
and you is you who is reading this.
you are concrete and boomerangs and everything i can count on.
thank you for that.
when my back feels like breaking. or my stomch feels like heav ing or my eyes feel like raining i will think of that.
remember this is real.
even when your head is spinning and your heart is fluttering.
we are on the inside.
the cage spins the bird free.
dont for a second think i have forgotten you or the way you make me smile on gray days or in stormyh weather.
posted by xo at 11:19 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
fucking nuts.
i dont care where our heads lie,
as long as yours is close to mine.
posted by xo at 3:46 AM
May 13, 2007
“ground control to major tom…”
i can see that it kind of makes em sick in the pits of their stomachs when i smile.
or when i dont smile.
like they want it to impact but be forgotten.
im not sure you know how i was strung out but on something else.
how someone made you heavier and lighter all at once.
chaos in a wink of the eye.
and how its brushed off by something beyond it- that only speaks in whispers in crowded rooms- who only speaks of backyards and dog days. who only wants to drive south. who you wouldnt believe if i told you.
what if i said its all in reverse-
the things that broke me down years ago are just a shrug now.
a thumb and two fingers in.
i feel like a penny turned up the wrong way.
put me in the bowl in front of the register anyway.
let me change someones day.
posted by xo at 11:17 PM
May 17, 2007
if my conscience is a cricket then my heart is a wasp.
posted by xo at 12:20 AM
May 17, 2007
“semisweet shadows lit in backrooms”
would taste if they were baked into you
lost in my head
my gut has always been my compass
but lately ive been heaving it into gutters
and toilets
sex on tile floors next to bathroom sinks
fuck to forget fuck to remember
you smell of a grove of trees my family drove past for years when i was younger
its like a fortune cookie i opened 17 years early
or a palm reader that was set like a backdated check to age 27
i wouldnt dare say these words aloud as i fear they would set off a chemical reaction within me or you
or that they would come across like a foreign language straining for meaning
i feel like i have snapped awake out of a coma like in a bad movie
i want to get under your skin and its not just a metaphor mostly
your eyelashes kiss off everything i say except in the way that it only makes me dream
informercial love affair
you hair tipped blonde crashing on black roots
or at least thats the plan
if there ever is one
its like science but one i dont understand
turned in my badge and gun as far as anyone ever understanding me is concerned.
i like standing in the rain.
i like showing up late.
i like going home early.
i like having a short fuse.
i like the madness.
i am in love with it.
the shows have made me realize that there is no other reason for me to be on this planet besides connecting with you.
thank you for that.
you have never let me down.
i am magnetized to everything you do.
and you is you who is reading this.
you are concrete and boomerangs and everything i can count on.
thank you for that.
when my back feels like breaking. or my stomch feels like heav ing or my eyes feel like raining i will think of that.
remember this is real.
even when your head is spinning and your heart is fluttering.
we are on the inside.
the cage spins the bird free.
dont for a second think i have forgotten you or the way you make me smile on gray days or in stormyh weather.
god been thinking. its been awhile since ive done that.
except for "here and there"s
sick of all the speculation.
this means that, that means this.
this is really the only place i can speak to anyone without people in glass towers watching me.
so thank you for that.
id do anything to keep this going forever.
even in my head when i wanted to be blown off this fucking planet i still hoped that little blue record kept spinning in your room.
the reason you havent seen a video of fall out boy on fuse is because of corporate litigation.
the same reasons for half of what makes this all feel like its falling apart.
we only did cribs because we thought it was funny. hopefully you are in on the joke. we rented fake cars, like ferraris and just goofed around the whole time.
didnt even know how to open the doors.
not sure if our sense of humor is gonna come across or whether it will be mtvified.
my best friend is a dog.
sometimes i miss being down all the time like it was a close friend that moved away.
but sometimes the inside of my head and my heart and my stomach all meet up into this wretched combination.
i just want to let myself be happy.
id give anything to not give up on this.
take care. sleep safe. i will write more when it comes to me.
May 20, 2007
i actually know someone whos middle name is danger
a cayahoga falling out. class four class five. id still take em. letters all over printed on every piece of luggage ever. you think you found gold every single time. she is the call just before the street lights go out. she is the minute before the alarm goes off. slurring and purring just like and engine or a cat after hes had a fifth. sometimes i hope i dont wake up, sometimes im scared that i wont. its funny how that scale works. its like our lady of justice peeking under the blindfold. if i could keep you still long enough id slip a rope around your finger or maybe even a silver band. detox to retox. hope and hype are just a letter off. sometimes, i try and forget that.
posted by xo at 12:03 PM
May 24, 2007
10 years at sea for one day on shore.
"And I can deal with some psychic pain
If it'll slow down my higher brain
Veins full of disappearing ink
Vomiting in your kitchen sink"
i can kind of see this thing going a couple of different ways. the screen pressed close against the side of my face. ear to the speaker cause i have smashed all the others that project the songs inside this stupid box. my face this close to the keys, taunting me. "i can do whatever i want"s, "i can eat my dinner in a fancy restraunt"s. there is no semblance of meaning. ice cold blue lips, vocal chords and toungue in the back of my head with everything i wish i could say. the tip of the iceberg of a credit check on the emotionally bankrupt. curse phone service or rejoice in it depending on which end of the line we are on. looking for the last life jacket on this sinking ship called life. throw your "overdramatic"s out the window. throw your "old you"s in your fucking face. i get it it. i got it. i gut it. the sun sets and rises on the same old mood. the world has become a dangerous place to me- in my head and outside of it. cant seem to shake it. all roads lead back nowhere. the wilderness of the inside of your brain- which seems to drive your body whenever your heart or crotch is not at the helm. i feel like a slow motion replay of a crash that never happened. wanted to be an anthem not an away message. most of the time dont want to be anything at all. when you are alone is when you audit yourself. you become who you truly are. or arent. there arent any cliffs to throw yourself upon and theres no romance in just: me.
last year i made a list of songs to listen to in the dark when you are all alone. i figured i would do the same again:
donny hathaway "a song for you"
eliott smith " a fond farewell"
the chemical brothers "close your eyes"
damien rice "9 crimes"
beck "lost cause"
beth hart "leave the light on"
the smashing pumpkins "ava adore"
david bowie "space oddity"
iron and wine "such great heights"
stevie wonder "they wont go"
saves the day "hold"
bjork "hyperballad"
bright eyes "coat check dream song"
prince "nothing compares 2 u"
the supremes "where did our love go"
ben folds "the luckiest"
jeff buckley "hallelujah"
i said "i kind of wish i was a pirate"
and she replied "you pretty much are"
how could i not love that?
May 25, 2007
is either full of diet pills or shit.
and usually its both.
