#sh wank for ts
alistairstheirins · 1 year
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Me @ them:
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Tbh, I have enough everyone on Facebook for hating Kaidan for what/no reasons. Although, Idgaf about the fandom because many/some of them have tasteless.
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jamescarstairs · 6 years
Okay i have to say something because i’ve been thinking about it all day. To every person who sent me a link to a gifset of the Brother Zachariah’s scene I really appreciate it (since I don’t watch it anymore). I’m kind of conflicted in how I feel. If you’ve followed me for a whilst you know I’m the no.1 advocate for Zhang Yixing as Jem Carstairs (see my icon for example) and I have been ever since I got into EXO a couple of years ago but I also knew that my choice in fancast was one that was never going to come true because of the circumstances. The being said I really do love the person they’ve cast for Jem, I’m happy. The part I love the most is the details that they’ve kept from the books/emphasised (example: the white/silver streak in his hair), like how I can look at him and just tell that’s Jem, that’s my boy. But when I thought this would be enough for Shadowhunters to bring be back I was wrong, it does pull a bit of my heart strings a little because this is my favourite character and he’s right there on the screen and I would love to see that and experience it. But I can’t forgive them. I can’t forgive them and support a show that decided it wasn’t worth exploring Raphael’s aromanticism and deciding to erase it, even after CC told them about it when they approached her about giving him a romantic storyline. The erasure hurts too much to forgive them for it. So yeah that’s how I feel atm. 
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theythemsam · 3 years
Feeling iffy about lesb*an sam headcanons is completely valid (especially if youre transfem), but if your argument is "th€ysbians and h€sbians are Not Real and you are harming my transmasc community" instead of... you know... the potential transmisogynistic implications of it, i Am going to eat your face
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People actually have trouble understanding why us Arya stans hate the idea of Arya working under Sansa as her counsillar/masterofwhisperers/excutioner/commanderofqueensguard but dont hate the idea of Arya working for Bran as much?
Well, actually it's quite simple, dearies: One treated her like shit, and the other didnt (and actually treated her with decency and respect.)
That, and ofcourse the fact that Arya ending the series as subservient to the same character she was subservient to at the beginning of the series means her whole character arch, development, plotline will all be for nothing, cause she will end the series the same way she began, except now she is happy about it?
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isalabells · 4 years
can’t believe some head of the WDR woke department looked at a Dortmund script covering racism, domestic violence, police brutality, fake news AND the introduction of a new team member all within the span of 88 minutes and thought ‘hmm not bad, but I feel like the episode’s not crammed enough yet. You know what we need? A sidestory about some dude going bankrupt because of Corona. Just keeping it real you guys xoxo’
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lesbianightwing · 6 years
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so kat is pretty much as done with this fucking fandom as i am huh
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hauntedfalcon · 6 years
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Liiiike I guess I gotta block notifications on one of my ancient posts from back when I cared equally about all PacRim characters because the Ne\/\/manns have found it and that’s just really annoying, but these tags in particular? 
I didn’t use consistent terms because farsighted and myopic are the terms that actually have the secondary connotations I was pointing out in the post but go off I guess!
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nancylou444 · 7 years
SH drama
Okay, I don’t know if you have heard about the drama over in the SH fandom but Dom Sherwood said a bad word during Matt Daddario’s livestream yesterday. I haven’t seen the actual video but when I left work last night, it was all over the place (in regards to SH)
Now, I wasn’t going to talk about it because ShadowHunters is my happy place and I want to keep my happy place as wank free as possible
this drama is in the FUCKING MALEC TAG. 
And that is pissing me off. 
So, to let out some steam because as anybody who has been following me for a while knows, I don’t pull punches and I have no time for stupidness, AND SHIT NEEDS TO BE TAGGED RIGHT I am going to post my say on this and then go on with my day. 
I was going to put this on one of my sideblogs, but since the one I had in mind is still a secret (ie. the haters don’t know it’s mine), I figured I might as well put it here. 
Having said all that, if you want to continue reading be my guest, but be warned, don’t complain to me if you get upset. 
Okay, I guess you want to see what I have to say. 
Let me start off with saying Dom is a fucking idiot. 
There I said.
How the fuck does he think that word is appropriate during a live conversation?
