#severus x reader slowburn
fallingfor-fics · 9 months
Teachers Pet- Chapter 72: Your Power
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Warnings: none
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I woke up to the feeling of Severus getting up for work. He apparated me to the school after he got ready, tucking me into the bed in his private quarters, insisting I rest one more day before returning to school. It was also early and he wasn't going to leave me alone at his house and figured I better come back at some time. I slept a few more hours waking up to the sound of Severus teaching in his room, yelling at some first years I'm sure. Looking at the clock I guessed it was second period. I laughed to myself before sitting up slowly, yawning and pushing back my hair. I slowly stood hearing my joints pop as I moved towards my suitcases, shrinking them I put on my robes, tucking the small cases in my pockets and putting on my slippers. I sighed and tried apparating back to my dorm, I opened my eyes but was still in Snapes bedroom.  I frowned, exhausted and not having much energy at the moment. I realized something though, Severus probably knows all that. 
"I swear if he trapped me in here-" I muttered before grabbing my wand. I closed my eyes and focused, mustering up as much energy as I could although I felt incredibly drained. I muttered a spell to let me get past any spells Severus might have used, he probably shouldnt have taught me that one but, he was worried. Feeling the familiar waves of nausea, I popped back into my bedroom. There was no one there because of classes, so I used the time to put away my things, just waving my wand around to put things away. I got into the shower, watching as red water washed down the drain from the dried blood on my back and waist. Zoning out as I scrubbed over the scars on my body. They were still healing, red and sore. I didnt dwell on it too much. Hurrying with the rest of my routine. I finished up, getting dressed and doing some light makeup. I felt tired, but I'd already missed a day of school, and I had enough energy to go to at least half of my classes. I sighed as I checked the time, lunch was just about to end so I decided to just wait and catch Draco on his way to potions. Realizing I wasn't sure how Harry was, or if Draco even knew of what happened over vacation.
Making my way down the halls, I saw the tall blonde boy walking down through the dungeons. I quickly walked over to him tapping on his shoulder with a smile, "Hey!" I said excitedly, he turned to face me and had a tired look on his face, dark circles beneath his eyes, a bruise surely spread across his cheek, with pale skin and messy hair, "What's wrong? What happened to your face?" I asked quickly shifting to a concerned look. "Did your dad do that? Is it about Harry? I know that was scary but he's ok-" he just shook his head, "It's not Harry okay? I don't want to talk about it." he wouldn't even look me in the eyes and just kept walking to class. I just nodded as I followed him there, walking in with him. I figured Severus had not realized I wasn't in his room since he was busy catching up on work and assumed I would be sleeping all day. I followed Draco in, him walking fast ahead. I noticed Severus was facing away from us, writing something on the chalkboard. I noticed a strange thing when I walked in, as soon as I stepped in the room, he stopped and turned. He made eye contact with me, giving me a glance over and then looking away and back to what he was writing. It was subtle, but it was like he sensed I'd come in and tried his best to ignore my presence. I went and sat with Draco. Watching him look down like a zombie, still and tired. Not even present.
I heard the sound of the bell and looked up at the front, Severus was setting down the chalk and watching the last few scrambling students take their seats. He looked over at me and I could tell by the look he gave me. He wasn't happy I was up walking around already. I noticed he glanced over at Draco, and the boy was looking back at him, slowly looking away again and Severus just had a look of concern and sympathy. I furrowed my brows at the exchange and watched as Severus cleared his throat and waved his hand, shutting the door.
"I apologize for my absence yesterday," he paused, glancing at me for a moment before continuing "read these chapters and answer these questions." was all Snape said, pointing to the board, "Turn it in at the end of class." he added in his deep velvety voice, walking over to his desk and sitting down scribbling away. Draco didn't speak all class, I finished before him unlike normal, he was so distracted. I looked at Severus and he was still hunched over writing. I pushed my paper over to Draco so he could see my answers. He looked over and relaxed his shoulders, copying what I had written. Class was quiet and bare. No one chatted in here out of fear of our Professor. The bell rang soon and all the kids flooded out. Draco took off, not even stopping to wait for me. I got up and walked out without a glance in Severus' direction, figuring I'd talk to him tonight.
My plans were tarnished when I realized Severus wasn't at dinner, nor was he in his room after. I didn't want to look weird consistently checking on him, so after noticing his absences twice I stuck around in my room. Doing some homework I had and then reading a book, which I still had yet to get around to finishing. I checked my clock and it was around midnight almost two. Everyone in my room was sleeping and so was the rest of the school I assumed. Stepping onto the cold floors I got up and put my robes on over my silk nightgown, putting on my slippers and grabbing my wand. I couldn't help but let myself get carried away worrying about Severus. I knew he was probably fine, but I wanted to talk to him about this morning and class, and I hadn't seen him since. I thought for a moment about which teacher would be on duty, knowing it wasnt Severus. I couldn't think of whose night it was so I just shrugged it off, figuring I would be hiding from them anyways.
Tiptoeing out of the room, through the common room, I made my way into the hall. Not seeing any lights and grateful his classroom wasn't too far. I made my way slowly and quietly down the hall. Shivering at the cold air that passed me, leaving goosebumps on my skin. I hoped that he was awake if he was still here at all. I heard shuffling and quickly stopped to look around. I heard a few steps and voices and moved to the shadows, waving my wand and camouflaging with the wall. I saw a soft glow coming from around the corner and heard two muttering voices. "Yes Minerva I assure you there isn't anything to worry about for the time being." I heard the familiar deep voice whisper and I tensed up, backing up to the wall. "I just dont think Albus is fit to be juggling so much right now." I heard the older Professor quarrel. I furrowed my brows at her comment and watched as they came into view. "Albus knows his limits." Severus commented in his usual annoyed tone, they stopped only five feet from me, "But should he need assistance, or something were to change-" I saw Severus look in my general direction glancing over the area and I internally panicked, even though I was surely not visible, it really felt like he was looking me in the eyes. "I will let you know first if your assistance is needed Minerva, now if you'll excuse me I must get to grading." I watched as he reassured the woman and she nodded, glancing over his stance and walking off. He watched as she walked away, until she was out of sight and her footsteps could no longer be heard.
He stood there for a moment making sure no one else was around, "Come on." he said in a stern tone still, walking to his door and opening it. I took off the spell and hung my head down like a shameful pet as I walked into his room. "Merlin Y/n what the hell were you doing?" he said, setting his things down on his desk rather harshly. "How did you see me?" I whined unfairly. "Because i'm not an amateur." he groaned and I sighed at his tone. Minerva had gone I didn't understand why he was still talking that way. "What do you want?" he asked, walking over to the door to his private quarters.
 "You weren't at dinner." I said remembering the night he'd bugged me with the same statement. "Yes.." he drawled out in annoyance and I rested my hand on my hips and chewed the inside of my cheek. "Is something the matter?" I asked softly and he laughed as I followed him into his room. "I don't know, i've had a long day and I come back to find a student hiding, not very well I might add, outside my door in the middle of the night." I frowned at his disappointment and followed him to his bedroom as he put things away. "I'm sorry but McGonagall didn't see me, ok? That's the whole point of the spell." He hung up his robes and looked down at me, "She's very smart Y/n and I doubt you are so confident, to not make a mistake and expose us!" he quipped and I furrowed my brows at him, I grew annoyed with the way he was speaking to me, and often grew tired of his hot and cold behavior when it came to our relationship being a secret. He noticed the shift in my face and the damper on my eyes, "I just wanted to see you." I stated simply and his own face shifted. Frowning lightly I saw his dark eyes warm up as he took a step back and realized his sharp demeanor. "I apologize." he said softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed and looking forward.
I sat next to him doing the same, "it's okay, you just need to learn to check yourself sometimes. Especially when talking to me. I'm not just any other student when we are alone." He nodded and I took his hand, intertwining our fingers. "How did you get out without me realizing this morning?" he asked and I shook my head, "You mean how did I get through your little trap?" He stayed quiet and I let out a sigh, "I know you just wanted me to stay close by, but you can't literally lock me in your room." I laughed and he nodded, "It was a momentary lapse in judgement." he excused and I just laughed resting my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry about leaving class without talking to you." I added and he just shook his head, "It's alright, it's not like I asked you to stay anyhow." I thought for a moment about the interaction between Draco and him figuring it wouldn't hurt to ask. "What's going on with Draco?" I asked leaning my head back up and looking at him, "Im not sure, but with the spring vacation events, im sure he was left unwell." I shook my head, not believing that to be a good reason. "I think Lucius hit him." I said sadly and Severus didn't hesitate in nodding along, "I wouldn't put it past him." I frowned at the comment. Rubbing my hands over my face. "I can't believe I ever fooled around with him." I mumbled ashamed and Severus just stayed quiet. I looked over at him and could tell he was pouting over my comment.
"Are you jealous Sev?" I asked lightheartedly, staring at his expression. He sat still and turned to look at me, an annoyed look having taken over his face, "No." he drawled out in his deep velvety voice. "Oh come now, its alright if you are." I reassured him and he scoffed, "Im not jealous, and I sure as hell wouldn't be jealous of that man, ever." I read his face, seeing how his brow raised and his jaw tightened. I snaked my hands up over his shoulders, rubbing them slightly, "Awe are you worried about Lucius still having power over me?" I teased, removing my robes and moving up on my knees, standing behind him on the bed, continuing to massage his shoulders. I could feel he was still tense at the question, "No.." he retorted, sinking into my hands and not protesting my actions. "Its sounding a bit like you are.." I continued poking at him and he let out a breath, probably rolling his eyes as well. "Why must you harass me?" he exaggerated and I smiled, stopping my hands, and leaving them on his shoulders as I leaned down by his ear. I whispered gently, "Because I know, that you know, even if he did have power over me, it wouldn't be shit compared to the power that you have." surely breathing hot air on his neck, he tensed up again, raising a brow at the statement and turning to look at me. "Is that so?" he smirked and I bit my lip as I smiled and nodded. "Well in that case.." he spoke as he turned his body to face mine, leaning against the headboard. I straddled his lap and we gazed into each others eyes. He reached up and softly tucked my hair from my face, "I will be using this power often now you know?" he teased and I shrugged, "Oh no its the end of the world!" I mocked, leaning in to kiss him as I giggled. He looked over at the clock and then back at me, "Its almost two Y/n, its already bad enough you are in my private quarters during the day." he stated and I just ignored his comment, running my hands up his chest and around his jaw, kissing him once again. 
Taglist; @lovelyhoneylemon @juliijah @lmao-liz
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fivenightslaughter · 7 months
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Wicked Serpentine (Part 8)
pairing: draco malfoy x femravenclaw!oc (some like george weasley x femravenclaw!oc too)
summary: slowburn enemies to lovers fic, a TON of parts. (continued after ... 3 years..) i'm back lol)
warnings: blood purism, bullying, swearing, descriptive physical danger, violence. Awful Draco
taglist: @gloryekaterina
taglist: let me know if you’re interested in being added!
Roughly a month had gone by, my last real interaction with Malfoy being my first school day in the Great Hall.
Snape had reassigned partners and tables after only the first day, likely due to Harry and Ron’s noise from the first class. I was paired with Hermione, thankfully. She was pleasantly quiet but helpful when she needed to be. My friendship with her had furthered quite a bit, but less so with the boys. I wasn’t actively attempting to befriend Harry after Snape’s hostility.
Flitwick and I hit it off and he quickly became my runner-up favorite teacher, just behind Snape. I frequently stayed behind in his classroom to discuss muggle music and the world as a whole. It was the only part of my day I could get truly lost in.
I’d eventually learned the schedules of Luna and Cho, sitting with them on days they’d be in the dining hall. Rarely was my attention drawn to the blond across the hall on the days he was there, either. He’d been looking rather sick, lately.
Not that I actively tried to look at him.
It just struck me whenever I’d happen to catch his silvery strands in my peripheral. His face looked sunken, his cheeks hollow. Instead of marble, he looked almost grey. It made my heart hurt a little. How could someone look so ghostly, as if he was always floating? It reminded me of a dried volcano, stiff and cold.
His head bobbed up, his eyes meeting mine for the first time since I’d walked off from him a month ago.
“Eris?” A voice snapped me back to the present. It was Hermione. She had said something that I didn’t catch at all.
I looked at her, my mouth slightly parted. Dumbly, I replied, “Huh?”
She gave me a small laugh and stabbed at her food, cocking her head to the side exasperatedly.
“I said, Snape is assigning new partners, something about people falling behind already. I’ll miss the quiet of sitting next to you. Seriously, I will.” She let her shoulders droop sadly, a glimmer of sadness in her eyes.
I heard her teeth slide on the fork as she ate, mildly sullen. I felt bad. I hadn’t even known we were switching partners, I must have been too caught up during potions to hear Snape mention the change.
“Hey, we’ll still eat together. Maybe I’ll kick Ron out of his seat every once in a while.” I joked. Her mood seemed to perk back up a bit at that, nodding.
“That’d be perfect, wouldn’t it, Ron?” She nudged him jokingly.
He whipped his neck to face her, food falling out of his mouth. He was too busy talking to Harry to notice our conversation, so he looked absolutely lost.
“Wha…?” Food tumbled from his mouth. I groaned and Hermione bit her lip in a laugh. The way she looked at him was cute, a twinkle in her eyes lighting as if everything he did was enchanting.
“Nothing, Ronald. Just… Chew your bloody food!” She choked out, noticing the knowing smile I was giving her halfway through her sentence.
He scrunched his nose up, confused and annoyed. He finished, crumbs still dusting his lips.
“Whatever, ‘Mione.” He dismissed, turning back to Harry. They were discussing something Quidditch related.
She exhaled through her nose, rolling her eyes. I watched as she packed her sprawled books and papers into her bag, deep in her thoughts.
Her eyes lit up for a moment and she immediately looked back at me.
“Oh! I almost forgot. We all have lessons but you’re free after this, right? Snape said he’d post a parchment outside his room with the partners. You should check it out.” She beamed.
I paused in thought for a second. Should I go check? I shrugged.
“Yeah, sure. I will.” I saw no harm in making my way to the classroom. I’d gotten a much better hang of the hallways to my classes and the library. The dungeons and the Room of Requirement remained untraveled for now, the map buried in the bottom of my bag. I’d taken it out to mark it up whenever I discovered a new direction or an alternate way to a class.
It was incredibly helpful and I was glad I befriended Hermione. Maybe I could go check out partners and find her later to let her know who she got. I’m sure she’d appreciate knowing beforehand what she was in for.
Satisfied, she dropped her last book in her bag and stood.
“Right, well I’ll see you!” She waved farewell, already taking off from the table. Ron and Harry were still engrossed in their conversation about Quidditch. I tuned in, a name immediately catching my ear.
“Of course we’ll win, Harry. Malfoy’s played like shit lately. Serves him right, bloody bastard.” Ron bragged. Harry nodded in response, noticing my sudden interest in the conversation.
“Eris, you haven’t been to a Quidditch game yet, have you?” He asked, already knowing the answer.
“Ah, no I haven’t.” I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck. I didn’t have an intense interest in sports in the muggle world and wasn’t sure how much more exciting they could be in the wizarding world, so it hadn’t piqued my interest.
Harry’s head leaned against his hand and he seemed to nod slowly for a second before smacking his hands on the table.
“Come to the game today. I’ll ask Hermione to save you a seat.” He mused decidedly. Ron shrugged, agreeing.
“Okay, sure. I’ll come then.” I confirmed.
Glad at my response, he turned his attention back to Ron.
“Ready to go?” He asked him.
They got up and left for their next lesson, which I’m pretty sure was a history class I’d often heard them complain about. I still sat, popping a final piece of food into my mouth. I planned out my route in my head. First to Snape’s, then to the library to study intensively.
It felt like a solid enough plan.
I stood and left the hall, making sure I didn’t leave anything at the table. I made my way to Snape’s classroom. It was a different way than when I’d originally followed Malfoy and I was grateful I didn’t have to relive my cowardice every time I went to Potions in the mornings.
The clock tower chimed while I was walking and people pushed by me as I made my way down the hallways. Some people stood idly and hung out with one another, sitting in window sills or quickly scurrying somewhere.
I watched a class fill into Snape’s classroom and I walked up to the doorway. A small plaque with a scroll of parchment hung on the wall.
There was more, but my heart stuck in my throat. This couldn’t be real. I reread it several times, finally making my way to the bottom.
There was a tiny footnote stating partner changes were not permitted and must remain as written on the parchment. I felt myself shrink. Maybe Snape didn’t know how bad Malfoy would treat me?
I shook my head at the thought. It was quite obvious how poorly he treated everyone. Just because my interactions with him have been few and far between doesn’t mean he didn’t endlessly snip at other people.
In fact, the only times I ever heard his voice was when he was chastising Harry or Hermione, or making a comment about how Ron lives in squalor. It was unpleasant but at the very least I could be glad it wasn’t directed towards me.
I dreaded this partnership, but at least now I’d read the list like I said I would. Later, I’d be able to tell Hermione and the boys who they’d been partnered with.
I took off to the library, my mind spinning. I accidentally bumped into someone in the hallway and his hands shot out to steady my shoulders before I could fall to the ground. I recognized him as Malfoy’s original partner in Potions.
He eyed me up and down, removing his hands once I was steady. I vaguely recalled Ron calling him Zabini.
“Be careful. Never know who you’ll run into in these halls. You’re lucky it was me.” He spoke smugly, clearly a bit vain.
I raised an eyebrow at him, nodding.
“Yeah, I’ll be more careful.” I replied. I started to walk off when he spoke, tucking his hands in his pockets.
“Fuckin’ better be.” Was all he said as he continued to walk as well.
It unsettled me in the weird way that Slytherins were good at. A switch seemed glued to their emotions, fully able to flip at any time. It was startling. A chill eased down my spine and I hurried toward the library, no longer taking my time as I had before.
Finally arriving a bit breathless, I entered the space that had become most familiar to me over the last month. Giving a nod in Madam Pince’s direction, she gave me a puckered and stiff smile.
She was an intolerable vulture that only cared for her books, but I’d come to be in her relatively good graces. With my quiet presence and care for the texts, I was often the only one in the library with her. In her own way, I think she kind of liked me there.
Tucking into my usual space behind a few large bookshelves, I pulled a lesson book out of my school bag, along with a parchment and quill. We had just gone over a new spell in Flitwick’s class and I was determined to study it down to every flick of the wand.
A seat pulled out beside me and a book dropped down onto the table just loud enough for me to wince. I glanced over. It was “Libatius Borage’s ADVANCED POTION MAKING” book. I recognized it from my class with Snape.
I watched black robes swish down into the seat beside me, defeated looking. My surprise was immeasurable when I met empty, silvery eyes and messy moonbeam-colored hair. I couldn’t stifle a tiny gasp that slipped from my lips.
He leaned his head back against the top of the chair, remaining in quiet for what felt like a couple minutes as I dumbfoundedly stared at him. Seeming to find his resolve, he sat up. He leaned forward towards the table and didn’t meet my eyes again.
“Snape reassigned everyone because of me.” He stated. He was looking straight ahead, his eyes travelling up the spines of books in front of the table we were at. It felt wrong hearing a real sentence from him, especially one that wasn’t littered with insults.
