#senior pickleball
rodspurethoughts · 2 years
Major League Pickleball (MLP) and DUPR partner with Life Time in Strategic Alliance to Elevate Fastest-Growing Sport
Major League Pickleball (MLP) and DUPR partner with Life Time in Strategic Alliance to Elevate Fastest-Growing Sport
CHANHASSEN, Minn. /PRNewswire/ — Nearly five million people are now playing pickleball according to the latest data from the Sports and Fitness Industry Association and today, Major League Pickleball (MLP) and DUPR (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating) announced a strategic alliance with Life Time (NYSE: LTH) to continue elevating the sport through hosting tournaments and events at iconic Life…
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visionsman · 11 months
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Looking for the best pickleball products on the market? Look no further! Our comprehensive Pickleball Product Reviews guide covers everything you need to know about top-quality gear, from paddles to balls, ensuring you make the right choice.
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gaily-daily-musings · 3 months
Literally no one asked for the nursing home reverse trope and because I am upset I'm taking it upon myself to make y'all suffer
(I've decided to make it a senior community rather than a nursing home)
Obi-Wan is 55. An official senior. He hates it. It's awful. Quinlan won't stop making fun of him despite being older than him.
Despite his initial hesitation, the community is regretfully nice. Mace and Yoda and Qui-Gon are all welcoming. He never thought he would be reduced to this but when the divorce hit he'd lost the house. He'd been living with Quinlan for over a year and felt bad for taking advantage. Given his money situation, his options were reduced to a housing community for seniors. He'd heard about it through Qui-Gon who was on his pickleball team.
There's a young man (34) working there. A maintenance man named Anakin Skywalker. Anakin is quite handsome and very charismatic. The ladies will often flirt with him and giggle over his arms. It's all harmless fun. Normally Obi-Wan isn't one to leer, but goodness he was certainly striking.
Obi-Wan near has a heart attack one day when he witnesses Anakin in swim trunks attending the pool. Lord, he's never felt like such a lecher. He's not used to this. To looking. He's a monogamous sort of a man. Never cheated. Even when he and Satine started growing apart years ago he never wavered.
Obi-Wan starts working out more for no particular reason. He was always fit for his age but feels more self conscious than ever. He tries to tell himself he was just trying to stay healthy, but he knew he was lying to himself. He feels ridiculous. The hell was he doing? Anakin was just a nice man jokingly flirting with the elderly. It wasn't serious.
The center puts together an annual event for the residents. This year they decide the theme is “senior prom”. It's stupid. Quinlan talks him into RSVPing.
Anakin is invited by Maria, one of the ladies who is particularly forward in her intentions. Obi-Wan tells himself not to be jealous and fails spectacularly.
Throughout the evening Anakin dances with several ladies. Obi-Wan yearns from the sidelines. He tries to work up the courage to ask. He's not afraid of being rejected, he's just afraid Anakin will see he's being earnest. Did he even want to be taken seriously? Did he want to pursue something real?
Maria makes her way to Anakin again as I've Had The Time of My Life plays. She has no shame as she feels up Anakin's arms and strokes his chest. He takes it in stride and winks down at her. She laughs as they spin around the room.
Three songs later Obi-Wan contemplates slinking back to his room.
“Would you like to dance?”
Obi-Wan startles. He hadn't heard him approach.
“I…uh, y-yes…” he stammers.
He takes Anakin's hand feeling like a school boy. His heart flutters in his chest. He knows Anakin is just being nice, he's already danced with everyone else after all, but he can't help the blush on his cheeks.
Obi-Wan let's Anakin take the lead as he's unsure if he'll be able to keep his head on straight.
“Did you go to your school prom?” Anakin asks.
“Yes. With my ex-wife actually. You?”
Anakin smiles. “Coincidentally I went with my ex too.”
“I didn't know you were divorced.”
Obi-Wan winces. “I'm sorry.”
“It's fine. You didn't know. It was years ago anyway.”
They move slowly across the floor. Obi-Wan consciously keeps his hands where they are appropriate.
“So, any kids?”
“Twins. They're 13.”
Obi-Wan chuckles. “I don't envy you. I remember when my son was that age. He went through a whole goth phase.”
Anakin laughs. It's beautiful. “Aw man, you would have hated me then. I was really into the goth scene as a teen.”
They keep talking and dancing. At some point Maria kindly asks for her date back and they reluctantly part.
They come across each other while Obi-Wan is visiting the local park. He sees Anakin walking a dog as his kids eat ice cream. He doesn't want to intrude on what is clearly a family outing. But then Anakin spots him and waves him over.
Anakin introduces his children.
“You're that old guy dad talks about,” Leia says.
Anakin flushes.
“Did you fight in a war?” Luke asks. “Do you have any battle scars?”
After the initial awkwardness and round of interrogation, Anakin asks Obi-Wan if he wanted to join them for dinner. Unable to find a reason to say no he accepts.
For the record, Obi-Wan isn't an idiot. Normally when a young person sought out the company of a significantly older person, it was because they were a gold digger. But Obi-Wan hasn't much money to offer. He doesn't have much of anything really. He recalls Anakin mentioning that he never knew his father. With a heavy heart he realizes perhaps that was why Anakin wanted to be around him. He was an older father figure to him. Of course that must be it.
After dinner Anakin tucks his kids into bed (or rather just Luke as Leia has outgrown that). Obi-Wan helps clean up. Anakin says he should stay. It was late and he didn't want to send him home like this. Besides he had work in the morning so they could go in together.
Anakin lets him have the bed and sleeps on the couch despite his protests. The next morning Anakin sees the kids off to school. Obi-Wan makes everyone breakfast as a thank you. Anakin then drives them to the senior community. Obi-Wan gets out and goes to his apartment.
He is unfortunately seen getting out of Anakin's car. Rumors fly. His friends crowd him for details. Obi-Wan tries to tell them nothing happened but nobody believes him.
On his 56th birthday his pickleball team takes him out to celebrate. Little does he know that Qui-Gon has invited Anakin. He shows up with a present. Its pink shorts with the word pickleball on the booty. Obi-Wan's face feels warm.
Soon Anakin has to leave to go pick up his kids from school. Now gone, Quinlan takes Obi-Wan aside to ask him when he's gonna make a move on Anakin. Obi-Wan thinks he's being insane. Never? Anakin wasn't interested? Now Quinlan looks at him like he's the insane one.
“He literally gave you booty shorts! He wants to see your thighs!”
“That was a joke!”
Quinlan sighs. He asks the table if they thought Anakin was into Obi-Wan. They all say yes immediately.
“I thought you were already dating?” Bant asks.
The next day Obi-Wan sees Anakin doing maintenance in the lobby. He starts up a conversation. It was so easy to talk to him. Far too easy.
