#seto kaiba's school of duel
kujakumai · 2 years
Chumley’s dad runs a [hot sauce] business. Here you can see him pouring a glass of [hot sauce] for their professor, who drinks it directly out of a cup, which is the normal thing a person does with [hot sauce]. He summons a monster holding a [hot sauce] bottle named “Dizzy Tiger” who can barely seem to stay on his feet. Why is the tiger dizzy, Syrus asks? Jaden concludes it must be because of all the [hot sauce]. As everyone in the audience must know, becoming dizzy and uncoordinated is a standard side effect of too much [hot sauce]. 
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ap-kinda-lit · 25 days
Seto: Well good. I’m glad this will be a fair fight, like Rocky vs Apollo Creed.
Atem: Newsflash, Kaiba, Apollo beat Rocky.
Seto: Who said that I was Rocky, you fucking racist?
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
Both the plot and dialogue in Yugioh are so wonderfully unhinged 🖤
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romanceddawn · 2 months
i talk about yandere seto sometimes but in season 0 it is pretty much canon, like he is actively stalking yugi throughout the show and i think its really funny so heres a bunch of evidence of that:
the first time we see it is when he sends that first game master out, he's not only hiding to listen to the duel in the nurses office but its heavily implied that he's been stalking yugi for a little bit before that too
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like at the end of the day anzu tells yugi not to go to the arcade and yugi kind of rushes off despite knowing he doesnt have the money, meaning this is a frequent thing he does, but whats more is that he's going specifically that day because someones told him theres a new game being unveiled. when he gets there he cant find it and has to ask about it, which is when we see a disguised kaiba lead him to the back alley to kidnap him (this killed me to watch btw, yugi has no self preservation, but it was cute that kaiba seemed to stutter when talking to him)
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but this all means that he was watching yugi long enough to know he always goes to the arcade after school and that yugi wouldnt be able to resist coming, even if he didnt have the money, as long as there was something new to play. it also means he had someone plant the information that thered be a new game OR that kaiba just disguised himself and told yugi this which is what im choosing to believe
of course, then we get to see him actually stalking him in the triplets episode, literally driving by and watching him (which is so funny to think about cuz his driver must be so tired of him lol)
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at first i honestly thought he was stalking the triplets but at the end of the episode there is no reveal that he wanted them out of the dueling scene or that he was even worried about them getting the card they wanted at all, he beat them extremely easily. his only reason for doing the duel is because he couldnt stand the thought of someone (that he hadnt sent himself) beating yugi before he could, so i think he was watching yugi, recognized the triplet, and got bothered by them trying to encroach in on his rival
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he also apparently records yugi? this recording is just the first game master playing him that he shows to aileen, but who knows how many other times he's recorded him just in case he 'needed' the footage
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this moment of him lamenting about being connected by fate is ooc for him and not really stalking but it is very yandere of him so im throwing it in here anyways
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and of course i have to add the death t invitation because you know he was watching yugi and his friends that whole day just waiting for the perfect moment to hack into something and invite him as dramatically as possible (however i wont add any of the death t stuff cuz like. we know what happens and how obsessive he is there)
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since having this in my drafts, the season 0 movie has been restored and posted to youtube and in it kaiba is technically looking out for rare cards but even then he's managing to get in some time to stalk yugi (also the way his employee says "i know sir" i just know they're so tired of his obsessive ass)
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TDLR: yandere seto is canon thank you for your time
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gx-gameon · 3 months
Yugi raises Jaden.
A retelling of yugioh Gx were Yugi adopted Jaden when he was four and raised him. Includes but not limited to: rivalshipping (Yugi/Seto) and alive Atem
The original idea
Official story!!
Expanding Yugi meeting Jaden
Expanding Yugi adopting Jaden, Seto in the afterlife, Joey finding out.
Rough draft: part 3 Joey meet Jaden and finding out about Seto’s trip to the afterlife
Rough draft: part 4 Yugi’s deck and Jaden’s card
Rough draft: part 5 met Mokuba, Yugi goes after Seto
Rough draft: part 6 finding Kaiba, reuniting with Atem
Poll: how to get Atem back
Rough draft: part 7 adventures in the afterlife
Rough draft: part 8 Joey vs Jaden, beginning rivalshipping
Rough draft: part 9 rivalshipping duel.
Rough draft: part 10 checking in with Joey and Jaden
Rough draft: part 11 Jaden’s dreams
Young Jaden Masterlist
Season 1 Masterlist
Crack idea
Aknamkanon helping out at Duel academy. The idea that Atem’s father and others are helping from the after life
Ask: the idea that started it all
Ask: What if Jaden had a shrine to Aknamkanon and that’s how he helps the kids?
Ask: more about Aknamkanon and the rest of the court helping Jaden
Jaden the King of the Colosseum
Ask: What happens to Tanya Colosseum after Jaden wins it via combat
Ask: Passing on the title of the King of the Colosseum
Ask: BBT the three Kings: Games, Colosseum, and Satellite
Ask: More about the king of the colosseum
Season 2
Ask: Season 2 Aster vs Jaden and the return of the Neo-spacians
Season 2’s trip to Domino City
Ask: what about the Ra duel?
Ask: more about the trip to Domino
Ask: Jaden’s rematch with Aster and the new elemental hero support
Ask: Jaden dueling Aster with Kuribohs only
Season 3
Ask: where is Jesse from?
Ask: What about Spiritshipping
Ask: DM crew’s reactions to Jesse
Ask: what happens when the DM crew arrives to find a missing academy?
Ask: what happens once Jaden and the school returns?
Ask: what about the dark world?
Suggested Dark world ideas
Ask: what about blending some of the dark world ideas together?
Ask: how does the DM cast react to finding out about the Supreme King (either in the Dark world or after the fact)
Ask: how does the DM cast respond to Jaden fusing with Yubel
Season 4
Ask: how are you going to do Jaden vs Yugi at the end of season 4
Ask: will Jaden and Yugi duel at the end of season 4
Post season 4
Ask: when it’s time to fire people how do the Kaiba bros do it?
Ask: Who’s getting fired at duel academy
Ask: Time to overhaul the school. Who’s staying?
Ask: How crowler finds out about Jaden being the Prince of Games
Zigfried’s return.
Ask: who else besides Jesse knows about Jaden’s family
Ask: when does the Gx cast find out about Jaden’s family?
Ask: when the Gx cast knows do they tease Jaden
Post cannon tournament arc
Ask: how does Chazz find out (start of the arc idea)
Ask: Chazz becoming part of the Muto family/the main plot of the arc
Ask: Seto being over protective of Jaden feat. Spiritshipping
Spiritshipping traveling together and finding new spirits (the Gem Knights)
Ask: Thoughts on Crystal protector and Crystal master
Ask: more about Jesse and the Crystal Protrctor
Ask: what would Seto do if Yugi or Jaden were ever Kidnapped.
Ask: how does Jaden respond to Yugi getting hurt?
Ask: Yugi or Seto getting hurt and Jaden calling for them
Bonds beyond time
Ask: What about bonds beyond time?
