#sev this one is lowkey for u
chucapybara · 4 months
thinking vv loudly about arlecchino as always—particularly her vision story entry
fire is still able to harm teyvat dwellers, even those with pyro visions. arlecchino's curse, among her two other sources of power, are no different.
perhaps arlecchino burned herself a few times, learning the ways of these strengths bestowed upon her for being of a lineage forgotten, eclipsed, the shade of a hollow, abyssal moon. and of the ink she bears, striking lines and markings along her arms, her hands, the charcoal hue at the tips of them; it's all a part of who she's come to be, making something of the ashes.
at times, in the grace of moonlight, you catch her by the windowsill. she does not take much to sunlight, preferring to stalk in the shadows, but the night was a different story; she allows the glow of it to illuminate her skin, the blackened arms. a reminder of what she has had to sacrifice to be here, to escape her fate, only to be thrust into another one.
her coat lays neatly folded over the back of a chair, and you brush your fingertips along the fabric—the feathered motifs, the sharp silver layers—as you pass. she knows you're here, of course; she senses you always when you've joined her in orbit, two inseparable celestials, sun and moon.
you embrace her from behind, and she does not protest, not so much as a breath of complaint. yours is the only touch she will allow, even when she would never even dream of allowing you an ounce of her burden.
(you hold her tighter, your cheek pressed to her bare shoulder. your lips paint 'ffections over a scar there, a line from a sword cut. her breath stutters. you take some of the weight with you when you withdraw.)
in the glimpse of the moonlight you catch the solemnity of her gaze, sharp, but never at you. in searching do your fingers thread between hers, clasping, thumb brushing the rings she has. her own, and those of the union that bound you together, in cursed sickness and in health, 'til death do you so part.
arlecchino's curse does not recede—it is far too late for that—but it has not grown in the length of time you have loved her, as she has loved you, and you are grateful for it. you bring her hand up to your lips, draping kisses along her knuckles.
she turns her head more, takes in the sight of you, and some of the edge falters from her gaze. arlecchino draws closer, her own lips pressing sweetly against your temple.
"you worry."
"it's my job, isn't it?" you whisper, as your kisses trace down the mark of her arm, to another healed sword cut, to a burn on her forearm. you inch down, almost kneeling, when she beckons you higher and embraces you tight.
"no," she breathes; a refusal, albeit a futile one. she knows you'll worry for her anyway.
it almost surprises you, the way she melts into your form—but you know it is a quiet moment for her, a silent request for your presence. for you to stay, for time to stop, to just give her this. to give her this.
she would never have you kneel for her. teyvat would sooner fall to barren ruins than ever see you on your knees for your husband.
arlecchino burrows into the crook of your neck, breathing you in. it tickles, some. your hands settle by her shoulderblades, by her spine. a warm pulse beats strong by her breast, and you know with due certainty it is the gemstone proof of her defiance against the heavens—her defiance for more days in the shade, more hours with you.
(once, she may have found the feeling of you creeping under her ribcage as intrusive, even abhorrent, but your place in the flesh of her heart sets her free, now.)
she keeps her vision close to her heart, but you will always nestle closer, and such is where you know you'll stay, once the skies begin to fall. cursed or not, she would face the dreadful dawn—to endure it all, the burning flame in her blood, the heavens shattering. to live, in spite of everything.
and you'll witness all of it, right there by her side.
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starrylayle · 5 months
been thinking abt how the marauders era relationships would pan out in every universe and here are my thoughts!!
Wolfstar — lowkey controversial but I don’t think they’re soulmates — they’re more, kinda-wrong person, right time. I think they’d only end up together when things go to shit. Which is part of why I love them so much and why I love them in the canon universe. James and Lily are dead, Peter is a traitor, remus is unemployed and sirius….poor sirius. So yeah, They’re just two fucked up lads trying their best to love despite the world being against them. In universes where they don’t fall in love, can imagine they think the other’s a little off-putting or perhaps no really strong emotions. I think that’s why their connection in the canon universe is so special to me, because I just don’t think they’re relationship would be as prominent if circumstances were different (in other universes).
Prongsfoot — they’re literally soulmates. In every fucking universe. Sometimes, it’s platonic (tho never strictly), sometimes, romantic, sometimes an intense sexual bond as enemies?? Either way they’re always a little bit in love with each other. I do hc James as straight in the canon universe but yeah they definitely made out. And in other universes where James is queer they’re having the time of their lives. Anyways so yeah. Soulmates in every universe.
