#severe emotional damage
annimator · 10 months
Bagi: Today we begin the adventures of Favela 1
Me right after hearing that:
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vcrnons · 1 year
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DINO | sector 17 official photo shoot sketch
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arotechno · 2 years
not "love is just chemicals in your brain" as in "love isn't real and doesn't matter," but "love is just chemicals in your brain" as in "love isn't any more special or pure than any other emotion"
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wolfram-afternoons · 28 days
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chemical doesn't know it yet, but her boss is about to recieve a snuff film zip bomb
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brokendoor16 · 8 months
Ok but can we talk about (or deny and forget about, either one works) the fact that in the WHOLEEE space between The Final Fifteen and Crowley and Azirophale's reunion in s3 Crowley is just kinda. Living with the knowledge that at any time heaven could make Azirophale completely forget that he ever existed.
Like. They could just fucking snap their fingers and make him forget.
6,000 years of friendship that he knows heaven sees as a weakness. And now they've got the chance to erase it all??
And we don't even fucking KNOW what happens to someone who's memory gets properly erased because of the way Gabriel stored his. Would he ever get it back?? Would he even know who Crowley is??
Like. That shit is fucking SCARY.
And (imo) that's probably one of the (many, many, many, many, many) reasons that Crowley is so desperately afraid of Azirophale going back to heaven- because of how easily they could make him forget (I don't personally think this'll actually happen in s3 BTW, because I don't think they'd use memory loss as a plot point more than once, it's just the fucking thought of it that makes me want to die😭😭)
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cycle-hit · 5 months
hey so do you guys think about how MAHIRU is the prisoner second-place tied with kotoko for "prisoners who talk about their families the least" or are you normal.
like. Mahiru Shiina. mahiru "values the idea of very traditional romantic love and starting a family to extreme amounts" shiina. is the prisoner second-place tied with KOTOKO FUCKING YUZURIHA for "least information given about their parents and least talked about". why. how.
why does mahiru talk about wanting to start a family yet talk about her own so little? why doesnt she mention the love between her parents, the romantic love she wouldve witnessed the most, when shes so obsessed with love? why does she refer to them with fond terms (equivalent to "mama" and "papa" in english) yet not talk about them at all? why does she not even consider them in the interrogation question "would you be leaving anyone behind if you die"?
mahiru what did you mean by you are/were a "sheltered girl" and that youre thankful towards your parents but perhaps they were a bit "strict". mahiru PLEASE. family is very important in milgram's writing! yamanaka even says this in an interview!
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also. her prisoner pair is shidou. the #1 spot holder of "milgram prisoner of whom has never referred to his side of the family not even once". he only refers to his wife and kids. we know nothing about HIS family he grew up with beyond that except for implicated guesses taken from his behaviours and way he is. yamanaka why is mahirus pair shidou. YAMANAKA
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your-subby-creature · 2 years
I hope that I am not just a mutual to you, but also someone you would like to bite and bite and bite and bite and bite and
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half-an-hour-hence · 9 months
I don’t know why it’s taken me so long, but I’ve only just properly reflected on the fact that Robin was on his own for THOUSANDS of years before the plague ghosts, or Humphrey, or any of his other friends that have since moved on. He must’ve felt so lonely and miserable, watching all those people come and go without being able to properly connect with them before they left again. But what I love about the writing and the characterisation of this show is that they could’ve made Robin distant and mopey, convinced that everyone will leave and therefore reluctant to connect with anyone. But they didn’t. They made him full of life and excited to make friendships with others. They made him arguably the wisest and most emotionally savvy ghost out of all of them, despite him being from the dawn of time and regardless of whether he’s received education or not. And - most importantly - he doesn’t want anyone to feel left out or lonely, because he understands what that’s like. He asks the Captain about Operation William when nobody else was interested, and he talks to Humphrey about Sophie and agrees to teach him French - just to name two examples. I think it’s easy to pass him off as the primary comedy relief within the show, but in reality he is just as much of a layered character as the other ghosts. Maybe even more so.
