#sergeant dornan
frostthejester · 3 months
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thefalloutwiki · 2 years
"I am not a sir! I work for a living you mo-ron! You will call me Sergeant or Sergeant Dornan do you understand me?" -Sergeant Dornan, Fallout 2
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You can read more about him here
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dofaminos · 2 months
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Arch Dornan my beloved 🧎‍♂️
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magg0t-king · 2 years
Here's my list of 'Top 5 Characters Evan(me) wishes he could romance within the entire Fallout game series'
5. Nick Valentine
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-I like robocop.
-He's one of those characters I talk about constantly to my parents.
-I loved building a friendship with him.
-Idk what else to say but uh... He's a dreamboat???
4. Erickson
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-I didn't know how to feel about him at first, but then I was like 🥺
-He's respectful, he takes care of dogs, and he offers me food + a bed to sleep in.
-I've spent over 4,000 caps on buying dogs from him(my favorite being Gracie)
-To be honest, I'd kill to just be bffs with him.
3. Sergeant Arch Dornan
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-Bro makes me giggle.
-Would've killed someone to have him as a companion.
-I'm the mo-ron he's talking about.
-I think I'd end up breaking down if he yelled at me.
2. Lieutenant (Lou?)
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-He's so elegant like--
-I am not ashamed to say that I'd pick him over Valentine any day.
-Love how he calls me dear human lmao (in the game y'know)
-I do not like how he'd want to turn me into a super mutant tho.
1. ✨Harold&Bob(all games)✨
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-God I love him so much.
-He's an extremely lovable character.
-He goes from homeless guy, to cranky peepaw branch, and then all the way to big depressed tree(+he's in the bos game, but I'm if-y on it)
-I really wish he was a fallout companion because then I could read to him and show him my collection of random things.
-Also I love taking care of plants so expect this guy to have the best plant care known to man.
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sandr3e · 2 months
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A drawing that I made of sergeant dornan and one of my ocs named Koyah ((btw this isn't a ship))
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eggsrblue · 16 days
This isn't my whole team but I made a height chart for them!! :3
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(click on the image for better quality)
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hugoballsack · 5 months
they should let me write for fallout season 2. here are my ideas
hank arrives in new vegas and is immediately jumped by a local gang. specifically the kings. i just want to know what it would look like for kyle maclachlan to have the shit beat out of him by a dozen elvis impersonators
dj carl is revealed to be the current president of the enclave. and also sergeant arch dornan's son. and a ghoul fucker.
we continue the trend of cooper howard pre-war scenes. keith mckinney from fallout 4 far harbor makes an appearance. he is played by billy eichner. i will accept no other casting decision.
we learn the reason cooper howard kept talking to his dog is because he can actually communicate with dogs. this is mentioned only in passing and never elaborated on.
a flashback scene to hank still being in moldaver's captivity. i just want to see the moment he realizes she fucked his wife
i don't know which ending of new vegas should be canon, but i do think the canon ending of the lonesome road dlc should be that ulysses lives. i just feel like he would hate all the protagonists and i love that for him
return of fev super mutants. specifically the one that sells tumbleweeds
tom waits as a ghoul hobo. it's a natural choice. he keeps showing up and demanding lucy answer his riddles
brotherhood squires are given coconuts so the knights can pretend they are riding horses. squires who do not clip-clop for their knights are executed.
norm escapes vault 31 by making a finger gun at bud and threatening him. he convinces bud it is a real gun. the whole standoff takes about 10 minutes
thaddeus is welcomed into the vault 4 community. he and overseer benjamin fall in love. they have a beautiful wedding
we are graced with an appearance by fallout 4 fan favorite companion john hancock. he has an hour-long knife fight with walton ghoulggins that ends in a draw. it is then that they kiss-
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dappledpaintbrush · 7 months
I was scrolling through O’Chunks’ wiki and ? He has voice actors??? I didn’t even know this??? WHEN DOES HE TALK?????? Actually nobody talks in this game WHEN DOES HE MAKE NOISES???????
Anyways, his Japanese VA is Kazuya Tatekabe, and his English VA is Peter Jason. Kazuya Tatekabe plays a TON of recognizable figures listed here which is really fucking cool. Peter Jason does a lot of voice work too, but the one that stood out to me the most was Sergeant Dornan in Fallout 2. Here’s some of his voice lines. “Those paper-shuffling jackasses” ARE YOU KIDDING ME
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ginormouscobe · 9 months
-Sergeant Bark Dornan
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simplyskipper · 5 months
What Fallout Games Should I Play?
