waugh-bao · 11 months
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IORR Review of the Stones’ show in Amsterdam, Netherlands (July 7th, 2022)
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sensitivegoblin · 7 months
Sorry I haven't interacted in awhile
I've been really depressed tbh, I'm 25yrs old and my life still hasn't gotten better
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Men are weirdly obsessed with hockey players getting hit. Like, what kind of toxic masculinity is this where watching someone get a concussion is an enjoyable sport for you?
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snekdood · 2 years
Genuinely resent so much of the queer community on this shit site. So many of yall are genuinely abusive and i bet its because you demonize therapy and refuse to work on yourselves or ever see yourself as the problem. You want a therapist who will validate your wallowing instead of call you out. Its tired.
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thesitharts · 2 years
Reddit mods are incredibly perma ban happy but only as long as you’re not queerphobic or a pedophile, then you can just hang out as long as you want.
Like I was permanently banned from a sub for swearing at a Christian who said being gay was as evil as being a murderer
And another time banned from selfawarewolves or something for, I remember it clearly, telling someone the mods agreed with to shut up. Just instantly permanently banned with the only reason given “you shut up” and when I tried asking what rule I broke they muted me for a month.
Banned from r/awww for saying abusing your children for clicks wasn’t cute
Never even once when I was banned from any subreddit was it temporary, they just instantly jump to permanent bans with no consideration of appeal over the most minor shit Because They Can, often not giving or just making up reasons to justify a permanent ban, one time the mods CHANGED THE REASON behind the ban when I asked how what I said counted as what they accused me of. They get an ounce of power and it immediately goes to their heads.
Honestly really glad I’m no longer on there, that site is TERRIBLE for your mental health.
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xredxrainx · 2 years
hola again, ladies and gents, it's lovely to see we all had the same idea <3
anyway if you're somewhat active (me who cannot talk) pls like this so i can followwww~ apparently i need some more ss on my dash
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cedarxwing · 24 days
Hey thanks for your answer the blog is /fannibalcascade/ they have some very weird takes especially about the twotl ending . Can you refute that one please 🙏
Oh, gosh, I blocked them ages ago. They have a lot of shit takes and are weirdly puritanical for supposed horror fans. I'm not going to wade back into that sesspool to find a specific post, but I remember that their opinion on the cliff scene is based off this featurette:
Yes, Will is still morally conflicted in TWOTL. He pushed them over the cliff as a last ditch effort to save all their future victims. So, sure, he'd "rather die" than be with Hannibal in that sense. Doesn't mean he's not in love with him. 🙄
If you want season four thoughts based on the books and all the post-cancellation interviews, I vomited up this post a while ago and still stand by most of it.
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After a tough week I crave Tomura to tell me that I am worth something
Puts on my Shigaraki impression again*
Come now pet you have to know how much you mean to me. Your my jewel, the only thing in this sesspool of life that brings me joy. Please don't be down, it breaks me to see you that way. What can I do. I'd give you every fucking star in the sky if it brought you even a mere minute of happiness. Your worth more then every game system, and computer and all the money on the planet. You my love, my best friend, are priceless. I always felt this empty pit inside like I would never be happy, that all I could do was destroy. Then I found out you exsited and that sinking feeling, that hollowness vanished and I began to feel nervous and gidy. Whenever you are around my stomach flutters and my hearts beats faster. You, my love, are my soul.
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notesz-b · 2 years
I'm glad to be seeing ya back here, as always your version of Death is among my faves. I did see the occasional Twitter goodie, but I refuse to ever EVER make an account in that toxic sesspool(no offense to those who did or will, and certainly none to you). So naturally Twitter would keep trying to force to make an account just to see more goodies whenever I scrolled a few posts down.
In any case happy to see ya back as tiny(and admittedly neglected) as my blog be and for now wanna ask how asks go for your art? Like everyone else in this fandom or is there a difference? Figured I'd ask before jumping in willy nilly. Oh and thanks for the last two Horsemen goodies, LOVE IT! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you! > w> Well, seeing how things are going I might just full on move my ass back here. I didn't expect Twitter to die when I decided to post here again recently, good timing I suppose. I only use it for art and to keep in contact with customers, so it's definitely annoying. What a shitshow. I accept asks, we'll see how it goes. I've gotten out of practice. lol _
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barov-von-zarovich · 2 years
"Today I visited the village of Barovia.......what a sesspool. You're a town named after me, put some pride into where you live.......or at least a new coat of paint!"
