#sh Oklahoma
theinfinitedivides · 2 months
Wyatt Flores dropping an entire EP of absolute delicious material today that feels tailored specifically for Eliot Spencer............. ty for your service sir
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Desert Hills Motel ✩ James Hetfield (18+)
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for @30-3am ♡
The Tulsan heat beats down on you as you carry your bags toward the small and now overpacked motel's parking lot. Cars pile up and create a combined cacophony of overused horns and shouts, as a tour bus haphazardly pulls in and loudly shudders to an abrupt stop. Sweat trickles down the pulse points on the sides of your neck, causing your expression to set in a grimace as your arms begin to ache from the weight of your toiletries and exertion. Your curiosity gets the best of you as you spot a large crowd of teens and young women around your age, barrel their way into the cramped crowd in front of the already rented rooms.
"Can you believe they're actually here in Oklahoma?" A girl beams, causing the cluster of people around her to relay the same sentiment and start to talk over each other.
"I didn't think they'd be touring so heavily, especially after what happened only a few years ago." You hear someone exclaim as an elbow roughly bumps into yours, causing you to instinctively grip harder onto the ears of the plastic bags in your hands. Uneasiness begins to pulse through you as the chatter surrounding you suddenly turns into a bellowing pit of screams. Your eyes try to erratically search for the number matching the crumpled keycard in your trembling palm over the tall figures in front of you, but to no avail. The numbers were completely out of your line of sight. Hesitantly shouldering your way past one of the men blocking your view, newfound hope begins to bloom in your chest as a small passageway slowly makes itself in the middle of the crowd.
Leaning forward on the tips of your boots, you lift yourself up to take advantage of the few extra inches of height your fmb's give you, before letting out a chattering exhale as you see the sliver of the exit turn into a full-blown path. Raising your arms to allow the bagged items to shuffle themselves from your wrists down to your elbows, you try to make yourself as small as possible as you duck under the unceremonious, shoving hands.
Biting back a wince as a hand nearly makes contact with your sweat laden and rosy cheek, you nearly trip over your feet in haste as you move forward.
"Here they come, here they come!" A voice shouts right next to your left ear, causing you to lose momentum and pause right in the middle of the open area. Letting out a curse as you see a small group of various and differently dressed men steadily make their way through the crowd and near where you stood frozen, you force yourself to trudge forward, before making the choice to unsteadily run forward in between the divided two parts of the hotel, before stopping to finally relax in front of a dilapidated ice box. Momentarily closing your eyes and placing one of your bags onto the ground, you roll your aching wrists to try and relieve some tension as you take in the cold gust of air cascading itself from the machine in front of you. Squeezing your shoulder blades together and shakily inhaling a much-needed breath, you bask in the now muted sounds of the once overstimulating screams and welcome in the hum of the refrigeration unit.
"Feels nice, doesn't it?" An easygoing tone asks you, causing your eyes to snap open and squint up blearily at the man before you, the sun making your eyebrows furrow. Lifting your free hand up to create a makeshift visor to protect you from the unrelenting beams, you feel yourself begin to fluster as a handsome man in a cowboy hat fully comes into view. "Bet you don't get too many cool days around here." He makes sure to maintain eye contact with you as he stands his guitar case on the brick wall next to him. Your eyes widen in realization as you take in his appearance. Dirty blonde hair rests against his broad shoulders and cascades down his strong neck, where a necklaced worn and signed pick lays against a barely covered chest, his light colored and sparse chest hair peeking out from under his stretched-out v neck t-shirt. Tight black jeans encapsulate every divot in his seemingly never-ending long legs, and finally, a black pair of cowboy boots that almost entirely match your own, except for in color and their lack of heel. And although his outfit screamed southern boy, you knew he was anything but. This man's aura screamed he was a star and was meant to be one. Of course, he'd be part of the band everyone was currently losing their minds over.
"You seem like you'd fit right in, attire and all." You drawl out sheepishly, the smile you get back in response pulling you in and withdrawing out the rest of the uneasiness from your body.
"A southern bell, huh? Guess we chose the right hotel after all." James muses, before beckoning his head toward the barely lit neon green cactus sign. Unable to hide your grin, you look to the side to catch your bearings, before meeting his bright blue eyes once again.
"Your type of music not too welcomed around here?" You implore, the tips of your boots nearly caressing his as he places himself closer to the only source of cool air.
"With the way everyone reacted to us settling down in town, you'd think otherwise, doll." Cheeks blazing from the endearing term, you purse your lips, before watching him lick his own in response. "With the way everyone's reacted to y'all settling down, I know your group isn't something we usually see," Bracketing in your plush bottom lip before releasing it slowly, you airily breathe out as the tall man in front of you watches your chest rise and fall, the already charged air around the two of you starting to feel fervid. "You ain't no Fleetwood Mac, especially with the cool looking guy in the Marilyn tee."
"You telling me I couldn't pass as the second cousin of John McVie?" James huffs out, his faux angry expression causing a grin to fully envelop your face.
"Absolutely not. Not even close." You respond through laughter, before bending down to pick up your overfilled bag. James quickly meets you halfway, his hand encircling around your wrist, before delicately gliding his ringed fingers down to yours and removing the bagged items from your grasp.
"Here, let me." He insists. "Which room is yours?"
"We don't even know each other's first names yet and you're already asking me for my room number?" You raise an eyebrow as he struggles for a rebuttal, the slip in his confident disposition making your lips twitch impossibly higher.
"James." He mutters, shaking his head at himself before grinning in disbelief. "What is it?" You ask, confusion painting your features as he laughs instead of answering. "Nothing you need to stress over, bell. Now how about you show me where your room is, before we both pass out from this heat and my bandmates order a search and rescue?"
"Your band! Oh God, do you think they're doing okay?" Head turning to readjust your view toward the crowd only a few handfuls of yards away, your eyes quickly latch onto three other outstanding men in the still growing pit of people. Nearly jumping as a large and calloused hand finds purchase on the low of your back, you're surprisingly quick to begin to relax as James' thumb rubs comforting circles into your now cooling down skin.
"They'll be just fine. We're all attention seeking anyway, comes with the job. Besides, I only ever came over here to see if you were doing alright." Your eyes widen in mortification as you quickly come to terms with the fact that he saw you nearly faceplant and run off only just a few minutes prior.
"Any way we can just pretend like that never happened?" You plead, leaning back into his touch to look up at him and send him a placating and disingenuous smile. James pats his palm against the skin of your natural arch before beaming down at you with a humor-filled, shit eating grin.
"Absolutely not."
Robin's egg blue chipped paint stares back at you as you place the bags on the spinning chair near the entrance of your motel room, the crumpled keycard resting dangerously close on the edge of the clearly pre-used coffee table to your near right.
"She's a beauty, isn't she? I'm pretty sure your room is going to look the exact same, maybe a little bigger." You muse, your lips stuck up in a sore-to-be smile as you glance over at the musician frozen in the doorway.
"I don't know what I was expecting after seeing the vintage sign out front, but this surely wasn't it." James says slowly, his words coming out lazily as his eyes scan the small room in front of him. Flower embroidered bedsheets and blankets stand out on the bed, and a television the size of a toaster lies tilted atop a cracked, screwed in piece of metal plate shoved in the wall.
"You're missing the best part of it all, rockstar," You migrate his attention back to you as you slyly make your way over to the bed, before smacking your hand against the bedpost. "It vibrates. Exactly what you need after the long ride you just had."
"I think those beds vibrate for some other reason entirely, doll." Fingers reaching up to run their way through his facial hair, James hides an amused smile as you lag in place, before your expression turns uncharacteristically cheeky.