Hello! My name is Skipper, and the Fallout games has been a special interest of mine for a few years now. With the resurgance of the fandom, and new people coming from the shows, I figured I'd make a post helping people figure out what games to play!
This is going to be the main 6 games (1-4, 76, NV), though I may add more if I play some of the other games. Feel free to add on, ask questions, or generally interact with this! I'm always happy to help people get into the games and love talking Fallout with people. :)
This is going to be as spoiler-free as possible, though I may mention some game locations vaguely, so be warned if you think that may ruin the experience.
For further reading, I highly reccomend the Independent Fallout Wiki! A lot less ads in your way, and the people over there are lovely. However, be careful, as there are spoilers there!
TLDR; New Vegas for story, Fallout 4 for gameplay and introducing concepts, Fallout 1 for authenticity, and Fallout 76 for multiplayer but absolutely nothing else of value.
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Table of Contents
Fallout 1
Fallout 2
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Last Updated: April 22, 2024
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Fallout 1
Released; 1997
Setting; Southern California, 2161
Wiki Page
Almost a hundred years after the bombs fell, Vault 13's water chip has broken, and the Vault Dweller was selected (through random chance) to venture out into the wasteland and save their vault.
The Original Fallout Game!
One of my favourites, story-wise.
The game is relatively short compared to the others, and the story isn't overly hard to digest, in my opinion.
The 'talking heads' animations are super cool (Aradesh, Harold, Etc Etc)
Later character who I won't name but once you meet them YOU'LL KNOW
There's no limit to how many companions you can have at a time
I generally love the setting.
The graphics do not age well. Even for the time, they were a bit lacking. (For reference, Doom came out in 1993, 4 years earlier).
Bit of a learning curve! But once you get it, it's pretty easy to use. The turn-based combat was the hardest to get a handle on.
The game DOES NOT hold your hand. Later games have objective lists and markers, but this game just has a list and memory. Pretty fun, if you're into a more difficult game!
Combat and general survival is difficult. The experience is authentic - which means you can and will die during the first combat scenario. Again, once you get it it's not that bad, but combat will remain difficult. But for some this could be a pro!
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Fallout 2
Released; 1998
Setting; Southern California, 2241
Wiki Page
80 years after the Vault Dweller's heroic rescue of their Vault, the village of Arroyo is suffering a severe drought. The Chosen One, a descendant of the Vault Dweller, has been sent to retrieve a G.E.C.K. to save their village.
The story again is very good!
A lot of the strengths of the previous game.
There's something melancholy about exploring the world of Fallout 1 with so many changes and losses. It's perfect for the setting.
Sergeant Dornan. You'll see when you meet him.
More Harold!
This was released only a year after Fallout 1, so a lot of the graphics & gameplay remain the same, if that's not something you're a fan of.
This is where the idea of "wacky vault experiments" is introduced, something I've never super loved, but that's subjective.
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Fallout 3
Released; 2008
Setting; Capital Wasteland (Formerly Washington, D.C.), 2277
Wiki Page
200 years after the war, the 19-year-old Lone Wanderer's father has mysteriously left their home at Vault 101. It is up to the Lone Wanderer to track him down and figure out what's going on, all while navigating the dangerous Capital Wasteland.
Brought the Fallout series into the modern era!
Some pretty cool locations, like Megaton and Rivet City
Sort of a pro and con, a lot of the game is spent in the underground Metro system. This is cool, but I'm not a huge fan of interior spaces. Still - it feels like a real DC Wasteland!
Galaxy News Radio is introduced, which is great background noise - and I love Three Dog. He's so silly.
No sprint button. It's not felt super bad in this game compared to Vegas, but it still can be annoying.
It feels like a post-apocalypse. The whole world is this muddy, almost sickly green, grey, and brown colour. All of the sets are carefully designed, full of dirt and debris and trash. Buildings are crumbling or outright hollowed out, the ghouls look like walking corpses (as they should be), the mole rats are nasty and all of the creatures feel gross. As they should be! This is a post-apocolypse, everything should be gross and dirty!
Lots of good world-building. Because this is based in the Capital, we get to interact with a lot of old-world history, and see how similar and different it is from our own.
Story is... not great, in my opinion.
Some of those DLCs physically hurt me. They definitely lean into the 'silly' aspects of the games, but I feel it hurts the worldbuilding and realism.
NOT Bethany Esda's best work.
