#seraphina blackthorn
jaimrennnn · 1 year
TSC characters with the best full names imo <3
12) Seraphina Morgenstern
11) George Lovelace
10) Christopher Herondale
9) Emma Carstairs
8) Aline Penhallow
7) Julian Blackthorn
6) Matthew Fairchild
5) Cameron Ashdown
4) Michael Wayland
3) Celine Montclaire
2) Jesse Blackthorn
1)- Adele Nightshade
honorable mentions Joceyln Fairchild, Jem Carstairs and Anna Lightwood. If Ash goes by Fairchild then he’ll certainly make the list!
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Shadowhunters masterlist my beloved 🥺🥺 now I have to ask, any crossover ideas with the full list?
Yes yes yes!
Elys Herondale (Well, everyone actually, but!)
Adina Lightwood
Ariadne Blackthorn!
Cassiel Fell
Clem Wayland
Eva Nightborn & Gabriel Branwell
Rebecca Wayland
Seraphina Wayland
Jack Herondale (yes, he gets his own!) (But it's literally just all his aunts lmao)
Thalia & Delilah! (& Adina) (... and Romy lol)
Ariadne Blackthorn (his other mum 🥺)
Calla Fray
Cassiel Fell
Clem Wayland
Mikaela Fairchild
Rebecca Wayland
Seraphina Wayland
Tilly Fairchild
Alicent (& Lydia) Shaw
Annabelle Bane
Cassiel Fell
Eleanora Shadowhunter
Minerva Bane
Brian Lockwood
Astrid Roseflare
Evanna Garroway
Morrigan Rowe
Annabelle Bane
Cassiel Fell
Minerva Bane
Pepper Orla & Leah Harlan
Annabelle Bane
Ariella Lightwood
Cassiel Fell
Eleanora Shadowhunter
Minerva Bane
Reign Proctor
Astrid Roseflare
Evanna Garroway
Cassandra Blackthorn
Ariadne Blackthorn
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2plottwist · 1 month
The Representatives' Gala
Characters - Astarion x Female!OC (Calathiel), Karlach, Shadowheart
Summary - During a mission, Astarion and Calathiel have to go undercover for the annual Representatives' Gala in Baldur's Gate. 
Word Count - 2.4k
Warnings - Possible, very light allusion to SA? Slightly jealous vampire boyfriend
Author - Kenna:)
pic cred - gracie hergert on pinterest
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psst! this is our first time posting. if you are seeing this for the first time, before we magically work out the kinks, we're sorry. if you are here from the future.. how's our bestseller doing? ;)
The mage lights shone brightly among the large crowd of nobles and aristocrats. Their dresses and doublets proved how high their status was amongst the population of Baldur’s Gate. The ladies' gowns moved across the floor in trains as long as dragons with colors representing the regions and kingdoms they hail from. The men donned exquisite coats and trousers embellished with jewels and metals that no one from Calathiel’s colony could ever imagine existed.
The annual Representatives’ Gala was a party like no other. Established by the Council of Four to mend relationships between the regions and kingdoms across the continent, the gala was planned by a different council member every year. This year belonged to Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard and his newly-married wife, Duchess Seraphina.
Calathiel could not stand the dress she was forced to wear this evening. She will definitely not allow Shadowheart to choose her dress again. Why was she even here in the first place? Actually, she knew. Earlier that day, her party was summoned to the lower city to visit Lord Malvin Blackthorn. According to whispers, his quest for power in Baldur’s Gate led him to believe he was a rightful council member. He vaguely requested a set of documents that were sealed in the council room of Duke Ravengard’s manor. No one asked any questions after Lord Blackthorn described the amount of gold that would be awarded for their success. 
As she continued through the foyer of the massive monument of a house, she began to feel her corset squeeze at her organs. She could feel her stomach folding over her intestines and her liver could crawl up her throat. There was no way she could pull this undercover mission off. She wasn’t going to blow it for just her and Astarion, she was going to blow it for Karlach and Lae’zel who are currently preparing to scale the stone walls of the manor. Instinctively, her arms contracted and took a handful of Astarion’s velvet purple coat. 
“Callie,” he whispered. 
She was brought out of her trance by the nickname. Shaking her head and looking up into crimson eyes, she was finally able to take in her surroundings. Gold fabric banners hung from the ceiling. Tables, chairs, and settees scattered across the room, some holding people and others holding glorious amounts of food. The smell of roasted meats and vegetables, freshly baked pastries, and ripe fruit was enveloping. No one had begun dancing yet, so the smell of the guests' perfumes and colognes hadn’t settled into the room. 