Ask: spiritshipping does Jesse join Jaden on his travels and what is his role in BBT
Jaden in Yugioh 5Ds
After the bonds beyond time movie Jaden and Yusei return to the future. Yusei’s future. Jaden is stuck there and while looking for a way home bonds with the 5Ds crew. But all is not well when the Arcadia Movement finds him.
The original idea
Ask: what effects does Jaden traveling to the future have on the world/how does Jaden react to Reverse Zero/Satellite/Dark Signers
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chronophobica · 6 months
vote pompshipping here !!!!!
The wind on the rooftop is chilly; spring brings cherry blossom petals cascading across the grass. Miho only has eyes for the boy in front of her, though. Her prince in shining armor stands with his arms crossed, that charming glint in his eyes as he stares back at her. Lovingly, she tells herself. Obviously. How could anyone not like her? She has all the boys at this school wrapped around her finger. Anyone would kill to be in his place. “I really like you!” she exclaims, heart pounding. Surely he’d recognize how blessed he was to be on the receiving end of such a heartfelt confession from a girl as cute as she is. A goddess, really.
“Pass,” says Seto Kaiba.
“Huh? Wh- what?!” This is all wrong. Kaiba was supposed to be dazzled by her! Miho is the cutest girl at their school- everyone says so. “But- Kaiba, I said I-“
“I heard you the first time. Is that it?”
“That’s- that’s-!! How cruel!” she cries. “No way! Miho really likes you! How can you say something like that to me Kaiba!”
Of course, she’s had her eyes on him since the day he stepped foot into their class. Seto Kaiba is young, successful, handsome, and rich to boot! Any girl in her right mind would love to be with him. Luckily for him, she doesn’t give up easily. “Miho’s pretending you didn’t say that,” she huffs, graciously giving him a second chance. “Miho likes you, so go out with- HEY!!”
Kaiba has already turned, walking away with his briefcase at his side. “Kaiba-kun is so awful!” she exclaims tearily. “All you care about is stupid card games and Yugi-kun! Stupid Kaiba! Stupid, stupid, stupid-“
Kaiba halts dead in his tracks. He pivots sharply. “You’re friends with Yugi, aren’t you, Miho?”
“Huh?” She blinks, taken aback by his sudden shift.
“I’ve changed my mind. I’ll go out with you, provided you comply with my-“
“You mean it?!” Miho squeals, darting forward to throw herself at him and loop her arms around his. Kaiba full-body flinches away, but she remains glued to his side. “Oh Kaiba-kun, Miho knew you’d come around!!”
“Provided,” he grits out, “you comply with my requests.”
“Requests? What requests?” She’s gotten what she wanted, Miho supposes it’s only fair to hear him out.
“Firstly, you need to stop that this instant,” he says, yanking his arm out of her grip.
“But- but you’re Miho’s boyfriend now,” she wails. “Miho wants to hold your hand like a real couple!”
“That’s another thing. We’re not a real couple, understand me?” His eyes are steely. “This is a relationship of mutual benefit. I assume you just want access to my funds. Fine then. But in return, you have to let me in with your little group of pals.”
Not a real couple? No, this wasn’t what Miho pictured at all! “No, no, no!” she says heatedly, grabbing his hand again. “This is about Yugi-kun, again, isn’t it! You just care about that silly card game!”
“Duel Monsters,” Kaiba says testily. “And those are my terms. Take it or leave it.”
“Miho has terms too!” She pokes her finger in his chest. “Miho will let you hang out with us, but Kaiba-kun has to spend time with Miho like a real boyfriend sometimes!”
They glare at each other for a long moment, neither willing to back down. Then Kaiba sighs through his nose and turns his head to the side. “One hour a week. I’m busy running a company too.”
“One day,” she retorts.
“One and a half,” he counters.
“Half a day.”
“The evening?”
“I’ll give you three hours. Final offer.”
“Deal!” She beams, attaching herself back to his arm. “Come on, Kaiba-kun, Yugi-kun and everyone else are just about to go to lunch! You can come and eat with us, okay?” She drags him off toward the door to the roof, Kaiba in tow.
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steve0discusses · 7 months
S5 Ep 50: Tristan Hates Horses, I Think
Been a while! Tumblr’s annoying as hell changes to the text editor took a lot of wind out of my sails, ngl. It had some problems they're resolving as they go, but it was really annoying to use and to edit if you write any amount of youknow……words….
And I was talking to a friend about this, and they were like “have you tried writing it in google docs and copy pasting it after?” And I happily realized when you copy paste from google docs, it also copies the PICTURES. This has literally saved hours of my life, y'all. It has turned something that was so frustrating I didn't want to open tumblr again into something that is no longer an obstacle so I can write once more!
So lets travel to Yugi’s brain, where Tristan desperately has to make up for all the work he hasn’t done because he was just a wee tiny bit possessed.
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It may be hard to pick up where Tristan is on this picture, and I hope I recorded it somewhere in OBS like 2 months ago when I finished the series because it was such a funny animation, but hot damn this boy has hops.
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And  you can see him there on the ground in the bottom left corner, that isn’t a rock, that’s Tristan having toppled a man with his bare hands, a man who had a sword and was sitting on an armored horse.
Can you believe this guy ran for school president? And then lost and humbly became the janitor?
Meanwhile, Joey discovered magic.
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Confirmation that duel disks are made out of old tank parts.
Realizing for the first time that magic exists, they decide to peace out.
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Back in the real world, Mokuba and Roland don’t know where the hell Seto went. Which is weird, I figured Seto would at least leave a note or a text message or…anything…but apparently even if he did, he just disappeared at some point down in Marik’s old living room.
So Roland and Mokuba decided that in order to find him, they would have to take a massive Boeing 747 to find their lost child.
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Some kids have a motorcycle, some kids have a scooter, Mokuba just wants the most boring ass big commercial plane that is meant to sit a couple hundred people in an awkward way. That’s what Mokuba wants.
Just Mokuba things.
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My bro who edits these for me wrote in huge ass letters "ROLAND SIGHTING" While saying "ROLAND ROLAND ROLAND" so I want y'all to know how much we appreciate a good Roland in this house.
Speaking of, I know it's like season 5 but...who is the other guy? He wears funny sunglasses but I have never heard his name, not once.
But this is when the plane was filled with heavenly light.
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They begin to see the fight happening between Seto Kaiba (the OG Seto, the one that is cool and isn’t depressed because his not-wife died) and Bakura (who is now Zorc). Don’t ask me how the time stuff works, and why we see it now of all the times in human history, and right over Egypt in the sky. Don’t ask me why.
I assume it’s time compression shenanigans, just like FF8, so maybe it’s just every moment in time is able to see this UFO in the sky, but overall, it’s here because it looks cool. The fact that this right here is actually not a physical place, but is actually a figment of Yugi’s imagination shaped by Pharaoh’s botchy memories--is neither here nor there. Instead, it’s everywhere. 
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Seto is unimpressed by this, because he knows how science and timelines should work, and this wouldn’t pass Kaiba Corp inspection.