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nylongenesis · 1 month
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l-alan-l · 7 months
Live reaction of me having to read this sentence out loud in class
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liulyam · 6 months
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Hi! So I was scrolling through your WH Lights Out tag (very fun au btw!) and I noticed that when you were listing the potential orders the rest of the gang is going to wake up in, you didn't include Sally. Is that because she's just automatically going to be the last to wake up, or do you have something else planned? (Also, I'm really curious just what happened between Wally and House! I get if you don't want to expand on it quite yet if you've got something planned, though.)
you hit the nail Right on the head! Sally is indeed the final one to regain consciousness, and she jumps right out of her years-long nightmare straight into a waking one. but i Will say that i do indeed have something planned beyond "oh she just gets up last" she needs to be Woken Up, and it's a... whole thing. i'm still cementing it in my mind but rest assured it is Dramatic and has Consequences (good & bad!)
as for Wally and Home... yeah i don't think i can put it into words yet! i'm trying to write down a concise explanation in my doc and its a little... involved. and messy. to say it plainly and without actually Saying It, basically Home tries to protect Wally in the only way it knows how, and that attempt fucks up a lot of stuff, including their relationship. Wally learns what grudges and resentment are. essentially, they get a divorce <3
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kitcatcrowley · 1 year
I haven’t seen many people talking about the implications of cap’s death on his first day as a ghost, so here is my emotionally damaging take on it!!
The fact that it was so sudden, that we saw all the other ghosts in the front courtyard at the start of the flashback, and of course that they didn’t already know what happened in s5 - means none of the others were there to welcome cap as he died. He would’ve gotten up on his own, confused about why everyone in the party was panicking and ignoring him. Then seeing his own body and freaking out, confused. The whole reason (its pretty likely) he came back to the house was to find havers, and now he’s stood right next to him, but it’s too late.
He doesn’t even see him.
Doesn’t hear him. Doesn’t reply. Doesn’t even look at cap.
And cap is left following the soldiers around wondering whats going on. In all the commotion of the party, the other ghosts probably didn’t even notice that someone has died until a medic/police etc arrives outside, or when the body is removed from the house. And only then, later on in the middle of all the panic, will cap come across these strange people with strange clothes and voices, but who are the only ones now willing to speak to him. They tell him truths which make no sense. He was fine this morning! There’s nothing visibly wrong with him- he might’ve thought he was hallucinating after hitting his head on the ground!
We know that the other ghosts never found out his name or exactly how he died. So cap must’ve been so shocked by these events that he refused to tell the others anything about himself, or what had happened in the house that day. He was probably too distracted trying to get the other soldiers (particularly havers) to notice him before they left the house.
Imagine how devastating it must’ve been to watch his first love leave without him at the end of the day, after all the effort he’d made to find him again. He’s finally able to speak, but no one can hear him.
He might’ve tried to chase havers out the house as he drove away, begging him to answer, but of course he’d be unable to follow him all the way- AGAIN! Once again, havers leaves him while the captain is trapped inside that house, forever.
I can also imagine the captain noticing the upside down medal still on his jacket - a constant reminder of his percieved cowardice - and trying to throw that thing away SO MANY TIMES (like thomas with his love letter). And eventually just having to accept that he could never get away from this reminder of what he’d done.
This last bit is more of a personal headcannon, but i think it pretty reasonably could’ve happened.
No matter how close cap & havers actually were (possibly they barely knew each other- we’ll never actually know), it was probably PRETTY GODDAMN TRAUMATISING to watch a guy die in your arms, knowing he was only there in the first place bc he was trying find you (and failed). And that you’re not allowed to show any sign of caring - it would lead to some very dangerous questions from the other soldiers. So i expect havers would’ve taken himself away somewhere, had a little moment where no one could see how upset he was, taken some time to process what happened. And cap might’ve sat there beside him, trying to make sense of it himself. Sat side by side but unable to communicate.
