#sh s3 spoilers
goeticprincecorbin · 2 years
I just-
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He is sweet sad boi and must be protected at all times
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davidstirlings · 6 months
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- Oh, f*ck off. I bet Webb's getting a big St. Leonard send-off. - Webb isn't dead. - Oh, is he still clinging on?
- The death of James "Spider" Webb
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lovelyamneris · 1 year
ngl I really wanted to see Syd and Richie interact more bc they’re dynamic was one of my faves in s1 and I wanted to see more fallout from their fight but it’s okay bc there were so many amazing Carmy/Syd moments to make up for it
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casboobs · 2 years
the other day i made an edit with starlight so here it is
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catty-words · 2 years
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okay but. i would like to read it.
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favroitecrime · 2 years
idk it’s just so funny how they emphasized how annoyed gina was about being reduced to her old self and gave her a whole song about how there’s no “new” and “old” there’s just gina… only to have her deliver that line about ej being his “old” self. seems a little silly, doesn’t it?
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sillyrainydays · 1 month
heartstopper s3 spoilers ig ??? if you haven't read the comics
just thinking about everything coming in s3. like... charlie's mental health storyline has always been incredibly important to me since the first time i read it. as someone who also (1) has ocd (2) has struggled w non-suicidal self-harm (282 days clean <3), and (3) has an ED that is not inherently related to my body image, his story has always meant so much to me. i cannot tell you the amount of times i have reread volume 4. the idea of getting it live action in OCTOBER is so insane actually. about to be So Normal about it actually ?? (oh also i'm ace and it seems like we're getting the tori coming out scene in s3 too ?? maybe ?? also more isaac aroace content hopefully ??)
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drconstellation · 8 months
Inside the Dirty Donkey
**Warning! This meta contains spoilers and speculation for S3. Do NOT tag Neil!**
Time to get comfy, folks. Get your drink of choice, be it a cupperty, coffee, or nip of sherry, and find a seat. You’ll definitely want to be sitting down for this one. We’re going to the pub!
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The name is apparently a favorite of NG’s, used in his short story “We Can Get Them For You Wholesale.” And it also appears in the Sandman AU.
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In the short story above the protagonist is a jilted lover who tries to organize an assassin for his fiancé who is having an affair with another man at their shared workplace. He meets the ‘salesman’ of the firm he contacts at a pub called the Dirty Donkey, and it escalates from there. The story is freely available online, so you can search it up if you really want to read it, it won’t take long. It mentions a pale horse, which is usually what Death rides in on, and is appropriate in the context of that story.
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The question we need to ask is how does the name The Dirty Donkey apply to the Good Omens AU? Are there any context to the name at all?
There are several meanings for a dirty donkey:
Its a slang or joke name for a black horse (not particularly a dark horse, that has a different meaning altogether)
A cocktail
A sex position (I’ll let you look that one up yourself…)
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Probably the first thing we need to talk about, though is an actual donkey itself, in relation to Jesus, as S2 is full of Jesus references and hints to the Second Coming in S3. Yep, it was all there in front of us, but we were too focused on other things. If you remember your Bible teachings, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, because he came in peace. In ancient times leaders rode horses if they went to war, or if they came in conquest. But arriving by donkey meant you came with peaceful intentions.
But Jesus didn't turn up in S2, you say. And certainly not on any hairy beast. Ah, but he did - metaphorically. Gabriel as Jim turned up - he came up the street, by (the Dirty) Donkey, walking through spilled blood tomatoes, then mentioned his arms were no longer sore (because he had been taken off the cross.) MrPeriod talks more about how Jim represents Jesus here, and it might be worth revisiting it at length another time, as there is quite a bit to unpack there.
There are also the two big golden lions perched on either end of the bar inside the pub, that look rather ominous. The lions are strongly connected to Jesus and his resurrection, representing his return. (I'm still planning to have a better look for more lions in both S1 and S2, but that is still a WIP at the moment.)
There is also the scene in 1941 where the Nazi zombies stagger into the Dirty Donkey and spy on Aziraphale and Crowley through the windows through to the book shop, but all they manage to get is “Banana, fish, gorilla, shoe lace with a dash of nutmeg.” It sounds a bit like a cocktail reference – well, the nutmeg is definitely a GO ref to a certain cocktail – but the cocktail called a Dirty Donkey has cinnamon in it, in the form of cinnamon schnapps, not nutmeg – plus chocolate liqueur and rum. So maybe not.
But perhaps the most important thing we have to examine is the conversation about Jane Austin that Aziraphale and Crowley have in the pub, in S2E2. Because its got so many levels you just about need a break for extra oxygen half way down. Ha! And you thought it was a couple of funny throw-away lines about how Aziraphale saw human romance...
OK, this is the section of dialogue we are going to look at:
AZIRAPHALE: If you're going to invoke fiction, you might as well do it properly. CROWLEY: Properly? AZIRAPHALE: You remember Jane Austen? CROWLEY: Yeah. I'm not gonna forget her in a hurry, am I? The brains behind the 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery. Brandy smuggler. Master spy. What a piece of work. AZIRAPHALE: She wrote books. Novels. CROWLEY: Jane? Austen? AZIRAPHALE: Yes! CROWLEY: Whoa, bit of a dark horse. Novels, eh? AZIRAPHALE: Yes. They were very good. CROWLEY: Well. No, I'm just surprised, that's all. You think you know someone. AZIRAPHALE: She had balls. CROWLEY: Well.... AZIRAPHALE: Cotillion balls. People would gather and do some formal dancing and then realize they had misunderstood each other and were actually deeply in love.
Ready to dive into the levels on the Jane Austen conversation? Let's go...
Level 1: It’s a conversation about the novelist Jane Austen, and it sounds like they both met her, but they remember her in different ways – and Crowley’s memory is rather surprising!
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Level 2: There is a mention of a robbery. This makes the parallel with the 1967 scene in S1E3 Hard Times, where Crowley has a secret meeting in the Dirty Donkey to plan a robbery to steal holy water from a church. The robbery in the above conversation involves diamonds (are you taking note/s? This is important!) from Clerkenwell, a district of London of some notoriety. It was famous for it watchmakers and jewelers, but it was also the home of Oliver Cromwell, who has a link to the 1650 date mentioned in S2E1 and the Eccles cakes, to Charles Dickens (author of A Tale of Two Cities, a book of note for GO) Oh, and both times Crowley is wearing a "Tactical Turtleneck", which others have noted he wears when he is doing his own master spy work, such planning or discussing robberies, or sneaking into Heaven to rob them of information!
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Level 3: There is Aziraphale’s idea about how a romance should be conducted, by hosting a cotillion ball with formal dancing, because he's read all those romantic novels by Austen. And we get to see that played out in S2E5 in the eldritch ball. Crowley's idea of a romance was to get caught in the rain and kiss, then - vavoom!
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Level 4: Why mention this apparently fictional side to an author of fictional romance? Well, on one hand, it’s an interesting but dark set-up for a joke later at the beginning of S2E6. I ended up discussing it at length here, but the short of it is that it is our usual human custom not to speak ill of the dead, and this is a form of extreme black-and-white thinking. Here, Aziraphale speaks of the good/white side of Jane Austen, that is well known, but Crowley speaks of the black/supposedly forgotten or unspoken bad side of Austen.
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Level 5: Here’s the S3 information. Have you been paying attention? Did you take note? The parallels were the robberies between a church, and diamonds? That she was a brandy smuggler? Do you know where they smuggled brandy from? And do you know where Austen actually lived? On the South Downs, overlooking the Channel to France…
Whew. I think I need a drink after that. Cheers!
[Edit: I've recently finished a meta on the Bentley and how that relates to black horses, and it's occurred to me why the ethereal lift, or "hellevator," is in the entrance to the Dirty Donkey. Black horses are symbolic spirit guides between the worlds of the living and the dead, so this makes the perfect place to put the lift!]
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stelladess · 2 months
Spoiler ahead for the CN livestream, so chapter 14 stuff and brief IS5 mention (also anime season 3 confirmed now). Do not keep reading to avoid spoilers. Just some of my early thoughts. Stream of conciousness, not having thought things through much kind of thing. Kind of just rambling. But tl;dr is that I am excited and it looks good to me.
