#separated au comp
the-lavender-clown · 28 days
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It’s in honor of getting into a sep!au comp so look forward to some SOP propaganda in the coming weeks!! I have so many art ideas for it!
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dianagj-art · 1 month
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Bringing in an actual fight to the polls!
Oneion is making friends<3
2al -> @intotheelliwoods
Replica -> @kathaynesart
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v-albion · 2 months
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Continuation of THIS <— its getting long
Hey he finally got some affection! Thanks raphie @hitwiththetmnt
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Empyrean Weeping - @cupcakeslushie
Bloodbath - @trubblegumm
Life Mission - @daedelweiss
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tangledinink · 11 months
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as is CLEARLY illustrated here, The Night (@y0unginhumans) and Gemini obviously deserve to be a team. They could be such good friends... And it's THE NIGHT and GEMINI. Come on!!! So obviously you should go vote in the Sep AU Comp to make us tie~ (@tmntseparatedaucompetition) Check and see who's ahead via tags/replies and help us keep it even, please!!!
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kqrmen1 · 1 year
a bunch of separated donnies (v.1)
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BEHOLD! the project i’ve been working on for like a little under a week or so. this was kind of a nightmare.
this was inspired by @/s0fti3w1tch’s separated au leos piece because its absolutely amazing but i dont have a separated leo au, i have a separated donnie au so.. ta daa.
AUs + creators below, thanks to @stitchpunkdsol and @spixybeaniebaby for helping me curate this selection :)
Gemini Twins - @tangledinink
Top row L->R bottom row L->R
Adopted Donnie - @tblsomedoodles
Empyrean Weeping - @cupcakeslushie​
Even More of a Disaster Twins - @teaableu​ + @3lectricinsomnia​ (AU blog: @evenmoreofadisaster​)
Red Rover - @theserpentsnight​ (AU blog: @red-rover-au​)
Diamond in the Repo Yard - me :) (AU blog: @diamondinthe-repoyard​)
The Little Prince - @beannary​
Life Mission: Save My Brothers - @daedelweiss​
Nothing Left To Lose - @leo-kinnie​
Bloodbath - @trubblegumm​ (AU blog: @bloodbath-au​)
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diamondinthe-repoyard · 11 months
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so this isnt the REAL real comic but i got an idea while i was talking with sol (@stitchpunkdsol) and it was REALLY funny
yes donnie's go kart is literally just a modded golf cart i thought that was the funniest thing
words + bonus panel under the cut
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Main Comic
Phone: BZZT
Donnie: Oh! It's April!
Donnie: Hello?
April: No one's seen you in days! You better be dead or dying to ghost me and Matt, Donnie.
Donnie: No, I'm at a competition with other turtles!
Donnie: Neat, right?
April: ...
April: WHAT?
Bonus Panel
Donnie: By the way, Flamethrowers or no?
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twignotstick · 4 months
me: wow, I've got some serious writers block with my own original stuff, maybe I can just write some classic, canon-based fanfics! No OCs, no AUs-
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dandylovesturtles · 11 months
100 Feet and a World Away is up against New Phone Who Dis in the tmnt separated AU comp and while the poll is a ways away I had this idea and I wanted to write it.
@callmehere-iwillappear I hope you don’t mind me borrowing your kids and I hope you like this!
(“Dandy, where is April?” SHE’S AROUND. Just not here. There were already so many people in this conversation, she’s letting the kids bond okay don’t worry about it.)
“And then we all ended up here!” sang the other Mikey, entirely too chipper for the story he had just finished telling, about how the other group of turtles, their opponents for the next round, had been kidnapped ten years ago and raised in captivity. Raph tries not to choke on her ice cream.
After being introduced they’d decided to get ice cream - something the other four had never had before, for reasons that had just been thoroughly explained. The four of them seemed confused by the idea of sitting at a table, so they’re sitting in a group on the floor instead, the three almost mirror images of her friends (her siblings? that is still boggling her mind) leaning against the other Raphael. He’s laying on his stomach, lazily licking from his own bowl with a contented churr deep in his throat.
