#send me an ask with your theories
qtubbo · 6 months
{edit this didn’t delete when I posted for some reason ignore the top section twas my rough draft}
Honestly, it’s a bit of a waste if Fred ends up having nothing to do with Cucurojo and it was just a red-herring. Fred has been acting weird the entire time Tubbo has been speaking to them, and while it was more prominent in the beginning she never stopped being suspicious. Stuff Tubbo was even pointing out and then would pretend he never noticed once it was confirmed to be actually Fred. Other than just the obvious stuff such as Fred knows about the maze, knowing about the letters to Roier, Slime, and Tubbo (and knowing about Tubbo’s in advance) , and disappearing when Cucurojo showed up.
Fred always been “encoding” messages to Tubbo since they first met, but it’s always come off as sort of fake, the first hidden messages were Fred extending his letters so the words would be longer. From the message itself though it seems obvious that Fred has been watched for a while and fully knows about it, but then why use such a simple code for Tubbo, why play along with his questions? Tubbo later asked Fred to speak in a code only they would know, for the directions to the mailbox, but she just didn’t, Tubbo directly being scared it was a trap because of that.
Fred always acts like they’re in danger for talking to Tubbo, but the other Fed workers talk about it all the time, and Tubbo's been pretty open about it. There has only been punishment once, and honestly I’m sure if it’s supposed exile was real, there was no real evidence suggesting Fred got caught, and Fred didn’t even hide the mailbox station digging under the bench is more secretive then that.
There’s also been the constant attempts to remove Fred from the equation, that seem so unexplainable. Who gave Quackity those forged photo’s, who was stalking Tubbo and Fred to get real ones, who set Quackity up. The whole thing was obviously set up to make Quackity angry at the two, it was designed to make him act against Fred, but then how was able to? Quackity isn’t strong, there was no way he could have completely overpowered Fred alone, or without something preventing her from fighting back. Secondly, who told Tubbo about Fred’s death, it’s body would not have been found easily, and if it was just the Fed’s knowing about Quackity’s secret torture prison how did they not find him sooner. That’s not something they had the resources to expend looking for, and if it was that leads to a lot more questions about who Fred is to the Federation. Someone wanted Tubbo to stop looking, someone wanted Tubbo to think Fred died gruesomely that there was no coming back.
Sorry for the kinda rant, I just wanted to get my thoughts out there :] if I make a proper analysis on this in the future I will include evidence but this was just some ramblings.
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the-starlight-project · 4 months
(pardon me putting some rambling thoughts on your blog)
Some little things we know so far, mostly about "Shadow":
Shadow seemed slow to Sonic when he showed up at the very beginning. He could still keep up pretty well, though. Air shoes!!
Sonic hit his chin when he landed, so whatever's going on here probably isn't just because of a concussion. Though, well, we didn't see how Shadow landed...
The red (paint?) on Shadow is getting everywhere all of a sudden!
Actor!Shadow immediately goes for his inhibitor rings, which means he knows Character!Shadow's lore pretty well. I'm not sure Eggman would mention that detail to some hench-hedgehog...
Shadow here seems to take "Eggman hired you? Impressive!" to mean "You're an impressive actor", which is an unusual way to interpret that. It seems more like it's Eggman's audacity that Sonic meant was impressive, not Actor!Shadow's skill at pretending to be Character!Shadow.
Come to think of it, the Shadow we know has been in some pretty scary places before, it'd be interesting to hear how Actor!Shadow would describe those past adventures. Does he believe he filmed a flashback where he watched a fake Maria fake die? Would that cylinder he was in at that time have been bad for his claustrophobia?
Shadow has apparently never seen Sonic do cool stuff in person, or believes any previous spindash thingies were effects. But this one wouldn't get special effects since it wasn't scripted, I suppose?
Come to think of it, if they were being filmed, them going off-script should be making a lot of crew panic right now. Assuming Actor!Shadow isn't the only one involved with this "filming" idea, anyway, which is apparently Sonic's current theory.
What's that damaged bot doing there? Did it get hit by the spindash, or is that damage older?
That all sure is something, though I'm not sure what that all means. Maybe we'll find out Next Time, on Project Starlight Z!
Now THESE are the kind of posts that I love to answer! A long-form question requires a long form response (as much as I can respond, anyway)!
