#several shades sss
starmocha · 7 months
Me reading a YA novel: girl you don't need him
Me watching a romance movie: girl you don't need him
Me talking with my friends: girl you don't need him
Me playing an otome game: so I am in a polyamorous relationship with at least 4 different fictional men currently because I refuse to choose one
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stardrunk · 7 months
yes, hi, my husband is the tall, dark, handsome, and emotionally constipated one
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minamisconcierge · 1 year
is this fandom still alive
i would love to come back n write stuff about this game bc i haven’t been able to stop thinking about these fuckin boys
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otomesshots · 1 year
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Rei Shindo p1
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royal-shining · 2 years
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Several Shades of Sadism ↳ Thirst Traps
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neerons · 2 years
Hi. Who are your favorites MC in otome games?
Love 365
In Love365, My favorite MCs are the ones from Masquerade Kiss, Her Love in The Force, My Last First Kiss, and Romance MD. I also love the one from Oops, I Said Yes?! and I want to read the routes I didn’t get to read yet from this title. All of these MCs are either really funny, relatable, inspiring, and physically good-looking to me
I rarely dislike MCs despite their potential flaws because I think those could be consequences of bad writing. However, I have to say I had a hard time liking Destind because the MC from this title is really frustrating to me. I liked two of the LIs I’ve read but I think the MC and title overall had a lot of potential and it wasn’t used well. I only read Takane and Rei’s first seasons and PoVs and stopped, because I thought it wasn’t worth it for me to continue reading since the MC really wasn’t my favorite type. No shame to those who do like the title though, the characters seem very interesting and I’m sure the flaws can be easily overlooked for other people.
I included the other games I play as well since I don’t only play L365
Ikémen Prince
I also play Ikémen Prince from the Ikémen Series by Cybird, and I really like the MC in that game. I like how she’s rational, passionate about her reading hobby, hardworking, and a bit bold at times. She’s also very pretty. I love her eyes and hair. I also love a MC who gets the coldest LI to open up more to her. I really liked her in Chevalier’s route
7 Hotties All My Husbands & Several Shades of Sadism
These two games belong to Arithmetic inc and I have played them a few years ago, and still like to read some stories again because I really loved them. I like both of the MCs from these games.
The one from 7 hotties isn’t always written consistently but 7H was my first otome game so I’m really attached to it and to her. She is a very cute and kind person and she’s able to be liked by anyone, even by the coldest LI, since she’s very understanding and flexible
The second MC from SSS is very relatable and sassy at times. She is hardworking and very cute. I liked to see her interactions with the LIs
Thank you for the ask!
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dustymansonotome · 2 years
Dusty Plays: Several Shades of S - Minami Route - Part 6
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fjordline · 1 year
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ok i've been thinking about how to answer The Color Asks for so long now. Once I start talking about colors I never stop, it seems. This is just me attempting to explain my personal thought process and not any universal rules or anything like that.
None of this is going to look very realistic at all. You need to exaggerate a little. That being said, having fundamental knowledge on how shadows and ligh tsources work is very useful. Know the rules before breaking them and all that.
Boiled down to its basics, what I think of is: if a lightsource is cold toned, make the highlight bright blue. if a light source is warm, make the highlight bright orange. Then contrast the light with a complementary shadow color that does not compete for dominance with the light. Or alternatively make the light source more neutral with a complimentary tone for the shaded areas and then add a highly saturated color in the deepest shadows. Having both a highly saturated light source and a shadow color will compete with each other, instead choose one to be the dominant and one to be the um. submissive i suppose.
Just using a random doodle from my sketchbook for the purpose of throwing some color on:
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^^^ Here the midtones and the areas in the shade are predominantly of a low saturated cool blueish tone, while the highlight is stark and warm with orange and red light bouncing off. The orange and red hues you often see in skin that is lit by a strong light is called subsurface scattering (sss), one of the most important concepts in art IMO. It livens things up so much.
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^^^Opposite from image 1, here the shaded area is a saturated golden color while the light source is a dull blue with hints of more vivid blue throughout. the blue balances the strong yellows and browns. Since the shaded area is bigger than the highlighted area, the subject matter could look quite monochromatic without the blue hints.
