#snapetober day 18
superfallingstars · 11 months
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Snapetober Day 18: Gaze
Being a spy isn't all fun and games...
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snapeaddict · 11 months
Snapetober Day 18 - Gaze
April, 1998
From where he was, higher up on the wall, Albus gazed down as his Potions Master - the new headmaster - sat behind the desk. He could only see his left profile, and even that, after a second or two, was hidden from him as well: a curtain of back hair blocked his view.
He could not feel terribly deeply, or at least, he knew his feelings had to be much less complex, much smoother than those of his actual self. But this added something to them, too. A layer of emotional rawness he had never experienced in life. 
He knew he had loved the boy, so he loved him, still, and his silence was excruciating. 
"Any news, Severus?", he asked, clearing his voice. "That is, outside of Hogwarts. I find myself longing for newspapers these days."
The younger man did not raise his head, and dipped his quill into the inkwell in front of him. 
"Even the Daily Prophet? Surely you remember, Dumbledore, the amount of nonsense that is printed on these pages daily", Severus replied indifferently. 
"Even the Daily Prophet. Life as a portrait is rather dull."
Severus' hand stopped mid-sentence.
"I am sorry to hear that. As you are aware, I did not wish for it to happen either."
"I do not require idle conversation to pass the time, Albus. I have seen no news of importance as of late."
Raw emotions.
"You are being unfair", the portrait blurted out. "I made you do it - but have you thought about what this cost me?"
The Slytherin dropped his quill and his head finally jerked upward, turning towards the portrait. His usual mask of indifference was gone, and he looked utterly shocked: he could not master the strength to reply immediately. 
Albus, too, was shocked. The vague knowledge that such behaviour was unlike himself creeped over him, heavy with meaning. Who was he?
"I have thought about it, Albus", Severus replied after a while, coldly. His voice was a little lower than usual. "I have thought about it over and over again - and I wish you had too, before touching that damn ring."
There was a bizarre contrast between the rigidity of his voice and his face, distorted by an ugly mixture of pain, grief and anger.
"You are in no position to reproach me so, Severus", the portrait replied austerely, rising from his painted chair. "Have you not done things yourself without thinking of the consequences?"
He saw Severus' hand twitch. He had gone too far - he instantly regretted it, but did not find in him the will to apologise or even utter another word. He expected the younger man to explode or storm out. But to his surprise, he did neither, and Albus found himself dreading what would come next.
Severus simply reached out for the pile of newspapers to his left. He picked one specifically: the Daily Prophet. He turned each of its pages with care until he seemed to have found what he was looking for, his hands, albeit almost imperceptibly, trembling with anger.
"I was wrong, Albus", he said. His voice was terrible, low and icy cold. "There is one article you might want to be made aware of - it concerns Gellert Grindelwald. He was found dead in his cell yesterday."
There was heavy silence, and, tangible for all present, a bleak sense of no return. 
"It cannot be", the former headmaster managed, his voice faint. "It must be a mistake."
"It is not. There is a picture - his face is most distinctive. You remember the shape and colour of Gellert Grindelwald's eyes, I am sure?"
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Snapetober 2020 - Day 18: Falling
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This was inspired by my main Snape x OC Severitus fic. Snape is married to another teacher, Skyrah, who also happens to be Voldie’s daughter.
Notes: references to sex. This isn’t a smutty fic though (sorry to disappoint). It’s more of a rom-com, angst mix.
Length: 2849 words.
Severus was sitting on the leather armchair opposite Minerva’s, separated by a circular table. On it, there was a chess set, a bowl filled with Honeydukes’s toffee and two cups of tea. The players had gathered a small fan club that showed so much interest one would think the final Slytherin versus Gryffindor Quidditch Cup match was taking place, rather than a regular wizard’s chess match.
“Severus will win,” said Filius, standing on a stack of books.
“It wouldn’t be the first time Minerva’s beaten him when all hope seemed lost,” countered Albus.
Skyrah didn’t agree nor disagree with either of them. Her eyes were focused on the position of the pieces, envisioning possible moves and its consequences. She barely heard her husband teasing Minerva, with that arrogant expression and matching tone of voice.
“I’m afraid you’re losing your touch. Your mind used to be sharper.”
“You all used to be quieter, too,” snapped Minerva. “It’s impossible to concentrate.”
Her excuses amused Severus, who took his mug to take a sip and, thus, hide his smirk. It didn’t hide the shrewd glint of his eyes. His face, however, creased into a deepening frown when he saw Skyrah whispering to Minerva.
“But why would I–”
“Trust me, Minerva. I’ve watched Severus play against Harry before. I know his weaknesses.”
Severus narrowed his eyes at Skyrah. “Have you just told my opponent what to do?”
A cheeky grin was the answer he got. The more Severus stared at her, the more the grin broadened as if her lips had touched some swelling solution. Insufferable witch.
“If you heed my wife’s advice, you’ll be cheating,” he said, eyeing Minerva. “You wouldn’t go against the values of your ‘noble’ House, would you?”
“Considering you spent almost ten minutes discussing a move with Filius, I believe Godric Gryffindor himself would allow me to ‘cheat’, as you put it.”
“I didn’t follow his advice in the end.”
“It still wasn’t fair play. I’m entitled to listen to Skyrah. Bishop to C4.”
