#aos wank
tremorsismyhero · 2 years
Season 5 is just not my favorite, and a lot of that is how I really, really don’t like the direction they took the characters in 5b. I don’t like how contrived the conflict between the characters is, I don’t like how they had characters either dumbed down or made into the cruelest version of themselves or had the characters completely allergic to nuance or listening to their teammates. All it did was make me angry and wish for the season to end.
However, something that is also EXTREMELY aggravating about season 5 is just how cheap the central conflict of the season is. We are told again and again that time is fixed, that the future is rigid and unchanging, etc. It wasn’t just a claim that Fitz made, it was textually supported in the show by Spacetime in season 3 and by extension the season 3 finale, and by the causal loops in season 5a. Then in order to ‘break the loop’ in season 5 they just… do it. And they do it in a way that feels entirely driven by out of character choices.
The loop breaks because Daisy has the centipede serum, which would imply that this is the only timeline in which Coulson gives it to her, something that’s absolutely ludicrous. Even if this weren’t out of character, the idea that breaking a causal time loop is as simple as a character just making a different choice is on its face lazy. It makes the establishment of the loop feel unnecessary and just for the sake of artificial conflict. Seriously, how could the loop even happen to begin with if characters could just decide to do whatever at the most convenient time? What is purpose of the narrative choice to include a time loop at that point?
I have no problem shows establishing and breaking and rewriting established rules of a universe, that’s part of storytelling and frankly it’s inevitable in long form media like television.
What I have a problem with is when you break rules in major, status quo changing ways with little to no explanation simply because you raised the stakes so high that you have no way of resolving your narrative without doing so. It feels incredibly lazy. “How do we solve this massive threat wherein the only solution is counter to the established rules of the narrative? We just do. No more question.”
Season 5 just comes off as incredibly unpolished and lazy for all of these reasons, and it’s made even more noticeable after season 4, which is one of the most polished, tightly written, and well paced seasons of television I’ve ever seen.
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qprstobin · 10 months
Honestly I think I could handle how much I dislike the way some of biggest ships in the fandom were handled if this fandom still actually produced gen fics. Almost every single fic out there right now is only there to push people towards a ship in the end. Even the fics where it's TECHNICALLY gen always feels the need to sprinkle in a mention of a ship or crush. Like this show has always been about the friendships? The found family? How horrific things can bond you together? And with one season and within a year it feels like it's been completely wiped out from this fandom. it's honestly depressing at this point
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ichabodcranemills · 1 year
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Hey hey hey, don’t bring Mayward into your weird anti sex crusade, their relationship was one of the best things about AoS
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shinelikethunder · 6 months
You mentioned in one of ur posts abt dunking on agents of shield and im so curious what writing you were talking abt (genuine question i love AOS but i’m bad at recognising bad writing lmao and i’m nosy)
under a readmore because AoS is one of the few bad shows i've ever given enough fucks about to outright fucking loathe
i made it through all of, like, two seasons before i ragequit, so i can't speak to anything it did afterwards, but i am always down to clown on those two seasons for being creepy culty police-state apologia, having one of the most egregious cases i've ever seen of "entire fictional universe contorted into a rube goldberg machine whose sole job is to frantically prop up a shambling putrid mess of protagonist-centric morality," spending its CA:TWS tie-in throwing spite tantrums at the whole movie for having the gall to suggest that Maybe The Real Tyranny Was The Post-9/11 Security State We Built Along The Way, devolving from mediocre but serviceable case-of-the-week in s1 to undifferentiated arc-plot mush in s2...
like i know the fandom likes to wank eternally about Ward, but he was at most a moderately entertaining symptom of a show that never met a jackboot it didn't want to fellate sloppy style, yet lacked the skill to even make a point except by flinging ever-more-ludicrous strawmen at the screen. its tragedy was always that the characters were just likeable enough to make you wanna scoop them up and find them a forever home on a show that was slightly less dogshit.
obviously different people watch shows for different reasons and get completely different things out of them; i assume AoS fans have their own aspects they're invested in, likely involving the characters and having very little to do with the show's politics. i'm not accusing them of anything except, like, dubious collective taste in character-centric flamewars. but i cannot watch it without going into a white-hot rage and wasting more words on it than it deserves, and my mid-2010s back catalog of stupid fucking hills to die on includes "my reasons for finding this show rancid may not be relevant to your viewing priorities, but they are an unassailably fucking valid reading of those first couple of seasons."
