#send me a ship and i'll rank it
phoward89 · 5 months
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Jealous!Coryo x Reader, Odair!Ancestor x Reader.
Series Masterlist
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. That man is a walking blood red flag waving heavily in the wind! engagement (not reader), smut, infidelity, love triangle, manipulation, stalking?, gaslighting, fluff, Head Gamemaker!Coryo, District 4 Cruise Ship Heir!Odair OC. Dark!Coriolanus, Jealous!Coriolanus, Dom!Coriolanus
This chapter has quite a few flashbacks in it since Coryo's going to be reflecting on his relationship with the reader. It's also a really long chapter.
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Chapter 5:
When you suddenly quit your job, your boss was shocked. They had no idea that you’re seeking employment elsewhere or are currently unhappy being a part of the Odair Luxury Cruises marketing family. They even pleaded with you to stay; offered to talk to their superior to see if you could be given a raise.
You turned them down.
They can't get you the same amount of money that Coriolanus can. Plus, you don't need to worry about an office romance ruining your ability to work.
You know that Odysseus assumes that you're listening to him; taking a few personal health days, even tho you're not. You wonder if he'll find out that you quit your job at his father's company or if VPs don't find out that kind of information.
“You almost done with that application, darling?” Coriolanus asked as the two of you sat in his home office. He's lounging on his leather office sofa, clad in a low rise pair of sweatpants and a tight tank, with a coffee cup dangling in his hand. His icy blue eyes are glued to you as you sit at his mahogany desk, filling out your official application for your new job.
You already had the job, but you needed to submit an application so that he could approve it and get your onboarding process started.
“Almost, Coriolanus.” You answered while scrolling thru dates to find your birthday.
“You called me Coryo all night and now we're back to this Coriolanus shit? Even after I gave you a job that I view as a very detrimental one?” He asked incredulously while sipping on his coffee. His brows were knit, in fact he was angry with the desk for blocking the view of your legs. You're wearing one of his shirts, which falls mid-thigh on you due to his height, and in his opinion it showed off your legs perfectly.
“Last night was a fluke. A one time thing for old time's sake.” You told your ex while finishing up the application and hitting send. “Besides, you've got Livia to fuck now.” You rolled the chair slightly away from the desk and stood up. “Oh, you can go approve the application now.”
“I'm not fucking Livia.” Coriolanus was quick to tell you while placing his coffee mug on the coffee table. “And I'm not moving her in with me, so stop trying to push me onto her as a way to avoid things between us.” He added, getting up from the sofa.
“There’s nothing between us, Coriolanus.” You tell him, crossing the room to the sofa.
“That's bullshit and you know it, darling.” Coriolanus spat, striding over and meeting you halfway between the leather sofa and his desk. Taking your upper arms in his large hands, he told you with such conviction, “We have so much between us. So many years and fondness between us that it's foolish of you to act like we're mere ships passing in the night when we're so much more than that.”
Patting him in the middle of the chest, you stated, “That charm of yours paired with your elegant words should give you a leg up on your opponents.” But with his silver tongue why was he at the bottom of the race? That irked you. So much so, that you told him, “I'll just have to go shift thru polls and surveys to see what the exact problem is; why you're so low ranking.”
Coriolanus' baby blues searched your eyes studiously, as if he was trying to find the solution to a riddle. Slightly shaking his head, causing his unkempt platinum curls to rustle around, he asked, moreso to himself then to you, “Why're you acting like this towards me? I thought that you love me?”
“Acting like what, Coriolanus? Like your assistant, your PR liaison, your campaign manager?” You sarcastically asked, only to sassily inform him of the simple fact that: “I’m getting a headstart on my job, Head Gamemaker Snow.” Looking over his shoulder instead of in his overwhelming beautiful baby blue eyes, you mustered up every ounce of dishonesty that you could dig out of your sweet soul and told the self preserving lie of, “Loved you, as in the past, Coriolanus. I've moved on and discovered that you're not the type of man to love or deserve it; that I just confused care and a long-term friendship as something more.”
Coriolanus tilted his head, brow raised, as he tightly smiled to mask his disappointment in your dishonesty. “My darling rose, I thought we’d never lie to each other.” His baritone was like a sharp drawn bow string, ready to snap.
The curly haired platinum blonde's call out on your lie shook you to your core. How the hell does he know you're lying? Is he that pompous, conceited, self-centered, and arrogant, or was he truly in tune with your thoughts and feelings?
Deciding that you needed to get away from the imposing golden angelic devil of a man before you cracked, you excused yourself with, “I'll let you get on with reviewing my application and beginning the hiring process. I need to get home and relax.”
“I’ll call both the salon and spa you're a regular at; let them know to expect you later today and to just send me the bill.” Coriolanus told you as you made your way to the door of his office.
Looking over your shoulder, you thanked him with, “Thank you, Coriolanus. I’ll pay you back when I can.”
“No need.” Coriolanus waved his hand dismissively. With a thin lipped smile, he gestured towards the door and told you, “Just go relax and get dolled up to be my right-hand girl.”
You nodded, a silent show of understanding, before opening the study door and walking out of the room; leaving the regal blonde all alone to process your application.
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Coriolanus Snow was not a man that was easily impressed, but your resume impressed him. It truly did. He knew that you'd be the perfect fit for running his campaign, being his PR spokesperson, and his assistant. But seeing your academic and career achievements in black and white just proved he was right.
And his benefactor Strabo Plinth told Coriolanus to either keep you holed up in a nice, but remote part of the luxury district (District 1) in one of the Capitol owned and operated spa/lodges as his mistress; he could visit from time to time, or to just toss you to the curb. Mr. Plinth felt that you had no value to Coriolanus' politician ambitions, unlike Livia Cardew, since you couldn't offer him anything *cough* money and status *cough*.
But despite Strabo Plinth's advice, Coriolanus didn't do either. Instead, after shoving his way into your life again after missing out on a month of it, he made you the most powerful person in his Senate campaign. He didn't even bother looking at the list of potential political advisors and campaign managers that Strabo had sent him.
He chose you because he trusts you; knows that you'll help him win because you understand how important winning the Senate seat is to him. You've known each other since the days you were huddled together in the basement, waiting for the bombs to pass, as small children. You grew up alongside him as his best friend, his first crush- and daresay his first love?
You know that Coriolanus’ dream ever since you were little was to become the President of Panem. So, he knows that you'll do everything possible in your power to help him achieve that goal. First step is helping him become Senator Snow.
Coriolanus can't help, but to have memories of the two of you dancing around his head. Memories that make his engagement to Livia Cardew taste like bitter ash in his mouth.
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You & Coriolanus age 7:
The war was still raging on. It's in its second year and things are getting worse instead of better. Capitol City, Panem, was under siege. It's a war zone with crumbling buildings due to bombs, the stench of death due to a variety of reasons, sickness and disease, and hunger.
Widespread hunger due to the Capitol being cut off from any and all supply chains.
But, despite this, all the school age children were still being shuffled off to the Academy (where the elite went) or charter schools to learn. Even tho the country’s at war and the District Rebels are trying to starve out the Capitol the children must still be properly educated.
Capitolite children are the future of Panem; President Ravenstill believes that they must be highly educated. Or at least that's the advice that's he's given by the Head of the War Department, one Dr. Volumnia Gaul.
One morning you're heading to school with your best friend, Coryo, and his cousin, Tigress. They're both blondes, but Coryo's 7 like you while Tigris is 10 or maybe 11- you forgot. But all 3 of you attend the Academy. Your older brother, Rein, attends the Academy too. In fact he's walking with Tigris behind you and Coryo, keeping an eye out on you two.
Coryo's holding your hand as the two of you navigate the rubble on the sidewalks. Sometimes it's so bad that you're forced to walk in the middle of the street. But streets aren't busy with traffic and cars like before the war- no, now cars are sitting idle because there's no more fuel to power them due to shortages from the siege.
Everything seems like a normal morning, or at least as normal as one can be while in the middle of a warzone, when suddenly the loud sound of sirens went off.
An air raid warning.
Bomber hovercrafts have been spotted; they are headed straight towards the Capitol.
Quickly, everyone ran to the nearest bomb shelter, being basements in buildings throughout the city. Your little ragtag group was no different.
Coryo held your hand tightly while running towards the building a few other people were going into. Rein and Tigris are quick on your tail. Coryo's long legs made him speedy and if his hand wasn't holding yours with a death grip then you'd be left behind.
But he'll never do that to you. No, he'll never leave you. That little boy with the light golden curls loves you; you're his best friend and he's determined to keep you safe. Which is why he's running and dragging you along to the nearest basement bomb shelter to ride out the incoming air raid that'll start any minute now.
Looking up into the sky, you cry, “Coryo, look the bombs are coming!”, as the bomber hovercrafts are in sight.
“Run, Y/N, the shelter’s up ahead!” Coryo screams back at you while making a mad dash to the shelter.
“Go into the shelter, now!” Your brother, Rein, orders in a loud shout. He and Tigris are right behind you and Coryo.
Coryo pushes open a side door to a building and runs downstairs, never letting go of your hand. Rein quickly pushes Tigris forward, thru the door before entering himself. And while your bestfriend leads you into the basement, where other Capitolites are hunkered down, the ground begins to shake and loud booms echo into the air.
It's the bombs.
You, Coryo, Tigris, and Rein made it inside of the shelter just in time.
But the force of the bombing makes walking down the basement stairs hard. Coryo never lets go of your hand, no even when you reach the basement. In fact, he sits huddled with you against the wall.
“We’re safe, Y/N. I got us here; I'll always keep you safe too because you're my best friend.” The boy with the light blonde curls and crystal clear blue eyes tells you while holding onto you for dear life.
Tigris is sitting next to Coryo while Rein's next to you. But your brother's not paying you and mind. No, instead he's talking to some girl next to him. Maybe he knows her from school?
But Coryo's hugging you close, determined to keep you safe and make you feel less afraid despite the fact that he too is scared of the bombs; of the unknown this war's bringing about.
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You & Coriolanus Age 13:
The war’s been over for 5 years now, but the Capitol's still a heap of rubble. Sadly, the Districts are in worse shape. That's saying a lot about how destructive the war has been.
But buildings crumbling down and crops burning up wasn't the only damage left by the war. Your family was left damaged by the death of your father, Colonel Javanis Halvir, 5 years ago. He died in the woods right outside of 12, killed by rebels. Your dad died alongside his comrade, General Crassus Snow- Coriolanus’ father.
So, you both lost your father's; the main breadwinners of your families. While Coriolanus was orphaned and left with his Grandma’am and cousin, you had your mother and older brother. But, honestly, your families had similar dynamics.
If it wasn't for the neighbor, Pluribus Bell, then both the Snow and the Halvir families would've starved to death. The former nightclub owner was a part of the black market; would often help both Coryo's and your family with acquiring much needed items or a case of lima beans.
Currently, you're sitting with Coryo in his Grandma’am's rooftop garden on a late Saturday afternoon in May.
During the war Grandma'am Snow started growing cabbages to feed her family; she shared them with yours because your father, Colonel Javanis Halvir, was serving under her son, General Crassus Snow, in District 12 where her son was the Commander. Even now, 5 years after the war, cabbages are still being grown and shared by the Snows. Something that you're grateful for even if you're tired of eating cabbage a thousand ways.
According to Coryo his Grandma'am always had the garden. Ever since he could remember, she's been growing roses on the rooftop. He even shared with her that his mom used to spend a lot of time in the garden with him, singing to him and tending to the Grandma’am's roses.
You envy your best friend for having small memories of his mother. You wish that you could remember your dad, but no matter how hard you try, you can't. Everything comes in little bits and pieces, just broken fragments.
Grandma'am Snow grows roses in every color imaginable. The flowers are truly beautiful. Breathtakingly so.
Coryo is as much of a botanist as Grandma'am. You told him as much after he explained everything he knew about pruning, planting, and caring for the delicate flowers.
“When I become President I'm going to create such beautiful rose gardens that the gardens of the Presidential Palace will be the envy of everyone in Panem let alone the Capitol.” The blonde boy, whose platinum curls fell around his head like a messy halo, smiles as he daydreams of the future.
“Are you going to tend the gardens? As President wouldn't you be too busy to prune roses?” You ask, curious to what Coryo's answer would be.
Your best friend always has the ‘perfect’ answer for everything. His words are always so charming; sounding so right.
“Well, then I'll just have to teach you how to care for the roses. As my First Lady you'll be able to tend to the gardens when I'm too busy to do so.”
He's been telling you for the last 4 years that he's going to make you his First Lady. You know it's impossible; that a best friend can't become First Lady. The First Lady's always married to the President. But after arguing over it a few times, you just ignore him when he talks about you being his First Lady; helping him in the Presidential Palace.
