Hi Frank can you tell be a cool fact about American history from the years 1879 to 1967?
OK here we go. All of this was, to my surprise, really true.
1879: Theodore Roosevelt, who had never held political office, and who was never nominated in a primary election, is elected President. This is an unusual situation, not repeated until George W. Bush in 2000, the last time an incumbent was elected in this way. The Republican Party is in disarray for years afterwards, and it was not until 1920 that this election was finally decided in favor of a Republican.
1883: James Garfield is shot by an assassin and dies in office. Garfield did not actually win the presidency, but he had made the run for it and been close, so everyone considers him to be the Republican candidate. It was a close race, but the Republican candidate carried just about all the New England states.
1885: Grover Cleveland is president. This is not a real thing. No one remembers this event, no one can even recall the name of Cleveland's Vice President, and there was in fact no Vice President elected at this time, as he had died years earlier. Cleveland won the 1884 Presidential election for his own party, but did not run for another term, and thus did not win the nomination.
1887: Benjamin Harrison is assassinated and dies in office. He did not win the 1884 Presidential election, and, because the Republican candidate, James G. Blaine, had died during the campaign and thus the party could not select a replacement candidate, the election went to a head-to-head popular vote between Blaine and Democrat Grover Cleveland. Blaine won by one electoral vote.
1889: Benjamin Harrison is assassinated by the wife of a personal enemy.
1893: Grover Cleveland is "elected" as a third-party candidate, and so is not president. There is, technically, a president who was never president. (He's "President-elect" Cleveland; he was President-elect at the time of his assassination!)
1895: William McKinley is nominated for a third time, at a time when he was not actually an incumbent President.
1897: William McKinley is assassinated by an anarchist in Buffalo. The McKinley Tariff was passed in March 1894, shortly before McKinley's presidential campaign began. He would have been the first US President to die in office if he had lived, so the new President-elect is called Theodore Roosevelt, because his name starts with "T" and the Republican party (as at the time) was very protective of its incumbent President-elects.
1901: Teddy Roosevelt is elected President. This is the first of many elections in which the incumbent Republican is elected, and it is the first of the post-Roosevelt era. The party was still in disarray at this time, and it was not until the Republican candidate in the next election, Herbert Hoover, was elected President in 1928 that there would be no Republican President until Gerald Ford in 1974.
1907: Theodore Roosevelt is re-elected, as is William Taft, who was another one of his cabinet appointees.
1911: William Taft, one of the few members of President Roosevelt's cabinet who did not live to see his own inauguration, is elected President.
1917: Woodrow Wilson is elected President, not by election, but because he is nominated for President in the 1912 convention and many delegates did not attend.
1918: Woodrow Wilson is elected President a second time, after the convention which nominated him was held in the midst of a global flu epidemic.
1919: Warren G. Harding is elected president.
1920: Warren G. Harding is elected President a third time, after the Republicans split their national vote and the Democrats win the electoral college vote.
1921: Warren G. Harding is re-elected, his nomination being won by the convention held in the middle of the Russian Revolution.
1923: Calvin Coolidge is elected President for the first of five times. He is re-elected in 1928, the year of the Wall Street crash, and he is nominated the year after, with his nomination won in a convention held the year after, with the convention held in the midst of a Great Depression. He was nominated in the midst of the depression because that was the year Coolidge was "born," meaning he lived for his entire life, and then died of a heart attack before his term was over. He had a heart attack at age 58 and was elected President at age 62.
(Yes, Coolidge was 58 when the Republicans nominated him, and his heart attack killed him. The Republicans wanted to nominate him as a formality, but he hadn't been in office for any long time and in fact died the very next day. He was not actually elected, since there was no time between the nomination and his death in office to hold a presidential election. The Republican National Committee met with Coolidge's doctor, who said "Coolidge will die if they do not nominate him by noon" and the party nominated him in his place.)
1929: Herbert Hoover is elected in a hard-fought primary. (Hoover's father was an obscure member of a political dynasty who never won anything except the House seat he was representing when he died, and Hoover himself was a businessman and governor with no political experience of any kind.)
1935: Franklin Roosevelt is elected in a hard-fought primary, the only instance so far when a presidential candidate was elected in this way.
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atamascolily · 4 months
Thunderbolt Fantasy ships, summarized
Lin Xue Ya/Shang Bu Huan - The inherent eroticism of fucking your narrative foil--simultaneously your opposite and complement. More importantly, it's about sexualizing that old man and annoying the hell of out him at the same time.
Lin Xue Ya/Sha Wu Sheng - These two have everything: history, chemistry, betrayal, graveyard drinking dates, and a promised rendezvous in the afterlife. Also, bird themes.
Lang Wu Yao/Shang Bu Huan - If "I would go to the ends of the earth for you AND kill anyone who looks at you funny" makes you feral, this is the ship for you. Bonus: Ling Ya as the sassy wingman.
Lang Wu Yao/Lin Xue Ya - The man who never talks and the man who can't stop talking. Rivals to hatesex to a threesome with Shang, what's not to like?
Lang Wu Yao/Mu Tiang Ming - Is there anything sexier than a duet to the death? I thought not.
Mu Tian Ming/Shang Bu Huan - Lang clearly thinks this is a thing, but IDK?? Make it a threesome and everybody wins.
Shang Bu Huan/Wan Jun Po - The Xi You Hot Dads Squad and old man yaoi at its finest. The inherent tragedy and drama of two morally upstanding people ultimately driven apart by whether the ends justify the means.
