#serafi writing
roetrolls · 9 months
New Blood
Prior to discovering his powers, what Bigby hated most about the circus was simple. Even in his time on the streets, the redblood had never seen someplace so loud. The carnival was an endless assault on the senses, manufactured for the wonder of those visiting with no thought spared to the ones who could not leave.
Flashing lights and garish colors, spinning music and roaring crowds, the relentless jostle of bodies passing too close to his–– every waking second was filled with just too much. It was enough to drive a person mad.
The only thing worse than living in the circus was dying there, but he’d seen no shortage of that either.
Were he a more introspective sort, Bigby might have ruminated on how used to the stimulus he had become, how novel the quiet still felt. Not even Maelia’s hive was truly calm, though its bustle was a warmer, welcome sort.
Pleasant as it was, it still meant that Bigby did not often find himself sharing company with silence at home. That luxury was found somewhere else.
Though some nights saw the House of Restoration buzzing with activity, many more saw it quiet and still, so calm not even the crickets dared disturb it.
If one thought on it, they could perhaps see the ways both carnival and church took after their respective leaders… If one thought on it, of course. Which Bigby, naturally, would not. He was not inclined toward such fanciful metaphors. 
Instead, he let his mind wander to what Maelia might be planning for dinner, a most pressing thought indeed. He considered briefly whether to call and ask, but the idea was easily dismissed. The general would be picking him up shortly, after all. 
With that crucial decision made, the boy busied himself rifling through his belongings, making sure he had not left anything behind. It was unlikely he had, given how diligent he was in tracking the things he owned, but it never hurt to check. Especially at a time like this, with the church’s entrance devoid of interlopers and plenty of empty space to himself.
He should have had the space to himself. But the quiet click of heels on tile seemed to indicate otherwise. Who else was on their way out at this hour? When he lifted his head to check, he found himself bristling at the four-eyed face that greeted him.
“Belbig.” Serafi scowled, disgust tugging at her lips. Whether her disdain was sparked by the boy himself or the life he reminded her of, she was clearly less than pleased to see him sitting in this refuge. 
“Bigby,” he corrected her sharply, tail lashing out his own displeasure behind him. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask the same of you,” she countered, peering down her nose at him. “Last I heard you’d become Emarra’s latest plaything.”
Bigby growled at the mention of his former Ringleader, pupils morphing into slits.
What was once the pleasant buzz of quiet had morphed into a thick and heavy silence, strung out between the pair with enough tension to mimic a tightrope. 
Serafi surveyed him thoughtfully, half-lidded eyes somehow walking the line between both daggers and disinterest. How much did she know? She had already escaped by the time Emarra discovered Bigby’s ability to return from death. Somehow, she was aware of the favoritism that followed… Had she learned of his power as well?
The redblood narrowed his eyes at the thought, all too aware of the sadistic streak that had followed Serafi through the fairgrounds. She wasn’t the sort of person who belonged at the House of Restoration.
“What are you doing here?” He hissed again.
“Currently? Speaking to a dirty brat with an attitude problem.”
“You’re the one with the problem. You shouldn’t even be allowed in here.”
“Is that so?” she asked flatly. “And why not?”
Bigby gestured vaguely at the church hall around them, as if that alone was enough of an answer.
“The House of Restoration doesn’t discriminate, Belbig.”
“I behave while I’m here. I don’t hurt anyone within these walls. I think I’m more than deserving of the protection this place affords us.”
“You’re not.”
“What is your criteria for what constitutes the deserving poor, then, hm?”
“The people here are nice,” he huffed.
At that, Serafi barked a short, shrill laugh, hand floating just beneath her chin. 
“Look in the mirror, kid.”
Again, Bigby’s tail began to lash, but she paid his irritation little mind.
“You’ve met Ailzea. Do you honestly believe he’d throw me to the wolves just for being a little bitchy?” She scoffed, examining her nails. “I knew you were stunted, but I didn’t realize you were this juvenile.”
“You hurt people.”
“True,” Serafi hummed, finally lifting her eyes back to his. “It’s a shame your abilities never came to light before I left. I would have enjoyed having a turn with you…”
Instantly, Bigby felt his chest tighten. She tilted her head slightly and smirked, soaking in his reaction, and he suddenly realized that his hair was standing on end. 
“Are you scared?” the tealblood purred, ghosting a step closer.
Despite the pounding in his chest, he kept his feet planted, and she advanced no further.
Serafi was dangerous, but she was at least predictable. For all her talk, there was very little chance she would actually hurt him. Even if she were willing to risk the protection of Ailzea and his church, her own haphephobia made it unlikely that she would ever lay a hand on Bigby herself.
“No,” he breathed, left ear flicking once.
“Do I scare you, Belbig?”
