#shadow and bone s2e7
shadow and bone s2e7 reaction
oh shit ALL amplified with his mother's bones!?!?!
...I hope that doesn't mean they also get the shadow summoning
ok that wasn't summoning shadow...but that was still pretty bad
also all of sab's transitions are so good
I can't believe I ever doubted the greatness of this show holy shit
mal calling the darkling cousin is some bad ads shit
"I have nothing to lose" "only cuz you have nothing...you will die alone and i will die in her arms" HOLY SHIT MAL
don't mind me crying over this nikolai and alina scene
damn nikolai too? why is every man in love with alina...tell me how I can get rizz like that
I really like this mal nikolai scene when they're discussing sturmhond
"deserve her" 😭 damn this show is getting me
I love all the david and genya scenes 🥰 they're so wholesome
YES! they're trying the NOT killing mal thing! now at least if it doesn't work I can be like "they tried"
"so what should we amputate?" please david is so awkward i love it
I have a bad feeling bro...idk what's gonna happen...but something bad (definitely to nikolais crew)
I want Pekka Rollins to be gone like the end of crooked kingdom I hate that man...do not corrupt Matthias I stg
alina scoffing at the Sankta alina window 🤭🤭
oh shit here comes the darkling
not him literally able to TRACK alina and mal
um...honey is not with his nichove'ya...honey is in the fold???
oh shit...I see why now
people running is always so funny to me
"no no no no...no heroics" love
aww Nadia and her brother using each others good arms to summon 🥺
thia battlescene omggg so good
toyla and Tamar fighting hard to get back to each other 😭😭
"a king that ravka deserves" I'm sobbing 😭😭
David apologizing to the dead man 😭🤭 my awkward boy
why did this chicken decide to put on lipstick before her battle??
once the crows showed up I knew they were done for
THERES THE LINE "well if you die we don't get paid" I love kaz so much omg
damn that hopeful music really made me think it was over
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briarmae · 1 year
Nikolai, if you had just stayed under cover instead of standing to try to take a shot, Dominik might still be alive! I saw where those ice-blades hit -- you would've been safe, he wouldn't have had to push you under cover, and then he probably wouldn't have been hit.
It's a mean thought, I know....
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“I didn’t know you were a patriot”
“If you die we don’t get paid”
that scene in s2e7 of shadow and bone where the crows show up to assist Nikolai and Alina is so funny to me. imagine you’re a noble king fighting a battle for his country and struggling but then all of a sudden one of the most notorious mob bosses from the city pops in, says “what’s up, I’m helping you now” and has his cronies absolutely pummel the enemies you couldn’t just because he wants money. king shit.
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Unhinged Anon again, and thank you for the meme! I love that you went through the extra effort to add Macaque's jacked-up eye lol.  
But also, your response has me straying ever closer to the brink of insanity, because now I can’t stop thinking about how MK and Macaque in S2E7 kind of parallel Azure and MK in S4E13-14.
It’s not a perfect parallel, of course, but… 
A character who really, really wants to be a hero and help others ends up isolating themself from the people who care about them most and hurting/endangering those dearest to them, as well as the world in general, as they pursue more power (MK in S2E6-7, Azure in S4E12-14). A ‘hero’ who doesn’t realize their slowly becoming someone that, if they were to look at themselves from the outside, they would never call a hero. 
Another character, who is technically their enemy but doesn't really want the ‘hero’ to go down a self-destructive path and sees their genuine desire to do good, throwing every ounce of flawed reasoning and self reassurance the ‘hero’ has ever tried to use right back in their face. Pointing out every hypocrisy, every step taken towards becoming something, everything, the ‘hero’ doesn’t want to be. 
A ‘hero’ getting a reality check in the form of an ass beating from someone significantly stronger than them while said stronger being points out the mistakes the ‘hero’ doesn't realize they’re making. And this ass beating happens while the ‘hero’ is completely separated from their friends, alone with nobody but their enemy. *slowly rotates “It’s scary being alone” around in my head*
“In the darkness, the Warrior was forgotten by the Hero''. All of the isolating MK does in S2E6-7, unintentionally leaving his friends alone and vulnerable to the kidnapping vs S4E13 Azure nearly hitting Yellowtusk with the scroll while attacking MK and SWK. Bonus points for the snack area MK goes to having much better lighting and being above the theater where he leaves his friends, and Azure being well lit from his place high in the sky while Yellowtusk is on the ground and shaded by the forest. Bonus bonus points for an ‘enemy’ being the one to save the ‘hero’s friends, not the ‘hero’ himself. Macaque’s the one that broke the lamp and Tang had to shield Yellowtusk from Azure’s barrage. 
