#sereia asks
neutronstarchild · 2 years
WIP ask!
I don't think you've talked about The Plus One yet. SPILL THE TEA!
Also, I love you lots and hope you're having a MARVELOUS day! 💖💖💖
Ah @sereia1313 my darling!
Hehehehe... unfortunately I totally did a trade for @mrfeenysmustache's ask and used The Plus One😬 (fake dating Victuuri)
Sooooo can I do another swapperoo and do Chance Encounters?
It's... an uncharted Inuyasha ship, but I sort of adore it.
KimiKik That's right, our favorite InuMama divorcee with the princess of ice and grace.
It takes place in the Daiyōkai Only Dress in Couture universe, where Kikyō the casting director and fashionista meets InuKimi, Sesshōmaru's romance novel writing mother at a wedding.
Sparks fly between the two women, and soon Sesshōmaru is trying to figure out what to do because his employee is dating his mother.
It'd be a short little two chapter shot, and is really only because I want to see what happens when you mix those two amazing personalities together.
(Hint: only good things happen)
Thank you for the ask, and hopefully the audible was acceptable ♥️
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sereia1313 · 3 months
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In celebration of reaching 200 fics on Ao3 (and now that I'm on Spring Break), let's play a game! Send me a line of diolague, and I'll write you a drabble.
Characters/pairings will only be from Inuyasha, which you're welcome to send in as well. If no pairing is indicated, it'll be left up to me. Favs include (but aren't limited to):
Rarepairs are always welcome, so feel free to think outside the box! And friendships/familial relationships can be between anyone. Let's have some fun, shall we?
Thanks for continuing to support my chaos!
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fizzyshark · 3 months
what r random facts ab ur agent24 i like them they r silly i want to knowmore...
i’ve been waiting for a ask like this i’m just gonna throw whatever here
-since they live together their shared bed is ffffiiiiillllleddddd w plushies
-8 really likes taking pics and videos of her and 3 doing whatever so she never forgets cuz she’s scared of forgetting things
-3 likes to play the guitar and 8 likes to hum along to whatever she’s playing
-they r both on the brink of losing their minds but they keep each other sane. thankfully
-8 has dyscalculia and 3 is autistic
-their names r Sereia (8) and Tara (3)
if i go on anymore this post is gonna become very very. long im going to stop myself here i’ll probably make a longer post abt these 2 since all my other stuff is fairly outdated
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legaciesbia · 2 years
📱+ ayfer
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cardansriddle · 2 months
Gilded Serendipity - (tom riddle x oc)
Part 3/10: "False God"
Story summary: A summer meant to be spent in the tranquil seaside mansion of Rosier's was not supposed to sway hearts like rustling leaves. Sereia Nova was most definitely not supposed to feel drawn to Tom Riddle. Yet August had a way of weaving chaos and desire together, only to dissolve into the shadows, leaving behind a bittersweet aftermath- an ephemeral illusion of love.
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(gif not mine)
chapter warnings: sensual themes.
A/N: took me a whileee but here is the third part!!
The subconscious was always a bitter thing. It liked playing wicked games with its owner, taking the things the person did not want to think about out of that pocket of forbidden thoughts and bringing it to the very front of the mind. 
Sereia was cursing her brain as she was hurriedly descending the stairs. Her mind was cruel, replaying the night before like a broken film reel, unrelenting in its vividity. She could still feel the ghost of his touch trailing illicit whispers along her skin. The shape of his lips haunted her own. 
She was going insane, and there was nothing she could do to put an end to it. With that one kiss, Tom had sunk his fangs deep into her vein, poisoning her blood with the feel of him so she would not dare forget it. Sereia had spent a good hour in the bath, scrubbing her skin raw until it was red and irritated, yet his touch remained imprinted. No amount of effort could wash away his claim.
"Merlin's beard, Ria, did you sleep at all? You look like...death." 
She huffed and shot him a sharp glare. "Not in the mood, Tony.""
"Woah, alright. Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." He grumbled, putting his hands up as if to surrender. The witch was half-tempted to hit him, but stopped when Walburga entered the room with a sly smirk curling on her lips.
"Who woke up in your bed?" She questioned. Her eyes flicked to Sereia, and they suddenly shone with mirth. "Our Sereia here? It was about time." 
Sereia's cheeks flushed at her comment, and she helplessly looked at Antoine to say something. But before he could utter a word, Avery strutted into the room.
"What was about time?" He asked lazily, barely attempting to cover his mouth as he yawned. "Well?"
"Sereia and Antoine here. Apparently they were up to no good last night." The brunette winked cheekily, and shot her an approving smile. "I must say, dear Ria, I did not know you had it in you. Always thought you were a prude."
Sereia was sure her whole face was the same shade as the maroon wine Avery was holding in his hand. The boy stared between them for a moment, before frowning. "Salazar's spit, Antoine. I wanted to woo her this summer." He paused, as if reconsidering, and then strode towards the girl. She barely registered more people filing into the room as he leaned closer to her. "But, I assure you, should you fall into my arms, I will make you see the stars. I am much better company in bed than Antoine."
"Avery, enough." Tony warned from next to her. 
Walburga laughed. "Well, Avery, Abraxas, you owe me ten galleons. They fucked before winter." 
I buried my face in my palms. "Tony!"
"Everyone, shut it. Sereia and I most definetely did not fuck. So please, shut your mouths."
"You misheard, Walburga. She did not sleep in my bed. We are strictly platonic."
The girl seemed to recover from her embarassed state and added. "Exactly. It's more of a he's my brother type of situation and what you all are suggesting is— it's just gross."
She lifted her chin, attempting to rid herself of the embarassment and mortification that the conversation had caused. Straightening her spine, she regarded eeryone around her. They all looked either amused or confused. When her eyes met Riddle's, she had to surpress her shudder at the intensity behind his heated gaze. She could not quite read his expression, but the displeasure was as evident as ever. Flashes of the previous night suddenly invaded her mind, and she had to avert her gaze quickly lest she blushed once more. 