“By the way, thank you for your gift yesterday. Though I'm not sure they'll fit me, they may be a little small.” He jokes.
“I dunno, I think they'll fit just fine.” Anakin deliberately looks him up and down, lingering on his ass.
Obi-Wan gulps.
Later Obi-Wan is doing some swim aerobics in the pool with Yoda and Qui-Gon. Yoda mentions having had a heart attack two years ago.
“Seize the moment, one must. Lest life passes you by.” he looks straight at Obi-Wan as he says it.
Obi-Wan blinks. He frowns. He really didn't appreciate his friends barging into his love life. He tells them so.
“What love life? You're single.”
Obi-Wan has no retort.
Is it so wrong to not want to burden a strapping young man with someone like him? Someone who is wrinkled and old and has nothing to offer?
After swimming Obi-Wan grabs a towel and heads off back to his apartment. It's just a short walk over to the building. On the way he spots Anakin between the hedges fixing a sprinkler. He pauses. He looks down at his protruding belly. The worst he could do is utterly humiliate himself and be forced to avoid Anakin the rest of his life. Or until he moves.
Anakin looks up. He smiles.
His eyes linger on Obi-Wan’s chest. He swallows. It gives him the boost of confidence he needs.
“I was just, um, wondering if perhaps you wanted to…have dinner again? I can cook.”
Anakin hums, “I can't this week.”
Obi-Wan nearly deflates. He tells himself it's not the end of the world. It's fine. He starts to retreat, backing up the way he came.
“Sorry, of course. I didn't mean to impose. Anyway, I have to head back but it was nice to see you.”
Anakin catches his arm. “Woah, I didn't say I didn't want to, just that this week is no good.”
Obi-Wan blinks.
“But next week I'm open? I can pop by after work. That is if you're up for it still?”
Obi-Wan smiles. “Yes I'd like that.”
Anakin's hand lingers on his arm. Neither wanting to pull away just yet. Obi-Wan clears his throat.
“What would you like? F-for dinner I mean.”
“I'm not picky. Surprise me.”
“Alright then.”
From the sidelines, Qui-Gon, Mace, Yoda, Maria, and several others are watching from inside the pool center. Maria sighs forlornly. “Should have known he would steal him right out from under my nose.”
“I think it's sweet,” her friend Amanda says.
“Very sweet.” Yoda nods sagely.
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kp777 · 4 months
By Lynn Paramore, Institute for New Economic Thinking
Common Dreams
May 15, 2024
Shameful fact: the plight of U.S. retirees is a global exception. In their pursuit of lower taxes, America’s wealthiest individuals support policies that make it extremely difficult for seniors to manage the increasing costs of healthcare, housing, and basic necessities. Not so in other rich countries like Germany, France, and Canada, where robust public pensions and healthcare systems offer retirees stability and dignity. After a lifetime of hard work, older citizens in the U.S. find their reward is merely scraping by, as savings diminish under the weight of soaring medical costs in the most expensive healthcare system in the developed world.
The solution from America’s elites? Suck it up and work longer.
An example of this mindset appeared in a New York Times op-ed by C. Eugene Steuerle of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center and Glenn Kramon, a Stanford Business School lecturer. The two accused older folks of robbing economic resources from the young through Social Security and Medicare—never mind that workers fund these programs with their own lifelong payroll contributions. They paint a picture of 65-year-old Americans jauntily playing “pickleball daily” and jet-setting “far and wide,” proposing to increase the age to collect Social Security and Medicare benefits, essentially forcing future retirees to work longer. (Curiously, they overlook how this move robs young people—too young to vote—of future retirement years. This echoes 1983, when the Reagan administration and Congress pushed the Social Security age from 65 to 67, impacting Gen X before they could even vote on it).
Steuerle and Kramon prop up their plan with studies that extol the health and wellbeing perks of working into old age, adding that “each generation lives longer” and therefore, it’s a patriotic duty for the elderly to stay on the job.
Are we all really living longer? Let’s first point out that Princeton economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton, noted for their research in health and economics, recently showed that many Americans are not, in fact, enjoying extended lives. As they stated in their own New York Times op-ed, those without college degrees are “scarred by death and a staggeringly shorter life span.” According to their investigation, the expected lifespan for this group has been falling since 2010. By 2021, people without college degrees were expected to live to about 75, nearly 8.5 years shorter than their college-educated counterparts.
Overall life expectancy in America dropped in 2020 and 2021, with increases in mortality across the leading causes of death and among all ages, not just due to COVID-19. In August 2022, data confirmed that Americans are dying younger across all demographics. Again, the U.S. is an outlier. It was one of two developed countries where life expectancy did not bounce back in the second year of the pandemic.
So the argument that everyone is living longer greatly stretches the truth—unless, of course, you happen to be rich: A Harvard study revealed that the wealthiest Americans enjoy a life expectancy over a decade longer than their poorest counterparts.
Could the idea that working into our seventies and beyond boosts our health and well-being hold true? Obviously, for those in physically demanding roles, such as construction or mining, prolonged work is likely to lead to a higher risk of injury, accidents, and wearing down health-wise. But what about everybody else? What if you have a desk job? Wouldn’t it be great to get out there, do something meaningful, and interact with people, too?
Perhaps it’s easy for people like Steuerle and Kramon to imagine older people working in secure, dignified positions that might offer health benefits into old age – after all, those are the types of positions they know best.
But the reality is different. Economist Teresa Ghilarducci, a professor at the New School for Social Research, focuses on the economic security of older workers and flaws in U.S. retirement systems in her new book, Work, Retire, Repeat: The Uncertainty of Retirement in the New Economy. She calls those praising the health perks of working longer “oddballs” – those fortunate folks in cushy positions who have a lot of autonomy and purpose. Like lawmakers or tenured professors, for example.
She points out that academic researchers often base their theories about the benefits of working longer on a hypothetical person who just tacked on a few extra years in the same position, noting that researchers often make the faulty assumption that people are not only living longer, but can also easily choose to work longer, keep their jobs without facing pay cuts, and continue stacking up savings into later life.
That’s not really how it plays out in real life for most folks. Ghilarducci found that most people don’t actually get to decide when they retire, noting that “the verb ‘retire’ isn’t a verb that really belongs to the agency of the worker – it’s the employers’ choice.” Retirement often means somebody above you telling you it’s time to go. You’re ousted—laid off or pushed out because your productivity’s slipping or your skills are aging like last year’s tech. Or simply because of biases against older workers. Age discrimination is a huge issue, with two-thirds of job seekers aged 45 to 74 reporting it. In fact, people trying to find a job say they encounter significant biases as early as age 35. For the high-tech and entertainment industries, this is particularly true.