He flexed his hand at his side, eyes darting across her face as the storm of an idea began to gather in his head. So occupied by his own thoughts, he almost didn’t notice the hulking shape that had entered his peripheral, its footfall heavy and familiar.
“It’s Bigby,” Maelia growled, drawing Serafi’s attention away from the tiny redblood in front of her. Much to the general’s surprise, however, Bigby raised a hand to stop him before he could intercede further. 
Then, without warning, he dragged his tongue up the length of his palm and stamped it directly on Serafi’s face. 
The shriek she let out was ungodly, but as Maelia’s bellowing laugh joined it in reverberating off the chapel walls, the result was almost harmonious.
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neon-vocalist · 10 months
📖 - Do you guys have any collective interests?
👴 - Who is the oldest?
🐣- Any childhood things that should've tipped you off to being a system?
💬- Best quote from an alter?
collective interests include, very loosely, music and literature! all of us have certain bands / styles that we love (and some of us are musicians ourselves), and on the off chance someone here doesn’t like writing, they certainly love to read.
oldest headmate by FAR is serafi, who is 5,024 years old. if we go down one, the second oldest is chris, who is 33.
i think i mentioned both the big things in a past ask, the voices and the categorising different versions of us, but we also somehow suddenly “became transgender” when we were 11 years old because of a change in host. it was a very sudden change and for a long time we weren’t sure if we were actually trans because it seemed like such a quick onset— when really it was just emery existing.
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keepermcge · 5 years
Anyway, Lann deserves better, sorry I don’t make the rules
#;out of prismariums | ooc |#(Anyway I’ve been feelin under the weather but here is your daily reminder that my kid deserves better!!!)#(Nothing fuels the blood in my veins more than thinking about how he’s treated#in this house we do not stan being abusive! And putting someone down constantly and making them feel like crap and like they are nothing is!#mentally abusive! Don’t get me started on the occasional physical abuse cuz! Hitting someone just cuz you’re angry at someone else!#The conductor! Or happy you beat him so much you hit your own brother is uh! Not right!#I can put down my bias and smacking him cuz he transformed back instead of staying little if I really really try!#and be okay with that tho I’m not really! If i try real hard okay! Not really I’m dying on the inside but! The Cactaur sit. no!#(Anyway in this house we stan Serafie cuz she’s not! Mean really exc. maybe one comment but!#it wasn’t really that bad tbf! We never see the journey where Tama didn’t exist I don’t know if it went#as mean spirited and cruelly for Lann but Serafie is like the meanest to Tama but Tama is equally that to Serafie so its a mutual picking on#friendship! Lann doesn’t have that! With Reynn at all minus her fear of ghosts which when you#comapre it to an entire buttload game of shit doesn’t even out!#*compare but! Anyway Serafie seems pretty chill so I feel That adventure timeline! Was probs the best my kid had cuz I dont’t think#Serafie would be like Tama nec and her and Reynn just gang up on him way too much#in fact Lann and Serafie have a positive interaction at the start of the game where she doesn’t put him down make fun of him once!#sadly 😭😭 that’s one timeline and I don’t write that ver or else! Maybe he would have slightly more self esteem!#cuz Reynn would still be Reynn but with Serafie or maybe Lann can just have a timeline with Tea Girl please she also doesn’t put him down#or heck not a timeline Lann! Just needs an adventure with supportive people!#he deserves love and nice things)#(He deserves more than to be picked on so cruelly all the time)#(It makes me so sad and angry at the same time!!! I wanna hug him and tell him how great he is when I play 😭 my poor kid)
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Please god do you have recommendations on the best series to watch
Some of my personal recomendations that I can list from the top of my head, I will be writing a lot of text below so hold onto your horses.
My Life- NatalieFirexx
Still running to this day and in its 12th season. So amazing to see the growth over the years. The first seasons are so funny in a sense of knowing a little Christian emo kid made them, but later seasons have developed into such an interesting story with beautiful visuals, incredible cinematography and relationships that you end up caring about so deeply. Every season has a new storyline to follow and it's always so wild remembering all that's happened in its 10 year run and thinking up what else is to come. Though season 12 is said to be it's final season and I look forward to seeing what Natalie has in store for us after the finale.
The story of My Life follows the Andrews family and their friends in everyday shenanigans, you know, the usual: teen pregnancy, kidnapping, vampires, murder, identity theft, angels, ghosts, hacked kids and love.
(There's also a My Life Abridged voice acting series of season 1 currently in the works, now at episode 5)
Smooth Criminal - SaltPepperSims1408
I always have fun rewatching this. Its only 2 seasons long and once again, a sims series that evolved over it's run. Following Abby as her life goes from normal (if you can call your illegal scientist parents experimenting on criminals in your basement normal) to having visions of her parent's test subject's past and joining his gang where hes the leader and battles a disease that gives him 10x the strength and intelligence of a regular human being. Catch is, this genetic disease is rare and makes you go insane. Most people with it end up insane by 30.
