#serbian chant
orthodoxicons · 1 year
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peaceandnature · 5 months
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Serbia have threatened to pull out of Euro 2024 over chanting between Croatia and Albania fans on Wednesday.
Chants could be heard during the 2-2 Group B draw about the killing of Serbians.
The general secretary of the Football Association of Serbia, Jovan Surbatovic, has called for the strongest sanction to be taken.
He told the Serbian state-owned broadcaster RTS: "What happened is scandalous and we will ask [European governing body] Uefa for sanctions, even if it means not continuing the competition."
Serbia are in Group C and began the tournament with a 1-0 defeat by England on Sunday.
Surbatovic said that he was "sure they will be punished" following Uefa's decision on Wednesday to cancel the credentials of Kosovar journalist, Arlind Sadiku.
Sadiku made a nationalist double-handed eagle gesture towards Serbia fans during the game against England. The gesture mimics the eagle on Albania's national flag, which can inflame tensions between Serbian nationalists and ethnic Albanians, who make up the vast majority of Kosovo's population.
"We will demand from Uefa to punish the federations of both selections," Surbatovic added.
"We do not want to participate in that, but if Uefa does not punish them, we will think how will we proceed."
In a statement the Serbian FA said it had sent a letter to Uefa general secretary Theodore Theodoridis highlighting the "shameful joint chanting".
BBC Sport has contacted Uefa for further comment. It is expected that disciplinary proceedings will be brought against Croatia and Albania FAs.
Serbia were fined £12,250 after fans threw objects during the England match.
Serbia and Albania were also fined as fans from both countries displayed banners of nationalist maps, external in their opening matches.
"We were punished for isolated cases and our fans behaved much better than the others," Surbatovic said.
"One fan was punished for racist insults and we don't want it to be attributed to others. We Serbs are gentlemen and we have an open heart, so I appeal to the fans to remain gentlemen."
Serbia are in Group C and began the tournament with a 1-0 defeat by England on Sunday.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
By Emily Thompson
Serbians are furious over a government plan to develop a lithium mine despite warnings that it could be detrimental to public health as it could pollute nearby agricultural land and water.
Thousands of people have taken to the streets of the Serbian capital to protest against the rebooting of a controversial lithium mine set to serve as a vital power source in Europe’s green energy transition.
Protesters in Serbia had set a deadline for the government to cancel the mining project, which expired on Saturday, prompting their mobilization.
Lithium is a strategically valuable metal needed for electric vehicle batteries, making it key for helping the car industry shift to greener production.
The vast project involving British-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto has European Union support and aims to fill Europe’s lack of local sources for the mineral. Lithium is crucial for making things like electric car and smartphone batteries.
Protesters waved Serbian flags and chanted slogans like, “You will not dig” and “Rio Tinto leave Serbia!”
Serbia has vast lithium deposits near the western city of Loznica, where a mining project being developed by the Anglo-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto has been a perennial political fault line in the Balkan country over its potential environmental impacts.
The deposits were discovered in 2004, but weeks of mass protests forced the government to halt the project in 2022.
But the government recently made a U-turn on the issue following a court decision last month that said the order to revoke the permits awarded to Rio Tinto was “not in line with the constitution and the law”.
Shortly after, the Serbian government greenlit the project’s restart and signed a memorandum of understanding with the EU that is seen as the first step in developing Serbia’s lithium resources.
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smww4ever · 5 months
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Happy Orthodox Easter Weekend ☦️
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Veliki Petak 🙏 Καλή Ανάσταση
Bonus: Older Ai cathedral/religious imagery.
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Minor edits; some flaws.
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sanityshorror · 2 years
Rant videos: Ruining Candy pop's sense of humor so he could be "SERIOUS" Aka he no longer is a sexual being. People judge so hard one his looks, do NOT know the horror Night terrors does to people. Nathan would of had more pricings and embraced his true goth man nature. but "Those piercings would get ripped out." was the chant. Jason , you already went over, AND WE ALL HAVE SEEN. Jason looks the way he looks now thanks to Snuff bomb sending his fans to get rid of "any one ripping of LJ." Like bruh is so insecure.