Excellent observations on our pal "Shadow" - air shoes indeed! I have more to say on the air shoes and special effects at a later date, but I think you'll find that a least a few points you bring up are going to be touched upon in upcoming pages!
As for a hypothetical crew hypothetically panicking, I think it'd be worth reexamining "Shadow"'s response to Sonic's reaction to all of this. Perhaps it'd give you a launching point ... not that you'll have to guess for much longer.
Also, a general note on the bot in the tunnel! You may find something interesting if you look at it very closely, given that this comic takes place after the events of Forces.
Next Time on Project Starlight!!!
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jazzzzzzhands · 11 months
Ok FOR REAL Theory Time!!! Gonna be massive spoilers plus mention of bugs/fungus! So I'm calling this the Mold Theory And what is the Mold? It's the black stuff under Home! (Mold under a house is very suiting, right?) The Mold has contaminated Every single thing that the Restoration team has found! The team talks about the envelopes, the antiques, and the artwork found for Welcome Home and how it is alwasys Wet and covered in Grime. The stuff that is "Growing" all over the found items... Staff must wear gloves or they will get covered in it
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You can see it all over the gloves, the Walls, and even the Website Itself! It's also been shown on the restored art prior to the update. But one unfortunate person seems to have touched it. and that is.. The Question Answerer! (The head person of the Restoration team is also most likely infected) Now what this Mold does is, It seems to have an effect of the person's mental state. Causing them to see and hear things, as well as having lucid nightmares and an overwhelming urge to draw spirals. From the very moment of contact, it seems to have effect "When I Unwrapped the first letter, I felt it. I heard it. Open Open Open. I want it out, I'm Going to get it Out" Instant Hallucinations and Obsession! Now I'm going to be Comparing this Mold to a Real fungus called Cordyceps, or the Zombie-Ant Fungus. It is a fungus that can control BUGS (familar themes right?) and take over their minds, forcing them to act unnaturally and wander far in order to spread itself! ~Similarily~ this Mold can take control of the Host's mind as well. The "Spores" that it is trying to spread are the drawings of the spirals/eyes. And the more eyes are Drawn, the more Wally can SEE. Wally has made it truly apparent that he can see us through any rendition of his eyes. "I've seen you every time you've looked into my eyes" "I have more eyes than I did before, you know how to draw eyes You draw mine, many times. I know it is thanks to you, Neighbor.. That I can see.. but it is still.. I can't see" He is giving us instructions.. "You have work to do" -Giving us instrustions on how to draw an eye... "Please Open, Let me In" Now I find this last instruction very funny He doesn't say "Let me Out" No... He says "Let me IN" Into What? What are we Opening? Our doors?Our EYES? our Mind? our Heart?? I think that could be exactly it!!! Letting him.... into You!!! (The collective You) Isn't that Funny? A Funny little thought?! The Puppet becoming the Puppeteer! ooh hee hee hoo hoo I think I'm very clever about that! But there are so many themes of Strings/Control/Scripts That I simply couldn't help myself! Now does that mean I think Wally is Evil? Absolutely NOT I LOVE Wally, and hey, what's a bit of mind control between Neighbors? <333 I'll borrow a cup of sugar and you can borrow my sanity! That's what Neighbors are for! <3 Jokes aside, No I Do NOT think Wally is Evil!! No, he might become a Puppeteer over the Real world... (and It might be for good reason, to save his friends and himself) but he is still very much a Puppet himself. Literally and Figuratively, And the Real Mastermind behind the strings is... Home!
Afterall? Isn't that where the Mold is coming from? From Down Below? Below Home?
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This image gives me BIG TIME Obediance vibes Reporting/Worship/Subjugation I very much see Wally as the Lure of a very big Angler Fish.. The bait, the perfect little puppet that has captured our hearts and led us by the hand into Welcome Home. Isn't that very much how it has gone in real life? (Oh I KNOW I got the Mold BAD!!! ahahaha) (I can't stop drawing himmm!!! :3c ) But this is where my rambling stops, Until Next Time! I will just say that: The Relationship between Home and Wally (And by extension, YOU) Is a Strange one for sure! And I cant wait to see it further! And Just one more extra note on this whole Fungus thing.. Did you know that the BIGGEST Organism on the entire Earth.. Is a Mushroom? It is because they are connected through their Roots... (Down Below) and Houses kinda are shaped like musrooms... I will Leave it at That! Ahahahaha!