“So would I be your gardener or the First Lady, Coryo? Considering I’d be tending to every rose garden on the Presidential Palace grounds.”
Knocking his shoulder into yours, Coryo give you a lopsided grin. “We'll hire gardeners; you'll be my First Lady. Botany will be our hobby outside of politics.”
“If you say so.” You lightly laugh, shaking your head.
“I know so.” Your best friend firmly states. Rising and holding his hand out for you to take, so he can pull you up off the stone bench you're sitting on, Coryo says, “Come on, you can help me with Grandma'am’s roses.”
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You and Coriolanus Age 18 (a month before the games):
It’s dark in Coryo's bedroom, the only light being from the moon. It softly shines thru the window, but it's not bright enough to illuminate the room. No, the room’s too big for that.
But you're used to the darkness of Coryo's room. You spent a few nights a week with him; been doing so ever since the two of you started messing around 3 years ago. At first you tried to sneak back downstairs to your own apartment, on the 8th floor, but the platinum blonde with the soft halo of curls and bright blue eyes would always stop you- he always insisted that you just stay with him.
After a few times of trying and failing to leave, you decided to just stop your feeble, useless attempts to leave. To just stay the night with Coryo, snuggled with him in bed.
You're literally laying on top of Coryo, since his bed’s a twin that barely fits him, and his arms are wrapped around you. You're resting your head on his chest, absentmindedly tracing shapes on his it with your index finger.
“When I win the Plinth Prize next month I'll make sure that you have every luxury you deserve, darling.” Coryo promised, ghosting his fingertips up and down your spine.
“No, Coryo.” You shook your head. His family needed the money, not you. “You need to use that money to pay for University and to fix up your penthouse; you can't use it on me.”
“I'm going to do those things, but I’m also going to take care of you too. I promised to do so when we were children and I've never broken my word.”
“You also promised to protect me. Make me your First Lady too.” You dryly remind him of long ago childish promises. Promises that you don't expect him to keep.
But secretly you hope he keeps the promises he made because within these last 3 years you've been messing around with Coryo you've started to develop deep feelings for him. Feelings you hope he reciprocates, but are to afraid to ask about.
“I'll always protect you, darling.” He assured you. “And you're going to be my First Lady. Just you wait and see.”
“There's only one way for me to become your First Lady…” You mutter under your breath.
“Trust me, everything's going to work out.” He sweetly says while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Softly stroking your cheek with his knuckles, he declares with such vigor and confidence, “In a few short weeks I'll win the Plinth Prize, we'll be able to attend the best damn University in Panem and then we'll become President Snow and the First Lady Y/N.”
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You and Coriolanus 18 almost 19 (Day Coryo returns to the Capitol from District 12)
You knew that Coryo had left PK Base D-12 because your brother, Rein, told you when he called the other day. He said that ‘Snow’s been accepted to some Elite Officer's program, so he's gone. Also, your friend Plinth died- hanged as a traitor.’ before asking you about how you're doing. You told Rein that you're fine. You didn't tell him how you're trying to find a job in order to pay the portion of the University tuition fee that's due before the semester starts.
Your older brother’s a peacekeeper, an officer in District 12, and has a girlfriend. You can't let.him know about the struggles you and your mother are going thru. Not when he's found someone; is considering starting a life with them too. You know full well that your brother will send his entire paycheck, even take out a Capitol United Bank loan to cover your University expenses if you tell him the truth. And you can't have that.
You wonder what base Coryo was transferred to for his Elite Officer's training. You also wonder what branch he'll be picking to serve in: Air Force or Navy. You know that you can't send him a letter until you get one first, but that doesn't stop you from beginning to write to him.
You and Coryo exchange countless letters. And he tells you that he misses the Capitol, his family, and most of all you in every single one. A part of you melts at his words, but another part of you can't help, but feel that maybe he's just saying what you want to hear. You're not stupid, you're almost positive that he must've used what little money he had to bribe his way into service in District 12 because that's where she is.
His songbird; his victor.
Lucy Gray Baird.
You knew when you saw Coryo stand up and lurch forward at the Reaping Ceremony in Heavensbee Hall once the beautiful girl with big soulful brown eyes, soft raven waves, and a rainbow dress full of frills, that your best friend and sometimes lover was a goner. That he was enchanted by her, that he was going to fall in love with her.
And that instantly broke your heart. You love him and it hurt knowing that your Coryo was no longer yours, but would end up belonging to somebody else.
Someone more beautiful than you.
And when you heard Lucy Gray Baird sing, well, you couldn't fault him for falling in love with her. No, not when you knew singing was something that soothed his soul; reminded him of his mother.
You never sang around him and he never asked you too. You took music as an elective, but he didn't, so he didn't know that you could carry a tune. He never asked; you never told.
And you'll be keeping that a secret until you die now. No need to ever let him know that you like music, can sing decently.
No, not when he's enchanted by a songbird. Not when he's falling for her after just seeing her sing on tv.
You can't help, but wonder if Coryo took his songbird to wherever he was transferred too for his Elite Officer's training. You know for a fact that officers are allowed to have women. They can live with a girlfriend, fiance, or wife. It's a reward for their values service to the Capitol.
Just the thought of Coryo living with Lucy Gray breaks your heart. If he's with her, he won't have any time to write you, will he?
Probably not.
Your mother's out on a ‘date’ tonight, so you're home alone. You're sitting on the sofa, writing to Coryo when a loud knock sounds at your door. Curiously, you rise and go over to the door. And when you answer it, you find yourself standing right in front of Coryo.
He's in his dress uniform, just staring at you as if he blinks you'll disappear. Before you can even ask him how it's possible that he's standing in your doorway, he places his hands on either side of your face and hungrily kisses you. Taking your breath away.
You wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him back. The kiss is all teeth clashing and frantic lips smashing together. You're both desperate for the other.
When he pulls away, letting you two catch your breaths, he presses his forehead against yours- causing his grey uniform hat to tip up a bit- and reveals in a near whisper, “I've missed you so much, my darling rose.”
Your heart was beating wildly against your ribcage upon hearing his admission. It made you happy to hear that he misses you. That as soon as he saw you, he had to kiss you.
And all you could say back was, “I missed you too.”
Peering into the apartment behind you, he asked, “You alone?”
“Yes.” You nod.
“Then let's show each other how much we missed one another, shall we?” Coryo suggested, only to sling you over his shoulder and walk inside of your apartment.
After slamming the door shut with his boot, he ran to your room, causing you to giggle and playfully smack his ass. He just chuckled and gave your ass a sharp smack before tossing you on your bed and descending on you like a touch starved man.
Your kisses were heated and sloppy. Clothes were quickly shed and flung all over the room as the two of you kissed and touched each other feverishly on your sorry excuse for a bed.
And then the platinum blonde, whose curls were replaced with a close shaved buzzcut, left a trail of open mouth kisses from your jaw, down your neck, to the valley on your breast, all the way down your stomach before stopping at the apex of your thighs. His icy eyes were smoldering with lust as the pushed your thighs open. He kissed the inside of one and then the other before bringing his face down into your cunt. His nose nuzzled your clit as he licked stripe after stripe along your wet slit. A man thirsty with an unquenchable need for your pussy sweet nectar, Cory messily lapped up your cunt.
Your whines and mewls spurred him on, but he knew that he wouldn't last long (due to a lack of sex since, believe it or not, Lucy Gray was a bit of a tease when it came to fucking him) and he needed to feel your pussy clenching his cock, cumming around him before he loses himself and cums. So, before you can cum, he lifts his head up.
“I need to be inside your cunt, baby. I need to feel you cum around me.” He told you, spreading his precum around his large cock and giving it a few pumps before lining it up at your dripping wet hole.
“I need you inside me too, Coryo. It's been too long.” You tell him, holding onto his shoulders to brace yourself as he slides into you.
It's a big stretch with a slight burn, since you haven't been fucked all summer, but the slight pain passes and you feel nothing, but the pleasure of being full to the hilt as Coryo bottoms out.
“Fuck, babygirl, your cunt's so tight; feels so good around my cock.” Coryo groans, resting his head against yours as he gives you a moment to adjust to his 8 inches that's buried so deep inside of you that the outline of his cock is seen in your lower stomach.
“Please, Coryo. Move, fuck me.” You beg, your voice a high pitched whine, as you tilts your hips upwards towards his in an attempt to get him moving.
Coryo lifted his head up and leaned back on his haunches, only to pull his cock nearly all the way out only to quickly slam it back inside of your neglected, hungry, drooling pussy. He repeated his actions over and over again until you're a babbling, cockdrunk mess.
And him, well, he's pussydrunk and talking dirty. Oh God, he's saying the most absolute filthy things and it's going straight to your core. Making your eyelashes flutter and your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“I'm gonna fuck this cunt til you're begging mercy, til you pass out tonight from being over fucked.”
The sounds of skin slappy skin loudly and lewdly echoed throughout your bedroom.
“Fuck…I forgot how tight and perfect your pussy feels ‘round my cock.” Coryo groans, his head thrown back in pleasure as he pounds your pussy. “Your cunt's my cunt. I own this cunt, it's mine.” He told you with a possessive edge in his baritone. “Say it. Say your cunt’s mine. Mine!” He loudly orders, gritting his teeth as he feels you begin to clench around his cock.
Your head's spinning and your feeling the damn of pleasure beginning to burst as you babble out in a whine, “My cunt's yours, Coryo. All yours.”
His dogtags are jiggling against the hollow of your neck with every fast thrust your best friend makes. You're about to cum and don't even think as you grab the dogtags and yank on them, pulling Coryo flush against you. His mouth his mere inches against yours as you cry out, “I'm gonna cum, Coryo.”
“Cum right now, for me. Cum right now like my good girl, my good little slut.” Coryo demanded as he began to slam into your cunt even harder.
You don't know if it's his words or his fast movements, but suddenly your cumming and he's swallowing up your moans with eager, desperate kisses.
And when you're down riding out the wave of your orgasm, Coryo pulls his lips from his and tells you in a deep, lustful tone, “I’m gonna fuck you full of my babies. I'm gonna cum so hard in you; knock you up and baby trap you with me, darling.” A smirk crosses his face as he cum heavy balls smacked hard against your pussy. “You want that, huh? For me to knock ya up, tie your slutty ass to me forever.” His lips nibbled under your jawline as he declared, “You're gonna look so beautiful full and round of my child.”
“Yea.” You simply say. You honestly couldn't say anything else. Your brain’s been fucked to mush right now.
Coryo buries his neck into the crook of your neck as he slams hard and harder into you. His fingers are digging into your hips with a bruising; possessive force. And it only took a few more moments before his thrusts grew ragged and sloppy. One, two, three more thrusts and he was moaning your name like a prayer while shooting thick, hot ropes of cum deep inside of your cunt.
A cunt that he claimed was his.
He collapsed on top of you, panting wildly as he deeply inhaled your scent. Oh, how Coryo missed the way you smelled. It was always pleasant, like spring flowers.
And, honestly, you missed the way that he smelled. Even being thousands of miles away in 12 did nothing to dapper his scent of roses. You concluded that it must be his cologne.
Coryo felt the need to cockwarm you after being away from the warmth of your pussy for so long and you let him. He rested his head against your chest and you just scratch his scalp with your nails. You're both content.
“Y/N, baby.” Coryo said, as a way to gain your undivided attention.
“Yea, Coryo.” You reply, letting him know that you're listening.
“I was supposed to go to District 2 for an Elite Officer's training program, but instead I was sent here, to the Capitol, to have a meeting with Dr. Gaul. She said that my brilliant mind and talents would be a waste in the Peacekeepers, so she arranged for me to be honorably discharged by President Ravenstill. She also told me that Strabo Plinth's going to pay for my University tuition as a thank you for being best friend with Sejanus.” Was the lengthy explanation to his return that Coryo gave you.
An explanation that was a bit much to digest. But you digested it, nevertheless.
“That's good, Coryo. I'm happy for you.” You say, feeling both happy and sad at the same time. Oh, yes, you're happy that Coryo's getting the chance to follow his dreams, but sad because you're not sure that you can follow yours. That you'll be attending University soon with him.
“I'm meeting with Strabo tomorrow; I'll tell him to pay for your tuition too.”
“Coryo, you don't have to do that. I'll figure something out.” You told him, letting him know that you didn't need him trying to get one of the richest men in the city to pity you.
“Of course I have to do it, darling. I promised to take care of you and to pay your tuition; I intend to keep that promise.”
“You also promised to make me your First Lady.” You mumble under your breath.
Playfulling nibbling your neck, the platinum blonde told you, “I heard that, baby.” Lifting his head, he locked his icy blues eyes onto yours and swore in a firm, unmoving tone, “And you'll be my First Lady. I promise, Y/N.”
