#shadolin kids
isdalinarhot · 1 month
Stormlight back half tweenage shadolin daughter with Neapolitan ice cream hair I need you to exist so bad
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epicmilly · 2 months
i really hope we get a shadolin baby in stormlight five
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turttastic · 2 years
Ranking potential Kaladin fates from best to worst in my opinion. Obviously this is just my personal feelings:
Desirable Outcomes:
1: My Ideal World:
Kaladin stays romantically uninvolved, but ends up in a position where he is responsible for kids. Maybe he's a teacher, maybe he raises Shadolin's kids if something happens to them, maybe he raises Oradin. He would be great with kids, he's such a protector and I think the unconditional love of a kid would be good for him personally. He is ideal for a found family setup, honestly, and I don't particularly want to see him get paired off with a woman just to create a nuclear family.
2: Impossible but beautiful world:
Kaladin, Adolin, and Shallan polycule. They understand him, they love him, they are both capable of providing him with different types of support and won't be intimidated by his personality. Adolin is an absolutely crucial part of the puzzle here, though. To me, Adolin x Kaladin can work without Shallan, Adolin x Shallan works without Kaladin, but Kaladin x Shallan cannot exist without Adolin because it would be catastrophic.
3. Monster fucker win:
Kaladin ends up in a partnership with Leshwi that is probably somewhat ambiguous but has a distinct romantic undertone to it. They already have a warriors bond and respect/have a vested interest in each others continued survival. There's a deep relationship there for sure. I don't personally see it as romantic but I think it'd work fine if it was. Wouldn't detract from either character.
Neutral Outcomes:
4. The Easy Way Out:
Kaladin finds Tarah again and ends up with her. This feels like the most obvious and perhaps most likely possibility. It's boring, it's uninventive, I don't want to see it happen, but I guess it's fine? It's a nice conclusion to Kaladin learning to live in the present, but it just feels too easy.
5. Windrunner bloodline:
Kaladin gets back together with Lyn. She can do better tbh. I love Kaladin but hes a lot. He also is kind of a traditional type of guy when it comes to gender and relationships I think, and Lyn is the type of woman who wants to break away from tradition. They just don't fit to me. Only reason this happens is because they specifically want Kaladin to marry a Windrunner and have kids that seem destined to be Windrunners also until they're not.
6. Blaze of Glory:
Kaladin dies in book 5 saving someone else. It would be so so so upsetting for this to happen and unfair to Kaladin personally but it wouldn't butcher his character at least. Like it would suck, I would go catatonic, but it'd be like Vin and Elend dying. It seems like a believable fate for him to meet, as heartbreaking as it is.
Bad Outcomes:
7. White Woman Jumpscare:
Kaladin ends up with Laral. What can i even say about this. Childhood friends to enemies to strangers to Kaladin pitying Laral in a way that really pissed her off because of how condescending and patronizing it was. I don't want them together.
8. Chrom's fate:
Kaladin gets married to a random, unimportant woman between books 5 and 6 solely for the purpose of creating plot relevant children that will likely ultimately be used to hurt him.
9. Depressed together:
Adolin dies and Shallan ends up with Kaladin. Any outcome where Adolin dies is unacceptable to me but thus one especially. I love Kaladin. I love Shallan. I love them both in a relationship with Adolin, mutually or separately. But they cannot under any circumstances be allowed to date just each other. They understand each other's trauma and are drawn to each other, but neither of them is capable of helping the other process their trauma while also dealing with their own feelings. It's a relationship destined to crash and burn from my perspective.
10. Hell and hate on planet Roshar
Syl takes a physical form and gets romantically involved with Kaladin. Literally the worst possible thing I can imagine happening to either of them. Their souls are bound together, they are vital to one another, and they love each other, but not Like That. It's closer to a sibling relationship than anything. This particular situation could only arise from a gross misunderstanding of their relationship as its been developed thus far.
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Random Predictions for Stormlight 5
[Spoilers for Stormlight Archive generally, including major spoilers for Rhythm of War!]
I’m trying as hard as possible to make a fool of myself before Stormlight 5 comes out, doing things like trying to predict Dalinar’s champion, to predict the outcome of that fight, to predict what Kaladin’s fate will be... But I’m not done. Here are just some things that I personally think might happen. Let’s all enjoy seeing how wrong I am!
