#seraph of the end vampire reign
bl-soft · 9 months
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nayruwu · 11 months
shinya and norito dynamic
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schneereggen · 1 year
Simple question, but I still want to ask, looking at the manga right now there seem to be some chances that the author might ruin mikayuu ship, and if that happens I'm afraid gureshin/shingure would also reach the same fate.
Worst- probably kagami will end up guren with mahiru after all that emotional damage and we will never get to see shinya's real feeling towards guren or shinya may just become yet another love interest for guren.
Mikayuu is surely more popular than gureshin and if this ends then I'm quite sure gureshin will too.
What are your thoughts in this?
So... Where so I begin? I think chronologically according to your points would be best.
First of all, how should the Mikayuu ship be ruined? If they turn out to be two parts of Mikaela? I don't see how this would ruin the ship in any way. It doesn't undo the "we will stay forever for several thousand years". No, it even emphasizes "we belong together". That the two are inseparable had always been an essential part of the ship. I don't see anything undo what they already have.
In my opinion it's silly how everyone keeps panicking now. It had always been clear that mikayu will probably never be canon-canon. But nothing of this changes the possibility that they would still be together in the end. As I said before, they are inseparable and i can't imagine an ending where they either die or live together.
As for GureShin. Guren and Shinya were also never made to be canon-canon. Still we got overly romantic toned scenes. For example the motorcycle scene. Listening to your friends heart beats? *Cough* still, this was made to be read romantic not be romantic. And Guren would never end up with Shinya in a romantic relationship.and that's fine.
It's always said that Kagami doesn't know how to write romance. He had been writing romance in his previous works and these always had more chemistry and build up than all the other shippings that the fandom claims will be canon in the end.
Shinoa was even predicted to project her own nerds and desires onto a person and Guren always kept his distance from Mahiru. These ships are written to be one sided. And that's really interesting. It's just that the story has the tendency to not tell the reader anything concrete. So it won't tell you "Guren doesn't love Mahiru". It will tell you "he doesn't like to talk with her about his problems" or "she was his biggest mistake". That's a lot of evidence that is often ignored because the other characters think that they are lovers (Shinoa, Kureto) and this makes sense in the context of the story.
But considering how Guren's and Shinya's relationship is described and Shinya always is Guren's sweet spot: all of this will never change. Guren had been crying for Shinya's sake, he had been protecting him no matter what. So I'm still here to hopefully - in the future - get more fan service scenes between Guren and Shinya despite knowing they will never be a "real thing".
I'm just here to see them act overly cute together and I'm positive that this will happen again 💕
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svtellify · 1 year
yuu and guren represent the side of humanity that would do anything for their loved ones, even commit heavenly sins and break taboos. it's not realistic, but in the grand scheme of things, that's the essence of being human⎯struggling with losing people you didn't think you were supposed to.
mika opposing that wanting to let the dead stay dead while he himself is no longer human sets him up as the perfect foil for guren, i would say, because you're right: ons wouldn't be ons without either of the two characters.
adding on to that⎯yuu not being entirely human either and swaying between selfishness for the sake of it and saving everyone bc it’s “right” almost signifies that battle between his human side and the other (seraph? demon? angel?) side. yuu's an interesting case bc he and mika have this whole past (and they aren't even humans) that adds to their story line because then it raises the question⎯is it human to be selfish and then regret it and wish to atone? is it inhuman to be selfish with reckless abandon?
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xenaaa · 2 years
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I believe this is Yuu’s 15th concussion / hit in the head
They rattle his brain almost every 5 chapters and wonder why it doesn’t work
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yourfavesaysfag · 17 days
My favourite character Lacus Welt says fag.
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Lacus Welt from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign says fag!
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vampyr-tea · 1 year
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Vampires sure do love
their neck breaking kicks
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animemakeblog · 2 years
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Meme #106
Anime: Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign
Character: Shinoa Hiiragi
When your girl wakes up before you and is about to disturb your peace.
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madraleen · 37 minutes
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Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign A Not-So-Kind Commentary
-yuu and mika are so sweet, and this situation in the vampire orphanage is so sad.
-i assume mika's turned into a vampire?
-huhuhu, mika teethies XD
-the pace is kinda slow, huh
-idk. it just doesn't *excel* at anything. it feels like a shounen formula that doesn't excel at anything or stand out in any way.