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You & Coriolanus Age 20:
Something happened during his time away in 12 that changed Coryo. He's always been a stoic, studious man, but now there was something different about him. Your best friend seemed colder now. As if he locked a piece of his soul up in a chest, just like Davey Jones has his heart locked up in a chest.
Dead Man's Chest.
Other than the night you spent when he first came home, Coryo never showed you affection anymore. Yes, he touched you and held you, etc, but there didn't seem to be much warmth in his actions. There wasn't any love in it. Or at least to you it didn't feel like there was any love and affection behind his touches.
But, he does walk you to your various classes at the University and drags you to lunch with the group of ‘it’ kids. The heirs to Panem's riches, the people that he needs to run elbows with to get ahead in life.
You know how to act around rich kids. You've been playing chameleon for so many years now around these snotty assholes that you know what to and what not to say. What silverware to use, how to daintily sip on your water glass, and how to cut your food into small pieces to take small, precise bites to make you look like a proper Capitolite young lady.
One afternoon Coryo wasn't waiting for you outside of your class, so you figured that he wasn't showing and decided to head towards the courtyard. Hey, if he's not here then you might as well just go sit in the early spring sun that's begun to melt the snow.
Coryo's the only reason you eat lunch in the mess hall. If you don't have to be around Festus Creed, Persephone Price, Livia Cardew, Clemensia Dovecote, and Hilarious Heavensbee, then you're not going to be around them. Well, you have nothing against Clemmie or Hilarious, it's the first three jackasses that you can't stand.
And the fact that Coryo's ‘beat friends’ with Festus now makes your skin crawl. Only God knows what those two are getting up to when they're hanging out. Probably getting shit faced at the club and fucking high priced hookers in excluse VIP rooms or something.
But it's not like you have a say so in the matter. You and Coryo are- well, you hook up and he keeps you hanging on to false hopes that he's going to make you his permanent girl; make the two of you public and exclusive.
You should really wash your hands of him and move on. Perhaps listen to your mother and take up one of the offers of marriage you've been approached with by some rich men. Your mother was very upset that you turned down General Prometheus Byzantine when he came by for dinner last night with a marriage brokerage proposal.
General Byzantine said that his friend, Mr. Strabo Plinth, had told him that you're a lovely and intelligent girl who's of age. That despite being raised in the Capitol, you were born in District 12 in PK Base D-12’s Hospital; that you're half-Capitolite and half-District, but would make him a lovely wife. Especially when he's needed on PK Base D-2 to inspect how the current Commander's doing their job. Plus, he also said how he wanted a young wife that would be able to keep up with his young son, who was nearly 5.
You turned him down in 2.5 seconds flat. General Byzantine swore up and down that I'd be sorry for turning him down. That Strabo would hear about your refusal; that one day he'd have you.
Your mother was so distraught that you threw away such a great opportunity all because you have some sentimental feeling for the Snow boy. Your mother hates Coryo, so you're not surprised she blames him for you turning down the general.
Honestly, maybe she's right. Maybe you won't let yourself fancy the idea of settling down with anyone because you're holding out for him. Waiting for him to keep a silly promise he made to you.
You're in an alcove, almost to the courtyard, whenever the sound of running paired with a shout of, “Y/N, wait!”, loudly echoes in the air. Stopping and turning around, you see Coryo rushing towards you. “I'm sorry I wasn't there to get you, darling. My professor went over his lecture time; I was stuck listening to him answer questions asked by the most idiotic pupils I've ever had the displeasure of sharing a class with.” The platinum blonde, who now wears his curls styled in a slick back hairdo, explained as he reached your side.
“That's okay.” You smile, but it doesn't quite reach your eyes. “I figured you got tied up and decided to just go sit in the courtyard.”
“I know, that's why I ran all the way here to find you.”
“What? You knew I'd be in the courtyard and not the mess hall?” You asked in disbelief.
“I know you like the back of my hand” He nonchalantly shrugs. Taking your hand in his, he suggests, “Why don't we go sit in the courtyard and while we're basking in the sun on this fine spring day you can tell me all about the dress my cousin's making you for the upcoming Spring Ball.”
“Okay.” You nod, only to hold Coryo's hand and let him lead you to the courtyard. All the while gushing about the dress.
The dress that Tigris helped you come up with is light pink with white roses embroidered all over it with a sweetheart neckline and an A-line skirt. Tigris says that she'll get you white shoes and a white clutch to pair with it.
Upon hearing you tell him the color/pattern of the dress, Coryo feels a sense of pride. He also feels an obsessive sense of possession over you as well.
Giving you a huge, Cheshire cat like grin , the platinum blonde tells you, “I can't wait to see you in it, my darling rose.” His icy eyes twinkle slightly as he adds in, “I'll be sure to wear white and provide us with white roses.”
“You don't have to give me roses, Coryo. Not every girl wears a corsage to balls and galas nowadays you know.”
“Yea, I know, but those girls aren't you. They're not mine, so I'll keep providing you with roses and you'll keep wearing them.”
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You and Coryo Age 22:
“Are you excited for graduation, darling.?” Coryo asks as your walking down the Capitol streets, heading back to the Corso after eating dinner at a nearby, but expensive, restaurant. Coryo took you out to celebrate passing your exams. To celebrate that he's the top of the class and that you're his right hand girl in the second spot.
He had told you that Snow lands on top with the winter rose standing tall in the snow. The little joke was silly, but it was a metaphor for how he was always number one and how you were always right by his side as number 2.
“Yes.” You nod, smiling wide. “I'm so excited to get that diploma in my hand and just, I dunno, get started living my life.”
“I understand how you feel, Y/N.” Coryo told you, running his thumb over your knuckles as he holds your hand. “I can't wait to take my place as the Head Gamemaker.”
“Didn't you get offered the position because Dr. Gaul got eaten by her electric eels after falling into their tank?”
“Yes, but she was already implementing all of my ideas; I was working as an Assistant Gamemaker too.” He explained, causing you to just nod and let out a hmm. “Do you want to be an Assistant Gamemaker? I could get you a position and-” Coryo began, only for you to cut him off.
You never heard what he wanted to tell you since you cut him off with your own news of, “I applied for a marketing job at Odair's Luxury Cruises; I got the job so I'll be working there.”
Coryo's eyes narrowed slightly and turned colder than ice. “I see.” He curly said, his nose turned up a bit, as his thumb stopped tracing your knuckles.
Well, if you didn't want to be by his side professionally then so be it. You can work for some cruise line that specializes in island cruises off of 4.
But he'll still have you in his bed. He's not giving up fucking you. Hell no, Coryo's going to fuck you until the day you die.
Fine, you don't need his help with a job, but you'll always need his help to cum. And he knows for a fact that he's ruined you, that you struggle to cum on your own fingers because of how good he fucks you- with his fingers, tongue, and cock.
Something in a store window caught your eye. It was a ring. It was a diamond ring in the shape of a snowflake. You didn't tell Coryo about it, fearing that he'd think you're trying to make him settle down and commit to you.
Coryo saw you eying up the diamond ring in the store window. He found the fact that your eyes locked longingly onto the diamond ring shaped like a snowflake to be endearing. It also gave his already inflated ego a boost.
The next day the platinum blonde went to the store and bought the ring. He had the intention of giving it to you on graduation night, he honestly did, but then Strabo Plinth invited him and his family out to celebrate. And he couldn't say no to the man that made him his heir.
Coriolanus asked you to join them for dinner, but you declined. Said that you were expecting a call from your brother, since he couldn't get leave for your graduation. You told him to go and have a nice time; that you'd see him later.
Ma Plinth gave you a motherly hug full of warmth and told you that she'd be by the next day for tea. You smiled and jokingly told her that she better bring her famous biscochitos. Ma said that she would and told you to make some Earl Grey.
But your goodbyes with Strabo Plinth seemed more tight and rigid than usual. The curt congratulations and the curt thank you, goodbye you two exchanges irked him. And when Coriolanus brought it up to Strabo, well his benefactor just brushed it off by telling him that you must either be tired or that your manners aren't as polished as they seem.
Coryo never knew the real reason behind the curt and cold, but polite interaction between you and Mr. Plinth.
One day, when Coriolanus Snow's running for Senate at age 24 he'll find out and he won't be happy about it either.
Oh, and Coriolanus still has that ring. After not giving it to you after graduation he placed it in his desk drawer. He told himself that he just had to wait until the perfect moment to give it to you.
But the perfect moment never came. Time marched on and before he knew it, he's running for Senate, engaged to a woman he hates, and his being left by the woman he loves cares deeply for.
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Coriolanus blinks his eyes, much like a cat does, and runs a hand over his face as soon as his last memory fades. “Fuck…” He lowly mutters out in a mix between a sigh and a groan while hitting the accept hire button option on his computer while viewing your application.
Leaning back in his chair, he runs his hands thru his hair before holding his head in shame. How could he fucking forget his promise to you. He never-
broke a promise to you, until now. How is he supposed to make you his Fist Lady when he's engaged to Livia and you're insisting that you don't love him anymore?
You're supposed to be by his side; be his First Lady. Livia Cardew, the cattybitch from hell, isn't First Lady material. She's not supposed to be in the Presidential Palace with him. Hell, she'll ruin the place and try to overrun it with her audacious ideas and style.
Coriolanus knows that he can't let her become his First Lady, not when he promised you that position. Hell, he promised to make you his First Lady ever since he was like 8 years old. And he kept promising you that ever since. 
Fuck, when he he stop promising that? Uh, as far as he knows the answer is never.
Goddamnit, no wonder you're so pissed at him about his engagement to Livia. But why didn't you just tell him that he's breaking his promise to make you his First Lady by being engaged to her? It's all the two of you ever dreamed about when growing up poor and destitute; desperately wanting to claw your way out of poverty. Why wouldn't you tell him that he's shattering your dreams of becoming his First Lady by getting into an arrangement with somebody else?
Damnit, he shouldn't have listened to Strabo when he told Coriolanus that a marriage alliance between him and Livia Cardew would provide him with endless money for his campaign; would provide him with a stake in one of the largest banks in the country. He should've listened to his gut and told old man Plinth no. Actually, he should've told Mr. Plinth to shut up and go to hell whenever he suggested that Coriolanus send you to some luxury Capitol run and operated spa lodge in a remote section of District 1 to be kept as his mistress.
Now he needs to find a way out of his engagement to fulfill his promise to you. He just has to make you his First Lady. He never breaks his promises to you and never lies to you. You mean too much to him to do so.
Then, a brilliant idea pops into the platinum blonde's cunning mind. If the Cardew family's disgraced then he'll be able to call off the engagement without looking like the bad guy. And the only way to disgrace a banking family is to frame them for bank fraud.
Specifically embezzlement.
***** TAGLIST*****
Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @dcylight-fciry @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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jungle-angel · 1 year
A King's Home Is His Castle (Admiral!Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob have worked so hard to build lives for yourselves and for your family and despite what others say, home will always be a special place for you, Bob and your little ones.
Warnings: Misogynistic remarks from a Naval officer, language, Admiral Bob popping off and pulling rank etc.
Tagging: @bradleybeachbabe @sebsxphia @floralfloyd and any other mutuals who have kept me going since day one. Guys, this is for you
Bob couldn't really stand having to go to half of these Navy functions, especially now since the weather was shitty and everyone was coming down with seasonal illnesses. Already he could feel the onset of it, the scratchiness in his throat, the body aches and pains, the swollen nodes in his neck and the achy wetness that had settled in his chest.
The last place Bob had wanted to be was at the Seaport Hotel, his clammy skin pricking with goosebumps under his Navy dress blacks as the snow had begun to fall. In he went, heading to the ballroom where all the other Navymen and women had gathered to celebrate Cyclone's birthday. Good God he felt terrible, just plain sick and terrible.
"Admiral Floyd!" boomed a gravely, deep voice. "Good to see you."
"Admiral Hauser," Bob greeted, shaking his hand. "Likewise."
"How's the family?"
"Never better," Bob said with a smile. "(Y/N) and I are excited, we've got a new little one due in a month."
"Good on ya kid," Admiral Hauser replied. "I'll see if I can bring back a case of cigars from Southeast Asia when my carrier crew ships out for duty."
"Oh that's right," Bob said, suddenly remembering. "You're training with the Royal Thai Navy SEALS aren't you?"
"None other," Admiral Hauser chuckled. "Admiral Nataya said he wants his units in shape for duty and that's what we're gonna do."
Bob and Admiral Hauser shared a few good laughs, but it couldn't do much to suppress the annoying tickle in his throat.
"Jeez Bob, you look like hell," Jake remarked.