So there’s that.
There’s also the fact that continuing to work in an unfulfilling job might be hazardous to your health. The reality is, a lot of us are grinding in jobs that are stressful and insecure, and that constant stress ties into a whole host of health issues — hypertension, heart problems, messed up digestion, and a weaker immune system, not to mention it can kickstart or worsen mental health troubles like depression and anxiety.
Many are stuck in what anthropologist David Graeber memorably dubbed “bullshit jobs” — roles that feel meaningless and draining. Graeber described these jobs as a form of ‘spiritual violence,’ and found them linked to heightened anxiety, depression, and overall misery among workers. His research found strong evidence that seeing your job as useless deeply impacts your psychological well-being.
The link between job dissatisfaction and poor health has been found to be significant in study after study. Unrewarding work can demotivate people from staying active, eating well, or sleeping regularly, potentially leading to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other health issues. In contrast, retiring from such a job could free up time and energy for wellness activities, enjoyable hobbies, and a healthier lifestyle overall.
Ghilarducci points out that reward-to-effort ratios, crucial for job satisfaction, are declining due to factors like stagnant real wages. She also highlights the problem of subordination, explaining that it can be “lethal” to remain in a job where you lack control over the content or pace of your work. According to her, such factors can lead to higher morbidity and lower mortality rates.
Okay, what about social engagement? That’s crucial for seniors, right? True, but demanding or unfulfilling jobs can make it hard to find the time and energy to socialize, leading to isolation and loneliness, which are major factors in declining mental health and quality of life for the elderly.
Also, when talking about delaying retirement, we can’t ignore cognitive decline. Sure, working longer might keep your mind sharp if the job is stimulating. However, research indicates the opposite for dull jobs. Florida State University researchers found that not only can tedious work accelerate cognitive decline, leading to increased stress and reduced life satisfaction, but “dirty” work does as well. They show that jobs in unclean environments with exposure to chemicals, mold, lead, or loud noises significantly impact brain health as we age.
Even university professors can suffer the effects of dirty jobs: North Carolina State University has recently come under fire for knowingly keeping faculty and staff working for decades in a building contaminated with PCBs, resulting in dire health consequences, including nearly 200 cases of cancer among those exposed.
Finally, it’s not a coincidence that those talking about raising the age for Social Security and Medicare are usually white men. They would suffer less from it than women, especially women of color. Women typically outlive men but earn less over their lifetimes, which already means smaller Social Security checks. It’s even tougher for Black women who often earn way less than their white peers and are more likely to have unstable jobs with skimpy benefits. Plus, women frequently take breaks from their careers for caregiving, shaving off years of paid work and further slicing their Social Security benefits. Pushing the retirement age higher forces women, especially Black women, to either toil longer in poor-quality jobs or retire without enough funds, making them more vulnerable to poverty and health problems as they get older.
Ghilarducci observes that for women in low-paying jobs with little control and agency, “working longer can really hasten their death, and the flip side of that is that retirement for these women really helps them.”
Bottom line: The whole “work longer, live healthier” spiel doesn’t fly for most. In the U.S., the well-off might be milking the joys of extended careers, but lower-income folks, particularly women and people of color, often endure the slog of thankless jobs that negatively impact their health and well-being. Elites shout from their comfortable positions that we need to push retirement further back as if it’s the magic fix to all economic woes. But when such people fantasize about happy seniors thriving at work, they’re missing the harsh reality many face—painful, boring, insecure jobs that speed death.
The myth that we’re all living longer and healthier is just that—a myth belied by life expectancy stats showing not everyone’s in the same boat. What America desperately needs is a beefed-up, fair Social Security and Medicare system that serves all Americans, not just the ones who can afford to retire without a worry. No one should be stuck choosing between a crappy job and retiring into penury.
Yet Republicans are on the warpath against Social Security and Medicare. Senator Mike Lee has explicitly stated his goal to completely eliminate Social Security, aiming to “pull it up by the roots, and get rid of it.” His fellow Republicans are enthusiastically getting the ball rolling: House Republicans have released a new proposal to weaken Social Security by raising the retirement age. For his part, former and possible future president Donald Trump indicates a willingness to consider cuts to Medicare and Social Security, despite previously criticizing his primary rivals on the issue, who were almost wall to wall demanding drastic cutbacks.
Democratic lawmakers typically show more support for Social Security and Medicare in public, though their track record has not fully alleviated concerns about the present and future vulnerability of these programs. In his recent State of the Union speech, President Biden advocated for the expansion and enhancement of Social Security and Medicare, declaring that “If anyone here tries to cut Social Security or Medicare or raise the retirement age, I will stop them!” But it’s important to keep in mind that he supported raising the retirement age during the 1980s and again in 2005.
Polling shows that voters, whether Democrats or Republicans, do not want to cut these programs. Actually, they want to expand Social Security and Medicare. That’s because those who face the realities of daily life understand that working endlessly is a cruel and unreasonable – not to mention unhealthy — expectation that no society should endorse. The idea that America can’t afford to do this is outlandish when the evidence is so clear that American billionaires pay historically low tax rates that are now lower than those for ordinary workers. What America can’t afford is the super-wealthy and their paid representatives working the rest of us to death.
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September Challenge Submission: Granny Smith - Tacoma FD
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Granny (he/him) is the medic in the titular firefighter crew. He has the fourth-highest seniority (second-highest if you don't count the chief and captain).
He is a military veteran, saying in one episode that firefighting gave him a purpose after he was discharged. He also has an artsy side - being interested in the ukulele, puppetry, and a capella. In one of the last episodes, he even starts writing parody songs (something that I especially enjoyed seeing since I also like writing parody songs)!
There are several really well-done and interesting episodes that feature him prominently, including (but not limited to):
-"Pirate World FD," which takes place in the aftermath of a station fire. His puppets burned up in said fire, and this episode shows him dealing with the loss of something he was so passionate about.
-"Pickleball," which features one of his friends on the crew training him to win a station duos pickleball match.
-"Thanksgiving," when he invites a mechanic to the station holiday celebration in trying to be kind, even when the rest of the crew tells him not to.
-And "To Nightmare Manor," where the crew has to put out a fire at a haunted house, forcing him to face his fear of haunted houses.
(Note: this isn't a prominent plotline, but there's also an episode where the crew are taking professional photos, and he's concerned about being screwed over by the lighting. Given what you've been talking about on your page as of late, I figured you'd appreciate that.)
Granny Smith is an interesting name, for sure! Is it a nickname, or is his name legit "Granny"? I enjoy parodies as well, big Weird Al fan. I like it when Black men, in life and in media, are allowed to indulge in artistic endeavors. My dad likes art and creation, I wish he'd been allowed to follow it in his life. Too personal!