The men in the room were left with identical puzzled faces as the piece advanced.
“Bishop to C4? I had figured you would have seen that was exactly what I wanted you to do. It doesn’t benefit you. In fact, it brings me closer to victory,” said Severus matter-of-factly, looking at Skyrah in search of answers.
He had never played against her. She preferred to watch him and Harry and offer the boy some advice when it was clear he was stuck. Since Harry’s skills couldn’t compare to Severus’s, he allowed it. With that said, the advice Skyrah offered Harry was certainly wiser than the advice she had just offered Minerva. It could only mean she was pretending to help Minerva while silently teaming up with him, couldn’t it? Not that insufferable, after all. 
“Your turn, Severus,” replied Minerva, grinning so slyly one would think she had more Slytherin in her than she let on, when, in truth, she was utterly confused and had simply pinned her faith on Skyrah. 
If Severus hadn’t been a Slytherin himself, he would have believed her confidence. He saw straight through her, though. Yes, Minerva, trust my wife, Severus thought with a crooked smile, taking another sip.
“King to B5.”
Minerva resisted the urge to cover her eyes, already picturing one of the black pieces kicking off her white king like the black king was doing with her bishop. She regarded the remaining pieces and took a sip herself, hoping they wouldn’t notice how nervous she was getting. Severus beat her the last time they played. Another defeat wouldn’t do her reputation as a chess player good.
“Bishop to…” Minerva trailed off, seeing Skyrah was subtly shaking her head. “Pawn…” She received a nod and watched as Skyrah made a C-shape with her fingers, only to dissimulate by tucking a lock of hair that had escaped her bun behind her ear. “To C...” Skyrah adjusted one of her shirt cuffs visible under her outer robes, holding out four fingers in the process. “Four. Pawn to C4.”
“What in Salazar Slytherin’s name…” started Severus. It hadn’t escaped him that Minerva was nodding her thanks at Skyrah. Advice on one move, he could tolerate. Two moves, though? Even if she intended to secretly help him by misleading Minerva, he wanted to win by himself. He didn’t fancy his wife intervening more than necessary. “Skyrah, if you are so keen on chess, we can play later. This is between Minerva and me.”
Skyrah raised an eyebrow at him. “Afraid you’ll lose if I help her out?”
“Not at all. Minerva and I began the match. We should finish it,” he said, ignoring her question on purpose.
“And you will… with some help. Filius appears as excited as me to join the match. What do you say?”
“I’m in,” said Filius, not waiting for Severus’s opinion.
“It’d be the fairest solution, Severus, considering you and Filius have already acted as a team. The same can be said about Minerva and Skyrah,” Albus approved, putting a toffee into his mouth.
It wasn’t like Severus could say no to the headmaster. He grunted, and sneered, and inwardly cursed Skyrah for being so charmingly meddlesome, and the rest for accommodating her. After discussing with Filius, Severus ordered the king to kick off the other bishop and grinned triumphantly. Minerva had already lost three turns ago. Now she would move her pawn and it would give him and Filius the chance to checkmate.
Or so they had assumed until Skyrah spoke.
“Queen to B3.”
Filius gaped. 
Albus clapped. 
Minerva almost bounced in her seat.
Severus stared at the chessboard unblinkingly. Skyrah’s been playing against me all this time. 
“I didn’t see that one coming.”
“Obviously, Filius, neither of us did, or else we wouldn’t be facing our upcoming defeat,” hissed Severus. It was a good thing the Hogwarts staff was used to his temper. 
“There must be a way to get out of this one,” insisted Filius, touching his beard pensively.
Amused, Albus unwrapped a second toffee and said, “I’ll be greatly surprised if you do.”
Fortunately for Albus, looks, however deadly they looked, couldn’t kill. Otherwise, Filius and Severus would have finished him off already.
The men’s team began discussing possible strategies in vain. The more the minutes ticked by, the more frustrated Filius got. Severus should have been as annoyed as him. He was, at first, but then he realized how brilliant Skyrah’s initial advice to Minerva had been, letting him think his victory was nigh and even helping him achieve it when, in reality, Skyrah had forged an alliance with Minerva and was already thinking ahead and taking advantage of his overconfidence. He banished his feeling of irritation to the point he couldn’t help but stare at her and her self-satisfied smirk in silent admiration, with his mouth half-open, threatening to curve into something akin to a smile. 
“They’ve won. We can only move the king to A5,” concluded Filius, getting a distracted nod from Severus, who was too busy thinking about how kissable Skyrah’s lips looked, wondering if a kiss from her would taste of toffee. Had Albus been the only one to eat some?
“Queen to B5. Checkmate,” concluded Minerva.
Accepting defeat, Filius shook hands with both witches and congratulated them on the entertaining match. Albus did the same. 
“You didn’t tell us you play chess, Skyrah,” he added.
“I don’t often play it. Even as a kid, I preferred exploding snap. That doesn’t mean I’m bad at it.”
“That is evident,” claimed Filius. “Queen to B3. Magnificent. Simply magnificent!”
“Is Severus okay?” asked Minerva.
Simultaneously, their heads turned to him. He was still wearing that awe-struck expression on his face. Skyrah had seen it on him on numerous occasions. 
When she put her hand on his cheek on their wedding night, and kissed it.