And don't even get me started on how Wukong fits into all this.
Anyways, something something “The second the hero got real power, he couldn’t care less about his friends. That’s you bud” something something “Come on, Unkie Lion. You’re the big hero, right? Then prove it” something something the parallels between MK and Macaque are driving me insane, and I’m starting to realize that Shadow Play might be my favorite S2 episode. Anyways, hope you’re having a wonderful day! *waves from the precipice of madness*
DELICIOUS ANALYSIS THANK YOU UNHINGED ANON. Always a pleasure to see you here in my ask box!
So with Tang being the one to save Yellowtusk in 4x13 and Macaque being the one to save Mei, Pigsy, and Tang in 2x07, there's also the Lady Bone Demon being the one to save Macaque from death—rather than Wukong, whose whole motivation for power was to protect the people he cares about. The delicious irony.
We can even take this another step further and point to the Embrace Your Destiny special, where Wukong leaves MK and then gets possessed. Possessed Wukong then hurts MK and Macaque is the one who has to save him. Look at this parallel here for more fun!
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booklovingturtle · 2 years
Shadow and Bone Season 2 Rambles (SPOILERS)
S&B S2E7
The episode title made me think of The Hunger Games song
"deep in the meadow
under the willow..."
I want that cloak for my daily life so bad
I just realized they toned down the childhood flashbacks which was a good choice
Jessie is so talented I love her
I don't want Mal to die but I do want him to die for the sake of adding weight to the narrative but I know he won't
Gods the things I would do protect David and Genya
What a fun little loop hole that I don't remember and deifinetely won't work at all
BRING ME BACK THE CROWS...sorry yes inspiring war speech do go on King Nikolai
I love the Fullmetal Alchemist arm
My boy Matthias is looking scruffy I love scruffy a boy
poor david he don't wanna hurt a fly
OH...I wasn't expecting it to go wrong in that way
Why does the Darkling look grey? gray? idk what way to americans spell it I am american but I don't remember
I'm sorry I know she loves Mal but Alina just looks super selfish right now letting EVER MORE PPL DIE TO SAVE THE ONE DUDE
Me personally if I was on her unit I would be dragging that girl across the floor for letting her feelings ruin the lives of so many innocent people
Like the way I would an Alina hater if I was a citizen in their country I would create a one-sided beef with Sankta Alina
I love watching powerful girlies kill people (disregard the hypocrisy lmaoooooo)
in my brain Tolya died in the books but I don't remember exactly so I hope I'm wrong I like him a lor
Wylan's cuteness got me to laugh through the tears
pls don't take any of what i say srsly y'all these are fictional characters obv but just in case I wanted to throw in that disclaimer
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I said no spoilers on here, but I can’t keep this theory to myself anymore, so I’m going to put several spoiler warnings here.
Spoilers for Shadow & Bone Season Two:
Read further at your own risk.
So episode seven made me so sad because Dominik and David. But with all that’s left of David being blood, I’ve seen a lot of people say no body means he’s still alive (and I don’t blame them for being in denial because I want him to survive more than anything). If he didn’t die, though, that means he was taken by one of the Darkling’s shadow soldiers, so what if a similar thing that happened to Nikolai happens to David? Because the Darkling values David’s intelligence too much to have him killed, but who’s to say he wouldn’t do what he did with Nikolai? If that’s what they’re planning then I’m sorry but I’d rather he died, because I don’t want to see them do that to him. It was bad enough with Nikolai.
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bengalaas · 1 year
Shadow&Bone, S2E7
Watching S2 of Shadow & Bone and I just can’t stop laughing at the genius, strategic decision to throw all the forces of First and Second Army at Kirigan in order to save an abandoned orphanage. Which has zero defenses and is in the middle of a goddamn field several day’s march from Keramzin (except in this season everything is a 20 min trip away), and which is also the spot that Kirigan chose as a potential place of battle.
Like, ffs, if Kirigan hasn’t killed the orphans the moment he went there, maybe you shouldn’t take his bait so lightly, General Alina?