“He thinks I’m fucking falling behind.” He was the second Slytherin I’d heard swear today, but his anger didn't quite reach his eyes. I watched a stray strand of hair fall from his slicked back ones, lightly resting on his forehead. He looked hopelessly disheveled the longer I looked at him.
My eyebrows knit together with concern.
“Are you okay, Draco?” I tried to be genuine, my voice soft and low. I barely breathed it and regretted it the second I said it as he flipped to face me. His lips were pressed in a tight line, chapped and pale.
“Don’t you dare call me by my first name, mudblood.” He snapped.
I felt my body tense up and my blood run cold at the tone he used. I desperately fought the water that immediately welled up in my eyes, coaching myself to just breathe carefully. I hoped he couldn’t tell how pathetic he made me feel. I just wanted to move on, now.
I decided that if he didn’t want my help, that he didn’t need it. There was nothing I could do to help him, and talking clearly wouldn’t solve anything. I wasn’t going to give him power over me, so I did the only thing I could think of.
I went on as normal. I focused back on the book for Flitwick’s, pulling my wand from my bag and placing it on the desk. Flitwick had even written a couple notes for me himself, explaining things in a better way the book could.
I had spoken to him about Scourgify, mentioning how Cho had done it and it was something I wanted to learn. He included notes about how to perform it, but I kept failing without a physical example of how to cast it.
All I had in my head was the memory of Cho, which I’d been too in shock from Malfoy’s prank to fully grasp the technique of. I had been trying to practice on dirty spoons I’d snagged from the Great Hall. I kept one wrapped in a fabric napkin and tucked into my bag, switching the spoon out for a different one each time I went to eat.
Ignoring the blond sitting next to me, I pulled the spoon out and placed it on the table in front of me. I unraveled it and there it was, just a gross spoon.
Taking a deep breath, I picked up my wand and reread Flitwick’s notes, as well as the pages in the textbook. Holding a book in one hand and my wand in the other steadily, I focused on the spoon.
“Scourgify.” I half whispered, trying to work with the tiny bit of light that sparked on my wand. I could never get farther than just a tiny emittance from my wand. It had been weeks and I still struggled to get it. It was clear from my frustration that this wasn’t the first time.
I heard a scoff from my side. I realized a set of steely eyes had focused on what I was doing as if I were some kind of entertainment. I ignored him, trying it again. And again.
I had attempted Scourgify on the spoon a good four times before he shot up out of his chair, blatantly annoyed.
“You’re literally doing everything wrong.” He muttered crossly.
I heaved a sigh, dropping my book to the table. I turned to put my wand away in my bag but he stopped me. He stood behind my chair, leaning over my shoulder. Mint and cologne overpowered my senses as he corrected me sourly.
“No, just… Merlin, you have to-” he grabbed my wrist and pointed towards the spoon, swishing my hand in a sort of ‘S’ shape. “Swish it, like this. Say it. Now.” He instructed rudely, guiding my hand to motion correctly. His cold, silver ring made me clench my wand as tightly as the night I’d got it.
“Scourgify.” I spoke boldly, jumping a slight bit as the grime left the spoon in an immediate little spark. I swallowed loudly, a disbelieving laugh bubbling softly through my lips. I turned my face to thank him before my mind could reject the idea.
However, when I turned, he had simply gone. I guess I was a bit glad he had disappeared, otherwise I would have proved his point by thanking him. Stroked his ego, probably.
I turned back to my book, writing down what I had just learned. I felt so excited and accomplished that I’d pushed away how weird that situation really was.
Did he really just grab my wrist like that? Why did he never seem to have a grasp on personal space? I tried to move on, finding the dustiest book I could find to try the spell again.
Much to my disappointment when, just as before, trying the spell only made my wand fizzle slightly.
Disappointed, I slumped down into my seat. I spent the next half hour trying to focus on Potions instead, opting to note things I noticed during class. Such as the physical traits of ingredients I was confused by.
Out of my peripheral, I noticed a light-blond head duck quietly from between some shelves, past me, and out of the library doors.
There was a book on the opposite end of the table that wasn’t there before.
I stood and walked over, picking it up. I flicked through it and much to my surprise, it was a Charms book. It was filled with neatly scribbled notes in the margins, shapes and arrows showing how to cast some simple charms I knew would get covered this year.
Some of the ink was slightly smeared a tiny bit, clearly brand new. Whereas other notes in it were old and the ink slightly faded.
Flipping to the very back cover, I read
‘If lost, return to Draco L. Malfoy’
in the same handwriting as the notes throughout, slightly faded.
What the hell?
A piece of parchment slipped from between some of the pages into my lap.
“You’re dense. Read my notes and maybe you won’t look so ridiculous.” It read.
That made much more sense. I guess I'll just... Study this all, then.
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ay0nha · 2 years
Newton's Laws of Potion  | Severus Snape
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Thank you anon for the request!
Pairing: Severus Snape x femme!reader (Ravenclaw)
Word Count: ~1.5K
Warnings: Not movie/book timeline accurate, slowburn, touch-starved Snape of sorts, etc. Unrelated title that I pulled out of my ass
A/N: I’ve strayed slightly from the original request, but I’ve officially done it lmaoooo...it’s on the shorter side, but this was a fun brain break to write. Might have to do a part two yule ball sm sm, but no promises. Enjoy and thank you for the encouragement! Especially @sempervenefica :))
Also if you have a better title name, lmk (my default is puns because I love them)
Her unrefinement showed in her teaching methods which only aided in how she got under Severus' skin with little effort.  Most new hires he wasn't fond of, but her, she created her own, distinct category of bothersome.  There was always a problem she presented him with a solution at the ready. It was all a ploy to remind Severus what she thought of him, something he never asked for, let alone desired.
Severus watched her polished finger move from left to right across the paper, repeating the recipe of the potion as if he hadn't come up with it himself, "...Here, this is where I'm confused..."
Reading it back himself, he saw how she questioned his key ingredient. The very thing that took him too long to discover. He earned his title rightfully and the muggle-born witch thought otherwise.
Only continuing to add to the onset headache he felt, she said, "By adding the live element of the plant, you leave too much room for error on part of the students."
"Good," He bit lightly, "It'll weed out the true talent."
"They are getting confused and with this," She presented yet again her premade solution, "It's the exact same outcome without your repercussions."
"You're creating a primitive potion."
"An age-appropriate one," She countered.
Rarely did she back down from his scowl. It became easier once she began tutoring the children that sought out her help, too afraid to approach the Slytherin. Rather, the Ravenclaw would use her personal time to make sure every student demonstrated the skills needed in order to face Snape yet again.
"Do you question my teaching methods?"
His eyes scanned her for honesty, eyes landed on the various patterns of ink that were collected on her skin. He realized now he'd never been able to make each image out as clearly as he could now.  Her appearance now reflected how most thought of her when she was first introduced by Dumbledore a handful of months prior; callous, harsh, and adversarial. Soon enough, the stigma around her ink-littered skin broke due to her true demeanor which showed nothing but warmth and virtue.
Severus wanted to be disappointed, but vexation filled him instead. Especially since his eyes lingered on the art that spread across the top of her chest, just below her collar bones that reflected a snake being tormented by an eagle.
How fitting, he thought.
"I never posed a question."
Severus paused for a moment, running through their conversation quickly, then posing a question of his own to cover his blunder, "Then what do you propose as a solution?"
The knock came before her question as she peered into Snape's office, "Now a bad time?"
Severus held his time alone dearly. It was the moment for reflection and for contemplation and making different concoctions was like his version of mediation. It was a safe haven that he rarely, if ever, shared with others.
Yet, as if knowing this, she entered after hearing silence as his response. She already went into talking, like she always had. She rambled on about something he hardly listened to as he continued on, but he stopped when he finally decided to glance up at her.
In her arms, she held various items all of which were clearly newly bought. There were vines hanging down to her waist while she balanced the spiced and dried goods. It was as if she'd come bearing gifts for him. He was quick to move and catch something that teetered on her forearm.  
"Where did you find this?" He tried to hold back how impressed he was once he read the label of the opaque bottle. It was an expensive item, one that many would begrudgingly give away.
"Mr. Mulpepper's."
"That is a dark place." He frowned at the thought of her wandering Knockturn Alley. No doubt, she could protect herself, but she seemed to gravitate towards the mischief.
"They speak very highly of you there."
He hummed as he began to roll up his sleeves in preparation. It wasn't the first time Severus had heard or been told she spoke about him. His students were the first to whisper about it, wondering about the nature of the relationship besides the professional one they required all due to the rumors she spread.
They were kind comments, nothing explicit. She talked of his intelligence, but also his ridiculousness. It aided in humoring the students, but as the handful of weeks went on it became a usual conversation topic. It made Snape's skin prick.
Severus was methodical in the way he finely chopped each plant she had to offer, his earlier concoction entirely forgotten and put aside. He could make out now which potion she was attempting to amend. He wanted to replicate her idea to see how it worked for himself, but there was no seed of doubt.
She was the reason for the improvement in his classroom. There was less time spent on silent stares after he posed a question and actual answers, suggestions, and solutions. Her cleverness reflected her intelligence, but it made Snape feel as though she'd be better off suited next to him and his fellow Slytherins. But having her close like she was now was enough for him to realize that desire was purely selfish.
"This potion does not require you to stand so close," Snape's voice was low, betraying how it had actually felt to have company other than students.
"I'm simply observing."
Her stance was firm, peering over his shoulder and watching just how delicate he was with his movements.
"You don't need a book?" The question was rhetorical in a sense as she asked it. It was just a way to acknowledge how awestruck she was by his fluidness.
His responses were always simple, but they became more frequent which she valued. Although she wasn't sure if they could consider each other friends, she accepted the unorthodox progress they'd made. She never shied away from him, even at the start, but the progress helped her bold statements stick and her actions more spirited.
"May I?" She reached over another question that held no respect for a response.
Severus went to protest, but when he felt her fingers on his own take hold of the mortar and pestle, his words got caught in his throat. The world of witchcraft and wizardry was something Severus well understood, he needed to in order to exist and exceed within it. However, the feeling that traveled like a spark from his fingers to the pit in his chest couldn't be explained by the world around them.
"I heard you were chaperoning the Yule Ball," She started tentatively, hoping the two could carry a conversation longer than a few seconds.
He watched her every movement. He wanted to step in, and take over again as her eyes were on his as she measured by feeling. But as he was further learning she had an innate ability to pick things up. Just the other day Severus saw how the students invited her to a practice of quidditch and he noticed how it seemed like she was letting them win.
After a few rounds, though, students grew more confident and bold in their game, making her balance questionable. He told himself he wouldn't interfere, but it started to look dangerous. With the slight help of a spell he whispered, she hadn't landed as harshly as she was supposed to.
"I am as well," She gave him a soft smile that caused a quick swirl to appear in his chest, but it faded just as quickly when she added, "Lockhart invited me, told me how it's pointless to go without company.”
"You'd be better off going alone." It came out as a criticism, but it was meant as cordial advice.
Finally, though, he was able to hear her laugh directly. It was fleeting, more like a quick breath out the nose, but it was a laugh. His eyes broke from her tattoo covered hands to her face to see if there would be a remark otherwise.
"He's not all bad now, is he?" She joked lightly, the potion finally resembling a color the two recognized as correct, "He means well most of the time."
"I believe you are too kind to him."
"Perhaps." She mulled over the thought. She wasn't unfamiliar with the comment, it was one that followed her most of her life and offered her the most consequences.
However, Severus wasn't one to withhold his opinion. It was usually one that held validity.  Meaning now, as she poured the mixture into the small glasses she'd set aside, it was something she'd take into consideration.  
As expected, there was just enough for the two professors that collaborated to make it. She wafted the scent, making sure it was adequate enough to ingest. Severus was still taking a moment to catch up to how quickly the blend had been made and now left only one option before him.
"Come on, then," She instructed as she held the dark compound for him to accept, "You're going to have to learn to trust me at some point."
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riddle means misery | part 7.
Summary: Y/N Riddle. Not much more has to be said. Everyone hates her. She’s evil... she has to be.
Warnings for the Series: 18+, this series is dark. Manipulation, dubcon verging on noncon, abuse of power, violence, ed mentions, death, blood
Pairing: Bill Weasley x black!reader (semi-slowburn)
Word Count: 3.7k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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You stayed outside until your face felt frozen. Gently folding up the blanket, you walked back inside. Your room was the same as last time and your classroom looked as sterile as ever. You didn’t really know what you were supposed to be doing. House arrest came with no instructions. You figured you could work on all your potions research. There wasn’t really anything else you could do. You moved all your work from your room to your classroom to have proper separation. Every now and then people walked past your classroom to get to where they needed to go. 
They couldn’t help but stare at what you were doing. It started with you cleaning everything. Then you ripped all the curtains from the windows. You went to organize your journals on a shelf. And then sloshed several buckets of water into the classroom to clean the windows… the part you could reach. Even with your wand, you weren’t sure if the dementor effects had worn off. 
Wingdarium Leviosa was a spell you could do but you didn’t feel confident in it. Pausing your window cleaning, you moved to scratch a tally into the wood by the window. A knock on the threshold of the classroom door made you turn. Remus scratched the back of his head. 
“You missed lunch.” His words came out measured. “And dinner… The elves made you a plate.”
He set down the food on the nearest table before darting out the door. You took the plate with great care and walked back to your room since it was so late. While you missed lunch and dinner, you made sure to make it to breakfast in the morning. You stood in front of Severus’ spot with your journal, opening it to a specific page. 
“Where are your shoes?” Was the only thing Severus could ask. 
You looked down at your feet for a moment. They took all your stuff in Azkaban which included your shoes. You often forgot to put them on nowadays when getting ready in the morning. 
“We don’t get them in prison… I made improvements to the wolfsbane. Here, it should be more stable.” You carefully started to tear the page out of your journal. 
“You made the wolfsbane?” Remus asked. 
Nodding, you handed the page to Remus instead. You took a piece of toast and walked off. You were sitting at your desk and writing when you heard the door open. Looking up, you quickly gathered yourself when you saw Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, and Colin Creevey all sharing one desk despite the fact that it only sat two students. Ginny opened her schoolbooks. 
“I made them come with me. Flitwick’s class is very crowded anyway.” 
“You want me to teach you?” 
“Are you good at Charms?” 
“I do alright. I’m better at potions.” 
“Is it true you invented wolfsbane?” Luna asked. “Professor Lupin couldn’t stop talking about it.” 
“Are you really a squib?!” Colin Creevey blurted out. 
You nodded. The three of them listened with fascination as you explained the limits of your magic. You looked over at the clock on the wall. 
“You three should go back to Professor Flitwick. I can’t teach you charms practically.” 
Ginny shrugged. “We’ll go back tomorrow… Can you teach us how to make wolfsbane?”
With wide eyes, you nodded like a bobble-head and jumped up from where you were seated on top of your desk to get out a cauldron. Ginny, Luna, and Colin were your only students for the day but you felt something from them just showing up. You weren’t actually sure what the feeling was but it wasn’t sadness, fear, or anger so it must have been good. 
That feeling stayed with you through winter break when everyone left but you. They were all watching the trials at home but you weren’t. You didn’t see the need to. The strange not-bad feeling didn’t last forever. Voldemort was found guilty like you knew he would be. But that meant it was your turn. Mad-Eye Moody showed up to collect you for your trial. 
The Burrow was packed to capacity. The Weasleys imagined it was probably the same for every household. It wasn’t just because they were hosting everyone for Christmas. Christmas was almost forgotten because of the Riddle trial. Sure, the Voldemort trials had been interesting. The members of the Order had all been called in to testify on more than one occasion. But nothing was comparing to the buzz about Y/N’s case. So all of the Lupins’ friends and family were crowded in the living room, eyes focused on the television. 
You didn’t see anyone else as you walked back into the somewhat familiar courtroom. Amelia looked at where you were seated. She sighed heavily at noticing your eyes flit to every Auror in the room with lots of nervousness. It didn’t take much for her to be swayed to your favor. 
“Ms. Riddle, we are going to get started, okay? The entire Ministry has decided to assess the verdict based on long-term evidence. We will be starting from your arrival at Hogwarts. Your younger memories have already been witnessed through You-Know-Who’s trial. Do you understand?”
“I do.”
“Would you like to provide your own memories from pre-Hogwarts?”
You shook your head. 
“Then we’ll get started in a few minutes. Please prepare the pensieve. Yes, Ms. Riddle?”
“Is this being broadcasted?”
“I-I— There are things kids shouldn’t see.” 
“N-Noted. A charm will be put on the pensieve to protect underage wizards from viewing certain memories no matter what they are watching on.”
You nodded and sat back in the chair. Amelia swallowed a lump in her throat. What could possibly be shown that would warrant prohibiting underage wizards from viewing parts of the trial? The pensieve was rolled out to be set up right next to you. A long trial meant that memories weren’t extracted one by one— the process would take too long. You were instructed to put your hand into the pensieve and simply close your eyes. It was cold and didn’t quite feel like liquid. Everyone waited for the beginning of your memories to be found: 
Eleven year old you was walking through Diagon Alley with Malfoy Senior and Lucius. Lucius was bored, having done everything before. You were excited, unaware of the troubles you were soon going to have. Aside from the Dark Arts lessons, you had a very happy childhood. Tom Riddle as a caring parent wasn’t something people expected but it was true. You were his only child and heir to the evil throne. He did everything with you if it was possible. Diagon Alley wasn’t one of those possibilities. He gave you a hug, some pocket money, and sent you on your way with the Malfoys. 
You stepped into Ollivanders. The old man sneered before quickly composing himself to greet you. You tried seven wands before finding the proper one. The day was a success. The last stop was the Magical Menagerie. Malfoy Senior browsed with Lucius for two owls— one for you and one because their family owl had just passed. You were preoccupied with the cats and a niffler. You held out your last galleon and the little thing snatched it out of your hands. It made you giggle. The niffler finally allowed you to scratch its head and pick it up. 
“Miss Riddle, let’s go,” Malfoy Senior said. “Here’s your owl.” 
You held up the niffler. “Can’t we get him instead of an owl?”
Lucius laughed. “How are you going to send letters? You can’t have two pets at Hogwarts.” 
“I’ll just use yours.”
“And when I graduate?”
“Then I won’t send any letters.” 
Malfoy Senior shook his head. “Your father requested this… And Nifflers aren’t on the pre-approved list of pets.” 
You sighed and set the creature back down. Taking the owl cage from Malfoy Senior, you waved goodbye to the niffler and left the pet shop. You didn’t stop thinking about the niffler until you got to school.
The entire student body was silent when McGonagall called your name. You had sat with Lucius and his friends on the train ride to the castle so no one knew you were there. You stepped up to the stool with a large hat on it. The Sorting Hat was already making comments about knowing exactly where to put you but fell silent the moment it was on your head. Your legs swung back and forth as you waited. Everyone’s jaw dropped when the Hat yelled out the word Gryffindor instead of Slytherin. You walked to your new table, noticing how everyone moved away from you. 
You expected the howler when you arrived at the owlery the next morning. But it wasn’t yelling. Your father’s cheery voice came through the letter. 
