#seriousy though
Ok wait I just had a thought-
So in Noel’s Lament Noel has his Monique clothes UNDER his school clothing. Which is interesting to me because no one else does that. Sure there are costume changes, but the big ones (which I’ll do song by song, but not in chronological order) boil down to:
• Ricky changing outfits during his song (but he goes behind stage to change) and everyone else wearing cat ears, tails, and hats.
• During This Song Is Awesome, where everyone puts on sunglasses and Mischa wears his money hat and Mischa taking off his sweater vest
•During Talia when the girls put skirts on over their school uniform skirts and flower crowns, and Mischa puts on a red sash thing (idk what it’s called, sorry) on his waist
•and all the other smaller costume changes which also all come down to the choir just adding accessories overtop their regular clothes (ie. The ‘there is no room in this inn, for it is Christmas. Should we hang ourselves?’ Scene)
•and of course when some of the choir will add on extra clothing to represent another choir members parents during the monologues about their family lives
Because during all these the kids are basically just adding accessories during a song or segment and then taking them off when the role is fulfilled.
Which means the only outlier in costuming is Noel. Who, like I said, had his Monique clothes UNDER his school clothes, which we see when he rips them off at the start of Noel’s Lament.
Which could mean 2 things:
1: Karnak decided to just give Noel the Monique costume under his regular clothes so that he could continue Monologuing while doing the costume change.
2: Noel bought the Monique clothes (probably online) or somehow acquired the costume and wore it under his school uniform because why tf not???
And I think one option is much funnier than the other
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the-chaos-crew · 8 months
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so I might just take my comic thing a little serious (I'm having too much fun with it I was kicking my feet and giggling all day today at school doodling in my notebook)
made some references for Simon and Finn since I wanna stop having to open a new tab and google screenshots of the two- plus I want consistent outfits yk how it be
yes I shaded Simon with cool colors + gave him a blue shirt and scarf
yes I know how evil that is and I will own it
I can't not have fun with his tragic story aight
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jatlokgwo · 2 months
urge to talk to transchinese people in chinese vs wanting to be understood
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pan-perkozeq · 10 months
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✨Autistic Pebbles it is ✨
Huge thanks to @seriousy-though and @aviloi for the idea!
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stackslip · 9 months
tell us all about mormonism
since there's way too much to talk about and i am rn in someone's dms talking about the link between mormons and multi-level-marketing i'm gonna focus on a certain aspect that i find absolutely fascinating and that's the history of the book of abraham. batshit stuff
so most people know that joseph smith published the book of mormon in 1830, claiming to have supposedly met an angel called moroni who led him to ancient golden plates that recounted the real life, absolutely true, no bullshit story about how ancient hebrews travelled to america and created their own civilization and stories there (and how indigenous people today are supposedly the descendants of jews settled in america who were punished for their sins as a people with dark skin. i wish i were joking). if you didn't now you know and it's worth reading about bc it's a fucking wild story!
the thing that MOST non mormons don't know though, is that the book of mormon wasn't his only supposed translation of an ancient text that gave religious revelations to the world. in 1835 some guy had been touring around the usa with some ancient egyptian mummies, artefacts and papyrii, exhibiting them for a pretty penny. joseph happened upon these papyrii and immediately claimed to its owners that he could translate these, and bought them and the mummies. seven years later, he published what he claimed to be a translation of these papyri, which were supposedly written by.... the prophet abraham. yes, that abraham. these papyri written by an ancient hebrew prophet just happaned to be on tour and joe smith got a miraculous hunch that they were previously-undiscovered biblical writings with all the authority that goes with it. nice! and what a coincidence that this is all happening while interest in ancient egypt is at an all time high in europe and north america, as the rosetta stone is slowly being translated for the first time!
so how did joseph smith translate these, considering he himself had little to no factual knowledge of hieroglyphs? well, he claimed that the book of abraham was written "reformed egyptian" (if you ask any modern egyptologist they will shoot you on the spot) and over the next few years, he not only published a book of grammar of "reformed egyptian". here's some parts of the notebook he used as basis
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like, you gotta give it to joseph smith. he commits to the grift 200%. he could have like, just claimed to magically translate these from a stone in a hat like he did with the golden plates, but instead he actually wrote a book of grammar to a made up language from these papyri and then published the book of abraham. he was a hell of a prolific writer and supposed translator.