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Behold, the location of a pivotal battle. Marvel at the empty, dark windows of this orphanage, and the lack of any strategic upper hand, like maybe raised ground, or natural obstacles to cover your back, or even a somewhat solid stone wall around the property?
“Extraordinary,” says the Darkling about some conjured ice blades (by a Grisha he says he’s always known to be valuable to him, but we only randomly learn her name in the penultimate episode?). It’s like he has never encountered Fjerdan machine guns?
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Behold the Darkling giving orders to his terrible, scary, overwhelming army of rebels, consisting of... maybe 20 people max? Yeah, Ravka is shaking in its pants.
Also, why is he camping in tents, instead of under the orphanage roof? Is that how his “forces” have “fortified their hold at Keramzin”?
“We must act quickly,” says General Alina, and King Nikolai nods sagely. Indeed, what would they do without her wise guidance and strategic insight? (ffs, she is SO underqualified to hold any rank at all; Mal has more military sense than her, and Tamar can think outside the box; why the hell did they let Alina play the general??)
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Behold the great position the army is leaving in order to go kick Kirigan’s ass. Note the defensible position, the solid walls? But nooo, let’s go have this decisive battle in a meadow, all, what, 50 people that make up the combined remnants of the First and Second Army?
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Here we see King Nikolai giving a rousing speech to the 35 people randomly milling about the yard. And then leaving with both Nadia and Adrik, the two people Alina was going to leave in charge of Second Army while she and Mal were gone? (without any scouts actually confirming Kirigan’s position first?)
“We have each other, and that’s everything we need,” says General Alina strategically, once she and Mal have finished strategically running from the monsters she set out to defeat. While Tamar, being a random mercenary, starts actually giving orders for defending the fortress and saving the King.
But then we see also the terrible, scary, no-good rebel army of amplified ranged fighters... rounding a corner with no cover fire and running into melee? Or is (amplified) Grisha attack range really something like... 10m?
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Yeah, awesome tactics. Are the bulletproof keftas really that good?
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Now, why didn’t they come round the corner in this neat formation right from the start? Here we also see that there seems to be a grand total of 20 rebels.
At least the First Army have the sense to get up and take shots at them from above. For a moment, it almost feels powerful, the way they advance as a unit and work on fireballs together, fire and air, the way Fruzsi (yeah, apparently that’s the name of the Darkling’s new confidante) rains those ice shards over our heroes. But still... machine guns would have been more powerful?
And then they manage to take down Fruzsi’s friend, and our heroes, including a goddamn amplified Heartrender, just sit behind their cover and politely give Fruzsi a moment to pull her shit back together??
This was such a painful episode, ugh. Thank the Saints the Crows came and together with the twins kicked ass and saved the day. At least someone is still creative and competent.
For a story that wants to be about saving a whole-ass country, and about mending the rift between two entire classes of people, the “army” fight scenes were so ridiculously underwhelming.
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starsfic · 2 years
In your Eros and psyche au, I know you said the main part of it is before the season 1 even starts. But I am curious on how episodes with macaque play out and when red and Mk’s daughter is born.
Qi Huiying is born between Lunar New Year and Sleep Bug!
As for Macaque's episodes...
S1E9 starts right after Red's been dragged back by his parents much to the distress of Xiaotian. Macaque shows up after Xiaotian has an argument with Wukong about rescuing Red because Wukong is still ticked about the process that resulted in Red and Xiaotian wed. Macaque did not know that Wukong's successor was pregnant so he has to change his plans when he learns of this.
Instead, he wriggles his way as an open ear for Xiaotian. He can't help Xiaotian rescue Red but Macaque can support his frustration and anger at Wukong. Wukong pieces together what's going on when in another argument with Xiaotian, his son throws a very familiar argument back in his face. Macaque attempts to steal Xiaotian's power, Wukong stops him, and Xiaotian tries to apologize but Wukong apologizes instead for not considering how he felt. (Yes, they are both in therapy.)
S2E7 has the family going to the shadow play together. Xiaotian is a bit (a lot) worried about the Lady Bone Demon (again, he and Wukong both went to therapy and now are communicating, both with each other and everyone else). This is sort of a 'last fun thing' in the city before he and Red send Huiying with Yeye Pigsy and Tang and Grunkle Sandy to DBK's place for safety.