May 30, 2007
“what has this become?”
a question only countered in some monster movie madness.
sometimes spewed out just before the
signal down.
the wizard of oz in reverse.
from color to black and white.
i am completely obsessed with everyone who is completely unobsessed with me.
or sometimes with life.
and by life i dont mean heartbeats and breathing.
i mean 9 to fives and becoming the suburbs.
the complete fuck off of it all being that i am completely obsessed with backyards, christmas trees and lemonaid stands.
its like the northshore is my heaven, the valley is my golden gates.
excuse mne for nodding off.
always boring myself to death.
take a chill pill.
the story of my life
the unauthorized biography written by myself.
i dont even remember saying goodbye to you.
happiness is the sand in the sea.
its just a percentage of a percentage inside a body of water,
life is just a crocodile with a ticking clock inside of it chasing captain hook.
its just i havent figured out this graceful aging thing so well yet.
im sorry baby. my heart is clumsy. but i love you in a holding your hair back kind of way.
just wanna dip my toe into death to see if its a warm bath.
anytime anything breaks me open ever i just spit out a fortune.
if it means anything i spend my time with a bunch of people who ignore the vibrant sky and just look for the pot of gold at the end.
addicted to addiction.
curiosity killed the cat. but what the fuck did loyalty ever get the dog.
May 31, 2007
"i dont believe...." anymore.
i have no words.
posted by xo at 5:47 PM
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somevagrantchild · 1 year
Tagged by @hekateinhell! Thank youuu! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Since this is my VC sideblog, I'm only choosing from my VC fics 🦇 Not in any particular order:
A Bridge (1,200) Louis/Lestat Later Rue Royale era. During a lonely brooding walk, Louis unexpectedly meets an equally brooding Lestat on a bridge near the river. Set not long before their family starts falling apart, things are still good between them--but are they ever, really? Semisweet and angsty (my favorite flavor) I wrote this little fic while I was in the hospital waiting room while my mom was having surgery. It's one of my oldest stories, and the very first one I wrote entirely on my own (I usually co-write with friends), and I'm still proud of it, especially as it's more focused on Louis's POV (third person) and I'd previously only ever really written from Lestat's. I was in an artsy phase, and I wanted to focus on using bridge symbolism in a sort of opposite way from what might be expected.
The Center of it All (1,500) A few years after Queen of the Damned, Lestat is having an introspective night, remembering his time working on his first book and how differently he felt about Akasha before he actually met her. Cynical and self-effacing. This is my most underrated fic, and I wish more people would give it a chance! People don't click on it because it's not in any ship tags, and is really just a Lestat solo moment, though he does describe an old conversation with his TVL era lawyer, Christine. But it's another early work for me, and I wrote Lestat's internal monologue in first person, trying to capture his voice from the way he writes his own books, as well as being a bit meta about the way Anne write. I think I did a pretty good job, and wish this little fic would get some love!
Under the Stars (6,400) Louis/Lestat earlier Rue Royale era, set during regency times. A strange woman in their neighborhood has Louis concerned about the safety of their dark secret, but Lestat isn't taking his worries seriously. Classic Loustat repressed mutual pining with an adorable ending. I wrote this for a Secret Santa exchange, and the prompt was my giftee's headcanon that Lestat pretends to be Claudia's dead mother's brother, while Louis is her father, and that's how they get by with their neighbors not knowing they're gayyyy (and also vampires). I'd watched Bridgerton recently, and am pretty much always in the mood for a Regency Romance, so decided to set it in that era with some Jane Austen flair, focusing on Lestat's POV (third person) and how much he doesn't want to admit he's desperate for Louis's attention. The idea of them needing to trick the neighbors led me to the idea of, what if one saw through it?? But I took it in a sweet and humorous direction for some Christmas fluff (rare for me!) and this has since become my most popular solo fic on ao3 by far! Although it has pining, it's romantic and not so angsty for once from me.
The Bear in the Snow (4,100) Lestat & Armand. After Blood Communion ends, Lestat still isn't sure where he stands with Armand, and he's been stressing about it. On Christmas Eve, Armand gets Lestat to stalk him out into the snowy forest, where he tells a story from his own childhood in a subtle/manipulative (but in a good way) attempt to begin to bridge the rift between them. This was another Secret Santa gift, and the prompt from the giftee was a story about young Andrei having some soft time with his parents. I don't write Armand very often at all, but I was excited for the challenge--except writing a VC fic with no vampires?? I wound up coming up with the framing device and telling it from Lestat's POV (a cop out for me lol he's my default voice), but since the main story is Armand speaking aloud, telling a story about hunting bears with his father, a lot of it is his first person voice as well. Lestat and Armand's angsty obsessive frenemy dynamic is one of my absolute favorite parts of the entire series, but I'd never been brave enough to write any of it without a co-author before, so I'm really proud of how this one turned out.
The Hour Before Dawn (6,400) Louis/Armand set when their relationship is falling apart, shortly before Louis goes to see Lestat in the crumbling house in New Orleans (so early 1970s according to IWTV or 1920s according to TVL) Louis has been growing even more distant, and Armand is desperate to keep him. When Louis returns home to their apartment in New York after some unexpected days away, Armand resorts to playing his trump card. Of all my old co-written fics from years ago, this one still really sticks with me. It was my very first time writing Armand, and dark, desperate, needy Armand, at that. It's third person, but more omniscient than from either of their POV's in particular. My prose focus was on extreme subtlety and only hinting at Armand's true feelings and motivations through physical actions and his word choices (and lack thereof), leaving a lot between the lines for the reader to pick up on only from external clues. Kind of the opposite of my co-written stories now, which are all extremely internal-heavy, where you read every single little thought and feeling going on with every character (and that's why they're millions of words long 😆). This one is sparse and mysterious and soso bittersweet and angsty 😋
I think all my VC pals have been tagged already, so branching out of the fandom and tagging @gaslightgallows @les-gnossiennes-fantomatiques @nellachronism
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burdened-android · 8 months
Black (clothes, eyes, hair, nails, lips, blood)
Gray (skin)
Gold (jewelry, accessories)
Chocolate, dark, milk and semisweet
Heels. We'd all like to be a little taller. Arma can run, drive, and allegedly even skateboard in heels; her sense of balance is unnaturally good, and the unstable qualities of her stilettos hardly slow her down.
The giant fur coat. Chinchilla: a gray, soft, luxurious fur for a gray, soft, luxurious person. Don't worry, though, it's faux.
Her black star necklace. Charlemagne made it for her, and it never leaves her neck.
Sunglasses. Arma's huge, black eyes are naturally extremely sensitive, and she never leaves the house without her thick, darkly-tinted shades. If you think its hard to tell if she's watching you without them, wait till her eyes are entirely obscured.
A car full of plushies. Driving in dense, LA traffic is stressful. She needs her buddies for moral support. If you're in traffic and see Arma talking to the giant green Squishmallow in her passenger seat, no you didn't.