"A different type of ride then?" You ask him in a meek tone, watching in amusement as the man in front of you begins to sputter. "I think your roommates must be looking for you." Your eyes fill with mirth as he struggles to catch up with the quick change of subject before you.
Nodding to himself before physically shaking his head to get out of his stupor, James grips the middle of his nape and quickly averts his eyes as you walk your way back over to him. "Yeah, I bet they are."
"Thank you for being so kind to me, James." You whisper out, your short spell of cheekiness wearing off as you stand in front of the epitome of a man in front of you. Chain linked butterflies make their way and rattle through your ribcage as he reaches out to encircle his hand around your wrist once again.
"Thank you for making this town a whole lot more interesting, bell." Lifting your wrist up to his lips, he places a delicate kiss on your blush red fingertips before slowly letting go.
"You forgot one last thing. The best part of it all," Raising an eyebrow as he takes a step back, you watch him with unhidden interest as his eyes brighten with anew light. Digging into his pockets and flashing you three key cards, James sends you a gentle smile before heading on out. "Double sided doors. I'll see you later on, angel." He tosses to you in the humid air, his words nearly sounding muted as your attention quickly shifts to his full backside.
Your stomach tenses with anticipation as you watch him walk away, the awareness of the soreness of your wrists and physical exhaustion long gone while your heart incessantly pounds in your chest. Pushing your weight against the heavy door to fully close it shut and deadbolt it, you knew one thing for sure.
You couldn't wait to see him again, and you had an inkling that he felt the exact same way.
"Why would you want the motel room farthest from the ice box and tour bus?" Lars asks his bandmate as he hesitantly places his weight on the creaking bed underneath him. James pointedly ignores him as he removes his hat to rest it on his knee, causing the unrelenting drummer to continue with his questioning. "Aren't you always the one wanting to hightail it out of towns like this once our location's been leaked? Southern fangirls are a different breed."
"Hell yeah, they are!" Jason agrees, his exclamation ending in a silent cry as the tip of his shoe harshly meets with an oddly bent piece of wood coming from a leg of the bed.
Kirk bites back a chortle as he watches their bassist hop around on one foot, before resting against the wall attached to the cubical sized bathroom. "Dane is right, usually you're always ready to run. What gives? Found a girl worthy enough to not bolt from a shit motel for once?"
"Maybe the eggshell paint and the obnoxiously large welcome signs are growing on me." James rebuts, oddly wanting to keep you to himself and no one else, especially from his occasionally overbearing bandmates and friends.
"It's Robin's egg, man. Everyone knows that." Jason breathes out in indignation once he stops jumping around, the hands he places on his hips being the only telltale sign of him being sarcastic. Rolling his eyes and shuffling back on his elbows to lean against the itchy fabric, James blindly kicks off one of his boots and grins wide as he hears a yelp.
"Fuck off, all of you. Y'all should be glad I'm taking the smallest room; the master is next door anyway. We can all still tear ass once the fans realize which rooms we're actually staying in."
Kirk lets out an audible shutter as he pushes himself off the ribbed wall and over to the double-sided doors. "I lost count of how many grandmas tried to grab my ass within the first five minutes of getting off the bus."
Lars cackles as he recounts the earlier events in his head, his entire upper half vibrating and lifting with the force of his amusement. "Old ladies out here grabbing at your ass like the first item they see on sale on Black Friday."
"Thanks for that mental image." Kirk mutters before unlatching the lock and making his way into the next room. "You brought it up first, man." A slim and long middle finger retreating behind its owner back is his only response to the blatant calling out, causing Lars to grin to himself before grabbing ahold of his duffle bag. Tossing it onto the coffee table and unzipping it open, the Dane reaches in and yanks out an oversized hoodie and jacket.
"See you fuck's later, I think I saw a bar down the road. Gonna go see if one of the roadies can distract the crowd long enough for me to get a Heineken in." Jason perks up at the sound of alcohol, his otherworldly and positive nature making James grin and fully relax back into the uneven springs beneath him. Looking over at the drummer with a pleading look in his eyes, Lars quickly relents and throws the jacket over to their bassist, who excitedly shoves his arms into the worn out sleeves.
"Try not to make headlines again, will you? I still feel guilty just thinking about Indianaoplis to this day. "
His bandmates share a knowing grin before they sling out halfhearted goodbyes over their shoulders and toss the hoodies over their heads, hurriedly make their way outside. James watches as they hastily tighten the drawstrings around their outerwear before slamming the door shut behind them.
The newly alone frontman makes sure their footsteps become inaudible before he sits up and makes eye contact with the door connected to yours. "Don't be such a pussy, it's only been a few hours." He scolds himself, before throwing caution to the wind and making his way over to the door, despite his inner turmoil and worry of coming off as too desperate and strong and reaching out too soon.
Raising an unsteady fist to the wooden door with a slight nervous tremor, James disproportionately knocks with his knuckles before taking a step back and placing his weight on the heels of his socked feet.
Instead of imitating a similar greeting in return, you instead undo the latch on your side and open the door to invite him in, your wide doe eyes staring up at him as he takes in your change of clothing. Heat rushes up to your cheeks as you wait for him to speak, your hands nervously twisting themselves together in front of you. You fight the urge to retreat as his eyes rake down your entire figure, seemingly trying to permanently encase the image of you in his mind. Thick and partially windblown hair pillows itself against your collarbones, the rest of it descending down the beginning of your spine and resting against the end of your sleep dress's straps. Gold silk shifts against your newly showered and softened skin and ends in lace around the middle of your partially naked thighs.
James punches out a deep breath as his eyes trail over and down your exposed and tantalizing skin, his fingers twitching with the urge to press themselves into you.
"I need you to tell me that this is wrong. That we should take our time and talk things out, since I'm sure we're both at least going to be in town for the next few days. Because if you don't, once I get into your room and I get my hands on you, I don't think I'll be able to stop until we're both finished and done for."
You silently prattle in your head about all the things that could possibly go wrong. The fact that he may be gone in the morning if his schedule changes, or the fact that he might just up and leave your room after you fall asleep instead, that this could simply be something temporary for him. That you could just be being used for his own pleasure. But as you watch the yellow tinged light of your bedside table's lamp illuminate the side of his face in the darkening natural light peering its way in through your partially opened blinds, you find yourself to not truly care. You knew deep down that this may be your one and only opportunity to get this close to him, in this very moment. And you were going to take full advantage of that.
"You said the double-sided doors are the best part of this place, right?" You start, the strong and steady tone you begin with quickly turning labored and overwrought as you feel his hungry and starved gaze weigh you down and hold you in place. "How about you take mine into consideration, and then we can make our way on over to yours?"
James stumbles over the jagged doorstep in haste before breaking out in a breathless huff of laughter at your words, his awaiting fingers coming up to lightly tug on the fabric covering your midsection to bring you even closer. Leaning down to rest his forehead against yours, James brings his free hand up to firmly cup it around the back of your neck and murmurs out before enrapturing you in a deep kiss.
"Fuck waiting."
A gasp of laughter bubbles its way through your swollen lips as you're playfully pushed down onto the aged bed beneath you and your legs are yanked forward to rest against the outer edge. "Do you have any idea how I felt when I first saw you?" Rough and calloused hands teasingly raise the almost see through fabric of your dress up your thighs as James kneels in front of you. "A breath of fresh air compared to everyone else trying to run towards us, your fucking legs and those boots."
You shift your weight up to rest against the back of your arms and look down to try to and meet his eyes. A small thrum of a pulsation sensitizes your clit as you watch him slowly spread your thighs apart, a small patch of arousal bleeding through the cotton covering your sex as you watch him bring his face in between your legs.