That one time she pretended she hadn’t become aware of his presence while she sang to herself in their garden in Cokeworth.
When she gave him and Harry a small History lecture while visiting a muggle museum.
After he made her laugh with his sarcastic sense of humor.
The few first seconds after discovering her patronus matched his.
In the afterglow of sex.
It was the first time that he looked at her like that in front of his colleagues.
“I thought you’d take it badly,” she said, approaching him.
“Your defeat.”
“Ahh… Yes. Me too,” he admitted, back to his senses. Out of embarrassment, he didn’t even glimpse at Filius, Minerva and Albus.
“So you aren’t angry even if I took Minerva’s side?”
“No, although I am confused,” he admitted, rising from his seat. “What, pray tell, motivated you to do such a thing? I had figured you’d choose to be part of my team, considering you took my surname. I thought you had until it was too late.”
“I wanted to get even, childish as it may sound.”
“Whatever for?”
“This morning you took the last brownie we baked,” she reminded him, poking his chest for emphasis.
“Allow me to object to your statement. Reading the recipe the house-elves lent you plus measuring the ingredients hardly counts as anything remotely close to baking.”
Nor did the stolen kisses and teasing touches he received throughout the baking process. Not that he’d say that out loud.
“It was the first time I attempted to make brownies. I didn’t want to spoil them.”
“You two made brownies?” asked Minerva, covering her mouth to hide her smile.
Albus and Filius appeared intrigued and surprised respectively.
“Is it funny?” asked Severus in a tone that told her it wasn’t the time to tease him.
“We would have never guessed you have a sweet tooth,” Filius answered for her.
“My wife does.”
“Nonetheless, you ate the last brownie,” Albus pointed out, eyes twinkling.
“I swear by the four Hogwarts founders, if any of you tells our colleagues, or Merlin forbid, a student, I will–”
“Oi, Severus! Don’t finish that sentence. Your reputation will remain intact,” Skyrah assured him. “If you ask them kindly, they won’t tell because they respect you. Besides, nobody would believe them even if they swore on it.”
That, fortunately, was the truth. Filius, Minerva and Albus still got a menacing look from Severus. Skyrah put her hand on his cheek to stroke it and draw his attention back to her. 
“It’s a pity you aren’t in the slightest mad at me,” she whispered, her lips brushing his ear. “I really enjoyed myself that time we had angry sex. I was hoping to repeat it.”
Oh, Circe. Yes. He had enjoyed himself too. A lot. The make-up sex that had followed had been glorious as well. At the memory alone, he had to bite his lip to hold back a faint moan. But then he remembered they were being observed and had to overcome his urge to laugh at himself. By Merlin! He had just fallen into her trap. The chess match had never mattered. She had only cared about him later making her scream his name in pleasure while she scratched his back with her nails and he gripped her hips almost painfully. Her Horned Serpent Slytherin mind never failed to surprise him. He found the way it operated so fascinating that he was starting to feel as giddy as if he’d just had two glasses of Superior Red, the kind of wine Lucius liked to serve.
Her master plan had failed, though, for rather than having angry sex he felt like meticulously worshipping all her body. He wanted to take his time, be gentle and caring and vulnerable with her, touch her heart and soul, and pleasure her until she was physically drained. He would make her fall in love with him all over again as she was doing to him with that smug grin of hers he so craved to wipe off her face with a long kiss.
Before he could reply, she added, “I have to go to my office now.”
“Why? You finished planning next week's lessons before having lunch. I thought we could go to our quarters and… relax.”
“I’d love to, but Fred and George Weasley were prowling along the corridors past curfew last night, plotting only-Merlin-knows-what. I had to put them in detention. I’ll meet you in our quarters in about an hour and a half, all right?” His ears, covered by his hair, began to blaze after she sealed the deal with a kiss on the tip of his hooked nose. “I love you, even if you eat my brownies.”
“Our brownies.”
“A-ha! You admit it! I also participated.”
“You’re incorrigible.”
“You still tolerate me quite well.”
His heart stopped beating for a moment. Once again, he was amazed by her, hypnotized by the way she teased him and joked with him and beamed at him. She gave his cheek a final caress and nodded at Filius, Minerva and Albus as a goodbye, promising to play chess with them more often.
If she had looked back before shutting the door, she’d have caught Severus bringing his hand to the place her palm had been, with the silliest grin Albus, Minerva and Filius had ever seen on his face, exhibiting his uneven teeth. 
“He reminds me of someone...” murmured Minerva low enough Severus wouldn’t hear her. It wouldn’t have mattered if she had been louder. He was unaware of anything other than his fantasies, some of which were more innocent than others, and his racing heartbeat. “Have you caught sight of Mr. Longbottom drooling over Ms. Lovegood in the Great Hall lately?”
Filius snickered.
Holding a laugh back himself, Albus advised, “Don’t let Severus hear that comparison, Minerva.”
It wasn’t until Filius and Minerva left the teachers’ room – the former under the petition of a Prefect and the latter to grade a pile of assignments – that Albus put a hand on Severus’s shoulder, bringing him back to reality.
“You are falling in love. Terribly fast. Deeply.” Severus opened his mouth, to say what, he wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like denying the truth worked when Albus was involved. Anyway, Albus interrupted him before Severus could defend himself, his tone nostalgic, “It is an exhilarating feeling, isn’t it? I am happy for you.”
