#severitus plus two
inkysnapyarty · 2 years
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J'ai publié 23 fois en 2022
19 billets créés (83%)
4 billets reblogués (17%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 22 billets en 2022
Seulement 4% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#harry potter - 15 billets
#harry potter fanart - 15 billets
#severitus - 13 billets
#illustration - 13 billets
#severus snape - 12 billets
#little harry - 8 billets
#pro snape - 8 billets
#dad and relax severus snape - 6 billets
#guardian severus - 5 billets
#hp fanart - 5 billets
Longest Tag: 68 characters
#minerva is not here because she has to visit the muggleborn families
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
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When you’re out with your wards and journalists want to know how a Death Eater becomes the Father of two…
323 notes - publié le 11 septembre 2022
Re-reading WiCeBa’s ( @wiceba ) Soft Days and then this happened 🤷🏼‍♀️🤫
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332 notes - publié le 2 janvier 2022
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Learning to fly
382 notes - publié le 16 janvier 2022
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When you have to go get some shots before entering your first year at Hogwarts
393 notes - publié le 25 août 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
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When your godson got your back
REPOST (because sometimes my English sucks…)
533 notes - publié le 27 janvier 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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lee-bella · 9 months
HP Fest Schedule: January 2024
Below the cut is a list of HP fest dates for the month of January 2024, plus two fests that started on December 31. All the dates are subject to change. For the latest update, see the full HP Fest Schedule (Google doc).
For a full list of current and upcoming HP fests, see the latest edition of Potterfests' HP Fest News Round-up. The round-up is available on Dreamwidth and Livejournal.
December 31
Riddle Fest: Prompts announced.
A Devious & Diverse New Year 2024: Claiming opens.
January 1
R/S Big Bang 2023: Posting begins.
Good Godfather Sirius Black Fest (Harry & Sirius gen): Challenge begins.
HP Chan Fest (AO3, DW): Posting opens
Severitus Big Bang: Pitching begins.
Rare Pair Shorts Winter Prompt Challenge (Tumblr): January challenge begins.
The Great Wizarding Feast Fest (AO3): Prompting opens.
For the Love of a Weasley Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting opens.
January 3
Remadora Fest (Remus/Tonks): Posting begins.
HP Springtide Festival (Nitter, AO3): Prompting closes.
Post-Deathly Hallows Harrymort Fest: Prompting opens.
January 5
H/D Erised 2023 (Tumblr; exchange): Big reveal.
January 6
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2024 (Tumblr): Prompting begins.
HP Bun in the Oven Pregnancy Fest: Prompting begins.
LCDrarry 2024: Prompting opens.
January 7
Harry Potter Kink Meme (Tumblr): Round 2 masterlist (tentative).
The Ice Royals' Valentines Extravaganza (Lucius/Narcissa): Claiming ends.
HP Springtide Festival (Nitter, AO3): Claiming opens.
Wizarding Olympics Fest: Prompting opens.
January 8
HP Animagi Week: Prompts released.
January 9
HoggyWartyXmas Prompt Fest: Reveals.
Snapecase 2024: Posting begins.
Truly Madly Deeply Fest: Claiming begins.
January 10
HP Mythology Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting opens.
January 12
H/D Owlpost 2023: Reveal of gift maker.
January 13
Forbidden Fruit Fest (Nitter, AO3; stepcest): Claiming ends.
Post-Deathly Hallows Harrymort Fest: Claiming opens.
January 14
Forbidden Fruit Fest (Nitter, AO3; stepcest): Works due.
January 15
HP Lyricists Fest: Claiming begins.
HP Knotfest: Claiming closes.
HP Smells Like Teen Spirit Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting opens.
January 16
LCDrarry 2024: Prompting closes.
January 17
Post-Deathly Hallows Harrymort Fest: Prompting ends.
January 18
HP Bun in the Oven Pregnancy Fest: Prompting ends.
January 19
Forbidden Fruit Fest (Nitter, AO3; stepcest): Reveals begin.
January 20
The Ice Royals' Valentines Extravaganza (Lucius/Narcissa): Works due.
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2024 (Tumblr): Prompting ends.
HP Bun in the Oven Pregnancy Fest: Claiming begins.
LCDrarry 2024: Claiming opens.
HP Mythology Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting ends.
January 21
Comfort Zone Fest: Works due.
January 22
Comfort Zone Fest: Reveal begins.
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2024 (Tumblr): Claiming begins.
For the Love of a Weasley Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting ends.
HP Mythology Fest (Nitter, AO3): Claiming opens.
January 25
HP Knotfest: Fics due.
January 28
Severitus Big Bang: Pitching closes.
January 29
HP Sapphic Valentine's: Claiming closes.
January 30
Love Is In The Air (Twitter, Nitter): Claiming ends.
January 31
HP Sapphic Valentine's: Works due.
Good Godfather Sirius Black Fest (Harry & Sirius gen): Challenge ends.
Liquid Luck Roll the Dice Winter Edition: Challenge ends.
Eiffel Tower Fest (triad): Sign-up closes.
Rare Pair Shorts Winter Prompt Challenge (Tumblr): January challenge ends.
For the Love of a Weasley Fest (Nitter, AO3): Claiming opens.
HP Smells Like Teen Spirit Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting closes.
January ?
H/D Kidfic Fest 2024: Posting begins.
Snarry-a-Thon 2024: Prompting begins.
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serenaew · 1 year
Tag People You’d Like to Know Better!
Thank you for the tag, @bintemuhammad and @givereadersahug!
Three Ships: Um. Severitus. Snarry - but not the combination of the two. Harry/Hermione (Harmony), perhaps.
First Ships: Percy/Annabelle (PJO), Bella/Edward (Twilight), Severitus.
Last Song: Music in general: Arturo Marquez, Danzon No. 2, cause I played it just last weekend. Actual song.... If you don't mind me throwing out the most obscure classical stuff: Mauersberger's Wie Liegt Die Stadt So Wüst.
Last Movie: I wish I had actually had the chance to watch Bernstein's West Side Story cause I played the Symphonic dances, just last weekend. I wanted to, but was interrrupted by rehearsals.
Currently Reading: assorted fanfics I'm subscribed to :D
Currently Watching: Next on my to watch list, also related to last weekend's concerts, is The Tender Land, TV opera by Aaron Copland.
Last Thing I Created: just finished up WIP 3 of 4 that is at least a year old: the last part of this series!
