#senior centipede
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"hang on just a moment longer, moon…"
palette is adamcyounis' apollo.
special thanks to @/druidshollow for their fun off-string AU stuff which inspired me to make my own off-string AU!
additional thanks to @koboldwizardstuff and @arcaiisart for being my ducks for figuring out the direction of this AU.
story below the cut
it happened not long after her final broadcast, the abrupt discovery of schematics for creating a mobile puppet. one in five were given the knowledge; their recipients held no pattern—here a group senior, there the youngest, twice over in one group, another bereft of the gift. the barely-functioning comms exploded with bewilderment at their purpose for but a few dozen cycles before ultimately falling silent. this was a distraction to their great problem.
but some still indulged in the curiosity.
his messenger needed more time, and this discovery had given him the excuse to slow down. he constructed his new body, completed the development of his messenger—now his guard for the perilous journey, and crafted the slag keys.
he was ready.
but he was afraid.
some cycles later, his mobile puppet emerged from the superstructure on shaky legs. twelve cycles later, he and his guard left his retaining wall.
the journey was long and frightening. lizards, scavengers, centipedes, vultures… why he desired the burdens of common creatures, he resented his former self for thinking. but he couldn't go back. she was more important.
she was worth everything.
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the-monkey-ruler · 3 months
Journey to the West: Spider Silk Cave (2030) 西游记之盘丝洞
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Director: Cheng Xiaodong Genre: Drama / Action / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2030(Undetermined) Also known as: Journey to the West Pansi Cave / 西游·盘丝洞 Type: Retelling
Seven Spider Spirits captured Tang Seng, and the disciples have to work together to rescue Tang Seng. The Spider Spirit's senior brother, the Multi-Eyed Monster, was a centipede spirit. He poisoned Tang Monk and Bajie. Sun Wukong invited Pilanpo Bodhisattva to help cure Tang Monk and Bajie, and eliminate the Spider Spirits. The centipede spirit was taken away by the Bodhisattva to guard the hospital.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26276718/
Link: N/A
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icykalisartblog · 6 days
Ode to Jiggly
The first time I saw a house centipede was in my childhood home. I was very young, so young I wasn't totally used to using the adult toilet yet, and I was sitting there when I noticed what looked like a huge (to tiny kid me) bundle of hair tucked beside the bathroom door. Then it started violently shaking. I yelled out and ran away. When I talked to my parents about it I learned it was a centipede, and the internet informed me that it was a house centipede specifically. They are beneficials, they eat bugs that tend to be household pests, the Google results said. I was happy to learn this, and I have always loved bugs, but after that experience I was not eager to see one again.
As I grew up, I named a house centipede I spotted in the house occasionally over a period of years "Jiggly" after the movement of its legs. Eventually, this turned into my calling every house centipede Jiggly and dubbing the entire species "jigglies." Maybe it was the experience that comes with age, or just no longer being so small that they looked gigantic, but when I moved in to my college dorm room I was delighted when a few nights into college I noticed an average-sized house centipede sitting on the wall above the radiator! I named it Jiggly right away and was delighted to have it stay.
The dorm I was in was known for roach and rat problems. It was something I had been dreading going in. Fortunately, I never had infestations. Instead, I had Jiggly. Usually I'd see Jiggly at night when the radiator was on, it liked to be on the wall or ceiling at those times. They can run like lightning, but can also stay still for hours at a time. Sometimes I'd see it sitting on the side of the sink, staring at me. I found this disconcerting, but now I'm pretty sure it was just trying to have a drink. Sometimes I saw it disappear into a crack in the wall. I suspected that because I tried to keep my room clean with no food crumbs anywhere, Jiggly was usually just passing through my room to warm up before getting to someone else's that maybe had a bug infestation.
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A photo of Jiggly on my dorm room wall
By the next year, I noticed more house centipedes passing through my room! A huge one, which I named Mother Jiggly, and a baby I named Jiggly Junior. Baby house centipedes I think are adorable: they only have a few legs at that point, and they are shaped like a little pill and transparent. Because they are so small, they give the impression of running especially fast. At this point, I really started to love the little guys. They groom all the time, keeping themselves clean, they keep living spaces free of things like roaches or silverfish, and all I had to do was do some basic house centipede-proofing of my room. I made sure to close the toilet, drawers, and anything else that a bug could be trapped in. Other than that, they required no care at all. I ended up thinking they're like tiny cats, but might make even better "pets" than that! They even have cute beady eyes and plenty of stripes!
I did have exactly two scares. Once, Jiggly fell off the ceiling right over my desk while I was sitting these. I jolted as it scurried all over my keyboard, around my cup of water, and then disappeared behind the desk. Another time, I woke up with two itchy red marks on my hand—probably from a house centipede who had fallen on my hand while I was sleeping. I could not find one anywhere in my bed, so hopefully it was okay. House centipedes sting prey with modified front legs called forcipules, and can sting a human, but it only causes a mild reaction and is very rare.
The pandemic, which struck during my senior year, resulted in everyone having to leave campus and move out in a rush. When I was halfway moved-out, I was working on a paper when I heard a scream from the hall. I ran to my door to see what was going on, when I overheard: "WHAT IS THAT?!" and then another person yelling, "IT RAN BEHIND THE DOOR!" I laughed to myself as it dawned on me that two students had their first encounter with a house centipede. I think realizing that jigglies would still be there in the dorm even after I left made me feel less down about moving out suddenly.
I wrote all this down because the other day, I was reflecting on college when I realized it has been over seven years since the day I became a college student. It hit me that from what I have read, house centipedes only live around seven years. All of the ones I became so familiar with, even the baby, are probably gone now. This actually brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. But maybe I can take comfort in the fact that now, in that same building, there are probably so many more jigglies.