he also reproduced portions of the illustrations of the papyrus, and explained them in biblical terms, such as below
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now fun fact about me, the first time i saw this i laughed so hard i started crying. my grandparents' old home have an old funerary papyrus reproduction in their corridor which looks very close to this, and as a kid i was obsessed with ancient egypt. so i took a look at the VERY obvious osiris being discussed very seriousy as abraham, and the VERY fake anubis described as........... a slave............. because he's black let's be honest.................. and i fucking cry laughed so hard i actually woke a relative.
so like, this is the kind of shit you should expect from the supposed book of abraham. the papyri themselves were sold again after joseph smith's death and were subsequently lost, but to be clear: this is an ordinary funerary papyrus. it has absolutely fuck all to do with abraham and reformed egyptian is not a thing. joseph smith's source is that he made it the fuck up. any serious ancient egypt scholar that had studied the subject--including LDS ones!!!--agree that there is absolutely NOTHING tying the og text and illustrations of the papyri to whatever the hell joseph claimed they contained. and i mean, at the time you can understand WHY it went through. knowledge of egyptian language at the time was still sparse and limited to few scholars. and again, joe committed the FUCK to the bit.
with all that said, what did the book of abraham supposedly contain? well..... by some magical coincidence, it contained a whole lot of answers to theological questions that were asked to joseph since the book of mormon had been published that he could not simply magically answer without a supposed "proof". he was prophet but there were still whole aspects of mormon theology and cosmology that he could not simply pull out of his ass claiming heavenly father had bestowed it to him. he could do that at least part of the time, but considering how much his reputation as a prophet rode upon the book of mormon he probably knew people wanted "solid" proof (aka several guys swear they saw him handle golden sheets, which means the whole angel story and translation have gotta be legit right). so the book of abraham very coincidentally contains a whole bunch of explanations about concepts such as the predestination, the eternal nature of souls (aka our souls existed before incarnation of earth and our choices in the pre-existence affect what happens to us on earth, which has dire fucking implications for victims of abuse, disabled people and especially black people), and the whole "god was originally a human who became god and you can all become gods and get your own planets" shtick that's legit the most unique aspect of mormonism and part of why evangelicals fucking hate mormons and do not call them christians.
today the mormon church has recently FINALLY quietly agreed that the book of abraham's original translation is hot garbage, but many argue that joseph smith simply used the papyri as a catalyst for writing down the original texts that were lost. which is a bullshit excuse, and the book of abraham is currently being quietly shelved and taught a lot less in seminary and byu. though tbh i think it ties with the mormon church's hope to assimilate more into christianity and quietly divest itself of its more.... unique teachings (not the racism or authoritatian structure though).
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cloudcountry · 6 months
time for tree reactions <3 all of them will be under the cut or in the reblog!!
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abel you dropped so much RIZZ on my tree!!! but for seriousies thank you :(( youre such a sweet person and im so thankful we got to meet and talk and get so comfortable with each other!! you're one of the closest friends for sure and i love you lots and lots <3 im glad you got so much goodies this christmas and i hope the next one is even better for you!!
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BONKS YOU YOUR ART WAS AMAZING AND YOUD ONT EVEN NEED A PROMPT!!! youre so speedy at liking posts and reblogging my writing yorue always my first note atp AHJSGDJHASGD im so happy to be auburn aubie aux cord silly silly to you!!
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................................i love you too.
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merry chrimis soru!!! i hope leona spoiled you rotten :3
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im assuming this is winnie? ANYWAY thank you!! youre just as sweet if not more so!! :(( argh telling me to take better care of myself really punched me in the gut ouf but thank you its always something i need to hear HGSAFDHASG thank you for looking out for me <3
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RUBIA YOURE SO SWEET THANK YOU FOR TEH CONSTANT REMINDERS AJSHGDJASHD the extra ggifts in there made me giggle C: thank you so much, i will cherish all of them.
