#sexy monkee
There’s so many 4th wall breaks I love in The Monkees like Micky walking off set to get ideas from the writers or Mike asking the costume department for his hat back… but I think one of my favorites is when Davy stops a scene because he thinks the sexy maid girl has a line, but then she is like “no I don’t have a line” and then he pushes her away.
Not to over explain a joke but it’s so funny to be like “wait wait everyone let the girl speak” the girls speaks and tells him he is wrong and he’s like stfu get outta here.
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imeminemp3 · 2 years
peter tork i won't u so bad
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
one of my sources for studying degrees in-tangent gives like these little descriptors for each degree to give a visualization as to what that degree can entail. its kind of neat tbh.
but for 3° Cancer, which is what Micky's 4th house Saturn in Cancer is in - and i've already talked a lot about it so we're aware of what it already entails - it gives this description that made me sink to the floor:
"A woman seated in an altitude of grief, her clothes disordered and her hair unkempt, holding some faded flowers in her hands; among the flowers are lilies and roses"
amongst all of that, which i dont think we need to dredge over 'cause it's honestly a bit of a downer to discuss; not ideal to feeling grief on behalf of another person for today. however, because im so cool and epic with a lot of sexy knowledge, i want to discuss the lilies and roses since i am a super sucker for symbolism in all things. it's not necessary but it's what the neurodivergency is commanding me to do and i have no say.
note: both roses and lilies have sooo many different colors and varieties to them that its hard to pin down an all-encompassing symbolic generalization for them. but my sources have tried their best at it and i think it works well.
remember that Saturn slows progress, and always brings difficulties to wherever its placed and in aspect to, so it's overall going to dampen the symbolism of these plants; hence the 'faded flowers', because that's the nature of Saturn's influence.
lilies are known to be recognized as a flower of purity and innocence -- it's a flower of sympathy. it also happens to be associated with the Moon! and i think that's incredibly coincidental considering his Moon opposes his Saturn. so, a whittling away at that purity & innocence due part to his home life, either growing up in or in trying to establish his own, is a possibility. especially since he's been working in the entertainment industry since he was a child. i don't think he ever got to experience that kind of child-like innocence and purity much in life due to that and just became part of him as he got older, quite literally tending to his inner child a lot of the time. lilies also symbolize dignity and honor, in which those things can only be accomplished through hard work, and at times through his life it seemed those things did not come into play throughout his career. his Moon is in Capricorn 10th house; he's always taken his career choices very seriously and emotionally invests himself into it to which, again, can cause problems in the home (as we've discussed before), and could struggle trying to uphold those things at home.
roses are much more recognized for their symbols of love and romance, which is the usual accepted generalization, and i do agree with that too. but roses are also known for its secrecy. the 4th house is already pretty private as it is; double that with his Saturn conjuncting Juno....someone HELP HIM dios mios. roses are associated with Venus, but Juno is pretty much a fine-tuned off-shoot soooo *nervously pulling at collar*. tbqfh "faded" is an understatement for roses here.
and you can combine the two flowers + their meaning and you get a whole fuckin' mess. someone throughout life who lacked discipline in personal relationships because of his rose-tinted glasses. he fucked around AND found out. 🧠💥🤯 (other placements and aspects can back this up too, this ain't just one speculation)
now to tie this all together: 3° Cancer.
other than the one nice thing, "an ear for music", there's also: "dependence on home, possible mother fixation", "strong feelings that over-rule reason and experience", "expects support from home without effort", and "easily influenced by the opposite sex which can cause either injury or disgrace". so, y'know. use context clues for that one.
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……..i……..i………i need to throw myself off a bridge…….
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brucequeensteen · 6 months
kimclitsuragi -> finalgirljesus
MATCHING WITH TARA @jesuschristfinalgirl 😁 sorry for the change again but you can forgive me because im funny and sexy and so is tara
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doublydaring · 6 months
can u say more about the monkee killjoys because i am so intrigued.... i love killjoy-ifying my faves and the drawings of yours that ive seen are so intriguinggg
hiiii I am working on making more art of them but it is going to take too long so and I am too excited to not respond so here goes.
davy is called Raggedy Andy and he is a droid. i AM born sexy yesterdaying him. He was built in some sort of bli facility and never made it to battery city. he has never been activated when the boys find him, hes some sort of song and dance droid, i have him in his little violin playing outfit from head. the boys discovering his pod can be seen in my little comic. they have to teach him how to be a person. hilarity ensues.