“You are playing a dangerous game, one more complicated than wizard’s chess, with rules imposed by her father. He didn’t choose you as her spouse for you to love her. In fact, I dare say it was for the contrary.”
“What do you suggest? I can’t stop myself from feeling what I feel for her.” In a lower voice, he confessed, “I don’t want to. I’ve never felt so… alive.”
“I would never ask you to stop loving someone. I’m asking you to be extra-careful during Death Eater meetings. The smallest mistake could give you away. It would put you both in peril.”
Severus gulped, his mouth suddenly dry. What kind of torment would Voldemort put them through if he decided that Severus wasn’t adequate for Skyrah anymore? Severus could very well suffer Skyrah’s ex-fiancé’s fate: death. Or worse. Voldemort could spare his life if he had other plans for him, and Severus would have to see how Voldemort forced his daughter to marry a fiercely loyal Death Eater and ask them to deliver him an heir. The thought alone sickened Severus.
“The Dark Lord doesn’t suspect us. He never will. Skyrah and I are adept at Occlumency and know what is at stake. We play our roles well.”
“I trust you,” assured Albus, squeezing his shoulder. “I know you will do the right thing. The wizarding world depends on you, the world in which you will rear your future child.” 
Severus shut his eyes momentarily, getting a sudden flashback to the morning he swore he’d make sure their baby girl grew up in a safe world, only to lose her that same day. It still hurt. They hadn’t really tried conceiving ever since. Not yet. They were too afraid of going through something similar while still grieving the daughter they would never hold.
“I fear Tom may start thinking you are testing his patience. It’s been about six months since you got married,” continued Albus. “Poppy could run fertility tests on you and Skyrah to make sure you aren’t unsuited to the task you must fulfill.”
“My wife and I are perfectly capable of conceiving a child. We only require more time.” Albus stared at him as if he intuited there was something Severus was keeping secret. “If that is all, I’ll go to the Greenhouses. Pomona mentioned she has herbs that the students could use in Potions class.”
Albus nodded and watched as Severus headed for the exit.
“Severus, one last thing.” With a lifted eyebrow, he turned to face Albus. “I expect you to save me a brownie the next time you and Skyrah decide to make some. I’m sure Minerva and Filius would appreciate it, as well. Christmas is around the corner...”
A/N: I probably wouldn’t have been able to post this on time if it had been betaed, so I apologize for any possible mistakes you may have encountered. I did my best.
If you liked it, you can read the main fic here: AO3, FFN.
Have a nice day, y’all! And thanks for taking the time to read this little fic :)
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violet-knox · 5 years
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Day 18: Mischief
This is all I had time for today 😭 anyways, this is our favorite Potions Professor as the God of Mischief
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sxvxrxssnape · 3 years
🦇 snapetober 2021 🦇
hello, my fellow sniends and snovers! the time has come again to celebrate our favorite bat of the dungeons, whump edition! this year, ive decided on two (2) prompt lists! overall there will be 16 “lighthearted” spooky prompts and 15 angst prompts that will alternate every day throughout october. if you choose to only do one list, that’ll give you 2 days to work on your submission, or you can do all of them for a whole month of spooky snape love! 🖤
as always, prompts are open to interpretation. you don’t need to write angst and alternatively, you can make the lighthearted list as angsty as you want. i tried to come up with a list that allows both (with some help from @blog4snape's incredible brainstorming). you will also see a few recycled prompts from last year’s list that i was particularly partial to. 
entries for snapetober can be anything - art (in any style), writing (in any perspective, pairing, or length), photosets/edits, headcanon lists, plot bunnies you don’t actually want to write up, etc. etc. you can do as many or as little as you want, combine entries, post them late, and include whomever you want. just keep it snape-centric (and just like last year, the angst doesn’t need to be directed at severus at all!) and remember to tag it as #snapetober or #snapetober2021!
happy whumping!
1. autumn 
2. “you have to let go”
3. pumpkin carving
4. regret
5. apple orchard
6. hostage/trapped
7. potions
8. emptiness
9. old books
10. misunderstandings
11. old friends
12. alone
13. spell casting
14. cursed
15. ghosts
16. “i’ve got you”
17. witching hour
18. (no) mercy
19. headstone
20. night terrors
21. contemplation
22. touch starved
23. vampire/bats
24. fears
25. rainy evening
26. “don’t leave me”
27. unfinished business 
28. flashback
29. costume
30. “how could you do this?”
31. halloween party
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foxyx · 4 years
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snapetober 2020 | day 18   ✦ falling ✦
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lunap999 · 4 years
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Snapetober day 18 falling
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vsilas · 4 years
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Snapetober Day 18: Falling
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capysnapeart · 4 years
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Snapetober 2020
Day 18 : Falling
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5lazarus · 4 years
Snapetober 2020, Day 18: Falling
for @snapetober, falling! This is a quick one and a sloppy one, but I’m kinda fond of it. Day 18: Less falling, more flying: but it takes a lifetime to learn how.