"Your lips and the way you purse them when you're in a train of thought, makes me want to have you suck on my fingers while I eat you out." He roughs out, before placing a kiss on the inner side of your knee, the juxtaposition of the brash rub of his beard and his lips making you moan out in shock in the nearly quiet room.
The sound reverberates as James licks his lips at the sight of you getting wet, his cock already jumping in the tight confines of his jeans from the sight of you alone. "Your cunt's getting so wet for me already and I haven't even done anything to you yet. You feeling needy yet, doll? Need me to do something for you?"
You nod quickly, your eyes feeling heavy as his thumbs snag themselves against the softness of your inner legs to yank them open wide. A timorous feeling runs through you as the condensed and slowly cooling air blowing out from the AC unit creates goosebumps on your newly exposed skin, and you almost shy away from him as his eyes flick up to yours.
"Look at me, angel," James coos softly, his slightly condescending tone from earlier long gone. You're faced with a comforting smile on his bruising lips once you follow his request. "Good girl. It's just you and me in this room, alright? No one else gets to see you like this, just me. Be here with me and be present, baby. Let's make this last while we can. There's no need to be shy with me when I'm already fully hard in my pants from just kissing you and seeing you laid out for me like this."
You take in a deep breath as James begins to move once again, his mouth replacing his hands, which now climb their way up to your hips to hold them in place. Firm and wet kisses are placed unevenly on your now trembling thighs, your hesitancy now the least of your worries as he sucks a mark into your reddening skin. Back arching up from the mattress as the musician bites into you without any warning, you reach down to fist a handful of his hair in a silent rebuttal, your bitten skin stinging pleasantly.
James moans out against you instead, the vibration being so close to your pussy that it makes you cry out loud, your underwear starting to stick to you as you feel your folds begin to dampen with your arousal.
"Please, James. I need to feel you, want to cum on your tongue." You plead, the throbbing of your cunt becoming borderline painful as he continues to touch and suck and lick anywhere that isn't where you truly needed him. James grins against your skin as you plead and beg, before slowly making his way up to your awaiting sex and placing a teasing kiss to your swollen and clothed clit.
"Is this where you need me, bell? Need me to fuck you with my tongue, have you dripping down my chin as you cum all over me?" You open your mouth to respond, before widening into a gape as his heavy and hot tongue swipes against the cotton, the warmth of his mouth a stark contrast to the coldness of the room. James' eyes nearly close in ecstasy as your essence blankets his tastebuds, his cockhead leaking pathetically through the rough denim.
Using his teeth to move the soaked cotton to the side, James pulses forward to spontaneously caress the tip of his tongue against your opening, while his nose rubs insistently against your bud in tandem. "Oh God!" You scream out, your hips overpowering his hands holding you down and your left leg raising to wrap itself around his shoulder. "I'm sorry." You gasp, before grinding your hips up and fucking his face, bellowing out a chant of his name as his tongue slides into your hole.
Reaching down to grasp onto your right leg and place it onto his other shoulder, James replaces his tongue with an index and middle finger as he raises his head to harshly suck at your clit.
Your thighs begin to seize as you feel his facial hair indent itself into your skin, your thrusts turning wild and uncoordinated as he curls his fingers upward and brushes against your g-spot. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum." You whimper, tears springing to your eyes as the orgasm building in your groin begins to feel almost overwhelming.
Lifting his head to look up at you, James watches you with intense eyes as his fingers thrust into you relentlessly, his other hand coming down to pinch and rub at your swollen nub. "Cum for me baby, you can do it for me. Such a fucking good girl, making a mess of me." Slick glistens against his beard and runs down his thick neck, his nose soaking wet with your essence and his facial expression completely fucked out and hair disheveled.
James smirks as he feels your walls begin to erratically convulse around his fingers and places a soft kiss to your bruising skin, before fucking them into you at an even faster place. You gasp out an expletive and tremor as he roughly pushes his thumb against your clit and scissors his digits, your sudden release and the force of it causing you to bow and curl around the man pleasuring you. Tears stream down your cheeks while you simultaneously try to catch your breath, slowly beginning to come back to as James carefully lowers your legs and beckons you into his arms.
"You did so well, doll." He tells you as he encircles his arms around your trembling waist, careful not to have you rub against the rough fabric of the sheets covering the bed. "Took care of me so well." You rebut shakily, lifting your head up from his shoulder to begin a slow trail of kisses down his neck.
"You don't have to, baby. I'll be just fine." He tries to reassure you, but to no avail. Leaning back to look him in the eye, you sneakily raise your foot and press your toes into the large bulge almost bursting against the seams of his zipper. James groans out at the dizzying relief the pressure gives him, before his eyes snap open as you abruptly stop.
"Do you have any idea how I felt when I first saw you?" You ask him once you finally stabilize, his lips quirking up at the familiar sounding words despite of the sexual frustration he felt. James raises an eyebrow as you offer him a hand, but takes it, nonetheless. Tugging him on top of you once he's fully stood, James instinctively catches himself on his forearms before he could place all of his weight on you, his large thighs pressing you into the mattress. "I thought you were the most handsome man I've ever seen and met, with a personality to match. So gentlemanlike to walk me back to my room and make sure the room attached to mine would also be yours. With an ass so full, even a girl like me couldn't help but want to grab onto."
You grin victoriously to yourself as you watch a flustered expression grow on his face, before you gently guide him down into a fulfilling kiss. Allowing him to take the lead once you two find a synergistic rhythm, you moan into his wet heat as his tongue runs against the top of your mouth. Spit lines connect the two of you as you break apart, you licking your lips to collect it as your own before you motion for him to pull his shirt over his head. Reaching down to unbuckle his belt and push his jeans and briefs past the swell of his ass, your eyes widen as his hot length smacks against the top of your pubic bone.
"So, you're a big boy in more than one way, huh?" Lips stretching in a wide smile as his cock jumps in response and his face begins to flush even further, you teasingly and blindly run your index finger down his long shaft.
James lets out a resounding moan as you wrap your hand around his girth and stroke upwards, the amount of precum seeping down his length allowing it to be a comfortable slide. Pressing your thumb into his tip and reaching down to cup his balls in a firm grip, you whisper against him as he gasps out your name. "You going to let me make you feel good, help me make you cum inside of me?"
"Yes, baby. Want to push my seed inside of you as deep as it can go, want you to be sore and feel me stretching you out days later." James pants out against you, the veins in his dick pulsating wildly against your palm. Resting your head against the sheets below you and making sure to maintain eye contact, you position his tip to your entrance and raise your hips to slowly thrust his cockhead in. You both sharply inhale in unison, his cock stretching your walls open in a way you thought wasn't even possible.
James clenches his jaw shut, forcing himself not to move as you slowly shift yourself down his overly sensitive shaft. Your lips part in a silent cry as you bottom out, the overwhelmingly full feeling causing tears to swell in your eyes once again. "I swear, I can feel you in my stomach." You whisper out, your shaky exhale turning into a whine as James unintentionally moves forward and brushes against your cervix.
Lifting your legs to wrap them around the sweaty lower part of his back, your walls subconsciously tighten around him as you make yourself more comfortable. James grunts out above you before sliding his hands down to your waist and shifting his weight onto the backs of his thighs. Darkened blue eyes stare down at you with desperation, quietly pleading to move as their owner tenses up his shoulders with physical restraint.
"You can move." You murmur up at him, the tightening coil in your midsection threatening to snap and break apart as you watch his facial expression relax with relief. James' grip strengthens around you as he thrusts forward, his irises blown wide as your walls accommodate to the thick stretch of him and his movement. Gasping out as his thrusts begin to roughen and his ballsack begins to smack against the sensitive skin of your ass, you reach up to encircle your arms around his neck as his hips begin to push you up the bed.