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Back at the yellow palace made of cheese and mario blocks, Pharaoh is still knocked out from that time he summed all 3 dragons last episode, which to me feels like just eons ago. 
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But it’s OK, he’s fine now.
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Typically he’d be dead, because his dragons died on the battlefield and their life force is connected to their monsters. But not only is Pharaoh 1.) already dead and 2.) the author of this universe and cannot die or this universe ceases to exist he’s 3.) got the puzzle, which means he can’t actually perma die, unlike everyone else in his court who is perma-gone.
He is not surprised by what is currently happening in Egypt’s downtown strip.
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This is probably every day in Domino. Every day Seto Kaiba wakes up everyone in town with his three-headed dragon princess just because he can. Hell, Seto was doing this fight with Bakura on the top towers of Domino just this morning (or last morning…not sure if time passes in real life the same way it does in puzzle life)
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The audacity of Yami right now, the one moment Yugi isn’t there to scream about ledges, this boy is leaping joyfully off that ledge. 
He fuses with the dragon which gives him this familiar outfit.
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I thiiiiink it’s the same outfit as Alexander season? I’ll be real with you though, I don’t really want to look it up. Either way, good to see the return of putting on a ton of armor in a card game, I don't think we've seen it Canonically since that one time Joey did it against Valon, and ever since then, Joey kind of forgot it was a thing he can just do.
But unlike Joey, Yami doesn’t take the opportunity to punch Zorc in the face, instead he just loses yet another time.
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This time he didn’t even pass out, he barely even died. This is progress, truly.
But as Zorc is powering up the peepee missile to fire in Yami’s face (what a way to die!), Shadi has decided to inform us why he’s been stalking these kids for this entire show.
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So there’s two ways to read this. 1.) Shadi was Hassan the entire time but had to go back in time from this moment in order to do it or 2.) Shadi possessed the power of Hassan last second so Yami could avoid death one final time.
Both of these explanations don’t fully make sense to me, I’ll be honest, because in order to know that he’ll be needed in the first place, Shadi had to know that Yami would die at this particular moment--a moment that is a different timeline than has ever existed before.
So really, Shadi was just going by a hunch. He was like “I dunno, I’ll see how this goes.” which is more in line with the Shadi we know and love.
Is it a crying shame that Shadi, who has been with us for so many seasons, and it so integral to this show had such an unceremonious death? Yeah. I feel like I didn’t quite get the closure I wanted but I’m also sort of confused as to…what happened. But I’ll leave it there because apparently we get more Shadi content in Dark Side of Dimensions.
Anyway, I have no idea if these images will even fit into a post with how how tumbler does posts nowadays, and I'll be real I had to re upload the last bit of it, which I suspect was over 15 images???? Not sure??? but we found a workaround! google docs works!
Also, Seto didn’t die today! Instead it was Shadi! For a SECOND time!
I cannot believe how freakin lucky Mana is, this girl is still kicking and if Mana survives everything I am…going to be astonished, that’s what. Mana secretly OP, who knew?
And always you can read the rest of these here
if I turn it into a link it doesn't work right because the text editor is really, really bad. I hate it a lot. But uh...feel free to copy paste it until I can get links to cooperate.
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torterracotta · 7 months
For the most part, I don't question the crazy shit in GX, and specifically the crazy shit in Duel Academy, but if you stop and think about it for a few seconds you realize that not only did Seto Kaiba found and fund Queer Card Game Hogwarts (entirely in character) with a merit system based entirely on his own petty grudges (entirely in character)...
This nigga hired someone to teach alchemy at his card game school
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neonrn7 · 2 months
Psychology Part 1 : Seto Kaiba Vs Atem
My whole life i read about how Seto Kaiba might actually have feelings for the pharaoh. After all he was passionate enough to build a machine that defied laws of the universe and sent him to the afterlife to battle him again… and while this idea stands for those who have a very fetishized idea of what kind of relationship they could have… i can 90% promise that this is NOT how it is.
Growing up in Elitism and wealth along with abuse gets you messed up. You can argue that the events that happened between Seto Kaiba and Atem were after Gazaburo Kaiba suicided and therefore what am i even talking about here? But hear me out. Seto Kaiba (i would have said Mokuba too but the trauma is kind of different) lost a mother then a father… saw family members treating him and his brother like dirt taking their heritage away and throwing them in an orphanage only for them to be adopted by a cold hearted abusive parental figure who raised Seto as a heir. Many nights of abuse exhaustion reading and studying non stop. As a comparison my parents raised me the same as i child i had to study from the early mornings till 1am. If my hand writing wasn’t for their liking they would tear apart my books and my notes and i had to rewrite them again and sleep is not an option unless i finish rewriting…. This behavior being a recurrence in my home made me quite a rigid, practical and only thriving for excellency because failure was never an option. Failure meant harsh treatments. Physical and emotional pain to come. Mix it with wealth and power and you get a deadly combination… a vulnerable child adulting his way while being a kid still knowing full well that losing means a huge fallout with consequences because there is a minds that grows within « i can’t fail because everyone is watching me »…
Then within time the vulnerability turns into hate. Usually this hate is directed towards the person that is better…. For Seto Kaiba it was Yugi (Atem basically after he realized that he was dueling the pharaoh the whole time). I remember getting physically sick if someone got a better grade than me or beat me at anything… “i was meant to succeed and everyone is bellow me” was the mindset and so i see it very clearly in his behavior which is toxic and carried out as such through most of the part of the series anyways.
Then comes the mundane lack of competition… because yes… Seto Kaiba was bored! Bored of having 0 competitors in business in school in anything he does and Atem was stimulating… he made him go out of his way a lot in attempts to beat him….
And while i can discuss this further i will do that on a second part of the thread to see your trail of thoughts first
PS: sorry to the Kaiba/Atem shippers 😅
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kujakumai · 2 years
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is there literally any reason whatsoever for the imaginary version of Jaden that exists in Chazz’s head for him to rage at to be surrounded by flowers and rainbows and do nothing but say nice things to him
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anxso · 7 months
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@ygoc-week day 5 is swap, so let’s swap to talking about another OC for a bit!
Oh Izz. Izz baby. My girl :3c She's the main character of a DM alternate fic called Soul Release, named after a card that's very important to her. She survived a tragic pileup that killed her entire family. Unbeknownst to her, this event tied her to a freshly-born reincarnation of Anubis named Rin in this verse.
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This version of DM also includes a faction of worshippers of Apophis because of the existence of The Prophet of Apophis, a strong leader and manipulator… as cult leaders tend to be.
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Aigami/Diva also appears earlier in this story rather than being a post-canon aspect; we get a Kisara reincarnation named Sapha, a German TCG champion; and Battle City gets a top 16 on the blimp with these three OCs especially mixing things up via their being chosen by the Wickeds.
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I say “chosen,” but both Yami Bakura/Zorc and Rin/Anubis work together to create them to oppose the Egyptian gods. Yami B and Rin have a… working relationship, very much rooted in “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” They both strive for the pharaoh’s downfall. Rin chooses Avatar for herself while Yami B takes Wicked Dreadroot. Then Prophet blows up the museum, catching Yami B in the blast, and steals it for himself. Rin gives Eraser to Izz because she sees Izz as a puppet Rin can coerce to do her bidding anytime, including opposing the pharaoh.
