alifethatilove · 6 months
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Our times by al-Shafii
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kahin · 1 year
of the shows i did watch in eng dub growing up was p much a lot of the stuff on nickolodean . avatar rabbids thundermans henry danger. or cn clarence and the regular show but i remember nothing from them. spongebob ofc [arabic and english]. and anything else was from my older brothers pirating it
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mkn314 · 5 months
زهرا شفیعی،کارگردان، به علت ضربات نیروهای جمهوری اسلامی دچار سکته مغزی شده
Zahra Shafiei, the director, suffered a stroke due to the attacks of the Islamic Republic forces
Continue reading زهرا شفیعی،کارگردان، به علت ضربات نیروهای جمهوری اسلامی دچار سکته مغزی شده
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mjhula · 2 months
if you're feeling uninspired, listen or read the biography of ash shaykh al imam Ash-Shafii
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deentalks · 5 months
“My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and that what misses me was never meant for me.”☘
-Imam Al-shafii
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nevzatboyraz44 · 10 months
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Did you know?
The grave of the Prophet's grandfather Hashim is in Gaza,
• Hazrat of Gaza. It was conquered during the time of Abu Bakr (AD 634),
• It is the birthplace of Imam Shafii (m.767),
• The Mongols, who had never seen defeat, suffered their first defeat in Gaza in the Battle of Ayn Calud on September 3, 1260,
• Gaza came under Ottoman rule in 1517,
• Before the Suez Canal was opened, Gaza was the meeting center of Anatolian pilgrims, Egyptian and North African pilgrims,
• The title deed of Gaza belongs to Sultan Abdülhamit Khan,
During World War I, three major wars were fought between the Ottoman army and the British, called the Battles of Gaza.
⚫The first intifada started in Gaza in December 1987,
هل كنت تعلم؟
قبر جد الرسول هاشم في غزة
• حضرة غزة. تم فتحها في عهد أبي بكر (634 م).
• وهو مسقط رأس الإمام الشافعي (م767)،
• المغول الذين لم يشهدوا الهزيمة من قبل، منيوا بأول هزيمة لهم في غزة في معركة عين كلود في 3 سبتمبر 1260،
• خضعت غزة للحكم العثماني عام 1517،
• قبل فتح قناة السويس، كانت غزة مركز التقاء حجاج الأناضول وحجاج مصر وشمال أفريقيا،
• سند ملكية غزة يعود للسلطان عبد الحميد خان،
خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى، دارت ثلاث حروب كبرى بين الجيش العثماني والبريطانيين، سُميت بمعارك غزة.
⚫ بدأت الانتفاضة الأولى في غزة في ديسمبر 1987،
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follow-up-news · 3 months
Five people were charged Wednesday with the attempted bribery of a juror in Minnesota after authorities found on confiscated devices a “chilling” plan to give a juror more than $120,000 and specific instructions on how to convince other jurors to vote to acquit, federal prosecutors said.   Three of the people charged were defendants in the federal fraud trial that ended in June, while the other two were recruited, U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger said at a news conference. One of them had been acquitted of all the crimes he had faced. The unidentified juror who was offered nearly $120,000 in cash in exchange for voting to acquit on the eve of deliberations was targeted because she was young and a person of color, Luger said.  Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, and Said Shafii Farah devised a “blueprint” instructing the juror to convince the rest of the panel to vote to acquit all of the defendants because prosecutors were racist, Luger said. “We are immigrants. They don’t respect or care about us,” the instruction manual said, according to Luger. “You alone can end this case.”
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rramsshaa · 11 months
Is it not enough to call ourselves muslim? What is I'm hanafi, I'm shafii, I'm ahle-hadees (and many more)? What is all this? Aren't we muslims who follow the command of Allah and who believes that Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger and servant of Allah? Is this not enough?
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questionsonislam · 3 months
What is the evidence showing that Imam Ash’ari and Imam Maturidi followed Imam Shafii and Imam Abu Hanifa in Aqidah (creed) and Fiqh?
1. Abu Hanifa’s kalam and fiqh thought was transferred to the Transoxiana region through his students. The teacher line of Maturidi, who received knowledge from scholars belonging to Hanafi madhhab, reaches Abu Hanifa through Imam Muhammad.
It is stated by Abul-Muin an-Nasafi that Maturidi, who is characterized as the person who knows the views of Abu Hanifa best among Hanafi scholars, contributed greatly to the spread of Hanafi madhhab, especially in the field of creed.
In addition, it is shown as a distinctive feature that the scholars in the region are Hanafi in both fiqh and creed. Non-Hanafi scholars such as Tajuddin as-Subki also describe Maturidi as a member of Abu Hanifa’s madhhab.