Clapping his hands, and snapping the girl from her brief memory lane, Antoine drew the attention to himself. "Great, let us end this conversation now!" He questioned from beside her, and she felt the ghost of his fingers brushing against her elbow in reassurance. Her gaze subconsciously saught Riddle's, and when she saw the dark look he was shooting to where Antoine's hand was touching, the girl stepped aside. Her friend shot her a confused look, but she just shrugged. 
"Can we eat now that that's settled?" She rose an expectant brow, gesturing towards the table that had already been set and filled with food. Avery was the first to break the pregnant silence, huffing and puffing about how he was starving. Seria shared a look with Antoine before following Avery's lead and taking a seat. As she placed some fruits onto her plate, the chair beside her was pulled back and she could feel before she could see that it was Riddle. It was bizarre— the way she could simply feel the air still whenever she was in his presence. It was like the very atmosphere was telling— no— warning her that he was near, that she should brace herself to face him.
His clothed arm brushed hers as he shifted, and the girl had to resist the urge to shiver. 
"Salazar's spit, Riddle, are you not parched in those clothes?" Antoine suddenly questioned, and suddenly all eyes were on the wizard. 
"Some people have the decency not to walk around naked, Rosier. Perhaps you should take notes." Walburga muttered snidely. 
"It was the middle of the night! Am I supposed to walk in a whole three-piece suit at the crack of dawn?"
"A shirt and sleeping pants would suffice." 
"Can you cut it out? This is making me lose my appetite." Abraxas grumbled abruptly, his voice slicing through the escalating bickering. A smirk of triumph flashed across his face as the table fell into a silence. He grabbed his cutlery and digged into his breakfast aggressively. 
Sereia, feeling a lack of appetite, mechanically nibbled on assorted fruits. She tuned out Lestrange and Rosier as they began squabbling again about another matter she did not care to know. She was about to reach for her goblet when a warm breath tickled her cheek, drawing her attention.
"Had I known you'd run to Rosier to finish what I started, perhaps I would not have let you slip away so easily, little siren." Tom whispered lowly, Tom murmured, his lips grazing the curve of her ear with each syllable. The girl try as she might, could not help the shudder that ran through her body.
He noticed. Of course, he did. He never missed a thing. Yet, before he could revel in his discernment, she retorted, her voice a low hiss meant to avoid alarming the others nearby. "How dare you?" she countered, struggling to keep her voice subdued. She truly could not believe the nerve of him to imply such a thing. "I did not run to anyone. Antoine and I certainly did not spend the night together, so I'd appreciate if you refrained from implying that I'm a whore."
"I never said that." 
"You implied it."
"I did not."
"Whatever. But if we are talking about whores, why not talk about you?" She turned her head to meet his gaze squarely. "You are the resident whore of Hogwarts, perhaps second place to Avery, or maybe you just hide it better." She watched as surprise flickered across his features for a fleeting moment before he swiftly masked it, as if it had never been there at all. "I will not be a plaything, Riddle. While you may find amusement in Walburga, you will not find me so compliant," she declared, her tone firm, before redirecting her attention to the others at the table. Meanwhile, Tom studied her profile, a barely perceptible smirk tugging at his lips. She was a fiery little thing, and oh how he relished a challenge. 
Not used not having the last word, he leaned to whisper in her ear once again. "You may resist all you want, but I will have you succumb to me." he murmured, his gaze searching her face for a reaction. She responded with a smirk, but she did not deign to meet his eyes. 
"Maybe I will consider it... if you beg."
He laughed loudly at that, genuinely amused at her bravery. Everyone at the table suddenly diverted their attention towards them, disbelief flashing across their features at seeing Riddle laugh. 
"Is he—"
"Salazar's spit..."
"What's so funny?"
Tom hummed softly, a languid smile lingering on his lips as he casually draped an arm over the back of Sereia's chair. She clenched her teeth in frustration at his nearness, struggling to push aside the unwelcome flood of thoughts crowding her mind. "Miss Nova here has a good sense of humour, that is all." 
Sereia lowered her gaze, avoiding the curious stares of those around her, and brought her goblet to her lips in a feeble attempt to distract herself. 
The girl sprung from her seat with far more enthusiasm than was necessary. "Time to go for a swim!" she declared with a forced smile, her discomfort palpable, before hastily departing from the table, nearly breaking into a run as she fled the house.
Walburga's gaze shifted to Tom, flickering between the self-satisfied, lazy grin etched on his face and the intensity of his gaze fixed on the doorway through which Sereia had hastily departed through mere moments ago.
"Look at little Sereia starting to charm boys." Abraxas snorted, looking at Antoine with a mirthful smile. "You will have to work overtime to ward off the boys now, mate." 
"Shut it. I do not do anything of the sort. She is free to court whomever she likes whenever she likes." He paused, rethinking his words. "Except you all."
"Really? How about the time in third year you hexed Arnold because he kissed her on the cheek?" Avery rose a brow.
"Or the time in fourth year you petrified that git who was going on a date with her?" Malfoy added.
"Remember when—"
"Alright! Alright! So fucking be it! None of you are allowed to pursue anything romantic, sexual— especially sexual— relations with her. Off-limits!" 
"Mate, that's unfair! She's not even your sister, you can't put a ban like that!" Avery whined, rolling his eyes in a very exaggerated manner. 
"She is like my little sister in every manner except by blood."
Dahlia Greengrass pouted, looking affronted at the way the wizards were behaving. "Leave it be, everyone. Would you rather ruin your friendship with Antoine by pursuing Sereia? The entirety is Hogwarts isn't enough for you all to corrupt?" She questioned. "Leave the poor girl alone."
Riddle observed the scene unfolding with a curious glint in his eyes. 