Jily — Love Jily! I see them as a first love situation. Some universes (like the main one) their love becomes immortalised. However, in others, maybe they move on and find other people, but since they were each other’s first love they always have a special place in their heart for each other <33
Jegulus — …………………………………………………………..
Prongstail — always doomed in the long run. Kinda childhood friends to lovers to ……. . A bit of unrequitedness because I don’t think James could ever love Peter enough. And in every universe Peter always has an inferiority complex and bottled resentment. They’re relationship rarely ends well.
Snily — ooh this is an interesting one. Similar to prongsfoot, I think they’re also a kind of doomed childhood-friend-to-lovers. Except I think that in the universes where Sev does not end being a bigot, they could probably date for a bit. They wouldn’t last tho and would remain as friends. In one universe Lily is an out and proud Lesbian and Sev is a closeted t-girl and they date for a bit but eventually decide to become friends (Lily still supports transfem!Sev in her transition tho). Canon universe tho,,, Sev had a crush on her and maybe Lily did too, but fifth year and James lol.
Nobleflower — ooooh love me some sapphic friends-to-star-crossed-lovers! I feel like in every universe they’d be on opposing sides, depending on circumstance.
Marylene — Friends to lovers, right person wrong time in the canon universe, but in other universes they’re thriving. They still would have had some sort of codependent, homoerotic friendship leading up to it lmaoo.
Dorlene — I like to think they’re always rivals in some context. Sometimes it leads to a fiery relationship, and sometimes it’s just aggressive sexual tension while they’re on opposing fields.
Jeverus — oooh people hate this but. Toxic rivals/enemies to lovers. Sometimes it works out, most of the time it doesn’t. The hate they hold for each is very strong but so is the sex
anyways this was fun!! Lemme know what u guys agree/disagree with! Maybe I’ll do a part 2 lol.
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I really really hope it's alright if I ask like,,, a 2n1
So 1st of all if Charity is like as obsessed w her friends as you make it sound,, do u think she's ever introduced them to Igor or vice versa?? If so what do you think it was like??
And for pt2 electric boogaloo LOL um I would really like to hear about your Avery :33 I hope thats alright
Aghhhh sorry for so many words and like,,,, anons,,,, you're literally flooded Nd I feel so bad for making more AGHH but I just love your blog
-Weed Anon LOL 🍃
Tw: talk of alcoholism and eating disorders further down.
You can ask all you'd like I promise I'm loving all the questions!! I feel very Debbie Ryan tucking hair behind her ear knowing you like my blog so much vjfnbjgnb
I don't think there's a universe where Charity doesn't introduce Igor to her friends. Perhaps a little sooner than she should sometimes too. I think they all react quite differently too.
Wilhelm would be all “oh my god you’ve got a boyfriend how exciting!” and then seconds later he’s all “is he really good for you though? Such a violent brute, if I were you I’d be worried he’d hurt me! What a horrible thought!” We’ve already established that Wilhelm and Igor do not get along and Igor would hate hate hate to have to be near him.
Aurora would be excited on her behalf but it would be very lowkey. She also doesn’t get the whole congrats on relationships sort of thing but she’d be happy that Charity is happy. I’m not sure how they’d react to each other, honestly I don’t think Aurora would say a whole lot to him but she’d have a little chat with Charity later on.