I wonder how many of the uwu-Jason girlies have actually even seen Krisas older extremely disturbing (/pos, I love it) art of him. Ya know, with the, well, yeah if you know you know😭😭 he gives me the creeps and I LOVE HIM.
Night terrors committed a skull fucking Serbian Film style😭🙏
I wish people weren't forced to water things down. So I took many pages out of ASF with how I'm approaching Julius and Killian.
Anyone wanna hear about how Killian kills his victims? Lol
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natasa-pantovic · 2 years
#Book Festival Natasa Pantovic performing live Thelma & Agapa from Art of 4 elements poetry book published by Artof4elements Malta. She also explains why she choses slam and audience involvement. “Seated on a panel with her fellow writers, Maltese-Serbian novelist Nataša Pantović has been known to use slam poetry to perform her poetic body of work. Like her prose, the improvised words, tribal music, percussionist sounds, lengthy ‘aum’ chanting,...” Times of Malta https://timesofmalta.com/articles/vie...
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dwalendinhetniets · 1 year
Whatever is going on in between the performances and the results:
Ooohhh the outfits from the hosts are fiireee!!!
The audience going apeshit, love it
You have 20 votes??? That is so weird, but okay
'Europe, Australia and the rest of the world' sounds so stupid im sorry
Why was the serbian guy holding a lobster??
Sam Ryder was asked how mich glitter he wanted on his suit and he answered yes, which makes up for the clothes of all the other people on stage being beige. I love the message of this performance. (The drummer was roger taylor? Very cool)
I have nothing interesting to say about the voting video and the bits with the commentators 🤷‍♀️
The Liverpool Songbook is very fun! (But wasn't this esc supposed to be about Ukraine? Like i get wanting to show off but als hmmmm)
What in the ???? Is that big bird??? Is she wearing balloon wings???
DADI FREYR!!! Glad that the audience agreed
Poor Cornelia, wet jeans are the worst (also is it weird if idk this song??)
Better the devil you know is a very fun song!
Idk why but this feels like a very boring version of You'll never walk alone to me? it is a bit better with everyone on the stage together at the end but meh
A tear in graham norton's silly old eye (just loved that phrase)
Wow he sounded very excited about having a museum about his band (sarcasm again, how are you not flipping crazy about that?? I would be)
The crowd chanting Martin lol
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orthodoxydaily · 1 year
Saints&Reading: Tuesday, Mai 9, 2023
may 9_avril 26
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The Virgin Glaphyra. Licinius burned with passion for Glaphyra, a maidservant of his wife Constantia.The holy virgin reported this to the empress and sought her help. Dressing her in men’s attire and providing her with money, empress Constantia sent her to Pontus in the company of a devoted servant. They told the emperor that Glaphyra had gone mad and lay near death. On her way to Armenia, Saint Glaphyra stopped in Amasea, where the local bishop, Saint Basil, gave her shelter.
At this time, the saint was building a church in the city. Saint Glaphyra donated all the money that she had received from Constantia for its construction, and in a letter to the empress, she asked her to send additional funds to complete the church. The empress fulfilled her request. However, Saint Glaphyra’s letter fell into the hands of the emperor. The enraged Licinius ordered the governor of Amasea to send him the hierarchy and the maidservant. Saint Glaphyra died before the edict arrived in Amasea, and Saint Basil was sent to the emperor. Two deacons, Parthenius and Theotimos, followed after him and lodged near the prison where the saint was held.
The pious Christian Elpidephoros bribed the jailer, and each night he visited the saint with Parthenius and Theotimos. On the eve of the saint’s trial, he sang Psalms and chanted, “if I should sojourn at the extremity of the sea... even there Thy hand would guide me, and Thy right hand would hold me” (Ps 138/139:9-10). These were prophetic words.
Three times he broke down in tears. The deacons were afraid that the saint would be unable to endure the coming torments, but he calmed them.