"Thank you, Dahlia." Antoine said gratefully. "Now that everything is loud and clear, let's go join Ria before she starts wondering what took us so long." 
Everyone muttered their agreement as they stood.
"Tom, would you like to head to the library first?" Walburga asked as everyone started filing out of the room. 
Tom glanced at the witch momentarily before looking away distractedly. "I shall like to rest for a bit before rejoining the company." He did not wait for a reply before striding away in the opposite direction.
Walburga watched his retreating back, the familiar bitter taste feeling her mouth as it always did whenever he disregarded her in such a belittling manner. She begrudgingly followed after the group, glancing back one last time in hopes that Tom also would, but he had already disappeared up the stairs, and the girl heaved a sigh in disappointment. 
Her sharp gaze fixated on the distant figure, observing as the girl who managed to coax a rare laugh from Tom Riddle swam gracefully in the water. Sereia Nova had never posed a threat in her mind. Antoine's best friend had always been a sweet little thing, too pure to be around the likes of them. Though Walburga harbored fondness for the girl, her desires lay elsewhere — with Tom Riddle. 
She pondered the allure that Sereia held for Tom. Was it her innocence, her sweetness? Or was she simply another conquest in his relentless pursuit to tarnish purity? Perhaps, she mused, innocence was a challenge for him, something to be conquered and corrupted at his whim.
At least that is what Walburga told herself as she smiled bittersweetly at the younger witch.
"Ria." Antoine began, his tone firm, signaling to Sereia that a lecture was imminent. 
"I know what you're going to say, but it's nothing alright? I am not involved with Riddle...like that." Sereia interjected, her words rushed and defensive, preempting Antoine's anticipated disapproval.
Antoine's furrowed brow softened slightly, but skepticism still lingered in his gaze. With a resigned sigh, he conceded, "I will choose to take your word for it. But I will tell you this, Ria— my friends are all off-limits. They are the worst pick of the bunch for any girl." He paused, as if another thought had just invaded his already disturbed mind. "Actually, just do not go for any Slytherins. You can go for uh...Hufflepuff perhaps? They do not have a bad bone in their body. Be kind and all that shite, yeah? Yeah. No Gryffindorks either I suppose, they're all gits—"
"Would you like to arrange who I will be marrying too? Stop acting like my father. Fine, I will not date your friends out of my respect for you, but other than that you have no right to dictate who I can and can't date."
"But—"  Antoine began to protest, but Sereia cut him off with a firm stare.
"Dahlia!" Sereia's sharp call drew the attention of the girl, who began to swim over with a curious expression. Sereia shot a warning look at Antoine, silently telling him to behave.
"Yes, darling?" 
"Nothing. It's just an effective way of shutting him up." Sereia smirked, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
"What is?"
"Any mention of you." 
As Dahlia's cheeks flushed with a soft hue of pink, Antoine's face transformed into a vivid crimson, the color spreading like wildfire across his features. Sereia couldn't suppress a satisfied grin as she watched the effect of her diversion tactic unfold. "Well, I'll leave you be. It's time for my nap!" 
"You just woke up!"
"Nope, that was a while ago." "Nope, that was a while ago," she singsonged, her voice carrying over the gentle lapping of the waves as she began trudging out of the water, droplets cascading from her form like shimmering diamonds. Her eyes met Avery's across the distance, his grin mirroring her own playful one as he responded with a mock salute, the sun casting playful glimmers in his eyes.
As she approached the shore, she glanced over her shoulder at the call of her name, catching Abraxas's gaze, his eyes alight with something she could not decipher as he swam towards her, his sleek form slicing effortlessly through the water. His expression morphed into a sickly sweet smile as he drew nearer.
"My dear, dear Sereia," he greeted her with exaggerated warmth, his voice dripping with faux sincerity.
"What is it?" Sereia replied, her tone laced with playful anticipation, already bracing herself for his inevitable request.
"Would you be so kind and bring us a wine?"
Sereia raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you ask one of the house elves?"
"You see, I'm craving a particular one and seeing as the creatures can't read...it complicates things. Can you get me the Chateau d'Yquem?"
Sereia couldn't help but laugh at his audacity, her playful demeanor unwavering. "Does Antoine know you're drinking his most expensive reserves dry?" she retorted, her tone teasing
Abraxas replied with a casual shrug, his smile unapologetic. "He encourages it"
Sereia rolled her eyes. "Alright. But know that you are very annoying." She conceded, her words accompanied by a playful splash in his direction.
"Thank you, Sereia," Abraxas replied, his sweet smile bordering on saccharine as he watched her depart, a twinkle of mischief gleaming in his eyes. Sereia narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously before turning on her heel and heading out of the water. She quickly slipped on her sheer beach cover over her wet swimsuit, debating whether to change into dry clothes or return to the water after fulfilling Abraxas' request. 
She hummed a random melody as she walked away from the private beach and slipped into the garden that lead to the winery, running her hands through her wet hair and slicking it back. 
She trekked the familiar path through the greenery, each step accompanied by the gentle rustle of leaves in the warm breeze. The summer sun cast golden rays that danced across her skin, warming her with its tender caress. As she neared the fountain, its marble basin shimmered in the sunlight and the girl resisted the urge to dip her fingers into the cool water. 
"Out for a stroll, little siren?" A familiar voice, smooth as silk and laced with a taunting edge, shattered the serenity of her surroundings. 
Her movements stilled, her senses alert to the presence behind her. She hesitated to turn, wary of facing the figure who she had been trying to cast out of her mind. She knew as soon as she met his eyes the thoughts of yesterday's kiss would come back to haunt her once again—or the bold teasing she had unabashedly engaged in during breakfast.
With a steadying breath, she shut her eyes, grappling with the urge to flee or confront him. Before she could decide, a warm breath ghosted over her neck, sending a shiver down her spine. Tom had drawn closer, his proximity suffusing her with a mixture of apprehension and something she dared not name.