😂😂 I mean, it's an ongoing joke within the Black community of pictures being taken poorly with us in them, when you're with white friends.
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barbieliberationarmy · 5 months
15 questions for 15 friends!
Tagged by @reallygroovyninja (thanks!)
Were you named after anyone? Nope.
When was the last time you cried? I almost melted down in the car yesterday when "Fuckin perfect" came on. Body image issues + wedding suit fitting = mindfuck.
Do you have kids? No, and have never really wanted them. Def not happening now.
What sports have you played/do you play? I played basketball for a hot minute in middle school. I was the worst player in the league. These days casual badminton and half-ass pickleball are my speed.
Do you use sarcasm?  Me? Never.
First thing you notice about people? I don't notice specific features right away. Takes me a minute. I can be a bit oblivious.
What is your eye colour? Green
Scary movies or happy endings? Not a big fan of scary movies, so happy endings I guess.
Any talents? Idk, define "talent." I'm good at some stuff, but is that talent?
Where were you born? Virginia
What are your hobbies? Reading, video games, bar trivia, bit of hiking, falling asleep watching cold case true crime with my gf, lately bingeing crime shows on BritBox. Does anxiety count as a hobby if you do it a lot?
Do you have any pets? Kermit, my senior cat.
How tall are you? 5'6"
Dream Job? I thought we weren't supposed to dream about labor? I'd say park ranger, but not the "dealing with people" bits.
Tagging @butmakeitgayblog @ironicsnowflake @dreamsaremywords @scentofdriedflowers and anyone who hasn't done it and wants to
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thegoldenestat · 1 year
9 Outdoor Activities For Seniors At Senior Living Apartments
There are genuine advantages to being outside, according to several research, regardless of your age. It can raise vigor, enhance memory, promote exercise, aid in the battle against depression, and even strengthen the immune system. Here are 10 suggestions to get you started this summer if you're seeking outdoor activities for an elderly loved one. Even if they use a wheelchair or other assistance equipment, you can both still go outdoors to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air since they can be modified to fit their degree of movement. The road through life is dynamic. Maintaining an active lifestyle becomes crucial to your health and happiness as you age. Finding enjoyable outdoor activities with senior living apartments to engage in is one of the greatest ways to keep active. In addition to keeping your body active, connecting with nature promotes mental wellbeing. There is an outdoor activity for every senior, from pickleball and yoga to nature treks and outdoor concerts.
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6 Outdoor Activities for Seniors
Nature strolls
Seniors may enjoy the outdoors in a variety of ways, like taking a leisurely stroll in a park or taking a trip through a nature preserve. You may improve your mood and maintain your health by getting some fresh air, changing your surroundings, and doing some light exercise. Make it an outing with friends and family by inviting them.
A picnic combines two of life's greatest pleasures: being outside and eating. Bring your family and friends together, pick a beautiful location, prepare some delectable snacks, and enjoy the sunshine.
For seniors wishing to use their green thumb, gardening is a pleasant activity. You may engage in physical activity, mental challenge, and the gratification of seeing your labor grow by taking care of flowers, herbs, or vegetables.
Exterior Yoga
What could be more soothing than observing birds in the woods? Consider doing yoga outside to channel your inner serenity. Flexibility, balance, and mental clarity are all improved by yoga. There are many different schools of yoga, and many of them may be practiced outside.
Pickleball with senior living apartments, which is regarded as the fastest-growing sport in the country, may best be described as a mashup of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. The game is well-liked and one of the best outdoor activities for seniors searching for a pleasant workout because of its simplicity, short-sprint play, and little stress on joints.
Public Events
To find out what's going on locally, visit your neighborhood social media accounts with senior living apartments, municipal website, or local newspaper. Parades, museums, botanical gardens, and other events are all held over the holidays.
Seniors with Limited Mobility: 3 Outdoor Activities
With activities that meet your requirements and improve your wellbeing, you may still enjoy the great outdoors as a senior with restricted mobility.
Beautiful drives
With a picturesque ride, you can relax and take in the scenery. Plan your route to travel via scenic areas or neighborhoods with beautiful homes.
Summertime Concerts
Attending an outdoor performance is one of the greatest and most affordable ways to enjoy the outdoors and excellent music at the same time, whether it's a local band jamming on the gazebo, an orchestra performing music from a famous movie, or the biggest rockstar in the world at a stadium.
Bird Observation
It's calming and entertaining to discover your inner ornithologist. Place a bird feeder in your window's line of sight, or go on a nature stroll while birding. Any senior can develop a stronger connection to nature via bird watching.
Finally, The Golden Estate does not provide lifestyles that are universally applicable. You decide the assistance you require, utilize the conveniences you choose, and construct a life that — whatever you define it — feels joyous, entertaining, and adventurous. You can get extra assistance in the same community if your requirements alter. This provides comfort and might help allay any worries you may have about relinquishing control of your life or depending on loved ones for care. There is a senior living apartment for everyone, regardless of who you are and will help to make you live your best life.
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itstimeforstarwars · 1 year
Are you in a rural or semi-rural area? Did you not get to do activities when you were a child? Are you interested in learning a new skill as an adult?
Well here in rural/semi-rural area, you can simply Get Fucked! We don't want anyone over 18 learning to swim, do ballet, or play any sport that isn't pickleball! If you aren't old enough for senior yoga or young enough to eat off the kids menu, we don’t want you! Get Fucked today!
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
aww thats cool lol I didn't even know what pickleball was until we had to play it for gym in senior year
I'm sure copper could kick my ass at pickleball and I'd still have fun
It’s honestly so fun! I like playing with friends cause we all suck, but my mom is too competitive so not her lol
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rodspurethoughts · 4 days
Trevor Burgess Joins Florida Smash Ownership Group
Neptune Flood Insurance Becomes Title Sponsor ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Florida Smash, one of the top teams in Major League Pickleball (MLP), proudly announces that Trevor Burgess, a serial entrepreneur and investor, has joined the team’s ownership group. Burgess’s company, Neptune Flood Insurance, will become an official sponsor of the Florida Smash. Burgess’s…
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bunkershotgolf · 2 years
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Original Penguin Golf
Launches Men’s Fall 2022 Collection Featuring Polar Pete Outerwear™ #BeAnOriginal
Original Penguin Golf® by Munsingwear®, a division of Perry Ellis International, is pleased to announce the launch of its Mens’ Fall 2022 golf collection featuring the Polar Pete Outerwear series. Combining a retro yet modern look, with the classic Original Penguin heritage and style, these new collections are designed to achieve a new level of performance, style and sustainability on and off the course.