The royal blue accents clashed harshly with the dark purple dress and coat Calathiel and Astarion donned. Her off the shoulder sleeves made every breeze that moved through the room feel like ice raking across her entire body. The dress accentuated her curves, allowing her to feel the soft velvet material that matched Astarions coat.
A loud voice booms over the room, “It is my honor to present to you Lady Calathiel and Lord Astarion Ancunin,” a squire recites from the invitation list, “Representatives of Residence Szarr of Baldur’s Gate.”
Calathiel’s eyes widen at the sound of Cazador’s name. Fuck, why did Astarion use that as our in? Again, her hand tightens on Astarion’s arm as he begins to walk them down the shallow staircase. 
His hand lays on top of Calathiel’s, “Callie, my love, rest assured we are in good company,” he smiles down at her. I believe that’s his way of saying Cazador decided to skip out on the occasion? I highly doubt it.
Lords and ladies chat and drink among the crowd. Calathiel follows Asterion around the room, latched to his arm like a love-sick puppy, as he introduces her to the various noble couples of Faerun, each adorning colors that represent their region. The emerald greens of farmlands to the north, the pale whites of the Cold Lands, and whispering blues of Waterdeep cascade through her vision. Calathiel thinks of Gale who is probably still pouting about the illegality of their mission tonight. 
“Now presenting Lord Ulder Ravengard and Lady Seraphina,” the booming squire’s voice interrupts Astarion’s words of mining and excavations in Tashalar. 
She brings her eyes to the staircase and watches as the heavily armored lord and softly laced lady move simultaneously, as if rehearsed. Lady Seraphina donned a fitted blue gown that draped out behind her in waves of tulle and lace. 
Callie recalled Astarion’s lecture given to her on the way here. Formerly of the Terasin family from the human tribes inhabiting the Lands of Intrigue, Seraphina was arranged to marry Lord Ravengard for political gain. Much gain that brought, for the humans of the region are still lowly regarded. 
“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen,” Lord Ravengard boasts, “Tis a glorious night to see representatives of all territories, regions, cities, and residences inside our manor. Please continue in your revelry and let the dancing begin!” 
Seraphina’s light smile blooms across her face as Lord Ravengard leads her to the dance floor to begin a night of waltzing. The music swims through the room, igniting all intuitions to dance and sing. Astarion was no different. 
As if falling into an old persona, he takes Callie’s hand to gently pull her to the middle of the room. Snaking his hand around her waist, Astarion pulls her close enough to lean down to her ear. 
“How does it feel to finally be a noble, my sweet? Everything you thought it would be?”
“More extravagant than I pictured, actually,” Callie huffs, “and exhausting.”
A short chuckle leaves Astarions lips, causing a gust of cool breath to lick Callie’s pointed ears. “You’re doing great, Callie. Let’s just keep from embarrassing ourselves.”
She nods and pulls her head back to scowl at the pale elf. When she does, her attention is dragged to a man lounging at the side of the dance floor, eyeing her. 
Realization dons her face as she whispers, “Lord Blackthorn is here.” 
“Oh, wonderful. There is simply no trust in this city,” Astarion rolls his eyes, continuing his steps. 
Making sure to not step on his toes, Callie can’t help the feeling of uneasiness Lord Blackthorn causes her. Not only is his large, brute body heavily intimidating but his words leave a sense of dread and threat in her chest. However, the gold is needed, and she’s worked with worse people. 
As the dance comes to a close and guests retreat back to the outskirts, footsteps quickly approach Callie. A rough hand grabs her elbow and twirls her around on the slippers she nicked from the town square market. 
“Lady Calathiel,” Lord Blackthorn states, “May I?”
The abrupt motion causes Astarion to move as quick as a shadow in front of Callie. Eyebrows furrowed, he yanks the lord’s hands off Callie’s silken elbow, “I think not, sir.”
“Hm, Astarion. So good to see you, again,” Lord Blackthorn balks, “Why, I didn’t know you were a designated representative of House Szarr. How wonderful of Cazador to send his finest of patrons.” 
Callie could see the tension coil in Astarion’s back. Worry sprouts behind her eyes. “You know, I’ve been meaning to write to my dear old friend. I’m sure he would love to hear of your exploits,” the lord’s words ooze with malice. A promise to provide details to Astarion’s former master of their whereabouts. 
Callie’s hand moves to Astarion’s lower back, gently pulling him to the side, “Lord Blackthorn, I would be delighted for a dance with you.” 
Plastering a smile on her face and taking the lord’s incredibly sweaty hand, Callie follows Lord Blackthorn to the dance floor for yet another waltz, this time she’s not so nervous to step on his toes. 
“When I said I needed those documents, I did not mean after your courting with the lanky man boy over there,” the lord spits. 