Izz moves to Yugi and co’s school. She’s fairly distant from everyone in her life because of the tragedy, but they are kind to her and she is kind in turn. She wins local tournaments and tops regionals because, in order to hide from grief, she fixates on Duel Monsters deckbuilding and ratios and meta etc. This is enough to earn her a Duelist Kingdom invite. Overall, she’s an anxious mess who needs a hug and isn’t sure how to properly interact with other people anymore. She feels like a cataclysm waiting to happen again and again.
Now the elephant in the room! You see her with the Pyramid of Light. Rin approaches Izz after her first regional win. Izz is weak at the knees for beautiful women (and men—everyone is a bi disaster, remember?). Rin explains she hosted the tournament and forgot about a particular prize. She compliments Izz’s dueling and gifts her the Pyramid of Light, saying she’d like to get to know her better. Izz is flabbergasted and accepts the Pyramid, asking only what it is. Rin only describes it as valuable jewelry and recommends Izz keep it on her person.
The iridescent swirls in the pyramid’s sky blue are mesmerizing to Izz, and staring at it provides an indescribable comfort… and focal point to keep her grounded/stop her out of body experiences such that she does indeed wear it constantly
This has an unintended side effect
See, Izz wears a necklace (in the artwork, matches Dark Magician Girl’s pendant) that just so happens to contain the ancient and slumbering spirit of Mana. Being so close to the dark energy of the Pyramid of Light stirs her, and she becomes Izz’s ghost like companion similar to the pharaoh and Yugi. Mana is always trying to be a positive influence on Izz where Rin is like the devil on her shoulder. Izz often makes mistakes and trusts the wrong people, hurting her friendships with the gang and repairing them again.
Her using Wicked Dreadroot however… that one will certainly be difficult to come back from.
And as for pairings, I’m undecided and going so many directions! I would probably have to write it all out.
(but my heart says fellow orphan Seto Kaiba if Izz can ever look away from all the other gorgeous gorgeous guys and gals) (Rin can’t stop rizzing her up) (y’all just WAIT until she meets Ishizu)
I’m just a writer! Artist credit in first image and rest are picrew
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halfamask · 1 month
More Mokuba + Serenity being besties! Haha I now love these two
Serenity visits Mokuba’s place for the first time because they agreed to study for a test and forgot it was a public holiday so the library and most public places they could go are closed.
She loves cute things so she absolutely delights in the sheer amount of obvious and subtle blue eyes merch the Kaiba mansion has. She’s basically cuddling with a blue eyes shaped throw pillow the entire time they’re studying and Mokuba cannot help but be reminded of Seto (he tells neither of them this because they’d be offended for different reasons).
Speaking of Seto he’s watching them the whole time- studying, when they go to Mokuba’s room to look at his duel monsters drawings, the dining room to eat cake- because he’s Mokuba’s big brother but in his house he’s also Big Brother. He has security cameras everywhere and it’s not that he thinks Serenity will do anything but you can never be too sure with strangers.
Serenity for sure became pretty popular at school because she’s pretty and nice to everyone and I feel like she’d be really good at art and literature. Mokuba and Serenity are in the garden eating cake and she’s sharing all the gossip said popularity affords her knowledge of when Seto happens upon them.
He plays it off as wanting a walk in his own damn house but Mokuba knows better and that any move Seto makes is purposeful and thought out but Serenity’s already introducing herself and thanking him for having her over and telling him about the exam they’re studying for (it’s physics so Mokuba’s basically her personal tutor but she makes up for it by reading all of his essays and sending them back with red editing marks all over).
Plus Serenity grew up having to defuse her mom from talking about her dad and Joey so she knows how to make people comfortable and focus on what she wants them to think about. And before long she and Seto have had a short but pleasant conversation.
Seto tells Mokuba to make sure their driver gives her a ride home which is how Mokuba knows she’s won him over, because he was going to do that anyways so she wouldn’t have to take a cab alone or walk in the dark but the fact that Seto’s saying it means he slightly gives a shit.
Serenity also eventually gets Seto’s phone number because “she’s not bad, for a Wheeler” and both Seto and Mokuba admit that despite their surveillance on the school it’d be good to have contact with her because too many people have shown that they’re willing to kidnap Mokuba to get to Seto.
Serenity is possibly the only person in the world who considers Seto Kaiba, both in her head and in her phone contacts, to be “Seto - Mokuba’s brother”. And although Mokuba is the first to sing his brother’s praises he can admit it feels good that someone knows his brother because of him for once.
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puff-cat · 10 months
Married!Pupship (but mostly Jou) headcanon because it’s been stuck with me-
Growing up, Jou had to make do eating whatever was around/stealable because of his precarious living situation. Yugi would invite him over for dinner when he could, and the rest of the gang might discreetly slip some leftovers into his bag at school, but most of the time Jou was on his own. Because of that, he’s definitely not a picky eater, but also hadn’t been exposed to a lot of different kinds of foods either.
Once he and Kaiba start dating though, that begins to change. At first he feels weird about all the “high society” restaurants and dishes Kaiba introduces him to, but he starts to realize that there’s so many different kinds of flavors and textures and ways of making food he’s missed out on. And no, he doesn’t lose any appreciation for a bowl of hearty ramen from a little family shop, or a basic curry, but he takes more of an interest in taking what he’d seen/eaten on dates with Kaiba and learning to make them himself. Because Jou is nothing if not self-sufficient and once he sets his mind to something. Well. That’s it then.
Kaiba definitely picks up on this, and takes a chance setting up a cooking class for the two of them for a date - in private at the mansion with a personal chef of course. Jou LOVES it. And he loves that Kaiba gets involved in the cooking process with him as well. After that, more ingredients start appearing in the kitchen rather than just coffee and stray vegetables, and Jou, when he has time in between dueling and work, starts to teach himself more. Gordon Ramsey, Jacques Pepin, Morimoto - he watches all sorts of tutorials and videos. And really, he has a talent for it. Cooking has a way of funning his energy in a way similar to dueling - you need knowledge, but also instinct and the ability to know how to make changes on the fly. The Kaiba bothers love it - Mokuba because there’s always something delicious in the fridge or on the counter for him to dig into, and Seto because it makes Jou so happy. Also Seto ends up eating more regularly, because it’s very hard for him to refuse food made with love by his husband.
Later, when they adopt Judai as a rambunctious 3 year old, they find that when he’s helping Jou in the kitchen it’s easier for him to settle and relax afterward. And Jou is thrilled to spend that special time with his son. They often visit Kaibacorp together to deliver goodies they’ve made to Seto and his staff, which puts everyone in a better mood. His secretary especially adores them.
Also - 30y/o Jou with his hair in a ponytail, a dusting of flour on his cheek with he and little Judai in matching aprons as they try and make cookies? it doesn’t get cuter than that
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darkscorpiox · 10 months
Here's an extra chapter from the artist.