"I feel like it," Bob answered, taking a deep breath and letting it out. "I think Auggie caught something at school and brought it home."
"Uh oh, speaking of diseases," Jake muttered under his breath. "Here comes one right now."
"Oh God no," Bob whispered.
Sure enough it was, Admiral Terrance Hamilton, the bane of the unit's existence. Bob couldn't stand the prick for the life of him let alone work with him. The shithead had already gone completely grey, the results of self-induced stress and problems that had been of his own creation. A bore to the enth degree, Admiral Hamilton talked excessively of finance, a hobby of his that seemed to overtake his mind, a man unable to understand the outside interests of others. He had profusely made fun of Bob for enjoying books that weren't about hard, cut and dry facts and couldn't stand the fact that Bob and the other Daggers had chosen to send their children to a school where creativity and imagination were the prime focus of the curriculum. Hell, Hamilton had even gone so far as to make lewd and rather unseemly jokes about (Y/N) Floyd, Bob's beloved wife and the mother of his children. Bob could practically smell the arrogance radiating off the man as he approached, the self-righteous gleam in his eyes and the stiffness of his perfectly pressed Navy dress blacks.
"Admiral Floyd," Hamilton greeted, shaking Bob's hand.
"Admiral Hamilton," Bob said with a rather curt politeness. "How are you?"
Hamilton replied with only a scoffing chuckle. "How do you think I'm doing?" he questioned. "I've been dealing with a passive aggressive woman who can't seem to wrap her head around what's going on lately."
Bob only nodded and gave him a polite smile. He could feel the cold negativity creeping in under his skin. "Sorry to hear that," was all Bob said.
"Ah, there's nothing that can be done," Hamilton answered with a wave of his hand. "How about the wife?"
"We're uh.....we're getting ready for a new baby in the family," Bob told him. "This is our fourth."
"Hah!" Hamilton laughed. "Must be doing something right if you can keep her full of you."
Bob and Jake cast a glance at each other, scrunching their eyebrows together. "I beg your pardon sir?" Bob asked.
"Can't keep her off you huh?" Hamilton said with a chuckle. "Sweet and demure on the outside but a fiend in the bedroom?"
"Sir I'm sorry but I don't....."
"It's a joke," Hamilton cut in.
"Doesn't seem like a joke to me," Jake said rather coldly.
"Oh c'mon Seresin," Hamilton chuckled. "Laugh a little bit. That's not the worst you've heard I'm sure."
Bob could feel the heat filling his face and something coiling in his chest. The audacity of this man.....the pure, sheer audacity to make those remarks and in public of all places!
"So I hear the boy's in school huh?" Hamilton enquired.
"Yes," Bob answered, swirling the amber whiskey and half melted ice cubes in his glass. "Just started the kindergarten program at the Waldorf school near where we live. The rest of the squad's kids are in his class as well."
"One of those hippie schools I presume," Hamilton said, scoffing a little. "If I had kids I wouldn't pay to have them waste their education on art and music."
Oh now he was getting mad. Bob knew that there was nothing worse in the world than feeling sick and angry all at once. He couldn't tell if it was heat from his sore throat or from the anger that boiled in his blood, but something was about to boil over.
"You said your on what? Your fourth kid too?"
"Jeez," Hamilton sniffed. "I'd have no patience for that, a bunch of kids running around the house screaming, talking back and being undisciplined. And let me guess, your little wifey wants a whole baseball team?"
That was it......that was officially the straw that had broken the camel's back. Jake saw a flash in Bob's eyes as Bob calmly took a sip of his whiskey, never once breaking eye contact with the slimy little twerp.
"Let me tell you something Admiral Hamilton.....Sir," Bob said, sharply emphasizing the last word. "Do you have any idea what family actually means or are you just that blind and ignorant?"
"You have no idea what (y/n) and I have been through in our eight years of marriage so far," Bob said icily. "You don't have a clue what we've both given up to be together and to build the lives we have now. In fact I think you might be a little bit jealous."
"Jealous?" Hamilton questioned.
"Yes, jealous," Bob answered sharply. "Because you walked all over the people who have tried to help you, the very same people you deemed to be out to get you because you always thought you were in the right about everything."
"Admiral Floyd, I....I never...." Hamilton chuckled nervously.
"And another thing too," Bob interrupted. "You've always been jealous of what everybody else has. I've heard you, day after day complain about people that are married, have kids or have this or that. Don't think I haven't heard you complain about Lieutenant Avery and her wife celebrating fifteen years together or Lieutenant Parker and his husband finally adopting a kid they've been fighting for, for the last year and a half or even Admiral Seresin and his wife, Rachel, celebrating their own wedding anniversary."
Admiral Hamilton simply froze, a dead look in his eyes and unable to speak.
"One more thing," Bob said, the heated hardness in his tone becoming obvious. "If I ever and I mean ever.......catch you making unseemly remarks about my wife or any of the other Navy wives every again, I'll make sure that your Navy career is ruined and that your reputation has a huge yellow stain. Hell, that might even be a good nickname for you, now that I think about it. How do you like that Admiral Seresin?
"I'm starting to think that's not such a bad idea," Jake said with a huge, shit-eating grin crawling across his face. "Old Yellow-Stain....it's got a nice ring to it."
He could see that Hamilton was fuming, Bob having hit him right where it hurt the most.
"You think you're better than everybody else don't you?" Hamilton fumed. "If it's one think I can't stand it's privleged little pricks who think they're better than everybody else."
"So you?" Bob questioned, raising his eyebrows.
Hamilton's face began to turn bright red.
"Sorry Admiral," Bob said, his cheeky, lopsided grin forming on his face. "But the only person you're hurting is yourself."
Oh could he feel the anger beginning to radiate from the insulted Admiral, his eyes were like ice, his eyebrows turned down in a scowl that would have a brand new seaman running scared.
"So might I propose a toast," Bob said. "To Admiral Hamilton, the greatest insult to the Navy since Admiral Richmond K. Turner."
It was a split second before Bob flung the remaining whiskey in his glass into Hamilton's face, the slimy gimp's jaw hanging open in shock as the amber liquid ran down his face and dripped onto his dress uniform. Admiral Hamilton huffed and stormed off, leaving the ballroom and the two other higher ranking Admirals in his wake.
"Well that went over like a fart during Christmas Mass," Jake laughed.
Bob laughed but it was interrupted by a bone cracking wet cough.
"Alright," Jake said. "What do you say we stay for the cutting of the cake and then go home?"
Bob grimaced and nodded, trying to take in a breath. They stayed just a little while longer before at last, they were able to jump in Jake's truck and head for home.
The snow was coming down a little bit harder, the plows just having gone by and the heat blasting as music played from Jake's phone in the cupholder.
"Nice pop-off by the way," Jake chuckled.
"That actually felt really good," Bob laughed.
"You got nasty though! I'm proud!" Jake exclaimed.
They laughed the whole way home until Jake pulled in the driveway, the two huge Victorian homes side by side in what was known as "Admiral's Village". Bob gathered his cap and walked along the sidewalk, up the path and onto the front porch where he lived with you and your children. Much to his surprise, the lights were still on inside which meant that the babies would still be awake, more so if school was called off the next day.
He opened the door and headed inside, the house warm and cozy and the smell of a fresh dinner wafting from the kitchen. The scritching of nails on the hardwood floor signaled the arrival of the family dogs, Tank, Bandit and the two newest additions to your family, a little black Scottish terrier that Auggie had named Jock, and a little Pekingese puppy you and Bob had named Dolly after she had been found outside the Dolly Madison house in DC. She was still so tiny, only half the size of Jock and dwarfed in comparison to the others.
Bob gave them all the scritches they could possibly ask for, scooping Dolly up off her stubby little legs and into the curve of his elbow before he made his way into the kitchen.
There you were, just having seated Auggie, Patrick and Diedre at the table, the smell of a warm, freshly roasted chicken out of the oven and resting in the pan on the stove while the smell of your homemade cinnamon spice cake cooling on the counter.
"DADDY!!!!!!" The babies chirped as they practically jumped off their seats at the table.
"Come give me hugs babies!" Bob laughed as Dolly sprang to the floor, leaving him to throw his arms around your children and litter their cheeks with kisses.
"Baba! Baba I want kissy!" Diedre demanded as she tried to push past her brothers.
"C'mere princess," Bob chuckled, scooping her up off her feet and pressing a big, wet kiss to her cheek which made her giggle.
Bob looked over at you in your burgundy colored shawl sweater, He could almost feel the hot flush himself, though it might have been due to the burning clump of mucous in his throat more than anything else.
"There's my handsome king of the castle," you teased as you took each other in your arms.
Bob pressed a sweet kiss to your lips before nuzzling your cheeks. "Sorry sweet cheeks," he said. "I think I'm getting sick."
"I'll say," you remarked, holding the back of your hand to his forehead. "You're warmer than usual. Auggie must've brought something home from school."
"Sorry if I get you sick sweetheart," he apologized.
"Oh Bob c'mon," you assured him. "I teach at that same school and my first graders this year still don't know how to cover their mouths."
Bob laughed a little before the coughing caught him again. You called the babies back into the kitchen to come and get their plates, plating everyone's dinners before you, Bob and the little ones were all seated in the dining room. Once grace was said, the five of you dug right in and went back and forth about how the day and evening's events had gone.
"How was the birthday celebration for Cyclone?" you asked him.
"Well," Bob said before finishing the last bite of asparagus. "Funny you should ask that."
He explained every little bit about what had happened, even the parts that he knew might upset you. Yet despite the awful remarks made by one of the naval commanders, you remained level headed and calm.
"You watch," you chuckled. "He'll say the wrong thing at the wrong time and Hamilton's Navy career will be over."
Once dinner was eaten, you loaded the dishes into the dishwasher, cleaning up and putting away the leftovers for the next day while Bob lit a fire in the living room fireplace. He went away upstairs to switch into something more comfortable, the flannel pjs you had gotten him for Christmas the year before.
You made him a hot green tea, slipping in one of your herb packets for seasonal illnesses and let it steep before handing it off to him. "Mommy! Mommy!" Auggie chirped, bouncing with excitement as he tried to hand you one of the books off the shelf. "Can we read a story?"
"Go right by the fireplace and we'll read a story before bed ok?" you told him. "I've gotta get Daddy settled first."
Auggie giggled and ran off to get nice and warm by the fireplace, all three of the kids having just slipped into their pjs and dragging a blanket and their favorite stuffie down from their bedrooms.
“Chivalry!---why, maiden, she is the nurse of pure and high affection---the stay of the oppressed, the redresser of grievances, the curb of the power of the tyrant ---Nobility were but an empty name without her, and liberty finds the best protection in her lance and her sword.” You read.
You, Bob and the babies were completely engrossed in Ivanhoe, the strange and wonderful tale of a Saxon knight and his adventures during the reign of Richard The Lionheart. He loved the way you read, your voice comforting and soft, like the cozy wool throw blanket he had wrapped himself in. Bob didn't care what anyone said. He loved nights like this, when you and him would gather around the fire with the babies to read to them before bed, losing yourselves in the adventures, fantasy and fun of it all.
It wasn't long before the babies had all fallen asleep with Bob carrying them upstairs, one at a time and not wanting you to hurt yourself since his sister had insisted on no heavy lifting at all. Once they were all asleep, it was just you and him, the two of you on the comfy old sofa in the living room, warming yourselves by the fire and his big, gentle hand rubbing soft circles on your obvious bump.
"Jeez (y/n) he's going nuts," Bob chuckled, feeling the tiny little feet kicking against his palm.
"He knows it's you," you hummed happily, a lazy smile worn on your face as you leaned against Bob and relaxed into his touch.
Bob bent a little lower and pressed a loving kiss to your bump. "I love you my precious boy," he whispered. "You, your momma and your brothers and sister mean everything to me."
You both snuggled close together, letting the troubles of the day run off like rain on a roof. The snow kept falling hard outside, but the warmth and coziness of your home enveloping the two of you fully as you and your husband fell asleep with the fire crackling away through the night. When you woke up the next morning, greeted by the look of pure love on Bob's face, you were both grateful beyond words for each other and the life you had built.
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calware · 9 months
i'm ranking my hs ship preferences send me one and i'll add it to the list
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legendsgalore · 25 days
Sooooo guess what I've been obsessed with lately!!!! The farming game called Fields of Mistria!!!! It's just so cute, gameplay feels very satisfying, and it's literally the type or game I have been dreaming to play for years!!!!! My fav chars so far are Eiland, Ryis, Juniper, March, Celine, Balor, Dozy....what do you mean I'm just listing every character? And what do you mean ofc I have the most hearts with March bc he's a ill-tempered and competent individual who has a soft side like every fictional crush I have? Anyways, I was going to try to give other characters a chance, but that first Friday night in the inn where you find out (thanks to drunk March) that he actually likes you solidified my choice :) still gonna max out hearts with every char tho bc NO FRIENDSHIP DECAY THANK FUCK. Didn't have time last night but I'll be unlocking the barn today, and then I can have cute animals ♡♡♡
My thoughts on common complaints:
Length of Day: I feel people's complaints, but I also feel that the stamina bar and every other gameplay aspect lines up with it perfectly well. Once I realized there was no friendship decay I didn't feel as urgent, bc there's no rush to have things done in Year 1, or 2.....There's no rush.