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inkyweenus · 10 months
Thinking about time travel and all the secrets Lu Guang is keeping. And how long he's been keeping them.
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And also what his limitations are... because I don't think he knows as much as he thinks he knows.
I've got a lot of thoughts and a lot of questions. I tried to organize them in the hopes to maybe work out some ideas, but it got a bit... Much. Weigh in if you have thoughts because...I'm clearly vibrating in place wanting to talk about this. But anyway, here we go.
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How is the present affected by future dives into the past? (Alternate timelines or pre-determined track)
This section is basically me asking a lot of questions that might just be writing holes or maybe not and we just don't find out for, like, 6 years. And that's fine. I'm here for it, I just need to sort out all these theories in my head.
In S1E9, LG looks into the surveillance photo and sees CXS on the solo dive. Is this because CXS was currently in the photo? Is it because CXS had already done the solo dive and so LG was seeing the affected photo? Is it because CXS was always going to go into the photo, so LG saw the past that always was going to be?
When Liu Min called from Xu Shanshan's phone, was it because CXS was always going to set up the meeting? What if CXS hadn't come to that conclusion and didn't reveal himself in Shanshan's body? Would the call have never happened? Does Lu Guang allow this huge "deviation" because he saw it was supposed to happen? Did he lie about what he saw in the photo? Was his elevated concern in that moment he claimed was about CXS's potential mental state while of going into his friend's potentially dying body actually about CXS starting the game? Is he just as clueless as everyone else and now everything is spiralling?
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Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao. Oh man. "Nothing will be affected" my ass Lu Guang. Pretty sure you created an entire person that didn't previously exist from that mission. Sure, all the people that were supposed to die in the earthquake died, but Chen Xiao did NOT have a wedding ring on when he came to the photoshop to hire them. He was a miserable man with regrets he couldn't move past, including missing his "first love." Now, I get that first loves have a lot of weight, but he's like 30+ and so desperate... this is not a man who looks at his wedding ring with care and sings his son to sleep. But he becomes that. Where did that child come from?!?
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Just because the 12 hours after the photo are the same doesn't mean that the 12 years after it are. Lingering resentment--or the lack thereof-- is a strong shaping force. Also. Chen Xiao's lack of regrets from a successful mission means that he never would have hired them to dive in the first place. So to make it full circle, Chen Xiao "returns" to the photo shop (for the first time?) to have CXS develop the photos he took himself on the camera he saved from the wreckage...And, I have to assume from the implication of a new timeline, THAT is how they get paid for the job. How much are they charging to develop film? Was it worth it??
Does LG even know about this kind of change? Is it just too far out of his range to see? He didn't seem to know about Emma until he saw the news, so maybe he's limited in what he can see, but he found that article pretty fast, so maybe he knew something was happening. It's hard to know.
What are the extent of LG's powers? Is he from the future?
He always says not to ask about the "past or future." I assumed this meant the future of the past that CXS was currently in, but what if he also means the future of the present that we're currently seeing? Can he see the future of the present he's in now?
In season 1, he knew that CXS would appear as himself when he dove into the surveillance camera footage. How? It was obviously CXS's first time doing that, but maybe not LG's. If it was his first time, how did he know?
We recently learned that he can see the present through surveillance footage the same way he does looking at footage of the past. Does this mean he can also see 12 hours into the future? It's 20:44 when LG unlocks Chen Bin's phone, so it's probably around 21:00 when he uses his powers. Does he know how things will unfold? Does he see the twins moving through the building? Does he realize there are two of them?
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He's obviously been up to something this whole season: watching the clock, hiding photos, opening up stitches without much physical effort beyond using his powers... 🤔
My current crack theory is that LG reopening his stitches while using his powers to watch the fight is actually related to him escaping and/or jumping off the boat to free CXS. I'm not sure how because it's definitely more than 12 hours between the events, but something is up.
It's not surprising to me that CXS and Wang Juan were controlled through touch. The moment Li Tianxi reached out her hand to shake CXS's I yelled at my TV. It looked too similar to LG reaching out to start a dive.