So, they keep using Civilight Etherna to describe "Theresa" and even outright ask "is she really Theresa?" in the live stream, so no its not a full on resurrection... so from a certain point of view, I was right. Her kit seems super good, she a bard also the freebie operator. Since I do not have Skalter this is good news for me. Big buffs, can do true damage... is neat. Logos is... outright busted. His S1 is insanely good AFK skill which can just auto kill weaker enemies who enters his range, not even an attack and his S2 seems fine, his S3 is also insane. Depending on the numbers he might outperform Eyja but we´ll see, that is always the test is it not? Amiya gets to be an incantation medic, with an outright busted talent (passive health regen on skill, off and on skill gives max HP boosts, this applies to all operators for both it seems?) and a pretty good looking S1 (attacks two enemies, bonus damage) and an amazing S2 with a big burst of damage at first, then slow and true damage with targeting two enemies and.... once per mission... again. Its... fine, I´m not salty.... Anyway, the big star, is limited (I had hoped she would be freebie since her original was limited but oh well) Walter.... or, W has now picked a name for herself, we will have to learn the context in chapter 14, Wis´adel (she has a different S but my keyboard lacks it, it is pronouched as a "sh" sound though). Wis´adel is a flinger sniper who makes all other flingers irelevant and is absolutely busted. Because I am a big W fan (depending on the day it is either her or Kal´tsit who is my second favorite operator) and flingers were in a really bad spot I am kind of ok with this but I still prefer they do not just blatantly directly power creep operators or go too far on insane damage numbers. Her damage seems... a bit too high in my opinion, but because I love her as a character and am excited for her story going forward and her kit seems fun, just really overtuned, I will be pulling. And I guess Degenbrecher and Mlynar already brought us up to this insane damage level so I should not be surprised. Power creep is something I have kept up in many many games I play and there are times where a later power crept state was my favorite period of the game so I will not go and get too hung up on the power creep. Also, I was right to take notice of the floating black crown parts I think cause it is even more prominent now. Bunch of story related stuff here but I wanna wait with talking about that until I have sorted my thoughts and maybe even read chapter 14. On that note, story for chapter 14 has me INCREDIBLY hyped. 13 was my favorite chapter, dethroning chapter 8. And I really wanna know what they are cooking next! Also IS5 has a Kal´tsit boss... she wields a sword!!!! (There are some interesting stuff about Kal and weapons that comes up occasionally, this is in the past it seems so maybe we find out what the deal is?)
I do think its a kind of bad decision to make IS5 sarkaz themed though, I like the sarkaz stuff but I feel IS is best used for parts of the world not explored in as much depth elsewhere. (I think it works with IS3 doing something explored a lot elsewhere but I kinda do not want them to keep doing that). But back to positive stuff the character designs are great. Wis´adel design has really grown on me, I think its a huge downgrade from what she wore before but it feels like it fits her so I am fine with that. Amiya has improved her fashion sense, at first I was sad at no more big coat/cape but that turned out to just be cause the blurry art... she went for a long coat instead of big coat that was actually a normal coat but just too big for her. So it still is something actually made to fit her but still retains the big coat look to some extent. Civilight Etherna boobs seem bigger then Theresa´s(?) Is it to contain the myriad souls? Deep lore implications about this at least! Logos uniform is good but like, so are all Rhodes uniforms. I do not feel it is exceptionally good for a Rhodes uniform but it suits him. Oh and also we see Wis´adel studying in one of the PVs, Hoederer must be so proud she is finally taking her education seriously~! Lastly on addressing the name situation... I will keep using W until chapter 14 is out on global to avoid spoiling people, after that I will probably switch to using her new name. Names are a very important thing especially when you pick them yourself.
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writingforfun0714 · 4 days
Hello all,
I’m so sorry for the hiatus/break. To make a long story short I had 3 family members die really close together (within about 5-6 days) and my younger brother had pneumonia but he’s fine now.
Here is Chapter 3 for my Bad Batch rewrite Our Love—basically how I think TBB should’ve gone+self insert fic. I’m sorry this took so long, but I was writing this chapter as S3 was airing and I was unhappy with how S3 ended up being so that really discouraged me.
I definitely recommend reading Chapters 1 + 2 before this (link is chapter index)
Our Love
Chapter 3: You Can’t Escape the Past
Warnings: spoilers, AU/OC characters, POV changes, O66 trauma, lemme know if I need anything else
Words: 8,096
3rd POV
Maisy and Omega gasp when they round the pile of debris to see a white Wookiee sitting with his legs pulled up, face buried, sobbing. He’s unaware of the girls’ presence so Maisy steps forward.
“Help,” she says. Her voice gets the Wookiee’s attention and his head snaps up. The girls’ pause when they see his eyes are bright red with blood red pupils. He looks in Maisy’s direction.
“Help,” she repeats.
“You called for help. I heard you,” the little girl says. The Wookiee’s eyes widen.
“Are you a survivor? Do you know what happened here?” He asks and Maisy shakes her head.
“Uh-uh. I came cuz I felt your call for help,” Maisy explains.
“Do you know what he’s saying?” Omega asks Maisy, who nods. Her Master spoke Shyriiwook fluently and often taught the Youngling in his spare time and she picked it up quickly. The white Wookiee flinches and seems startled, which makes Omega confused. She’d been standing with Maisy the whole time, so how did he not notice her? She looks at his gaze and sees that he’s staring in Maisy’s direction, but isn’t actually looking at her. Omega’s eyes widen.
“You’re blind,” she says.
“Who are you!? You’re no Jedi!” The Wookiee exclaims. Omega flinches.
“It’s ok! She’s my sister!” Maisy spouts immediately. Omega blinks and looks down at the Youngling.
“Sh-she’s with me…they all are-“ Maisy says.
“They?” The Wookiee asks but that’s when the rest of the Batch and Rex hurry in and see the Wookiee.
Rex and Echo look around the room. Bodies of Younglings lay about. They cannot believe it. While Hunter and the others are dealing with the albino Wookiee Padawan, Rex drops to his knees.
“They’re all…gone…the Jedi…the 501st…all of them…they’re all gone,” Rex repeats lifelessly as Echo puts his normal hand on Rex’s pauldron.
“Not all of them…we’re still here,” Echo replies. Rex looks up at him before sighing and looking at the lifeless bodies littering the room.
“If Ahsoka was with you…what was General Skywalker doing?” Echo asks.
“He was supposed to go rescue the Chancellor,” Rex explains.
“But..all information regarding General Skywalker has been sealed,” Rex adds. Echo looks at the bodies and that’s when his eyes widen in realization. His stomach churns.
“R-Rex-“ Echo says. Rex looks up at him and sees the shock and horror.
“Look at them-“ Echo points to the children’s lifeless bodies. Rex looks at them and when he sees the chest of one, with a distinct, large singed cut going up the child’s body. A….Lightsaber.
“Is that-?” Echo begins to ask.
“A lightsaber cut,” Rex confirms.
“W-Who…Who would do this to children?” Echo asks and Rex shakes his head.
“I’m not sure…but…I think whatever General Skywalker was doing had something to do with this. He would never allow our brothers to do this to the Jedi if he were here,” Rex states.
“It could’ve been Ventress-“ Echo says.
“Or Maul,” Rex adds.
“Who’s Maul?” Echo asks.
“A Sith…he uses red laser swords like Ventress,” Rex explains.
“What if…what if whoever killed these kids…killed General Skywalker?” Echo asks.
“Echo, you know the General as well as I do. He wasn’t like the other Jedi,” Rex insists.
“He wasn’t…but you know we shouldn’t assume anything…not with everything that’s happened,” Echo argues gently before glancing over at the others. He walks over and motions to Rex, who glances back at the dead Jedi children, some who look as young as 3-4, the same age as Youngling Maisy. Rex briefly wonders about the infants, but he pushes that thought out of his mind quickly and follows Echo back to join the group.
Omega’s POV
I stay quiet and let Maisy talk to the Wookiee. I can really only get Maisy’s half and assume based on what she says.