(The translation is a rough one (along with a few personal touches), so please tell me if I’ve made mistakes)
(Using English dub names to make things easier; also, this takes place in the anime where Kaiba had met Kisara)
@kaibanerdgang @kisara-kaiba @sapphira-mydnyte @kisaraslover @jmaxsword @emdrawsmanga @laurenelaine88 @maylikesstuff
Part 1
Part 2
Page 2 Priest Seto: At first, I was attracted to the power within her body, but before I realized it, I was taken more with the person herself than with said power. Yet…I couldn’t protect her. (最初は その身に秘めた力に 強く惹かれた けれど気がつけば 宿した力以上に その存在そのものに 強く惹かれていた なのに護れなかった)
Page 3 Kaiba: ……What is this……? (⸻…… 何だ これは……)
Page 4 Kaiba: Such dream is ridiculous. But… (ばかばかしい あのような夢 だが……)
Page 5 Kaiba: Kisara. (キサラ)
Boy 1: You’re the student that recently transferred here, right? (君 最近転校してきた子だよね)
Boy 2: What’s your name? (名前何て言うの?)
Kaiba: It’s an eyesore…to have vulgar people swarming in the morning. (低俗な輩が朝から群がっては… 目障だな)
Kisara: Seto…! (瀬人さま…!)
Boy 1: Ugh, Kaiba. (げっ 海馬)
Boy 2: Hey, let’s go. (おい行こうぜ)
Page 6 Kaiba: Hmph. (ふん)
Kisara: Um… Seto… Thank you…very much. (あ、あの…瀬人さま…ありがとう…ございました)
Kaiba: That resurging (video-like) vision…doesn’t belong to me. I just thought, why…couldn’t I protect her? Do I…want to protect her? Something that hadn’t been accomplished… (⸻蘇る映像(ビジョン)は オレのものではない ただ 思う 何故 守れなかった オレは 守ってやりたいのか? 三千年前(むかし))
Page 7 Kaiba: …back then, 3000 years ago. (果たせなかったこと)
Kisara: Good morning. (おはようございます)
Background noise: Hello. (おはようー)
Yuugi and Joey: ……!!!
Téa: Hello, Kisara, Kaiba. (おはよう キサラ 海馬くん)
Kaiba: Yeah. (あぁ)
Kisara: Good morning. (おはようございます)
Yuugi: Woah… (わ)
Joey: What…What is this? What is the meaning of this? They came to school together!!? (あれなにあれどういうこと 一緒に登校!!?)
Yuugi: I don’t know… (知らないよ…)
Page 8 Kisara: Seto. (瀬人さま)
Kaiba: Hmm? (ん?)
Kisara: Thank you very much for these. (こちら、ありがとうございました)
Kaiba: …Ah. (…あぁ) For the textbooks… (教科書か…)
Kisara: What…are they doing over there? (あれは…何をされているのでしょう?)
Kaiba: That? Ah, that’s Duel Monsters, a card game. (あれ? あぁ、デュエルモンスターズ…カードゲームだ)
Kisara: That is…! (あれが…!)
Kaiba: ……………Are you interested? (……… ……興味があるのか)
Kisara: Ah. No, uh……it must be difficult… (あ、いえその… …難しいのでしょうか…)
Kaiba: That’s not true. Even children can do it. (そんなことはない あれは子供でも出来るぞ)
Page 9 Kisara: ………
Kaiba: What’s wrong? (どうした)
Kisara: …Nothing! ...I was wondering if I can play the game too. (…いえ! …私にも出来るでしょうか)
Kaiba: ……If you’re interested… …between Yuugi and Wheeler, the victor is obvious, but…… (……興味があるなら… …遊戯と城之内相手では勝敗は明らかだがな……) …What is this? There’s a buzzing feeling in my head. (…何だ? 頭が ざわつく)
Joey: Hey, Kaiba! I can hear you!! (おい海馬! 聞こえてんぞ!!)
Téa: Kisara! And Kaiba too… How about coming closer to watch the match together? (キサラ!海馬くんも… こっちで一緒に見ない?)
Page 10 Kisara: ……!
Kaiba: As if I would get along with you guys! Don’t lump me in with you g– (誰が貴様らと馴れ合いなどするか! オレを貴様らと一緒に…)
Kisara: …… …S-Since such an opportunity is presented to me…I will go…look for a little bit… (…… …せ、折角なので…私は少し…覗かせて頂いてきますね…)
Kaiba: …………… (⸻…… ………)
Bakura: You could have just showed her a duel. (決闘(デュエル) 見せてあげれば良いのに)
Page 11 Kaiba: ……
Bakura: Though I’m glad you didn’t. You brought your deck, right? (喜ぶと思うんだけどなぁ デッキ、持ってるんでしょ?)
Kaiba: What is your purpose? (何のつもりだ貴様)
Bakura: I brought mine too. So how about it? (僕も 持ってるんだ どうかな?)
Kaiba: …… I’m asking just to make sure, but are you challenging me to a duel? (…… 一応聞くが 貴様、もしやこのオレに決闘を申し込んでいるのか?)
Bakura: So it’s no good? (ダメかな?)
Kaiba: Wasn’t your deck occult-themed? (貴様のデッキ オカルトデッキだったか)
Bakura: Oh, yeah. At that time (Battle City Tournament), you must have seen his……the Millenium Ring’s spirit’s duel, but this will be the first one you’ll have with me, right? (そっか 海馬くんはアイツの… …リングの人格の時の決闘を見てるんだよね でも 僕の決闘は初めてだよね!)
Page 12 Bakura: Come to think of it, I wonder if my favorite card had been in his deck as well… …Maybe he liked that card as well… He may had been Bakura too, but now, I’m the one who chooses and draws my cards, who decides what to do beyond this point. My way of doing things differs from his. *school bell* Woah. The first bell has rung. *to Kaiba* Please let us have another opportunity to duel in the future! (そういえば 僕の好きなカードがアイツのデッキに入ってたりもしたっけ… …同じカードが好きだったり… アイツも バクラだったけど いま カードを選んで 引いて この先を決めるのは 僕だ 技とは違う わ 予鈴 鳴っちゃったね! 決闘はまた今度お願いするね!)
Page 13 Kaiba: … (⸻…)
Kisara: … Duels are amazing. Just looking at one makes your heart race. (… 決闘ってすごいですね 見てるだけでドキドキしまして)
Kaiba: …… ……A duel with the use of a Duel Disk is not the same. (⸻…… ……デュエルディスクを使った決闘は そんなものではないぞ)
Page 14 Kisara: You’re the one who made it, right…!? Amazing…! (瀬人さまがお作りになられたのですよね…!? すごいです…!)
Kaiba: That resurging vision (of past memories)…doesn’t belong to me. What happened 3000 years ago has nothing to do with me… It’s just… (蘇る記憶(ビジョン)は オレのものではない 三千年前のことなど オレには何の関係もない ⸻ただ、) …Next time… (⸻…今度)
Page 15 Kaiba: …I’ll show it to you: my company’s finest technology and my best Monster, both of which I am most proud of. (⸻… 見せてやろう 我が社の誇る最高の技術と オレの誇る最高のモンスターをな) It’s just… (ただ、)
Kisara: Yes…! (はいっ…!)
