#seven hundred from heaven celebration
madhatterbri · 5 months
Christmas In The Mountains | C.C.
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Summary: Could you do a Christian Cage fic where it's the first Christmas together where y/n had a birthday during the holidays (doesn't necessarily have to be on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day) with some fluff and spice?
Author's Note: Requested by @dandelionw1shes If your birthday was during the holidays, Happy Birthday. ❤️
There wasn't much you wanted for your birthday this holiday season. Just a nice time away from everyone for a few days. No work, no hectic schedules, no catching airplanes, just pure peaceful bliss. Christian surprised you with a quick getaway to Tennessee in the cabins to celebrate your birthday and Christmas.
It was the perfect plan. He came back from an AEW taping on Christmas Eve. He would never want to miss his first Christmas with you. You spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with family and friends before taking off once more. He wasn't going to miss work since he already pre-taped a segment to hype people for World's End.
The cabin was a dream come true for you. A wooden house for just the two of you. The cabin had a balcony with lawns chairs and a jacuzzi to get a better view of the mountains. The bedrooms were upstairs, leaving the bottom floor spacious enough for a living room and kitchen.
You found the best part to be the peace. Every morning, you walked out to the balcony to enjoy the peace. There were no car horns blaring or loud music. Just the quiet your body and mind so desperately needed. The closest civilization was a small town with less than five hundred people. A little slice of heaven.
The peace had an amazing effect on your favorite wrestler. Christian was a different person while on vacation. His normal stern facial expressions were relaxed. He laughed more and was more affectionate. You never wanted to leave the cabins.
On your last full day at the cabins, you went on a hike with him. At the end of the trail was a waterfall. You took plenty of pictures together to remember this moment, although you knew you would never forget it.
After stopping for lunch at the town, you decided to drink at the local bar. The place was quiet except for a few regulars. The jukebox played music that you both enjoyed.
Christian decided to drive the two of you home so you could see the sunset in the mountains one last time. You sat on his lap in the jacuzzi and watched the pink and orange streaks in the sky. Before long night took over.
Stars twinkled the night sky. A couple of shooting stars could be observed as well. You rested your head against his shoulder. He planted a kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you," you smiled and looked at him. You stared into his eyes and kissed him. Your hands rubbed up and down his chest.
"For what?" He asked. His head fell back as he closed his eyes. The jacuzzi helped with any soreness in his muscles.
"This trip. The chance to just be together," you answered. "I don't know how I can ever thank you,"
"I can think of a few ways," he smirked and spun you to face him on his lap. He rubbed his hands up your sides. "There is one way I can really think of though,"
"Christian!" You gasped yet giggled. A blush appeared on your cheeks. You would be lying if you hadn't thought about it with him. No one was around for miles.
"What? Are you afraid Snow White and the seven dwarves will hear you? Come to papa," He teased and kissed you softly. You deepened the kiss, running your fingers through his hair. You separated from him to get air.
"You are going to be the death of me," you confessed and untied your top. Christian smiled and kissed you with more intensity. His arms wrapped around you as if you would float away from him.
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lyrenminth · 1 year
N/A: this is kinda like enemies to lovers. You are an athlete, the story happens in college. It will have a second part because I don't like long posts lol
Joe fucking Burrow.
Why couldn't he wear that stupid helmet everywhere? Or why couldn't he move to another university? Stupid football players, stupid football, and stupid administration.
Your volleyball team was doing fine, the media started noticing your progress and decided to made a short documentary about the players, but since LSU football team was doing extremely well since Joe Burrow arrived, the school media decided your team wasn't interesting/engaging enough and cancelled the short documentary.
You were excited, you were happy someone was paying attention to the effort put in by all the girls. You had seven wins in a row, come on. So, when they gave you the news, you were pissed. It ruined your day. Bad.
It didn't help that you were sharing a class with him, and after an important game where the tigers won everyone was sucking his cock. And he was enjoying it.
His stupid cocky ass.
That documentary should be about the volleyball team, not Joe Burrow. You didn't talk to him so much, you had friends in common but never were at the same time in the same place for different reasons. Besides, you didn't like how everyone worship him. Yes, he was good. The same with the other one hundred athletes in college. And yes, you were damn salty.
So, when your friend invited you to the party to celebrate the win, you said no. She was taking it better than you. Everyone in the team was taking it in a better way. They prompted you to go, saying Joe wouldn't be there because he didn't like people. A fucking lie, of course. What convinced you was the alcohol, you need to forget for a couple of hours.
The party was nice. There were students-athletes and members of sororities. At the beginning you didn't see Joe and thought he wasn't there, but when you went to the garden in a hidden corner to take fresh air he appeared like the fucking Houdini.
"Hey, you are y/n?"
You nodded, holding your cup with both hands, trying not to look so much his face because for the heaven and hell, he was hot. Everyone knew that, it was a reason why girls loved to show them tits to him. He was tall, well-built, a jawline which could cut your veggies and his laid-back, confident personality.
"I'm Joe Burrow" he said. You almost roll your eyes. "Yeah, I know" he read your expression, knowing you weren't happy with his presence.
"So, I just want to tell you I'm sorry for the doc" he explained. He didn't sound drunk at all. You were drinking but still thinking clearly.
"Yeah, me too" You couldn't hide the bitterness in your voice. Gosh, people didn't understand how important was for you, for the team. Everyone said "it just a documentary no one is going to see" and that hurt because you were working so hard and nobody cared.
"I didn't say or did anything if that's what you were thinking" he added "I'm just good"
His last comment sent you to hell. What the fuck?
"Yeah, and we are fucking trash although we are in a winning strike"
"I didn't mean it that way" he clarify, bothered after hearing your harsh tone.
"Yeah, I don't care" you took a deep breath realizing how rude you were. Yes, it wasn't Joe's fault, he was an exceptional quarterback and you only wanted to fight a wall "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just frustration"
"I see" he said quietly.
"What does it feel that everyone around you thinks you are great, cool and hot?" you asked, regretting it a few moments later.
"Do you think am I hot?" he said, amused.
"That wasn't the question"
"Um, I don't know. it is who I am" he shrugged.
"Well, yeah, thank you for the clarification. You deserved it though" you replied, referring to the doc.
"I mean, yeah, but you played well. I think is unfair for you and the team" You raised your eyebrow, not expecting that answer from a guy like him. "I mean, you can't avoid being popular" you stated.
"I don't like it as you suppose" he answered, looking around. A blonde girl was smiling at him "I just want to play"
"Well, doesn't matter what my opinion is. Congrats"
After that talk, you realized he wasn't such a prick. In fact, he was kinda weird. Not in a bad way, but you could tell, he didn't receive so much attention before. Also, the perfectionist and competitive traits pushed him to give his all. LSU did better not only for him but other key players. And you didn't want to get to invested, but Joe started following you, talking to you in class, sitting next to you. Weird stuff which made you uncomfortable because the last thing you wanted was to be labeled as his girlfriend when you were an athlete too. It didn't help the comments he used to make when you were lonely:
"You help me to be better, to improve my game"
"You are more competitive than me, I like it"
"I could learn from you too"
"My coach says you are the best in your position, I believe that's true"
You didn't know when your hatred vanished; when your walls fell down.
"You should sleep with him" Mindy, your friend and teammate said "He is the moment, he is hot and soon-to-be number one pick in the draft"
"No" You had a flashback of his back muscles, the long thighs, the pecs, and the dreamy booty. How many dreams have you had about kissing him below the ear?
"Not every day you sleep with a number one pick" she argued.
"Mindy no" you push the lustful thoughts aside.
"He likes you"
"Hell no" you replied, feeling uneasy.
"Hell yes" she said, grinning like a damn maniac "You are clueless and in deep denial. The poor boy follows you like a lost puppy. The other day I saw a girl trying to kill you with her glare when you were speaking to him. Those bitches dream to be you"
"You know that I have my goals too"
"Oh, come on! You didn't like volleyball either, you did it for the scholarship. Are you thinking of having a career?" Not really. Mindy knew your well "Or are you scared you like him as he likes you?"
"He is gonna be famous, and I wouldn't know how to handle that" you confessed. College and NFL were different lives. "You let it flow, baby" she said "And also, do you think he is going to let you go away?"
No, Joe always worked hard for what he wanted.
The thought made your cheeks red and your knees weak. But, there was this unnamed relationship, very close to a couple. He supported you, listened to you and you reciprocated. It was easy to do because...well, because you liked him too.
You took a deep breath, thinking about all the reasons why you should not date him. Stick to them, even if it hurts.
Joe got nominated for the Heisman.
He invited you to the awards. Everybody thought you had something going on. I was strange since slept in a sexual way (once you got wasted and slept together) and kissed a couple times. You were going crazy. What Joe Burrow wants from you?
It was time to put your big girl pants and asked him directly. So you invited him over, and he arrived after practice, freshly showered. Joe was happy to be there, and bought you a Subway on the way since you told him you haven't eat. It was those actions what cause confusion and ache. You needed to get the thing straight.
"Do you want to eat, first?" He said offering the Subway.
"No, later" he raised an eyebrow because you rarely rejected eating "I want to talk about us. I know you invited me to the Heisman ceremony and I would like to go, but I want to be clear that I'm not willing to wasted my time if we are not a couple. I'll go to the ceremony as your girlfriend nothing less"
Joe wasn't the only taking decisions. You wanted you piece of cake too. You were serious about this, after thinking so much about the pros and cons, the lifestyle of Joe scared you, but with a good support system you should be ok. You talked with your parents, friends and strangers on internet. Again, you were going crazy for this relationship.
"Ok" he said, and you almost threw a pillow at him. "Ok, that's all?" You asked skeptical.
"Yeah, I mean is weird you asked because in my mind we have been dating for a while, but I'm willing to go and said to the world you are my girl officially"
"In your mind?" he shrugged, a shy smile on his lips "Joe, wtf? I was dating you without knowing. Dude, we haven't had sex yet" his laugh made you stare at him "What?"
"From now and on, we have so much time to do what you want. Kiss, fuck, watch movies. Whatever you want" he said, happy. You noticed that he was fully committed. He had that determined expression he used to have before important games.
"I'm confused" he got closer to you and kissed you. You were getting used to his soft lips. Needless to say, he was a good kisser.
"Don't be, you're mine, I'm yours, everything is fine"
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April 9, 2023
Heather Cox Richardson
On April 9, 1865, General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to General Ulysses S. Grant of the United States Army at Appomattox Court House in Virginia. Lee’s surrender did not end the war—there were still two major armies in the field—but everyone knew the surrender signaled that the American Civil War was coming to a close. Soldiers and sailors of the United States had defeated the armies and the navy of the Confederate States of America across the country and the seas, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives and almost $6 billion. To the northerners celebrating in the streets, it certainly looked like the South’s ideology had been thoroughly discredited. Southern politicians had led their poorer neighbors to war to advance the idea that some people were better than others and had the right—and the duty—to rule. The Founders of the United States had made a terrible mistake when they declared, “All men are created equal,” southern leaders said. In place of that “fundamentally wrong” idea, they proposed “the great truth” that white men were a “superior race.” And within that superior race, some men were better than others. Those leaders were the ones who should rule the majority, southern leaders explained. “We do not agree with the authors of the Declaration of Independence, that governments ‘derive their just powers from the consent of the governed,’” enslaver George Fitzhugh of Virginia wrote in 1857. “All governments must originate in force, and be continued by force.” There were 18,000 people in his county and only 1,200 could vote, he said, “But we twelve hundred . . . never asked and never intend to ask the consent of the sixteen thousand eight hundred whom we govern.” But the majority of Americans recognized that if it were permitted to take hold, this ideology would destroy democracy. They fought to defeat the enslavers’ radical new definition of the United States. By the end of 1863, President Abraham Lincoln dated the birth of the nation not to the Constitution, whose protection of property underpinned southern enslavers’ insistence that enslavement was a foundational principle, but to the Declaration of Independence. “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.” The events of April 9 reassured Americans that they had, in fact, saved “the last best hope of earth”: democracy. Writing from Washington, D.C., poet Walt Whitman mused that the very heavens were rejoicing at the triumph of the U.S. military and the return to peace its victory heralded. “Nor earth nor sky ever knew spectacles of superber beauty than some of the nights lately here,” he wrote in Specimen Days. “The western star, Venus, in the earlier hours of evening, has never been so large, so clear; it seems as if it told something, as if it held rapport indulgent with humanity, with us Americans.” So confident was General Grant in the justice of his people’s cause that he asked only that Lee and his men give their word that they would never again fight against the United States and that they turn over their military arms and artillery. The men could keep their sidearms and their horses because Grant wanted them “to be able to put in a crop to carry themselves and their families through the next winter.” Their victory on the battlefields made northerners think they had made sure that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” But their conviction that generosity would bring white southerners around to accepting the equality promised in the Declaration of Independence backfired. After Lincoln’s assassination, Andrew Johnson of Tennessee took over the presidency and worked hard to restore white supremacy without the old legal structure of enslavement, while white settlers in the West brought their hierarchical ideas with them and imposed them on Indigenous Americans, on Mexicans and Mexican Americans, and on Asians and Pacific Islanders. With no penalty for their attempt to overthrow democracy, those who thought that white men were better than others began to insist that their cause was just and that they had lost the war only because they had been overpowered. They continued to work to make their ideology the law of the land. That idea inspired the Jim Crow and Juan Crow laws of the late-nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as well as the policies that crowded Indigenous Americans onto reservations where disease and malnutrition killed many of them and lack of opportunity pushed the rest into poverty. In the 1930s, Nazi leaders, lawyers, and judges turned to America’s Jim Crow laws and Indian reservations for inspiration on how to create legal hierarchies that would, at the very least, wall certain populations off from white society. More Americans than we like to believe embraced fascism here, too: in February 1939, more than 20,000 people showed up for a “true Americanism” rally held by Nazis at New York City’s Madison Square Garden. The event featured a huge portrait of George Washington in his Continental Army uniform flanked by swastikas. The decision of government officials 158 years ago to trust in the goodwill of former Confederates rather than focus on justice for everyone else seemed at the time to be the honorable and best course for healing the divided nation. But it ended up protecting the Confederates’ ideology and disheartening those who had fought for the United States. “When the Union men of those States who have suffered every kind of outrage, who have been fined, mobbed, imprisoned, and have seen their Union neighbors hunted and tortured and hung for their fidelity to the Government, see… a conspicuous, leading traitor hastily pardoned by the President that he may become Governor,” wrote Harper’s Weekly a little more than a year after Lee surrendered, “When they see members of the Cabinet deliberately annulling the law of the land in order to appoint late rebels to national offices, while the most noted and tried Union men in the insurgent States ask in vain for such recognition of their fidelity, how can such men help bitterly feeling the contemptuous scorn with which the triumphant rebels regard them? How can they help asking why they might not as well have been rebels? How can they help the conviction that the policy of the Executive is conciliation of rebels and not recognition of Union men, or avoid asking with intense incredulity whether this is the way in which treason is to be made odious?”
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heliads · 1 year
just a short time chapter six: i miss who i used to be
Y/N L/N and Nikolai Lantsov have already fallen in love. They have yet to meet. Their stories are over and done. There is far more to the world than just one series.
this time: Genya Safin's life is a web of intersecting connections. She meets David Kostyk through Aleksander, but she also meets someone much, much worse.
this chapter's song: would've, could've, should've
chapter five / series masterlist / chapter seven
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Genya Safin is handmade by the heavens themselves. Her eyes are brighter than stars, her skin smoother and more refined than the very silks she models. People would travel miles and miles to see her walk any runway, and they do, camping out around fashion week to watch her, small armies descending on any available event hall. Genya is highly coveted, desperately needed, and above all–
Saints, she is exhausted. If it weren’t already enough to be thrown from one corner of the world to the next for each new show, Genya can’t afford to merely live for herself. No matter where she goes, people are clamoring for her help with something else. She does the makeup of at least half a dozen other models and celebrities what feels like every day, always at someone else’s beck and call. Newspapers claim that simply being in her presence is enough to make you look your best, like Genya herself is so gorgeous that existing in her bubble makes you at least a hundred times prettier, but Genya can promise it doesn’t feel that easy. Not to her.
Still, she’s trying to make her way through it all. By hook or by crook, Genya will live season by season, trading in spring/summer floral angst for fall/winter jewel toned stress. It feels like work only kicks up again every time she tries to kick up her heels and relax, but that’s just what she gets for trying to pick a career that was even halfway difficult.
As if Genya ever had a choice in all this, though. As if she wasn’t assigned to this sort of life as a child, handed over to the highest bidder the second someone looked at a preteen girl and decided she was pretty. The only option Genya has ever had is to move forward, and so she has. It doesn’t matter how much the wheel of career success and failure bleeds her dry, only that she keeps it turning.
At some point, Genya is certain that she will fall behind, that even her best efforts at keeping up with everything will come to nothing and the whole damned system will spit her out. The worst part is that Genya isn’t even sure that would be such a terrible thing. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live life on her own terms, to not have to answer to anyone ever again?
A bleak voice in her head reminds her that Genya could never survive that way for long. She has grown desperate to please, hinging her entire life on a single compliment printed in crisp black letters in any fashion magazine worth its salt. Genya can think of no other life but this one. The dream of running away is just that, a dream, and one that every single one of them has entertained at one point then brushed aside under an equally hapless clutter of false aspirations and hopeless visions of perfect happiness.
So Genya has learned to stay for the little things. The thrill of a beautiful dress that will never be hers to keep, only to drape across her mannequin-like limbs. Getting coffee with her so-called model friends who demean Genya behind her back, but at least their jokes are funny half the time.
And most of all, the singular person with the capability of turning Genya’s entire outlook around with a single awkward glance her way:  why, none other than one David Kostyk, of course. Zoya Nazyalensky teases her mercilessly about it as only true friends can. Of all the people Genya has met, gorgeous models and rich actors, why is it that some pitifully shy computational whiz whose best friend is a graphing calculator would have this much sway over her?
He technically shouldn’t be in her sphere of existence at all, as he doesn’t even work in the modeling industry. David is an accountant for a music label run by a man named Aleksander. That leach Aleksander is so exorbitantly wealthy that he pretty much owns all of Ravka by himself, maintaining a careful spider’s web of industry and talent, music and art and politics. David should technically be on Aleksander’s side of the street, but instead, he’s lingering on hers. This minor act of rebellion should probably convince Genya to keep her distance, but instead it just makes her like him even more.
David’s just something different, that’s all. David looks at Genya then looks through her to the person within, not caring about perfect lipstick nor curled lashes. Genya has been referred to as a pretty plaything or empty-headed doll so many times in her life, but she has not once heard that sentiment from David. David, whose first words to Genya were asking for her thoughts on his daily crossword. David, who will ask Genya barely intelligible questions under his breath about fashion but has never seen her as merely clothes on skin.
It should come as no surprise that she would like him better than anyone else. Genya’s little crush was simply inevitable to anyone who knew her well. After so much time of being a Barbie in someone else’s girlhood, the thought that someone sees her as a knight errant instead of a damsel in distress is something akin to a miracle.
David might be the only one, though. Genya has been drowning in self-loathing for quite some time now, unable to swim back to shore when the force of everyone else’s words keeps pushing her back out to sea. Even Zoya and Alina, Genya’s best friends, didn’t trust her at first. Genya knows full well they thought she was an airhead, only in the same room as them because she was vaguely connected to Aleksander. They may have gotten over that assumption in time, but that doesn’t change the fact that they thought it was true in the beginning. David never thought it. That means everything.
Genya is well aware of her reputation. She started young, too young, and to the world’s insatiable appetite for terrible drama, that means she must have done something to cheat her way in. They’ll come up with her horrid backstory soon enough, Genya is sure of it.
Already, the rumors are starting to spread. Hunters were born to chase after foxes, and they’re on her tail now. Why would a model know Aleksander, dark king of shadowy connections? What did he do to jump start her career?
Genya knows. Genya has been trying to hide from it for quite some time. There was a meeting approximately three months after she first met Aleksander. Genya had not known what to expect, that was her first mistake. She’s learned now that if you meet a man somewhere after hours with no one around, you must be able to trust them first. Any matter of uncertainty will only spell your regrets for years to come.
Genya had entered a darkened office and found two men waiting for her there, not one. Aleksander had stood, pressed a hand to Genya’s back in a gesture of familiarity that felt more like he was trying to make sure she wouldn’t run. This is Alexander Lantsov, he’d said, gesturing to a man old enough to be her father, He’s a very famous actor, known the world over. Aleksander had rattled off the last bit like a justification, a reason why what would follow was needed.
Of course it was needed to him. Aleksander might crumble to ash and bloody bone if he wasn’t able to expand his godless empire by the day. The Lantsov patriarch was his key to expanding into the film industry. If the sacrifice to get there was Genya herself, why would that ever stop him?
Introductions over, Aleksander left the room. Genya can still vividly hear the sound of the door shutting behind him, the lock clicking into place. She tried the door anyway. She tried it every night after that, but had the same result each time. It would not work. There was nothing she could do to hide away from it.
Genya was nineteen when people started looking too closely. It had been going on for years. She regretted every moment that she had ever spoken to Aleksander, every thought that he could be an ally. She cannot avoid him, his claws are in every inch of Ravka’s skin, but that doesn’t stop Genya from missing who she used to be, a girl without her innocence shattered like glass in a darkened office with the security cameras turned off.
That is what she fears the press discovering. It would never destroy Aleksander, of course, not even the elder Lantsov, only her. That is how this world works. It only ever ruins the little girls who didn’t know that no one is to be trusted.
The truth comes out a matter of months later. You can’t stop the presses, even on a topic as private and horrific as this. It isn’t official, just a rumor that spreads like wildfire. No one has proof; Aleksander was careful to cover his tracks, but that protection doesn’t spread to Genya herself. Not a word is said in her defense. People form their own opinions on whether it was true or not, if it was her fault or not. Most assume that she danced with the devil of her own accord, and they spit at her image as it crosses their screens.
Genya does her best to put up a brave face, to pretend as if it doesn’t affect her even though it does. Ghosts scare her around every turn, and Genya cannot even think about her past without flinching away from it. Memories are weapons aimed for her throat, and the blood spatters not on promising grown men but on the girls so naive as to believe in them.
She breaks soon enough. Genya hears a cluster of models whispering about how she must be a terrible girl, one without morals or a conscience, a ruined thing. She’d been to brunch with them earlier that day and they said they’d stand behind her wholeheartedly. She’d even lent one of them her best high heels last week.
Genya can only take so many betrayals before she breaks. She runs deep within the crevices of the modeling agency’s headquarters, finds some empty room traversed by no one and curls up in the corner. Head in her hands, Genya sobs until her ribs ache. It still isn’t enough to adequately sum up how awful this feels.
If that weren’t enough, Genya hears the door open with a click. She risks a tearful glance over her fingers then ducks her head back down again. Of anyone to discover her place of shame, it is David Kostyk. The one person Genya still cares about impressing.
She half expects him to leave, to head back out without another word, leaving only the cumbersome exhale he lets out upon seeing her. Instead, he closes the door halfway behind him and walks further inside. Genya doesn’t dare look up, not even when she hears him sliding down the wall to a seat by her side.
“I read a remarkable article today on the properties of steel,” David remarks pleasantly, “there’s something interesting–”
Normally, Genya would be just fine with playing along, listening to David ramble on about metalworking or computer functions or any one of his interests. Today, though, she can’t even manage that.
“Don’t,” she interrupts bitterly, “I know you’ve heard the rumors. Don’t you dare pretend that I’m something you can fix. I’m not a project or a hobby.”
Genya hears a shuffling sound that might be David shaking his head. “That’s not what I was going to say. Can I finish?”
Genya hesitates a moment, then decides that his opinion of her cannot possibly get worse. “Alright.”
“Thank you,” he says, and Genya thinks he means it. “I talk about steel because it reminds me of you. Steel cannot be broken. It is strong and beautiful and so far from fragile. That’s you. The rumors are words. If they’re true, they prove that you are stronger than anyone else could have ever imagined. Even me, and I already thought the world of you. You don’t need fixing, Genya. You never have.”