1. Shallan will get pregnant.
Shallan and Adolin just got married, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re pregnant in the next book. I’m not sure if this will be a plot-point, or if Shallan will just be conveniently pregnant at the end to set up for a Shadolin baby post time-skip. Sanderson has not really seemed interested in writing pregnancies--Steris had her kids in between books, and Siri’s pregnancy ended up being fake--so I assume this will just be a throwaway near the end. But if Shallan IS pregnant in the series, I’d be interested to see how being a Radiant affects that, whether Shallan has a pregnancy personality, etc.
2. Rlain & Renarin will get together (off-screen).
I believe we’ve been promised more queer characters in Stormlight 5, including Rlain and Renarin canonically. That doesn’t mean they’ll actually get together, but I am honestly expecting them to. But in order to manage my expectations, I’m kinda expecting this to all happen off-screen--like they’ll tell Kaladin they’re together and he’ll be like “Huh” and that will be the extent of it. I’d like more, but...I dunno!
3. Kaladin will swear the Fifth Ideal. 
Does this even count as a prediction? I mean, I will be shocked if this does NOT happen...unless I guess it’s being saved for later in the series? But Kaladin is 4 oaths in after 4 books, so if the past is any prediction...
4. Szeth will swear the Fifth Ideal.
Szeth is the focus character for Stormlight 5, and he and Nale already talked about the Stormbreaker 5th ideal, where apparently you become the law. It’s terrifying to think of Szeth I-followed-a-rock-and-then-a-random-guy-who-seemed-cool Stormbreaker being his own law, but...it would be Growth. And he is going to Shinover specifically to finish his fourth ideal. So it does seem like him reaching the fifth is highly likely.
5. Adolin will heal Maya and become an Edgedancer
@arcanistsdelight says this better than I ever could in this post. And I agree! I understand the theories about Adolin becoming a villain or antagonist, but I still have my hopes set on him figuring out how to heal a Deadeye and then bonding with Maya as an Edgedancer.
6. We’ll find out why the Knights Radiants broke their oath...and it’ll be bad.
I am not smart enough to guess as to what horrible reason the Radiants had to break their oaths during the Recreance, but I fully expect to learn the truth in Stormlight 5. Possibly from a healed-up Maya?
7. A kandra will show up.
The Lost Metal really opened the floodgates on world hoppers--and MeLaan revealed that she was being sent off-world. I would not be at all surprised if a kandra character appeared in Stormlight 5, maybe even MeLaan herself. 
8. Someone will Bond the Nightwatcher
We have 2/3 Bondsmiths so far--Dalinar with the Stormfather and Navani with the Sibling. The only Bondsmith bond left would be with the Nigthwatcher. The only issue is that most characters have a bond these days--there’s Adolin, but I’m still holding out for him to bond Maya (although what a Kholin monopoly it would be if Adolin bonded the Nightwatcher!). There are the Listeners--Lewshi maybe? I’d definitely be up for a Lewshi Radiant arc.
As tradition--let’s put it to a vote!
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fabrowrites · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
ty @that-was-anticlimactic for the tag!!!!
tagging @rosiehunterwolf @only-lonely-stars @cboffshore @knowledgequeenabc
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
I've got 63 officially! One of those is a one-shot collection though so it's secretly like 85 :D
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
518,844 - let's see if I can break 600K this year!
3. what fandoms do you write for?
the ninjago brainrot is still going strong after 10 years!! I've also dabbled in Monkie Kid, SLA, and MP100
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
The Sun Rises Every Single Night
Oh, haven't you heard? 
Reference Letters
Oh, can I be your Bibilly Hills? 
Sun Rises doesn't surprise me at all, but I'm eternally shocked that "haven't you heard" is so popular. I wrote it in like a day for funsies and stuck it on tumblr, not even planning to post it to ao3, but then it blew up. it is a buzzfeed unsolved fic tho, so that might be why XD
5. do you respond to comments
what a great question :DDD I do, but not for like months afterwards 😭
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
so I think let the wild rumpus start takes the cake with this one, but it's also the first in a series so like it's gonna get better, yk? For standalone fics, my ritsu fic brother let's cry (and get it over with) is def up there, along with Dosimetry :D
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sun Rises's ending still makes me smile when I reread it!! too fast / too slow also has a happy ending planned
8. do you get hate on fics?
not quite hate, but I'll get comments in the "it's been forever since this updated" style lol. I get it i haven't updated in forever
also i've gotten comments that my nya is annoying and like. that's not hate either im just salty
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i do not!
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
not really? I've done things where characters from one fandom are put in a different fandom's world, but that's not really a crossover as much as it is an au. oh and i put ryan and shane in TLNM universe so ig that counts.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of!
12. what's the longest you've spent working on a fic? and the shortest?