"Just like that, just like that." You plead as the underside of his cock slides against your sponge-like spot, a gush of your slick pulsing out and steadily dripping down onto the ruined sheets beneath you.
"Fucking look at you, taking me so well," James moans out from above, his fingertips pressing bruises into your skin as he lifts your waist up from the bed. "Made for me to fuck into. So soaking wet for me." You flush red and scream out as he propels his dick even further inside of you, the bedpost noisily making contact with the chipping wall from the force of the drive of his hips.
Your thighs tremble around him as he begins to lift you up and down his cock, the sound becoming audible as you fall silent, your orgasm forcing you to quiet down. James curses out as he feels his balls raise and tighten, the orgasm coursing through you causing you to constrict around him. Whining out as you begin to feel overstimulated as he pistons himself into you and against every right spot, you try to shift back in his hold, before crying out as one of his hands slide down and makes contact with your asscheek.
"Don't run from me, baby. Thought you wanted to make me feel good, wanted to help me make you feel nice and sore for days after?" He taunts you, his grip holding you in place once again as he relentlessly fucks you deep into the creaking mattress underneath the two of you. "Take it like a good girl, like I know you know how to be."
You nod vehemently and hold onto him desperately and he has his way with you, despite the fact that you were barely holding on, so fucked out you felt like you couldn't even formulate a single thought or word as he impales you with a rough and irregular pattern. James lifts you up onto his lap as his thrusts begin to become shorter and harsher, his tip seemingly feeling like it was going past your cervix and straight into your uterus. James pants above you and lightly wraps his hand around your throat as your head lolls to the side, forcing you to look up at him with unfocused eyes.
"You're doing so good for me, bell. Just a little while longer, alright? Such a pretty mess, all for me." The praise goes straight to your head as you feel yourself come back down to earth as he sends you a satisfied grin, the sweat beading down his temples from the exertion making its way down his chin and landing on your breasts. You shiver as the cool air makes its way over to the droplets and dries them against your skin, the frigid air causing your nipples to harden and sensitize as they're brushed against James' chest.
"Cum for me," You moan out, swallowing thickly as his hand delicately tightens around your neck, the slight depravation of air making your voice sound breathy. "Making me feel so good, can't you feel it?" You tighten your walls around him with a clench, causing him to let out a whine on top of you, his chin leaning forward to rest against the top of your head as his cock begins to spurt its seed inside of you.
James' hand around your throat shakily slides back to your nape, his fingers twisting themselves in your hair for purchase and holding you in place as he steadily empties himself. You close your eyes in content as you feel his warmth fill you to the brim. Taking in a deep breath to ground himself, James gently untangles himself from you before wrapping his hands around your middle to lift you up.
"Not yet, still want to feel you." You protest weakly, leaning back in his grasp until he gets the hint to allow you to lie back on the soiled sheets and bedding. James nods and bends down to place a placating kiss on your lips before carefully flipping you over, situating you on top of him so your head can rest comfortably on his heaving upper half.
You close your eyes tiredly as you feel his calloused palm slide down your spine in a comforting manner, the rise and fall of his chest and erratic heartbeat almost lulling you to bed, before your eyes snap open at the sound of multiple heavy and drunken pairs of feet stumbling their way into the motel room right next to yours.
James looks over at the wall in horror as he realizes that in his haste to get over to you, he forgot to close and lock the double-sided door. You let out a yelp as he jolts up in a sitting position with you still on top of him, your hands scrambling to hold onto his shoulders as he yanks the sheets from underneath the two of you as a set of dazed eyes peep their way through the opening.
"Oh shit!" Jason yells out as he makes eye contact with you frozen on top of James, your bare breasts hanging out of the yanked down and almost torn sleep dress haphazardly draped around you. "Get the fuck out!" James screams back at him, throwing a pillow and narrowly missing the crown of his head as he quickly tucks the sheet around you.
"What the fuck is going on?" Lars slurs out, before letting out an embarrassingly high sound as his drunken bandmate slides back into the other room and tackles him onto the carpet. "Nothing, do not go in there, man!" James groans and drops his head back on the bed, one of his hands unwrapping from around you to reach up and rub at his eyes.
"I am so fucking sorry." James apologizes, before lifting his head to look at you, perplexed. Uncontrollable giggles pour out of you as you sit up and plop yourself between his legs, your hand clutching onto your stomach as your breath is stolen from you once again. James' lips raise at the joyous sound coming from you, before sitting up himself and wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"Well, that's one way of meeting the rest of the band." You muse, humor heavy in your tone as you finally re-collect yourself and lean back against his bicep. James grins to himself before wrapping his arm around you and twisting you down back into bed, a laugh of his own filling the room as you let out a shocked squeak.
"Don't worry babe, you still haven't met Kirk yet." He reassures you, before descending down on top of you and kissing away the rest of the laughter that finds its way through your swollen and smiling lips.
Lars gives up underneath Jason as he realizes struggling against him is futile, the bassist easily overpowering him and pinning him down within the first few seconds. The Dane goes to open his mouth to spit out an insult, before freezing in place as a breathy, feminine laugh bleeds through the opening door and into their room.
"Is that a girl?" He asks, his lips spreading and forming into a wide grin as Jason unconvincingly responds with a "No!"
Lars shakes his head and lets out a drunken laugh as Jason rolls off of him and lies down next to him instead. The bassist closes his eyes in tired defeat, a partial amount of his curls landing on his friend's shoulder as Lars stares up at the stained ceiling with hilarity-filled eyes.
"James, you slimy bastard."
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bldngiris · 2 months
꒰OKLAHOMA SMOKESHOW ꒱ . . . d winston !
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pairing(s) : book! dallas winston x fem!soc! reader
in which y/n dreams of escaping tulsa but her dad is holding her back. however dallas winston listens and yearns.
requested : yes or no.
!! content warnings : yelling, swearing, r's father is an ass, r is a soc but she doesn't like being one, discrimination. movie dallas used only for visuals even though i used blonde book dallas in mind!! mentions of religion, angst
robin chirps : happy easter!! this fic is inspired by oklahoma smokeshow by zach bryan :) bold is the song lyrics!
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go on and put on that dress that all the bad boys like.
y/n stood in front of her full-length mirror and took a look at herself one last time before heading out the door. if her father had caught her wearing anything other than appropriate soc attire, she would be done for. the amount of times she had been hit on by cocky high class boys who just wanted to get into her pants was numerous, alas her father didn't care. "you don't want to look like one of those greasy balls of garbage do you?" he would ask her. truth was y/n didn't want to be a soc. sh didn't want to be a greaser either. she wanted to escape tulsa and live in a city without labels and get away from all the hostility stored away in the streets of tulsa.
i know your daddy ain't home so ride with me tonight. you always wind up here in a puddle of tears
y/n had made her way to the diner with her friends. however, her "friends" had left her midway through the walk home to go hang out with a group of other socs. it had started to rain and the closest place y/n could go to was bucks. y/ns feet subconsciously made their way to the building lit by neon beer signs, ignoring the voice in the back of her head saying, "if i catch you 'round one of them greaser places.."
she slowly opened the door to the place, as a mixture of tears, mascara and raindrops ran down her face, her hair sticking to her face, her dress drenched. many eyes were on her as barely, if any, socs came to bucks. whispers, some louder than others presumably by drunk men were heard as y/n sat on one of the bar stools.
them boys are out and they're angry and they're lookin' for blood In the back of a blue old pick up truck. you've got nowhere to go although you're all gussied up
y/n sat at the barstool, a shaggy, pale, blonde boy sat beside her, a malboro cigarette hanging out of his mouth loosely.