Genya’s breathing catches in her chest. Slowly, cautiously, she emerges from her hands. The tears half-drying in her eyes fracture the dim lights of the room, casting wide, blurry beams over David’s face, but she sees the kindness there just fine.
“You mean it?” She asks, voice quiet.
“Of course I do,” David replies matter-of-factly, with all the assurance as if he were really just talking about elemental trivia.
It makes her laugh. Genya wasn’t sure that she could do such a thing after today, but she can, and it makes David smile back at her. After a moment, he stands, extending a hand to her. Genya takes it without a second thought.
“Now, if you’re really interested in metal, I do have some scintillating facts about the substances used in today’s technology. They’re even used in textiles in the fashion industry,” David murmurs absentmindedly, his free fingers fiddling with a fasten on his button-up.
Genya’s smile brightens, and she nods for him to continue. She lets the sound of David’s voice fill her ears as they walk back out the hall. For the first time, Genya thinks that she might be alright. Now mended, her mind starts to turn towards revenge. The old actor-king and his shadowy manager should be afraid. She is not ruined, just as David would tell her. Genya is ruination, and she will come for anyone who has crossed her.
series taglist: @neelia-ficrecs
grishaverse tag list: @rogueanschel, @deadreaderssociety, @cameronsails, @mxltifxnd0m, @story-scribbler, @retvenkos, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie, @gods-fools-heroes, @bl606dy, @auggiesolovey
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pairs-of-dice · 1 month
just pulled through the worst heartbreak of my life, only took six months, thanks for telling me seven months into exclusive dating that there was a 30% chance you'd ever love me. that is royally messed up. thanks for having the ex I'd write anxious letters about, on snapchat, the whole time. that is royally messed up. thanks for asking me to move to your state with you after college, then change your mind when I was about to do it. that was not cool. thanks for letting me spend over a thousand dollars on plane tickets to visit you only to use me for my body and ignore my very presence every single time I visited. that was royally messed up. thanks for having me wait 40 minutes at the airport for you when we landed at 2am only to book an uber and pay two-hundred-fifty-dollars for a hotel room because you couldn't wake up for your alarm. that was royally mortifying. thanks though for paying me back for the hotel room, and thanks for flying up to celebrate my birthday with me. thanks for above all trying to be a good partner and being the best man I've ever been with. I am infuriated you don't seem to be my forever person. I don't expect whoever it is to be six four and make me feel so safe. I am so sad. but technically in the capitalist scheme of things my feelings don't matter. so there's that. the worst part easily is that you don't feel a fraction of the way I do back. that's why we broke up in the first place. you didn't love me back and you had confidence that you never could. why did you say 'I love you too' when we were hugging goodbye? why don't you want to try again. I don't get it. why text me back and why have long calls with me now if you don't feel the same way I do. I don't get it. why call me an angel from heaven if you didn't mean it on one of the calls we had. I don't get it.
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destinyimage · 7 months
Secrets of Biblical Feasts! Unlocking God’s Prophetic Timeline
Nothing captures the restoration of the Jewish root today and the Kingdom to come, as the resurgence of the biblical feasts, the festivals of the Lord.
Yeshua Jesus observed them all! One could characterize the feasts as antidotal and prescriptive, and an introduction to such realities as sanctified time, rhythms of life, and God’s concept of time.
The feasts come not from the body of rabbinic literature or tradition, but from the enduring Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament. According to Timothy, this portion of the Bible is a vital part of the entire Word of God: “All Scripture is God-breathed…” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV). Paul first wrote these words to Timothy when only the Torah was in view.
The feasts are commanded by God to be observed perpetually, “And ye shall keep it a feast unto the Lord seven days” (Leviticus 23:41 KJV). This brings us to the Hebrew word for “forever,” which is olam, which also describes God’s name (Exodus 3:14-15).
In Leviticus 23:1-2 (NKJV), the same idea is found: “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts.’”
The writings of Heschel on the Jewish calendar are foundational. Abraham Heschel was a Polish-born Rabbi who lived from 1907-1972. He writes of the feasts and Sabbath in his book, The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man: “The Bible is more concerned with time than space, emphasizing generations and events more than things or lands. It speaks the language of history rather than geography.” Feasts like the Sabbath became a holy space in life, and a time to recall history and identity.
Heschel asserts, “Judaism can be characterized as a religion aiming at the sanctification of time…there are no two hours alike. Every hour is unique and the only one given at the moment.” More, “Jewish ritual is God’s architecture of time—observances are predicted on the phases and rhythms of time.”
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A rabbinic explanation illustrates the richness of the feasts this way, “The feasts stand on two legs, one in heaven, and one on this earth, and it is impossible to divide them. Take God out of any festival or memorial and you take away one of its legs and it falls flat.” Being far more than celebrations, each feast was an inner spiritual activity for the Jew. So Judaism is always reinforcing the Jewish concept that He is the Creative Guiding Force or the Source of All That Is.
The Human Need for Memorials
When God ordered the Israelites to observe the biblical feasts, regularly, according to appointed times, they were to mark a holy time, purpose, and message. It was also a time for God to be worshipped and remembered. When God directed Moses to give to Pharaoh the plain reason he should let His people go, He said: “Let my people go that they may worship Me.” Pharaoh prevented the Israelites from remembering God at His appointed time.
Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888) said a hundred years ago, “The Jew’s catechism is his calendar, when he called upon his contemporaries to count and live their days accorded to the hallowed order and rhythm of the Jewish calendar (which is of course the biblical calendar.)”
Any notion then of hallowed order and rhythms or numbering of our days and architecture of time, one is confronted immediately with an obvious nugget in the treasure of God; the feasts were given as memorials to be observed forever, from the age past and into the present age, and into the age to come. Even in the Kingdom to come, all humankind, Jew and Gentile, will be required to observe the Feast of Tabernacles. Recall that during this time, Yeshua Himself will be reigning upon His throne in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:16).
What becomes evident is the human inclination to forget God and His principles. Out of Israel’s forty-two kings who reigned, only nine did right in the eyes of the Lord, yes only nine. The Psalmist in chapter 78:32 (NIV) answers this mystery: “In spite of all this they kept on sinning; in spite of his wonders, they did not believe.” Man’s tenacious bout with the same touches all. Man loses his way and must always be brought back to remembrance. An ancient Jewish sage sums it up this way, “As water and fire cannot coexist in the same vessel, so too, love of this world and love of the World to Come are like two wives of the same husband: please one, the other gets angry.” How much more for us in Messiah’s glorious truth!
The Calendar
Regarding the calendar, biblical rhythms need to be calibrated according to our modern civil calendar that Pope Gregory instituted in 1582. His calendar defiled the biblical calendar to its core.
The Gregorian calendar was purely solar, while the ancient Israelites calendar was luni-solar and followed closely the course of the moon to the next moon. Yet the lunar months corresponded to the season of the year, which is governed by the sun. Immediately one sees the close relationship to harvest and planting.
Our modern-day calendar year consists of 365 days. There are fewer than 100 Sabbaths, feast days, fast days, and holidays, and there are more ordinary days than special days.
Roman Days and Months
To grasp how completely the biblical calendar was defiled, consider our modern days and months. The month of January or Januarious was named for Janus, the god of doors. February or Briareus comes from the festival of forgiveness of sins. March or Martius was derived from Mars, the Roman god of war. April or Aprils is derived from the dedication to the goddess Venus. May or Maius is derived from the goddess Maia. June or Junius is named after the goddess Juna. July and August were named after Julius Caesar and Augustus. December was originally the tenth month on the Roman calendar.
When it comes to the days of the week, the Greeks derived their names from the sun, moon, and five known planets; these were in turn named after the Greek gods: Ares, Hermes, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Cronus. They called the days of week theon hemerai (days of the gods). The Romans substituted their equivalent gods for the Greek gods Mars, Mercury, Jove (Jupiter), Venus, and Saturn.
Contrary to the Romans and Greeks, the Bible designates Shabbat-Sabbath from all other days; six days we labor, but on the seventh is a Sabbath! Our modern days trace back to the following:
Sunday came from Sun’s Day or the day of the sun.
Monday from Moon’s Day.
Tuesday was derived from Tiu’s Day for the English Germanic god of war and sky.
Wednesday from Woden’s Day, the leader of the Wild Hun.
Thursday, from Thor’s Day, named for the god of thunder. He is also represented as riding a chariot drawn by goats and is the defender of the Aesir.
Friday comes from Freya or Fria, who is the Teutonic/Germanic people’s goddess of love, beauty and procreation.
Saturday (the biblical Sabbath) came from the planet Saturn who was also known as the god of agriculture and harvest. Saturn’s wife Opis was the goddess of fertility, and the Greeks and later mythologists believed they ruled the earth during the time of happiness and virtue, which is ironic since holiness, happiness, and virtue are the qualities that the One True God intended for His people on Shabbat.
What the Spirit of God has initiated today is nothing short of redeeming time and restoring biblical rhythms. This defined not only ancient Israel and the early body of Jewish believers, it characterizes the Kingdom to come.
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thetristoneera · 7 months
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United Assassins Factor
Nineth Goav Sai (Nine Lives, Something of Folklore; Now Cut It Away)
Tyrael Nox > I Became, Rissari Bailon, Gear Rockin, Fingertip Bazooka, Shogunru, Emera Soryn, Drexdurn, Whisker, Death of A Million & Blitzy
Kino El Tsurroro (When You Hear Things of the Wrong, He Will Sweep Them Away)
Devil's Hate > San Junipero, Jonno Ashton, Sunshiny, Empire Styze, Unhappy, Ms Warren, Symphony, Fotizo, Zinaj Gunava & Jam Ragious
After the wake of the Species Wars, several people believed that an order needed to be made. In order to prevent the mass genocide of chipping away all humanoid species. Pride was taken to Pandora's Box to be placed in it, so to speak; so it will never be revered amongst an entire species again. It took the most high, several orders to make this order a possibility. Of those that believe that universal atrocities shouldn't be witnessed again. A prevention order was made under the guise of assassins. Those with the morals of preventing humanoid extinction instances, dilemmas, developments, plans, secrets & executions; are welcome to join the fold when there's an opening. Psychics were given a very distinctive feeling; so that when children go through history. Those that experience the hatred of the Species Wars, give off a very ill feeling; as if they were dying right that instant. To recruit such children for the prevention of that. Those that were hurt the most by this history have been formed into weapons of mass creation & destruction. For the elimination of any type of leader that would provoke another Species War. Tyrael Nox & Devil's Hate are descendants of the families that created the oaths of Nineth Goav Sai & Kino El Tsurroro. Until they grow tired of existing, the ten people under their command will live immortal as well; until their dying breaths. For the protection of tomorrow, with no Species Wars in sight. From their classrooms to Space Colony: Devi Halriona; they have the license to kill to protect humanity at all costs. No matter the small time leaders to any of the world leaders; if a sentiment of destroying all humans, devils or angels is caught; they'll be the executioners no one will see coming. Between Heaven's Hydra VS Hell's Hydra, their hearts, their ten heads; knows no fear, knows no obstacles, knows that they must go extremely hard in the paint so that innocence will live on.
Their culture, the House of Seven; births children with the super powers of Heaven's Hydra. The House of Tabron; births children with the super powers of Hell's Hydra. They act as the two hearts, the two commanders of this order. Their ten underlings are considered heads, they will follow the hearts. For controlled executions, NGS takes the helm; for mass murder, KET takes the helm. The ten heads' ages range from 19 - 300; Blitzy being the youngest & San Junipero being the oldest. Tyrael Nox or Devil's Hate have no intentions of ceasing to exist any time soon. If a psychic were to read their minds, both of them agree they are trying to make it to the 777 year mark; which is something most immortals try to make it to. There are always anomalies that changes everyone's minds. No matter how much trauma they absorb, longevity is in their vision. No matter how many missions have come across their command center; the hundred year olds have longevity in their vision too. All members, since the end of the Species Wars; tend to live on as assassins until they are killed in action. A lot of them have buried their fellow comrades. Every time a new kid is brought into the fold; the celebration is unmatched. As they are presented with so much luxury before they become an assassin; they use that luxury to wash all of their past away. Then kneel down to be sworded into the fold; the oaths are different between the sides but they are one in the same. From then on, the likelihood of them seeing their family again is very low. UAF will become their new family, as they must stay shrouded beyond anyone's eyes or minds. As far as any technological entity sees it, UAF doesn't exist & will be automatically destroyed from the internet; if anyone or any member ever says the order's name. They won't recieve any backlash for saying who they rep, but that's all it is; an urban legend by the word of mouf. To ensure they remain a secret, their base of operation is located within a college on Dev Halriona; where majority of them act like faculty. Now that this briefing is over, yeah; thought you were going to get some personal summaries of each member huh? Nah, just forget you ever read this...
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0 notes
miajolensdevotion · 9 months
Revelation 11
* The Two Witnesses
- Who are the two witnesses, how many days will they prophesy?
1. My two witnesses will wear sackcloth,[a] while I let them preach for one thousand two hundred sixty days.
Verse 4 These two witnesses are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand in the presence of the Lord who rules the earth.
- What kind of power will they have and what will they be able to do?
2. Any enemy who tries to harm them will be destroyed by the fire that comes out of their mouths. 6 They have the power to lock up the sky and to keep rain from falling while they are prophesying. And whenever they want to, they can turn water to blood and cause all kinds of terrible troubles on earth.
- What will happen to anyone who tries to harm them?
3. After the two witnesses have finished preaching God’s message, the beast that lives in the deep pit will come up and fight against them. It will win the battle and kill them. 8 Their bodies will be left lying in the streets of the same great city where their Lord was nailed to a cross. And that city is spiritually like the city of Sodom or the country of Egypt.
- Who was able to kill them after their testimony?
4. The beast that lives the deep pit
- What happen after 31/2 days?
5. At that same moment there was a terrible earthquake that destroyed a tenth of the city. Seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were frightened and praised the God who rules in heaven.
14 The second horrible thing has now happened! But the third one will be here soon.
- Read verse 9, in your opinion, is this event possible now in our time? Why or why not?
6. I think yes... [Reference:
 For three and a half days the people of every nation, tribe, language, and race will stare at the bodies of these two witnesses and refuse to let them be buried. 10 Everyone on earth will celebrate and be happy. They will give gifts to each other, because of what happened to the two prophets who caused them so much trouble. 11 But three and a half days later, God will breathe life into their bodies. They will stand up, and everyone who sees them will be terrified.]
* The Seventh Trumpet
- What happen when the the seventh trumpet was sounded? Give a short summary?
7. A. loud voices were heard in heaven. They said,
“Now the kingdom of this world belongs to our Lord
    and to his Chosen One! And he will rule forever and ever!”
B.  twenty-four elders, who were seated on thrones in God’s presence, knelt down and worshiped him
What Lesson did you learn today?
C. The door to God’s temple in heaven was then opened, and the sacred chest[b] could be seen inside the temple. I saw lightning and heard roars of thunder. The earth trembled and huge hailstones fell to the ground.
0 notes
tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
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Seven Hundred from Heaven
700 followers celebration
I'm blown away by the amount of love and support I have received on this site. I would've never thought I'd make so many friends and write so many fics over the past year. I couldn't have done any of it without y'all so thank you from the bottom of my heart 🥰 with all that said and done, let's begin the celebration!!!
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Starts: March 11 @ 12am (PST)
Ends: March 14 @ 11:59pm (PST)
You are welcome to send in asks before the celebration starts, but I won't start responding to them until the start time
I may be inactive on here March 13 and morning of March 14 for family plans, but y'all can still send me stuff
As always, please be 18+ to participate! Y'all know how I feel about minors being on my blog so please don't give me a reason to block any of y'all. Please have some indication of your age in your bio.
You don't have to be following me to participate. Everyone is welcome!
I disabled anon feature to avoid meanies and minors
Please send one emoji per ask. You don't have to worry about spamming my inbox, I will see everything ;)
I will not write/discuss anything revolving around non-con, underage, a/b/o, bathroom kinks, blood kinks (only exception is vampire AU if applicable), incest, step-cest, foot fetish. I also reserve the right to deny writing any other things that make me uncomfortable.
Overall, let's just have fun and spread some love!!!
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Asks to send me
🕊 - Heaven sent you to me
send me this emoji along with what made you follow me
ex: 🕊 - I followed you because...
🤍 - Heaven is a place on earth
send this emoji along with your favorite fic/line from fic of mine
ex: 🤍 - My fave fic/line of yours is...
🍀 - She’s so lucky, she’s a star
let’s play an ask game (cym, wyr, fmk, etc)
*other ideas for ask games 1 | 2 | 3 (will add more if I find any)
🌿 - Just like heaven
Send me a movie + hottie from the list and I will recreate a scene from that movie
*bonus if you send me specific scene from movie
☁️ - Head in the clouds
send me a concept that you think would fit in any of my AUs (Honey Baby, Teach Me Tonight, Rolling Dice and Rocking Hips)
*no angst plz; just good heavenly vibes hehe
💐 - I hope he buy you flowers
(writer mutuals only) I will make a moodboard based on my favorite fic of yours
💫 - A dream is a wish your heart makes
“I wish you would write a fic about…”
✨ - At last I see the light
send me an AU/trope + hottie (real or fictional) and I will make a moodboard and/or playlist
😇 - Locked out of heaven
send me a hottie (real or fictional) and I will rate them (doesn’t have to be part of the list)
🐚 - The magic conch
let’s get personal, ask me whatever you want
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My Fave Hotties
All good boys go to heaven (real life hotties) -
Simu Liu, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, Austin Butler, Barry Keoghan, Andrew Garfield, Harry Styles
But bad boys bring heaven to you (fictional hotties) -
Marvel: Loki Laufeyson, Xu Shang-Chi/Shangqi, Peter Parker (any variant), Xu Wenwu, Erik Kilmonger, Scott Lang, Thor, Druig, Eros/Starfox, Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff (Age of Ultron), Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Marc Spector/Steven Grant (I know Moon Knight hasn’t come out yet but fuck it)
Non-Marvel: Kim Jung (Kim’s Convenience), any Sim Liu’s SNL characters (don't be shy, I know we all simped), Adam (Only Lovers Left Alive), Johnathan Pine (The Night Manager), Robert Laing (High Rise), James Conrad (Kong: Skull Island), Nathan Drake (Uncharted), Arvin Russel (The Devil All The Time), Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out), Jefferson/Mad Hatter (Once Upon a Time)
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dividers made by @firefly-graphics
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ventisehe · 3 years
crying on their wedding day, or not / genshin impact / part two
this is the second part of crying on their wedding day. i didn’t add dainsleif and baizhu because i don’t have enough creative juice to squeeze them in. 
requested by: @bakuhoe-is-my-bakubro
includes: venti, kaeya, xingqiu, scaramouche, razor, albedo, chongyun, xiao, kazuha
warning: unedited, not proofread, different variation of not seeing the bride before the wedding ceremony, written before kazuha was released
part one
            Although his wings that have soared through the vast open azure skies was as ancient as the winds that swept ever so delicately through the lands that made up Teyvat, although his curious viridescent hues have become quiet witnesses to numbers of renowned and untold tales of mortals across nations, no matter the countless years he devoted trying to cognize the mortals and their atypical behaviors, Barbatos – or Venti, as he refers to himself now – can never truly understand how so many human beings can stay in one place with one person.
                            Before he had even come to be the Anemo Archon, all that Venti knew was how to heed the call of the wind. To him, it was confounding how mortals do not have the similar urgency as he to follow the winds. Even when he had taken the form of his dearest friend, Himmel, and has elapsed through myriad of seasons and centuries, still he soared gently in the air, lyre in his possession as he sung melodies of his own composition and strummed symphonies for those who yearn to hear his voice, and with his braids billowing in his travel to a destination even he cannot tell yet.
            One has made an attempt - and unfortunately, a fruitless one - to make sense to him why some has gone against the heed of the wind, a very peculiar decision in the eyes of someone like him. His form nothing but a mere wisp at that time, nothing but a small creature with little understanding, and he remembered he was seated on the shoulder of his companion as they perched by the edge of a mountain, legs dangling and kicking gently back and forth. They basked in the caress of the wilting warmth as the sun bid its farewell.
                      Himmel was humming a tune with the corners of his mouth curving up and his eyes closed, and Venti's small frame thrummed with delight at the euphony he made.
                And in the serene quiet, his dear friend spoke, "Someday, you'll find yourself wanting to stay somewhere. For something, or for someone. You don't understand now, but when you come to love one thing, you'll always want to be close to their side." Himmel turned to him, a subdued smile etched across his features, and upon catching sight of the sincerity and fervor Himmel in his bright eyes, Venti cannot help but mirror his sentiments and reciprocate his smile the best he can with the body he manifested in.
     "When that day comes, you'll understand why many choose to . . . stay." Venti tilted his head to the side, and Himmel let out a small chuckle once he catches on the puzzlement that he displayed in his actions. "Don't look at me like that. I know you're curious about the whole marriage thing. Who knows, maybe someday you'll find yourself a nice fellow wisp and - "
            All it took for Himmel to cut his statement short and burst out in laughter was how Venti prodded against his neck as a feeble attempt to make him quiet down.
               And as Himmel has predicted, Venti - in time - did understood.
                        Venti was able to perceive the reasonings of mortals to turn their heads away from the beckon of the wind, to live a peaceful and quaint life, some alone, and some with their spouses. Himmel had done his absolute best to explain to him the wanders which are humans, and gleefully watched as Venti attentively listened to every word he spoke.
      However, at the end of the day, Venti was still a free spirit. He can never be tied down to one place, much more to another living being. He will always find himself favoring the whisper of the winds in Teyvat, adrift and letting himself go adrift.
            It was after he had witnessed the life in Himmel's eyes leave, heard his last breath, the whisper of the triumph of Mondstadt in achieving freedom, and his final request as he stroked Venti's quivering figure - A sad smile has been painted upon Himmel's brims as he gazed at the smaller entity weeping under his touch, "I ask only for one last favor from you, my dearest friend. Look after Mondstadt, after our people, for me, and never let everything we've sacrificed go for naught."
                          Venti was still a free spirit, but with what happened to Himmel, he longed to understand how he saw the world. It seemed he understood it differently than he did. And thus, he took the form of his beloved friend, and ventured closer than he had before to mortals.
      The day he found a place in The Seven, the fateful he became the Anemo Archon, Venti has not once missed an event with his people. He celebrated with them in festivities, cried with them in their sorrows, aided them in battles against transgressors or wars within their own mind. He laughed with them, ate with them, drank with them, and his love for his people grew everyday.
          But still, he can never stay for too long.
                      Venti tried to, he really did, for his friends, as his last gift before he lets go of the pain of losing him. But cannot force himself to remain in one place if his heart kept searching for places to explore, people to meet, discover the secrets of Teyvat.
    Hopelessness was beginning to gnaw inside him as hundred of years has passed, and he has already traveled through long distances and saw generation after generation of his people in Mondstadt, and yet nothing he has yet to fulfill his own promise to hos friend.
           Perhaps this was the way it was supposed to be. Maybe only mortals are giving the ability to be content and stay, but the Anemo Archon was forever to be appearing and disappearing - always, always stringing along with the wind.
                      And Venti believed that thought of his, and it stuck to him throughout many more years in Teyvat.
       Not even a dust of faith was left in the ruins of what he now thought of as a vanquished promise, marring Venti with a wound in his heart, and a doubt in his standing as an Archon. However, it was through this belief that took him by surprise when he met a rather strange woman at the last day of the Windblume Festival, and in Stormterror’s Lair, no less.
                    The Honorary Knight, and their odd traveling companion have long been gone after they bid him farewell and a safe travel in his return to his abode – or whatever dwelling was the closest he could denote as home – leaving Venti by himself to reminisce in the ruins of where Old Mondstadt once stood.
                                        The heavens were a color of black dotted with stars and the moon. The wind has grown softer, as though to accompany him in this lonesome hour, leaving chaste kisses against his pallid skin. From afar, the City of Mondstadt remains lit with lanterns and plethora of flowers. Even in this distance, he can oversee the joy that exuded from the people as they celebrated the remaining hours of the festival and take in the fragrance of the flowers friends and partners exchanged with one another. It was a beautiful sight to behold if one sits in such a desolate and dark place, in the very tower that he had confronted Stormterror – no, it was Dvalin now, Stormterror has perished along with the danger of the past.