Money being hard to come by:
No way! It's becoming common knowledge that crafting smth is much more profitable than selling the base goods, so literally if you need money just craft like 40 tables or stone chests (over 100 t each!) Or just fish for a whole day (usually gets me around 500 t). Plus with crops, I've noticed that either once u harvest or ship a certain crop, characters will send u a recipe for them in the mail. So I got a baked potato recipe which you literally just need a potato for and that now sells for 80 t/piece, and if i planted 10 potatoes (bought for 40t each) that's a lotta money! Also copper bars sell for 110t/each and it's not hard to get around 30 copper ore in a full day of mining! But literally my early money makers have been tables, rugs, and the stone furniture you get from upgrading your town rank cuz i have so much stone from mining.
My personal complaint: i know it's coming but i wanna ride horses pleaaase. Also fishing does take a really long time, like sometimes 40 in game min for one fish? But I find it fun, and if i am out of stamina i can just keep repeating eating 1 wild berry, and then fish. Cuz you just need 1 stamina to cast the line. And are there more long hair options in game??? Maybe I haven't progressed enough to see them from the Saturday hair vender (vell right?)
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purelyfiction · 11 months
the name of someone i no longer know
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Jake Seresin x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,406 words
Summary: it's stick season what can i say? also maybe this is whump-tober coded who knows
Content Warning:  alcohol use/abuse, maybe alcoholism, dui mention, police interaction, drunk jake, a little aggression, heartbreak and all around sad
Author Note: what the summary said
Jake had loved California for the reasons that it never seemed to rain. It was flooded with lots of sunshine, beaches and bars. Good music, good friends, good girls and bad decisions to be made.
Until he was sent back to the thick of it - sent to Annapolis to be shipped off for some form of deployment, only to be delayed due to concerns for the ship. Instead of sending him back to California, they'd kept him in Maryland.
Maryland was his personal Hell on Earth.
Flooded with memories of the cooler months, pumpkin patches filled with your laugh, dive bars he'd lost himself in like corn mazes he'd held onto you in. This place haunted him. Especially when it rained and God, did it rain in this damned state.
Another Friday of work slips away from him, until he's at the old bar whose name had been a weapon in the fallout. Jake sits peeling labels of a local beer - they were out of Bud. The jukebox plays a song he doesn't recognize and a couple laughs in the corner of the bar top.
That corner had housed the two of you all those years ago. Conversations about drunken college nights, holidays spent with friends instead of family while deployed, promises made that he'd broken only months later.
His collection of beer bottle caps is turning into a small mountain in front of him. Until the bartender is tapping the wood in front of him. "Last one, pal."
Green eyes groggily flip up to meet his, brows furrowing. "Huh?"
"You've had enough for the night, man." The bartender slides his receipt toward him, the pen alongside it rolling off and onto the floor. The blonde sits up with annoyance.
"I'm fine, first off," Jake slides from the barstool to retrieve the pen off the floor - only to crack his head on the underside of the bar when he stands up, "fuck!"
The man from the corner comes to his side, "Are you alright? That looked like it hurt." When the stranger grabs his arm, Jake rights himself and shoves him back into a barstool.
"Don't touch me." He spits. The stranger holds up his hands to show he's backing off.
"You need a ride." The bartender is pulling his phone from his pocket, Jake shakes his head.
"No, no I'm-" a hiccup breaks his train of thought. The sum of the bill catches his eye and he groans, dropping his initials onto the paper.
"I'll just order you an Uber, where you going?"
"I said no, I can drive." The barkeep nearly gives Jake the stink eye now. As the blonde fumbles his way to the front door, he nearly eats it at the front stoop. He manages to find his way to his truck - a rental no less - he pauses at the sight of an old Jeep Liberty.
The last time he was in Annapolis, he'd bought a cheap one exactly like it off of Facebook Marketplace. He'd needed a way to get around, and considering how often he bounced around, there was no need to buy anything worthwhile.
That same Jeep that you'd refused to get into the passenger seat of one night. You were leaving a friend's Thanksgiving. He'd had too much to drink. You begged him to let you drive, seeing that you were sober - he wouldn't have any of it.
He'd left you in the driveway of your friend's place along the water, snow and all. Annapolis police had him in their custody not even twenty minutes later. Jake had friends in the navy ranks in Maryland, that had helped him avoid a dishonorable discharge at the time - he no longer had those friends.
He also no longer had you.
Jake makes sure his rental is locked before he starts down the road in the direction of the naval base.
His steps are uneasy, a bit sporadic as he walks aimlessly in one direction. A film reel serves as his entertainment for his walk back. Scenes from two years of love, a whole six months of downward spiral toward heartbreak. Total, gut-wrenching and life wrecking heartache. Self-inflicted he now realizes.
The breakup was sharp. His things were packed up. Put into the Liberty. You'd taken your key back, deleted your number from his phone and told him to forget you even lived on the same continent. He'd promised you'd never hear from him.
Jake looks up after a cold round drop plops onto his head. Followed by another. His feet stop walking as he stares up at the rain beginning to fall, the street lamps serving as a backdrop as the downpour begins. He stands there. Watching the rain. His head drops to meet the river running under him, the bridge he stands on giving a viewing point as the speed picks up.
A car slows to a stop just behind him. The headlights make him squint, slowly moving a hand up to block the LEDs that blind him.
"It's a bit wet out here, don't you think?" A voice calls from the side of the vehicle, the door shutting in tandem to another on the symmetrical side of the car.
"Rain'll do that." He snidely retorts, leaning into the jersey barrier along the bridge.
"You think you might wanna find a dry place to settle in? It's getting late, afterall." A second voice consoles him, and Jake realizes why the lights are so damn bright. He'd recognize the striping of the Anapolis police anywhere.
"Ah, I'm-" Another hiccup, "I'm trying to." An older male comes in the rain, graying facial hair, a well trimmed beard as he approaches.
"You look a little lost there, boy."
If only this damn officer knew the half of it.
Neither of them mention his slow reaction times. Or reveal that they'd received a tip from a rather concerned bartender. Instead, they carefully guide him to the backseat of the cruiser. No handcuffs are involved, no harsh words spoken, not a single arrest made.
That doesn't stop Jake from reciting your name, your address and phone number.
Anapolis' police station is dated. The linoleum is scuffed and worn - a creamier brown than he remembers.
"You.. wanna call somebody to come get you, son?"
"I've got- I'll just call her. She'll come." When he pulls his phone from his pocket it's either too cold, too wet, or too dead - or some combination of the three.
The officer with the mustache that matched that of an old friend's hands him two dollars in change, pointing him in the direction of the payphones.
Nine digits. He's got them memorized, though he swore he would forget them.
One ring. Two rings. Four.
Finally- "Hello?"
Your name leaves his lips like a prayer.
The end tone sounds like a gunshot.
Another pair of quarters.
Dial tone. Ring three. Ring four. Voicemail.
Two dollars gone.
"Alright, kid, lets get you sat down for a minute." Jake firms up like an oak tree when the officer grabs his shoulder.
"Hold on, just- I need a charger. Something- she'll call. You've got more change? Just a quarter-" He turns to a nearby woman, desperately leaning toward her, his balance wavering enough that the cop comes to his shoulder again to keep him upright.
"Have you had much to drink tonight, son?"
"I- Didn't- she's gonna call." He mumbles as the officer slowly guides him to a seat. Green eyes look up at the older man and then to the tinted window at the end of the corridor.
"Hate to tell you this... but I don't think she will."
Jake shoots up again, almost falling on his ass.
"She will- I- let me call her again- just one more time-"
The officer resists Jake and his sluggish effort to move back to the phones, finally gripping onto the pilot.
"Sit. I'm gonna get you some water and we-"
"Fuck that. Sir. I just need to get her on the phone- she's not far she-" His words begin on a carousel. Coming back again and again, repeating in the same pattern.
The plastic cup of water in his hands grows warm as he sits in the station. Two officers talk among themselves as they keep an eye on him, mentioning your name. Your address.
The phone number you refuse to use if he is on the other end of the line.
And he waits.
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lurkingshan · 3 months
Always happy to help you not work.
Not exactly one ship but since we have a new one coming soon, I was wondering of all the OffGun shows how do you rate them? like your favourite to least favourite couple they played?
Oh my god, forcing me to rank my beloveds. This is going to be so controversial. Let's do this in reverse order, worst to first. *evil smile*
Sean and White, Not Me
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I can already hear people yelling, but listen. This show entirely coasted on OffGun as a branded pair and didn't bother to actually write a believable romance for these characters. Sean hated White (as Black), and then he randomly held his hand at a Pride parade, and then suddenly he liked him because it was time to kiss, and then before you know it we're fucking in a tent for some reason. White lied to Sean the entire time and ran away like a coward when he was busted and I never really understood why I was supposed to believe they were in love. I enjoyed every moment of this ridiculous show, but a romance for the ages, it was not.
Pick and Rome, Puppy Honey
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This one is not higher on the list due to some failures in execution, but I do love these characters for them. Pick is an awkward asshole having a sexuality crisis and Rome is a confident gay who is not at all intimidated by him. It's a really fun dynamic, but it's also their first show and quite early in Off's career so the chemistry wasn't quite dialed in yet.
Khai and Third, Theory of Love
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Y'all know how I feel about this one, so you can talk to the wall about your complaints. This is such a well written friends to lovers arc that goes deep on the angst of the trope. I love that Third and Khai are so flawed and so mean to each other in a way that only someone who truly knows and loves you can be. And yes, I said mean to each other, because this is definitely a mutual dynamic, something that seems to go unacknowledged in much of the discourse on this show. Third is actually an even bigger asshole than Khai, he's just not a slut about it. They are a very well-suited pair and once they got on the same page about what they wanted I absolutely believed they will stay together.
Ten and Prem, Cooking Crush
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The winners by a mile, this is the best romance OffGun have yet had the chance to depict. Ten is a communication king who never lets them suffer misunderstandings, and Prem is extremely charmed by his earnest dorkiness and quite thoughtful and caring about his initial touch aversion. My favorite thing about this couple is the way they talk and listen and support each other, and the way they respect the other priorities they each have. It's their most adult romance by a mile. This show has flaws but the romance writing is not one of them.
In my opinion, these two are just getting better with age, and I am so hype for The Trainee to see what they do next!
Send me a ship and I'll share my thoughts about it
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captain-mj · 1 year
Okay okay okay, now that you have ventured into the territory of Ghost x König I finally have to find the courage to send you a request. I need more of this ship.
I don't have many specifics, enemies to lovers is always great, but Monster (any type, werewolf/bear, your avian soldiers, other unique folklore related creatures etc.) König and Handler Ghost? A combination/variation of the two? Ooooh, in general I am in love with your fantasy AUs. So whatever strikes your inspiration, if you have a completely different idea that comes up in regards to this ship I will probably eat it up, so feel free to venture away from the ideas provided.
If you do this I will kiss- oh wait I heard threats are the social norm in this ask box so uhm... yes... if you do this I will refrain from stealing your teeth. Yes, yes.
Werebear Koenig werebear Koenig werebear Koenig. I got you. Enemies to lovers? No problem! Also Ghost is a werewolf :)
I rewrote this six times before i liked it so pls... let me keep my teeth... I know it's short but I'll make a part 2 or something 😭
Ghost considered himself a selfish person generally. He also genuinely did not believe he was a good person. But with König, he tried to be better. König was polite and skilled, he saw no reason to be mean to him. They were only paired up because Ghost could overpower König, a feat not many people on base could boast. More accurately, no one but Ghost could boast. König was paired to him because Ghost didn't need a handler in the typical sense. It meant König didn't have to worry about it. He was new from KorTac, still adjusting to this. They both hated each other.
Ghost wasn't even sure he knew why. Neither had "punished" the other. They shared section of the base, a room, bathroom and hallway due to Ghost being a lieutenant and requesting the privacy, but they had quickly found rules that meant they never, ever saw each other unmasked unless it was on purpose. It meant they avoided each other pretty much constantly as a bonus.
Occasionally, when they did happen to be in the same area at the same time, it was a fragile truce. Their ranks were ignored and so was their work. Instead, they just continued doing what they were doing in as non awkward of a silence as they could manage.