Currently Creating: writing fanfic WIP 4 of 4 for July/Aug. 3 podfics due this month, plus a filk or 2 where I am the editor, and 2 pieces of original fiction.
Tagging (with no pressure!):
@renee561 @echoofawind @pagliaccispompoms @somnwritessometimes @v0lumnius @juuls @kitsunegari0508 @foodncomfort
Tag me if you want more information on my song choices!
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alecmac-writings · 2 years
This is The first chapter of a drarry fic that I'm writing. It has heavy Dumbledore and Molly bashing and severitus just so you know. It also features Desi!Harry. You can also find it (and the next few chapters) on AO3.
Bars on The Windows Ch.1
What if Harry was in slytherin? How would that change his second year? This is the story of a Slytherin Harry as he battles school and those who would get in his way. Most of the relationships will be ways away.
I groan as I sit up in my bed. Uncle Vernon certainly didn’t hold back this time, Hedwig lets out a concerned hoot from inside her padlocked cage. I can’t hold back the wince or sharp inhale when I get up and slowly make my way over.
“It’s alright girl, I’ll be fine.” I stroke her feathers through the cage. I see the untouched food in her tray. “You’ve got to eat, it does you no good to turn your beak up at it. That’s all we’re gonna be getting for awhile.” She gently nips my fingers and unhappily starts eating the soggy vegetables I had placed there earlier.
After everything that happened today with Dobby and the cake, I doubt Petunia or Vernon will be giving us anything any time soon. As quietly as I can I start to pry up a loose floorboard and pull out my sorry excuse for a first aid kit. I bandage everything I can reach and put everything back in its place.
A bright light fills the room from the window, I whirl around and see the smiling faces of the weasley twins. I pry open the window as they motion for me to back up as they start to attach a hook that’s connected to the flying car they’re driving. I quickly shake my head and motion for them to stop.
“Park the car down on the street and pick the front lock, it’ll be more trouble than it’s worth if my uncle wakes up. Plus all my school stuff is locked up downstairs.” They nod and start to lower the car down to the ground. I move around in a hurry trying to grab everything I can that’s at least in this room.
I turn as I hear the locks on the door start to click one by one. After the final click of the locks, the door swings silently open. I breakout into a grin as the two pull me into a tight hug. Fred turns to pick the lock on hedwig’s cage. George, still halfway hugging me, hands me my wand. I give him a silent thank you as I hear the telltale click of Fred’s success. Once free she quickly settles on my shoulder and nips affectionately at my ear.
“We already put everything of yours that we found in the cupboard in the boot of the car.” George whispers. I nod and follow them down the stairs and into the car. Once we’re in the air and on our way to the burrow a laugh escapes my lips. The twins look at me with grins tugging on their lips.
“What was up with that whole hook plan? You do realize that would have gotten us caught almost immediately. It was absolutely gryffindore, I’m disappointed.” They shake their heads as I say this.
“We’re disappointed in ourselves. We obviously have been hanging out with ron too much. His way of thinking has infected us.” I let out another laugh at their somber tones. They had a look of accomplishment in their eyes at getting me to laugh again.
“So, where are we headed?” They tense up and glance at each other. This made me slightly worried.
“Unfortunately the burrow. Ron saw us on our way out and he’s probably told mum by now. So unless we want a group of aurors on our tails, we have to.” I sigh and give them a nod. Ron has been a thorn in my side since I met him. First he tried to me into a friendship with him and ever since I turned him down heś been leading almost the whole of Gryffindore against me. There are only six who think Ron can stuff it and two of whom have graduated.
“Well I guess it can’t be helped, but you need keep him away from me. I can’t be held accountable if he makes me kill him in his sleep.” They laugh slightly and nod.
“Not that there would be anything that could tie you to the crime. Don’t forget that we know you. There would be no way you’d leave any evidence.” I let out a chuckle and lean back into the seat. They somehow got the idea that could rule the world and no one would be the wiser till it was too late.
“I promise to be fair when me and draco take over the world.”
“All we ask is that you remember who your allies were.” I laugh as george does a sort of bow from his position in the passenger seat.
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hp-fanfic-archive · 4 years
an introductory rec list (that nobody asked for) for some of my favorite (platonic and/or romantic) pairings: severitus [2/10]
First fic I read for the pairing: Of Potions and Phobias by tt22123 [1k,G] Severitus story with nightmares [i stumbled on this fic on accident and it was short and sweet (and a little bittersweet at the end).]
Fic that really sold me on the pairing: Leo Inter Serpentes (Series) by Aeternum [746k,E,6 works] (WIP) Just one conversation between two eleven year old boys goes slightly differently, and the world changes. Just how much will be different with Harry being sorted into Slytherin, and how much will stay the same? [i will never not recommend this series: it’s amazing, it’s well-written, it’s true to all the characters and relationships and it feels more canon than canon (of course, it’s also significantly more gay than canon but i said what i said).]
Absolute favorite fic(s) for the pairing: Nobody Cared by etherian [360k,G] Harry is 11 years old and looking forward to attending Hogwarts. Why, then, does he miss the Welcoming Feast? (warnings for: child abuse, bullying, depictions of violence) [this fic is really well done (but has a lot of angst and definitely mind the warnings above (although the author doesn’t include warnings on the fic)).] Family Means More Than Blood by WingsOfADream [422k,M] A prophecy made in 1975 drastically changes the life of the boy who should have been known as Harry Potter. [this is yet another fic with a really well-written and fascinating plot with excellent characterizations and plot lines. i definitely would recommend it to someone with a lot of time on their hands.]
Most recent fic I’ve read for the pairing: Blackberry Tart by starknjarvis [33k,G] One year after Severus Snape offered to become Harry's legal guardian, Sirius Black shows up at Hogwarts. [the fic is a part of a well-written and pragmatic series and this fic also includes the development of a remus & severus and a sirius & severus friendship so that harry can have a larger and supportive family and i’m living for it (i believe the exact tag that the author used was “coparenting with your childhood nemesis” and i am living for it).]
Favorite AU(s) I’ve read for the pairing: Alternate Sorting AU (Slytherin!Harry): Malfoy Flavor by Vorabiza [199k,E] Harry’s ready to banish the Golden Boy image and take charge of his life. Unfortunately for him, or fortunately, there are surprises in store for him. [Slytherin!Harry but it’s not an entire canon rewrite like most of the alternate sorting fics i love so much, so that’s fun. also drarry and just the right amount of painful but realistic angst. oh and it has a delightfully fluffy little sequel.]