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hi edie!! man i wanted snow too but i also didnt get any :(( i hope texas treats you better next year,,, although im pretty sure its always REALLY hot down there. thank you for being so lovely too!! <3
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happy holidays!!! <3
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DOOOOOVE!!!!! im also happy to have met you even though you're the reason theres so much chaos on my blog!! <3 and thank you for cursed edits as much as it pains me to say this. you are a creative genius in the worst and best ways. mostly best.
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INSPIRING??? NO ITS NOT WEIRD AT ALL I LOVE HEARING FROM PEOPLE THAT READ MY STUFF!! this was genuinely so sweet of you to send, its nice to know people see the environment ive cultivated around myself and consider it admirable ^^;
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HI JACKDAW ANON!! i hope you do as well <3 of course i listen!! yoru ideas are always so fresh and creative, you have such a beautifully creative mind!! aww thank you for thanking me :(( thats so kind
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thank you aims you ARE a gift <3
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happy holidays to you too sapphy!!! <3
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RINRIN HI!!! i hope your winter goes well too!!! im always happy to see you around too ^^ i lvoe you too fr!!!
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GO AWAY SAKI (i lvoe you :C)
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xen thank youf or senidng this to me this letter made me squeal and scream and flail and kick my feet thsi was GOLDEN thank you so much!!!
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this is a sweet :((( thank you axvie, i wish the ebst for you too <3
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thegreatwicked · 7 months
I get the Master/Padawan thing now...
Look guys, it's just like it says.... I never paid too much mind to it before but... Well, I'm a changed woman. And since the romance is building at a snails pace between Obi-wan and Cressida (be patient, there's drama coming) I sat down yesterday and wrote out my first Reader insert with use of nicknames like 'darling' and 'padawan' as I'm NOT a fan of the Y/N stories, its just such a disconnect for me... And because I'm EXTRA I might also be writing it from Obi-wans perspective since diving into his mind is just so dirty and delicious, so my Macabrlings... I need your assistance, should it be third person or from Daddy-wan, I mean, Obi-wan's perspective??? Here's a little taste of what I threw together in an hour, I will be sprucing it up QUITE a bit;
“Then what? What, padawan?” You could feel yourself shaking inside, like you wanted to cry but you held those tears at bay. “Answer me!” You jumped and clutched the blanket to your chest unable to look him in the eyes but your mouth moved as though words were trying to claw their way out. He strode across the room sitting on the sofa turning your face to look at him but your eyes cast themselves to the ground. 
“Please, don’t call me that.”
Call you what? Padawan? 
“Padawan,” You flinched at hearing the word caressed by his thick Coruscatnti accent, “Look at your Master, padawan.” The tone of the command was stern and impossible to disobey.
Painfully, slowly, you looked up eyes still fighting it the whole time hoping he would understand without any further explanation what that word did to you, but stubbornness and snark was something the Great Negotiator was famed for, and he would not be denied any longer. 
“Look at me, padawan.” The last threads of resistance faded when he spoke as he had whenever you were in trouble, “You will obey your Masters command,”
OR would you guys rather read this through Obi-wans eyes???
“Then what? What, padawan?” I can see you as the trembling radiates out from within, and I know you so well, I know you're fighting tears. “Answer me!” I don't mean to yell, of course not. You jump and clutched the blanket to your chest as if it were beskar to shield you from me, unable to look me in the eyes but your mouth moves as though words are trying to claw their way out. I stride across the room sitting on the sofa turning your cheek to look at me but your eyes cast themselves to the ground. I need you to look at me.
“Please, don’t call me that.” Your voice is so weak and timid, that's not my padawan.
Don't call you what? Padawan? 
“Padawan,” You flinch when I say it, “Look at your Master, padawan.” I know the tone I must use to get your attention, but I rarely needed it, you always listened so well. It seemed the tone has its uses even now.
It's painful how slowly, you look up at me, eyes still fighting it the whole time, what are you so afraid of? Perhaps it would be smarter to leave this be but I'm not known as the Great Negotiator because I give up when I don't get the answer I want, and I will not be denied any longer. 
“Look at me, padawan.” I can see the last threads of resistance snap when I speak as I had whenever you were in trouble, “You will obey your Masters command,”
I know the format is a little odd but seriousy, what do you guys think???