While classifying the Islamic madhhabs, the basic principles of each madhhab were taken as basis. Differences in opinions other than those basic principles do not constitute an obstacle to belonging to that madhhab.
Abu Hanifa’s distinctive feature regarding the issue is that he describes belief as the confirmation by the heart and makes the distinction between deeds and belief clear. According to him, the faith of a believing believer does not increase or decrease as his deeds increase or decrease.
Although especially Hanafi fiqh scholars consider expressing belief with the tongue necessary as a pillar of belief, the fact that Imam Maturidi complied with Abu Hanifa in this regard, and that he regarded only confirmation by the heart as a pillar of belief shows that he fully followed Abu Hanifa’s creed. The fact that he mentions Abu Hanifa’s work “al-Alim wal-Mutaallim” also shows that he benefited from it.
It is also known that he read Mabsut written by Imam Muhammad ash-Shaybani on fiqh issues.
When his views in Maturidi tafsir are examined, it is seen that he benefited from the views of Abu Hanifa and his close students.
Therefore, Alauddin as-Samarqandi, who annotated Maturidi’s work called “Tawilatul-Quran”, stated that this work was on the way of Abu Hanifa and his students in terms of fiqh methodology and practice.
2. Imam Shafii attended the lessons of Malik b. Anas and was his student until his death. After leaving Madinah, Imam Shafii lived in Baghdad for a while, and during this period, he attended the lessons of Muhammad ash-Shaybani, one of Abu Hanifa’s students, read and debated his works. He supported the views of the Companions of Hadith against Ahl ar-Ray in particular and contributed to their strengthening.
Imam Shafii, who started to form his original thought after going to Egypt, avoided imitating completely the views of his teacher, Imam Malik, to whom he held fast before.
In Imam Shafi’s thought, devotion to divine revelation was accepted as the basic principle. He regards the Sunnah as an inseparable part of revelation along with the verses of the Quran; he argues the necessity of knowing the Arabic language with its subtleties in order to draw conclusions from them. Methodologically, he did not stand close to the science of kalam.
He devoted his life to the science of fiqh; it is reported that he was not pleased to be mentioned with the science of kalam. He criticized Mutazilah, which dealt with and supported the science of kalam in his period.
Contrary to Abu Hanifa, he argued that belief would increase and decrease regarding the issue of “increase and decrease in belief”, which was also an important discussion topic of the period. If belief had a structure that would not increase or decrease, there would be no difference among people in terms of virtue.
The branch of Ahl as-Sunnah kalam extending to Ash’aris emerged after him.
Imam Ash’ari became close to Hanbali madhhab after leaving Mutazilites but he adopted the kalam method of scholars such as Abdullah b. Kullab and Harith al-Muhasibi and provided the development of Ahl as-Sunnah kalam through that intellectual structure. After him, as powerful scholars such as Baqillani, Ibn Furak, and Abu Ishaq al-Isfarayini followed his madhhab, it was transformed into a systematic structure called Ash’ariyya and became widespread.
It does not seem possible to talk about Shafii’s contribution to Ash’ari’s kalam system because, as we have briefly explained, Imam Shafii took a stance against the method of kalam.
The fact that the scholars of Shafii madhhab in amal (deeds) adopted Ash’ariyya as the method of kalam related to fiqh caused the mentioning of those two madhhabs together.
Belonging to Ash’ariyya was not limited to Shafii madhhab; it developed in an eclectic structure, including Maliki and Hanbali scholars too.
In conclusion:
- Abu Hanifa was influential on Imam Maturidi and the scholars who were members of Maturidiyya madhhab both in terms of creed and fiqh practice.
- Imam Shafii’s relationship with Ash’ariyya is limited to the belonging of the scholars of Shafii madhhab in fiqh practice.
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lughatul-qurania · 1 year
Imam Shafii said:
"You claim to love Allah ﷻ while disobeying him?
That is impossible, for the lover is obedient to the one he loves!"
{ديوان الإمام للشافعي}
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aysufs · 2 years
Imam Shafii رحمه الله said,
"I have not eaten to my fill in over sixteen years except once,
whereupon I used my hands to induce vomiting.
This is because satiation (eating to the fill)
burdens the body, hardens the heart, puts an end to intelligence, brings about sleep and weakens from worship.”
[Al-Siyar Tahdhib, 1/848]
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basicsofislam · 2 years
THE COMPANIONS OF THE PROPHET (PBUH) : The Companions who narrated the most hadiths
There is no definite knowledge about the number of the Companions who were alive when the Prophet (pbuh) died but it is stated that the number is more than 100.000. For instance, 40.000 Companions took part in Farewell Hajj and 70.000 Companions took part in the Expedition of Tabuk. Imam Shafii says there are 60.000 Companions who saw the Prophet (pbuh) and reported hadiths from him. However, the names of the Companions who died beforehand and those who went to distant places during the conquest of Makkah could not be recorded fully. The person to record the most Companions is Ibn Hajar; he recorded 11.783 names in his book al-Isaba.