Favorite Series for the pairing: Forgiveness & Redemption by waitingondaisies [130k,T,2 works] Severus Snape was discovered as a spy mere days before the start of the school year. Thankfully, Albus had been working on a vague contingency plan for this possibility. It had been inspired by the question, “What would it take for Severus Snape to see that he was wrong about Harry Potter?” The answer? Force Severus to go undercover as Alfonse “Eli” Hopkirk, a sixth year Gryffindor. (that’s technically the summary for the first fic but i think it serves well enough in lieu of a series summary, which the author did not provide. also warnings for child abuse.) [this series is such an interesting concept and it feels very realistic in how it played out and i’m honestly here for it.] You're a Parent, Severus by acmparker [210k,G,6 works] (WIP) When Lily got home from her first year at Hogwarts, she found a new distance between herself and Petunia. As a result Severus and Lily became even closer to each other over that summer. The next year Lily found a book in the Hogwarts Library that describe an ancient ritual for creating a blood bond that would make two unrelated people kin. She convinces Severus to undergo the ritual with her and they become brother and sister. This means that when Lily dies there is another whose blood relationship with her is recognized by the blood ward Dumbledore places on Harry. To Severus Snape's chagrin he finds himself the last line of defense between Harry and the forces of the Dark Lord. (again, no series summary but i think this works well enough.) [i love a good remus and severus friendship plus severitus so this series really works for me. and it’s a canon rewrite (love those).] Bruised Words by starknjarvis [49k,G,2 works] (WIP) After Harry blows up Aunt Marge, Dumbledore decides it's not safe for Harry to spend the rest of the summer at the Leaky Cauldron, and instead sends him to stay at Spinner’s End with Professor Snape. It's tense, awkward, and teeming with misunderstandings...but it might be the best thing that's happened to either of them. They're both been without a family for a very long time. (apparently all my favorite series aside from Leo Inter Serpentes, which i’ve already listed above, don’t have series descriptions, but the first work’s description seems to work well enough. also warnings for child abuse.) [this is the series that blackberry tart belongs to and may i just say: it’s excellent and well-written and pragmatic and i would recommend it.]
Longest fic I’ve read for the pairing: A Year Like None Other by aspeninthesunlight [789k,T] A letter from home? A letter from family? Well, Harry Potter knows he has neither, but all the same, it starts with a letter from Surrey. Whatever the Durleys have to say, it can't be anything good, so Harry's determined to ignore it. But then, his evil schoolmate rival spots the letter and his slimy excuse for a teacher intercepts it and forces him to read it. And that sends Harry down a path he'd never have walked on his own. It will be a year of big changes, a year of great pain, and a year of confronting worst fears. It will be a year of surprising discoveries, of finding true strength, of finding out that first impressions of a person's true colours do not always ring true. It will be a year of paradigm shifts. And from the most unexpected sources, Harry will have a chance to have that which he has never known: a home ... and a family. A sixth year fic, this story follows Order of the Phoenix and disregards any canon events that occur after Book 5. (warnings for: graphic depictions of violence, self-harm, severe medical trauma) [the fic has some really dark parts but the plot is so intricate and fascinating and the relationships and dynamics are excellently written and the characterizations are spot on and i would definitely recommend it to anyone with a lot of time on their hands.]
Fic(s) with some of my favorite tropes: Sickfic + Hurt/Comfort: When He Called Me Dad by MarauderChaos [31k,Not Rated] It was only however as the end of his second year did Severus collect enough evidence and enough of his own courage to step in. The boy looked as though the world was ending when Severus brought him to his private quarters to see Madam Bones, and for a moment Severus felt the world was ending when someone recommended him as guardian. But that was how it ended, with Harry Potter becoming the ward of the Potions Master. It was kept a secret from the press and the students of Hogwarts – even his own Godson didn’t know, mainly because Lucius was bound to hear of it if he did and Severus didn’t want to risk their lives. They had their ups and downs, screaming and shouting, hexes and slamming doors, crying and hugging, laughing and actually having fun. But there was one moment that Severus would always remember, with its own fair share of good and bad, was the time he called him Dad. [i’m a sucker for hurt/comfort and accidental revelation of feelings, which in this case is the strength of harry’s platonic feelings, and this fic has all that so… yeehaw.] Accidental Bonding (but make it platonic): Love is... (series) by atiaahmed [133k,G,4 works] (WIP) This series revolves around how Snape starts to care about Harry because of a charm put on him by Ron and Hermione. The first story "Love is a charm" explores how their relationship changes because of the charm and what happens when it expires at the end of the year The second story explores how their relationship develops after the events of "Love is a charm". In "Love is a haven" other paternal figures, namely Lupin and Black will threaten Severus position with Harry. [i kind of like the platonic severitus take on one of my favorite hp tropes tbh and i like the way that their relationship develops and the realistic trust issues and such.]
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kohakhearts · 3 years
dug up the tweets from last month that inspired harry potter and the custody battle’s primary plot of: the custody battle sjdfghjfghjdk
severitus AND dogfather sirius...but where snape and sirius are like beating the shit out of each other whenever harrys not looking but as soon as he turns around theyre like :) and harrys suspicious but hes not going to say anything...not to THEM anyway...klgfjgkfl
harry: so remus whats the deal with severus and sirius remus: well. harry. thats a great question. harry: ??? remus: anyway bye harry see u later harry: ?????????????
remus "hasnt confronted anyone about anything in his life" lupin is really just like out here like. dada prof and snapes like lupin if you dont enrol black in some puppy obedience lessons soon i will kill him myself meanwhile sirius is like so how mad do you think harry would be if we staged an "accident" to break snape's stupid nose anyway? and remus is just. sittign there. like [superscript] ~oh ok~. anyway. i have been having au ideas. i dont have time for it but they can still fester in my silly little brain
to be clear thats clearly a euphemism he is saying put a leash on your stupid dog before he gets harry hurt doing something stupid sirius insists he doesnt do stupid things. meanwhile hes like ok harry lets see how high we can fly on brooms til we pass out
continues to imagine an au where somehow remus and snape are profs at the same time as harry knows sirius isnt a serial killer like idk how itd work because i like to think sirius would still be wanted by the ministry but . and also severitus. and remus not being a shady weirdo but like still firmly third year. so harrys 13. i dont remember what happens in this book nor do i care but the version of it in my head is pretty good
the real kicker here is like snape “im not going to tell him directly lupin is a werewolf but i will be extremely obvious because harry is stupid and needs big hints” (harry still isnt getting it) but sirius would not keep that secret for two fucking seconds around harry
you know what i can just dump this totally implausible au into my pile for The Rewrite™ 2.0. it doesnt have to be good if its self-indulgent. plus i can do whatever and the plot will still make more sense than the canon 👍🏼
and now my notes. are like this
sirius is like i came because i saw x about you but i cant petition for your custody until my name is cleared
-> harry: well thats okay, since snape is going to adopt me
-> sirius: SNAPE?????