“Congratulations! I am so proud of you. Of course, not being Slytherin is a shock. The heir of Slytherin not in Slytherin, the joke writes itself. But Gryffindor is a proud house. An idiot house but a proud house. Brave and courageous. Values you’ll need to rule. I will write to you later, I have a surprise in the castle for you. Send your letters by your owl only.” 
You were a happy and healthy child the first month of Hogwarts. You didn’t have any friends on your own but Lucius had introduced the Death Eater posse to you and his own friends. The group of you were sitting in the stands of the quidditch pitch for the game. Your face scrunched up when they finally started sharing their views on muggleborns and muggles. Not wanting to be with them anymore, you stood up to leave saying you weren’t feeling well. You were about halfway out of the stands when a rogue bludger hit you in the back. Without any padding on, you hit the ground hard. The only thing you could hear before passing out was lots of laughter. 
That accident was the start of the bullying. You didn’t seem so scary after passing out from the bludger. At first it was just words under people’s breath and lots of laughter. Then, a fifth year Hufflepuff student’s older brother was killed by your father. You were running down all the stairs in the castle with the fifth year student right on your heels. 
“I’m gonna kill you, Riddle!” His shouts garnered attention from other students in their classes. 
You were dodging spells, not managing to miss the last spell which caused you to go flying down the stairs. You scrambled to get back to your feet before the staircase moved and you died by falling several feet. Lucius’ class was one of the classrooms that heard the noise and came out. He watched you jump to the next set of stairs before the staircase fully stopped and kept running. Lucius pulled out his wand. 
“Dueling a first year who doesn’t know any spells. That’s beneath you, isn’t it, Cromwell?” 
You didn’t see the duel. You ran all the way to the bathroom on the second floor. 
Because they were witnessing your memories, everyone from the Ministry to the people watching at home could understand the parseltongue you were speaking. They watched the bathroom sinks open and you darted inside, finally able to take a breath. You turned to look at where you were. 
“Woah,” you whispered as you kept walking. 
Your father’s letter could only explain so much. The Chamber of Secrets was massive. You briefly froze up when you heard the slithering of a very large snake. You didn’t know how big a basilisk was but the sound indicated it was massive. You were right. A snake larger than you could have imagined looked you in the eyes. You could have walked right into its mouth and there would still be space. The snake stopped about two feet in front of you. Bound by the bloodline of the wizard that hatched the basilisk egg, all relatives could look their family’s basilisk in the eye without meeting death. 
“You’re my new master? It hasn’t been a girl for three generations. I liked the last woman, she always brought fish.” 
“I’ll bring you fish.”
The snake nodded. “I think I will like you, Little Slytherin.” 
You left with a promise to come back eventually. You sat on the grass in one of the courtyards, looking at your textbook. 
“Wingardium Leviosa.” You watched the crow feather float up. 
With a smile, you made a check mark near the spell name on your scroll. Putting the crow feather back in your bag, you moved onto the next one. 
“Lumos… Lumos!” The wand lit up. 
“Perfect. Nox… Nox, Nox!” Nothing. “Nox.” 
The light was still on your wand. You shook your wand as hard as possible until the light went out from the force alone. Picking up your quill, you made an ‘X’ by Nox. You were trying to figure out which spells you could and couldn’t do as a squib. At least you could do Lumos. That was arguably more important than Nox.
You were about to go to the next spell when you were knocked into the tree you were sitting against. Vines wrapped around your body. You watched a group of students walk towards you. Jinxes and hexes were thrown left and right. You had stopped screaming for help by the time they walked away. You just sat there feeling defeated. 
James Potter walked into the courtyard and you sprung to life again asking for help. James came closer, laughing at the vines still wrapped around you. He crouched down and rifled through your school bag. James looked around to see his wand by his foot. 
“You can’t get out?” 
“No, please help me.” 
A chuckle came from the boy in front of you. “That’s tough. I like this bag, you can keep all your stuff.” 
James dumped all your stuff out of your bag and walked off. A glimmer of hope ran through you when he came back. He kicked your wand towards you and left again. You could hear him say how pathetic you were as he walked away for good this time.
The Ministry wasn’t sure why they had any hope that the memories would get better as the years went on. Guilt ran through them. You were just a kid. Whatever they had said or thought was very different when they saw a tiny eleven year old you. But the memories never improved. They got worse and worse as you got older. You hid in the Dark Forest a lot. Life had to be bad if a child found the Dark Forest more comforting. The Ministry did have interest in your brief happy moments of potions research. Everyone gasped at watching you sit up straight after almost being smothered by a pillow. 
McGonagall cast her eyes down before going into the Burrow’s kitchen to get a drink. She didn’t believe you when you had shown up at her door that night. She remembered that she was so disgusted by your presence that she honestly didn’t pay attention to what you said. You could’ve said you pushed someone out a tower and she still would’ve sent you back to your room because she was determined to not listen. 
Amelia Bones got the unfortunate answer to what memories would possibly need an enchantment on them to prevent underage wizards from seeing them when you walked into Three Broomsticks. The Marauders felt their chests get heavy as they watched the four of them take you from behind. James sniffled, blowing his nose into a tissue. 
“That was her first time. We made that her first time.” 
The children of the Burrow couldn’t see what was happening on the tv screen but some of them— mainly the ones around Fred and George’s age— could understand what was happening based on James’ words. It became more apparent when the tv screen was made visible to them again and you were in pajamas in the bathroom, crying about what just happened. That was how the rest of the trial looked for the kids— the tv constantly becoming blurry and then visible and back to blurred. 
Remus squirmed in his seat at watching himself shove your head to the floor as he fucked you all because he was angry you had any inkling about him being a werewolf. He had just watched the memory before where you were nice enough to apply the wiggenweld paste on his cuts because he was too tired to do it himself. He looked like the monster he tried so hard not to be viewed as. 
They watched you and Avery in a classroom where you weren’t having sex but where he was jinxing you to no end. They started to assume they got everything wrong when they watched the memory of James tying you up in Peter’s bed instead of the Room of Requirement like was previously established. Of course they couldn’t see it in your memories but Sirius remembered sending Avery into the room to get his notes that day. It couldn’t have been a coincidence that the next day you were in a broom closet with him. 
Remus put his hand on his husband’s knee to stop Sirius from bouncing his leg so hard. He was struggling more than everyone else to watch what was happening. Sirius couldn’t believe his own actions. He had no excuse, not after what he had been through with his own family. He should’ve known better than anyone else. 
“We threw her out as a punishment for being assaulted.”
Everyone was uncomfortable at seeing the room you made in the Chamber of Secrets. Was your stuff still down there? You didn’t take any of it with you when you left for America. They watched you switch houses a lot. 
They looked on in horror at seeing the inside of Azkaban for the first time. Even with his brief career as an Auror, James had never been put on duty at Azkaban. It was uncomfortably dark. There was no bed, no chair, no blanket. Nothing. You scrambled up against the bars, clutching them with all your might as you screamed for someone to let you out.  
You broke off a bit of the charcoal tray that your food came on and hid it in the corner of your room. A shaky hand made a tally mark. It had been a year. You ran out of charcoal to mark your tallys yesterday and had to wait until morning when they brought breakfast. 
You only got a shitty breakfast for the entire day, and that was how you knew. Like you had been doing after every breakfast since arriving at the prison, you screamed that you were innocent and for someone to let you out. Heavy boots entered your field of vision. You shuffled back a bit at seeing the red uniform of the Aurors. 
“Will you shut up?” An Auror said as she pulled out her wand. “All that fucking screaming does my head in.” 
You immediately got quiet, staring at the wand. The screaming turned into babbles as they mocked you. They asked you what you wanted just for the fun of mocking you some more because obviously you weren’t going to be let out like you begged. You started coughing from all the screaming and yelling. 
“Can I have water?” you wheezed out. 
“Hmm, it’s not bedtime yet. Why would we bend the rules for you?” 
“I suppose we could give you some… If you do a little something for me in return.” 
He grabbed your hair through the bars as he unzipped his pants. They came back with water. The Auror poured out half the cup onto the floor before handing you the rest of it. She grabbed your face through the bars when you finished the cup. 
“You can get a lot around here if you know how to ask. Understand that?” 
A new and rather vicious cycle started. The Aurors only ever gave you a fraction of what you asked for. But you got more than one shower a week, extra mush for breakfast and sometimes a dinner, and some water.     
Christmas came around and some Aurors personally delivered your tray. Your eyes went wide when Christmas breakfast of mush came with a roll of brown bread. Water was accompanied with another cup that held butterbeer. Like a feral animal, you scrambled to grab the bread and butterbeer in case it had been a mistake and they didn’t mean to serve it. 
Everyone at home watched in horror as you drank the butterbeer so fast that they thought you would choke while the Aurors were laughing. You cried as you ripped off chunks of the bread and ate it, chewing the same piece until it was void of all flavor and you were forced to swallow it. The Aurors opened your cell. 
“Alright, Riddle, you know the deal. Take off the robe.” 
Most Order members couldn’t look anymore. Every Christmas in Azkaban was like that. An extra bit of bread and butterbeer. Your Azkaban memories were all the same yet different, just like how your days in prison blended. Seven years of memories of you tallying walls, crying, screaming you were innocent, walking around the cell and talking to imaginary people followed by more crying when a sudden consciousness that they weren’t actually there seemed to hit you. 
Seven years of memories of you being fed on by dementors, getting used by Aurors, and scratching at the Dark Mark on your arm until it bled. But the scariest had been the final years. In one of the memories, they watched you tell the imaginary Order and the imaginary Marauders that you knew what they thought of you. You knew they hated you.
“I’ll show you,” you whispered to no one. “I’ll show you I’m not bad. I’m not…”  
After that, you only spoke to ask for things. You only cried when you begged the dementors to not feed on you that day. You simply marked tallies after each delivery of breakfast and then sat in the corner of your room until your limbs were stiff and you would pace once to stretch them out before sitting back in the corner. A shell of a person was what you had become.
(part 8)
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107
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thatwierdo-koemi · 3 years
Godly Witch
Hello hello! this was also posted on my AO3 alongside some notes and tags! But long story short I hope you guys like the work, and, forgive me for any mistakes since english is not my main language!
Synopsis: Everything was fine until everything was not. It was normal of a day as a normal of a day Y/N could have, just going to the nearest camp like you did every summer, a place where she could go to be safe, and to be with other people just like her, she didn't count on HIM following her, having to make a small detour, she just didn't count that this detour was going to lead her to places she never seem before, and to make her believe in things she never even thought were possible! And would also lead her to meet wonderful people and a truth that would change her life forever. or A demigod finds her way up at Hogwards of all places, interrupting a very delicate moment out of everyone's life Adventure lies ahead! As well as meeting a brooding teenager that happens to be very eye catching, here is to hope nothing catches on fire!
This is a Marauder’s Era story
Severus Snape X Reader
The reader is a demigod of sorts, so expect some greek mythos here and there, this work was inspired by Harry Potter and Percy Jackson although the story takes place at Hogwards with all the characters from there
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 The rustling of their feet in the leaves was all she could hear, on another occasion she would be enjoying her stay, enjoying the nature and it calmness, all that she loved about being in the woods, but it was the same every year and she was already confused enough with your predicament, everything for her just had to be more difficult than for the normal person, as if the fates would have looked right at you and decided: yeah, this one.
 Keeping up her pace she could feel the presence of him drawing closer, but she was faster, she had to be, it brought her memories of her first year doing this again, oh how naïve and unprepared she had been when this all started, but well, she supposed it started when she was born, just like with the others.
 But again, she had an especially hard case in counts of what maybe the fates wanted of her, maybe she was thinking of herself as special in a way, but big shot was she not, just needing to learn how to defend herself since forever, and since she was left at a young age all alone it was truly a wonder that she made it so far alive.
It was one of the things she could be thankful about, even if life would seem to always find a way to bite her in the back, she refused to just let down and die like that, she had other people to care about now, a propose even, and that gave her a boost.
 Right foot, left foot, making her best effort to miss him off her trail, she knew that running away was not the most honorable thing to do, but at the moment he had company, and it was just not a good idea to throw herself blind into a battle she was sure she was going to lose.
 She didn’t want to even think about what would happen if he got wind of her, even by a single hair straw, the gods knew what he was capable of, but the gods didn’t really care, that was one of the first things that she learned when she found herself looking for a safe space, a place for people like her, it was always a streak of luck that were not meant to her that she was able to find herself in a place where she could be safe. Away from him.
 The forest got denser the more she ran into it, more and more trees started to show up, making it rather difficult for her to maneuver, but it helped that even tired, she was still in peak condition to be able to cover most of her tracks, at least this would buy her some time, and more time would mean that she could actually think in a way to escape, better than doing things in a hurry, but sometimes people just didn’t have the luxury of having more than time to react.
 Pausing for a moment, she focused in a particularly tall tree, deciding to climb faster after making a fake pathway that you could have escaped from and wait out till they were gone, not really creative but a plan none the less. Climbing was came up easily to her, even at her other home she would constantly do it in the big oak tree that they had in the years, she and the others would bet on who was the fastest, it was no surprise that she would win most of the time.
 She could almost smile at the sweet memory if it wasn’t the noise she heard downwards, making herself as little as she could and the best hidden in the middle of the leaves she dared to look down.
 Yup, they were there, it seemed that this time he chose to use trolls to hunt her, that was a new one, she didn’t think he would need the help, or that he would still be so fixated on you after some time, finding a new distraction, but this one happened to be stubborn, much to your lack of luck.
 The trolls were huge, in a grayish skin tone that was more alike rocks than anything else, they were looking around to your sudden vanishment, one took the traces that she had left, but they seemed to come up with the plan of dividing themselves to cover more space, two following your mock up path and the other going in the opposite direction, she waited a while but apparently he wasn’t with them.
 That left her with some options: she could go after the path of the first troll, one alone was more than capable of taking down so there was not much need to worry; or she could go backwards, the only problem being that if she went backwards maybe he was going to be there, waiting for her, she didn’t want to take that risk; and the last option was to go following a different path all together.
 She left off a breath she was holding for a while and made her way down the tree, making sure not to make much noise, besides the normal noises of the woods, she really didn’t need a fight that was just going to make even more of a noise and probably grab attention, going back was the worst option, so the safest option was just to make her way into the woods and hopefully find safety.
 It wasn’t too bad, it wasn’t her first time doing something like this, and as long as she kept her senses up it would be like a walk in the park. With a newfound disposition she went her way, taking off a small compass off her pocket, she put up the hoodie of her brown cloak up and made her way towards the east while bringing up a stick she had being carrying along before throwing it up in the air, in a spinning motion and grabbing it again, only for it to turn into a sword.
 Appeased with the results she went to make a small mark in the nearest tree, nothing too obvious that would make her give away her position, but also nothing too small that she could not discern as something of her own creation, just to avoid getting lost.
 She followed up the path of the unknown trying to find little clues to if she was close to her place or not, a river would have been a god given to where she needed to go, after all the places that she was the most safe were always perfect places, as one would say, they just had everything at one place and would make any geologist doubt their existence profusely, but she knew it was real. Hard for a normal person to find but real.
 Making another mark on another tree once she was far away enough she starred upwards, the sun was still shining strong, but with so much vegetation it was getting darker by the second as she went inwards, gloomier even.
 That… That was the part were it was starting to get to her, the place felt weird for some reason, she more she walked the more a sensation of uneasiness was made in the pits of her stomach, she made sure to double take her backside more often than not, the sensation of being watched was strong within her, but this time not by the two eyes she was already afraid, but by millions of eyes all at once, she tried to shake off the feeling, trying to tell herself that her nerves were getting to her, but none could shake it.
 Grabbing her sword, a little tighter she was already ready for anything that was going to be in her direction … And yet nothing ever came.
 Upon what seemed to more hours waking she was starting to think that she was lost, and the possibility was pretty high she would admit to herself, but also the place was changing ever so slightly, more sounds came by, sounds that she wasn’t used to in the woods.
 That’s when she saw, in the distance, it was like the top of something? She couldn’t make it up just yet, but it was huge if she could see from there, it was like the top of a palace or something, it was weird to see it so close to the woods, but it only did confirm that: yes, she was lost and probably went in the wrong direction somewhere and ended up in the other side or closer to civilization than she was thinking by.
 The good thing was that his presence was not by there anymore.
 That didn’t mean she let her sword go just yet, the eyes, she could still feel them.
 The she saw it.
 Or better they.
 Millions upon millions of tiny eyes looking directly at her, at her sword that seemed now, oh so small in comparation to them, they looked from her feet to the top of her head, they didn’t had much of a expression but she didn’t need an expression to know that she was in their territory, and there she was the pray.
 Spiders. Two giant spiders in the most literal sense of the word, they were bigger than a cabin, and quite larger as well, hairy with thin legs that were in perfect stillness. She gripped her sword, trying to swallow down the fear, she had faced monsters before, everybody in her place had faced monsters, but these ones just HAD to be spiders uh?
 It was dead quiet for a moment, none of them making any movement, but neither were you, the only movement in your side was your eyes looking for any traps, any spiderwebs, anything that could happen for them to have the upper hand in combat.
 “Who are you?” A voice startled you, it was deep and resounding, almost like it was simply just an echo and nothing more, for a moment you wondered if Echo was actually here, but again, she tended to be everywhere, but she was cursed so that made no sense-
 “I shall not ask you again, invader, for granted I do not care whose blood you are”
 Slowly she blinked, and blinked again for good measure, was the monster actually… She took a glace backwards for half a second before turning to the monster… The apparently sentient monster.
 “My name is Y/N Y/L/N, daughter of-”
 “I do not care whose blood you are” It cut her off in the middle of her introduction, but she could not be mad, not when two monsters were actually having a conversation with her like it was nothing outside the norm. She bit her lower lip, she didn’t remember nobody ever talking about those, not in classes not ever.
 “I will be very fair to you, in the name of a newfound friendship I do have, but in my nursery you will not stay”
 “Nursery?” She looked around for a moment, trying to find anything that could link this place to a nursery, she didn’t know much about spiders, much less monster spiders but an open forest like this would not be a good place to store anything.
 “Yes” the anger now was palpable in the tone of voice of the monster, you didn’t have to think twice before your body was already reacting, feeling again in the opposite direction of whatever that was.
 Thoughts running wild within her head. It was true that many monsters habituated the woods, especially if they could feel the divine close, but you never saw a sentient monster that wasn’t at least a little bit human, the only spider you could think about was with Athena but again, it wasn’t very alike for that to had happened, and there were two of them!
 This time Y/N didn’t bother covering her trail, or minding how loud her footsteps happened to be, this time panic of all sorts were blooming every second she spend in this forest, she just knew she needed to find a way out, she needed to get out before she actually went crazy.
 After what seemed to be an eternity, to what she knew would be much more than a far number of minutes, she saw light becoming brighter and brighter. An exit!
 Giving all of her strength almost didn’t seem like it was enough, but she just knew that she had to get out.
 And finally!
 She almost gave out and fell to her knees, breathing heavily she didn’t process much of where she was, air was burning in her lungs, her body seemed to be hot from all the running, in contrast to the cold air she could feel surrounding her.
