#sending lots of love to everyone!
addictedantler · 4 months
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happy birthday king 🐷👑
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xoxoemynn · 7 months
Hello OFMD crew! I love you and I'm happy you're here. 💕
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huidol · 7 months
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happy valentines 👍 day
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just-like-playing-tag · 2 months
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Happy Birthday Krone!! (July 15, 2019)
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dreamingpartone · 9 months
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wishing everyone a very happy holidays!! I hope the year ahead has many bright and beautiful moments in store for you 🌟
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h0wdyydee · 2 years
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The last drawing I’ll make for this series! It’s the end of 2022 and also the end for the daily drawings.
I don’t want to get too sappy but thank you SO MUCH to everyone who’s been keeping up with the series. I’ve read all the notes and replies you guys leave and it really means a lot <3. I don’t think I can describe how blown away i am to see that many people finding joy in these drawings.
Not to get sappy I am kind of sad that it’s over, it was really fun to draw (but a pain when I couldn’t figure out what to do lmao). Besides that I hope you guys stick around longer around this blog. I’m not really active on here but I kind of started this series to start posting more and motivate myself to post more of my art. 
For the future of this series, I probably won’t continue it like this. I may do a countdown for season 3 but I feel like this is an appropriate place to end things and I really don’t want to drag out this idea to the point I get of doing it. But who knows! I might do a daily thing but it probably won’t be grogu, ill get there when I get there.
Again I’m just really really happy people enjoyed this dumb little series that I started on a whim. It’s grown to a point where if I told myself earlier this year the impact it would have I’d laugh. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I don’t know how to end this im really sad its done but im glad its over too!! I’m gonna be posting a more coherent comic or something soon but thank you!! i can’t say that enough!! 
I hope y’all continue to support this little blog and join me in whatever weird drawings ill do in the future! 
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aceredshirt13 · 1 year
extremely funny to me seeing people say that Bertie has a heart of gold when his immediate solution to getting Freddie back together with his fiancée was to kidnap a child
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nostalgiclittlespace · 3 months
Just a reminder that you deserve love exactly the way you are.
I don’t care what flaws are jumping to your mind right now; and i’ll say it again. You are deserving of love, right here, right now. No if’s, and’s, or but’s.
You shouldn’t have to come with a warning label. You don’t deserve rejection. Your past experiences don’t change your value.
Your mental health, coping mechanisms, beliefs, and identity DO NOT determine and SHOULD NOT CHANGE the love you receive.
I don’t care if you’re an age regressor, otherkin, depressed, disabled, queer, neurodivergent, traumatized, etc.
You deserve love.
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owlyflufff · 4 months
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(and to bokuaka too I guess)
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the thing is that Dorian told Orym that he didn't have to save everyone. But it was too little too late, now wasn't it? (I'm not blaming Dorian for that. I'm just saying)
By the time Dorian tells him that he has already sold his future. He's already thought extensively how to kill his entire family if he has to. He's tied in so many knots.
Then he keeps getting hit by these freak outs. Chetney gave him a scar across his face. Letters went after him first. Laudna attacked him then proceeded to gaslight the absolute shit out of him for defending himself.
He sold away his future for these people and they couldn't be bothered to ask him about the deal he made with Nana Morri. Ashton stood between Laudna and Orym. Defending Laudna. And no one stood beside Orym. No one got in between them in defense of Orym.
They hovered. Dorian said Orym should keep the sword. Chetney told Laudna that Orym lost more than the rest. But when Orym started back tracking. When he started to second guess himself. NO ONE fought for what he wanted. NO ONE told him it was okay to want to keep the sword and that he should if it was important to him.
Orym is constantly bending. He is constantly being the bigger person. He has forgiven so much and the poor thing is falling apart at the seams about it. It just isn't fair. He is getting the brunt of the damage because he's a tiny tank. He's constantly goading enemies to attack him and not anyone else.
And idk whens the last time he breathed. The last time he relaxed. When's the last time he felt truly safe with the people around him? Because he was sleeping in an inn surrounded by the people closest to him and he felt his life force being sucked away from him
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babsvibes · 5 months
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“You can’t buy me.. like a cheap sex lady.”