Mr. C. Mr. C is another plushie, though he stays in Arma's house. He is a white and red teddy with one eye, and must be present when she watches scary movies.
A refreshing beverage. Hydrate or die-drate. Arma always has a bottle of water handy.
Candy. Arma loves sweets, especially chocolate. She does appreciate the longevity and portability of hard candy, though, like suckers and mints. She will take this to the grave, but Arma occasionally indulges in a Werther's Original.
Standing completely still. Arma can stand remarkably still, to the point where it looks like she isn't breathing, or even alive. She can also sleep standing up, and with her eyes wide open. However, she prefers a bed, and a comfy pair of pajamas.
Power stance. In addition to her aforementioned high heels and giant coat, Arma's posture is very confident and assertive. She doesn't necessarily look aggressive or hostile, but she stands with her head high, her back straight, and shoulders back.
Her motions. Arma's body moves with almost pneumatic precision, like a robotic arm assembling a car. It's like she's never had a stiff joint in her life. When Arma is distracted or upset by something, though, she does get clumsy, like we all do.
Voice. Arma's voice is enigmatic; it's low, raspy, and sultry. It sounds like she's right beside you, maybe even whispering in your ear, even if she is across the room. It's breathy, soothing, and maybe even a little androgynous.
Black and white movies (falling asleep during said movies)
Sleeping in late, calling off work, and staying in bed deep into the afternoon.
Being one of the only two people at the beach on a cloudy day.
Late night cafes in the rain.
Neon on wet streets.
This song.
tagged by :: @chronicparagon
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eootymade · 2 years
Nutritional Difference Between Dark Chocolate And White Chocolate
Chocolate candy is as diverse as the brands it sells. There are many stories to tell and often many choices regarding chocolate candy.
The World's Finest Chocolates are known for their nutritional content. You will find them in both dark and white chocolate presentations, depending on whether you are looking for Lindt Chocolates or Hershey chocolates,
White chocolate, higher in milk, has recently been promoted as a healthier option. This type of chocolate candy, however, isn't precisely what chocolate should be. Chocolate Factory Ooty
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that white chocolate can be a mixture of milk solids and butterfat, cocoa butter, and sugar. However, NO chocolate is allowed; instead, it will have a similar taste due to cocoa butter and sometimes artificial flavors.
White Hershey chocolate was first introduced in 2005. However, this is White Nestle chocolate. This chocolate is not due to its milk content but is sublime or vegetable fat. This product is often called confectionery or summer coating and has shallow nutritional values.
Lindt Chocolates also offers a white variety, and it is the same as Ghirardelli, but it is called baking chocolate. White chocolate can be used as a covering for desserts, cakes, and dark chocolate candy.
World's Finest Chocolates come in dark, semisweet, and bittersweet. The sensual taste of chocolate candy isn't just a reason to eat it; the nutritional benefits are also significant, including improved endothelial and platelet function. This can be linked to cardiovascular health.
Next time you're at the supermarket, grab a dark Hershey Chocolate and compare it with a white Nestle Chocolate. There will be differences in their ingredients, but you'll notice a more significant proportion of white chocolate fats. The cardiovascular benefits of dark chocolate remain controversial due to the risks associated with glucose and lipid. However, dark chocolate is high in body weight and has anti-oxidative properties that are good for the heart.
Recent research on the health benefits of dark chocolate flavonoids was linked to chocolate, and Lindt Chocolates are known to lower blood pressure. No matter what brand you prefer, balancing your calories with a 100-gram portion per day can help to improve your overall health.
Apples have been left out of the World's Finest Chocolates. Instead, we substitute the saying with the following phrase: "A Dark Chocolate A Day Keeps Doctor Away." This seems to be true.
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ootymadein · 2 years
Nutritional Difference Between Dark Chocolate And White Chocolate
Chocolate candy is as diverse as the brands it sells. There are many stories to tell. There are often many choices when it comes to chocolate candy.
World's Finest Chocolates are known for their nutritional content. You will find them in both dark and white chocolate presentation, depending on whether you are looking for Lindt Chocolates or Hershey chocolates, Nestle chocolates, Nestle chocolates, Ghirardelli chocolates, Nestle chocolates, Nestle chocolates, Lindt chocolates, or Nestle chocolates.
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White chocolate, which is higher in milk, has recently been promoted as a healthier option. This type of chocolate candy, however, isn't exactly what chocolate should be. Chocolate Factory Ooty
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), states that white chocolate can be a mixture of milk solids and butterfat, cocoa butter and sugar. However, NO chocolate is allowed. Instead, it will have a similar taste due to cocoa butter and sometimes artificial flavors.
White Hershey chocolate was first introduced in 2005. However, this is White Nestle chocolate. This chocolate is not due to its milk content but is sublime or vegetable fat. This product is often called confectionery or summer coating and has very low nutritional values.
Lindt Chocolates also offers a white variety. It is the same as Ghirardelli, but it is called baking chocolate. White chocolate can be used as a covering for desserts, cakes and dark chocolate candy.
World's Finest Chocolates come in dark, semisweet and bittersweet. The sensual taste of chocolate candy isn't just a reason to eat it, but the nutritional benefits are also significant, including improved endothelial function and platelet function. This can be linked to cardiovascular health.
Next time you're at the supermarket, grab a dark Hershey Chocolate and compare it with a white Nestle Chocolate. There will be differences in their ingredients but you'll notice a greater proportion of white chocolate fats. The cardiovascular benefits of dark chocolate remain controversial due to the risks associated with glucose and lipid. However, dark chocolate is high in body weight which has anti-oxidative properties that are good for the heart.
Recent research on the health benefits of dark chocolate flavonoids was linked to chocolate. Lindt Chocolates are known to lower blood pressure. No matter what brand you prefer, balancing your calories with a 100-gram portion per day can help to improve your overall health.
Apples have been left out of the World's Finest Chocolates. Instead, we substitute the saying with the following phrase: "A Dark Chocolate A Day Keeps Doctor Away". This seems to be true.
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King of My Heart
He's red.
Yes- red like blood, viscous and gushing uncontrollably out onto the floor, staining everything it touches. Red like laser beams locked onto still-beating hearts, like the way rage clouds your vision as your fists clench and shake with the need for violence. Red like magma, waiting and waiting for the right moment to explode and burn everything it touches.
He's also red like a cup of earl grey in the noonday sun. Red like carnival balloons swaying in the breeze, like roses heady with indulgent perfume, like raspberries fresh off the vine, semisweet and wild, red like a vintage mustang, engine purring deeply, ready to go at a moment's notice.
He's red, red like "I love you" whispered in the sacred space between where our lips meet. He's red, he's red, he's red.
