moldyycheese · 4 months
this except it's sephiroth and genesis making out in the background and angeal up front
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He's so done with them (He wants to join)
I kept forgetting to post this
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getvalentined · 3 months
Any chance I could get an invite to the sephisis community you run? I mostly just wanna lurk, and if you sent me an invite from liking that one post of yours a week ago or so I managed to loose track of the notification.
I think I did, but you're not listed in the pending members, so I've sent another one! ♥ Lurkers are more than welcome.
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up-sideand-down · 2 years
Genesis and Sephiroth for number 24?
"Gods Damn it all!" Sephiroth swore. He nearly fell trying to let go of Genesis. Genesis winced as Sephiroth stepped on his foot again.
"You were close," Genesis said.
"No I wasn't," Sephiroth snapped, "and...sorry."
"My foot is fine," Genesis replied, "doing better than your pride it seems. We should take a break." Genesis sat on the steps up to the band stage, patting the spot next to him. Sephiroth said, still fuming.
"I can't do this," he said, "I'm sorry the dancing lessons were moot, but I'm done."
"You have to do this," Genesis reminded him, "it's the president's gala."
"I can't," Sephiroth said, "I can't be someone I'm not." His eyes looked faraway.
"It was one thing to pretend to be the person in the posters," Sephiroth said, "I can stand tall, stare, hold a sword at a right angle. I can actually be a commander...but I'm not him."
"You can pretend to be," Genesis said.
"No," Sephiroth said, "I don't want to pretend. It was hard enough for the hour photo shoot. I don't want to spend party after party pretending I'm some confident, commanding man." His voice broke at the last word. Sephiroth swallowed thickly.
"I want to be alone," Sephiroth said, "or with you. I want out of the spotlight. I want to be me for once. I just want to be me." The last of it came out as a whisper.
Genesis's heart broke. He remembered Sephiroth was more than a year younger than himself. He'd never once had a change to be himself...unless it was around him or Angeal.
Genesis couldn't let himself be another person to force Sephiroth into someone he wasn't.
"Then you don't," Genesis said. He stood. He held out his hands and Sephiroth took them. He rose when Genesis pulled him.
"You deny each potential dance as they come," Genesis said, "you smile and shake your head and direct them to some other dashing gentleman just dying to dance with them." They were walking on the dance floor.
"But what if I can't say no?" Sephiroth said. He didn't seem to notice when Genesis started leading them in the dance they had been practicing. Sephiroth knew the steps, just not the full rhythm.
Sephiroth followed though.
"There's always a no," Genesis said, "Or at least a maybe. A drink, a chat. They're not always dances."
"I'm not good at talking either," Sephiroth said. He completed the turn they'd been trying for the past 20 minutes perfectly under Genesis's guidance.
"Then listen," Genesis said, "the world needs more listeners. Nod or shake your head, make small noises if you can't think of words. Mmm-hmm, hmmm, oh, humph."
"That's all it takes?" Sephiroth asked.
"For some people," Genesis said, "you fake it until you make it." They got through the second turn without a hitch. One more and then it was just repeat the whole thing until the song was over.
"What if I fail?" Sephiroth said, "what if...what if I can't even do that."
"You tango on," Genesis said, "just keep going, pretend it didn't happen. It goes further than it should, acting like everything is fine." They stopped at the third turn.
"You just danced with me," Genesis said, "I think you can handle this." Sephiroth blinked. Genesis started leading them again. Sephiroth followed again.
"And if everything else fails you find me," Genesis said, "because you're really not half bad as a dance partner." He paused and leaned up to press a kiss on Sephiroth's lips. Sephiroth just stared, looking shocked.
"And we tango on," Genesis said.
"I thought this was a waltz?" Sephiroth said much more softly.
"Does it matter?"
"Not really."
"Then tango-waltz on," Genesis said.
And Sephiroth did.