JKSDJHFKGJHFKFJHGFKDJ??//// i also have a note Somewhere thats like “harry doesnt even care that snape and sirius want to murder each other hes just pleased they both love him enough to fight over him” LMAO. this is so chaotic book 3 is the goat like this paired with harry being like a little bit Actually insane . and everything else going on there. help. i love it so much
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Snapetober 2020 - Day 5: Sick/Fever
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This was inspired by my main Snape x OFC Severitus fic, but you don’t need to read it to understand it or enjoy it ;)
Warnings: Snape throws up? Idk if that can bother someone. I don’t really describe it in depth or anything XD
Length: 2053 words.
During Potions class, Professor Snape normally walked from desk to desk, sneered at some so-called dunderheads for being incapable of following the instructions in the blackboard, and generally made sure as few accidents as possible occurred, especially when Neville Longbottom and Seamus Finnigan were involved. He had started off the Erumpent Potion class that way. Fifteen minutes later, he had begun to lean on the desks and walk too slowly. By mid-class, he had given up altogether and sat at his desk, pretending to correct essays even if his quill kept slipping through his trembling fingers. Draco had been stealing glances at his teacher through it all.
“Make sure Crabbe and Goyle don’t spoil the potion,” Draco whispered to Blaise, getting off his stool.
“Where are you going?” wondered Pansy, the one in charge of noting down all the changes the unfinished potion underwent.
“To the loo.”
Both Blaise and Pansy eyed him suspiciously but still gave him a nod. Without wasting time, Draco approached his professor.
This close, Draco noticed two things. First, Snape’s forehead, usually knitted into a scowl, was now glinting with sweat. Second, Snape’s face was pallid, more so than usual.
“The instructions are clear, Mr. Malfoy. Read them carefully before interrupting me,” he advised, keeping his black eyes on the parchment with barely legible handwriting.
“I’m sorry, Sir. It isn’t about the potion. I need to go to the toilet. It’s an emergency.”
There was a brief pause in which Draco held his breath.
“You may go. Do be quick, Mr. Malfoy.”
“Yes, Sir. Thank you.”
Draco walked along the corridors, went past the boys’ toilets, climbed up the stairs, and reached the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. The desks formed a U-shape inside of which the first-year students produced jets of red sparks from their wands, some more successful than others. As soon as he spotted Professor Skyrah, closely observing her students and taking notes to later grade their performance, Draco called her. That caught the attention not only of his teacher but also of a few students, now staring at him.
“I’m sorry to interrupt. Professor Snape’s got a message for you. A private one.”
Immediately, she beckoned Draco to approach her desk and cast a muffliato charm.
“Nobody can hear us now,” she assured him. “You may speak.”
“Did Professor Snape meet with the Dark Lord last night? He was crucioed, wasn’t he?”
With squinting eyes, she inquired, “Why are you asking?”
“Did he drink some potion against the cruciatus curse after-effects?” Her lips remained pursed. “I’ve been observing Professor Snape in class. He looks… dizzy. He can’t stand, is sweating, slightly shaking. I’m not a healer, but my father’s gone through that once or twice after drinking that potion. I’d say they’re side-effects.”
“Severus only had a bit of a headache this morning.”
“With all due respect, Professor, I didn’t risk lying to my Head of House just for his wife to think I’m making this up.”
“You lied to my husband?”
“I asked for permission to go to the toilet, but I came here instead.”
“You never go to the toilet mid-lesson… He must be truly sick if he didn’t catch that you were up to something.” She closed her eyes, took a big breath and smiled – it wasn’t the reaction Draco had expected from her. Everything fell into place when she drew circles with her wand and pronounced, “Expecto Patronum!”
The same crow he had met during his first Defence class with her flapped its wings in front of them. The students who had taken notice of Draco earlier were now gasping in awe. Draco couldn’t help but admire the crow with bitter jealousy; what he’d give to invoke a corporeal patronus someday, and maybe prove his aunt Bellatrix wrong and show her Malfoys were also capable of that.
“Argus, it’s Skyrah. Please, come to my classroom. I need you to watch over the students for me. It’s important.”
The crow flew away to deliver the message.
“I should get going, or Professor Snape will realize I’ve lied to him,” said Draco.
“He’ll realize anyway. There’s no other way I could have found out about his… state.”
“...Will you cover me up?”
“Should I?”
“I should receive House points. I may have just avoided a potions accident by telling you. The erumpent potion is quite dangerous.”
She smirked at his cheekiness. “Must I forget that you lied to your Potions teacher?”
“What was I supposed to do? Tell him that he looks like a ghost?”
“That wouldn’t have ended well,” she agreed, grinning lopsidedly. “Why didn’t you go to Poppy?”
He shrugged. “I have no idea if Madam Pomfrey knows anything about the cruciatus curse treatment. I figured that you, on the other hand…”
“Would have some experience,” she finished for him, not confirming it nor denying it.
With a swish of her wand, the muffliato charm was removed. She targeted a silver service bell on the teacher’s desk and pressed it with an uttered sonorus. The ringing noise was loud enough to command the attention of the entire class.
“Training time is over. I’m afraid my presence is required elsewhere,” she informed, standing up. A bunch of students made sounds of protest which became louder when they caught sight of the inseparable duo of Filch and Mrs. Norris. Skyrah gave the caretaker a thankful nod and addressed the students once again. “Next day we will discuss how to defend ourselves against gytrashes. For us to succeed, we first need to understand how the dark creature acts. Therefore, you ought to start reading on them right now, chapter five, and write down questions in case you have them. Argus will supervise the class. If you don't behave yourselves, I’ll know, and you won’t like the consequences.”