Leans more into the 'game' and less on the 'role-playing', which was a big part of Fallout 1 and 2. The protagonist is 19, their father is James, and we see a bit of what their childhood looked like. You can work around it, but it's not as fun as the other games.
Sometimes the npcs are annoying. There's collision in this game, but sometimes if you step on something it'll move and a npc will shout 'Watch where you're going' or something, which gets on my nerves. Also, if you so much as look at a locked container, you get a 'That's locked for a reason'. Probably minor, but annoying.
Fire ants.
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Fallout: New Vegas
Released; 2010
Setting; Mojave Wasteland (Formerly Mojave Desert), 2281
Wiki Page
Courier Six, or just the Courier, is in the middle of a delivery when they are interrupted by Benny and shot in the head - though they make a miraculous recovery and now need to figure out exactly what kind of mess they've landed themselves in this time.
I mean, it's Fallout New Vegas. This is a lot of people's favourite, for good reason. Story is phenomenal, the entire world feels real and interactive. If you shoot someone, there's consequences, and the other npcs will acknowledge it.
THE BEST radio. All of the music slaps and helps you feel the setting. Plus, I love Mr. New Vegas, the radio host.
The characters are amazing.
The world is not too silly but still silly. Like yeah, this makes sense for a post-apocalypse. But it's also so objectively funny. Some of the best memes come from this game.
Yes Man.
As usual, I love the map design.
Instead of greens for Fallout 3, this game is bathed in oranges and brown - making it feel warm, perfectly capturing the desert setting, and dusty.
the DLCs are amazing!!
We love the companions in this house.
I love how morally grey it is. No one is perfect, no faction is outright good or outright bad (except the Legion, fuck those guys). It's up to you to pick which you think is the lesser evil, which is the best future for the Mojave. Or you can kill them all, up to you.
The development for this game was pretty famously rocky. It was outsourced to Obsidian, and they were given only 18 months to make it. Therefore, this game is very similar to Fallout 3, with some general improvements here and there.
There is still no sprint button, which is definitely felt here. A lot of the stuff is spread out, so thewre's a lot of wandering through desert, slowly making your way to your destination. It also feels more empty. The great city of New Vegas is sparsely populated, quiet, and desolate - despite it being such a big deal and supposedly so popular.
Honest Hearts DLC :////
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Fallout 4
Released; 2015
Setting; The Commonwealth (Formerly Boston, MA), 2287
Wiki Page
In 2077, the Sole Survivor (default names Nate or Nora) is ready to start a family. In their little neighbourhood, with their white picket fence and infant son, it is a time of new beginnings - despite the war raging around them. Unfortunately, the war quickly catches up to them, and their family is forced to take shelter in Vault 111, where they are frozen in time for 210 years. They emerge following the kidnapping of their infant son, into a time so different to their own, battling this new world alongside the ghosts of the old.
The graphics have been updated, and it looks great! Mostly. Instead of washed-out greens and browns, this game is bright and vibrant.
Some more awesome companions. Honestly, I love them so much.
I really like the level-up system in this. I prefer 3/NV, but the tier system is fun and visually neat.
Better crafting system. And more crafting systems in general.
Settlements!!! This game introduces settlements, which basically means there's a bunch of set locations around the map that you can take over and build in! You get a lot of freedom and are responsible for meeting the needs for people in the settlement. You can get some mods for more freedom/flexibility, and you can mostly ignore it if you want.
The story is... also lacking. It feels almost... unfinished? Some beats are strange and it's just like. What.
Playing this before Fallout 3 pissed me off so much, because there's so much that is ripped off of Fallout 3. The Commonwealth is brought up, the radio music is the same, the vault numbers so similar, there's even an early version of Vault 111. It feels lazy. Fallout New Vegas was more creative, and they had a fraction of the time 4 has.
40-50% of the game is spent in loading screens.
Preston Garvey deserves so much better. "AnOtHeR sEtTlEmEnT nEeDs YoUr HeLp!"
Nick Valentine is non-romancable.
It's so easy to forget about the main objective, and hard to really care about it. This is a common problem I've heard, so it's not just me.
Radio host gets on my nerves :/
Nuka-World DLC is frustrating. But at least it's not. Sideyes Honest Hearts (Fo:NV).
Game is... easy. Too Easy. Deathclaws are supposed to be dangerous and difficult to kill.
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Fallout 76
Released; 2018
Setting; Appalachia (Midwestern US mountain range), 2102-2104
Wiki Page
25 years after the bombs fell, all members of Vault 76 have been kicked out in order to rebuild society.