Xiaotian goes to get snacks and when he comes back his family is gone. Of course, he knows Red in particular wouldn't just leave without saying anything, especially not with Huiying, so Xiaotian is panicking. Then Macaque reveals himself, the shadow prisoners, and the little pink bundle in his arms.
Which has the bonus of ticking Xiaotian off.
And that's all I have planned so far.
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clawingbackthepast · 3 years
Dungeons and Dragons
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S1E1: The Night of No Tomorrow
S1E2: Eye of the Beholder
S1E3: The Hall of Bones
S1E4: Valley of the Unicorns
S1E5: In Search of the Dungeon Master
S1E6: Beauty and the Bogbeast
S1E7: Prison Without Walls
S1E8: Servant of Evil
S1E9: Quest of the Skeleton Warrior
S1E10: The Garden of Zinn
S1E11: The Box
S1E12: The Lost Children
S1E13: P-R-E-S-T-O Spells Disaster
S2E1: The Girl Who Dreamed Tomorrow
S2E2: The Treasure of Tardos
S2E3: City at the Edge of Midnight
S2E4: The Tailor
S2E5: Day of the Dungeon Master
S2E6: The Last Illusion
S2E7: The Dragon’s Graveyard
S2E8: Child of the Stargazer
S3E1: The Dungeon at the Heart of Dawn
S3E2: The Time Lost
S3E3: Odyssey of the Twelfth Talisman
S3E4: Citadel of Shadow
S3E5: Cave of the Faerie Dragons
S3E6: The Winds of Darkness
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I heard the clicking of jet rosary beads as Mother Hildegarde straightened up, and the soft voice of one of the sisters in the doorway, summoning her to another in the day’s string of emergencies. She had almost reached the door when a thought struck her. She turned with a swish of heavy skirts, pointing at the foot of my bed with an authoritative finger.
“Bouton!” she said. “Au pied, reste!”
The dog, as unhesitating as his mistress, whirled smartly in mid-step and leaped to the foot of the bed. Once there, he took a moment to knead the bedclothes with his paws and turn three times widdershins, as though taking the curse off his resting place, before lying down at my feet, resting his nose on his paws with a deep sigh.
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I woke, quite suddenly, to find that Bouton was gone, but I was not alone.
Raymond’s hairline was completely level, a flat line drawn across the wide brow as though with a rule. He wore his thick, graying hair swept back and hanging straight to the shoulder, so the massive forehead protruded like a block of stone, completely overshadowing the rest of his face. It hovered over me now, looking to my fevered eyes like the slab of a tombstone.
There was no stillness in my dreams, though, and I stumbled wearily through mazes of repeating figures, endless loopings and whorls. It was with a sense of profound relief that I saw at last the irregularities of a human face.
And an irregular face it was, to be sure, screwed up as it was in a ferocious frown, lips pursed in adjuration. It was only as I felt the pressure of the hand over my mouth that I realized I was no longer asleep.
The long, lipless mouth of the gargoyle hovered next to my ear.
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“Be still, ma chère! If they find me here again, I’m done for!” The large, dark eyes darted from side to side, keeping watch for any movement of the drapes.
I nodded slowly, and he released my mouth, his fingers leaving a faint whiff of ammonium and sulfur behind. He had somewhere found—or stolen, I thought dimly—a ragged gray friar’s gown to cover the grimy velvet of his apothecary’s robe, and the depths of the hood concealed both the telltale silver hair and that monstrous forehead.
I watched with remote fascination as he placed his cupped hands on my breasts. They were broad and almost square, the fingers all of a length, with unusually long and supple thumbs that curved around my breasts with amazing delicacy.
The large thumbs were pressing gently but firmly into my flesh, and I could feel my swollen nipples rising against the hard palms, cold by comparison with my own heated skin.
“Jamie,” I said, and a shiver passed over me.
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“Hush, madonna,” said Raymond. His voice was low, kind but somehow abstracted, as though he were paying no attention to me, in spite of what he was doing.
The shiver came back; it was as though the heat passed from me to him, but his hands did not warm. His fingers stayed cool, and I chilled and shook as the fever ebbed and flowed, draining from my bones.
The afternoon light was dim through the thick gauze of the drapes around my bed, and Raymond’s hands were dark on the white flesh of my breasts. The shadows between the thick, grimy fingers were not black, though. They were…blue, I thought.