                                        But a presence – curious, sorrowful – has intervened in the quiet evening Venti thought he had saved for himself. He stood up from the platform where he has previously perched upon and took off to take a gander in the Lair, and it did not take a moment longer for him to spot a figure nearby. There, standing on top of a boulder clad in a crestfallen expression was a lone woman. She was casting her gaze around Old Mondstadt, and the breeze blew her tears away,
            Venti had never seen her before. He had met every family, every person, in Old Mondstadt, and the same was to be said to the generation that followed after them. He knew them well, recalled their quirks and appearances, and this woman has no resemblance to any of them. Has she come from another nation?
                                   Venti made it his point to glide down and noiselessly land behind her, but it seems his efforts have failed him for this stranger spoke the second his feet made contact with the ground.
        "I wonder how this place used to be." You stated, and Venti was unsure whether you have felt his presence or you were speaking to yourself.
   “So, this is Old Mondstadt.” She stated in a murmur. Her voice was laced with awe, but with evidence of forlornity. “I heard rumors about what happened here, and-and the thing with Stormterror too. Archon, I wish someone would tell me the real story of the City of Freedom. Back in my home, we’re not even allowed to learn much about the Archons of other nations. It’d be foolish to just trust rumors.”
                                  There was something about her that piqued his interest. He did not know what it was. Maybe it was the way she talked about Mondstadt, her interest in the history of his city and his people, the sincere sorrow she felt for what the fallen tyrant of Mondstadt had had done to his former subjects, and how he had forced their hands to rebellion to protect their nation.
                            Venti spoke before he can stop to think. “If you’d like, I can retell the story of how Old Mondstadt came to be. I’m well versed in the history of this city, so rest assured everything you’ll hear is the truth.” He carved a smile to his lips. “And I am a Bard, so you have no need to worry about me chatting your ear off. All it takes is an audience and my lyre to get me started. Of course, a private performance will cost you, but since you’re new in the city, I suppose I can – ”
                                  His breath was taken away when the stranger turned to face him, and his words withered from his tongue. Ever seen a speechless bard? It was a sight people will scarcely see.
                Could he ever compose a song to even come close to the lovely view that was before his eyes? Gleaming curious pair of eyes, a smile so eager to listen, hair flitting with the wind as his heartbeat raced –
             Venti was used to captivating his audience with his songs and stories. However, this time, it was he who was captivated, and when he took out his lyre and played a sweet tune to sing the story of his beloved city, with this gorgeous woman listening to him with bright and shining eyes, Venti knew then that he wanted to play for her every song he knew, every story he saw and heard, to the end of time.
                            You told him your name after his song, and you came all the way from the isolated nation of Inazuma. It took him by surprise how you have confidence in him to reveal to him your identity and place of birth. Surely, not everyone will trust a stranger who has appeared out of nowhere who offered to sing them a song. But then again, Venti trusted you as quickly as you trusted him, and now it was his turn to listen as you confide in him.
  You have escaped from your home nation and survived out in the seas under the heat of the sun and threat of starvation for days until a compassionate Captain from Liyue, and her crew found you and delivered you to safety. And it was after your recovery that you fled to Mondstadt, the opposite of the nation you were born in.
                     Venti found himself sitting down in front of you as you told him your story, sight never leaving your frame as he did so. You were no Bard, and you were no storyteller, but he cannot tell the time or noticed the sun has set as you regaled him with story of Inazuma and your life after and before your escape. He was enchanted with the way you spoke, how you looked about Old Mondstadt with saddened awe, the fervidness in your voice – Have I found myself a rival? Thought Venti, eyes softening as you went on about your admiration for the affability and generosity his people have shown you.
                                                          When you left that day, you promised to come back and when you do, you shall ask him to sing to you more of his songs. At first, Venti was hesitant to believe your promise, but to his relief and happiness, when he saw you in the same place in the ruins undoubtedly waiting for him with your eyes closed and relishing in the wind that rushed past you. Venti always came to Stormterror’s Lair to oversee what remained of his old home, but for once, his sights were held torn and you have all his attention.
                   Seeing you keep your promise of return made his day, but when you whipped your head to face him with a smile, waving a hand as you asked him to sit with you, Venti knew that his heart desired yours. Was it a wise decision to fall for someone you've only just met? Certainly not, but he was an Archon who had too much time but too little for those who he holds dear. He cannot afford to be unsure when his time with you was limited.
     So, he decided – when the day is right and the wind is quiet, he shall make his feelings for you known.
            It became a routine for the two of you to meet in Stormterror’s Lair and share your stories with one another, Venti always telling his in songs, as a Bard would. There was never a dull moment between the two of you, and every story told in the ruins were to be fascinated of. And soon, it wasn't just stories. Soon, he was finding out more about you, knowing you better until he couldn't get you out of his head.
                  It became a routine for the two of you to meet in Stormterror’s Lair and share your stories with one another. Venti always told his in the form of songs, as a Bard would, you will always applaud him after, to which he would respond with a melodramatic bow. There was never a dull moment between the two of you, and every story spoke in the ruins and the silence of the night was to be fascinated of.  He was learning more about you, knowing you better, until he couldn’t get you out of his mind when his head falls against his pillow.
    Venti cherished these times he had with you. He knew it won't be long until you were gone. He knew his fate as an Archon – seeing loved ones perish and more to come, and the cycle continued.
                                           He hasn't even told you about his identity.
                          Venti was grateful for the Traveler for pushing him to tell you about his feelings and his standing in Teyvat, but he was still uncertain. What would you say if he confessed to you? What will you say if he admits to being the Anemo Archon? Will things change between the two of you? Will you leave? Venti can’t think about that.
                                                                       Venti grew worried when you didn’t come to Stormterror’s Lair one day, and then another, and his concern grew as days turned to weeks. Everyday he found himself visiting Stormterror’s Lair in hopes of seeing you waiting for him again, but he was always left disappointed. You did not mention going on an adventure or a commission, so his worry was warranted. Were you safe or were you simply sick of him?
                 When the day you finally appeared in the Lair, relief washed over Venti and he practically jumped off the broken tower he frequently resided and made haste towards you. But his footsteps faltered when he found no traces of a smile on your face. He can see the relief and joy, but the smile was absent. From that, Venti’s own beam wilted as he walked over to you with reluctant steps.
      When he came close to you, he opened his mouth to ask how you have faired for the past weeks and question your abrupt disappearance when you said something that took him by surprise.
                                    “I know who you are.”
          It felt like his entire world has stopped for a moment as he stared at you with disbelief smearing his countenance. How ever did you discover the truth? Certainly, he had similarities with his statues, but none of his people nor visitors from outside ever pieced the puzzle together.
                            He averted his gaze, ashamed. Why was he wallowing in shame? Or perhaps was this regret of not telling you sooner? Did you feel betrayed? Will you cast him away?
                      “But how . . . ”
                                            “The man at the Tavern told me, Master Diluc.” You answered. “I was telling him about you, and I guess he thought I already knew of you being the . . . Anemo Archon.”
           “Is that why you were gone for weeks?” Venti questioned, and when you nodded in response, he winced. He can’t help but think of the worse – She’ll leave me.
                          Venti looked away. “Ah, I shouldn’t be surprised. I mean, it is hard to believe someone like me is an Archon.” He laughed out, but the humor was nonexistent in his statement. “So, how do you feel about that?”
                      Venti let out a gasp when you threw yourself to him and enveloped him in a tight hug. Venti froze at your actions and waited for you to withdraw, but when you did not, he slowly accepted your embrace with gratefulness. He didn’t know what you do this, but he was more than happy to reciprocate your actions before he lets you go.
        It won’t matter, anyway. He’ll hear the winds calling for him somewhere soon. Maybe letting you go now would hurt less in the long run.
                    “Are you not . . . angry?” Venti asked as he closed his eyes and rested his chin on your shoulder.
                                    “Oh Archons, no, Venti. I could never hate you.” You assured him in a whisper and from the brokenness on your voice, Venti knew you were crying. “Those times you told me about Barbatos . . . all the stories about his past . . . everything he had gone through . . . ” You murmured, tone lowering. “ . . . you must have been so hurt and lonely.”
                                              He didn’t know why your words shot through him. He can feel tears streaming down his cheeks as memories of his past and the continuous pain of loss and regret caught up with him. Finally, after thousands of years, his false smile was shattered.
          How pathetic. He thought. An Archon weeping in front of a mortal that he is in love with. Could things get any worse?
                  Your hand stroked his hair, comforting him as he cried against your shoulder and in your arms.
                          “I was . . . ” He breathed out, choking as he tightened his grip around you. “ . . . it never stops hurting . . . I keep seeing Himmel, and everyone, and – ”
                He couldn’t finish what he was saying and just relished in the comfort of your arms, breathing in your scent.
                                    “I don’t understand what you’ve been going through these thousands of years, and I never will, but it’s okay now, Venti.” You whispered in his ear, and he can detect the compassion and love lacing your voice. His heart hammered against his chest. “You have me. You don’t have to pretend everything is okay. I’m here for you. I want you to be Venti and Barbatos with me, I want all of you.”
             He couldn’t believe his ears. Did he hear you correctly? You want him?
                    Venti gently retracted himself from you, but his arms remained at your sides. “You still want me, even after I kept this from you?”
         “I want you, Venti.” You clasped your hands over his shoulders, firmly looking into his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere anymore. I’m staying here, with you.”
                 And so, you stayed, and so did he – it was the first time he stayed, and he will never regret it.
One would think that as a renowned Bard in Mondstadt, Venti would push for a grand wedding where all people of Mondstadt are invited to wine and dine together as bards banded together to regale everyone with their music, and as the Archon who values freedom above everything else, a big part of him wanted to. But he thought of you and what you wanted. It took some time for him to deliberate over how selfish it would be for him to make you uncomfortable in your wedding day and agree a small wedding would be a much better option considering how sacred and intimate marriage is.
However, knowing you cannot simply have the Anemo Archon go against his belief, and of course because of your love for him, you have secretly devised a plan with Jean and Kaeya to invite all the citizens of Mondstadt to your reception to celebrate this joyous occasion for the two of you. There was more than enough food and drinks to feast, courtesy of Master Diluc, and you’re sure Venti will be over the moon with this surprise. 
Venti had no family, and those he did consider as family were long gone, just a memory from the past. Even though it is unusual for a groom not to have a best man in his wedding day, Venti claimed he was fine without a best man. He had no doubts in marrying you. When he proposed to you, there was no touch of regret or doubt. Albeit reluctantly, you were in a mutual agreement in that matter, as well. Until, of course, an unexpected tribute arrived offering his services.
Venti was not the least nervous when the day of your wedding came. He did not waste time when he woke up and immediately got to work on his appearance. Jean was kind enough to have his wedding suit tailored for him, an early wedding gift, as she says.
Venti knew of the rule that a groom mustn’t see his bride in her wedding gown until the time she walks on the aisle. But he was just so thrilled for this day that he forgot all about it. And even if he did remember it, who in the world would stop him from seeing you? He has no best man to stop him anyway -
Venti almost choked to death when a hand came to grasp him by his the back of his collar, and he blubbered pathetically as he was thrown off balance and was dragged back to the altar.
“Who are - Master Diluc? What are you doing?”
Diluc let out a huff as he continued dragging Venti away from your house. “Stopping you from upsetting your bride. I’m sure you know that you shouldn’t see your bride in her gown before the wedding?”
“But Master Diluc, as much as I appreciate what you’re doing, you’re not in any position to - ”
“Actually, I am in a position where I’m allowed to stop you from making a mess of your wedding.” Said Diluc. “I’m your best man, after all.”
Venti couldn’t put to words how touched he was, and more so when you revealed to him after the wedding that Diluc has offered to be his best man by his own volition. As thanks, the next time Venti visited the tavern to drink, he paid for a single bottle of wine once. It wasn’t exactly ideal but considering how he had no original plan to pay Diluc for any of the drinks he will consume, this was as good as it gets.
When the doors opened to reveal you in your pretty white wedding dress, Venti swooned, and a large joyous smile stretched across his lips.
A gentle breeze swept in the altar and Venti felt his feet leave the ground briefly, floating in the air as he excitedly watched you walk down the aisle, and it took Diluc’s hand pulling him down by the back of his suit to stop him from floating up above the cathedral.
“My, my, if I knew any better, I would have thought the Archons have taken favor on me and blessed me with a beautiful bride.” Venti said once you join him in the altar and took your hands in his own. “You look beautiful, darling. I might just write another song about you.”
You shook your head, pink tinting your cheeks. “Haven’t you written enough songs about me?”
Venti inched his face close to you, his large smile altering to a soft smile. “There aren’t enough songs to tell you how much I adore you.”
The wedding went on, and when the two of you kissed, only one thing entered in Venti’s mind - I found my reason to stay, Himmel. I just hope you can see this.
The wind blew gently.
                      Kaeya did not know what to feel when his brother has made it clear once and for all that he wanted nothing to do with him. His dismissive remarks, his heated glares, his cold and aloof treatment – he had known Diluc for so long, and his memories with him in their childhood never grew old in his mind, so it pained him to have his once bright-eyed sibling who aspired to be part of the Knight acting as though they were strangers. No, strangers would have been merciful. He acted as if the bond they had never meant anything to him, and casting him aside and seeing him under the light of contempt was the easiest decision he has ever made.
                                               Even you were not spared from the same fate. The three of you become inseparable the day you and Kaeya were introduced to each other. You’ve done everything together, and it would be a strange sight to see one missing from the group.
                When Diluc has cut ties with Kaeya, you suffered the same fate as he. You poor, poor thing – you tried your best to patch the friendship he no longer wanted to be part of, and Kaeya did not waste time running to your side and picking up the pieces Diluc shattered. It was not an easy feat for both of you to lose Diluc – he lost a brother, and you lost a good friend.
                                 But it was because of your fall out with him that you and he become closer than ever, closer than before, if that could even be possible. The two of you support one another and you go to each other when things get difficult.
             Kaeya will never admit it, and he would rather die than do, but he has loved you for many years. The moment Diluc pulled him into an unknown house, claiming that he wanted to meet someone important to him, and his eyes landed on your form with the sunrays kissing your skin, a wide smile stretching across your face, and a fake sword in your hand, his heart was taken.
                            You were one of the reasons he wanted to become a Knight. Diluc admitted his want to become a Knight, and you expressed the same sentiment, and of course, hearing his friend and brother say so, he became inclined of joining the Knights. I’ll get good training. He thought back then as stared at you, blushing as you braided Diluc’s hair. Then, I’ll be able to protect ( Your Name ).
        Now that Diluc no longer wanted to be in contact with you than more than is necessary, Kaeya grew to be more protective over you. He knew you can handle yourself as you were a Knight yourself and wields a Vision, too, but his heart clenches at the thought of you getting hurt when he could have easily had your back, like he always did.
                                                 Kaeya didn’t knowif you had feelings for him, or for anyone, for that matter. Many times he thought of confessing to you just to rip the band aid off, but he couldn’t. He’ll keep his feelings to himself and continue being the Cavalry Captain that everyone adored, and your own personal protector.
   But it was getting harder and harder to hide his feeling. Everyday he was always under the threat of falling deeper in love with you. Everyday, you always give him more reasons to love you. Waiting for him to come home after taking too long in his work, taking care of him after a nasty battle or when he’s drunk, always checking up on him even if your schedule was hectic, offering him help if you deem the responsibility given to him is too much. How much longer can he pretend that he wasn’t thinking of you everyday and every night?
                                He was pulled back from his train of thoughts when he felt a soft material doused in alcohol perch on the wound blemishing his skin. “Ah, be gentle, ( Your Name ),” Whined Kaeya, stilling himself to refrain from moving and delaying your nurse on his cuts.
                          “We wouldn’t be in this situation if you had only been careful fighting those Abyss Mages.” You reprimanded with a stern glare. “Think of this as your punishment from me. Now, hold still.”
                      “I was fighting Abyss Mages and came back with small wounds. How am I not careful?”
       “You can be more careful.” Quipped you, and finding your chance, you pressed the cotton again his skin, causing the Cavalry Captain to hiss in pain.
                      “Ow, ow, ow – I said be gentle!”
                                         “Oh, you can fight Abyss Mages but can’t handle getting your wounds treated? What a baby.”
                        Kaeya pouted while you pulled away from him. “My dearest ( Your Name ) doesn’t love me anymore.” He cooed. “Tell me, what can I do to make it up to you, hmm?”
                                      You shook your head and placed your hand over his head, beaming. His heart leaped in his chest. “Stop being reckless.” You responded. “You’re the most important person to me, Kaeya. I don’t want to lose you too.”
             Days and days he spent thinking of what you said. He never truly knew how he important he was to you. The thought of that had him sleeping and dreaming of you and your smiles, how the days will be if you loved him the same way he loved you, and the fateful day you owned his heart.
   He had to thank Diluc for introducing him to you. He couldn’t imagine being in a world where he has no one to lean on when he lost the only family he had. You became his rock, someone he could lean on and trust. His friend who he loved more than he should have, the woman he wished to see in his arms someday.
                     But it will never be. He has to protect you. He is always in danger and he doesn’t want to hurt you more if he died and you two are in a relationship. And he had seen firsthand how affected you were when Diluc no longer wanted to be friends with you. He won’t let you go through the same pain if your relationship didn’t work. He loved you too much to let you suffer again.
                                  Kaeya didn’t think he would be able to thank Diluc again after their fall out but he was mistaken.
                            He didn’t know the full story of what had happened the night he got shitfaced drunk in the tavern but woke up the next day to learn he has revealed his feelings for you in front of his brother, and the latter had casually mentioned it to you when you dropped by the tavern to escort him back home.
                      Regret and frustration welled up inside of him and he spent ten minutes walking back in you guest room, trying to explain himself and perhaps even jest about having feels for you but his preparation was all futile when you opened the door just as he was about to.
               Before he can speak, you beat him to it.
        “The next time you get drunk like that, you’re sleeping on the couch.” You chastised, shaking your head and proceeding to turn your back to him to return downstairs. “Freshen up, and head down. I already cooked you breakfast, so hurry up before it gets cold.”
                                              Kaeya stared blankly at the spot you previously stood before smiling. He rushed over to the staircase and looked down to watch you descend the steps. “I won’t keep you long, love.”
                            His smile broadened when he saw redness rush to your cheeks.
Kaeya proposed to you in a way you expected him to propose to you. A fancy dinner at a fancy restaurant where he ordered a fancy bottle of wine and placed the fancy ring he bought into your glass. It was only because you knew him well that you have no accidentally imbibed the accessory. 
Upon receiving your answer to his proposal, the first thing Kaeya did the day after is hunt down for a best man. As a popular and charming Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, he thought it would be an easy task finding himself a best man but that notion gradually wilted as the date for your wedding approaches, he has yet to find someone to take the position.
In his pursuit for a best man, Kaeya came to realize something. His relationships with others aren’t exactly intimate. They drink and laugh together, but none of them really knew him. Kaeya couldn’t go to them with his personal problems or have their shoulders ready for him to cry on. They were good friends, but not people he would let inside his heart and vulnerability.
There were only two people who knew him behind the title of Cavalry Captain - you, and of course, his estranged brother, Diluc.
The very thought of Diluc sent a shiver down his spine. Diluc hated him and ( Your Name ). He pushed them away, treated them horridly, like they had been nothing to him but strangers with bad memories. Why would he want him to be his best man?
He remembered one day in Angel’s Share, he asked Venti if he could stand as his best man in the wedding and he swore he heard a glass dropping from behind the counter but when he turned, he saw Diluc wiping a wine glass with a blank expression. When Kaeya faced Venti once again, the excitement of being asked of such honorable position has withered and the Bard kindly declined before telling him to ask Diluc to be his best man. He did not.
Who cares about best man? The only thing important to me right now is marrying ( Your Name ).
But when the day of his wedding dawned, Kaeya was in a panic. Behind his charm was a man with a dark past, dark memories, and dark thoughts. He began doubting his ability to give you the life you deserve, began feeling insecurities he thought he had set aside.
He tried his best to remain calm, and for the most part, it worked. Everyone did not find something amiss when Kaeya was interacting with them before the wedding, but someone did, and that someone took him by his arm and dragged him a far and secluded corner after excusing him from who he was conversing with.
“Stop fidgeting with your tie, it’s beginning to bother me.”
Kaeya let out a huff. “Master Diluc, what a . . . surprise that you’re here.”
“You sent me an invitation.” The red head retaliated.
Kaeya had indeed sent him an invitation but he had no recollection of this or whatsoever. He was too wasted to remember.
“The Cavalry Captain losing his cool. Now this is a wedding just waiting to be ruined.”
It was almost like magic how the anxiety that has been eating him up vanished at his brother’s taunt. Kaeya glared at Diluc, opening his mouth to retaliate but before he can even let a single word move past his lips, Diluc turned his back to him and returned to the cathedral, leaving Kaeya in disbelief.
He let out a huff as he stared at his brother’s retreating form. “Bastard still knows me best.”
Kaeya has taken the reins over his emotions again, and he was sure he can keep his composure when you enter through the doors. But he was thoroughly mistaken as he swallowed the lump in his throat when his sight landed on you.
It felt like a dream. How can someone like you love him? In all his flaws, mistakes, and faults, how did you see him as someone you can lean on? Someone you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Surely, he must be dreaming. He’ll wake up in his bed any moment now and realize that everything had been the foolishness of his mind -
Except you continued making your way down aisle, and then you were in front of him with a veil covering your flushed face, and then he was slipping his hands in yours. This was real. You love him.
You leaned forward to him, nose brushing against his. “You look very dashing today, Kaeya.”
Kaeya chuckled. “And you look splendid today, Mrs. Alberich - oh, don’t go shy on me now.”
His smile broadened at the sight of your reddening cheeks. If it wasn’t for the priest speaking right now, he would have flipped over your veil and kiss you.
But there is plenty of time to do that. Kaeya will make sure of that.
          The youngest of the Guhua Clan will rarely be seen without a novel in hand. Everyday, Xingqiu will be seen with his friends with a book near him, always different from yesterday. He had read many novels and heard stories from storytellers, but one story he will never get tired of was his story with you.
       Although it may not seem like it, Xingqiu was a hopeless romantic, and he has always imagined seeking a woman to make his bride. However, it will always be something he can only imagine. As a heir of the Guhua Clan, he has responsibilities to keep and adhere, and he has willingly accepted this. Being given the freedom to choose his bride is something he cannot afford. When his father has informed him about offering him to a daughter of another prestigious clan, he has voiced his discontentment and disinclination to the arrangement but has nonetheless followed.
                  What a horror it would have been if he had followed through with the tiny voice inside his head saying to run away because if he did, he would have missed the chance of laying eyes on you and experiencing what many romance novels he read called – a heart skipping a beat.
           It was a tiring charade of formalities and display of pristine etiquette. All Xingqiu wanted was to retreat to a secluded area and continue immersing himself in the book he has picked up from the local library. With how often he reads, the novels in his own house he has already read, twice.
                                And so, he did. He kindly excused himself from the dinner between the families, making up a lie about feeling unwell and needing rest, and hurried over in the fields near his place. It is not exactly rude for him to skip dinner. It is not exactly ideal for his bride-to-be to be late in an important occasion like this so why shouldn’t he exhibit the same treatment as they did to him?
                    When he came to the spot be frequented, he caught sight of an unfamiliar figure from afar. A girl around his age sat on the bench under the tree, in the same spot he always occupied. She wore clothes similar to the families of the clan his family are negotiating with, so it didn’t take long for Xingqiu to learn this girl was related to them. He just didn’t know what her standing was with them.
 She was beautiful, he will admit, but it was the book in her hand that caught his attention. Thus, he approached her, adorning a friendly mask as to not scare her away. It is rather uncomfortable meeting strangers in the dark of the night and somewhere far from civilization.