“You will get your documents just as we will get our reward. You added no limitations or suggestions to our contract,” Callie snipes, recoiling from his mead-scented breath
Lord Blackthorn’s head tilts, a menacing smile moving across his lips, “Now, Now, Lady. I was only meaning that your focus should be on your agendas, not on courting.” 
“No such thing, sir. We are here on business, as you requested.” Callie chides, quickly leaning away from the lord’s tightening grip. The floor becomes more crowded as couples gain the courage to dance alongside them.
“Ah, yes, my requests,” he breathes, “I do have another.”
Callie’s eyebrows furrow, disgust racing through her body. She could feel a burning sensation crawl across the back of her neck. Though she couldn’t see him, she knew Astarion was shooting arrows with his eyes at the lord, a wine cup in his hand to drown out the growing need for murder. 
Lord Blackthorn’s hands grip harder against Callie’s waist moving downwards. His fingernails dig sharply into her dress to the point that she knows there will be crescent shapes on her skin. She tries to part from the revolting embrace, but even her strength could not remove his hands. A cold breeze moves under the dress as she realizes that the lord is slowly pulling her skirt and moving her backwards toward a corner of the ballroom. 
Her lungs burn from the absence of air. Fucking do something, you stupid stupid girl. Anger races through her body, tingling her fingers and toes. Before she could gain enough power to plow her knee into Lord Blackthorn’s groin, a sharp hand grabbed his shoulder. 
Starlit white hair rose above the lord’s greasy black mane. Astarion's polite, yet threatening, smile raked across his face. A low voice broke from his lips, “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Let’s use that pig-headed brain of yours and let the lady go.” His face contorts to one of pure malice as his voice drops another octave lower. 
Spit flies from the lord’s mouth and hits Astarion on the shoulder, “You work for me, boy, and so does she. I do as I please with my employees and my whores.” 
“Oh, shit,” she whispers, using the moment of arrogance to move out from the corner and away from the line of fire. 
Astarion chuckles, taking a napkin off the nearest table and wiping his shoulder. In a movement as quick as lightning, Astarion pulls a blade from his waist, shoving it to the lord’s jugular. Easy, swift, lethal. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Astarion says lowly, “The blade, not the lady, I mean.” Callie’s stomach drops to her feet. 
“I’ve been waiting for a chance to use this wonderful piece of metal work,” he pushes the blade closer to the lord’s throat, causing a trickle of blood to slide down his skin. 
Callie’s eyes widen. No, no, no. There’s too many people here, even with the dark, secluded corner that they have been hidden in. Her hand moves to Astarions bicep, “Astarion - no.” 
“Callie, stay out of this,” a low growl crosses his lips. 
The lord’s eyes plead with Callie’s. A call to save him from the monster that came out of the darkness. She squeezes his bicep tightly, just as she did on the way in. This time, it’s not nerves or a plea for comfort from the elf. No, this time, it’s a request to come with her. 
“Star,” she whispers. 
His body stays rigid, pressing the blade into Lord Blackthorn’s throat. Callie won’t be able to move him with words. She uses his stone-like trance to pull herself to his body. Aligning the front of her body to his back, she rests her head on the tight muscles. His tall body allows her head to only reach the bottom of his shoulder blades. 
“Let’s go,” she whispers again, “Let him live another day,” 
Lightly pulling on his bicep, Callie moves Astarion away from the lord and the dark corner. Dagger still in hand and eyes still piercing the lord, he follows Callie to the streets of Baldur’s Gate. She notices mage light flitting off the sheen of dark horns passing through the bushes on their way out. 
At least Karlach succeeded. 
Letting out a breath of air she was holding, Callie leans against a shop’s stone walls. 
“Callie - “ 
She looks up at Astarion through dark painted lashes. 
“Are you…” he hesitates, as if the words are stuck to the top of his mouth, “Are you okay?” 
She smiles, “Yes, Star. I’m fine,” a breathy giggle leaves her lips. 
“What could you possibly be laughing about? You were just harassed - “ Astarion quips. 
“It’s nothing I’ve never handled before, but thank you for being such a gentleman and rescuing me.” 
“W-w-why, I, uh,” he clears his throat, “I’ve been meaning to kill him for years now, actually. You were just perfect timing.” His head tilts up, adding a sense of bravado to his words. 
“Mm-hm. Well, thank you either way, my lord.” She says, trying to mask a smile. 
Astarion extends his arm to Callie, to which she takes happily. She could get used to the feeling of his muscles under her fingertips. 
“Am I really more beautiful than your blade?” she asks quickly with a hint of amusement. 
“I am never working another mission with you weirdos,” Astarion sighs as he lays his hand on top of yours, yet again. 