I closed my eyes, looking at the particolored swirl of patterns that immediately appeared behind my lids. When I opened them again, it was as though something of the color remained behind, coating Raymond’s hands.
As the fever ebbed, leaving my mind clearer, I blinked, trying to raise my head for a better look. Raymond pressed slightly harder, urging me to lie back, and I let my head fall on the pillow, peering slantwise over my chest.
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Always touching, never hurrying, he brought his hands back over the shallow curve of my collarbone and down the meridian of my body, splaying his palms across my ribs.
The oddest thing about all this was that I was not at all astonished. It seemed an infinitely natural thing, and my tortured body relaxed gratefully into the hard mold of his hands, melting and reforming like molded wax. Only the lines of my skeleton held firm.
An odd feeling of warmth now emanated from those broad, square, workman’s hands. They moved with painstaking slowness over my body, and I could feel the tiny deaths of the bacteria that inhabited my blood, small explosions as each scintilla of infection disappeared. I could feel each interior organ, complete and three-dimensional, and see it as well, as though it sat on a table before me. There the hollow-walled stomach, here the lobed solidness of my liver, and each convolution and twist of intestine, turned in and on and around itself, neatly packed in the shining web of its mesentery membrane. The warmth glowed and spread within each organ, illuminating it like a small sun within me, then died and moved on.
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Raymond paused, hands pressed side by side on my swollen belly. I thought he frowned, but it was hard to tell. The cowled head turned, listening, but the usual noises of the hospital continued in the distance, with no warning heeltaps coming our way.
“Now,” he said softly. “Call him. Call the red man. Call him.”
The pressure of the fingers within and the palm without grew harder, and I pressed my legs against the the bed, fighting it. But there was no strength left in me to resist, and the inexorable pressure went on, cracking the crystal sphere, freeing the chaos within.
My mind filled with images, worse than the misery of the fever-dreams, because more real. Grief and loss and fear racked me, and the dusty scent of death and white chalk filled my nostrils. Casting about in the random patterns of my mind for help, I heard the voice still muttering, patiently but firmly, “Call him,” and I sought my anchor.
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“Jamie! JAMIE!”
A bolt of heat shot through my belly, from one hand to the other, like an arrow through the center of the basin of my bones. The pressing grip relaxed, slid free, and the lightness of harmony filled me.
“I must go,” he said. He laid a hand upon my head. “Be well, madonna.”
Weak as I was, I rose up, grasping his arm. I slid my hand up the length of forge-tough muscle, seeking, but not finding. The smoothness of his skin was unblemished, clear to the crest of the shoulder. He stared down at me in astonishment.
“What are you doing, madonna?”
“Nothing.” I sank back, disappointed. I was too weak and too light-headed to be careful of my words.
“I wanted to see whether you had a vaccination scar.”
“Vaccination?” Skilled as I was at reading faces by now, I would have seen the slightest twitch of comprehension, no matter how swiftly it was concealed. But there was none.
“Why do you call me madonna still?” I asked. My hands rested on the slight concavity of my stomach, gently as though not to disturb the shattering emptiness. “I’ve lost my child.”
He looked mildly surprised.
“Ah. I did not call you madonna because you were with child, my lady.”
“Why, then?” I didn’t really expect him to answer, but he did. Tired and drained as we both were, it was as though we were suspended together in a place where neither time nor consequence existed; there was room for nothing but truth between us.
He sighed.
“Everyone has a color about them,” he said simply. “All around them, like a cloud. Yours is blue, madonna. Like the Virgin’s cloak. Like my own.”
The gauze curtain fluttered briefly and he was gone.
— Dragonfly In Amber
Photos: outlander-online.com, Season Two, Episode Seven, May 21, 2016
Book: Dragonfly In Amber, Diana Gabaldon, 1992
Tumblr: October 3, 2018, WhenFraserMetBeauchamp 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤️🇬🇧
WFMB’s Tags: #Outlander #Season Two Episode Seven #S2E7 #Faith #Dragonfly In Amber #Chapter Twenty-Five #Call him. Call the red man. Call him #I sought my anchor. Jamie! JAMIE! #Why do you call me madonna still? #Everyone has a color about them. Yours is blue, madonna #Claire Fraser #Jamie Fraser #Master Raymond #Bouton #99 #100318
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