“Today, and in the years ahead, versatility will be key for the clothes we wear,” stated Oscar Feldenkreis, CEO of Perry Ellis International. “The Original Penguin Men’s Fall 2022 golf collection features diversified, multi-use layering pieces which perform perfectly for a golfer’s lifestyle.  The collection blends luxurious style with inspiring, athletic apparel enabling golfers to integrate premium sportswear with their everyday wardrobe.”
The new Polar Pete Series includes layering and outerwear pieces for those playing in all kinds of weather, or simply on-the-go in the elements.  Fabrics have been crafted with sustainable yarn blends and eco-friendly technologies, while performance features include moisture-wicking, UPF Protection, and lightweight 4-way stretch, making it easy for golfers to extend their season.  New Polar Pete pieces include:
 ●      Performance Hoodie with a luxe eco friendly blend of tencel, recyclable poly, elastane creating a water-repellent finish.
 ●      A 90’s-inspired mixed-media color block thermal fleece and our new ¼ zip featuring a 3D spacer fleece in recycled blend-great mid-weight layering options for those cooler days.
●      Insulated Puffers with primaloft thermal insulation with 100% nylon durable micro-ripstop, water repellent, and 600-fill power insulation. It can be worn on frigid, windy days on the course or around town.
●      Windwear options this season include a new, full zip bunker camo water repellent wind jacket, fully lined with stretch-lining for better range of motion.
●      Earl Waterproof rain suit with iconic Earl piping. It’s fully seam-sealed with water repellent zippers. The jacket has gusset side panels for flexibility and the pants feature adjustable hem cuffs.
“Original Penguin’s Fall 2022 Men’s golf collection of apparel and accessories continues to provide endless nostalgic inspiration,” added Lupe Benitez, Senior Vice President Product Design, Original Penguin Golf.  “This season is inspired by early 90’s looks from our archives.  The collection fuses a distinct balance of retro and modern and is unapologetically hip and whimsical.”
 Original Penguin is known for its fun statement prints and the Fall ’22 collection delivers with new florals, camos and cool new graphic t-shirts specially created with the golfer in mind. Designed for a versatile approach, the long sleeve sun protection pieces are also great for multi-layering during the fall.
For over 60 years Original Penguin, and its namesake icon, Pete the Penguin, have been adorned and adored by the masters of leisure and sport to define itself as an American classic.  Today, the Penguin icon still stands as a signal for those who know how to be an original and what you wear for the good times.
About An Original Penguin® by Munsingwear®
In 1955, Minneapolis-based Munsingwear – an underwear and military supply company – ironically became the touchstone of suburban sport with the introduction of the first iconic golf shirt to America – an ORIGINAL PENGUIN®. Known for its unique, humorous and detail-oriented clothing, Original Penguin offers a full range of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, accessories and fragrances.  The brand continues to evolve into the sports arena with the addition of tennis and pickleball apparel.  Original Penguin is a global brand with retail stores worldwide as well as two dedicated e-commerce websites:www.originalpenguin.com andwww.originalpenguin.co.uk.
 About Perry Ellis International
Perry Ellis International, Inc. is a leading designer, distributor, and licensor of a broad line of high quality men’s and women’s apparel, accessories, and fragrances. The company’s collection of dress and casual shirts, golf sportswear, sweaters, dress pants, casual pants and shorts, jeans wear, active wear, dresses, and men’s and women’s swimwear is available through all major levels of retail distribution. The company, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, owns a portfolio of nationally and internationally recognized brands, including: Perry Ellis®, An Original Penguin by Munsingwear®, Laundry by Shelli Segal®, Rafaella®, Cubavera®, Ben Hogan®, Savane®, Grand Slam®, John Henry®, Manhattan®, Axist® and Farah®. The company enhances its roster of brands by licensing trademarks from third parties, including: Nike® for swimwear, and Callaway®, PGA TOUR®, and Jack Nicklaus® for golf apparel.  Additional information on the company is available at www.pery.com
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jonleesarasota · 15 days
Understanding the Basics: What is Pickleball and Why is it So Popular?
Pickleball is a relatively new sport that has taken the world by storm recently. Combining elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, this unique game is growing rapidly in popularity across age groups and skill levels. From local community centers to international tournaments, pickleball has become a favorite recreational activity for many. But what exactly is pickleball, and why has it become so popular? Let's explore the basics of the game and the factors contributing to its surge in popularity.
What is Pickleball?
Pickleball is a paddle sport played on a small court, similar to a badminton court, with a net slightly lower than that used in tennis. The game is played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes, resembling a whiffle ball. It can be played as singles or doubles, but doubles is the more common format.
The game's objective is simple: players aim to hit the ball over the net and into the opponent's court without the opponent successfully returning it. Points are scored only by the serving team, and the first team to reach 11 points with a two-point lead wins the game.
One of the key features of pickleball is its accessibility. The rules are easy to learn, making it suitable for players of all ages and skill levels. While it may look like a slower-paced game compared to tennis, pickleball involves quick reflexes, strategic shot placement, and plenty of movement, offering fun and a good workout.
The Origins of Pickleball
Pickleball was invented in 1965 by three fathers—Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum—in Bainbridge Island, Washington. The game started as a way to keep their children entertained during the summer. Using a badminton court, ping-pong paddles, and a perforated plastic ball, the game quickly evolved as the fathers improvised the rules and equipment.
The sport's quirky name came from the Pritchard family dog, Pickles, who habitually ran off with the ball during games. Over time, a backyard family activity developed into a structured sport with equipment, governing bodies, and organized competitions.
Why is Pickleball So Popular?
The popularity of pickleball has skyrocketed for several reasons. First and foremost, it's an easy game to pick up, which attracts people of all ages. Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced athlete, pickleball offers a low barrier to entry. Unlike tennis or other racket sports that require significant skill and strength, pickleball is more forgiving, allowing newcomers to enjoy the game without extensive practice.
Another factor contributing to the sport's growth is its appeal to older adults. Pickleball's smaller court and slower ball speed make it a less physically demanding option than tennis, making it a perfect fit for seniors looking to stay active without the risk of high-impact injuries. Many retirement communities across the U.S. have built pickleball courts, encouraging residents to play and stay social.
Pickleball also fosters a sense of community. Whether played in parks, gyms, or clubs, pickleball brings people together. The smaller court size means players are always close to each other, creating opportunities for conversation and connection. It's not uncommon to see players of different skill levels and ages playing together, making it a highly inclusive sport.
Lastly, pickleball's adaptability has played a major role in its popularity. Courts can be set up almost anywhere, indoors or outdoors, and the equipment is inexpensive. This makes the sport accessible to people regardless of location or financial situation, further expanding its reach.