Severus already knows Igor, they’ve got a weird kind of friendship in a similar way as to how Severus and Charity has a bit of a weird sort of friendship as well. Severus got assigned to be Igor’s little transfer student buddy when he first got to Hogwarts and the two just sort of chill around each other tho Igor does annoy Sev more times than not lmao (I also have thoughts about these two in the context of shipping them soooo if you ever wanna hear about that ask me about crownest lmaooo). I’m not sure he’d care all that much but perhaps he might be in the group of surprised people because like,, look at them lmao
I don’t imagine Bruce to be particularly close with Charity so I don’t see him getting directly introduced though I do see him sharing a dorm room with Edmund and Edmund being the little complaining bitch he is would totally mention it. He’d probably be in disbelief at first and second he’d be a bit jealous because anyone with eyes can see that Charity is gorgeous though I doubt the feeling would last
Edmund is an interesting case. Charity thinks they’re besties but in reality Edmund has a fear for women and he would really just like to avoid Charity. She just doesn’t let that happen. Edmund also does not care for Igor. He thinks he’s stupid and obnoxious and loud and it’s incredibly unfair that Severus now shares a room with him after being assigned as his little Hogwarts buddy because Severus shared a room with Edmund first!!! (My all time favourite Sev ship is Sev and Edmund and with crownest also being a thing sometimes,,, well, let’s just say Edmund sometimes had a lot of reasons to not like Igor). Edmund’s main reaction to being told they’re dating is just “and I should care.. why??” Charity would giggle and say he’s silly and pat his shoulder and Edmund would wiggle off to the Slytherin showers like some worm while considering if he should burn the part of his uniform that she touched.
Look at this super fun sexy segue into the second question. Very mindful very demure.
My Edmund is to put it lightly a little bitch lmao. There’s so much to him. He’s a homophobic homosexual who’s engaged to an equally homophobic lesbian. He’s afraid of women and yet considers himself so much better and purer because he’s abstained from being with one for so long.
He grew up an only child in a Jewish home and he is a complete mummy’s boy. He copied his father in every way possible and he’s the spitting image of the man except for his mother’s light hair and her eating disorder. He dresses like he’s from a time twenty years ago and he speaks like he’s from the 1800s. He calls his fiancee a church bell and probably also a hedge-creeper. He wore round glasses and his hair slicked back like his father’s and his body is riddled with beauty marks. Picture Harold Lloyd with beauty marks and you’ve got him honestly.
He thinks he’s better than everyone else. Like the slippery little snake he is he constantly manages to escape trouble. His father has taught him that you are only as powerful as those you associate with and Edmund sticks to that so much!! This is seen in canon with how he evades getting thrown in Azkaban by claiming he was under the imperius case and getting away with it. Only when Voldemort rises again does he return to him because now power is once again within reach. It’s unknown whether or not Edmund escapes the second war without getting captured but I would not be surprised if he did.
It’s also noted in canon that he had an evil sense of humour seen with how he and Bruce tormented Mary together to the point of Lily bringing it up to Severus. In his adult life he’s cowardly and weak and slightly incompetent though I don’t think these are his only traits. I think those are just the ones that come out when he’s in a situation where he’s under pressure. Interestingly both Sirius and Lily have spoken about him with less disdain than they have for his remaining friends which makes me assume they does not consider him as much of a threat and perhaps more so a bother which honestly I think is so funny.
His favourite subjects in school were Arithmancy and Ancient Runes and he was an obnoxious know it all when it came to both. He’s got the most horrendous unreadable cursive writing that he got from his father and Slughorn curses to himself every time he’s got to correct his homework. He would carry around thick books everywhere he went and the fact that this kid was considered popular in any capacity is wild, but he had an aura of confidence and entitlement that allowed him to get away with much more than he should have been able to.
He was a whiny child, always sticking to his mother’s side rather than playing with other children despite his father having plenty of friends with kids he could have played with. He’d rather drink tea with his mummy or play in the pool with her. He hated getting dirty and still does and would come crying to his mother after getting a paper cut as if someone had chopped off part of his finger. He remained close with his mother for all of her life but their relationship was tainted by her alcoholism as he grew older and realised what was going on. Still, he named his first daughter after her.
And then there’s his relationship with Severus and his homosexuality of course which is,, oof that’s a whole other bag of worms. Maybe we’ll come back to that cause oh boy I’ve done it again this is so long lmao. Maybe once I’ve found a shipname for these two we can come back to them I can’t keep calling them emofaggot and calling it a day lmaoooo
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Thank you so much for the asks and the kind words!!