-the fact that the squad has lengthy strategy conversations at a normal pace when the vampires are just standing there waiting for them to be done is ridiculous. they're speaking normally, no hurriedness, no nothing.
-i feel like the story lacks the benefit of a concrete end goal, and that makes mika's early reveal wonky. there is no endgame to yuu. he wants to kill vampires- okay, and? what's the ultimate goal, the ultimate baddie? it's all very vague. us knowing that mika is alive makes for frustration rather than tension, because he isn't doing anything. there's nothing creating suspense except the anticipation of how yuu will react when he sees him. we are waiting for that conflict, the moment when they meet, and we're not getting such heightened kind of conflict from anywhere else, so getting through the training and the minions is like "okay, but can they meet already." and we're repeating the same tiny arc- yuu has established he looks after others like four times now. and for me, the characters aren't strong enough to get you through idle times and training arcs on their own. they're absolutely fine as characters, they do the job, but they're neither stand-out versions of their archetypes, nor am i emotionally invested in them to just go through anything with them and be happy about it. hence: some conflict and real tension please
-they're doping?? lol
-"let's hurry," shinoa says, walking as slowly as she can
-the action is so lukewarm. there's no tension- not in the sound, not in the animation, not in the directing, nowhere.
-ooh mika did stab guren! interesting.
-these long conversations that stop the action really kill the vibe/tension
-the fact that the entire battle has stopped, the WAR HAS STOPPED, just so two random kids can get their reunion reaction, ffs, are you SURE
-what's with yuu's blood eye, is that his 10%? oh he went full monster, cool
-aaahhhh mika jumping in front of yuu so that he won't kill shinoa, nice nice nice
-the action is still incredibly slow though.
-i don't think i've mentioned lately how fond i am of kensho ono. i am so fond, i think it's such a shame that he’s not talked about as often as other seiyuu.
-like literally, poor yuu turned into a whole-ass monster and didn't even kill one progenitor. not even one vampire.
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roseyjean · 2 months
I finished watching Seraph of the End: Vampires Reign (or what’s on Hulu, anyways) and I find it so funny that two main-ish characters look super similar to two genshin characters
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looks like:
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Looks like:
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nayruwu · 9 months
SO... I was just thinking, let's say hypothetically.. mahiru guren & shinya weren't toxic ca16 was written by a less misogynist author then would you like mahigureshin as like poly ship? It just came in my head as much as I dislike how author wrote them esp mahirus character I still think in alternative setting it might work?? They are kind of catastrophic trio with very poetic themes & victim of fate kinda afterall.
honestly probably yeah. most powerful trio imagineable.
although i actually have no clue what mahiru's personality would be like were she not written by such an author. i think i've read some cool modern AUs in which i really liked her - kickass businesswoman that overworks herself trying to get her little sister out of a difficult situation while simulteanously juggling her relationship with her boyfriend and their shared trophy wife, i think that'd fit her well. "all you do is work :(" "you don't understand i'm doing this for us!!!111!1!1!!1!!!" type of stuff.
i will forever treasure that little snippet of her and shinya making fun of guren together, that was adorable. the way things should've been.
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schneereggen · 8 months
Hello, I hope I haven't disturbed you, there is a topic that bothers me a lot, and since you are a writer yourself and have a very good analysis of how to write, I decided to ask you about it because maybe I am the one who is wrong. My question and problem is related to the current story of Seraph and its fandom. I don't know why, but I have the feeling that the author is trying to force Yu or the original Mikaela to be the hero of the story also forcing his ideals to be the right ones, in a way that questions all of its logic until now. For example, I remember during the war between Guren and Yu, when Yu forgave Guren, everyone was upset because of why he forgave him, but now, according to the title of this new chapter, which is forgiveness for everyone, the author has actually accepted that Guren, Mahiru, or Krul, for example, should forgive all the troubles Shikamaduji brought to them, and the interesting thing is that exactly the same people who had a problem with Yu's forgiveness of Guren, have now accepted it easily, and it doesn't seem to matter to them at all that Shikama made a thousand times worse disaster to Guren, Mahiru, Farid, Krul, and his friends in exchange of what they did to Yuu. Shikama brought it to them. What kind of stupid logic is this? Yu was nothing but a toy until a few chapters ago, and now he has completely changed his personality and turned into a complete genius who seems to have the right to choose for everyone. Whether Mahiru, Ferid, Guren, Krul, Shinya, Kureto, Shinoa, etc want to forgive Shikamaduji or not is not up to Yu. If God is bad in this story, Shikamadouji, who created humans and planned their whole lives from beginning to end, is not much different from God, and he is also bad because both of them performed and played exactly the same role just for different people They, Shikama and God, are two sides of the same coin so how can we just accept one is bad and the other is good? I am really tired. This story has no meaning, it's just a series of ideologies that the author is trying to forcefully feed us, and MikaYuu fans or not, it's better to say Mika fans praise it wherever it benefits them and wherever it harms them they are knocking I really don't know what to do anymore, this story doesn't feel the way it did in the beginning and it's very upsetting to me so I decided to ask you to see if I'm just overreacting or what I'm feeling is true.