Logan Bush moodboard because I’m trying to emulate the greats like neopetting, koko-raccoon, and drawthething! Taken pre-Logan’s Ban from Family Funtime, of course
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strawberrybyers · 3 months
so today marks officially 2 years since i created my blog 🥳
i want to mention how happy this blog makes me 🥹 before i created this blog, i had been off social media for 2 and a half years due to lots of anxiety and i was incredibly nervous to get back on it, but with the way stranger things and byler had captivated my mind— i knew i needed an outlet to connect with others to discuss the hyperfixation. i am so happy that i joined tumblr and followed the byler tag. it immediately felt like a safe space with the way everyone was so kind and having fun. i truly love coming on here and being complete nerds over byler with you guys 🥺 so yeah, love all of you in the tag because together we have created such a fun environment for all of us to discuss what we love <3
also, thank you to the 1,275 of you who follow me?? i know i’m in multiple fandoms so not everyone that follows me is a byler or stranger things fan, but thank you for being my friends even if we have never directly spoken to each other (who says we have to talk to each other to be friends?? we like the same things so we’re automatic bffs <3). anyways, i love that you guys looked at my ramblings and decided i am someone you wanted to hear more from 😂
all in all, i hope all of you feel loved, safe, and happy with the community that’s been created and i’m so grateful to be a part of it 🥺🫶
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yeehawpim · 10 months
adding onto anon's ask, what social media/platform is the best place to post your comics? Do you find Tumblr to be the best?
Sorry for all the questions I'm just curious. 😅
hmmm I'm not the most social media savvy person tbh so I dunno where has the most exposure, if that's what you're going for 😅
For me I would try to post where the format goes the best with your layout so it's the most convenient for readers. For instance if you look at a lot of shencomix stuff, he's got a lot of square paneling that works well for Instagram. I abandoned insta cuz I don't do square comics most of the time and it will cut off my pages.
I personally like to scroll and read, so I post my page-by-page comics one after the other so you don't have to click on it to zoom in and read. Even though sometimes that looks a lil weird too, since they're best left to right.
Scrolling-style comics are best on smth like webtoons which his built for that. There's no "seam" and it doesn't show a lower quality preview like tumblr does if your file is huge.
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I chose tumblr cuz it's kind of my compromise between wanting to do a lot of different layouts. Also I grew up on this site in my fandom/rp days haha
It still makes me sad when I try to do 3 panels in a row and they end up looking tiny 😔
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a friend of ours, @jerk-bending just had something really really sad happen. the team talked to the polar bears, and they all agreed that this is a serious and sad occasion, and they are willing to give a one time allowance on Polar Bear Sunday to @jerk-bending's favorite bears. So with the polar bears' blessings, please join us in sending our friend nothing but much love, kind words, and loving thoughts, and occasional bears 💙💙💙
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karliahs · 3 months
The average public library is not only a provider of the latest Anne Enright or Julia Donaldson: it is now an informal citizens advice bureau, a business development centre, a community centre and a mental health provider. It is an unofficial Sure Start centre, a homelessness shelter, a literacy and foreign language-learning centre, a calm space where tutors can help struggling kids, an asylum support provider, a citizenship and driving theory test centre, and a place to sit still all day and stare at the wall, if that is what you need to do, without anyone expecting you to buy anything. [...] The trouble comes when libraries – and the underpaid, overstretched people who work in them – start to become sole providers for all these things: when years of cost-cutting mean that the state has effectively reneged on all but the most unavoidable of its responsibilities to the troubled, the poor, the educationally challenged, the lonely, the physically unwell, the lost or the homeless. “We risk becoming a social care safety net,” said Nick Poole, the outgoing CEO of the library association Cilip, and “our staff are not clinical staff”.
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flaming-toads · 3 months
Y'all remember Miss Cackle's Birthday (s2ep8 of The Worst Witch) and how Ada gives a little speech and thanks everyone for making your birthday so special 😭 and the importance and strength of friendship 💕 and it just happens to switch over to Hecate being the proudest wife on the planet?
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