nofatclips · 1 year
L'eremita by OvO (featuring Årabrot) from the album Miasma
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perfettamentechic · 1 year
20 agosto … ricordiamo …
20 agosto … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Leon Vitali, Alfred Leon Vitali, attore britannico e aiuto regista. Di origine italiana, divenne noto per aver collaborato con il regista Stanley Kubrick, il quale gli assegnò un ruolo nel film Barry Lyndon e una piccola parte in Eyes Wide Shut. Fu assistente personale del regista in Shining, e assistente alla regia e direttore del casting in Full Metal Jacket e Eyes Wide Shut. Vitali ha…
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postmeridiem12 · 6 months
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by Adrien Servadio
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malesmokingguys · 2 months
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Vito Servadio
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curiositasmundi · 11 months
“L’esperienza fu naturalmente una visione del Paradiso e dell’Inferno, coerente con la mia educazione cattolica, e come tutte le visioni genuine, molto difficile da esprimere in parole. Le lunghe scene senza parole in Toby Dammit rappresentano ciò che sono riuscito a esprimere della mia esperienza con l’LSD. Gli oggetti e le loro funzioni non avevano più significato. Tutto quello che percepivo era la percezione stessa, l’inferno di forme e figure prive dell’emozione umana e staccato dalla realtà del mio contesto irreale. Ero uno strumento in un mondo virtuale che costantemente rinnovava la sua immagine priva di significato in un mondo vivente a sua volta percepito come fuori natura. E poiché l’apparenza delle cose non era più definitiva ma senza limiti, questa coscienza paradisiaca mi liberò dalla realtà esterna a me. Il fuoco e la rosa, come fu, divennero uno”.
Con queste parole Federico Fellini racconta direttamente la sua esperienza con l’LSD nel documentario “Je suis un grand menteur” di Damian Pettigrew, uscito in Italia con il titolo “Federico Fellini: Sono un gran bugiardo”.
Un’esperienza, quelle del regista con la sostanza psichedelica per eccellenza, fatta nel 1964 quando l’LSD era ancora legale, guidata dallo psicanalista Emiliano Servadio, di cui Fellini era paziente, considerato tra i fondatori della psicanalisi in Italia con interessi che andavano oltre le tematiche prettamente psicologiche investendo il mondo dell’esoterismo e della ricerca spirituale.
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jdyf333 · 11 months
from ESP EXPERIMENTS WITH LSD-25 AND PSILOCYBIN: A Methodological Approach by Cavanna, Roberto and Servadio, Emilio, 1964 2 by Davivid Rose Via Flickr: Published by The Parapsychology Foundation, New York. (Formerly in my private research library) (They did NOT find any evidence that "extrasensory perception" [ESP] exists. If they had, they would have become extraordinarily famous and their research results would have RADICALLY changed the way scientists think the physical universe operates. The same would happen if someone were to find ANY evidence that "God" exists...) ("What might have happened" can sometimes be reasonable conjecture. When "what might have happened" becomes "what must have happened", it is a delusion, and can sometimes be a symptom of serious mental illness such as schizophrenia. Correlation does not imply causation.) When I was 13 years old in 1964 and in the eighth grade, my parents were told that I was going to fail that year and have to do the eighth grade again unless I was allowed to go to Winston-Salem and participate in a residential "education experiment" called the "North Carolina Advancement School" (NCAS). (An old and rather grim photo of what the exterior of the Advancement School [which had formerly been a large hospital] looked like can be seen on the ncpedia website.) After extensive testing I was told that I was to be part of an experiment in self-education. It was called "Group O". I was given an office, unlimited funding, and no adult supervision, free to come and go from the campus and the dorms as I saw fit. My family, who lived in a city quite distant from Winston-Salem, were NOT allowed to visit. I really had FUN! My research project was a study on the subject of ESP. I was already well-read on