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Tour Bus Masterlist
First Time (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance luke/calum E, 5k
Summary: Luke was 19 and Calum thought it was about time to get him laid. Finding Luke somebody was harder than he thought. But all he knew was that the purity ring had to go.
Getting Caught (ao3) - 5sosquiff luke/ashton, michael/calum N/R, 1k
Summary: Luke let out a moan ." W-We can't ash they're right next to us!" He whisper yelled looking over at a sleeping Malum
I don't wanna be alone forever, but I can be tonight (ao) - orphan_account luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: Ashton decides, that if he's going to have a wank, Luke awake in the bed next to him, shouldn't stop him. [AKA The one where they both jerk off in the bed next to each other while screaming each others names.]
In Dreams (ao3) - elivigar michael/luke T, 2k
Summary: Turning over on his side, so that he’s facing the wall, Michael smiles into the darkness when he realises that what’s happening is that Luke’s talking in his sleep. It’s sweet, he thinks, especially since it sounds like what Luke’s dreaming about is falling asleep in someone’s arms.
He wonders whose arms, though; is it anyone specific or just a nameless someone? Is it a girl or a guy? Is he holding the person or is he the one being held? As he drifts off to sleep, those are the thoughts that plague his mind, and when he wakes up again in the morning, they’re still there. I
In which Luke talks in his sleep and Michael listens.
Injection (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance michael/luke E, 4k
Summary: For two days, Michael had been sick, grumpy and moody and to make him feel better, Luke had been googling ways because everything Calum and Ashton had tried had failed. He was quite happy that his plan was more effective and he was totally not expecting a reward in the end.
Or the one where Luke tried to sweat Michael's fever out when everything else failed.
i wish you could see yourself through my eyes (ao3) - bellawritess michael/calum, luke/ashton T, 1k
Summary: Michael doesn’t feel like he needs to go all out with the pride makeup, but Luke had kind of insisted that they do a pride makeup night at least one night of June, so here they all are, in various states of undress as the tour bus chugs along, and occupying every mirror or iPhone front-facing camera in a desperate attempt to put on makeup on a moving bus. It’s not easy.
Rabbits (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: Luke was grumpy because of some things he saw online and to add to it, Ashton has made some new rules. That was not all, Luke blamed it all on Michael. On the other hand, Michael knew exactly what Luke's problem was; lack of attention. Michael had his own ways of giving Luke attention, ways he knew Luke would never refuse.
Same Story (ao3) - gardener luke/ashton M, 3k
Summary: It was always the same story, every time after they had been in close proximity to each other for elongated amounts of time and had to stay professional, almost bureaucratic for the sake of creating a new album. Maybe it was because they would get on each other’s nerves when they were around one another too long.
Luke and Ashton constantly get on each other's nerves and their default reaction to fighting is not safe for work.
Sausage And Bun (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance luke/calum E, 3k
Summary: The boys were back on the road and Calum said something that caught Luke's attention. The wheel in his head started turning and he started having ideas that he never had before. Little did Calum know that a simple statement of his was going to get him into so much trouble.
