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sgcollegemohali · 4 months
Focus Techniques for Students: Sharpen Your Concentration & Ace Your Studies
In the fast-paced world of education, where students are bombarded with information and distractions, the ability to focus is more crucial than ever. Focus is the key to unlocking one’s full potential and achieving academic success. In today’s hyper-connected world, maintaining focus can feel like an uphill battle. Between social media notifications, the constant buzz of our phones, and the ever-present lure of online entertainment, our attention is constantly pulled in a million different directions. This constant distraction can have a detrimental impact on our learning and overall productivity. But fear not, fellow knowledge seekers! There’s a hidden power within each of us – the power of focus. By understanding its importance and employing specific strategies, we can transform ourselves into focused learning machines.
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Introduction to the concept of focus
Focus is the ability to concentrate one’s attention and energy on a specific task or goal, blocking out distractions and maintaining clarity of thought. In the context of education, focus is essential for effective learning, problem-solving, and critical thinking.
The role of focus in academic success
Research has shown that students who demonstrate strong focus tend to perform better academically. They are able to absorb information more effectively, retain knowledge for longer periods, and demonstrate higher levels of comprehension and analysis.
Impact of distractions on learning
Distractions, such as social media, notifications, and noise, can significantly impair a student’s ability to focus. Constant interruptions disrupt the learning process, leading to decreased productivity and comprehension.
Read More: https://sgcollege.edu.in/power-of-focus/
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I want the Atlanteans to be Weird even by SGC standards. I want them to have weird group habits/traditions and a jumbled universal language and the tight-knittedness of a colony and they don't really know how to fit back in when they are forced to return to earth. these are people who were, for the most part, some form of outcast before leaving for the Atlantis expedition, and then they were essentially cut off from earth for a LONG period of time. even after the ZPM(s) and the Daedalus, they're still mostly isolated. I want the temps after the siege who see Atlantis as just some posting to be treated a little like outsiders. not in a mean, purposeful way - but in a "they don't quite Get It" way. I want the Atlanteans to group together during the return because they need Someone Who Understands. I want there to be a clear, but not malicious, divide between the Atlanteans and the Tau'ri. yes they're the same race from the same planet but are they really?
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texasdreamer01 · 4 months
Atlantis Expedition: Science Division Departments - Medical Department
Continuing from my starting post here, I'm now breaking things down by department, beginning with the Medical Department.
I did end up heavily revising this department after the commentary on the general departments post, and also after a lot of looking up of the actual divisions of medical specialties. So, first, the (new) numbers:
> Head: Carson Beckett (later, Jennifer Keller, later, whomever) > Contains: Surgery, psychiatry, physical therapy > Function: Maintaining health of expedition members > Examples of function: surgeries, medical prescriptions, recuperation from injuries, mental stability > Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 10 (surgical team) + 5 10 (nurses non-surgical team) + 1 (psych) + 1 (phys. therapy) + 1 (anesthesiologist) (grouped under non-surgical team) = 19 23 total > A/N: Nurses have training in medications and physical therapy, surgical team also doubles as general practitioners
Information carried over from the first post, with struck text indicating revisions. The new total is 23, and the author's note is now irrelevant in light of new information. Mostly.
After doubling the amount of nurses, realizing "nurse" is a very broad category of medical professional with multiple definitions and aspects of job duties in multiple countries, I did a bit of renaming of the teams within this department: surgical, non-surgical, and miscellaneous (sorry guys).
Something I had realized was that this was not going to be a typical medical department (duh, in hindsight). These people are all going through the SGC, and the SGC quite likely not already has their own training protocols in place for dealing with SGC-specific situations, but also adapted technology from Goa'uld tech. What is Goa'uld tech? Appropriated Ancient tech, but without the gene component - fascinating, but also a post for another time.
This did inform how I revised which personnel to include, their specialties, and their duties. You're not exactly going to be shoving a whole MRI machine through a gate, so a radiologist isn't going to be a necessary specialty. Because of this, there's going to be a lot more cross-training, and more of a focus that's similar to what Atlantis would actually operate as: a forward operating base.
So, on to the teams (commentary included).
Surgical Team
> Personnel quantity: 10 > Minimum education: Doctorate in Surgery (ChM) > All of these people are already trained in basic medical knowledge and practices, and also overall surgical practices in different areas of the body
> Neurosurgery > Dentistry | Oral and maxillofacial surgery  » In the US, trained to do general anesthesia and deep sedation > Orthopedics  » Musculoskeletal > Trauma surgery  » Can contain combat surgeons  » 2x of these > OBGYN > Urology > Cardiothoracic  » 2x of these, by speciality:   ⇛ Cardiovascular surgeon    ⟹ "involving the heart and the great vessels"   ⇛ Thoracic surgeon    ⟹ involving the lungs, esophagus, thymus, etc. > Surgical technologist  » "In the military they perform the duties of both the circulator and the scrub."  » Creates and maintains a sterile surgical environment  » Anticipates the work a surgeon needs to do  » Walking compendium of surgical techniques and stitches
I had wavered a bit on qualifications, and thus who to include - at the end of the day, it was probably going to be on an American standard, given the physical location of SGC. This meant I got to do a nifty thing of having my oral/maxillofacial surgeon be the dentist that's also an anesthesiologist, even if this is apparently considered odd in many other countries.
Mostly I wanted to go by section of the body, and see what kind of specialties there were, and what did and did not overlap. Surprisingly, it was more difficult to figure out who did abdominal surgeries than it was neurosurgery or dental surgery, hence two people in cardiothoracic surgery and two "general" surgeons in the form of trauma surgery because, again, forward operating base - they have no idea what Atlantis will be, so some assumptions will need to be made and better to err on the side of caution.
In a more delicate but still very necessary subject, one OBGYN (obstetrics and gynecology) and one urologist (aka urinary system and male reproductive system). For various obvious reasons, everyone's health in this area still needs to be taken care of, so it's better to have them on the team than politely handwave the idea.
Neurosurgery, for an obvious reason - it's highly specialized and without significant overlap, while also being a critical function on a surgical team with the demands the Atlantis Expedition will likely face.
Orthopedics are musculoskeletal, or deals with muscles and the skeletal system. A fair amount of what they do has overlap (see: trauma surgeons), but having someone specialized for the particularities of setting bones and handling surgeries on things like the joints is incredibly useful when presuming setting up camp in an active combat zone (which they really, really did).
Trauma surgeons are, more or less, the ones that you would see in an emergency situation - acute situations and their injuries are their specialty, and for this expedition likely the head of the surgical team by dint of their training to assess a patient quickly and develop a care plan very quickly. Because of this, I found the overlap of combat surgeons immensely helpful, which means that there's a significant probability that this surgical team has military personnel assigned to it. These surgeons are also the ones most likely to be SGC-imported, and trained to deal with things like injuries from Goa'uld and Goa'uld devices.
All these very highly-trained people, who are all probably very, very smart - who supports them? As it turns out, at least in the operating theater, not the nurses, but surgical technologists.
Surgical technologists main job, at least here, would be to set up the operating theater and anticipate whatever it is a surgeon needs in assistance. This includes things like training on a wide variety of surgical techniques (i.e. stitches), disinfection procedures, and medications such as anesthesia (ish). I included the quote about military duties because it saves money on how many people to include in the expedition, and penny-pinching is the backbone of any hiring process.
Now, the surgical team is all done! That's ten people right there, and on to the non-surgical team.