@pickleprickle @heyhawtdawgs @ladyinwriting18 you're a fantastic writer, what do you thinkof this format?
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simcardiac-arrested · 7 months
thoughts on something borrowed (2011) ^_^
okay hi im 6 hours late because im busy as a whale but see i Liked this movie is the thing. it was horrible it was so bad but i was watching it at 9pm and i was so fascinated by how bad it was that i even Liked it a little bit. like i said it was like a car crash. absolutely terrible but i couldnt bring myself to look away. okay so get this there's these two best friends rachel and darcy and the second one is about to get married. The thing is that they are first of all the trope where it's like loser nerd girl who's never socially achieved anything & blonde slaygirl who's annoying and self centered but also weirdly cares in her own way and also fucks everyone. Ok. so darcy is about to get married to this guy dex and she and him go to a party to celebrate rachel's 30th birthday. and then rachel and dex are left alone and he does some shit and she goes this is why i had a crush on you in law school ... and then they MAKE OUT? AND FUCK? LIKE JUS T SUDDENLY JUST LIKE THAT LIEK HUHHHH? HELLO? it's like ok i get you're drunk but seriousy how can you do this to your best friend when she's getting married in a few days. But whatever. AND THE WORST THING IS DEX IS THE MOST WHITE BREAD BORING ASS GUY LIKE THERE IS NOTHINGGGGGG ABOUT HIM THAT MAKES DOING ANY OF THIS WORTH IT he';s literally just. there. and then basically they continue doing fuckall for 2 hours and all rachel does is get mad that dex is still with darcy (?? what is he supposed to do he's supposed to get married to her) and she tries to make him jealous constantly and it's so dumb. ESH you are all horrible people. which is to say darcy spends the whole time slaying and being a self absorbed cunt like always but then in the second half of the movie we also find out she's been cheating on dex??? WITH THE GUY WHO SHE THOUGHT RACHEL WAS WITH ????? and then it turns out she got PREGNANT from him????? SO THEY BOTH CALL OFF THE WEDDING?????????? but then darcy realizes rachel has been fucking dex and she gets SO mad she's like I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU even though 2 seconds ago she was like lol yea it's fine no more wedding i don't think it was working out. and im pregnant from another dude anyways lol haha WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FUCKED DEX? anyways. if you even care rachel had a best friend who was helping her through all of this and supporting her and he was always trying to push her to do what he wants. and they gave like 0 romantic vibes EVER but then out of the blue at the end of the movie he goes Well i like you. and rachel is like oh lol well sorry im too into thjis white dude who is too much of a pussy to do anythiung ever regarding our relationship. and her bestie is like ok. AND I WAS SO BAFFLED BY THIS ROMANTIC REVEAL BUT AT THIS POINT ? THEY SHOULDVE GOTTEN TOGETHER BECAUSE THAT DUDE PUT SO MUCH MORE EFFORT IN THAN DEX EVER DID ADN HE WAS ALSO LESS BORING AND ACTUALLY HAD A PERSONALITY. ok. and then the movie ends and rachel and dex are together and it's like yayyy!!! BUT WHO FUCKIGN CARES THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS SO BORING AND STUPID . LITERALLY ESH YOU ARE ALL HORRIBLE PEOPLE DONT LET ANYBODY ELSE GET INVOLVED INM YOUR RELATIONSHIP. great movie it was making my face contort with expressions previously unknown to human biology
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kousaka-ayumu · 8 months
the star sensed his protagonist powers/j
Seriousy tho that's. Very interesting. Unless its scan picked up Stardust which makes a bit more sense given he's the failed Moonlight
Though I can only hope this foreshadows Gingerbrave getting a freakishly huge buff somehow heh
Neither that or he's gonna get a legendary costume, if costume one is true, then I'll be happy for him
Probably they are making the rest of the starter team(Strawberry, Wizard, Custard the III and Chili)
Or that he has a relation with a legendary cookie that we didn't know yet.
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
what if i gave you an insane shipping bingo. what if i asked you to uhhhhhhh idk Macaque x. Viren. or Bait x Jelly Tarts ....for seriousies though what's the thoughts on Mei/Red Son. i dont really ship anything LMK but they seem to be kinda popular so what's the Thoughts as the LMK expert.