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rhapscdos · 4 years
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hehe looks like somebody’s an umbrellaroth now
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Character Tags (work in progress)
-- FF7 Specific Tags (muses first)--
For Sephiroth content - #onewinged tragedy ~ Sephiroth
For Kadaj content - #silvershade-of-rage ~ Kadaj
For Vincent content - #CrimsonWings ~ Vincent
For Reno content - #number one red bastard ~ Reno
For Nero content - #unholy divinity ~ Nero
For Evan content - #self-made golden boy ~ Evan Townshend
For OC Aurelia content - #the golden tsviet ~ Aurelia
For Cloud content - #my beautiful warrior ~ Cloud
For Tifa content - #kiss with a fist ~ Tifa
For Aerith content - #goddess among men ~Aerith
For Red XIII/Nanaki content - #flame of the wild - Nanaki
For Rufus Shinra content - #shining gold shadow ~ Rufus
For Rude content - #number one shade bastard ~ Rude
For Tseng content - #the shadows hand ~ Tseng
For Yuffie content - #sneaky shiny ball collector ~ Yuffie
For Cid content - #redneck sonuva bitch ~ Cid
For Cait Sith/Reeve - #the heavy hearted puppeteer ~ Reeve
For Zack content - #angel among devils ~ Zack
For Genesis content - #onewinged loveless ~ Genesis
For Angeal content - #onewinged guilt ~ Angeal
For Deepground content - #the beasts below ~ Deepground
For Rosso content - #thriving in blood ~ Rosso
For Leslie content - #with a bite and a kiss ~ Leslie
(more to come as I gather ideas or need for specific tags for characters)
Ship Tags (work in progress)
-- My Ships --
-- Sephiroth Muse Ships
For Sefikura content - #hold me like I never did anything to hurt you ~ Sefikura
For SephZack/Zephiroth content - #to the end of the line ~ SephZack
For AeriSeph content - #tear through the divine to reach your sanctuary ~ AeriSeph
For GenSeph/Sephisis content - #the hand not taken ~ GenSeph
-- Reno Muse Ships
For Reti content - #I’ll give up everything just to find you ~ Reti
For CloudReno content - #even crossroads lead back to you ~ Cleno
For RuNo/Rude and Reno content - #just me and you partner ~ RuNo
For Rufus/Reno content - #give my all for your precious embrace ~ RufusReno
For Tseng/Reno content - #it began again with you ~ TsengReno
For Reno/Sephiroth content - #take my hand and watch the world fall ~ RenoSephiroth
-- Vincent Muse Ships
For Vincent and Lucrecia/Crescentine (I actually don’t have a big muse for this ship but with the right partner, maybe and well...he kinda needs to have a tag for this romantic experience so lol) - #my crystal heart ~ Crescentine
For Strifentine content - #embrace me in your silent absolution ~ Strifentine
For ValenStrifesodos/Cloud + Vincent + Genesis content - #heaven and hell brought me to you ~ ValenStrifeSodos
For Vincent/Veld content - #the secrets when it was just me and you ~ VincentVeld
For Vincent/Reeve content - #we’ll see the new day tomorrow together ~ VincentReeve
-- Kadaj Muse Ships
(more for relationships than romantic ships)
For Kadaj/Cloud content - #you hold me and I am home ~ KadajCloud
For Kadaj/Rufus content - #what you said and what you kept ~ KadajRufus
For Kadaj/Zack content - #tell me reality is better than memory ~ KadajZack
For Kadaj/Tifa content - #hold me close and show me hope ~ KadajTifa
For Kadaj/Aerith content - #i saw heaven in your embrace ~ KadajAerith
-- Nero Muse Ships
(open but undefined options as of yet)
-- Evan Muse Ships
(open but undefined options as of yet, played as mostly straight and head over heels for Kyrie by default)
-- Aurelia Muse Ships
For Aurelia/Rosso - #Passion Bleeds Golden ~ Rossorellia
(more to come as I come up with ideas for ships I support and play)
-- Ships I Like But Don’t Play --
For Aerti content - #I found you ~ Aerti 
For Zakkura content - #I would walk five hundred miles ~ Zakkura 
For Cloti content - #I promise you ~ Cloti
For Clerith content - #just in time ~ Clerith
(more to come as I consider the ships I like and figure out tags for them)
Extra Tags (work in progress)
For Angst content - #shall I give you despair ~ angst
For Fluff content - #chocobo fluff ~ Fluff
For NSFW content - #NSFW
For Headcanon content - #Umbral Headcanons
For Crack content - #this guy are sick ~ Crack
For OOC content - #Ash Talks
FF7 Timewise
For content based before all the games, for any muse, IE before Before Crisis and Crisis Core timeline content - #V::BF
For content based around Before Crisis/Crisis Core (I don’t do much with BC though) - #V::Crisis
For content based around OG/R timeline (given they are a bit different, i may be inclined to use a specific one if the rp calls for it, or a join one if it seems the thread could apply to either or) - #V::OG , #V::R , #V::ORe
For content based between OG and AC - #V::PreA
For content based during Advent Children - #V::AC
For content based after Advent Children and between Dirge of Cerberus- #V::Advent to Dirge / V::A2D
For content based during Dirge of Cerberus - #V::D
For content based after Dirge - #V::After
DIVERGENT (some of the muses had basic verse tags for the general canon, but not all of them do, because i’ve added to muses off and on and honestly some tags aren’t necessary unless its really divergent or AU, so please forgive if I use some and not others)