 That was when she looked forward.
 What the-
 Y/N almost choke, it was a huge castle, she could not recognize the architecture, but it was nothing like she had ever seem before, it was somewhat eerie but it was beautiful, and quite old as the stones made it out to be, it seemed imponent, and she wondered how she didn’t noticed it before, blaming it on the remaining of the adrenaline fuel she was still able to feel in her veins but that didn’t came to be the case now.
 Now all that was on her mind was that she was NOT in her way to the camp place, she was NOT in a safe space, she was NOT in a place she knew if she wanted to be or not.
 She had no idea where she was.
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Duality: Draco Malfoy
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fBDmMX
by E_M_Christina
~ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ~ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪᴢᴀʀᴅɪɴɢ ᴄɪᴠɪʟɪᴢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ʀᴇꜱᴛꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴀᴛᴇ ᴏꜰ ʏ/ɴ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ. ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀꜰᴜʟ ꜰᴏʀᴄᴇꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴜɴʀᴇʟᴇɴᴛɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ꜱᴇᴀʀᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʜᴇʀ, ʙᴜᴛ ꜰᴀᴛᴇ ʜᴀꜱ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴀɴᴅꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴜʀꜱʟᴇʏ'ꜱ - ᴀ ᴍᴜɢɢʟᴇ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴡʜᴏ ᴜꜱᴇ ᴜɴᴏʀᴛʜᴏᴅᴏx ᴍᴇᴀɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴜᴘᴘʀᴇꜱꜱɪɴɢ ʏ/ɴ'ꜱ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄᴀʟ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ.
ʏ/ɴ ɢ. ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴀᴛᴛᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴀ ᴡɪᴢᴀʀᴅɪɴɢ ꜱᴄʜᴏᴏʟ - ʜᴏɢᴡᴀʀᴛꜱ - ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪꜱ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ꜰᴏʀ ɪᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ᴛʀᴀᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅᴀʀᴅꜱ. ʟᴏᴠᴇ, ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱʜɪᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏʏᴀʟᴛʏ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ꜰᴏʀɢᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ.
ᴀ ᴅᴀᴜɴᴛɪɴɢ ᴛᴀꜱᴋ ʟɪᴇꜱ ᴀʜᴇᴀᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ʏ/ɴ. ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ, ꜱʜᴇ ᴍᴜꜱᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪꜱ ʀɪɢʜᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪꜱ ᴇᴀꜱʏ - ᴛᴏ ᴅᴇꜱᴛʀᴏʏ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏʀᴄʀᴜxᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ ʟᴏʀᴅ ʜᴀꜱ ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ - ʙᴜᴛ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ ʙᴇ ᴛᴏᴏ ʜɪɢʜ?
Words: 2801, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Reader, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Severus Snape, Cedric Diggory, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Queenie Goldstein, Dursley Family (Harry Potter), Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Remus Lupin
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Reader, Draco/Reader, Fred Weasley/Reader, Hermione/Reader, Cedric/Reader
Additional Tags: Wattpad Romance's Romance Friday, Fluff, Draco/Reader - Freeform, Angst, slowburn, Harry Potter - Freeform, Dark Academia, mental health, platonic teacher/reader, Self-Harm
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fBDmMX
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fallingfor-fics · 2 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 69: Nights
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Chapter 68
I had fallen asleep at some point on the dingy beds provided, Harry and I had been up all night trying to find a way to get out, but with no hope left we gave up. We were awoken by a loud banging on the door, both of us jumping up quickly. The door opened and a masked man tossed two trays in and then shut the door right after, Harry soon got up walking over to grab them. 
He handed me one and I thanked him. It was a couple slices of sausage and a cheese sandwich along with a glass of pumpkin juice. Harry began devouring his, clearly starving but I stared down at my food, feeling nauseous and lightheaded. I got up and went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror at my pitiful appearance, frizzy hair stuck to my sweaty face, I was pale as a ghost with dark circles under my eyes. I lifted up my shirt and l let out a sigh looking up and away from the sight, the torn material was completely soaked in blood. Unwrapping it I held in a loud cry at the pain. The blood running down my torso and seeping into my pants. The cuts were not clotting and there was double the amount i'd fallen asleep with. I had never seen this before and panicked a bit on the inside, I didnt want to scare Harry and figured there was nothing he could do. I re wrapped them up wincing once again at the freezing pain of tying it off.
A few hours later and the familiar masked men came to fetch us both. We followed them down the halls this time and they brought us to what looked like a dining room, a table and chairs sat there with Voldemort at the head. "Please sit down." he said and Harry and I abided sitting down slowly. "I think before we make any major decisions, we do a little test to see what you two need to work on before we launch our attack." he grinned proud of himself for his little plan. "No I already told you, Im not helping you." I stated back and Harry just nodded in agreement. "And I told you, you had no choice. You can fight me on it and look just like your friend here, or you can just accept the inevitable." he sneered and I scoffed at him, "Beat me up all you want, ill kill you before you get the chance to use me as a weapon." he didn't like this comment at all and his eyes flickered, "What do you think you were made for? You are my weapon, and like it or not you both are at my disposal." I glared at him, refraining from trying to fight with the powerful man. I could press the limits since we both knew he couldn't kill me if he had hopes of using me in the war that was to come. He dismissed us saying he was doing us a favour by giving us a couple days to get used to our new residence before testing and training was to begin.
We spent the next couple of days here, I lost track of the days, but surely it was Sunday or Monday, time for everyone to be back at the school. And Harry and I grew worried. I worried for Severus everyday, knowing he was beating himself up somewhere, not being able to locate me and staying up forever until he did. I was only getting worse, not sure how I hadn't passed out yet. With each day, more cuts appeared on my torso and chest, bleeding endlessly. I think the only thing that kept me from bleeding out was the shirt I tied around me and my sister's power coursing through my veins. The curse had brought many abilities and no doubt it was the glue keeping my fragile heart beating
Snape POV
Severus was definitely a wreck, hair a mess, skin pale as ever as he wandered aimlessly looking for you, never stopping. No one had expected it would take this long to search for you. Albus grew more worrisome about the things Voldemort would awaken in you. Severus disliked the group he was searching with but had grown a tolerance for Hermione. She seemed to be the only one as dedicated to finding you both. Sure Remus and Sirius were searching just as hard, but they took time to rest along with Ron, but Hermione powered through that, never stopping for a breath. "Look up there!" Hermione shouted and the rest of the group watched the metal blue ball zip through the air towards them, "They found it!" Ron said smiling and they all apparated quickly to the location. 'Finally' Severus thought, feeling the weight lift a little bit off his back, but he wasn't going to be at peace until he saw you safe and sound. They approached the land meeting with the other members of the order. It was a big stone building along the cliffs by the shore. Severus had only been to this area a few times over the years but could see why it took so long to find, a shimmering barrier could be seen around it, no doubt a spell to keep others out. "Whats the plan?" Hermione asked and Severus stood thinking for a moment. "Everyone stay put, Lupin and Black will come with me." he said not waiting for a confirmation before heading over to the side of the building. The night was on their side, the dark concealing them from first glances. As much as Severus despised the two men, they were talented enough and cared about Harry and you enough to give you two the best chance at success.
I layed there looking up at the ceiling, contemplating everything I'd done up until this moment. I was so tired but not just from exhaustion, the gashes on my stomach had spread to my chest and now made their way around me, bleeding endlessly. "Y/n look!" I heard Harry whisper loudly and I sluggishly, using all my energy, sat up. I got up faster when I saw what it was. A patronus. The blue light shining from it and casting onto everything in the room. It was a large black dog and I looked over at Harry. "Its Sirius Blacks patronus!" he quipped excitedly and I examined it as it ran around and out of the room through the wall. "A-are you sure?" I asked in a tired voice, and he nodded quickly. "Looks like the dark lord is going to have to find other kids to beat up." he said as he readied himself for a fight. "How are they going to get through all the guards?" I asked, clutching my side and walking to the door. "I'm not sure but I know they can do it." he said staying positive.
Snape POV
"Wait Severus," Sirius held the man's arm back and Snape gave him a glare, "You shouldn't come in, your position will be compromised." Sirius stated and Remus nodded along. Severus had been so worried about getting to you he'd forgotten about not being able to be the one to actually save you. He wanted nothing more than to argue with the two men, but he knew, bottom line, they were right. "Just wait back at the Grimmauld. We will apparate straight there once we get them." Remus suggested and Severus looked over at the man hesitantly. "I wont let anything happen to her." Remus reassured him and the tall dark man questioned his sentence, reading the mans mind he kept his shock hidden at the fact Remus knew a bit about you and him. But time was of the essence so he reluctantly made his way back to the rest of the Order.
"You two come with me." He pointed at Ron and Hermione, "where?" the smart girl asked before budging, "Back to Blacks house." Ron nodded, walking over to Snape, "No I'm going to stay and help." Hermione stated and Severus shook his head, "Hogwash, come on." the man drawled out in his strict deep tone. "No." she said apparating across the hill down next to Remus and Sirius, Severus watched as they argued with the girl as well but they gave in much quicker, Ron gave a sympathetic look to Severus and made his way down the hill to his girlfriend's side. Severus huffed watching as the four coincided about their plan. This was the worst thing imaginable to the gloomy angry many.The only one smart enough to handle something like this and he couldn't do it.
Harry and I stood ready at the door, soon we heard a thud, looking at each other we waited. Hearing a few grunts and zaps from the other side of the door. "That's gotta be them." Harry chirped up and I nodded standing back from the large wooden door that rattled with the sound of someone being thrown against it. "How on earth are we supposed to find out which room they are in?" I could hear a muffled Hermione ask, Harry and I both jumped to the door, banging on it and yelling. "IN HERE IT'S US!" I yelled as we continued to knock on it hard with closed fists. "WE ARE IN HERE!" I yelled and soon I heard a zap hit the door. It opened up and I was met with a very relieved Remus and Hermione, both of them running up to hug Harry and I. "Are you two alright?" Remus asked, cupping our faces and giving us a quick glance over. We both nodded and we heard Ron call out, "Guyssss!" We all looked out and saw a group of death eaters ready to stop us from leaving. I felt the room spin a bit as I moved quickly and pulled out my wand. All of the sudden spells were being cast out left and right, flashes coming from all around. We were all backs together fighting off the surrounding Death eaters. "Cruico!" I heard Sirius yell swiftly pointing his wand and hitting one of the Death eaters, he fell to the ground moaning in pain from the curse. That was one down I thought as we deflected spells coming towards us. I felt so weak but I fought through it not wanting to shut my heavy eyes until I was out of these godforsaken walls.
Taglist; @lovelyhoneylemon @juliijah @lmao-liz
a/n omg sorry I havent updated chapters here on tumblr in awhile but remember you can read it on wattpad too and its way ahead over there!
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fallingfor-fics · 2 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 70: A Rescue
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Chapter 69
We managed to ward off the group of Death Eaters that infested this hall before making a run for the exit, but nonetheless we were stopped by more of the Dark Lords henchmen. 
My father being one of them. "Expelliarmus!" Ron yelled out hitting one of them and making them stumble back. "Deprimo" Hermione shouted, crumbling the floor beneath a group that came from the other side of the hall. Remus raised his wand out, "Incarcerous!" he shouted and ropes extended around one of the death eaters, Sirius cast the stinging jinx on another. I noticed a wave of more death eaters appear and grew worried. There were a lot of them and only six of us, and we could only fight for so long. I continued to hear spells zip past and hit their targets with a zap. Deflecting all the spells that were targeted at me. I saw my dad raise his wand at Hermione and quickly raised my own, "Imperio!" I screamed at my Father, soon he was under my control and the spell he cast out was hitting another Death eater. Toying around I got lost in the blinding rage, making him cast spells out over and over again on his "coworkers." I could see Remus and Hermione glance my way, watching as I flung the men all over, not hesitating to use the curse, Remus noting the little amount of effort it took me.
"Y/n look out!" I heard Remus yell and I saw light come at me, it struck my shoulder and I felt it ripple through me, luckily it wasn't a fatal one and only made me dizzy. The only pain I could really feel was the numb throbbing of my waist. Soon there were none left but we could hear more coming. "We need to go fast." I heard Sirius shout, but it sounded so far away. I looked at the torches that lit the hall and noticed how they were dimming and brightening, and the room began to grow blurry. I felt so light headed and the room began to spin. "Y/n?" I heard Harry ask softly. I looked over at them and noticed they all glanced over at me. I saw a worried look on Remus' face and then felt my legs give out and my eyes roll back, Remus catching me before I fell. Everything went black and all I heard were muffled shouting voices before I drifted off.
Snape POV
He paced back and forth in the house, waiting for the group to come in any minute with you safe and ready to be embraced. But that wasn't the case. He heard shouting and looked out the window, feeling his heart sink through the floorboards at the sight of you limp in Remus' arms. Quickly opening the door and running out Severus scooped you up from Remus' hands, Sirius, Hermione, Ron, and Harry following behind. He looked down at your pale frame rushing you into the house, "Clear the table" he demanded and Harry and Ron swiped off the knick knacks and watched in worry as Severus set you down gently on the table, "What the hell happened?!" he cursed out to the two grown men, taking off his robes and putting them under your head. "I don't know, she was fine one moment and then as we were getting ready to run out she just fainted." Sirius explained and Remus looked at your body laid out on the table with sad eyes. Severus kept himself composed as he looked over your cold body. Dumbledore came rushing over from the other room after hearing the commotion. "Oh dear Merlin." he gasped seeing your current state. "What happened?" Albus asked frantic and Severus just gave him a look.
He noticed the blood on your shirt and carefully lifted it up a bit, noticing the completely blood soaked fabric tied beneath his eyes went wide, before ripping your shirt open he looked around, "Ok everyone but Albus and Hermione out." he demanded and everyone obeyed, Hermione walking over to the other side of the table, pushing the hair off your face as she held in tears. Dumbledore stood at the end watching the scene play out and letting Severus work about with worry in his eyes. Severus quickly tore your shirt open and he felt the sadness wash over him once again, untying the fabric and unraveling it from around you. His stomach dropped at the sight, dozens of cuts present on your once smooth skin. All of them looking fresh and still bleeding. Hermione gasped covering her mouth. "Is that-" she started and Snape just nodded. "Yes, I'm afraid she was hit with the Sectumsempra curse." Albus stated, worry in his voice, looking up at Snape. Grabbing his wand quickly Severus looked down at you with worried eyes, feeling his heart race at the sight of you. Cursing himself for having created the spell all those years ago. He would have never guessed he would be using the spells he'd created on you, especially to save your life all in a moment. He saw you slipping away the circles under your eyes darkening as your skin turned pale, the blood pooling on the table. He touched his wand to your stomach, concentrating he moved it in slow circles, "Vulnera Sanentur.." he spoke softly, in a song-like enchantment, "Vulnera Sanentur" he repeated, the wounds slowly beginning to stop bleeding, he continued the melodic incantation and the blood on the table slowly began to make its way back into the open gashes.
Hermione watched in awe at the magic before her, holding your hand as Snape continued. "Vulnera Sanentur." he said one final time as all your blood had moved back into your body and the cuts closed up, leaving behind thin red lines. He let out a sigh setting his wand down and leaning over your face, cupping it in his hands softly. Hermione knew of the two of you and didnt say anything at the gesture. And Severus was too worried to care about what Albus thought of it. He moved two fingers along your neck waiting to feel a pulse, "She's got a pulse, it's just extremely weak." Severus stated and Hermione nodded, as she was also checking your pulse on your wrist. "I dont get how she survived for so long." Hermione mentioned softly, Snape wondered the same thing, but he wasn't going to worry about that until he was able to look into your eyes again, and hear your voice. "Go fill the others in but don't let them in here." He said in his normal stern tone and she nodded exiting the room. Albus stood there nodding at Severus before exiting to discuss what had happened with the others.
Severus stared at the door for a moment before looking back down at you, feeling an all too familiar depression wash over him, his face getting cold and his body numb. "Y/n darling wake up." he said softly trying to keep his voice from wavering. He could see some of the color coming back to your face but still no response. He gently lifted your head, taking his robes from beneath it and wrapping you up in them, covering your exposed chest. He put his wand in his pocket and scooped you up once again, muttering a word to open the door. Everyone outside hurried over and he glared at all of them, "Don't crowd her." He said annoyed, looking up at Albus, he didn't know what he was asking the old man with this look but Albus seemed to understand anyway and nodded his head.
Quickly Severus apparated out of the claustrophobic setting and back to his home. Placing a spell around it to disguise it as a forest, hoping no one would come looking for you. If they did they would be met with a very angry Severus who wouldn't blink an eye before killing anyone that got near you. He walked up the stairs and set you down gently on his bed. Stroking your cheek and feeling the warmth make its way through your body. He grabbed a bowl of water and a rag along with one of his shirts and some of your pajama bottoms. Gingerly cleaning the dried blood from your torso, making sure not to hurt you. He hesitantly removed your blood-stained jeans, replacing them with the pajama bottoms. Removing the torn fabric of your shirt from your body and placing the big shirt on over your bra, not wanting to disrespect you. He cleaned up the area and pulled the covers over you, sighing as he looked at your peaceful figure. Placing a kiss to your forehead, and lightly cupping your cheek once again he closed his eyes, entering your mind and playing out everything that happened while you were captured. Feeling his body fill with rage at the sight of your own father hitting you with such a curse. Heavy breathing at the deal Voldemort tried making with you. Suddenly he felt his anger contort to desperation. He let out a shaky breath as he watched your reaction to the storytelling of your sister's premature death, and to Voldemorts plan. Watching as you shook your head, trying to blink away your tears. He felt the guilt seep into his lungs knowing after all this time, he had gotten this close to you, and already knew all of these things. He stayed seated next to you on the bed, staying there until you were to wake up, every few minutes looking down at your form to make sure your chest moved up and down with every breath.
Taglist; @lovelyhoneylemon @juliijah @lmao-liz
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fallingfor-fics · 9 months
Teachers Pet- Chapter 71: Him
I decided to no longer add the cover picture to each Chapter but here is an update. as always more chapters are available on my Wattpad!
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Chapter 70
warnings: none
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It was around four in the morning and Severus was still sitting next to me on the bed, admiring my peaceful frame. He reached over pushing some hair from my face and I gently turned my head with the feeling of fingers brushing across my cheek. Slowly opening my eyes I could feel the sore ache go through my body as I saw a worried Severus staring down at me with furrowed brows, I went to sit up but he gently laid me back down,
"Y/n for Merlin's sake what in the hell were you thinking?" he whispered in a stern tone.
"Its good to see you too Sev." was all I mumbled before mustering the strength to push myself up into a seated position, feeling his cold hands snake around me helping me up.
"How long was I gone?" I asked confused and disoriented.
"Its Tuesday morning if that helps, you have been asleep since we got to you." he said in a soft voice, not taking his hands from my back and waist.
"I feel horrible." I muttered looking down at my appearance, lifting up the shirt, I noticed the red lines across my skin.
"Oh.." I said softly, holding in any exclamations at my gruesome appearance.
"You were attacked by your father." he stated and I nodded.