She shot a meaningful glance to the quartet of troublemakers of the class and left the classroom, Draco close behind her. He had to match his strides to her quick pace and fight the urge to roll his eyes at the portraits’ whines. Apparently, the click-clacking of her shoes had disrupted the sleep of those that were too lazy to do something other than napping. It was the same sound that alerted Draco’s classmates. When they saw it was Professor Skyrah, accompanied by Draco, whispers filled the potions classroom. Severus didn’t react until Skyrah and Draco were standing right in front of his desk. Even then, he raised his head slowly, grimacing.
“Mr. Malfoy, I see your supposedly short trip to the toilet has become an expedition of sorts. Ten points from Sl–”
“If you deduct points, I’ll give them back.” She paused to cast the muffliato charm again and have a private conversation, even if they were the center of attention. “You look horrible.”
“You’re the very definition of ‘flatterer’.”
“It isn’t the time to be sarcastic, Severus. You can’t teach in this state, much less a highly explosive potion. It is a matter of safety. Draco did well by telling me you’re sick.”
“I’ve kept the class safe. There haven’t been any incidents.”
“Pure luck.”
Sick as he felt, it didn’t escape his notice how Draco bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing.
“Did you come to scold me in front of our students?” asked Severus.
She gave him a mischievous smile and turned to face the class after canceling the effects of the muffliato charm. 
“Class dismissed.”
“But we’ve almost fi–”
She cut Pansy off, “I won’t repeat it.”
Pansy and a few students – including Hermione – pouted and sighed. The majority were happy to tidy up and go, though. Draco was part of the latter group and left as soon as Skyrah thanked him. In contrast, Harry locked eyes with Skyrah, concerned, but did as the rest of his classmates after receiving a reassuring nod. The Snapes didn’t doubt that they’d be getting a visit from him after classes.
“I don’t think you have a fever,” she said, putting her hand on Severus’s forehead. He responded by leaning into her hand. Now that no students remained in the classroom, a moment of weakness was permitted, or so he told himself. “Draco mentioned you can't stand. I’ll levitate you and bring you to the Hospital Wing, all right?”
“Don’t. My stomach… I can’t handle it.”
She slithered her palm from his forehead to his cheek. The caresses were as gentle as her voice when she said, “Why did you tell me you only had a headache this morning?”
“I didn’t feel so unwell.”
“Yet when that changed, you continued with the class.”
“Interrupting it wasn’t wise. The ingredients are expensive. Now the money plus the potions the students were brewing have gone to waste. Albus won’t be pleased.”
“You’re right. He won’t be pleased to know you prioritize money over your health. You can resume the lesson another day, Severus. Lean on me now. I’ll take you to our chambers; they’re closer than the Hospital Wing.”
Along the way, he grunted and almost fell when he tried to prove he was fine enough to walk on his own. The only reason he didn’t was that he had miraculously grabbed the arm of one of the suits of armor that decorated the corridors. Thank Merlin no students were nearby... nor Minerva. His reputation as the bat of the dungeons would have suffered. Finally, she whispered the password and the door opened for them. 
“Hang on, Severus. I’ll help you get into bed.”
“No. Not yet. I think I’m going to vomit.”
She would have kissed his temple if it weren’t for the urgency in his tone.  Even if clumsily, they made it to the bathroom. She helped him kneel by the toilet and rubbed his back soothingly, holding his hair for him until his stomach was empty.
“I’m sorry,” he said, breathing harshly and refusing to look at her.
“For what?”
“This has been excruciatingly embarrassing and disgusting.”
“You’ve done this for me countless times, Severus. It’s okay for the roles to be reversed now and then.” By his tense shoulders, he was thinking about the miscarriage. So was she, for her voice had shaken and her hand had drifted to the place they used to feel their unborn daughter. “Can you brush your teeth?”
“All right. I’ll send Poppy a message. She shouldn’t take long.”
“There’s nothing she can do. I’ve been through this before. It’ll go away after getting some sleep. The potion must have reacted poorly to my breakfast, that’s all.”
“Are you sure?” she asked worriedly, her wand ready to invoke her patronus once more.
“All right… Do you need anything?”
“Some water, perhaps.”
So while he brushed his teeth, she summoned a glass from their kitchen and filled it with a simple aguamenti. Severus drank its water and left the glass by the sink. 
Soon, he was under the silky bedsheets, surrounded by the pillows she had adjusted for him after contacting the headmaster via the school floo network to explain the situation and advise him to seek a substitute for the upcoming lessons.
“How are you feeling?” she wondered, running her hands through his bare chest. She was lying by his side, with her head on his shoulder.
“Not fine yet, but better.” Skyrah nuzzled her head into him and hooked her leg around him. “You shouldn’t get comfortable. You’ve got a class to teach.”
“I’ve got a stubborn husband to take care of.”
“I don’t need you to take care of me.”
“Too bad. I won’t move until you start snoring.”
He groaned, exasperated, though his grip on her became just a tiny bit firmer. Skyrah missed his feeble grin, too busy playing with his chest hair and kissing his scarred skin.
“I may not need you to take care of me, but I don’t dislike it.”
“I know, my snarky Potions Master,” she said, chuckling softly. If he went as far as confessing that, it could only mean he was so exhausted he could no longer control what went past his lips. “Rest now.”
He complied, thinking he owed Draco. Vomiting in front of his students would have been a fate worse than cuddling with his wife. That was a fact.
A/N: I probably wouldn’t have been able to post this on time if it had been betaed, so I apologize for any possible mistakes you may have encountered. I did my best.
If you liked it, you can read the main fic here: AO3, FFN. 
Have a nice day, y’all! And thanks for taking the time to read this little fic :) If you’re feeling sick, remember to take care of yourself <3
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kaysdenofchaos · 2 years
Severitus + Sirius/Lupin/Snape HC: Three men in the household and not a single one of them can cook. Like at all.
Lupin consistently only ever lived off other people’s food or 3-year old stale cereal. Puts in the milk before the cereal
Sirius lived most of his life under Pureblood housing or prison and therefore typically gets his food from bars and Molly who’d stop by time to time. His main source of sustenance is beer.
Snape has a vendetta against oil. Burnt him once as a child and tried to set it on fire in retaliation. It uh,,, backfired horribly. If there is no elf at hand he just orders take out or eats whatever random items he finds in the fridge. (Sirius refused to kiss him for three days straight after seeing him eat an entire onion whole. Raw.)