the subject and I contacted some researchers at a parapsychology lab at Duke University and J.B. Rhine and associates at the Foundation For Research On The Nature Of Man gave me valuable assistance in my work. When I read a report of experiments using LSD, etc. in ESP tests, I was fascinated. Having no access to LSD, I designed tests where I had my subjects (some hypnotized and some not) sniff glue. In other tests I administered electric shocks, sometimes in addition to hypnosis and glue-sniffing... ("...you are opening the gates of hell!!!..." ---powerful North Carolina legislator's wife, yelling at me about my ESP research, during her visit to NCAS.) ("The intake of drugs in connection with divinatory practices is probably as old as mankind." ---Cavanna and Servadio.) ("The results indicated accurate comparisons in approximately 1 in 3 of the targets for LSD, with a rate of only 1 in 10 for the no-drug control condition." ---David P. Luke, commenting on the research by Cavanna and Servadio, in "Psychedelic Substances and Paranormal Phenomena: A Review of the Research", the Rhine Research Center, in the Journal of Parapsychology, Durham, North Carolina, 2008. [Rhine had once intended to become a Christian minister...NO OTHER RESEARCHERS WERE EVER ABLE TO DUPLICATE THE RESULTS OF THE EXPERIMENTS THAT RHINE ALLEGED SHOWED THAT ESP EXISTS, AND IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT SOME OF HIS ASSOCIATES FALSIFIED DATA. I definitely do NOT trust what Rhine wrote and said about ESP, or what the Rhine Research Center or any of its associates has written or said about ESP.]) ("In 1964, Federico Fellini experimented with LSD under the supervision of Emilio Servadio, his psychoanalyst during the 1954 production of La Strada." ---Wikipedia) ("HALLUCINOGEN---An intoxicant and narcotic, according to the additives used. It produces telepathy, fantastic visions, hallucinations, and other psychic effects. It is precognitive and psychic in its results." ---from page H-3, TABER'S CYCLOPEDIC MEDICAL DICTIONARY by Clarence Wilbur Taber [10th edition, 1965]. [I think the above definition is rather weird...]) ("MORE THAN HUMAN is a sci-fi novel by Theodore Sturgeon...in which a band of exceptional people 'blesh' [that is, blend and mesh] their consciousness to create a kind of super-being. 'I turned everyone on to that book in, like, 1965...This is what we can do; this is what we can be.'" ---Phil Lesh, quoted by Nick Paumgarten, The New Yorker, 11.26. 2012.) I was a big fan of science-fiction novels. More than a few of them mentioned J.B. Rhine and his famous ESP research. (Rhine was said to have been the person who coined the initialism ESP.) I was quite thrilled to have made contact with Rhine, and I am rather certain that I was unconsciously driven to inaccurately interpret my so-called "evidence" in such a way as to make it appear that ESP exists. ("There is more to a library than meets the eye": If you email me at [email protected] I will be more than pleased to email you a free copy of my 1,448-item annotated bibliography of drug literature.) A randomly-edited selection of approximately 700 of my pictures may be viewed by clicking on the link below: www.flickr.com/groups/psychedelicart/pool/43237970@N00/ Please click here to read my "autobiography": thewordsofjdyf333.blogspot.com/ And my Flicker "profile" page may be viewed by clicking on this link: www.flickr.com/people/jdyf333/ My telephone number is: 510-260-9695
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ruiwitana · 2 years
Tema: Anno Domini 1480 Den haag
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Tomo: Sy hare is die kleur van vuil hennep
Sy hare is die kleur van vuil hennep; Donker klop die water teen die pier. Die week van reën het die draai van die rivier bruin gemaak. Die modder demp die weerklank van die helder lug, rem die wiele van die karre, maak die stap van die osse en vroue hard, trek vloeke van die aflaaiers wat swaar skoene dra. Sodra die tol betaal is, verlaat die bootmanne Portobuffolè sonder die gebruiklike beker, die begeerte na huis is sterker as dors. Die plaag is weg. "Die Heilige Maagd het ons die genade gegee", sê die stem, en noudat selfs die oorlog op die see verby is en die vure van die strooptogte nie meer uit die dorpe anderkant die Tagliamento opkom nie, het