*cries in Skyward* um? I didn't start you in 2014 you're still young queen
the shortest was probably Perfect World! I wrote that one in an afternoon :D ignore that it's 332 words.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep!! I wrote fics for a telephone event early 2023, including Fang-llo, Everything for Them, and Shattered :D
14. what's your all-time favorite ship? from all fandoms?
shadolin!!!! shadolin my beloved!!! he's a horse girl and she's a system and no one is doing it like them <3
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my morro is adopted by the Smiths fic,,,,, also this one collab that never finished either augh
16. what are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm really good at writing action scenes! I also really like figuring out pacing and how sentences flow.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
details. wym these characters have to exist in a setting??? is it not enough they are talking in the void???
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i don't think I've done it but I don't have a problem with it personally. ao3 has a skin where you can hover over words for translations too so that's kinda cool
19. first fandom you wrote for?
corey said rainbow fairies and YEAH SAME ACTUALLY. i also tried rewriting LotR as a 12 year old? fun times.
20. favorite fic you've written?
my current favorite is ceiling hung with vines hands down!! it's in the same series as Rumpus from earlier :D i also am really happy with A Heist with the Ninjagos, a CYOA fic
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lostandbackagain · 2 years
I absolutely do not want shadolin to have kids. I want them to be the couple when pressed to tell dalinar and navani they already have a grandkid what could they possibly want with another
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myshipsareendgame · 4 years
-one morning, after the war is over (basically all of our heroes survive), shallan gets a bit sick. she inhales stormlight and some of the fatigue still doesn’t go away. she recalls that she had a bit of wine the night before, but just a little, nowhere near making her get a hangover the next morning. she decides not to tell adolin anything, since she doesn’t want him to worry
-later, she goes to the doctor’s office. first, she approaches hesina so that she can schedule a meeting. “oh brightness! come in, come in! would you like something to eat or drink? i have some fruit and wine if you’d like” shallan just gestures her hand and says “actually, no. i wouldn’t want to drink anything anymore... there’s a small chance i am pregnant. it’s why i came here- to ask you to make a schedule”
-lirin is the one that helps her and promises not to tell anyone, kaladin especially, that she came here as she wanted to do so herself. they run some tests and later she comes to get the results, lirin hands her the papers along with a “congratulations!”
-that night, adolin comes back from training to find shallan sitting on the balcony, with a blanket wrapped around her. he gives her a hug from behind and kisses her temple. adolin asks her what she’s thinking of to which shallan answers with:
“we need bigger quarters.”
“what? they’re pretty big, we have enough space.”
“yeah, for the two of us, but we are gonna need a nursery in a few months” and adolin just gives her the biggest hug and kisses her whole face
-they decide to tell dalinar and navani first over dinner. they are both so so happy for them, navani cries but dalinar holds in tears. later though, when he is alone with navani, he gets very emotional and thinks of how proud and happy he is that his son would be a father
-next come renarin and kaladin who both immediately start crying and planning every big event of this child’s life. kaladin gets genuinely surprised that his parents kept the secret, since he thought they wouldn’t be able to. renarin teases adolin “you? a father? oh almighty” but he is so happy anyway
-shallan’s brothers are very happy for them, promising to be good uncles and take care of their niece or nephew
-jasnah and wit are both so proud of how far shallan has come and jasnah takes the rare opportunity and becomes the softest softie to ever soft... shallan is surprised, but nevertheless happy at jasnah’s reaction
-shallan’s pregnancy goes well, adolin starts singing to her tummy very early on and it becomes a nightly routine. he sings iriali lullabies that his mother sang to him when he was young. but he also talks to the baby everyday as well. shallan finds it endearing and eventually starts doing things like that too
-once her belly gets very big, it’s time for new clothing. since she’s often enjoying staying in and reading/drawing, she spends a lot of time in adolin’s shirts, while he goes out and designs new dresses for her that she wears during meetings and important outings during which she must appear
-gavinor likes to spend time with shallan and keep her company and she thinks its a good thing to get used to a child being around her. once they renovate the quarters and add rooms to it, she teaches him how to paint by painting the walls herself. it’s what starts gavinor’s love for art
-a month before she is due, kaladin and adolin are out in the city getting some new clothes when a messanger is sent to say that shallan is in early labor
-adolin and kaladin FUCKING SPRINT through the entire tower, and adolin is horrified outside the room because shallan is screaming and he is so worried
-both the davars and the kholins just drop everything they are doing at the time and come to see how shallan is doing at the clinic. though, the labor takes a few hours so some, like kaladin and renarin, stay with adolin in the lobby the whole time. others come and go, but everyone comes to check every once in a while
-finally, lirin comes out and offers adolin a hand to say “congratulations brightlord. your wife and daughter are in perfect health.”