(It reminds her of how she gets sometimes, when she’s alone, and it makes her sad and unnerved in equal measure.)
“Uh, wow,” says Leon, the first one on their side to react. “That’s quite a story.”
“Mikey makes it sound better than it was,” says the other Leo, with the same humor in his voice that Leon has. He’s the only one who isn’t eating his ice cream, and Raph wonders if he doesn’t like it.
“I wanna hear about you guys, though,” says the other Mikey, bouncing in place. “Where do you live? Who raised you?”
Mike and Othello (Donnie) are still recovering, so again, Leon takes the lead. “Well, we were all raised separately, but I was raised by my dads.”
“Dads!?” gasps the other Mikey, emphasis on the S. “You have more than one!?”
“Yep!” Leon sounds proud about it. “Two whole dads.”
“Woooow… two whole dads,” says the other Mikey with awe. He sounds a little jealous. Maybe Raph is a little jealous, too.
“Why do you need two fathers?” asks the other Donnie, eyes wide like he’s trying to study Leon. So far, he seems the most different from Othello-Donnie (other than her silent double). “Only one male parent is required for reproduction.”
Raph feels the defensive energy roll off Leon before he says anything. “Okay first off, don’t be homophobic.”
The other Donnie stares blankly at him, clearly confused by the sudden snippiness. The other Leo and Mikey look equally confused.
Raph very lightly nudges Leon, and he jolts, pressing his hands to his face.
“…That was a genuine question, wasn’t it?”
Othello snorts. “Did you just call the guy who grew up in a lab homophobic?”
“Shut up! I wasn’t thinking!”
“He’s adopted,” says Mike helpfully. “And his dads are in looove.”
“True, but also, eugh,” says Leon
“Awww, that’s so nice!” says other Mikey. Raph notices he’s finished his ice cream, and completely licked the bowl clean. It’s all over his lips and cheeks, which makes Raph laugh silently to herself.
“Right!?” Mike starts getting excited too - they’re playing off each other’s energies now. “You know, I think my dad should get back in the dating scene, but he always says he’s too busy planning to destroy- er,” Mike glances at the rest of them, then says, “he’s, uh, always busy with work so he can’t.” They trail off with an awkward laugh.
The other Mikey, seeing nothing amiss, starts peppering them with questions, and while he’s doing that, the other Leo quietly swaps his full ice cream bowl for Mikey’s empty one. Ah, so that was the plan.
It’s sweet, but Raph can’t stop herself from speaking up. “You should eat your own ice cream.”
Leo jumps, clearly not expecting to be called out. “Uh, I’m not hungry, so Mikey can have it,” he says.
“Well, you guys haven’t had a lot of sweets, right? Eating too much sugar at once can make you sick.”
She says it to encourage Leo to eat his own, and also because she genuinely doesn’t want this other Mikey to get a stomachache his first time eating ice cream, but the horrified look on Leo’s face makes her feel bad. He snatches the ice cream back, looking at it like it’s poison.
“I wasn’t trying to make him sick,” he says softly.
“Uh, Raph knows you weren’t,” she says quickly, holding up her hands. “It’s not a big deal.”
Still, he looks upset, which is making Mikey upset, which is making the other Raph shuffle behind them with agitation. This isn’t what she meant to happen at all.
It’s Leon who smoothes things over. He’s good at that.
“Geez, Red,” he says, nudging Raph with his shoulder. “You’re the same in real life as you are online, huh?”
She gives him a side-eye. “What do you mean?”
Leon smirks. “A mother hen.”
This makes both Othello and Mike laugh, and the awkward air over the other boys lessens. She just rolls her eyes at Leon but lets it go.
“What’s a mother hen?” asks the other Mikey.