Omg hi Kitty!!!!
One, bait x jelly tarts is already canon. Two, Macaque X Viren is so cursed to me. Undead Lego Monkey X Dark Mage together at last
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Mei and Red Son's ship name is dragonfruit! It's a ship I personally enjoy, they got a fun dynamic. For me to like a ship it needs to have both parties affect the other in a significant way (positively or negatively lol), either in canon or having that potential explored in fanon. Dragonfruit definitely checks my boxes I think, EYD did a lot for them in my eyes.
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dukeofriven · 10 months
Finally sat down and watched Good Omens all the way through both seasons. Michael Sheen and David Tennent deserve some kind of medal for putting the show on their back and managing to drag it as far as they have. Unlike, say Jon Hamm and Shelley Conn, or Jack Whitehall and Adria Arjona, or Nina Sosanya and Maggie Service, they have actual on-screen chemistry, a charisma where the two of them play off each other so beautifully it is a problem because when they're not together on screen nothing has the same energy or verve (especially in season 1. which somehow managed to make Pulcifer even more ineffectual and inessential than the book did). Neil Gaiman and John Finnermore are some of my favourite writers (Cabin Pressure, for pity's sake), but in both seasons of the show the pacing takes a nosedive midway through, and Good Omens 2 doesn't have the excuse of the first season in having to faithfully-recreate a poorly-paced book. The finale of Good Omens 2 feels like modern television in a nutshell: a really intense, well-acted, emotional scene between two great actors that is faintly baffling given the narrative logic that doesn't exist to get you to that point. GO2 in particular reaches a sort of interesting intellectual high-point with Job (that it still chickens out of) and then fills the lead-up to the end with the world's slowest demon army and dropping interesting developments with Miranda Richardson in favour of her putting on some weird armor and... doing... something. A series of bizarre acting choices, perhaps. It's all sorts of disappointing. I can absolutely see why people latched on to it and praised it, because I can see all the bits they latched on to, and all the bits they didn't think about because most people don't these days which is why so many weak scripts go as far as they do. Seriousy, though, l kept waiting for someone to take Maggie aside and say 'she's really not actually into you, cut it out' and it never happened.
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Hi id like to request a txt ship im 5'1/157cm Female, i use any prns.darkskin black,on the curvy side interms of body shapeESTP-T/ISTP-T(ambivert) im a really loud person and chatterbox around friends or people i know well but im really quiet and barely talk around people i dont know very well.Im on my phone ALOT.I do watch anime but i watch more Kdramas,Jdrams,Tdramas and cdramas. love dancing I've been dancing since I was 7.I also love sports my favourite are Netball Badminton and Basketball.I have hyperthyroidism so im in and out of the hospital alot but its not seriousi promise! I love CSI and anything to do with true crime.Thank you!Sorry if i overshared its pretty much a habit now.
No thank you!! And of course not the descriptive the better!! <3
I ship you with…
Choi Beomgyu!
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Song recommendation : Cruel summer - Taylor Swift <3
- You guys would get along sooo well in terms of a friendship, like banter all the way!!!
- I think he would secretly start to like you but wouldn’t know how to tell you that he likes you because he doesn’t want to ruin what you guys already have going on
- He would realize how much he actually loves you and all the little things that make you so special! Would just stare at you in awe and he would prob know that it was time to confess xx
- THE FUNNIEST COUPLE like when you guys are with friends y’all will have the whole group laughing
- Loves your curves, CANNOT keep his hands to himself 😋
- You guys watch a bunch of anime and kdramas on rainy days! You even introduce him to T and C dramas! (which he’ll come to LOVE)
- Gets so worried when you get in the hospital, even though it’s not super serious he still gets nervous that something bad could’ve happened
- Loves seeing you dance! He knows it’s something you’re passionate about and admires how you love it!
- Bro don’t even get me started how you guys can throw down on some true crime! Like I feel like he would lowkey LOVE it and you guys would be watching those documentaries all night long
-But you guys would love eachother so much and y’all would be such an iconic couple 😩 besties but also lovers omg
I hope you love this sweets!!! 💖 Thank you for requesting!!