-AND ADOLIN JUST FUCKING STARTS TEARING UP “I... I have a little girl? Wh-When can I see her?”
-meanwhile, shallan is holding her little girl in the bed. resting and thinking how she never loved anything so much so fast, she just wants to hold her and thinks “oh! mini me!”
-adolin comes in and just starts fucking crying, rushes over to hold and kiss shallan and thank her for bringing this child into the world
-then he turns to the baby and oh, she is the most divine creature to exist, she is a mini shallan and he just holds her by her little fingers. actually, the baby wraps their entire hand around adolin’s finger, which only makes it more adorable
-then it’s like that scene in friends when mondler get engaged and the others go “can we come in now, we’re dying out here!” and they go “come in!!!”
-the family comes in and take turns but dalinar goes first and just starts crying, EVERYONE IS CRYING. they’re crying, im crying, you’re crying. he has the same energy he had when adolin was born. he wants to buy everyone in urithiru a drink, celebrate the birth of his granddaughter.
-renarin and jasnah look at her and they have the same look on their face, they realize they’re gonna have another baby that isn’t directly theirs but they’re gonna love and cherish as their own. they’re going to spoil this little girl with math magazines, science and history books and ultimately let her know that she should grow into the best version of herself as she can be
-while navani goes to get little gav and wake him up from his nap, the davars get their turn. they are so delighted that their sister brought a new life into the world, almost being able to forget the rough past they had once they look into the child’s eyes
-navani comes in with gavinor and he is overjoyed with the baby, his little cousin that he will play with and protect
-navani is very emotional and talks about how similar she looks so much like shallan. her face is pretty pale, freckled and she has stunning blue eyes, but oh the smile. no doubt is it adolin’s smile.
-they notice kaladin is at the doorframe so they ask him why doesn’t he come in the room and our favorite grump goes:
“i just wanted to check if you are alright, but since it all is, i guess this should just be family now.”
“yeah that’s why you’re staying. i’m counting on you to take your role of an uncle very seriously”. and so kaladin takes the baby and with the first time he holds this little girl, he knows he would give it all to even try and be the best uncle to her
-then wit is the last one and shallan insists that he holds her and finally after inspecting the baby for a bit, wit says “alright. am i the only one who is going to address this baby’s hair. LOOK AT IT! BLONDE RED AND BLACK!!”. it’s a much needed moment of pure laughter in the room.
-when a nursemaid comes to ask for a name, adolin and shallan share a look, before nodding. adolin turns back and says “evi. my daughter’s name is evi.”
-later that night, shallan is resting while adolin is in the nursery and plays with the baby. playing consists of adolin sitting on a sofa and rocking her in his arms while she sleeps, but to adolin it’s the most wonderful thing. dalinar knocks and they have this very soft moment where they talk about how fatherhood changed dalinar and how adolin feels the same thing happening to him, right in that moment. but the real emotional kicker comes when dalinar says “i’m glad that’s her name.” they talk of how sorry dalinar is about everything and how he hopes that adolin knows how much he wants for them to repair their relationship. maybe it’s the emotions, maybe it’s the warmth of a newborn child pressed to his chest or the lack of sleep, but adolin accepts. dalinar somehow forces him to go and get some sleep and promises he would stay with the baby
-dalinar holds the baby and coos “welcome to the world, my little evi.” the next morning, they find dalinar on the sofa, sleeping in an uncomfortable position right next to the crib
BONUS: For all my rlainarin warrior out there, renarin would totally bring rlain to meet his niece and she would be so fascinated by his carapace. like kaladin, rlain would also feel an obligation to be an uncle to this child, further cementing the fact that rlainarin are in love with each other :)
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mushimallo · 6 years
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Cosmere dump! My desktop is getting kinda junked up so I thought I’d just share some random cosmere doodles that I lying around and never posted. Many of these are over 6 months old, so I guess I never really liked them enough to formally post them online. HEH, not anymore! I’ll explain myself: 
1. Venli and Timbre. I don’t know why i never posted this... I guess I didn’t like how I drew Venli, but Timbre is soooo cute 
2. Kelsierrrr!! 
3. Adolin/Shallan wedding. This was actually one of the first doodles I made after finishing Oathbringer. 
4. OK, OK. SHADOLIN KIDDOS?? I was trying to figure out what their kid’s hair would look like...genetics on Roshar are weird. 
