daedrabait · 1 year
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Face practice with Mr. Frey <3 every time I grab my pen lately I end up drawing him. Oops.
I'm trying to figure out a way to draw him that I like the most.
I added the shadowmarks for fun
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gardensandtaverns · 10 months
Dev Journal: Day 3
Alright, I think the layout has been finalized! I went through and addressed the handful of notes I made by location in yesterday’s post. Today I spent a few hours furnishing this ruin, more specifically the quite cells, lab, and scriptorium. I also have a new bit of trivia for you at the end of today’s post, courtesy of the weird way object hierarchies work in programming.
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The bedcells still felt way too spacious, so I decided to make them doubles with a partition. After all, if they don’t want you making extended stays, why would they offer you a single? Colleges do the same thing to encourage students to move off campus, right?
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And of course each cell can’t be the same, so one of them is collapsed. Let’s hope no one was in that chair when it happened.
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The lab has seen some major changes, after I came to realize that alchemy and enchanting tabletop units couldn’t be placed on dwemer podiums, thanks to the significant lip they had. When you enter, the alchemy and enchanting labs are partitioned off as well.
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The enchanting lab has easy-access shelving where soul gems and other enchanting aids could be set in-process, to avoid any terrible mishap by cluttering your enchanting table. There are also a handful of desks here for theory work or storing larger items, like arms and armor awaiting enchantment.
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The alchemy lab is, by contrast, a little more sparse. I will be adding a few dwemer urns to this room in the cluttering process, which may have once held large quantities of reagents or byproducts. It does still have shelves for storing ingredients while working - those void salts are expensive, after all.
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What I did do to add to the alchemy lab, however, was construct this small subterranean mushroom grove. I’m in the process of adding plants to it, but they are proving to be difficult to locate in the resource directory.
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Finally, the scriptorium gained some desks (and lost the carpet runner, for the time being). When I get around to cluttering this room, these desks will be covered with ruined books, inkpots, quills, and the occasional scroll from work long past. This room still is awaiting bookshelves, but I’m not decided on a layout quite yet.
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And of course what would this be without a full-progress pic from the Creation Kit window?
Before I get to today’s trivia, it’s worth saying that you won’t be hearing from me tomorrow, as I have a seven hour shift at my actual part-time job, so I won’t be working on this project again until Friday. Hopefully the next update has some considerable change to the Scriptorium and some furnishings for the people who lived here, right? Now, what you may have been waiting for.
Did you know? In the Skyrim file directory, the assets for bird nests and coin purses are classified as flora objects because they inherit the harvestable property of the other flora objects, like mushroom clusters. This is because the overworld sprite does not match the harvested material (eggs in the case of bird nests and coins in the case of coin purses). It also means that it is likely that these objects use the same respawn timer as the mushrooms in the world map. Riften rats, watch how fast the mushrooms grow, as they may give you a sign of riches to come.
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ciceroandlucien · 2 years
Tracing this stuff is so satisfying. And the small ones in my house are already asking for them to be printed as coloring pages. Taking suggestions for other things (except NPCs) to add!
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satanlovesraisins · 2 years
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Thieves Guild Foverver
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eliseliedl · 1 year
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Skyrim 24 / ?
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feykrorovaan · 26 days
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I made a thing.
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umbracirrus · 11 months
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I must admit, I'm having a lot of fun trying to cross stitch our favourite daedric prince of eyes and tentacles knowledge instead of writing in my spare time!!
I'm also debating translating the pixel art I made for the cross stitch into Animal Crossing for the lols, just to have Hermaeus Mora casually lingering in my character's basement or something 😂
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lunachildstore · 1 year
17% off opening sale when you spend £10 or more
use LUNA17 at checkout
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simothys · 1 year
tlazohtli naïlo…. my babygirl…. he’s everything to me.
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argisthebulwark · 1 year
Time Moves Slow - Brynjolf
sfw, gn reader (reader referred to as 'wife' once) Summary: After returning from Sovngarde the Dragonborn finds that a handful of hours for them has been years for those in Tamriel and reunites with their loved one. Others Linked: Vilkas, Farkas, Teldryn, Miraak, Cicero
Lanterns cast their welcoming glow as you slid through Riften's front gate. A breeze carried in the chill of early morning that cut through your armor. Picking up your pace you eased around a gaggle of guards stationed near the temple. You noted fresh flowers scattered around the graves, more tombstones than you remembered. You'd only been gone a couple of days, had there already been a bandit raid? Vines curled around the mausoleum, thorns catching at your cloak. You glared at the offending plant and fought to remember where they'd been before - you'd been through this entrance dozens of times and couldn't recall such an annoyance. You hadn't noticed the shadow trailing you. He stalked over the rooftops, always keeping you in his line of sight. He didn't recognize your armor and the easy way you made your way through his city unsettled him. He kept close, closer than he should but he refused to let you out of his sight. Scanning the nooks and crannies under the temple you were surprised not to spot any of the fresh recruits. There were only a few and they were learning quickly but they most not be out training tonight, the graveyard seemed suspiciously empty. Delvin was in for an earful about slacking off when you got to the Flagon. Still lost in thought you didn't notice your shadow closing in. He was stealthy, checking each footfall and cloaking his descent under the wind. You didn't hear the whisper of leather as he unsheathed his dagger, weren't aware of his presence until cool steel pressed to your