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chai-licorice · 1 year
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I decided for no reason other then being worried for season 2 for...... reasons to make a super self indulgent modern day au for Trigun so here we goooooo I have... many thoughts enjoy :D
Vash got in a bad accident before senior year started which resulted in most of his scars and his missing arm, it was Nais fault but he doesn't blame him. This is the same year Livio and Wolfwood came to their school so they didn't meet until way later.
Wolfwood and Vash met in college, Wolfwood worked at one of the cafes there (because I'm normal and want to combine basic aus) Vash was immediately smitten much to his horror (my guy never had a crush before)
legato and kni met in high-school, Legato was bullied until he was befriended by the weird angsty albino kid and his cheery brother. Legato and Kni started dating after high-school and are great for each other, terrible for everyone else
Tesla is alive and was adopted by Rem, Luida and Brad. She spends most of her time studying botany taking her moms interests to a more scientific degree and is currently away in college where she befriends Zazie an upcoming Entomologist
Meryl and Milly met in college and started dating, Milly is still in college (being a year younger then Meryl) while Meryl recently got hired to be a junior reporter under Roberto
Meryl and Vash meet when Meryl went to seeds to report on a recent incident (something minor like they grew something rare and it survived) Meryl won't admit it yet but she finds Vash really interesting and cute
Chaos still follows Vash but it's really minor, weird things just seem to happen around him but it usually benefits people instead of making things worse.
Vash and Wolfwood found a cat, Vash took her in and Wolfwood uses the cat as an excuse to visit Vash
Livio has two snakes he takes care of much to his brothers horror (Wolfwood hates snakes but they make Livio happy…yay..) they reference a fun little bit about Livio~
Kni was actually very sickly when he was younger due to being albino but he refuses to acknowledge this due to not wanting to be seen as weak
Brad fucking hates Legato and questions him every time Nai brings him over. Rem often shuts this down much to Brad's distaste. Rem isn't a fan of Legato either but he makes Nai happy?? Luida is also not a fan of him.
Legato and Nai watch human centipede bi-weekly they are so normal and in love
and I still have many thoughts so i might explore this au more!
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corpseofthemonth · 3 months
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ᥕᥱᥣᥴ᥆꧑ᥱ t᥆ ꧑ᥡ bᥣ᥆g꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
This fall is my senior year of high school and I decided I'm going to journal the entire experience here. I'll be referring to myself & all my friends and family and even my pets by false names for privacy reasons, and also because I intend to delete this blog at the end of the year. This is a diary but I might reblog fandom stuff to chronicle my fixations. I hope melodramatic bullshit is up your guys' alleys !!
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Name: Olive
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Age: 17
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Birthday: April 12th
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Sexuality: Asexual Lesbian
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Gender: agender
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Pronouns: Any! she/her is fine though
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Likes: Stevie Nicks, goth music, books about sad women in big cities, deer, teeth, pomegranates, carnivorous plants, ironic camouflage, bodies of water, hairspray, hotels, floral wallpaper, cemeteries, fainting couches, attics, taxidermy, the color green, the Muppets, stupidly large wigs, blackjack, crime procedurals, cat eye glasses, parasols, religious iconography, surf rock, having red hair, Joan Didion, my dog Bea, hand tattoos
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Dislikes: bananas, John Travolta, unnecessarily big animals, Lindsey Buckingham, birds, bad poetry, acid jazz, possums, eurocentric beauty standards, mosquito hawks, centipedes, squash, gingham
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Boundaries/Triggers: Do not get remotely sexual with me. Dms are fine, I'm up for friends! If we become close I may divulge my other social media accounts but the second you cross a line I'm blocking you. No bigotry. Basic shit, no being too graphic about traumatic experiences unless you're venting and I've given you permission. NEVER repost my photos even with credit.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Fav Musicians: David Bowie, Ethel Cain, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Fleetwood Mac, Cocteau Twins, Mazzy Star, Lou Reed, Leonard Cohen, Gardens of Livadia, Marlene Dietrich, Blondie, Joni Mitchell, Messer Chups, Fiona Apple, Talking Heads, underscores, Billie Holiday, Elliot Smith, Strawberry Switchblade, St Vincent, Norma Tanega, The Cramps, Pj Harvey, Bjork, Nick Cave&The Bad Seeds/The Birthday Party, Roxy Music, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Kate Bush, Black Marble, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Roger Miller, Sonic Youth, Grouper, Sierra Ferrell, Bruce Springsteen, Broadcast, The Cure, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Lebanon Hanover, Joy Division, New Order, Scary Black, Vampire Beach Babes, Boy Harsher, She Wants Revenge, Depeche Mode, Clan of Xymox, The Damned, This Cold Night... way more
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Fav Movies & Tv: Archer, Bobs Burgers, What We Do In The Shadows, Brooklyn 99, Shows on Dropput, The Royal Tenenbaums, Clue, Scott Pilgrim, Practical Magic, Murderville, Killing Eve, Blue Velvet, Wild Things, Twin Peaks, Lady Bird, Past Lives, Francis Ha, But I'm A Cheerleader, Addicted to Fresno, Russian Doll
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
If the OPM manga were to be a 'better-drawn' webcomic, what would have to change?
A thought experiment.
The OPM manga currently consists of 190 main chapters + 35 extra chapters, not including specials like 'Catch and Smash', the Christmas specials, or polls. So that's a total of 215 chapters telling us something about the story.
It's based on the webcomic, so what'd have to change?
Short answer: more than you think.