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muse-bs · 4 years
Ahhh yes the one person who enables my shenanigans thank u love u
Anywaysssss okay this is niche and to those who I’ve rped with that play Sev, this does not concern you but like... I really don’t like characterizations of Sev and Hellsa’s dynamic where she’s just a raging bitch and he’s just a genuinely nice guy that has to tolerate her. Elaboration under the cut bc this got long oops
It’s lowkey a trend I’ve noticed but like.... first off, as someone who rps as Hellsa that puts me in a tricky spot. I know I make her bitchy and manipulative and terrible but there is depth there and I’ve put a lot of thought into how I characterize her, why she is the way she is, etc. I wholeass have written that she used to fuck with her brother a lot and that now she just kinda doesn’t care (as Viv has stated is their relationship) but to paint him as the victim and her as a villain is both restricting and terribly unrealistic
I’m fine with Hellsa being the terrible person, the rival, the bitch, whatever but my general idea is that her relationship with her family kinda contributed to that in ways I refuse to elaborate on bc I like a little mystery. But like, if the family has two kids it’s not gonna just generate one shitty kid and have the other be totally fine. Doing that feels like it strips away all the characterization I thought to add that regards that sorta vague relationship (and I do make it at least somewhat vague so I can better mesh with other rpers) and how she is now, it makes it seem like that had nothing to do with her personality and that she’s just... like that.
I mean I have compared their relationship to everything under the sun, but like even as antagonistic as it may seem, it’s not that harsh. Hellsa may have been a brat growing up and harbors some resentment even now maybe but it’s mainly just sibling bickering and stupid antics and a distant relationship. Even if she doesn’t care, I don’t want someone painting her as treating Sev the same as she does everyone else or worse. He’s not guiltless, but also she’s not that cruel, even if family kinda don’t mean much to her. It’s two fucked up people that are somewhat less fucked up to each other, even if it’s still bad sometimes. It... does not seem that hard like this is Hell and also they’re rich there’s gotta be some shittiness there.
Besides, you know how funny stupid sibling antics are? Y’all really gonna play the victim and make it boring and rob me of all this hilarious shit????
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z7rkive · 6 years
DHAU: What To Know
Hey! its what all of u have been waiting for: more dhau stuff :)
Also!! most of this is by the one powerful braincell @snaxarba and I share hhh,, we’ve both worked hard (lmao not rlly we just screamed at each other sksks) on creating the universe around dhau uwu she’s been a great help aaa please send her love through her inbox! She’s currently writing a fic for this au, so if u got any questions or want a snippet go over to her :))))
Now that that’s out of the way, get ready for a LONG post:
DH = Deathly Hallows
5 members
Fandom name: Hallows
Ages: S.S (26), T.R. (24), D.M. (21), H.P. (21), C.D. (19)
Hyung Line (oldest members) : Prince (Severus Snape) & L.V. (Tom Riddle)
Maknae Line (youngest members) : Draco Malfoy, Seven (Harry Potter), & Zed (Cedric Diggory)
Visual Line (“Faces/Most Handsome” of the group) : L.V., Draco, & Zed
Rap Line (Rappers in the group) : Prince & Zed
Dance Line (“Best” Dancers) : L.V., Seven, Prince, & Draco
Vocal Line (“Vocals of the group) : L.V., Seven, & Draco
Choreo Line (Take part in creating choreography) : Prince & L.V.
They work under G.G. Entertainment (G.G.E.) with Dumbledore as the Big Boss
Drarry is the most popular ship among fans
Dispatch is a company that takes photos of idols and tries to expose dating scandals
Dispatch Boss: so r they dating anyone
the hallow stan twt is crazy as fuck lmao
theres so many memes
solo stans are fans who only like 1 member of the group (the person is their favorite) and don’t pay attention to the others/give hate to the rest of DH
antis are just hateful ppl in general, they send lots of hate to either Hallows, one specific member, DH, or just the whole group in general
one time Severus and Harry did a vlive (they haven’t done one in a long time so sevenprince fans were excited! :0)!! Harry’s like, “Sev and I have a great plan for this live! :D” and then someone in the comments just says, “Can we have a different member on vlive please :/ i dont wanna look at both yall ugly mugs lmao” :((
Harry, “Cedric? Ah no he’s not here. Draco? He’s not here either sorry :(. Oh ok, I’ll get Tom for you guys.”
big sad^ :(
ot5 = loving the whole group; EX: “No solo stans allowed!! only ot5 enthusiasts!!!”