A series with a lot of guns, a badass female main protag, death, once again, teen pregnancy (which will be a common sims series theme), fun dream/vision sequences and in my opinion has a great sense of humour.
SaltPepperSims1408 also has a highly recommended voice over series (though incomplete) titled Apokalypsis, a group of young adults/teens trying to survive in an apocalypse.
CINDER - GrayLeeStudios
Based on the book CINDER by Marissa Meyer. Cinder is a beautifully made voice over series, great visuals, wonderfully told it's story, though it is incomplete at 5 episodes, each running 10-18 minutes. Loosely based on the original Cinderella story but in a futuristic Beijing, adding robots, a colonization on the moon and a deadly plague that has affected the Emperor.
The protagonist is the mechanic, Lihn Cinder. Despite how well known her work as a mechanic is, she is looked down on for being a cyborg and is presented for plague research where she and Prince Kai become closer.
Y O U T H - 1998sims
YOUTH is a retelling of Youth, also a sims series by the same creator that reached its second season before discontinuing. Already a series that dealt with real life issues and involved a lot of representation in its characters. YOUTH is a different experience with all new characters, even more representation and everyone still feeling real in a way where their identities don't define them but are in NO WAY erased at all, like they're real people. When comparing the two series you can see the similar storyline but now its so much fresher and with new characters, their decisions in these situations change. Follows the story of multiple characters in their teen years and learning to deal with being a teen or in some cases having to make adult decisions despite that. Currently up to episode 5 but there is still so much more to come.
1998sims is also the creator behind Avoiding Fate, Its Complicated (currently not available online) and the most iconic series that I HIGHLY suggest you watch; My Sims 2 Emo Teen Pregnancy Kidnapping Story
SOUP - SimFilm
This sims 3 voice over series is brand new, as of this month, with one episode released but I'm already in love with it. It has this deadpan sense of humour I can get behind and I'm really looking forward to seeing where it goes. It appears the episodes will be short and sweet but I really don't mind at all.
Our protagonist, Harris Gold, alphabetizes his life's misfortunes like a can of alphabet soup.
I quote "looks pretty decent on the outside, but when you open the can, you'll simply want to kill yourself"
The filming is wonderful, I love the voice actors and how well they play their roles, the story so far is fun and silly but deals with really strong issues other teenagers might have experienced growing up. Kind of like laughing the pain away and I adore it.
Raison D'etre - Cornymio
I haven't watched a lot of sims 4 machinima if im to be honest (since life to death stories are so rampant on YouTube at the moment and I'd rather just avoid them) but this series was very well made. Only 2 episodes but the voice acting is amazing, the sims custom animations are wonderful and at times the sims can be almost perfectly lip synced to the voices. Has an indie film vibe that I adore, very calming and I adore the camera work. This is a revamp of the creators old Sims 3 series by the same title.
Reine Reynolds enrols herself into a new school, here we meet a variety of students who are all relatable in one way or another with different relationships amongst themselves. A nice watch and won't take long to get through.
Marry Me! - Tickled007
This is actually a companion piece to Marry You by Maot Productions. Marry You has more episodes and progressed it's story much further but personal preference I like Marry Me!'s characters and humour better. Not a fault to the creators though, since I believe they wrote both stories together and I do still recommend you go watch Marry You as well, just my personal taste. I also watched this very recently which is probably why it's on my mind rn.
Marry Me! Is a 2 episode long (so far) voice over series that's quite high energy, it's about a loud "bitch" fashion designer called Serafie and a "pushover" called Carmion. Two opposites that somehow cross paths and after a money hiccup, Seraphie demands that Carmion marry her. I love how silly it is, very kdrama inspired. If you can get past the overused swooping sfx in episode one (which drove me insane but will go away in episode 2) I think it's super enjoyable.
Tickled007 is also the creator of Passcode Unknown, Too Popular and And... Obvious.
I feel it unfair not to mention Maot Productions other creations either since they were also a big part of the Marry Me! Marry You project. They created Sense Me Not!, Corrupted Souls, Cruel Temptation and Retribution
Other simmers and their series that I highly recommend but realise this ask is going to get extremely long
Their series tend to have this grungy highschool feel to them but I get behind it. They're known for their more interesting sims style, some people love it, some people hate it but it shouldn't get in the way of the interesting stories. I used to adore their work so much as a teenager!
- Advocated
- Strangers
- Volatile
Made a variety of sims series based on books (before these same books were made into films) such as the Hunger Games. This creator is incredibly talented from filming, writing to composing their own music. You can really see their improvement over the years too. I love their work.
- The Hunger Games
- Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children
- Dimension 17
- Post Icarus
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Their concepts are fun and they have good voice actors. Their filming and editing is nice but their work does have an anime feel if that's more your taste.