“It’s ok..these clones won’t hurt you. They’re all with me,” Maisy reassures the albino Wookiee.
“It’s true..we’re friends,” I add gently.
“R-Rrrghh?” He whimpers.
“It’s the ‘inbitter’ chips,” Maisy says.
“In-hi-bi-tor chips,” I correct.
“Theirs don’t work,” Maisy insists.
“Rrrgghh-rraughh,” He mumbles sadly.
“Mine too…but you’re not alone…come with us,” Maisy says. I look and see Hunter about to stop Maisy, but I grab hold of his arm, getting his attention. He looks down at me and I shake my head and look up at him pleadingly. He sighs quietly but stays silent and I smile.
“Rrrr-Rrghh?” He asks and I see Maisy smile at him and nod.
“Uh-huh. Come with us,” she says, holding out a hand to him. He blinks before tentatively reaching out and taking the little girl’s hand in his large one. Maisy smiles and looks up at me. I give her an encouraging nod and smile at her before putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Good job,” I tell her and she beams at me. I take a step towards the Wookiee.
“I’m Omega,” I introduce and my brothers all take turns introducing themselves with their voices.
“What’s your name?” Maisy asks.
“Rraahh,” the Wookiee answers.
“Wyyntrr,” Maisy translates and I smile.
“Wyyntrr,” I repeat.
“Rrr-Rrragghh-Rrrr!” He says.
“Oh, you’re a Padawan! I’m a Youngling!” She says, pulling him towards the group.
“What’s the difference?” Wrecker asks.
“He’s older and got more training,” Maisy explains.
“We have to get out of here,” Hunter warns.
“Down that way-“ Maisy points to a ruined hallway.
“Let’s move-“ Rex says, putting a hand on Echo’s shoulder to get his attention.
We walk down the hall, avoiding the bodies of Jedi and 501st troopers. Maisy keeps holding Wyyntrr’s hand as they walk with Hunter and Tech leading the way. I look and see Maisy’s eyes are wide as she looks at the bodies and I realize that it’s starting to affect her.
“Rraagh—Rrrr,” Wyyntrr says and I see him shiver.
“I’m cold too,” Maisy says in agreement. I frown in confusion. I feel fine.
“Hunter?” I ask, looking up at the Sergeant. He looks around.
“Rex-did..did you see?” Echo asks the 501st captain.
“Not all of those kids were killed with blaster fire-“ Echo says, his voice breaking.
“What?!” Wrecker asks, clearly in shock.
“Echo-“ Rex warns, knowing now is not the time to have this conversation. I look between Captain Rex and Echo worriedly before I feel Maisy tug on my sleeve.
“Bad…the bad dark,” she tells me.
“What does that mean?” I ask her.
“The bad dark is coming for us,” Maisy warns and my eyes widen. I snap back into the moment and realize the others are arguing.
“Hunter!” I exclaim, getting everyone’s attention.
“The bad dark is coming,” Maisy repeats.
“Rex?” Hunter asks for clarification.
“Not good-MOVE!” Rex snaps. Wrecker picks up Wyyntrr before me with his other hand while Maisy reaches for Tech, being the closest, who picks the little girl up easily.
3rd POV
Wrecker picks up the older kids while Tech grabs Maisy and the group sprints as fast as they can as Maisy guides them through the ruined Temple. Hunter is right beside Tech, holding his blaster pistol at the ready since Wrecker is unarmed.
“Down that hall and turn left,” Maisy points and Hunter runs ahead, scouting while Rex and Echo bring up the rear.
Omega looks over Wrecker’s shoulder.
“I don’t see anything,” Omega says. Wyyntrr reaches over and gently touches Omega’s hand with his own pale pink one and Omega’s eyes widen when she feels his hand is cold—a lot colder than she expected. The young female clone looks over and sees Maisy point. Hunter races ahead.
The group manages to get back to where they came in from and follow the same path out, going through the basement closet, through the sewers and back to the alleys of the lower levels of Coruscant. The hidden path out of the Temple isn’t known to any outside the Jedi Council and the room isn’t on any maps of the Temple so over the centuries, that knowledge was lost. The only reason Maisy knew of it is because her Master told her. He found it accidentally as a Youngling himself.
“Are we safe yet?” Omega asks and Padawan Wyyntrr makes a small noise before nodding. Omega looks over and sees Maisy still looks upset.
“Maisy? What’s wrong?” Omega asks.
“I’m not cold…the bad dark…it didn’t follow us out but…but…the others—“ Maisy whimpers before crying, wrapping her arms around Tech’s neck. The little girl is hurting and it’s almost instantly that Tech puts his blaster pistol away and gently strokes the back of the little girl’s head.
Back on Kamino, Crosshair informs his squad about their latest controversial mission to Ankus.
“What’s so controversial about this mission?” ES-03 asks.
“The Separatist holdout is located in a neutral system,” Crosshair explains. Based on what happened on Onderon, Crosshair’s squad doesn’t question orders.
“Is that a problem?” Crosshair asks when his squad shares a look with each other.
“No…sir,” ES-03 says before nodding at the others and walking out to the hangar, leaving Corsshair alone to get ready.
Since he’s alone, Crosshair takes a moment. The Ankus mission is identical to the one on Onderon. Civilians, innocent people just caught in a wrong place-wrong time situation. The sniper definitely takes issue with violence but he winces in pain and his hand comes up to rub his right temple before sighing. Fine. If the order was to go to Ankus, he’d go to Ankus. Crosshair would do it his way though.
He meets the rest of his new squad in the hangar and the group silently finishes loading the gunship with supplies before boarding and taking off. It’s awkwardly silent between the soldiers but Crosshair doesn’t care. He just thinks about Cody. The sniper wonders all sorts of questions about the commander but most of all, Crosshair just hopes Cody will help him as he feels the ship lurch forward into hyperspace.
Maisy’s POV
I feel sad…so sad that…it’s like I don’t feel anything. I’m not even crying. I managed to guide everyone back out but…but it didn’t feel like me. It felt like I wasn’t there. Like it wasn’t real. It couldn’t have been. But…but everyone’s still acting like the other Jedi were all killed and only me and Wyyntrr are left. Tech is carrying me as they walk through alleys and streets of the lower levels before getting to the lifts. I can hear Wyyntrr crying but I look over and see Omega comforting him as Wrecker carries them. The door opens and we hurry inside as the doors whoosh close.
“You’re safe now, Wyyntrr. We’ll protect you,” Omega tells him. I know Omega’s telling the truth but…I can’t get the bodies out of my mind. The bodies of the other Younglings and the Masters that were defending them along with the clones that they managed to kill. I feel the lift move up.
“Maisy?” Tech’s voice pulls me out of remembering the lifeless faces with eyes wide open.
“Are you alright?” Tech asks, “You’re shaking,” he explains, getting everyone’s attention.
“Kid?” Echo asks, concerned. I bury my face into Tech’s neck and whimper, squeezing tighter. I’m just trying to keep my eyes shut, to stop the bad thoughts. I don’t even hear Wyyntrr’s voice.
Tech’s POV
I feel Maisy bury her face into the crook of my neck and whimper quietly.
“Rrr-rrrghh..rraaahh-rrrgg” Commander Wyyntrr says. I flip my visor down and let the lens translate everything the white albino Wookiee says.
“The Force is..unpredictable,” I read and see the Padawan point at Maisy. My eyes widen. The Force. I’ve never been able to understand it. I know it’s what gives the Generals their power and make things float around, but that’s about it since we don’t normally work with the Jedi.
“He says the Force is unpredictable…for Maisy?” I ask and the Wookiee nods once.
“What does that mean?” I ask, but the lift doors open before he could answer and we run out.
“This way-“ Hunter motions and we follow him. I make sure to keep a strong grip on the little girl as she clings to me. I suddenly realize how uncomfortable my armor must feel.
We finally make it back to the garage and shut the door behind us.
“Woah, what’s going on? Did you get into the Temple?” Trace asks as Rafa puts the tool down and walks over. While not as skilled as Trace, Rafa can do basic things like rewire a speeder, bypass simple security systems and such. Wrecker steps forward with the two older kids in his arms and they blink in surprise.
“Who’s that?” Rafa asks.