"I remember that and I remember almost getting out before everything went dark. But what did he do to me, there were scratches all over my body, a-and they wouldn't stop bleeding."
I said my voice shaking as I recalled the events, holding back tears that had been held in since Voldemort told me that story, or the plan. Flashbacks to the endless amounts of blood that had dripped from my body, and the stabbing pains that came with. That I silently sobbed to in the bathroom, wrapping them up, and being reminded over and over again about my sisters disheartening tale. Not being able to close my eyes without thinking about the fear and helplessness she felt. Over and over imaging the words she used to plead at my father, the tears she must have been shedding, the screams that no one would hear; over and over in my head.
"Darling I'm so sorry we didn't find you sooner." Severus said with a somber tone and face and I just looked down, "He hit you with Sectumsempra, it causes severe hemorrhaging I-I don't understand how you survived." he stammered out, trying to keep his composure. I was pulled from my thoughts.
"What is that I don't think ive heard of it before?" I asked confused and he looked away.
"It's a spell that...I created.." he mumbled remorsefully. The slight fear in his eyes over being the cause for my injuries. I could tell he was tearing himself up on the inside at the sentence, "I made it when I was a teen to use on my bullies." I watched his face flood with guilt. "I'm so sorry."
I shook my head. "hey.. did you use it on me? No. I don't blame you Severus, I would never ever blame you for something you created back then." I looked him in his eyes and he just nodded silently. "He told me the whole plan, you know." I scoffed, running my hands over my face. "He sat there and explained to me how he killed my sister, and how it was my Fathers idea." I groaned, my brows furrowing as I whined at the thought, feeling a few stray tears make their way down my face. Severus quickly pulled me into him and I leaned against his warm frame.
"I'm so sorry love." he whispered and I shook my head.
"I struck him only a few times before throwing him to the wall, but it wasn't enough. I want him dead, Ill find a way to kill my father Severus, even if I kill myself in the process, Im doing it. No one deserves to rot in hell more than that man." I hissed my tears being wiped away by the sweet man beside me, feeling my skin grow hot as I grew angry.
"Y/n please, getting yourself killed will not benefit a soul." he attempted to calm me down. I paused thinking for a moment, going quiet as I thought hard about the situation I was in.
"But what if that's it Severus?" I said and he looked at me confused, brushing my hair from my face, "What if the only way to keep Voldemort from using my power is by me dying?" I said and he quickly shook his head.
"No that's absurd." he retorted quickly.
"but think about it," I sighed.
"No I prefer to not think about that." he interrupted and I continued.
"Hes not going to stop until he gets me again, until I join him. He created me for this purpose and the only way to stop him is killing me before he gets the chance. It makes perfect sense." I said in a more astonished voice than necessary.
"That is the most idiotic idea ive ever heard, youre not dying let alone killing yourself." he scoffed, making me look him in his eyes, in his deep velvety voice he reassured me, "I swear that we will find another way to stop this ok? Until then, be careful, and don't go off with strange people." he looked at me with his dark compassionate eyes and I huffed, placing my hands on his shoulders and straddling his lap, feeling his strong hands grab my legs and pull me closer, comfortably so we were face to face.
"Severus, I need you to promise me that if it comes down to it, you can do the right thing and kill me. If he ever gets ahold of me, or puts me under a spell in which I am not myself, I need you to do it. Okay?" I said in a somber but serious tone looking back and forth between his eyes, they were dark and sparkling, staring back into mine. Attempting to read every emotion I let through, checking for any signs that I wasn't dead serious.
"Honey, you're not serious." He scoffed and I put my hands on the side of his neck and jaw making him focus on me.
"Promise?" I asked once more and his eyes fluttered, his face stiffened and any sign of joy left his eyes as the realization sunk in. That I was serious and this wasn't a dream. He nodded hesitantly, not tearing his eyes from mine.
"I-" he stopped and looked away scoffing, "No I can't, I'm not going to promise that, it's ridiculous." I frowned cupping his cheek turning him to me, "Please," I started and he reached up grabbing my hand and brought it down.
"Its not even in the question Y/n. I will not ever let them get close again." Pushing my hands down and away, he went to move, I grabbed his shoulders keeping him still, but he once again grabbed my hands pushing them away, "No." he argued and we wrestled our arms for a moment before he grabbed my wrists with more force and looked at me. I stayed silent thinking about the many different things that Voldemort would do, that way he could put me under his spell, make me hurt people, make me hurt the people I cared for, even hurt Severus. Tears slowly filled my eyes.
"If, Severus, If it happens, and I ask you to do it, I want you to, I need it to be you." I said my voice shaking a bit, staring into his eyes and not breaking the gaze. "Please." I pleaded and he tried to hide his defeated expression, giving me a cold stern stare.
"Fine. I promise." he said in a deep horse tone. I gave him a small smile, blinking away the tears and he gently wiped them. I slowly pulled him in for a kiss. Placing my lips to his and holding onto his shirt. Pulling away he placed his forehead to mine, "I'm going to do everything I can to keep you safe." I nodded, smiling.
"I know, I love you." I blushed and he smiled, kissing me once again. I felt his hands tangle in my hair and I kissed him slowly, proving my love for him and humming into the movement. He put his hands on the sides of my legs and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling in closer to him, there wasn't any more space left between us and I felt butterflies swarm my stomach as I realized just how close we got. He pulled back allowing us to get some air. I smirked at him with red cheeks and he let out a light laugh.
"We should get some more rest." I stated looking over at the clock. He nodded and I crawled off of him crawling back into the covers. He pulled them over me, changing out of his clothes behind me and crawling in as well. I looked over my shoulder and saw him still sitting with his back on the headboard.
"Severus, you need to sleep, you have to teach in a few hours." I stated and he just ignored me. Not moving from his spot and keeping an eye on me. I turned around and once again rested my head on his chest, cuddling up to his side. Hoping that my actions would allow him to doze off.
Taglist; @lovelyhoneylemon @juliijah @lmao-liz
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fivenightslaughter · 7 months
Wicked Serpentine (Part 7)
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pairing: draco malfoy x femravenclaw!oc summary: slowburn enemies to lovers fic, a TON of parts. (continued after ... 3 years..) i'm back lol)
general fic warnings: blood purism, bullying, swearing, descriptive physical danger, violence. Awful Draco
taglist: @gloryekaterina
taglist: let me know if you’re interested in being added!
The class had gone by rather quickly, my mind quickly diving into the work at hand. I very easily learned how to hold my wand and use it from Professor Flitwick. Not that it was relevant to the nonverbal spells we’d be learning, but he was kind enough to teach me regardless.
It was easy to talk to Flitwick considering he seemed to have an unquellable interest in the muggle world. He wanted to know what it was like to be unaware of magic for so long. I wasn’t sure if it was common knowledge among all my professors that I was an absolutely green witch, but I was glad I didn’t have to explain.
Instead, I was free to banter with him, speaking of food and music and dastardly chores from back home. He seemed particularly interested in music and we dove down a path of pop and the multitude of different artists that existed in the muggle world.
It was nice to get lost in that little world for a while before the clock chimed again, signalling for students to head to the dining hall.
At least this time, I’d be able to follow anyone here to the Great Hall and wouldn’t have to rely on… I stopped myself. I attempted to gloss over the way here in my head, deciding it was something to think about later. Or never.
Arriving, I was a bit bothered I didn’t see Cho anywhere. Nor could my eyes seek out a fizzly blonde with weird glasses perched atop her head. I only had seconds left before the bodies strolling by me would thin out and I’d be left alone and pitiful looking.
As if noticing my predicament, I recognized a voice calling my name. My eyes darted to the source and released a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. It was Harry. He was seated across from Ron, who sat next to a brown-haired girl I recognized as his partner from Potions.
I steadily walked over, finding a space next to Harry. The girl was nose deep in a book, leading me to double check the color of her school tie. How interesting.
Harry noticed my curiosity towards her and let a small laugh escape him.
“That’s Hermione. It’s a wonder she isn’t in your house.”
Her head darted up, glaring at him. She picked food off of her plate and took a few bites before responding.
“No it’s not, you’re just being rude.” She stated plainly.
She couldn’t help a smile from crossing her face as she rolled her eyes, finally looking over at me. She sat her book down in her lap and stretched her hand across the table to shake mine.
“Hermione Granger. Pleasure to meet you.”
I took her hand, feeling ease wash over me. She seemed sweet and genuine, the same as the two other Gryffindor’s I’d met so far. Maybe this house was tolerable. Or at least, she was.
“Eris Woodwork. The pleasure’s mine.” I managed, trying to copy the same warmth they had when they talked to people.
I heard Ron stifle a laugh and both Hermione and I turned questioningly. Harry seemed equally as amused, his elbows propped on the table with a fork paused in his hand as he turned to Ron.
“It’s… It’s like she’s multiplying! Blimey mate, it’s a bookworm invasion!” He exclaimed, a mock grief painting his face. Hermione elbowed him again as Harry pressed his knuckles against his own lips, hiding a smile.
She looked back down at her book and a half-smile ghosted her face.
“If you keep mucking about, your food will turn cold.” She spoke matter-of-factly.
I watched Ron’s eyes widen and his mouth open and close like a fish before he nodded and began digging into his plate like no tomorrow. It was quite an odd sight and I found it hard to tear my eyes away until Harry spoke.
“So Eris, are you enjoying Hogwarts so far? Sorry if Ron and I distracted you in Potions. I swear it won’t happen again.” His last note was tinged with a bit of shame and I met his eyes. I wasn’t expecting an apology but it was rather pleasant.
“It’s fine, really-”
Ron cut me off with his mouth full of food, his words muffled by what looked like mashed potatoes.
“It’sf…” He paused and chewed, shoveling more food in his mouth. “...all tha’ bloody nonce Malfoy’s fault,” was all I understood as he griped, the rest more nonsense than the first part. I felt myself visibly stiffen at the name.
Hermione exasperatedly slammed her book closed and pursed her lips, turning to Ron.
“No one can understand a bloody word from your mouth, you’re the nonce.”
He turned to her and pointed a finger at her, swallowing his latest bite.
“You understood the word nonce!”
She pinched the bridge of her nose and they bickered back and forth long enough for me to tune it into the rest of the Hall’s loud conversations. I began to zone out as I ate and Harry turned to face me in his seat in an attempt to continue the conversation Ron had cut through.
“Sorry again, he’s a bit loud.” He shrugged.
I nodded. I could tell that at least. I decided to pick through what I should tell him without saying too much. Finally, I decided to just remark on the school.
“I love it here so far, the school itself is just gorgeous.” I felt like a bit ingenuine choosing that reply, but thankfully Harry hadn’t noticed.
“Oh yeah, it really is.” He seemed to glance up at the windows and scan his eyes over the tables, his eyes halting harshly in one spot. I followed his gaze and my limbs locked.
He was staring directly at a particular blond-haired boy, who was laughing and smirking across the hall as if he’d just done the most dastardly thing. I could see a glint of hostility in Harry’s eyes and almost as if he felt the glare, Malfoy looked up.
His eyes met Harry’s and I could swear I felt immediate unease just being next to the recipient of his leering. It looked like nothing short of a distraction could break their ogling deathmatch, so I gently tapped his shoulder.
He head snapped back to me, a tension inside him visibly dissolving. Malfoy’s eyes met mine and I watched his lips press into a tight line.
I broke first, facing Harry. Shooting a short, questioning glance at me, he forked his food into his mouth.
“Yeah?” He answered
I shrugged, mirroring him and eating my food.
“Food’s good too.” I offered as my second observation, answering his question about my enjoyment of Hogwarts.
He nodded, agreeing.
Within the next couple minutes, he and Ron were conversing again as if nothing had happened. I didn’t move to include myself and I wasn’t mentioned again, but I was glad for that.
I was just satisfied I’d had somewhere to sit and eat.
After a bit, I noticed people finishing up. A few people left and I poked and prodded at bits left on my plate. Due to my unusually formatted schedule, I didn’t have another class today. I assumed this was to allow me to digest what I’d learned and possibly practice and catch up to the best of my abilities.
I moved to the side as I noticed the three I’d sat down with preparing to leave. I attempted to catch Hermione’s attention as she got up, as I’m sure she could answer a question dancing on my tongue.
“Hermione, you know where the library is, right? Any chance you could spot me some directions from here before you go?” I lifted out of my seat, pulling parchment out of my bag in case she needed to write it down or something rather. It’d be smart to have a damn map to my destinations.
Her eyes twinkled and she motioned for my paper, plucking a quill and sitting back down momentarily with it. She scribbled lines marking the halls and wrote lefts and rights, even labelling doors I’d pass to get there. She seemed to mark a couple other directions and I raised my eyebrows as I glanced around the dining hall. It took a bit longer than I’d expected.
Folding it in four and passing it back, she hesitated for a second.
“There’s a main library that Madam Pince oversees, but if you’d like somewhere more secluded… I added some other spots. But please, be careful. This school can be treacherous.”
I nodded, curious as to what she could have simultaneously added and needed to warn me about. She stood back up from her seat and waved goodbye, exiting. Ron had barely noticed and scrambled after her and Harry placed a hand on my shoulder.
“Sit with us any time. You’re welcome over here, alright?” He grinned, taking off in the same direction as his friends.
I maneuvered my legs to the other side of the table bench I’d eaten at, now facing outwards. I watched as people spilled out of the hall on their own time, my elbows pressing into my knees and my head resting in my hands. Some people still sat in conversation, but after a good five minutes, the clock tower chimed, bringing them to their feet.
I wasn’t going to stay behind in an empty dining hall, but I had to examine this map before I could leave. I turned back to face the table, smoothing the parchment out.
Christ, she got detailed with this, didn’t she? There were lines and labels leading me to the library and to Potions, which I was thankful for. There were other directions the lines branched out in and it was almost confusing.
The library, the ‘Room of Requirement’, and the ‘Dungeons’ were listed, detailed directions to all of them. My eyebrows shot up and I tried to keep an incredulous laugh down. Fucking dungeons? I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything less from a castle.
I wasn’t sure which one scared me more. She had included a tidbit about how the Room of Requirement would appear and contain anything the person who needed it may require. I didn’t trust in my magical skills or intuition enough to wander to a magical room, but now she had intrigued me to go somewhere that wasn’t the normal library.
I noticed a shadow cast on the table as I analyzed the map and didn’t think much of it. Not until I remembered the Great Hall had mostly filed out and I should be alone. My breath hitched and I had to clear my throat to hide a cough.
The shadow spoke and I cringed at the voice, not wanting to turn around.
“If you’re headed to the dungeons, I hope something eats you down there.”
My nostrils flared. Normal library with Madam Pince it was, then. I folded the map and pretended to look for a book in my bag. Frustratingly, ignoring him didn’t make him leave.
What did he want? Why was he near me?
Giving up, I turned and tried my hardest not to look at his face. I was just going to try and leave to the stupid library. I started to stand and I watched as his hand came down on my right shoulder, pushing me back down to the seat.
I finally met his eyes. They weren’t smoldering like they had been earlier, but they were filled with something I didn’t recognize. His hand was stone on my shoulder.
“They’ve already got a mudblood in their pathetic little group. You’re not even in their house.” He spat. I wondered for a second if his hate for the three of them outweighed his hatred for me. If this was an insult or thickly disguised advice.
“I didn’t recognize anyone at the Ravenclaw table.” I muttered quietly, looking down at the floor. He removed his hand from my shoulder as if it burned him to touch me.
“I’d pity you if you weren’t a worm in the dirt, Woodwork.” His tone was unreadable.
I felt my shoulders slump. It was still the first day and I was already tired of these interactions.
“Yeah. Dirt on the floor, filthy mudblood, stain of a girl. I think I’ve got it pretty down pat. Thanks.” I sighed heavily, now able to stand.
I didn’t bother to check his face, walking out. Hermione’s directions carried me to the library with ease and I had to figure out to scrub yet another interaction out of my mind on the way there.
I’m at Hogwarts to study and learn magic.
Draco be damned.
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riddle means misery | part 5.
Summary: Y/N Riddle. Not much more has to be said. Everyone hates her. She’s evil... she has to be.
Warnings for the Series: 18+, this series is dark. Manipulation, dubcon verging on noncon, abuse of power, violence, ed mentions, death, blood
Pairing: Bill Weasley x black!reader (semi-slowburn)
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: lmao everyone wanted Bill so we’re doing Bill
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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The entire Order hated the idea except Moody. Moody was all for you spying. Besides, you wouldn’t be alone. Severus would be spying with you— basically being your glorified babysitter. You were determined to prove yourself. Childhood once you reached school age became miserable, your first years of adulthood went the same. You wanted to live the rest of your life peacefully and happily. You’d be the best spy in the Order. It was probably the easiest job ever. You didn’t need to convince your father to trust you. 
The rest of the Order was a different story. Whenever you left the Malfoys’ manor to go to Grimmauld for a meeting, they all held onto their wands. It didn’t help that you were the reason Severus had a Dark Mark on his forearm. You knew it wouldn’t be possible for him to continue in the ranks without one. You even got one yourself to make him feel better despite the fact that you didn’t have to. 
You had arrived to Grimmauld early, slightly nervous for the meeting. Your father had said something the other day that he shouldn’t have known. He had gotten ahold of the Trelawney prophecy and heard about his possible demise. But he wasn’t supposed to know that either the Longbottoms or the Potters were going to be responsible for it. He shouldn’t have known Alice and Lily were both pregnant. You knew for a fact that you didn’t tell him anything. That information was a complete secret. Someone else was spying for your father and you didn’t know who. You could only rule out options. 
It wasn’t Severus because you would have known. It wasn’t Regulus either— it couldn’t be after he almost died retrieving a horcrux after you told him the location. The Marauders were out and so was Lily because her family was on the possible hit list. Moody was out simply because you believed it couldn’t be him. But there were still so many members that you weren’t sure who could be the spy. You sat at the dining room table, looking up when Severus entered the room. He blinked as you ripped a page out from your journal and handed it to him. 
“I know you know about Remus. Can you brew that for him? It’ll help on full moons and frankly… I think it’s smart if he starts spying on wolf packs. My father’s been talking to Greyback.” 
“Why can’t you brew it?” 
“I’m going to have to stay at home for a while. Bellatrix tried to follow me the last meeting, I think she’s catching on to me. I just… I just can’t stay.”
Severus eyed you and tried to hide his sneer but he sat down anyway. True to your word, you weren’t at the next meeting. You were basically locked up in your house. You sent letters by owl when you left to go grocery shopping but never received anything back. It was a dangerous game for you to receive anything back. 
You were currently waiting for your dad to come for dinner. He was going after the Longbottoms and Potters. You could’ve rolled your eyes. His information was wrong. You felt bad for whoever was going to be tortured for the information but at least it would be the wrong person getting questioned. You started to pace. Your father should have been back by now or someone from the Order should have contacted you by now. But neither had happened. You didn’t know where you were going but being able to apparate to your father’s last known location to you was a saving grace. 
Your feet gave out from under you as you apparated into Godric’s Hollow. A small cottage looked completely destroyed. Part of the roof was blocking the door from where it caved in, signs of wand blasts were evident. You ran in, screaming for someone to respond. No one was around. You weren’t sure if that was a good sign or bad sign yet. 
