#shalnark kurta
sp00j0 · 11 months
since I’m rewatching hxh, I decided to redraw this bc I’m still a big fan of this theory even if it’s not true, so shhhhh
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original: https://www.tumblr.com/sp00j0/694581562611761152/literally-in-love-with-the-theoryheadcanon-that
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snow-bees · 8 months
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Yorknew city living (shitpost)
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senseisleepys · 27 days
Hunter X Hunter
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Hunter x Hunter
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dyingroses · 9 months
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Hunter x Hunter + text posts and stuff
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I love your yandere content! How about a Yandere!reader with HxH, platonic or romantic, have fun with it :)
YANDERE! Reader with HxH characters:
includes: gon, killua, kurapika, leorio, hisoka, illumi, chrollo, shalnark, feitan, and meruem.
oh this sweet, sweet boy. he wouldn’t have a damn clue until it’s blatantly obvious. he would see that you’re getting hurt more often and think that someone is giving you trouble. he wouldn’t realize that you’re manipulating him at all.
when someone points out what you’re doing, he’ll start to catch on a bit, but he’ll come talk to you about it and hope for the best. if you’ve anticipated this, you likely have an ace up your sleeve… like, kidnapping or maybe getting rid of that person(s) or maybe even some more manipulation.
depending on what kind of yandere the reader is, gon will catch on at some point. it might take him a few weeks or maybe a few years- it all depends on how crafty you are.
now, when gon finds out, he’s devastated. he’s angry and hurt and upset. he doesn’t know why you’re doing this. maybe he can help you? you seem to have a twisted sense of love… maybe it was a product of your childhood, or maybe it’s something else. either way, gon wants to help.
Killua will catch on right away. He can sense your bloodlust and will call you out on it. He doesn’t like it. It reminds him of his childhood. He will go to any length to avoid you if you don’t ‘quit your shit’.
Killua is a bit interested in why your love for him is like this, but will only make assumptions. He doesn’t want to get too close to you anymore. I will admit that i can see him being slightly scared of you. it doesn’t matter if he’s stronger than you or not- i think he’d worry about gon and try to distance himself. killua would induce his own lonliness for awhile.
If you kill to get his attention, he’ll just kill you. I genuinely think that manipulation is the only way to get to him, but you’ve got to be better than Illumi was (which is a hard task in itself). Good luck on getting him to bend to your will.
kurapika would be suspicious of your behavior but wish for the best. i don’t think he’d catch on too quickly, but he’d be keeping an eye on you. when he finds out, he’s horrified. you’ve been doing this because of him?
in all honesty kurapika would be one of the easiest targets. he would flash back to his clan’s massacre and be absolutely fucking horrified- angry, but horrified. he would be angry that you were doing these things, but he’d be scared too. he can’t use The Judgment Chain on you. It would kill him! He needs to find his clan’s eyes!
If you find his Clan’s eyes for him and send them to his house, he’ll be forever grateful. i think this would be the way to his heart to be honest. like, i think he would feel indebted to you and try to do right by you because of it.
i also think that if you manipulate him enough, he’ll stay.
Leorio is over the fucking moon when he finds out that he has someone that loves him. especially someone his type! i don’t think he would know about your behaviors at all until it was too late. leorio is the easiest target. you can’t change my mind.
when leorio finds out, he’s scared. he can’t use nen! he’s not strong! he doesn’t have a lot of stamina! what is he supposed to do?!
i think that leorio would try to leave but once he knows that you have eyes on him at all times, he just gives up. he feels like there’s nothing he can do. just let him continue to be a doctor and he’ll be okay.
oh god, this sick fuck would cream his pants when he finds out. i think it would be a mutually yandere relationship as soon as he finds out. just be sure to keep his attention, because if you don’t, he’ll just kill you.
hisoka is the type to fuck you in someone else’s blood. like, if he finds you killing someone that looked at him for too long, he’ll just fuck you right then and there.
i think depending on if he genuinely falls in love w you, i think that even if you don’t manage to keep up killing or if you find another victim lover, he’ll drag you back by your hair. you won’t escape.
illumi would just kill you if he doesn’t feel the same way.
if you aren’t in the phantom troupe,i think you would pique chrollo’s interest and he’d look into you more. like, he’d track you down and stalk you for a bit and then try to make his own deductions as to why this is happening.
i don’t think that he’d be worried at all. the only worry he would have is if you managed to find his hideout or the members of his troupe. if worst comes to worst, i think he would also just kill you.
if you are part of the phantom troupe, i think he’d try to spend more time with you. he would conduct experiments and make deductions that way. if you’re the stoic type or if he isn’t able to read you, i think he would just outright ask you.
chrollo for the most part is indifferent. good luck.
shalnark is kind of excited? like, someone is killing because they love him? wow! he wants to meet you in person. i think he’ll get to know you and then go from there.