“This is Wyyntrr..the girls found him when we went into the Temple,” Hunter introduces.
“He’s just a kid,” Trace says and Hunter nods sadly.
“Rex-“ Rafa says, getting his attention. He looks at her with tired, deep dark brown eyes
“Can we talk?” Rafa asks, glancing at the kids. Rex nods and glances at Echo.
“You comin’?” Rex asks, clearly still thinking of Echo as a 501st brother. Echo looks at Hunter, who nods before following the sisters and Rex into the office room.
“Go, we’ll stay with the kids,” Hunter says, glancing at me and I nod, looking over at the Wookiee Commander, thinking on what he said…about the Force…and Youngling Maisy.
“Maisy?” Omega asks, reaching up to put a hand gently on the younger girl’s knee. Maisy’s grip tightens around my neck and she whimpers quietly. I see Omega frown worriedly.
“It…It’s ok,” I tell the Youngling, “we won’t let anything happen to any of you.”
“Tech’s right,” Omega adds enthusiastically.
Rex’s POV
I shut the door behind Echo and look at the Martez sisters.
“Rex, you have to contact Ahsoka,” Rafa insists.
“You know where the Commander is?” Echo asks incredulously.
“No-no-Rafa, you know as well as I do that Ahsoka’s situation…is tricky,” I argue.
“This is an emergency-those kids, they’re Jedi and Ahsoka could help them,” Rafa argues back.
“Rex if you know where Commander Tano is then you have to tell her about the kids,” Echo insists.
“Echo-Commander Tano was banished from the Jedi. She was asked back but…but she didn’t trust them, so she left. She only recently came back and I was helping her when..” I trail off, remembering the horrors of Order 66. Memories of how I nearly killed the Commander—of how we had to bury the bodies of our half of the 501st.
“Order 66?” Echo asks and I nod.
“Rex..we’re soldiers. What are we supposed to do with children? I know Hunter means well, but he’s not thinking realistically. We’re not prepared to raise these kids,” Echo says. I sigh. He has a point.
“That would mean separating them,” I say.
“Yeah..I don’t think that’s going to happen-“ Trace says, looking out the window. I follow her gaze and see Tech holding Maisy on the floor of the garage with the two older kids hugging either side of Tech, wrapping their arms around the pilot and Jedi youngling. Wrecker walks over and sits behind Tech, wrapping his arms around the group and I see Hunter smile. In a different universe, they’d be able to raise those kids without fear of the Empire.
“We still have to go back for Crosshair,” Echo points out, getting my attention.
“Where is he?” I ask.
“Back on Kamino. His inhibitor chip was the only one active on Kaller but we hadn’t seen him since escaping Kamino after removing our chips. We’re not sure what they did to him,” Echo explains. I sigh.
“I can’t locate Commander Tano because I don’t know where she is, truly. She went into hiding after our ship crashed and we buried those that didn’t make it,” I explain.
“That’s where they come in,” I explain, glancing at the Martez sisters, who nod.
“Any clones we come across, we direct to Rex,” Trace explains and I nod.
“And any Jedi, we tell Ahsoka,” Rafa adds.
“In these times, they won’t be safe anywhere,” Echo comments darkly.
“I can send out a distress signal. It’s an old clone captain code of mine. Ahsoka would know it…if she’s listening,” I say.
“Thanks Rex,” Echo nods at me. I feel my lips tug upward in a small smile. I’ve watched lots of my brothers fall. I was there on the Rishi Moon outpost when Cutup, Droidbait and Hevy were killed. I was with Fives…he had tried to warn me-and General Skywalker but I…I didn’t understand. I’d do anything to keep Echo and the rest of them safe, including the kids because none of this is their fault. They shouldn’t have had to go through Order 66 at their age. And now…they are genocide survivors.
3rd POV
Back on the now former Republic gunship, Crosshair waits patiently for the ship to drop out of hyperspace.
“Approaching Ankus, sir,” the sniper hears through the comms in his helmet.
“Good. Here. I’m assigning each of you a sector. East wing, south entrance, roof. We meet inside. Eliminate anyone in your way,” Crosshair orders to a silent squad and from what happened on Onderon, it’s out of fear, not respect.
The ship touches down in the swampy marsh. The doors open and Crosshair steps out first to see a settlement in the distance.
“This way,” he says and leads the squad as quick as he can.
“Commander-what’s the hurry?” A trooper asks but Crosshair doesn’t answer and merely speeds up. Crosshair knows that the faster the mission here is completed, the faster he can get to the nearby planet Dantooine, Commander Cody’s last known whereabouts.
Crosshair’s POV
I let my visor on my helmet guide me until I get to a rocky, vine-covered cliff. I already manage to fire off my ascension cable just as the others catch up. The hook catches up at the top and I pull the trigger of my rifle so the cable pulls me up the face of the cliff. I hear the other cables launch near me, but I try not to think about them. Just finish the mission so I can leave. Just finish.
I get to the top of the cliff and see the wall of the outpost through the vegetation. I use the heat signature function and see at least 20 people inside and patrolling around the wall.
“Split up,” I order the others once they make it to the top as well.
“You two take the north side. We’ll meet at the control center inside,” I point to the left and the TK troopers nod.
“Yes sir,” they reply obediently. They must’ve learned from Onderon not to disobey me. The two disappear into the distance and I look to the remaining TK trooper.
“You, scout ahead,” I order and she nods.
“Yes sir,” she says and hurries off.
Being the sniper, I’m unused to being the leader and on Clone Force 99, I would always bring up the rear, watching our backs. But I focus on completing the mission. It’s the only way I can get help. Faster…I have to go faster. I nearly keep pace with the female TK trooper and she looks at me.
“What’s the rush sir?” She asks.
“Our timing is important,” I snap and at first she’s quiet.
“Understood sir,” she says and speeds up much faster than I anticipated. I blink in surprise and speed up a bit. A small part of me, very deep down and VERY BRIEFLY thinks that she respects me. No. No that can’t be. I shot and killed ES-01 on Onderon. They just fear me. As they should but…but if my plan is going to work…I hope-
“Sir!” I hear a voice through the comms on my helmet snapping me out of my thoughts.
“I’ve found a weak point in the security system. The ventilation shaft doesn’t have any weight or motion censors. That’s our way in,” the TK trooper partnered with me explains and I’m suddenly reminded of Tech, but I shake that thought away. She opens the vent and climbs in and I take a small breath before following after her.
It’s quiet, the only sound is the slight sound of our armor touching metal. I can hear the other troopers update me on their position and every so often, I can hear blaster fire through the comms but it eventually stops.
“Sir, I believe we’re just a corridor away from the central control panel,” the trooper whispers. After a bit more crawling, we arrive at a grate in the vent and open it. I drop through the opening and we look around.
“Report ES-03,” I order through my helmet comms. I hear two shots fire off before a quiet moment passes.
“ES-03?” I ask again but that’s when the door whooshes open and I see the other troopers walk in.
“We have infiltrated the base successfully,” ES-03 says.
“We must sweep the base for any remaining insurgents-“ ES-04 suggests.
“It’s faster to send out a fake emergency call. Sound the evacuation alarms,” I order and no one questions me this time. An alert alarm rings throughout the building.
“ES-03-“ I say, getting the TK trooper’s attention.
“Take the north corridor-I’m taking the south-“ I order and make my way through the southern wing to the landing pads.
I make it outside when the commlink in my helmet comes on.
“Sir, there’s no one else here-“ I hear.
“The base is secured. Hold it until further orders,” I instruct.
“Understood sir-but-..where are you?”
“I’ve got a new mission-alone,” I add hastily.
“ES-03 is in charge while I’m away,” I announce.
“Yes sir,” I hear the obedient replies through the comms and hurry over to a nearby transport shuttle and power it up. I put in the coordinates for Dantooine, Commander Cody’s last known whereabouts before flying the ship up and off planet. I feel a twinge of pain flare up through my temples. I completed my earlier mission, so why does it still hurt?
Back at the Lower Levels of Coruscant…
3rd POV
CF99 and the kids say their goodbyes to the Martez sisters and the group makes their way back to the Marauder from the lower levels of Coruscant. Padawan Wyyntrr mumbles sadly and sighs as Omega looks at him, then at Tech.