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And I yelled even louder when she made contact
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CXS can dive on his own and LG can see into a photo on his own. The physical touch only connects their minds, it's not necessary to activate the powers. Could LG touch CXS and communicate telepathically without diving into a photo if they had an activation touch? Does LJ need a time travel element to get into CXS's head?
I think Li Tianchen's powers at least are touch related because when he touched Xixi, CXS lost his connection with LG. But I think there may be something else going on with the twins. I'm just not sure what I think yet. We wouldn't know if one was possessing the other because their eyes are the same.
How do the powers manifest, and what does that mean for Lu Guang's backstory?
I think we saw the moment when Li Tianxi and/or Li Tianchen acquire powers. Was it a predisposition that unlocked during a highly traumatic moment or did it just manifest somehow from an extreme desire to take control of the situation?
Li Tianxi was a child who wanted to communicate and be present but felt trapped in her over stimulated body. Li Tianchen was a boy with strong ideals and a sense of protectiveness... without the strength of an adult body to follow through with that protection. While they were holding the photo, huddled together in close physical contact after Tianchen's head injury, one of them or the combined force of them was able to 1.) take over their mother's body and 2.) blank out Xixi's mind to the point of cutting CXS's connection with LG and eventually the whole photo. But something went very wrong along the way. Maybe some signals were crossed.
CXS is a highly empathetic person. He feels so much for everyone and wants to connect with people emotionally. And his powers reflect that. We know CXS has probably at some point had a strong enough desire to go back in time, if anything to see his parents.
What, then, do the circumstances look like for a logical, emotionally reserved--but deeply caring--person to acquire powers to see snapshots of the past? What would drive him to want to change the past so much that he manifests these powers?
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We know CXS had never done a dive without LG before he temporarily went rogue in S1E9... because he didn't know he could do it until he tried.
We know S1E1 isn't the first time they dive. CXS nags LG about having heard the rules a hyperbolic amount of times. So the powers aren't new at this point. But I don't think they both had powers before they met. So how and when did they get their powers? Was it when they met? When they travelled abroad? After some accident or something?
LG just shows up in CXS's life unannounced. Twice. And that's how they got close. Was it just the random fated meeting of soulmates as per fiction standards or did LG intentionally seek out CXS for more timey-wimey reasons? Did meeting LG activate CXS's powers? Did they experience something together to have compatible abilities? Did LG already have his and teach CXS how to manifest his own? How much did LG already know before he picked up that basketball?
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I have this other crack theory that I absolutely hate and don't want to be true at all and almost certainly isn't, but, like...what if if LG and CXS are actually the same person from different timelines. Like LG is a version of CXS that doesn't get to have familial love and maybe experiences too much trauma, and he goes back in time to give himself some semblance of a home and a set of rules to hone his powers without altering the timeline that he's actively changing. They're intentionally written to be two halves of a whole, and there's been more than one joke made about LG being a ghost or not existing. I hate it. But it's in my head.
One last question for today... because I have to wonder:
Who makes the rules?
Has LG just read enough books to feel knowledgeable about how time travel works? Is he from the future trying to maintain a desired outcome? Are they following the rules of a third party who's orchestrating the flow of events from a distance? Are they... Leaving their fates to the ones who aren't in control?
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rottmnt-residuum · 7 months
Orrrr the only way Donnie can still be afloat is by holding onto Mikey and Leo?
no <3
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localinternetstranger · 2 months
Y'all I just finished the season 2 finale again and I am not okay
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cursedvibes · 3 months
"On a certain page, Kenjaku is talking to the Tengen in their belly.
Geto's ability is to put the taken-in curse spirit into his own belly.
Geto and Kenjaku are thought to be based on the Buddha's belief in motherhood. Therefore, I think the theme is pregnancy.
Kenjaku had their head and torso severed by Yuta. The brain of Kenjaku, the main body, was separated from Geto's body, causing Geto's body to completely die or cease to function, which in turn caused the curse spirits inside the body to run amok. The outburst was not Kenjaku's intention.
Kenjaku was able to put Tengen in their belly by using Geto's ability. This is another aspect of the ability that Geto has. Geto can conceive a cursed spirit."
Is the above true (canon) and not a fanon?