What is said in private, away from microphones and cameras is ONE fucking thing, but KNOWING that Matt is live and saying that to him is WRONG, and he deserves ALL the hate directed his way. 
B U T 
It’s only a word, my darlings. 
A little word that may hurt your feelings, but will do no actual HARM to you. 
I’ve had a lot of papercuts in my life, but I’ve never had a wordcut. WORDS do not make you bleed or give you a bruise. 
All the haters that call me a ‘bitch’ and think it bothers me are in for a big surprise because I KNOW I’m a bitch and that is just a word. 
The boxcutter in my pocket is going to do a lot more damage than ANY word known to man. 
And I love the hypocrisy when it comes to ‘slurs’. 
Take the ‘n’ word for example. If a white person said that word to a black person, you can imagine the OUTRAGE, but black people especially young men call each other that word. It’s in fucking songs. 
Now let’s get back to the word that Dom used. You mean to tell me that homosexual people don’t use that word among themselves? No really, don’t they?
Dom is young and stupid and people who are young say stupid things, but to call for a boycott of the show? Or to have him fired? Or to have Jace killed and/or recast? is ridiculous. 
He made a mistake, he is getting hated for it, he made an apology, hopefully he has learned his lesson and everybody can move on. 
I’m done. 
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shieldofrohan · 3 years
Your posts are once in a blue moon and thanks for dragging our old American grandpa Grrm . I understand D&D are idiots but the fandom's incessant urge to placate Grrm as an emblem of wokeness when some of his stuff scream problematic and how what he tells in interviews is contrasted with what he writes makes me roll my eyes . The only difference is D&D are idiots whereas Grrm is sharp but also oblivious . Btw he shouldn't have released that Targie book . It's so badly written and I hope that the writing and plotting doesn't end up rubbing somehow on Twow if it ever gets released . Also thank you for dragging Ned . Idk whether you are aware of recent fandom wank but apparently Sansa stans are gatekeeping the fandom just because we happen to criticize fandom favorites . Also love love love your no nonsense idgaf butt kicking attitude . Stay safe .
Hello Anon,
Wow thanks for your kind words, your message made my day :)
Previous asks about this:
One time I wrote this on Twitter:
The problem with not being able to finish a series for 25 years is that your audience & what that audience was looking for in that story change in time. In the end the story you started to write might not meet the expectations. Especially if you aren’t writing a timeless series (~lotr).
This is why I believe that Martin is doomed to finish an outdated series which will never satisfy the readers/critics truly. Racist/sexist undertones & other problematic aspects of these books might have been overlooked in 90s/00s but they will be considered huge problems in 20s.
I love Grrm as a writer because man has a style and courage. Yes sometimes he is edgy but he also has the talent. His magic in writing shows itself in small details, creating characters, plot setting (foreshadowings) and subverting expectations but sometimes he pushes the edge a little too much to create those magic/to show his talent.
For example; whole Unkiss subtext is a smart way to show trauma but on the other hand hiding trauma in subtext is problematic.
Another example: Cersei/Dany turning into their awful husbands. A complex characterization but still problematic.
Another example: Not giving an anti-T*rg POV in the books, it hides the villain status of Dany and other T*rgs but also it is problematic.
I think he could have earned my respect even more if he just could own the fact that he created a typical but nuanced White Savior with Dany. Whitewashing her arc/story makes me think that is this man so oblivious to his own story? (Also yes sometimes what he says and he writes doesn't match) And at this point I have to believe that his old age and him being an American might make him oblivious. Not a crime but people might drag him for this.
Btw I also think that people blame D&D a lot to make Grrm a victim but show was always a cheap copy of the books and characters even when George was involved. As a Sansa fan, I hated most of the scripts of first 4 seasons so I don't think D&D were the only ones to blame. And people (I used to too) blame D&D for not having Arianne, Aegon etc in the show but it seems to me that George wasn't even able to give many details about main characters so I doubt that he could have given enough material about Arianne, Aegon, Connington, Victarion etc to create a full story. He really should have finished his books LONG AGO.
In my opinion, having a TV show before finishing the books was a huge mistake.
AND it feels like he learnt his lesson. LOOK at him finishing F&B book so fast... The most unnecessary book in the history of literature. Twoiaf was more than enough for DoD story but he still wants HBO's money. Sorry but he lost my respect a lot after that book.