- Spotlight
- My guardian
- My guardian- the next chapter
- Seeking Faith
- The last day
Their aesthetics are lovely, they make a lot of visually pleasing machinima. I admire their editing.
- Paper Boats
- Arsonist's Lullaby
- Sounds of Silence
- Machinima playlist
Still works on videos now and I adore their work, been around for 10 years and only continuing to improve. I believe their most known series wou lkd have to be wasteland but please check out their newer works too!
- Scum City
- Wasteland
- Wonderland
- Runaway
There are so much more and i might make a pt.2 or something along those lines one day since this ask is getting long. But I also have a list of simmers and series on my navigation page if you want to search through some more works.
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haldenlith · 2 years
null [void]
It occurred to me that the only place I’ve really talked about this is on my Twitter. (My normal Twitter, not my dirty Twitter)
So, I’ll tuck it all into one big ass post so that when people hear me go “I really need to work on the illustrations/writing/planning/whatever for my novel,” this is what I’m talking about. I’ve been banging my head on it for about a year to two years now.
Basic premise:
A changing world and an ever present threat of The Beyond force a man and an android to reconcile their differences, and confront their own world views in order to at least try to help the world keep turning. Maybe.
Not terribly original, but bah, originality is a trap.
It’s set in a sort of “near future” setting, with futuristic marvels, androids, and cybernetics, but the world is still fairly grounded. It’s not quite “cyberpunk” levels of wild. I’d almost call it “cyberpunk-lite.” (That’s how I view Detroit: Become Human, for the record. The feel of the settings are similar.) While at the same time, there’s an element of cosmic horror seeping in, as something has evidently either gone horribly wrong, or something has found a way to begin leaking itself into our reality at a regular enough rate that a very public, forward facing organization has to deal with it.
I only have the main protags hashed out in full.
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A prototype bio-android that has mysteriously been corrupted by The Beyond, yet maintains all of his faculties. Cynical, sassy, and sarcastic, he finds himself stuck with Mari for the time being. He clearly knows more than he lets on, and is privy to an entity far beyond in the cosmos, yet he also clearly has no intention of sharing with the class.
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I really need to do more pictures of this happy-go-lucky bastard.
An enforcer for the organization known as “The Order of Serafi,” his duty was to eliminate Athenos. Instead, he chose to take responsibility in “rehabilitating” the android, believing that there is truly a better option than simply killing him. An optimistic, care-free jokester that is, as Athenos describes him, “insufferably good.” Despite the horrors he’s forced to face as a part of his job, he maintains a smile and believes that there is good in everyone, and that there can be a brighter tomorrow.
Other notables:
Order of Serafi
(Or the Seraphic Order, which is their obsolete name)
Originally a secret monastic order formed by monks to deal with “demons” and unholy abominations that were an affront to God, and that they believed to be children of the Devil. Over time, The Order began to understand the origins and essence of the beings they were dealing with (at some expense of their members, as some did indeed become afflicted with madness). With understanding came questioning of their own faith, and by roughly 800 AD, The Order had become a more agnostic group, coming to believe that quite possibly God, and all other known deities that were currently or previously worshiped, could very well be an entity in disguise.
They continued to work in secrecy out of necessity, often continuing the guise of being monks, as well as scholars. Their methodologies evolved as they recruited various people from multiple paths into their ranks, be they scholar, alchemist, or witch. It wasn’t until 2058 that they were finally forced to reveal themselves, when a catastrophic event known as The Blackout Event, when a portal opened to Somewhere Else, swallowing a large chunk of land in Indiana. Though they managed to suppress and fully (and permanently) contain the Corruption (in spite of push back from the US government), the zone was dubbed a Dark Zone and remains caught in limbo.
After that otherwise successful mission, they were known to the world, and began filling their ranks, looking to operate on a much larger, and public, scale, now that it had become apparent that the threat was far greater in this current day and age. By 2062, they were recognized as an official international organization and authority on all supernatural matters.
 Helios Industries
While by no means THE leader in biomechanical engineering, they’re one of the top names in the business, often creating products on the cutting edge of advancement and technology. Known for their top-notch “bio-droids”, they are often considered manufacturers of luxury androids, though they house a large range of androids in their catalogue. Due to recent legal and civil arguments and the shift in the political climate, much of their research and work has begun to come under fire as people have begun questioning just how ethical it is to create androids that so closely mimic humans.
  And that’s all I really have. (That I can say without spoiling things, anyway.)
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lynbaccha · 6 years
@ardynyesconweek  Day 3, Healer!Ardyn, happier times
Warnings: None
Summary: Cold wind in spring usually equals sore throath. Which is what Ardyn notices while he travels all around the Eos, healing people from the Scourge. However, young healer gets help to his problem soon enough…
Authors note; Little of something I had lying in my folder for a while. It's not my best fic, since it has been HELLA WHILE when I actually have been writing at all. So, I apologize for that. I just thought this would fit todays prompt in.