“He’s asking what’s going to happen to them now that the Jedi Temple is destroyed-“ Tech explains cautiously looking at Hunter.
“We’re…not going to decide anything right now,” Hunter answers when he notices Echo and Rex talking in hushed tones.
“We’ll look after you kids for now…until we do decide what would be best,” Hunter assures the kids and Tech nods.
“I could really use your help Echo,” Rex whispers quietly to the ARC trooper, who nods.
“I know. If there’s a chance he’s still alive…then we have to go back into the Temple ourselves. We’ll leave the kids with Hunter and the others,” Echo says and Rex nods in agreement.
Speaking of the children, Omega gently puts a hand on Wyyntrr’s shoulder as he picks up Maisy, who clings to him and buries her head into his thick, curly snow-white fur. The albino Wookiee uses one arm to hold the Youngling and the other to cup the back of her head gently with his pale pink hand.
Omega’s POV
As we make our way back to the Marauder, I look over at the Jedi and see Maisy keeps her head buried into Wyyntrr’s thick, white curly fur and she’s clinging to him so tight her knuckles are white. I don’t say anything. How could I? After what we saw at the Temple…all the destruction and death….the bodies we passed. We saw it all. And Wyyntrr…he could’ve been here…all this time. Maybe he was here when it happened. Now…all the Jedi are gone…it’s just Maisy and Wyyntrr left.
I’m not sure why but I feel the overwhelming sense to protect them. Perhaps it was all those years on Kamino. The others…the soldiers, they were taught that the Jedi were our superiors. That their job is to protect others so we must protect them. At least, that’s what I’ve thought. I don’t have a lot of memories of the Jedi personally because Nala Se often kept me confined in her secret laboratory. I would get to go to the mess hall to eat or make very occasional trips to the library. It was during those times when I was out that I would see a Jedi. I believe her name is Jedi Master Shaak Ti. I got to see her once briefly in passing. We never spoke to each other. I never really got to see the Jedi’s powers. I’d heard they could do amazing things…things no ordinary human can do. But I never saw…not until-
My mind flashes to Crosshair choking, gasping for air before flashing to Maisy, her hand outstretched towards him. I managed to get her to stop by grabbing hold of her and picking her up but I’ll always remember it. It was like Crosshair couldn’t do anything despite nothing being around him. I shake my head slightly to clear the memory when I hear Maisy whimper. I put a hand gently on her shoulder.
“We’ve got you. It’s ok. We’re here,” I say and Wyyntrr grunts and nods in agreement as his grip tightens slightly in a reassuring..big brother..type of way. I look between them and I realize why I felt the need to protect them. It’s not because of Kamino or what the Kaminoans told the other clones about the Jedi…it’s because we’re family.
We finally get back to the Marauder.
“Hunter, can we talk?” Echo asks. I look between Echo and Rex and then finally Hunter. He nods and turns to Tech and Wrecker.
“Take the kids inside,” Hunter says and Tech nods, escorting Wyyntrr up the stairs. I watch as he cautiously walks up the steps.
“C’mon kid,” Wrecker tells me when I look back at Rex, Echo and Hunter. I look back up at Wrecker and nod before following the others inside. Wrecker follows behind me and I watch as Tech escorts Wyyntrr over to an empty seat. I walk over and sit next to Wyyntrr, who’s still keeping a firm grip on Maisy.
“I’m going to reset the fuel log and nav computer,” Tech announces before walking into the cockpit. I notice Wrecker looking a bit nervous so I motion to come sit with us. He nods and immediately walks over. I move over and once he sits down, I climb into his lap. Wyyntrr seems to notice and shifts Maisy so he can also climb into Wrecker’s lap. The demolitions and weapons expert wraps his arms around me and Wyyntrr.
3rd POV
Hunter watches Wrecker and Tech escort the kids onto the Marauder, leaving the sergeant with Echo and Rex.
“What’s going on?” Hunter asks.
“Hunter. The troopers at the Temple…they were 501st. Rex and I think that one of us might still be at the Temple. But we had to get the kids out of there and now that they’re safe, Rex and I want to go back before it gets swarmed by Imps,” Echo explains.
“And before you start to argue, we have to do this, no matter what you say,” Rex adds.
“Actually, I was going to apologize for not being able to go with you…but I can’t leave those kids. They need us,” Hunter explains and the 2 others nod understandingly.
“We know,” Echo says and looks to his captain.
“Here. These are coordinates to someone who can help you,” Rex explains, handing Hunter a data chip. The sergeant looks at the chip then at Rex.
“Who?” Hunter asks.
“A deserter. We met during the War,” Rex explains then glances at the Marauder.
“And he’s got kids,” Rex adds.
“So?” Hunter asks and all Rex does is smirk and let a small chuckle escape his lips.
“I always forget that you boys haven’t worked with the Jedi Commanders before. Trust me. He’ll be helpful in more ways than one,” Rex says.
“We’ll rendezvous with you at those coordinates once we’ve searched the whole Temple,” Echo says.
“Who…who is it?” Hunter asks.
“Kix..my medic,” Rex says and Hunter nods, remembering the soldier well from the Anaxes mission to rescue Echo.
“I hope you find him. In the meantime, we’ll be waiting for you,” Hunter says, flashing the data chip with the coordinates on it and Echo nods, offering a hand. They grip forearms and shake brotherly.
“Thanks Hunter, I’ll be back,” Echo assures the sergeant who nods with a small knowing smile before parting ways.
Hunter’s POV
I watch Rex and Echo head back towards the seemingly endless maze of streets before turning back to the Havoc Marauder. We’ll need to disappear. Hopefully Rex’s contact can help us with that. I walk back into the Marauder and see Wrecker with the kids while Tech is up in the cockpit messing with the nav computer. Deciding not to disturb Wrecker or the kids, I decide to join Tech in the cockpit.
“I’m almost done with the fuel log and nav computer,” Tech says and I nod once before handing him the data chip.
“What’s this?” the pilot asks.
“Coordinates for a contact of Rex’s. It’s a place where we can lay low and wait to regroup with the two once they find Kix,” I explain and Tech adjusts his goggles.
“Kix, CT-6116 from Anaxes?” Tech asks and I nod.
“Rex believes he’s back at the Temple, but it’s too dangerous for the kids so we’re going to wait with Rex’s contact until they return,” I explain.
“Who is the contact and how do you know we can trust them?” Tech asks.
“Rex trusts him. Besides, he said that the contact is a deserter,” I tell my brother.
“A deserter?” I don’t miss the concern laced in his tone.
“Yeah, why? It’s not like we’re not deserters either,” I argue back rationally.
“True enough,” Tech admits and nods.
“I’ll input the coordinates-“ Tech says, tossing the chip and catching it with one hand. I nod and walk over to the kids.
I wasn’t prepared for the Temple and if I could go back, I never would’ve taken the kids there. I know we found Wyyntrr there and Omega’s a medical assistant, but they’re both only 11 and shouldn’t have had to experience that, especially Wyyntrr and Maisy since they probably know the slain Jedi. And Maisy…she’s only 4. As I silently approach, Wrecker opens his eyes and he immediately makes eye contact with me.
“The baby Jedi’s are asleep,” Wrecker whispers. I look and see Omega looking at them.
“Will they be alright?” Omega asks me quietly.
“They will with time…and if we help them,” I assure Omega, who smiles.
“Because we’re a family?” She asks and I nod. The young female clone looks at the two Jedi kids and a look of fondness washes over her.
“It might not always be easy,” I warn but Omega nods.
“I know,” she replies easily but with a knowing look in her deep, shining, dark brown eyes. The same eyes we all share.
3rd POV
In hyperspace, Crosshair stares at Crosshair winces in pain and he rubs his temple. He can’t stop thinking about what the Kaminoans, specifically Nala Se, did to him back on Kamino. The others stayed with that kid. He sighs irritatedly so he keeps his thoughts on Commander Cody. While they weren’t exactly close, the sniper knows that the former Marshal Commander of the GAR would help him. The commander took an interest in the ‘defective’ squad when he first learned of them from 99, before his passing.