Two days later, Calathiel makes her way to the city square to barter for food and clothes for the coming journeys. She moves swiftly from cart to cart, shop to shop, until she notices a stand selling today’s edition of The Baldur’s Mouth. A familiar face dons the front page. 
“May I?” she asks the tenant politely. 
He nods and motions for her to read the front page without paying for the paper. The headline reads, “Lord Malvin Blackthorn Found Exsanguinated in Lower City.” 
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” she whispers to herself and slaps a copper on the wooden stand. 
Callie marches into camp, dropping her bags at the entrance of Astarion’s tent. Moving the canvas flaps aside, she sees the gorgeous elf sitting smugly on his bedroll, cheeks flushed red. 
She holds up the paper, “I told you NOT to kill him.” 
“No, my pet, you told me to let him live another day,” he smiles leaning back on his hands, “And I let him live two.”
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alinefrank · 8 months
Dedicated to all those people who are fans of Narnia and me, who always dreamed of writing a Peter fanfic and I finally did it.
‧+ ̊✧[SYNOPSIS]✧ ̊+‧
Rheira Targentia not only seeks the respect of her father, but also wants to bathe in honour and victory the flags with the forgotten emblem of her family. Facing the witch who snatched everything from her people seems to be the only way to do it.
Peter Pevensie was involved in a war, a prophecy dictates his way, the desire to keep his brothers safe drives him to lead an army and in the process, fall in love with a warrior.
Meanwhile, Narnia is preparing to end the biggest threat it has faced so far.
Milly Alcock •Rheira Targentia
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"I have no intention of living in fear ever again”
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William Moseley • Peter Pevensie.
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"I could never rule Narnia if I don’t have you by my side.”
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Anna Popplewell • Susan Pevensie.
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"We are not heroes, we are simply children.”
Georgie Henley • Lucy Pevensie.
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"The wardrobe didn’t look so big on the outside”
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Skandar Keynes • Edmund Pevensie.
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"I will fight until I amend all my mistakes.”
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Paddy Considine • Aldric Targentia.
Sian Brooke • Seraphina Targentia.
Steve Toussaint • Señor Blackthorn.
Theo Nate • Eamond Blackthorn.
The whole cast of Narnia.
A/N: Hey! I’m Aline and I’m really excited to finally publish this new fic of the Narnia universe. If you see some grammar mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them, cause English isn’t my first language.
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twilightcitadel · 8 months
The basic lore.
The land of Gwyn comprises of five unique realms, an alignment of six gods - Maelgor, Cyfandor, Zephyrus, Seraphina, Gwiraelin, and Eldorin - watch over a diverse array of inhabitants and landscapes.
Governed by a mix of monarchy and democracy, each realm has distinct rulers:
Bloodmoon Isle under King Morvus Blackthorn
Ebonholt ruled by Queen Zephyra Darkfyre
Brynndor held by the democratic Arcane Sovereign Guild
Snowdrift Dominion led by King Bore Icemane
Rhyddia presided over by Queen Elwen Aurandor
These realms, from the isolated Bloodmoon Isle to the ethereal Rhyddia, are bound together by a rich array of cultures, races like Drakar, Voidkin, and Eldoran, and majestic thrones and capitals such as the Throne of Crimson Eclipse in Bloodveil and the Edenlight Throne in Edensgate, creating a world brimming with intrigue, power struggles, and mythical allure.
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isabelslightwoodsss · 6 years
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MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS: greek gods (inspo by @chuck-hansens) (1/?)
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cigarettesandcoffee · 6 years
⭐️⭐️ Blackthorn & Sera
Ake, Sera’s artic fox familiar isn’t happy about Blackthorn being around her because he’s EXTREMELY alpha and EXTREMELY protective. So regularly he chews up Blackthorn’s stuff and pees on his shoes. It probably isn’t until Ake physically sees Blackthorn protect her in some way that he’ll calm his shit.
Sera probably takes less and less male clients for personal healing the closer she becomes to Blackthorn, as even if it’s completely platonic, it would feel wrong to her to be alone with another man who isnt him.
Seraphina definitely likes to leave behind trinkets in Blackthorn’s things so he finds them later and thinks of her.
In modern AUs, Sera would only bother with a cellphone so she could send Blackthorn suggestive voice clips, photos and messages. Which would promptly be followed by her asking him how the FUCK to work a cellphone.
I bet Blackthorn in the beginning when Sera still takes male clients is VERY possessive (probs even afterwards tbh) like threatens anyone who tries to get handsy and shit, breaks some arms.
Like in the beginning;
“That witch works wonders. Shes not so bad on the eyes either.”“…I will give you 500 quid to never go back to her again.” “Huh?”“600 quid.”