But König slipped up. During a mission, he had shifted without being told and the wrong people got hurt. Luckily, the friendly fire was mostly just hurt egos and bruises, no casualties. He didn't think König would survive if he had genuinely hurt anyone.
Said shifter was angrily crossing his arms, looking at him with frustration. "They weren't moving fast enough. They needed to get to exfil and I didn't think they could make it at the pace we were going. I was trying to prevent anyone from getting hurt."
"I understand that. But you have to ask for permission, König. People could've gotten hurt." Ghost understood the frustration. Nonshifters could be annoyingly slow at times. Personally, he even agreed it was the right call, but he couldn't tell him that.
"Unlike you, I don't go feral when I shift." König hissed. "I'm in control. I was fine." Low fucking blow. It took a lot for Ghost to shove the initially angry reaction down.
Ghost stared at him and sighed. "I believe you. But the point still stands. You should've asked."
König scowled at him fiercely and Ghost just shook his head. "I know you're used to being a mercenary with no ru-"
"Fuck you, Riley." König suddenly got closer, towering over him. Ghost's heart did something funny that he blamed on fear. Nothing else. His breath moved the cloth over his face.
"König. Stand down."
"And what are you doing to do?" He growled at him.
Ghost growled back and stepped closer, ignoring the height difference. He hooked his ankle around König's knees and sent him to the floor, kneeling in front of him. "Don't ever. Ever."
"Ever what? Growl at you? Disrespect your authority?"
Ghost yanked König's hood up and guilt immediately flooded him. König shied away from him, all the fury going out of him. He looked away, ashamed. There were scars across his face, but they weren't too bad. It was the thick scarring around his throat, like he had been wearing a spiked collar or had almost been decapitated.
Ghost dropped his hood. The silence followed like a shroud. It ached and groaned between them.
König let out a shuddering breath. "I... I do not want you to do that again."
"I wont."
"I promise not to shift without your permission again, sir." Sir. ah.
Ghost wanted to apologize. It was funny. He did worse things to other people and never felt this problem and yet, he wanted to apologize. To König.
"Good. Don't let it." That's what he said instead.
König didn't look at him. The silence stayed. Neither slept.
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blossombriefs · 6 months
Legendary | Chapter One
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As we were on course through the galaxy, the mothership jolted harshly with turbulence which was a sensation that would send fear through your average soldier. Not me though. There was no doubt in my mind that I was calm as can be. My level-headed attitude, fearlessness, and determination to confront whoever stands in my way make me a confident threat. It was crystal clear to me that I could not settle or allow myself to stall because the slate grey steel walls surrounding me were a constant reminder. As I waited to be deployed on my next mission, I had been in the bay for several hours and on the ship for days.
I wouldn't let my looks fool you, a lot of people underestimate me by my stature but I've never failed to prove them wrong. I've faced years of rigorous training routines, my body exuding the appearance of someone with pure strength. My black, shoulder-length hair framed my face as I looked at myself on the steel floor below my feet. While I may be average height, and short compared to my fellow soldiers, I know how to put up a fight. Despite my appearance I quickly climbed the ranks to become one of Frieza's elite combatants on his illustrious Frieza Force, taking over the role as a squad captain. He was very impressed with my raw skill and knowledge, it made me perfect in his eyes. A natural-born warrior. As per my usual routine, Frieza had deployed me on a mission to a planet I knew little about. He trusted me to lead.
The other three team members were engaged in other activities around the ship, such as training or socialising. I didn't mind it as long as it meant they were bonding. One team member chose to stay in the bay with me, I could feel his eyes on me. When I looked up I saw the brutish man staring me up and down. His skin bore a dark blue, almost purple hue, and a smirk played across his lips as he stared at me. It felt like he was out to make me feel intimidated. It wouldn't work of course. His massive frame was clad in armour similar to mine, an identical scanner affixed to his eye and a thick helmet protected his horned head. His eyes burned holes through me with a predatory intensity, akin to a fox eyeing up a rabbit. He took a sip from his water flask before he opened his mouth.
"So, woman," he sneered, drawing my attention away from my thoughts. I met his gaze with a raised eyebrow to quietly challenge him as he pressed on, "What's your story?"
"You don't need to know anything about me other than that I'll be leading this mission." My response with laced with a calm confidence. I settled myself against the ship's wall, reassured by the hum of the engines and jets. I clasped my hands together as I rested my head back, "Just focus on the task at hand."
To be truthful, I always struggled to answer those types of questions about my past. I didn't ever think it was any different to anyone else's. My memories were shrouded in the repetitive atmospheres of ships and bases, training and my service to Frieza. My earliest memory was first awakening on Frieza's vessel, surrounded by scientists and medical personnel, bathed in harsh lights. It was as if my existence began on a cold, steel table in a place that was completely foreign to me. From that point onward, I was subjected to a rigorous training routine under the supervision of some of Frieza's top trainers at the time. Day in and day out my routine is extreme. I train on the ship for around 15 hours a day, taking very short meal breaks in between long sessions. The only exceptions are when I get deployed on missions such as these. My mere existence was intertwined with the cold, calculated nature of being one of Frieza's most reliable operatives, responsible for countless lives being lost at my hands.
"Like hell am I taking orders from you! We've been cooped up in this metal box for over two days and you've barely uttered a word to any of us!" He snapped at me, his hostility evident, I met his aggression with stoicism, silently objecting to continue talking to him by rolling my eyes and shaking my head. Of course that wouldn't have been the end of it, "Maybe you're more pleasant when you keep your mouth shut. Certainly prettier that way."
As he finished that sentence I could feel an unnerving chill ring through the air as the ship door snapped open. I turned my head toward it. Standing in the door frame, we were greeted by Frieza himself, adorned in his regal purple and gold battle attire. Despite his small stature, he commanded fear and respect across the universe. As he approached, I was quick to my feet, greeting him with a bow as a sign of respect as my squad mate did the same. Frieza let out a menacing chuckle, his gaze falling onto the insubordinate member of the team. "That's no way to speak to your captain. A lot of gall from someone with such a weak power level. Were you invited along on this mission by mistake or do you have a death wish?"
"N-no, Lord Frieza!" He stuttered in response, his arrogance deflated by the second. "I'm conserving my energy for battle! I swear!"
"You may perceive her as inferior due to her gender but I can guarantee you, Drone 4782 Beta 6, that is not the case." Frieza's response was stern, filling me with pride as I smirked, passing him a glance as he trembled where he stood. As a reminder of the consequences of his actions, a finger was drawn and a small blast was shot into his leg, causing him to fall over and clutch it in agony. I looked down at him, seeing him yell out as he held his hand over the mark. A surface burn on the skin. Pathetic. With a flick of his tail and another signature chuckle on his dark lips, Frieza crouched beside him. "I better see a lot more respect from you. Next time you won't be let off so lightly. Get yourself to the med bay quickly. You're due to board the ship in the next 40 minutes."
As he was rushed away by medical staff, Frieza quickly turned to face me. The actions against my comrade didn't make me feel scared. It filled me with adoration. I stayed still, my posture sharp as he addressed me next. "Some quick-fire questions for you next, my dear. I need to make sure my best weapon is as knowledgeable as she is tactical. First of all, your name."
"My name is Captain 4 Alpha 1," I responded without hesitation. "Proud captain of Alpha Squad 1, Lord Frieza."
"Where am I deploying Alpha Squad 1, Captain?"
"A planetoid on the outskirts of the universe. a wasteland named Vampa."
"You're right! Vampa is a wasteland, Captain. I had forgotten it even existed but even the most pointless of planets need to be scouted and searched!" Frieza replied with a grin, a streak of confidence and pride in his tone. "Tell me, Captain, I need to make sure you're well aware of the mission. What is your objective? I do love to hear your commitment to the cause."
"Scouting for life forms. Taking control of anything and everything out there."
"What else?"
"Track and kill any remaining Saiyans in the galaxy, sir." I looked at him with a cold gaze, feeling a cocky smirk tug at my lips. "If any of them dare to exist out there, my Lord, they'll feel your wrath through my bare hands."
Next Chapter Chapter List
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mixelation · 6 months
send me a ship and i'll give you my brutally honest opinion on it
I'm actually surprised I've never contemplated this one. Like. Yes, obviously? My two most shippable boys????
I think this would be a fun ship for one of those ridiculous "Deidara is related to Minato" fics. I don't mind age gap ships with the caveat that I don't like when they get close while one is an adult and the other is a kid, so I propose two scenarios:
AU where Deidara is roughly the same age as Kakashi and Minato's bastard little brother he just found out about and is taking in. Tiny Kakashi is filled with jealousy. That's HIS sensei why are you BLOWING UP HIS KITCHEN
Deidara is Minato's bastard child that Konoha finds out about after Deidara is a nineteen year old S-rank missing-nin. Kakashi is sent to either convince him to work for Konoha or take him out. It turns out..... Deidara is the funniest possible victim of Kakashi's natural urge to troll. He gets so flustered and screamy and it is so cute. RIP Konoha.
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hourcat · 6 months
piarles... wait... 🙏💗
It feels like a hundred lifetimes have passed since Charles has seen him, even if Lorenzo had scolded him that it's unseemly to be so dramatic about an ally from the Northern kingdom--you yearn like he is your wife, he'd once deadpanned when he'd found Charles wrapped up in the study poring over a book to locate the next encyclopedic fact to include in his latest letter to Pierre.
But it's difficult to feel anything but yearning, after all this time: two years it's been since Charles has sat across a dining table with the Duke he calls his friend, two years since they'd ridden off into the woods together to hunt pheasant, two years since he'd trembled from the drag of that white silk glove against his unshaven jaw. Upon the return to Maranello, Pierre and his men had ridden back north where they'd come from in a rather disheveled hurry, and all Charles had been left with is the sight of Duke Gasly turning back towards him from horseback, glinting blue eyes cutting through the hazy dawn.
Two years of waiting, against the advisement of his mother and the family priest and even his youngest brother, who's too caught up in the fantasy of war to have an opinion about anything else: they all somehow can agree on this, that Charles Leclerc should not keep up this improper friendship with a man of rank from a kingdom so far from their own.
But Lord Charles has never been one to listen to the advice of anyone he does not seek out himself, and it's with great satisfaction that he reminds himself of that today: in the carefully folded parchment clutched in his hands, written in perfectly scrawled French, is a message from the Duke himself--prepare your chambers, sweet bird, for i will return to you in a fortnight.
send me a ship and a word and i'll write you five sentences <3
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rosesradio · 2 days
Hello rose I hope you are doing well I'm curious in what is your most favourite ship to least favourite ship
Or to better phrase which ship is more interesting to least interesting to write about
hi anon ! i'm doing well, thanks, & i hope you are too 💌
sometimes i find the most interesting ships to write about aren't always my favorite ships, so that in itself is interesting. & ofc i have to make things convoluted lol, so i'll start by saying that certain ships are best in certain categories. some ships are my favorite for fluff, others for angst, others for smut, so on and so forth.
so, to have some fun with organization (i was the kid that seperated their skittles by color & then ate them one by one in case you couldn't tell lol), i'll seperate them into lists. ofc, my tastes change over time, and i tend to have a bias towards my most recent fics, though here are my thoughts atm:
1.) valgrace
2.) valdangelo
3.) jasico
1.) lukabeth (fortunately/unfortunately i have to be in a Really Bad mental space to write these two, but if you're rooting for my downfall feel free to sub to my ao3 for when i have my next mental breakdown lol)
2.) lukethan
3.) lukercy
(don't ask me what i have against luke i love him but also that's between me and my nonexistent therapist jdskjdkj)
1.) lukercy
2.) jercy
3.) jasico
4.) valgrace
1.) valdangelo (while i wouldn't put valdangelo as my favorite in any one category, it's still my fave overall. the ceaselessverse has its share of both fluff and angst, and i think for their character development in that fic you can't have one without the other)
2.) valgrace (friends to lovers, an unbeatable classic. they have my heart—unfotunately i was too late on the "hey wait jason is actually super nuanced and cool" wave, so they'll never be able to beat my love for valdangelo. but One Day perhaps i'll write more with them)
3.) jasico (i think it's hard for me to capture the right dynamic between these two (perhaps because leo's not in this ship lol), but when i do i really enjoy it. i'm probably only a prompt away from going down a rabbit hole about these two)
4.) jercy (i can't believe like 3(?) months ago i was like "lol they're just Bros"—what a close-minded Fool i was. thank you @theburningsunset for sending me that one prompt that unlocked a dormant part of my brain. i should write more with these two)
5.) lukercy (there's so much to explore with this dynamic in angst & smut & so many other things...though it's gotta rank below my other pairings as the ones above are fluffier and easier on the psyche to write)
6.) lukethan (if i wrote more with them they would be higher on the list...i need to find the lukethan corner of the fandom & let them unlock this part of my brain)
(i feel like i'm forgetting a couple ships but these are probably the ones i write about the most :-) thanks for the ask ! )
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juneberrie · 1 year
꒰ THIS IS K-12 ꒱ؘ ʚɞ liz's 1.7k celly CLOSED
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ahhhh!!! thank u guys sosososoossoooooo much for 1.7k!! i've been slowly being dragged back into my melanie phase so obvs its k-12 themed <3 this event will run from the tenth of october to the fourteenth
꒰ rules ꒱ — only send one request per ask; read my rules before u send something in; all characters & fandoms are open for this; i only write angst & fluff, but i might write suggestive content; i also only write fem and gn readers, so if you don't specify i'll default to fem.