Page 16 Kaiba: …seeing this (smiling) face isn’t so bad. That’s all. (この笑顔(かお)を見るのは悪くない それだけだ。)
Page 17 *in the Underworld (in 冥界)* Priest Seto: You’re saying that arrogant and domineering fellow looks like me!!? Where (are the similarities)!? (あの様な傲慢で高飛車な男が私に似ているだと!!? どこが!!)
Atem: I too want to reincarnate so that I can meet Yuugi again… (オレも転生して相棒に逢いたいぜー…)
Mahad: I’m with the Pharaoh. (私はファラオと共に)
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twisted-art-wounders · 5 months
YGO AU: Breaking the Seal 01
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Chapter 1 Seeds
Yugi is forced into a duel by the swordsmen of Doma but has to face them all on his own.
(I put the duel disk on the wrong arm, I'm a hack!)
Yugi found himself in a bit of a pickle to say the least; one moment he was sleeping in bed still thinking about the monster incident that happened in town today and the fact the tablet of memories had been frozen over by some kind of evil power. Now he was standing on the roof of a building that was still under construction, Duel disk in hand Yugi was facing off against an unusual opponent, around him a green circle emitting a evil aura; the Seal of Orichalcos.
That evening while Grandpa was out in the shop hand polishing the three Egyptian God cards thoroughly, Yugi and his friends were watching the news about the monsters running amok and the CEO of Kaiba Corp. Seto Kaiba confirming his duel disk system was not to blame for these monster sightings. Now they knew it wasn't a technological problem could the monsters have been real?
Not too long after that his friends had gone home while Yugi had gone to bed as usual; placing the puzzle on his desk next to the gold box that held the Egyptian God cards (Grandpa had just returned them after Yugi had to practically pray them form his hands.) and turned out the lights. Slipping under the covers his mind started to race thinking about why all these events were happening now? They just finished a major tournament not too long ago and he knew the other Yugi wanted to finally unlock his hidden past.
//Why now? We finally had everything needed to help my other self recover his memories and now we're two steps back again…// Yugi thought
“I know, it seems something is trying to stop us form completing our mission…” Yami Yugi suddenly appeared sitting on Yugi's bed side, a normal thing for him to do.
Yugi sat up a little to better talk with the incorporeal image.
“I know what you mean, I wish we knew what was happening…Who's behind this? And why? Urgh it's making my head spin…” Yugi held his head both hands rubbed his face a few times.
“You should try and sleep, trying to figure this all out now will only make you sick with worry.” Yami gave him a warm smile and it made Yugi feel slightly better.
“Yeah your right, let's get some sleep and hopefully things will look better tomorrow.” Yugi laid back down and pulled the sheets up to his chest.
“Good night!” Yugi yawned a bit before turning to face the wall,
“Goodnight, partner.” Yami watched him for a while before vanishing form sight.
The shattering of glass was what alerted him to the event.
Yugi sat up quickly and barely had time to really wake up before he saw a hand reach in and pull not only the gold box that the god cards where stored in off his desk, but the chain of his puzzle was yanked right out of the broken window too. Yugi leaped out of bed yelling at the intruder before he ran for his bed room door; pulling his school jacket that hung at the back with him. He raced down the stairs draping his jacket over his shoulders like a cape. He had just enough time to jump the last two steps, before making a sharp turn to the front door, slipping right into his black studded shoes before throwing open the door and rushing outside.
He ran towards the side of the house where his bed room window faced, a ladder was resting against the wall right by the window. Just then he saw a figure running down down the street. Yugi screamed at them to “Stop!” even if he knew his yelling was all in vain, he made a mad dash down the empty streets in pursuit. Yugi wasn't the most fit person so it didn't take long for him to lose distance on the shape, but it wouldn't stop him he couldn't let them get away with stealing the god cards but more importantly they stole his puzzle! His connection to the other Yugi.
He swore after the fire where the puzzle had broken before his eyes he'd never lose the other Yugi again. He'd do anything to protect the soul within the puzzle and right now he wasn't going to let him down! He didn't care who stole the puzzle all he wanted was to have it back again. He saw the figure make a sharp turn towards a construction site and disappear into the darkness. Just as he managed to turn the corner of the wooden fences perimeter to follow the stranger inside he felt an arm grab onto his torso and force him into a bear hug.
Yugi yelped as he was forced off his feet and had his arms pinned to his sides. He struggled to escape his captor but it was no use. Whoever this is was horribly strong, too strong for him to struggle against.
“Let go of me!” He screamed.
“Whoo! feisty little guy ain't he?” the voice drew Yugi's attention in front of him; a man with brunette spiked hair and blue eyes stared at him with a grin on his face, in his hands his gold box and the chain with his puzzle dangling form it.
“Give those back! They don't belong to you!” Yugi struggled yet again only for another voice to chime in.
“Not anymore finders keepers, kid.” a red haired man appeared, his eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses but his voice sounded very cold and unfeeling.
Yugi growled a bit glaring at the two men before he felt the body of the person holding onto him shift and put him back on the ground. Yugi pulled away and got a good look at the person, he had to crane his neck a bit since this man was tall. “Intimidating” was the right word but it still didn't feel like it was enough to describe the blonde haired man, he had a strong and commending presence to him.
Yugi was scared; he'd faced some scary groups of people before but those times he had his friends to back him up along with the other Yugi but this time he was alone. Even with his fear very present on his face, he swallowed hard and stood his ground.
“I want my puzzle and god cards back!” Yugi yelled.
The group of three looked between each other then back down to him, the same smile was shared by all of them.
“Well kid if you want them back I guess we can give them back to ya” The brunette spoke in a very childish and mocking tone as he held out the box and puzzle towards him before pulling back quickly.
“Naw, sorry boss wouldn't be cool with that!”
“Why don't you ask politely? and maybe we'd be willing to let you go free.” the red head said folding his arms and chuckling. “Then again maybe we can just kick the shit out of you and leave you for dead.”
Yugi backed up a little unsure of what to do; he wasn't a fighter he knew that but he still couldn't just stand there and let these men get away with stealing the puzzle and god cards. Once again he swallowed hard and spoke loudly.
“I told you to give me back my puzzle and cards! i-if you want to fight me for them…then fine! But I wont let you take them not without going through me first!” Yugi held out his arms and shut his eyes ready to receive a hit form all three men. He was quite used to being beat up and he was more then ready to take a few blows if it meant he could save the other Yugi.
All three men looked between each other again watching Yugi stand there arms open and ready. While they could very well knock him for a loop, it wouldn't hard for them to do but instead they just stood in silence for what seemed like forever.
Yugi waited and waited, he was ready why weren't they attacking him?
The blonde man spoke up now. “No need to be so dramatic, kid. We wont fight you with fists.”
Yugi opened one eye looking up the larger man before opening the other one. “You-you wont?” he lowered his arms and stared confused.