Pickleball in Competitive Sports
While pickleball started as a casual, recreational game, it has evolved into a competitive sport with professional leagues and tournaments. The USA Pickleball Association (USAPA) is the sport's governing body, organizing national tournaments and setting official gameplay rules. Professional pickleball players and events now draw large crowds, with sponsorship deals and media coverage following the sport's rise.
Major tournaments like the U.S. Open Pickleball Championships and the National Pickleball Championships showcase the highest level of talent in the game. These events have helped elevate pickleball's status from a simple pastime to a recognized sport. The growing popularity of competitive pickleball has also attracted younger athletes who see potential in the sport as a career opportunity.
With the introduction of televised matches and live-streamed events, pickleball is gaining attention from sports enthusiasts worldwide. The excitement and fast-paced nature of the game make it entertaining for spectators, further boosting its popularity.
Health Benefits of Pickleball
Beyond pickleball's fun and social aspects, the game offers numerous health benefits. It provides a low-impact cardiovascular workout, making it an excellent option for individuals looking to improve their fitness without putting too much strain on their joints. The game involves quick lateral movements, balance, and coordination, which help improve agility and reflexes over time.
Pickleball also promotes mental well-being. The social interaction inherent in the game helps combat feelings of isolation, especially among older adults. Playing regularly can reduce stress, improve mood, and foster a sense of accomplishment, all contributing to overall mental health.
Additionally, pickleball is a great way to burn calories and improve endurance. A typical game involves constant movement, which can help with weight management and muscle tone. Since it can be played at varying intensity levels, players can adjust their approach based on their fitness goals and physical capabilities.
The Future of Pickleball
The future of pickleball looks bright as more people discover it. With new courts being built in parks, recreation centers, and even schools across the country, its reach is expanding rapidly. The sport's growing popularity is also fueled by increasing social media influencers and celebrities sharing their love for the game, further spreading awareness.
As pickleball continues to gain traction, its potential for further growth seems limitless. More communities, schools, and sports organizations are adopting the game, and with the rise of professional leagues and international tournaments, it's clear that pickleball is here to stay.
Pickleball's unique combination of accessibility, social interaction, and physical activity has made it one of the fastest-growing sports in the world. Whether looking for a fun way to stay active or a competitive outlet, pickleball offers something for everyone. Its easy-to-learn rules, inclusive nature, and health benefits have helped it gain widespread popularity. As more people pick up paddles and head to the courts, pickleball is set to become a staple of recreational and competitive sports for years to come.
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tallmantall · 1 month
James Donaldson on Mental Health - Depression is not a normal part of aging. How staying engaged helps older adults remain healthy and avoid loneliness.
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James Donaldson on Mental Health - Depression is not a normal part of aging. How staying engaged helps older adults remain healthy and avoid loneliness. By: Mary Gay Broderick, for UCHealth Older adults can boost their happiness by deliberately fostering relationships and staying engaged in the community. Great activities include volunteering and participating in theater, music, recreation and church groups Contrary to what many people believe, depression is not a normal part of aging. Despite often having risk factors for depression — one of which is having a chronic disease — older adults have some of the lowest levels of mental illness relative to all other adults. To learn more about how depression, loneliness and social isolation affect older adults, we talked with Dr. Samantha Farro, who directs the integrated behavioral health program at the UCHealth Seniors Clinic on the Anschutz Medical Campus and in Lone Tree. Farro is also an assistant professor in geriatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Mental health and older adults While depression is rare among older people, loneliness and social isolation are a different story, and something that many older people experience. Unfortunately, loneliness and isolation are related to higher rates of morbidity and mortality. “Loneliness and social isolation are important to screen for and be aware of,” Farro said, adding that they can fuel a decline in physical and emotional wellbeing. Farro said older adults who experience social isolation are at a greater risk for other concerning health issues such as: - Heart disease - Anxiety - Sadness - High blood pressure - Weakened immune system - Cognitive decline #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com Link for 40 Habits Signupbit.ly/40HabitsofMentalHealth If you'd like to follow and receive my daily blog in to your inbox, just click on it with Follow It. Here's the link https://follow.it/james-donaldson-s-standing-above-the-crowd-s-blog-a-view-from-above-on-things-that-make-the-world-go-round?action=followPub What can older people, caregivers and loved ones do to prevent depression, loneliness and social isolation among older adults? “There are different ways to help prevent loneliness and isolation from worsening and turning into depression and anxiety,” Farro said. Older adults can boost their happiness by deliberately fostering relationships with people and staying engaged in their communities. Any activities that foster joy will stave off loneliness and help boost mental health. Try performing in plays or concerts, visit art museums or join a recreational sports league. Physical activities from dancing to pickleball to golf can be modified to accommodate people with different physical abilities, Farro said. Other ideas for avoiding loneliness and social isolation include: - Volunteer at a nonprofit, community or church - Join a book club - Enroll in an online or in-person class “Joining a club to learn to dance or listen to live music; these kinds of community activities can be important and fun ways to stay engaged, especially if you live alone,” Farro said. More tips for staying connected include: - Discover a new activity or hobby: “Now is the time to pursue an interest you’ve always had,” Farro said. - Explore: Have fun and meet people with similar interests at community senior centers. - Use technology to connect: FaceTime and Zoom can be used for communication to maintain and nurture relationships. - Exercise: If you have a pet walk it; get outside and into nature, which can be restorative and have a healing effect, she said. What are other preventive strategies for aging healthy? - Structure daytime activities so nighttime sleep is consistent - Engage in daily exercises and daytime socialization to help regulate sleep - Maintain a healthy eating schedule and refrain from eating in the middle of the night when possible - Create a schedule around your day if that is helpful, especially if you are newly retired. “Consistency is really important,” she said. “Our bodies love that.” How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the mental health of older adults?  The COVID-19 pandemic was not good for mental health, in general. Social isolation and lockdowns were especially tough for young and old alike. But again, many older adults were able to face the challenge with perspective and drew from other life experiences to adapt. Older people can have different reference points for how to cope with challenges. They know that life is full of both good and bad experiences, Farro said. For instance, she saw a surge in older people who were able to use technology to stay connected with family and loved ones. Many seized opportunities during the pandemic to pursue new creative endeavors such as cooking, gardening, crafts and reading. Is sadness a natural part of aging? Sadness is a natural part of life, Farro said, and as we age and face the death of loved ones, being sad is a normal reaction. “Grief is normal reaction to death loss and a part of our life experience. It’s when we can’t accept the death and heal that it may be beneficial to get professional help,” Farro said. What’s is the difference between a serious mental health issue and sadness or ‘the blues?’ “Whenever I think about what differentiates feelings that are normal vs. feelings that might lead someone to seek professional help, it is good to consider if a person is impaired in their ability to function every day in normal life. Can they still have meaningful relationships and relate to the outside world or is this hindering them?” Farro said. “Older adults are a diverse group with wide variety of health, family, and economic situations so there can be different needs for different people.” That’s not to say that older people are not faced with a lot of unique challenges that differ from younger adults. For example, more older people deal with chronic illnesses, and they experience death loss more often as they age, all of which can put them at risk for loneliness and social isolation. “It’s a balance,” Farro said. “They have real and tangible challenges, but over the course of a lifetime through all of their experiences, they often have also developed really effective coping strategies and resilience.” Be aware of the differences between “normal” worry or feeling overwhelmed vs. anxiety. Seek help when needed. If you’re not sure whether you just have the blues or you need treatment for something like depression or anxiety, check with your doctor. White men over age 75 face especially high risks for mental health challenges, including suicide Farro said she doesn’t want to downplay important mental health risks that some older people face. For example, white men over age 75 have one of the highest suicide rates compared to other demographic groups. Ready access to lethal means such as firearms in the home contributes to increased risk. Warning signs of suicide include: - Talking about wanting to die - Feeling hopeless - Feeling trapped - Being a burden to others - Looking for a way to end their lives, such as searching online “Suicide risk is important to talk about. If someone you love is having thoughts of wanting to die, call the 988 mental health crisis hotline or go to your nearest ER to have an evaluation done.” Is it true that older adults often are very resilient? “Yes, older adults are very resilient,” Farro said. “Often, it’s because they can put things in perspective and take a big-picture view. They have a great deal of life experience to draw from.” When researchers assess life satisfaction, older adults often report some of the highest levels, she said. “There is a lot to look forward to in aging even though there are challenges,” she said. One of those stress points includes a huge milestone for many people: retirement. “It’s a huge change as people ponder that next chapter in life and, for some, it can be overwhelming as they attempt to figure it out. Loss of structure can be a difficult thing to deal with.” Her advice is to have a game plan: What do you enjoy? What do you value? What gives your life purpose and meaning outside of work? Explore and discover that and create daily and weekly routines to ensure you get to do it regularly. How can loved ones help older adults avoid mental health challenges? “You can listen to them,” Farro said. “Be patient. And be kind to yourself. Don’t forget to take care of yourself, because if you are depleted, you won’t be able to take care of others.” You can also lend a hand with mobility and transportation, as these can be barriers as older people often initially need help learning about arranging rides, carpools or navigating public transportation. If you are seeing signs of mental health problems in someone you care about whether it’s depression or anxiety or isolation and loneliness, encourage them to seek treatment. “These are often treatable conditions and it’s never too late for people to get help.” Options include evidence-based psychological therapies, medications, and other promising treatments. ‘’It’s not normal to be depressed. And just like any other health condition, you can get help. Just as you would if you had a broken leg or diabetes. There is no shame. We all need to reduce the stigma around mental health.” Some older people are afraid to ask for help with mental health challenges. How can we overcome stigma and shame around asking for help? Farro is dedicated to eliminating the stigma around aging, which she said is sadly prevalent in American society. Having contributed economically and financially for decades through work and careers, many may question their worthiness when that ends. “Agism can erode our ability to be healthy. It changes how we see ourselves and others and can harm our relationships. Agism can be rampant and undermines many things we know about older adults: Most are doing well, that they have so many strengths and resources and contribute so much good in our community and world.” Read the full article
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tradedmiami · 3 months
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SALE IMAGE: Kenneth Goodman & Zachary Goodman DATE: 06/28/2024 ADDRESS: 1801 Brantley Road MARKET: Fort Myers ASSET TYPE: MultiFamily BUYER: Kenneth Goodman & Zachary Goodman - Interface Properties SELLER'S REP: Jamie May & Eddie Yang - JBM Institutional Multifamily Advisors SALE PRICE: $57,000,000 UNITS: 296 ~ PPU: $192,568 SF: 268,624 ~ PPSF: $212 NOTE FROM BUYER: Interface Properties, led by Ken Goodman and Zac Goodman, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Brantley Pines Apartments, a 296-unit apartment community in Fort Myers, Florida. Berkadia’s team, led by Senior Managing Director Mitch Sinberg and Vice President Michael Basinski, secured a $39.9 million acquisition loan from Freddie Mac with Green environmental benefits. Built in two phases (1988 and 1997), Brantley Pines boasts low density garden style apartment homes with its 30 acres of greenery, lakes, and lakeside views. Additional amenities include a 24-hour fitness center, BBQ grills, pickleball courts, a dog park, and more. Interface Properties plans to build on this foundation with renovation of its 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom units, the addition of a lakeside walking path, enhancement of the clubhouse and pool, landscaping replacement, and a new multi-faceted poolside common recreational area. Despite the economic headwinds and the sharp rise in interest rates from the point of contract execution through closing, Interface Properties is proud to have successfully closed the transaction with no adjustments to the original contract price. Interface looks forward to executing its value-add objectives for all stakeholders as it continues to pursue similar opportunities in the immediate vicinity and elsewhere throughout the Southeast US. #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #TradedPartner #FortMyers #Multifamily #KennethGoodman #ZacharyGoodman #InterfaceProperties #JamieMay #EddieYang #JBMInstitutionalMultifamilyAdvisors
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valleyledger · 3 months
Press Release: Valley Youth House Breaks Fundraising Record with $428,000 for Youth and Families Experiencing Homelessness
John E. Walson, Jr. Memorial Golf & Pickleball Committee from left to right: Thomas R. Harrington, President and Executive Director of Valley Youth House, Christina J. Schoemaker, MBA, CFRE, Senior Vice President of Advancement at Valley Youth House, John T. Yurconic, Chief Executive Officer of The Yurconic Agency, Terrence A. McMahon, Senior Investment Advisor at PNC Institutional Asset…
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koala-pickleball · 4 months