The ship Crosshair took from Ankus drops out of hyperspace as it arrives at Dantooine and heads to the coordinates the 212th troopers gave him. Commander Cody’s last known whereabouts. While the sniper flies the ship in through the atmosphere of the planet, his mind doesn’t fail to remind him how grateful he should be to Cody because he doesn’t have any friends or contacts, even within the army. Echo’s voice of reason rings in Crosshair’s head.
“If your squad pushes away our brothers, you won’t have anyone to rely on,” the ARC trooper had told Crosshair when they first met, on the Anaxes mission. Out of everyone, Crosshair’s severe and unyielding personality make it hard for him to admit when he has a shortcoming. But in this case, when he can’t even rely on his own squad…it would be beneficial to have contacts other than squad mates. The sniper made a mental note to talk with Echo the next time he saw him.
Crosshair watches the scenery through the windshield before deciding to take over and shut off the autopilot. He’d seen Tech fly the Marauder enough and even picked up a few of Tech’s tricks. His dark brown eyes shine as he scans the area before glancing at the nav computer console. Crosshair sees the dot of the location he’s heading towards as well as the blinking dot of the ship.
It starts to rain as Crosshair touches the ship down in a grassy plain next to a river connecting to a small lake. Crosshair initiates the landing sequence and feels the ship lurch to a stop on the ground before hearing the bay door open. Rain blows in, hitting the loading ramp. He grabs his helmet and rifle and hurries out into the rain.
He heads to the exact coordinates and spots a clearing in the tall golden grass, about 50ft away from the ship. The sniper sees signs that someone was there. Footsteps, a small burn spot of ash from what used to be a fire that’s gone out. Crosshair sees another footstep before a trail of bent blades of grass and follows the trail. Tracking, something he’d seen Hunter do since they were cadets in training on Kamino. While he’s grateful for any help at this point, Crosshair had hoped that Hunter and the rest of the squad would’ve tried harder to understand the sniper’s point of view.
Crosshair keeps his rifle out and ready just in case. The tracks stop at a small flowing river and Crosshair sighs but he spots a smoke trail rising towards the sky in the distance. That’s as good a place as any to start looking. Crosshair didn’t actually think Cody would be at the coordinates, but the sniper had hoped the commander didn’t leave the planet. But Crosshair trusted the coordinate information because Cody often talked fondly of the 212th, as well as the 501st and anyone Cody trusts must be worthy of it.
As the sniper keeps a brisk pace through the grassy plains, Crosshair speeds up with every pulse of pain through his right temple. This cannot be normal, he thinks to himself. Something is wrong.
By the time Crosshair can see the silhouette of the village in the distance, the pain is so intense, taking a step hurts. He groans and rubs his head. Crosshair’s rifle is now barely in his grip and his helmet is under his arm. The breeze provides a nice coolness that in reality does very little, but it allows Crosshair to take a focusing breath when he becomes lightheaded and dizzy. Whatever Nala Se had done to the inhibitor chip was now clearly aversely affecting Crosshair and he needed to get help now. Crosshair ignores the pain long enough to focus on the distance to the village.
The sun starts to set and Crosshair sighs with relief when the sun finally sets. The sunlight was aggravating his headache but wearing his helmet made his lightheadedness nauseating. Crosshair nearly stumbles into the village before collapsing onto his knees. He groans as everything feels like it’s spinning.
Shut your eyes and take slow breaths.
That was what Crosshair told Hunter when his senses got overstimulated. Following that advice, Crosshair shuts his eyes and braces himself before taking a slow breath. The pulsing pain remains for a moment before slowing and lessening in severity.
Crosshair’s POV
I have to shut my eyes and take a slow breath. The ringing in my ears is deafening. I feel a bit nauseous. I’m so focused on the pain that I don’t even register someone approaching me.
“Oss-air…Cross-….Crosshair-“ I hear a familiar voice. I lift my head but keep my eyes shut. I open my eyes with a wince. I’ve got a bit of double vision going on and everything is a bit fuzzy, but I don’t miss the unmistakable deep, bright dark eyes of a clone staring at me with concern. As my vision focuses, I’m able to see the large scar running down the man’s forehead and to his cheekbone.
“C-Cody? Commander Cody?” I ask weakly.
“It’s ok, I’ve got ya,” he tells me before moving next to me. I feel his hands wrap underneath my arms and haul me to my feet. Cody groans slightly and that’s when I see his left leg is wrapped in a bandage. It goes from his ankle all the way up to his mid thigh and I realize he’s hurt.
“You’re injured-“ I comment and he nods.
“Yeah nothing that won’t heal in time but you look like you got hit by a freighter ship. Come with me,” he tells me.
As we walk through the small village, I look around and take in the surroundings. Mostly small shops mixed in with housing either next to or on top of the shops. It’s not really crowded either and I spot some rusty droids every other alleyway.
“What are you doing here Cross? What happened? Where’s the rest of Clone Force 99?” Cody asks as we hobble down the stone street.
“Everything fell apart during Order 66,” I explain and I see Cody’s face harden.
“Were you on Utapau with General Kenobi when it happened?” I ask and he merely nods, avoiding my eyes.
“I…don’t have a lot of regrets in my life but…that was one of them,” Cody says and I look at him with a quizzical look.
“Look, good soldiers follow orders. But what separated us from the battle droids we fought is that we can make our own choices and that’s important now more than ever,” Cody tells me.
“Why’s that?” I ask.
“Because the Jedi that protected us are gone now. The government that ordered our creation has disintegrated. We have to protect each other now that the galaxy has changed,” Cody explains and I think on his words. He…does have a point.
“Tell me something Crosshair,” the commander says, getting my attention.
“Why are you here?” He asks.
“To find you…sir,” I answer and he cocks his head at me, raising an eyebrow.
“I…I knew without the rest of the squad, I had to find someone I could trust,” I explain.
“Because…the Kaminoans did something to me…and…and it’s only getting worse-“ I say as my free hand instinctively comes up to rub my aching temple. The pulsing pain makes it hard to concentrate.
“I need your help,” I beg and Cody nods.
“Don’t worry. I’ll do what I can-“ he says looking around. I see his eyes widen.
“Ah! We’re almost there-“ he comments.
“Mmhmm,“ I acknowledge since nodding my head would’ve been too painful.
With my left arm draped over Cody’s shoulders so he can take my weight, he has us turn down a small alley and walk down all the way until it gets to a dead end. I look and see a rusty door that looks abandoned.
“We’re here,” Cody says and presses the door pad. The door whooshes up with a slight squeak that grates against my ears, but I don’t say anything because at this point, I’m just so happy to have found Cody…or that he found me.
The place is a small one room building with a sink, a couple chairs, and a rickety looking wooden table that’s scratched up like war-ravaged armor.
“It’s not much but it’s a good place to rest that none of the locals really cares about,” Cody says and I nod.
“How long have you been here?” I ask as he gently sets me down in one of the chairs.
“I left Utapau just after Order 66. I tried to convince the men with me to come with but after that we were to report to Kamino. I went with them and…and when we got back…everything…everyone was different,” Cody explains.
“I was demoted because there’s no need for a marshal commander when there’s no GAR but Governor Tarkin assured me I still had a place within the Empire by assigning me and ghost squadron a mission on Dantooine. But, the more I thought about what happened on Utapau, the more upset I got,” Cody explains.
“I got injured after falling from a cliff and told everyone else to complete the mission. I gave Crys my last known coordinates and told them to return to Kamino without me,” Cody says.
“Why? Why didn’t you go back with the others once they finished the mission?” I ask.
“Because I’m going back to Utapau. At least, once my leg heals up,” he adds, gently rubbing his leg.
“You’re going back to Utapau?! Why in all the galaxy would you go back? You could easily rise through the ranks of the Empire,” I ask, surprised he’d even suggest such a thing.
“I…I have to go back and look for General Kenobi. I ordered to shoot him down. I took a couple shots myself as he fell. I looked into the water he fell in and saw no sign of him,” Cody answers seriously. I’m reminded of what happened on Kaller. I didn’t see, but Hunter told me he shot the padawan and he fell off the rocky cliffs. I don’t believe him. A wave of pain makes me wince and I groan slightly. Cody frowns.