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marie-is-seein-stars · 4 months
Seriousy though, I would'nt think twice or anything...
if I were forced to shoot one of two people (think saw) and one of them tells me they're selling crack while the other tells me they're an NFT investor... I'd instantly pull the trigger on the NFT investor
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leffee · 11 months
Anymore headcannons left?
A few, yeah. I still have so many Vinnie headcanons though I might get a bit lost on what I have already shared or not, but still. I have Vinnie hadcanons for every occasion. Besides him and everyone else I have already done it for I have general headcanons for Penny Ling and Minka. For ships I have headcanons for some Vinnie ships of course: VinnieLing, Vinka and Vinnie x Esteban (this one's a hoot because contrary to literally every other ship I see this one with Vinnie as completely unwilling participant, the sort of "why tf did I fall for him"). Aaaand I think that's all I have on my own.
But, if you or anybody else wants to, feel free to send me anything else that will give me a reason for more headcanons, though more imitative. What I mean by that I'd be happy to receive asks for headcanons for example but not limited to specific situations like for example "What do you think the lps characters would be going for on an amusement park?" or "Who do you headcanon is a night owl and who is an early bird" or even "If they were in danganronpa who would be which already existing character?" (my fandoms list is at the top, and I'm willing to use any of them for lps stuff if anyone's interested). Or you could even send me one of those character template memes, like this one for example:
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and I'd be happy to do it and throughly explain each choice.
What I'm really trying to say here is that I'm very very willing to talk about those characters (and literally any other lps characters, you want me to include lps humans (the canon humans, not my human au lol) in those template memes? I'll do it) in any way possible, though my headcanons are limited. Please feel free to use my blog as your "Whatever related to lps" if you want to. We might not agree on everything and I might not have clear reply to every single thing, but as I said somewhere at the very beginning, I have been thinking non-stop about this stupid show for nearly 10 years but had no one to share those thoughts with. So seriousy, anyone reading it, if you have anything lps related no matter how loosely or not feel free to share. Maybe I'm going overboard with this but I just want to make this very clear that I welcome everyone and everything lps-wise.
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You keep saying that you want someone to RP with and then you keep saying you will stop breaking their rules - yet you still break them.
I used to follow you and role play with you a couple years ago and would constantly see the reblogs of you acting jealous about RPers interacting with other accounts. I can tell you why they block you; for one, you’re jealous, you’re possessive and you like to start drama and don’t respect boundaries, you’ve even got a Bucky RP account banned off of Tumblr too just because they didn’t want to RP with you. This is going to go through one ear and out the other anyway… why do I even bother? You also shared a lot of relentless spam and would get angsty if someone didn’t respond after an hour.
All in all, no one like a person who acts jealous, possessive, starts drama and doesn’t respect boundaries. The last reason is the big reason why no one wants to RP with you, because you simply don’t respect their boundaries.
Why don’t you become an RP account yourself?? If no one wants to do it with you then do it yourself, If you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em, right?? Why don’t you turn your whole blog into a Bucky RP, or TJ RP and role play anyway you want, and have whatever rules you want then?? Just an idea and just some constructive criticism. And personally… I don’t think you’re good at RP either regardless of what your “friends” say, “she smiles and blushes” and “she chuckles” and three words after or before that isn’t RolePlay… it’s cringe. I do think you’d do better leading a RP account though. Make your own TJ RP account or whatever and then make your own rules. I think that’ll work best for you. 🙂
Dear anon...
In all honesty you sound like someone who has an seriousy pyscho problem .secound of all you don`t sound like someone who basicly don`t sound like you have any intelligence whatsoever . Be damn glad that you don`t have a disability problem (i was born brain damaged) and also be glad that you are not suffering from a mental illness either. You sound more worse than the people that bullies me outside social media . I also know the difference between real life and roleplay .
I BEEN ROLEPLAYING FOR 13 YEARS  and i do know how to ROLEPLAY and thank god i had no drama on my facebook when i started to rp there .
Do not come and make things difficult for me in the new year.
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cloudcountry · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (hardmode, can’t be Azul!)
for seriousies though...
my friends make me very very happy C:
something not food related. Stardew Valley my Love
mairimashita iruma-kun my favorite anime ever
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