Sorry for taking so long for the answer. How long has it been? I don't even remember. All the new chapters come and go every month without me remembering much.
First thank you :) I learned a lot about writing from an editor and it's always fun to project them on series.
So back to topic, you are valid anon. I also get the feeling that the story is forced - a lot. Though I don't know if I would say for me that Yuu is the problem here but he probably plays a bigger part in the current mess.
My biggest problems with the current arc are two things:
No stakes and no consequences
Events are happening without characters having a proper motivation
No stakes and no consequences
No stakes is simple, Yuu has nothing to lose. If he doesn't succeed nothing will happen or rather we don't know what will happen. So we don't care. This is the biggest issue that makes the story meaningless. There's no tension, no real goal.
Having Yuu as the main character, a guy with no brain and the naivety of a child isn't the best choice to begin with. Especially if he doesn't have a plan. So the problem with Yuu is that he doesn't have a clear goal, a plan and the story has to bend to his benefit so he won't get killed in all of this.
Events are happening without characters having a proper motivation
Second thing is that characters now do stuff for which they don't have a reason or a motivation. Characters do stuff because they have to do it. And in the end it doesn't line up. E.g. Why should Yuu now go to Saito? Why should Yuu forgive Guren at that moment? Why should anyone understand Shikama? There's no reason behind it, not even one that you can build yourself. And that feels wrong. The story had been good in the past because characters did what made sense according to their individual goals and beliefs. Now it's all over the place.
To me it's almost as if Kagami decided once how the story should go and now doesn't know anymore how to do it. How to get to the point he wanted the characters to be. And instead of reconsidering and rewriting, what you should do as an author if you notice your story don't line up anymore, he just proceeded to write events. The only thing that is narrative consistent atm are the single chapters in itself. But that's not enough to have an engaging story.
On top, the inconsistency breaks the suspension of disbelief for me. At the beginning of the story I wanted to believe that everything that was happening had a reason. And eventually I found the reasons. But now that the characters act inconsistent and not according to their motives I started to doubt everything that's happening before I get proof that it makes sense.
Considering this, it makes sense that you start to doubt the reason for the story and what it is all about. To be at least it doesn't seem that the story is heading towards forgiveness - even though it had been a bit too fluff in the past for my liking. But I at least feel that Shikama will be the last to be forgiven even though Saito felt empathy for him? Which doesn't make much sense. But Shikama is still the villain even though he has gotten a motivation and motivation isn't bad.
To sum up, for me the problem of the story isn't the forced ideology but the writing issues and that therefore the story doesn't know where it wants to go anymore. The true masterminds do nothing interesting and there's nothing the story is heading towards.
Seraph of the End had been so cool back then and it hurts me every time to see where it is now. There was no clear goal but it at least seemed as if Yuu had a chance to turn Mika back into a human. And he was a toy which wasn't bad because it was present in an interesting way.
So your feelings are right, the story became meaningless by now.
Last point the fandom, Well, yeah the Guren hate and Shikama glory in the fandom is tiring. Any mikayuu crumbs are good and everything that actually matters is not good enough. I don't know why it became like this but I have the feeling that most fans that were actually interested in the story already left the fandom. And now a lot of fans remained that are only interested in their ship. Though personally, I wouldn't want my ship if it was written badly. So I'm hoping we will slowly get some good story moments back that will actually feel genuine again because they make sense.
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confusion-is · 2 years
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Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign (2015)
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xenaaa · 2 years
He’s just like me fr
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littledarlingbunbun · 8 months
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