"hey man, what're you doin' out here?" he asked the soc, curiously, in a sluggish tone of voice. y/n sniffled.
"my friends left me when we were at the diner, n' i didn't wanna get jumped, it's dangerous walkin' home by myself, y'know." she sniffled again. "plus, it's cold and wet." she paused again. dallas listened, as he hummed and nodded, understanding what she was talking about.
there's so much whiskey in his coke it'll make her nose bend
"that really sucks man," he muttered taking a sip of his whiskey and coke, y/n could smell the drink from her seat. dallas did't turn away or ignore her after that. they spent the next hour talking.
but she swears that his love is a damn god send
don't get me wrong, dallas hated socs. but y/n was different, under the high class, hair done, pretty dress facade, she was a normal girl yearning for more than just a privilege title. the two could relate on another level which dallas had appreciated. dallas and y/n both wanted more or less the same thing, both wanted to escape tulsa, but more or less everything was holding them back from doing so.
she's known god since she was a child, she used to play in the yard and she would dream of one day
y/n played in the front yard of her house with a white picket fence. she saw two kids around her age, playing over by a park around the 'border' between the west and east side.
"hi! im y/n can i play with you?" she asked the three children. they were greaser children, as seen by the difference in their appearance.
'til the world came around and took her dreaming away. told her how to dress and act and smile.
"sure! im soda, thats johnny and that one over there is steve" one said. soon enough, y/n's father had come out of the house, soon following a burst of yelling came about. "y/n get over here and away from that white trash." he exclaimed. y/n wondered, how could a grown adult be so hostile toward children? y/ns father grabbed the little girls hand and took her back over to the freshly painted house on the block.
'y/n, sweetie, you know better than to talk to those type of people." he told her. "now, im sure mrs. sheldon and mrs. valances children would love to play with you hm?" he said. the little girl with pigtails and turned around to watch the greaser kids looking at her sadly, eventually cheering themselves up and laughing softly as they played on the monkey bars.
she's an oklahoma smokeshow. he's an asshole from back home. she'll never make it out alive.
that night, at bucks dallas and y/n talked for hours. y/n told dallas about her image and how she was forced by her father to keep up the good girl act, how every soc guy just wanted to get in her pants and how she's never going to make it out alive.
dallas told her about how he grew up in the streets of brooklyn, new york because his asshole father didn't give a shit about him. his mother and grandmother didn't have enough to provide, because his dad kept taking the profit to the bottle. he ended up in juvi by the time he was ten for theft, trying to provide for his family until he just left and ended up here in tulsa.
that small town bar scene, where small vices kill your big dreams. he'd take you home but he's too drunk to drive.
"but my dad will never let me leave, not until i'm 21 at least, and if i do, he'll list me as a runaway to the police and they'll come and find me." she muttered, solemnly. it was nearly midnight now. dallas way to intoxicated to drive. y/n had used bucks landline to call a cab as she made her way home, thinking of the boy who had changed her life in a mere few hours.
well, I've been here, I've been up all night. thinkin' 'bout a life with you and i. one you'll never know 'cause you're a small town smokeshow.
dallas layed there, head empty except for the thought of y/n. it was nearly 3 in the morning at this point, but all he could think about was the girl who he had just met but felt like they had known each other for years and there he continued dreaming, because unfortunately for him only one of the two got their 'escape' from the prejudice of tulsa, oklahoma. unfortunately, it wasn't y/n. unfortunately, it wasn't the way either of them planned.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 5 months
How about something friendshippy/familial between Texas and one of/some members of the South? (Not Louie or Flo only though please!) Maybe Tennessee, Georgia and/or Kentucky?
Okay so- I imagine Texas to either have a neutral, pretty damn friendly, or brotherly (both big and little) relationship with the south. I’m just gonna name off different southern states and tell you what I think their relationship is with Texas! <3
Alabama: Neutral, though they aren’t against going out to get drinks together and they won’t murder each other by simply being in a room together. But at the same time, Texas thinks that Alabama is too much of an asshole to Louisiana and a few others for him to wanna be around.
Arkansas: they’re pretty chill. They don’t really have any problems with each other, they just don’t hang out a lot. :]
Florida: they’re basically the- crazy-but-cool-uncle + equally-as-crazy-but-is-good-at-hiding-it-nephew. Idk. They just give that vibe. They’re friendly with each other but if Florida does anything to hurt Loui, Texas is going to kill him.
Georgia: Very lovely father/son relationship. Georgia is like a father figure to Texas, and loves him like a son. Georgia whacked him in the head with the adoption stick the day that Texas became a state.
Kentucky: again, a very lovely father/son relationship, very similar to Georgia and Texas’s. Texas has found that Kentucky is weak to the puppy eyes too.
Louisiana: they have both a best friend and brotherly relationship and will ALWAYS be there for each other. You mess with one, you mess with the other. Loui is one of the first people to ever get Texas to open up and one of the first to give Texas a shoulder to cry on, and Texas will forever be grateful. Don’t mess with Loui unless you want to have a knife or ten shoved down your throat. I could honestly go on and on about them-
Mississippi: They friends :] Texas will protect Sippi with his life and Sippi will do the same. Or- he’ll try. If Texas lets him. He won’t, but it’s nice to know that the thought is there.
North Carolina: I think they could be pretty good friends tbh. They don’t talk much, but they would sure as hell be more than fine with being in a room together.
Oklahoma: Do not, I repeat, do NOT leave these mfs in a room together. They don’t hate each other too much, and can be friendly sometimes, but Oklahoma annoys the living sh*t out of Texas and they will co-sign each other’s obituaries.
South Carolina: They friends :D they both enjoy hanging out with each other. It’s kinda like a big bro/little bro thing, but not quite.
Tennessee: Uhhhh- well their relationship is…..weird to say the least. Like- they’re friends, but not friends. Texas disagrees with a lot of the stuff Tenn does, but at the same time they are okay with being around each other. But I swear to god if Tenn decides to mouth off, he’s getting punched.
Virginia: they’re like a mother/son relationship. Cuz lets be honest, Virginia is more of a mother than a father, and he sure as hell acts like a mother hen. Especially to Texas cuz he’s a clumsy bitch and bruises easily. Texas acts like he’s annoyed, but he’s secretly grateful.
Texas be collectin them parental figures like Pokémon cards lmao
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shefanispeculator · 2 months
Las Vegas just got a little more country with Blake Shelton’s new live music spot Ole Red Bar.
“Extra’s” Alecia Davis spoke with Blake about the grand opening and having his wife Gwen Stefani with him up onstage!
Referencing Gwen’s Coachella performance with No Doubt, Blake commented, “I was excited she did it because she's had a hell of a week.”
The Coachella performance was the first time that Gwen and No Doubt reunited in nine years!
When asked what Stefani’s support meant to him, Shelton gushed, “It’s everything. I mean, that's my wife. And she's never not been there to support me. It's just such a comforting thing to know she has my back. She's my best friend, and it's not something we just say. It's in our actions. We are as supportive of each other as we can be.”
Blake and Gwen are loving the farm life on their Oklahoma ranch.
Blake commented, “I love being on the tractor. It's like my getaway. That is my vacation or hobby. I’m no good at it, let’s be honest. It’s a disaster. I got a guy that works for me on the ranch that after I leave town, he’ll come in behind me and like fix it and get it right, like how it should be. But nobody has more fun doing it than I do.”
Blake even got Gwen to join him.
How does a city girl like Gwen becomes a country girl?