Non-Surgical Team
> Personnel quantity: 10  » 5 Technicians/Nurses, 5 Non-Surgical Medical Specialists
> (Advanced Practice) Nurses  » 5x of these  » Registered Nurse   ⇛ As the general minimum educational and experimental requirement  » Perioperative nursing   ⇛ Assists surgical team, helps with pre- and post-surgical patients  » Emergency nursing   ⇛ Can do triaging, suturing, casting/splinting, local/regional anesthesia, and other doctoral skills as needed   ⇛ Likely the SGC training model incorporates all of the above, and also training on medical technology adapted from Goa'uld healing technology (which is really Ancient but without the ATA gene lock)    ⟹ Radiology tech    ⟹ MRI tech (which is radiology but a bit to the left)    ⟹ Other adapted diagnostic equipment
Non-Surgical Medical Specialists
> Pathology  » 2x of these  » Coordinates with Life Science Department to develop diagnoses for novel diseases (in the Pegasus galaxy) > Internal medicine | Internists  » 2x of these > Anesthesiology  » For everything the OMS people don't do in terms of anesthesiology  » See also: Anesthesia (topic)
Remember how I said the qualifications were a doozy, and that nurses were a broad category? ... Yeah, this is why. The medical field is probably current in flux right now, given the shifting priorities of medical personnel and so much research that is still in the process of being applied, but I waved my magic plot-fixing wand and assumed the SGC figured this out for me.
All of these nurses are likely to be SGC imports, and thus unbelievably well-trained in everything that the SGC needs them to do. These are the personnel who know how all of the Goa'uld tech works on a functional level, have gotten the goodies first from engineering, and are waving their handheld MRI and other diagnostic equipment over their patients like a fairy godmother in scrubs. As with a real world hospital, these are the people actually running the show, and likely making the surgical team look like hypercompetent show poodles.
As for non-nurses who are also non-surgeons, pathologists are the ones who work up what people will actually be diagnosed with, figuring out all the newest and shiniest diseases and cataloguing them for reference. Doctor Biro is a pathologist, for example.
The thought occurred to me that we still need something resembling a general practitioner, but in light of fancy things like handheld MRIs and other scanners, this role is much reduced in favor of people who pack a greater intellectual punch.
However, I found that internists not only fill this gap, but are also hyper-specialized in their own way, in the respect of their knowledge base being internal diseases and multi-system diseases. Ergo, two of them, because they're just that useful. They'd probably coordinate quite a bit with cardiothoracic surgeons, as those are overlapping areas of study based on region of the body.
One (1) anesthesiologist, because the OMS cannot - nor should they - be the only person to perform anesthesia. This person functions as a sanity checker, and also the thin margin of the anesthesia that the surgeon doesn't cover.
We still need to round out this department, though. So far I've managed to cover in-patient, out-patient, and the various surgical stages. What else?
Well, recuperation - patients can't actually linger in the infirmary for the entirety of their healing process, for such practical reasons as beds available and boredom of patient, so the transitional phase needs to be covered.
Hence, the highly uncreative placeholder section name of Miscellaneous:
> Psychiatrist  » 1x of these, because canon says so? > Physical therapist  » 1x of these, because canon says so?
Now while personnel such as nurses and internists are meant to convey educational material and instructions to patients about recuperation, it helps to actually have specialists on hand to make the patients commit to the bit.
Having only one psychiatrist on hand seems a bit of a Star Trek logical fallacy, but I'm once again waving my plot wand and assuming anyone that managed to get through the arduous employment process of 1) being told the Stargate exists (and coping with their world views being upended), 2) being employed by the SGC in general, and 3) passes their psychological assessment is probably mentally stable enough to only need one psychiatrist for the entire expedition.
(Yes, this does mean everyone on the expedition got their rubber stamp of sanity, and probably in grueling triplicate. Such as it can be defined a fanfiction-like world of scifi. I think they're coping pretty well with everything, no?)
With all the work that the surgical and non-surgical teams put into taking care of injured expedition members, a physical therapist is, as with everyone else here, very good at their job, but ultimately one of the last steps for patients that require longer term care. Think gaining back muscle after a broken leg, or more serious injuries that require months of guided exercise to be back to gate team-ready health (or general running for your life because Atlantis is just as dangerous).
Total Medical Department Personnel
Head of Department: 1
Surgical Team: 10
Non-Surgical Team: 10
Miscellaneous: 2
Total total: 23
I'll be going over headcanons on canonical personnel, such as Carson Beckett, Jennifer Keller, and Biro in their own posts, but for now this is a general accounting of the expedition's medical department.
Shout-out to @savestave and @stinalotte for the discussion and feedback on the original post!
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ekaterin1701 · 1 month
I’ve just been reading a Stargate fanfic that has irritated me, for a very particular reason.
The story itself was posted around 2003-04, and is a slightly different take on the ‘stranded on a planet’ trope as it starts with SG1 and a couple of other SG teams being transported to an unknown planet, along with a group of people from the planet where they were carrying out an evacuation mission. It’s set around Season 5.
I found Sam’s characterisation to be really out of character at the start (they are transported in separate groups and the story has Sam panicking about being responsible for her group, which seemed highly unlikely). But that’s not what annoyed me!
The story has several original characters who are SGC members, and one of these is a female Lieutenant Colonel. This is what has irritated me, because I have always assumed that Sam is the highest ranking female officer at the SGC throughout the series - we see in Hathor how few women there are at the SGC and I doubt that has changed a few years later, plus Sam has been on SG1 from the start of the Stargate programme under Hammond, so has the most experience. So yeah, having a female OC who it a higher rank than Sam really felt fake.
Of course, I can’t find anything online to back up my theory that Sam was the highest ranking female officer in the SGC even when she was still a Major - anyone know any sites or wikis that list out every single named character for all ten seasons of SG1 that would confirm that? Probably not!
Edit: It just dawned on me that this story is 20 years old, as 2004 is not just ‘a few years ago’. Feeling my age 😭
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Jo Lupo vs. Samantha "Sam" Carter
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Remember: don't vote on "who would win in a fight", but on "who, when given a task that fits her skillset and talents, would do that task better: more comprehensively, faster, with more pizzazz, with less collateral, etc."
Endorsements! "What is she good at?"
Jo Lupo, A Town Called EUReKA: She's a former United States Special Forces soldier, deputy Sheriff (should've really been Sheriff if it wasn't for sexism) and later head of security of GD, she's badass and intelligent!
Samantha "Sam" Carter, Stargate: Theoretical Astrophysicist - she's the reason the Stargate works. She's also (by the end of SG1) a Lt Colonel in the Air Force (think that's the rank. She's not a full Colonel but Teal'c calls her Colonel Carter and that's good enough for me). She can shoot straight and well, saved the SGC from Hathor's weird rohypnol breath in season 1, knows a whole bunch of science stuff, helped the Asgard beat up the Replicators and just generally was awesome.
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Terrible Fic Idea #61: The Old Guard, but make it Stargate
One of the very few things I dislike about the 2020 TOG movie is how little forethought the escape from Merrick's headquarters appears to show. We see dozens of samples taken... and as far as I can tell, all those samples and the doctor who took them survived the firefight. And if her results were being pushed to the cloud? That's one big problem left unresolved. Not to mention a firefight in the middle of London's business district - inside a business that does dealings with the US military at that - is bound to be thoroughly investigated regardless of the strings Copley pulls to cover it up.
All of which came together in my head to ask: What if, six months post-Merrick, The Old Guard gets picked up by Stargate Command?
Just imagine it:
One of the things I love best the Stargate universe is that it takes place so very definitively in the 90s. It's settled in its time period, not some hopeful, impossible future. But for that sake of this AU let's push everything forward 20 years make it so the events of SG1 S4's "The Curse" happen in the same week as the escape from Merrick.
From the outside looking in, there's a lot about the Old Guards' flavor of immortality that looks like having a goa'uld symbiote. This means when the SGC goes looking for other possible goa'uld on Earth after Osiris' escape, they think they find five in the shape of the immortals, with Nile possibly being the latest host for the symbiote that Quỳnh once carried.
The more the SGC looks, however, the less clear it becomes. Daniel is able to recreate most of Copley's research and then some, stretching as far back as written records will allow. Their next thought is tok'ra, but those haven't been around long enough to account for Andy. Maybe she's the queen of a similar group that's been stuck on Earth for a long time and the others are her surviving offspring? There are records of a god matching her description on the Western Steppes in ages past...