Plus, I'm not native English speaker, so… This will probably be a mess… I apologize for that as well…
Ardnyn snapped into reality by his chocobo's worried noise. The black bird turned its head to its master, much to his surprise. Did he really look that absent and tired, that his dear travel companion was concerned?
”I'm alright,” healer smiled and pet chocobo's head. ”Don't worry.”
To be honest… Ardyn wasn't sure about that. He felt like he was about to catch cold. His throath ache and his head felt a bit light and hot. Last day had been chill and windy – nothing unsual in spring, the weather was chancing dramatically, even in course of hours – and he had traveled in harsh wind before without problems. But, this time, it had got tole on him. Either that or children in near by village had infected him with… something. (Those children were polite and cute, thought, Ardyn couldn't be angry at them.) Besides, aching wasn't that bad yet, nothing healer wouldn't handle…
Well, in the other hand, he knew it would get worse. Eventually... And, in all honesty, how lovely would that be? For someone like him, a healer, to travel around looking like a dead person? How people infected from scourge would ever find courage to get near him if he himself fell sick? Six! ...Okay, that is overthinking, it isn't that bad deal. Even thought it might not feel nice to him.
To his misfortune, cold harsh wind reached him and his chocobo again soon. Ardyn felt frustration and tiredness rise like fire against the dark night. How fed up he was with that damn wind... While he wasn't really founded into curses, he actually hated them, but he shamelessly rose his head and let out few strong words against the cloudy sky. What NEXT? Rain? Snow? A meteorite? All of them?!
Look on his chocobo's face made Ardyn thank Gods that they were alone. He knew, he wouldn't see that puzzled and concerned look in anyones eyes never again… How shameful from him it was to talk vulgary like that…?
- - -
Ardyn was now absolutely sure that if wind continued to blow on, he wouldn't be alright. He felt himself shivering as that Shiva's breath blow his magenta hair and his clothes. Even those thick, WARM clothes didn't help a damn thing…! Wind was just too cold and harsh, man even had to squeeze his eyes because of that.
His ride was handeling it much better, which was actually enlighting to healer himself. Ardyn would rather take a chocobo, which stopped ruffling her feathers here and there, than if his precious beauty felt cold as much he did. It would have been such a disaster.
”This isn't very comfortable, don't you think?” magenta-haired healer asked from his bird, which in response, she kweeh'd back to him. Ardyn calmly took it as ”yes”.
It took traveling compation sometime to find human residence again. Hours, to be exact. Ardyn looked at wooden houses and village's people that were doing their daily tasked on that early evening. Pale spring sun was slowly setting below the horizon, finally breaking cloudy blanked on the sky. Wind had settled a little, much to every travelers relief…
It didn't help Ardyn anymore, though. He shivered, sniffled and coughed silently as he observed his surroundings. Mans throath felt dry and tender, like he'd swallowed sand. He didn't expect to speak normally at that point. Heale knew his voice would most likely sound very raspy, and it maybe would even hurt to speak. And the icing on the cake was, he felt pounding headache creeping in Well, Ardyn had been through worse days. At least village itself offered some protection from that damn wind. Unlike open large fields. Besides, at least he was still alive...
Healer looked around, between and over the houses as he and his chocobo wandered deeper into the village. It was located in grassy area, with tall trees and he could see large arc in the distance. It looked familiar – and for a moment of observation, it was. Duscae. Ardyn and his loyal chocobo were near home. Young man couldn't help but smile at that fact.
Traveler had took notice on how people were looking at him. Most of them had soft expressions, and few gentlemen even tilted their hats to him. Ardyn just did the same and smiled back. His heart grew warmer. How lovely people seemed to be in that village…
Healer covered his mouth as he couched. Not much, though. But even that felt uncomfortable in his sore throat.
”Are you alright?” one man stopped him to ask that question. Ardyn didn't knwo what to say at first. Did he look and sounded that bad?
”Yes, thank you…,” young healer nodded. ”Just little bit of cold…”
”You should take better care of youself,” woman next to man, most likely his wife, said with naggish tone. ”This Astral awful wind tips over even the strongest of men.”
Ardyn couldn't agree more, actually. ”Is there an inn, or something?” Like damn he would sleep outside that night, in that Six cursed wind, no matter how much it would cost. He knew his chocobo would be fine, he had proofed it many times during their travels. Well, chocobo's have been born and raised in wild, in challenging enviroment...
”Oh, yes, there actually is,” older woman said, much to Ardyn's dely and pointed the way. ”It's a bit further away from other houses… But you can't certairly miss it.”
”Thank you very much,” Ardyn awnsered and headed towards the way woman had pointed to him. He was genuily happy and surprise how heplful these people seemed to be. Healers mind was actually warmer when he headed to directions woman pointed to him. Such a nice people indeed.