“Several clients have stopped seeing me, they were regular patients, I wonder what I have done wrong.”“They’re men, dearest. Fools who follow the nearest fancy. Dont worry, I’ll never leave you. You can treat me instead. I will pay you much more handsomely, any way.”
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fischerfrey · 2 years
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► basics;
Full Name: Cassia Seraphina Malfoy
Birthday: October 9th, 18xx (libra)
Pronouns: she/her
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Species: Vampire
Blood Status: pureblood
Nationality: English
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► magical info;
Wand: Blackthorn, 11″, unicorn hair core, solid
Patronus: Great grey owl
The great grey owl patronus is cast by strong spirits who know who they are. Even with a strong personality, they are capable of incredible social mimicry. This means they are capable of adapting many different personality traits.This isn’t necessarily to please others and fit in, it just allows them to socialize easier.They are charismatic and friendly, but this doesn’t always mean they are extroverted. These witches and wizards are very bold. They will stand strong for what they believe in or for those they love and are very fierce protectors. It can come across as a shock seeing as how they normally camouflage their personalities in social settings. They will quickly abandon the act to defend their beliefs.
Those who call a great grey owl are very free spirited, but they will break their backs if they need to. They are strong both morally and in battle and make excellent duelists. You can thank their competitive nature and bold attitudes for their skill of dueling. These are definitely witches and wizards you want on your side.
Patronus Memory:
First; Her father telling her he is proud of her after her O.W.L. results.
Second; Being comforted and accepted by Valeria.
Boggart: Burning alive
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?): Roses, melting chocolate, rain
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Sun protection charm to allow her to walk in daylight, the memory altering charm
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: E
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: E
Potions: E
Transfiguration: A
Magical Theory: E
Arithmancy: O
► background;
Place of Birth: Drake Hall, one of the luxurious Malfoy family residences in England
Home: Drake Hall
Cassia used to live in the shadow of her elder sister but once it became apparent that Valeria had no intentions of adhering to the strict expectations their father placed on the girls, he shifter his attention to the younger daughter. Cassia relished being the favourite child, being showered with gifts and attention and knowing that she would most likely eventually get a better marriage match than her sister.
Both sisters lived a luxurious life, never lacking anything. Their uncle Deimos doted on his nieces and wanted to use his influence to secure important marriages for them. Cassia was thrilled, but the rebellious Valeria hated the mere thought.
As a vampire:
Duringthe summer before her sixth year at Hogwarts, Cassia is bitten and turned into a vampire. At first, she tries everything to hide her condition from her family but only manages to do so a few days. Once found out, she is shunned by her father whose favourite she had thus far been, leaving Cassia alone and confused, consumed by blood lust Valeria tries to reach out and help her sister without success..She leaves home after accidentally attacking a member of their staff, trying to find a way to undo what had been done to her.
By autumn, she returns, having met other vampires who helped her gain control of her thirst but the bright, sociable girl she was before the transformation is gone.Her father doesn’t accept her back so Valeria helps secure a place for her to stay in. With the olive branch extended, Cassia and Valeria begin slowly to mend their relationship.
Cassia finishes school trying to lay low. Her vampirism is kept a secret so as not to tarnish the Malfoy name. Only key staff at Hogwarts know about it and help accomodate for her feeding habits.Once graduated, Cassia accompanies her sister on a trip where they visit multiple countries, exploring vampire lore.Cassia accepts her vampirism and begins to even enjoy her new life.
► physical;
Faceclaim: Anya Taylor-Joy
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond
Height: 5'8" (1.73 m)
Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc: vampire fangs once turned
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► relatives;
Sister: Valeria Malfoy
Valeria is two years older than Cassia and was always seen as the black sheep of the family, until Cassia was attacked and turned into a vampire. The sisters didn’t get along at all, and Cassia always treated Valeria coldly and took their parents’ side, making her sister feel like an outsider. After Cassia became a vampire, Valeria defended and helped her, bringing the sisters closer.
Later on, Cassia sometimes visits Valeria and her family, bringing gifts from her travels to her nephews and nieces. She can’t be a big part of their lives due to fear and prejudice towards vampires but she’s there by Valeria’s side, when she dies at the age of 86. The sisters part as friends and confidants.
FC: Samara Weaving
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Father: Decimus Malfoy
Decimus is the younger brother of the current Malfoy patriarch, Deimos Malfoy.
► relationships;
Allegiances: The Malfoy family, Slytherin house
Best friend:
MC Friends: (hmu if you want your MCs to be friends with Cassia)
Theo Goldcrest, eventually
Dorm mates: (hmu if you want your mc to be Cassia’s dorm mate!)
Love Interest: (open!)