The first few weeks of living together consisted solely of take out and an assortment of items that should’ve killed them off at 20 until one day they all woke up to the fresh smell of omelette, courtesy of the small yet wonderful Harry. It was a good day.
(They all try to make him something in return only for them to get kicked out for setting literally everything on fire. The three instead just help him in allowance, shopping, and candy.)
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serenaew · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tag @danpuff-ao3, @bintemuhammad, @trueliarose, @sanctuary-angel!
Tagging (no pressure): @renee561, @somnwritessometimes... you're the only ones I'm pretty sure I haven't seen on the tag lists, but feel free to reblog with your own answers even if I didn't tag you!
Answers under the cut.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
68 plus some anon stuff, plus quite a few drafts XD
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
151,217 words. If I disregard the about 26k of collabs where I did less writing and more podfic or support work, that amounts to about 125k.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling 
Original Work and the like (more poetry and filk but :shrug:)
Doctor Who (2005)
Le Fantôme de l'Opéra | Phantom of the Opera & Related Fandoms in the sense that I use a lot of tunes from POTO.
Classical music (as POTO)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Fateweaver (Snarry)
Blooming Heart (Snarry)
A small step for a boy (Severitus)
Curatio (Snarry)
Flight of Dreams (Snarry)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do. I'm always so happy to receive the (more than 99% lovely) comments, and, well, you all know that I really like talking about my stuff, so I'm always glad to have someone reaching out to me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think it's a toss-up between: Repertum (M, Snarry) for the life-threatening attack on Harry - it ends on two cliffhangers over the course of the story, actually - and Ouroboros in Tribute (T, Severitus) and the adjacent series for the angst of missed chances, of regret, as is Late Reflections (T, canon-compliant), with the exact opposite perspective, but similar premise.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Um. Again, a toss-up, I guess. Promises, promises… (G, Snarry), Fidelitas (T, Snarry) and A small step for a boy (G, Severitus).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet, and I'm really glad about that!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't. I might think of changing that - I even opened an ALT account (EleanorPhoenix) for that.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Okay. How shall I answer this... If filk to the tune of a song from another fandom counts, then, yes, quite a few - POTO filk, Dracula filk, Children's songs filk, but the lyrics being from another fandom (HP, original, meta-fandom, the like) If not... I've had the idea of a Snape & 13th Doctor's fic for AGES, but, well.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not quite? it was re-archived on some random website from ffn without my permission, but it was taken down before I knew about it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet! But I do have a blanket permission for translations, if anyone wants to. I'd be especially curious if someone wanted to re-translate my English fics to German or Chinese, how I'd sound in my two mother tongues if re-translated.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! (Pssssst....)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
There is no all-time favourite, IMO. I am currently obssessed with Snape and Harry positive relationships, however. I suspect that tide might change in a few months, years, whatever.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh God. Too many. Shall I list? Mostly, it's an unposted self-insert anthology for Doctor Who the Unspeakable Mysteries Verse (Snarry) and the the Fateweaver Verse (Snarry) that have been lying around for ages, but there are a ton of Severitus ideas I've also been struggling with, like: the Forget Me Not verse and the Christmas in Limbo verse For my full list of WIPs, see this post.
16. What are your writing strengths?
AAAANGST. I really like torturing both my characters and my readers.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have yet to actually write anything resembling action that isn't cringe; I'm deeply reluctant to move out of my comfort zone that consists of angst, angst and more angst, with quite a bit of introspection.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If apporpriate to the setting, definitely! -> Latin for spells and chants -> various English dialects - if only I could! -> conlangs and original languages for a certain world - a thousand times yes! -> uhhh. I have yet to encounter a situation where I put my characters anywhere they'd need German or Chinese, but if there is a chance, I'll jump!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
uuuuh. I've had a hard time deciding on five fics, never mind one.
Thanks for reading!
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Snapetober 2020 - Day 18: Falling
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This was inspired by my main Snape x OC Severitus fic. Snape is married to another teacher, Skyrah, who also happens to be Voldie’s daughter.
Notes: references to sex. This isn’t a smutty fic though (sorry to disappoint). It’s more of a rom-com, angst mix.
Length: 2849 words.
Severus was sitting on the leather armchair opposite Minerva’s, separated by a circular table. On it, there was a chess set, a bowl filled with Honeydukes’s toffee and two cups of tea. The players had gathered a small fan club that showed so much interest one would think the final Slytherin versus Gryffindor Quidditch Cup match was taking place, rather than a regular wizard’s chess match.
“Severus will win,” said Filius, standing on a stack of books.
“It wouldn’t be the first time Minerva’s beaten him when all hope seemed lost,” countered Albus.
Skyrah didn’t agree nor disagree with either of them. Her eyes were focused on the position of the pieces, envisioning possible moves and its consequences. She barely heard her husband teasing Minerva, with that arrogant expression and matching tone of voice.
“I’m afraid you’re losing your touch. Your mind used to be sharper.”
“You all used to be quieter, too,” snapped Minerva. “It’s impossible to concentrate.”
Her excuses amused Severus, who took his mug to take a sip and, thus, hide his smirk. It didn’t hide the shrewd glint of his eyes. His face, however, creased into a deepening frown when he saw Skyrah whispering to Minerva.
“But why would I–”
“Trust me, Minerva. I’ve watched Severus play against Harry before. I know his weaknesses.”
Severus narrowed his eyes at Skyrah. “Have you just told my opponent what to do?”
A cheeky grin was the answer he got. The more Severus stared at her, the more the grin broadened as if her lips had touched some swelling solution. Insufferable witch.
“If you heed my wife’s advice, you’ll be cheating,” he said, eyeing Minerva. “You wouldn’t go against the values of your ‘noble’ House, would you?”
“Considering you spent almost ten minutes discussing a move with Filius, I believe Godric Gryffindor himself would allow me to ‘cheat’, as you put it.”
“I didn’t follow his advice in the end.”
“It still wasn’t fair play. I’m entitled to listen to Skyrah. Bishop to C4.”
The men in the room were left with identical puzzled faces as the piece advanced.
“Bishop to C4? I had figured you would have seen that was exactly what I wanted you to do. It doesn’t benefit you. In fact, it brings me closer to victory,” said Severus matter-of-factly, looking at Skyrah in search of answers.