That book was unnecessary, writing was awful and what was the reason? And I am afraid that they will make T*rgs look like cool but poor guys and the world doesn't need to feel sth for white ugly slavers, nuke lovers, incest f*ckers, imperialist sh*ts with god complex.
T*rgs fans behave like a cult for a reason. Tell me, are we not dealing with enough bad guys who see themselves superior right know all around world? Why are they making more shows about such risky characters? This is a bad idea but it is what it is. People are tend to worship such characters and stories and I find this scary. But Georgie loves money. Whatever. Zero respect.
Ok I am in this fandom since 2012 (? was active in 2014-2016 and later in 2019-) and tbf I used to talk shit about many fan favorites and yeah their fans would be angry but they wouldn't go rabid and start massive bullying chains so I think social media encourages people to have a cult mentality and it ruins everything.
You as a fan should decide what kind of fandom experience you want to have and you should try to create your own safe corner without touching the toxic side.
Thank you so much for your kind words again.
Have a nice day and stay safe.
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theclaravoyant · 7 years
@buskidsburgade said [in response to this post]:
I mean, even then, at least they used those moments as an opportunity to show off Jemma's capabilities. Like with Hydra, they showed her ability & learning in how to be strategic, even brutally so, how to lie etc. they even had Coulson specifically highlight how she's surprisingly capable. And she wasn't preoccupied with Fitz, but that care was shown, which while my shipper heart cried a little at the lack of pandering attention, I think was a good balance.
Going back to my original point regarding the hallucinations, leaving them unexplained even furthers that harm to Jemma’s side of the story because we don't get to really see what it is like to have been dropped like that, what was going through Fitz's head, and what he's missing - because "Jemma" is there and he's always talking about her, so when she comes back and he's like "you left and you lied to me and I was really really hurt!" We're like "oh yeah I guess that would have sucked hey" rather than having been dragged through that true absence of Jemma and felt that pain. Instead they have to "tell" us how hurt he is by/while screwing over the real Jemma in some ways. It makes both of them look like assholes. And if left unexplained, all of that was just for ~drama.
Also, for me it goes a bit deeper than their trauma/recovery storylines too, especially when it comes to Fitz and how much of his life, his character, even his goals and his screentime are absorbed by “FitzSimmons”. It grates on me even more than Jemma’s disadvantages because I see the fandom get a lot more defensive over Jemma’s writing than Fitz’s. It’s not that I don’t like Jemma or that I think her writing was perfect; it’s just that from where I’m sitting, a lot of people are happy to let Fitz’s exploitation by the narrative ride, or treat it as a reason to hate him. Even people that support and love him (including myself at times) feel a need to qualify every mention of Fitz’s pain with a mention of Jemma’s even in situations where, to be brutally honest, I don’t think they’re actually comparable. It’s an uncomfortable place to be, but if I seem especially defensive of Fitz that’s why.
Anyway, on a more agreeable note I think you’ll feel too - for all I love this show’s platonomy they miss the advantages of it so much. Some of those most powerful moments, even the painful ones, were Fitz and Daisy bonding during S2 over that shared trauma, or Jemma and Daisy clinging to each other for dear life after several near death experiences across seasons. They give us so much good stuff but they also somehow manage to simplify massive traumas into a matter of shipping and I think that’s something I’m going to feel very strongly going into next season. I hope the reintroduction of Hunter (and would it be too much to hope for a revival of Fitz Daisy and Fitz Mack brotps?) will satisfy me a little even if they don’t get as deep into certain trauma recovery elements as I would have liked.
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Apparently the author tweeted years ago that Raphael is ace? I'm glad that they kept that with the show with all the things they've changed about him and all that and elaborating on that !
Honestly, and like not to be a dick or anything, but I’m really not a fan of CC or the books themselves? I mean I tried reading the first one a couple of times back in 2010 and could never really get into it.
Aside from some lingering dislike I have left over from my early days in HP fandom for CC as a person, I always thought that tweeting something like “oh that character is ace,” instead of putting it in the books was kind of lazy? In all honesty, I thought the same about Rowling’s ‘Dumbledore reveal,’ and was only slightly less miffed by it only because she did have a great deal of unpublished material. 