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First, you have to lose all the bonus chapters. (-35 chapters, 190 left)
Then you have to lose chapter 20, 'Rumors' even though it's foreshadowing for the Monster Association arc. (-1 chapter, 189 left)
Then you have to lose the bits of the Boros fight where he kicks Saitama to the Moon. (no change to chapter count)
You have to lose the entirety of Genos fighting G4 (just skip from the beginning to the end, where he brings the bits to Dr Kuseno). And you have to fix his damage. (no change to chapter count)
You have to lose Charanko taking on Garou, and pretty much everything from chapter 48 all the way to chapter 80. (-32 chapters, 157 left)
You have to redact out the martial artists in chapter 80, and also, it's awkward to explain why Genos has a new build but you can handwave it as being the rebuild after he asked Dr Kuseno to improve his parts. Yes, you're lying, but you've already started, might as well continue. Skip straight to Death Gatling and his posse surrounding the hut. Difficult to explain why he's brought friends, but again, handwave it as the heroes being on notice about Garou. (no change to chapter count)
You really have no choice but to keep the next couple of chapters in, although you could rip out most of chapter 83, so that Genos and Garou go from glaring at each other to Bang kicking the heck out of Garou. (no change to chapter count)
Sadly, Senior Centipede is already dead, so you have a bit of a problem. A clever way to spin this might be to edit things so it looks like the monsters ambushing the heroes gave the necessary distraction for Phoenixman to pounce, even though the heroes were making literal mincemeat of them. Then you can have Bang, Bomb, and Genos explain what happened back at Saitama's place to Fubuki, with no explanation of how they got back, just as in the webcomic. There! Now we've gotten rid of Elder Centipede! And Saitama coming out to rescue. And his giving that big a shit about Genos. Phew! You lack shame and integrity but we already knew that. (no change to chapter count)
Alright, the aftermath. The executive meeting meeting has to be kept. This Narinki guy is rather annoying, let's cut him out. I guess there's no harm in having the heroes gather. And Fubuki going to Saitama's place is okay as that's how you'll get around cutting out Elder Centipede, by having her hear what happened on the battlefield. Saitama can storm out as usual. Just remember to remove the mercenaries. (no change to chapter count)
Garou wakes up, but he doesn't meet the mercenaries. Goes to dinner, dashes and dines. You can keep Fubuki and Saitama dashing-and-dining on her. Tareo meeting Garou, okay too... his fighting the monsters, okay. It's all right until chapter 89. (no change to chapter count)
You have to lose Kuseno coming around. It's just lucky Saitama came across this extra, free meat (he won't admit it's from a monster). You have to lose Child Emperor and Sekingar talking. Indeed, lose everything about the support heroes. Makes chapters 93 and 94 difficult, but you'll manage. (no change to chapter count)
Come to that, lose Orochi and Garou fighting. Gyoro-Gyoro distracts Garou and throws him into a wall. You can keep Saitama going to look for the noise. (no change to chapter count but boy is chapter 92 strange).
Lose everything after Phoenixman being stabbed by Child Emperor and pick up again once Zombieman fights Vampire, then skip to Amai Mask fighting Do-S (but only the original version, also skip the disciples meeting her and edit out the mercenaries), and then skip to the disciples fighting Devil Long Hair. Pretend the mercenaries don't exist. Pretend that Machine God G5 doesn't exist. Sub in the originally-drawn fight with Evil Natural Water as well. (-4 chapters, 153 left)
Lose Child Emperor and Saitama coming to the surface, also lose Puri Puri and Nyan. Keep Pig God and Superalloy Darkshine. Keep Atomic's and Zombiemans' very bad encounters with the cadre. Already mentioned how to hack up the disciples meeting Evil Natural Water. (-2 chapters, 151 left).
Keep Tatsumaki fighting Gyoro-Gyoro, but lose everything with Saitama and Orochi. Lose Do-S reviving with monster blood and her rematch with Fubuki. Keep Amai Mask meeting Fuhrer Ugly. (-3 chapters, 148 left)
Keep Puri Puri meeting Garou, and Saitama meeting Flashy Flash. Lose EVERYTHING on the surface team, including Drive Knight vs. Nyan and Genos swooping in to take care of G5. Go straight to Puri Puri being thrashed by Garou and Superalloy Darkshine taking over. (-5 chapters, 143 left)
Keep Child Emperor meeting the disciples and Evil Natural Water. Edit out the mercenaries. Skip the scene of Genos reviewing the cadres' information as he runs in. Keep the New Fubuki Group stuff (yeah, we know it's a plot hole how they're facing Rover, but deal!). Remove all the Manako hijinks. None of this underground mine stuff. Cut straight to Pyskos fortifying herself to face Tatsumaki and Garou and Darkshine fighting (no change to chapter count)
Keep Tatsumaki and Psykos fighting. Ah, now you have a problem... Orochi. Hmmm, on second thoughts, CUT straight to Tatsumaki raising the base as Garou and Darkshine continue fighting. You'll be explaining Psykos's transformation as her new form, induced by the combination of the drug she drunk and the monster bodies we saw her have in the lab. (-2 chapters, 141 left)
Cut chapter 131, it's just complicated to explain why all these guys are in hospital. Alas, you're really stuck with 132 through 134, unless you want to cut the story to nonsense. You can skip 135, won't do to give away Amai Mask's 'secret'. Yes, Genos's power and Drive Knight's return really have come from nowhere but it can't be helped (-2 chapters, 139 left)