it does not mean they all fuck skshs
but All7 means they all fuck harry lmao
there’s this super popular twitter account called “@Sevensfw” and it’s basically just an account that posts bottom harry moans ft other DH members
DH wasn’t that popular before, but a fancam of L.V. dancing blew up on social media, and that got them a lot of attention
there will be lots,,, and lots,, of social media in this fic
we get inspiration from u guys as fans so go off on ur reactions
Prince / Severus Snape
Oldest in the group
Prince Stans are called: Robins
Produces most of the songs
Unofficial leader; whenever Harry’s not there he’s automatically in charge and no one questions it
Bat Dad / Goth Daddy
Joined G.G. Entertainment to become a producer but then got stuck with DH
“Nation’s Prince 💞💞💞” - Robins uwu
He’s usually very frowny and makes lots of mean remarks but he’s rlly a soft boy daddy
He, Harry, and Tom are the ones who speak most in interviews
People say he’s lazy because he stays indoors most of the time but!!! He works his ass off helping produce most of the tracks the band makes
AND helps choreograph their dances and help run their big ass dorm
Husband material 10/10
Deep voice mmmm
Big ass softie for their leader
Snape: *makes Harry dance & moan for no reason at all* “all in the name of music.”
He and Harry have been labeled the “Mom & Dad” of DH by Hallows
He and Harry usually discuss big decisions to see what’s best for the group
Only other person he’s comfortable with besides Harry is Tom since they’re closer in age, and work together with choreography
He and Tom are chill buds; the “mature ones of the group”
When he first got into DH, he actually thought Harry was a visual of the group ;)
Harry needs help? Whether it be to get away from Visual Line or just in general Goth Daddy got him 😌
one time he and harry went to another country and couldn’t speak the language, and the waiter thought they were a couple bc of the way they acted around each other so they got a couple discount sksksks
So,, so underrated,,, like please stan this whole ass man
Why wouldn’t you??? like,,, he know how to cook, he humble, he got the tongue technology, husband material, high ass IQ,,, tall, dark,,,, what more can u ask for tbh?
you could also ride his nose lmao but ig thats reserved for Harry
L.V. / Tom Riddle
Visual as FUCK
Has the biggest vocal range; king can go from Deep & Raspy to High & Angelic in 0.001 seconds
One word to describe his voice: soulful
used to be part of the rapline in their early debut days, but for some reason he hasn’t rapped recently?? kows r thirsty pls rap for us again tommy boy,,,
bc of that he’s not “part” of the rapline, so he’s just labeled as a sub-rapper, which means he’s like the backup-backup rapper.
Wanted to be leader and kinda resented Harry for a bit before he met him and now he too, is whipped for Harry
Does not care for personal space, literally just crowds around Harry whenever the fuck he wants
He’s labeled himself as Harry’s personal seat, and is always pulling Harry into his lap
Tom’s never been touchy with others but for some reason Harry is just,,, There. He likes that feeling that Harry gives him whenever he’s around; he’s fascinated about his own actions toward Harry so he’s always trying to explore their physical intimacy
HES GOOD AT EVERYTHING AND HE KNOWS IT; everyone’s just like, “wtf that’s not fair”
Yeah he’s good at everything but he watches anime sksksk 🗿🗿🗿
Lowkey-Highkey dislikes Cedric bc dumb bitch unplugged his computer while he was binge watching bnha & happy go lucky mf named Tom’s fandom KOWs (like cows 🐄), when it was supposed to be Knights of Walpurgis smh
His dance!! His dance sequences always look like fight scenes and it’s the B E S T
Very smooth & quick on his feet
Literally so many fancams of him body rolling
Takes no shit from antis,, they’re not relevant.. only DH & Harry are 😤
Adopts any brand with the initials L.V. And everyone just goes along with it
Tom stans (KOWs) clown pre-debut Tom bc he was gonna have his stage name as “Lord Voldemort” and no one will let him live it down skskks
Was scouted by another agency- that agency asked him to audition for their company but he thought it was a scam; he would’ve been in a diff group if he went
Originally auditioned to G.G. Ent. To become an actor, but changed his mind.
Since he’s also one of the choreographers he’s always trying to make it so he and Harry get lots of skin ship
Draco Malfoy
Harry’s/Ferret’s/Hallows’ sugar daddy no lie
Whatever the fans want? The fans get. Whatever Harry wants? He gets it too.