I mean I watch Shadowhunters because of what it is now, what Freeform had decided to make it, not because it’s based on CC novels. And credit for this ace representation, I believe, should go to the showrunners who, instead of tweeting about it in a limited venue, decided to bring this representation to the screen.
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antthonystark · 8 years
My opinion on this is this isn't real life so no one is obligated to pay equal attention to all the characters, it won't have like material consequences. Clary is the biggest victim here but I'm gonna focus on Alec because he is my favorite and I think he's the best and most interesting. People who think clary is the best can talk about her. It's just funny lol people are acting like we now have to care about every fictional character in a tv show equally as if Clary needs us to give her therapy
yup exactly this lol people on here in general just need to get that this is a tv show and these characters are fictional like chill out and have fun it aint that deep tbh 
like if it were even  god forbid a cast member’s real relative who died, then it would be extremely shitty for someone to go “oh but how does my favourite cast member feel about this” because those are real people
but these are not 
it’s not the same as someone going “clary’s pain doesn’t matter” or “clary’s pain isn’t relevant to the story” or “clary’s pain doesnt matter to me at all” or “clary’s pain is not comparable to alec’s (in that alec’s is worse)” or anything like that - if anyone is saying that, they’re dead stupid and wrong. 
(and don’t get me wrong - i am actually very very interested to see how clary processes her grief for jocelyn, because based on 2x05 promo it looks like she’s not even trying - she’s literally just skipping straight to denial and saying “im getting her back”, she’s saying it “wasn’t supposed to happen” so that means it can and should somehow be reversed. like that is a really scary mindset and i feel so horrible for her because it’s just such a clary way of handling things - “nope. not accepting this reality, i’m making my own.” her stubborn determination is a double-edged sword, both a virtue and a vice - it has worked well enough for her in the past albeit with consequences (e.g. with simon’s death and resurrection) but this time it doesn’t seem like it’s going to. so the moment (assuming jocelyn is really dead) that it’s going to really sink in for her and she’s going to be forced to accept it is going to be so so so terrible and i just. my poor child. she does not deserve this, especially not after everything she went through to get jocelyn back)
it’s just. alec’s my boy ya know. i gotta care about him the most lol….im not going to tell a clary stan to stop caring about clary to worry about how this is affecting alec so dont tell me how to live my life lol
(and…lbr. if it was ANY other character, e.g. izzy or magnus or even simon, who was in alec’s shoes…there wouldn’t be anybody doing this weird pitting-their-suffering-against-each-other thing. people just have a problem with alec stans focusing on alec and it’s a standard that really isn’t applied to any others IN MY humble opinion)
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lesbianightwing · 6 years
full offence but some s*zzy stans are so fucking annoying saia aren't even broken up but y'all are out here celebrating maia having a panic attack over her abusive ex just because u want ur ship with a maximum of 2 scenes together and zero chemistry to happen
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deans-haunted-baby · 6 years
There's a reason I stopped watching Arrow and the Flash seasons ago and this recent crossover event reminded me of why.
The Arrowverse fandom is just plain toxic as f**k. And I thought Riverdale had it's issues which it does.
The blantant ugly treatment and disrespect of Oliver Queen from fans, other characters (some who don't know him at all) and the writers. Even his mental illness is a joke to these people. And I'm for the first time disappointed in Barry who I always considered one of Ollie's truest friends in the Arrowverse.
The writing on these shows just keeps getting worse and worse. I'm embarassed at this point. Glad I bailed when I did. But why am I still watching Riverdale Idk.
Ships have taken over the story and turned these shows into melodramatic shells of what they once were. Seriously (no offense to anyone following me) I am sick to death of Felicity and Iris and their hypocritical/condescending behavior especially towards their spouses. They're constantly presented as the moral high ground and better than the actual protagonists even when they don't deserve it. Why are they the center of Arrow and Flash and not Oliver and Barry?
The teams on these shows suck. I can't stand any of these characters anymore. Worst group of friends these heroes ever had. I get that Riverdale isn't exactly perfect in this area either but at least the characters on that show are still likable and the friendships are more solid. Who needs enemies when you got Team Arrow and Team Flash.