He had never played against her. She preferred to watch him and Harry and offer the boy some advice when it was clear he was stuck. Since Harry’s skills couldn’t compare to Severus’s, he allowed it. With that said, the advice Skyrah offered Harry was certainly wiser than the advice she had just offered Minerva. It could only mean she was pretending to help Minerva while silently teaming up with him, couldn’t it? Not that insufferable, after all. 
“Your turn, Severus,” replied Minerva, grinning so slyly one would think she had more Slytherin in her than she let on, when, in truth, she was utterly confused and had simply pinned her faith on Skyrah. 
If Severus hadn’t been a Slytherin himself, he would have believed her confidence. He saw straight through her, though. Yes, Minerva, trust my wife, Severus thought with a crooked smile, taking another sip.
“King to B5.”
Minerva resisted the urge to cover her eyes, already picturing one of the black pieces kicking off her white king like the black king was doing with her bishop. She regarded the remaining pieces and took a sip herself, hoping they wouldn’t notice how nervous she was getting. Severus beat her the last time they played. Another defeat wouldn’t do her reputation as a chess player good.
“Bishop to…” Minerva trailed off, seeing Skyrah was subtly shaking her head. “Pawn…” She received a nod and watched as Skyrah made a C-shape with her fingers, only to dissimulate by tucking a lock of hair that had escaped her bun behind her ear. “To C...” Skyrah adjusted one of her shirt cuffs visible under her outer robes, holding out four fingers in the process. “Four. Pawn to C4.”
“What in Salazar Slytherin’s name…” started Severus. It hadn’t escaped him that Minerva was nodding her thanks at Skyrah. Advice on one move, he could tolerate. Two moves, though? Even if she intended to secretly help him by misleading Minerva, he wanted to win by himself. He didn’t fancy his wife intervening more than necessary. “Skyrah, if you are so keen on chess, we can play later. This is between Minerva and me.”
Skyrah raised an eyebrow at him. “Afraid you’ll lose if I help her out?”
“Not at all. Minerva and I began the match. We should finish it,” he said, ignoring her question on purpose.
“And you will… with some help. Filius appears as excited as me to join the match. What do you say?”
“I’m in,” said Filius, not waiting for Severus’s opinion.
“It’d be the fairest solution, Severus, considering you and Filius have already acted as a team. The same can be said about Minerva and Skyrah,” Albus approved, putting a toffee into his mouth.
It wasn’t like Severus could say no to the headmaster. He grunted, and sneered, and inwardly cursed Skyrah for being so charmingly meddlesome, and the rest for accommodating her. After discussing with Filius, Severus ordered the king to kick off the other bishop and grinned triumphantly. Minerva had already lost three turns ago. Now she would move her pawn and it would give him and Filius the chance to checkmate.
Or so they had assumed until Skyrah spoke.
“Queen to B3.”
Filius gaped. 
Albus clapped. 
Minerva almost bounced in her seat.
Severus stared at the chessboard unblinkingly. Skyrah’s been playing against me all this time. 
“I didn’t see that one coming.”
“Obviously, Filius, neither of us did, or else we wouldn’t be facing our upcoming defeat,” hissed Severus. It was a good thing the Hogwarts staff was used to his temper. 
“There must be a way to get out of this one,” insisted Filius, touching his beard pensively.
Amused, Albus unwrapped a second toffee and said, “I’ll be greatly surprised if you do.”
Fortunately for Albus, looks, however deadly they looked, couldn’t kill. Otherwise, Filius and Severus would have finished him off already.
The men’s team began discussing possible strategies in vain. The more the minutes ticked by, the more frustrated Filius got. Severus should have been as annoyed as him. He was, at first, but then he realized how brilliant Skyrah’s initial advice to Minerva had been, letting him think his victory was nigh and even helping him achieve it when, in reality, Skyrah had forged an alliance with Minerva and was already thinking ahead and taking advantage of his overconfidence. He banished his feeling of irritation to the point he couldn’t help but stare at her and her self-satisfied smirk in silent admiration, with his mouth half-open, threatening to curve into something akin to a smile. 
“They’ve won. We can only move the king to A5,” concluded Filius, getting a distracted nod from Severus, who was too busy thinking about how kissable Skyrah’s lips looked, wondering if a kiss from her would taste of toffee. Had Albus been the only one to eat some?
“Queen to B5. Checkmate,” concluded Minerva.
Accepting defeat, Filius shook hands with both witches and congratulated them on the entertaining match. Albus did the same. 
“You didn’t tell us you play chess, Skyrah,” he added.
“I don’t often play it. Even as a kid, I preferred exploding snap. That doesn’t mean I’m bad at it.”
“That is evident,” claimed Filius. “Queen to B3. Magnificent. Simply magnificent!”
“Is Severus okay?” asked Minerva.
Simultaneously, their heads turned to him. He was still wearing that awe-struck expression on his face. Skyrah had seen it on him on numerous occasions. 
When she put her hand on his cheek on their wedding night, and kissed it.
That one time she pretended she hadn’t become aware of his presence while she sang to herself in their garden in Cokeworth.
When she gave him and Harry a small History lecture while visiting a muggle museum.
After he made her laugh with his sarcastic sense of humor.
The few first seconds after discovering her patronus matched his.
In the afterglow of sex.
It was the first time that he looked at her like that in front of his colleagues.
“I thought you’d take it badly,” she said, approaching him.
“Your defeat.”
“Ahh… Yes. Me too,” he admitted, back to his senses. Out of embarrassment, he didn’t even glimpse at Filius, Minerva and Albus.
“So you aren’t angry even if I took Minerva’s side?”
“No, although I am confused,” he admitted, rising from his seat. “What, pray tell, motivated you to do such a thing? I had figured you’d choose to be part of my team, considering you took my surname. I thought you had until it was too late.”
“I wanted to get even, childish as it may sound.”
“Whatever for?”
“This morning you took the last brownie we baked,” she reminded him, poking his chest for emphasis.
“Allow me to object to your statement. Reading the recipe the house-elves lent you plus measuring the ingredients hardly counts as anything remotely close to baking.”
Nor did the stolen kisses and teasing touches he received throughout the baking process. Not that he’d say that out loud.
“It was the first time I attempted to make brownies. I didn’t want to spoil them.”
“You two made brownies?” asked Minerva, covering her mouth to hide her smile.
Albus and Filius appeared intrigued and surprised respectively.