At the trial Saint Basil resolutely refused the emperor’s offer to become a pagan priest, and so he was sentenced to death. Elpidephoros gave the soldiers money, and they allowed the saint to pray and to speak with his friends before execution. Then the saint said to the executioner, “Friend, do as you have been ordered.” Calmly, he bent his neck beneath the sword.
When the martyr had been beheaded, Elpidephoros tried to ransom his relics from the soldiers. But the soldiers feared the emperor, throwing the saint’s body and head into the sea. After this, an angel of God appeared to Elpidephoros three times in a dream, saying, “Bishop Basil is in Sinope and awaits you.”
Heeding this call, Elpidephoros and the deacons sailed to Sinope, and there they hired fishermen to lower their nets. They came up with nothing when they lowered the net at the suggestion of the deacons Theotimos and Parthenius. Then Elpidephoros declared that he would ask them to lower the net in the name of the God he worshiped. This time, the net brought up the body of Saint Basil. Again, the saint’s head was attached to his body, and only the gash on his neck indicated the sword's blow. The relics of Saint Basil were taken to Amasea and buried in the church he built.
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Saint Ioannikios (Janićije) was a Zeta Serb near the Adriatic Sea. He was the son of pious and God-fearing parents and lived during the reign of the last medieval Serbian ruler, Prince George Branković (1427-1458). From his youth, Saint Ioannikios loved solitude. As an adolescent, he left his parents and went to eastern Serbia, where he settled in a wooded area called Chrna Reka (Black River), a few miles from the Ibar River. He found a narrow cave where, according to Tradition, Saint Peter of Koriša (June 5) had struggled during the XIII century.
Saint Ioannikios built a cell and lived there for many years in solitude, fasting, and unceasing prayer. In time, people began coming to him from all over Serbia to hear his words and to receive his blessing. Others were drawn to him because they wanted him to guide them in the monastic life. A community grew around him, and they built a church near his cell. However, when people heard about the holiness of his life, he fled to Drnica and hid in the thick forest of Devič. Once again, the Saint lived in solitude, weeping, fasting, struggling with demons, and devoting himself to the unceasing Prayer of the Heart.
One day Prince George brought his terminally ill daughter to him, and the Saint healed her. The Prince wanted to know what he could do to express his gratitude. Saint Ioannikios asked him to build a monastery at Devič and dedicate it to the Entrance of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple (November 21). After a holy and God-pleasing life, Saint Ioannikios was reposed on December 2, 1430, when he was almost one hundred years old. His grace-filled and wonderworking relics are kept at the monastery. After his death, many miracles occurred there, and those who entreat him with faith are healed of their sicknesses and afflictions.
In this monastery, there once lived a renowned and godly nun, Sister Euphemia, better known in the Kossovo region as Blessed Stoina. She built an Ispostnica (House of Silence) in honor of St. Ioannikios. She fell asleep in the Lord in the year 1895.
Saint Ioannikios still performs miracles, just as he did in his lifetime five hundred years ago. A confident man from Hercegovina, Miloš wanted to pilgrimage to Jerusalem to venerate the holy places. Just as he was about to embark on his journey, Saint Ioannikios appeared to him in a dream and told him not to go to Jerusalem. "It would be better," the Saint explained, "if you went to Devič and cleaned my church and put it in order instead of going to Jerusalem."
Miloš followed the Saint's advice and went to the neglected Devič monastery, cleaned it up, restored it, and gave it new life. He became a monk and remained there until the end of his life.
During the First World War and the Austrian occupation, a Hungarian officer arrived at Devič with some soldiers. He made Igoumen Damaskene take him to the tomb of Saint Ioannikios, and asked him what was under the slab. "It is a holy place," the Igoumen replied.
"What sort of holy place?" the officer asked. "You have some valuables hidden under there, don't you?"
The officer ordered the soldiers to break the slab with pick axes. As they were completing their task, the officer was stricken with pain in the middle of his body. He lay down on a bed and died before that evening. The terrified soldiers abandoned their work and fled from the monastery.
Saint Ioannikios is commemorated on April 26, the uncovering of his holy relics.