Rivals: Valeria Malfoy (formerly)
Enemies: Vampire hunters
► personality;
Cassia is often concerned with only herself, choosing to focus on her own success. She’s ruthless in her pursuits but not completely without morals. She loves her sister despite their rocky history, and as the decades pass, she grows closer to her and her family.Valeria keeps her human despite society telling her she’s a monster. After her sister’s death however, Cassia begins to embrace her vampiric nature and drift further and further away from humanity.
As a vampire, Cassia feeds mostly on muggles but avoids kiilling them if possible, mostly to be practical than out of any real concern for their well-being. She doesn’t really think of the humanity of those she feeds on, surrounding herself mostly with other witches and wizards who have been turned into vampires. She feels superior to non-vampire witches and wizards and non wizard-vampires.
After decades, Cassia begins to open herself up to other people, starting to crave for real connection. She begins to question her world-view and treatment of those around her.
► misc;
Hobbies: fashion, 
Favourite Subject: Defense Against Dark Arts
Professions: research assistant, fashion designer, vampire activist
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northknot-hq · 3 years
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It’s time for the costume contest voting. Below the cut you will find a list of all the characters’ costumes and an additional list for couples’ costumes (both platonic and romantic). By clicking on this link, you will be able to vote for your top three costumes in five categories. You should be voting for individuals in every category except for the couples one. Please vote by the 1st of November so the winners can be announced before the end of the event. If I’ve missed any of your characters or couples on the list, please message me via the main. Happy roleplaying!
Aalis Albrecht - Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
Adelina de Salazar - Gamora (Marvel)
Aiden Carlisle - Danny (Grease)
Alexandros Sallas - Sharkboy (Sharkboy & Lavagirl)
Ariadne Rosi - Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Aries Stark - Medusa
Astra Grimsbane - Shego (Kim Possible)
Athena Miller - Pinata
Benjamin Cole - Jedi (Star Wars)
Caliphe Topaz - Cinderella (Cinderella/Disney)
Caleb Findlay - Johnny Castle (Dirty Dancing)
Callista Albrecht - Princess Leia (Star Wars)
Cassian Callaghan - Jedi (Star Wars)
Charlotte Monroe - Glinda (Wizard of Oz)
Christian Davies - Banksy Artwork
Clary Gooding - Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)
Eleanor Grimaldi - Jean Grey (Marvel)
Elijah Blackthorne - Eleven (Stranger Things)
Elsa Morgan - Harley Quinn (DC)
Emilia Santiago - Rose DeWitt Bukater (Titanic)
Erik Blackthorne - Joker (DC)
Everett Moore - Pugsley Addams (Addams Family)
Halliwell Brookes - Baby (Dirty Dancing)
Hecate Black - Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros.)
Illiris Delphine - Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Iris Belmont - Sarah Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Isabella Santiago - Pink Power Ranger (Power Rangers)
Juliet Robinson - Sandy (Grease)
Kinsey Simons - Princess Leia (Star Wars)
Laurel Parks - Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Lettie Cunningham - Bumblebee
Lilith Aine - Mary Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Louis Byers - Wolverine (Marvel)
Maggie Drakos - Zarina the Pirate Fairy (Tinkerbell)
Mariza Tanner - Devil
Miles Greenwood - Jack Dawson (Titanic)
Mini Mink - Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Natalie Dawson - Lavagirl (Sharkboy and Lavagirl)
Noah Greenwood - Iron Man (Marvel)
Nova Blackthorne - Flapper
Olivia Bancroft - Dorothy (Wizard of Oz)
Orlaith Callaghan - Poison Ivy (DC)
PJ Simons - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Quinn Morgan - Ursula (The Little Mermaid)
Sebastian Young - Scary Pumpkin
Seraphina Blackwell-Byers - Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Sloane Carlisle - Holy Cow
Waverly Monroe - Black Swan (Black Swan)
Zac Narvaez - Luca (Luca)
Couples/Groups Costumes
Aiden & Juliet - Danny & Sandy (Grease)
Alex & Natalie - Sharkboy & Lavagirl (Sharkboy and Lavagirl)
Ariadne & Astra - Kim Possible & Shego (Kim Possible)
Caleb & Halliwell - Johnny & Baby (Dirty Dancing)
Everett & Clary - Wednesday & Puggsly (Addams Family)
Louis & Eleanor - Wolverine & Jean Grey (X-Men/Marvel)
Elsa & Orlaith - Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (DC)
Miles & Emilia - Jack & Rose (Titanic)
Illiris, Mini & Quinn - Ariel, Eric & Ursula (The Little Mermaid/Disney)
Iris & Lilith - Sarah & Mary Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
PJ & Seraphina - Indiana & Lara (Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider)
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fleetwoodmar · 5 years
4, 12 and/or 20? (for the rev meme!)