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usuallydeepcoffee · 3 years
Chocolates as Steve Rogers pairings:
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Steve Rogers is like a box of chocolate: you never know what ship you’re gonna get (but they’re all good, in their own way). Here’s one for (almost) every ship, in honor of St. Valentine’s day:
STEVE/PEGGY: bittersweet chocolate, with finely chopped almonds. Crunchy and sweet, a staple of chocolate combos.
STEVE/SAM: 75% dark chocolate with hazelnuts. Healthy as well as delicious, lowers your blood pressure, ends your depression, buys you a house. LITERALLY LIFE-SAVING.
STEVE/BUCKY: milk chocolate and pistachio filling: sweet and like, the most obvious yet tasteful chocolate + nut combo.
STEVE/NAT: semisweet chocolate and caramel with salt flakes. It might sound like they’re polar opposites, but everything actually mixes together rather perfectly.
STEVE/THOR: white chocolate with coconut filling. Delicious, absolutely decadent, you feel guilty having too much of it, but it is so, so good.
STEVE/T’CHALLA: Dark chocolate (like 75% or above) with edible gold leaves in it. It’s not so much the taste but rather how beautiful it looks, isn’t it.
STEVE/LOKI: ruby chocolate with hazelnut and spiced raspberry. The ruby chocolate gives a nice, sweet-and-sour aftertaste. One word: fruity. 
STEVE/TONY: bittersweet chocolate with a liquor-and-cherry filling (or coffee filling, for non-drinkers). Peculiar, and if you don’t bite into it carefully you might end up making a mess and spilling the contents all over your nice shirt.
STEVE/RUMLOW: literally nutella. Not good for your health, not good for the environment but damn if sometimes you don’t just crave a whole jar.
STEVE/SERSI: chocolate truffle with champagne. Rare, absolutely hard to find, but definitely eye-catching, once you see them
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whattolearntoday · 3 years
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January 10th is...
Bittersweet Chocolate Day -   Studies have revealed that there are certain health benefits from eating bittersweet chocolate in moderation, such as lowering blood pressure and helping to protect the heart. The cacao tree seed has an intensely bitter taste and must be fermented to develop the flavor. Once the seeds have been fermented, the beans are then dried, cleaned, and roasted. After roasting, the shell is removed to produce cacao nibs. The cacao nibs are then ground into a cocoa mass which is pure chocolate in rough form.  Usually, the cocoa mass is liquefied then molded with or without other ingredients. This is called chocolate liquor. The chocolate liquor may then be processed into two components: cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Bittersweet chocolate is chocolate liquor to which sugar, cocoa butter, and vanilla have been added. It does have less sugar and more liquor than semisweet chocolate. 
Clean Off Your Desk Day -  This day is an opportunity to begin your new year with a clean and organized workspace. Whether your desk is in a private or shared office, cubicle, home or a make-shift desk on the counter, having your workspace uncluttered and organized will help you work more efficiently. A clean workspace improves productivity and inspires us, too.
Cut Your Energy Costs Day - Encourages consumers to explore their options and keep up with scheduled maintenance. Each year, the observance provides information designed to help homeowners and businesses to reduce energy costs and improve efficiency.
Oysters Rockefeller Day - In 1889 in the renowned kitchen of Antoine’s, Jules Alciatore developed a recipe for baked oysters on the half shell with sauce and bread crumbs that would earn the name Oysters Rockefeller.  A dish so rich Alciatore himself admitted, “…I know of no other name rich enough for their richness.” While other restaurants serve similar dishes, only historic Antoine’s (founded by Antoine Alciatore, Jules Alciatore’s father in 1840) serves the original Oysters Rockefeller. Others have tried to determine the finer ingredients without success. Only Antoine’s and the Alciatore family have the authentic recipe.
Peculiar People Day - Your chance to let your freak flag fly if you’re one of the peculiar ones. Don’t let anyone else tell you what is appropriate and normal, get out there and shake up the world with your amazing and unique personality. Remember, it’s always the peculiar ones who change the world, in ways subtle to overarching,
Save The Eagles Day - Reminds us of the majestic raptors that soar above the Earth – whether they are well populated or endangered. Due to the work of scientists and the public, the bald eagle was removed from this list in June 2007. Poaching, pesticides, and other dangers continue to threaten eagle populations.  Approximately 60 species of eagles populate the world. Most of the species are found in Eurasia and Africa. North, Central, and South America and Australia only account for about 14 species.
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puppyexpressions · 5 years
Here's Why Your Dog Definitely Shouldn't Eat Halloween Treats
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Every October 31, trick-or-treaters return home with pumpkin-shaped baskets overflowing with fun-sized Snickers bars, Runts, Sweetarts and the occasional (and unfortunate) mini package of raisins. But it’s not just kids who can make themselves sick on sweets — Halloween candy can be especially toxic to dogs.
Never share Halloween candy with your pet. What is delicious to us can be very harmful to your cat or dog.  The pile of sweets can be dangerously tempting to the family pet, so it’s important to keep it well out of paw’s reach and avoid problems down the road.
So what Halloween hazards should pet parents be most concerned about? Here are some of the top candies that can cause problems on the most spooky of nights:
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Most pet owners are already well aware that chocolate and dogs just don’t mix (unless we’re talking chocolate labs), but sometimes only a small piece can be cause for concern. Larger dogs can typically ingest more chocolate than smaller breeds without consequence — so a Great Dane may be able to eat a few Hershey’s Kisses without symptoms, while a Chihuahua will suffer immediately. (That still doesn’t mean any dog should do it!)
The type of chocolate can also influence a dog’s reaction. Chocolate contains methylxanthines (such as caffeine and theobromine), and dogs are much more sensitive to these than people are. Methylxanthines are found in all chocolates to varying degrees. White chocolate contains less than milk chocolate, while milk chocolate contains less than dark or semisweet chocolate. Dark and semisweet chocolate have the greatest probability of being harmful to your dog. 
If your dog manages to get into the candy basket, watch for signs of chocolate toxicity, such as gastrointestinal upset (vomiting, diarrhea), as well as increased heart and respiratory rates, muscle rigidity and, in certain serious cases, seizures, cardiac failure and coma.
No matter the amount of chocolate, it’s a good idea to call your emergency vet or the pet poison helpline immediately, and only attempt to treat or induce vomiting with explicit instructions from a professional.
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Candy corn and super sugary treats
Chocolate isn’t the only reason to keep Halloween candy well out of your pet’s reach. Rich, sugary snacks such as candy corn and caramels can cause serious stomach upset in pets.
Halloween and Thanksgiving are often a time to indulge in rich, fattening foods but it is best not to share these with your pets and instead keep them on their usual diets. These rich foods can result in pancreatitis, a painful inflammation of the pancreas that is manifested by vomiting and diarrhea.
This potentially fatal condition can take time to develop, so it may be between two and four days before your dog shows symptoms of sneaky candy consumption. Pet owners who notice their dog chowing down on the Hot Tamales should call their vet, and keep an eye out for any behavior out of the usual.