Leon is all too happy to explain. “Means he’s always trying to take care of us. She’s like this online too.”
“Oh,” says Mikey. “Well, why not?” He leans back and bumps his own Raph, who rumbles contentedly. “Raph’s the best big brother ever! It’s the same for you guys, right?”
And that hits her.
Big brother? Is that what she is?
Well, she is the oldest. And the biggest. And if Leon, Mike, and Othello are her siblings, then…
She glances at her friends. None of them are meeting her eyes, and she feels as bashful about it as they look.
They haven’t really talked about it yet. Haven’t put a name to it. But… it’d be nice, she thinks.
Before any of them can think of anything to say, the other Donnie, who seems incapable of reading the mood of any conversation, speaks up first. “I think One should eat ice cream until he can’t. It could be valuable data.”
“Oh, yeah!” cheers Mike, clearly happy with this turn. “Let’s eat ice cream ‘til we puke!”
“Yeah!” cheers Mikey in agreement. “‘Til we puke!”
Mike holds up their hand and Mikey, who only recently learned what a high five is, eagerly returns it.
“No!” snaps Othello, holding out his arms. “If anyone in this group throws up I’m leaving and not coming back!”
“Oh well now we gotta do it,” says Leon, and the conversation erupts once again.
Raph sits back from it all, watching her other self snooze, his brothers tucked against his side, and she wonders if she’ll ever feel like big brother for real.
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peanutrat20 · 15 days
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He got lost and accidentally bumps at you- "Ah, sorry about that!"
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dream is willing to help he may not have heard anything said before but that doesn't mean he won't help someone who looks lost
the missing pieces boys made it too the comp but unfortunately will not be competing they can still be found hanging around though
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tomiyeee · 1 year
ik you said that you only plan on making the main 4 but i saw that you’d imagine April being a dendro claymore 👀 Now I raise you, cryo polearm Cassandra cuz of her coldish personality (tho also maybe pyro cuz she’s hotheaded and the foots thing is that they’ve got fire heads) I also imagine Splinter being anemo as well 👀. but that’s just my thoughts <3
ooh i hadn't thought of cassie! she'd definitely be pyro imo; she's got that sort of passionate personality that a lot of pyro's share, including mikey!
and as for splinter-
anemo would def fit his desire for freedom both from his family's duty and from his life of fighting, plus i think the element's versatility would fit his combat skills. his role would probably resemble leo's combat-wise, focusing more on swirl damage and/or mobility, rather than crowd control. i'm just not sure i'd want him to be so similar to leo, since him not having synergy/reactions with two of his sons (raph being geo) is kinda unsatisfying and doesn't fit their dynamics very well :(
personally, hydro would be my pick for him though. i've seen some people theorize that hydro's requirement has to do with "mastery" of some sort, which would absolutely fit him. combat and personality-wise, splinter has a very supportive role in his family, which hydro characters tend to fall into as well. i'm not sure what his team role would be specifically, since hydro has such a wide range it could be anything, but him being hydro would already mean he could react well in various ways with not only the four boys, but april as well, and i love the idea of their (non-existent) in-game synergy mimicking their canon dynamics :)
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the-lavender-clown · 15 days
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He got lost and accidentally bumps at you- "Ah, sorry about that!"
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Donnie is not having a good time being separated from the other Dragons rn
Please excuse whatever he is about to do
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dianagj-art · 1 month
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While everyone has been watching One and replica Leo fight, these three have been chilling and doing their own thing (mostly cleaning Omega's screen from Scallione's cheeto fingers)
Replica -> @kathaynesart
2 Arms Left -> @intotheelliwoods
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v-albion · 3 months
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He’ll be fine
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Gemini AU - @tangledinink
Separated Leo AU - @dianagj-art
The Night - @y0unginhumans
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tangledinink · 1 year
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:3c wanna meet said little sisters? vote for gemini in the @tmntseparatedaucompetition and ill release their character intros~
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