He’s fallen out of windows, bars, chairs, love, and friendship, but the best fall he’s ever had was the running leap he takes out of the Hogwarts window. It’s finally happening, it’s finally here, all or nothing, his entire life hinging on one moment: now is the hour. The final battle commences. He jumps, falls, rolls, and keeps running. A lifetime of falling has taught him how to land on his feet. Felix pulsing through his veins, Sev rushes through the crowd, hexing indiscriminately because every hit will land, rushes to the end, and when the Dark Lord strikes him down he falls, memories seeping and finally letting him go, he’s falling through the past with a shattering of glass and when he wakes up, he’s stuck the landing in the quiet sunlight of Shell Cottage, under Filius Flitwork’s most powerful Fidelius Charm, and he is finally his own Secret Keeper. He’s fallen from Lily’s grace, he’s fallen from his parents’, he’s fallen from Regulus Black’s good wishes and Harry Potter’s damnable eyes. He’s fallen to his knees, begging for his friend’s life to be spared, before two unholy men. He’s fallen arse-over-tit, to Potter’s spells. But now, now, now, he’s fallen the right way, through the windowglass, and this quiet morning, still somehow alive, he resolves: less falling, more flying, because he knows how.
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ottogatto · 4 years
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In the twilight space between evening and nightfall, he makes his way across the grounds toward the boathouse. He ducks into the entrance and takes the stairs down until he is standing beside the canal around which the boathouse is built.
He takes a deep breath to steady his nerves and slips beneath the still surface of the water.
Immediately, his cloak becomes waterlogged and the weightened fabric drags him downward. There is fire in his chest and heaviness in his limbs and he doesn’t have the strength to save himself even if he’d wanted to. As he plunges toward the lakebed, the faint light recedes.
Severus stares into Lily’s ever-younthful face.
Rue and Rainflower — TheGreatSnapescape (Ao3)
A tribute to one of my favorite fics, and my contribution to the Snapetober feast.
Snapetober — Day 18: Falling
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anti-bright-places · 4 years
Snapetober Day 18: falling
leave a comment on my ao3 :) (yes I shamelessly used this as an opportunity to write my favourite AU)
his favourite coffee shop was a small one right across one of the city's biggest Starbucks. Needless to say it was the perfect place to people watch without actually having to get close to any of them. Well that was if one did not count the barista that Severus had come very close to. Dangerously close, in his opinion.. Harry, that was the barista's name, had been extremely friendly form the beginning and Severus had tried his best to show off his sour personality to get Harry to back off. But Harry was nothing if not persistent.
It had really started out as nothing but a battle of who could annoy the other more; Severus with his bitterness, or Harry with his chipper customer smile. But Severus would be lying if he said he had not enjoyed it in some weird way. On campus he always had to be the bigger person, a definite disadvantage of being a tenured Professor, but here he could be petty and hate Harry for no reason whatsoever. It was refreshing. Except that he did not hate Harry at all.
Sometimes after the first month of their routine of making the ordering of his coffee as uncivil and passive aggressive an interaction, Harry had started to hang around him when there was nothing else to do. He would come and wipe down all of the tables around Severus, but never the one's on the other side of the room. And then Harry had just started talking to him. Severus had been so startled at the sudden voice, he had been completely engaged in ogling Harry's arse, that he had answered him civilly and since then they had talked nearly every time Severus went there to get a coffee.
While Severus prided himself on his intellect that surpassed most other's, it took him an embarrassingly long time to understand that Harry had started flirting with him. Even their ordering ritual had become laced with romantic tension, it had gone from serious bickering to light teasing. It took Severus even longer to realise that he was flirting back and then even longer to realise that he wanted more with Harry. Yet every time Harry tried to take things further, invite him to dinner, or on a movie, or a drink, Severus would block the attempts.
Severus looked down at his cup, sighed and leant back in his chair, letting his eyes fall closed .He listened as one song ended and the speakers started playing a new one. Wise men say, only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you. He let out a snort. Perfect timing for this song. Was it what this was, though? Did he always reject Harry when he ca,e too close to his carefully build walls, because he was scared of falling in love with him? Since he was a child he had always been afraid of heights, more specifically of being pushed off of them, or tripping and falling over the edge. Maybe this fear was more than just wincing at tall buildings and he had just never noticed it before. He opened his eyes again and looked up to the counter where he immediately made eye contact with Harry. His expression was so soft that Severus felt a pang in his chest. Harry smiled brightly at him, grabbing his rag to make his way over to him and it was then that Severus decided it was high time he got over his fear of falling. This fall, he firmly told himself, he was going to enjoy.
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snapeaddict · 1 year
Snapetober Day 3 - Path
Inspired by @sneverussape's headcanons
"You go down that way, ya walk for 20 minutes and then there's the factory right to your left. My pals' boys usually wait for us there. We come out at 5. I can show you the machines."
The tall man turned his gaze to the child by his side, waiting for an answer. As usual, the boy was lost in a world of his own; fucking nothing could be done to make him swap out of it for good. He shook his shoulder brutally.
"Oi, kid! You listening to me?"
Fearful black eyes met his, the very same as Eileen's.
"Yes, da'", Severus replied in a small voice, the kind his father found vaguely enraging for no justifiable reason.
Did he have to sound so girlish, so weak? Why couldn't he be like the other boys? He was already a laughing stock as it was. Too much brain like his mum, but unwilling to put his hands in the dirt, unlike her.