shalnark is the type to fall in love because of personality, so if you’ve got the W personality vibes, you’ve hit the jackpot. just be warned, that if he does fall in love with you, it will become a mutually yandere relationship. there’s no leaving. no falling out of love. y’all are together until death, and even then he won’t be far behind you..
feitan portrays himself as indifferent, but he’s very very curious. much like chrollo, he conducts his own experiments and he stalks you. i think that feitan would be interested in a darling/yandere with a high pain tolerance or a darling that has sadistic tendencies, so if you have one or both of those, he’s in love.
feitan would love for you to kill because of him. i think he’d piss you off and flirt with other people or stare at someone for too long just so you can kill someone. truly, it’s one of his fantasies.
feitan is another mutually yandere relationship, but he would definitely carve his name into you or break some bones if you upset him. dont make him jealous. i’m begging you.
meruem wouldn’t understand. like, why are you humans so fucked up? but at the same time, i think that he would want you as a mate. THE WORST MUTUAL YANDERE ONG!!!!
he will, at first, request pitou or one of the others to kidnap you so that he can observe you. he’ll question you and figure out why you’re doing this. and then he’ll see if you’re compatible with him.
if you are, he will hurt the fuck outta you. don’t make him angry. don’t make him jealous. he can and will kill everyone you make eye contact with. he can and will do things himself during the war between the chimera ants and the hunters.
if you fuck up badly enough, he will fuck you for days. especially during his mating cycle. he doesn’t mind you killing people, just don’t kill his upper three. he cannot be manipulated. he cannot be hurt. you don’t stand a chance against him. he will kill you and then himself if he deems it bad enough.
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luffyvace · 8 days
yandere hero & villain hxh au
to explain this is uhhh, idk how. But I’ll do my best!! Basically the main 4 & the hunter association are heroes and the villains are the phantom troupe!!
Request via dms by: @animerules898
I’m not sure if they wanted the whole hxh verse to argue over you or if they meant separately…. But I’m gonna do separately but the yandere feels like the heroes/villains wanna take you away 💃👍
Light! Yandere! Themes, nothing to crazy ofc!! (Might have to do a part 2 for so many characters…)
Gon 🎣 and Killua 🪀!!
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Yeah I’m just gonna lump these two together bc they’d definitely help each other out‼️
but the thing is by lumping them together idk if they’d be sharing or separate, and since this is from reader pov there’ll be a 3rd party I say they don’t share, so I think I’ll go with sharing anyway
alright now that that’s settled!
first off they’ll protect you with they’re life, even if your strong
like actually, they’ll give they’re life to make you keep living, and the other must take care of you
or if they both do then make sure you live in for them!
but onto a light topic- they’re really only yandere when they feel jealous or when your in danger, otherwise they’re really playful and friendly ofc, so you likely won’t be scared of them unless they kidnap you or smth-
if your not they’ll be especially protective of you and at least one of them is near you at all times
things don’t get any safer after you become hunters so they’ll either teach you nen or as a last resort send you to live with aunt mito
(cuz killua family ain’t a option 🗿)
as long as it’s not too dangerous they’ll let you choose which one
also they feel disappointed in themselves after getting kidnapped by the phantom troupe, because it proves they aren’t strong enough to protect you from villains!
they’d better not hurt you or adult gon gonna be activated early! >:(
joking! 😜 but they do prioritize getting you free before them
they’re protectiveness becomes heightened after that incident and you’d have to fight not to go stay with aunt mito if you wanna keep going on adventures
but for the chimera ant arc they definitely don’t let you go
at least not to the king’s castle
they’ll find a strong ally to keep you safe in a safe place and when they get back you better be safe or else whoever was supposed to keep you safe isn’t going to be safe
Kurapika ⚔️📚
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Kurapika would be one of the most protective ones seeing as though his half of the villains in this au are his enemies 😭
he won’t want you to go out a lot at all so I hope your not one for adventure, preferably an introvert too so you aren’t always super hype to see others and maybe a little skeptical like him
With your permission he’ll put a tracker on you just in case, he seems to be surrounded by kidnapping-🗿 so he can’t risk that happening to you
even more so if the troupe finds out about you, which he really really really hopes never happens even tho it just might
i don’t think it’ll be anyone’s fault if they do, unless Kurapika kidnapped you and you try to escape, then Shalnark likely just found out about you through research
And the chances of Chrollo not taking you hostage to use against Kurapika are almost 0%
if that does happen Kurapika will do whatever it take to get you back, even if it means telling the troupe they can have his life as long as they set you free (which Kurapika is smart so he’ll get his friends/Allies to help make sure they actually set you free in case it was a set up, he comes up with a very detailed plan and it’s success rate is pretty high since he’s managed to outsmart Chrollo before using the element of surprise. I’m not sure where he’ll send you but if Gon suggests Aunt Mito’s house he’ll likely take the opportunity seeing as though he has no family to send you to himself).
but if that doesn’t happen! (Thankfully) he will constantly move every few months and make to sure keep lots of locks and passcodes wherever you stay at the moment. He also has lots of security cameras, but don’t worry! He’s a good boyfriend aside from all the crazy stuff you have to go through from his wild life so he still gets you gifts and spends all his free time with you when he’s home! 💗
Leorio 🥼🩺
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Being with Leorio will probably give you the most peaceful life at our everyone here 😭😭
seriously tho this dude’s just a doctor!