Sleepless (ao3) - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) ot4 E, 2k
Summary: Luke (2:04 am): hey are you guys awake
Sleepless (ao3) - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) ot4 E, 2k
Summary: Luke (2:04 am): hey are you guys awake
something to prove (nothing to lose) (ao3) - bellawritess michael/harry T, 1k
Summary: Michael props himself up on his elbows and gives Harry a blank stare. “You want to finish the chess game? Instead of make out?”
stop and start (ao3) - jessus luke/calum M, 1k
Summary: “You are,” he says, and there’s something in him that says this means it’s time to move away, stop touching Calum, but another, more insistent part tells him to stay – tells him not to remove his hand from where it’s tucked underneath Calum’s arm. He just clenches the thin fabric of Calum���s t-shirt in his fist instead, finding the entire situation hilarious. “You’re jerking off.”
Take My Hand (ao3) - cyclogenesis (addictedkitten) ot4 E, 19k
Summary: In which Michael finds Luke, and then they all find each other. Also, hand-holding is the new cuddling.
we'll never be as young as we are now (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 5k
Summary: Ashton feels like everything is slipping through his fingers, and he needs Luke, Michael and Calum more than he's ever needed anyone.
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darilto-blog · 10 months
Top 5 Melhores Centrífugas de Roupas 2023
Se você está em busca da centrífuga de roupas ideal para transformar sua rotina de lavanderia, veio ao lugar certo. Neste vídeo review, vamos explorar as melhores opções disponíveis no mercado, começando pelo 5º lugar, a Centrífuga de Roupas Mueller Fit. Esta centrífuga não só acrescenta um toque de modernidade à sua lavanderia, mas também oferece potência, eficiência e um design funcional. Com capacidade para 12,6kg de roupas molhadas e 4,2kg de roupas secas, a Mueller Fit destaca-se por suas alças laterais e encaixes especiais para o recipiente, possibilitando a reutilização da água.
**4º Lugar: Centrífuga de Roupas Colormaq**
Em seguida, no 4º lugar, temos a Centrífuga de Roupas Colormaq. Com um design compacto e elegante, disponível em prata e branco, essa centrífuga é a escolha perfeita para quem busca economizar espaço na lavanderia. Com capacidade para 3,7kg de roupas secas ou 12kg molhadas, é ideal para famílias pequenas. Além disso, as características como alças laterais, proteção de roupas, travas de segurança e cestos de aço inoxidável fazem desta centrífuga uma opção prática e segura.
**3º Lugar: Centrífuga de Roupas Giromax Suggar**
Em terceiro lugar, apresentamos a Centrífuga de Roupas Giromax Suggar, uma escolha que oferece eficiência ao secar roupas leves e pesadas em menos tempo. Com capacidade para 15kg molhado ou 5kg seco, essa centrífuga é equipada com uma grelha de proteção e um sistema de fecho de segurança, garantindo o funcionamento seguro durante o processo.
**2º Lugar: Centrífuga de Roupas Sofia 15 Kg – Black – Wanke**
A centrífuga de roupas Sofia da Wanke conquista o segundo lugar, combinando rapidez, economia e segurança. Com capacidade para 15kg de roupas e um sistema exclusivo de travamento, essa centrífuga destaca-se pelo baixo consumo de energia, praticidade, durabilidade e oferece o melhor equilíbrio no mercado. A garantia de 12 meses adiciona um elemento de segurança à sua escolha.
Chegamos ao topo da lista com a Centrífuga de Roupas Mueller Super, conquistando o 1º lugar. Esta supercentrífuga simplifica seu trabalho diário na lavanderia, permitindo que você passe mais tempo com sua família. Com capacidade para 15kg de roupas molhadas, 1.600 rpm e eficiência energética, a Mueller Super destaca-se pelo sistema de segurança eficiente, recursos extras como a divisória para sapatos e opções de drenagem versáteis. Se você busca potência, eficiência e conveniência, a Mueller Super é a escolha número um.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
Ah! Thank you :D <3 Wow this was way harder that I thought. At first I couldn't decide, then I decided on too many, it was so hard to narrow it down, so I'm not saying these are my top five, but I love each of them <3
The One That Got Away
Pairing: Jim Kirk/Spock (TOS)
Rating: E
Words: 30k
Summary: At Starfleet academy Jim and Spock were friends (with benefits), but when Spock left to serve on the Enterprise under Captain Pike, Jim was left heartbroken. Years later Jim was given Captaincy of the Enterprise after Pike's promotion. Aboard he was reunited with his old friend, but how much had changed over the years? Could there ever be more between them, or would Spock forever be the one that got away?