- - -
”What a pretty chocobo you have...”
Ardyn was a bit surprised to hear a voice behind him. He had been sure that he and his chocobo were alone, in front of the Inn they were guided to. Well, at least judging by how few people seemed to move around that house around that time.
Ardyn looked at the same direction as his chocobo did. His amber eyes met a new face, a woman's… Or girls…? He wasn't sure. She seemed young and she was very short, compared to most of villages women. Her head barely reached healers chest. Her long, hay-colored hair and her upper body were covered by orange, expensive looking scarf. Lady's other clothes and her bag seemed to be made from much cheaper and ticker materials. Maybe scarf was a gift…?
”She is,” Ardyn agreeded to her words. His chocobo was, indeed, pretty thing to look at. He didn't stop when short stranger pet his companions peek kindly. Small lady seemed to be taken a little by a surprise as her tension wore off. Taming chocobo's was fairly knew thing at that time, so she probably was expecting Ardyn's bird to try and bite her fingers. But black large bird stood still and even enjoyed petting. Small laugh escaped from strangers lips as Ardyn's chocobo rubbed it's head against her. And he himself couldn't help but smile as he watched situation unfold itself.
”She is kind bird,” healer smiled. As soon as he had opened his mouth, woman's smile wore off and she looked at young healer. Her eyes were serious while she examinated him.
”I think you need my services, sir...”
”How so?” he asked silently, trying to avoid new throath ache. Unfamiliar woman simply nodded and then tilted her head. Puzzled, yet smiling look rose on her face. ”Well, I'm actually a medicine seller, it's windy today, and you sound obviously sick…”
”Yes, I am aware of that,” Ardyn managed to couch out, trying not to sound annoyed and rude towards her. Judging by lady's now concerned face, he sounded really bad. Great…  
”Oh dear,” she said silently and stepped in front of tired traveler, leaving chocobo wondering. He found it cute when lady rose on her tiptoes in order to reach his forehead, which she barely managed to do. Ardyn had to admid – her cool hand felt like a heaven to him.
”Your fever is not bad,” he head her say as she put her hand down. ”That's good...”
”That's great to hear, indeed…,” Ardyn smiled little.
”I actually have something for that. I can give it to you.”
”I don't see anything bad at that. How much?”
”Hmm,” small lady though for a moment before shaking her head. ”Nah, this one is on me. So, full zero.”
”You are… very friendly.” Ardyn said, bit dumb founded about her offer of help. Even more than that, it was for free. Kind of rare from medicine seller, at least from Ardyn's point of view. Yes, he had seem seller who offer their services for free, but not as much as someone would think.
”Blame you puppy eyes, puppy,” she awnsered, quorky smile on her face. Ardyn snapped out of his though and stared at her. His eyes blink couple of times in slight confusion.
”Yes, you're just like a puppy, I almost want to scratch you behind you ear,” woman continued with wide smile on her face, as if she was seeing what magenta-haired man was thinking. Well, she wasn't wrong, few others had said something like that to Ardyn as well.
”This puppy's name is Ardyn,” young healer said, jumping into the joke. ”And, what is your name, miss?”
”Villagers call me Medicine Lady, but, I guess you can call me Serafi.” Serafi sadi, just before sighed silently. ”I never liked it, really.”
”Why so?” Ardyn asked. He was little confused since to him, that name sounded interesting and pretty at the same time. Serafi sighted again to man's question. Ardyn could hear slight frustration from her voice ”You know it's a masculine name, right? Do I look like a man to you?”
”Well, you don't, you have point there. Actually, you look more like a…”Ardyn went silent for a moment. Healer didn't want to sound rude. But he couldn't help what he saw and though. Serafi looked like a child, teenager at best. Because of her height, mostly. She might have heard it many times before, at least judging by her awnser; ”A child, I know, I know… I'm short. Which is actually good thing, sometimes. I can search for medicine even from the smallest cracks…”
Ardyn smiled and chuckled a little, even though his sore throath reminded from itself again.  Expression on Serafi's face turned serious again and her hand reached inside of her bag. I really sound that bad, Ardyn though for himself, while watching what his new friend was doing. She started furiously to search something from the bottom of her bag and, eventually, dumped it's insides in front of Ardyn. He stared at Serafi with slightly widen eyes, as she threw herself on her knees and tried to find something amongst small leather bags.
”Do you need help?” Ardyn tried to offer. However, Serafi didn't seem to notice his offering at all, she just serached for something like a inpatient child.
”Where the f – There you are!” medine seller exlaimed in high voice and handed one of the smaller bags to Ardyn. He really didn't know what to do – aside from to expect the offer from Serafi and he put that small bag in his posket. Healer was astonished by the sight. Serafi's deep brown eyes sparkeled a little, like she had found something that had been lost for ages, before she noticed the mess she has made. That alone made mecidece seller's expression drop a little.