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^^^Get wild with it. Lets say your highlight is blue toned: instead of just using a blue, introduce purple, teal, turquoise, ultramarine, cyan, etc around where the light is hitting. Add several light sources in different colors, make it not make sense, get crazy.
Though what is important above all else is that the image reads clearly. Unless you're doing abstract art then you'd probably want the audience to understand what they're looking at. That's where values come in, probably the number one cause of confusing pieces of art. If you can turn the painting black and white and still see the subject matter clearly then the values are good.
I find that i love using colors that most people find garish, especially when they're on their own, for small highlights and points of interest. When paired with other more neutral colors, a bright orange or a chartreuse etc can really brighten up a painting. And colors are never what they seem, the human eye will interpret colors differently depending on what color they are next to. Make full use of this.
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Hope this long ass post helps anyone who is struggling with color, I know I used to struggle severely myself xoxo
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maidflowery · 16 days
𝗦𝗔𝗩𝗘 𝗠𝗢𝗭𝗘! (𝟭/𝟰) 𝙻𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝
Moze x Reader Limited time event: 5 September - 10 September
Decide his fate by voting in the poll below.
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Countless thorny vines wrapped all over his body, rendering him immobile. Some around his waist, neck, and chest even began tightening, making him gasp for breath.
“Haa... haa...”
His trusty dagger had long abandoned its master and was nowhere to be found.
What was his prickly assailant trying to do to him? Whatever it was, letting him go definitely wasn’t one of it. It probably wasn’t anything good either.
Moze could already picture a certain pink-haired Foxian laughing at him, saying, ‘Shouldn’t have slept on the job.’
Was this to be his fate? A Shadow Guard of the Yaoqing? To a mere plant monster?
Just how did this happen...?
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Moze’s most recent mission took him to a remote village. The swirling breeze was gentle and refreshing, most likely due to the lush forest around this part. He could already see himself napping under the shade of one of the vibrant trees.
In fact, that was exactly what he did as soon as he was somewhat done with his job.
As expected, sitting under the shadow of the tall tree felt great. He closed his eyes, basking in the nature. He could hear chirpings of birds and smell the fragrance of flowers. Soon, he began dozing off.
However, the peaceful nap didn’t last long.
Sss—... Sss—...
Something was coming—no, slithering toward him. Snake, probably.
Moze pretended to be asleep, waiting until it was close enough.
Then, when it finally entered his range, Moze’s eyes darted open. He swung his dagger with such speed that it was invisible to the naked eye!
His blade severed something long and moderately thick. But before he could make sure what it was...
Moze reflexively leaped to the side. His sharp instincts told him that the danger wasn’t over.
 Sss—... Sss—... Sss—... Sss—... Sss—... Sss—...
No, far from over.
With an ominous feeling, Moze turned around.
“What is...”
From the safe, harmless-looking tree he had napped under, dangled many, many thick, thorny vines. They flailed around like snakes, with only one target in mind.
All at once, the vines curved back like a drawn bowstring, before lunging at him!
Moze jumped backward, and a few vines landed on his previous spot, whipping dust and sand into the air. He lightly swung his dagger, slashing off the few others in one fell swoop.
Despite slightly disoriented from the sleep, Moze could still hold his ground against the ambush.
...At least, in the beginning.
Soon, the vines changed their attack patterns, randomizing them. Some charged directly at him, while others targeted his blind spots.
As Moze was busy parrying the vines, he suddenly stumbled forward.
As a veteran assassin, he wouldn’t make the mistake of tripping over the ground. When he lowered his gaze, he found a thin, sleek vine coiling around his ankle. It must’ve crept silently while he was preoccupied.
“Ah! Dammit!”
That half a second mistake cost him everything. While he steadied himself, the thicker vines smacked his dagger off his hand, flinging it somewhere. Before he could reach for his small dagger, strapped to his waist, another vine latched onto his wrist. Followed by another, and some more.