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ACTS 10:21-33
21 Then Peter went down to the men sent to him from Cornelius, and said, "Yes, I am he whom you seek. For what reason have you come?" 22 And they said, "Cornelius the centurion, a just man, one who fears God and has a good reputation among all the nation of the Jews, was divinely instructed by a holy angel to summon you to his house, and to hear words from you." 23 Then he invited them in and lodged them. The next day, Peter went away with them, and some brethren from Joppa accompanied him. 24 And the following day, they entered Caesarea. Now Cornelius was waiting for them and had called together his relatives and close friends. 25 As Peter came in, Cornelius met him, fell at his feet, and worshiped him. 26, But Peter lifted him up, saying, "Stand up; I am also a man." 27 And as he talked with him, he found many who had come together. 28 Then he said to them, "You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean. 29 Therefore, I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. I ask, then, for what reason have you sent for me? 30 So Cornelius said, "Four days ago I was fasting until this hour, and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, 31 and said, 'Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your alms are remembered in the sight of God. 32 Send to Joppa and call Simon here, whose surname is Peter. He is lodging in the house of Simon, a tanner, by the sea. When he comes, he will speak to you.' 33 So I sent it to you immediately, and you have done well to come. Therefore, we are all present before God to hear all the things commanded by God.
JOHN 7:1-13
1 After these things, Jesus walked in Galilee; for He did not want to walk in Judea because the Jews sought to kill Him. 2 Now the Jews' Feast of Tabernacles was at hand. 3 His brothers said to Him, "Depart from here and go into Judea, that Your disciples also may see the works that You are doing. 4 For no one does anything in secret while he seeks to be known openly. If You do these things, show Yourself to the world. 5 For even His brothers did not believe in Him. 6 Then Jesus said to them, "My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready. 7 The world cannot hate you but hates Me because I testify that its works are evil. 8 You go up to this feast. I am not yet attending this feast, for My time has yet to fully come. 9 When He had said these things to them, He remained in Galilee. 10 But when His brothers had gone up, then He also went up to the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret. 11 Then, the Jews sought Him at the feast, and said, "Where is He?" 12 And there was much complaining among the people concerning Him. Some said, "He is good"; others said, "No, on the contrary, He deceives the people." 13 However, no one spoke openly of Him for fear of the Jews.
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orthodoxicons · 1 year
It's the last seven days for this most blessed phrase, Christ is risen!
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Fans waving Russian flags detained at Australian Open
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/fans-waving-russian-flags-detained-at-australian-open/
Fans waving Russian flags detained at Australian Open
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Displaying the country’s tricolor has been banned at the Grand Slam tennis event
Four people were detained and questioned by authorities after a Russian flag bearing the image of President Vladimir Putin was displayed at the Australian Open Grand Slam tennis tournament following a match between Serbia’s Novak Djokovic and Russia’s Andrey Rublev. A group of people congregated outside the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne after Djokovic’s comprehensive three-set win, with chants of “Serbia, Russia” heard from the group, while a man wearing a ‘Z’ symbol on his T-shirt was also seen to be displaying the Russian flag. Another man was spotted wearing a ‘Z’ shirt inside the arena during the match. It comes after the organizers of the event, Tennis Australia, introduced a ban on the display of Russian and Belarusian flags shortly after the beginning of the tournament, when a fan displayed the Russian tricolor during a match between Ukraine’s Kateryna Baindl and Russian player Kamilla Rakhimova. Russian and Belarusian players are free to compete at the tournament but without mention of their nationalities or other national symbols.