Trim away Blast telling Tatsumaki to protect her sister. You have to keep the pesky cyborgs dogging Psykos, unfortunately, in the name of any semblance of sense. You also have to keep Saitama and Flashy, but you could edit every panel of Manako possible. Remove the next chapter. Don't need this God stuff or Blast appearing too early. Remove the chapter after that. Put Tatsumaki lifting and throwing the base with the next one. The cadre have to come back, but Suiko and Suiryu can disappear. (-2 chapters, 137 left)
Remove 142 completely (that's where Drive Knight drops Genos). Cut the next chapter down harshly, either skip the bits with the mercenaries being tormented or call them civilians who didn't get away in time. Unfortunately, the rest of the heroes rallying and giving Black Sperm a tough time until Vomited Fuhrer Ugly appears has to stay. You can cut the Sword Master stuff as you never introduced them! Re-explain Atomic getting the Sun Blade as a flashback. (-1 chapter but a lot of hacking, 136 left)
You'll have to keep everything that happens afterwards until Saitama, Flashy Flash, and Manako appear on the surface without explanation Cut way back on Saitama running to Genos. Let's say he loses interest as soon as he realises that Genos is okay. Keep the three way fight between Flashy Flash, Garou, and Platinum Sperm, but remove everything to do with Evil Natural Ocean, the aircraft destroyer, and Sage Centipede. Phew, now Metal Bat can be disappeared too. Skip the next 4 chapters, in other words. (-4 chapters, 132 left)
Saitama vs Garou right off the bat. How brave are you feeling? If you're feeling very brave, remove all the planet bulging, volcano-destroying crap, remove all the interplanetary stuff, and have Saitama beat Garou somewhere far away from the heroes. Edit out Tareo's death, the deaths of the heroes and Genos's murder. Edit out the time travel. Edit out the explanations. Give Saitama his clothes back. Have him punch out Garou in one mighty hit and then pretend it's nothing to do with him. (-6 chapters if you're brave, 126 chapters left)
Goes without saying that chapter 170 has to go. (-1 chapter, 125 left).
Considering that I've only considered the first 170 chapters, you've removed 64 of them wholesale and butchered a lot of the rest. Nice one!
I'll stop here.
It's readable. There's holes you could drive a truck through. And those holes are going to be real problems later on in the story, but hey, at least it's sorta faithful to the webcomic, eh?
Isn't that what really matters?
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dragonmarquise · 13 days
I had a small idea pop into my head, which crew would be best at taking care of a living thing?(Human, plant, animal) If you ask me, I feel like dot.exe would be awesome! Especially with the two old people on their team!
Ooo, a neat idea! I think overall it would be the Franks since I already imagine all of them having health/medical related day jobs, and being very good at said jobs.
With other crews it's more different on a individual basis, at least based on my headcanons. A few things were mentioned on my big DOT EXE post, but can’t hurt to go over those bits again here.
(Also! I meant to post this yesterday but had some weirdly severe computer problems last night, sorry e_e; )
Starting off with DOT EXE since I probably have a bit more to say about them together than the other characters separately. Again, some of this is already mentioned in the Big DE Post, but will be brought up again here with more details:
Jūrō (the 10-ball member of DOT EXE in my headcanons) does gardening as a hobby! There’s a community greenhouse on top of the mall that he helps out with a lot. Heck, he’s practically the manager of it at this point. The other DOT EXE members help him out sometimes, mostly Cinco (5-ball), Neun (9-ball), and Quatorze (14-ball).
Jūrō, Quatorze, and Cinco are all great with kids! The grandpa, grandma, and uncle respectively who spoil the children, lol. Quatorze and Jūrō have grandkids, but haven’t seen them since being cut off by their own kids due to going full-cyber (see the big DOT EXE post for more details on why exactly. Meanwhile, Cinco was effectively ex-communicated by most of the family once it came out that he was going full-cyber, though he’s still in contact with some of his nieces and nephews in secret.
Cueball loves cats but wasn’t able to keep any before going full-cyber due to allergies. As mentioned in the Big Post, at one point he started hoarding cats before the rest of DOT EXE staged an intervention and got the cats into good shelters and homes. Cueball now volunteers at a lot of those shelters instead.
Okay now headcanon mixed with shipping: If Cueball and Bō (blond Devil Theory OC of mine) get to move in together, Cueball manages to convince him that they should adopt some cats! Cueball at first was aiming for 7, but gets (thankfully) talking down to just 3. They're all black cat siblings, named Pumpkin, Sapphire, and Clover (named for the color of their eyes: orange, blue, and green respectively).
And now for other characters:
As mentioned on my Solace post, he doesn’t have any pets but likes to feed any cats and birds he comes across. An addition to that: If he finds a cat or bird that’s hurt, he takes it to a vet to be properly taken care of. Mostly because Solace feels he’s too clumsy to give first aid to an animal, no matter how careful he is.
I feel like at least one of the Franks has a dog, I just haven’t decided which one. Maybe Bill (the spring palette, also the one who joins BRC in my headcanons). Takes good care of the good boy! The dog is probably a doberman-ish dog like the NPCs dogs in the game seem to be. Also the dog is named Hook. It’s in reference to the basketball throw known as a hook shot. :P
And then like I said earlier, the Franks in general have jobs related to medical/health stuff. Just haven’t decided which member has which job, whoops. But anyways, they’re all good at what they do! The jobs in question: physical therapist, aide at a senior home, nurse at a small clinic, physical education teacher/coach for a school basketball team.