“You said the Kaminoans did something to you…do you remember what?” Cody asks.
“I…I saw Nala Se…in the halls. She took me and enhanced the inhibitor chip—I…I knew what was happening but…but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t do anything-“ I explain, rubbing my temple. Cody nods and pulls up one of the wooden floorboards to reveal a small container. I watch as he pulls up the other chair and sits directly across from me. He opens the rusty container and I see some medical supplies. He pulls out a stimpack and gives me an apologetic look.
“Sorry-“ Cody says.
“For what-AGH!” I ask but he suddenly injects the needle into the side of my neck. I feel the cold pinch before the cold liquid numbs the pain enough that I sigh with relief.
“What…what is that?” I ask.
“A local concoction. After what happened with my leg, a few locals from this village found me and brought me back here. Their healers have been looking after me, making sure I don’t overdo it. It’s a mix of medicinal grasses and oils from seed pods from the plains surrounding the village,” Cody explains.
“What’s this ‘inhibitor chip’?” The Marshal Commander asks curiously.
“I…I’m not really sure but…but it’s..it’s here-“ I say, pointing to my right temple.
“Nala Se did something to it before taking it out-“ I tell him.
“But whatever she did…it’s permanent,” I add.
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna do everything I can. But I don’t have the right tools. There’s a machine chop shop in the village square. I can get a scanner and start working in about an hour. You think you can hang on ‘til then?” Cody asks me.
“I’ll be ok. But your leg-“
“I’ll be alright—just try and relax. I’ve got a canteen of water by the bed-“ Cody points and without waiting, I hurry as fast as I can over and grab the metal can. I unscrew it and take a swig before putting the cap back and holding the canister to my temple. The cool metal feels good against the hot pulsing pain.
“Here’s the medical supplies in case you need anything. Sorry I don’t really have anything to eat-“ Cody says, limping over as he sets the supply box next to me on the old mattress in the corner. The thought of food makes my stomach churn and I guess my face must’ve shown it because Cody nods.
“Or not—sorry. I’ll be right back,” Cody says, grabbing a sturdy stick and walking out with a slight limp.
Once I’m sure I’m alone and Cody isn’t coming back for a while, I let the first of many tears form and fall from my eyes. I didn’t want to say anything but…what Nala Se did…it was the first time in a long time that I felt afraid. And I don’t have my brothers with me. They probably hated me for what I did on Kamino. But they don’t know what happened to me. How could they have known? I lay on the lumpy old mattress, waiting, hoping Cody comes back soon because even though the stim helped, I can still feel the pulsing pain as I think about the inhibitor chip. Good soldiers follow orders…don’t they?
3rd POV
CF99 gets the Havoc Marauder out of Coruscant’s atmosphere before going into hyperspace, following the coordinates Rex gave Hunter. The kids are sleeping on the floor of the gunners mount, huddled together in a snuggle pile.
“I hope Echo comes back with Rex soon,” Wrecker comments as he glances at the kids.
“He’s had the most experience with children out of all of us,” Tech adds and Hunter sighs.
“Don’t worry. Once we get to the coordinates Rex gave us, we’ll figure out what to do…now that we know the Jedi Temple isn’t safe,” Hunter says.
Maisy whimpers sadly and clings to Wyyntrr’s shaggy, curly fur on his arm and Omega’s tunic sleeve as she sleeps between the two. She gasps awake, bolting upright, clawing at the air. Hunter notices first.
“Hey-easy-easy-it’s ok-you’re ok,” Hunter assures the younger girl before she starts crying quietly. He approaches and that’s when the Youngling stretches her arms out, wanting to be held. Hunter easily grabs hold of the little girl and holds her close against his chest plate.
“It’s just a bad dream,” Hunter tries to assure the girl, who clings even tighter to the sergeant.
“Don’t leave me…please…don’t leave please-please-please-please-“ the Youngling begs.
“Shh-sshh little one, we’re not going to let anything happen to you or Wyyntrr or Omega. You’re our kids now,” Hunter says, wrapping his free arm around the little girl with his hand holding the back of her head.
“We’re on approach to sector J19,” Tech announces as the two older kids wake up as well.
“Rrrgh?” They ask as Omega looks around. Wyyntrr points, not looking in that direction so Omega does. She sees Hunter holding Maisy and a worried look crosses the female clone’s face.
“It’s ok, she just had a bad dream,” Wrecker tells Omega as she swings her legs over the side before hopping down. Wyyntrr follows and the older kids approach Hunter and Maisy as the ship drops out of Hyperspace.
“Approaching a planet called Saleukami,” Tech says.
“Saleukami? Never heard of it,” Wrecker says.
“Don’t worry. We’ll be safe here,” Omega says, patting Maisy’s leg.
“First we need to find this contact of Rex’s,” Hunter reminds the girl.
“That shouldn’t be too hard. The coordinates have us touching down just east of 25 acres of farmland,” Tech explains, causing Hunter and Wrecker to exchange a wary look.
Chapter Index
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I stopped watching the rookie and haven’t watched new Amsterdam in while because I got so fucking tired of how every show on made it seem like a woc couldn’t possible fall in love with a man of color which just got me so annoyed! Like sure I love Sharpwin they my otp but the fact they had Sharp break up with two perfect fine Asian men for no rzn and made the most lame bs excuse ever just to get her with the yt male lead got me so triggered couldn’t they just not set them up to fail or just for the plot if they wouldn’t wasn’t everrrrrr gonna make them happen in the first place so we some of us wouldn’t get excited to attached or get our hopes up about the ships! don’t get me wrong I love sharpwin but it was just so annoying especially as someone who is huge fan of her and my girl is always paired with the yt lead and in 90% she gets hate for it by yt fans of the show cough doctor who fans my poor queen the hate pain and suffering she’s endured bc of whovivians is unimaginable so yeah glad she’s loved in yt ship now
then there’s the rookie that I stopped at first I loved Chen and Bradford they 2 of my favs but I didn’t like how they seemed to just have my girl go from one old yt cop to the next then they had her date another 2 guy in uniform but didn’t even give them a chance and they were both moc I think so it was like nah let’s not give them a chance so she too can end up with the yt lead man again like she didnt start the show with being into the white male lead! That’s what I hate them not even giving woc a chance to find happiness or date or love with moc! look at Bobby and athena love that ship it wasnt just let’s have the black woman with the yt male lead it was build up it had romance it was a ship with substance like they didn’t break her and her moc up just bc they wanted her to end with the yt lead there was a whole story seasons before they happened all of that great writing great plot great storyline then just thinking every show has to have the woc end up with yt male lead bc thats what they think everyone wants it for some odd reason especially blackpeople god knows where they got that from but I’m sure it’s their thinking no one wanna watch a black/poc ship be happy in love and that people just want yt leads in all and every one of the ships bc that’s the only way anyone ever wanna watch enjoy the show that ship right or even root for the blackpoc ships characters as love interests or as in general their whole characters arcs! and it seems sadly right on some parts bc yts defently only ever wanna watch a show or ship if there’s at least one yt lead as part of the ship and as face of the show! Anyways im so fcvking tired of it! that’s why I ain’t getting my hopes up about popecleo in obx and that’s why they making jiara happened now bc that theory of theirs sadly has merit! I won’t even start on Bridgeton fcvk that whole show but ben polin edwina and ! that’s why I say Mr. Malcom’s List is far far far superior period drama then anything bridegerton could ever think of or ever do.!!