꒰ inbox — rules — masterlist — navigation ꒱
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꒰ SHOW & TELL ꒱ؘ ʚɞ send me a this & i'll put my playlist on shuffle and give you the first song that comes up + the character that that song reminds me of!
꒰ HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS ꒱ؘ ʚɞ send me a character and a scenario, au, or trope and i'll write some hcs! (ex: rockstar!thalia grace, football!jason grace, friends to lovers with john b, etc)
꒰ DETENTION ꒱ؘ ʚɞ basic tumblr games! cym, wyr, this or that, rankings / top 5 / top 3, etc
꒰ THE PRINCIPAL ꒱ؘ ʚɞ send me a character + a song & i'll (try) to write a songfic!!
꒰ STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE ꒱ؘ ʚɞ send me a character and i'll make them a moodboard!
꒰ ORANGE JUICE ꒱ؘ ʚɞ give me a short description of yourself, a fandom, and a gender preference, and i'll give you a ship!
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꒰ mutuals ꒱ — @spaceagebachelormann @dizzyntrr @solutopia @waitingonher @yellowjaxxx @inkluvs @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @faerieroyal @heartmorgue @heartss4val @lunarfleur @lovepotpanini @ttsumii @carelikeribbonsinyourhair @cau-lee-flower215 @masivechaos @renqiisnce
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Ara has never done anything wrong in her entire life idk what you mean -Danny Words: 2,112 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'As The World Caves In' -by Sarah Cothran
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LXI: Back by Unpopular Demand: Me
"You won't stay."
"Ara, if I have to throw you overboard I will!" Leo frowns.
Ara's eyes brim with tears. "We can't even have a proper goodbye..."
"There is no goodbye in this," Leo gestures at Frank. "Hey! Make sure to take her with you!"
"We don't have time for this," he insists, also holding back tears.
"HOLD ON!" Zeus warns them, getting ready to toss them out.
Ara doesn't even get to take one last look at Athens before the sky flickers and changes at the speed of light.
"Jason!" Leo screams. "Hurry!"
Everything around breaks and flies off the deck, Ara unclasps her harness and watches Frank and Hazel as they try to get closer.
"Go!" Leo urges her. "Go, go, go!"
"LET'S GO! MOVE IT! CUT THAT OUT!" Bufford keeps screaming. 
It isn't wise to distract him while he's desperately trying to keep the ship in one piece, but love blurs all her coherent thoughts. "Leo..." she turns to him, trying one last time.
"Leave!" He screams with an anger she's never heard before.
Frank rises off the deck as a dragon with Percy, Annabeth, and Hazel on his back, Ara sees him fly in her direction ready to seize her. "Fine!" She yells at her boyfriend. "Leónidas Valdez if you don't survive this, I'll kill you!"
Leo laughs. "I love you!"
Frank's claw hooks on her cloak and pulls her out of there. As they fly down to the hill where the Athena Parthenos is standing, Jason catches up to them and starts giving instructions. "Hazel! Those three cohorts are in trouble! If they don't merge with the rest of the demigods—"
"On it! Go, Frank!"
"Drop me there!" Ara spots a familiar shape in the mob. "Jason, Piper, you come with me!"
"Alright, General!" Jason responds. Frank flies past the hill and opens his claw. 
Ara lands on top of Pollo the Nemean lion, and slits a monster's throat with her crossbow. On each side of her Piper and Jason land and draw out their swords. The monster dissolves and she glares at the army before her, pulling the lion's mane so he stops running.
"Who missed me?" Ara smirks at the monsters that are quickly scattering away from her.
"About time!" Reyna says over the cheering of demigods. "Glad you could join us!"
Piper smiles. "We had some giants to kill!"
"Excellent! Help yourself to some barbarians."
"Why, thank you!"
"General Jackson!" Nico slashes a monster without paying much attention. He looks pale and barely alive. "Good timing. Where's the ship?"
Jason and Ara look up, the girl feeling a bit faint when she sees the wreckage the Argo II has turned into.
"Gods," Nico makes a face. "Is everyone okay?"
"Leo..." Jason says weakly. "His plan is in motion."
Nico nods, locking eyes with her. "He'll be fine."
"Of course," she pushes back her fear to focus on the fight.
"But just in case... For Leo."
"For Leo," Jason looks at Ara and nods.
"Where is Octavian?" Ara demands out loud, slashing through the monsters like they're cardboard figures, guiding Pollo with only one hand. "I wanna give him a proper send-off!"
"Ara?!" Connor Stoll looks at her with his mouth wide open. "When Lily said you looked different, I thought she meant sunburned!"
Ara pulls the lion's mane so it comes to a halt once more. She smiles down at her friend. "You're here, that means Saggio is close. Where?"
Connor opens his mouth to respond but Frank's voice cuts through. "Repellere equites!"
"Ave, Praetor Zhang!" Reyna greets him.
"Ave, Praetor Ramírez-Arellano!" He responds. "Let's do this. Legion, CLOSE RANKS!"
"Legion, cuneum formate!" Reyna yells. "Advance!"
"Hey, Birdy!" Percy calls behind her. " Lost something?"
The army of Greeks goes wild the moment they spot him and Annabeth. Lily Saggio is with them.
"Strategus!" Her eyes are fierce, but they seem happy. "Your armies wait for instruction!"
Ara feels ten times stronger at the moment. She turns Pollo to face the girl. "Brigadier Saggio, you see the monsters?"
"Yes, General."
Ara unsheats Lily's dagger and tosses it back to her. "I want them all dead."
"Let's kill stuff!" Percy shouts with enthusiasm.
Everyone gathers around Ara and charges into battle. Ara notices Nico and Will Solace sneaking to the opposite side of where the fight is happening, she looks further ahead and sees where they're going, a dark grin forming on her face. 
She turns to Annabeth and Lily. "Take the lead on this group."
"Yes, General," Lily lifts her dagger. "Let's go!"
Ara has barely slipped off Pollo's back when the ground shakes, and she looks up to see a gigantic mount of dirt emerge from the mud. "AWAKE," Gaea growls. "Little fools. The paltry magic of your statue cannot contain me."
"Bitch," Ara curses, glaring at the mighty woman before turning around and following Nico's trace, which isn't hard because the ground seems to be dying wherever he sets foot.
"The whole earth is my body," Gaia boomed. "How would you fight the goddess of—"
Ara stops and gasps. Festus just tackled Gaea, and there, confidently seated on his back, is Leo. "Pipes! Jason! You coming? The fight is up here!"
"Gods, I wanna marry him," she whispers in joy.
The girl gives a start and looks around, but no one there seems to be paying her attention. She frowns, maybe she heard wrong. The girl quickly forgets about it when her eyes land on Nico and Will, both standing next to an onager. She looks at Gaea with a smile.
"I should give her a proper send-off..."
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"Octavian, get away from the onager—That isn't safe!"
"Of course it's not! I will shoot Gaia down with this machine!" Will and Nico are facing Octavian, who is wearing the most dreadful assessment of jewelry she's ever seen. 
The sky darkens when Jason and Piper fly up to meet Leo, a storm cooks above their heads as Jason gathers all his power.
"You see?" Octavian continues frantically. Ara thinks she might be hallucinating, but his skin seems to be smoking. "The gods approve of my actions!"
"Jason is making that storm," Nico points out with annoyance. "If you fire the onager, you'll kill him and Piper, and—"
"Good! They're traitors! All traitors!"
"Listen to me," Will presses. "This is not what Apollo would want. Besides, your robes are—"
"You know nothing, Graecus!" Octavian reaches for the lever. "I must act before they get any higher. Only an onager such as this can make the shot. I will singlehandedly—"
"Centurion," a new guy appears, tall and buff. 
Ara recognizes him from Frank's stories, he's a son of Venus—something like a half-brother to Ara but not quite like the ones from Aphrodite. Ara's eyes travel down Octavian's clothes. She gets a pleasant thrill down her spine when she gets a very horrific idea.
"Michael! Excellent!" Octavian squeals, making her skin crawl. "Guard me while I fire this onager. Then we will kill these Graeci together!"
Ara gets to work in silence, pulling his cloak further into the mechanism. She hates this guy like she's never hated anyone before, he brought all these monsters to her camp, terrorized her family for weeks and weeks, and paraded around wearing that atrocity of an outfit. He's insulted her in every possible way.
Out of the corner of her eye, she thinks she sees Nemesis, perhaps she was the one who guided her here, but Ara refuses to acknowledge her. She gets up and circles the onager. "Michael Kahale, isn't it?"
The boy looks at her, his posture stiffening. "Strategus."
Ara smiles. "At ease, soldier. Let me talk to your Centurion."
"General," Michael nods, stepping back.
Octavian might've jumped over every rank from the Roman army, but he can't jump Ara, above her there are only gods, and even for him, that would be too much.
"No!" Octavian squeaks out in anger. "I'm your superior, you idiot! You don't listen to her!"
"You and your army, and your army's parents answer to me, Octavian." She speaks sternly, having perfected that voice after a whole year of practice. "You've caused destruction and death. You will yield, or face the consequences."
"NEVER!" He spits, eyes wide and crazy. "I will be remembered as the savior of Rome!"
"Apollo hates you, you psychotic jerk," Ara presses. "Yield or I'll make sure you never stir trouble for any of my camps ever again."
"Octavian..." Will tries to intervene, but Nico pulls him back.
"Our General is talking."
Ara knows he saw her pull the cloak inside the mechanism, she sees the way he looks at her: displeased but determined to stand by her.
"Liars, tricksters til the last minute," Octavian's hands hold onto the lever. "You cannot defeat me."
Ara sighs. "Octavian, I could snap you in half like a twig... but I'd rather put you to better use."
The girl pretends she's about to attack Octavian and he screams, cutting the rope that's keeping the onager's lever in place. The ammunition flies up with Octavian's cloak firmly tucked in by her, and Ara feels zero remorse as the guy disappears into the storm.
Her eyes find the other ball of fire in the sky that is Festus, and both explosions reach Gaia at the same time, making her stomach churn with apprehension. Next to her, Michael Kahale speaks. 
"Goodbye, Octavian." He turns to her. "What are our orders, General?"
The storm swallows the explosions for a moment but the fire gains force, vaporizing everything in the sky, not just Gaia, but also Leo and Festus.
Ara's vision starts to darken. "Cease fire."
Will catches her, and the girl faints without saying another word.
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Ara spends two days in what can be considered an actual comma, when she wakes up she's damp with cold sweat and it takes her a full minute to recognize the room, then she realizes she's in the Big House, and someone is next to her napping.
"Will," she says hoarsely, barely able to open her mouth. "Will Solace!"
The boy drops his clipboard, quickly scrambling to his feet. "Ara! Thank Apollo, you're awake!"
"I won't be thanking Apollo for anything in the next few months," Ara groans, trying and failing to rub her eyes. "What day is it?"
"It's been three years, everyone went off to college but I volunteered to look after you this summer."
"Ha ha," she replies, struggling to keep her eyes open. "Gods, I feel like crap. What happened?"
"You've been asleep for two days—well, a day and a half, technically. I couldn't bring down the fever, we even submerged you in a bathtub full of ice. It was crazy Ara, you were—"
"Burning alive," she starts coming to her senses. "Will, the campers—"
"We had losses," he tells her, pressing a wet cloth on her forehead. "But not as bad as last time..."
Ara's pulse picks up again as she asks the next thing. "What about the people in the storm?"
Will turns the cloth over, Ara's temperature still warming up the material too fast. "Jason and Piper came down seconds before the explosion but Leo... Cabin Nine spent the whole day picking up bits and pieces of the Argo II, but there was no sign of Festus."
Ara closes her eyes. "Yes, that was the plan."
"No, Ara," Will sighs, not understanding. "The explosion was massive. There was nothing left because the fire destroyed everything."
"I need Nico," she says dryly. "Please, tell me he's around here still."