Nunchaku (Devil Theory OC for the summer palette) has always wanted something like a tarantula or a snake as a pet. More shipping plus headcanons here: Once she moves in with Vinyl, they do get the tarantula and snake! Named Rosemary and Lavender respectively. Also a centipede named Paprika and two geckos named Cinnamon and Nutmeg. They are all very happy and healthy, though Bō politely refuses to visit their apartment because of Rosemary and Paprika, while DJ Cyber refuses to visit because of the reptiles, lol
On that note! DJ Cyber is a big fan of bugs, but not so much reptiles. He’s had many beetles as pets (they live for about a year or half a year at most, from what I understand). His current one is a Hercules beetle… named Hercules. He isn’t exactly the best at coming up with names obviously. :P But yeah, takes good care of his pets and will ramble about insect facts if you let him!
Bel had a pet rabbit as a kid they she took really good care of! She wants to get another one as an adult, but doesn’t like the idea of leaving it alone in her apartment for long periods while she’s out and about. Besides leaving the poor thing lonely, she’s also afraid of it being an escape artist like her old pet was.
Almost forgot from my big Devil Theory post, they have two hermit crabs as team pets in their hideout! I didn’t mention it there, but they are named Saburo and Jiro, after the crab monsters from Okami. Visitors to DT’s hideout get a chance to paint a shell for the crabs to pick later. Obviously it’s a great honor to get your shell picked!!
Cassiopeia (leader of Eclipse, the winter palette) has an Abyssian cat named Bastet, who likes to creep people out by staring at them for uncomfortably long periods of time. Has a habit of stealing charms and keychains from people’s phones, bags, bracelets, etc. Bastet hangs out in Cassiopeia’s shop while she’s working, or otherwise in her apartment above the shop while she’s out. Bastet has her own room btw! Also she refuses to let anyone but Cassiopeia pet her (Cueball has learned this the hard way. Several times, lol)
Cassiopeia also has a whole rooftop garden full of plants she uses for the herbs and spices she sells in part of her store. Part of the garden is also a personal vegetable and berry garden for herself (occasionally gifting some of the food she doesn’t need to the other Eclipse members). The plants are surprisingly big, not to mention the quality of the herbs and food are amazing! Some people try to ask her what’s her secret with gardening, but she refuses to tell anyone outside of the other Eclipse members.
Quantum (winter palette for FUTURISM) has attempted to care for pets over the years, but hasn’t been very good at it. Mostly she just gets overwhelmed with caring for another living being while busy with school/work/etc. On the bright side, she makes sure to get the animals to better homes or at least a shelter instead of trying to insist she can handle it. At this point, the closest thing she has to a pet is a rubber duck she named Niels, who helps her via rubber duck debugging!
I think that’s about all I have for caring-for-living-things headcanons. This was a neat one to go over! :>
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latoxicarazonable · 3 months
Why The Boys 4x06 was upsetting to me (spoilers)
Everyone keeps comparing this episode with Herogasm or the 'human centipede' scene, or Soldierboy with the senior ladies, but, though kinky/shocking to see, all that stuff was consensual, and thus one could go 'OMG' and have a laugh over it.
So far, SA on this show has been off camera (we saw the start and the aftermatch of The Deep assaulting Starlight, that fan assaulting The Deep, and Becca's rape was offscreen).
Rape hadn't been used (so far) as cheap shock value, and that was one of the things I liked about this show.
That there wasn't even a CW is just insult to injury 🤦
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indieblueart · 1 year
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Rain world ocs!
More info under the cut
The Aviator is very fast and has temporary flight capability via flapping its ears really fast. This consumes food pips, however; don’t let your hunger reach 0 while in the air!
The Merchant is intelligent and wily, trained by an iterator to understand the scavenger’s way of life. An anti-artificer of sorts, they start with maxed scavenger friendliness but are up against hunter-level enemies.
The Guard is slow and tough, with a hard exterior shell like a centipede. It can roll up into a ball to move significantly faster, and deals velocity-based damage while curled up.
The Prophet knows the cycles like the back of its hand, built to weather the coldest of environments. It can consume food pips to glow in the dark, and uses its tail to grapple hard-to-reach places. It can also raise and lower the karma of other creatures until it matches its current karma level, which changes creatures behavior.
Iterators (from top to bottom) are: Meadow In Moonlight (Mimi, little sibling) Sparkling Sea, Eight Somber Stones (local group senior, Big Brother Stone), and Golden Fields of Grass (Goldie)
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aidenlyons · 6 months
Finals are upon them! The last tests for the Senior class before their trip. Which means as everyone bolts for lunch, Mr H is making announcements.
Mr H: Remember! Make sure to return your forms for medications and food allergies before the trip!
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Mr H: No permission forms, no trip! No exceptions! Due tomorrow!
Mr H sighs, watching the kids stream out without paying him much attention.
Aiden is checking over his notes for the next test and lingering a bit. He's concerned about his teacher who has seemed... off.
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Mr H notices Aiden staying behind and takes a seat.
Mr H: Everything alright, Aiden?
A: Yep. I was going to ask you the same thing. You seem kind of.. tired.
Mr H: I am. I'm afraid I didn't sleep well last night. I dealt with my personal matter and it.. didn't go well.
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A: Can I help?
Mr H: I'm afraid not. Only time will. Are you ready for the trip?
Aiden brightens because he is in fact excited.
A: Yeah! I got the last of the things I needed yesterday. It feels real now, you know? Just a few days. Have you ever been there before?
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Mr H: Just one, when I was much younger. Pick up repellents when we get there, the bugs are HUGE! I saw a centipede THIS BIG.
Aiden pales, he's not squeamish but bugs that big? No thank you.
A: Right. Repellent. Good tip. Definitely.
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Mr H: We'll be going over all the rules and warnings when we get there, don't worry. I'm sure you'll have fun.