Sure, the kid did well in school. But he also came home all bruised. One look at him and you knew he was the one to beat up – he looked just like these poor lads on the battlefield, barely 18, crying for their mums in the midst of bombs everywhere.
Not one of them had made it.
The other boys, they came to try their hand at the machines, they went to the pub with their fathers, or to boxing matches. Severus read. He hated sports and never said a word at Church. He didn’t want to put his tongue in the glass of liquor like the other kids. If he came home dirty, it was only because he had been on the hunt for some animal by the river, or piking bloody weeds he stoked up by the side of the house. Might as well have come home with flower bouquets.
Tobias knew nothing about books, or animals, or plants.
Severus had nothing to say, to him at least. And Eileen, he could tell, secretly liked it. That he was different. Tobias hated her for that. She enabled him. When she looked at the boy, there was pride. Where did it come from? Why did she come alive all of a sudden?
He couldn’t make her happy, but Severus could, that was what.
In front of him and the boy, the path divided itself in two. The right side led deeper into Cokeworth, it was all black and dirty because the guys from the mine used it to come home – Tobias had been fired only six months ago. Disorderly conduct, they had said. More like they needed to cut their expenses. He didn’t like the dark and the loud noises anyway.
The left side of the path wasn’t used much. It crossed the river to the nicer part of town, there were mulberries and wildflowers growing over it. It crossed the bridge and led straight to a nice playground for the nice kids up there. Their parents would rather they play elsewhere, Tobias had heard. Nasty kids attending the only school in town was already an issue: no need for their spick and span offspring to mingle with them after school hours.
“You go home now”, he told his son abruptly. “I need to get to work. You can come by at 5 if you want.”
The bell rang at last. The guys put down their stuff and went outside to stretch. Their boys had been waiting there for some time already, playing football.
Tobias looked around, but saw no Severus. He had cleaned his machine thoroughly to show him. He watched as John’s kid sat on his father’s knees, dirty nails clinging to his father’s shirt. Severus never got near him like that. But that was good, wasn’t it? A boy like this didn’t need more coddling. Good spankings made for strong boys.
It looked nice, though.
He needed a drink.
He stumbled home and asked Eileen where the boy was.
“He’s not here”, she told him. “He left a bit before 5.”
He cursed under his breath and cracked another beer open.
He watched, leaning unsteadily against a tree, as Severus sat down in the grass behind a bush, at a safe distance from the playground. There were two girls there, a blond one and a redhead. The boy was looking at them with a sort of fascination that infuriated him.
Let him play with girls and lick the boots of the better off, Tobias thought confusedly. He'll learn soon enough that this won't make the world any kinder to him.
He turned on his heel, and never again cleaned his working surface at the factory.
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"It’s Not That Simple” Masterlist
This post includes the “It’s Never Simple” series with links to AO3 and FFN. I’ll be updating the WIP section so that you can follow my progress.
1) It’s Not That Simple, AO3, FFN. Main fic. Severus weds Skyrah Riddle under orders from Voldemort, her father. She's capable of showing kindness despite her cunning. Severus can't figure her out. The problem is she might unmask him before he unmasks her. Meanwhile, Voldemort pressures the couple into conceiving an heir. The last thing Severus needs is to teach Potter occlumency, but destiny has always mocked him. Longfic.
2) A Not So Simple Valentine’s Day, AO3, FFN. Severus has always hated Valentine's Day. The problem is his wife does not look disgusted by the festivity... One-shot.
3) The Birth of the Augurey,  AO3, FFN. Lord Voldemort chose Bellatrix Lestrange to give him an heir. However, she ended up in Azkaban before that could happen. Now that she isn't in prison, she intends to fulfill the task. Unfortunately, someone beat her to it. One-shot.
4) Home Life Isn’t Simple,  AO3, FFN. A day in the life of the Snape family. Very fluffy. One-shot.
5) Snapetober 2020: “It’s Not That Simple” edition, AO3, FFN. Prompts 5, 18 and 30. Collection of one-shots.
6) Felines Don’t Make Things Simple Parts 1 and 2, AO3, FFN. The last thing the Snapes need while arranging their wedding is to cross paths with a meddlesome cat. In the second installment, the Snape children come across an adorable kneazle. One-shots. 
7) A Matron’s Simple Advice,  AO3, FFN. When Poppy notices the Snapes are stressed out, she becomes the perfect sex therapist. One-shot.
8) A Simple Photograph, AO3, FFN. Harry meets his grandmother Andraste and his little brother after the Final Battle. An important Severitus conversation takes place too. One-shot.
9) December Traditions Aren’t Simple, AO3, FFN. A Snyrah winter holidays!fic. One-Shot.
1) A Tale of Two Crows. TeenAU. Severus and Skyrah as Hogwarts students. I expect it to have 14 chapters (two per each Hogwarts year starting with second year + two post-Hogwarts chapters). Posted up to chapter 10.
2) Of Scorpions and Sunflowers. Drione fic. First chapter posted. It’ll have two more and an epilogue.
3) Simply Destiny. AU in which Voldemort learns to love. The fic will deal with the changes that would bring to the Riddles and to the Snapes. I have many ideas and have started writing it down. It is going to be a long fic for sure.
4) Untitled. An eight-year-old Corbin messes around in his dad’s lab. I’ve just started outlining this. One-shot.