You looked in confusion at the wand on the stairs. You had seen it enough times to know what your father’s wand looked like. But he left it? You walked back out the door. There wasn’t much else you could do there. You just hoped that either the Potters or the Longbottoms were safe— whichever family the house belonged to. Squeaking garnered your attention when you walked through the threshold. 
The moment the words left your mouth, the rat turned into a man and started to run. You immediately followed wondering what the hell happened. Moody had suggested, much to everyone’s anger, making you the Secret Keeper for both the Longbottoms and the Potters. It was fairly obvious your father wouldn’t suspect you. But you got nervous when Bellatrix started following you closer. As you ran, you realized your last minute decision to discreetly switch out Secret Keeper was a mistake. You dodged a spell that Peter threw behind him. Teeth gritting, you chased him into the main road. You didn’t even know what you could do. Your magic honestly wasn’t strong enough. 
Peter stopped and faced you. You took a gulp and grabbed your wand. If he threw out the killing curse, you were going to die. Maybe an Order member would be on the way soon. You could always take a chance and just send up green sparks to alert you needed help.  
“She tried to kill them! She betrayed the Potters!” Peter began to yell before you had made a decision. 
The spells, running, and shouting had attracted some people to leave their homes and see what was going on. Your eyes widened. A dry laugh rang out. Was he really doing this? You lifted your wand to cast any spell just to delay his fleeing when you were blown back. You coughed as you got up. Looking around, you couldn’t find him. Your eyes focused on the street in front of you that was stained with a lot of red. Your mouth dropped open. 
He killed people. He killed people to escape. And then you looked closer. There wasn’t a wand in sight, the Potters lived in a place with lots of muggles. Groans let you know that some people were alive but severely injured. You didn’t have your bag of potions on you. You stopped wearing that bag when you joined the Order. You scrambled to find your wand only to see it snapped in half. You could only stand and look at the carnage around. There were so many people. Why would Peter switch sides? How could he just kill muggles?
Your head whipped around as you saw a bright light from the corner of your eyes. Fudge, Barty Crouch Sr., and some Aurors from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement were there. You pointed behind you and babbled out something about people hurt. The Aurors immediately stormed past you to the scene to try and help. You dropped to the street, a mix between laughing and crying escaped your throat. It was your fault. Your fault for trusting a damn traitor. When did Peter even turn against you all? Fudge and Barty looked down at you and then up when an Auror stood right behind you. 
“They say there was an explosion. Another man was here. Three muggles said they heard her yell Pettigrew and something else before the blast. Says he said she tried to kill the Potters.” 
Another Auror came up, holding something in her hand. “This is Pettigrew’s finger, all we could find.” 
You went to stand up to explain when someone cast a body-binding curse. Your mind immediately went back to your school years. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. It was impossible to even thrash around. Tears streamed down your face and onto the sidewalk because no one would listen to you. The people around you decided that you were guilty. They ignored your pleas of no. They were creating evidence and you couldn’t seem to convince them otherwise. You heard them say Azkaban.
“There’s twelve counts of murder of muggles, Pettigrew is dead. Attempted murder of the Potters. We should have never trusted a Riddle, not without preparing,” Barty told Fudge. “Azkaban should’ve been the only place she ever went.” 
A bunch of Aurors surrounded you. You felt the familiar pull and tug of apparating. The place felt void of all happiness. Your clothes were stripped from you and you were given a plain prison gown. The Aurors gave a welcome to Azkaban speech as they took your mugshot, which was echoed in your head by the Dementor’s gravelly inhuman voice. 
“Welcome to Azkaban. There is only one rule. Ask. You ask to eat breakfast, ask to go to the bathroom, ask to eat dinner. You want to leave your cell for a shower, ask. You even ask to go to sleep. You don’t get to move unless we say so. We control everything. Ask and no dementors. That’s our deal. You ask and you might not get dementors. So ask for everything, you don’t move until we say yes or no. Do you understand?”
You just blinked, not sure how everything was moving so fast. You shook your head and started to say you were being framed when a cold hand grabbed your throat. You felt freezing as a dementor stared down at you. Scared turned to sadness as the dementor sucked at your soul a bit. You were dropped back to the floor. An Auror stood over you. 
“Let’s try again. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” you whispered. 
The Aurors nodded and left. The dementor’s cold hand returned as you were guided past shared cells and taken to solitary all the way to the corner of the prison. Azkaban was cold. There wasn’t a single blanket or a bed. Everything was just cold— colder than the Black Lake had ever been. 
The Order was called to the Ministry headquarters the next day after the scene at Godric’s Hollow had been cleaned and the muggles had been taken care of. The Marauders were too busy pacing the length of the room. They wouldn’t sit down until Barty brought out your wand and Peter’s finger. The three men plopped into their chairs. He was actually dead. Lily looked from the finger to Dumbledore and Fudge, rubbing her very pregnant stomach. 
“He’ll be back. James and I got lucky. You-Know-Who will be back.”
Life after Voldemort wasn’t an easy adjustment. But, the Wizarding World learned to move on. It wasn’t easy. Death Eaters still popped up. Traces of Voldemort were still felt. It was most noticeable eleven years later when Quirrel turned out to have Voldemort stuck to the back of his head and almost killed three kids, most notably Harry Potter. That’s what made James quit his Auror job and become a professor at Hogwarts. 
McGonagall was more than happy to have the help with Transfiguration. Sirius was already a professor of Muggle Studies. Remus had been a second Charms professor since graduating— taking the job because it was the only stable guarantee with his lycanthrope issue. Having the three living Marauders work in the same place was entertaining but also a nightmare. At least the beginning of the year and end of the year teacher conferences were fun. 
“Absolutely not!” Severus yelled at the meeting before the school year. “I didn’t spy for you and let them brand me a Death Eater for you to invite Y/N Riddle right in! You know this was her idea? She said so we wouldn’t be caught. These don’t fade easily.” 
“Are we supposed to forget she tried to have the Longbottoms killed? She tried to have my family killed,” James spoke up. “How is she even getting out? She killed Wormtail and some muggles.” 
Dumbledore let them continue protesting until they ran themselves out. Adjusting his spectacles, he looked at all of them. 
“I do not know much of the details, only that the Ministry seems to have entered a plea deal of sorts with Ms. Riddle. She can be watched at Hogwarts while carrying out whatever they need. And with what happened with Quirrel last year… I agree with the Minister that Voldemort is planning to attack sooner rather than later. Attacks have been happening again and there was a sighting of Bellatrix Lestrange in London. Harry and Neville Longbottom are still in danger. Ms. Riddle will be taking Remus’ position as our second Charms professor this year.”
“What will I be doing?”
“Defense Against the Dark Arts until we can find a proper replacement. I don’t believe putting her in that role would be appropriate.”  
No professor bothered arguing anymore. It was clear that this wasn’t Dumbledore’s choosing as he told them everything he knew. With the threat of Voldemort getting larger, it was necessary for the Ministry to step up the hunt. 
Of course you had taken the plea deal when it was presented to you. It wasn’t that hard to contact your father and pass off that information. You would have done anything to get out of Azkaban. Anything to be away from the dementors and Aurors. You pulled down on the sleeve of your sweater to hide the Dark Mark that the Auror handing you back your wand was staring at with hatred. The wand was simply for show. It wasn’t even the one that was broken twelve years ago. They had put a charm on it so you couldn’t do most spells. Not that it mattered. You couldn’t do most spells anyway after being fed on by dementors almost every day since arriving in Azkaban. And they still didn’t know you were a squib. 
“Try anything and you’ll get the Dementor’s Kiss, you won’t even get the chance to see your cell.”
You nodded. There were no plans you had to cause trouble. This was your taste of freedom. The Auror apparated to the train station near Hogwarts where a carriage was waiting for you. Back when you were in school you could never see the thestrals pulling the cart. Now, it was awful that you noticed as they made the short journey to the school’s entrance. You wanted to get settled in at Hogwarts before the kids arrived. Nothing was lost on you. You knew that no one would be happy to see you.
While you knew that no one would be happy to see you, there was a small part of you that hoped maybe you could get them all to listen to you. If you could just get someone to hear the truth then maybe they would give you a proper trial. Those hopes were immediately shattered when all the professors either walked by like they didn’t see you or cowered in fear. 
You sighed as you sat at the end of the staff table. It only got worse when the students entered and Dumbledore announced what was happening. You wanted to correct every bit of what he said because it simply wasn’t true. Your heart sank when you watched every professor reach for their wands as you stood from the table. They had nothing to be scared of. You were the traumatized one. You were the one riddled with nightmares and scared of your own shadow. They had nothing to fear. You addressed Dumbledore. 
“Dinner is over. Can I get ready for bed?”
Dumbledore blinked, eyebrows scrunching in slight confusion. “That’s fine?” 
You had been headed to your room until you noticed that it was the full moon. The full moon was worth getting in trouble for not going straight to your room. Although, you had a near breakdown as you walked to the kitchen. Maybe you could get them to listen to you by being nice. You just needed one person to listen for five minutes and you could say the truth. 
Moony Night honestly seemed like the easiest place to start. That had always been something that plagued you while in Azkaban. You spent every full moon wondering about Remus. You were the one that bandaged everyone up after they came back from the Shrieking Shack and then got promptly fucked afterwards. Those memories of his howls and the pain he looked in the day after stuck with you in Azkaban. If your screams weren’t keeping you up, it was his howls from that time ago. 
You jumped when you heard a deep voice ask what the hell you were doing in the kitchen. Relief settled over you when you noticed that it was just the Marauders. While you were relieved, they couldn’t say the same thing. Remus’ Moony Nights had calmed down severely since Hogwarts once Severus learned how to brew wolfsbane potion for him but it still wasn’t easy. The potion wasn’t completely stable and for minutes at a time he wouldn’t have control of himself. And he didn’t exactly like that he relied on Snivellus who refused to show James or Lily the recipe. 
The Marauders suspected it was so he would always have something to hold over their heads. He refused to say how he invented the potion and insisted that there were no revisions that could be made to stop the lapses in his judgment. The Marauders sat down at the island in the school’s kitchen with a lot of tension. You seemed busy as they watched you move around. When you turned to face them, they simply stared at the cups of hot chocolate. You grabbed the jar and moved around the island. 
“Are you hurt anywhere els—”
Remus grabbed your wrist before you could dab the cream to the cut above his eyebrow. “I don’t need your help.” 
You shook a little as you stared at where his hand held you. “It’s just that it’s a Moony N—”
“I don’t want your help.”
The moment he let go of your wrist, you scrambled out of the kitchen. You didn’t want to be in trouble with the dementors on the first day of freedom. You were the reason they were patrolling school grounds in the first place. Everything you did was monitored. That thought didn’t escape you as you ate breakfast in your classroom. 
Like you suspected, none of the students that had you as a professor for Charms showed up. You got plenty of letters from their parents and lots of mean-spirited messages from the students themselves. Your former classmates were sweet enough to send howlers about how you should be dead. They thought that a lot of witches and wizards were dead because The Ministry made the worst mistake ever trusting you. All three of your meals were eaten in your empty classroom. You were starting to wonder if the isolation of Hogwarts was any better than Azkaban. At least the food was better. At least you were eating proper meals. Whenever the Aurors came around, you got a little something extra to eat but it was never enough. It always came at a cost, nothing that you weren’t used to giving. 
Weeks went by without a student ever showing up. At least you were making better progress with your father. It had only taken him three days to send you a letter and four days to meet you in person. Of course, he wanted all the names of the Aurors that took you. He would torture them before he killed them. Your father didn’t like the way you looked. The effects of Azkaban were rather apparent. He frowned as you two ate dinner and you asked about Nagini. He didn’t want to bring you back into the war. Only after you kept insisting did he tell the truth that all his horcruxes were gone but one. 
Your father brought you back into the fold as his second in command but he refused to let you go anywhere near an attack. That was fine with you. You thought as much as you sent him another letter from Hogwarts' owlery. The information you were getting was plenty enough to give to The Ministry.
(part 6)
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fallingfor-fics · 3 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 63: revelations
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Chapter 62
His face turned to one of shock and I heard my mom rush over from the kitchen. He just stared at the picture in my hand and I looked over at my mom who stood in the doorway next to him. "Whats she talking about?" he asked quietly.
 My mom just froze, swallowing before she spoke, "I.." she held her fragile shaking hand to her chest. "Hun.." he said in a sad but stern tone, "what is she talking about?" he asked a second time. She looked over at me, who was just standing there quietly, waiting for her response, and waiting for her to yell at me. She looked down at the photo in my hand. "Its..its um Connie." she said softly, grabbing the photo. "She wa- is, is.. my firstborn." she stammered out, her voice cracking. I felt a small lump make its way to my throat and I pushed it down, swallowing and blinking hard. "Why didn't you tell me?" Charlie asked, a hint of anger in his voice. He was trying to stay calm and respectful, but this was a big thing to hide from a man you're gonna marry soon. "I dont know." she said going to rest a hand on his chest. He let out a sigh and walked away from her hand and out to the garage. I applauded him for being able to walk out before he got too mad. Unlike my father who had no problem letting it all out to us.
I looked at my mom, still not having spoke a word or so much as made a noise. She locked eyes with me and I could see hers fill with fury. "I wasn't going to li-" she stepped closer and raised a finger at me, "I don't wanna hear it!" she screamed. "Well maybe you need to!" I yelled back. I wasn't afraid of my mother so to speak. Our personalities were just very contrasting. She got it from her mother and it moved down the line. As families do. We all just become watered down versions of our parents and grandparents. "No! I don't wanna hear the excuse for you acting your typical selfish way!" I laughed, "Wow you're calling me selfish! For telling someone about my sister!" she scoffed the vein in her neck popping out. "My daughter! And it wasn't just someone, it was my fiancé!" her voice was shaking with the strain from her loud temper. "Exactly! You're gonna marry this man soon and he doesn't even know about half of your family!" she shook her head, "You don't get it! You'll never get it!" she yelled with a red face. "You don't understand what adults sacrifice for others, for their family and for themselves." she said in a disappointed tone. "Oh please. I've made plenty of big girl decisions and sacrifices, mother! I've had to after everything dad has put us through! After what you have put me through!" I yelled, throwing my hands up. "Ok listen!" she moved closer "You can talk about this shit all you want! You can sob about how i've been such a horrible mother right? How I've supplied you everything you need, and a roof over your head? How I gave life to you and your sister? And you're just going to treat me like shit?! Im fucking sick of it Y/N!" she screamed, holding back tears and getting close to my face. "Wow, yes mother of the year right here folks! She gives her kids the bare necessities and then disregards the rest of them! Never caring about their life or who they are! Ignoring them unless they slip up in school then it's "what's wrong with you?" for years until you either find a way to escape and leave or you die!" I yelled back, feeling my own face get hot. I could feel the fire burning in my arm, you couldn't see the veins thanks to the potion Serverus gave me, but they were all over my arms and I even felt them prickling down my back slowly.
She shook her head, pressing her lips in a firm line. In a blink of an eye she'd raised her hand and placed a swift smack to my cheek. I look back at her quickly, my hair in my face. I moved it behind my ear as I stared at her, tears beginning to form on the brim of my eyes. I snatched the photo from her hand and stormed off, "Hey!-" I disregarded her protest, locking myself in my room before she could follow. I quickly waved my hand packing all my stuff up. Wiping my nose as I sniffled. It wasn't the first time an argument got heated and she'd smacked me. It started after Connie died when no one was there to intersect. I heard her try to come in and jiggle the knob. "Y/n open this door now!" she yelled and I ignored it, shrinking my bags and grabbing my wand. "Y/n I mean it let me in!" I heard her leave and then come back with a screwdriver I presumed. I sighed, wiping a stray tear and apparating out of the room. She pushed the door open swiftly but I was already gone.
I thought in my mind where I wanted to go and before I knew it I was standing outside a very scary looking house. It was cute, some time ago, but now it almost looked abandoned. I sniffled and walked up to the door, knocking gently. I waited and waited but no one answered as I expected. So I just waved my hand casually and unlocked the door, walking in and shutting it behind me. I shivered at the drop in temperature and set my bags down, fixing them to normal size and unbuttoning my coat. Severus did say he'd be gone, I hoped he wouldn't mind me staying here. I didn't have many other places to go on short notice, and I didnt want to go back to the school. I hung my coat up and walked around the house, examining everything closely. I noticed it was sort of dusty, but everything looked authentic. A beautiful fireplace and couch in the living room, and a curved staircase to the upper floor. I slowly made my way up, noticing one photo on the wall of a pale slender woman. I looked around, making note of the bathroom and what I assumed was an office. I made my way to the back bedroom and was hit with a very faint smell of Severus. I smiled at the comforting scent and walked over to his dresser, admiring the little amount of clutter. I ran my hand along the black comforter as I passed the large queen bed and opened the armour. It let out a smell of him and I smiled closing my eyes. I finally made my way back down the stairs. Taking a peep out the window to see if the sun had fully set. It was too dark to go anywhere alone so I just walked back to my stuff, taking off my shoes and placing them on my bags. I walked past the frame sitting on the entry table, picking it up and looking into my sister's eyes. I felt my lips quiver and a lump form. I tightened my lips and looked up, blinking away the water in my eyes and setting the photo face down. I walked over into his kitchen, noting the large wall of books I passed. I saw some dried herbs hanging above the kitchen table and sink. I checked the fridge but all there was was an apple. I checked the bread box and saw a half eaten loaf, but that was all. I rummaged through each cabinet, all of them empty. I stood on the counter to reach the very top cabinets, and immediately my mood went up. I saw a tall bottle of firewhiskey and smiled. It was the exact one Remus and I had drank so I knew it was good enough.
I got down and quickly opened the bottle, it was already open and had a little more than half left in it. I took a quick sip, holding my breath and swallowing fast. I made a face and let out my breath. Grabbing a glass of water for "balance" I laughed to myself and walked over with both liquids to the living room. I sat them on the coffee table and picked up the whiskey bottle once again. Walking over to the bookshelf, taking another sip and glazing over the many many novels. I closed my eyes and ran my fingers along the old spines. Stopping on a random one and pulling it off the shelf. I walked back to the table, sitting on the floor with my back against the couch between the two. I took another sip and placed the bottle on the floor next to me. Opening the book and reading the title. It was just a random book about magic but it couldn't hurt to further my knowledge on the subject after all. So I began reading it, using it to take my mind off the day. After a while I was buzzed and bored of the reading. Now I sat there with my head back against the couch staring at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, and all I could see was my mother screaming and my sister. She would be so upset about what my mom did. I could feel the hot pain on my cheek all over again. It didn't even hurt that much, I just couldn't believe she'd do it at all. I mean I knew she was capable but damn it still shocked me. I sat up and chugged as much as I could in one go. Chasing it down with water. I felt my eyes water but I blamed it on the sting of the liquor. But after a while I broke down. Finally sobbing out all the pain I'd been keeping in today, heck all the anger I reserved for my family, spilling past the gates. I wiped the hot tears with my sleeve. Taking another sip of the dark spicy liquid. Sighing as I stood slowly. Some part of me wanted to nag myself for choosing this method of "medicine" but most of me knew its what I needed, and what may not have been the most practical seemed the most promising. I could feel my eyes swell from the water and just sat down on the couch. I put my head back and looked at the ceiling once more.