A: Ok, cool. I'm really looking forward to it. I better grab some lunch now. Oh. I did end up talking to Jake.
Mr H: And?
A: All good. He talked me down.
Mr H: Good.
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minucat · 9 months
iterator ocs i made based on touhou media names except one (len'en jumpscare)
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this is Hidden Star in Four Seasons (star for short).
they're the youngest out of the group (younger than pebbles), very childlike and the shortest at 5'6". #1 slugcat lover. if you wanna imagine their structure then imagine pebbles but no cancer i guess
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this is Perfect Memento in Strict Sense (memento for short).
she is the oldest out of the group (younger than moon, still has the blocky cramped and exposed design like moon's structure but slightly less maybe lol) and is the senior. she stores information in books she makes and is decent at art due to illustrating them on her own (she doesnt dislike data pearls). to pass time, she likes reading her books to star to whom she is a guardian figure to.
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this is Silent Sinner in Blue (silent for short).
he rejects karma, does not work on the problem at all because he thinks its stupid. tries to break every karma level. is also the troublemaker of the group and has probably sent the iterator equivalent to a zip bomb to every local iterator at least once (he'd call it a prank). his trolling is his fucked up way of making friends.
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this is Ten Desires (desires for short)
they believe highly in karma and try to abide by the levels (besides breaks they cant avoid) and dislikes silent bc theyre who he likes to pester the most. theyre kinda chill about their religious stuff and are on good terms with everyone ...except silent ofc. they have positive opinions on the ancients.
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this is Subterranean Animism (Subterranean for short)
has a fascination with general wildlife and watches it when passing time, also loves talking about it. loves slugcats and centipedes. when he sees a slugcat in combat he tends to root for the slugcat. dislikes worm grass, is only Really unsettled by the large patches but still ehhhh about the small patches. highly extroverted and talks to others frequently, friendly guy.
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this is Gathering Reverie (reverie for short).
she likes to spread misinformation, silent's buddy and is overall a prankster like him (just doesnt nearly kill her victims...). genuinely is into astronomy and likes watching the sky around her structure when it turns night.
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this is Perfect Cherry Blossom (Cherry for short)
shy and nervous guy, more comfortable around iterators who are friendly (aka not silent and reverie lol but subterranean might be a little exhausting sometimes). wants an unmodified slugcat as a pet and dislikes insect creatures like dropwigs and centipedes.
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this is Evanescent Existence (evanescent for short). the len'en jumpscare!!!!!
my most recent iterator oc as of this post and is the tallest at 6'3". very logical guy and likes debating n all that jazz. supercomputer but emphasis on the "computer" basically.
thats it lol. i hope yall enjoyed me being a good artist but a mediocre character writer bye
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ingek73 · 10 months
The royals may easily dismiss Harry and Meghan, but these charges of racism will linger for ever
Zoe Williams
Look past the sniping and family rivalries, and a new book from biographer Omid Scobie paints a deeply disturbing picture
Wed 29 Nov 2023 17.25 GMT
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The Prince and Princess of Wales, William in military uniform including a white jacket, and Catherine in a white dress, standing in an open-top Land Rover.
Omid Scobie is the reporter favoured by Harry and Meghan. In ordinary circumstances, this would be a footnote, but the couple’s relationship with the rest of the press is so frosty that Scobie’s access looks as unfettered as if he were their medieval scribe or they were all in a thruple. It’s for this reason, I suspect, that there are no details in Scobie’s new book, Endgame, that would trouble the Sussexes. Given the openness of Harry in Spare, earlier this year, there was arguably not much new news to share.
Yet scandal arrived on its own, via the Dutch publishers, whose translation appeared to name the member of the royal household who allegedly asked what colour Meghan and Harry’s son would be when he was born. The book has been pulled from the shelves in the Netherlands, though not before some readers clocked it, so the intelligence is now in the waiting room of the public domain; enough people know it that we’ll all know it soon enough.
This allegation, along with more atmospheric charges of racism, has always been the smoking gun of the self-exiled pair. Harry and Meghan have said many other things that they must have thought would put public opinion on their side: in the Oprah interview, they described the Firm as completely insensible to Meghan’s mental distress, unsympathetic, adamantine, concerned only about appearances. In Spare, there was a huge amount of fraternal unpleasantness that permanently lowered my own opinion of Prince William, and it wasn’t that high to begin with. Yet the media response overall was a shrugging, “ah well, sure there are two sides to every story”, which reflected not so much a disapproval of dirty laundry in public as an unspoken agreement between the royals, preserving their reputation, and the press (mainly the tabloids), permanently ranged against Harry and Meghan for their audacity in challenging various newspapers in court.
The charge of racism, however, will not evaporate: it is not just the extraordinary crassness/white supremacist bouquet you can smell in that Archie remark; the couple also suggest, in their Netflix documentary, that the royal family turned a deliberate blind eye to the press as it criticised Meghan in racialised terms that ran the gamut from coded to bleedin’ obvious. This then triggered an onslaught of open racism and white supremacy on social media, contributing to Meghan’s distress, which the royals disdained to notice.
Scobie details tabloid coverage quite carefully in his book, recalling “loaded terms like narcissistic, social climber, exotic DNA, and straight out of Compton … both to describe [Meghan] and to establish a narrative”. Scobie also got a ringside seat on the casual racism bandied around the palace. He was there when “a senior courtier hollered ‘what a legend’ when they heard that a photographer had commented that Meghan should ‘be more Black and wear some African garb … let her Afro out’ at an engagement linked to Nelson Mandela”.