"Or have you come to see me beg?" He murmured into her ear. 
Suppressing the rising panic in her chest, she attempted to step away, only to find his hand firmly encircling her waist, anchoring her in place. Her breath caught in her throat as his touch ignited a flurry of conflicting emotions within her. Her gaze dropped to the hand sliding further until his entire arm covered her stomach. 
"Unhand me, Riddle. I am just going to the winery." Sereia tried to protest against his advances, her voice twinged with defiance that wavered due to his proximity.
"Are you now?" He asked, and even though she could not see him, she could feel the amused smirk that was no doubt on his face. 
"Yea—Yes. I am expected to return." She insisted.
Tom hummed, a low, tantalizing sound that sent a tremor through her core. "What a shame," he murmured, his breath warm against her skin. Just as she thought he was going to let her go, he abruptly spun her around to face him. Caught off guard, she stumbled, her heart pounding erratically as she braced her hands against his chest lest she crashed into him. "You will not be going back anytime soon."
"Can't have you running to Rosier to finish what I started. That would make me unseemly would it not?"
"Riddle, what are you say—"
"It would create the impression that I leave a lady unsatisfied. Which is insulting." His lips brushed hers with every syllable, and Sereia was finding it harder by the second to resist the temptation of him. She desperately willed herself to push him away and leave before the situation would escalate any further. But she was immobilised. He had her right where he wanted, and her traitorous body was craving him. Any further protest was cut short as his lips captured hers in a searing kiss and she found it bothersome how she did not hesitate to kiss him back. 
His lips moved with a fervent urgency, coaxing a response from her that she couldn't deny. Each brush of his mouth against hers sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her, erasing whatever had remnants of rational thought. 
Her hands moved on their own accord, sliding over his chest, collarbones, and moving up to tangle themselves in his dark hair. He groaned as she tugged at his locks and the world around her fell away at the guttural sound. His kiss was a tempest, fierce and consuming, igniting a fire within her that blazed with undeniable fervor. She yielded to him, her senses overwhelmed by the heady rush of his touch, every nerve in her body electrified.
His hand moved to the hem of sheer cover dress, fingers brushing against her inner thighs before bunching up the fabric and tugging it upwards. Tom stepped towards her, forcing her to blindly walk backwards until she felt marble digging into her back. He broke away from the kiss to momentarily lift her to sit on the edge of the fountain. 
Sereia suppressed a whine at the loss of contact, but a loud moan escaped her throat when his lips fell to the hollow of her throat and sucked, no doubt leaving a bruise with his ministrations. She should have told him to stop— or at the very least not mark her up for all to see, but she found she did not care. She wanted—no— needed more of him. 
Her fingers dropped to the buttons of his shirt, fumbling, trying to pull them open. She had only gotten half of them undone when he grabbed her wrists. "No." He panted. "This time I will make you beg. We can save that for next time."
Sereia was confused, but was quick to retort. "What makes you think there is going to be a next time?" She asked through laboured breaths, dazed eyes roving over his dilated pupils and his swollen lips. For the first time ever, he looked like a mess, and Sereia could not get enough of the sight. 
Tom only smirked in response, his fingers going under her cover to pull at the strings of her bikini bottoms. She trembled beneath his touch, her pulse racing with a heady mix of anticipation and desire. 
"Because I am going to make you beg for a next time."
Sereia's jaw dropped when he sunk to his knees, his eyes ablaze with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. 
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crystalninjaphoenix · 16 days
MerMay 2024 Day Twenty-Eight Another Way
“So... they’re really going to do it,” Chase said. He sat by the entrance to Anti’s room in the shipwreck, his tail curled up around himself. “Between Roxy and Lise, they know a lot of humans who might be able to help. Stacy and Ollie even say they might know some people.”
Anti didn’t answer.
“Look... I know it’s scary.” Chase took a deep breath. “I’m scared, too. I don’t want... I-I know that the more humans who know about merms, the more possibility there is of bad people being in the mix. Sereia and Muirin say they’re confident that they can, uh, use their magic to help things go smoothly. But that’s a lot of power and they’re still very young, even if halfling magic is supposed to be more powerful.”
Anti still didn’t say anything. Chase leaned through the curtain of wires to check if he was there. He was. His green glowing eyes were darting around wildly.
“But here’s the thing. We need the numbers to help the others. To get rid of TridentCorp forever and stop them from bothering us and all other merms. So... i-it’s a risk, but it’s a risk we have to take. Besides... there are humans who want to help us, too. These four guys are proof, aren’t they?”
Anti’s eyes locked onto Chase. He tried not to shrink back.
“You... i-if you want, you can go off on your own once all this is done,” Chase said. “I don’t think anyone would stop you. You can find somewhere nice to hide.”
“What if I don’t want to?” Anti whispered.
Chase jumped slightly in surprise. “H-huh?”
“What if I don’t want to hide anymore?” Anti asked.
“Well... then... You’ve made a nice home here.” Chase looked around at the dark shipwreck. It wasn’t ‘nice’ by his standards, but Anti seemed comfortable here. “You can stay here.”
“You’re not... worried about... how close it is to your Jack friend?” Anti asked.
“...I would’ve been a while ago,” Chase said. “But... I think you’re different now. I think... you’ve learned some more stuff.” He paused. “I... trust you more.”
“...why?” Anti asked. “Trust just... gets you killed.”
Chase shook his head. “Not in my experience. Not in most merms’ experiences. Whatever you went through that made you think that... it was... probably bad. But it wasn’t normal.”
They sat in silence for a while. Chase glanced through the wire curtain again to check that Anti hadn’t fallen asleep. He hadn’t. He was just staring at Chase. “...if... I told you... something...” Anti said slowly. “Would you... tell me... if it was... ‘normal’?”