It was spinning this time and I smiled at the fact. I could finally feel the effect I wanted the alcohol to have, somewhere between tipsy and almost drunk. I didn't want to get too wasted in fear I wouldn't make it up off the couch. I took another sip and stood carefully. At some point I changed into one of Snape's plain black shirts. It was long and comfortable on me and just what I needed to give the illusion of his presence. Walking over to the record player in the corner. I looked at the grandfather clock next to it just as it struck eleven o'clock. I grabbed a Frankie Valli record and put it on, gingerly. Making sure to be careful to not scratch it and turned it up a little. The music seeped through the room softly and I smiled. I swayed a bit as I walked back to the couch. Connie had one of his albums and would listen to it all the time, forcing me to hear as well in our old shared room. I took one last, long swig and then placed the cap back on. I layed over on my side on the couch, staring off into nothingness as my thoughts went off on their own. Thinking of her and my mom, thinking of my dad and my new disease. I absentmindedly put a hand under my shirt collar, feeling the small bumps of the veins on my neck. I blinked and felt tears silently seeping from my eyes. The room spun as I quietly cried, finally achieving that empty feeling. The feeling of having successfully ruined your mind. It may have been temporary but the pain was always with you, just pushed away to the side, and swept under the rug. Laying there in a pile of self pity and pathetic cries. I hated myself sometimes. Fearing I was being too dramatic and selfish like my mother had said. I heard a thump and blinked, snapping out of my dissociation. I heard another smaller one and sat up clueless. I could barely sit up without tilting over and I looked around, grabbing my wand.
Taglist; @lovelyhoneylemon @juliijah @lmao-liz
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fallingfor-fics · 2 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 66: mistakes
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Chapter 65
I was bored and we hardly got to talk openly at the school. And I did want to know a little more about his life before me. "I thought you didnt care about that?" he asked as he began to clean up the food. "I don't, i'm just curious about how you spent your...time before me? I mean we didn't talk much for awhile" he nodded and I stood cleaning up with him. 
"Ok well. I went in one day for a drink after a particular argument with a stubborn, know it all student, who was truly bewitching." he began looking at me and I titled my head at him, laughing quietly and pretending to be offended by his description of me. "And then, I don't know, she just started flirting with me." he got quiet and I smirked at his awkwardness. I could tell he was a little uncomfortable talking about it to me. "Did you guys ever hook up more than once?" I waved my wand and used magic to finish cleaning up and he just looked at me. He didn't care for me cheating my way with everything, and he was perfectly content cleaning it up for me, I knew he enjoyed doing these things for me but why spend the time when I can do it in a swipe. He shook his head walking over to the living room.
"No I never do that." he said, waving his own wand and putting a record on as we sat on the couch next to each other. "You never what?" I asked confused and he sighed looking away. "It's ok Severus, I've passed the level of maturity needed to discuss these kinds of things. Especially since we are partners now." I said softly, resting my hand on his arm and rubbing it comfortingly. "Ive never slept with the same person more than once." he stated not looking at me, it sounded kind of sad when he said it. He said it casually in his deep smooth stern voice, but to me it said a lot about how closed off he'd been. "Severus, have you never dated anyone?" I asked shocked and he shook his head, "No ive never met anyone I could tolerate enough." I was surprised, but it made sense if I thought about Severus and his tendencies. I hoped he hadn't been so incredibly lonely all his life, I mean I may have not dated many people and none of it may have been something real, but I got some feel of the idea. I thought about how old he was and how often he needed needs fulfilled. "How many people have you.." I didnt finish the words hoping he'd catch on and he thought for a moment, "Well how many have you?" he asked like a kid, trying to distract from his own answer. "Well it depends on what we are counting, because I haven't um.. Ya know." I said awkwardly and now regretting having asked, the air got cloudy with the tension and nervous feeling settling it. I had officially put us in the middle of something that wasn't pleasant for either parties. "Oh well, I didn't really keep track." I looked over at him at this comment and my brows pushed together as I held in a laugh, "You dirty man." I smiled and he sighed, "It was just a lot of one night stands and drunken mistakes alright?" I just shook my head, pretending to shame him, "I'm not surprised because you are just so dreamy, but I can't believe you put out so easily." I giggled, "Please can we talk about something else." he said in a more serious tone and I nodded, my head, "Fine." he raised a brow cockily at me. "What about you?" I widened my eyes and shook my head. "Um no I don't think we need to go over that." I went to stand but he held my hand keeping me on the couch, "It would only be fair, I mean we are partners after all." he mocked me in his sarcastic teacher voice and I rolled my eyes. "Ok if you really wanna know." I sighed turning to him, "Just some old school makeouts and hand stuff really. And I think it was stretched over about, ehhh four or five people." he looked a little unhappy with my revelations, so I just stayed silent staring at him. "I see." was all he said and I poked him, "What is it?" He just shook his head, "I didn't realize you had so many different experiences, you're still only a sixth year." He practically scoffed and I laughed, "Are you calling me a slut?" I gasped and his eyes went wide, "No of course not." he said seriously and I laughed, "Severus come on, I have barely done shit compared to other girls my age, I mean what year were you when you lost your virginity?" I asked, trying to prove it wasnt that insane. He stayed silent.
"I was 18 for your information." His tone was full of sarcasm and attitude. "Well thats a good age, I mean things are different for my generation, everyone grew up too soon so we are all on different levels." I reassured him and he just stayed quiet. "Who was it? Besides Lucius." he expressed anger in his tone at the mention of the blonde man. I got silent not knowing what to say, "I cant remember." was all I said and this time he was the one calling me on my bullshit. "Darling it's ok I guarantee I don't know them." I looked down, hiding my scared grin. "No no its best not." was all I said and I quickly got up moving to walk away, he placed his hand on my stomach to stop me. I swallowed slowly, looking down at him and he smirked up at me. He had a cocky little smirk, flashing his eyes, telling me this wasnt done until he found out, now that I was making it a thing he was too intrigued for his own good. "You cant be mad." was all I said and he looked at me with a doubtful face.
"It was just a little making out and... grinding ok nothing like with Malfoy." I continued to lessen the situation. "Y/n for merlin's sake just tell me." he quipped and I sighed looking down at him, "It was Remus." his face dropped and I sighed, "I'm sorry!" I immediately pleaded and he just looked at me with a plain face, pale and cold as ever. I could see his eyes darken and I quickly put my hands on his shoulders, "I swear that little mutt!" he muttered through his teeth, tensing up, "Ill get him fired so fast." He added and I quickly shook my head, "No you won't, I like Remus, and we are just friends now, but It was also just a drunken thing that happened after an incident with someone." He looked up in my eyes at my comment and sighed. I walked closer to him and he rested his head forward on my chest, I just laughed and brushed my fingers through his hair, "You know you went for some of the men I despise the most." he mumbled and I laughed, lifting his head and sitting on his lap, "Im sorry, but I want this to be out in the open, we still have so much to learn about each other, and I want us to be comfortable together." he nodded in agreement and I smiled. "Whatever are we to do for the rest of the afternoon?" I asked adoringly, admiring his face and mouth. He looked at me and leaned in, placing a kiss to my lips making me smile and blush. I hummed into the kiss and pulled away looking in his eyes. "I think we should just stay in together." I bit my lip and fluttered my eyelashes and he let out a small laugh. "Now who's the dirty one." he mocked and I rolled my eyes. I was still a nervous wreck around him but I tried my best to keep up with my sarcastic remarks. I decided to just take control and respond with another kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. I pressed my lips to his soft cold ones and pulled the hair at the base of his neck. I hoped I wasn't overstepping, usually Severus had been making the first moves so It was a change to be instigating for once. He pulled away to breathe and just brushed my hair from my face, "What's gotten into you?" he asked, a little taken aback by my actions, assuming he was also referring to last night. I just shrugged, "We don't get much completely alone time." I reminded him and he nodded, "Yes I suppose that's true." he patted my legs as I sat across his lap and looked down, "You know we have only been together not even a month." I said softly and he just looked over my face, reading my expression and listening closely. "It seems like longer almost." I mumbled and he nodded softly, "We fought for so long." he added and I frowned, "There's still so much I dont know.." I stated softly, realizing that I really didn't know a lot about him. "I mean what were you like in school, what were your parents like?" he tensed at the questions and I looked at him in the eyes, He gave me a look as if to check I was serious, "You really want to talk about this now?" he asked, raising a brow and I nodded.
We spent hours sitting on the couch and telling each other things, he told me all about his rather sad childhood, I couldnt even imagine how scary it was. And it explained a lot on why he was so jaded and cold. His mother, who was in the picture on the stairs, was kind and beautiful. However his dad was a shitbag, abusive and a drunk. He made deals with bad people and his mother and young Severus would often pay the price. I felt there was a whole other part of his life he neglected to tell me, but I didn't press on the idea. And he asked me about my sister, and my family as well. Tensing up when I would talk about my father.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom, maybe pick out a book for us to read." I suggested after our conversation had come to an end. He nodded, smiling and dropping my hand as I walked off around the couch and up the stairs. Making my way into the bedroom smiling as I thought about my kind Professor I had finally snagged after months of pining after. Doubtful we would ever get this far. I heard a small snicker and I turned around, not seeing anyone. I guess it came from Severus but who knows what he was up to and it didnt sound like a noise he normally made. I felt a pinch in my neck and grabbed it with my hand, "Ouch." I whispered, walking into the bathroom and looking in the mirror. I felt the sting make its way down my neck and watched in the mirror as the veins spread across my collarbone and shoulder. I furrowed my brows looking around confused. Once again I was having a reaction and it wasn't being spurred on by anything. "Y/n come here." I heard a hushed voice and jumped slightly looking around. I didnt see Severus anywhere, and it didnt sound like him at all. I listened closely only hearing the sound of rain hitting the window, "hello?" I whispered back hissing as I felt a sharp pain in the spot on my shoulders. "What the fuck." I mumbled before hearing a laugh again, "Y/n over here." I heard the voice again and I looked all around the small room. It sounded right behind me but also distant and it echoed. I felt my shoulder begin to sting worse. "Ow mother fucker." I said gripping my arm. It continued escalating and I squeezed my eyes shut, "Fuck fuck fuck." I whispered not wanting to alarm Severus. It had never hurt this bad when I was perfectly calm before.
I could hear a heartbeat in my head and leaned over the sink, I felt a migraine take over and I grabbed my head rubbing my temples, I started to see my vision flash and I looked up in the mirror, my view flickered and morphed into another, like I was in someone else's body. It went back and I gasped at what just happened, squeezing my eyes shut once again at the throbbing pain prickling through my head. It was so strange it was like when you enter someone's mind and are viewing a memory. Except I wasn't viewing it from above, I was in it. It happened again, my surroundings shaking and flashing to the other reality. I looked around and saw I was in a bathroom only it was somewhere else, looking in the mirror I gasped and jumped back seeing a familiar face. It was Harry. Except I was him, I was seeing what he saw, and he looked equally as afraid. "If you want help follow me." I heard the voice echo through the air, Harry and I looking around. "What do you want?" I asked as I closed my eyes, "If you want your school safe, come see me." I opened my eyes sharply at the demand. I was back in Snapes bathroom, looking like myself in the mirror. It got very silent, all I could hear was my heart pounding and my heavy breaths.
I felt a energy pouring out to me and leaned up from over the sink slowly, looking towards my right. I slowly locked my gaze with something outside the window. Out in the field behind Severus' house. I sucked in a breath, ignoring the buzzing pain in my head and the stabbing hot pain in my shoulders and back. It was some sort of person it seemed. In all black and a covered face, it didnt look like a death eater, and its energy was making me feel very uneasy. I just heard murmured whispers and felt my hands shake. "Want to keep your friends safe?" I heard a voice snicker and I just nodded, "Want your mother to be left alone?" I swallowed the fear and sighed. I didnt know what this was but I didn't like how it was threatening me in such ways. "Just come talk to me." I made my way up to the window and the figure just stood still, not tearing its gaze from mine. I looked at the door, seeing if Severus was around, before looking back at the creature. I sighed, letting my curiosity get the best of me once again and waving my hand, apparating out into the yard.
I appeared in front of the tall form and immediately was washed over with a burning feeling all across my skin. I held in the groans of pain enduring it all as the veins spread across my arms slowly seeping through every crevice, as i shook from the pain. It had never been this bad before. The cold rain hit my hot skin and it felt like pins and needles all over. "What do you want?" I asked, keeping my voice stern. I heard the sound of a door open and I turned to look behind me along with the masked thing in front of me. My Professor stood in all black with a worried look on his face, "Y/n!" I heard Severus yell from across the way. He began making his way over to me, pulling out his wand. "Come with me now and don't fight and I can promise his safety." The man behind me hissed calmly and I turned looking at him. I squinted as the rain drenched my hair and face. "Who are you?" I asked over the sound of thunder, the rain starting to come down harder. "Make a decision." I felt a lump form in my throat and looked back at my professor. He had been listening in and shook his head, I locked my eyes on his and he sent me pleas with his dark irises, filling with rage and worry. "Im sorry!" I yelled and he swiped his wand, apparating closer to me. I grabbed the strange mans hand, mouthing an 'I love you' to Severus just as he reached us, the masked figure apparting us away.
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fallingfor-fics · 2 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 65: confessions
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Chapter 64
I slowly opened my eyes, blinking away the sleepy feeling, focusing them on the room. I was confused at first not really remembering what happened. The sun was shining through the open windows along with a breeze blowing the curtains. I smiled looking around and seeing I was in Snapes bedroom. I noticed he wasn't in bed or in the room at all and frowned a bit. I assumed he either had something to do or just woke up early and didnt want to disturb me.
 My questions were answered when I looked at the nightstand and saw a glass of water, some medicine and a note. I smiled, grabbing the note to read it as I guzzled some water down. I could definitely feel my body needed the water badly. I remembered drinking his liquor and dancing around. I was quickly then reminded of the panic attack I had in front of him and cringed at myself. I looked at the note admiring his handwriting.
Good morning darling,
I hope you aren't feeling too terrible this morning, but here is some medicine I would like you to take and I think your body will appreciate. It's just some ibuprofen, nothing fancy. I apologize for my absence. You know I would have loved to stay with you, unfortunately I had some things to attend to but I should be back by the time you are up and present. I expect to discuss last night's events when I get back so don't try to escape that conversation.
See you soon,
Love Severus
I sighed at the last line and grabbed the two pills, examining them before dropping them on my tongue and swallowing, sipping down some water to flush away the bitter taste. I looked around the room, noticing my luggage on the ottoman at the end of the bed. Smiling at how thoughtful this man was. I slowly pulled the covers back and shivered at the cold air on my legs. After a thousand years I stood up, all my bones feeling fragile and aching. I stretched my arms up, popping my back and yawning. I felt horrible, looking in the mirror I gasped, I looked horrible. I figured Severus wasnt back yet since the house was silent, so I grabbed an outfit from my bags and went into his bathroom to shower. It was a very nice house aside from the neglected feeling and lack of decor. But it was neat and clean, a closet full of towels and washcloths. I turned on the water making sure it was as hot as it could go. I closed the door and opened the small window to let the steam vent out. Stripping out of my underwear and Snapes shirt, grabbing a washcloth and stepping in the shower. I sighed in relief feeling the hot water run over me. I didn't feel incredibly hungover, just not the best. I noticed there was only Severus' products to use and sighed feeling very guilty for continuously using his things, but if it was an issue I would offer to replace all of it. I smiled at the thought of smelling like him though and lathered the shampoo in my hair. I was glad he was so clean and uptight sometimes. Other boys id known, my father included, would use one product for everything. But not Severus. He had shampoo and conditioner along with body and face wash. I laughed to myself imagining that's how he got his long hair so soft and well-kept.
After I finished cleaning up I turned off the water and dried myself down and wrang out my hair before stepping out and wrapping the towel around me. I heard a noise from outside the bathroom and froze listening for it again. "Severus?" I questioned out and didn't hear a response, I heard a noise once again and summoned my wand into my hand. Shaking a bit from the air hitting my wet hair and damp skin. I slowly opened the door peeking out. I didn't see anyone so I slowly stepped out, I tiptoed quietly and slowly went around the corner to the door. "AH FUCKING BLOODY HELL" I screamed when I ran into the tall quiet mans chest. Grabbing my towel quickly to keep it from falling. He smiled down at me confused and I placed a gentle slap to his chest, "What is it?" he said laughing lightly to which I furrowed my brows up at him. "I'm gonna kill you." I said annoyed, trying to hide my smile. "What did I do?" He raised his hands and I shook my head. "Did you not hear me call out to you?" I asked walking back over to the bathroom, "I did not, I apologize darling I didn't mean to scare you." I just hummed, shaking my head. He looked over and saw I took the medicine as instructed and walked over to make the bed. I peeked out of the bathroom and waved my hand, the covers and pillows beginning to lay correctly on their own. He looked up at me and I just popped back in, shutting the door to change.
I could hear him come and stand outside the door, "Did you sleep alright?" he asked and I smiled to myself at his question, "Yes I slept wonderfully." I quickly shimmied on my pants and put on a light sweater. Waving my wand and having a light face of makeup on. I decided to let my hair air dry for once and opened the door. Severus was standing there picking at his clothes and looked down at me smiling. "I used your shower I hope that's ok." He nodded, "I see that, and it is quite alright I figured you would want to after last night." he let out a small laugh and I rolled my eyes, "Oh whatever." I pushed past him, putting my things away and handing him his shirt, folded up nicely. "Don't worry, I washed it." I said smiling and he looked at me confused, "My washer and dryer here are not hooked up." I nodded and sprayed some perfume on, "I just used magic, duh." I smiled and he laughed putting it away. "I brought back some food for you, I didn't know what you'd like so I got a little bit of everything."
He wasn't lying. There were crepes and mixed fruits, along with eggs and bacon. I smelled coffee and immediately headed over. "Wow Severus this is a lot." I said slowly sitting down as he pushed my chair in for me. "Yes, well I get discounts." he mumbled, pouring himself some coffee as well. "Oh really why? Do you know the owner or something?" I asked, grabbing some bacon and taking a bite. He didn't say anything and just gave me some eggs, "Something of the sort." He sat down as well and I looked at him suspiciously as I cut my food. "Severus.." I said softly and he looked up at me hesitantly, "Did you use to fuck?" I asked bluntly. Not that it mattered if it was before me I wouldn't judge, I mean I'd fooled around with Remus and Lucius and Severus still doesn't know about all the incidents. "What? No of course not." he shook his head, clearing his throat and not looking at me. "Ohh I see." I began and he just gave me an annoyed look. As if to say please quit and just eat the damn food. I poked my fork at him knowingly, "She went down on you." This was a wild guess, but Severus could be easy to read, he was a man after all. And I knew his vocabulary well, along with his eye and body movements.