4. What was your muse doing when they heard about Harry’s death – and later Neville’s death and Harry’s resurrection? How did they react to the news? Did they attend either of the funerals or memorials?
As it was Halloween when Harry was killed, I think that Dove might’ve either been at a Halloween party or avoiding one, when she heard. As for the resurrection? She was there. Debating against it, but not strongly enough. She was most likely one of the first to hear about Neville’s death, due to being his kid. I don’t really want to definitively answer the first question though eeep.
So let’s talk reactions.
Harry’s death was a devastating thing, of course. He was like an uncle to Dove, I imagine, a close family friend at the very least. Someone she knew. Someone she cared about. It was gruesome, horrifying, a scary thing, to know that someone like that could be murdered in such a way, just like that. It was hard --- to see everyone so in pain. Dove has never been especially good at showing compassion, but she does have a certain level of empathy, and I think Harry’s death wasn’t just hard because someone she loved and looked up to died, but also because so many people she knew were affected by it.
When Neville died, the world shifted out from underneath Dove’s feet, and suddenly there was nothing left at all. At first, when she heard about it, she felt denial --- denial about the fact on its own, but also the idea that it had anything to do with what she and the Knights did just hours before. Then there was nothing, a gaping hole in her chest. Dove Longbottom felt resigned. A guilt weighed on her shoulders and chest and she had trouble walking, breathing, being. All she thought about was all she didn’t do --- how she didn’t tell her dad how she loved him enough, or how she looked up to him, or everything he did mean to her, even if she didn’t always show it. How she didn’t destroy one of the Hallows before any of this could have happened.
And then there was anger --- and anger cradled her like a blanket, comforted her, seemed to give her at least a little warmth. Anger didn’t weigh down on her like guilt did. It lit a fire inside her frozen being in stead. And so Dove raged. She raged against the new Headmaster, like she had once done, but now it was reckless, ruthless, no longer a teenage rebellion but raw fury in stead. 
She wasn’t there much for Fawn or her mother. She didn’t let them be there for her either --- Dove is no good at giving or receiving compassion, after all. In stead, she opened the door for rage and lost herself in it.
At Neville’s funeral, Dove didn’t cry. She wore black and had a frozen face and wished to tear the entire place into pieces. She didn’t speak. She sat and simmered. She was afraid that if she opened her mouth, all the broken pieces of her heart would fall out and she would not be able to stop crying. Dove was done being heartbroken --- she wanted to be furious in stead ( which was sometimes easier said than done ).
Most of the things Dove ends up doing after this -- defecting the Knights, starting the Erinyes -- are a reaction on Neville’s death, so I could go on and on and on, but this is mostly her initial reaction. I think. She feels so much! Damn it! 
12. What is your muse’s wand?
Blackthorn, dragon heartstring, 11 inches, inflexible. Blackthorn wands fit well with warriors, and will bond well with their owner after having gone through a great ordeal. Wands with a dragon heartstring core are easiest to turn towards the Dark Arts, which was a swaying point for me --- but also their temperament fits Dove well.
20. Are there any public figures or historical figures that your muse looks up to? Why?
A lot of the public figures that Dove looks up to, are people she knows quite well, which is kind of strange. But Hermione Granger comes to mind, for sure, as does her own father. Dove has a long list of historical figures the looks up to, most of them either activists, politicians or artists ( or all three at ones ), most of them women of color. Here are a few: Seraphina Piquery, Boudicca, Winnie Mandela, Frida Kahlo, Pussy Riot, Marsha P Johnson, Morgana, Audre Lorde, Nina Simone,  Artemisia Gentileschi, Angela Davis, Atalanta, Beyoncé --- I could go on and on and on. Dove doesn’t subscribe to these people 100%, doesn’t support all of the things some may have done or may do ( she thinks stan culture is idiotic, for the record, lmao ), but these figures do inspire her, are people she looks up to. 
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alaricseer · 5 years
"I feel safer entangled in your vines..." Seraphina purred as Blackthorn slowly but surely restricted her arms above her head, his tendrils weaving about, making her quiver with excitement.
“You might be the first person to say so- though, admittedly, I am being far more gentle with you.”
It was something he was capable of, with a bit of concentration. Though he didn’t understand the appeal, Blackthorn was more than happy to oblige her request.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 8 months
Crossover List: Elys?
Adina Lightwood ofc
Annabelle Bane
Ariadne Blackthorn ofc ofc my wives
Calla Fray
Cassiel Fell !!
Clem Wayland
Eva Nightborn & Gabriel Branwell
Mikaela Fairchild
Minerva Bane
Rebecca Wayland
Seraphina Wayland
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@morgensternbled continued!!