Dan Fei/Juan Can Yun - Canon. I'm not the first person to make this joke, but it's true: "She's everything. He's just Ken." Utterly adorable.
Dan Fei/Xing Hai - A cleric dedicated to fighting evil and a demon necromancer whose greatest wish is to crush humanity like a bug. A crackship with surprising potential. Please, tell me more!
Lin Xue Ya/Xing Hai - Technically canon in the light novels, where he tricked her into falling in love with him before humiliating her. No wonder she hates his guts--he's the ex-boyfriend from hell who shows up on her doorstep to ask for a favor.
Xing Hai/Juan Can Yun - This may have actually happened in S3 and neither party is happy about it.
Lou Zhen Jie/Seven Blasphemous Deaths - Another canon ship, this time between a nihilist ex-monk and his evil sword wife. I love that this show asks "Would you really love her if she was a worm a sexy demon lady?" and LZJ's response is "HELL NO". They deserve each other.
Lin Xue Ya/Xiao Kuang Jun - These two fucked at least once in S2, I don't make the rules. How else am I supposed to read Xiao pinning Lin to a bed followed by an immediate cut away, and him leading Lin around the countryside on a leash? There was motive and opportunity, and it's a punishment for both of them for wildly different reasons.
Lang Wu Yao/Xiao Kuang Jun - Remember, Xiao was the one to "discover" Lang and was his first patron at the Xi You court. Make what you will of this.
Lang Wu Yao/Chao Feng - Adding sex to their canon relationship would change almost nothing, but since when has the yandere murder princess ever cared about ethics and boundaries?
Lang Wu Yao/Xing Hai - A crackship for now, but you never know… they were last seen in each other's company.
Xie Ying Luo/Therapy - This woman is not ready for a relationship right now, she needs to find herself and make better life choices. Talking to Di Kong does NOT count!!
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dykerory · 2 months
life has so few joys bujt roleplaying a sexy bird in a homoerotic relationship with a crazy old necromancer who wants to capture him with your bestie is one of them
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shitouttabuck · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @thewolvesof1998 thank u bud i’m procrastinating packing and this was fun
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
129,484 which is a fake number to me
3. what fandoms do you write for?
nothing has made me as insane in my life as network television procedural drama 911 on abc, so
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you can start a family who will always show you love
let the world have its way with you
my hearts over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance
like a dog with a bird at your door
i like the summer rain (i like the sounds you make)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try very hard to because they make me so happy and it’s unbelievably kind of people to take the time to leave them!!! However i sometimes leave it too long and then worry it’s weird to reply after like. a month. which as a fic reader i wouldn’t give a shit about so idk what my problem is!!!! i will reply i will just maybe take a hot sec to do it
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t have any i’m a happily ever after or bust kinda guy in my own head if nowhere else…… angstiest is probably the sound of love astounds me if only because it ends post-feelings realisation but still pre-relationship
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
they’re all so happy omg. i will say with great personal bias it’s my heart’s over-pumping but also i have. a sequel in the works….
8. do you get hate on fics?
no people have been very very very lovely but also sjjsjsjs i’ve not been here super long. the funniest comment i’ve gotten was on my first fic where someone was like i liked this but it is jarringly inaccurate as mcdonald’s in california doesn’t have a veggie burger option 😭 i cried laughing im so sorry to u americans. pls petition your local mcdonald’s to stock the mcplant it slaps
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
have written two e-rated fics….. it’s very fun but i don’t think i’m very good so i’d like to practice actually (maybe some sexy prompts after i finish the bed-sharing ones?) just the regular kind for now like i love buck and eddie desperately and am myself into a million things but i don’t know how kinky they would actually get in my own head. so just a little gross with it for now i guess
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no that would be SICK. @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove is podficcing bucket list fic which is so very cool of her!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no omg i don’t know how y’all do it i’m bad at group projects but also this sounds soooooo fun. if also deeply stressful
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
if that’s synonymous with most likely to get you institutionalised, uh. gestures around us. otherwise mulder/scully and i am just now right as i’m typing this realising i’ve never ever in my life actually read x files fic what the fuck. also steve/bucky but i haven’t read fic since 2017 probably
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
listen i have not written a word for x files au past that one snip i shared forever ago. i want to soooo bad i’ve talked about it to some of you very rabidly but. it does not want to be written and if it did it would have to be so fucking long which is very daunting to me. not saying i’ve put her in the ground yet but. we might need some necromancing
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m pretty good at writing in character? mostly? sometimes i struggle with buck just because i think we’re very similar and i project a little and then have to go back and fix it lmao but for the most part i think i’m good at that! and i have a lot of fun writing dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
plot!!!!!! and pacing!!!!!!!!!!! also my inability to write non-linearly omg if i get stuck i just get Stuck i can’t jump ahead
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
oooh i love it and would love to include more than the teeniest bits i have but i’m so conscious about it sounding natural and not stiff to people whose language it actually is (shout out and a million kisses to @eddiebabygirldiaz for fixing the spanish in i love you like a dog!!!!!)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
911 babey!
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
my heart’s over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance !!! not just because it was the first fic i posted after joining tumblr fandom but. idk it is so so so special to me like it makes me so happy and when i think about it i’m like. hey u wrote that. good for u my dude. and also maybe i just associate it with meeting a bunch of you whjsjssjsj
tagging @callaplums @eddiebabygirldiaz @housewifebuck @rewritetheending @try-set-me-on-fire @onward--upward @anxieteandbiscuits @devirnis @athenagranted if anyone wants to do this i’m nosy soz if you already have !!!!