I don't think that is what happened. The argument doesn't even make sense internally. The person acknowledges correctly that Kenjaku lost control of Geto's body and cursed technique. So that would necessarily mean that if thing containing the womb with Tengen and holding up Kenjaku's head was a cursed spirit, Kenjaku would have no control over it anymore. For the same reason it also can't be part of Geto's body because that body is dead and outside of Kenjaku's influence besides what is directly connected to their brain. Based on how it looks and the inclusion of a womb, I think it is part of Kenjaku's cursed technique.
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Kenjaku's domain and the thing holding their head before their death both have a tree or insect-like aesthetic and faces inside them. Both of them also include pregnant bellies. It would also explain how Kenjaku manages to put their brain from one body into another if their cursed technique conjures up something that is able to move them around, even when not having a complete body. If Kenjaku still had control over Geto's body and his technique, they would've done more to defend themselves and would also mean that they would lose control over Tengen as soon as they are separated from Geto. Carrying Tengen around like that with the help of a cursed spirit wouldn't be possible under those circumstances. Also, my personal speculation is that Kenjaku would also prefer Tengen to be bound to them and not just be part of their vessel's body. If that was enough, Tengen could've just been part of the regular curses like she seems to have been in the beginning when Kenjaku still talked to her face-to-face like in ch 220.
Besides that, I don't think there's any special connection between Geto and the theme of motherhood. He's connected to the Buddha in certain aspects as we see with some very heavy-handed imagery and he was a father as Gege puts it, but I don't see any special relation to motherhood there besides that Kenjaku used his body, but has more to do with them than Geto.
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applesandbannas747 · 11 months
I know fanfic is widely accepted these days and most creators aren't going to sue you for writing it, but I am begging people to remember that by sharing your fic and OCs unsolicited with creators, you're putting them in a really uncomfortable position. For one thing, they have their own ideas for their story and it can be really awkward to respond to fans trying to insert their ideas into it. You're trapping them into interacting with your fanwork in a way that can be hard to disengage from, especially without hurting feelings. And it can also lead to trouble regarding intellectual property and plagiarism.
Say you're an author and a fan sends you a fic, which you read, and find that it's predicted some key elements to the next book of the series. Now that fan has proof that they sent you these ideas before the book came out, and when you publish your new book, they notice how similar it is to their fic. They might try taking legal action against you or they might just brag online that your idea was so great that they took it, or inversely call you a thief and an asshole for stealing their ideas. So maybe instead of even risking it, you're now trying to redo that next novel away from those elements. Are these scenarios likely to happen? No, probably not. But a lot of authors are advised by their teams to avoid fanworks for this reason anyway.
Interacting with the creators of the canon you love is awesome! But please remember they aren't fellow fans and you need to interact with them appropriately for everyone's sake
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kayoi1234 · 8 months
tagging my asks with my url? what an honor
also for shidou: his crime was theorized to be organ smuggling in T1, but turns out, he was the guy in charge of telling families with members in comas with no hope of waking up if they want to pull the plug and donate organs to patient who still have a hope of recovery!! distinction!!!
and then it happened to his own family and he realized Just What he was asking people this whole time. fun!!!
Oh wow so not Dr Malpractice I guess. But rather…Doctor Sad. He’s just sad. This man needs a hobby that isn’t smoking or saving lives. Something that involves building things, but shaking hands aren’t really an issue and the hobby is easy to get into but hard to leave but I assume he’s had that Doctor’s Salary for a while so it should be fine…
This is me saying he should get into building gundams.
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knifearo · 6 days
I've been enjoying all your posts lately, especially all the community engagement. It makes me think about posting more personal aroace content instead of just reblogging.
I'm full of feelings but not sure what I really have to contribute to the conversation. Aro-identified people skew young and I feel like nobody's going to care what a middle aged aroace has to say but now I'm like hang on, maybe all aro content is good content, I don't know, I'm thinking about it.