           “Her hair billowed as she stood by the precipice, golden hues dimming in the dying light as she was left disappointed for yet another century. Her tears stung her skin and her throat tightened, but another century is simply common for someone like her. She will wait for his return, even if every mountain has eroded and all that was left of her was hope.” He recited a line from the novel as he took even ambles towards the girl, and he did not falter as she turned to face him. He offered her a smile and bowed with the elegance that his family taught. “Apologies for my disruption, my liege, but I can’t help but be thrilled to see someone with such incredible taste for literature. Not many are fond of historical fiction. Well, in my case, not many are into literature.”
                                        Her eyes appraised him with wonder as she perfected her posture. “That’s one of the lines in the book. My, even I haven’t memorized a single phrase from any of the books in my collections.” She remarked.
                                “I like to memorize a line or two from all the books I’ve read. It feels like a part of them will always be with me even if my memories fade in time.” Xingqiu gestured to the vacant spot beside her. “May I sit next to you?”
     She let out a laugh, to which sent shivers down Xingqiu’s spine. “You may. It’s not everyday I get to speak with someone with the same interests as me.”
                      He gladly seated himself beside her and immediately, he was greeted with the fragrance of flowers.
                    The girl extended her hand to him, smilingly softly at him. “My name is ( Your Name ),” She introduced herself. “You’re probably thinking you haven’t seen me around in Liyue, and you’re right. My family is here to meet with the Guhua Clan.”
                                                      Xingqiu took her hand and pressed a chaste kiss on the back. “Glad to make your acquaintance, my lady. My name is Xingqiu from the Guhua Clan.”
      Her eyebrows raised in acknowledgment. “Is that so?” She mused. “Then, I must show my sincerest gratitude for letting my family into – ”
               “Ah, there’s no need for that,” Dismissed Xingqiu as he shook his head. “We’re far from the dinner they’re sharing together. No need to be so formal with me.”
          Her smile brightened. “I have a feeling we’re going to get along splendidly, Xingqiu.”
                        Upon returning together to his house and finding an excuse as to why Xingqiu had been outside did he and ( Your Name ) learn that it was them who were destined to be married when they are of age. The disappointment of meeting his soon-to-be bride has dissipated at the revelation, leaving him filled with utmost joy and pride as to having you as his, and from the shy and gleeful smile that wandered to your lips, Xingqiu can tell you think the same with him.
It was to be expected that the two of you will have a luxurious and grand wedding. With the two of you coming from wealthy families, it was no surprise. If you have insisted for a small wedding consisting only of close relatives and friends, your parents will fear some other elite clans will perceive this as them losing power and money and will take advantage of them or simply cut ties with them. You and Xingqiu had no other choice but to respect their requests. Although Xingqiu was secretly relieved you agreed to a big wedding. For him, you deserved only the best of the best, and in this case, larger is better.
Both families came to an agreement that it would be for the best if the two of you are not to see each other for the week before your wedding day. You found nothing wrong with this arrangement. Xingqiu, however, was the opposite of you.
Many times he tried to sneak out of his house to visit you in secret but Chongyun has thwarted this attempts many times. When he goes to adventures with the Traveler, he find himself missing you in mere hours. How can he survive a whole week without communicating with you?
Oh, how foolish of him. He was now allowed to visit you but he can, however, write letters to you.
For the whole week, Xingqiu will be writing to you without ceasing. You’ll have a difficult time keeping up with his letters but you’ll always find time to respond to him. After all, you missed him just as much as he missed you.
Xingqiu woke up before the sun can call for him. He walked around in his room, breathing in and out as he tried to soothe his joy. Chongyun, who was tasked to look after Xingqiu for the whole week, woke up from the sound of his footsteps. When he stepped inside his best friend’s room, Xingqiu held Chongyun’s hands and twirled him around, startling the half-asleep Cryo user.
“I’m getting married to ( Your Name ) today!”
“I know, Xingqiu. I’ve been stopping you from visiting her the whole week.”
Your wedding was held in a beautiful garden where cherry blossoms flutter and the wind was gentle and cool.
Xingqiu always held his composure in any situations and circumstances he encountered. But he was going to admit that seeing you in your wedding dress with the cherry blossoms kissing your skin and tresses every now and then had him malfunctioning.
It took a worse turn when you finally stood before him, expectantly looking at him. A compliment, a playful jest, a seductive remark - but there was none of that.
Xingqiu stared at you, eyes shining with admiration and his lips parted in pleasant surprise.
“Xingqiu, earth to Xingqiu,” You whispered. “You there?”
It was only after you spoke that Xingqiu snapped out of his stupor.
“Get yourself together, Xingqiu.” Stated Chongyun beside him in a whisper.
It took him a while to find him bearings but when he did, Xingqiu smiled at you and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
“Beautiful, just like the first time I saw you.”
            Scaramouche has dedicated his entire life to seeing through what his majesty, the Tsaritsa, desired. His life shall be nothing but a pawn for her to use in her schemes and may her will be done through him and her subjects. If she must dispose of him to make success of her endeavor, Scaramouche will gladly surrender before her eyes and bare his neck for her to cut. He will do anything she commands without a second thought, and anyone who dares get in his way will face the wrath of an incensed Harbinger.                
         It was all about the Tsaritsa. His entire his existence is for his majesty. It was all he ever believed in when the honor of being the sixth Harbingers was crowned over him. With that said, Scaramouche can never bring himself to admit his resolve has been altered upon his discreet visitation to the City of Freedom to conduct a more intimate investigation over the meteorites and the impact it had on the people of Mondstadt.
                      His skull was throbbing, his thoughts scattered, and frustration was beginning to settle inside of him. Scaramouche has just dispatched his soldiers to continue their research on the meteors after his failed attempt to eliminate the traveler. He was left alone in the tranquility of the night, with the remnants of the astrologist’s escape glittering beneath his eyes, mocking him.
     “I should have acted quicker. The Traveler will continue foiling The Tsaritsa’s plans.” Mumbled Scaramouche to himself. “No matter. There will be another chance in the future to finish off the hero of Mondstadt, and I’m sure it’ll come sooner than I expect. I must prepare for that time. I can’t make this mistake again.”
                  A curious hum that echoed behind him had him stiffening in his place and drawing out his weapon from thin air. “Are you interested about the meteors too?” A voice asked.
          Scaramouche turned around, and he found a woman standing behind him a few meters away. She has a beauty that he favors, a smile so gentle that it thawed a bit of ice in his heart, but a scowl made its way to his countenance. She’s taller than me.
  She didn’t look particularly like anyone he would have any interest in knowing, and when she has introduced herself to him after he supplied her with no answer, Scaramouche predicted correctly. She was merely an ordinary folk in any ordinary city with no Vision or any skillset that could benefit him in anything.
                                                    “I must get going.” Curtly stated Scaramouche and he turned around without even bidding goodbye to the woman.
                          “So soon?” You asked. “I thought we could at least talk what’s been happening – about the meteors, the stars.”
              Scaramouche frowned at the mention of the latter and he spun back around to meet your gaze. “The stars? What about the stars?”
                                        You smiled a secret smile. “The stars . . . they’re fake.”
         Scaramouche stared at you with wonder and amusement in his dark hues. He has always believed in that notion, and only a handful came to agree with him. Now, here a lady stands before him, with nothing in particular to offer him, speaking of the truth many has rejected.
                      He examined you from head to toe, evaluating your form before beckoning you to come over to him, saying, “Perhaps I can spare some time to talk.”
                  What was supposed to be a conversation within an hour or so has extended for a day, and when you requested to accompany him back to ship docked in Liyue Harbor to continue your conversation (it surprised him but has nonetheless allowed you to tag along) about the meteors and the stars, it dragged on for weeks.
     But Scaramouche would be lying if he said that was all you discussed about. There was only so much information they can relate to the subject that has intertwined their fates that it did not take long for the two of you to stray from it to favor a more civil conversation. He learned of your mundane life back in Mondstadt where you were merely another dot in the bustle of the city and he managed to extract from you valuable material regarding the Honorary Knight (in truth, you have willingly told him everything you knew about the Hero of Mondstadt and this he was very pleased with). He learned about your family, your work, your past, and your ambition to adventure throughout the lands of Teyvat even without a Vision.
                He thought it was foolish of you to believe you can ever get out of your city without a Vision. There were too many enemies that a simple adventurer like you could easily be overwhelmed with. Not to mention the Fatuis that he and his fellow Harbingers has placed all throughout Teyvat. The thought of you getting hurt, especially by his own soldiers . . . it did not sit right with him.
                                 Arriving at Liyue Harbor, Scaramouche proposed that you come with him. It is no secret that anyone who do not possess a Vision cannot survive if they were ever to embark on a journey. Hearing your desire for an adventure, Scaramouche has come to decide that as gratitude for your pleasant company and for your compliance in giving him information about the renowned traveler, he shall take you along in his voyage, showing you the grandest landscapes, granting your every need and desires, all the while keeping you at his side where he was certain you were safe.
    It was all to thank you, nothing else. It wasn’t because Scaramouche knew he would find himself missing you and the comfort you bring when you leave, nor was it because he was fond of you. Yes, yes, all just to show his gratitude.
              As his soldiers watched as Scaramouche led you aboard in ship with his hand interlocked with yours, they thought the same thing – Scaramouche is never the one to show gratitude to anyone. You had him smitten.
How you were able to fall in love with Scaramouche in such a short period of time is fascinating. Especially with his horrid personality.
But he was different with you. He was gentle, caring, and never raised his voice. The insults remained but there was no venom behind them. It took you quite some time to get used to his belittling remarks but it didn’t evade your perception how Scaramouche begun lessening his insults, opting for a more playful jab instead.
He proposed to you over at dinner. He had just come back from an expedition and came home to a table filled with your cooking. As the two of you are exchanging your stories of what went with your lives when you two were separated, Scaramouche placed his chopsticks away, looked at you straight in the eyes and said, “Marry me.”
How can you say no to such a romantic proposal?
Actually, you made him redo his proposal before you accepted but nobody else has to know about that.
There was no best man for Scaramouche in your wedding. The man was feared by everyone, and his fellow Harbingers hated him. Childe did insist on being his best man at one point but he almost ended up being fried by a lightning bolt. Apparently, the 11th Harbinger pestered him for a whole week trying to convince him to let him be the best man so his actions were justified - just a little bit.
You have to give it to Scaramouche. Regardless of his busy schedule and the current predicament in Inazuma, he managed to find time and opportunity to plan your wedding and marry you without having to worry about the Electro Archon and her subjects.
Scaramouche scoffed at the tradition of not being able to see you on the very day of your wedding. What good would it be? You were going to be his wife, and he wanted to see his wife. He saw himself above tradition, and visited you first thing in the morning at the day of the wedding.
It was no question Scaramouche was an authoritative man but he was more so as he prepared himself for the wedding.
His maids ran about in the room, providing everything he needed and wanted. Scaramouche was not known for being compassionate, but this was the first time they’ve been on the receiving end of his wrath. Normally, he would ignore their existence and not even bother to call them by their names but today, he was different. He acted worse than when he comes home after a failed mission.
The maids knew he was beyond frustrated with the wedding. So, they called to ask for your help.
“Scaramouche, you’re scaring the maids.” You cooed as you came up behind him and placed your hands on his shoulders.
Scaramouche let out a scoff, but you felt his frame soften. He sat before a mirror, and he gazed at your reflection as he placed a hand over one of yours. “Even they weren’t so terrible with their jobs . . . ”
“You’re making things so hard for them. And for yourself too.” You stated. “Marrying me shouldn’t be hard, should it?”
That statement set Scaramouche right, and when you left to carry on with your own preparation and the maids returned to their duties, he was more civil with them. If that’s what you want, then he can endure it.
The hour has finally arrived. Scaramouche has faced many dangers in his life, but it was only now he felt restless. What is taking you so long? He thought you wanted to marry him. Then what’s warranting your late arrival?
At that thought, you finally appeared by the end of the aisle, holding a bouquet in your hands. Everyone in the venue gaped at your beauty, and Scaramouche was thankful you had everyone gazing at you. He didn’t want them to see the dumbfounded and poorly hidden lovestruck expression that crossed his mien for a moment.
But a sense of pride also touched him. 
That’s my bride.
When the ceremony begins, you and Scaramouche were seated side by side. You smiled brightly at him when you sat, but he didn’t any indication that he saw your smile and continued giving his undivided attention on the person conducting your wedding. You pouted heavily at this but said nothing and followed his actions. However, your smile returned when you felt his fingers hooking with yours. It was a small improvement, but it was intimate and loving.
Scaramouche didn’t cry in your wedding but when his arms held you tightly to his chest when evening came and two of you lied down on your shared bed, it was enough for you to know he loved you as much as you loved him.
Maybe more so.
   Razor rarely experience human interaction, and if he did, it would be abrupt and depending on how the communication was being dealt by both parties, it would either be Razor who parts from them first out of wariness or lacking knowledge of being social or the other would, most of the time for the reason they find it disturbing a human could act so much like a wolf. The humans Razor constantly encounter are the hunters from Springvale and due to their bellowing voices and violence against his Lupicals, he has limited his ventures to Mondstadt unless something calls for an emergency.
        Other than the man who gave him his name, Razor only knew a handful of people – six of them being the Traveler, Traveler’s companion, Bennett, Klee, her big brother Albedo, and the woman he sees as his mentor, Lisa. He can only ever let his guard down when around them, though he was still a wee bit cautious of Albedo whenever Klee drags him to his camp.
                          He didn’t think he could meet anyone else who can consider a Lupical. That was until he met you. You were taking a peaceful stroll around Wolvendom – Archons know why you chose the most avoided place in Mondstadt to walk through – at the same time he was hunting down boars for his Lupicals.
  There was no rescuing or danger involved when he met you. It was a simple encounter, to which Razor was pleasantly surprised with. In almost all occasions, when he is meeting a fellow human being, it would be under rather unusual circumstances. He met the Traveler and her floating friend when they were being attacked by slimes. He met Lisa when she has painted the skies dark as she was singlehandedly fending herself off from a mob of Hilichurls. He met Klee when she was using her bombs to fish. He met Albedo in the middle of a chaotic experiment to which resulted in an evacuation. He met Bennett when he was hanging upside down from a tree when he tried to take an apple from a high branch, and the tree was up in flames.
                   To say, meeting you normally was a breath of fresh air.
      The two of you hit it off almost immediately, or so that is what it seems to you. Although you consider Razor a good friend even in just the few days you have met, he was still very careful of you. He had been deceived by humans before and it may be a little unfair to you since he trusted the Traveler and Bennett almost in an instant, he must first know you are trustworthy.
  And indeed, you’ve proven yourself as such. Perhaps, more so than the Traveler. You have done everything to show him you have no ill intentions against him and his Lupicals – helped him in hunting for sustenance for his family even if you have to knowledge in hunting, helping him broaden his vocabulary, helping him read and write – but it was your sacrifice to protect them that made him truly open himself up to you.
             An Abyss Mage has appeared out of nowhere and has wreaked havoc in their residence. Razor can feel his heart thundering as he raced through Wolvendom along with a few of his Lupicals who he had gone out with to hunt. Upon arriving at their home, Razor has anticipated to see the grass painted with red and wounded wolves whimpering in pain as others try to battle against the Abyss Mage. But to his relief, such image was not implemented into reality. Instead, he found his Lupicals sleeping soundly in their den, and the remains of the Abyss Mage has slowly evaporated in thin air. As the particles gradually disappeared, they made way for your presence to be revealed.
           Razor let out a gasp when he laid eyes on you. Bruised, bleeding, exhausted, but smiling as you happily waved at him with the hand clutching your weapon.
                              You happily advanced towards him, tittering. Razor reached out to take your hand, and reluctantly asked of your welfare. Now he understood why humans ask how one is fairing when they are clearly unwell – they do not know what else to say.
                      “Why would you do that?” Razor questioned as he brought you far from his den to tend to your wounds without waking his family. “You are hurt now.”
    “I can’t let an Abyss Mage hurt your Lupical.” You answered firmly, the smile you wore dissipating as you gazed into his eyes. “I might not be as strong as the Honorary Knight or Acting Grand Master Jean, but I fought well.”
               What was this odd sensation he was feeling? This strong urge to protect you, to take you in his arms and never let you go – what was this? He has never felt like this before. So light, so . . . flustered. He thought this feeling would be gone after a few days, but months has passed and since then, the feeling became more prominent, stronger. All the time he could never get enough of you and there will always be that lingering trickle of pain in his chest when you have to leave for the day. Razor knew you would come back the day after when the night has gone, but it never stopped that little ache.
                          Razor understood that he lacked understanding of feelings, so he confided to Bennett about it. Bennett was almost as clueless as Razor about feelings – almost – but he did know when someone was taking a liking of someone in a more amorous manner. He has filled Razor about exactly what he was feeling for you, and not the kind of feeling that he has for him and the Traveler, but the kind of liking he would have towards a . . . girlfriend? (Bennett had to explain to him the meaning behind girlfriend and it was no easy task).
            “Liking someone like a girlfriend . . . ” Razor muttered, scrunching his face in puzzlement. “ . . . like a mate?”
                                 Bennett flushed at the word but nodded. “Yes, like a mate.”
                                                Bennett tried his best to help Razor confess to you, and this is where disaster happened. Since Razor is mostly uneducated in terms of romantic feelings, he did not feel any anxiety crawling up to him when he decided to admit his feelings to you. The problem is that he has decided to confess in a wrong time and in a difficult situation.
       “You should confess to her after you’ve saved her from danger!” Exclaimed Bennett, beaming at Razor.
                   The latter tilted his head to the side. “Razor doesn’t . . . get it.”
    “Well, in the books I’ve read, the guys confess to the girls they like in a dangerous time. I don’t know how that’s safe, but it works. But since we don’t want to hurt ( Your Name ), you’ll save her before confessing!”
                    Bless his innocent heart, Razor trusted Bennett’s word without a smidge of doubt. His opportunity to admit his feelings came when the two of you saw Reckless Pallad being surrounded by Hilichurls getting ready to pounce on him. The thing is you too knew your way around a battlefield and have efficiently begun fighting off the Hilichurls. Razor watched as you made quick work of rescuing Reckless Pallad and he didn’t even notice himself beginning to pout in disappointment until you were right in front of him again, worriedly gazing at him.
             “Razor, what’s wrong?” You questioned, appraising him. “You’re not injured, are you?”
                                     He shook his head. “Razor not injured.” He confirmed.
        “Well, that’s good, but why aren’t you moving? We need to save that man.”
                            “Razor wanted to confess to ( Your Name ) by saving her.”
       Razor explained the plan of his confession he conspired with Bennett, how he would save you from danger and tell you his everlasting love that he didn’t notice the redness tinting your cheeks and the wide smile stretching across your face.
           Razor only took note of the phenomenon occurring on your features when he has finished elaborating his scheme. He narrowed his eyes curiously. “Your face is all . . . red. Sick?” He asked.
                                                                         Razor didn’t have a chance to further speculate just exactly was ailing you before you took hold of his face and softly placed your lips against him, catching him off guard.
                                      There was a blossom in his chest when you kissed him – this is love, right? Razor decided there and then he liked this feeling of love.
                      Needless to say, Reckless Pallad was left alone for the Traveler to save. Again.
Razor had no idea what weddings were. He has never heard of such thing before. The first time he did learn about it was when he was hanging out with you and the Traveler. The latter mentioned that you and him are invited in a wedding. Razor tilted his head in confusion but when he turned to ask you what it was, he froze. Your eyes were shimmering with joy and excitement. Razor liked seeing you like that.
So when you were preoccupied, Razor asked the Traveler what a wedding was. Perhaps a wedding was some sort of food that he can find in the wild?
After Traveler has explained what weddings are and the concept of marriage as well, Razor did not waste time trying to propose to you. Since he had no money to buy a very expensive ring, he asked Bennett for help to find materials so he can make one of his own. In the end, they had Wagner help them form a ring. It wasn’t exactly the best looking but when Razor showed it to you and asked for your hand in marriage (Traveler helped him with his proposal speech and had to explain that asking for your hand doesn’t mean literal), and he saw the pure joy on your face, he thought it was pretty enough for you.
Razor didn’t know you were happy mostly because he proposed to you but you didn’t tell him. He looked so proud with the ring.
Your wedding was small and only a very few people were invited. Klee insisted on being one of the flower girls and Razor almost agreed until she began spouting about bombs which will detonate in the air and will explode with flowers. Albedo advised Razor not to make her one of the flower girls because Klee, for sure, will bring flower bombs (it will explode with flowers, but the explosion is still there).
Razor chose Bennett as his best man. That was supposed to be a good thing but when the two of those pair up together, they can tend to cause a lot of chaos, unintentionally.
At the day of the wedding, nearly all the invitees refuse to enter the cathedral as they claim there was danger inside. When Kaeya and Jean came to inspect this danger they speak of, both wielded their weapons once seeing a pack of wolves huddled at the front, just before the altar, with Bennett and Razor telling them to behave.
You had to explain to Razor why it was dangerous and made people uncomfortable when there are wolves present in the cathedral. Although Razor was understandably disappointed by this, he conceded and brought his Lupicals back to Wolvendom. To make it up to him, you promised a private celebration will be held in Wolvendom with nobody else but you, him, Bennett, and of course, his Lupicals.
Razor didn’t know why Bennett seemed more nervous than him when the two of them were standing by the altar. 
“I’m going to ruin your wedding, Razor! Aren’t you worried?”
“ . . . but you not ruining anything . . . ?”
When you finally arrived in the cathedral, Razor felt excitement surge in his body and he can hardly stop himself from squirming on his seat. 
But he wasn’t smiling. These emotions . . . he was having a hard time comprehending them. It was good, it was nice, but it was overwhelmingly so.
He could have cried, and he almost did but when you were before him, smiling at him, he couldn’t help but smile back.
His beautiful wife, his Lupical.
Bennett was the one who cried in your wedding.
                It was always a fascinating sight to see a traveler meandering through Dragonspine without minding the sheer cold or flawlessly fending themselves off from the enemies lurking around. Even Albedo has some degree of difficult in navigating his way back to his camp without the Fatui spotting him or tailing him. But it was more fascinating to see a young woman standing in the middle of a freezing lake with nothing but her trousers and her brassiere.
                            It was a peculiar meeting, yes, but out of the ordinary people and matters has always endeared him.
    Albedo brought you to his camp as quickly as he can and asked Timaeus to hand you a cup of warm tea and a blanket. After thanking him for his kindness and consuming half of the beverage generously given to you, you introduced yourself.
             You were an adventurer who came all the way from Liyue to embark on a journey to discover the harshness and secrets that laid within Dragonspine, a mountain many do not dare set foot further in. Other than the mentioned reasons, training was a top priority of yours. You claim one cannot go further in their adventure while being comfortable in their current, and he completely agrees with your statement. When Albedo questioned why you had been in the middle of a lake in Dragonspine, you answered that being able to withstand the cold was just part of your training and seeing as he had caught you shivering to close to death, it was not going well.
                            Albedo didn’t think he would see you again after you parted from him, but he was surprised when the next day he found you waiting for him in his camp, a smile on your face as you stand proudly and wave at him.
   Something about you piqued his interest, if his interest was somehow related to how his heart accelerated whenever you come close to him to offer help with his experiment, or when his face grows hot if you offer him a compliment. He thought it was your way of showing him your gratefulness for taking care of you yesterday, so he allowed your presence in his camp, around him. Albedo didn’t expect you to visit again the next day, and the day after that, and so on and so forth. But he can’t say he disliked your frequent visitations, or your presence that always seem to be following him everywhere he went. He very much liked your company and thoroughly enjoyed listening about your adventures and everything you came across in your adventure. They were a good distraction from his experiments. Everything about you set his mind in ease.
             It wasn’t long until the two of you are spending more time together alone. No experiments, no work in mind. It just the two of you keeping one another company and sharing stories about your days, and making banters here and there – whether it be in a walk under the moon, or sharing a meal in Good Hunter, or while he paints somewhere in Dragonspine.
                 Although Albedo was not well versed in the complexity of romance and has deemed relationships to be rather tedious to uphold, but he was knowledgeable enough to know that in the process of his growing friendship with you, he has caught feelings for you.