5) Untitled. Teen!Corbin dealing with teenage drama. I still need to outline this, but seeing someone else asked about Corbin’s first crush, I’ll probably deal with that. One-shot.
6) Untitled. Ginny and Harry become parents, which means Skyrah and Severus become grandparents, and little Corbin and Brenna are now an uncle and an aunt respectively. I’ve got some ideas for this, but I still need to outline most of it. One-shot.
7) Going on Holiday Isn’t Simple (the title may change). The Snape family goes on holiday. I need to outline this.  One-shot.
Someone said they’d like to read about Skyrah and Severus healing from the war and Brenna becoming a daddy’s girl, so if I can find a way to make that fit in my other prompts, I will :)
The prompts are listed in the order they were requested. My muse, however, has other plans. So I cannot say this will be the posting order.
Also, I have other ideas, as a Regency Era AU, Muggle AU, a Halloween fic, and a Severus with amnesia AU. I’ve written some scenes, but they all need a lot of work.
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Hnnnngh i can't stop looking at day 18 Snapetober art. I look, i smile and just, thank you! This is your best Snapetober yet and i can't wait to see the other days!
that’s also my reaction when I see a sweet message like this <33 ;v;
Thank you so much! I’m happy I could do your idea some justice. 👍👍
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snictionary · 6 years
The Snobels 2018 snominees masterlist
updated  29/11/2018
The snominations will close 30.11.2018. After that, you’ll have the entire December to snote for your favourite in each category. The winners will be announced 9.1.2019, which is the birthday of our snord and snaviour, Severus Snape. 
If someone you snominated isn’t on here, it’s because you did not provide a link. Without the link, some bad guesswork is the best I can do. The only way to make sure the people you snominate appear here is to submit a link. 
I will keep checking the snominations and updating this list!
@severusdefender, @akashikadoesthings, @deathdaydungeon, @raptured-night, @idealistic-realism00: Marauders vs Snape and Draco vs Harry, the difference between bullying and rivalry (meta 1)
@aworldofgrey, @thegreatsnapescape, @wormwoodandasphodel: Lily should’ve done more to help Severus during the events of Snape’s Worst Memory (meta 2)
@legilimensxsnape, @thegreatsnapescape: Sirius’ hate for Snape (meta 3)
@severusdefender: The end of Prisoner of Azkaban (meta 4)
@sayruq: Severus Snape never stood a chance (meta 5)
cj_whitehound: But Snape is just nasty, right? (meta 6)
@snapedefender: Why is it the accepted norm that Snape was obsessed with Lily? (meta 7)
@potteryet: One thing people forget (meta 8)
@rainfiresnowearth: Not fond of his looks (meta 9)
@rainfiresnowearth: Daily Snamione #88 (meta 10)
@maximoffsrogers, @deathdaydungeon: House points (meta 11)
@queersnape: About House points (meta 12)
The World of Severus Snape: Discipline at Hogwarts (meta 13)
@deathdaydungeon: Always (meta 14)
@thegreatsnapescape: Rue and Rainflower (literature 1)
@deathdaydungeon: A dealer, not a Death Eater (literature 2)
@humanveil: si vis amari ama (literature 3)
@severusdefender: One small step (literature 4)
@thesnapewecandreamof: Harry Potter AU idea (literature 5)
flamethrower: Of a Linear Circle (literature 6)
@humanveil: Curiosity (killed the cat) (literature7)
Paganaidd:  Memories and Dreams (literature8)
@rainfiresnowearth: A Gloomy Poem for Our Dour Potion’s Master (literature 9)
@rainfiresnowearth: Lost by the Seashore  (literature 10)
@deadcatwithaflamethrower:  Harry Potter’s third year (liteature 11)
@thesnapewecandreamof: Missing (literature 12)
@bananagege: Proud boy in Pride Month (art 1)
@elenianz: that snape boi (art 2)
@thegreatsnapescape: Redemption (Out of Reach) (art 3)
@the-mr-lolipop-things: Severus with his Pygmy Puff (art 4)
@elenianz: the good old days (art 5)
@a-substantial-trash-pile: Snapetober 13: Guarded (art 6)
@madfantasy: fairy kisses (art 7)
@doodlebat: Tiny Sneep stole his mum’s old Hogwarts uniform, skirt included (art 8)
AnastasiaMantihora: Impedimenta (art 9)
IrenHorrors: Always... (art 10)
Hellanim: The hot wet bat (art 11)
Vizen: Welcome to Slytherin (art 12)
@elenianz: Severus Snape is Gina Linetti of the wizarding world and no one can convince me otherwise (art 13)
@thegreatsnapescape: Inktober day 2: “Worst Fear” (art 14)
@bananagege: Week 3 of Snape Appreciation Month : Snape Experimenting Alone (art 15)
@madfantasy:  Spauldron (art 16)
@lifeofapottedplant:  How dare you stand where he stood? (art 17)
@nazonopurinsu: The place where we met for the first time (art 18)
@kedroboiz: Early Saturday morning in the Hogwarts kitchens (art 19)
@RainFireSnowEarth: The most beautiful thing (art 20)
@RainFireSnowEarth: When my time is up (art 21)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Cowards (art 22)
