setevulpo · 20 days
yknow what i find interesting? the cat king's cat body language. like the way it changes until he shapeshifts back to human in that first meeting? pure gold actually, kudos for the kitty playing the part
the first shot we get of him has our darling king in a pretty calm posture. he's lying down on his side, his ears are forward, he's looking straight at the group, but his pupils are still pretty big. his tail is extended but relaxed. all of that points to him being, at most, interested in the wonder trio, but still showing he's dominating the situation (that's the looking right at them part mostly)
that changes when they actually get closer. we see him lower his head a bit, and the tip of his tail starts flicking. those are both things cat do when focused, and it's a stance closer to the one they use when hunting, but the fact that only the tip of tail is moving also means a little bit of playfulness is involved.
and then! it actually changes again!! when crystal says that "it's just a bunch of cats" and it pans out to the dude's corpse on the floor, the king starts pretty much wagging his whole tail! he is not happy that someone (who may or may not be the one who trapped his cat) decided to underestimate his subjects. a wagging tail in cats differs from the one in dogs cause it's often used to convey frustration or annoyance instead of excitement.
and it isn't a slow wag either (that would mean some form of relaxation still)! that tail is full-on irritation that someone insulted his people!
i am losing my mind over this so it had to be set out there for everyone else to be exposed but! it's so cool!
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kneesbruised · 7 months
◝ ' open to fems : please read my info underneath the ' read more ' in my pinned post before replying . <3
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                   ❝    the    things    i    could    do    to    you   .   .   .    all    you    gotta    do    is    say    please   ,    pretty    girl   .    ❞
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heavenincarnated · 4 months
closed starter for : @dogsrotten
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“ you weren’t supposed to find out. ” that  he  cared.
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frankenruth · 9 months
2017 is gonna be HOW MANY years ago in 8 days???????
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heavensorhells · 11 months
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𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 — the chosen one.
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too-much-toulouse · 7 months
You will not believe how many nosebleeds I've had this week
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thronesfms · 2 years
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of  a  king  they  had  crowned:  more  a  boy  than  a  man  ,   more  a  pup  than  a  wolf,  with  the  cold  of  the  realm  in  his  eyes
harsh  winters  ,  the  core  of  house  stark  —  always  prepared  for  winter  is  coming  ,  brought  the  beginning  of  the  end  of  a  once  great  noble  house  .  the  ailing  ruling  lord  more  concerned  with  pleasing  the  love  of  his  life  ,  his  beloved  second  wife  ,  than  honoring  his  duty  as  warden  of  the  north  .  winterfell's  hearth  roars  warmed  the  castle  as  the  scent  of  mouthwatering  lemon  tarts  spread  around  the  keep  :  protected  from  the  heavy  snow  and  lack  of  food  security  .  the  people  were  dying  ,  either  from  dreadful  starvation  or  the  slow  process  of  freezing  until  hearts  stop  beating  .  one  after  the  other  died  ,  even  the  livestock  was  meagre  .  voices  of  a  rebellion  against  the  starks  were  raising  but  never  lasted  ,  the  common  folk  are  always  the  first  to  succumb  as  the  nobles  live  on  .  help  from  the  south  was  denied  ,  the  starks  always  had  too  much  pride  to  accept  aid  from  wealthy  southerners  —  with  the  knowledge  there  would  be  debts  to  pay  .  as  the  howling  winds  quietened  down  ,  lifeless  bodies  were  found  under  the  melting  snow  ,  and  the  ruling  lord  grew  weaker  :  starks  thrived  under  the  coldest  and  darkest  days  .  in  an  act  of  defiance  to  tradition  ,  one  he  happily  broke  to  marry  the  one  he  truly  loved  ,  he  crowned  his  youngest  son  heir  of  winterfell  ,  heir  to  the  former  glorious  kingdom  of  the  north  .
winter  hit  the  north  early  ,  leaving  many  of  the  smallfolk  starving  and  begging  for  the  aid  of  their  nobles  .  the  nobles  were  well  fed  in  their  houses  ,  but  with  time  the  smallfolk  succumbed  to  the  winter’s  chill  -  leaving  many  dead  across  the  region  .  help  from  the  south  was  refused  as  lord  stark  had  always  had  too  much  pride  to  accept  help  from  others  -  especially  knowing  he  could  never  afford  to  repay  them  .  when  the  winter’s  chill  began  to  slip  away  ,  so  too  with  it  did  the  health  of  the  ruling  lord  -  leaving  him  to  make  the  decision  of  his  heir  :  naming  his  youngest  son  (  the  firstborn  of  his  second  marriage  )  as  heir  to  winterfell  .
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“Oh, you’re a Capricorn? That means you’re really smart, logical, and fit for business careers or leadership, right? You also have a firm sense of justice?”
The kindest way to say, “You really need people to follow the rules of morality or you’re gonna have a bad time, huh?” that I have ever experienced.
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hqessex · 2 years
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      the phenomenon of someone knowing when they’re being watched had caused emmeline to shift on the spot. between finishing a conversation and starting another, the woman glanced over her shoulder to see a silhouette of an individual supposedly looking in her direction - she was paranoid but her paranoia appeared to be just given how much had transpired over the past year. it was a busy enough affair, she’d be able to get lost in the crowd and quickly obstruct herself from view... keeping distraction to a minimum, she started to weave around people to get to the other side of the room. there was little sense of emergency as it wasn’t something that needed dramatising. her breath was slightly shallow but she was set on keeping herself as grounded as possible.
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lambergeier · 4 months
the real danger of spending too much time with friends is you stumble out of ten days of happiness and good food like oh my god THAT was real life. my job means NOTHING
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setevulpo · 1 month
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chimera pack: the future they deserved
there's an understanding among all of them that, when the doctors come again, they'll be dead. the practical solution to that is obviously to pile onto the nearest car—which just so happened to be theo's—and run for their lives.
chimera pack | theo raeken | josh diaz | tracy stewart | corey bryant | hayden romero | fanfic
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swan2swan · 3 months
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Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.
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kneesbruised · 5 months
◝ ' closed for @begsfor :
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                   ❝    that's    who    you    want   ,    huh    ?    some    guy    who    treats    you    like    shit    ?    fine   ,    by    all    means   .    go    get    'em   .    ❞
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parhe1ion · 10 months
if you’re gonna introduce me to something new you have to defeat my 7 evil ex hyperfixations
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kakusboyfriend · 1 year
Robot characters who are given names like SL-308-62 but instead of their human friend going Well let's call you Sally for short, they instead ask the other if they Like their current name.
"Do you like your serial number?" they ask. "Yes, quite. It reminds me of who I am" the robot replies. "I have heard others like me go by different names after some time, and maybe one day I'll choose one for myself, too. But right now that is my full name, yes" they continue.
Because it's not your decision to make whether or not the robot will receive a new name. It should be theirs only. What's the difference? One is more complex and the other is simplified. They were both given by strangers instead of themselves.
"62 will do," they conclude. "It's my model number - there will be no other 62 after me."
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heavensorhells · 6 months
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