“Of course,” Chase whispered.
Anti nodded. He shifted around, staring up at the ceiling of the room instead of looking directly at Chase. “I was... in a school,” he started, his voice so quiet it was barely audible. “A school of eels. W-we all could do the same thing. Shock things. We... we lived in a river. We went up and down it, up and down it. From a place where we stayed when it was warm, to a place where we stayed when it was cold. When we went up and down it, we passed through a spot where human buildings were on the riverbanks. The grown-ups said to be very quiet.”
Chase stayed silent. He could tell that Anti was sharing something incredibly important with him.
“One day... w-we were tiny, the three of us. And we blended into the water. I-I don’t blame them for losing track of me and only seeing the other two. I swam up to the surface. And they were there. Some of them saw me. I went back down. But later... later that night, there were...” Anti’s voice trailed away for a moment. “Loud... noises. Bright flashes. Th-they didn’t come into the water, w-we couldn’t shock them. Th-the whole school was swimming around, t-trying to leave. When there was a loud noise, there was dark liquid in the water, and one of us stopped moving every time. My two... w-we were tiny. I don’t... know how they... saw the two of them.”
“Holy shit,” Chase whispered. “Humans... humans killed your... your school?”
“That’s why humans were bad,” Anti said. “I-I should have known.”
“Do you know how old you were?” Chase asked gently.
“I was tiny,” Anti merely repeated.
“Then it wasn’t your fault. I-it sounds like... like it was a mistake. I’m sure your parents felt terrible about losing track of you. And you... you didn’t understand. It was fine.”
“I’m not done yet,” Anti said.
Chase stayed quiet.
“I was... alone... for a long time. I-I was still small, but I wasn’t tiny. I was swimming somewhere new, but then I found someone. I-I found another eel from back then. Sh-she was a little bigger than me. She said she remembered me, a-and that I was... not good to keep around. Because I didn’t know h-how to do anything. So we fought. She won. I-I pretended to die, and that’s when she left.”
“Oh...” Chase whispered.
Anti’s gills widened as he took a deep breath. “Then I was alone for another long time. I was getting bigger, but I was still small. And I found another merm. Not an eel. A fish, a big one, w-with tiny light spots on dark scales. I told him where I came from. H-he said I could stay with him. We swam together for a while. I-I thought he was nice. I thought he was taking care of me. But one time... I fell asleep. And when I woke up...” He reached up to his neck. “He hurt my neck. There was... a lot of blood. I thought I would really die. S-so I grabbed him and shocked him until he was gone instead.”
“How old were you?” Chase asked, his voice full of quiet horror.
“I don’t know.” Anti was quiet for a moment. “You know when... you grow up, there’s a time when you... really start to change? When you stop being small and start being a grown-up? I was in the middle of that.”
“You were... maybe fourteen or fifteen, then,” Chase whispered, eyes wide. “A-assuming that electric eel merms go through puberty the same way other merms do—Oh my stars.”
“A lot of stuff happened after that,” Anti muttered. “Big predators. More merms that didn’t let me come with them. Not just in the river, in the ocean, too. So I... I-I protected myself. I thought I was protecting myself when you all found me... that while ago.” He paused. “Is that... normal?”
“No,” Chase whispered. “Anti, none of that is normal. That’s not—not how the world works. You just... had some really, really bad luck, and ran into all the bad people out there.”
“But th-there were... there were... so many of them,” Anti said. “For so long.”
“I know. I know.” Chase got up, inching through the curtain of wires. Anti didn’t react much, so he approached him slowly. “But Anti... I promise that’s not how things are. It’s going to be hard to believe, after all that. But I think... I think you’ve seen it yourself. I think you’ve experienced it yourself. You came to get me out of that TridentCorp tank, didn’t you? Even though you had to go through all that effort to get the transformation potion.”
“I did that because you guys got me out,” Anti muttered.
“And do you know why we rescued you?”
“Because I pushed you out of the way of the net and you wanted to make sure we were even?”
Chase shook his head. He was right in front of Anti now, and he slowly sank down to the floor. “It’s because we couldn’t leave you to that. We couldn’t stand knowing someone was getting hurt, even if you’d done bad things to us before. That’s how most people are in this world. These four humans helping us, they don’t have to do that. They don’t have to make sure we’re even. And I... I... There’s... the world doesn’t work that way, you know. There’s another way. One that I...”
He wasn’t sure if his words were getting through to Anti. So he just stopped speaking. He inched closer to Anti... closer... closer... until he was pressed up against his side. It was dangerous to curl up next to an electric eel, but Anti seemed more scared than Chase was. He could feel him trembling slightly. Chase didn’t move. He stayed there, and after a while, he felt Anti relax. “You... y-you merms are all fools,” Anti whispered. “But I... I sometimes think I’m a fool, too.”
Chase nodded. “Well. You can’t be waiting to be hurt all the time. Sometimes you have to be a little foolish.” He paused. “I’m... going to help Stacy and the others get more humans on our side. S-since I can speak English, they think that I could convince people. But that means... I’ll probably be leaving for a bit. Going to meet up with all these humans.”
“I... don’t want... you to go,” Anti whispered.
“I’m not going right now,” Chase explained.
“You could come with me, you know.”
Anti tilted his head to the side, considering that. He leaned against Chase. “I could come to protect you.”
“Heh.” Chase smiled. “I’d appreciate that.”
Anti then fell silent. Chase thought it was because he was usually quiet. But then he glanced over at him... and realized that his eyes were closed. He had never seen Anti fall asleep when another merm was nearby. Maybe... he’d never felt safe enough to.
Chase wouldn’t leave him yet. He would let him rest first.
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elsiecream · 1 month
𓏲ㅤ⠀˛ㅤ⠀⋆ㅤ⠀ও⠀  𝐚𝐬𝐤  𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆  . 
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#  elsie  bonavich   ,   perdida  ,   bruxa  aprendiz  no  conto  da  pequena  sereia  .
#  loren  hawkins   ,   perdido  ,   14°  irmão  no  conto  de  frozen   .
#  vidia   ,   canon  ,   fada  veloz  da  terra  do  nunca   .  
aceito de tudo um pouco , mas já aviso que sou péssima com ask game ( vou dar o meu máximo ) , então tenham paciência comigo . se ainda não tivermos plots , pode fanficar à vontade !
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b-oovies · 2 years
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todos os filmes estão em ordem alfabética.
observação: se algum link não estiver funcionando, por favor, avise na ask, que iremos mudar o link.
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16 Desejos
A Bela e a Fera
A Bela e a Fera (2014)
A Bela e a Fera - O Natal Encantado
A Dama e o Vagabundo
A Era do Gelo (Sequência)
A Fabulosa Aventura de Sharpay
A Nova Onda do Imperador
A Pequena Sereia
A Pequena Sereia: A História de Ariel
A Princesa e o Sapo
Abracadabra 2
Aladdin (Sequência)
Atlantis: O Reino Perdido
As Crônicas de Nárnia (Sequência)
Bee Movie
Boa Sorte, Charlie! É Natal!
Bolt - Supercão
Branca de Neve
Camp Rock
Carros 2
Cinderela, 1950
Cinderella, 1997
Cinderela, 2021
Como Treinar Seu Dragão
Detona Ralph
Diário de um Banana (Sequência)
Diário de Uma Adolescente
Esqueceram de Mim
Esqueceram de Mim 2
Frozen 2
Halloweentown 2: A Vingança de Kalabar
Hannah Montana: O Filme
Herbie - Meu Fusca Turbinado
High School Musical (Sequência)
Hotel Transilvânia
Irmão Urso
Kung Fu Panda
Lemonade Mouth: Uma Banda Diferente
Lilo & Stitch
Malévola: Dona do Mal
Moana - Um Mar de Aventuras
Monstros S.A.
Monte Carlo
Mulan (1998)
Mulan (2020)
Mundo Estranho
O Quebra-Nozes e os Quatro Reinos
O Rei Leão 
O Rei Leão (2019)
O Ursinho Pooh
Olaf - Em uma Nova Aventura Congelante de Frozen
Operação Babá
Operação Big Hero
Os Novos Mutantes
Os Incríveis 2
Planeta do Tesouro
Procurando Dory
Programa de Proteção para Princesas
Raya e o Último Dragão
Red: Crescer é uma Fera
Sexta-Feira Muito Louca
Sing 2
Teen Beach Movie
Teen Beach 2
Tigrão - O Filme
Tinker Bell (Sequência)
Tomorrowland - Um Lugar Onde Nada é Impossível
Toy Story (Sequência)
Treinando o Papai
Twitches: As Bruxinhas Gêmeas
Um Conto de Natal do Mickey
Um Geek Encantador
Uma Aventura de Babás
Up: Altas Aventuras
Vida de Inseto
Viva - A Vida É uma Festa
Wendy Wu: A Garota Kung Fu
Wifi Ralph: Quebrando a Internet
Zootopia: Essa Cidade É o Bicho
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cloudcountry · 1 year
first oc moment kinda nervous blushing and twirling my hair (except im actually shaking in my boots help me. ive never made an oc before.)
anyways yes i totally went off the deep end and now sereia aecor exists, a japanese spider crab merperson.
i'll be fleshing them out more (obviously hehe) but for now you get a basic facts sheet that i spent quite some time (probably too much time) contemplating!!
Name: Sereia Aecor
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: Merperson
Dorm: Octavinelle
Class: Class C
Birthday: June 5th
Age: 17
Height: 188 centimeters
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: Coral Sea
Best Subject: Alchemy
Club: Mountain Lovers
Hobbies: Growing plants, skincare, shopping for clothes & accessories.
Pet Peeves: Being called “crabby” when they’re grumpy.
Talents: Playing the flute.
Favorite Food: Vegetable Stir Fry.
Least Favorite Food: Onions
Unique Magic: Sifting Sands. Magic used to immediately soothe someone. Can make the target's movements lethargic and uncoordinated.
More Physical Appearance
Dark colored eyes, red hair. Hair is short, choppy, and a wavy. They have freckles across their cheeks and nose. They have a singular shell earring on their right ear. Heart shaped face and slender neck. When in their merform, their chest is pink and shifts into a bright red down the arms, where it shifts into a white as it reached their hands. Their mer half is a spider crab body with six long, lanky legs.
Other Funky Stuff
They're super into skincare since their merform molts. They take very good care of their human form's hygiene C:
Because they're a decorator crab, they adapted to wearing clothes rather quickly and love dressing in flashy, bright colors (because they were forced to wear dull stuff for protection.) This usually throws people off because they're very quiet and unassuming.
They’re a fan of accessorizing their outfits and have a lot of shell pins on their Octavinelle scarf. Whenever Azul asks them to take the pins off they give him a blank stare until he gives up.
Childhood friend of the Octatrio, unknowingly scared away Azul's bullies a few times because their legs were seen as "freakish" and "awkward." Was also a target for rumors and stuff though because they do not have a tail.
Hit a huge growth spurt and shot up to basically the Leech brother's height when they were fourteen, Azul is still not over it.
Sereia started playing the flute after hearing the story of The Little Mermaid and how her prince played an instrument like that.
They're an incredibly slow runner and prefer to walk. Because of this, they run out of breath fast on land and do not have a lot of stamina. Floyd does not find them interesting to chase (oops.)