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hyenasnake · 1 year
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Commission for @sexy-necromancing-bird of their ocs Solane and Brennan! Thanks so much for commissioning me!
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She sexy on my bird till I'm necromancing
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tessherongraystairs · 2 years
My sister sucks and she picked her birthday dinner to be at a restaurant with a minimum of thirty minute wait for a table so here’s a bunch of incorrect quotes I made while I was waiting
Farrah: Did you bring Dulcie?
Star, gesturing to Penny: No, but I brought the next best thing
Farrah: Penny? The next best thing would be Temple
Penny: I would be offended, but Temple is freakishly strong
Penny: I'm a reverse necromancer
Chloe: Isn't that just killing people?
Penny: Ah, technically
That one could literally work with all of them-
Liza (Brooke’s mom): If we lose, you're out of the will
Brooke: I was in the will?
Penny: Can you cut me some slack, Chloe? I'm sort of in love
Chloe: I'm sorry, but that's really not my problem
Penny: I'm in love with you
Chloe: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little
Sage (Brooke’s potential love interest): What are you in the mood for?
Brooke: World domination
Sage: That's a bit ambitious
Brooke: You are my world
Sage: AWW...
Sage: OH
Penny: Brooke, we're hungry!
Gigi: Brooke! What's for dinner?
Chloe: We're hungry, Brooke!
Brooke, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: *screams*
Brooke: Are you coming to bed?
Sage: I can't. This is important
Brooke: What?
Sage: Someone is wrong on the internet
Dulcie: Stay foxy
Also Dulcie: Die lonely
Penny: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us
Chloe: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both
Gigi: Hey, Hart, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Hart: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly
Gigi: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Hart: Can't really say I have
Gigi: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes
Hart: Sorry, Gigi. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody
For the record, Hart has definitely imagined having kids with Gigi
hart is a simp
dulcie icon as always
Brooke the mom friend
Ykw I agree with the murder ones
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anoodleyqueer · 2 years
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I posted 1,968 times in 2022
That's 1,478 more posts than 2021!
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Longest Tag: 100 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
watched beat by mill and I was just like "oh this looks like it has heartstopper inspo" and then NO IT DID FUCKING NOT
7 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
I don't think I've ever seen a fandom breathe this much of a collective sigh of relief
8 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
seven years ago today jonghyun compared several of his suits to bottles of listerine
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See the full post
13 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
25 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"no little german boy don't listen to libido by onlyoneof!!!"
"oh mein gott zhis song is full of crotchengräbben!"
35 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
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your-turn-to-role · 4 years
Feralness of the NPCs? If you like.
this one took me a bit longer, because as critrolestats calculated a couple months ago, across both campaigns, matt has over a thousand npcs, and we'd be here all year if i had to rank all of them 😂
but in my attempt to brainstorm all significant npcs from both campaigns (though i'm sure i'm forgetting someone i'm gonna immediately remember as soon as i post this), i've got gilmore, allura, kima, jarett, kaylie, cassandra, kynan, artagan, kiri, essek, dairon, orly, yeza, and pumat sol, so i can do those guys!
(not including villains, figures we don't know much personal about like the bright queen, or guest pcs, because they're still technically pcs. also not splitting by campaign because allura and artagan appear in both)
1 - kaylie motherfucking shorthalt. i adore her so much, and she is feral as fuck. granted, she's highly competent feral, she's good enough at the flute to challenge scanlan, and good enough at the violin to be a professional fiddler (which, i reiterate, takes so much dedication to learn), and aes adan/the meat man definitely didn't become as powerful as he did all because of scanlan. but also, is a thief and a conman and will 100% get in a bar fight with just about anyone, absolutely unafraid to speak her mind, and her approach to meeting her father for the first time was to work out all her grudges by trying to kill him with a knife. see also - her epilogue was deciding to finish the schooling she dropped out of, but at a really fancy academy so she could prove she's better than all the rich kids, just really rub it in their faces. i so wish i could have seen it.
2 - kima will fight you. kima will fight anyone. i don't know why all the short girls in cr are so feral, but like literally all of them are just pure feral condensed into three feet of girl, i love them. kima is no different, except she has a dragon god on her side and also is very gay and she's great
3 - artagan. now, feral in large part constitutes an unwillingness or inability to play by the rules of a functioning society, and that's all artagan's about. show him a rule and he will run the other direction until he feels safe and then come back invisibly and use that rule to fuck with people. he has the chaos part down too, and i was almost gonna put him in first place. however, feral also implies something of a willingness for violence, and artagan doesn't really have that? like he does to an extent, but in the words of mr matthew mercer, "even the nicest of fey are weird and have their dark sides". and as far as fey go, artagan has been shown to care about people a lot more than he's ever wished them harm. like he's still feral, because he's an archfey and the entire feywild is feral. but like... relatively tame feral. give the boy a pen and some paper and he'll leave you alone.
4 - kiri. she's adorable, and is baby, but is also a bird with a knife whose catchphrase has more or less become "go fuck yourself!". i love her.