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ratkingcorpse · 2 years
twitter and tiktok are a sesspool of the worst opinions I've ever heard, bruh I cant do it anymore
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squiglesquid · 2 days
im not on twitter except telling people to come here because I'm scared of that sesspool
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fiascojones · 8 days
"I Killed Death," Declared the ECMO man (Death Science, Robot Love & Trash Clowns)
In this episode, Fiasco Jones and TWee delve into the mysteries of death, exploring new scientific findings that challenge conventional beliefs about the brain's activity post-mortem. They discuss the implications of biohybrid robots and the intersection of love and robotics, while also dredging the sesspool of MAGA brain disfunction following the recent Presidential Election between VP Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Was anyone wearing secret spy technology, and could a magic spell have caused Trump to lose his mind? It's a rip roaring conversation filled with sacriligious insights on the nature of existence, technology, and societal issues.
Takeaways according to AI
Death is often viewed as a finality, but new research suggests otherwise.
The brain may remain active for hours after clinical death.
Biohybrid robots using fungi could revolutionize robotics.
The emotional connection humans have with robots is profound.
Political discourse is increasingly bizarre and disconnected from reality.
The concept of love is evolving with the rise of robotics.
MAGA's response to political events often involves conspiracy theories.
The ethics of creating consciousness in artificial beings is complex.
Humor can be found in the absurdity of modern politics.
The intersection of technology and humanity raises important questions.
03:26 Last week in Multiple Choice 23:19 What in the Weird: The Science of Death 41:56 The Rise of Biohybrid Robots 53:13 The Intersection of Love and Robotics 01:00:28 Audacity Chronicle: MAGA cospiracy and the Debate Fallout
Strangeness abounds beyond this arrow...
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kneehoming-knee · 6 months
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
we have to stop these here and tohers. and this is not right. they are unruly lawless and reflect it. we pour in take them down hit during the offensiee defen enact it now must due to the time.
Thor Freya
i approved it today we build up now. and have. and are ready. now. tons say it we need to tons need it it is encrusted iwth zombies dummies losers and killers and dimented ppl teachers and rulers gross sesspool they say need it cleaned up so do we
we do it now
Zig Zag
we start tons will hit the oafs and losers now
mac daddy this is a serious threat worsening by the minute twenty seconds ona ship we may not ba able to acces sis not good
we agree
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re-the-bear · 2 years
Because this is the part of the void that is existence that I choose to scream into. I'm sorry in advance for the following brain dump as I'm unable to format properly on the mobile app and suffering right now, so I am not functioning at maximum capacity. Please, if it's going to offend or harm you to read about my problems, then please continue to ignore my existence.
~~ Brain Vomit Starts Here ~~
So, aside from my usual insignificance and the depression that follows it, I am literally being told that my government thinks I should pay them more for the "privilege of being a working citizen of this great" (/dripping with venomous sarcasm) nation. We, my partner and I, are being asked to hand over the equivalent to a month's rent in addition to the money they already took from us because they didn't take enough. This government is so asinine and absolutely dead set upon self-destruction that it makes me want to hurt myself.
They tell us that we have to work to live. We need money to eat, to have shelter, to pay for clothing and transportation, to work, just to have to pay to do that. If I have to pay for everything just to exist, then why continue choosing to exist at all? They take take take, and just when you think you're tapped out, they find some ass backward way to take some more.
We are living in Prince John's England, the cops/sheriff steal from the beggarly & the poor to fatten the purse of some buttery soft billionaire or government official. It's disgusting, and we, as a nation, know how wrong it is. Yet we, "the white God fearing people of Rock Ridge," are placidly waiting for someone else to do the dirty work of saving our lazy butts.
An aside thank you, Mel Brooks, for such a beautiful metaphor for white complacency in the face of true villainy.
It's enough to make one consider Shakespeare's Ophelia from Hamlet. An educated woman, smart and well aware of the machinations of the royals around her. Truly in love with the Prince, she seeks to aid him only to find out he's killed your father whilst trying to murder the king, his uncle, and then be sent away to England by the king as a way to discreetly have the Prince killed. Finding your love has killed your father & is on his way to be executed, with no remaining family who can negotiate a marriage for you, no money to start somewhere new, Ophelia must have thought her future so bleak. Surely, the grief alone might've moved her to her "Quietus make," adding the lack of societal or familial support is a recipe for a depression so deep that swimming in a 17th century gown in the middle of winter sounds like a good idea.
So here I am, in a world where the minimum wage is less than Bob Crachet made working for the notoriously pinch penny Scrooge, being fleeced by cops & and government, all for the pleasure of working. While trying not to die. I'm sorry, but you've bled me dry America. I've got no friends, no social life, no time or energy for art or hobbies, can't afford any luxuries like; fresh food, movies, travel, shopping local, eating out, makeup, etc etc. I can barely afford my job, which is laughable because I'm as essential as it gets, I'm a janitor. I clean up after y'all & it's ridiculous how fast a bathroom can devolve into a sesspool.
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