“Is it funny?” asked Severus in a tone that told her it wasn’t the time to tease him.
“We would have never guessed you have a sweet tooth,” Filius answered for her.
“My wife does.”
“Nonetheless, you ate the last brownie,” Albus pointed out, eyes twinkling.
“I swear by the four Hogwarts founders, if any of you tells our colleagues, or Merlin forbid, a student, I will–”
“Oi, Severus! Don’t finish that sentence. Your reputation will remain intact,” Skyrah assured him. “If you ask them kindly, they won’t tell because they respect you. Besides, nobody would believe them even if they swore on it.”
That, fortunately, was the truth. Filius, Minerva and Albus still got a menacing look from Severus. Skyrah put her hand on his cheek to stroke it and draw his attention back to her. 
“It’s a pity you aren’t in the slightest mad at me,” she whispered, her lips brushing his ear. “I really enjoyed myself that time we had angry sex. I was hoping to repeat it.”
Oh, Circe. Yes. He had enjoyed himself too. A lot. The make-up sex that had followed had been glorious as well. At the memory alone, he had to bite his lip to hold back a faint moan. But then he remembered they were being observed and had to overcome his urge to laugh at himself. By Merlin! He had just fallen into her trap. The chess match had never mattered. She had only cared about him later making her scream his name in pleasure while she scratched his back with her nails and he gripped her hips almost painfully. Her Horned Serpent Slytherin mind never failed to surprise him. He found the way it operated so fascinating that he was starting to feel as giddy as if he’d just had two glasses of Superior Red, the kind of wine Lucius liked to serve.
Her master plan had failed, though, for rather than having angry sex he felt like meticulously worshipping all her body. He wanted to take his time, be gentle and caring and vulnerable with her, touch her heart and soul, and pleasure her until she was physically drained. He would make her fall in love with him all over again as she was doing to him with that smug grin of hers he so craved to wipe off her face with a long kiss.
Before he could reply, she added, “I have to go to my office now.”
“Why? You finished planning next week's lessons before having lunch. I thought we could go to our quarters and… relax.”
“I’d love to, but Fred and George Weasley were prowling along the corridors past curfew last night, plotting only-Merlin-knows-what. I had to put them in detention. I’ll meet you in our quarters in about an hour and a half, all right?” His ears, covered by his hair, began to blaze after she sealed the deal with a kiss on the tip of his hooked nose. “I love you, even if you eat my brownies.”
“Our brownies.”
“A-ha! You admit it! I also participated.”
“You’re incorrigible.”
“You still tolerate me quite well.”
His heart stopped beating for a moment. Once again, he was amazed by her, hypnotized by the way she teased him and joked with him and beamed at him. She gave his cheek a final caress and nodded at Filius, Minerva and Albus as a goodbye, promising to play chess with them more often.
If she had looked back before shutting the door, she’d have caught Severus bringing his hand to the place her palm had been, with the silliest grin Albus, Minerva and Filius had ever seen on his face, exhibiting his uneven teeth. 
“He reminds me of someone...” murmured Minerva low enough Severus wouldn’t hear her. It wouldn’t have mattered if she had been louder. He was unaware of anything other than his fantasies, some of which were more innocent than others, and his racing heartbeat. “Have you caught sight of Mr. Longbottom drooling over Ms. Lovegood in the Great Hall lately?”
Filius snickered.
Holding a laugh back himself, Albus advised, “Don’t let Severus hear that comparison, Minerva.”
It wasn’t until Filius and Minerva left the teachers’ room – the former under the petition of a Prefect and the latter to grade a pile of assignments – that Albus put a hand on Severus’s shoulder, bringing him back to reality.
“You are falling in love. Terribly fast. Deeply.” Severus opened his mouth, to say what, he wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like denying the truth worked when Albus was involved. Anyway, Albus interrupted him before Severus could defend himself, his tone nostalgic, “It is an exhilarating feeling, isn’t it? I am happy for you.”
“You are playing a dangerous game, one more complicated than wizard’s chess, with rules imposed by her father. He didn’t choose you as her spouse for you to love her. In fact, I dare say it was for the contrary.”
“What do you suggest? I can’t stop myself from feeling what I feel for her.” In a lower voice, he confessed, “I don’t want to. I’ve never felt so… alive.”
“I would never ask you to stop loving someone. I’m asking you to be extra-careful during Death Eater meetings. The smallest mistake could give you away. It would put you both in peril.”
Severus gulped, his mouth suddenly dry. What kind of torment would Voldemort put them through if he decided that Severus wasn’t adequate for Skyrah anymore? Severus could very well suffer Skyrah’s ex-fiancé’s fate: death. Or worse. Voldemort could spare his life if he had other plans for him, and Severus would have to see how Voldemort forced his daughter to marry a fiercely loyal Death Eater and ask them to deliver him an heir. The thought alone sickened Severus.
“The Dark Lord doesn’t suspect us. He never will. Skyrah and I are adept at Occlumency and know what is at stake. We play our roles well.”
“I trust you,” assured Albus, squeezing his shoulder. “I know you will do the right thing. The wizarding world depends on you, the world in which you will rear your future child.” 
Severus shut his eyes momentarily, getting a sudden flashback to the morning he swore he’d make sure their baby girl grew up in a safe world, only to lose her that same day. It still hurt. They hadn’t really tried conceiving ever since. Not yet. They were too afraid of going through something similar while still grieving the daughter they would never hold.
“I fear Tom may start thinking you are testing his patience. It’s been about six months since you got married,” continued Albus. “Poppy could run fertility tests on you and Skyrah to make sure you aren’t unsuited to the task you must fulfill.”
“My wife and I are perfectly capable of conceiving a child. We only require more time.” Albus stared at him as if he intuited there was something Severus was keeping secret. “If that is all, I’ll go to the Greenhouses. Pomona mentioned she has herbs that the students could use in Potions class.”
Albus nodded and watched as Severus headed for the exit.
“Severus, one last thing.” With a lifted eyebrow, he turned to face Albus. “I expect you to save me a brownie the next time you and Skyrah decide to make some. I’m sure Minerva and Filius would appreciate it, as well. Christmas is around the corner...”
A/N: I probably wouldn’t have been able to post this on time if it had been betaed, so I apologize for any possible mistakes you may have encountered. I did my best.
If you liked it, you can read the main fic here: AO3, FFN.
Have a nice day, y’all! And thanks for taking the time to read this little fic :)
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