The plant monster seemed to have some awareness of its opponent’s agility. So, they clung to all his four limbs, stripping him of his freedom. Despite that, Moze didn’t give up. He bit at the dense vines, ripping them with his teeth. The surface felt solid, though it yielded slightly under pressure.
Another vine wrapped around his neck, shoving him back with a much greater force. The back of his head collided against the tree. Did he anger that monster?
Perhaps to make sure that its prey wouldn’t pull off another trick, more vines coiled around his upper body and his waist. He was held in place, like an insect caught in a spider's web, and the rest was history.
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You were on a field trip with your college department to a certain rural village.
However, while you were busy taking photos and enjoying the scenery, you get separated with your class.
That was when you met him.
A tall, muscular man was bound to a tree by countless vines.
What the heck?
What were you looking at right now? To make sure, you approached that tree.
The hooded, ashen-haired man took a pained breath, his gaze unfocused. On a closer look, you realized that his neck was also tightly wound with the same vine.  
Oh no, that looks terrible...!
Out of concern, you stepped toward the man. That was when his gaze sharpened with clarity, just before the man yelled.
“Stay away!”
At the same time, something green swept in front of you, grazing the ground a few inches away from you. It was the vine. It tried to reach you but failed due to its limited range. Did it grow from that tree?
Had it not been for the man’s warning, you’d have been a dead meat.
The same man was visibly coughing and gasping for breath. Even though he had difficulty breathing, he still screamed at the top of his lungs to warn you.
“I’m going to help you!”
“No! Cough... I, don’t need your help.”
“What are you talking about?! You’re in so much pain!”
Your mind was made up. You weren’t going to leave him like this! You were going to save him no matter what!
Thankfully, you were here to study about agriculture, so you had a few items that might help! Or... you could simply brute force it.
The next part will be posted tomorrow according to the poll.
Buy me coffee ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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my3dartblog · 9 months
Mysterious Ice Crystals contains crystals formations, rocks, lit stones and edge shaded gems. Along with the props themselves are an array of material selections and color variations. The props are relatively low poly and can be instanced out or copied without a huge performance impact. Most of the Gems use refractive/SSS materials and are very light responsive, so using an array of sharp photometric/HDRI/mesh lights is advised. VDB Magic effects are also included, in both lit and unlit variants, with several color options. What's Included and Features Mystical Ice Crystals Crystal Clusters: Crystal Arches x2 Crystals embedded in rocks x7 Crystal Formations x4 Materials x8 Ice Spikes: Ice Spike Meshes x3 Ice Spike Materials x5 Lit Crystals: Single Crystals: Single Crystal Props x4 Materials x6 VDB: Emissive VDBs x8 Unlit VDBs x2 Color Tints x6 Textures Include: 15 Textures for Bump, Displacement, Normal, Reflection, Specular, and Transparency Maps (4096 x 4096) Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF) Compatible Software: Daz Studio 4.22 Install Types: DazCentral, Daz Connect, DIM, Manual Install Coming soon: https://3d-stuff.net/ #daz3d #dazstudio #3drender #3dart #daz3dstudio #irayrender #3dartwork #blender #blenderrender #blenderart #noaiart #noaiwriting #noai https://3d-stuff.net/
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starmocha · 5 months
Pokémon conditioned me to "gotta catch 'em all" but otome games humbled me with "you can't afford 'em all"
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stardrunk · 8 months
biggest lie i've ever told myself is saying i will casually play an otome game
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kireiscorner · 6 years
I opened up a discord for SSS if anyone wants to join and talk about these stupid boys and this amazingly addictive game :D
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otomesshots · 1 year
Shizuka Kira pt1
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royal-shining · 2 years
Just thinking about how it’s absolutely wild SSS game developers casually gave Chiaki a breeding kink and then expected their players to just be emotionally fine with that knowledge for the rest of their lives.
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manjuboy · 7 years
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I swear this is Kokonoe's best, if not, THE best event in SSS so far. I'd seriously date someone like this in a heartbeat in real life. 😂 don't judge me. I especially love how he's one of the few (or only?? I've only played Minami and Alan so far) guys who blatantly showed her the board.
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