5. Hoid doing Hoid stuff.
6. Young Dalinar hunting for a knife in the middle of a highstorm (from 1 year ago when I was reading the OB preview chapters. good times...)
7. Jasnah n’ Ivory
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esseastri · 7 years
Megan Reads Oathbringer (part 8)
Hello, fronds, apologies for the brief hiatus, but I had to pause the reading/liveblogging because I was busy finishing my novel. YEP, I FINISHED WRITING MY BOOK, WHOOO! And then it was December, and there was Christmas, and traveling, and retail job at Christmas, and Star Wars, and what little time I had to myself I spent chilling because I was exhausted, but ANYWAY, I’M BACK, FRONDS, LET’S GET ON WITH THIS.
Part 8 encompasses pages 557-666 (previous parts) 
whooooops where did I leave off, OKAY INTERLUDES
Why...why are we doing anything near Aimia? Listen: Axies the Collector is cool, but two-thousand-cremlings-in-a-trench-coat was waaayyy too far over the horror line for me. I do not want more of this.
So...there’s a third storm? But this one is stationary and around Aimia?
Whoa, that sure is a side effect of Soulcasting... #yikes
Or is it not soulcasting? Is it something Radiant?
Oh fuck. Fine. This is fine. You know, the previous Stormlight books didn’t have this much body horror in them.
Ahh, shit, wasn’t there an Oathgate on Akinah? I don’t want a direct line to  two-thousand-cremlings-in-a-trench-coat.
“the creatures that accompanied the spren” So...like......their Cognitive shadows? the versions of them still in the Cognitive Realm even as bits of them manifest visibly in the physical? Or...something else?
I’m sorry, did they just...die?
What the
What even is Aimia, really?
Mmmkay, actually, I don’t want to know. I don’t want to know the secret of Aimia, I am not interested in being EATEN by two-thousand-cremlings-in-a-trench-coat.
Genuis!Taravangian is an asshole. I’m not surprised, I’m just. Stating a fact.
!!!! Are his secretary and the Dustbringer a thing? Are they together? Get it, girls!
I still don’t trust the Dustbringer.
Aslo “the most likely to accept their cause” Why? Is the “cause” like...destroying the world? I don’t remember if we know the Diagram’s endgoals.
...There’s a danger line for the “too smart” end of the sliding scale? Smart.
Also his name is Vargo? Vargo Taravangian? hehehehehe
I think I hate him.
Dumb question: if Taravangian wants to take over Alethkar--presumably so he can take over the world--then aren’t he and Dalinar working toward the same goal? They both want a unified Roshar. So why kill Dalinar instead of working with him? The logical solution is to work with him, since he’s more charismatic and has a higher chance of actually succeeding, and then kill him off after he’s succeeded in laying the groundwork, and take over from there?
Not that I’m encouraging this, I’m just saying: Taravangian needs to sort out his priorities.
“kill those children” seriously, fuck this asshole, what a douchecanoe.
Also Renarin the wild card HECK YES.
The farming question can be easily answered: Progression.
Not all the Radiants’ powers were battle powers.
“the part of the world that mattered” OH FUCK YOU. That’s not how it works. It’s not about deserve. It’s about having the ability to help, which gives you the responsibility to help. If you can, then you should. No exceptions. No “matters”. Everyone matters. Everything matters. Everyone deserves to be saved.
Except maybe Kylo Ren, but that’s a different story.
Buddy. Odium already made a deal. He wants out of it now. Also he’s not a spren or a god, so why should your pathetic rules hold him?
Oh. Duh. Somehow I didn’t connect Listeners and gemhearts? But of course they do. How else would they bind spren? They infuse their hearts.
Oooohhhhh snap, they done got possessed.
Aw, Venli...things not going your way anymore?
Idk, I should feel bad for her, but I don’t? She brought this on herself. And on her friends. And on her sister, who is still dead. This is her fault.
“The listener gods were not completely sane.” I mean, idk what you expected.
Though, neither are our gods, so I guess we can’t talk.
Seriously, what did Alethkar do to them?
Oh. Wait. Where was Jezrien from? King of the Heralds, right? Prooobably his idea to make the OAthpact? His fault they were bound? That’s probably what Alethkar did to them...
Oooh, the new epigraphs are from the library at Urithiru! Heck ye, Radiant archives!
Though Taln and the Stonewards need to take a chill pill on the self-sacrificing front, apparently.
(Eks would be a Stoneward, pass it on)
Wait, no, hold on--the whole of part three with no Moash pov? But I’m WORRIED about MY BOY.