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unidentifiedsim · 2 years
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Sereia Eyebrows
x25 colours HQ compatible Works with all skins Custom thumbnail Teen to elder Gender neutral Disallowed for random Base game only
DL Sereia Eyebrows here
DL from The Sims Resource here
Feel free to tag me on Tumblr and Twitter. I'd love to see your pictures
Terms of Use:
x Do not include my cc in your sims dumps, whether they are free or paid for. Please always link back to me. x Do not claim my creations as your own and do not reupload them. x Recolouring my CC is not allowed unless you ask for my permission. If permission is granted, do not upload my original mesh. Please link back to me. x Do not use adfly or any link shortener. x Do not use my cc for patreon exclusive or early access benefits. x Do not edit my mesh in anyway for your own cc. x Do not convert my cc to other platforms such as Second Life etc.
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fcwnfairy · 5 months
˛ ⠀ ⠀ ⋆ ⠀ ⠀ ask game.
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@fcwnfairy — fawn, fada dos animais, conto do peter pan.
@sweetestlacey — lacey, conto da barbie e as doze princesas bailarinas.
@darlingmica — michael darling, conto do peter pan.
@loughramavis — mavis, vampira, conto do hotel transylvania.
@attinasea — attina, sereia, conto da ariel.
@bluefciry — celeste, fada azul, conto do pinóquio.
@dunbrocharris — harris, conto da merida.
@hoffersongirl — astrid, conto de como treinar seu dragão.
@simbcs — simba, homem leão, conto do rei leão.
@thefrogirl — tiana, mulher sapo, conto da princesa e o sapo.
@dhumpty — humpty alexander dumpty, feiticeiro, conto do gato de botas.
@potatohmrs — sr. cabeça de batata melchior wathelet, conto toy story.
@pottmrs — sra. potts vienna potts, conto a bela e a fera.
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( 1. ) aceito qualquer tipo de ask (desde que não seja de conteúdo nsfw), mas como gosto de usar ask game como forma de arrumar mais joguinhos, acabo tendo mais preferência por starter sentence. ( 2. ) como dito no tópico acima, eu adoro transformar ask em thread. caso a gente já tenha alguma interação e não queira uma segunda, me deixe saber. caso aceite essa segunda, podemos manter os dois jogos sem problema. ( 3.) são muitos personagens, não sei se vou conseguir responder todas as asks que chegarem até dia 26, mas vou tentar responder pelo menos uma de cada player em todos eles.
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commander-krios · 7 months
WIP Game
I was tagged by @spacebunshep. Thank you!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP list, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
No pressure tag: @greyias, @eluvisen, @aroserinosman, @valkblue, @ejunkiet and @mightymizora
I’ll use my active WIPs for this one.
Rolan/Juniper Act 2
Gale/Aly cooking fic
Shadow-Cursed Lands friendly banter
A6 Damon as Guard AU
A6 The Doctor AU
Revan/Canderous on Korriban post-Leviathan
Gale/Aly post-game
Rolan pining, Act 3
A6 Sade and Noa, pre-coup
A6 Arlo and Sereia ruin a party
A6 Sade/Vexx Bonfire
A6 Maris/June pool fic
A6 Celest and Arlo flirt with Vexx
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sereia1313 · 10 months
Jumping on this bandwagon thanks to @classysassy9791. All of them are SessKag, some currently posted, others laying in wait. Choose wisely!
Not sure whose be tagged in this already, so sorry if you've already been pinged! Just means I wanna read your stuff 💖💖💖
@mrfeenysmustache @mynightshining @sesshomarusamas-blog @uissuteffu @cat-zchen @razdazberry @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @valgreys @moongoddesslee @raquel-taisho @elevenharbor @wbficaholic @cakeit0n @sagemcmae @witchygirl99
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fizzyshark · 7 months
what are lyria and sereia’s opinions on jif peanut butter?
ummm yk i don’t know im like 50/50 on jif peanut butter soo
lyra: probably hates it…but sometimes does like it..it just matters what mood she’s in (projecting lol)
sereia: pb&j girly she is ok w it but she likes organic peanut butter more
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cardansriddle · 8 months
Gilded Serendipity: Masterlist
Story summary: A summer meant to be spent in the tranquil seaside mansion of Rosier's was not supposed to sway hearts like rustling leaves. Sereia Nova was most definitely not supposed to feel drawn to Tom Riddle. Yet August had a way of weaving chaos and desire together, only to dissolve into the shadows, leaving behind a bittersweet aftermath- an ephemeral illusion of love.
TAGLIST: taglist for this series is separate so let me know by comment/message/ask if you wish to be added!
PART 1 "The Element of Surprise"
PART 2 "I Can See You"
PART 3 "False God"
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crystalninjaphoenix · 13 days
MerMay 2024 Day Thirty-One The Future
The old pier was, by now, completely unsafe to walk on, so the humans set up a little picnic on the pebbly beach. “So... this is where you met Chase for the first time?” Ollie asked, looking around. “It, uh... it’s... nice.”
Stacy laughed. “You don’t have to be nice, I know what you mean. It was better fourteen years ago.”
In the water nearby, the merms swam around. Jackie was pacing in circles, seeing how fast he could go. Marvin and Jameson were talking about magic stuff together, with Marvin being very impressed that Jameson managed to make even a bad power stone while stuck in the tank. Schneep was sticking by the old wooden pier, tentacles wrapped around one of the poles so he didn’t have to tread water. Jack and Chase were half-on the beach, hanging out.
And Anti was here too.
He was floating on the edge of all of them, with only his head sticking out of the water. He squinted up at the evening sun; apparently even that was too bright for his sensitive eyes. The others had been surprised when Chase asked if he could come, too. But no one had protested. If Chase was alright with Anti, then everyone was.
Speaking of Chase: “You two didn’t have to do that!” he was saying, looking at Sereia and Muirin. “We still don’t know much about the wish talismans! What if it took a lot of your energy to grant something like that?”
“To be fair, Dad, we did fall asleep for like... the rest of the day,” Muirin said.