Blake answered, “Well, flowers. It’s hard to get her excited about a stock of corn growing, but if you can get her some zinnias going, now she's fired up. Now she wants to be a farmer.”
For Christmas, Blake gifted zinnia seeds to Gwen. He shared, “I got that. I got her sunflower seeds. You name it, if it can grow in Oklahoma, I probably got it for her.”
To cover his bases, Shelton also got jewelry for Stefani. He quipped, “I’m not sure which is more expensive either. I don’t know if you’ve tried some of that flower stuff... holy sh*t.”
Shelton was stoked to launch his sixth and largest Ole Red Bar right on the Strip.
He said, “It’s not something I think most artists think are in the cards, to be part of something like this outside of making music records and touring. To be able to have a venue that also represents you musically and what you do. And so, I got super lucky this all worked out.”
Blake is also fired up to hit the road again and thrill fans with all his hits on his Honky Tonk tour.
While Blake has missed touring life, he admitted, “I was a little bit nervous. I’m always nervous at the start of my tours. I don’t know why after this many years. It’s simple things I worry about like the lyrics to my song or are people gonna come to the shows? Literally, those are the two things that I stress about.”
As for the possibility of returning to “The Voice,” Blake revealed, “I don’t plan on ever, like working at ‘The Voice’ again. I can’t say I wouldn’t come by for, like, a surprise appearance. I mean, that show is the greatest and most important thing that I’ve ever been a part of in my career. It changed my life, and I’ll always be grateful for that.”
Though he’s not sitting in the famous red chairs anymore, Shelton is still watching the show!
He commented, “I do watch it a little bit, especially when Gwen’s on there. She’s still in and out, and she’s so good at it. She loves the show. She always said to me, ‘How can you want to step away? It’s so fun.’ I’ve done it 23 seasons without missing a single season. I know what you feel like, Pat Sajak, because that’s kinda how I felt being on ‘The Voice.’ If you’re on back-to-back seasons, there’s really no time for any other thing. I guess if you didn’t want to have a family and a life, you could do it that much, but something has to give, and for me, I was to the point where it was time for ‘The Voice’ to be the thing that has to give this time. So, I’m just at that stage in my life.”
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goblin-d · 9 months
PLEASE share your funky wttt gender headcanons :D
Alabama [he/they] - Demiboy Transmasculine
Alaska [he/it/moth/nor/pup/they] - Transmasculine Demigender Xenic (Catcolpuffic, Dogboygender, Drowsygender, Genderblanket, Lulovien, Moosegender, Mothgender, Pawsgender, Plosewial, Remissious, Sleepyleite, Soporcomfic, Sweatermasc, Warmgenderblanket*)
Arizona [he/they] - Libramasculine Transfeminine Boy
Arkansas [he/they] - Nonbinary
California [Any Pronouns] - Transfeminine Genderfluid Demiboygirlthing
Colorado [he/ski/they/cloud/mountain/snow/fluff] - Xenic Trans Man (Ariemonic, Cryobunnic, Cryocattic, Frostmasc, Icestormic)
Connecticut [she/he] - Transfem Man
Delaware [he/him] - Agender
Florida [he/it/they/she/zip/xe] - Pangender Genderweird Xenic (No specifics in mind)
Georgia [he/him] - Genderqueer
Hawai'i [they/she] - Demigirlflux
Idaho [they/he] - Demiboy
Illinois [he/they/xe] - Boything Xenic (No specifics in mind)
Indiana [they/he] - Demiboy
Iowa [he/him] - Cis Male
Kansas [they/he/it] - Genderqueer Femboy
Kentucky [he/him] - Cis Male
Louisiana [he/they] - Demiboy Genderqueer
Maine [Any Pronouns] - Pangender Transfem
Maryland [Any Pronouns] - Trans Woman Xenic (No specifics in mind)
Massachusetts [he/him] - Secret Gender /j [Genderfaun]
Michigan [he/him] - Genderfluid Autigender Xenic (Blaunauic, Chaosgender, Clowngender, Cufemian, Coldgender, Evilclownic, Menacegender, Musegender, Pincusmic, Prettygender, Softqualix)
Minnesota [he/they/she] - Genderfluid Transfeminine Xenic (Amocatix, Anlomeltic, Catgender, Comfnightgender*, Cutegender, Cutehorror, Gorrorhospic, Horrificutegender, Lovelettic, Lunaboy, Magicamoric, Magicattic, Pinkplanetary, Poromantian, Shycatgender, Starcatgirlgender, Verpgoris, AND LITERALLY ANY SLIME RANCHER RELATED XENOGENDER)
Mississippi [he/him] - Cis Male
Missouri [he/they] - Transfem Demiboy
Montana [he/they/it] - Twospirit
Nebraska [he/they/husk] - Deadboy
Nevada [he/it/they/she] - Boyflux Trans Man Xenic (No specifics in mind)
New Hampshire [Any Pronouns] - Girlflux
New Jersey [she/they] - Transfeminine
New Mexico [he/they] - Demiboy
New York [it/she/they] - Agendergirl
North Carolina [Ask Pronouns] - Genderflux
North Dakota [he/they] - Demiboy
Ohio [Ask Pronouns] - Genderfluid Transfem
Oklahoma [he/him] - Questioning
Oregon [he/they] - Boything Genderqueer
Pennsylvania [he/him] - Genderapathetic
Rhode Island [he/she/celeste/taurus/sirius] - Genderqueer Xenic (Genderfuck, Stargender, Staricangel, Tauragender)
South Carolina [he/they] - Transmasc
South Dakota [he/they/she] - Demiboy Demigirl Bigender Xenic (Aterpolillic, Auraunpollic, Cabbagemamesic, Caepolillic, Flapolillic, Greymothic, Mothneut, Nivpolillic, Primrosemothic, Rubpolillic, Viripolillic (etc.))
Tennessee [they/he] - Demimasculine
Texas [she/xe] - Trans Woman (no xenos but she is a wolf therian BECAUSE I SAY SO)
Utah [he/him] - Cis Male
Vermont [he/him] - Trans Man
Virginia [it/its] - Trans Woman
Washington [he/they/moth] - Transmasculine Demiboy
West Virginia [he/they/moth/night/dark] - Demimasculine Xenic (Mothmangender )
Wisconsin [he/him] - Cis Male
Wyoming [they/them] - Nonbinary Twospirit
and bonus non-states because i want to!!!
DC [he/him] - Trans Man
District of Columbia [Ask Pronouns] - Genderfluid
CDC [ey/they/he] - Xenic Trans Man (Cleancoric, Rosamistica, Strawblainberic)
Government [Any Pronouns] - Agender
IDC [sh*/h*r] - Cis Female Xenic (Galaxyfeminine, Narcfem)
National Guard [he/him] - Cis Male
anyway thank you for reading i love you all so much <3 /p
\* can't find the source but i have the flag :sob:
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chillyfrys · 3 months
More Roddy hc’s..
I feel bad for yappin abt this goober sm- oh well
I’ve had no motivation to do much else
He is by far my fav oc, so posting all this help me remember everything and blah blah-
These are more on his past!!
(Same tw’s as last time-)
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He was born in Oklahoma
His father had been abusing his mother way before him and his brother(s) had been born
His father had got her pregnant on accident
he hated kids, so payed no mind to them.. he loved the baby bonus check though
His father is the reason why he’s Addicted to drugs. When Roddy was a crazy 2 year old he’d give lil Roddy Valium.. and continued to for years, till he left when Rod’s was five.
His dad would beat their mum black and blue, and used Roddy as an ashtray most times..
Roddy had another brother.. he was shot and killed in the middle of a gun fight.
