#sermon on grace
artoutforblood · 4 months
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aftermath of shitten shenanigans
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thomastanker02 · 3 months
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novelmonger · 3 months
I've been thinking a lot lately about how we as sub-creators can learn a about our Creator through our own little acts of creation. Particularly in the area of the fates of our characters. When they die, how they die, whether they're "saved" or not (which can mean different things, depending on the context of that particular story).
There are some characters we create for our stories, intending all along for them to die. Characters we create, intending from the first for them to be evil and to never repent and never have any sort of redemption. Because that's what the story needs.
Of course, the analogy kind of breaks down because, unlike our Creator, we are writing under the curse of sin. We can't fully understand or comprehend all of the implications of certain things happening, or why God has chosen to let them happen. So we do our best to mimic what we see, to sub-create in a way that feels authentic to us, but we can never quite reach the perfection that is God's story.
Still, writing about characters and deciding their fates, looking down on the story from the outside and understanding more than the characters in it really helps me get an idea of what that must be like for God. The characters in my stories might shake their fists at me and demand to know why a certain character had to die, or why they couldn't be saved, but I know in a way they never will why it had to happen, for the sake of the story I wanted to tell.
In a way, I find that encouraging for my own life.
(There's more I want to say, but that means spoilers for chapter 8 of TMI, so I'll put it under the cut.)
And yes, I've been thinking about this a lot in the context of Mabel. My poor, dear Mabel, whom I knew from the moment I made her into more of a character than just "Jake's mother" was going to die right in front of her father.
At one point during the writing process, I don't know why it suddenly hit me this way, but I started agonizing over the fate of my characters' souls. I guess it was because I was dreaming up ways that some of the canon characters might come to Christ, and of course that just made me want to save everybody.
But I'd written myself into the tricky situation of having a bunch of babies dying, as well as somewhat older children and an adult. To me, it's somewhat easier to accept adult characters dying, and knowing in the back of my head that, if these people really existed, they would probably end up in hell. After all, everyone is responsible for putting their faith in God, even if they only have a very limited understanding of who He is, even if only through general revelation. As Romans 1:20 says, "For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."
It's harder to wrestle with what happens to babies, especially those who have died in the womb or right after, before they have any sort of capacity to understand right and wrong or who made them. But, being a Calvinist, I believe that God has predestined even them to be elect, or not, according to His will. God is just, and God is good, so all I can do is trust that He knows what He's doing.
But for some reason, my mind just kept sticking when it came to Mabel. Even though I still believe that it's God's will where she ends up, and our salvation is not ultimately determined by us choosing God, but in God choosing us...somehow it felt different. Because she's an adult, but being raised by Hydra has given her no access to the gospel, and not even really any chance to understand how the world really works, and so how can we expect her to even extrapolate truth from general revelation? Everything is stacked against her - because I stacked the story against her that way. So if she ends up in hell...does that make it my fault?
And yes, yes, I know this is a fictional character I'm talking about. But I love her. I love her like she's my own - because she is my own. She is my creation. So I'm responsible for her, aren't I?
But then, taking the analogy of me being to Mabel what God is to me, in a limited way...what determines who goes to heaven and who goes to hell? It's God. God ordains who is to live and who is to die, who He chooses to be His own people and who He does not, according to His perfect will and for His own good pleasure. If He wants someone to be saved, they will be saved - whether they've ever read the Bible or heard a sermon, whether they have the mental capacity to understand what sin and salvation mean, whether they've ever drawn a single breath. Ephesians 1:4-5 says that "he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will."
And so, if I am in a very small way to Mabel what God is to real people in the real world...and if I want her to be saved...then she is saved.
In this fictional world that I've created, with characters who are real within this fictional context, Mabel is in heaven.
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sunflowerjune · 2 months
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askdacast · 4 months
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Fun fact: I've never heard the first part of this hymn before! I had no idea it goes so hard!
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Amazing Grace Christian Hymn with Lyrics | Runtime: 2mins 49secs
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scobbe · 1 year
I’ve been working really hard this summer trying to return to my true self after decades of trauma inflicted by my mother and I thought I was doing really well until halfway through the sermon this morning I was like oh shit we have to remove another layer of horn.
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theprayingteacher · 1 year
Pearls of #Wisdom
Pearls of Wisdom Today, among the other very interesting things God showed me, He led me to a sermon by Max Lucado. There were so many things he was talking about that got my attention. God was giving me back, through Max, many of the conversations we’ve had over the last several days and beyond. But one really stood out to me.  ​Each day, I try and stick with my morning/afternoon yoga,…
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believers-church · 2 years
Our weekly teaching
Aligning with Blessing
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enlargemycoast3 · 2 years
Thank you Lord for a great outpouring of Your Spirit that is spreading throughout this nation and across the world. For the winds of the Spirit have begun to blow and the earth will yield a change, a crop of special favor from a God that sees, hears and knows the ins and outs of life. A divine interruption to our lives and intervention for a nation that has crumbled before us. A move of God that specializes in salvation for the needy and poor in Spirit. Open the gates and let the river begin to flow and cause Your people to dig deep into the wells of Your salvation. A river that doesn’t subside, but only increases in our lives as we allow. Bring forth a conviction to those whom dwell among the lost. We give You permission to move among the saved and the lost to bring about a profound witness of Your Spirit. Move Holy Spirit, move! Dig deep My children, go deep and yield. Come closer and feel My breath upon you and breathe in a fresh touch that will subdue the mountains in your life. Lay prostrate before Me and not cast stones to those whom yielded, but struggle. Leave room for the beggar who believes there’s better. Come and place a wager before Me and watch and see what I’ll do. Watch Me perform a miracle in your sight and cover you with My best. Believe on The One who sought you out and trust Me with your life. For I have great and mighty things to return to you and show you My goodness and love. Trust these waters that are moving today and let the small things go in life. Live out your days in victory and see the many things I’ve created for you to enjoy. Let Me be a blessing to you and begin again a profitable and trusting life. See Me as The One whom can turn water into wine and we’ll feast together at My table and you’ll enjoy My presence again as I come alive within you and shelter you from life’s harm. Present yourself as a living sacrifice to Me and I’ll blow away the storms that gather around. Believe in Me again with your whole heart and I’ll send angels at your request to illuminate the way that has caused you to struggle. Live in Me. Live in My love, says the Lord of Host this day Whom loves you beyond measure!
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melvingaines · 7 days
Sunday School Live Stream - September 15, 2024
https://www.facebook.com/akronalliancefellowship/videos/1649443905613208 Asst. Pastor Melvin Gaines Acts 13:38-52
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thomastanker02 · 6 months
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We're live with Pastor Fred! Come join us! PTL!
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wellsofsalvation · 2 months
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The Believer’s Highest Earthly Joy by John MacArthur | Runtime: 49mins 5secs
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slowtumbling · 3 months
Heart to Heart
A Sermon on Loving Ourselves So We Can Love Others (Note: Sermons can be heard in audio format at https://millersburgmennonite.org/worship/sermon-audio/) Introduction Throughout my life, I have been filled with many moments of self-doubt. One such period happened recently. I was given a role without having any prior knowledge of what that role would entail. I wasn’t completely confident in my…
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