I’m unnecessarily suspicious of literally every guard that’s not Bridge Four. But particularly of this Rial guy. What is he, Bridge Thirteen? I don’t trust him. At all. He’s too...glib? with Dalinar to be a proper bridgeman. Around other bridgemen, fine, but with Dalinar? I don’t trust it.
I’m with Navani. “The greasy man is...unfitting.”
ooohh, Dalinar...... he “reminds him of friends from the old days.” Tho, bud, how many of those died, betrayed you, or left to become ardents?
Dalinar should know by now to just...not trust people implicitly. Always question.
I really, genuinely can’t imagine how awkward Kaladin and Shallan’s excursion to Theylan City was. Didn’t they fly? Shallan was probably all SCIENCE!! about it and Kaladin was definitely grumpy “let me fly in peace” boy. Nerds.
Sorry, hold on--you’re counting on Kaladin “Impulsive” Stormblessed and Adolin “Disaster Bi” Kholin to make sure Elhokar doesn’t do anything stupid? That’s like asking two kittens to babysit the new puppy.
“I can’t afford to lose you.” AAaaahhh
omg, no, don’t give Kaladin land. What will he do with it? Turn it into the Land of Misfit Bridgecrews?
Five times...so what’s it been, 50 days? Not even? That’s so little time!!
“Or is someone else receiving [the prayers] instead?” ...Isn’t that just the most chilling thought.
There has to be an explanation beyond “The Heralds are nuts” for Shalash to be erasing herself from visual records.
I’m sorry, rockbuds blossom? and have fragrance? Stop and smell the rockbuds?
“I am a diplomat.” Yeah, and I’m a rockbud.
How is Taravangian such a good actor? Or is he really this emotional on days when he’s not a raging asshole of a genius?
Aw yis, non-hereditary monarchy! I love!
“Does it involve punching someone?” It’s Dalinar, so, what do you think?
“Stone-sinew, Herald of Soldiers.” But...Taln’s focus is bone? Ishar is sinew?
I suppose “Stone-bone, Herald of Soldiers” would be a little too ridiculous-sounding...
brb, changing my url to “stone-bone-herald-of-soldiers”
“It was as if Odium had a grudge against this one in particular.” SAD ABOUT TALN FOREVER: THE MEGAN STORY
I s2g Dalinar is the most Extra son of a bitch in all of Roshar.
HOw do I prove I’m not trying to take over your country? I know! I’ll let you stab me through the chest! This is the BEST IDEA.
oooooooo Tension, maybe?
Also his special power--resonance? right?--is listening and that’s delightful. Or...I’m guessing that’s what it is.
Heck ye, Renarin!
“Strength and passion, the Vorin way.” In other words...Honor and Odium....hmm
So it’s Kaladin, Elhokar, Shallan, Adolin, Skar, Drehey, and...who? Some other bridgemen? It’s gonna be a fun roadtrip, tbh.
Buddy, Shallan ignoring her problems IS a problem! Don’t support this impulse! Don’t encourage this!
omg of COURSE Adolin hates flying. Nerd.
“No wisecracks about missing boots?” No, because that wasn’t funny.
“First assess the area for danger, get the lay of the land. Then gawk.” I LOVE MY SON SO MUCH, WHAT A TRAVEL NERD, BUT ALSO #SAME BRO
...we knew that Elhokar had a kid, but every time I’m reminded of it, I get really weirded out. He’s not old enough to be a dad.
PLease meet up with Moash. Please. I’m dying. My crops are failing. My skin is dry. Help me.
the advantage of living through Bridge Four is that you can sleep well anywhere? Well, I mean. I GUESS That’s an advantage. Sort of.
OH of COURSE it’s an Unmade. We do have eight more of those to encounter and deal with.
Whose is this though? Kaladin’s? Or are Elhokar or Adolin finally going to manifest?
(This is assuming that my theory about there being one Unmade for each order of Radiants to defeat is sound.)
Elhokar is trying so hard to be good.
Also Shallan is mean to Kaladin again, news at nine. *rolls eyes*
So, it’s going to be Kaladin’s Unmade then.
Elhokar, you know that the more you tell yourself you’re going to fail, the more likely you will? Stop it. Have confidence.
“Adolin made you want to laugh with him.” Yeah, he doesn’t punch down.
Also, the Kadolin is REAL, and I’m living.
Kaladin really is too good for this world.
I’m sorry, the fancy lighteyes’ gated villas have guards to keep the refugees off their perfectly manicured lawns? Fuck that. Fuck them.
“I needed someone I’d trust with my life, or more. So I brought us to my tailor.” THIS CHILD IS A DISASTER AND I LOVE HIM
Oh snap! we’ve made it halfway through the book!