  This has certainly brought difficulty in his relationship with you. Albedo, although never verbally admitting so, has always thought of feelings as a nuisance. In a relationship, in his own observation, disadvantages trump over advantages. He had seen the irrationality that love has caused, the stupidity. His observation led him to one conclusion – other than being friends with people, relationships is not for him.
           You have put him in a challenging situation. It would have been easy to cut ties with you if you haven’t successfully infiltrated his walls and snaked your way in his heart. The very thought of pushing you away was repulsive to him. Seeing the hurt cross your features – it will haunt him for the rest of his life.
                      The interest he had for you was not interest at all. It was the beginning of love. He should have been more alert, and this wouldn’t have happened.
                                 What if you returned his feelings and your relationship did not work? There was no way your friendship could be salvaged. Isn’t it much better to remain as friends than risk ruining any chance of keeping you in his life?
  No, no, that would be insanely idiotic. It will eat him up. Thus, he treated his feelings for you like an experiment. Dipping carefully, testing the waters – confessing to you.
        He can construct a confession that will perfectly enunciate his feelings for you while emphasizing your freedom to reject him and his desire to remain good friends with you. Surely, you didn’t reciprocate his feelings. All he needed is for you to let him down, and he will hope you can still see him the same way after.
            All his preparations, however, were thrown out of the window when you beat him to confessing.
   Albedo had no idea how struck his expression must have been with puzzlement, anxiety and flatter as he attentively listens to every word that leaves your lips. His heart pounded at everything you were saying – everything he adored about you, you adored about him. Being unable to speak his mind felt foreign to him. After you finished your confession, a beautiful red hue coloring your cheeks as you looked into his eyes with hopefully eyes, all he can do his open his mouth a smidge, and close, and then open again. He must have resembled a goldfish at that time.
                      Albedo couldn’t believe it. You loved him, and here he was expecting to be rejected and thinking relationships were a waste of time.
                                          He was in a dilemma now. Accept your feelings as his heart desired to, or gently reject you for practicality? Having a lover would complicate his life and he will risk so many things that he were used to just to be able to keep his relationship with you fruitful. Was he ready for something like that?
           This was the first time Albedo has listened to his heart. He still remembered how he cupped your face in his hands and pressed his lips against yours, muffling the gasp that tumbled out of you.
                                Albedo might be a stranger to romance but he is an Alchemist and risks are part of his job, and risking coming out of his comfort to be with you was something you deserve, and maybe something he deserved as well.
You knew Albedo was going to propose to you. He was always immersed in his experiments and research that you took the responsibility of tidying up his lab. It did not take long for you to find a small black box nestled in the back inside a drawer filled with haphazardly thrown papers and used pens.
Albedo knew that you knew he was going to propose to you. The two of you were taking a peaceful stroll around Dragonspine and after a heartfelt speech, he knelt down to one knee, he curiously watched as you malfunctioned right in front of him, trying to elect which route of surprise should you take before displaying a less then satisfactory theatrics of surprise.
Nonetheless, the two of you are still happy.
You and Albedo agreed that the two of you will have a small and private wedding. Klee, however, did not. She was less than thrilled to hear about that and went on a whole spiel of the reasons why you should have the biggest and most fun wedding ever, as she said.
“ - then where will a really, really tall wedding cake and Klee is going to make a bomb that will explode in the skies where it will burst out many pretty flower petals - ”
Jean promised the two of you that she will keep an eye on her at the day of the wedding.
Albedo is adamant on two things - a small wedding, and having no best man, and the latter had two reasons. Although he is highly respected in Mondstadt, there was no one he could ask to be best man, and the second reason is that he loves you and is certain that marrying you is something he wants. No doubts. He didn’t need a best man helping him in something he didn’t need help with.
Albedo was also not someone to conform to the ritual of not seeing the bride on the day of the wedding until the very ceremony, but for you, he begrudgingly followed.
On the day of the wedding, Albedo prepared himself without the help of anyone. He prepared his own clothes and had Klee braid his hair (it was a wee bit sloppy and Albedo fixed them when she had her back turned to him and gave her all the credit).
The man reached for the door to visit you but he let out a sigh when he realized that he cannot. He made a promise that today, the first time he’ll see you is when you walk down the aisle. He has to keep his promise. Not to mention Klee blocked his way and reminded him of that (tried to block).
Albedo was a patient man. Patience was nothing new to him. His research and experiments needed patience or they will ultimately fail. It came to the point where being impatient made him uncomfortable. That’s exactly what was happening when he was standing at the altar. Nobody, not even the observant Kaeya himself, can tell Albedo was beginning to lose his patience.
The day had been a little too long. He wanted to see you already. It didn’t matter if the ceremony would take a while before he can kiss you and call you his wife. He just wanted to see you again.
Albedo turned away the moment you stepped inside the cathedral. You were far from repulsive or ugly (and he can never think of you like that), but he had to cast his gaze somewhere but on you. He knew you’ll be beautiful in your wedding dress, but seeing you now with your adorable and shy smile, with Cecilia flowers in your hands, and your eyes fixated on him and only him - Albedo nearly lost his composure.
This time he was sure Kaeya saw it.
“Waah, big sister ( Your Name ) looks soooo pretty!” Klee cooed loudly, causing the guests to let out a few chuckles of amusement.
His impatience was beginning to pierce through him. The moment you faced him, Albedo did not waste time grabbing your hands, and once he did, you saw him visibly soften, as though a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders.
“What happened to you?” You asked, giggling.
Albedo returned your smile. “I’m just very happy to see you.”
The fervor that he exuded when he kissed you certainly supported his statement.
    Chongyun was known for two things – being an exorcist and having a type of condition that needed his keen observation and awareness.
       He has always disliked his condition. Whenever his Yang energy overwhelms, he must immediately consume an icy treat to be able to soothe his nerves. But it seems he can be thankful for it for this one time. If it wasn’t for his congenital positivity, he wouldn’t have stumbled across you, and your hundred homemade ice cream you smuggled out of your own home.
                      Chongyun had been hurrying to meet his friend at that day. He had just finished an exorcism somewhere in Qingce Village and was rushing to where he and Xingqiu usually meet in Liyue. He was already running late, and who knows what Xingqiu will do if he was late again. He let out a pained yelp when he crashed against your form when he made a sharp turn, and his Yang energy has never been in a more unstable state than when he saw you seated on the ground, groaning in pain, with peculiar looking containers littering the floor around you.
                   Chongyun had profusely apologized for his actions and assisted you in gathering all the belongings he had knocked off your possession. He felt the coldness in the small containers you once held and wondered what was inside. He hasn’t seen anything like this before. He knew his Yang energy was starting to ooze out of him but he underestimated its manifestation until you placed your hand over his forehead. He pulled back away instantly, startled by your actions, to which you immediately apologized.
        “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” He repeated, light blue hair bobbing with his movements as he bowed his head over to you again and again, mortification palpable on his features. “I-I didn’t mean to run – ”
                        “No, no, I should be the one apologizing! I wasn’t looking where I was going and I put my hand on you all of a sudden – ” You were about to continue spewing apologies and explanations when you froze, concern etching across his face. “ - oh, hey, you’re really, really red. Are you okay?”
                  Even when it had been years since his encounter with you, he still gets embarrassed when he remembered that, and you and Xingqiu tease him about it.
                                           He explained to you then about his condition and when you offered him a container you owned containing ice cream you made, that’s when your friendship begun. When the two of you snuck out to a secluded area in Liyue Harbor to gorge on the tons of ice cream you have once again brought out of your house despite your mother’s warnings did he know it would be a friendship that will last long. His only regret was that he introduced you to Xingqiu, and now he must endure double the teasing.
                       One thing he appreciated about you was how ready you were whenever you were with him. You made it your point to know what can cause his condition to act up and soothe him by your words, and always having ice cream with you. And the best part was that the ice cream you give him is always homemade, made by you. His popsicles could never compete to your masterpiece.
    He never really thought of you as someone he would be romantically interested in. Sure, there were instances when his Yang energy would flare up because of having you by his side, when your smile brought upon his own, when his heart raced when you held his hand as the two of you were returning from a commission, when he gazed at you with adoration when you took care of him and fed him cold noodles when he was having a fever (he refused to eat hot noodles even in his illness). Surely, all friends do that with one another, right? And feeling this odd sensation in his chest was normal, right?
                      When he confided in Xingqiu with this, the boy laughed at his cluelessness. It wasn’t surprising. Chongyun did not have a lot of friends so distinguishing friendship and romance was not easy for him. The Hydro Vision holder filled him in with everything he has to know about relationships, and he used some pretty unconventional ways like giving him a too descriptive image of how a man and woman would kiss, and other explicit doings of adults.
         But it did bring light one thing – Chongyun liked you, and of course how he handled such revelation was, simply put, disastrous.
                                      His entire body felt hot, and he was stammering to the point even the ever so eloquent Xingqiu cannot understand him. Normally, when things get like this, he’ll rush over to your place and request for some of your delicious ice cream but seeing as you were somehow part of the reason for this, he had to rely on Xingqiu to take care of him.
                      After learning about his feelings for you, Chongyun have never been more uneasy around you, which was odd, and he was sure you’ve noticed, and yet has never dropped any comment about it.
                     He was always nervous around you. Blushing whenever you come close to him, jumping when you take his hand in his, stammering whenever you praise him for anything, feeling the need to run away if you ask him about how he was fairing – he has lost count just how many popsicles he has eaten just to keep his cool. He has stopped asking ice cream from you and declined any offer from you because he thought accepting your homemade ice creams could lead him to falling deeper in love with you until he couldn’t move on anymore.
             Chongyun didn’t notice your growing impatience. He was so immersed in his own feelings that he didn’t take into consideration how you felt whenever he flinched away from your touch and rejected your treats.
   It took Xingqiu for the growing tension between the two of you to alleviate. He made an elaborate plan to get the two of you together in an isolated place (a broom closet) and has made a claim not to let any of you go until the two of you have confessed your feelings with each other.
                      “Just tell me what’s wrong with you, Chongyun! Why are you acting so weird around me?” You asked him but he refused to answer you just as he refused to look at you.
      You let out a sigh as you reached out to take his hand but when he pulled away from your touch, that was the last straw.
               “If you don’t want to be friends with me anymore, just say so.”
          Alarmed, Chongyun faced you, stuttering. “No! Of course, I want to be friends with you - I mean, I don’t want to be friends - wait, that sounded wrong, and so bad - ”
   Your brows burrowed together in question. “You want to be friends but you don’t want to be friends?”
   Chongyun groaned as he buried his face on his hands. It’s now or never.
                “I like you, ( Your Name ).”
           The silence that followed was deafening for Chongyun. He removed his hands from his face and prepared himself to apologize and beg to continue being friends when he felt hands cup his face, and your lips pressing against his. It was a good thing you had ice cream on you even after he avoided you for weeks. He almost fainted in your arms if it wasn’t for you shoving a finger in his mouth with a scoop of ice cream. 
                                   It was one of the few times Chongyun was grateful for Xingqiu’s interest in romantic tropes because if it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t have left that room with a blushing but happy face with you.
      Xingqiu smirked as the two of you exited the room, hand in hand and redness coating your cheeks. “Well, well, well, look who - ”
                    “Shut up, Xingqiu,” You and Chongyun chorused. The two of you looked at each other out of surprise and then burst out laughing, all the while the Hydro Vision user stood by the side, sighing.
         “Now, I have to deal with these two’s teasing.”
When Chongyun realized he was ready to propose to you after years of being together, he asked Xingqiu to propose to you on his behalf.
His best friend nearly destroyed his book from whacking the Cryo user for thinking such an inane idea could work. Not only was it not romantic, it was also inappropriate. Xingqiu had to reprimand him for an entire hour proposing that idea but being a good best friend that he is despite his mischievous streak, he vowed to help the man propose to you.
It was no easy task and there were times where Chongyun held himself back and risking yet another proposal plan. He was thankful Xingqiu was well versed with romance and everything entailed with it and knew more ways to help him. After a countless of delays, Chongyun managed to get down on one knee one fine evening by the trails leading to Liyue Harbor, spew out affirmation of his love for you in stammers, and asked for your hand in marriage.
When you accepted his proposal and adorned your finger with the ring, Chongyun discreetly showed a thumbs up to a nearby bush. About three hands popped out from the leaves, offering the same action.
Xingqiu let out a sigh as Xiangling and Xinyan giggled. “Finally.” He breathed out. “Now, time for me to be his best man.”
Of course, Chongyun chose him as his best man. Who else would be a better choice than him? 
Chongyun is firm about Xingqiu being his best man but sometimes he can be a little bit . . . pushy, especially when it comes to something he believes in.
There was a tradition where he cannot see you for a whole week until the ceremony. Chongyun was mildly bothered by this arrangement but nonetheless, since you agree with it, he will respect your wishes and do the same. Xingqiu has over and over again tried to persuade him to visit you at home, and he made some interesting points why he should. He almost convinced him a few times but in the end, he refused to be lured in his trap and stopped the temptation of breaking his promise.
He missed you dearly, yes, and his patience will surely be rewarded soon.
Chongyun, as expected, was freaking out at the day of wedding. Marriage is a huge step for the both of you. You’re not going to regret marrying him, will you? What if this marriage didn’t work? He’ll lose you for you.
Xingqiu had to guide him away from the altar and to a corner for privacy. Other than you, Xingqiu was a person who had been when his condition start acting up and how it worked.
After successfully cooling him down with a popsicle, Xingqiu consoled Chongyun. “I don’t know what you’re thinking about back there but you have nothing to worry about. ( Your Name ) loves you.”
“What if it doesn’t work between us?”
“It will. I’ve seen how you two are. You’re perfect for each other. I think you already know that, and ( Your Name ) does too. Why would she accept your proposal if she didn’t think the two of you wouldn’t prosper together?”
Chongyun murmured. “Pity?”
If Xingqiu had a book with at that moment, he would have smacked Chongyun again.
Once his condition has subsided, Chongyun returned to the altar and Xingqiu stood behind him, waiting.
The moment you arrived, Chongyun can feel himself heating up and his heart pounding against his chest. It felt like his condition was acting up but he wasn’t feeling nauseous or at the edge of fainting. It was a pleasant sort of warmth, the warmth he felt when he first met you.
No. It was the same warmth that travels through his body whenever he sees you, but this time, it was stronger to the point he it almost felt like his condition.
Your smile immediately disappeared when you saw Chongyun flushed red and his eyes averting from yours.
Worry encapsulated you. “Is your condition acting up?” You asked in a whisper.
Chongyun blinked, puzzled. “What?”
Discreetly taking a gander at the audience completely unaware of your interaction, you slipped your hand under your dress and showed Chongyun was a small ice cream container.
“I brought this with me just in case.”
Chongyun decided he made the best decision of his life to marry you.
He took your hands in his and pressed a small kiss on top of one.
“Thank you, love.”
After the wedding, Chongyun immediately visited the comfort room. You tried to follow him but Xingqiu told you there was nothing to worry about, and he was right.
When he entered the comfort room, Chongyun locked the door behind him and headed straight to the sink to splash some water on his face.
One won’t be able to tell Chongyun was crying from the water streaming down his face.
He looked up at the mirror, staring at his reflection as he let out a small, and content sigh.
“I’m married. I’m married to her.” Chongyun tried to hold back his smile, but he failed. “She’s my . . . wife.”
And did it sound nice to call you his wife.
              It was his duties to Rex Lapis, to the thriving land of Liyue, that kept Xiao grounded and his mind temporarily fleeting away from the karmic debts that weighed on his shoulders. If it had not been for the responsibilities laid down on him, he was sure to have succumb to the consequences of his bloodshed from the past long ago. It was the reason behind his creation, to serve the people of Liyue and protect them from any transgressors or anything that could potentially lead to their destruction, and it was all he knew. His existence was all for Liyue, and to seek out the desires of Rex Lapis and accomplish them no matter how difficult and by what means.
    Day and night he oversees every part of Liyue and hears every call of his name and seeks refuge in Wangshu Inn. It was a cycle that has never changed ever since the gruesome war between gods has taken place in Teyvat, and all was same until that night when he heard a cry for help from a distant place, and rescued a strange maiden from the peril she found herself in.
                          Love at first sight disgusted him the most. He can understand, to some degree, that mortals can fall in love with people they have built a caring and trusting relationship with but falling in love with someone who one has no dust of knowledge of their identity was simply unwise and incomprehensible. And yet there he was, leaping from the precipice of a soaring mountain and securing the mortal in the middle of her fall.
               Xiao had no clue why it felt like time has stopped and they have gently floated in the air as he took a gander at the woman in his arms. Scratches littered her features, and twigs adorned her mop of hair, but she still shone brighter than the stars and moon behind her.
   He did not let her speak to him after he has placed her safely on solid ground and he quickly took his leave without even a glance back.
                          When he had painted the lands of Teyvat red with the other Yakshas, he did not blink an eye or feel a bead of sweat trail on the side of his face. But that woman has caused his chest to flutter, and he always find himself thinking back to the day he had saved her. If he had been like any other mortal which has sleep as a necessity, he would find himself thinking of you every morning and every night, longing for another chance to meet you again. What has she done to him? He already has to carry the burden of his sins, and now he must endure this painful curse she casted on him?
              But it didn’t matter now. She was already long gone, for all he knows, and he doesn’t even know her name.
    Xiao already came to accept that she was merely going to fleet away from his mind, a distant memory that his heart will ache every time he remembers her. He had many regrets in his lifetime, and this leaving her behind without knowing her name is one of them.
                                    But it seems to him that Rex Lapis has taken favor of him and has graced his undeserving existence. Xiao had just exterminated a Hilichurl camp getting increasingly close to Wangshu Inn when his ears preened and his pupils dilated – that voice, the same voice that he never thought he’d hear again, was calling out for him again. He did not find the time to dispose of the monsters in a more appropriate location where they will no longer continue their venture towards the inn, and quickly made his way to where he heard her.
           When he arrived, it did not take long for him to spot her standing perfectly still in front of him, hands behind her back. His eyes dilated as he took in her familiar form. Her tresses were no longer matted with twigs and mud, the scratches that once marred her skin no longer present, and a smile has replaced the cowering fear that adorned her visage before.
                   Xiao ignored the increasing heartbeat that drummed against his chest and surveyed the area with a flick of his spear. “There’s no danger.” He remarked after assessing the parameter, his mask dissipating into the night as he returned his gaze back at her.
       She rubbed her arm as she averted her eyes from him. “I spent months trying to find you again.” The mortal woman murmured. “When all has failed, I thought back to that night you saved me, and I called – and you came.”
                                         Xiao did not speak another word, but he was afraid that you can hear how loud his heart was racing. He needed to ignore his selfishness, he needed to leave. “If you’re not in any danger, then I’ll be leaving.”
  He turned around to do as he said, but his eyes widened when he felt your hand around his wrist.
                “Wait, please,” She pleaded, and when he looked over his shoulder, any resolve of leaving her again vanished. She was looking at him with hopeful and vibrant orbs. How can he ever let her down when she’s looking at him like that?
      Xiao let out a sigh and turned back around to meet her properly, but her hand never left him. Were you afraid he might disappear as quickly as he did like last time?
                                    “Don’t go.”
                   “Why not?” Xiao questioned. “If you know anything about an Adeptus, then you understand my duties.”
              She bit her lip as he withdrew her hold. Xiao missed the warmth she gave him already. “I know that but . . . ” She trailed off. “ . . . can I . . . at least know your name?”
                                                Xiao did not give her an answer.
            “Even if we never meet again, I want to at least know the name of man who saved me.” She mumbled softly. “But I’m afraid if I ever know your name, I’ll never get to think of any other man but you.”
                                                    Xiao appraised you, taking in her apprehensive frame. A mortal has fallen in love with an Adeptus? This was preposterous. He saved her months ago, and back then they shared little time together. Too little to gain feelings for him.
    But still, he found himself relenting to your wishes.
                                     “Xiao,” He answered. “My name is Xiao.”
            Don’t look for another man. I’m here. I’m staying.
                   That’s how he met his first and last love, ( Your Name ).
Xiao has lived in Teyvat for thousands of years and is knowledgeable of the culture of mortals, one of them being marriage. He had witnessed humans bounding themselves to another, promising to cherish them, protect them, to love them. For Xiao, marriage is something far from disgusting. Although he cannot understand the need for them to be together under an oath, it was undeniable that many great things and opportunities birthed from them.
However, no matter how beautiful it is for them, it will never stop perplexing Xiao. How is it that one can look at another and know that they’re the one? Are they not afraid to be betrayed? Are humans so willing to have themselves get hurt and offer forgiveness for the sake of love? It’s confusing for him.
Not until you came along that it made sense. Every argument, every disagreement, sleepless nights, every sincere apology, every countless forgiveness, every embrace, every kiss - is this what mortals feel? If so, he’ll endure all the hardships of love if it means staying by your side, and he knew that you feel the same.
Unfortunately, Xiao is not one for marriage.
Not that he does not love you - oh Archons, because he did, deeply so - but the consequences of your relationship always hang in front of him.
 It’s already a risk to let you in his heart and love someone as sinful as him, but the thought of you bearing his karmic debt terrified him.
What happens if the two of you are bound together, and under a contract that Rex Lapis will surely oversee? Will the demons that torment him sink their teeth on your pure and innocent soul? Will he see the life in your eyes wither as you strive to remain with him? And what if you try to break the contract to escape karma? Will the both of you suffer in karma and the wrath of the rock?
Xiao can’t do that to you. This is one way he can guarantee your safety. It hurts him to know he cannot marry you, and it hurt more when he saw the disappointment and pain in your eyes when he explained himself. But keeping you safe is his top priority. He deserved this punishment, he can’t put it over your shoulders too.
But that didn’t stop Xiao from imagining how your wedding could have been if things we’re a little different.
A small wedding in a place of your choice with only a handful of close friends and families. You’ll wear a gorgeous dress and walk up to where he is with the same smile you wore when he met you for the second time.
As you stand before him, Xiao could only imagine the happiness and contentment he would feel at that time. 
He’ll hold you close, hear you laugh, and then he’ll press his lips against yours, sealing you to a promise that everything that he is, and everything that he has, is yours.
He’ll find himself retreating somewhere private. He didn’t want you to see him vulnerable, weak, as he cried for the first time in his life, and for the greatest reason.
He could have a chance of happiness, but he can’t.
It was all a dream.
A dream he will never achieve, a dream of yours that he can never grant.
“Xiao, you’re still awake?”
The man looked away from the moon and looked over his shoulder to see you standing by the threshold leading to the terrace. You were tired, and yet you woke up to tend to him. 
“You know I don’t need sleep.”
“But you always lie next to me. What’s wrong? Something bothering you?”
Xiao did not respond, and you didn’t push any further. He adored it how you know when to prod to a subject or not. You know him so well.
After a moment of silence, you walked over to him and sat  beside him on the railing. You looked up at the moon, and Xiao slowly placed his head over your shoulder.
He felt at peace.
Xiao closed his eyes, dreaming of a day that will never come when he can marry you without anything holding him back.
                        Kazuha can no longer remember how long it has been since he was on the run from the shogunate. The Electro Archon and her subjects are on the hunt for Visions of every single person residing in the walls of Inazuma, and he was one of the few who refused to have their Visions confiscated from them. It seems exiling him from his homeland was no longer sufficient and the said Archon has ordered for every so-called transgressor that they banished to be apprehended and have their Visions forcefully taken from them. It was only his luck that Beidou, and the crew she captained, has taken him under their wing and he has been sailing the seas with them since then.
            Has it been months? Days? Or perhaps weeks? Being away from land with nothing but the ocean to take in and his mind seemingly always preoccupied with his doubts and worries has him losing track of time.
   In all honesty, he doesn’t remember the last time he stepped on dry land. Perhaps they did, but it was not a memory that has fleeted a long time ago. All he can think about was Inazuma, the threat of being having his Vision taken, and his past he buried deep within the back of his mind.
            Beidou must have taken notice of his continuous lackluster attitude and has set sail for Liyue for him to take a break from the seas. This, of course, he appreciated though he insisted Beidou that she did not have to dock just for him to clear his mind.