The annual Oliver Queen bashing/villainizing. Oh do I not miss the days of going through his tag to find people sh*tting on this character. And the Arrow writers do it enough, why do the Flash writers feel the need to add their wank every time? How many "lesson of the day" episodes does he need to be beaten over the head with while the other Arrow characters get away with their sh*tty (no consequences earned) decisions and mistakes?
The butchering of Lois Lane. This character finally gets introduced into this universe (along with Superman) and I was excited for Bitsie's portrayal because I loved her on Grimm (before that series went to sh*) but what does she do two seconds after meeting Oliver and Barry? Not only is she gleeful to see them fighting but she actually encourages Barry to assault Oliver (his friend and ally who he's known for years) for sh*ts and giggles. Oh and her reasoning for this (after seeing the guy for about a decimal) is she thinks "he's a jerk" 😡 What is she in 3rd grade? I'm so done with this BS. Sorry Flarrow fans but this version of Clois has got nothing on SMALLVILLE.
The overcrowded Arrowverse. Too many heroes and side characters are being introduced that it's turned into a monster tidal wave of incohesion. The veteran heroes are being buried in this universe (mostly Oliver) to make way for newbies and it's annoying. I feel like all the heart and soul in Arrow has disappeared. And btw that show's darkness was part of its appeal to fans like me.
The action is sloppy. One thing that made Arrow so memorable was the action and Stephen Amell's ability to do incredible stunts. I lived for that but now it's like the fight choreography has taken a massive nosedive. I remember the fights and stunts done in the very first Flarrow crossover and this recent one is abysmal in comparison. I will credit Grant Gustin though he did kick a lot of a**. He looked great in the GA costume too and his fight scenes were some of the most exciting moments. I only wish his physical abilities were utilized more on his show.
Plot holes and continuity errors. This has been my biggest pet peeve for years. You've seen my Riverdale rants on this blog you know what I'm talking about.
Barry Allen. I loved this character so much but ever since the Flashpoint failure that was S3 the writers continue to regress him. I do not like that he refuses to learn from his mistakes. I feel like when he got Oliver's abilities (which would've been a golden opportunity for character development) he treated it like a game instead of understanding/appreciating where thoes skills came from because he knew what Oliver had been through. And it made no sense for him to be so giddy about losing his powers either. Not to mention that immature desire to "get revenge" for the arrow in the back incident (which was obvious bad Flash fanservice). I just thought that after all these years he would've grown up. Oliver and Barry's relationship was my favorite thing about these crossovers, it's the core. They have a very special bond and been through so much together. While they don't always agree they have each other's backs and respect one another. In this crossover I felt the writers fundamentally shat on that and that pisses me off.
In conclusion of this sudden (and final) SuperFlarrow rant I will say that despite its massive flaws this crossover was better than last years. I never want to see that thing again. I liked the concept of Barry and Oliver swapping lives (they both were fantastic in that aspect) and the chemistry between Stephen and Grant hasn't wavered. I liked seeing the Kent Farm (easter egg: it was the same one used on Smallvile 😁), Gotham, Superman (good and bad), the SMALLVILLE theme, Supergirl, Batwoman and the Batman references. There was some funny scenes where shade wasn't being thrown at Oliver. I don't know if I'll watch next years but considering it may be Oliver/Stephen's exit from the Arrowverse (and I'm not thrilled about it) I'll have to check it out.
However watching this crossover confirmed to me that these shows aren't aging well and I'm not sorry I left. I just feel sad over how things have turned out.
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nancylou444 · 7 years
I’m just saying
The ShadowHunters fandom is refreshing on many levels. 
The cast was at NY Comic Con today and guess what, THEY TALKED ABOUT THE UPCOMING SEASON.
Not about the stars’ family, or which stars were friendly with other stars or none of the other shit that is present at SPN panels.
The SH fans want to know about THE SHOW. 
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ehhlien · 8 years
I’m not autistic myself, but I’ve seen a lot of autistic people who strongly identify with Alec Lightwood and believe him to be like them, which I think is great. But I actually saw a person completely tear into a gay autistic person who strongly identifies with Alec calling /them/ offensive for calling Alec autistic and giving a bunch of headass reasons why he’s not good autistic representation, and how their post calling him such is “hurting the community” and honestly I just want that person to know that they’re 100% ugly and need to get a life lmao
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