~~~ I've been proud of a lot of my fics, but this one is my one of my most recent bigger fics and I'm actually in love with it. I thoroughly enjoyed writing the entire thing, and I've reread it several times because I just love it so much. I put my heart and soul into it, I did my best, and I'm so happy with it.
2. First Day
Pairing: Balthazar/Lucifer (SPN)
Rating: E
Words: 14k
Summary: It's Lu's first day at a new school as a Math teacher and he instantly falls for the French teacher, Balthazar, who has an affinity for skinny jeans and v-necks. Balthazar's ex shows up and wants to get back with Balthazar, will he go back with his ex or stay with Lu?
~~~ This is an old one of mine (which I'm intending to write a sequel for one day), and while my writing has improved significantly since this fic, I still love it. I love the rarepair, I love their dynamic, and I think the smut is hot (I should, I wrote it, right?). This is an example of me writing a fic purely for me.
3. In Search of the Sun
Pairing: Jim Kirk/Spock (AOS), Jim Kirk Prime/Spock Prime
Rating: T
Words: 7k
Summary: Spock Prime awakens from a dream about his long lost bondmate, but was it really a dream, or was it the answer to bringing his love back?
~~~ I needed a fix it so badly for the Primes cause I just have sooooo many feels about them, so I wrote out my headcanon for Spock Prime getting his Jim back, and I love it dearly. It satisfies my Primes feels so well.
4. When Fantasy Becomes Reality
Pairing: Hank/Connor (DBH)
Rating: E
Words: 8k
Summary: Connor is away helping Markus for the weekend, so Hank thinks he’s safe to do whatever he wants, including an afternoon wank. What happens if Connor comes home early though?
~~~ I'm particularly proud of this one for the way I wrote it, especially the first chapter. It wasn't exactly something I'd written before, but I had a vision, and a strong love for these characters and this ship, and I did my best, and it's one that I go back to time and again because I'm so proud of it (and because its hot AF and I enjoy reading it a lot).
5. Under the Shape of Dessert
Pairing: Greg Lestrade/Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock)
Rating: T
Words: 2.5k
Summary: After his divorce Greg finds himself lonely, so John sets him up on a blind date. When Mycroft shows up at the restaurant Greg can hardly believe it.
~~~ This is one of my favourites out of both of my Under the Mistletoe series' and an unexpected one at that. I sort of struggled for an idea for this ship, and then once it came to me I needed to flesh it out, and a whole story came with it, and sometimes those are the best types of fics. I thoroughly enjoy their whole interaction too, and the way Mycroft is with Greg.
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darilto-blog · 1 year
Guia Definitivo! Os Melhores Tanquinhos para Lavar Roupa 2023
Neste vídeo review, abordaremos os principais aspectos a serem considerados ao escolher um tanquinho para lavar roupas. A qualidade do produto é fundamental para garantir uma lavagem eficiente, removendo sujeiras difíceis e mantendo a integridade das peças. Além disso, os tanquinhos são eficazes na torção e centrifugação, superando muitas máquinas de lavar convencionais.
O tanquinho oferece uma solução rápida e econômica para quem busca roupas limpas em tempo recorde. Sua operação intuitiva e custo-benefício tornam-no uma escolha popular. No entanto, a variedade de modelos de qualidade torna a seleção desafiadora.
Apresentamos os cinco melhores tanquinhos do mercado:
Em quinto lugar, o Tanquinho Semiautomático Colormaq LCS10 10 kg, notável por sua potência e capacidade de 440 watts, promovendo uma lavagem eficiente e completa. Este modelo oferece filtro de fiapos, cinco programas de lavagem e molho, além de uma tampa translúcida. Sua versatilidade é garantida nas voltagens 110V e 220V.