”Oh shit…,” woman murmured to herself and started to gather small bags, as fast as she ever could. ”I swear to Astrals, I need more pockets to this thing…! Everything mounts to the buttom…!”
Ardyn couldn't help, but smile and held back his laugh. That frustration was pure and unshapened, like Serafi had never felt those feelings before. He shooked his head a little, all while helping Serafi to gather her belongings. To healers surprise, she didn't seem to accept his help, even saying that Ardyn should go. ”I do this all the time, no big deal! Besides, you're sick,” she explained and smiled at the healer. Behind that, Ardyn could see annoyance of some degree.
”I help people all the time. Besides, I owe you this much,” Ardyn argumented. He swore he could see Serafi opening her mouth a little, but she, for some reason, remained silent. Faint, embrassed blush appeared on medicine lady's face. Not towards him, but towards herself. That was kind of odd…
”Here,” Ardyn handed Serafi her many little bags. He could see that behind those brown eyes, she was somewhat pissed at herself. That moment of silent between them was interrupted with Ardyn's chocobo, tilting it's head and ”kweh”ing, as usual.
”Thank you,” Serafi finally said. She took her belongings from him and hid them in her bag. Sigh escaped from medicine seller's lips, just before she rose up on her feet. ”Mix one spoon of that medicine with hot water and drink it right away. Like with tea, you know. At morning and at evening. You should fine in three days.”
”My humble thanks,” Ardyn said. Serafi nodded and spinned around, before she started to made her away from healer.
”Oh, one more thing,” Serafi started in middle of her walking and turned her face back to Ardyn. Corner of her mouths rose up to a small smile. ”If you need me again while you stay here, you'll find me at the market place, 'til the noon. Otherwise, I'm at my house.”
”And where is your house, dear Serafi?” Ardyn smiled to medice seller. While he didn't seem need to use her services again, you may never know. Besides, maybe a guide on you side wasn't a bad thing to have, in unfamiliar village.
Serafi chuckled at him and looked at her new friends with slightly narrow eyes ”You won't miss it, dear Ardyn...” END
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hitodama89 · 8 years
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I’ve been once again updating my Toyhou.se today, but I had to put everything aside when I came across this old picture. It’s a well-known fact that I like to have a lot of variation in the eye shapes of my characters. And even though this one must be nearly a decade old thing, I can still easily tell who most of these eyes belong to. The middle ones of the top row were a bit tricky, because they belong to a character I never finished... And then there are the ones in the middle of the bottom row. Oh boy.
I’m not sure did I spend half an hour or a whole hour or what to find out who the heck those eyes belong to. They look familiar but there just isn’t any character that has exactly eyes like that! It was really driving me crazy and I had to do quite a lot of digging and looking for clues to find out the truth, but ah, finally I did it! They are the eyes of Serafi’s original form! ...tbh I had nearly erased the memory of that pastel horror’s existence from my mind, which explains why I had so much trouble with the identification. I had no idea I changed the eyes when I rebuild her coloration, too, but apparently I did.
And yeah no one cares about my old-ass rpg sparkledoges anyway but I just wanted to write this down somewhere so I don’t have to ever again repeat this useless research.
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roetrolls · 2 years
Troupe // Angel, Tiger, Sprite
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She was not like the others. They were pitiful. Dull.
The ringmaster fancied himself above her, and for that she grew to hate him, just as she hated everyone. Disgraceful was their presence, those sniveling creatures with their hollow eyes and empty souls.
They did not understand what they had.
She was not like the others, and she resented them for the difference. Perhaps she was made better. Perhaps she was just lacking.
When they came to her for help, she ensured that it would hurt. They were pathetic, intolerant to pain. They writhed and squirmed and screamed, and she watched them all with indifference, observing that which she could not feel.
She was not like the others, and she won the reveler’s eye.
In her mind, freedom was secondary. The circus was no different from the world at large. But here, she saw a chance, for the reveler could see the truth.
She was not like the others, and she deserved so much more.
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He was a beggar on the street when the shadows dragged him in. The clown found him by chance, and for all his efforts, he could not escape the darkness that swallowed him.
The early sweeps were uneventful, and stiflingly so. The boy could not grow up in a cage so achingly small, and it was not long before he grew bitter. He remembered freedom, and he knew he had been robbed.
For a time, he was well and truly stuck. There was nowhere to flee, for as drear as the circus was, to run and be caught was to forfeit one’s life.
The boy knew freedom once, but he soon forgot her name.
When he was struck one night by a flailing tiger’s claw, it should have marked his end. But when he rose again, he found he had no marks at all. He thought it a blessing, then. What was there to fear for a boy who could beat death?