With that assumption in mind, six months post-Merrick SG-1 is sent to make contact with the guard, hoping to gain more allies against Apophis.
The meeting itself is both extremely tense and a comedy of errors. Both groups are on completely different pages as to why they're meeting and what's at stake, and it very nearly ends in a firefight before Daniel goes into an impassioned speech (at gunpoint) as to why the guard should help humanity fight the goa'uld... to which Andy goes what the fuck are you talking about?
Once every gets on the same page and assurances are made that there will be no human experimentation whatsoever, the guard end up joining the SGC as independent contractors. Officially they are SG-21, assigned to search and rescue/covert ops, but mostly they continue to fight for what we think is right, just on a galactic scale. They nominally check in every few weeks, but are largely left to their own devices. This makes the rare occasions any of them are in the Mountain memorable.
A selection of those memorable visits include: 1) Daniel being hogtied, left in a closet, and not found for 15 hours after asking Andy one too many questions about ancient cultures; 2) Sam stumbling upon Joe and Nicky having a deep conversation in a patois of languages in the middle of the cafeteria about how much the Earth and their place in it has changed in their lifetimes, from Jerusalem being the center of ancient world maps to an ever expanding galaxy inhabited by people just like them. It should take vaguely the same tone as Sagan's Cosmos before being completely derailed by one of them asking so, do you think endlessly asphyxiating in the vacuum of space is better or worse than endlessly drowning at the bottom of the ocean? This too should be discussed at macabre length, possibly going into their personal ten worst ways to die lists - but in mostly English, throughly disturbing their fellow diners; and 3) Nile encountering someone she once knew in the Marines for the first time during the events of "Heroes" and having to do the say, I can get killed but don't stay dead speech for the first time herself after dying midway through the mission and coming back to save the day.
Once again, that's all I really have - just lots of scenes of the characters of both fandoms interacting but very little change to the plot lines of either.
Bonuses include: 1) The guard initially being offered commissions in the US Marines for their work at the SGC. These are turned down for a variety of reasons, the last one jokingly being that Joe and Nicky have never gone longer than a week without saying something unbearably romantic to each other and it'll save them the trouble of having to immediately cashier them both out. Extra bonus points if this leads Nicky on overwatch to send a warning shot past the speaker's ear before anyone can bring up the DADT repeal. 2) Booker having been grounded rather than exiled. This should be paired with Nile occasionally slipping into an exasperated yes, Mom whenever Joe and Nicky get overprotective, leading to much confusion as to the guards' family dynamics when they first join the SGC. Some Marines convinced for years that the immortals are, in fact, like the tok'ra and that one of the men is the host for their queen; and 3) The base quartermaster having absolutely no fear of any of them and publicly chewing them out on multiple occasions for the sheer amount of clothes they go through.
Honestly, I have tons of little scenes of this crossover in my head and no coherent storyline to it all, so it may end up as a drabble collection if the bunny stays around long enough. Otherwise, feel free to adopt this bun. As always, link back if you do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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lumarisart · 11 months
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I'm almost there! SGC 6 is taking longer than I wanted to get done, but it's mostly executive dysfunction kicking my ass lol. This is why I don't do preorders for this series - but also it's a thing for fun, I'm trying to keep it fun to work on.
A little TLDR, because the amazon descriptions suck & I never properly introduced my writing or this series lol (I should hire someone when I have the money, to write a better blurb lol) but SGC is, in a nutshell, about a group running a cafe in the day, and doing some ghoul hunting at night for extra cash. When they stumble on something seemingly big, they think they can leverage whatever info they find into a possible job - whether just selling the information or doing something in return for a big payout - either way, they stick their noses into something that ends up being bigger than they expected.
At one point they'll have to decide whether to continue a "normal" life, or if they should seize the chance to try and do something about it. That's the plot, but at its core it's a very obvious love story about two guys who were very good friends, but became something more.
I rate it 18+ for vulgar language, some explicit scenes (both s*x and gore and drug use) and there's a lot....lot of F-bombs.
Setting: Think of a high fantasy world. A few thousand years later, they merge magic and technology. An industrial revolution begins! Then, a couple more thousand years, and new magic is discovered, and space exploration is unlocked! Now we have mega-metropolis cities, space ports, council of dragon shifters splitting the city into districts, and intergalactic government that tries to keep them in line.
The characters never set foot offworld (not in this season anyway) but there's plenty of mention of it.
Serial: This is a serial, not a big book - each episode is 20-60 pages, sometimes less, sometimes more. But it's why it's $1 an episode to read (although I may restructure this if I can get my own website redone) via Amazon (for now.) Once the whole season is done (10 episodes) I'll lump them together in a big single volume and offer a special edition paperback and hardcover (which I hope to fully illustrate!)
I started SGC in 2020, though festered the idea of it in October of 2019. 2020 needed a change of pace from my usual high/steampunk fantasy stories and characters, and thus SGC was born. In 2021, after hiring my editor (who isn't on here sadly) we worked together to get the first 5 launched. It's been over a year since releasing SGC5, but I'm happy to finally get back into it.
If you read all that, thank you! If not, totally understand. Thank you for your time ^_^
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bagheerita · 6 months
five feet high and Sweeter than Heaven, Hotter than Hell for the WIP game? ❤️️ I also have to admit an interest in what Alien Sheep is…
Sweeeet ❤️❤️❤️
Tag game
This got pretty long, so it's under a cut.
In summary:
Five Feet High involves Todd doing high stress babysitting while Sheppard wades through bureaucracy
Sweeter than Heaven is a multi ship pwp
Alien Sheep is a conversation between John & Todd
"Five Feet High and Rising” is a story in my “my name forevermore” series, so it is John/Todd. In this particular story, shenanigans cause Todd and a younger Wraith OC named Taibshe to be stranded on Earth. They run into and inadvertently rescue a pair of kidnapped children, and the four of them hike around in the mountains for awhile. Meanwhile, Sheppard comes back to Earth/the SGC to try to help find them. In this series, Sheppard is not the military commander of Atlantis but instead the wraith liasion officer. Atlantis has an official alliance established with several Wraith queens, and Earth is ok with that as long as it's in a different galaxy and not their problem. Now that it IS their problem (Todd ate some kidnappers), they are Not Happy that there are Wraith on Earth and want the threat removed yesterday, and Sheppard has to deal with that hostility while trying to track down the group. (In this series, Todd and John have a specific ability to reach out to each other mentally, but because of the earlier shenanigans it's not working, which has the added dramatic benefit of each of them considering the other dead for a while.)
This story is at the stage of mostly just throwing ideas in the pot and churning at the moment, no text written. (Dog tags are one of those things that I always forget about them existing, so I want Todd to end up with John’s dog tags by accident, and he gives them to one of the kids to reassure them.) I wanted to write a fic with a title from a Johnny Cash song… and this is the one I ended up with. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm thinking they get caught in a spring storm flash flood in the mountains toward the climax to justify the title.
“Sweeter than Heaven, Hotter than Hell” is my attempt to fill annwayne's Summer Festival prompt on Wraithcation, for SGA peeps visiting a hedonistic planet in the style of the “Greek beach planet” from SG1. I have an outline, but only a couple paragraphs written. It starts with Lorne and Keller going to the fun times planet and meeting Teyla there, other characters to show up and join in later.
Evan shifted his weight as he waited by the gate. Jennifer was running late. He shifted his bag from his shoulder to the floor.
“Sorry, sorry!” Jennifer scooted up next to him. “I got tied up in surgery and couldn't get away sooner. I'm definitely looking forward to relaxing.” She grinned at him. “How do I look?”
She was wearing a sun hat that shielded her face, chunky impractical sandals, and a bikini in a dark floral pattern that really flattered her curves, though she wore a loose robe over it.