"He's been following Lily and Connor around like a guard dog ever since—"
"Take me to him," Ara tries to sit up but the world turns upside down and she falls sideways. "Or tell him to come," she says in a strangled voice. Will doesn't try to fight her, he knows arguing is useless. "Don't tell anyone else I'm awake yet," she adds quickly. "I need a moment, then we can handle the funerary—"
"We did that already," Will eases her. "Nico and Chiron did it. Lily and Clarisse have taken care of the rest... I saw your cloak, you got like five blessings in two months," the boy shakes his head in disbelief. "I'm surprised your body didn't melt."
She gulps. "Please, bring Nico."
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"Did he die?"
Nico takes a seat next to her bed. "He died. Hazel and I felt it. And then..."
Ara sits up at his pause, feeling anxious. "I need to know."
"Well, we sort of... lost track of him. One minute his soul was there, and then... don't know, it was nowhere to be found."
"Festus had the physician's cure."
"We all saw Festus explode."
"You didn't find pieces."
"The explosion was too strong," Nico frowns. "And you threw a ball of fire at him for good measure, remember?"
"He made it out."
"You can't know that."
"You don't know the opposite," Ara argues. "He needed to survive to break the curse. You say he's not in the Underworld, and judging by how I'm feeling, my body's purging centuries of disease."
Nico stares at her. "...I'd like to believe you."
"Then believe me," Ara says earnestly. "It's better than the alternative."
He gets up and gestures at her closet. "Get dressed, everyone will feel better if you show your face at today's campfire."
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Next Chapter –>
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
17 - Possibly Changing the War
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Part 18
The Last Velaryon
Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila
Night had fallen over the war camp and to my surprise nothing too serious after I had gone from being a Lannister to a Stark like I always should have been. Robb and I headed to the war tent seeing his mother where he got handed a letter immediately wanting to crumble the piece of paper by the look on his face. “This cannot be true.” Robb muttered, re-reading the letter that one of his banner men had delivered to him moments before we had even fully entered the Stark war tent.
The lord responds back. “We've had ravens from White Harbor, Barrowton and the Dreadfort. I'm afraid it is true.”
“Why? Why would Theon ... “ Robb mutters in disbelief.
The lord remarked. “Because the Greyjoys are treasonous whores.”
“My brothers?” Robb questions softly, needing to know if they were still alive.
The lord lowered his gaze sadly. “We've heard nothing of them. But Rodrik Cassel is dead.”
“I told you, never trust a Greyjoy!” Catelyn raised her voice turning her head to the lord and rather to her firstborn son.
Robb rose from his chair and passed me before I could utter his name. “I must go North at once.”
“There's still a war to win, Your Grace.” His banner men spoke up.
Robb got in his face shouting at the lord with his emotions running high. “How can I call myself king if I can't hold my own castle? How can I ask men to follow me if I can't …”
“You are a king. And that means you don't have to do everything yourself.” He cut him off abruptly.
His mother suggested an alternative option. “Let me go and talk to Theon.”
“There will be no talk. He will die for this.” Robb snapped back at her, completely not thinking that if rode back home then what was the point of making it this far in the war.
The northerner banner men met his kings gaze calming down the young wolf who was wishing for blood of someone he considered a brother. “Theon holds the castle with a skeleton crew. Let me send word to my bastard at the Dreadfort. He can raise a few hundred men and retake Winterfell before the new moon. We have the Lannisters on the run. If you march all the way back north now, you'll lose what you gained. My boy would be honored to bring you Prince Theon's head.”
“Tell your son Bran and Rickon's safety is paramount. And Theon ... I want him brought to me alive. I want to look him in the eye and ask him why. And then I'll take his head myself.” Robb bared his teeth ordering him and his mother out of the room. “Leave me alone with my wife now.”
Robb leaned over the war table with his palms grumbling like an animal under his breath. “Robb, your banner man is right. If you go back home then everything you’ve fought for so far would be for nothing.”
“He lied to me. He betrayed me. He told me he would give me his father’s ships so we could attack Kings Landing. How am I supposed to deal with traitors in my ranks!” He raised his voice at me.
Covering my face with my hand I sighed. “Let the lord bring Theon to you and then you can decide what to do with him.”
“And what do you suggest for sailing to King's Landing?”
I paused, biting my lip trying to find a solution that worked. But there was only one and it had a high risk for failing or succeeding. “It's risky, but I'll write a letter to my father.”
“You'd get me the Velaryon fleet.”
Shrugging my shoulders I leaned my palms flat on the table. “I'll try my best to do so. You're my king after all.”
“I'm not your king anymore, Haelesa.” Robb rounded the war table placing his hands on my hips, bringing me closer to his chest. “You’re my wife now, Hael. You are my equal in every way.”
Closing my eyes I simply enjoyed the brief moment where he kissed my forehead before I knew we needed to get back to the business at hand. “We should write a letter before the sun rises. That way the Raven can be sent out immediately in the morning.”
“What are you going to say? Are you sure you can truly convince your father to ride with me when you’re supposed to be loyal to House Lannister?” My young wolf husband asked me, moving to sit back down in his chair with a scroll of paper and a quill in one hand.
Running my fingers through my white hair I sucked in a shaky breath. “That I’m pregnant and our house memory lives on.”
“Are you?” Robb’s face lit up at the thought.
Raising my hands up in surrender I had to crush the flicker of hope in his blue eyes. “No, no, not yet anyway. With our current rate we are going I doubt that’ll be a problem for you to put a Prince or Princess inside of me.”
“So why are we saying that you are pregnant when you’re not?” He raised a brow at me.
Rounding the table I placed my hand on his shoulder squeezing it gently before he started writing what I told him to write. “It’ll just be a little white lie. Just write it down and place your name on the scroll.” He kissed my head before I leaned down kissing him softly, praying that my father would answer my call.
The next morning I woke up in a panic feeling sick to my stomach. Tossing the furs aside I leaped from the bed thankful that Robb was already up before me. So I wasn’t waking him up when I bent over the chamber pot puking up whatever was in my stomach from last night's dinner. “Hey Hael, I was thinking we could get some breakfast. Are you awake - oh my god!” Chezney rushed inside the tent seeing my current state pulling my hair away from my face.
When I had finally stopped getting sick she helped me to sit down at the table and chair we had set up in the corner of the tent. “Oh my gosh. I’ve never gotten sick from eating the camp food before.”
“Your forehead isn’t warm and you don’t see pale or anything so that’s a good sign.” My friend put her freehand to my forehead remembering some of the signs the Maesters back home had told her when her mother had caught a small cold.
“Well that’s a relief. I don’t need to be catching a bug in the middle of this war.”
My best friend made a face, biting her lip, seeing a more roundness in my stomach that had been there for a few weeks now. “Haelesa. I have to ask you a very serious question. When was the last time you’ve bled?”
“What are you trying to be a Maester now?” I snorted out a laugh.
She glared at me. “Just answer the question, please.”
“I don’t know. It’s been a while. I think I was supposed to start maybe two weeks ago. Why are you asking me this?”
Chezney ran a hand through her loose hair. “Have you only been sleeping with Robb?”
“Not exactly…I was sleeping with Jaime a few times before Robb and I got married. But that shouldn’t mean anything. I would’ve known if I was pregnant. I mean women have late periods sometimes right so nothing is happening. It’s just a stomach bug.” I was in denial not thinking that another alternative option had occurred.
Chezney grabbed me by my shoulders making me look her in the eyes. “Haelesa, you’re pregnant.”
“I am not. I can’t be pregnant.”
She snapped back at me. “Yes, you are pregnant.”
“I can’t be pregnant with Jaime’s child!”
My childhood friend takes a step backwards asking me very nervously. “Don’t you mean Robb’s child?”
“I slept with Jaime more than I have him. So - it could be either of their babies.” Covering my mouth with my hands I lower my head into my knees feeling tears welling up in my eyes.
Chezney touched my shoulder making me lift my head up. “We need to get you to a Maester and maybe tell Jaime, then Robb just to be safe.” I hoped that I’d figure out who the father of my child was. On one end it could further the war or get us closer to ending it.
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turbulentscrawl · 11 months
🐇 Intro and Navigation 🐇
Hello, I'm Buns! I'm 21+, overworked, and forever desperate for more x-reader content, so I've decided to make some of my own in the small amounts of spare time I get.
This blog posts ns/fw under the tag "#spicy content" minors, please dni with posts under this tag.
⭒ ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒
Masterlist pt.1 (General & A-L) | Masterlist pt.2 (M-Z)
Other Works That I Like (opens my reblog tag)
Requests: CLOSED (Current: 84)
Match-Ups: CLOSED (Current: 13)
Currently Accepting For: Identity V
Please read my Rules below before submitting anything!
🐇Rules for Requesting 🐇
Please do not rush me. Requests will be filled as I have time and inspiration--and because of this, a lot of the time they will be completed out of submission-date-order.
I can write headcanons, short scenarios, rankings, and matchups. Most of what I post won't be longer than a few thousand words tops, so please don't expect anything too elaborate from me for now.
I do not accept "Emergency Requests." While I'm okay with writing heavier subjects, they can be difficult to touch on, so I'll fill them at whatever pace makes me comfortable.
If I've already posted general/relationship HCs for a character, please be a little more specific for any requests regarding them. ie don't send "nsfw for so-and-so" if I've already done basic nsfw HCs. Something even just a little more specific, like "nsfw for so-and-so with a shy s/o" is fine.
I can write for male or female reader, but prefer to keep things gender-neutral as much as possible. If you request a specific gender for the reader in a request, but I determine that it would have no bearing on what I write, I will disregard the specified gender and keep it gn. (if you'll notice in my writing, I try to only use the pronoun "you" for the reader, avoiding even "they" unless sentence structure demands it. Just makes it easier for everyone to be immersed.)
I WILL WRITE- sfw, ns/fw...most things, really.
I WILL NOT WRITE- crossovers (including "reader is like this character), character x character (but poly with a reader is fine), yandere, cheating tropes, non-con, pedo, incest, or glorification of self-harm/suicide
CHARACTERS I CURRENTLY WILL NOT WRITE FOR: Hastur, Violetta, Bane, Bonbon, Will Brothers, Kiegan, Kreacher, Freddy, Servais, Kurt, Murro
Additionally, my baseline treatment for IDV is explained here. I can fill requests with setting differences, just please specify when you send it in.
Matchups can be sent through Submissions or Asks. Please do NOT dm me your information. If you use asks, please be sure to number any split messages so I can keep them together. If you use submissions and would like to stay anonymous, please specify at the start of your matchup so I know not to post the original.
Things I require for matchups
Your sexual/romantic preferences. You may provide your pronouns and/or gender identity if you feel inclined, but it is not required.
A DETAILED description of your personality. Be honest! Specific things that help me are your MBTI, Enneagram, love languages (giving and receiving), social levels, hobbies, personal flaws, life goals, and relationship deal-breakers. The longer the better, honestly, which is why submissions are open.
Things I do NOT require
Your physical appearance. I don't need this at all, but I will keep it in mind if you choose to include it. I might get it in my head that you'd look especially cute with someone in particular.
Matchups that I provide will include a Primary Match, with my reasoning, some headcanons for your ship, and a Runner-Up Match.
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misswoozi · 3 months
Wanna get some discourse up and running but don't know where to start? Let's play a game! Choose an anon emoji/nickname and come talk to me! (please check my pinned post for rules and idols I write for!)
🍊 send me 5-7 idols + a NSFW parameter and I’ll rank them (ex. “biggest dick” or “loudest in bed”)
🍇 pick a kink, AU, topic, random word, etc. and ask me which idols I associate with it (ex. beach sex or Fairy Type Pokémon or arcade dates)
🍉 give me a headcanon + a group and I'll tell you which ship it fits best (ex. "Twice + Person A/Person B are dating secretly and only Person C knows about it")
🍋 send me a group + a superlative and I’ll tell you which ship it fits (ex. “ATEEZ + loudest ship” or “Day6 + most likely to hook up in a dressing room”)
🍏 send me a 'would you rather' but about a particular idol (ex. "would Umji rather have a long-term girlfriend or a FWB situation?" or "would Seungcheol rather have a dominant male partner or a subby male partner?")
🍓 send me a FMK but instead of ‘fuck, marry, kill’ send me three idols + three random activities (ex. "make out with, fight crime with, punch in the stomach" or "tie up, go down on, edge")
🍑 send me a ship/idol + an AU and I'll tell you who I think they'd be in that setting (ex. "Markren + Pacific Rim" or "Taekook + zombie apocalypse")
🍍 send me a headcanon or a scenario and I'll respond using ONLY a reaction meme (make sure to start this ask with #RMG so I know that you only want a meme in response!)
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