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Grapes and raisins (and Raisinets)
A neighbor may have good intentions handing out grapes or boxes of raisins to trick-or-treaters, but the fruit can be incredibly poisonous to dogs.
It can only take a small amount to produce critical results in pets, so any type of consumption should be treated as poisoning. If that same sweet tooth leads dogs to a bag of grapes or raisins, the situation can turn dire, and these items can cause kidney failure in dogs. Pet owners should watch for symptoms such as lethargy, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and severe kidney failure, and call a vet or poison helpline immediately.
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Sugar-free candy
Chances are, kids are not that excited about finding sugar-free gum among their booty, but dogs will not be so discerning. Candy with artificial sweetener xylitol can also be toxic to dogs. Signs of xylitol toxicity in dogs include decreased blood pressure, coordination loss and seizures.
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Candy wrappers
It’s not just what’s inside that counts — candy wrappers can also cause serious problems for pets when ingested. If a pup gobbles down the wrapper and all, the pesky plastic or tinfoil packaging can lead to intestinal obstructions, which may require X-rays and surgery to fix.
To avoid a costly and stressful trip to the vet this fall, it’s best to keep the candy in a safe, secure place where dogs can’t reach it.
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sethnicity · 5 years
It's 5am (Where is your freedom - Part 5)
It's 5 a.m.
He woke flat broke yet home is the Colosseum
Steps home of the red the white and
The blue blood gums
The music he strums
The suits he runs from
White is the hue
pigment looking down nostral
for him ain't nothing new
That blanche truth is his scrapmetal
that he could've never shine through
Red are the signs and taillights the view he's grown accustomed to
reminders that redemption and redistribution and rediscovery and redolance were for the few
All these colors faded from years of flying within his dome
Or could it have been hisstory of no home foster homes
Reality was a sortie freedom
Burned from birth like his skintone
His sister mister misters
For leaders with lapel flags
Beautiful semisweet mix of mom and dad
He Never knew her or
pursued her he was tumbling rags
Refuse of the state separated from mother
by Maga's mantrata moaning
wed to a country malnourished and smothered
with privlage and apathetic groaning
Her Freedom was killed on the beat
People partially fed took to the street
little changed other than headlines
And Freedom's child carried on his emotional gunny
Time passed and she married into money
Her brother couldn't even be mad
His freedom died before she was had
When Freedom had him tied down on concrete
Wandering street to seek shelter but can not sleep
Hearing his mother's dreams nightmare with Freedom on top of her
Left to wonder how Hate broke hope inside her at 5am on our side of the border
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mattness · 6 years
Space Dementia
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Here we go again)) Another chapter!  OTP: jenniwise Come to read this now! ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Chapter VI. New York was lit up by the sunset. The sky was painted in a beautiful orange color, merging with the horizon line. The view from the hotel window, which is located Jen on arrival in the city, was impressive. Now, every evening, thanks to the panoramic windows of the skyscraper, she, being here on an internship, could watch the sunrises and sunsets. And it was insanely inspiring.
Having settled down in hotel, the girl learned that tomorrow she needs to appear on a workplace at nine in the morning. Fortunately, it was only seven in the evening, and there was plenty of time to rest. So Jennifer, without thinking twice, called Tyra and arranged a meeting. A friend was supposed to arrive at the hotel in about half an hour. Jen went into the bathroom and looked at the reflection in the mirror, the flight took from her all power. Under the eyes lay light dark circles, which indicated how she needed a good night's sleep. In the mind again began to scroll to recent events, which don't give rest. Mysterious Robert Grey at the same time managed to repel and attract. Jen couldn't understand why he was stuck in the brain like a cancer tumor. He stuck down as if he meant something to her, but in fact it was not so. Peering into her own blue eyes, she didn't notice how the reflection slowly began to distort. The burning lamp above her head blinked, preparing to burn out. Suddenly Jen felt an unpleasant chill, strolled on the back. Heartbeat quickened, the blood pounding in her temples. Cold sweat erupted on her forehead from the mixed feelings that overwhelmed her right now. Like someone's about to stab her in the back. The girl raised her head to the blinking lamp, cursing softly. The light stopped blinking and she again turned her attention to her own reflection. Wright sighed, trying to bring breathing back to normal. But nothing turn out. Behind the right shoulder in the mirror suddenly appeared a recent acquaintance. He was smiling crazily, and his whole mouth was bloody. Jennifer screamed in horror, instantly turning around: in the place where he stood, nobody was there. "Fucking asshole!" Jen cursed, again having looked in a mirror and for back. There was no one in the bathroom. Having calmed down, Jennifer returned to the living room. She tried to get my thoughts in order and to understand the cause of the sudden hallucinations. Could she have going crazy talking to that idiot for a couple of hours? Maybe it's just fatigue. Because of the flights, strange things often happen. Jen continued to look for glitch in the mirror a rational explanation, eyes searching every corner of the room. Putting her hand to lips, she sat down on the sofa. Maybe a conversation with a friend will help her relax? Maybe as soon as she gets to work, a strange acquaintance will fly out of her head? Brunette very much wanted to hope for it. Something inside suggested that Grey would hardly dare call her back. Surely he has a lot to do in his own company, which he, of course, didn't tell. He so wanted to show themselves ordinary man, that in end overdid it. Jennifer smirked at her thoughts, taking with coffee table red bomper. The jacket was thrown as soon as the girl crossed the threshold of the room. She put her hand in left pocket and fished a snow-white card out of it. The number with the initials of the owner cast gold paint, literally screaming about the high financial position. Jen frowned, starting to consider a small piece of paper on all sides. But she couldn't concentrate. A sudden, persistent knock on the door made her shudder and wake up out of thinking. On the threshold of room was Tyra, which, starting from happiness, immediately began to hug her. Jennifer smiled, also enjoying the coming of a friend. "I'm brought us a bottle of red semisweet as you like", the girl murmured as she walked through the room and placed the grocery bag on the coffee table. "I'm took all for our get-togethers." "Thank you, Tyra", Jen said sheepishly, sitting back down on the sofa. "I'm glad that you found the time for me today." "It's nothing!" friend smiled. "You better tell me everything. How are you?" She went to the mini bar and got two drinks while Wright began to unzip the package. On the table appeared various fruits, a box of chocolates and a bottle of red wine. The girl smiled, knowing that on sober head is the amount of sweet fruit you can hardly overpower. Tyra sat down beside her on the sofa, already carefully trying opens to the bottle. "I'm relative fine", the brunette began, scratching her head. "What happened on the road from Derry to Bangor? You're were alarmed on the phone. And another you told me that met someone," on the face of the girlfriend immediately appeared a sly grin. "What's his name? How old is he?" "Robert. Twenty-seven years", Jennifer chuckled, bending her legs under her. "He's very handsome. Like Roy, only a more advanced version." "Wow! Someone was able to surpass the beauty of this piece of shit out of our University?" Tyra laughed. "Have you photos with Robert?" In response Jen shook her head. "Then describe him to me. I want to introduce handsome." "He's tall and thin. Big green eyes, cheekbones, perfect lips, perfect