“You look great,” Evan replied, fairly certain he hid his blush, though Jennifer grinned in triumph at his rather frank perusal.
She stepped back to look him over. “Not too bad yourself,” she said.
Evan did flush at the tone of her words, though he wasn't sure why. He was dressed in civvies, but still had his shirt buttoned and pants on over his trunks. “I think we're ready.” Evan signaled to Chuck to dial the gate.
“I'm so excited! I've heard you say so much about Freesia, I can't wait to see it!”
“The beaches are really nice,” Evan agreed. “And the people are friendly.”
They walk into the gate, and Kennifer chuckles when they arrive on the planet. “The beaches are nice?”
“They are,” Evan protested defensively.
“Mhmm, I think we might be looking for different things on our vacations,” she teased. “Good thing you're meeting someone.”
Evan flushed again. He'd told Jennifer that; though he hadn't made any specific plans he rather hoped a certain person had seen them leave and had decided to follow.
They walked down the path to the village. Evan noticed that it seemed more active than usual, with the inhabitants winding woven strands of flowers around the doorposts of houses, and a table set up in the street, filled with different foods.
“Welcome!” a voice calls out to them, and then a group calls, waving, “Welcome to all seekers!”
Jennifer waved back. She asided to Evan, “‘Seekers’?”
He was about to answer when a familiar voice called out, “Jennifer! Evan! How lovely to see you!” Teyla walked toward them. She was dressed in a long skirt of a flowy material that was slit up to her hip where it was tied in a knot. Teyla was pretty comfortable showing skin but her current top was pretty revealing even for her. Maybe it was just that her manner seemed more… inviting than usual, Evan thought as she hugged Jennifer and then turned to hug him as well.
“I didn't think anyone from Atlantis would be interested in the Summer Festival!” She exclaimed.
“Festival?” Evan said, confused.
Teyla's smile was knowing. “While Freesia is well known for it's comfort with and elevation of all sensual arts, during the Festival everything is entirely given over to an all day celebration of sensuality.” She gestured to the table, already laden with fruits and small hand held pastries. “There is food and drink for all, and partners for the willing.” Teyla grinned suggestively.
Jennifer looked a little shocked, but quickly grinned back at Teyla. “I'd love to see more,” she said, “but Evan is meeting someone.” She gave him a sly look.
Evan flushed. “It's not like that,” he protested. He cleared his throat. “I wouldn't mind hearing more about the Festival. I've only been here a few times. I didn't know they had that.”
“Alien Sheep”
a small conversation between John and Todd set between “This Mortal Coil” and “Be All My Sins Remember’d.” It was originally part of a series where I needed for Todd to have a name before Be All My Sins, but I'm not sure I'll write that series and this bit is like … ⅗ of an actual story, so it's now its own doc. The title is a play on Phillip K Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (which I haven't read). The story starts with Todd having nightmares about his captivity with the Genii, then the part that's actually written involves Sheppard coming in and they chat about words and names, and then after that they have an existential conversation about individuality and what makes someone a real person (something I thought was missing from the post-”This Mortal Coil” season, because Elizabeth was right there, and she was real, but then she dies again and no one gives another thought to it).
A part of him knows that this parade of moments isn’t real- that this isn’t how it happened; these events are separated by long stretches of time, generations of different faces of humans. But all of the pieces of it are real, so it doesn’t matter if it truly happened in this way or in a different way. The pain of it, the emptiness that will not let him go, is real.
“I didn’t think your kind ever slept,” a voice says. “At least not like normal people.”
This voice is different, laced with a dark humor, a breaking of the darkness.
He opens his eyes. He is in Atlantis, the bright lights shining down on him in the barred cell. It is a prison still, but a far different one. He is sitting on the bench; his head had been leaned forward on his chest, his muscles relaxed, lost in the half sleep of readiness. Of boredom, and the quiet loneliness of his mind, which snatches him back into places of darkness.
He glares at Sheppard and offers sardonically, “To sleep perchance to dream, but in that sleep of death what dreams may come?”
Sheppard flinches. “How the fuck… Wait, don’t tell me, it’s not really Shakespeare until you read it in the original Wraith.”
He doesn’t get the whole joke, but the Wraith bares his teeth in a grin. “I am extremely bored,” he confesses. “And your electronic securities are laughable.”
Sheppard paces back and forth; these humans seem to think such behavior is intimidating, as their Satedan has demonstrated it previously. “You should be working on the virus.”
The Wraith sighs. “I have done everything that I can. Because of the inane restrictions you have placed on my participation, it depends on McKay at this point.”
Sheppard stops pacing. He looks weary. The Wraith supposes that, given the quiet that echoes through the city, this is a time when most humans are sleeping.
“We sleep only rarely,” the Wraith says. “When not hibernating.” He does not offer information so much as he is trying out Sheppard's theory of speaking to stave off the quiet. “Usually only when we hunger greatly, or are injured.” He stands and goes to the cell wall, staring through the bars at Sheppard. “Being without hive is like being wounded. The mind seeks a refuge.”
Sheppard nods. The gesture is almost companionable, but the Wraith can see him filing away this information, like any good soldier. “What is a Wraith without hive?” Sheppard asks.
The Wraith hisses, teeth bared. He paces the length of the cell wall. He is… restless, and still raw from his dreams. “A desperate thing,” he replies eventually.
Sheppard nods. He touches his chest, the hidden flesh where the Wraith had fed, and fed again. The Wraith’s eyes flicker with light and he hums.
Sheppard flushes, and flinches away. But he doesn’t leave, only retreats to the far wall. "What do you dream about?" he asks.
The Wraith snarls, the sound torn from his almost viscerally. Sheppard's hand reaches for a weapon, startled. The Wraith growls under his breath and paces the entire circumference of his cell.
Sheppard relaxes and quips, "Tell me how you really feel."
When the Wraith's pacing doesn't slow, Sheppard moves back to the bars. "Hey."
The Wraith looks at him. He is not interested in Sheppard's commentary, but the man does have a way of drawing his thoughts out of the darkness that had for so long dominated them.
Sheppard's expression is thoughtful, but his words are more pointed. "So, you guys really don't have names?"
The Wraith scoffs. "You humans have such an obsession."
Sheppard leans on the bars. "I'm thinking 'Todd' would work for you. I used to know this guy, he was very-" he gestures to the general area of his face, then points to the Wraith, "pale, in a green sort of way."
The Wraith bares his teeth. His dreams had reminded him of the dark cell under the ground in the Genii bunker, but Sheppard had come there like a bright annoyance that broke into the dreary hopelessness of what had become the desperate monotony of his existence. He will tolerate a greater irreverence that he would from most, because it is something he prizes about Sheppard. Irreverence is closely tied to indomitability.
"You must amuse yourself greatly," he observes. "Otherwise, I'm not certain how you stand it."
Sheppard smiles, a quick and unwilling humor quickly schooled into skepticism. "You could try counting sheep," he offers, tone mocking. "If you're having trouble sleeping."
The Wraith wrinkles his nose. "Sheep? What is 'sheep'?"
Sheppard fumbles for an answer. "Um, they're small, fluffy animals, like so." He mimes a creature that stands about as high as his thigh, and appears to be quite rotund. "They're kind of stupid, but counting them is supposed to be a repetitive, calming action that helps you fall asleep."
The Wraith's expression likely communicates his opinion of that, because Sheppard laughs.
"Alright, alright. Don't dream of alien sheep then." He chortles at some joke he doesn't explain.
"If a sheeep is stupid rotund creature," the Wraith ripostes, "what is a 'shep'?" Sheppard seems confused, and the Wraith sighs. "You are the one obsessed with names. What is 'sheppard'? Does it mean the same as sheep?"
"Um, well I guess it's related. It means a person who looks after sheep. You know. Watches out for them."
The Wraith laughs. "You watch out for stupid rotund creatures." He laughs again.
"It's just a name," Sheppard protests. "It doesn't mean anything."