“Your a duelist right? You'll fight with your cards.” The blonde man then held up his arm strapped to it was a strangle kind of duel disk one Yugi had never seen before. It was emerald green and more circular then the normal styled ones he was used to. It also had strange letters written around it but he didn't know what they meant.
“That's right kid if you want these back you'll have to win a duel first.” the brunette grinned holding up the puzzle again for emphasis.
“But you'll have to do it solo. No outside help.” The red haired man then held up Yugi's belt with his deck attached to it along with his duel disk.
Yugi was shocked; he didn't even realize those where missing he was so focused on retrieving the puzzle and golden box it slipped his mind to even grab those on his way out. Which was odd he was so used to having his duel disk on his arm all the time it was almost natural for him, he must have really been worried to forget.
Yugi nodded “Fine if I win you give me back both the god cards and my puzzle!”
Now here he was; the group of three men escorted him up towards the building's roof top that was currently under construction. Yugi had strapped on his duel disk but let his belt off since he only needed his deck right now. He was nervous he didn't know anything about these men what their intentions were or even if they would keep their promise but he couldn't think about that now. Right now what was important was saving his other self and the god cards.
To his surprise none of the three men were his opponent, a fourth person a man named Gurimo was his opponent in this duel. Yugi was doing fine on his own to an extent he managed to damage Gurimo's life points a few times and had gotten a very strong monster- Valkyrion the Magna Warrior- out on the field.
But things took a turn for the worse when Gurimo used a magic card; the 'Seal of Orichalcos' that kept him and Yugi locked inside a magic circle and that if whoever loses the duel would lose his soul as well. Not only did it give the man new powers (his monsters all got a power boost of 500 ATK) it allowed him to summon and control a god card! Yugi knew only people connected to millennium items could use the god cards but this new dark power trumped even the shadow powers.
Now Yugi was staring up at a god card Obelisk the Tormentor, he never thought a God card of all monsters could be controlled like this. He was trembling he'd never faced a god card on his own! only the other Yugi had, he knew he was way out of his league now. Worse he couldn't call for his other self! He couldn't hear his voice at all it seemed like the seal was blocking him out completely.
Behind Gurimo stood the three men watching on as the duel continued.
“Man this is gonna be a total slaughter, that kid doesn't stand a chance now! ” the brunette said twirling the chain of the puzzle a bit.
“I knew that brat was gonna be easy to stomp out but this is just sad. I was hoping we'd get to see how good the pharaoh was, maybe we should have let him have the puzzle.” the red haired man sighed annoyed.
“It's fine. When he loses we'll just toss the puzzle back on his corpse and let the pharaoh duel instead, should be good enough motivation for him. Finish him off quick Gurimo!” the blonde man yelled at his servant.
“Of course, master Raphael! Now prepare the lose weakling!” Gurimo's face was twisted into a smile of blood lust as he commanded the god Obelisk to attack and destroy Yugi's only monster. The force sending him flying back into the invisible wall of the seal, he hit the wall hard and slide down letting out a cry of pain.
Yugi was trembling but he still managed to get back up again, his knees were weak as he got back to his feet and walked back towards the inner circle again. He could really use his friends support right now…he needed his other self's support.
“He got back up again…” Raphael muttered
“He should learn to stay down. Save himself the pain and save us some time.” The red haired man shook his head.
“Aww just when it was gettin' good too.” The brunette added.
Gurimo laughed “Yugi, you're far too weak to battle here, but your soul will not go to waste! You'll be a good sacrifice to our god.”
“Sacrifice?” Yugi asked panting a bit trying to keep stable on his feet.
“Yes the loser's soul is sent straight to our god! Who will lead this horrid world to it's destruction! And feed the creation a new world!”
“Wait! you're stealing souls to feed your god who will destroy the world? That's what Rex and Weevil where talking about earlier…” Yugi was finally putting some pieces together now.
“That's right. Your two friends you saw today where just the tip of the iceberg, they'll make good sacrifices.” Raphael said pulling out two cards within them held both Rex and Weevils souls.
“In fact I think ALL your friends would make good fodder…Once we're done here maybe we should pay them a visit.” Raphael smirked towards Yugi.
Yugi's face grimaced as he heard Raphael's words, If he didn't win this duel everyone would be in danger! This realization helped to strengthen his resolve he knew now he had to win no matter what.
“No! I wont let you! I wont lose…I WONT!” Yugi shouted shutting his eyes tightly, he placed his fingers on the top card of his deck.
//Please…I can't let everyone down! Please help me draw the card I need!// Yugi spoke to his deck praying it would answer him.
With a swift motion he pulled the card form the deck and looked at it “Diffusion Wave Motion” Yes! This card was exactly what he needed!
The duel continued and by faith or by luck Yugi managed to win! All 4 men were in shock at the result of the duel especially Gurimo. The older man was now at the mercy of the Seal of Orichalcos as it started to enclose around him. It didn't look like it was going to grant him any mercy whatsoever so the man turned to Raphael and tossed Obelisk back towards him before screaming for help.
“Stop it! He doesn't deserve to have this happen to him!” Yugi yelled “Can't you help him!?” He looked back at the three men who stayed still and merely watched.
“He knew what he was getting into when he played the seal, what happens now is his own fault.” Raphael spoke coldly catching the god card in his hand.
Yugi couldn't believe what Raphael said, how could he just stand there and let this happen? Yugi's eyes hardened as he looked back towards Gurimo, he may have tried to take his soul but it didn't feel right to just let the man to suffer like this.
“If you wont help him I will!” Yugi shouted and in an instant Yugi dashed towards the man and slammed his fists into the green pillar energy it didn't move at all. Yugi's eyes widened before he closed them and started to push against the energy wall.
The green light was solid as a rock but Yugi wasn't going to give up! He couldn't just stand there and watch someone suffer, he never could stand for it. Yugi kept pushing and pushing with all his might, meanwhile the other three men watched on knowing it was hopeless.
But then something happened; a great deal of power suddenly surged through Yugi it felt like he wasn't pushing alone anymore he had the strength of an ancient beast with him now. A mighty roar echoed in his mind giving him the power he needed, Yugi's hands sunk into the wall followed by his body. He could feel a great force of power was trying to rip his soul form his body, it was a feeling he felt long ago when Yami Bakura pulled him and his friends souls out of their bodies during a shadow game.
But this time he had the mind and presence to resist the pull, his will to save another even if he was trying to take his soul just a moment ago. He shoved both Gurimo and himself out of the seals barrier, as he did Yugi's fingers managed to get entangled in the necklace the man was wearing around his neck and pulled it off him. They both hit the ground on the other side of the seal, the wall of green energy started to crackle and blip before shattering completely.
Raphael's mouth hung open, Alister removed his sunglasses, and Valon nearly dropped the puzzle in shock.
“Im-impossible! He's only a vessel…” Raphael couldn't believe what he just witnessed.
“I can't believe me eyes…nothing can break the seal! ” Valon scratched his head
“Looks like he's a lot stronger then we thought…” Alister placed his sunglasses on again.