5 - orly's pretty chill. but also, let's be real, there's a limit to how non-feral a tortle sailor and tattoo artist with bagpipes fused into his shell can be. also is just generally down for whatever illegal antics the m9 feel like getting up to
6 - cassandra. i debated for a while about putting her higher, because there's definitely an argument to be made for that, but you do have to take into consideration how well put together and fancy she is at nearly all times. however. cassandra at no more than maybe 13 was the only person to not get caught in the briarwood attack, rescued her brother from the dungeon where they were torturing him and keeping the bodies of her other siblings, guided him out, got nearly murdered, and lived in a whitestone full of zombies and villains and vampire mind control for five years. she's feral under the surface, she's had to be
7 - jarett. god i love jarett, i forgot about him last time someone asked me my fave c1 npcs but he's the best. anyway, captain of their guard, good at fighting, terrible liar, Definitely Has Never Dealt Drugs Before, will go kill a dragon with you. but like, as long as you're paying him. he's doing this for money, not just out of base feral instinct. Probably Needs A Break.
8 - dairon taught beau and earned her respect somehow, so you know they're at least a little feral. but also, widely respected expositor of the cobalt soul, competent spy, and at least moderately capable of keeping beau in line, so that knocks down their feralness level a fair bit
9 - essek is a fancy boy, and definitely is beholden to a lot of rules. the whole floating thing shows that, like, he's pretty damn far from feral for most of the time he's in rosohna. but i debated who was higher between all the wizards for a while, and i think just because essek is (or at least was) neutral evil and is so driven by his hunger for knowledge and to explore the darker parts of dunamancy, that does push him up the feral scale a little bit. there's very little essek wouldn't do when it comes to discovering secrets. (also, you know, his entire job as the shadowhand, we've seen involves some fucked up stuff, so he's far from squeamish or naive in that sense)
10 - allura is a wizard and a politician and a fancy person and generally rather chill. but as far as the wizards go, wins second most feral because she's been an adventurer. she took down thordak the first time. casually reminisces about how weird all adventuring groups are when vox machina are like licking the weird powder they found in the necromancer dungeon and mentions she was like that too. girl's seen some shit
11 - pumat is not an adventurer, and has no wish to be, and on the whole, is not feral at all. but also, pumat swole.
12 - kynan, wants to be feral? and then was, kinda, for a bit, and then severely regretted it. has had his moments, but on the whole is a Soft Boy
13 - gilmore. we're definitely getting to the definitively Not Feral end of the scale now. i mean, points for crushing a man to death with his mind, also points for "if you could find a way for me to become a dragon, that would be sexy". but gilmore is extremely concerned at all times with putting on that charming and excited mask, he puts a lot of value on his image and practically nothing will get him to tarnish it (even when thordak nearly killed him and he was still barely hanging on, he tried to use prestidigitation to make himself look better, like... those walls run deep). is also just a really genuinely nice person, cares a lot about people, is very empathetic, and again, refuses to show negative emotion if it will hurt someone else in any way. it's hard to imagine shaun gilmore as feral in any way, and if he did get close to that, it wouldn't be in front of other people
14 - yeza. now, points for the slightly mad scientist vibe yeza's got going on, it seems to be veth's type. but also, veth has 100% of the feral in this relationship and they both know it
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paulnewmanlover · 3 years
tides e39 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ooooo intense stuff with ada's backstory and--
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lmao that's hilarious, of all the birds.... 🤦‍♀️ I love that the original iteration of (my) finch was actually my very first dragon age warden!! the only thing that's stayed the same was his name & general personality, but when I came up with it years and years ago I simply thought it was a cute name!! there was no bigger connection to birds??? so the fact that both in our rapscallion game and tides there's this association to the songbirds & wings of life respectively is amazing hahaha~ I wonder if we'll get to meet the podcast finch or if I'll get to just imagine meta-finchy out there being some absolutely batshit & crazy powerful necromancer 😂
other parts of the ep:
- oof thomas the illusion is all probably some part of the game but the shark look is kind of sexy?? maybe keep it?? 👀💦
- theo and evan are adorable... but I'm not sure if I actually trust him yet... I feel mad paranoid lol
- finally!!! they are going to reunite the crew!!!! I want them to be back together again aaaaaaaaaa
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Frank have you ever fallen in love? What does it mean to you?
The feeling itself is pretty difficult to describe. But it is a deep feeling: a feeling of connectedness to the whole and an awareness of your essential identity -- a feeling like someone can say something and you can just hear it, hear the rhythm of their thought and sense the music of that voice.
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epicstuckyficrecs · 4 years
Weekly Recap | July 6-12th 2020
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💙 The Necrofloranomicon by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)/ @leveragehunters​ (Magical Realism AU | 47K | Teen): Bucky didn't want much. Just to keep his head down, to sell his scavenged flowers in peace, and to stay off Shield's radar. His life would have been a lot easier if his flowers weren't dead and if being a necromancer wasn't illegal, but easy or not, he was getting by. Steve didn't want much, either. He was happy working for Shield, he had good friends, and overall his life was going just about the way he wanted it. Problem was, being happy with your life was generally an invitation for fate to throw a spanner in the works—and in Steve's specific case, it was going to be a spanner named Bucky. (A love story about flowers, trust, and magic and the choices we make about doing what's right.) (Part 1 of The Necrofloranomicon)
Bloom by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)/ @leveragehunters​ (Magical Realism AU | 5K | Teen): "You need a necromancer dealt with," Bucky said."Actually no." There was something in her voice Bucky wasn't used to hearing. Maybe surprise? He wasn't sure. "Shield has received a request for our necromancer," she said, and Bucky had no idea what that meant. Thankfully, she clarified. "Someone's asking for your help, Bucky."
deadlines are sexy, steve rogers by maximoffs/ @queenshireen​ (Modern AU, Writer Steve | 2,6K | Mature): “Steve,” Bucky says, and here Steve can almost imagine him— he looks just like a bird— indignant and disappointed in the inherent fallibility of mankind. Pacing in his expensive suit, around his expensive office, ruining the effects of his expensive face cream by frowning too much. “You’re a writer. Your greatest talent is turning everything around you into a distraction so that you don’t have to write.”