He sighed, defeated and just stayed silent. I nodded laughing, "Its ok Severus as long as she does not cross any lines, Merlin knows i've had my boytoys." I laughed and he just shook his head, "I dont think I want to know." I shook my head, "So I thought you were going to be gone all week?" I asked furrowing my brows and looking up at him as I chewed my food. "I um got back a little earlier than expected." he said calmly and I nodded, "So are you going to explain last night." he asked in his deep velvety voice. I sighed and looked at him. "It was stupid." I shook my head and he stayed silent waiting for me to continue. "My mom didn't tell this guy about Connie, and word got out, my mom got mad and then she just snapped and smacked me, and so then I just ran away and came here." I took a breath after spitting it all out. I didn't feel like dwelling on the failed vacation and there was nothing more I could do. "And well you know the rest." His eyes were now dark and angry but also very concerned for me. "Y/n I'm so sorry, your mother had no right.." I nodded, shaking my hands, "It's fine, I'm fine, it was just a little off putting." I downplayed not wanting him to get unnecessarily angry. "It was not fine, she should have never done that, and I'm glad you came here." he smiled and I smirked blushing lightly, "I wouldn't have come had I known you would have come home amidst my mental break." he shook his head, "Believe me, I just want you to be safe." I smiled, reaching over and grabbing his hand, rubbing it lightly. "You know that means we will have a whole day together before we have to go back to the school." I pushed the food around on my plate waiting for a response from the quiet man. "So it seems." was all he said as he also dwelled in silence. "I can replace your whisky by the way." I said softly and he laughed, "Well I highly doubt someone will sell it to you, and I have plenty of bottles here." he scoffed and I raised a brow, "Really?" I smirked and looked at the kitchen. "No dont get any ideas, it's barely noon." he scolded and I just rolled my eyes dramatically. "Maybe your other woman will sell some to me." I teased him.
As always remember you can read ahead on wattpad (same username without the - ) theres like twenty more chaps on there!
Taglist; @lovelyhoneylemon @juliijah @lmao-liz
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fallingfor-fics · 2 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 67: careless
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Chapter 66
I didn’t know what I was thinking, my adrenaline was rushing through me along with the pain from my curse. And once it brought up my friends and Severus I was prepared to do anything. 
This thing gave off a frequency I couldn’t begin to describe. But it told me it was fully capable of the worst and I feared I was beginning to piece together who i had encountered, and so willingly went away with. Everything happened so fast, one minute I was with Severus, comfortable and happy, and next thing I knew he was being threatened. I felt the familiar nauseous feeling take over from apparition and blinked as I got my balance steady. Looking around the dimly lit room. I glanced over and saw a just as confused Harry, wet and shaking in place. "Harry!" I gasped and he looked over, I ran over to him and gave him a hug, "Whats going on Y/n?" he asked and I shook my head, "I dont know I was just at home and then I saw you and I felt pain spread throughout me." I stumbled out and he nodded, "Yeah I was just at Rons and my scar on my forehead just began to hurt and I saw you and heard this weird voice." I nodded along, "Someone showed up at the house and asked me to come with them." I added and he looked around at the stone walls of the small room. "I was just taken from the house by some creature, Ive never felt like how I did around them." he whispered out with fear in his voice. "What do they want with us?" I pulled out my wand, "Lumos." it lit up the room and I looked around, "I dont know."
Snape POV
Severus stood huffing in the rain, frozen from what he just saw. What happened? She was just there with him. He was just there protecting her, keeping her safe. And now she had disappeared. He swallowed deep, feeling his rage rush through him. He would die before he let another love be lost to this vile man he'd been surrendered to his whole life. He quickly made his way back inside, throwing his wet coat harshly on the table and speeding up the stairs to change. Using as many spells as possible before apparating quickly into Dumbledore's office. He appeared in front of the old mans desk, right while he was in the middle of a conversation with a certain couple of dogs. "Severus, what in heavens is going on?" the old man asked, confused at the sudden intrusion. Snape scowled down at the two men in the chairs before him and took a breath before speaking, not wanting to sound like he was over the moon worried for you, even if he was driving himself mad already with the possible things that could be happening to you every minute he was away. "They took her Albus." Remus quickly looked up at the brooding man, "What? How?" he asked and Severus scoffed at Remus' questioning, "I'm not sure but they must have done something to her because she just...went with him." he said as he remembered the calm and somber look on your face as you disappeared.
"Where?" Albus asked standing and putting on his coat, Severus shook his head, "I-I'm not sure it could be anywhere." He hated that he couldn't do anymore in a matter of seconds. "Well lets gather the order together and spread out to find her." Sirius suggested as he stood up as well as Remus. Suddenly an excessive knocking came from Albus' office door. Albus waved his hand, flinging the door open. A frantic Hermione and Ron came rushing in, "He's gone! They took Harry!" Ron screeched out and Hermione nodded, "It's true, we heard a loud noise and it sounded like he was in pain and then he was just gone." Hermione stammered out with her brows furrowed. Remus and Sirius looked at each other, and then everyone looked at Albus. "Come with us kids." Albus said walking out of the office.
Soon they were all meeting In Sirius' home, all the members of the order talking over each other as more arrived. Severus just sat there dead stare into nothingness, annoyed at the amount of time that was being wasted. Only thinking of you. "Ok ok everyone be quiet." Dumbledore hushed and they all looked over at the man waiting for instructions. "We don't know where Y/n and Harry were taken off to. We have a list of possible locations, I need you to go search each one, group up how you please but get it done fast, if you see anything send this out," he lifted a blue metal ball in his hand, similar to a snitch, and put them in the middle of the table, "We will all go to the place we think they are at and work smart to get in and get them out. Please be careful everyone, and I thank you for the help." he finished and they all nodded, grouping up quickly and apparating off, "Albus I think it's best you stay here." Snape stood whispering to the wise man. He looked at Snape for a moment and understood why the pale man suggested that. "Ok but Severus," he stopped him and Snape looked at him intently, "I don't care what you must do, don't let him take her over." Severus just nodded and walked away from the man, almost everyone had left and Severus saw the two men who he tried to avoid standing there, along with Hermione and Ron. "Severus I think we should go after them together. It's their best chance." Remus said kindly and Sirius nodded in agreement, "I know we have had our differences but they are going to need us the most." Sirius persuaded and Severus just nodded, walking past them, "but you two need to stay here." he said in his deep monotone voice, pointing between the two teens, "Not a chance." Hermione quipped, Severus stared down at her and she didnt budge, "They are our friends, we are going to help save them." She added and stared back at Snape. Hermione was not afraid of the man like her first year self was, she had grown past it and now was going to fight anyone to save you guys, she was a true Gryffindor with the ambition of a Slytherin and logic of a Ravenclaw. Snape respected her for this and just continued towards the door. The rest following behind him.
Harry and I walked around the room, investigating everything we could. "Im sure everyone wi-" I was cut off by the door opening and death eaters coming in, they grabbed me by the arms, "hey no stop!" I yelled and pushed them off, "leave her alone!" Harry yelled, lunging after me, one of the masked men coming behind him and holding him back while the other two dragged me out of the room into the hallway. I heard Harry yell after me as the door shut and I kicked at the tall men taking me away. "What do you want!?" I growled as they just ignored me, I looked around at the high stone walls, dimly lit with torches on the walls, passing door after door along the hall. I looked over at one of them, reaching to grab their mask off, to which they just tightened their grip on my arm, surely leaving a bruise. I watched as they approached large heavy doors that went to the ceiling, they opened slowly and the men dragged me into the large open room, tossing me down on the floor, "Easy gentlemen, I would like her in one piece." I heard an all too familiar voice chirp from the shadows. I felt my insides churn and my flesh began to sting, I had heard stories of this man and that was all I had hoped to learn about him. I winced as I stood and pushed past the pain spreading across my body, glancing down at the black streaks spreading down my arms.
I saw the hooded man appear from the darkness and let out a shaky breath, he made his way to the chair that sat up on a platform in the center of the room. Sitting down gently and slowly removing his hood. I felt my breath stop when I locked eyes with the cursed man. His icy blue eyes meeting mine with a devilish grin cast upon his face. "Y/n, we meet at last. Its long overdue." I didn't tear my gaze from the man and just stayed staring him down. "It would have been sooner but you kept slipping away, you're a tough one i've heard. I respect that." he smiled and I just stayed quiet. "I began to worry It would be awhile before we got you in a less busy setting. Still I haven't been able to figure out what you were doing there?" I just looked away and swallowed hard, the only thing keeping me from doubling over in pain from the heat rushing through the veins was the thought of looking weak in front of him. "What do you want with Harry and I?" I asked ignoring his question. He stood up and walked closer, I winced as the pain on my neck and arms grew stronger, I had caught on that it grew worse as he got nearer. I backed away and he tilted his head, "What is it? In a bit of pain?" he looked over my arms and I nodded, "Its because of you." I seethed at him and he just smiled, "Oh come on I can't take all the credit." he laughed and I just shook my head, "What did you do to me? And why me?" I asked confidently as I tried to keep my distance. "Well i think you know the answer to the first part of your question." he quipped in response and I furrowed my brows, yes I knew what curse had been put upon me but I didn't know for sure what it was, to what extent and if it was accurately done. And even then how would he know? "Or at least that's what my little spy told me, you know him right?" he said and soon Hera flew over from the dark corner, shapeshifting into a horrendous man. I couldn't believe what i had just seen, my bird this whole time was one of the Dark lords henchmen. I felt nauseous at the revelation and looked down. "You have so much resilience Y/n. I needed someone vulnerable but strong, a good manipulator who wasn't easily persuaded." I watched as the man beside him was dismissed, "Send him in." Voldemort spoke to the lean man and he nodded as he exited. "But there's plenty of people like me, what makes me special?" he just smiled, biting his nail, "So much that you don't even realize. The trauma and loss you and Harry experienced makes you stand out." I still didnt understand why he picked me, there were far more kids at the school that had been through more than I had. I felt my heart race as the doors opened.
Soon I felt as if the whole building was collapsing. The rubbish squashing me down and suffocating me as a man came up to stand beside the dark lord. Voldemort sat and watched in amusement at my reaction. "I cant believe this.'' I mumbled and shook my head. "You pathetic piece of shit!" I yelled at the man across the room, he stood in silence with an unwavering look on his face. "Quincy, why don't you explain to your daughter what our little plan is." the evil man quipped, sitting down and watching everything unfold. "Well we start-" I put a hand up to stop him, "No I dont wanna hear it from you." i said glaring at the man I despised so much, the one who 'raised' me and had taken away my other half. Who tortured my family and never gave a shit. "I want to hear it from the one and only." I said pointing towards the gray snake-like man. He looked at me surprised and then looked over at my Father, "Well if you insist." He waved his hand and smiled, "Please have a seat, you may want to before I start from the beginning." I turned and saw he had summoned a chair behind me. I hesitantly sat down and looked away from my father, staring into Voldemort's chilling eyes.
a/n idk every time I post a chapter I hate it more I cant wait to start the second book 😭
Taglist; @lovelyhoneylemon @juliijah @lmao-liz
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fallingfor-fics · 3 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 64: a mess
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Chapter 63
Soon the door opened with a grunt. I shuffled back on the couch and the man turned around after shutting it behind him. I quickly focused my shifting sight and saw a very confused and concerned Severus.
 He examined the state of the room, noting the bottle of liquor and almost done vinyl playing. I stayed silent, his figure moving in place from my hazed view. I knew I looked pitiful, puffy eyes probably a snotty nose too. Messy hair, mascara under my eyes, and sitting in the fetal position reeking of whiskey and depression. I looked like a sad whorish goldie locks. I was even wearing his shirt and listening to his music. And drinking his liquor to top it all off.  "Y/n what in Merlin's name happened?" he furrowed his brows and quickly dropped his stuff down and walked over to me. Sitting next to me and lifting his hands to cup my face. He looked me over using his thumb to wipe my tears and brushed down my hair. I was so disoriented and upset I just looked down and covered my face letting out a silent cry. I tried to hold it back but it pushed through with an overwhelming feeling like it was going through my whole body. I kept my hands on my face as I leaned forward. He quickly held me against his chest, cradling me in his arms and stroked my hair. Not saying a word. I felt my breath catch and I gasped, feeling the overwhelming rush go through me. I realized I was probably having a panic attack and sobbed harder at the thought. Especially since I probably looked crazy to my love who was shushing me and trying to calm me down. 
He sat me up to face him as I cried quietly, trying to get air back into my lungs. "Hey Y/n, darling look at me." he spoke softly, my eyes stayed shut as I shook my head, I could still feel my surroundings spin and he took my hands off my face. "Y/n look at me!" he spoke a little louder but still in a gentle tone. I opened my eyes and looked at the blurry man before me. He often doubted himself when it came to the two of us but sometimes I wondered if he still would after seeing me when I'm like this. He wiped the hair that was stuck to my face away. I could see his eyes were droopy and they were laced with so much concern. I kept skipping breaths and he grew more worried, "Y/n you need to take a deep breath you're going to hyperventilate." Wouldn't have been the first time I thought to myself as I tried to tell myself to breathe. It was easier said than done. I looked in his eyes pleading to look away from my disheveled state. He looked over me and sighed. "Ok hold still." He closed his eyes and focused, whispering an incantation he blew air into his hands and swiftly pushed it into my chest. I felt a hard push and gasped loudly. Feeling the air fill my lungs and taking big breaths after. He put a hand on my face making sure I was ok. I coughed and slowed my breathing back to normal. "Thank you." I softly slurred out. I had stopped crying from the shock of the spell and was able to calm myself back down. Severus pulled out a handkerchief and wiped my eyes and face.
After a couple minutes of sitting there he finally spoke out. "Now care to explain?" he asked in a concerned but lighthearted tone. I shook my head and sighed, "Im so sorry Severus. I thought you wouldn't be back yet, I totally understand if you want me to go." I felt my voice shake at the guilt. He quickly shook his head, "No Y/n its fine I just want to know what happened." He said softly stroking my hair. "I had a fight with my mother so I came here and just planned to stay until break was over." he sighed looking at the bottle on the table. Not that it wasn't obvious by my actions but he saw what I'd done in an attempt to forget about the argument. He pulled me in for a hug, "Leave it to you to sneak into my home and drink my whiskey." He laughed and I giggled sadly at his comment. "You need to sleep." I shook my head, "No I can't." he brushed my face tapping my chin, "You need rest." I nodded but sighed, "I know but I won't be able to sleep. Not right now."  he surrendered and waved his wand cleaning up the small mess i'd gathered.
An hour passed and I was sitting there unconsciously swaying still from the effects of the alcoholic beverage. I told him to go about his normal routine but he insisted on staying next to me. He was attempting to make me feel better, and we were laughing about some story of a freshman he'd had that screwed something up. "Well I remember when that was me except it was just a couple months ago and I was still messing up potions." I spoke smiling. "Yes, I remember when we started tutoring. Seems like a long time ago." I nodded in agreement, "ha it was back when you despised me." I added, taking a sip of the tea he had made for me, "I didn't despise you. You got on my nerves, yes, but I could never despise you." I smiled looking into his eyes seeing how he meant every word he said. I loved this version of him, when I knew I could trust wholeheartedly that he was telling the truth. "Same here." I softly smiled and he smirked back. Severus looked down as if contemplating something but I decided to ignore it for once. "You know I was in love with you long before the kiss at the yule ball, I just didnt know it." I slurred out softly. He looked at me with love and smiled, "I didn't know that, I didn't even realize my own feelings until after and I had already screwed it up." He said with a sad change in tone, "You had a good reason to be angry." I stated and he shook his head, "I shouldn't have blamed you though." I nodded in agreement with that and he smiled. "But look at us now." I smiled and he looked me up and down, "Yes a rather drunk girl who was just sobbing and an angry sad old man." he scoffed and I shoved him, "Oh shut up." he shook his head, "Why did you just go straight for the worst?" he asked and I shrugged. "I was upset and saw an escape, I acted only on human instinct." I defended and he frowned a bit at my confession, catching me looking at the frame that was flipped over on the table.
He slowly grabbed it and flipped it over. I glanced away, messing with the sleeves over my hands. "You look a bit like her." he stated softly, I looked into his eyes and smiled. He set it back down and I leaned closer to him a single tear sliding down my cheek, he looked at me with compassion and empathy and slowly cupped my cheek wiping it away once more, I leaned into his hand, bringing mine up over his. I grabbed it and kissed it softly. Looking him in the eyes once more, "I love you Severus." he smiled and stroked my cheek, he kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes enjoying the warmth of his company. "I love you too." he whispered quietly and I leaned up slowly, kissing him gently. He kissed me back and placed shorter kisses of love to my soft lips. I entangled my hands in his hair and pulled him in tighter. I bet he could taste the faint flavor of the firewhiskey on my breath but he clearly didn't care. I deepened the kiss and we pulled away for air. But I craved more, it was probably the mix of my emotions and liquor on top of my love for this man that tickled me. "Are you wearing my shirt?" he asked all of the sudden noticing. "yes..I'm so sorry again. I can take it off." I stammered out moving to pull it off. He grabbed my arms and put them down, "No no it's quite alright. I think it's rather attractive." he teased and I blushed, pulling him in for another kiss as I smiled against it. I quickly got into the gesture and kissed him slowly with passion. Deep and tender as he cupped my face. I moved onto his lap, not pulling away. I felt him rub my back affectionately as I kissed his cheek and down his jaw, moving to his neck. However he leaned away softly, "I don't think we should get too carried away love." he said cautiously. "What do you mean?" I asked, leaning back. "You're clearly not in the correct state of mind tonight." he said kindly, not wanting to offend me. "I'm fine, trust me I want this." I said smiling confidently, leaning forward to kiss him again, locking our lips and pushing my body against his. I felt his hands snake around my hips and pick me up, moving me off his lap. He pulled his mouth from mine. "I'm serious Y/n. I don't want you doing anything you might regret."
He looked at me with pleading eyes and I sighed, "Ok." he smiled, placing a soft kiss to my nose and lips. "How about we go to bed?" I nodded and he smiled, taking my hand. I stood up and stumbled a bit and he gave me a look, "What?" I asked sarcastically. He leaned down and picked me up bridal style. Carrying me up the stairs to his bedroom as I giggled at the gesture. He placed me gently on the bed, pulling back the covers and letting me get comfortable. I quickly settled in being surrounded by the smell of him. I was in heaven. The alcohol running through my blood was still heightening everything and I smiled as I watched him disappear into the bathroom and return in his pajamas. "Goodnight my love." he said walking towards the door. "Wait where are you going?" I asked confused, "To the guest room to sleep." he answered plainly. I shook my head, "Nonsense, I don't want to sleep alone." I said softly and he opened his mouth to protest but then looked in my eyes and saw my remaining sadness. "Ok." he sighed and walked over to the other side of the bed, crawling in on his back. He was keeping his distance and I just laughed, snuggling up to him, laying my head on his chest. I could feel his breathing stop and I laughed, "You can breathe Severus, it's only me." I said softly, placing a kiss to his clothed chest. I felt him relax and cautiously set his hand on my back, rubbing it gently and stroking my hair. I took in his scent and smiled to myself, letting my guard down so that he'd see my current thoughts. I'm so happy you're here, and I want to fall asleep in your arms more often. I love you.
Taglist; @lovelyhoneylemon @juliijah @lmao-liz
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