His name was Tommy, 16 years old when he was shot, Roddy had been 11 And he saw it all.
His mom is such a sweetheart, and would let Roddy get away with murder.
She’s not home much though, she’s a nurse so busy schedule and late nights..
Donny (his older brother) is the “man of the house” or whatever
Roddy is technically just a nickname, his name is Rodwill- but he absolutely hates it. ______________________________________ just some more hc’s I forgot last time (Tw)
When he has the urge to relapse sh, he’ll just get new tattoos because it hurts..
He’s a picky eater- fav food is chicken tenders
Lives off of monster energy and black coffee
He’s got a nice fish tank with a bunch of tropical fish in his room
He’ll somedays just not have an appetite at all, and feels sick when he tries to eat
Roddy knows a lot of people, because he probably sold drugs to them- and he knows all the druggies
Angela has a weird obsession with Roddy-
Roddy has bad hearing, somedays he can hear everything and other days all he says is “huh?” “Wha?” “Pardon??”
He’s a cuddly drunk, he chooses someone and clings to them all night- it’s usually Ponyboy or Two-bit
Has a super high metabolism, bro could eat a 5 course meal and LOSE weight-
..But that also comes with low iron-
He and pony are so black cat and golden retriever 🫶🏼 Butt even though Roddy looks like he’d be the black and pony looks like the golden retriever.. it’s the opposite-
He’ll chew on his lip rings (he’s got two)
Always cracking his knuckles
Begging his brother for a nipple piercing-
Has maybe one pair of jeans without holes in them?
He’s killed someone 🎀
Roddy hates toddlers and and kid’s over 2 but absolutely Adores baby’s
and baby’s love him somehow- Probably cuz he’s so warm. but when he’s holding a baby Roddy is grinning like a fool and it’s a weird sight- a big tall emo covered in tattoos and piercings.. holding a lil baby-
That’s it for a bit- sorry again for the Roddy spam He’s just a cutie 🤭
Love you all 🫶🏼💋
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r0s3s-ang3l · 4 months
Heyy!! Remember when I was going to show y'all my OC? Well! Here y'all go! <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Her profile about her:
Name: Brielle Soo-Yun Cheong
Nicknames: Bri, Ella, Elle, Bri-Elie, Elie,
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 16
From: Seoul/South Korea
At now: Tulsa Oklahoma (With the gang ofc <3)
Single or Taken?: Taken
Birthday: March 12th
Ethnicity: White/very pale. (She is American, Korean, And Japanese)
Mother: Hye-Rim Cheong (In South Korea)
Father: Young-Min Kim (In South Korea)
Siblings: Unknown
(Her Mother and Father are emotionally abusive so that's why she is in Tulsa)
Hair: Long, Black, Straight.
Eyes: Doe, Adorable, Deep, Ocean, Brown.
Body type: Skinny, But thick thighs.
Height: 4'10-4'11
Aesthetic: Girly, Coquette.
Face/Makeup: Clean girl look (Example)
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Extra: She has a small heart tattoo on her hand and some scars on her wrist from her past sh issues.. And she also has a small stud piercing on her nose and heart stud earrings in her ears.
Likes and Dislikes and Personality
Likes: Fluffy Baby animals (Bunnies, Bears, Deers, Turtles, Cats, Puppies etc.), Coloring, Baking/Cooking (Helps Darry sometimes while making dinner), Drawing, Physical touch, Sunrises, Hello Kitty/Sanrio, K-Pop, Tiktok.
Dislikes: Getting hurt, Vomit, being sick, Socs (duh-), Thunderstorms, being yelled at (Reminds her of her childhood.), Peas.
Personality: Kind, Gentle, Adorable, Caring, Cuddly, Funny, Shy, Anxious at times (Meeting new ppl, ect.), can be a badass when she wants to, sassy.
Health and Mental issues/health
Shes pretty healthy!
She smokes once in a blue moon; she vapes a lot though.
She has OCD and has sensory issues and overloads. And undiagnosed autism.
This is an example of what she looks like:
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I can't draw to save my life- Sooo.. If someone or one of y'all want to draw her for me, you can if you like!!
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lonepackofwolves · 9 months
idk why but i feel compelled to share the story pf a friend from highschool on here
TW for... idk homophobia, sh, just a lot of shit. We love a vent post but this is kind of like. Idk a memorial.
We all called him Rev; he wore a cross necklace and a button down. We kind matched in that way, although i wore mine unbuttoned. He was two years below me in high school and we were both on the robotics team. Everyone compared the two of us- our ambition, enthusiasm, general unrestrained zeal for life in the smallest stuff. And we were both avid christians all through highschool. I found him a little annoying, in the way youd expect two kids who are always compared to find each other annoying. He was awkward and dorky like me, he shared traits that i was taught to hate in myself but he also shared many traits which i have since come to love.
We went to this competition for robotics, and Rev, me, and my best friend who i had the biggest fucking crush on. And we talked about a lot- the late night kind of stuff. But then being gay came up, and my best friend and Rev took up the position that being gay was wrong. And in the person who had so much in common with me, i recognized the self hatred we were taught. I *knew* he was gay, too. And i pleaded that love couldnt be a sin, that the bible was translated that way as part of a political project. And he stuttered for a second, and i thought he might cry.
3 years later i got an email from my robotics team coach. Rev's funeral, an invite. I sat there for a second. I went to the funeral. And the church was packed. Family, the robotics team, his boy scout troop, his friendgroup, other people he touched. The room was full of people he loves. And i found out how he died. Suicide. His dad shared a story about how Rev took the shirt off of his own back to keep someone warm in the chilly oklahoma winter. I wanted to go up to his dad. Tell him about that night in the hotel room, where we argued about the ethics of love. I wanted him to know that his son held so rigidly to the idea that being gay was a sin and the good ol Christian Morality that he killed himself. But i couldnt. I just sat there.
Idk what the point of this story was i just needed to share it.
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dani-lickey · 2 years
Kyle’s back to sh*t talking Taylor bc he made out with Alyssa! This is why I never trust or stan yt men!!! Now if Joseph (25) lets me down you can go ahead and clown me bc that man is hot BUT Oklahoma isn’t cute and now he could be bad for Taylor’s game🙃
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
School doesn't test your intelligence, it tests your memory.
Venustraphobia is the fear of beautiful women.
A tiger’s tongue is so coarse, it can lick flesh to the bone.
People who get angry easily are more likely to overestimate their intelligence.
‘I’ before ‘E’ except when your foreign neighbour Keith receives eight counterfeit beige sleighs from weird, feisty, caffeinated weightlifters.
Not once in the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does it mention that he’s an egg.
Nomophobia is the fear of being without your mobile phone or losing your signal.
Erotomania is a psychological disorder where the sufferer has delusions that another person is in love with him or her.
Some restaurants in China actually lace their foods with opiates to keep customers coming back.
Your mind spends about 70% of its time replaying memories and creating scenarios.
Instead of "Once upon a time …" many Korean folktales begin with "Back when tigers used to smoke ..."
In 2013, a man bought a house next to his ex-wife just to install a giant middle finger statue for her to see every day.
One Direction once got kicked out of a hotel owned by Donald Trump because they wouldn't get out of bed to meet his daughter.
You can't make the same mistake twice. The second time you make it, it's no longer a mistake, it's a choice.
Google makes about $40 billion a year in ad revenue, which is more than CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX combined.
Gym treadmills and stationary bikes can have 7,752 times more bacteria than a home toilet seat.
Cannabinoids (the active ingredients in cannabis) are naturally present in human breast milk.
People who spend money on experiences rather than material items tend to be happier.