Heard something reverse went down in show resident it’s been a while since I watched was on s3-s4 I think and I stopped bc I saw a spoiler that I’m still not ready to face like my queen Emily whom I’ve watched every shows she’s been in d worded so I can’t get myself to watch but saw some clips here that it was reversed tho
there’s so many shows I could tag that did this sh*t if there’s any y’all feel so strongly about like me with the ones in the tag do share might have started that show but given up when all that shit went down who knows y’all could surprise me an it could be a show I aint seen
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berrymoos · 2 years
✧—last updated 4/14/24
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ʚ berry’s patch! ɞ
♫ — ❝ days fade into a watercolor blur; memories swim and haunt you – but look into the lake, shimmering like smoke ... rises the moon ❞
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ꗃ﹏ 🥯:before we belay!
anti-LGBTQ+, racist, kink, anti-agere, pro-sh, pro-ed, thinspo, proship / proship positive (in/est or adult x minor), blank blogs (no bio or pfp), child-UNSAFE blogs, discourse blogs .. (wip)
sign-off anons:
🦊 / 🕷 / 🌱 / 📎 / 🦅 / .. (wip)
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ꗃ﹏ 🥞:about me!
name: basil or berry will do! i don't lean too heavily toward either
age: 17. i'm not sensitive to dirty / suggestive jokes (given one of my main fanbases r tv-14), but i'm still minor & this is still a sfw fandom agere blog!! tread lightly ;-]
pronouns: any!! like my names i'm not picky - neos count as well!! i'm particularly fond of fae/faer ,, so so pretty
main blog: @broomiies (if moots somehow find me, heyo!!). my main isnt agere-related (but agere blogs are welcome to interact), ive got some suggestive jokes reblogged / liked, & i swear a whole bunch, but that's about it. ofc i'll keep the swearing at a minimal here <3
clarification: you're very welcome to interact if you enjoy horror or other darker media of that sort – i do too (as u can see by my fandoms ejendjn)! i'm squicked out by topics like in/est & adult x minor, so like. please don't interact if u enjoy those topics lmao 👍🏾 also, just because i enjoy controversial media does not mean i condone what the creator(s) have done! liking the art ≠ liking the artist.
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✎ ﹏ 🥙:creative corner!
fics (blurbs, minifics, oneshots...)
concepts (rambling about ideas)
hazbin hotel
moon knight
ninjago ;; s1-14
attack on titan
boku no hero academia (s1-s5 ;; seen manga spoilers)
bungo stray dogs (s1-s3)
demon slayer
pokemon!! (agere + pkmn aus are a different story :winky face:)
the owl house
☁️ FIC REQUESTS: open!
☁️ ASKBOX: open! (♡´▽`♡)
☁️ EXTRA: if you've read this far, like the post! just makin sure you've read it ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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✯ ﹏ 🥧:stars of the show!
📖 agere ao3: tinychai
🌙 moon knight: (3/3)
🫂 marc needs a hug (and steven is there to fulfill) ▬ oneshot. 1.4k words; canon compliant, hurt/comfort — WOOO OKAY, this is my favorite fic EVER out of p much everything i've written!! genuinely i think it's my best & i wrote it after being punched in the gut with the writer's block / imposter syndrome combo </3 seriously i owe it to moon knight for dragging my out of that dump
(canon-typical violence & language in the beginning)
🎨 paint splatters ▬ oneshot. 0.3k words; domestic fluff — plot bunny moment?!? eeyup, & a cute one at that
🚀 my heart and the earth share the same rule ▬ ongoing. 1.1k words; minific collection — in which i write a fic in exactly 3 paragraphs!
🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛
🦉 the owl house: (1/2)
💛 squish ▬ oneshot. 0.4k words; domestic fluff — another plot bunny >:-] luz makes an appearance at the very end too
🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛
🕰 stranger things: (1/1)
🖍️ a picture, a stuffie, and maybe a paci ▬ oneshot. 0.5k words; mild hurt/comfort — baby jonny / bubba will against the world, ohhhh my goodness gracious !! love these two so much
🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛 ꒰・꒱ 🍪 ꒰・꒱ 🥛
🎭 total drama: (1/24)
🤝 interlocking pinkies ▬ oneshot. 0.2k words; short fluff — i dont actively write for total drama anymore, HOWEVER i will always remember my origins fondly <33 this took so much courage to post bc the TD fanbase is .. kinda mean sjskfjwkdkw BUT ANYWAYS! teeny ale / cg noah is definitely a duo!! <33
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yumyulak · 2 years
Mild spoilers/
Glad for more Shlorpian lore this season (Sh-lore-pian, if you will). Like the idea that Shlorp just keeps getting destroyed. Is it by design? You have to wonder because I mean how else would they spread across the galaxy. We know of the last crews that set out only one actually completed the mission. But conceivably you could have so many Shlorps.
Also we know the SO universe is just chock full of Trex inhabited planets. Which isn't Shlorpian related but it's still funny.
I also like the completely possibly weirdly ineffective suits the security guys wear. Like in S1 when it just went all out in the bar (Yumyulack literally stating he has no control over it) and the accidental killing of a team in one of the S3 flashbacks. In one episode Yumyulack says Korvo deactivated the weapons in the suit so all of that means that the weapons in the suit might be completely beyond the control of the wearer. It just responds to threats (probably based more-so on emotion of the wearer than actual perceived threat, based solely on it killing other Shlorpians).
It's all fun to think about.
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bearpillowmonster · 2 years
Finished Stranger Things S4. Finally.
I feel like the episodes have gotten longer and longer, they started out around an hour with a 50 minutes average then by season 3 crawled their way up to an hour and 20 but now we're talking like feature film length hour 40, I guess you can't really complain about content but I feel like it's a lot of filler. My sister is a big Stranger Things fan and she actually fell asleep during the whole Vecna reveal because it was taking so long. The last episode is 2 hours and 20 minutes, like, AVATAR IS 2:40!!!
The whole prison thing could've been done and taken care of half way through, they didn't have to spend the whole season on it, just to split up the characters, it feels like they just set that up to be a reward at the end but it was no big surprise, it wasn't really hiding anything and didn't really add anything either, definitely a side quest.
Speaking of splitting, because of the long runtimes, I'd often forget what was even going on with previous characters because they jump between them what seems like so frequently yet also seems like they focus on them forever, the pacing kind of got to me. This season isn't bad though, I just prefer the other three. I mean what I wanted from the future of Stranger Things was more superpower stuff and we got that, just not in the way I expected. I was kind of hoping for something more like S2 and expanding upon the ones that got out in the present rather than the past but it is what it is.
There were things that I liked but felt forever ago like the clock murder thing where they follow it into the woods...Basically everything we were getting at the beginning, I thought the Will and El brother sister thing was really fitting and cute but then Will...Will does nothing this season. I feel like he has nothing on his own, he's only there for Mike and when El gets picked on, he does NOTHING! I would've loved to see him stand up for her, I would've ate that sh** up!!!
You can tell the budget has been boosted, they have some new tricks for visuals this time around, I forgot I was even watching a series but it doesn't necessarily need to be flashy at this point. Season 3 would've been a good ending if they didn't have that post credits scene, I always thought that was stupid.
Now I'm going to get into a few spoilers having to do with the finale-
This whole season was basically a build-up. Which I'd be fine with, it seems like they're trying to make this last season the actual build up, promising Will relevancy, bringing everyone back together and having a consistent villain that they actually lost to but again, that runtime makes it feel just a little too much to be a build-up season. This was no Infinity War.
There were things that I felt like needed justified, like bring Hopper back that just didn't happen because we spent the whole season on bringing him back. It just feels like this was here to introduce problems and we just have to wait for the solutions.
They show El going into Max's mind and not seeing anything but she doesn't go in water or salt or any of that jazz, so did she just suddenly learn how? Or maybe I forgot a part where she did it previously? Also speaking of Max, what's the deal with that?
You're telling me that Vecna needed 4 victims, 4 places to make these sacrifices so they can converge but if Max isn't dead, how does that count as a kill? The only thing I can think of is if Max is now hosted by Vecna. I'm not quite sure what I think of Max dying because she was my favorite character in S3 and I like that they had the whole depression thing with Billy being gone but I don't think they need to kill her and the way she is now (blind, limbs broken and such) I'd like to see a character have all these disabilities and still prove to be a great character but I'm just not sure if it's Max.
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theloft-malec · 6 years
No wonder we are getting a Malec training scene! Alec has to teach Magnus to fight without magic.
Of course, Magnus will win every argument now.
Magnus: Alexander, I’d like to paint your nails and put blue streaks in your hair.
Alec: Absolutely not.
Magnus: Remember when I gave up my magic for you?
Alec: Fuck.
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That face Alec makes is killing me I'm Sad
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