"This is why you do not understand Wraith," the Wraith replies. "Your 'name' means everything."
"So you do have names," Sheppard cries triumphantly.
"Hmm." The Wraith leans forward, his face as close to Sheppard's as it can be through the bars. "You protect your round, stupid creatures perhaps?" He grins. "From Wraith who wish to… count them?"
Sheppard glowers at him. "From wolves, traditionally," he shoots back. "But from Wraith too, if the need arises." He narrows his eyes at the Wraith. "Why, you developing an interest in counting sheep?"
"Not as much as I am in counting Sheppards," he replies.
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Ahha! Get info dumped!
So I'm working on a Top Gun sentinel au and I'm probably doing wayyyy to much world building! Behold my nonsense!
Ice – Guide – Mav's match in more ways than one – didn’t want to get saddled with a sentinel and be shoved in the RIO seat so chose Slider – mental presence probably feels menthol cold, off putting to most but not to Mav~~~
Mav – Sentinel – mid-level – parents were a s/g bonded pair, mother withered after loosing bondmate - Mav wasn't interested in a s/g partnership until goose talked him around
Goose – Mav's 'temp' guide – probably going to stick to canon and let him die, for the angst, or in a goose lives au head injury that either brakes his collarbone/neck from Hop 31 shatters the link between Goose and Mav and they can’t connect again
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[Need a group term, maybe Enhanced?]
Sentinel – 5 heightened senses – can zone on a single sense or senses can go haywire – guides are needed to stabilize the senses, like a compass to true north – Sentinels come online
Guide – Heightened empathic senses – mild touch telepaths - need to draw on a sentinel to strengthen mental shields, like a ship's anchor or a trellis to ivy – Guides awaken
Guardian – multiple heightened senses but not all – generally considered weaker than sentinels – don’t need a guide but guides are helpful for control
Empath - empathically active but not quiet on the level of guides
People are drawn to sentinels and guides for different reasons.
People are instinctively drawn to sentinels and guardians in times of danger; unconsciously looking to the strongest or most senior sentinel for leadership.
People are [empathetically?psychically?] drawn to guides and empaths, generally finding them to be good listeners and generally attractive? idk but look a Blair, he's gettin' it.
Generally, you can’t tell a sentinel or guide from the outside, unless you are also a sentinel or guide, so sentinels and guardians are supposed to wear a black bracer or bracelet with 1-5 colored pips indicated how many heightened senses(like a medical alert bracelet) and guides are supposed to wear pale bracer or bracelet. Its not illegal to not wear it, but its considered good form and important for EMS. Bond statues and type marked as a border on the bracer or bracelet
More likely to find sentinels in service(would more top gun level pilots/rio be s/g pairs?). Traditionally, guides follow their sentinel into service branches or jobs
Sentinel-Guide Centers - most towns have one, some cities have more than one - volunteer staffed both by sentinels and guides and normal people living in the territory - have isolation rooms for both enhanced senses and empathic burn out
Territories – higher level sentinels tend to have regions that are considered 'their territory' - this also happens when a sentinel has stayed in an area for a long period of time – Sentinels declare an area as their territory with the city/county and their regional Sentinel-Guide Center – any sentinels or guardians moving into the territory are required to send notice – guides tend to send notice too, but its mostly out of being polite
Tribes - Sentinels and Guides living or working in the same area for more than a year generally form tribes or prides(both terms are used) - generally led by the strongest and/or most senior pair [called the Alphas?] - tends to have a pecking order. {Viper is tribe leader at Miramar and Jack O'Neil is the reluctant pride leader at the SGC}
Doggy politics - when you get a bunch of Sentinels together they tend to squabbling until they sort out a pecking order - sometimes its little contests or wrestling, sometimes is physical fights - traditionalists believe that needs to be a firm hierarchy generally settled by brute strength - bad tribe leaders are known to be very aggressive when setting themselves at the top of the hierarchy and encourage in-fighting - there isn't actually a word for the squabbling, non-sentinels tend to look down on it and some sentinels aren't terribly keen on it either – the squabbles are more endemic to civilian tribes as military or police prides already have ranks
Types of bonds
Temporary: not actually a bond, more an empathic impression that helps Guides work with Sentinels and vice-versa, like a well traveled path
Emergency: one sided bonds made in times of emergency, generally with one party being not fully conscious, separation of the two parties involved with cause the bond to dissolve
probably some tba
Full: permanent bond that can't be dissolved or broken except through death, the Guide imprints psychically and works the Sentinel into their mental barriers and the Sentinel imprints the Guide into their senses, psychic link can pass impressions back and forth, generally death of one leads to the withering and eventual death of the other
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halestrom · 1 year
For the "Hey, here's a fun new game. Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about." meme.
Down the Road, the SGC finally is able to contact Atlantis and they sent a MALP though. The worlds watching bc they all know about the Lost City of Atlantis, and the first thing they see is an empty room, but then bare feet and pajama pants appear and all of a sudden Rodney crouches down in front of the MALP holding a drink of something. Hes less animated, older looking and there's an wariness around his eyes that makes them all wonder.
Rodney takes a sip of the drink and no one in the SGC is speaking bc no one knows what to say. Rodney is alive, so others are as well.
Finally, Rodney speaks.
"Send a group of representatives here in a weeks time, same time. We're in the middle of our annual celebration. We can talk then."
And then the feed shuts down.
Basically, its my super massive independent Atlantis AU that iill never write bc its...well. Tbh I kinda enjoy the wandering plotlines instead.
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sgcollegemohali · 6 months
Unlocking Your MCA Potential: Top MCA Colleges in Chandigarh for Success
Are you passionate about technology and dreaming of a career in the ever-evolving world of computer applications? Then a Master of Computer Applications (MCA) program could be the perfect springboard for your ambitions.
If you’re looking to pursue best college in MCA Chandigarh, this blog is your one-stop guide! We’ll delve into the top MCA colleges in Chandigarh, helping you navigate this crucial decision and unlock your full potential for success.
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Why Chandigarh for Your MCA Education?
Chandigarh, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, offers more than just a scenic location. This planned city boasts a thriving IT industry, attracting major tech companies and fostering a dynamic learning environment. Here are some reasons why Chandigarh is a great choice for your MCA journey:
Industry Hub: Renowned companies like Microsoft, Infosys, and Tech Mahindra have a presence in Chandigarh, providing ample opportunities for internships and placements.
Academic Excellence: Chandigarh houses several highly-regarded universities and colleges known for their cutting-edge MCA programs and experienced faculty.
Infrastructure and Facilities: Many institutions boast state-of-the-art infrastructure, including well-equipped labs, dedicated libraries, and modern classrooms, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.
Cosmopolitan Culture: Chandigarh offers a vibrant mix of cultures and a supportive student community, making it an enriching place to live and learn.
Top MCA Colleges in Chandigarh:
Now, let’s explore some of the top-ranked MCA colleges in Chandigarh, each with its unique strengths:
SGC Mohali: This college stands out for its emphasis on innovation and industry partnerships. Excellent employment chances for MCA undergraduates are ensured by SGC Mohali’s great placement record and collaborations with top IT organizations. For students looking for an all-encompassing educational experience, SGC Mohali is an appealing choice because of its well-equipped labs, knowledgeable teachers, and busy campus life.
Chandigarh University (CU): CU is a rapidly growing university known for its industry-oriented approach to education. They offer a comprehensive MCA program with specializations in Cloud Computing, Data Science, and Mobile Application Development. CU boasts impressive placement records and a focus on practical learning through industry collaborations.
Panjab University (PU): This esteemed university is a pioneer in higher education and offers a well-established MCA program. PU focuses on strong theoretical foundations coupled with practical training. With its legacy and reputation, a degree from PU holds significant value.
Chitkara University: Renowned for its research-driven environment, Chitkara University offers an MCA program with a strong emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship. Their curriculum includes advanced courses in machine learning and artificial intelligence, preparing students for the future of technology.