It's. Multiplayer? Kinda.
I made some friends on there, which was neat.
Return of item condition. So.
CAMPs are fun. Like the settlement but without NPCs to look after and allows location flexibility.
Has. Some new songs on the radio?
Amazing map design! The outside is gorgeous and feels like Appalachia, for the most part.
Honestly, I prefer this version of VATS (the game's targeting system). In other games, VATS will pause and slow down combat to help with aim, and can be kind of annoying. Here, the combat speed is the same, you just spend some AP (stamina) for aim assist.
I prefer settlements tbh
What's not to mention? Story sucks, game sucks, etc etc. It's pretty famously bad.
I usually love the story, but checked out very fast and spent most of my time running around. But I honestly didn't last long even then.
The game is broken. Like, fundamentally broken. You are constantly subjected to crashes, bugs, etc etc. Fallout 4 is buggy, but this takes it to an extreme.
50-70% of the game is loading screens.
The interiors are huge, and there is no local map, so you very easily get lost.
Generally the story is so stupid.
Fallout 1st is a cash grab.
Some videos I like about Fallout 76
Internet Historian's video on the history and release. I'm iffy on Internet Historian as a creator, but I do like the video. Let's just hope it's not plagiarised.
Joseph Anderson's video on the game at it's released state. Primarily focuses on how poorly the game plays and how broken it is. Super funny.
PrivateSession's video released in 2023, reviewing a more current version of the game. More focused on story.
PatricianTV's 4-part series released in 2023, reviewing a more current version of the game. More focused on the game and gameplay.
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In conclusion; thank you for reading! As I mentioned, any criticism, questions, and suggestions are welcome! I hate/love fallout and am always happy to drag people down with me.
Also, would people be interested in a post discussing the story/setting/timeline? Like where I infodump further about the universe. To make it easier to digest and answer questions. Or give me a chance to infodump further about fallout.
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swedebeast · 1 year
Needless trivia incoming.
I was thinking about the hair burning rant that Sergeant Dornan in Fallout 2 - yes, this guy
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saying that you had to “spend 510 years” in the army to make up for loosing his power armor when the Chosen One states he doesn’t have one when trying to infiltrate the Navarro Base.
So, with some math, with the basic US Army private monthly salary being X, adjusting for inflation since 1998 (today is April 2023 btw), and multiplying it by 12, and then multiply it by 510 and we can find out that the Mark II Power Armor is worth 20 million USD, give or take.
And with body armor today ranging between 20 and 60 thousand dollars, that says something about how valuable that piece of gear is.
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Worth it.
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thefalloutwiki · 1 year
Fallout: New Vegas: Cannibal Johnson
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“He was a drill instructor I knew. He was also the meanest bastard I've ever known. Once, he caught this private out of uniform and old Dornan went off on the most ear-blistering rant known to man. It was inspiring.”
- Cannibal Johnson on Sergeant Dornan, Fallout: New Vegas
The title of “Cannibal” came from after he cut out a raider's heart and took a bite out of it to distract the raider's buddies and gain an upper hand. You can read more about Cannibal Johnson here:
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ncrcouriersechs · 1 year
I'm probably gonna go back to either 76 or watching movies since I still can't write without gasping for breath :/ Though, I am debating making a multi fallout blog for all my characters and uhh... adding Frank Horrigan, Sergeant Arch Dornan, and Ulysses for starters besides Alex and probably Robert too if I get around to actually doing it.
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mossedrock · 1 year
I bring a sort of out-of-uniform vibe to the Camp Navarro that Sergeant Arch Dornan don’t really like.
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darthjarjarthewise · 1 year
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Club Penguin Is Kil, 2018
YouTube comment
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eggsrblue · 30 days
I'm gonna go on a rant abt my experience with first getting into the fallout games so don't mind me
Despite me claiming that Fallout NV is my first game, my actual first experience with the Fallout series would actually have to be with Fallout Shelter lol
My brother who's older to me was the person who actually introduced me to that game (with him also introducing me to Pocket Mortys; with led me to have a hyperfix on RaM) But since I was young I didn't know how to play the game 💀
And I've seen a lot of fallout memes (the same with TF2) but I never thought I'd get into it tbh. 👀 Until I saw a TikTok about Sergeant Arch Dornan in FO2 Dx AND I WAS SO DOWN BAD FOR HIM THAT I WANTED TO GET INTO THE FALLOUT GAMES JUST BCUZ OF HIM LOL
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