Draco appreciates his Hallows/Ferrets sm,, he’s always reminding them that they are the ones who keep DH going and that without Hallows they wouldn’t be where they are
He always tries to go on vlive (think: IG live, but better) every 2 weeks even with their busy schedules and just spends time talking with the fans :’)
During concerts he’s interacting the most with everyone, walking around the stage the most so the fans can see him from different views: he’s always trying to make eye contact with them
He’s rich enough he doesn’t have to be an Idol but he still wants to stay ,, he wouldn’t give up DH & Hallows for anything.
also helps with any financial problems the boys have!! they need a place to rent? he got their backs
Center of the group!! This means whenever they’re dancing you’d usually find him in the center/middle position. The center is the one who calls attention to them-self the most and has to make sure their formation looks good; they have to carry the group during a performance. If the center looks bad, then the rest of the group and performance is too.
STABLE AS FUCK VOICE. Do you know how hard it is to dance and sing? At the same time??? Draco makes it so effortless,, when he sings and dances his voice doesn’t shake or waver- It’s stable and whenever he’s doing a live performance his voice sounds like it’s from the actual track
HE LOVES DANCING. Dance dance dance. He joined DH because he really just wanted to dance, he didn’t think he’d be part of the vocal line lmao but ugh king got thru
He & Harry are both 21, and Draco’s always making it a point that he’s older than Harry (only by 2 months!); since they’re the same age, they relate and hang out with each other more. He and Harry usually go out and have “bro-dates”. He talks to Harry abt personal problems n vice versa.
He and Harry always support each other and have formed that bff bond and Draco’s always pulling Harry towards him on stage so Harry will get noticed more (since Harry’s one of the unpopular members, while he himself is veeerry popular)
Antis usually say that Draco doesn’t really have any talent and that he just bought his way into DH with his money and good looks, and that he doesn’t deserve his place as ‘center’ :(
The Confident Gay,,, always slapping that Harry booty.
Cheesy asf,, any chance he gets he always flirts w Harry
Seven / Harry Potter
Best leader 11/10
Always comforting members !! He sings to them to make them happy :)
Main vocal- king can hit that note 😩.
Voice is very calming/lullaby like. Relaxing uwu.
Mother hen lmao,, he’s always worried about his group and how they’re doing
Duality king go from 0-10000000 real quick
What a caring bitch I love him
Gives special massages to his members when they feel stressed,, and in turn they help him when he needs to step down from all that leader work.
He’s not really one to do ‘cute things for the fans on purpose’ but when he does he gets really embarrassed,, flustered bb will hide his face behind his hands n cover himself. He’d hide his face in his clothes, on another member’s chest/shoulder, or look at the ground while he stirs in cute embarrassment
Knows the members have some type of fascination with him so he uses that as like a punishment/reward system- “First one to memorize all their lines And choreo gets to go with me to help pick out my clothes.”
Insult his group? Won’t hesitate to cut u with his long eyelashes + sharp tongue lmao
Reassuring Hallows that they’re fine even when they get hate because they have each other,, DH/Hallows is best ship
Blames himself when another member gets hate- he feels like he’s not taking care of his group and he’s trying his best to make them feel not excluded :(
Lil bun bun uwu 🐰Seven Nation !! Stay winning 🤩🤩🤩 Protecc this hard working baby 😩
On stage he’s a force to be reckoned with,, like ugh what a sexy boi hshsh,, but off stage!!! A literal cutie!!!!! Soft & pure
Second half of underrated duo
Built up muscle during debut, but throughout the years/eras he went a bit lax, and since he didn’t have as much muscles since before, he’s gotten a lot of hate :( The members love his squishy cheeks n thicc thighs but antis think he should have a sharper jaw line hhh
oblivious mf,,, he rlly went on a date with a female idol from another company without knowing it was a date hh this boy
actually got in DH because he lost a bet
Zed / Cedric Diggory
Sunshine boy!! ☀️ Literally a ray of happiness in the group,,, always smiling and keeping everyone happy
most popular boy
Chaotic mf,,, in this au he’s the equivalent of the shaggy meme 🗿
Joined DH bc of Harry :’)) He’s gotten offers of joining other agencies but decided to go with G.G. Ent and decline all those offers because he saw Harry sing n dance + had a taste of Harry’s sweet personality when he first met him!! 
Cedric joined when he just turned 15, so Harry and the other members have been raising him for like 4 years :(. He could be a manifestation of all their groups personalities.