Goswami Ganesh Dutta SD College: Established in 1910, this esteemed college offers a traditional MCA program with a focus on core computer science concepts. Their program provides a solid foundation for further studies or entry-level IT jobs.
DAV College: DAV College is known for its emphasis on holistic development and strong academic standards. Their MCA program combines theoretical knowledge with practical training, making students industry-ready.
Choosing the Right College for You:
With so many options, choosing the right MCA college can feel overwhelming. Here are some key factors to consider:
Specializations Offered: Does the college offer specializations that align with your career interests?
Faculty Expertise: Research the faculty’s qualifications and industry experience.
Infrastructure and Facilities: Does the college provide the resources for practical learning and skill development?
Placement Records: Look at the college’s placement record in reputed companies.
Alumni Network: A strong alumni network can open doors to future opportunities.
Fees and Scholarships: Compare tuition fees and explore scholarship opportunities.
Accreditation and Rankings: Consider the college’s accreditation by recognized agencies and any rankings in national publications.
Beyond Rankings: Exploring Additional Factors:
While rankings provide a starting point, your decision should go beyond mere numbers. Here are some additional factors to consider:
Campus Culture: Visit the college campuses or attend virtual tours to get a feel for the atmosphere and student life.
Industry Collaborations: Does the college collaborate with industry leaders for internships and placement opportunities?
Research Opportunities: Are you interested in pursuing research? Look for colleges with active research programs in your field of interest.
Distance and Location: Consider the commute and whether you prefer a central city location or a more suburban setting.
Additional Tips for Success:
Develop Strong Programming Skills: Focus on mastering core programming languages like Java, Python, and C++, as they form the foundation for many specializations.
Build a Strong Portfolio: Participate in hackathons, open-source projects, and personal coding projects to showcase your skills and problem-solving abilities.
Network with Professionals: Attend industry events, connect with professionals on LinkedIn, and build relationships that can open doors to future opportunities.
Sharpen Your Soft Skills: Communication, teamwork, and critical thinking are crucial for success in the IT industry. Develop these skills through extracurricular activities and internships.
Chandigarh offers a plethora of excellent MCA colleges, each with its strengths and unique character. By carefully evaluating your academic goals, career aspirations, and preferred learning environment, you can make an informed decision and select the college that unlocks your full MCA potential. Remember, the ideal college is the one that best equips you with the knowledge, skills, and experiences to thrive in a dynamic and competitive IT landscape.
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mystic-story-lover · 1 year
Heheh I'm back! This one is for good old Manders
The reader gets to give a dose of ass kicking to the rascalz at a pro wrestling revolver show after they confronted them to try piss off manders
~ I'm Yours Cowboy ~
1 Called Manders x Sophia (Female!OC) Word Count: 1471 Warnings: Swearing, annoying flirting, a little violence (a teeny tiny amount that is there for one little spot) Type: Fluff Summary: During the Mayhem For All Meet ‘n Greet the Rascalz try to bring heat to Sophia’s table to get in Manders head A/N: Ahh this is finally written! I had so many ideas for this, but writer's block was ROUGH. However, it’s done and I’m so glad to share. Hope this is what you were looking for!! ~~~
“It was so nice to meet you!” The woman called from over her shoulder, whilst she walked towards the second row of seats. I smiled, glancing up as another person approached my table.
“Hi there, how are you?” They asked, and I replied with a simple ‘good, how are you’. We made a little small talk as I signed their poster, and they were excited to see Mance Warner slide behind me. I’d realized it was him from the tickle of his bandana on the back of my neck and the southern drawl in his accent when he warned me he was sneaking up.
“Sophie, where’s those stickers at?” He asked, digging through my suitcase for his merchandise.
“Try Manders bag, I think he put them in there this morning.” I replied as I slid the poster back to the fan in front of me. “Hey Mance, look up for a sec?”
He did as asked, and noticed the person in awe at him, causing him to chuckle. I’d had fans tell me they were jealous that I not only knew SGC, but was dating the resident cowboy, which always made us laugh. Sure, there was the occasional time someone hit on either one of us, but we both were quick to shut those requests down.
“Oh my god, you know the SGC. Holy shit.” They grasped out, smiling widely still at Mance, who was still half bent, hand in my bag.
“Yes, yes she does. She also knows that instead of dating the loser cowboy over there, she could have a RASCAL.” Trey spoke with a smirk as he approached my table.
“Trey, I’ve told you before, I don’t want to be with you. Now shoo, would you?” I groaned, shaking my head.
“Oh come on Sophia, don’t be like that. You know we’d look better together.” He stated, placing one palm on the table.
“Lady said to go. Suggest you do it.” Mance spoke, quickly returning to an upright position.
“Woah there, relax buddy. Trey’s only here to talk with Sophia, unless you want to start a fight.” Zack shrugged, not bothering to care that Manders started to make his way over to the same table.
“Oh, we’re ready anytime and anyplace.” He spoke, wrapping an arm around my waist.
The sweet fan in front of us kindly moved over to she side, and I shot them an apologetic look. They only nodded, and I returned my focus to the scene in front of me, which was definitely catching the attention of others.
“Easy there cowboy, I can handle this. How about you and Mance head over to your table with the fan on the side of mine. They really seem to like you two.” I sigh, tapping Mander's arm that was still around my waist. “Trey, I’ll talk to you after all this. That work for you?”
He began to speak, but a fan interrupted, excited to see the two men out there. With a second shrug, Zack walked away as well, leaving me to the group of fans that began to surround my table and a leaving boyfriend.
“Hey, Soph, everything all good?” Shawn asked from behind the curtain, probably hearing word of the conversation between the men.
“As good as it is for now. Can we have some extra people in the back for a post conversation?” He nodded at my question.
Time flew by as fans continued to come to my table, some asking me questions about what it was like to work the indies compared to those who are signed to a major company. Others asked about my relationship, but all was respectful of it. When the time came for the five of us to head to the back, Manders came to me first.
“Piggyback?” He questioned.
“Piggyback.” I replied, smiling at him.
He turned around, giving me the chance to see Mance camera ready, a common sight since Manders and I became a couple. As he bent, I positioned myself over his back, straddling it almost, and tapped his shoulder when I was ready to go in the air. When he was standing again, he turned his head, leaning over for a kiss, and I complied, flipping the camera off in the process, causing Mance to laugh.
“Making that the new profile photo for Manders.” Those words caused the cowboy to laugh, nearly dropping me in the process.
“Babe! I’m gonna fall!” I screamed, scared as I continued to slide down him. 
Before I got the chance to reach the floor, I could feel two hands on my thighs, giving me the slightest boost up. I turned to see who’d reached to help, knowing it wasn’t my favorite of the trio, since he was still holding my arms. I noticed that Crash had reached right under my knee to lift me, and I smiled at him.
“Thanks for the boost.” 
“Thanks for not finding it weird. Didn’t want you falling to the floor.”
“You kept your hands in a respectful spot, how would that be weird.”
“I wanted to be safe rather than sorry. Plus it was better than the local stoners reaching.”
“Ain’t that the truth.” Mancer groaned. 
We all laughed at that, and talked as the four of us began walking towards the back to get ready for tonight’s show. Officially, SGC wasn’t booked for any matches, but they were going to have a surprise one, and call out the Rascalz for the next Iowa show.
“So, you wanted to talk. Can only assume it’s so you can say I was right.” Trey chuckled, confident that I’d leave for him.
Manders dropped me safely once we’d fully reached the back, and I took the chance to walk up to Trey. I reached up, placing a palm on the left side of my hand, and I knew Mance took a step towards me. As Trey continued to lean into my palm, eyes closed, I took the chance to use my right hand to place a slap across his face.
“What the hell was that for?” He asked, reaching for his cheek. 