Men who ejaculate at least 21 times a month may have a 20% lower chance of getting prostate cancer than those who ejaculate 4 to 7 times a month. Crack on!
Membership of the Royal Bastards Society is open to anyone who can prove illegitimate descent from a king of England, Wales or Scotland.
On March 5th, 2023, Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist Gary Rossington died. All seven members on the 1973 Lynyrd Skynyrd debut album are now dead.
In the eighties, the FBI formed a fake company and attempted to bribe members of congress. Close to 25% of those targeted accepted the bribe and were convicted.
The Monkees named their first movie ‘Head’ so that, if they ever released a second film, it could be marketed with the slogan, "From the guys who gave you Head."
The 'stitch' that runs along the bottom of a man's scrotum is the 'scar' of what would have been a vagina. That's where the labia fused together when male hormones kicked in during embryonic development.
Vincent Gigante was a mafia boss who, for 30 years, wandered Greenwich Village in his pyjamas mumbling incoherently to himself, in an elaborate act to avoid prosecution. They called him The Oddfather.
The small Peruvian town of Santo Tomas celebrates ‘Takanakuy’ every December 25th. Men, women and children settle grudges with fist fights. Then everyone goes drinking together, ready to start the new year with a clean slate.
On March 13th, 1919, a letter from a New Orleans serial killer said he would kill again at 15 minutes past midnight but would spare the occupants of any place where a jazz band was playing. That night, every dance hall was filled to capacity and no one was murdered.
During the early 1960s, a chimpanzee named Lucy was raised as if she were a human daughter by a psychotherapist and his wife. She ate food using cutlery, wore clothes, enjoyed magazines, enjoyed drinking gin, could sign 250 words and tried to masturbate with a vacuum cleaner.
In 1913, Sarah Rector, a 10-year-old black girl received a land allotment of 160 acres in Oklahoma. The best farming land was reserved for whites, so she was given a barren plot. Oil was soon discovered there and she became the country's first black millionaire.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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mjcbddok · 2 years
Business Name: Mary Jane's CBD Dispensary - Smoke & Vape Shop
Street Address: 1020 NW 192nd St suite b
City: Edmond
State: Oklahoma (OK)
Zip Code: 73012
Country: USA
Business Phone: (405) 906-2239
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://mjcbdd.com/top-tobacco-cbd-vape-shop-mary-janes-cbd-nw-192nd-street
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maryjanesfamily
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MJCBDD
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mjcbdd/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maryjanes_family/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMg3Qa-TrMLB0b2e-FaFpig
Business Description: Mary Jane's CBD Dispensary - Smoke & Vape Shop NW 192nd St is the top Tobacco shop in Edmond, OK. Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary is part of a chain of CBD Dispensaries specializing in providing the highest-quality CBD oil products thoroughly lab tested and meet our high standards of quality. Come see why MJCBD on NW 192nd Street is the highest-rated Cannabis shop conveniently located east of SH-74 Portland Avenue (between N Western Avenue and Stonebriar Lane)! MJCBDD specializes in the industry’s best brands and has led the industry standard in sales of CBD by dominating product innovation and customer satisfaction. If you're looking for a high-quality Vaporizer store near me, look no further!
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1637615312570445841
Business Hours: Sunday 10am-9pm Monday 10am-9pm Tuesday 10am-9pm Wednesday 10am-9pm Thursday 10am-9pm Friday 10am-9pm Saturday 10am-9pm
Payment Methods: Cash Visa Master Discover Amex Paypal
Products: Smoke shop, Delta 8, CBD Online store, CBD Oil, CBD Gummies, CBD for Pets, CBD Pain Creams, CBD Beauty Creams, Hemp Flowers, Vape, Puff Bars
Keywords: Smoke shop, Delta 8, CBD Online store, CBD Oil, CBD Gummies, CBD for Pets, CBD Pain Creams, CBD Beauty Creams, Hemp Flowers, Vape, Puff Bars
Service Areas:
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 4 months
Texas angst?
Why of course :)
Despite what he might tell you, his immune system is absolute sh*t and he gets sick a lot, though he usually works it off and there’s a 50/50 chance as to whether it gets better or worse.
^sorta related to the hc above: heat exhaustion. Yeah. He’s suffered from it on more than one occasion yet he still works outside when it’s boiling hot for WAY too long.
^oh yeah he also has asthma but refuses to use his inhaler cuz he’s afraid of being seen as week. Same goes for his iron supplements and meds that his therapist gave him.
If he gets into a serious fight that’s going too far, either the person he’s fighting has to give up, or someone has to separate them. There’s no other way for it to end. Texas is going to fight till his very last breath, and would rather die than accept defeat.
poor baby is insecure about the little bit of pudge on his lower belly 😔
(this is sorta happy but also sad-ish) whenever Texas is missing his mom, who’s name was Maria, he’ll go sit down on the beach and just stare out onto the ocean for hours since it reminds him of her (not to mention, the name "Maria" means "of the sea"). He also named his chihuahua Maria, after his mother.
He hates that he has to listen to what his government tells him to do, but if he doesn’t, his handlers will hurt them. One of the worst parts is, is that Texas thinks that they’re allowed to do this. The State Handlers are NOT, under ANY circumstances, allowed to harm the states. Texas doesn’t know this. Even if he did, he’s too scared to tell anyone.
Texas cannot handle seeing any animals die. He can’t. He will cry. Even if it’s a movie. Oklahoma tried teasing him about it and Louisiana nearly strangled him for it. Everyone needs a Loui in their life. (TW: s3lf h4rm and dr^g and 4lcoh0l mention under the cut, but I’m also gonna include some normal hc’s cuz why the hell not)
Texas does alot of stuff that he doesn’t know counts as self harm (ex: taking REALLY hot showers, biting himself, pulling at his hair, not eating for extended periods of time, etc…).
I’m not gonna say he smokes weed and cigarettes, but I’m not gonna say he doesn’t.
Yes he does in fact drink alcohol to numb the pain.
Normal-ish hc’s!
If you decide to ask what’s in his cup, prepare to be mildly horrified (or not). What’s in his cup? Well dear reader. Straight up whiskey, at least 10 shots of caffeine and espresso, a few red bulls and a C4 (the energy drink). This man is not okay (i promise) /ref
To the surprise of pretty much the whole statehouse, Texas does in fact listen to hyperpop, ESPECIALLY Odetari and 6arelyhuman (fun fact: they’re both from Texas. Yeah.). Sometimes you’ll hear him muttering under his breath: "hey scene sl*t we’re still cutting tonight, that’s why my wrists are so sore-". The only state that wasn’t surprised was surprisingly Louisiana. Cuz him and Texas make song recommendations to each other and they have the same music taste (except Loui doesn’t listen to country alot-).
Texas👏Does👏Trickriding👏. It👏Terrifies👏The👏Others👏.
He also makes knives and daggers out of random rocks his finds and he’s (not)surprisingly good at it.
^he makes slime too and you can pry that off my dead cold hands.
Me when,, me when I torture the blorbos,,, 👉👈 (I’m so notsorry):
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shefanispeculator · 2 months
Blake answered, “Well, flowers. It’s hard to get her excited about a stock of corn growing, but if you can get her some zinnias going, now she's fired up. Now she wants to be a farmer.” For Christmas, Blake gifted zinnia seeds to Gwen. He shared, “I got that. I got her sunflower seeds. You name it, if it can grow in Oklahoma, I probably got it for her.” To cover his bases, Shelton also got jewelry for Stefani. He quipped, “I’m not sure which is more expensive either. I don’t know if you’ve tried some of that flower stuff... holy sh*t.”
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