Venesië die soldate ontslaan en wag elke vrou hul terugkeer van die man. Met dieselfde ongeduld roep die handelaars, aan die werk onder die skadu van die arkades, die beskermheilige aan sodat die son kan opjaag en die strate kan droogmaak. Die naderende Paasfees laat die lug sprankel. In die huise rondom die kasteel werk mense om plek te maak vir die naasbestaandes wat vir die feesvieringe bymekaar is, en vir die eiers en varkvleis waarvoor dit die moeite werd is om die oupa se ketel, of die nuut herstelde bankie te verpand. En op elke tafel wat met salie en lourier versier is, ontbreek daar geen gebrek aan offer vir die kom geseënde water wat die priester saamdra nie: wonings en kos wag op daardie skets van God.Want niemand weet hoe ver Sy wil reik en watter ruimte oorlaat nie. dit aan dié van die mens, maar almal weet dat dit goed is om wakker te wees: elke vreemdeling, elke kyk, elke gebaar kan die fluistering van die dood wat kom verberg. "Ons weet nie wanneer dit tyd is vir die Seun van die Mens nie," sê Pre' Antonio vanaf die kansel, en die strate van die dorp het hom weergalm. Die vroeë aandlig verlig die oker van die klip. Die strate word stil, die skoorstene op die dakke begin weer rook, wanneer die seun – hy is bietjie meer as ’n kind – deur Porta Mare inkom. Haar hare is die kleur van vuil hennep, haar verslete romp kom swart van die modder tot by haar enkels en haar bedelaarsak sak teen haar skouers. ’n Glimlag ontbloot sy tande so donker soos die water van die Livenza wat onder die torings dreig om oor te loop. “Hy het slegte tande soos my man s’n, en hy praat soos hy, hy kom van Bergamo, seker soos die brood van God” rapporteer Filippino se vrou aan die aanklaer wat haar ondervra. Ander vroue het die bedelaar raakgesien: die getuienis van die wyfies word egter nie grootliks in ag geneem nie, want hulle siele is gemaak vir skinder en bespotting, sê die dwase wat die meeste glo wys is. Maar selfs die smid, 'n man met 'n selfversekerde hand en spraak, het daardie bedelaar opgemerk. "Hy het gevra oor die huis van Servadio, die vriend van Moses die woekeraar." En voor donker het niemand, dalk nie eens die kraaie wat op die takke van die bome staan ​​nie, die kind by die stadsmure sien uitkom nie.
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carolinevitelli · 3 years
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Souvenirs collaboration with @servadio_ #servadio #carolinevitelli #tattooist (à Glion, Vaud, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPvCncJABGL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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2ndhex · 6 years
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My friends sent me a couple of goodies ✨
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nofatclips · 3 years
You and I by Papooz from the album Night Sketches - Directed by Victoria Lafaurie
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chromet · 7 years
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Hand tattoo by Servadio
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anna-delvecchio · 7 years
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#VisioniDanzanti #ContemporaryArt #exposition #arte #varsi #galleriavarsi #colera #BORONDO #CANEMORTO #RUN #SERVADIO #roma #lightwriting #exposition #fotomosse #fotodinamismo #surrealism #surrealart #onmoving #artwork #art
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malesmokingguys · 2 months
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Vito Servadio
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runabc · 7 years
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HOMOTIPO for 'COLERA' ROMA Galleria Varsi until 23rd of April RUN
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
20 agosto … ricordiamo …
20 agosto … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Gaia Servadio, Gaia Cecilia Metella Servadio, giornalista, saggista e artista italiana. Ha avuto una lunga relazione con Gianni Agnelli. È stata sposata con William Mostyn-Owen. Si è quindi risposata con Hugh Myddelton Biddulph. (n. 1938) 2017: Jerry Lewis, pseudonimo di Joseph Levitch, è stato un comico, attore, regista, sceneggiatore, produttore cinematografico e cantante, nonché autore,…
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jdyf333 · 1 year