Em quarto lugar, a Lavadora de Roupas Semiautomática Tanquinho Lis Wanke. Compacto e eficiente, esse tanquinho suporta até 4 kg de roupa, com um timer de 10 minutos e quatro modos de lavagem. Sua capacidade de filtrar fiapos e objetos perdidos nos bolsos é uma característica valiosa. Com preço acessível, oferece 12 meses de garantia.
Em terceiro lugar, a Lavadora Turbilhão Max Branca Suggar, com 7 kg de capacidade, atendendo bem a necessidades maiores de lavagem. Sua potência de 400 watts e desligamento automático se destacam, assim como os 10 programas de lavagem e 2 molhos. Disponível em ambas as voltagens, seu formato estreito economiza espaço.
Em segundo lugar, o Tanquinho Superpop Mueller, com capacidade de 4 kg. Apesar do tamanho compacto, oferece funcionalidades notáveis como filtro para fiapos, timer com 6 programas e uma mangueira especial para economizar água. Com garantia de fábrica, é importante respeitar sua capacidade máxima e voltagem adequada.
Finalmente, em primeiro lugar, a Lavadora Semiautomática LCS Colormaq, ideal para cargas grandes e manchas difíceis. Com quatro programas de lavagem, intervalos para molho e enxágue, esse modelo oferece qualidade e durabilidade. Dispenser duplo, filtro de fiapos e saída de água automática são pontos fortes. Sua potência e largura compacta acentuam sua eficácia.
A lista completa com os produtos e preços mencionados está disponível na descrição do vídeo. Agradecemos por acompanhar nosso canal e esperamos ter facilitado sua escolha. Até o próximo vídeo!
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moonlayl · 3 years
One argument that’s really annoying to hear post 5x14 is “Daisy should’ve gotten Fitz actual professional psychological help because he’s mentally ill instead of locking him up and for that she’s bad”
I’m sorry, but have you watched the show? Were you paying attention to ANYTHING in season 5?
The entire shield team are fugitives. Like yes, ideally, Fitz definitely needed help, but they couldn’t give him that help??? Like they literally couldn’t? How are they supposed to trust any professional and allow them access into their secret base during a highly critical situation, when they’re literally fugitives, have hydra, the government and aliens trying to get their asses, AND the end of the world is only days away?
And you guys are acting like Fitz was stuck in solitary and wasn’t allowed to see anyone and was locked up with nothing to do.
This dude had Jemma never leaving his side and visits from Deke, and despite threatening Yoyo’s safety while she was unconscious, getting Mack shot, and restraining Daisy to perform surgery on her which could've PERMANENTLY PARALYZED HER FROM THE NECK DOWN, he was still around to know what was going on and give his input and help.
Plus he was freed like three days later.
And like i said, getting him actual help in that specific time wasn’t possible, so was Daisy supposed to let the man who attacked her, attacked another member, and violated her roam free when he could potentially hurt someone again???
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florchis · 4 years
Guess who has two thumbs, watched the AOS finale for a second time two days ago and is still mad about it? This gal.
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2minutes2midnight · 4 years
I miss Fitz. I really do. I miss Fitzsimmons. I miss Bus Kids. I just miss my team being all together. And I’m sad because we have only 3 episodes left of series and I already know I will not see many dynamics I love before it ends. I’m not gonna see bus kids with Philinda, I’m not gonna see May hugging Fitz, I’m not gonna see all of them being just together. I mean there is still chance but I lost hope already.
But when I miss my favorite character and actor, when I’m really sad because of lack of Fitz in this season - I really can’t understand people being angry at writers, cast, crew...even Iain. I mean...what the hell? He’s a real person, he has his personal life and has right to miss season for whatever reason it was. And no one owns us explanations. His friends are not gonna tell you why he wasn’t there...you know why? Because they’re friends and they know it’s not our business. So really people should calm down and stop acting like this cast and crew own them anything. I’m more mad because of decision of producers or promo team that they act like Fitz is there - when he’s not and that they didn’t mention the fact he’s not series regular even once. Maybe if they tell us - look his not series regular, but he’s gonna be in the end of series - I could enjoy season 7 more, because now I’m spending more time waiting for him than focusing on the rest. Don’t get me wrong - this season is great but I just don’t feel it in 100%.