Each in their own world, together but totally alone.
Havers can’t tell a soul what really happened for fear of getting thrown in prison to rot. Cap feels too ashamed to say any of it out loud, and doesn’t for almost 80 years.
It’s the most tragic ending they could’ve POSSIBLY MADE. BEN WILLBOND YOU ARE PAYING FOR MY THERAPY-
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sandersstudies · 2 years
Idk how he did it but my husband has accumulated some of the least toxic-masculine men in his friend group. Last night they were playing video games when one friend stepped out to check on his cat who was making noise, and came back an hour later and said that the cat had passed away — cried in the chat and spent time with his friends, who were all also devastated (cat was 21 and had terminal cancer, so not unexpected but still very sad).
And Wednesday is usually my husband and I’s date day, but my husband apologized and said he couldn’t today — his friends are all spending time with this grieving friend instead. And I’m just glad to know my husband and his friends have a safe space to cry and grieve and be honest together. I’ve been shocked at the number of men I meet who aren’t honest with their friends like that
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tree-whispering · 20 days
I hope reincarnation is real. I hope I get another chance to be born into a family with parents that actually love me. it feels so unfair that I don't get a redo and I'm stuck with the same childhood and horrible parents for this whole lifetime. surely this can't be the only one I get
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gaysforbyler · 1 month
Rant post because you guys are my only friends, which is kind of embarrassing but the truth. You don’t need to read it i just wanted to get it out.
I hate complaining about my parents bc they’re actually the best parents in the world, but i think I’ve been trying so hard to put them in this perfect little box that i completely ignore how much they’ve fucked me up. So many adults in my life have bullied (emotionally abused?) me because of a mental disorder I have, and I’ve always left my parents off of that list because it really wasn’t that bad with them. They might have made a few offhanded comments, but it was definitely not on the same level at all. I would never classify them as abusive in any sense, but in doing so I ignore the fact that they hurt me in general. My dad just stood there while the “trusted” adults in my life made fun of me in front of dozens of people over and over again, and he did nothing to stop them. That hurts more than anything.
When i was thirteen my worst abuser came into my life. She was my coach, like most of the others, but i was old enough to where my parents didn’t have to watch over me. I went to practice alone, and she tormented me. She pulled me aside in front of my entire team, and scolded me for being disrespectful to her. She said that my actions were not the result of any mental disorder, because she was a psychologist and she would know best. (I wasn’t diagnosed with anything at the time. I thought i was fucking insane. I’m now diagnosed with selective mutism.) She threatened to kick me off the team if i didn’t fix it. I was scared shitless that she would go through with it, because I didn’t know how my parents would react. I thought they would blame me like they had before, so i spent the next year hiding what she did (and continued to do). I was so scared to go to practice that i nearly passed out every week when the time came around. Idk, i just feel like i should have been able to trust someone
I didn’t get diagnosed until i was fourteen. I wouldn’t have gotten diagnosed at all if my cousin hadn’t been diagnosed at the age of nine. It was too late for me. I watched her get better while I made no progress myself. In the past five years, I have only spent two in therapy, because they were too busy to find me a therapist. I can’t make friends, i can’t keep friends, i can’t get a job, i have breakdowns every time i go to the store, I’m wasting my entire life being scared of every human interaction, all because no one cared enough to figure out what the hell was wrong me. I’m never getting better. This is the rest of my life.
And i know i secluded myself from the age of eight. I used to spend all of my time alone as a kid, because it’s how i felt safest. I pushed my family away. But i still feel emotionally neglected. I can’t remember the last time i went to my parents with a problem. I don’t know if i ever have. Maybe that’s because of the anxiety, but i still feel like that’s their fault. I was a child. They could have pushed more, or done literally anything to research what was going on with me. That was their job, and now I’m facing the consequences
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