“For purposefully trying to cause a fight and get the boys here screwed. I’ve told you several times that I’m not interested. Stop asking, or I’m going to report it to Sami and have you not allowed near me.” I growled out,  clearly frustrated at everything that happened.
“Fuck, you didn’t have to slap him so hard.” A familiar voice called out, and I turned to see my best friend, and the newest Bullet Club leader, David. 
“Finlay, how long has it been? Two weeks?” I giggled, running over to hug him. “But seriously, this dude has been hitting on me since early fall. Wouldn’t you have gotten annoyed?” 
He nodded, realizing the situation was far worse than he imagined.
“Listen here, two of my club are in Impact, and I could easily ask them to set up a feud, unless you back off Sophia. She’s not interested, and that cowboy over there is who she wants. Are we clear?” A beat of silence passed. “Good.”
Suddenly, a few security guards came around, and eyed the scene in front of them. Behind them stood Shawn, and I knew he sent them in to make sure everyone was okay.
“Oh, and for the record Trey, you’re only half of the tag champs, but soon, you won’t be any part of them.” 
A cat-call came from the side, and I shot my head over to see my boyfriend smiling at me. I ran over to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. Using the distance, or lack of, I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.
“Should marry you on the spot after that, looking beautiful as hell.” He whispered into the kiss.
“Oh, should you, huh?” I smiled, placing another gentle kiss on his lips. 
He nodded, removing his hands from around his waist, and grabbed one of my hands, spinning me in a circle. While turning, I missed him receiving a beautiful diamond ring from his friend, and tag partner, before pulling me back into him when I’d done a full 360.
“Would you want to? Marry me that is.” He asked, a worried expression coming over his face.
“Anytime and anywhere cowboy.”
“So will you?” He asked, holding up the ring.
My hands instantly went over my mouth, pure shock coming over me. I watched as the man of my dreams lowered himself onto one knee, holding out the diamond ring for me. 
“Yes, yes, yes, and a million other times yes.” I cried, and he slid the ring on my finger. I dropped to my knees, wrapping my arms around him and kissed him again. “I’m yours, cowboy.”
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
wip wednesdsay!! dealers choice! 👻
👻Hmmm...the ghost is making me want to resurrect something I haven't worked on for a while. Here is a snippet of my WIP set in an AU where John and Rodney are women and also have swapped roles:
"...waste of my time, intellect, and skills, Carson! I didn't get a PhD just to babysit some scientists who've never even seen a Stargate before!" "Regardless of your unique skill set Meredith, you are the military's science liaison, and this is a secure base, so you are the perfect person to provide both military escort and science orientation. I'm sure Col. Carter has done the same many times at both the SGC and Area 51.” "Ugh, fine. If Carter has to do it, I guess there's no way I'm going to be able to get out of it." Joan Sheppard grinned at the obvious reluctance of their as yet unseen tour guide. Whoever she was, either she had no idea how well sound carried in these hallways or she just didn't care that the group of international scientists and US Marines she was due to meet could hear every disparaging word. This was going to be fun.
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texasdreamer01 · 4 months
Atlantis Expedition: Science Division Departments - Life Sciences Department
We're a bit further from the original post, having already done the medical department, so now it's time for the Life Sciences.
Much like the medical department, the notes for this underwent significant revision (nearly entirely re-done), to better granulate expectations for the department's duties and how they interact, primarily, with the medical department. Below is the original estimation, with struck text indicating revisions:
> Head: OC > Contains: Earth biologists, bio- & biochemical engineers, astro/xeno-biologists, botany, environmental chemistry, zoology, microbiology > Function: Auxiliary to Medical Department needs > Examples of function: pharmaceutical synthesis, analysis of unknown species, biological database creation, gene therapies (pharmaceutical adjacent) > Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 2 (Earth biologists) + 2 (bioE & biochemE) + 1 2 (astro/xenobio) + 1 (botany) + 1 (envchem) + 1 (zoo) + 2 1 (microbio) = 11 > Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 1 (physiologist) + 1 (geneticist) + 1 (astrobiologist) + 1 (xenobiologist) + 1 (microbiologist) + 1 (botanist) + 1 (zoologist) + 1 (biomedical engineer) + 1 (biochemical engineer) + 3 (medical laboratory scientists) = 13 > A/N: Both biologists also have training/specialization in genetics/gene mapping (assists both Carson and Katie), some input in requesting gate missions based on in-house needs > A/N: Focus is on medical logistics and supporting Medical Department needs, research parameters fulfill SGC outlines of studying microevolutions and drug technology development.
Following on the parameters of 1) putting people through the inter-galactic theoretical shredder is expensive, and 2) said gate shredder will only be open for a certain amount of time, the vast majority of this department's work will be geared toward the analysis, creation, testing, and preparation of pharmaceutical drugs and other inventions of medical context.
Think compounding pharmacy but better equipped, and capable of researching new things - this department specializes in medical logistics. Wikipedia has a better description of this, so I'll pull a quote:
Medical logistics is the logistics of pharmaceuticals, medical and surgical supplies, medical devices and equipment, and other products needed to support doctors, nurses, and other health and dental care providers.[1] Because its final customers are responsible for the lives and health of their patients, medical logistics is unique in that it seeks to optimize effectiveness rather than efficiency.
As with most things contrived by the SGC, there's going to be a lot of blended specialties and overlap, heavily bolstered by technological innovation. These are people Carson Beckett likely hired, or at least had a heavily-weighted opinion when Rodney was going through the application packets, because the Life Sciences is at a one-step remove from actually handling patients, and handles a significant amount of labwork and research.
The revised numbers weigh heavily in favour of biologists, due to the sheer breadth and depth of the subject, and the fact that most of these are likely to have some sort of SGC training that would make them well-versed on what to expect on the expedition in terms of disease research and thus treatment solutions.
Unlike the medical department, which handles patients directly in different aspects, this is all one "team". If you're looking for a group of scientists that can technically have the same generic appellation that would make one of them go, "Well, actually-", this is the place to look.
On to the breakdown, notes included:
> Earth biologists  » 2x of these  » Specialties?   ⇛ Human physiology (academic rather than medical context)   ⇛ May function as a knowledge base to study how the physiology of the expedition changes by long-term habitation in Atlantis, assists in studying long-term effects of the ATA gene therapy, development of knowledge base as Earth-based physiology changes in reaction to Pegasus galaxy habituation (exposure to local diseases, eating of local foods, etc)   ⇛ Geneticist   ⇛ Same as the human physiologist, but in a genetic context   ⇛ Studies genetic drift of the expedition and builds knowledge base for comparisons of baseline to genetic mutations that build up over time > Astro/xenobiology  » 2x of these   ⇛ 1 of each  » SGC special  » Studies the species and speciation of non-human humanoid species   ⇛ Imports from studying the Jaffa, Goa'uld, and Replicators (xenobiologist in particular)   ⇛ Overlap with parasitology and immunology/histocompatibility (Goa'uld and Jaffa, respectively) > Microbiology  » "Most microbiologists specialize in a given topic within microbiology such as bacteriology, parasitology, virology, or immunology."  » Studies the species and speciation of bacteria, algae, fungi, and some types of parasites and their vectors > Botany  » Study of species and speciation of plant species  » Outline of botany > Zoology  » Study of species and speciation of non-human animal species  » Outline of zoology > Biomedical engineer  » REVAMP from bio-engineering  » Actually makes the pharmaceuticals based on the feedstocks and processes biochem engineers designed for them   ⇛ Works with biochem engineers to feedback on the design process of drug manufacturing   ⇛ Biologics as well as inert (in comparison) materials for drug development   ⇛ Pharmacology    ⟹ Most likely all drugs are powdered for shelf-stability and ease of transportation     ⭆ So their responsibility in this would be referencing the SGC formulary (how many books to a Frasier) on reconstituting these drugs      ➾ Compounding     ⭆ What about topical prescriptions? Gel-based? Powder for gels, as well      ➾ More complex formulation     ⭆ What about gases, for sedation?      ➾ Probably compressed canisters? > Biochemical engineer  » Would not have existed in the early 2000s as a field related to process engineering, so an SGC special  » Also useful for researching food preservation methods  » Synthesizes information from peers in this department to create pharmaceutical drugs and their manufacturing process > Medical Laboratory scientist  » Does the legwork of processing samples for everyone, so needs a wide range of skills   ⇛ 3x of these   ⇛ Specialties    ⟹ Immunology/histopathology/hematology     ⭆ Human tissues    ⟹ Microbiology/bacteriology     ⭆ Bacterial forms of infection    ⟹ Virology/mycology/parasitology     ⭆ Non-bacterial forms of infection      ➾ Routes of non-bacterial infection > Environmental chemistry  » Role covered under biochem engineering  » Biochem engineers can cover the study of pollution that envirochems specialize in
Environmental chemistry section preserved to properly annotate the revisions, and what their original role was supposed to be (i.e. study pollution to solve Earth's pollution issues).