“Yeah!” Sereia nodded in agreement with her brother. “And it worked out, didn’t it?”
Chase frowned. “Still... don’t do that again.” He glanced back at Marvin and Jameson. “Right, you two?! They shouldn’t do something like that again?!”
“I think it was pretty cool,” Marvin said.
Jameson nudged him. But they should be more careful, yes.
“C’moooon, give them some slack!” Jackie shouted. “I think their wish was the whole reason the humans didn’t go all crazy when they found out merms are real!”
“Well, some of them will still probably, ah, ‘go crazy’,” Schneep pointed out. “There is no way that two wishes made by children could affect everyone in the world.”
“Hey Chase, can you ask Lise something in human for me?” Jack asked. “I want to know what they’re going to do with the big building with all the tanks.”
“Oh! Good question.” Chase looked over at Lise, who was sitting awkwardly in the middle of the picnic blanket. “Lise, Jack wants to know what TridentCorp is going to do with the... C-SAHL? Is that what you called it?”
Lise nodded. “Yes, that is its name. And we are not going to abandon it. It cost so much to build, after all. We are partnering with several of the organizations, including the local Institute of Marine Biology.” She nodded at Roxy, who was trying to set up the screen. “We will use it to observe rare marine life.”
“Merms, too?” Anti asked quietly.
Lise jumped slightly. “Ah, I forgot you were here.” She paused. “If there are merms who are... willing to come spend some time in the C-SAHL, we would not stop them. Or force them to stay. But I do think it would be quite helpful to have some there. We could try to teach them to read languages, so that they can tell us about your society in turn.”
“Good idea,” Chase said. “I mean... all of us here are a tiny, tiny fraction of how many merms there are. You can’t rely on us for everything.”
“Hey Schneep!” Jack said. “D’you think your girlfriend would want to talk to the humans?”
“V-Vea is not my—we are not partners!” Schneep stammered. “We are just... getting to know each other better.”
“How well are you getting to know each other?” Jackie asked, grinning. Marvin immediately splashed him, getting water in his eyes and mouth. Jackie spluttered and tried to splash him back, but Jameson held up an arm, protecting Marvin with the attached wing.
“Aunt Roxy, d’you need any help with the speakers and stuff?” Muirin asked.
“I got it!” Roxy said, clearly struggling with the wires and stuff.
Anti inched closer to the beach. “Um... shouldn’t the... end with three metal bits go with the red circle?”
“Huh?” Roxy looked down at the wires, then glanced to the side. “I didn’t even notice that.” She picked up the cord and plugged it into the right place. “Nice job, uh... Anti, was it? Thanks.”
Ollie blinked. “I didn’t know you guys knew anything about technology.”
Lise nodded, looking fascinated. “And you speak English, too. How did you learn all this?”
“I learned human when I transformed,” Anti said. “And uh... I-I just figured out... the wire stuff. I like finding things like that that humans have dropped in the ocean. So I... look at it and figure it out a lot.”
Schneep tilted his head. “Impressive! That is sort of what I do with human medicine supplies. But their metal and rubber is too complicated for me.”
“H-ha... thank you.” Anti smiled a bit awkwardly.
Lise blinked. “You... transformed?”
“Yeah. You were there.”
“I was huh?!”
Ollie laughed. “Y’know, doc, I think these guys have a lot of secrets that they haven’t told us, yet.”
Stacy looked at Chase. “Is that true? You shouldn’t keep secrets from your girlfriend, you know.”
Chase grinned back at her. “Hey, I’ve told you everything!”
“...girlfriend?” Lise repeated in a weak voice. “Is that... the children called you ‘dad’...”
She’s going to lose her mind when she finds out they’re related by blood, not just because Chase is dating Stacy, Jameson said.
“Oh, for sure,” Marvin agreed, grinning—and then spluttering as Jackie took the opportunity to splash him.
“Got it!” Roxy shouted. The projector whirled to life, a cone of light shining on the screen. “We better hope that there’s no strong wind to knock down the screen. That’d be inconvenient.”
“We’re right by the ocean,” Chase said. “There’s always wind.”
“What movies did you choose, Mom?” Sereia asked Stacy.
“Well, turns out there aren’t many movies about mermaids out there,” Stacy said. “Or at least, there aren’t that many that are good for children and merms who probably don’t want to be offended by bad portrayals. We have The Little Mermaid, of course, and then I threw in Splash and Aquamarine, but since those are aimed at grownups I also found this Disney movie for you guys that seems more your style, we can put it in between them.”
“I wonder if humans will make more merm movies now that they know,” Jack said.
“Not all of them know,” Chase corrected. “Only the ones who are part of organizations to help sea life. But, uh... it’s really easy for news to get out, so... I guess they’ll know soon.”
Jackie groaned. “Guess I’ll have to tell other guardians about that again.”
“And we should probably let the freshwater merms know right away,” Marvin added.
Do you think you could ask for help with that from Aribelle and her partners? Jameson asked.
“I was just thinking about that!” Marvin grinned. “You know me so well.”
I do, but I think that’s just common sense, honestly.
“A lot is going to change,” Schneep mused. “There will be humans out there who want to do what TridentCorp did. I’m sure that this ‘Visser’ fellow is going to do things, even though he got pushed out of TridentCorp.”
“But... there will be ones who help, too, right?” Anti asked quietly.
Jack blinked, and looked over at him. He smiled, and nodded. “Yeah. There will be ones who help.”
“Come on, guys, we need to start soon!” Sereia said. “Or we’ll be here all night!”
“Yeah!” Muirin grinned. “I call controlling the remote!”
Everyone laughed good-naturedly. The merms all came up close to the beach, and the humans turned around so they could all face the screen.
Tomorrow, and for many days after, they would think more about how the world had changed. They would wonder about the struggles to come. But for now, the evening sun was warm, and the water was cool, and they could watch movies together on the beach.
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