micky is called Shorty Blackwell. he is a zone rat if there has ever been one. idk the timeline of killjoys anymore sorry gerard but if its plausible his parents were zone rats too, they were! he is happy-go-lucky, carries a blaster but very rarely uses it, that being said, is pretty desensitized to shooting dracs, doesn't really seem to comprehend hes killing people because of how he was raised. knows his ways around the zones and is really into astronomy and geology, pockets FULL of rocks.
mike is Carlisle Wheeling. hes sort of a classic dark gunslinger type but god guilty guilty guilty about everything. he doesn't say that though. of course. anyway. he was born in battery city and loves to moralize about it. hes always like, you know you guys should be grateful cuz back in battery city and theyre all like groan mikeeee we just want to eat our freaking beans without a lesson okay?????? he is sooooo fucking DRAMATIC. wears a leather duster in the desert and complains about it being hot.
lastly my beautiful wife peter - moniker, Free Love, but they call him love because that is very cute. heart. will not carry a blaster. uh huh. absolute doozy of a right hook though. <- guilty about that too. talks a big game about pacifism but gets really overwhelmed easily and starts lashing out. then he feels bad -> the cycle continues. he doesn't talk about where he's from which could mean nothing. always wearing as few clothes a possible, much to mikes chagrin. serial pontificater. always got a tab of whack ass zone acid if you need one.
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lookninjas · 1 year
Pick a Weird Song of My Youth (based on a bad description)
I really have always been like this; I just didn't have easy access to Latvian funk-pop back in the 90s.
Do you remember when it was still called emocore? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Anyway, inspired by my dragging out my Maggie Estep CD for the last one, here are some weird songs of my youth, poorly described. Please vote for the description you find most appealing/humorous/whatever. And then please reblog the post, so other people can vote, and maybe discover why the second Refreshments album is one of the most underrated albums ever.
I will make a playlist out of all the songs at the end of the poll, in order of votes received. I will also link each song individually if you don't want to go through a twelve-song playlist but just want to know what a particular song is. (Listen to the playlists though, if you can -- I always choose bangers.) If you want to be reminded of this post when it's time for the playlist to land, leave a comment or put it in the tags or whatever, and I'll tag you when it's done. If you want to know what a specific song is (or two), and you don't want to wait, shoot me an ask and I'll tell you.
I think that's it! Have a good out of touch Thursday, and I'll see you next week.
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Once upon a time I took sexy photos with my Monkees records an embarrassing yet liberating experience
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mystical-one · 1 year
wait ok so tork harrison timeline so far
- sometime in 1966 post-monkees casting but pre-production (May 31st 1966) at cass elliots house (briefly)
- july 3rd 1967 in london at the speakeasy party
- july 5th 1967 at georges house 😏
- december 1967 (or january pre-7th since that's when george flew to bombay) for the sexy sexy wonderwall banjo session
- ??? AT PETERS HOUSE???? supposedly in 1968 given when the article about it came out (aug 1968) but ummmmmmmmm hello. For the love of god hi
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rivertigo · 1 year
Nine people i would like to know better!! 🐱💗
tagged by @emo-is-sexy mwah 💋
Last song: I am the resurrection by the stone roses
Favorite color: hot pink or swamp green ‼️
Currently watching: HEY HEY WE’RE THE MONKEES!!!!
Last movie/tv show: last movie was the first saw NO WAIT it was american psycho
Sweet/spicy/savory: SWEET SWEEP!! but only for like baked goods and chocolate, I can’t do hard candy, but I love savory like I love savory too
Relationship status: SINGLE 🔥
Current obsession(s): it’s liam gallagher. also the monkees. my brain has been empty the past few weeks
Last thing you googled: michigan distiller’s license (my mom’s coworker made moonshine and we were discussing the legality over dinner yesterday)
mmm tagging NOT nine people @catholicide @davidhole @greencherub
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seconddoubt · 1 year
noo don't post a spotify link to a monkees song you're too sexy for that, go on allmonkeesmusic dot tumblr dot com and see the light
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Peter Tork and James Lee Stanley.
“‘The blues band [Shoe Suede Blues] is what I live for,’ Tork said. The band has been booked at clubs up and down the East Coast, as well as in California, but there are no New Jersey dates on the horizon. Tork also performs with his longtime friend, James Lee Stanley, as an acoustic duo, playing folk clubs and other venues. ‘We like to think of the James and Peter show as kind of our annuity — we could keep doing this forever. Much as we like to think we’re still young sexy studs, this is something we can keep doing.’