throat. "Come to visit a loved one?" Brynjolf's smooth voice murmured close to your ear. Panic ratcheted up your heartrate when the blade bit into the grimy skin of your jaw. He never drew his blade unless it was dire. Something must've gone horribly wrong in your absence. "Bit late for that. Best jog on." "Bryn, what the fuck?" "You know my name, love?" The blade tilted your jaw up and you glared straight ahead. Brynjolf's gloved hand slid down your side to unlatch your sword. "Surprising. Still, you should wait 'til mornin' to come around here. Not the best side of town and all." "Brynjolf, please tell me what's going on." "We know each other?" You could hear the infuriating smile in his voice. His dagger didn't falter when your sword clattered across the ground. Saying your name only worsened the situation; his fingers tightened on the dagger, muscles visibly tensing. "Don't you dare mention my wife." His voice dripped with venom you'd never heard before. It was terrifying - Had you somehow come back to the wrong Brynjolf? "Bryn, I swear -" "If this is your idea of a joke it's not fucking funny." "Just look at me!" Strong hands whirled you around and the world seemed to pause. Brynjolf's eyes were dark, long hair casting shadows over his face. You caught sight of stubble dusting over his jaw that hadn't been there a few days prior. Lifting one hand you grazed his cheek, shocked at how different he felt. "How?" He whimpered and gods, you wished you had an answer. Frantically you brushed back his hair until the moonlight allowed you a clear look at his face. Creases had formed around his eyes and your thumb traced a visibly old scar you'd never seen. Brynjolf's hand raised to cover yours, green eyes seeking answers you didn't have. "I searched for you." He whispered and your heart broke. Fat tears rolled down your cheeks when Brynjolf met your gaze, every ounce of his heartbreak on display for you. "I looked everywhere, lass. I couldn't find you." "I'm so sorry, Bryn." You babbled through the tears because you saw it all; the dusting of grey in his long red hair, the new armor bearing old Shadowmarks. You'd been gone far longer than intended. "I thought I lost you." His words pierced like a knife to the chest. After all he'd lost he'd grieved you again. "I thought I lost you." "I'm home." You sobbed when he wrenched you to his chest. Stealth was forgotten when Brynjolf held you close, shared pain enveloping your reunion. "I'll never leave you again. I promise."
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ciceroandlucien · 2 years
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I know they're not perfect but I love them. Feel free to save/print/whatever.
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mothermara · 7 months
no oh my fucking god. guys. the handyman guy who's been setting up the new registers and monitors at work has two tattoos on his arm, and then I recognized that one was dovahzul and I was like "oh hey that's skyrim" and then he told me the other one was a thieves guild shadowmark, and I was like "oh which one is that again?" and he told me it was the one that meant "part of/protected by the thieves guild" but in retrospect I think it was actually the one that means "nothing worth stealing here" 😭😭😭
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theoutcastrogue · 4 months
strange aesthetic thoughts I'd like your opinion on.
imagine if you will, a thief or bandit group with a specific type of dye for their equipment, most don't pay it any mind, hell without the right lighting it's invisible, but put them into said lighting and their outfits, tools, ect light up with bright, almost glowing patterns. shine the same light on different buildings and you may find similar patterns on them, invisible to the naked eye and looking close to graffiti to the uninformed.
these markings however, are not random. combinations of colour and symbol are used to denote where is safe, where isn't. if guards are known to patrol here or not, or the obvious "protected client raid and regret"
Thieves' Cant signs 2.0! That's a great idea!
I think needing a special dye (like invisible ink, right?) and a special light (a lantern with a filter of a given colour perhaps) to make it work kinda gatekeeps the whole thing.
Real life hobo signs (and fantasy signs, like Skyrim's Thieves Guild Shadowmarks) can be written with anything, chalk, coal, whatever you got. And they can be read by anyone who knows what to look for. Obscurity makes it work: they're just too small and mundane to take notice.
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So perhaps something that elaborate is only available to the gang, and no one else has the knowhow to replicate it.
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actionsurges · 1 year
descriptions below the cut
Tlazohtli Naïlo is @simothys's oc. He is an assassin rogue shadowmarked elf commonly found in corners of gambling halls and other less-than-savory establishments. He belongs to the Cairdal Blades by trade, the espionage group of the Aerenal government. And, yes, he IS a slutty homme fatale.
Misery Graves is @bladesinging's oc. She's an edgy blue tiefling rogue (& cleric/wizard). she has a raccoon familiar named asmodeus. she puts grease paint around her eyes to look more like a raccoon bc she thinks its cool. she is sending handwritten cryptic notes to her party members bc she wants them to think she's cool. She uses a swordbreaker shortsword and a wrist-mounted crossbow. she’s favored by the goddess of luck because she claims not to believe in luck and now god thinks its funny to prove her otherwise. she can fly around like a bat with her magic cloak. she’s lactose intolerant.
Griff is @stellarynn's oc. He grew up on the streets and scraped by through taking any job he could get, and that turned him into a very pragmatic person, up to his own detriment. He went back and eliminated witnesses because he didn't think that leaving bad guys unconscious on the ground was a good idea. He was happy to fight dirty, even though he drew the line at intentionally letting his friends/found family get hurt, because he was all talk and actually just a big softie. He also wore black burnished half-plate, because of The Aesthetic™
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umbracirrus · 23 days
I have a question which I want to ask, purely out of curiosity - what are people's favourite in-game books in Skyrim? Whether it's a journal with a single entry, or one which starts one of your favourite quests, or simply makes you feel something - what are they?
Personally, I quite like the shadowmarks book - it's one of the few which I'll sometimes go out of the way to carry around with me during playthroughs, and has come in use on occasion when I've spotted the shadowmarks about!
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rebuketheviolent · 1 year
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dnd characters -> connor delacey shadowmarked elf of house thuranni eloquence bard/redemption paladin
do you have a question that can't be answered? do the stars frighten you by their heaviness and their endless number? does it bother you, that mercy is so difficult to understand? —mary oliver, the book of time
credit to @actionsurges ♥
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