‼️🇷🇸🇷🇺 #Serbian fans brought the flag of #Russia with a photo of Vladimir #Putin and the flag of the DPR to the central stadium of the Australian Open. pic.twitter.com/rfXZevsXsI— Maimunka News (@MaimunkaNews) January 25, 2023
“Four people in the crowd leaving the stadium revealed inappropriate flags and symbols and threatened security guards,” Tennis Australia said in a statement. “Victoria Police intervened and are continuing to question them. The comfort and safety of everyone is our priority and we work closely with security and authorities.” The incident comes several days after Russia’s Andrey Rublev complained to the chair umpire during his second-round match with Finland’s Emil Ruusuvuori that supporters were verbally abusing him during the match, and draping a Ukrainian flag over advertising hoardings. “It was not about the flag,” Rublev said afterwards. “I said straightaway to the referee, it’s not about the flag, they can put any flag they want, I understand completely the situation. “It was more that they started to tell me bad words and bad things.” One Russian player, Karen Khachanov, remains on the men’s side of the draw and will play Stefanos Tsitsipas in Friday’s semifinal, while two Belarusian female players, Victoria Azarenka and Aryna Sabalenka, are on course to meet in the Australian Open final provided they both win their semifinal matchups on Thursday.
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6ebe · 2 months
Why the fuck would Gibraltar be given to Morocco just because it was under moorish rule once upon a time. Gibraltar is Gibraltar should not be given to anyone. Also I don’t think it’s fair to compare it to the Turkish player’s gestures. As someone who’s had the displeasure of living in Turkiye I can assure you some Turks can be so racist that it makes western countries seem like a utopia. So let’s not compare!
I’m pointing out the hypocrisy 😭🤣 why should Gibraltar be given back to Spain just bc it was under Spanish rule for a period of time? Etc etc. literally the same logic. it’s all silliness at this point.
And I am in no means denying that the Turkish player did something wrong but again I am calling out a double standard. Spanish players sang imperialist chants (yes it is imperialist) and Serbian fans sang imperialist chants and Turkish players and fans did some racist things etc etc. all are bad. Also acting as if Spaniards are not also racist is crazy. Bc they are.
If England won and started singing abt disputed territories or former colonies I would be disgusted
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match-notes · 3 months
Time to say goodbye 😢 (7/8)
It's taken us some time to come to terms with it but the group stages of Euro 2024 have come to an end and we've lost a third of the teams. We bid a sad farewell to the early leavers and look back at some of their best bits.
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Serbia did not do much this tournament. They scored just 1 goal in their three matches, and even though it was a 90+5 minute equaliser, it was not enough to really make us excited for the team.
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(Yeah, we don't know what goalkeeper Jan Oblak was doing here either 😬)
Yes, Serbia's group wasn't the easiest (on paper) but we expected so much more from a squad boasting Dušan Vlahović, Aleksandar Mitrović, Dušan Tadić etc.
Perhaps the most interesting thing they did all tournament was threaten to leave the Euros if Albania and Croatia weren't punished for the joint anti-Serbian chanting by their fans when the two sides met. Leaving the politics to one side, we can only assume Serbia were ultimately unhappy with UEFA's response and were determined to follow through with their threat, hence the poor results 🤔.
Not even a special pre-match visit from tennis superstar and fellow countryman Novak Djokovic was enough to inspire them.
Overall, Serbia did not really bring anything to the Euros that we're gonna miss, unfortunately (well except Vlahović himself, of course) . Maybe next time?
Збогом Србијо! 🇷🇸
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alaturkanews · 3 months
UEFA fines Serbia, Albania, and investigates Croatia as Euro 2024 reignites Balkan feuds
UEFA, Europe’s football governing body, has handed down a series of disciplinary actions to Balkan nations as their teams have been involved in nationalist incidents at the Euro 2024 tournament in Germany. The latest measure was targeted at Albania’s striker Mirlind Daku who was suspended for two games after leading fans in chanting anti-Serbian slogans after Albania-Croatia on…
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novumtimes · 3 months
Euro 2024 five quick hits: England, Harry Kane disappoint in Denmark draw, Serbia threatens boycott over racist chants, Spain advances past Italy
England has tried to head off criticism after a “concerning” draw against Denmark, Serbia threatens to boycott over racist chants, and Spain advances past Italy after an own goal. Here are five quick hits from overnight at the Euros. 1. Serbia threatens to quit Euros over racist chants Fans at the Albania-Croatia game reportedly chanted “Kill the Serb”.(AP: Ebrahim Noroozi) Serbian football…
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wayouts123 · 3 months
So Serbian players are being subjected to nationalist chants…
Something about shoes on other feet….
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