“He-hey are you okay?” Yugi sat up looking at the man and tried to stir him awake but it was no use he didn't move or respond, the man's eyes where open but had no life to them. As Gurimo laid on the ground his body limp and lifeless Raphael looked towards his minion.
“After all that effort it didn't matter anyway, His soul is already gone.”
“No…I…I was too late?” Yugi's head was spinning; his face was tired with dark bags under his eyes, his vision started to blur as he watched Raphael make his way over to where both he and Gurimo were. Yugi was scared but he had no energy left to move or run anymore so instead he just collapsed on the ground.
The other two men came to Raphael's side and all three looked down at Yugi.
“So now what do we do? Still don't know how tough the Pharaoh is I mean if his vessel could break the seal maybe he- ” Valon asked.
“It was pure luck! The seal still took Gurimo's soul even if he can break the seal somehow he still can't stop the effects.” Alister snapped.
Raphael got down on one knee and picked up the passed out Yugi, holding him in his arms he turned and headed towards the staircase.
“We under estimated him, if the vessel is this strong then the Pharaoh may be worth our time after all…”
All three men descended down the stairs together but kept talking.
“So what are we gonna do with him?” Valon asked. “Toss him in the cement mixer?”
“Hey Asshole, we still need him alive!” Alister growled and turned to Raphael “But he has a point Raph what are we gonna do about him? If he does somehow have the power to stop the Orichalcos, which I highly doubt, he may be a thorn in our side.”
“Leave him here. We'll let Master Dartz deal with the kid, right now we just need to focus on getting the god cards back to HQ.”
Once they reached the ground level Raphael placed Yugi's unconscious body in front of a wall; Valon came by then placed the -empty of the god cards- golden box in his lap then finally put the Millennium puzzle around his neck.
“There you go kid! Back to normal now.” Valon chuckled before joining the others.
Raphael pulled out a pair of cards form is jacket; the soul cards he showed off earlier the cards that held both Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood's souls inside. He paused for a moment before placing a hand on them then raising his hand to the sky, two small nodes of light left the cards leaving them blank.
Alister put on his helmet but noticed Raphael's actions and asked
“Why did you even bother doing that?”
Raphael looked over before tossing the cards to the ground and saying
“Gurimo was my subordinate, since he lost it only seems fair to let his victims go. Besides not like they where gonna do much to further our plans. ”
The puzzle's light glowed brightly as Yami Yugi took control over Yugi's body; he blinked once then twice finally clearing up his vision in time to see the three men start their motorcycles. Yami growled and quickly got to his feet only to feel them shake a little forcing him back to the ground. The box on his lap had fallen out of his lap but nothing feel out of it, he looked down in shock before yelling.
“The god cards! Hey! Who are you? What have you done?!” Yami demanded.
“Oh look whose awake! Morning sunshine~” Valon joked.
“Listen up Nameless Pharaoh. We possess the god cards now and if you want them back you'll have to defeat ALL of us.” Raphael held up one of the god cards so Yami could confirm for himself.
//They took the god cards! And he knows about me being the Nameless Pharaoh! But how?//
“Why not fight me now!?” Yami Yugi growled only to hear Alister chime in.
“You got to look after your vessel, your highness. He's not doing too hot.”
It just now hit him that Yugi wasn't conscious since he took over this worried him greatly, what did these people do to Yugi? He barely had time to think harder before he heard the rev of the motorcycles blare to life and the three men where riding out of the construction site and down the street.
Yami had no chance to stand up before they had already left, he slumped back down to the ground and slammed his fist into the dirt only to feel something was clutched in his fist. Opening his hand he saw a necklace with a glowing green stone attached to a grey plate.
“Hm? What is this…”
Yami stared at the stone intrigued by it's glow and wondered where it came form, he pocketed the stone before steadying himself back to his feet and made the long walk home.
“Yugi, I hope you're okay…”
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gx-gameon · 1 month
1. Aside from Jesse, who else is going to know about Jaden identity as Prince of Duels?
2. How did they find out?
3. What's their reaction?
I think the first one to find out is actually Chumley.
He works for Pegasus now. His boss brings him along to a business meeting with Kaiba Corp and it’s the summer time and Jaden is hang out in his Oto-san’s office, maybe waiting to go to lunch with his parents when Chumley walks in with Pegasus.
Chumley is shocked and Jaden has no clue how to play this.
Seto just breaks out an Iron clad NDA and has a shocked Chumley sign it.
Chumley argues at first because he doesn’t understand why it’s a secret until he looks at Jaden and sees how his usually bubbly friend has shrunk in on himself like he’s waiting for something bad to happen.
And Chumley asks him if he’s okay and Jaden reveals his anxiety that people will treat him different if they know who he is. “Just think how Crowler would behave.” And Chumley instantly get it.
And then Seto adds on the fact that there have been kidnapping attempts and Chumley’s like ‘ya no Duel Academy is already dangerous enough.’ (This gets him pulled into the ‘who are we firing’ project that Seto and Mokuba have had running since Jaden’s entrance exam. Crowler permanently sits in the line, some days he tips towards fire and others he tilts towards keep only time will tell)
But Chumley promises not to tell anyone, that it’s Jaden’s secret not his. And while he wished he found out because Jaden trusted him, he still wants to be Jaden’s confidant.
It’s nice for Jaden to have a friend who knows even if Jaden didn’t decide to tell him. And Chumley’s left school so he doesn’t really have a lot of communication with anyone but Jaden anyways.
During school breaks the two will get together and talk about duel spirits and Chumley’s job. Once Jaden gets the Neospacians back he actually starts helping Chumley design a few cards.
Jesse is still the first person Jaden Choses to tell. He’s so special. No one else at school knows and beside Chumley no one close to Jaden’s age knows.
The rest of the crew o my find out post graduation. Jaden’s original plan is to tell ever one at graduation. He was kinda looking forward to the drama. But then the dark world happens….
Jaden wants to graduate quietly. He doesn’t want to be the center of attention.
The others don’t find out until post cannon. Maybe at a tournament held that summer?
There are a lot of hurt feelings. Why didn’t Jaden trust them? How could he keep this a secret from them?
Some get over it faster than others (Chazz. He’s mad for a bit but he remembers how much his brothers suck and how supportive Jaden always was, so he wants to repay the favor. Even if the Slifer never trusted him(he did Chazz he was just scared and then traumatized)) the two bond a lot over being rich kids and Jaden just drags Chazz home one day and is like ‘he’s ours now. I’m not giving him back to his family.’
Joey, my home life sucked, wheeler is instantly on board with this.
Seto just looks at Chazz and asks if he wants to do a hostile take over of his brother’s company or if Seto can just buy them out.
Chazz finally has a supportive family. (They are also crazy.)
I think Aster gets a very similar treatment. Jaden just keeps dragging kids home after graduation like ‘they’re my friends’ and no one agrues against the growing collection of you adults who suddenly have rooms at the manor to stay at.
Some people stay mad for way longer. How can Jadne no trust them!!!! (Take your guess who that is)
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