· Abu Hurayrah (R.A.) is in the first place with his narration of 5 thousand, three hundred and seventy four hadiths. And about 800 people (rawis) reported hadiths from him.
· Abdullah bin Umar (R.A.) is in the second place with his narration of 2 thousand, six hundred and thirty hadiths.
· Anas bin Malik (R.A.) narrated 2 thousand, two hundred and eighty-six hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
· Hz. Aisha (R.A.) narrated 2 thousand, two hundred and ten hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
· Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A.) narrated 1660 hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
· Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.) narrated 1540 hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
· Abu Said al Khudri (R.A.) narrated 1170 hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
There are 200 and according to another riwayah 300 Abdullahs among the Companions. The four of them are famous as “al-‘Aba`dila al-Arba'a” which means “The Four Abdullahs”. These are: Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah bin Umar, Abdullah bin Zubayr and Abdullah bin Amr bin As (R.A.). After the death of the prophet (PBUH), the opinions of these Companions were taken for the solution of many problems. The subject matters that they agreed on are called “Qawl al-Abadila”.
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cavenewstimes · 3 months
2 of 5 people charged with conspiring to bribe Minnesota juror with a bag of cash plead not guilty
Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year]   MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Two of five people charged with conspiring to bribe a Minnesota juror with a bag of $120,000 in cash in exchange for the acquittal of defendants in one of the country’s largest COVID-19-related fraud cases pleaded not guilty Wednesday. Said Shafii Farah and Abdulkarim Shafii Farah were arraigned before U.S.…
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escadaman · 5 months
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Imam Ash Shafi’i said: "I never debated anyone and loved for him to be wrong. There is no knowledge in my heart but that I wish everyone could have it and attribute none of it to me."
- Adāb al-Shafii wa Manāgibuh 78
➖️ Fātíāh ♥️✨️🕋✨️♥️
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islam-original · 1 year
The birth of the pioneer (Quran 56:10) Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) was born in Mecca ten years prior to the onset of the prophetic mission and twenty years prior to the Prophet's emigration to Madinah **(see Al-Isabah fi Tamyiz al-Sahabah by Ib Hajar al- Asqalani 2:1294 #5690).**
Ali was born inside the Kabah **(Al-Mustadrak la al-Sahihayn #6044, Manaqib Ali ibn Abi Talib by Ibn Mughazli al-Shafii #3, and Al-Sirah al-Halabiyyah of Nur al-Din Ali al-Halabi1:227).** Hakim, the eminent Sunni scholar said, "The traditions in regards to Fatimah bint Asad giving birth to Ali inside the Kabah have reach the level of tawatur (proof by virtue of multiplicity).
Ibn Ishaq, the famous historian, said, "Allah favored Ali in that he was brought up in the care of the Apostle before Islam began." **(Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah of Ibn Ishaq 114 and Tarikh al-Rusul wa al-Muluk of Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari 6:83).**
Tune in to the next post where we clear any misconceptions of Ali's adoption by the Prophet (saww), and that the adoption took place for spiritual reasons vs. financial reason.
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dinaive · 1 year
It is narrated from Rabi ibn Sulayman that he said:
Al-Shafii wrote a letter to Abu Abdillah Ahmad ibn Hanbal, then he said to me, O Abu Sulayman, go to Iraq with this letter of mine and do not read it. So I took the letter and left Egypt until I arrived at Iraq and came to the mosque of Ahmad ibn Hanbal. I caught up with him praying salat al-Fajr so I prayed with him but I did not pray the Sunnah so I stood up after the prayer to pray it. He began to look at me until he recognised me, so when I finished praying I greeted him and gave him the letter. He began to ask me about al-Shafii for a long while before looking at the letter. Then he opened it and read it until he reached a certain place whereupon he started to cry. Then he said, I hope that Allah Taala fulfils what Al-Shafii has said. I said, O Abu Abdillah! What did he write to you? He said, He mentions in his letter that he saw the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) in his dream and he said, O Ibn Idris (al-Shafii), give glad tidings to this young man Abu Abdillah Ahmad ibn Hanbal that he will soon be tested in the Deen of Allah. He will be called to say: The Quran is created so let him not say that and he will indeed be beaten with a whip but Allah will surely spread for him knowledge that will not disappear until the Day of Judgement. So I said, This is a glad tiding!
source: sunnahmuakada
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