          Back at that time Beidou claimed she knew what is best for him and she should put his trust on him, and with the lack of reasons to refute her statement, Kazuha merely let out a sigh and agreed to land in Liyue.
                         He has never been to Liyue, or to put it more accurately, he has never stepped foot in in the few times the Crux made their return on Liyue. It wasn’t because he hated it there, but he felt more comfortable and more at home inside the ship. The furthest he has gone was on the docks to help the crew load supplies in their next sail. But now Beidou has encouraged him to leave the ship and explore, and implied being forbidden to come aboard if he refused to do as she says.
       When Beidou said she knows what is best for him, maybe she was right. He must admit, even if he was still longing to return to his homeland, Liyue had many sights and delicacies to offer. But the best and most beautiful sight he saw was up on a rooftop when he was resting from hours of mindless meandering in the streets.
                                                              He played with a green leaf that fluttered over to him after it has been carried away by the wind from its tree, and he pressed his lips against it to whistle a melody. The tune was buried under the bustle of the city night but it seems that one picked it up from the terrace just below him.
                    Kazuha saw a girl around his age walk out to the terrace, head moving left and right, as though looking for something. Kazuha did not think much of this behavior assuming she was searching for something else, and he tore his eyes away from her and nonchalantly continued to whistle against the leaf.
                                           “So, that was you who was making that beautiful sound.”
                Kazuha casted his gaze down to see the girl on the terrace looking up at him as she leaned against the railing with her arms crossed, a gleeful smile present on her brims. He pulled the leaf from his lips as he regarded her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to – ”          
          She shook her head, chuckling. “No, no, it’s fine. You can stay there.” She assured, and Kazuha eased on his spot. She stared at the leaf in his hand. “I didn’t know you can make a tune using a leaf.”
                      Kazuha flashed her a small smile. “It’s something only a few can do. It’s pretty hard to master.”
                     “And you’re one of those few.” She remarked. Silence prevailed between the two until she spoke again. “Can you play something for me?”
      Kazuha was bewildered by her request. It wasn’t common to find a foreigner sitting on the rooftop of her household. One would think that their first reaction should be an accusation of trespassing and a demand for identification, but no. This girl was different, you were different.
                    Kazuha did not question your request, just as you have not questioned him of his place on your rooftop. Instead, he granted your wish. He pressed the leaf against his lips and blew, a tune of his own composition sounding in the air.
      He watched in awe as you raised both your hands to your chest and white particles formed above your palm, creating a shape until it formed and bloomed into an elegant wooden lyre. Without saying anything else, you strum the strings along with his tune, and the people of Liyue beneath their feet are unaware of the small haven the two of them created together.
               Kazuha is more than grateful for Beidou for pushing him to go to Liyue. Ever since that night, he has made constant visits to your house. Early in the morning – that’s when Beidou would barge into the barracks and force them out of their beds – he would always be the one out of the door to finish his tasks and leave immediately to visit you, a prominent smile over his face. The crew, of course, has pestered him to tell him of the reason for his constant leaving and he could only let out a sigh of relief when Beidou shooed them away from him and asked them to return to their work. She winked at him right after and whispered, “Go and hurry to your girlfriend.” To which he denied with a shy grumble before making haste to Liyue.
                               Liyue was brighter than the isolationist Inazuma has become, and one of the reasons Kazuha thought this was you. The Crux was like a family to him, and Beidou was like an older sister to him, but you – he has never felt more soothed than in your presence. You felt like home, and it has been so long since he had felt like he was at home. Seeing you smile, hearing you laugh, seeing how you nod attentively as he talked, your arms embracing him when he opened up to you about his past, the music you played together in perfect harmony even without practice – it was all so surreal.
        Kazuha didn’t have to tell you about his growing feelings for you. He knew that you knew.
  It started with a shy kiss, and then a longer one, and the two of you found solace in each other’s arms. There was no music playing, and there were no stories shared – just him with his arms around your figure and lips connected with yours. None of you dare say it but your days together were slowly coming to an end, and it won’t be long until the day comes when he has to set sail to visit neighboring nations.
                  But Kazuha will always come back to you, that he promises.
After a few years of frequent visiting and writing letters to one another, Kazuha has finally decided that it was time for him to propose to you. Beidou - being the supportive big sister she is to him - upon hearing of his plan, gathered her crew to help Kazuha in his objective. Everything from food, drinks, location (they chose the ship), and atmosphere, they provided. As thanks for their dedication and help, they only ask an invitation to his wedding, to which Kazuha replied will surely come even if they did not help.
The crew claimed that they shall be far away as possible from the ship so that the two of you can have your privacy, but Kazuha, and definitely you, as well, heard loud cheering from a short distance followed by a shushing Beidou when you accepted his proposal.
“I thought they said they’d be at Wanmin Restaurant - ”
“To be honest, I didn’t really believe them.”
Unlike the other boys who were hesitant of not seeing the bride for a week until the wedding, Kazuha was actually the one to push this tradition. He disliked it as much as the other boys, but Kazuha loved being able to give you his all. Not being able to see you for a week is a sure way for him to crave for your presence, and once the two of you see each other again, he’ll pour out every love and care for you then.
You were dismayed by this whole arrangement but since it is important to Kazuha, you respected it.
The crew fought for the spot of best man, but in the end, all of them got to be best man. Kazuha did not have the heart to choose one from the crew, so he had to explain to you beforehand that the almost the entire male crew of The Crux are going to be standing with him at the ceremony.
It wasn’t a common occurrence in a wedding but you allowed it. The crew was like his family to him, and if it’s going to make him happy to have them as his best men, who are you to go against it?
At the day of the wedding, Beidou was the one to fret over Kazuha’s appearance. The Anemo user tried to calm her down but after she continually tried to fix his hair for the wedding, he just sighed and allowed her.
“I can’t believe you’re going to be married in just a few hours.” Beidou remarked in the quiet after a while. “To think you were just a teenager when we met you, and our little teenager is a big man now.”
“Nothing’s going to change. I’ll just be married.” Kazuha tried to ease her worries but he knew as well there are going to be major changes. One of being concerning his frequent endeavors with the crew. Once he gets married with you, he’d want to be with you always, to settle with you. But he was so used to the sea, to be living with the crew in a ship. Can he really get used to this coming change?
Beidou let out a sigh. She placed a hand over his head, patting him gently. She would have ruffled his hair but that would waste her effort on making it as presentable as she can.
“Things are going to change, Kazuha.” Stated Beidou, beaming. “And it’s not all bad. Trust me.”
Kazuha nodded, but he was still uneasy. He was ready to give himself to you, but at the same time, he wasn’t ready to leave the crew. 
This thought haunted him even in the time of the ceremony. He should be focusing on the wedding but he couldn’t. 
He needed to talk to you about this. You need to know what’s bothering him.
Was it possible to feel dread for the future while also looking forward to it?
Because it felt like a gust of wind billowed his direction when his eyes landed on you. Beautiful, you’re beautiful. What else can he say? 
Was he really going to marry you? Whatever did you see in him? He was a banished Ronin from Inazuma. There must be some other man more worthy of you.
But you loved him, nobody else.
“Stop gawking at me like that. You’re making me embarrassed.” You murmured, cheeks flushed. He didn’t even notice you standing before him until you spoke.
Kazuha closed his parted lips as he turned away from you. “I . . . uh . . . ” He swallowed. “You look beautiful, ( Your Name ).”
“At least look at me when you say that, Kazu-kun.”
 He looked at you, breathing in before speaking. “You look very, very . . . uh, pretty.”
You laughed a little. “You look very, very handsome, Kazuha.”
You took his hands in yours and gazed into his eyes, smiling. “Things are going to change once we get married.”
A pang of uneasiness struck Kazuha.
But what you said next shocked him.
“After this, I can finally be part of the crew and join you on your adventures in the sea!”
Kazuha gawked at you again, blinking.
Everyone invited to his wedding gasped when Kazuha suddenly kissed you out of nowhere in the middle of the ceremony.
Beidou, and the rest of the crew, however, cheered loudly for the two of you.
After the wedding, Kazuha snuck away from the reception for a while. He found a tree from a short distance and sat on the branch, breathing in the cool evening air.
He caught a fluttering leaf and smiled as he gazed at it and recalled how the two of you met.
Things will change, and soon, he’ll be adventuring with his wife in the vast ocean. Oh, he has so many things to show you.
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Gif credit @discoelitist.
Requested by @mypridefulsoul27. Hope you like it. Thanks for the request.
Taglist: @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @mypridefulsoul27.
"So what are these pills called again"? Antonio asked about this new drug on the street. It already had forty overdoses under its belt and growing.
"Pez". You replied, handing him a sample of the product that you got off a dead guy.
"Like the pez candy"?
"Yeah, it even comes with it's own pez dispenser and everything. Makes it popular with the kids". You tell him as you went to put the last two overdoses on the board. They were thirteen and sixteen that had a bright future before them.
"That's Eva's and Diegos age". Antonio sighed.
"From what we know, the dealer is a strip club owner named Marco Stewart. He has connections to strip clubs, porn studios and apparently schools as well. He has a record longer than my arm. Mostly drug charges and a few DUI's, assault with a deadly weapon and a breaking and entering". You tell Antonio and the others as they started to come in.
"A model citizen". Jay chuckled.
"Yeah, his club has been shut down for redecorating and looking for new talent. So if it's alright with Voight. I was thinking I could go apply and someone else". You looked at Voight who was noddling his in approval.
"I'll go. I can go be a bartender or something". Antonio volunteered.
"They're looking for dancers and a bouncer". You tell Antonio. He lifted a eyebrow.
"Alright set it up. You sure you're cool with this, Y/N"? Voight asked.
"Yeah. I want this guy off the streets. Parents will sleep better at night". You smiled and went to get your coat.
"A stripper? Of all undercover missions I have to miss is, Y/N being a stripper. That hurts". Adam held his chest dramatically.
"Eat your heart out". You laughed as you walked past him. Antonio snickered as he followed.
Adam playfully dropped on his desk dead. Kevin and the other laughed. You were taking this serious.
"So what's your name"? Marco Stewart asked, looking you up and down. A toothpick sticking from his mouth.
"Heaven. I'm a little piece of Heaven". You batted your eyes and flirted with him.
"More like a big piece of Heaven". Marco chuckled, his eyes went to your breast.
"Oh you're so funny". You playfully hit his arm.
"You're hired. So what about your boyfriend"? Marco watched Antonio out of the corner of his eye. Antonio was looking at the stage in the club.
"His names Johnny. Just got out of the pen. Had five years but did three for good behavior". You smiled.
"What was he in for"?
"Possession of a controlled substance". Antonio turned to talk to Marco. "That's what the asshole cop said once he planted it on me". Antonio looked between you and Marco than laughed. Marco laughed as well.
"You use to deal"? Marco asked intrigued.
"Yeah back in Brooklyn. I dealed for nine years and nothing but they catch me picking up a ounce of weed for my moms and I'm in prison before I can bat my eyes. It was bullshit". Antonio put on a thick Brooklyn accent.
"Alright. You're hired too. Both you be here Friday night, six o'clock. I got something for you two do before you go on".
"Wow, thanks. I cant wait to show you my moves. I promise it'll be amazing". You gushed, hugging Antonio and planting a kiss to his cheek. "We got the job, baby".
"Let's go home and celebrate". Antonio growled and picked you up carrying you out of the club.
Antonio put you down and headed to the car. "That was easy".
"Yeah. Now we have to figure out what he wants us to do". You say as you and Antonio drove to the station.
"Heaven? You chose Heaven as a stage name"? Adam scoffed.
"Yes, I'm a little piece of Heaven". You seductively purred.
"Yes, yes, you are". Adam smiled like a fool. Antonio rolled his eyes.
"Do you think he wants us selling drugs for him"? Antonio asked.
"Maybe. We could get a few undercovers in there as customers. Give us a better chance at catching him with the drugs". You suggested.
"We can do that. But we dont want to spook him. Since theres two new faces in the club and then add more. He'll know somethings up". Voight replied.
"Yeah. You're right. We go in tomorrow at six".
"Alright. Make sure you two are ready and prepared for this. I dont want it going bad and someone getting hurt. No dealer will go down nicely". Voight reassured.
"Yes, sir". You say. Antonio and you had a rough night sleeping. Your minds raced.  Tomorrow was a big job, a lot was depending on you two. You couldn't screw it up.
"My little piece of Heaven". Marco greeted you as you came into the club his arms open for a hug.
"Good even, sir". You purred in his ear.
"Oh, sir. I like that". Marco laughed. "Come on, I got something for you guys". He waved you and Antonio into the back room.
"So tonight is going to be big. Huge! We have Heaven here making her debut and everyones coming. Everyone. So I need you two to be selling some of our delicious product. It taste just like candy". Marco chuckled as he opened a box that had about five hundred pills inside. Enough to kill a whole school of kids.
"I've heard about this drug. It's supposed to make sex even more amazing". You wrapped your arms around Antonio's waist and started kissing his neck. Antonio went along and grabbed your face deepening the kiss to your lips.
"Fuck yes"! Marco cheered.
Antonio pulled away panting, you licked your lips. This was the first time you two let your sexual tension free on each other. It was there but you two kept it bottled up.
"I like you two. This is going to be a great partnership". Marco grinned.
Around seven, people started arriving. Each person got a pez and a pat down from Johnny the bouncer. Antonio was taking his job seriously. You were going around getting drinks for the customers until you were called to the stage.
"Baby, why dont you take this fifty and we go back to the back and play"? A creepy older guy slapped your ass as you sat his drink down on the table.
"No thanks". You smiled and went on your way. You had to breath cause if you didnt you would have taken the drink tray and popped him up side the head with it.
"Heaven, baby. It's almost time". Marco pointed to his wrist and you nodded. You went back to the dressing room and changed into a diamond bralette that didnt hide anything and a pair of black cut up booty shorts. It wasnt your taste but Marco wanted you to wear it. You splashed on some glitter and perfume before you heard your song come on.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new comer here that has blessed us with her beauty. Please give it up for a little piece of Heaven". Marco introduced you to the cheering crowd. You walked on stage and put your hand on his shoulder.
"We also have a special guest to share the stage with her, our own bouncer Johnny Boy". Marco put the spot light on Antonio which caught both you and him off guard. You didnt know his was in your performance.
Marco waved Johnny on stage, Antonio gulped and went up. Marco had a chair for Antonio to sit in as you danced.
"Show em what you got baby doll". Marco slapped your ass.
You smiled at Antonio, he looked nervous. The combination of spot light, the men sitting around watching and the part where he liked you this was a bit to much for him to stand.
The music was flowing through your veins. You swayed your hips to the music in between Antonio's legs. Your hands on his knees, your ass on his lap. Antonio licked his lips, he got the courage to put his hands on your hips and guide you along.
You smirked, rolling your hips. This was all work but you could throw in some play as well. The crowd of cheering men disappeared when you turned around and straddled Antonio's lap. Your hand wrapped around Antonio's neck as you grinded on him. He looked into your eyes as he helped you move your body.
Your eyes wondered over his face, his eyes sparked in the lights, he had a slight smirk on his face and you could see Marco deal out a baggy of Pez.
"Now". You said and Voight and the team busted in. You got off of Antonio and went after Marco, Antonio followed your lead.
Marco didnt run, he had his hands up and ready for cuffs.
"For a dealer, you went easily". You told Marco as you handed him off to Jay.
"I'm just the bottom of the food chain, baby. I'll get a slap on the wrist". Marco laughed as he was taken away.
"Great job, you two". Voight nodded and walked away.
"You look absolutely beautiful". Adam smiled like a bigger fool as he came over. You looked down and covered yourself up.
"I'm going to go change". You hurried to the back.
Antonio slapped Adam on the back of his head. "Watch it". He pointed at Adam. Adam stood there confused. 
You got dressed quickly and headed out front. Suddenly all eyes were on you.
"What"? You looked down at your outfit. You had tight red pants on with a red jacket and a black see through corset. You may have taken it from Marcos wardrobe.
"You look good, Y/L/N". Jay chuckled along with Adam and Kevin.
"Thank you". You giggled.
Antonio came by your side. "You do. You look really good. Um, you wanna get coffee"? Antonio rubbed the back of his neck.
"Are you asking me on a date"?
"A coffee date".
"Oh". You were kinda sad that that was it.
"Just for now. I'm kinda tired so coffee will hold you over until Friday night". Antonio sent you a wink.
"Yeah. I'd like that".
"Great". Antonio held out his arm for you and you wrapped yours around his. "Where did you learn to dance like that"?
You laughed. "Believe it or not there was a time I wasnt a detective. But that's for another time".
Antonio smirked as he lead you to his car and you were off on your first date.
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
505 | G.W
WARNINGS // SMUT 18+, If you know the song, you know what’s coming. Mutual pining, kissing, a lil sadness, George being a simp, 
I wanted to celebrate me reaching 500 followers (something I legit never saw happening) by writing a fic for you all!! I went back to one of my favourite songs... it seemed pretty fitting. 
ps. please don’t post my work elsewhere, it breaks my heart!!
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I'm going back to 505
If it's a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive
In my imagination you're waiting lying on your side
With your hands between your thighs
505 New Harleston St. The place where it all began, your childhood home. It had been years since George had seen you and every part of him dreaded the thought of you loving someone that wasn't him. It hadn't been easy for him to move on, when every beat of his heart was beating for you. As he turned the ignition of the car and rolled out of his driveway, the destination was set in his mind. Each road and turn was like muscle memory as he set off on the forty-five minute drive in the pouring rain to see you. He prayed you still lived with your parents and that you weren't in the arms of another man. He pictured you in your bed, back arching as you touched yourself to the thought of him. The imagery was sinful, and distracting, so distracting that he had almost veered the poor ford Anglia off the side of the road. He however couldn’t pull himself away from the soft melody that was your moans as they echoed around his brain. 
Only when he was parked outside your house, looking up at your window, which was only dimly lit, did he contemplate driving back home. But he was sure he was meant to be there, after all even if it had taken a Seven hour flight, he had to be there to see you. 
He stepped out of his car, the heavy rain drenching him from head to toe within a few moments. He checked his watch, it was nearly midnight and he hesitated once again. He then noticed the kitchen light flick on. 'it's now or never' he thought, his feet dragging him to your front door, ignoring the doorbell to knock gently on the painted wood. 
The knock on your door caused you to spin around and look at the clock, confused at who would come knocking at this time, you assumed it could only be that your cat, Ernie, had snuck into the neighbour's house again. You quickly walked towards the door, words falling from your lips before you could even process who was in front of you. "I'm so sorry, Mrs Jame- George?" 
Stop and wait a sec
Oh when you look at me like that my darling
What did you expect
The way you looked up at him with a look of pure innocence and love drove him absolutely crazy. An old oversized t-shirt was hanging against your thighs as your eyes went wide with shock. you blinked a couple of times, thinking your mind was playing tricks on you. He didn't disappear, however and something inside of you roared as you darted forward, hand sneaking up to rake your fingers through the hairs at the back of his neck as you pulled him down and into a kiss. You didn't care that his clothes were soaking wet and that the rain was gusting into the house, you had George in front of you and that was the only thought plaguing your mind. 
It was as if all the time you had spent apart had never happened, your body slotting perfectly against his as soon as he had you in his arms again. The kiss you shared was passionate and needy, before you knew it, he had you trapped between him and a wall, making out like teenagers again, your hands frantically pulling off his jacket and letting it fall to the floor. 
"Georgie.. I've missed you." Your eyes were wide, looking up at him innocently and full of passion, it was a look he was obsessed with. The nickname you used for him brought back so many old memories that he knew that he had to have you back and he would do anything in his power to call you his once more. His hands had slipped under the t-shirt to rest against your waist, the feeling of his large hands on your warm skin was familiar and intoxicating. "I couldn't stop thinking about you, my angel, I miss us."
His confession had you weak at the knees. Despite the fact that your break up was messy, the love you shared for each other had never left. Having both gone through the war with each other and gaining trauma that neither of you knew how to process, resulting in more frequent arguments, less affection, more ange and more more resentment until you both decided it was best for the both of you to part ways. Over the years, you had taken the time to heal but George however, grew insecure and lost confidence of his own worth. He didn't know how to move on in life without you by his side. 
That's why kissing him felt so natural, his lips and arms felt like home to you. It was why you were willing to risk it all and take him back. It was also why you were sure you were sure you'd let him fuck you senseless in the hall out of desperation. You were still in love with him and a part of you had truly never stopped loving him, even after all this time. 
I probably still adore you with your hands around my neck
Or I did last time I checked
You'd pulled the boy up to your room, stripping him of his damp clothes and admiring every inch of his skin, you had to pinch yourself every time because having him here felt like a dream. As you lay on your bed, your head on his chest, you listen to the in and out of his breath, letting his heartbeat remind you that he was in fact here, and not hundreds of miles away. 
He didn't try to initiate anything you didn't want to do, talking into the early hours about everything you'd done since you'd last seen each other. You confessed that you would take him back if he wanted you. George's eyes went wide at that statement, his breath hitched in his own throat. He took the opportunity to kiss you again, the soft, open mouthed kisses turning quickly to a more passionate exchange as your tongues brushed against each other. He pulled you on top of him so that you were straddling his hips, his hands guiding your own to gently rock back and forth against his. 
You were grinding against him, feeling the desperation for him grow inside you as you were reminded of the mind blowing sex life you used to have, you adored him even as he was fucking you relentlessly, hand wrapped around your neck. You missed being touched the way he touched you. You picked up the pace, causing a string of moans to fall from your lips, it was enough for him to buck his own hips up to meet yours. As if he could hear your thoughts, a hand moved up to grasp at your neck, a smirk plastered across his lips. "Always knew you liked that, Princess."
The string of moans that fell from your lips were pure filth but nevertheless, music to his ears. You were adults, pining over one another, in a situation not too dissimilar from one you had with him as teenagers, sneaking away from your group of friends and up to the dorms. Coincidentally, it was the same day he'd told you he loved you. 
Your mind was flicking back and forth to the present and the past as George's hands trailed gently up your sides. The look in his eyes was pure lust as he pulled you in for another kiss. His kisses were intoxicating, and you couldn't stop yourself from going in for another, and another, and another. 
"We don't have to do this, not if you're not-" You cut him off with a simple kiss, before pressing your lips to his neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses down to his collarbone, slipping between his legs with a content sigh. "I want this George, I want you." 
You had started by palming him through his boxers, watching as his head fell back into the pillow. There was no rush, just gentle, meaningful movements. When you finally pulled his cock from his underwear, his heart sped up, you rested your cheek against his thigh as you stroked him, his hand smoothing over your hair as warm moans fell from his lips. You looked up at him through your lashes, as amazing as George's more dominant side was, to see him completely at your will as his cock was in your hand made you feel so powerful. Your hand was perfect, small enough that when you wrapped your hand fully around, the squeeze was enough for him to feel like he was in heaven, not to mention the way you looked at him. You truly were his angel. 
He had flipped you over before you could even take him in your mouth, he was gentle as he pulled your shirt over your head, kissing every part of skin he could. This moment with you was everything he was waiting for, to be with you, intimate and in love. He slipped your underwear to the side before pushing into you. It felt like everything you could've needed in that moment, he didn't make it rough or push you. He simply made love to you as the sun rose, mumbling words of pure praise against your lips. "You're doing so well, Princess, taking me so, so good."
His fingers found your clit, rubbing circles with his middle and pointer finger as he brought you close to your release. His hair was hanging messily as his hips rocked into yours. "That's it baby, cum for me, such a good girl."
When you came over him, your mind went blank except for the thought of him. It was perfect, he was perfect, he was repeating over and over that he loved you. Godric, did you love him too. 
Not shy of a spark
A knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark
You and George had been back together a whole month before he offered for you to move in with him. You’d be lying if you said that you hadn’t hesitated when he asked. You were worried that perhaps since getting back together things were moving too fast again, but as soon as he’d shown you his beautiful home, all worries seemed to fade. When George bought the house, he imagined what life would be like with you sharing his home - your home together. Everywhere he looked, he imagined what your future children would be doing as they ran around the halls. Everything he seemed to do was with you in mind.