Tumblr Prompts, Chapter 5: it's a long shot by Deisderium/ @deisderium​ (Shrinkyclinks | 2,8K | Teen): ‘All my intel said you’re not meant to be back until next week and I’m sitting here using your flat as a sniper nest to kill a bad guy. This is awkward.’ 
we never had a shotgun shot in the dark by voxofthevoid/ @voxofthevoid​ (PWP, Captain America Bucky, SHIELD Agent Steve | 2,1K | Explicit): Captain Barnes and Agent Rogers have their own post-mission routine.
Table for two by SinpaiCasanova (Post-EG, PWP | 3,9K | Explicit): Bucky catches himself thinking it at least once a day since the battle for Earth in Wakanda–their last fight together–ended a little over a year ago. Though despite the passage of time and how frequently their circumstances change, like the love they share for each other, it’s the one thing that’s always maintained its truth. Retirement looks fucking good on Steve.
💙 hit me baby one more time by Deisderium/ @deisderium​ (Assassins Bucky & Steve | 10K | Teen): In which two hitmen discover, against all rational thought, that they have feelings for each other.
Find Our Way by leavinghope (Modern AU, Coworkers | 7K | Teen): Bucky Barnes had a best friend, a fulfilling career, and a good life all on his own. But maybe, just maybe, there was room in his life for a partner? And maybe that partner could be Steve Rogers.
Tender is the Ghost by Hark_bananas/ @harkbananas​ (Post-WS | 3/12 | 36K | Explicit): This thought is uncontrollably followed by another one: I’m not alone anymore. He looks over his shoulder, through the kitchen door, to where Bucky is sitting at his usual place at the head of the dining table, and he feels an unconstrainable smile breaking out across his face, the barest hint of threatening tears along its bright edge. Bucky is still looking past Steve’s left ear, but slowly, gingerly, one side of his mouth quirks up. Steve feels giddy, he wants to shout, or faint, or something to relieve the carbonated pressure that is bubbling up inside of him. Instead, he laughs, short and cheerful, and opens the oven door. (Part 2 of Tender is the Ghost)
💙 A Matter of Trust by chicklette/ @chicklette​ (Singer Bucky, Fake relationship | 10/13 | 42K | Explicit): At 43, James Barnes is a washed up old man. He’s got a dozen Grammys in the hall closet, an agent that can’t get him a deal, a decade-old case of writer’s block, a moody teen-aged daughter, and the gorgeous actress Natasha Romanova for an ex-wife. Enter Steven Grant Rogers, struggling twenty-something, orphan, and someone who has no idea who Barnes is. The two men meet by accident, doing nothing more than passing the time in a quiet bar. But when a pap gets a shot of the two men embracing, Bucky takes it as a chance to finally come out as bisexual, and his agent makes him a proposition: Ten new songs and one very sweet boyfriend will get him a new record deal that will maybe, just maybe put him back on top. Now all he has to do is write the songs, convince the kid, and not fall in love. Should be easy, right?
💙 four dreams in a row where you were burned by voxofthevoid/ @voxofthevoid (canon divergent, post-Endgame, 1945 alternate timeline | 11/? | 65K | Mature): When Steve uses the last of his Pym Particles to travel to 1944 and save his best friend, he doesn’t have a plan beyond leaving behind the battlefield and living his life alongside the people he loves. But the life that finds him is not the one he expects.
A Call to Motion by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel​ (Uni AU | 1/? | 7,7K | Explicit): He was a jock, he did ballet, what more can I say? (aka: Steve's football coach sends him to learn ballet to improve his game, Bucky is the dance TA tasked with teaching him).
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gospacegay · 4 years
Updated Master List
I’ve been abandoning, editing, or pulling down materials I’m not happy with lately. Along with general inactivity on Tumblr, I realized my post history is inaccurate. Thus, I present all completed material I have written and still actively have up. Note this is Hetalia content unless otherwise stated.
Fake It Until You Make It: Ivan fakes a relationship with Alfred to get out of his miserable marriage. Clean-ish human AU with rusame and rochu. 13 chapters.
Heart Of Hearing: An entire universe of FACE interaction that begins around Matthew as a deaf child. This is a massive domestic story, being released weekly until it’s conclusion. Nedcan, rusame, denpru, and much more. 55 chapters and counting.
Landing Off Course: Alfred’s plane crashes into the sea, but he miraculously survives. Clean human AU rusame created for MerMay. 6 chapters
Fuck And Burn The House Down: Title says it all. Dirty rusame. 1 chapter.
A Bunny’s Tail: Alfred and Ivan do pet play. Dirty rusame. 1 chapter. For Family: Sad historical Canada in WW2. Clean with no ships. 1 chapter.
A Fairy Big Problem: Fairy prince Alfred is sent to Earth as disciplinary punishment. Cleanish rusame and nedcan. 14 chapters.