@RainFireSnowEarth: One day (art 23)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Poem - Nikita Gill (art 24)
@RainFireSnowEarth: I will cry (art 25)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Poem - Lang Leav (art 26)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Strangers and Secrets (art 27)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Quote - Russell Brand (art 28)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Quote - Mandeq Ahmed (art 29)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Author - n.d  (art 39)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Similar Personalities and Traits (art 40)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Different Personalities and Traits (art 41)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Similar Magical Abilities and Skills (art 42)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Different Magical Abilities and Skills (art 43)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  #79 - Daily Snamione (art 44)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  #82 - Daily Snamione (art 45)
@RainFireSnowEarth: #85 - Daily Snamione (art 46)
@elenianz:  Layers & layers (art 47)
@semiramis-audron: Severus has been known to knife a motherfucker in his time (art 48)
@thegreatsnapescape: car salesman: *slaps Snape* (meme 1)
@potions-and-potters: Turn against the dark lord (meme 2)
@snapedefense: no (meme 3)
@ktnissevurdeen (@lvnderbrown) : What do you do? (meme 4)
@hharringtcns: B e c a u s e   h e    i s    w o r t h    i  t.  (meme 5)
@snapeseverus: Updog (meme 6)
@uchuu-nosuri: This is canon, right? (meme 7)
@1800areyousnappin: Snape flirting (meme 8)
@a-snarling-slytherin: swaying Snape around in the air (shitpost 1)
@snapedefense, @pessimistichogwarts: How Snape Haters Think The HP Books Were Written (shitpost 2)
@buffspiderman: you must join the festivities, Severus (shitpost 3)
@potions-and-potters: Severus I’m still missing your photo for this year’s faculty newsletter (shitpost 4)
@severusdefender:  Level with me (shitpost 5)
@doodlebat:  When you find bargain priced Dark Mark tattoos (shitpost 6)
@deathdaydungeon, @astronema-princess-of-all-evil, @xxtheforgottenonexx, @mollymcgiftens, @a-snarling-slytherin: Stage (shitpost 7)
@dungeonsblues: Is Sev a good dancer?  (shitpost 8)
@lifeofapottedplant: No foolish wand waving (shitpost 9)
@thegreatsnapescape: Every time I see this comic (shitpost 10)
@thegreatsnapescape: Expectdough patronyum (shitpost 11)
@snapeseverus: Those cunning folk (shitpost 12)
@mysnarkyslytherinsecret: Snape is walking across the Great Hall (shitpost 13)
@supiprimi, @severace-snape, @bayneko, @askfordoodles, @justdrarryme, @pandas-cant-fly-ks, @thepurplewombat, @cannithebear: Ridiculously overpowered
Conspiracy theory
@tetragon4: The Headmaster Snape Conspiracy (conspiracy theory 1)
@we-built-the-shadows-here, @dungeonsblues: Ruthless Dumbledore (conspiracy theory 2)
@severit, @prosnapeblogging, @potteryet, @thegreatsnapescape: All up in their faces (conspiracy theory 3)
@thoughtsaboutsnape: Severus marries the whomping willow (conspiracy theory 4)
@severus-snape-fans394, @snapeingturtle, @snapedefense: 3 lives saved (conspiracy theory 5)
@snapeingturtle: Gay deer (conspiracy theory 6)
@snapedefense, @snapeingturtle: the incredible cellist (peace 1)
@snictionary: incel (peace 2)
@supiprimi: The saga of snevor (peace 3)
@aworldofgrey, @sevi-seviyorum, @onecolorgirl, @wormwoodandasphodel, @thepotionsmasterwife, @librarydaze, @mollymcgiftens, @saltyqrow: Sounds more intimate (peace 4)
@snalendar-snofficial, @snictionary, @severus-snape-apreciation-blog, @madfantasy, @elenianz, @thegreatsnapescape, @agalemnon, @suffer-my-displeasure, @elfarock-art, @run-and-hide21, @lcsslr, @justyouraverageshittyblogger, @captainhellaradsart, @banana-ge-ge: The Snalendar 2019 (peace 5)
@thesnapewecandreamof: Hiding from Madam Pomfrey (headcanon 1)
@thoughtsaboutsnape: Severus’ patronus wasn’t a doe. It was dough. (headcanon 2)
@sxvxrxssnape: facts (headcanon 3)
@severussnapeimagines: Snape being human (headcanon 4)
@deathdaydungeon: Snape’s greasy hair (headcanon 5)
@snapped-snape: Hot take (headcanon 6)
@thoughtsaboutsnape: Swole Snape (headcanon 7)
@deathdaydungeon, @thoughtsaboutsnape: Sev’ socks (headcanon 8)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Is this the DADA Classroom? (headcanon 9)
@RainFireSnowEarth: #145 - Daily Snamione (headcanon 10)
@RainFireSnowEarth: #157 - Daily Snamione  (headcanon 11)
@thesnapewecandreamof: Missing (headcanon 12)
@snapeingturtle: A little sneadcanon (headcanon 13)
@prosnapeblogging: Snape’s ears (headcanon 14)
@thesnapewecandreamof, @deathdaydungeon, @raptured-night, @somuchanxietysolittletime:  I Have a Question (headcanon 15)
@sevi-seviyorum, @severusdefender:  Snape moves to Vegas
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