 He and Stanley have released a CD titled ‘Two-Man Band’ and Tork also has a solo album, ‘Stranger Things Have Happened.’ Tork says he’s much happier playing with the blues band and Stanley than he was as a Monkee, but he does have some fond Monkee memories. One of his best memories, ironically, is from 1997, when the group reunited for a series of concerts in Europe that he says was one of his best performing experiences with Dolenz, Jones, and Nesmith. He also is proud of the group’s work on their reunion album, ‘Justus.’ [The making of Justus documentary is available on YouTube.]” - The Record, July 16, 1999
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imeminemp3 · 1 year
12, 18, 20, and 22 for the monkees asks <333
12: Guilty pleasure song?
i think any of the songs from the monkees and more of the monkees makes me feel guilty that i like it lol 😭😭 like last train to clarksville is genuinely good and i love mary mary. i will NOT feel guilty for liking sweet young thing tho. the fiddle is so sexy
18: Which Monkees albums do you own on vinyl?
i have headquarters, head and ltd, as well as two 45s
20: A Monkees song that reminds you of a good memory?
one time i was in the car with my friends and we had had just gotten to our destination, but then im a believer came on and i freaked out and we just sat in the car listening to it
22: Favourite song with Micky on lead vocals?
no time... daily nightly.... can you dig it......
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
Micky: hey peter and i just got arrested
Mike: ....
Mike: what
Micky: yeah he and i are arrested
Mike: Micky youre in the house
Micky: its a house arrest
Mike: .....what did you even do
Micky: well peter said that it was because we drove the monkeemobile into a fire hydrant which made it fly in the air and crash into a police car
Micky: but I think it's because they saw me and declared i was too sexy
another lost monkees episode
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myimaginaryradio · 1 year
Dress Sexy For Me - Peter Tork - 2011
I had the pleasure of meeting Peter at a convention around 10 years ago. My son was nervous, he was a big fan of The Monkees. Peter was so nice and gentle, in the five minutes he spent with my son he talked to him, really talked to him. One of my ways of judging the human being is by how they treat my kids. Peter was a good person. For five minutes his sole purpose for being at that con was to hang out with my son. I will never forget that day.
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doublydaring · 25 days
Ron what are your top favorite tv shows
hi kait. thank you sooo much for this ask. television is my first and true love and i have a great many things to say about it.
Black Sails - Black Sails is like a show made in a lab to please me. It is a prequel to Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island" which integrates the fake pirates from the book with the real pirates of history. It is about my number one interest of all time, historiography, the way that we tell the story of history. It is about the way that society uses stories and shame to control people. Its epic.
Trust FX - A miniseries. This is also about historiography, you will sense a theme. This is about the Getty kidnapping. It is full of beautiful sexy Italians and horrible horrible Americans. Brendan Fraser slays as a PI slash Greek Chorus. Luca Marinelli gives the performance to end all performances as Primo Nizzuto.
Justified - A tribute to the now rightfully dead Western Genre Justified is about a bunch of guys who suck that you cannot help but root for. A big city Marshall is forced to return to his hometown of Harlan, Kentucky after shooting a man. Some of the greatest characters of all time come from this show. Raylan Givens, Dickie Bennet, Dewey Crowe, Tim Gutterson, Rachel Brooks, and above all, Boyd Crowder. If you are compelled by slow talking, fast drawing men with problems, you will love this brilliantly witty crime drama.
MASH - Hawkeye Pierce is like a real friend to me. This too is about historiography. 11 seasons of swirling 70s sleaze and the hardest hitting antiwar commentary wrapped up in the warm and fuzzy packaging of a pleasantly green sitcom. In the first season Frank asks Hawkeye if he's ever serious, Hawkeye responds "I tried it once, everybody laughed," and it felt like my life flashing before my eyes. Trapper John McIntyre, BJ Hunnicutt, Margret Houlihan, these are just a few of the greatest characters ever written. And they're on mash.
This is where things get hard, this answer has changed a lot over the years, a few years ago, It's Always Sunny would have been like 2 on this list, as far as number of funny episodes, its still pretty high up there, I also have to mention The Monkees of course, Turn: Washington's Spies was a formative classic for me and me alone, Star Trek: The Next Generation is brilliant. There are the modern classics, Succession, Severance, and Santa Clarita Diet. The old greats, Cheers, Taxi, Star Wars the Clone Wars. My past obsessions, Jonathan Creek, TAITV, I Made America, Torchwood. Flight of The Concords and What We Do In The Shadows informed my humor so much. But I think in the end the 5th greatest television program is the San Diego Padres. Not a show in the traditional sense, but TV certainly, and a program I have probably spent more time watching than any other.
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fortheturnstiles · 1 year
casually clicking around watching jarvis cocker interviews cause i find him sexy and then boom this bitch mentions the monkees. SPECIFICALLY MIKE NESMITH. BY NAME
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