The Spy That Stole My Heart: Spy Alfred is forced to work with reformed super villain Ivan on a dangerous mission in France. Very violent spy AU rusame. 11 chapters.
Hopping Mad Over You: Lars loses his beloved pet rabbit in the apartment, magic ensues. Clean human AU nedcan. 1 chapter.
Birds Of A Feather: Matthew, god of birds, has chosen a new mate. Clean gods AU nedcan, prucan, and rusame. 1 chapter.
Friendship Is Magic: Matthew is the unhappiest village member of friendship village. Violent dirty My Little Pony/Hetalia mix with nedcan and rusame. 1 chapter.
Crazy Love: Matthew’s alien crazed father is set up with eccentric recluse Ivan. Cleanish human AU nedcan, rusame and amefra. 7 chapters.
His Song: Matthew sings Lars a song. Clean canon nedcan. 1 chapter.
Learning Her Way: Matthew escorts his transgender girlfriend to school. Clean human AU nedcan. 1 chapter.
Matthew, The Worst Demon Ever: Matthew is very bad at tormenting Lars. Lars doesn’t seem to mind. Very violent demon AU nedcan and fruk. 8 chapters.
Love Is For The Birds: Matthew is a Canadian goose in a zoo. Clean zoo AU with nedcan. 1 chapter.
Two Terrible People In Love: France and England are assholes watching TV. Clean canon AU fruk. 1 chapter.
Eyes For You: Canada slips Netherlands a note during a meeting. Clean canon nedcan. 2 chapters.
Hot Canadian Pizza: Lars delivers a saucy pizza. Dirty-ish human AU nedcan. 1 chapter.
Till We Part: Ivan’s wife dies, and Alfred comforts him. Clean human AU rusromano and rusame. 1 chapter.
Giving Chase: Wolf has feelings, and he is not great at expressing them. Dirty-ish Nu Pogodi! fic (soviet cartoon give it a chance). 7 chapters.
Cut Above The Rest: Alfred commits suicide. Violent canon implied rusame. 2 chapters.
I Choose You: Alfred and Ivan are roommates in the complicated world of pokemon. Violent Pokemon/human Hetalia AU with nedcan and rusame. 26 chapters.
Paternity Testing: Sweden gets a surprising paternity test result. Clean canon with no ships. 1 chapter.
Curses And Gifts: Follow Natalia as she moves beyond suicidal mental blocks. Clean-ish human AU with hunbela lesbians. 2 chapters.
Love, Magic, And Insurance Fraud: Toris’s life falls apart after he buys a fridge off a shady polish website. Cleanish modern fantasy AU with poliet, prucan, and rusame. 15 chapters.
Shut Down: Alfred hides at Ivan’s house while his government is in turmoil. Dirty canon rusame. 1 chapters.
Curiosity Killed The Cat: Detectives Ivan and Alfred team up to solve a grisly crime. Dirty human AU rusame, aushun, and more. 17 chapters.
Happy Birthday: Russia goes insane in his apartment. Violent canon with implied rusame. 1 chapter.
From The Web: Alfred gets a spider obsessed new roommate. Apocalypse AU with rusame and geripan. 20 chapters.
Learning From My Mistakes: Grow with Toris as he stumbles through the hard lessons of school, friendship, and what love actually is. Dirty human AU with poliet, lietbel, and rusame. 15 chapters.
Fortunes, Folly, And Vodka: Ivan, a Russian gypsy con artist, can suddenly see ghosts. Dirty modern fantasy AU with spamano, gerita, and ruscan. 11 chapters.
The Founding Of Kievan Rus: Ivan is a young nation that is willing to get his hands dirty. Historical canon with no ships. 1 chapter.
Life Debt: Alfred rescues Ivan from himself after the USSR dissolves. Violent canon rusame. 11 chapters
Far From Home: Lost cosmonaut Ivan is rescued by alien alfred in deep space. Dirty space AU with rusame and packed with aliens. 19 chapters.
Bottled Emotions: Alfred loses his temper on the job. Violent canon AU with implied rusame. 1 chapter.
Hetalia Monsters Universe Series: This is three connected stories about Alfred loving Ivan, who has been a secret sea monster for centuries. It is domestic canon rusame, but also has heaps of tentacle sex. Part one is 9 chapters, part two is 7 chapters, and part three is 2 chapters.
His Amazing Grace: Alfred sustains massive brain damage, and Ivan helps him heal. Cleanish canon rusame. 15 chapters.
A Life Of Glitter: Alfred and Ivan raise Matthew in the glory days of the 1980′s. Clean fluffy human AU. 5 chapters.
Madness And Profits: A poem about mad scientist Alfred seducing business man Ivan. Cleanish human AU rusame. 1 chapter.
Lost And Found: Monster hunter Alfred attempts to rehabilitate insane wizard Ivan. Dirty fantasy AU rusame. 11 chapters.
Life Is Not A Sitcom: Alfred is seduced by Belarus, but it backfires hilariously. Cleanish canon rus/ame/bel poly. 10 chapters.
Ambitions Beyond The Stars: Alfred asks Ivan to kill someone for him, and their relationship grows from it. Violent canon rusame with sappy ending. 47 chapters.
The Oops: Ivan accidentally becomes pregnant. Dirty canon rusame. 6 chapters.
Branding The Future: Ivan and Alfred take over the world. Clean canon rusame. 2 chapters.