For my Sephiroth canon/divergent for least Jenova influence - #Beyond Hope | Di-Verse
For my Sephiroth canon/divergent for 50/50 influence - #Between Hope and Hell | Di-Verse
For my Sephiroth canon/divergent for zero influence - #Bask in Hell | Di-Verse
For my Reno general canon/divergent with HC involved - #Never Strikes Twice | Di-Verse
For my Kadaj canon/divergent that is basically based in canon - #What Remains | Di-Verse
For my Kadaj canon/divergent that is heavily influenced by alternate history HC--specifically this title is used for when he’s died and been brought back as amnesia’s Kadaj from AC and has to re-remember his former life - #What Became | Di-Verse
For my Kadaj divergent/AU verse where he is a SOLDIER and made and raised similarly to Sephiroth within ShinRa, as he is in What Became verse, except this verse tag is specifically for that time period and/or for if he continued on from that time without ever dying and being brought back by Sephiroth in AC - #ShinRa Bound | AU Verse Kadaj
Vincent Valentine
For my Vincent canon/divergent that is basically canon with some HC influence - #Original Dirge | Di-Verse
For my Vincent canon/divergent that is alternate due to Vincent breaking free instead of sleeping, and seeking revenge - #Howling Requiem | Di-Verse
For my Vincent divergent/AU where instead of being abandoned after the years of experimentation and revival at the hands of Hojo and Lucrecia, Hojo instead comes back, collects him, and makes him an ongoing back burner project of brainwashing, memory manipulation, and basically making him Hojo’s attack dog that is lent back to the Turks as a superpowered member but is also removed at a whim to be thrown into Deepground to work with the projects there. - #ShinRa Bound | AU Verse Vincent
For my Aurelia verse where she survives Deepgrounds rise and fall via being trapped until after - #Golden Main | Di-Verse
For my Aurelia verse where she was involved in Deepgrounds rise and battle, fell in battle, and rose again after - #Septimus Rises | Di-Verse
For my Aurelia verse where Deepground overtakes the Restrictors, ShinRa, and then Midgar, taking their freedom - #Golden Freedom | Di-Verse
For my muses in the FF8 verse - #SeeD into Savior | 8 AU Verse
For my paranormal fantasy AU for early four muses (Sephiroth, Vincent, Kadaj, and Reno) - #Before the Dawn | AU Verse
For my Deity AU for early four muses (Sephiroth, Vincent, Kadaj, and Reno) - #Call Thy Name | AU Verse
(others to come for other verses with other muses)
For Reno Headcanons - #Umbral Red Bastard HC
For Sephiroth Headcanons - #Umbral Onewinged HC
For Vincent Valentine Headcanons - #Umbral Crimson HC
For Kadaj Headcanons - #Umbral SilverShade HC
For Nero Headcanons - #Umbral Unholy HC
For Evan Headcanons - #Umbral Self-Made HC
For Aurelia (OC) Headcanons - #Umbral Golden HC
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up-sideand-down · 9 years
Sephesis AU in which Genesis never became SOLDIER and works as an actor instead. One night Sephiroth goes to the theatre merely out of curiosity and develops a strong interest in the main character of LOVELESS, played by Genesis. He finds himself so mesmerised by the redhead's acting, after that he never misses his performances... the way he finally decides to approach him is up to you.
Oooh Gen would be a great actor. 
Sephiroth never really knew what to do with himself when he had free time. He heard some of his fellow SOLDIERs talking about a play in Sector 8 that was pretty good. Sephiroth hadn’t much liked performing arts in the past, but it sounded better than sitting in his quarters doing nothing again. 
Genesis spent a long time in the chorus, long enough that he almost quit. Then he got his dream role in “Loveless”...he was an understudy. Over time, however, the audience began stating they liked the understudy better than the main actor. Genesis slipped his way into the spotlight more and more often. One of those nights he performed, there was a young SOLDIER first in the audience.  
Sephiroth enjoyed his night out more than he anticipated. A lot more. He went again, but he went very prepared. He wrote a letter stating how much he enjoyed Genesis’s performance...he even bought a flower for a gil. It wasn’t a rose, sure, but one gil was pretty cheap for flowers
Sephiroth went once more and met Angeal. Angeal stated that one of his good friends from his hometown was playing the lead tonight. Angeal insisted Sephiroth sit by him during the performance. Genesis caught sight of his old friend while on stage...as well as the cute boy in uniform sitting next to him, quoting his lines. 
Angeal dragged Sephiroth backstage with him. Genesis was of course happy to see his old friend, and acted nice to Sephiroth. Sephiroth stated in no uncertain terms that he loved the show, but otherwise was quiet. Genesis decided he must be shy. By the time Angeal left, however, Genesis and Sephiroth were getting...rather engrossed in each other. 
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