It was one particular evening where you’d come back to your now shared home to find George sat alone on the sofa, all of the lights still turned off. He hadn’t even noticed you enter, he was silently sobbing as tears rolled down his cheeks. Thoughts swimming in his head of not being good enough for you, that he fell short of being everything you needed. He didn’t know how to process these feelings, he hadn’t learned how to cope with the negative thoughts, let alone how to tell himself that they were all bullshit. 
You noticed the tears glistening off his cheeks, lit only by the lamppost outside, quite literally dropping everything, not caring where it fell. You pulled the crying boy into your arms, his head resting against your chest, the salty tears transferring to your t-shirt. Once he had come to his senses, no longer lost in his own bubble, the bubble in his throat prevented him from speaking, hardly able to string a sentence together. You did your best to console him, but the pain in his chest felt like someone had stabbed him in the chest and continued to turn the knife. 
“I-  I know don’t fucking deserve you.” He was babbling over his words as you rocked him, playing with the hair that he had grown out especially for you, pushing the strands out of his eyes and off his forehead. George only managed to calm down by the grace of your soothing hum and gentle kisses into his hair. He still felt the pang of sadness that didn’t want to shift, as a shallow breath rattled around his lungs. “You are enough for me George, I love you and I’ll always love you.”
But I crumble completely when you cry
It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye
You were sitting together on the sofa, your head on his shoulder and your fingers intertwined as you watched a movie, something you’d insisted on bringing into your home together.  You had been feeling overly emotional In the past week, breaking down into tears over nothing. Just yesterday the sight of orange peel made you tear up. You’d told Fred about it today and he simply laughed at the notion that George had ‘made the orange naked’. While Fred found it hilarious, George hated the sight of you crying. Crumbling completely into a mess to care for you at the very sight of a tear. 
Fred and Lee often joked over dinner that George was ‘whipped’. He shrugged off the taunts, retorting back that at least he had a girlfriend. To which the other two boys imitated, un-phased by the younger twin’s attempt at seeming menacing. Lee told you about how they used to call him ‘Whipped Georgie’ back at Hogwarts, a nickname you knew you had heard too often in the quidditch changing rooms. You marvelled at how it was nice to have them all back, but really the group was incomplete without Alicia and Angelina here, you note that you must have them over for dinner soon, or at least another girl’s night.  
More recently, however, you and George had been like passing ships in the night, It was kicking into the busiest time of year at the shop and he more often than not crawled into bed with you in the early hours of the morning, only for you to kiss his forehead goodbye as you left for work only a few hours later. The mornings didn’t get any easier, leaving his warm arms another day, to return to him not being there. You feared he would slip away again, a heavy feeling sitting in your stomach as you wake for your day, to see your boyfriend only just slip through the door. You had greeted him once again with a goodbye, your eyes hanging on to his for a pleading moment, as you considered never leaving his hold again. 
I'm always just about to go and spoil a surprise
Take my hands off of your eyes too soon
George had strolled into the shop, ready for the afternoon and evening rush, his eyes deep set and tired. It was back to sleepless nights for him. Fred noticed the exhaustion in his brother’s eyes, making a quick decision to send him home. They had only just yesterday had the conversation that George had seen almost so little of you that it didn’t even feel like you were together. That feeling broke his heart. 
There were so many thoughts running through his head as he walked home. The usual quick walk was slowed way down as he pondered on every running and passing thought. He was a man filled with worry, what if you had stopped loving him? He couldn’t lose you twice.
He arrived home to you, his precious girl, sat on the bed sobbing, looking down at something in your hands. His whole body ached, seeing the tears physically fall, when you smiled up at him his heart softened, perhaps it wasn’t as bad as he thought. He caught a glimpse of the small blue box in your hands and his eyes widened. George Weasley was always shit at keeping secrets. 
His mind told him ‘fuck it’ as he got down on one knee next to you as you were sat on the bed. A thousand ways of saying what he wanted swirled around his brain, he wanted to say the right words and make it a special moment for you. Every moment you had shared together flew past his eyes, it was like watching a star go supernova. Every bright smile and giggle, every kiss and longing look. It was the perfect movie shared between the two of you. 
“I think you already know what I’m about to say, and based on the fact that you’re still crying I hope this isn’t a bad time. But Merlin, I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you. I want you to be mine forever. I’m sorry that I still haven’t healed and I’m sorry that I wasn’t there when you needed me the most. My life is you and if I don’t have you, it’s thunderous and wet and lonely. So, my sunshine, will you marry me?
I'm going back to 505
If it's a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive
In my imagination you're waiting lying on your side
With your hands between your thighs
...and a smile
The red-haired boy was sitting at his desk, a dim lamp emitting only the faintest glow. Once again his mind was on the thought of you. The thought of you waiting for him at home, His gorgeous wife, her fingers desperately trying to find a release at the thought of him.  He contemplated running home, in a full jog, just to devour you. He flicked back to the day he travelled to 505, how he was so desperate to see you, that he would’ve climbed every mountain just to kiss your perfect lips and see your perfect smile.
George realised that It was never 505 New Harleston St. that kept pulling him back. It was you. You were 505. 
@starlightweasley @slytherinsunrise @gcdric @theweasleysredhair @whiz-bangs78 @weasleysflowr @minty-malfoy @vivianweasley @feetoffthetablee @thisismynerdyself @witch-and-a-half  @wand3ringr0s3​ @vogueweasley​ @loony-loopy-lupinn​
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Unlikely Allies (2/?)
Pairing: Peter Pevensie x Female!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2k
Part Summary: Y/N is over the moon to know her brother is alive, but there’s internal turmoil with knowing she will have to choose between her uncle and him. During the ball to celebrate the birth of her cousin, Y/N meets a remarkable stranger... or so she thinks... 
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I enter the courtyard after passing off the reins of my horse to the stable boy. I remove my gloves and walk briskly toward the stairs. 
“Where have you been?” A familiar voice interrupts my task. 
I turn over my shoulder and notice my aunt sitting on the fountain's edge with my cousin in her arms. “Riding." I smile as I walk over to join her. 
Her brows scrunch together. “This late? I thought you left this morning?” 
“I stopped at the beach for a bit,” I lie. 
“Well don’t go out and about without escorts until further notice. Your uncle has been rather worried lately for some reason and I suspect it might have to do some enemy nations.” 
“Really? Has there been a threat?” I worry. 
“I’m not entirely sure, but we do appear weak in your brother’s absence.” 
“Is there any news?” I press, pretending to be unaware of his wellbeing. 
“Your uncle and the army are doing everything they can. I’m sure he’s just fine! Simply hiding out, fooling around. It’s a shame he had to miss the birth of his cousin though." She pouts, glancing down at her son. 
“Agreed, my little godson!” I reach out and wave his hand playfully. 
She smiles. “You’re amazing with him.” 
“Thank you, he’s my new best friend." I gush in a baby voice. 
“Even more than your uncle or brother?” 
“He definitely trumps Caspian. He doesn’t talk back! As for Uncle, you’re right, that is a hard one.” 
We share a laugh. 
"Supper tonight will be at seven sharp, be ready," she instructs. 
"Yes, of course." I nod. "I'll go freshen up now. Will Uncle be joining us?" 
"God willing." She rolls her eyes. 
I start back toward the stairs, determined to be ready within the hour. 
"Oh and Y/N?" 
I hum, peering over my shoulder. 
"We're having a few friends over after to celebrate the birth of the baby. It's masquerade-themed, so I left a dress and mask on your bed," she states. 
"Okay, thank you!" I remark, now truly eager to make it to my bed-chamber to see the gifts! 
Later that night... 
"A few friends," she says... try a hundred of our closest family friends. Lords, Ladies, diplomats, all of Telemarine high society in our ballroom. Dressed in their best with masks to conceal their true identities, all rather fancy. My aunt gifted me a midnight blue off-the-shoulder gown, very Telemarine of her to pick such a dark blue. My mask is a shimmery black lace that frames my eyes. At first, I was hesitant about a masquerade theme, but it's been rather nice blending into the crowd. 
After many dance partners and entertaining the guests, I'm in much need of a break. Though, my latest partner is reluctant to release me from the floor. 
"Just a moment, I must catch my breath!" I laugh as I back up through the threshold leading to the balcony, leaving him within the crowd. I hurry outside, releasing a deep breath. I step over to the edge, peering out to the night's horizon. "Lord heavens, if I have to dance with that imbecile one more-" There are sudden footsteps behind me and I whip around to find a boy mid-step toward the staircase leading to the courtyard. "Oh, hello!" I rush to collect myself and appear not so... well... frazzled. 
"Uh... hi..." He clearly feels caught, clearing his throat and straightening up. I note his honey-like hair, a glistening gold under the dim lighting pouring out from the ballroom. 
"I apologize for my poor manners. If you heard anything-" 
"You're perfectly fine," he assures me with a light snicker. 
"It's not that I don't like the Lord's nephew, he simply misses a step once or twice." 
"Don't worry, I won't tell." He changes direct and begins toward me. 
"Having fun?" I ask lightheartedly, feeling much more at ease away from the festivities. 
"Oh yes, excellent party..." The boy compliments, standing beside me at the edge, gripping the stone rail. 
"Are you required to attend them too?" I joke. 
"Sometimes, not so much anymore," he answers peculiarly. 
"It can get tiresome," I sigh, turning my attention back to the horizon. 
"I understand." 
The musicians inside play a familiar tune, an old Narnian waltz I believe. Uncle likely doesn't know its origin, I learned of the song from my tutor. 
"Oh, I love this song!" The boy and I say in unison.
We share a giggle. 
"Would you-" We speak in unison again. 
"I was just-" Once more it happens. 
"No, you go-" A third time the coincidence occurs. 
He offers me his hand with a smile. "May I have this dance?" 
I glide my hand into his. "It would be my pleasure." 
His free hand glides to my waist, pulling me close to stand flush with his chest. Our faces are mere inches from one another. I glide my hand to rest on his chest gently. His eyes remind me of bright emeralds or shimmering sea glass. In addition, he's a far better dancer than the other gentlemen here. 
I exhale deeply with content. "It's much more peaceful out here." 
These last few days have been painful in Caspian's absence. To gain a cousin, but lose a brother in the same day... it's nearly impossible to comprehend. 
"Definitely." He peers down at me and then frowns. "Is something troubling you?" 
I hadn't realized how expressive I was being until he asked. "My brother, Pri-" I stop myself before I reveal my identity. "He's been gone a few days... I miss him." 
"Can you write to him?" 
"I don't know where he is..." I shrug. 
"I'm sure he'll return shortly," he encourages with a soft smile. 
"I hope..." 
His brows scrunch together. "This may sound strange, and we're not supposed to share our identities, but have we met before?" 
"I have one of those faces, yet, then again, I believe we have." 
"It's your eyes... " he mutters. "They seem so familiar somehow." 
My breathing becomes shallow. "I was just thinking the same thing..." 
"I wish I knew your name," he confesses. 
"I believe you may look back, see me a different day, and it will come to you." 
"Then I'll be pleased."
The words fall from his mouth in a whisper as his attention slips from my eyes and down to my lips. For a moment, I'm unsure of what to do or say. We've only just met, yet a part of him seems so familiar to me. He leans down, hovering over my lips, waiting for permission. I complete the remainder of the distance, bringing my lips to his gently. The kiss is not passionate or rushed, but soft and patient. It feels right, destined, if possible. 
"Hey!" Edmund's voice echoes throughout the balcony. 
I break from the mystery girl, glancing over to the double doors to see my brother running over to us. 
"We have to go!" He grabs my wrist and begins dragging me off. 
"What? Now!" I huff, annoyed to say the least. 
"Yes! A guard is chasing me!" 
"Chasing you?" The girl hurries after us as Edmund leads me over to the balcony's edge. But I don't understand!"  
I yank my wrist from Edmund and cup her face, capturing her by surprise. I press my lips to her's pleadingly. I break from her reluctantly, only because we're running out of time. "I'll see you again!" I promise. 
"But... wait!" She rushes out, taking my hand. 
Edmund climbs over the rail and jumps off, landing on the back of the griffin hovering below. 
"When will I see you again?" She asks worriedly. "I don't even know your name!" 
"There they are!" 
She and I whip our attention toward the balcony doors as three guards sprint toward us. 
"Go! Hurry!" She urges me off. 
Suddenly, a guard grabs her by the forearms and begins to escort her away. "Come along Your Royal Highness!" 
My lips part as a shockwave of emotions consume me. Your Royal Highness? Oh dear God, Caspian's sister! 
"You there!" A guard lunges at me.
Swiftly I fall back into the air. The griffin catches me and begins to fly to join Edmund's. 
"What was that?" Edmund starts his mockery. "I leave you for five minutes and you're kissing a Telemarine!" 
"It wasn't just any girl..." I manage to say, despite my still stunned state. 
"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure she was amazing," he grumbles. I suspect it's paired with an eye roll. 
"No, you don't understand she-" I stop myself. If I tell him, who knows what the repercussions may be. If Caspian found out, all of this, everything we've worked so hard for may become a mess. Only I may know the truth. "Nevermind..." 
Tags:  @i-hav-no-life @rexorangecounty​ amandaleigh1015 yellowbadgermole flowercrowns-goodvibes ellie-granger genderfuckedpluscoffee elite4cekalyma bithehurricane holybananame kotaevln graciepurcell2020 sanfran234t charlisaurusrex unsatisfiedhumam gillybear17 coolweirdo11 heaven-milk heyitxjude hollandsgurl greengarsstuff mrs-brekker15 the3rdweasley soilrockslove candyheartsandcigarettes youruinedthe1975 winterchildd ashwarren32 allcolorfuldreams whyiminlove aclmagic frenezafreaks louiselamb12 faeflwrs whattheforks givemebooksorgivemedeath marinette112 hauntedphotographybookstaco 
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michaelmilligan · 2 years
It's Angelsweek! 🥳
So, to celebrate the birthday of the lovely @heaven-ecologist - have some angel content. :D
Prompts of the day: True Form/Powers/Vessel
Note: My angel of the day is Benjamin. Since we never learned his vessel's name (shame on you, canon), I didn't use one for her, so she's just referred to as 'she'.
It was a beautiful day.
There had been a lot of those lately, she thought idly as she sat on the front steps of her parents' house. Squinting upwards, she could not see a single cloud in the sky, everything bathed in bright sunlight. The fields her parents and her uncle worked. Their cat, who was sleeping on the low stone wall surrounding the main house. The flowers her mother had one day found in the fields and, instead of simply tearing them out, had re-planted them here, in the front yard.
They were red. Her favourite colour, like her Sunday dress. She was sure her mother had thought of her when she'd first seen them.
Truly a beautiful day. A beautiful life. It was like there were only happy days, nothing ever went wrong. Even when it rained or when it was cold, that just meant they could huddle around the fire, could drink tea and listen to her uncle tell his stories.
And yet, despite all this perfection, she felt like something was missing. Someone was missing. A friend, a dear one, someone she knew she had known for a long time, if only she could remember-
There was a rumble and she looked upwards, but the sky was still perfectly blue. Another rumble, as if a storm was coming, except at the same time the sun was getting brighter, brighter, until she had to avert her gaze, pressing her eyes closed.
Be not afraid, a voice called. A terrible, thunderous, frightening voice – and yet so, so familiar that she felt as if a weight was lifted from her chest.
“Benjie?” she asked, and when she stood up, suddenly she wasn't seven years old anymore. Instead she was twenty, or perhaps a hundred and twenty.
How old was she really? Did it even matter? Benjamin was here.
Hello, my friend, he said softly, or as softly as a being his size, a being of his magnitude and power could ever achieve.
Flooded by relief, longing and curiosity in equal measures, she carefully blinked her eyes open, only to be faced with the strangest form she had ever seen. She could not make heads or tails of it, had not been able to do it the first (and last) time she had seen it. Too many eyes, too much light, too little substance. Benjamin looked nothing like any other creature she had ever seen before, nothing like a human or a cat or even a horse. He was something completely different, something special. That much, she had understood from the very beginning, when he had started speaking to her in her dreams. The safest way for an angel to interact with a human, if only not to overload their brains with all their magnificence.
“Benjie, where have you been?” she asked, hearing her voice shake. It had been a long time since he had been gone, that much she knew. How long, she had no idea. But too long, for certain.
I'm sorry, miame. Continuance – his name for her ever since they had decided to stay together. She smiled.
“Don't fret, piripsol,” she replied with her own nickname for him. Of the Heavens – that he truly was. “I just missed you.”
As have I you. In my dreams, you appeared often.
It was a sweet, and yet confounding thing for him to say. “Dreams?” she questioned. “But you don't sleep, how can you dream?” It had also been tinged with some sadness, perhaps even regret. This was just getting curiouser and curiouser.
Where I was, even angels dream. Not always of good things, I'm afraid, but- He broke off, radiating hesitation. How odd. In all the years that she had known him – over one hundred, if her memory didn't fail her – she had rarely, if ever, seen him hesitate.
“They were bad dreams?” she asked gently. “Are you alright?”
I am now. I see that you are happy, and this makes me glad.
More sadness, dripping off him like molten sunlight.
“You say that, but then why are you so melancholic?”
Ah. You know me too well, miame. His appearance hardly changed, but she got the impression of a sad smile directed at her. My mood is subdued because I could not protect you. Could protect neither of us. We promised not to part, and yet we had to.
“We died, didn't we?” Slowly, all the memories came back to her. Benjamin had been using their body at the time, and once the danger had been apparent, he'd mostly kept the images away from her. But she had still been able to see flashes. Of a face. Of a blade.
Lily Sunder enacted her revenge on me. On us.
“The woman with the nephil daughter,” she remembered.
Yes. Well, no. We thought so at the time... It turns out Ishim lied to us. It also turns out that nephilim aren't forbidden by Heaven anymore. Something like a sigh sounded across the yard, making the house rattle a bit.
“I don't understand,” she admitted.
Neither do I, my friend. Not yet, anyway. It's only been a few short years, and yet so much has happened, I'm still trying to catch up.
She huffed out a laugh. “If you're having trouble, no wonder I'm not getting anything.” Shaking her head, she sat back down on the steps. “This is Heaven, right?”
Yes. Your individual Heaven, where you get to relive your happiest memories.
“No wonder everything has been so perfect,” she mused. “Except for one thing, of course.”
Somehow, she felt Benjamin stiffen. Oh? he asked carefully.
She smiled, dropping her eyes to the ground, suddenly shy. “You haven't been here,” she said quietly. “I know angels aren't supposed to visit the souls, but how could I be truly happy without my best friend?”
The following silence was heavy in the way that emotional moments often are. If he were a human, she might have thought that Benjamin was holding back tears. But of course, he was an angel, and his true form had no tear ducts.
I'm sorry it ended that way. You deserved better.
“Hey, I lived more than a lifetime. And with an angel, to boot – I got plenty.”
“No.” She shook her head. “You deserved better. I- Where did you go, anyway? And how did you come back?”
I went to the Empty. Benjamin seemed thoughtful. It's pretty much what it sounds like. A vast, empty space, where angels and demons slumber forever. Dreaming about our greatest failures, and our biggest regrets.
“And you dreamed about me.” She tried not to let that get to her, but it was hard.
Because I failed you. That's my greatest regret.
“Oh Benjie.” Sighing, she reached out for him, and after slight hesitation, he moved closer. “You were killed. And unlike me, you went to a dreadful place. So stop it with the self-flagellation, I'm not the victim here and you're definitely not at fault.”
You're too kind-hearted, my friend.
“Excuse me, I'm ferocious! Remember that guy who tried to sell us those sugar cubes as medicine?”
Even though he didn't have a mouth in this form, Benjamin still managed to smile. I do.
She smiled back at him. “So you know I'm not just being nice. But anyway.” Her expression turned more serious. “Since I'm dead, I guess that means I don't have a body anymore, huh. This is just what my soul looks like in Heaven?”
It's how you see yourself. How Heaven lets you see yourself.
“Right. In any case, I can't be your vessel anymore if I'm without a body, right?”
That's true.
They were both silent for a moment. She wasn't sure if it was awkwardness or simple sadness that sat between them. Maybe both.
Does that mean I can't be your friend anymore? Benjamin asked eventually, sounding anxious.
“Oh, you ridiculous angel!” She threw her hands in the air. “Of course it doesn't mean that. Why would we stop being friends? I mean, you probably won't have much time to visit little old me and I doubt I'm allowed outside my Heaven, but... we can make it work. And by the way, even if you never showed up anymore, we'd still be friends. You're not getting out of this, buddy.”
Maybe it was her imagination, but Benjamin seemed to shine even brighter at her words. Of course I will visit you. The new God is much more lenient than the old one.
“Wait, hold on. A new God?!” She stared at him in horror.
Ah, yes. See. This is one of those confusing things I talked about earlier. So what I have been told is-
It would take a while for her to understand what Benjamin told her that day, and then some more time to accept it. But in the end, she had to admit that however strange the concept of a new God might be, His plans seemed kinder than those of the previous management. He didn't mean to end the world, which was nice, she supposed. It also meant that Benjamin had hopes that he could play his favourite arcade game again at some point. And if Benjie was happy, well, then no matter how much it upset her religious beliefs, the new way of things couldn't be so bad, right?
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bts-reveries · 3 years
expect the unexpected | 20
(the images are pretty scattered so be careful in scrolling !)
You couldn’t sleep after your video call with Jin.
He seemed like he had a rough week, with each day that passed by, the kids got more impatient with him and so did he with them.
You were very much aware that Jin was a full time business man, he had time for the kids after work but during work he had to focus. It’s not easy when you have three kids to take care of while you’re also taking care of a company and over a hundred employees.
Of course Jin knew it was his duty as a father to take care of his kids (with you there or not) and he didn’t want to complain, but some days are harder than others. He still loves them, don’t worry.
The two of you talked about asking for help, but remembered how busy all your friends are at this time. Especially knowing how they all have their own kids to take care of, asking them to babysit three kids would be difficult. Not to mention, they all work too.
You gave Jin the idea of taking Haneul to Taehyung’s while his siblings are at school. Taehyung does classes with younger kids at that time which would be perfect for Haneul to join. He’d both be watched over while Jin gets things done at work and he’d also be kept busy. You’re guessing one of the reasons why Haneul liked to cling on to his dad is because he doesn’t have much to do while Jin’s working. His siblings aren’t there to play with him and his toys can only do so much.
“I’ll text Taehyung and let him know I’m taking Haneul in the morning,” Jin says in a tired voice. “While I’m kid free, I’ll get all my meetings out of the way and so by the time I pick up the kids, we could go home and just relax. Then I’ll do all the paperwork when they’re all asleep.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. See? Easy fix,” you say, smiling up at him.
“Easier said than done,” Jin frowns. “I miss you, life was easier when you were around.” You laugh at what he said out loud.
“Yeah because the kids were always with me,” you say. “It’s good that I’m gone for this one week so that you can spend more alone time with the kids. They won’t be little like this forever you know..”
“That’s true,” he sighs. “I don’t know. It’s just… I thought I’d have this down by now. Minseok is eight. I thought it would be easier now that they’re older. But then again, Haneul’s only three. But Minseok and Soojin were never like that when they were his age. I thought it would be easy, working and taking care of three kids. Especially since two of them are old enough to know and listen. But it has been everything but easy… I haven’t asked any of our friends to come over and help. The most help I got was Yeonjun.. Here at work and when he came over our house when I fell asleep and forgot to pick up the kids.” He laughs. “You make it look so easy. How do you do it?”
You look up, thinking to yourself. “Well first, I spend more time with them since I work from home. I know them pretty well. What they like, what they want. We have a routine at home. So we follow it as best we can. But my job is more flexible than yours. I’m not running a whole company and holding meetings. So it’s okay. You’re just going to need a routine to follow I guess. The kids are good with that. You’re doing great right now babe. I know it’s hard, no one said being a parent is ever going to be easy. We have three kids.. right now.” You hesitated in adding those last two words. “They have three very different personalities, and they’re constantly changing. We’ll get through it.”