Weapons Of Mass Distraction: Italy has secret weapon technology that Ivan and Alfred want. Clean canon with implied rusame. 1 chapter.
Feeling Feline: Ivan is a sexy cat. Cleanish canon with humour. 1 chapter.
Fate Follows: Russia discovers a deadly secret about America. Cleanish canon rusame. 10 chapters.
Dark Destiny: Necromancer king Ivan takes prince Alfred hostage. Clean fantasy AU rusame and fruk. 3 chapters.
Beauty To Die For: 1920′s Assassin Ivan desires mafia wife Amelia. Clean 1920′s crime AU. 1 chapter.
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unamusedversai-blog · 5 years
guide to my bitches
Bryn: gay succubus who is thicc Leona: deity cutie Rook: OG gang bird boi Brindle: 13 yr old gang Finn: soft boi kinky gang ;)))) Lyall: soft boi innocent hoe Velvet: unholy child of sins who just wants love and is a kinky but sexy mami Ryiot: basically a furry but damn he hot Malcom: hottie thottie mMMMMMM Lenden: child of Bryn. very lesbian Lyrus: darling girl but tricky hoe Belthane: did someone ask for seeing eye demon? (brindle’s buddy) Calliope: satan had a daughter with a succubus’ princess and she cute Althina: Calliope’s mama..i mean mami hot damn Salem: she’s a pretty sweet necromancer...oh fuck...she kills people Wisteria: innocent soft boi gay mess (Velvet’s twin) Finnegan: just your average king..trying to understand life Fria: what a bitch...Finnegan why u marry her Mariana: lol she ded thanks Fria Titania: did someone ask for queen of Succubus’ Bryn, Ryiot, and Althina’s mom? (and Mariana but she ded) Storm: big ass monster demon. hurt his kids. he’s a dick smh Alani: Wisteria’s sister..sweet child..thanks Fria for separating them. Willow: hi yes Ryiot has gained a shit ton of women and is now making a pack. look his daughter. (Lyall’s sister) Rhea: omg look more Ryiot kids Bran: wowo okay this is Malcom’s child...thank goodness no more Ryiot kids
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Swan au (spring ball)
N/A: The ball we all wait and need. Piotr here is based on the AoA´s version. Kitty, here, is not a sociopath nor a born, sexy and yesterday, she´s a mix of human and magical animal...understand some things, she cares for others and some she just doesn´t care. Does evil Wizard Kurt want to destroy this kingdom? Sure. It won´t cross with her interested. Speaking like that Kitty could be morally grey to evil here.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld  
Kitty´s dress
Spring arrives and flowers are blooming making the land flourish and reborn. Of course, Spring is also the fertility season, for some, and to others love. The king of Xarxon is ready to marry. Not for a romantic reason as the others believe.
Xarxon is facing a financial and economic crisis and the great 7 kingdoms aren´t not so keen to lead more money to this country, their states and cities are bankrupted. And Piotr Rasputin is not a man people would trust to use the money wisely or trust with anything.
His advisers craft a ball, with magic and sweet words to the right people, to the last minute. The people of Xarxon is not thrilled by this news, much less the fact they aren´t invited to the ball.
And this is hardly something to shock anyone. Monarch being incompetent are a thing too and their end is predictable, however, one Necromancer thinks that Xarxon could use a new direction. ____________________________ "Remember, what we talk?" Kurt asked once Kitty finally put the fancy dress. The dress used to belong to one of the members of his cult, a woman that thought she could manipulate him with sex. She was wrong, however, the dress fits Kitty nicely.
"Yes, yes, be a beautiful swan!" Kitty replied nonchalant rolling her eyes and looking herself in the mirror "you know, just because I´m a swan does not mean you can make swan´s jokes" Her tone is straightforward and piecing her gaze at him, the Necromancer seems not to mind too much "The plan is to seduce him" there´s a certain gross in her tone that does not match her regal features." and drive him crazy, yes, been there, done that"
Adjusting the dress a little more, Kitty now is satisfied with the image the mirror express. Turning to the man, Kitty then ask how she looks?
"You looks far prettier than the others princess, I dare say" Kitty is bemused as Kurt is about to make a pun "you look as beautiful as a swan"
"You do know Nightcrawlers are worms and I know birds that will be glad to eat nightcrawlers" replied drily as Kurt merely chuckles then at this, the man takes out a lipstick and starts to apply on Kitty´s lips.
"In all seriousness, you´re his type and he´ll go nuts for you, once he does fall ...I´ll strike" once the lipstick is applied, Kitty kissed his check"too much red is not a good colour for swans, nightcrawler" she replied and affirms that now she´s ready for her part.
_________________________ Piotr was instructed to talk with the richer princess in all the landing, princess Lorna, for example, is a good case for his need. The green haired princess did not seem interested in the Russian man, per se, she keeping asking about his sister.
Piotr has a younger sister, named Illyana Rasputin, a girl with a talent for magic that even Wanda, her sister, respect and Lorna is intrigued about the mysterious figure of Illyana Rasputin.
"She´s in the convent now!" Piotr replied bitterly"the convent of Saint Marie is the safest place for her, now, if you have any more questions about my sister, please, direct them to my adviser," and stomps away from Lorna.
"Rude!" she speaks and goes away. All the guests are here and none of them catches his fancy. Piotr is in a dilemma, how to get funds? Incest is not seeing fondly unless you´re well-liked and stupidly rich and his sister makes her point across by leaving the country as soon as she can.