Looks up to Harry so much?? He’s Harry’s biggest fan and will literally do anything for him,, Harry’s done so much for him when he was younger that he wants to try and repay his leader by also being there for him :(.
M U S C L E  M A N / STRONG boi
literally harry sat on his back while he did push-ups wtf,, like he doesn’t even get winded if harry runs and jumps in his arms
every hallow who’s been with them since debut (15) to present time (19 going on 20): WHY DID HE GROW UP SO FAST HE HAD CUTE CHEEKS HOW DOES HE HAVE A JAWLINE WTHHHHH
his fandom name: satans
ok like,, cedric used to be a rlly shy boy during the beginning years of debut days and like?? he’s been getting more comfortable and one day he just thought “fuck the agency i do what i want” and he’s so happy now
this is why he’s so chaotic,,, his fandom used to be named “Puffs” but after Cedric’s Big Awakening, the Puffs renamed themselves as “Satans”
“Oh you’re a Hallow, too? Cool! I’m a Robin! :D” “Nice! I’m part of the Satanic cult haha”
earlier i said he was a sunshine but uhhhh
When he’s on stage ohoho,,, damn what a M A N,, like??? spits fire and memes on a daily basis
h a t e s losing,,, “I’m never losing my virginity” “Why??” “BECAUSE I NEVER LOSE”
Harry meanwhile: but u could win me??? 
Cedric is just,, “...” “for the greater good” 
released a solo album called “Spared” (name idea was from L.V. bc Cedric ate his last dumpling; originally wasn’t gonna go with it but Harry liked it lmao)
Spared Title track - “Kill The Spare”
The seventh track on his solo album is called “Septem”, and its basically a song dedicated to Harry and how much he appreciates him as a person, how he’s so thankful to have him and his life,, blah all that mush
Septem = Hedric/Zedven shippers anthem
Cedric has a cool necklace that he always wears and he tells people, “Harry gave me the chain. It had a different pendant but I changed it for this one. It’s the Roman numerals for Seven.” :D
so,, much,, puns its stupid
a crackhead
his whole group is made up of crackheads but he’s the TRUE crackhead  ya feel
this boy is always active on social media im,,, like?? he’s just on vlive talking with the fans and then he’ll show the camera around to where Draco is helping Harry stretch before warm ups (surprise they’re in a compromising position) and Cedric just goes, “Haha! I love friendship :).” 
started his dancing career when he joined DH, so he’s the most behind with dance; many people criticize him bc he’s a “bad dancer” but everyone knows he’s a better dancer than any Hallow
but!! he has improved so much D: sunshine baby rlly went thru it
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ofhoseok · 7 years
Seventeeeeen ye and Monsta X
i just reblogged this not even a minute ago and i forgot everything i was supposed to answer for this thing
Group: seventeeeeeen yeahFirst MV: adore uEra I discovered them: akkindaEra they were actually in when I discovered them: “ayo ayo sev-teen”How I Found Them: i saw people (cyprian probably) talking about them on twitter i think? i guess i looked up their profile and watched all of svt tv like a few weeks before debut LOLFirst Bias(es): vernonCurrent Bias(es): VERNONBias Wrecker(s): s.coups, hoshi, occasionally mingyuFav Song: aju nice, crazy in love, check in, CHUCKFav MV: boom boomFav Moment: so many…. this first that comes to mind is when a member was pranking some of the other members by just screenshotting the homepage of the phone and making them think they were being photographed and vernon??? said his name while he thought he was being photographed??? who does that??? /click/ /click/ “yessss… vernon…..” /click/ ooh ooh or during one fine day (in yeoseodo) when the members started communicating across the island via screams
Group: monsta xFirst MV: trespassEra I discovered them: trespassEra they were actually in when I discovered them: “excuse my charisma!!”How I Found Them: i watched their debut stage and thought “man. now there’s a group i can stan forever.”First Bias(es): minhyuk, wonho, lowkey i.m for like 2 daysCurrent Bias(es): jooheonBias Wrecker(s): minhyuk!!! i love him like a son thoFav Song: calm down (or be quiet, or unfair love) it was rush for a long time thoFav MV: rush?Fav Moment: the entire deokspatch series tbh. the /angrily drinks milk/ meme or /death metal in the bg/ /shownu, dressed as a mother, throws open the window/
send me a kpop group!
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