“Even his voice was adorable.” HONESTLY, people who don’t ship Shadolin: how? It’s so pure and good and supportive and wonderful!
How did Aesudan know the parshmen were voidbringers? And why did she order them killed only to desert the city?
I suppose fabrials do trap and use spren, right? So it makes sense that the yellowgold...voidspren? would be offended by that sort of...I guess, spren enslavement? Sort of? But why are they so concentrated here? Which Unmade is it and what does it do other than corrupt other spren? and influence people.
How To Corrupt Spren and Influence People, a new bestseller by Odium, found in stores near you!
“I am the only one here who has confronted one of the Unmade directly.” Yeah, you, the Kholin bros, and most of Bridge Four who protected you while you did your thing. But sure.
Kaladin, when will you stop seeing your brands as part of yourself and let yourself heal?
Aw, I’m proud of her, admitted Veil is--oh. “They are both equally fake.” Hon, no... please. Talk to someone about this.
Aharietiam, or as I like to call it, “that other stupidly long and impossible-to-pronunce “A”-word.”
Sorry, but the fact that Shallan takes pleasure in pissing Kaladin off-- “he glared at you in the most satisfying of ways” --is really....gross. Uncomfortable. I’m not here for it.
Like, yeah, teasing is fine, but like... if it strays over from teasing into Actively Pushing Someone’s Buttons Just to Make Them Angry, then it’s BAD, okay? It’s really bad. I can say from experience: it’s very bad.
Well, I mean, that explains why no one’s come back from the palace.
“As a connoisseur of things that have killed me...” honestly. what are we up to now? Poison bread. Shipwreck and drowning. Run through with a sword. Dear god, child, you need to be more careful.
Kaladin making bad puns and smiling is giving me life though. Petition for more.
So, the Skybreakers and the Windrunners did not get along? Justice vs. Honor, I suppose...not unexpected. Especially is one is corrupted.
Isn’t Ishar...Bondsmiths? Herald of Luck? Are you sure?
“He is now as mad as the rest. More, perhaps.” Yeah, I got that vibe from Edgedancer.
Shit. Of course he set himself up as a god-king.
(He and the Lord-Ruler should make t-shirts.)
Dangit, Ishar founded the Oathpact, so bang goes that theory about Jezrien and Alethkar and the listeners.
“The Stormfather hated to be misquoted.” Pppfffft.
HECK YE, Bridge Four got a sword!!
Also omg Navani invented alarm clocks. Bless her.
She packed him lunch! BLESS THESE ADORABLE NERDS. God, they are ridiculous.
Dalinar hitching a ride to Azir with Jasnah and her just going, “Byyyeeeeee” and leaving him alone is HILARIOUS to me.
I wonder if the color of the gemstones in the epigraphs correspond to the radiant orders. Like, if the Windruners recorded in sapphire, and the Lightweavers recorded in garnet, etc.
Okay, I went back and checked, and that seems legit. I’m going to guess that’s been #confirmed by people who finished this book earlier than me, but listen.
“covered by a magnificent bronze dome” Lift voice: “boobies” Me: snrk
OMG, he brought them an essay, that’s magnificent. Especially because they all had to write essays to apply to be king. Or.. Prime? WHATEVER THAT’S HILARIOUS AND I LOVE AZIR SO MUCH
hello, I love Jasnah, this is news to no one, but girl wrote an essay in rhythmic meter and *melts*
...the Azish parshmen negotiating for pay is...very Azish of them. And the Alethi parshmen gathering for war is very Alethi. And the Theylan parshmen sailing off into the sunset is very Theylan of them.
HA, Dalinar just said the same thing in the next paragraph, go me.
“The crazy spren who lives in the forest.” 1. I love Lift a lot. 2. uuhhh...we know the Heralds are crazy, and I assumed Odium was crazy, but Cultivation, too?? Is ANYONE here sane anymore?
oh wow they agreed.
didn’t...see that coming. Not with so much book left.
Every time I’m reminded that Adolin is only, like, 24yo, I have to tell myself that I was about that old when WoR came out and he’s not actually a child.
Anyway, 12yo Adolin is a gift. “Neat!” this kiddo aahhh
“It was gratifying to see how much one could accomplish in both politics and trade by liberally murdering the other fellow’s soldiers.” PUNK!DALINAR NEEDS TO LOOK AT HIS LIFE AND HIS CHOICES AND RECONSIDER HIS WORD CHOICE AT THE VERY LEAST
hugs are un-Alethi. this is why they have so many issues. they are emotionally constipated from lack of hugs.