from "ESP EXPERIMENTS WITH LSD-25 AND PSILOCYBIN: A Methodological Approach" by Roberto Cavanna and Emilio Servadio, 1964 by Davivid Rose Via Flickr: (They did NOT find any evidence that "extrasensory perception" [ESP] exists.) When I was 13 years old in 1964 and in the eighth grade, my parents were told that I was going to fail that year and have to do the eighth grade again unless I was allowed to go to Winston-Salem and participate in a residential "education experiment" called the "North Carolina Advancement School" (NCAS). After extensive testing I was told that I was to be part of an experiment in self-education. It was called "Group O". I was given an office, unlimited funding, and no adult supervision, free to come and go from the campus and the dorms as I saw fit. My family, who lived in a city quite distant from Winston-Salem, were NOT allowed to visit. I really had FUN! My research project was a study on the subject of ESP (extrasensory perception). I was already well-read on the subject and I contacted some researchers at a parapsychology lab at Duke University and J.B. Rhine and associates at the Foundation For Research On The Nature Of Man gave me valuable assistance in my work. When I read a report of experiments using LSD, etc. in ESP tests, I was fascinated. Having no access to LSD, I designed tests where I had my subjects (some hypnotized and some not) sniff glue. In other tests I administered electric shocks, sometimes in addition to hypnosis and glue-sniffing... ("...you are opening the gates of hell!!!..." ---powerful North Carolina legislator's wife, yelling at me about my ESP research, during her visit to NCAS.) ("The intake of drugs in connection with divinatory practices is probably as old as mankind." ---Cavanna and Servadio.) ("The results indicated accurate comparisons in approximately 1 in 3 of the targets for LSD, with a rate of only 1 in 10 for the no-drug control condition." ---David P. Luke, commenting on the research by Cavanna and Servadio, in "Psychedelic Substances and Paranormal Phenomena: A Review of the Research", the Rhine Research Center, in the Journal of Parapsychology, Durham, North Carolina, 2008. Rhine was a Christian, unfortunately. Some of his associates also had similar delusions and thus suffered from mental illness. It has been said that some of them falsified data. I definitely do not trust what the Rhine Research Center says.) ("In 1964, Federico Fellini experimented with LSD under the supervision of Emilio Servadio, his psychoanalyst during the 1954 production of La Strada." ---Wikipedia) ("HALLUCINOGEN---An intoxicant and narcotic, according to the additives used. It produces telepathy, fantastic visions, hallucinations, and other psychic effects. It is precognitive and psychic in its results." ---from page H-3, TABER'S CYCLOPEDIC MEDICAL DICTIONARY by Clarence Wilbur Taber [10th edition, 1965]. [I think the above definition is rather weird...]) ("MORE THAN HUMAN is a sci-fi novel by Theodore Sturgeon...in which a band of exceptional people 'blesh' [that is, blend and mesh] their consciousness to create a kind of super-being. 'I turned everyone on to that book in, like, 1965...This is what we can do; this is what we can be.'" ---Phil Lesh, quoted by Nick Paumgarten, The New Yorker, 11.26. 2012.) I was a big fan of science-fiction novels. More than a few of them mentioned J.B. Rhine and his famous ESP research. (Rhine was said to have been the person who coined the initialism ESP.) I was quite thrilled to have made contact with Rhine, and I am rather certain that I was unconsciously driven to inaccurately interpret my so-called "evidence" in such a way as to make it appear that ESP exists. ("There is more to a library than meets the eye": If you email me at [email protected] I will be more than pleased to email you a free copy of my 1,448-item annotated bibliography of drug literature.) A randomly-edited selection of approximately 700 of my pictures may be viewed by clicking on the link below: www.flickr.com/groups/psychedelicart/pool/43237970@N00/ Please click here to read my "autobiography": thewordsofjdyf333.blogspot.com/ And my Flicker "profile" page may be viewed by clicking on this link: www.flickr.com/people/jdyf333/ My telephone number is: 510-260-9695
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