It occurred to me, while revising personnel lists, that the biologists in particular will need to divide their research into some broad categories, if they want to properly develop their research topics and what category of formulations they would require from the non-biologists in the department.
We have human species, yes, but that can be parsed from Milky Way to Pegasus galaxies, and from there Earth-based humans vs Jaffa (vs Goa'uld), and Pegasus-based humans (presumably humans, as they probably wouldn't know for sure that the Ancients were the default sentient or even default humanoid species in the Pegasus galaxy).
The human microbiome is incredibly important to understanding homeostasis, disease pathology, and various other interconnected factors. Because of this, the medical laboratory scientists will be heavily relied upon to develop cultures for study. I'm willing to believe that they have some nifty adapted technology to help them study all of these subjects I've shoved under multiple umbrellas, in the form of culturing processes, reagents, microscopes, analyzing software, preserving agents/methods, and the like.
After that, testing to see how these diseases - or potential diseases, if someone in the Pegasus galaxy hosts a bacteria, virus, fungus, or parasite that their immune system is natively robust to - might infect a member of the expedition. This is where a lot of back-and-forth would be done between the Life Sciences and Medical departments, so it wouldn't be uncommon to see people like, say, Biro (pathology) and Katie Brown (botany) jointly doing research on a pathogen.
There's already a lot of canonical evidence to support this specialist overlap being a necessary concern, from the the Hoffan drug (and the subsequent Michael arc), John Sheppard's infection from an Iratus bug bite in Conversion, Asurans, Lucius' drug, the crystals of M3X-387, Kirsan fever, Jennifer Keller's infection from something that was turning her into a Wraith hiveship in The Seed, and the Second Childhood parasite.
Depending on the type of infection, a lot of the personnel in this department will coordinate with each other to develop a knowledge base, including potential therapeutic remedies. If something already in stock cannot be used (see: a potential cross-applicability of penicillin), then they might make a request to the head of the expedition for a gate team to travel based upon any information they might have (ex: Teyla and Ronon going out for samples of the Enchuri plant for treating Kirsan fever).
Because of their support role as a department, the fact that all the scientists here can be used as in-house reference for the medical department, and their unique position to recommend gate missions for consideration on the roster, this department functions well as a bridging gap for the various demands the expedition has placed on them by the IOA and the SGC.
Total Life Sciences Department Personnel
Head of Department: 1
Biologists: 5
Engineers: 2
Laboratory Scientists: 3
Botany: 1
Zoology: 1
Total total: 13
I'll be going over canonical personnel such as Katie Brown in their own posts, but for now this is a general accounting of the expedition’s life sciences department.
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oraclesofnorway · 1 year
CONSTRUCT from Kevin Margo on Vimeo.
Early to work one morning, Aiden happens upon illegal activities purveyed by his employer and is drawn into a brutal fight for his life and the safety of his family.
CONSTRUCT is Kevin Margo's Sci-Fi film project.
CONSTRUCT is currently being developed as a feature with Kevin Margo set to direct. Brian Kavanaugh-Jones (MIDNIGHT SPECIAL, OPERATION FINALE) will produce with his team at Automatik. The feature film script is being penned by Marcos Gabriel and development financed by Nightfox.
WATCH how we've helped pioneer new filmmaking and virtual production workflows. Part 1: youtu.be/nnaz8q6FLCk Part 2: youtu.be/ihyRybQmmWc
LISTEN to the CG GARAGE podcast to hear more about the making of CONSTRUCT. chaosgroup.com/blog/kevin-margo-darren-ross-construct
CONSTRUCT VR is coming to L.B.E. Venues around the world soon! presenzvr.com/construct/
SPECIAL THANKS to the AMAZINGLY TALENTED team of artists, actors and stunt performers who continue to support this project. CONSTRUCT’S collaborators include CHAOS GROUP, NVIDIA, GOOGLE, OPTITRACK, BOXX, iTOOSoft and ROUGE MOCAP.
SOCIAL | Follow us for updates: facebook.com/constructfilm/ instagram.com/margo.kevin/ twitter.com/MargoKevin kevinmargo.com constructfilm.com youtube.com/kevinmargo
Kevin Margo is represented by Scott Carr / Management SGC
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Elimination Poll Group 1
This is the first of two elimination polls that I'll post today. The top three scorers in this group of 10 will get the three spots left in Group 1 of the bracket! This poll only goes one day, so vote quick!
Endorsement/blurbs under the readmore!
Sarah Jane Smith, Doctor Who: Investigative Journalism! It's how she solves mysteries with the Doctor and the Bannerman Road Gang.
Janet Frasier, Stargate: Frontline doctor to teams dealing with alien crap nobody has ever seen before. She is having to write the book, there are no guidelines but she is so steadfast. There’s such a strength to her that makes me believe in her. Big heart too. Adopted the only survivor of her planet, a young girl, and somehow balanced the career as head medical officer of the SGC with being an amazing mother.
Una Chin-Riley (Number One), Star Trek: Canonically, she's a badass who has hopped around multiple departments in Starfleet and is serving as the First Officer of the flagship (where she is 'the best first officer in the Fleet'). She collects information and people tend to 'end up owing her favors.' Her Illyrian heritage gives her increased strength and a super immune system, which she successfully hides from everyone for decades while serving with distinction. When Captain Pike is kidnapped on Talos, she goes after him, breaks into the lair, and convinces the Talosians that humans would make terrible slaves by threatening to blow herself and all of them up rather than remaining imprisoned.
Zelda Spellman, Sabrina The Teenage Witch: High Priestess! Mortician! Midwife! Diretrix of the Academy of Unseen Arts (and its choir)! Teacher of ancient languages! Witch! Aunt and mother figure! There are not many things this woman is not competent at.
Barbara Gordon, DC: Batman but better. She’d the og batgirl, obviously kicks ass, but most importantly after batgirl she becomes oracle the smartest and most competent person in the extensive batman gang. she's the girl on the computer, she runs everything behind the scenes, she knows everything and if she doesnt know it she will find out if you give her two minutes also she's a wheelchair using queen
Emerahl / The Hag, Age of the Five: Magician so competent she reached immortality, clever enough not to want to be deitified. Works whatever jobs are necessary to reach her goals, from prostitution to healer.
The Armorer, Star Wars: She is a total badass: expert armorer, leader and mediator, warrior
Tara Cole, Leverage: Highly skilled grifter, the only one Sophie trusts enough to help out the Leverage team
Jancy True, Drawtectives: Investigating, being a detective, solving cases... herding junior drawtectives like cats...
William Patterson, Blindspot: Anything to do with computers or science or problem solving, she's your girl. She can hack, she can program, she can find answers, crack codes, solve puzzles, make connections no one else can, notice details. She kills at trivia because she knows everything. She's also highly competent in the field, with firearms and other physically demanding tasks. Her knowledge of science is profound (her father is Bill Nye the Science Guy. No, literally).
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