The problem for the royals is that blanket denials don’t work. Prince William can say, “We are very much not a racist family” (as he did, after the Oprah interview), but this asks us to conceive of them all as one homogeneous unit, exactly as unracist as one another, exactly as intolerant of micro and macro aggressions from their entourage, exactly as evolved. This assertion does the Windsors more harm than good, when there are palace officials telling Scobie off the record that “there’s still more work to be done”: more work from every leg of this giant centipede? Or are some of them, in fact, further along than others?
Besides which, so many members of this family are simply not in the intellectual shape they would need to be to do the delicate work of representing the royals abroad – it’s not their one job, but it’s up there. Inevitably, touring the Commonwealth, they’ll be met with challenge, both historical, for their ancestral part in colonialism and slavery, and current, for their stance on reparations: it’s going to take tact, humility, curiosity, open-mindedness and courage, before you even get to the crunchier business of money. Prince Edward would have to be fighting fit to display even half those things at once. Instead, when the prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, mentioned “reparatory justice”, Edward guffawed (this is Scobie’s testimony – “guffawed”, granted, is quite a loaded word, but even “laughed” would have been woeful, if true).
Endgame is quite granular on the tensions and impossible contradictions this is causing within the family (even the ones who still talk to each other); the palace was reportedly very upset when William moved immediately to distance himself from the former lady-in-waiting Susan Hussey, after she asked Ngozi Fulani where she was “really” from. (The prince’s previous assertion had come back to bite him: either Lady Hussey didn’t speak for the family and its courtiers, or they were all engaged round-the-clock wondering where people of colour were really from.) Scobie speculates “schadenfreude” from Charles, when pictures of William and Kate’s tour of the Caribbean – the couple dressed in white, in an open-top Land Rover, looking like Mr and Mrs Coloniser about to address the mine shaft – landed badly. But these hints of a brewing crisis, whether speculative or evidenced, are supplementary: the crisis is obvious, and has been since Megxit (if we’re really calling it that). It’s much larger than a family estrangement, and remaining estranged – or making up, for that matter – won’t fix it.
Zoe Williams is a Guardian columnist
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dragonfiremagic · 2 years
Rain World FCs (COFI’s fam)
Welp, I truly have fallen into the brainrot that is Rain World and I’ve been having fun making fan characters and stuff from this game lol
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Name: Comprehension Of Fractured Illumination (C.O.F.I.)
Pronouns: He/Him
COFI is the 2nd oldest senior/moderator iterator of his group in the northern coastal region. He is second only to TOWCU (who belongs to @/northern-coastal-group), who's also his best friend for a very long time. Their friendship began to truly and fully blossom after the Ancients left, before that they were strictly just coworkers. His secondary purpose is to be an archive - storing and organizing information, data logs and studies of all kinds. He loves to gather information and study about the world. He is often rather anxious and easily scared, however he is very caring towards his local group and can be rather selfless for them. He usually cooperates with TOWCU on his mod tasks to ensure the group's safety. COFI also has a younger sister, who provides him protection against any threats
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Name: Deepest Silver Trail (D.S.T. or just Silver)
Pronouns: She/Her
Silver is an underwater iterator, whose purpose is to be a massive trove of the ancients' most glamorous beautiful treasures and a protector of her older moderator brother COFI. She is heavily militarized for this purpose and also has dangerous bioengineered creatures for further protection of the treasures and her sibling. Silver is vain, a bit greedy, sassy, enjoys teasing COFI for entertainment and loves pearls...like, really loves pearls. However, deep down she does care for her sibling and others in her group. She becomes serious, when it's truly necessary.
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The Electrifier is a slugcat that was created by Silver (D.S.T.). She has an electric shock ability that is similar to the likes of a centipede. Her shocks can paralyze and even kill creatures, with the exception of vultures, overgrown centipedes, red and green lizards - they can only be paralyzed for a very short amount of time. She is equipped with an oxygen mask at almost all times, due to her living underwater most of the time and generally having breathing difficulties. Electrifier loves her creator and COFI, since they treat her very well and reward her for her emergency message/maintenance work. She is overall cheerful, bubbly and chatty, especially towards other slugcats.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 years
How Wonderful Life Is
How Wonderful Life Is by indirectkissesiniceland
Izuku Midoriya always knew that his boyfriend would be heavily recruited by professional hockey teams one day, and now that they're seniors, the scouts are rolling out the red carpet for him as a potential player. Each team has its pros and cons, from the smaller clubs that guarantee more ice time to the national team where Shouto's father—and, more importantly, All Might, the greatest hockey player ever—once played. Shouto has a huge decision ahead of him, and Izuku will do anything to make sure that he gets everything he wants and deserves from his professional hockey career.
Shouto Todoroki loves hockey, but there's a much more important part of his future on his mind right now.
Words: 6554, Chapters: 3/5, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Hockey Cheer AU
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Moashi Juuzou | Centipeder, Tsutsumi Kaina | Lady Nagant, Tobita Danjuurou | Gentle Criminal, Aiba Manami | La Brava, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Sero Hanta, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Shinsou Hitoshi
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya/Uraraka Ochako, Sero Hanta & Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Marriage Proposal, College Hockey, Cheerleaders, Hockey, Alternate Universe - College/University, Established Relationship, Team as Family, Ice Hockey Player Todoroki Shouto, Cheerleader Midoriya Izuku, Sharing a Bed
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45056086
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hamishpillay · 3 months
Compassion should be a KPI
In the daisy chain that is “corporate”, everyone human-centipeding to “drive those KPIs” always remember that real people are involved in the process. It’s difficult to always remember the human element. Business is hard. Sometimes hard decisions must be made. But there is also a flippantness that develops where we tend to forget about human beings. Some time back I was left as the most senior…
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oldmanlenz · 1 year
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{ 18+ indie. RP blog mainly centered around an elderly Billy┃semi-selective (no minors, please.)┃sporadic activity (replies will be slow!) ┃Penned by mun Klaue┃multi-muse/verse/ship RP blog: viciouslyfilthy (READ THE RULES BEFORE INTERACTING.)┃I follow back from my main: burgerrat! }
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While I am still unsure of what route to take this blog towards, since I made it in the first place for my own comfort, for now I would prefer to keep it's audience as 18+ only, as the blog touches on heavy subjects and adult topics. If you're underage I kindly ask that you do not interact. Otherwise, you will be blocked.