hair, and weared in such nice suit", smiled Wright, but the smile instantly disappeared from her face. The girl grabbed her glass of wine, making a big gulp. "Everything would be fine if not…" "If not what?" Tyra was surprised. "Such a perfect prince might have something wrong?" "He's very strange", frowned Jen, and she immediately flinched from the recent hallucinations in the mirror. "Too mysterious and, one might say, muddy. In his eyes there is a kind of madness." "Well, if he haven't demons, then I wouldn't have believed in his existence," she smiled, sitting comfortably on the couch. "Try to lose him, Jen, and I'll kill you." Brunette with incomprehension stared at Tyra. Why would she want strange Robert Grey continued to communicate with her? Didn't she realize Jen was serious? Still, it's difficult to assess the story of a stranger... Yes and the was only the first impression, which is often wrong. Maybe Jennifer is really wrong about Robert, and he isn't the way she had already imagined him? "Rich and beautiful guy may not be without its own demons", smiled Tyra, send in her mouth grapes. "You know what I'm able to make a joke about", giggled Jen, letting go of all thoughts and finally deciding to properly relax. "With him is not necessary to have anything but friendship." "You're fool, Jennifer." "I know." More of the night they told each other not a word about love. The conversations were about urgent matters and problems, about memories of the university and about different films. Nothing can so relax and give strength as a heart-to-heart conversation with a close friend. Jennifer felt happy. She let go of herself and problems, which this evening seemed to become much smaller. * * * The next morning and the ringing alarm clock forced Jennifer to quickly get out of bed. She hastily put on jeans, a dark jacket and, taking the bag with a MacBook, ran out of the room. She didn't want to be late for internship for a minute. Jen came down from the hotel and ran to the subway station. The time on the clock was slow and the train arrived quickly. The girl with pleasure has plunged into the morning rhythm of the metropolis, which was lacking in the little Derry. In the big city nobody cares about you, nobody whispers behind your back and does not let dirty gossip. It was much easier for Jennifer to be in the big city. Maybe it's just a matter of habit. Train raced through the dark tunnels, occasionally illuminated by the lights. There was a rattle and a whoosh of wheels. Because of the high speed of the train swayed from side to side. People around were passionate about their business: someone read a book, someone slept or sat in the phone, listening to music. On the face of Jen flashed a smile: a long time since at the soul was not so easily and quietly! Two metro stations were behind, one was left. The clock hand was nearing nine, and Jen sighed in relief. The first day, fortunately, will be without delay. Often at University, she was late because of his bad sleep or night walks in Brooklyn with friends or with a boyfriend when he was still. Now, as an adult, she didn't want to be late for a possible future job. After all, Jen didn't plan to work all her life in a women's magazine. The train slowed down smoothly and the doors opened. The girl ran out of the train, quickly heading for the exit. Bright sunlight blinded her eyes for a few seconds, and Wright frowned. To the skyscraper, which housed the publishing house, remained a few meters. She noticed a building with numerous advertising signs and screens where one could see different expensive clothing brands. Inside the building everything was decorated in a strict modern style. Beige and buff colors reassuring, directly opposite the entrance were four lifts, in which occasionally people came in. All hurried to work, to their office, as well as Jen. At the entrance there was a reception desk, where she was able to find out what floor is necessary for her office. "Hello, I'm Jennifer Wright", Jen introduced to young red-haired secretary with glasses, sitting at the entrance to the publishing house. "I came for an internship from Derry." "Hi, I'm Katie", smiled the girl, immediately starting to type something on the keyboard. "We're already waiting for you." "Really?" "Everyone already talking about you last week", Katie replied, distracting herself from the computer monitor. "I hope you enjoy working with us. Your article impressed with Mrs. Johnson. She said you had a lot of potential." Jen faintly surprised, not believing his own ears. Really stupid article about the relationship between a man and a woman could impress? However, it looked like the workplace now is Jennifer's. Something suggested that the internship would not take more than the promised week. "Come with me", asked the secretary, and with Jen headed for the snow-white door. Katie opened doors, and Wright seen a large publishing office, done in nice bright colors. Panoramic windows overlooking the river and the old Brooklyn bridge. This view from the eighty-fourth floor was breathtaking. Jen wanted to come closer to take a closer look around the city. She haven't been in skyscrapers, almost on the top floors. But Katie wouldn't let her see the view. The receptionist called Jennifer to herself, and they went on in the office. Here, each employee had his own place. Everyone was engaged in the business. The working atmosphere was in the air, the buzz of conversations did not abate. The girl felt like she starts to like it here. She climbed a small staircase to the door of the study, the walls of which were made of glass. So the head of the office could follow literally every employee. Jen smiled, mentally comparing this study with the predatory eagle's nest, where he saw each of his next victim. Katie gently knocked on the door, and on the other side there was a soft voice: "Come in." "Mrs. Johnson, Jennifer Wright has arrived today", said the secretary. "Who?" quite rudely asked a woman with black hair and in the bright shirt with a simple black pencil skirt. She got distracted from the phone, looking narrow brown eyes on her worker. "You took her on an internship." "Oh, right!" she remembered immediately, and a good-natured smile appeared on her face. The woman rose from the large leather chair and walked over to them. She held out her hand to Jennifer, who shook it with pleasure. The secretary silently withdrew from the study, so as not to interfere with the conversation. "I'm Helena Johnson. And it's good to see you, Jennifer. Ready to get to work?" "Yes, of course", the brunette smiled politely. "Your skills impressed me very much", the head of the magazine honestly admitted. "So I decided for you, Jennifer, to make a small exception. I will reduce the internship time to four days, and if during this time you manage to write a couple of good articles, the place in our large team is yours." The girl raised her eyebrows in surprise, once again not believing her own ears. Inside, she literally jumped with happiness. Jen's joy knew no bounds, so she bravely took Mrs. Johnson by the hand and shaked it. The head of the magazine laughed out loud and added solemnly: "Jennifer, welcome to our magazine!" * * * The first and the second week at work in publishing house for Jennifer began sweeping imperceptibly. Place she, of course, received. And now every day she was doing what she loved: writing articles, picking up new material and has already conducted several interviews. The brunette was happy and content. Emotions she shared with her friends, who have seen now quite often. They also got a job, but not in the specialty. But they liked it, too, so Jen was happy for them. About how everything went well, the girl immediately told her father on the phone. He was sincerely happy for her, said he was waiting for her in the near future in Derry, so she can see how transformed the old granny's house. But Jennifer said nothing. To return to the small town again, she doesn't. Plans in new York came true, and now she wanted to buy an apartment in Brooklyn. An independent life suited her. Chester, knowing the daughter, was not to argue with her and swear. He knew that Jen would definitely find time for him to come. But this time has not yet come. The sitting on the couch in the room, Jen wearily yawned and turned on the TV. At seven o'clock as usual were news. However, Wright didn't really listen, completely immersed in writing another article on her MacBook. Again she yawned, suddenly vaguely heard the message of the speaker: "A five-year-old boy, Jack Tyler, disappeared in the Brooklyn area. According to police, the last time the boy was seen near the waterfront. However, he hasn't yet been found." Jennifer added a little sound. "Also missing are several people in the Queens area. Their photos are presented on the screen. If you met them on the street, please report to the police immediately. Perhaps your information can help in the search for the missing." "It's so terrible..." softly gasped Jennifer, subtracting sound and remembering the faces of the missing. More just like to boy found. Safe and sound. Suddenly Jennifer remembered how she was leaving the hotel in Orono. In the head immediately poped up the image of Robert Grey, whom she tried so hard to forget. It was at the time of her departure at the hotel began some strange fuss. Somehow, the disappearance of people wanted to associate with a strange wealthy prince, much embarrassed Jen. She closed "Word" and went to the browser, where the search box wrote the name of the hotel where she stayed. The girl thought she'd run into a scathing magazine article about how a lost a few people in hotel. However, nothing but the address and services provided with the description of the hotel, could not be found. Apparently, in order not to spoil his own reputation, the head of the hotel decided to hide everything. Or Jennifer just made it all up just to somehow explain the mystery of Robert. She snorted, realizing how foolish it was to accuse a man, she had only known him for a day. Putting the MacBook on the coffee table, the brunette got up from the sofa and went into the bedroom. Tomorrow was another working day, and now it is necessary to have a good sleep before to immerse yourself in the routine and the rhythm of the metropolis. * * * Pain shackled the whole body, and the legs were terribly wet. Looking down, Jen found herself standing ankle-deep in the water. She shivered in the cold and looked around. She stood in the middle of the dark tunnel at one end which was visible a faint light. After a few faltering steps to it, Jennifer immediately winced from the foul smell that hit the nose. It smelled like rot mixed with dampness and different waste. She pressed the sleeve of her jacket to her face, continuing her journey. She thought it was a sewer or a gutter. Occasionally could be heard as somewhere in the distance, water dripping, and the feeling of emptiness and lack of a direct way out of this unpleasant pressured to her. With each step, Jennifer became more and more uncomfortable. But luckily, the tunnel ended, and she was in the center of the drain where were conducted all the pipes. She was unable to contain a quiet gasp of horror that instantly swept over her, when she was enough to see a huge tower, consisting of different children's toys. It stood up to the ceiling and was about ten meters or more high. From it you could see dolls, stuffed toys, wheels of small cars and strollers… Jennifer had a hunch that all of this belonged to the children who had ever gone to Derry. Wright made another step towards the dump, suddenly seeing under the feet of her own bear. Picking up the dirty toy with eye torn off, she felt her heart ache. All childhood bear was next to her, and then she had to leave him at his grandmother's house. When Jen was about to leave with dad, bear completely slipped her mind. They were rushing. And now she felt like a true traitor that left best childhood friend. But the feeling instantly faded into the background, she feeling someone's gaze. Just like Jen felt when she checked into the hotel in Orono. She was ready to turn around and to see someone who been in her thoughts a few days. But no one behind was not, and the unpleasant feeling is still pinned down inside.   "Sweet Jenny", murmured a voice echoing down the drain. " I know why you came here." "Why?" the girl said with her lips, afraid to move. "You, too, want to fly down here", again came the voice, and the body Jen shiver. Something was coming right at her, but she didn't see anything. Sharp claws pierced the neck skin and Jennifer screamed, jumping on the bed in the room bedroom. Heart pounding in her chest, a cold sweat stood on her forehead. The damn dream almost drove her crazy. The girl tried to catch her breath and grabbed the phone that was lying on the bedside table. Before her alarm clock just a few minutes, so no point to go back into the clutches of the nightmare was not. Jen rinsed her face with cool water and felt relief. Irrational fear has finally receded, and she quietly washed her face, starting to get ready for work. In the publishing house she greeted with all new friends and sat down at the desk. Turning on the computer, Jen sighed heavily and looked at her watch. There was a difficult day ahead, and there was still a lot of time before the end of it. She tried to focus on the article, but nothing worked. In the head repeated this voice that seemed so familiar. If Jennifer heard it before, but she couldn't even remember who it belongs. "Why are you so tense?" asked the neighbor Mary, who was sitting literally behind the girl. "Bad dream. Never mind", waved Jen, sighing wearily. "Well, okay. If anything, you can always share it with me." "Thank you", the brunette replied. She really appreciated the care the new friend Mary, but now this care she was useless. Mary was kind and sympathetic, as said all her appearance: good brown eyes, slightly plump face and light brown hair. The girl always dressed in blouses with a variety of cute prints, emphasizing their same colorful skirts. Jen's sure that she could be a good friend. However, the brunette didn't want to get close to anyone. Wright sighed and again tried to concentrate on work. * * *  Finally, the clock stopped at six in the evening, and the girl with peace of mind about she going home. Putting on a burgundy coat and taking the bag, Jennifer left the office and went down the elevator. Once on the street, she noticed that the weather gradually deteriorated. Dark clouds were gathering in the sky, foreshadowing the rain, and a cool wind was rising. That's why she had to hurry. The girl quietly went their usual way to the subway station, this time deciding to cut down on the road through the nearest way. It is this narrow quarter led straight to the descent into the subway. But it was worth she to go into a dark alley with trash cans and nasty smell, like back the echo he heard footsteps. Jen over her shoulder saw a man holding his hands in his pockets, following her. "Maybe he also decided to shorten the path. Calm down, nothing will happen", Jennifer thought nervously, accelerating her step and noticing how the pursuer also accelerated. "Damn!" the girl screamed before to be with the force pressed against the wall. She screamed, but a knife was immediately placed to her throat. "Just try to squeak, baby", the crazy man hissed menacingly, peering into her eyes, "And I'll kill you, gutting all your organs." Jen gulped, trying to figure out how to get out. The cold knife blade touched the skin down from the neck right to the chest. She immediately understood the true intentions of the rapist. The girl felt a pepper spray in her coat pocket, waiting for the right moment to use it. The man pulled time and did not dare to do anything. Jen almost got a trembling hand spray, but it fell out of her hands with a deafening thud falling to the ground. "You're ugly whore!" the madman yelled, putting the blade back to Jen's throat. "Ugh, how rude", protested a familiar male voice, causing Wright and a rapist simultaneously shuddered. "Is that right to treat a lady like that?" They looked at the silhouette of the tall man who was standing at the beginning of the alley. The streetlight hit him right in the back, and it made it impossible to get a good look at his face. But Jennifer seems to have quickly figured out who it was. "Who the hell are you?" the maniac was indignant. "Her boyfriend or something?" The girl silently prayed that the whole circus that lit these two, end as quickly as possible. Hands still trembled treacherously, and eyes were dimmed with tears. Why is everything that's happening right now happening to her? Jen groaned in pain and despair, feeling the blade of the knife almost pierced the skin. "Stay away, or I'll cut her throat!" threatened the rapist, but the Jennifer's savior just giggled with laughter. Wright bit her lower lip to blood, trying to hold back a scream. She closed her eyes, fearing that death was about to overtake her.