As we delve into the Ozempic ad critique sparking pickleball controversy, it's evident that the misrepresentation of this popular sport has stirred up a significant debate. By narrowly portraying pickleball as a game exclusively for older individuals, the ad misses the mark on capturing the true essence of the sport's diverse player base. This oversight not only raises questions about the accuracy of sports representation in advertising but also sheds light on the broader implications of such missteps in marketing strategies. Stay tuned to uncover the multifaceted layers of this intriguing discussion.Key TakeawaysMisrepresentation of pickleball sparked controversy in Ozempic ad.Critique focused on inaccuracies in portraying the sport.Age demographic discrepancy highlighted in the advertisement.Impact on audience perception of pickleball discussed.Authenticity and inclusivity emphasized for accurate representation.Background of Ozempic TV AdIn examining the background of the Ozempic TV ad, it becomes evident that the portrayal of pickleball lacks authenticity and misrepresents the sport's demographic composition. The impact on viewers is significant, as the ad perpetuates pickleball misconceptions by depicting the sport as predominantly played by older individuals.This misrepresentation can lead viewers to form inaccurate perceptions of pickleball and its player base. By showcasing a more diverse age group engaging in the sport, the ad could provide a more accurate representation and attract a wider audience.Understanding the true demographics of pickleball players is crucial for dispelling stereotypes and promoting inclusivity within the sport. Authentic portrayals in advertisements can help break down barriers and encourage participation among a broader range of individuals.Critique on Pickleball RepresentationHow accurately does the Ozempic ad represent the demographics and dynamics of pickleball?The critique on pickleball representation in the ad has sparked a controversy due to its misrepresentation of the sport. Pickleball is a game enjoyed by a diverse age group, with the average player age being 38. However, the ad portrays pickleball as a sport predominantly for older individuals, which isn't an accurate reflection of the sport's demographics.Suggestions for Ad ImprovementBased on the critique of the Ozempic ad featuring pickleball, incorporating suggestions such as showcasing players hitting powerful shots and including a serving dispute subplot could enhance the ad's authenticity and appeal.By highlighting player dynamics with powerful shots, the ad can better represent the skill showcase that pickleball players possess. Moreover, including an element like a serving dispute subplot would add depth to the storyline, engaging viewers and portraying realistic game scenarios.To accurately reflect the age diversity in pickleball, featuring players of various age groups, including younger individuals, would enhance the ad's authenticity. By making these adjustments, the ad could more effectively resonate with a wider audience and accurately represent the sport of pickleball.Demographics of Pickleball PlayersThe diversity of age groups engaged in playing pickleball highlights the sport's appeal across different generations. Pickleball attracts players of various ages, with the average age being 38. This age diversity showcases the broad spectrum of individuals who enjoy the sport, from teenagers to older adults.The engagement of younger players in pickleball reflects its popularity among different age demographics, challenging the misconception that it's solely for the elderly. As participation from teenagers and young adults continues to rise, it's evident that pickleball's appeal transcends generational boundaries.This diverse player engagement contributes to the vibrant and inclusive nature of the sport, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among players of all ages.Impact of MisrepresentationThe misrepresented portrayal of pickleball in the Ozempic ad could have significant consequences on both viewer perceptions and the sport's image. Misrepresentation consequences include shaping an inaccurate perception of pickleball as a sport only for older individuals, which could alienate younger demographics who actively participate.This misrepresentation might lead to a distorted image of the sport, potentially affecting its popularity and growth among diverse age groups. Impact on audience perception could result in confusion or disinterest among those not familiar with pickleball's true demographic appeal.To rectify this, accurate representation in advertising is crucial to maintain the authenticity and inclusivity of pickleball, ensuring its recognition as a sport enjoyed by individuals of various ages.Importance of Accuracy in AdvertisingAccuracy in advertising plays a pivotal role in shaping consumer perceptions and brand credibility, influencing decision-making processes significantly. Advertising ethics and truth in marketing are essential for building consumer trust.Adhering to industry standards ensures that companies maintain integrity and authenticity in their messaging. When advertisements accurately represent the products or services being promoted, consumers are more likely to trust the brand and make informed choices.Misleading or inaccurate advertising can't only harm consumer trust but also lead to legal repercussions. Therefore, it's imperative for companies to prioritize accuracy in their advertising efforts to uphold ethical standards and establish a strong foundation of credibility with their target audience.Role of Pharmaceutical IndustryIn analyzing the pharmaceutical industry's role, it becomes evident that advertising plays a crucial part in shaping consumer perceptions and brand credibility. The pharmaceutical industry, including companies like Novo Nordisk, invests heavily in marketing tactics to promote their products. Ethical considerations in pharmaceutical advertising are essential to maintain public trust and ensure accurate representation. Ad budgets often include consultants to ensure accuracy in depicting scenes like pickleball in the Ozempic ad. By improving the authenticity and relevance of advertisements, pharmaceutical companies can enhance their brand perception and connect better with their target audience.Pharmaceutical IndustryRole in AdvertisingImportance of EthicsHeavy investment in marketingShaping consumer perceptionsMaintaining public trustFocus on brand credibilityEnhancing brand perceptionEnsuring accurate representationAdvertising Strategies and BudgetsWith the evolving landscape of marketing strategies and financial allocations, pharmaceutical companies are strategically adapting their advertising approaches to maximize impact and reach. Marketing effectiveness plays a crucial role in determining the success of campaigns, prompting companies to carefully assess their target audience and conduct competitor analysis.Budget allocation is a key consideration, with funds being directed towards activities that yield the highest return on investment. By investing in accurate representation and engaging content, companies can enhance brand perception and resonate with consumers.Collaborating with consultants can provide valuable insights and ensure that advertising efforts align with industry trends and consumer preferences. As pharmaceutical companies navigate the competitive advertising landscape, optimizing strategies and budgets remains vital for achieving marketing objectives.Potential Benefits of Consultant InvolvementEngaging consultants can provide valuable insights into optimizing advertising strategies for pharmaceutical companies. By involving experts in areas such as pickleball, companies like Novo Nordisk could enhance the authenticity and effectiveness of their ads. Consultants bring a fresh perspective and specialized knowledge that can help in accurately representing sports like pickleball and resonating with the target audience.Benefits of Consultant InvolvementIncreased AccuracyConsultants ensure the portrayal of sports like pickleball is realistic and relatable.Enhanced Brand PerceptionExpert guidance can improve how the brand is perceived by accurately representing the sport.Optimized Advertising StrategiesConsultants help refine ad content to align with the preferences of the audience.Specialized KnowledgeConsultants provide insights into niche areas like sports demographics for targeted marketing.Brand Perception EnhancementTransitioning from the discussion on the potential benefits of consultant involvement, the focus now shifts to analyzing how consultant input can enhance brand perception in pharmaceutical advertising. When considering brand perception enhancement, consultants play a crucial role in ensuring authenticity and accuracy in portraying the brand's image. By incorporating expert advice and industry knowledge, pharmaceutical companies can effectively shape how their brand is perceived by the audience.Consultants can provide insights on aligning brand messaging with target demographicsExpert input can help in creating campaigns that resonate with the audience on a deeper levelAuthenticity enhancement through consultant involvement can lead to increased trust and credibility for the brandConclusionIn a surprising twist of events, the Ozempic ad's misrepresentation of pickleball has inadvertently sparked a pickleball revolution.By underestimating the sport's appeal to a younger demographic, the ad has inadvertently attracted a wave of new, enthusiastic players eager to prove the ad wrong.This unexpected turn of events serves as a reminder that accurate representation in advertising is crucial for promoting inclusivity and diversity in sports.
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