Plenty, he soon learned, for the clown was as delighted by the gift as he. The boy knew freedom once, and she had coaxed him towards the sun.
He died for the clown. 
He died for him, and died for him, and died for him, and each day he lived to die again.
At times he feared he would not wake. At times he feared he would. Though he knew freedom once, her taste was beaten from his lips.
He grazed the other side, met it through burns and blood and breaks. With every death came anger, for it hurt less than fear. He had been angry for so long, he did not know how to stop. 
But when the dragon came, anger did not feel right. What, then, was he to feel? He had not known safety for as long as he had lived. How was he to greet her?
The boy knew freedom once, and he is getting reacquainted.
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He is her savior. She does not like him.
He is cruel, heartless, overbearing. He revels in violence and seeks to entertain himself through the suffering of others– the small, the vulnerable, the ones like her.
She does not like him. He is her home.
When he embraces her, he becomes all that she knows, and though she does not like him, she knows that she is safe. She has been his favorite for so long, and she thinks that should be a blessing, for he has always been insatiable.
He watches the world through hungry eyes and takes by force all that which feeds them. She has felt those eyes drink her in, and she is lucky to be his.
She has seen countless acquisitions come and go, and so often she knows she does not like him but she wishes that she could.
She is, at the very least, good at pretending, and at times she can almost convince herself.
She has known hunger. Real hunger, the kind that aches and pangs and screams until you forget what it is to be full. She does not like him, but she has known hunger and she knows that it is worse.
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roetrolls · 9 months
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Throwback to that time we talked about what Serafi does with her time when she's not modeling or murdering
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keepermcge · 5 years
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- More WOFF Char’s/Anon’s
- Lann healing people
- Also him buffing people and or using offensive spells 
- Lann playing with peoples hair/vice versa
- Lann having/getting a parental figure/older sibling 
- Someone giving him a pet 
- Someone holding him and telling him it’ll be okay! 
- Just anyone loving Lann! 
- Giving him compliments 
- Giving him piggyback rides
- Loving him! 
#;wishlist#(I know some of these things have happened! Or have happened and my slow ass hasn’t gotten around to it but I feel like idk#things can stay on a wishlist I feel like it’s okay/qualified?? I mean these wishlists are mostly just for funsises anyway you#know what I mean for me at least I mean yes I scream about Lann deserving love andgood thing and nice things! And! Love! But it’s only cuz#its true! He’s treated like doo doo in the game and I’m waiting for a canon apology coming from Reynn And Maybe Tama! Serafie’s cool! She’s#the best one in my book! But you know esp Reynn cuz like! Bruh we all know what imma say I say it a million times everyday she’s just too#cruel there there’s my rant summed up!)#(RL wishlist tho more Lann merch for my kid I’ll keep finding ways until! But! I just offical Lann merch! And too not be so damm tired all#the time so I can do my damm hobbies instead of passing out and sleeping the rest the day after work I gotta million things I wanna#write a million games I wanna play and a million anime movies to watch and I’ve only made a slight dent in the last one so rip)#(Only successful hobby is being able to love my kid cuz I can do that anywhere getting pissed at how they treat him in my head at work mm)#(One of my OG wishlist things is that he wants a pet like real OG and two years and six months later honk yeah my mind hasn’t changed)#(Nah legit tho this isn’t anything serious it’s funsies I love writing my kid regardless if I’ll ever write some of this and or get around#to it omg fukin hate being so#tired all the time#doesn’t help the longer I exist the more I write and somehow five hours to write one thing? Okay)#(Well no more like thirty to an 1 hour but the editing? Oof#esp when you accidentally fall asleep during it and then no I don’t trust half asleep me back to the drawing board 4 more times!)#(Only to look back later and still notice mistakes falling out of the text rip)#(I think of my og day’s of being fast enough to reply a shitton and then I remember I didn’t do the school I should’ve and wrote way less an#d oh god if I’m doo doo now I was like hell doo doo then slow af but prefer now writing more and editing more or you know knowing more about#editing now even if I still don’t get it and! No longer being afraid to speak my mind! Ahh 2019 been kinda shit but also the year I#attached my dropped balls fuk imma speak my opinion idc! If I’m the only one  Lann deserves better thanks)#(Geez dunno when this turned into a life story post but ehh what’s new for me I always go off)#(Anyway I’ll edit this whenever I think of things! But!)#(Seri tho 2019 not that greT but I love it cuz I got the balls and then I could finally justtalk about a lot that I wanted to that#couldn't without my balls I mean I’m just one insignificant person in the world anyway fuk it and I know people who love Lann like me maybe#it’s not a lot! But! And I know some! Who feel the same! Like Pacifica! So yeah I said Iwas the protect Lann squad leader for way before I#spoke up but now I’m really feeling that! Even ifit’s unnofical af! Leader of the protect Lann squad)
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