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fictionfood · 7 years
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If the young adult novel BLOOD ROSE REBELLION was a food, author Rosalyn Eves said it’s be “something with chocolate”, so here it is with homemade chocolate roses. 😊🍫🌹 ((These would also be great for Beauty & the Beast and more!))
Chocolate Roses
1 1/2 Cups Semisweet Chocolate Chips 1/3 Cup Light Corn Syrup
Line a large tray with parchment paper or a Silpat. Melt the chocolate chips in either a double boiler or via the microwave at 20 second intervals, stirring after each heating. Fold in the corn syrup until well combined & smooth. Pour the chocolate onto the tray & spread out to about 1/2 thick. Cover loosely with a large sheet of plastic & let sit for about 2 hours.
Once solidified, break off pieces of the chocolate & roll into many little balls about 1/2″ diameter. Lay these balls onto a sheet of plastic wrap or parchment paper & lay another sheet on top. Use a rolling pin to roll the balls flat & then peel the paper away & peel up the flattened chocolate petals.
Fashion a piece of the chocolate into a small cone, & another piece into a flat strip. Roll the strip into a loose curl & attach it to the top of the cone. Press the base of one petal around the base of the cone. Repeat this with another petal at an open space around the cone base. Continue this process of pressing on petals & overlapping them a bit until you have a chocolate rose to the fullness you want. Take a wooden skewer or paper lollipop stick & press it into the bottom of the rose. To make it a little more secure, dip the tip of the stick in melted chocolate.
Strawberry Center Option:🍓🍓 If you want your roses to have strawberry centers, cut the greens off of fresh, uniform strawberries that are as close to petit cones as you can find. Rinse the strawberries & pat dry.
Melt your choice of chocolate & dip in one end of each of the sticks/skewers you’re using. Press the chocolate-dipped ends into the cut end of each strawberry. You can also dip the cut end of each strawberry before skewering to make it all a bit more sturdy. Press the sticks/skewers into a block of styrofoam to stand upright, & let sit for a few minutes to solidify.
Next, hold the sticks/skewers to lower each strawberry into melted chocolate and rotate to cover the strawberries completely. Return upright to the styrofoam for the chocolate to solidify. Proceed with the chocolate petal process, beginning with the little curl in the center.
Chocolate “Clay” Alternative: Instead of making chocolate “clay” with melted chocolate & corn syrup, try tootsie rolls! Warm the tootsie rolls with your hands & work them with your fingers until malleable. Break off pieces & form them as directed in the steps above.
📚To find out what more books would be if they were foods check out IfBlankWasAFood on Instagram !🍽️
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ssportlive4 · 3 years
DELICIOUS PROTEIN FOODZ. Best Protein Foods you should Need. Protein is an essential nutrient to our diets. Delicious foods high in protein includes almond, oats, quinoa, lentils, shrimp, cottage cheese, corned beef, beef jerky, codfish, seitan, pumpkin seeds, and broccoli.
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Select a variety of protein foods to improve nutrient intake and health benefits, including Vegetarian options in the Protein Foods Group include beans, peas, and lentils, processed soy products, and. High-protein foods also reduce blood pressure and diabetes. Free delivery on a great range of protein snacks such as cashew nuts and beef jerky.
Hey everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day today. Today, I will show you a way to make a special dish, delicious protein foodz. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I am going to make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
DELICIOUS PROTEIN FOODZ is one of the most popular of recent trending foods on earth. It is simple, it is fast, it tastes delicious. It is appreciated by millions every day. They're nice and they look fantastic. DELICIOUS PROTEIN FOODZ is something that I've loved my whole life.
Best Protein Foods you should Need. Protein is an essential nutrient to our diets. Delicious foods high in protein includes almond, oats, quinoa, lentils, shrimp, cottage cheese, corned beef, beef jerky, codfish, seitan, pumpkin seeds, and broccoli.
To begin with this recipe, we have to prepare a few ingredients. You can have delicious protein foodz using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.
The ingredients needed to make DELICIOUS PROTEIN FOODZ:
{Take 10 oz of SHREDZ Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein.
{Take 1 tsp of Baking Soda.
{Take 1/4 tsp of Salt.
{Prepare 1 cup of Packed Brown Sugar.
{Make ready 3/4 cup of Granulated Sugar.
{Take 1/2 cup of Softened Butter.
{Prepare 1 tsp of Vanilla Extract.
{Get 2 of Egg Whites.
{Prepare 3/4 cup of Semisweet Chocolate Chips.
{Make ready 1 of Cooking Spray.
Good sources of protein are one of the best foods for muscle gain so we've compiled our list of high Eggs are one of the most perfect high-protein foods at the supermarket: cheap, versatile, low-carb. Trying to lose weight does not entail starving your body of essential nutrients. Actually, you need to consume high-protein meals in order to lose extra weight and not to gain it again. High protein foods include lean chicken, lean pork, fish, lean beef, tofu, beans, lentils, low-fat yogurt, milk, cheese, seeds, nuts, and eggs.
Instructions to make DELICIOUS PROTEIN FOODZ:
Preheat oven to 350°F..
In a medium bowl combine flour, baking soda, and salt, stirring with a whisk until evenly mixed. Then combine sugars and butter in a separate bowl and mix until everything is evenly blended..
Then slowly mix in vanilla and egg whites, flour mixture and chips (in that order). Spoon dough by tablespoons 2 inches apart onto baking sheets coated with cooking spray..
Bake for 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool in pans for 2 minutes. Remove from pans; cool completely on wire racks before serving & Enjoy..
Below is a list of healthy protein foods sorted by common. In this text, we share some of the top foods rich in protein Packed with amino acids, antioxidants, and iron, eggs are delicious health-boosters. Protein-rich foods fuel the muscle mass and contribute to metabolism. Proteins are one of the building blocks of body tissue. They work into the cells that are required for the structure, function.
So that is going to wrap it up for this exceptional food delicious protein foodz recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I'm confident that you can make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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