It’s okay to miss your favorite character, but what’s not okay - it’s harassing cast and crew because of that.
And from positive side - I believe...or better I know - that Iain is gonna kill it in those few scenes ha has.
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theartofbeinganerd · 4 years
HI! I know it's been a while but I was wondering if you saw season 7 of AoS and if you did, what you thought of it? ANd if you do see this, do you still take prompts?
Hi there! First, let me apologize for taking so long to reply to this ask - I just haven’t really been in the right headspace to reply to much of anything lately, so I’m sorry for the delay. 
Now, about AoS season 7: I don’t know if you happened to see this post that I made a couple of months back and pinned to my blog. If not, it just explains about how I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I don’t have that same love for AoS that I used to anymore, and these past couple of seasons haven’t excited me or drawn me in the way that the show used to. 
I did start watching season 7 when it aired, but I got a little less than halfway through before I decided that it would be healthier for me to simply call it quits altogether. Personally, anon, this season just wasn’t for me and, I will admit that even with my initial lack of enthusiasm toward this season, it was certain narrative choices that were the final straw for me to make that decision. However, I’m not going to go into more detail than that, because it’s absolutely a me problem, and I know that the vast majority of people enjoyed the season (which I’m super happy for them that they did btw - I think it’s great that so many people really loved how the final season turned out!!). So, to answer your question, I was not a fan of season 7, but that’s not surprising given that I was already drifting from the show beforehand. 
And, as for prompts, I did address that in my post about AoS as well, but I’ll answer it here too: as it stands right now, I can’t offer any sort of guarantee that I’ll get back to my unfinished AoS fics or answering prompts. In fact, I’ve actually be struggling to write in general for...well, a long time now, truthfully. I mean, it was just last month that I actually managed to finish a fic of any length for the first time in I think two years?? Writing has been spotty at best ever since my mental health decided to take a nosedive, and unfortunately, I’ve got no answers on when or if that will change - and even if it did, I don’t know that I would be able to write for AoS again, especially not in the way that I used to.
I’m really sorry if these weren’t the answers that you were hoping for, anon, but I wanted to be honest about where I stand at the moment. Thank you for still taking an interest in my opinion on AoS and my writing though, even after how long I’ve been away from the fandom. It means a lot to me! ♥
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antoine-triplett · 4 years
I liked this week’s episode, but to be honest I wish we hadn’t had to watch Daisy get tortured for the 100th time.
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creacherkeeper · 4 years
How do u feel about the season 7 premiere of aos tonight?
im not saying this to be mean but. literally dont give a shit lmao. i’ve finally moved past actively resenting aos to “do not care about its continued existence” and i think thats the healthiest im ever going to get about it. have it blacklisted, unfollowed a bunch of blogs. hopefully me and it will be like ships in the night. no hate to anyone still partaking but i think the best i can do at this point is indifference 
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Hey remember when Fitz tied Daisy down on a table and cut into her with a knife?
The writers sure don’t :)
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quakeintheskye · 5 years
ew did you see that interview from Chloe about her saying Daisy’s one goal is to get FS back together?
The vibe I’m getting from this msg is about how Daisy’s just been shafted to get the ~epic couple FS~ back together and is a mere plot device for them. Yeah I get it. Like I know the Bus Kids are important and their dynamic is great but I too would enjoy if it wasn’t constantly about Daisy lighting herself on fire to keep FS warm so to speak. 
Again, GIVE DAISY A DECENT STORYLINE OUTSIDE OF ANOTHER CHARACTER or whatever but TBH doesn’t look like that’ll be happening in these 2 shortened seasons and she’s just the Action GirlTM  
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