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“we’re babysitting. the blackthorns are visiting, and this is their youngest.”
isabelle grinned, nodding. when shadowhunter families dropped by for important meeting, they rarely brought their children. but the blackthorns were a special case. which meant at this moment, there was an institute full of younger children and the baby seraphina currently held. izzy pulled the baby back, holding him gently.
“his name is octavian, but you can call him tavvy.”
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oldwilshiregossip · 7 years
if you had to create a group of superheroes to save the world with 8 people from wilshire, who would they be?
“ let’s make things more interesting, huh ?? how about i give you a list of potential superheroes along with supervillains and vigilantes including everyone around here ? ”
elena brooks
tessa wallace
ophelia blackthorn
annie fowler
cassandra skyworth
layla wrayburn
aurora sinclair
alistair hayes carstairs
ezekiel collinsworth
silas nightcross
malakai redfern
darcy rosewain
delilah henderson
julian alvarez
max morris
preston ravennight
lorelai fell
baxtor stevens
stella marshall
katerina laveau
karmina montes
seraphina greyhart
leonard wallace
caelan wallace
octavia williamson
kaleb williamson
seelie queen
alexandria ravennight
andromeda lux
carson ravenscar
faye lightwood
angelique storm carstairs
finnegan wallace
maximus polaris
theoren brooks
elara vaughn
lilian ward
celeste deveraux
madalena glaive
august zhao
astoriel glaive
amalthea wallace
helena havenborn
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chikkachu · 8 years
Hi, what kind of fantasy themed book would you recommend? btw love your blog
Sorry for taking so long to reply anon 😅
My favourite fantasy books are those that combine romance and adventure. I am such a bookworm I can’t possible choose one so I’ll do a rec list for you. You’ll see I have a real thing for Urban Fantasy and Paranormal romance lol  
A word of warning a lot of these are adult orientated books but some are young-adult. 
Amazing Authors to check out and I’ll put a * by the series I’ve re-read multiple times. Some of these really are guilty pleasures lmao  
I’ve read a lot more but these were the first ones to catch my attention on my good reads list. 
Kristen Ashley - Fantasyland Series *
Elise Kova - Air Awakens
Anne Bishop - The Others Series
Suzanne Wright - The Dark in you Series
Alwyn Hamilton - Rebel of the Sands Series
Rebecca Zanetti  - The Scorpius syndrome & Dark Protectors series
Sally Slater  - Paladin 
Karen Marie Moning - Fever & Highlander series
Rachel Hartman - Seraphina 
Trudi Canavan - The Black Magician Trilogy
Lindsay J. Pryor - The Blackthorn Series
Juliette Cross  - Vale of Stars Series
J.R. Ward – Black Dagger Brotherhood Series *
Sherrilyn Kenyon  - Dark Hunterverse *
Christine Feehan – Dark Carpathians 
Nalini Singh – Psy-changling and Guild Hunter series *
D.B. Reynolds – Vampires in America Series
Jeaniene Frost – Night Prince Series
Cynthia Eden – Phoenix Fire, Purgatory, Midnight & Night Watch Series *
Christine Warren – The others series *
 Helen Harper – Blood Destiny Series
Amelia Hutchins – The Fae Chronicles *
Laurann Dohner – New Species *
Gena Showalter – Lords of the Underworld 
Thea Harrison - Elder Race Series *
Holly Black - Modern Fairy Tales
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isabelslightwoodsss · 7 years
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Seraphina Blackthorn was the perfect soldier for the Clave, one of the best of her generation. No one could have predicted it. Not when she was left at the Institute door, not even knowing what she was. Not when nobody knew if she could survive the her first rune. Yet, Tobias and Genevieve Blackthorn took the girl, raised her to be what she was today: a fierce and skilled fighter.
She had all her life planned the moment she survived the mark, proving her Nephilim lineage. Seraphina will serve the Clave that accepted her despite any doubts. She will fight demons all her life and dying doing so. Most importantly, she will fight beside Kit Rosewain, not only her friend but her other-half. Married by twenty five, perpetuate the next generation of Shadowhunters and be a part of history, to prove her worth.
As if it wasn’t enough, Seraphina finds herself jealous of Clary and Jace’s newfound proximity as well dealing with Kit’s return, the one she used to call a best friend. She didn’t need to let her feelings, making her unstable and distracted, she needed to focus on the current threat.
More than ever, Seraphina had to choose between her loyalty to her friends and her loyalty to the Clave. All of this because Valentine Morgenstern thought it was a good idea to come back from the dead, kidnapping his ex-wife and going after the heavenly artefacts.
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