“The other son” fuck you, punk!Dalinar
also “she’d never be a great scribe” yeah, that’s ‘cause she’s left-handed, you Vorin jerks
haaaa, he has a point. That even if he and Gavilar know that he wouldn’t ever betray Gavilar for the throne, Gavilar’s advisors aren’t stupid and will find reasons for Dalinar to be...elsewhere.
“Storms, I don’t deserve her, do I?” NO YOU FREAKING DON’T
tbh, I’m not even sure present-day Dalinar deserves her. Like, he’s better now, but he’s still... a soldier. He’s still a strategist. And Evi deserves a soft, gentle person who loves her.
Evi deserves the world, tbh, and I’m Upset because she’s going to die and I’m going to be Sad.
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myshipsareendgame · 4 years
maybe it’s just due to my OCs i created in my head and wrote, but i really do want to see the back five of the stormlight archive to include our main characters’ children.
the first child is evi kholin II, shallan and adolin’s daughter. she’s rebellious, mature for her age, beautiful (like her parents, duh) and smart as hell. she’s sassy and almost not afraid of anything. almost- because she’s afraid of anything happening to her family or those she cares about. that’s why she’s always pulling a kaladin and tries to take care of everyone, even if it means putting others’ needs before her own. but through it all she’s kind and bright. she brings in laughter into the room and she’s truly is a mix of both her parents.
second comes tenadal, evi’s younger brother. he’s only two years younger, but they aren’t that close. however, they still appreciate each other and if anything happened to one of them, they’d literally go out of their mind. tenadal is a mini adolin, energetic, good hearted and awkward, but still successful with girls. he plans to one day be a great duelist, just like his father
next comes nili, kaladin’s adopted child. nili is a year younger than tenadal, three years younger than evi. however that doesn’t stop those two from being best friends. sometimes evi is more like her older sister, but a sister nevertheless. where evi is confident, nili is shy. where nili is anxious, evi is sure of herself. but they both want to study, they both love talking about boys and books and gossip and shopping. they’re urithiru’s duo. adolin and kaladin’s daughters that make mischief (95% of the time as evi’s idea), but everyone still adores. they do all kinds of stuff together: study groups, shopping days and even sleepovers, so much so that the kholins keep and extra pair of pijamas in the kids’ closet for her. tenadal and she don’t meet for a while, even after a long time of being evi’s friend, but once they do, tenadal doesn’t think he ever saw such a pretty girl. and they grow up together, liking each other in secret.
then kala, she is the youngest girl, evi’s five years yonger sister. kala was named after kaladin and is the youngest child for a while. still, her siblings (including the girl they treat as their own) accept her into their company. where tenadal looks like a mini adolin and evi as a little shallan, kala is a true mix. although all shadolin kids have a very distinctive hair, a mix no one’s seen before, kala’s faciak features truly are a combination.
then, the babiest baby to ever appear and bless their worlds comes. the softest softie ever to soft. little nalan, the youngest kid. everyone wants to pinch his little chubby cheeks, to give him a hug, hold his little figure in their arms. he’s a mama’s boy. all the kids like to paint and do it with their mother as a free-day activity. but nalan showes so much TALENT at such a young age
of course, there are gavinor and danid. gavinor is the eldest kholin kid (in my story he was only three years older than evi) who we all know and love. danid is his best friend. like evi and nili, they met each other when they were little but became insepersble friends very quickly. evi and danid didn’t exactly hit it off, as danid pulled her hair when they were at practice. since then, they decided they hated each other, spatting insults at each other and denying all and every alligation that they have feelings for each other.
so yeah, yep. i guess that’s about it
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myshipsareendgame · 5 years
Stormlight Archive discussion time!
How would you feel/ react to Adolin and Shallan having kids?
Personally (and I am a bit biased because I’m one of their most active shippers), I would love to see that. I think Adolin would be a great father and it would be wonderful to see someone who started of as a ‘player’ with women as this loving husband and father.
But then, there is Shallan. See, Shallan is definitely not ready to become a mother and she has to sort out her problems and get better before having to take care of a baby.
As much as I want to see it, it can’t happen in book 4. It just can’t. Shallan has to get better and tbh so does Adolin, but hopefully now that they have each other, they can help one another. I look forward to reading their life together. That’s why I want them to have kids in book 6-10. I think that they deserve to have some happiness with their blonde and red and black( Yugi Mutou?) kids!!!
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myshipsareendgame · 4 years
tbh I would love to see shallan and adolin having a baby talk in rhythm of war
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