i am absolutely of the opinion that all aro content is good content! especially because a lot of us skew young, i think it's so important to have (first of all just aro content in General. there's always a lack of that. but especially) aro content from people who don't usually have their perspectives talked about. if you've got nothing to contribute to the conversation that's fine :) more than half the time i do not either, i just make a silly happy little lah di dah i love aromanticism post and chit chat with all the little aromantic people who live on my laptop. if you're aromantic and you're engaging with the community then everybody should be more than happy to have you there :) just like you said. all aro content is good content. your opinion is valuable and your presence is treasured <2
#if people can post about their jakey 24/7 (vom) then we can absolutely talk about being aro without anything Special To Contribute haha#you're right though we skew super young...#has to be a lot of people your age who are here and just not talking though. has to be.#i am still very young at 20 obvi but i was online in aro/ace spaces at the end of my middle school career#and if there were people there seven years ago who were doing the stuff that i'm doing now and Any of them were like. grownups already lmao#seven years later there must be people out there who are not super young. rally in the replies. send in asks :)#it's hard cause our community got so fucked up around 2016... i wonder if a lot of the people who aren't like. Teenagers.#were online at that time and just never found their way back into the better community spaces that we're working on building nowadays#anyway. extremely silly cause like i said i'm 20. and when i post ab aro stuff it Is with like! life experience!#but my aro credentials are just from having come out suuuuuuper super early. a significant number of years of aromanticism under my belt.#but that's cause i was in a space that allowed me to be confident about a choice that i made at thirteen about who i knew i was#and not everybody has that. or the language available to them. or any number of things in a support system.#anyway my point here was going to be that i have valuable stuff to add in terms of having spent a lot of time thinking about being aro#and going through my formative years very consciously Being Aro and building worldviews that way#but i think it's super important to hear from people who have more actual life experience to share. more time spent on earth.#cause i can talk all i want about theory and about the life i plan to live and about all this stuff haha#but if you've got stuff to share about your experience being aro in your adulthood. i think that's plenty relevant.#anyway. um. hope this helped. would love to hear more from you. make those posts. stop by the ask box any time :)#aro community foreverrrrrrrrr <2#LONG ass tags jesus christ bracken 😭#talking#ask
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likeadevils · 1 year
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dizzybevvie · 11 months
Please dripfeed me autism medication (airdrop your Spiderverse thoughts directly into my brain)
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asanjou · 4 months
unleash the million words abaranger meta one day. i almost accidentally just sent "unleash the" and nothing else
Maybe I will I think it's been too long since I watched Abaranger for me to be properly eloquent about it but picture me about a year ago from now at 3am with a red string board on the metaphorical wall of me and Didi's discord yelling IT'S NOT ABOUT ABAREKILLER IT'S ABOUT WHAT ABAREKILLER REPRESENTS
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h0ney-bee · 2 years
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Don't get close. Whatever that THING is, it is not safe.
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I finished my reading of Long Live the Pumpkin Queen today.
It was magnificent, and a worthy continuation to the film. It surpasses Zero's Journey as my favorite sequel. It delivered everything I had ever wanted to see for this series.
Highly recommend buying the book tomorrow and reading for yourselves!
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mwagneto · 2 years
ok so which part of "i dont want to have in depth discussion about the war on my silly fandom blog that i (and probably a lot of people who would end up seeing said discussions) use to get away from my real life where there is a war and 500 other horrors" is so hard to get
#mf i got like 10 asks about it bro i dont want to think about it !!!!!!!!!!#can i just dissociate and look at funney posts and gifset once every few days without#ppl treating me like a political blog. i already said all my opinions if u want them that bad just read them again#like questions about basic shit are fine but im not getting into deep political stuff that's not why this blog exists#if i post an opinion there's like a 90% chance it's coz i broke out of my dissociative slumber for#a few seconds in order to have A Thought ™ and I'll never think about it again. if you agree and#wanna expand on it that's one thing but im not a debate club and im especially not a discourse blog#anyway. dont send me asks that prompt discussions on the war or inflation or anything like that#i cant do anything about it and the more i think about it the worse it gets. ion wanna#log on here and open my ask box only to see 5 more asks about your russia headcanons especially when it's#straying into conspiracy theory level shit#im not a newspaper im just some mentally ill guy im here to look at gifs . please#barking#like again idk how to phrase this without sounding like i dont want any asks#asks about fandom discourse are always welcome. i might not publish it if the take is too hot but i always enjoy them#questions like ''how do you feel about /current bad thing/'' are ok but if it's#something I've been asked before i probably wont have anything else to say#essays about the war/economic crisis/housing crisis/etc... no ? please ? im just trynta enjoy whatever show im insane about currently#on here anyway. escapism and all
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