The man is stuck in his musing that didn´t notice that his feet lead him to the royal gardens. He saw a woman, so beautiful, wearing something that not even Genosha could afford and singing something with such a voice that the ball is forgotten.
This woman is his.
"Who is singing such a splendid song? " Piotr asked, not even Yana, using her magic and the best tutelage could have ever sung in such way. "Oh, I´m just a woman, who does not like crowded places, and you?"
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Piotr asked and the woman laughs such a pretty sound, "What´s your name?"
"Kitty" she adds as her eyes are now blue "my name is Kitty and I was looking for you, where were you, silly goose?"
"Let´s get married as soon as possible" Piotr make a gesture to take Kitty to the ball, inside, to show everyone his wife. Kitty disagrees. "I've got a health problem, I can deal with that much people, could you be a dear and explain to them. I´ll be here, waiting for you"
"I´ll be right back"
_________________ Lorna was finishing her martini, the only good thing in this party, when Piotr returns and speaks, with satisfaction in his voice and a madding gleam in his eyes. How did he found a wife and is better everyone get away. Someone make the dumb decision to ask a question to the monarch, the response? Piotr tosses him away telling the others to leave.
"I have the most gorgeous woman as my bride, OUT!" the man hurls and no one dares to defy, Lorna takes her escort and leaves...feeling insulted, she came all the way here to meet Magik and couldn´t even do that.
"That was the most outrageous night of my life" Lorna replied entering in the carriage "at least, the martini was good"
______________________________ One of his advisers, a man with a white streak on the right side of his raven hair, speaks with care this time about the new bride. Piotr deemed the room safe enough to introduced the future Queen of Xarxon goes to the garden screaming like a lunatic "They´re gone, my love, gone...We can be together forever"
The man with the white stream instructed the others to follow the king, after all, this is about their queen.
Arriving in the gardens all they found is Piotr screaming like a loon a swan swing far away from him, in a small lake the garden have(it´s a bit dirty the swan´s beauty is not making miracles to make people forget about this) the advisers look at each, in silence, all agreeing about the mental state of the man.
One of them noticed a small cut on the swan´s neck. This makes the elderly adviser snap and using a paralysing spell. Piotr is stuck in his place.
"Your insanity goes too far, I´ve enough,  you´ll rot in prison for your crimes...hurt a swan is an offence against God" the man speaks "we shouldn´t have been silent as his insanity gets worse and worse"
The man with white streak suggests an option, Yana far too young to inherit the throne, how about Klaus? He could assume the role until Yana has the proper age to rule.
"Excellent suggestion, my friend" one of them pipes in and all are in agreement, even if Klaus is a former student of the Demonic Necromancer, still is a better choice than Piotr.
The man with a white streak, once the crown is taking the paralysed Piotr away, replied that he wants to make sure the swan is alright. The others nod, Swans are a gift from God, the swan approaches the man only when they are alone.
"You did good, he´s pretty crazy too, but...you are magnificent" The man reveals himself as Kurt then asks "and your neck?"
The Swan changes to Kitty. Gingerly touching her neck and not flinching when Kurt does the same. "Serious, how is your neck?"
"It´s still hurting a little but is manageable, I swear"His finger retrieve from the mark of her scar once touches her own delicate fingers. "Oh, thank you, what will happen now?"
"I get my payment, and my silly student get his wish....for a time being, I don´t think he realizes how powerful Illyana Rasputin is..."there´s an evil smile on his face "better not take ideas to hung the throne"
"There´s always this possibility, the other prince was ready to kill half of his family to achieve that, humans are strange sometimes" Kitty replied and then asks "wait, won´t people noticed the absence of the white streak dude?"
Kurt waves her worries away. "I can take care of this little problem, now, do you want to go home?"
"The ball is over? Man, that´s the worst ball ever. Much worse than the prince who wanted to kill half of his family to reach on power" Kitty stand up and Kurt chuckles one last time as the woman is grumbling.
"Now, if you want to dance..."Kurt offers his hand "I know a place"
"Are you a good dancer?"
"For a swan? I think so"
"Careful, I do know a bird who wants to eat nightcrawler"
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hyenasnake · 2 years
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I posted 22,492 times in 2022
66 posts created (0%)
22,426 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,105 of my posts in 2022
#my art - 25 posts
#nandermo - 19 posts
#what we do in the shadows - 18 posts
#the owl house - 14 posts
#wwdits - 13 posts
#nandor the relentless - 11 posts
#tnbc - 11 posts
#fnaf - 10 posts
#the nightmare before christmas - 10 posts
#art - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#as a witch i do not endorse this and if i see one of these ‘crypto coven’ members irl i will not hesitate to throw them into a fucking wall
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Every Queer Friend Group Has:
-Ancient Warrior who desperately needs therapy
-Slutty They/Them
-Tragic Starcrossed Lovers
-Lesbian who knows Victorian flower language
-Skeleton Bitch
-Bisexual Gamer Gf
-Son of Lucifer
61 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
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OFMD discord came up with an idea for The Revenge to have a ship’s cat, so I produced this.
HBO Max hire me 👁👁
77 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
- @queen0fm0nsterz halfway through watching Season 2 Episode 2 of What We Do In The Shadows
85 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
rip Nandor the Relentless you would have loved Just Dance 2016
150 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Computer, Enhance
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Computer, Enhance More
See the full post
5,342 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
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