“I hope so. Come back home soon, okay? You could work from my office or I can work at home from time to time and you can teach me,” Jin says, laying to the side and holding his phone in front of him so it looks like you two are laying in bed across from one another.
You laugh, “okay, I will.”
“And let’s stick to just three kids. I don’t think I can handle any more changes.” Those seven words woke you up so fast. You try to laugh it off.
“Not even a puppy?” You joke. Jin shakes his head.
“We can get a goldfish, maybe.”
You weren’t typically an overthinker, but when you were pregnant with Haneul that’s all you were.
It was around 11:30 in the evening. You ended the call with Jin about half an hour ago because he was getting too tired. It was a long day after all.
You decided to get up and go to the kitchen.
“Mom,” you say, surprised to see your mother sitting at the kitchen counter. “What are you doing up? Are you feeling okay?”
Your mom smiles up at you, gesturing for you to come sit next to her.
“I’m doing great, I just can’t sleep. What about you?” She says, watching you walk up to her.
“I can’t sleep either. I was pretty sleepy until I ended my call with Jin.”
“Why what’s wrong? Did anything happen between you two?” She asks worriedly. You shake your head no.
“Not really… It’s just.. He’s been having a hard time with the kids. You know, there’s three of them and one of him and he’s working full time. It’s difficult.”
“I understand--”
“But that’s not all. He said he only wants three kids. No more. Not even a dog, mom. He said maybe to a goldfish.”
Your mom laughs, in a confused tone. “You’re sounding a little defensive hon, is there something… else? Do you want more kids? Three seems like a good number.” You bite your lip as you listen to her, turning away to look down at your fingers. “What’s wrong?” She asks again. “You’re acting like you’re a teenager again,” she laughs. “You always play with your fingers when you have something to tell me but you’re not sure if you should. I still remember when we had that talk when you had your first kiss.” You roll your eyes.
“Mom,” you say, turning back to look at her, steering the conversation back to where you were in the first place. “What would you say if I told you you’re going to have another grandchild?” Your mom gasps. She puts a hand over her mouth.
“Is your sister pregnant? Did she tell you?” She says, making you laugh.
“No, I’m just asking.”
“Oh,” she says, putting a hand on her heart. “Well, then I’d be happy! I love my babies and my babies’ babies,” she laughs. “Why are you asking me that?”
“Because,” you say, turning away again.
“Oh, just tell me,” she says, nudging your side.
“Because.. I’m pregnant.. again,” you say, turning to look at her face. Again, she puts her hand over her mouth and you don’t know if she’s shocked, or happily surprised.
“What?!” you say, “is that bad?” You groan, looking forward and dropping your head onto your hands.
“Nonono! I’m just surprised, I’m sososo happy for you!” Your mom says, leaning over to hug you. “Is that why you’re upset? Because Jin doesn’t want anymore? Does he know?”
“No,” you say, it was muffled by your hands. “No one knows. You’re the first person to know, I just found out.”
“Ohh I feel so special,” she laughs. “It’s going to be great hon, you and Jin make the best babies. Everything will be okay.” She plants a kiss on your head. “You should go ahead and go back home,” she tells you, making you sit back up.
“I’m feeling great already, there’s no need for you to stay here and away from your family. Go celebrate this good news with them. I’m sure Jin and the kids would be so happy to see you and are even going to be happier to know they’re going to have a new addition~”
~The Next Morning~
“I’m sorry to wake you up so early, Yeonjun,” you say sheepishly. You were currently on the train back home and you called Jin’s secretary, asking him for a favor.
“I was already awake Noona, it’s no problem!” he answered energetically. “Is there anything you need?”
“Yes, I’ll be coming home today, but don’t tell Jin! I wanted to surprise them,” you say.
“Oh that’s great! Jin hyung will be so happy to have you back,” he says.
“I know, but I need you to tell Jin that you’ll be picking up Minseok and Soojin from school later, but really I’ll be picking up the kids and we can go surprise him at work.”
“Okay! No problem, Haneul will be at The Scenery though, so should I say I’m picking him up too so you can get him?”
“Oh yes, please.”
“Okay! No problem Noona. Oh and also, do you need me to pick you up from the train station?”
“Oh no it’s okay, I’m just going to get a cab.”
“I can pick you up before I head to the office, it’s no problem,” Yeonjun says.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, noona I’m sure. I’ll see you in a few hours!”
It was around 9 in the morning and you had just met up with Yeonjun. You sat in his car, leaning back with your eyes closed. He looks over at you and laughs.
“Are you sleepy noona?” He asks, stating the obvious.
“I couldn’t sleep last night, nor could I sleep on the ride here,” you say.
“Ah, I see. Well, you have a lot of time to nap when I drop you off at your house.”
“Kind of,” you say. “I have a few errands to take care of actually.”
“Like what?” he asks. Well you made an appointment to go get a check up with your obstetrician this morning. Then afterwards, you plan on going to 24/7 Heaven to get a few treats for the kids that you all can share when you get home. Then you’ll go to The Scenery to visit Haneul and take him out on a little date before you two pick up his siblings.
“I have an appointment,” you vaguely tell him. “Then I plan on going to my friend’s bakery to pick up a few things for the kids. Then I’ll go to my friend’s art school to pick up Haneul and take him out on a date.”
“Oh wow, you have a few things on your plate then. Go ahead and nap, I’ll wake you up when we get to your house,” Yeonjun says, focused on the road. You laugh at him.
“Thanks Yeonjun.” He’s your favorite secretary.
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After your appointment, you headed straight to the bakery. You opened the door, instantly being greeted by your friend.
“YN!” Rina yells, waving at you frantically at the counter. You laugh as you get closer to her.
“Hi, you missed me?” You ask, winking at her. A habit you got from your husband.
“Duh,” she says. “Just like how Jungkook has separation anxiety with Jin, I can’t be away from you for too long! I have to at least know you’re in the city.”
You laugh at her, pulling her into a hug over the counter. 
“I thought you were going to be gone for a few more days?” she asks as you two pull away from one another.
“I was. But my mom suggested I come back home since she was feeling a lot better,” you tell her, eyeing a cake on the side. “Can you save that for me by the way?” You point.
“Sure, I’ll put it in the back,” she says. “That’s good though, that your mom is feeling better,” she says as she walks to the back room. She’s yelling so you can hear her. “And also I heard from Jungkook that Jin has been super stressed lately? I’m guessing the whole three to one thing?” 
“Yeah,” you sighed. “He’s been having a hard time splitting time between work and the kids. They keep clashing.”
“I see,” Rina says, walking back to the counter. “At least your back, they’re still out numbering you but nothing you can’t handle huh?” Rina was the first one you met out of all the girls, you helped her when she was pregnant with Sian since you already had experience and you two basically grew up together. As mothers. She’s practically your little sister. You don’t know this, but you’re her role model. Someone she has always looked up to.
“I guess so,” you laugh. You wish you could tell her right now about number four, but you want Jin to know before any of your friends. 
“Yn! Rina!”
The two of you turn around and see Byul running in. 
“Hey!” you say, turning around to give her a hug. She hugs Rina next. 
“Where’s Sohyun?” She asks, Rina turns around and points to the back room.
“Baking,” she laughs. 
“Oh, duh,” Byul says, smacking her forehead. “How about Taehyung?”
Rina laughs at her, shaking her head. “At his art school. The Scenery? Ring a bell?”
“OH. I--”
“So I’m guessing you haven’t had sleep again?” Rina asks.
“Why what happened?” You ask, feeling like you’re out of the loop.
“Namjoon is working on his new book and he’s let me read some of it! I spent half the night reading the drafts he gave me and I spent the other half crying my eyes out,” Byul tells you with a big smile on her face. Gosh, you love her.
“Are you allowed to tell us about it?” you ask. Byul shakes her head no. 
“Boyfriend said I have to keep my mouth shut,” she says, pretending to zip her lips. 
“Well she didn’t lock it!” Rina laughs, knowing Byul will spill it soon enough. “Should I get you two some coffees?”
“Yes please!”
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After your little date with Byul (and a little bit of Rina and Sohyun came out later on), you finally made your way to The Scenery. After a quick stop at home to drop off the cake. 
“Hey~” you wave as you quietly walk into the room. 
“You’re back!” Taehyung says, walking up to you to give you a side hug, careful not to get paint on your clothes. 
“I am~ Where’s my kid?” You ask, looking around, not being able to see Haneul.
“Oh Yuna and Bora are in the bathroom with him and Mingyu. They got paint everywhere,” Taehyung says sheepishly. “I swear we were watching them but the second we turned… well you know.”
“That’s okay, thank you though for watching him,” you say with a small laugh.
You turn to see Haneul excitedly running towards you, his white sweater stained with red. You let out a laugh. “Haneul, oh my goodness you look like you killed someone.” Probably not the right thing to say to a three year old, but he giggled.
“Me and Gyugyu paint together,” he tells you, turning around to point to his cousin. 
“I know, auntie told me,” you say, pulling him in for a hug. Not caring about the paint. “I missed youuuu,” you tell him, placing kisses all over his cheek.
“I misschu too,” Haneul giggled.
“Hi Gyu,” you waved, extending your arm out so that you could hug him too. Your nephew comes running towards you hugging you tight. 
“I want a hug too!” Bora pouts, running towards you with Yuna right behind her. 
“Did I tell you?” Bora says. The three of you were now sitting on a separate table, talking before you and Haneul leave for a mommy-son date. 
“Tell us what?” You ask.
“I’m designing Rina’s wedding dress!” She whispers excitedly. You and Yuna’s eyes widened.
“No way! That sounds so much fun,” Yuna says, putting a hand on Bora’s wrist. “Are we allowed to see it?”
Bora smiles, shaking her head no.
Hmm.. deja vu.
“Rina doesn’t want anyone to see it until the fitting,” she says. You already knew you were going to cry when you see it on her. 
“I bet it’s beautiful,” you say. “Rina’s been dreaming of this, I bet it’s perfect.”
“I hope it is. She gave me a few photo inspirations and I drew it out for her and she loves the design so far.”
“Oh I bet you’re going to design our bridesmaid dresses too huh,” Yuna says, looking at her with wide eyes.
“She’s right,” you say, getting excited.
“Maybe,” Bora answers, looking up. “I don’t know though.”
“Okay, so she is!” Yuna says, the two of you laughing. Bora wasn’t good at hiding things. 
“Where we goin’,” Haneul says as you two walked back to your car. He held tightly to his little painting as you held on to his other hand. 
“Well first we’re going to go home and get you changed so we can go on a little date. Where do you want to go?” You say. The two of you got to your car, you had a close parking spot. 
“I wanna play at the park,” he says as you carry him up into his car seat. “Look at my painting mommy.” He says, turning it around. Taehyung had a stack of white paper out for him and Mingyu as they were both painting so much, but Taehyung gave them both one canvas each to paint on and take home. “It's for daddy,” he says. 
“Aww it is?” You say as you buckle him in. “Well you can give it to daddy later, I’m sure he’s going to love it.” Haneul happily smiled at you, then down at his drawing. He was super excited to give it to Jin. 
“Okay let’s go change,” you say as you two finally get home. There was a bit of traffic. Haneul immediately runs off, but not to his room.
“Haneul where are you going? Come on, we need to change your sweater,” you say, walking into his room. Haneul tippy toed to reach the door handle of his dad’s office, sneaking inside. He giggles as he runs to his desk, placing his little present on top.
“Haneul?” You called. Your son looks back as he hears your voice, immediately running to his room. “I’m here!” he yells.
“Okay come on, arms up,” you say. You pull his sweater off of him, changing to a clean one.  “Mommy will also pack some snacks to take to the park okay?”
“Okay~” Haneul says as you pull his sweater over his head, making him giggle. He’s such a happy baby whenever you’re there.
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“Thank you everyone, this concludes our meeting.” Jin has finished his last meeting of the day, just in time for the kids to get off of school. 
“Yeonjun,” Jin says. “I’m off, I’m going to pick up the kids now. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he quickly says, grabbing his things and walking out. It was just then when Yeonjun remembered that he was supposed to pick them up. Well, you, but he was supposed to tell Jin that he was so you could. Yeonjun panicked, it completely slipped his mind. After dropping you off back home, Jin had a lot of things for him to do.
“Oh hyung, it’s okay, I’ll pick them up,” Yeonjun says with a forced smile. He grabs his things, about to head off. Jin furrows his brows at him, tilting his head at the younger one. 
“No… it’s okay, I’ll do it. I finished everything I had to do anyways,” he says. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you.” Yeonjun knew he couldn’t say anything else to change his mind. Jin had nothing else to do at the building, picking up the kids for him just for him to go home right after was useless. 
“What am I going to tell noona,” he says to himself, watching Jin leave.
“Mommy!” Soojin yells as she gets in the car. “Why are you here already?” She says with a huge smile on her face.
“You’re here early,” Minseok says, a smile on his face as well. Haneul is waving at both of them right beside him. 
“I came to surprise you three,” you say. “And now we’re going to surprise daddy at work. Do you think he’s going to be happy?”
“YES!” They all yelled.
“Hey Taehyung,” Jin says as he walks into The Scenery. His older nieces and nephews were now there as school had just finished. 
“Hey hyung,” Taehyung says, patting Jin on the back. “What brings you here~ Kidless.” Jin frowns at him.
“What do you mean? I’m here to pick up Haneul, where is he?” Jin says, looking around. 
“Haneul’s not here,” Sian says, looking up at Jin. Jin’s heart stops for a second. 
“What do you mean he’s not here?”
“He was already picked up,” Taehyung says, not knowing that you haven’t told Jin that you’re back.
“By who?!” Jin yells, sighing loudly as he turns around, exiting the room quickly and heading straight to his car without a word from Taehyung. 
“He didn’t even let me answer!” Taehyung exclaimed, watching Jin get in his car from the window.
“He already left? Wait, you didn’t tell him?” You say, standing in your husband’s office with your three kids. 
“Jin hyung had me do a bunch of things when I came here! It slipped my mind!” Yeonjun says, freaking out. “I’m so sorry, he’s probably so worried right now but I tried calling him but he left his phone in here.” He says pointing to Jin’s phone on top of his desk. It had about 10 missed calls and 30 messages from Taehyung. 
At that moment, Jin comes barging into the room.
“Do you have any idea who picked up Haneul? Because I came in there and he was gon--” 
The five of you turn around with wide eyes after hearing his voice.
“DADDY!” Haneul yells running towards Jin and reaching his arms up to be carried. 
“HOW DID YOU GET HERE?” Jin yells, he sighs loudly, bringing his hands up to cover his face. “I almost called the police thinking someone stole my child but I didn’t even have my phone with me,” he says, dropping his hands down to bend over and pick Haneul up.
“Oh my gosh, I forgot the other kids.”
“It’s okay! We’re right here!” Soojin yells, making Jin finally look up towards the four of you. Yeonjun smiles and waves sheepishly at his boss while you do the same. You literally didn’t mean to stress him out even more. 
“Yn..” He breathes out.
“Sur.. prise?”
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expect the unexpected
♡ part twenty: sur.. prise? ♡ 
pairings: ceo, dad!jin x interior designer, mom!reader
a/n: sorry this took so long 😀
also! just to let you all know ~ at this point in the story it’s going to be majority written but will still include some smau pics!
taglist: @silentlyimpractical @jillianmarie @waddlebby @cecedrake2217 @ddofa @samros95 @sope-and-shine @joonjoonsmiles @codeinebelle @aianloveseven @Chamchamcham @princessjazzyjazz @notvantaes @casspirit0705 @ramyagovindraj @brinnalaine @ephyra1230 @betysotelo18 @thoughtfultaledreamer @salty-for-suga @cosmicdaylight @dreamcatcherjiah @kookoo-kachoo @justinetingball  @josierosie @jayhope88 @butterflylion @hobiismyhopeu @momma-said-that-it-was-oke @ygbubs @catspancake  @somewhereofftheglobe @strawberryforever25 @rjsmochii @prdshobi @beeeb05 @eatjeanjin @taekookcaneatme @Cheeely14 @kookietsukkie @anpanman-sonyeondan @glitteringcoffeefreak @chocobetterknot @alpaca1612 @ohmy-fandoms @liljooniecutie @Jikachoo @preciouschimine @fan-ati--c @Joondala @httpmuffin @dammit-jjk @jikooksgirl19
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burnedbyshoto · 3 years
the countdown
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— A reflection on what New Years mean and a New Years kiss.
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: fluff, 2020 year rant kinda idk man
word count: 1,679
a/n: this was supposed to be a drabble, but I don’t know how to shut the fuck up at all. I made It as short as I possibly could, took 5 rewrites. so, take this huzzah. check out the rest of the collab here!
New Year’s Eve.
It’s a day of endings, a time of reflection, recollection, and remembering.
Time is a finicky thing, convoluted and twisted in ways that people often spend a lifetime trying to understand but can only come to the conclusion that time is memories.
New Year’s Eve is the time to think about what you did in these past three hundred sixty-six days.
Did you have any New Years’ resolutions this year?
Most people are basic, routine, repetitive. It makes sense that the thing most people wish for every year is to make more money, to lose their hated weight, to become more confident, sexier, and to travel the world. Everyone wants some form of weird self-love because we are humans, and humans are so desperately craving to find happiness in life, taking it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.
Happiness is weird too.
Happiness is a mixture of chemicals in your brain that controls whether you feel normal or not.
Serotonin, dopamine, endorphins.
A terrific trio that the world always sought to have.
It’s not so easy to have all three; humans are made so weirdly after all. Too many chemical imbalances, receptors, and creators not perfect, and sometimes it’s not even that. It can just be the way the sun shines just too brightly through the cloudy skies, and suddenly that trio is gone.
So, humans consume.
We consume and consume and consume.
This year more than most.
Social interactions are needed to be human, many of us found out this year. You may love four people with all your heart, but going a near entire year with just four people when you’re used to so much more can be challenging, strenuous, exhausting.
But we remember the good things that made us happy this year.
We remember the way that the cold air whipped across our bare faces and the way that huddling up with your friends makes you both warm and cold. Reminisce in the way that the sun shines in deep rich purples and pinks as it breaks through the horizon, a simple, powerful portrait for your eyes only because art will never be seen the same by people who look.
We remember the terrible things this year too. The days were you were an asshole, a jerk, a bitch. How you whined and groaned about nothing. How you were mean for nothing. How you lied and cheated and stole. Admitting to it is one thing, but being able to look back on it is another thing.
You’re human; you have to remind yourself, part of being human is making mistakes. We humans are full of errors from our basic biology, so when you make them, recognize them, and make an effort to be better.
Perfection is not what you should seek, but the betterment of yourself and to others.
We remember the sad, too. Bowed heads as we count the ones we lost this year, tears streaming down your face because they died and because you didn’t get that promotion that you worked tirelessly on. Failure is something we all know of; we all experience it, in the many different shapes it comes in, and yet we are still so easily embarrassed by it.
Failure is okay. You can’t be better or grow to be better without failing once, twice, how many times it takes.
But it is New Year’s Eve, so we try not to think about the latter two; we celebrate the future of a new beginning, not the meaning of the past year.
We celebrate because we humans are selfish, loud, demanding.
We scream to the heavens on this day because fuck the world, we made it to another year, and for that, we demand a celebration.
You know this; you always have.
New Year’s Eve is yet another disgusting, selfish holiday, but you don’t mind it.
You want to be selfish.
You want to see your friends and family on the last day of the year and into the new one and groan loudly when someone exclaims that: ‘wow, y/n, I haven’t seen you in a whole year! Don’t hug me; I haven’t showered since last year!’
It’s stupid to be selfish in this way, but it weirdly comforts you. A weird promise that you might not be doing all too bad in this world, in your life. 
But right now, you’re exhausted, so terribly exhausted, you can’t even fight to keep your eyes open.
It’s dark outside. The moon is shining brightly in the vast wide sky, stars barely visible with the city pollution and the great light of the rock in the sky. It’s not a white New Years’ Eve, not this year in Japan at least (a kid with some stupid crazy quirk had actually managed to ban snow for six weeks). In the woods is a house that is large, bright, and warm. There isn’t much going on in the house from the distance, but the closer you near it, the louder the voices become, the more abundant it becomes that there are over twenty loud, near annoying adults who are playing a million drinking games.
Aoyama is hanging on the ceiling, demonstrating how he can get his laser beam to swirl around him like glass art as he spins.
Mina breaks dances on the pool table because someone told her to “break it,” and she might be a bit too drunk to realize what she was doing was not what was asked. Kirishima and Kaminari are stumbling against each other, laughing as they cheer her on, their eyes crossing as they watch the pink girl send ball after ball unintentionally into the holes.
Tsuyu is not surprisingly winning a game of beer pong against Iida. They’re only allowed to use their quirks for this game, and her tongue is better suited for this than Iida’s pipes.
Uraraka is still doing a kegstand, her early proclamations of how her zero-gravity training has made her the keg stand champion seem to be entirely accurate.
Ojiro is currently trying to find a word that rhymes with tail for the Kings Cup game he is playing with Shoji, Tokoyami, Dark Shadow, and Mineta. They’re undoubtedly the drunkest of them all, this is the seventh round of the binge drinking game, and all five of them have yet to tap out.
Kouda is begging Midoriya and Bakugou to stop taking shots as they both pulled the ‘take seven shots’ Jenga piece on the Drunk Jenga set for the third time. They’ve played as a team after being assigned as ‘mates’ in Kings Cup two hours ago. Poor Kouda is not set out to handle these assholes and having a drunk, instigating Sero as his own teammate is not helping in the slightest.
There’s a boom in the kitchen that rattles the windows. Still, no one even flinches as Sato, Hagakure, and Jirou stumble out of the kitchen, their blushes basically radiating light onto the walls as cake mix drench their bodies. Hagakure screams out for their uncaring old class to hear that sonic waves do not cook cake mix.
Momo, who is sitting in a rocking chair, sips her drink smoothly. It’s her eleventh bottle, and the creation quirk holder is barely tipsy; her metabolism was untouched.
And Shouto?
Well, that was easy.
He’s sitting on one of the lover’s seat, his body as upright as he could be, your body flushed to his side as you sleep. Shouto is drinking his own mixed drink that was prepared for him by you, still cool in his right hand. He’s warm, content, and at peace even with the chaos going on behind him. It was normal.
Shouto shifts his gaze over to your sleeping face, his chest warming pleasantly at the sight of your squished cheek and small puffing breathes. How you got so exhausted today was beyond him, he did warn you that daring everyone to start drinking the instant everyone woke up today was going to backfire, and it seems he was correct.
His hand reached for your cheek, his thumb stroking your cheek softly, the warmth of your flesh nipping as his colder fingers. You sighed contently in your sleep.
Chuckling, Shouto rested his head against yours, his heart speeding up quickly when you buried your face even further into his neck. Small smacks of your lips raising goosebumps as you spoke of your content even in your sleep.
By god, did he love you.
“Alright, everyone, please make your way over to the living room! We have one minute till the New Year!” Momo yells above the group's noise, and somehow everyone hears her and makes their way over.
“Aw! Look at y/n-chan! Knocked out like a baby!” Mina coos delightfully, her lips in a pout and her eyes shining brightly as she stumbles onto the armrest by you.
Shouto debates whether he should tell Mina to back off or to agree with her, but it’s far too late for him to decide when numbers begin flashing on the screen.
Shouto feels you stirring, your head lifting off his shoulder and your bleary eyes gazing into his. You look tired, sleepy, drunk, and oh so confused.
“Wha’s goin’ on?” you slur to Shouto, voice thick and husky.
“Looks like you woke up just in time,” Shouto comments, his fingers swiping at your face, fixing up the slightly ruined makeup. “It’s the countdown.”
“Oh, good,” you sigh, your arms softly wrapping around Shouto as if he was made of clouds. Shouto laughs at the delirium still trapped in your eyes. “I made it.”
“Thank you for making this year wonderful,” Shouto sincerely states, his hand setting down his drink and wrapping around your waist, pulling you toward him.
“Thank you for loving me,” you cheekily sigh, and with the one still painted on the wall, Shouto pushed forward, kissing your chapped, sticky lips as the year ended and the new one began.
“I’ll always love you.”
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