I will allow non-RP blogs to send asks and follow me on this blog but you are not allowed to spam likes on my posts or start a RP thread with my muse. Please respect that.
Usual blacklisted things: racism, p//dophilia, inc//st, pro-ship, antisemism, pro-life/anti-abortion, homophobia, transphobia or any LGBTQ+phobia of any kind will not be tolerated and you will be blocked on the spot.
Any form of infantilization/demonization/belittling/romanticization of //ssault or any other type of physical abuse, s//lf h//rm, or any mental condition will not be tolerated, which will also result in an instant block.
This blog involves an ocxcanon ship, if you're bothered by that because you think it's 'cringe' or other reasons of your own, I invite you to unfollow and/or block.
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This is an older/senior interpretation of the slasher character Billy Lenz from Black Christmas 1974! It is mainly based off of the audio commentary of the movie where Nick Mancuso reprises his role as Billy years later.
This interpretation of Billy has been institutionalized, and he has successfully made a positive recovery (enough to at least be able to be allowed out in the world again and become a functioning memeber of society.) He is currently an eccentric elderly man who works at a theatre, lives in some neighborhood forgotten by the world in Toronto, with his 2-3 cats and his partner.
Despite having been treated and being on medication, he still has a tendency to sometimes go out of his way to break into other people's attics and either steal food from them or people-watch in the creepiest way possible, or make one or two weird prank calls just for a reaction. Not enough for someone to have a reason to report to the police, but enough for him to find it entertaining. His habit of making calls and entering others' attics specifically is now less of a disturbed impulse to re-live his past and more of a ritual he feels compelled to do from time to time, kind of like an odd holiday tradition. Thankfully, he often just stays in his own attic when he feels this urge, mainly because of two reasons: his sundowning syndrome, and side effects caused by some of his medication.
The timeline of this universe takes place 20 years after the original events of the movie. This interpretation of the Moaner lives in the early 90's, more specifically, 1994. He is currently 59 years old (pushing 60).
Just something to keep in mind if you'll reference modern things or pieces of media in asks, as my muse likely won't understand them because timeline-wise it doesn't exist yet.
They are OCs of mine! We have Elis and his headmates: Jessica, Max, Benedict and Conductor (this character has DID/OSDD, just for clarification); and one other side character oc that may not be very present since I'm still unsure of what to do with him, but he plays a part in Elis' backstory so... I've decided to include him here for now: Gabriel.
Elis is Billy's partner! They ended up in the same mental insitution and after being released they decided to live together. He's awfully introverted but he is just as eccentric once you get to know him and his obsession for insects- specifically centipedes.
Jessica is Elis' closest friend, a wannabe singer and actress. She sees Billy as a friend, although she envies how much better his acting skills are compared to hers.
Maxwell is a grouchy old man and a fragmented recreation of Elis' late abusive father. He dislikes basically anything that isn't reading, and practically just wants to be left alone. Billy makes him umcomfortable (much to his sadness) therefore he tends to avoid him.
Benedict is- well, also an old man but he's more of a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. He's sort of like a happy ragdoll- whatever you do to him he just lets it happen. Kind of like those kitten videos. He views Billy the same way Elis does- a partner. Although he's noticeably awkward when it comes to show displays of affection because he's not used to how 'feral' Billy's personality is.
Finally, we have the Conductor. He's a kid that LOVES trains of all kinds. Daydreams of being a train conductor of his own toy trains somehow (and real trains). He's a menace to toystores that have functioning toy trains for sale. (He's almost verbatim based off of the song 'My Trains' by Lemon Demon). He doesn't tend to interact with Billy or anyone else that isn't Jessica, he finds her at least fun to interact with and talk about his trains. Everyone else he labels 'too boring' or 'too weird'.
The last one to be named would be Gabriel. He's a whole other separate character that has nothing to do with Elis or Billy's story. Like I aaid earlier, I want to experiment with the guy on this blog and see if I like having him here since he does take part in Elis' story. An average cat lover and a peculiar painter who's always looking for new muses to make into pieces of art (quite literally, he kidnaps his victims and turns them into grotesque pieces of 'art'), and eventually (backstory-wise) his eyes fall on Elis.
Agnes is alive and far away from her brother in this universe. She has successfully fled from Billy back when he first snapped and locked her in their parents' basement.
She grew up in an orphanage, and eventually when she became an adult she went to live on her own; now she works at a lonely coffee shop that really only has two frequent customers, one of which she has developed an interest for.
In this universe, Barb has survived Billy's attack! It has caused some cardiac issues, but ultimately she survived. She and Jess obviously still have contact, and more often than not Jess checks up on her friend, as she feels this odd sense of responsibility over Barb's well-being after the murders that shook both of them up all those years back. They tend to meet and chat at a particular coffee place they both enjoy.
While these two are mostly just meant to be side characters that might pop up from time to time, I am indeed interested in writing them, fleshing out and exploring their characters more!
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