If you met in college he likely fell in love with you with for your intelligence/appearance and as he discovered more about you he found himself going down a rabbit whole of newfound affection for you
even if you didn’t meet in college he still falls pretty darn fast for you
your one of the few couple who can have a normal life and regular dates
all thanks to the fact that he basically has no ops LOL
he’s aware of villains and is grateful they don’t even know he exists 😭😅
that way he can give you a peaceful life and he has time to get stronger before taking on any seriously dangerous foes to protect you
but yeah! You adventures with gon, killua and kurapika can get pretty wild but your really on the outside looking in since none of gon, killua of Kurapika’s ops really come for you 😂
enjoy your happy life!♡ Ging 📜
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this man has the power and disappearance abilities to protect you and hide you well from your enemies..
so your pretty much good!👌✅
Besides idk know many who has the guts to challenge this guy anyway
in fact idk anyone who even found this guy to be able to challenge him!
I mean besides gon but obviously he wasn’t looking for smoke 😭
when you meet gon you probably find him cute!
Ging probably told you about him but he seemed uncomfortable at the topic and didn’t wanna talk about it much cuz he isn’t exactly proud he up and left…
it doesn’t make him look good for you since your his s/o 😃
Ging will take you on any safer adventures he has but idk how often that’ll be
you probably have a pretty home tho! Somewhere safe too! Although I will say you probably have multiple houses with all the traveling he does, in fact you may own 3 in the most common places you go to but otherwise you just rent trusted, clean places to stay at.
It’s a plus that you don’t have to really worry about villains too!
ngl this is also a pretty peaceful life as long as you can deal with Ging’s antics (if he’s anything like Gon)
btw don’t worry he tells you when he’s going and where when he leaves, and always comes back, he cares about you a lot and doesn’t want you to stop loving him bc of a situation like his and Gon’s- 🗿😜
I have a feeling he didn’t kidnap, but courted you as well.
Go on, runaway (🤭) into the sunset together ☀️ I’m gonna make a part 2 for the phantom troupe as the villains bc I might run out of characters 😅💗
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grabowskibeepboop · 4 months
Need a hxh gamer au
Imagine Ging as this like bigname game developer and his son is just this little sims girlie
Kurapika would def be a speedrunner, don't ask me why
Killua is greed island's worst nightmare, he cheats, he hacks, he figures all the shortcuts and he's dating the developer's son
Alluka is a sims girlie too but she also introduces Gon to animal crossing
Leorio plays the wii. That's it, that's all he does
Most of them create content but Shalnark is like a big name streamer, most of the memes for him come from the fact that he has like ten roommates and everyone simps for his goth bf or catholic landlord
Feel free to add more I can't think of anything else
Alsoooooo Alluka's channel name is Ally&Nanny and new viewers are always confused as to who's the other person running this channel but then in some videos she'll introduce herself as Nanika and the way she plays will be different and there are like different saves for her and some people will figure what's going on but some people will just think she's doing a bit
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rinhxh · 1 year
Leave it here.
'Newborn' spider.
(From Hunter X Hunter DVD Cover 1999 Version)
Poor Shalnark & ​​Phinks that wasn't included. 😅
Edit: Feitan too. 😅
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lavender1398 · 10 months
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ishouldgetatumbler · 10 months
Groups and Nen Types
The Main Four
Gon: Enhancer, Combat
Killua: Transmuter, Mixed
Kurapika: Conjuror/Specialist, Mixed
Leorio: Emitter, Mixed
One of each type except for manipulator, and every ability except gon's has a mix of utility and combat prowess. The main four is a little small to see any clear trend of nen users in groups and what types they are.
One thing to note is that abilities made to obfuscate combat are not considered combat abilities; mind control is not considered a combat ability for example.
The Spiders
OG-ish spiders, before they started dying but after they got nen.
Chrollo: Specialist , Mixed
Nobunaga: Enhancer, Combat
Fietan: Transmuter, Combat
Machi: Transmuter, Mixed
Hisoka: Transmuter, Mixed
Phinks: Enhancer, Combat
Shizuku: Conjuror: Mixed
Shalnark: Manipulator, Utility
Pakunoda: Specialist, Utility
Bonolenov: Conjuror, Mixed
Uvogin: Enhancer, Combat
Kortopi: Conjuror, Utility
Now we're talking
Specialists: 2
Enhancers: 3
Transmuter: 3
Conjuror: 3
Manipulator: 1
Emitter: 1
With more than twice as many members than nen types, the fact that there is only 1 emitters seems odd, and even if you include later members like Illumi, Kalluto and the fake stupid fuck from the movies, the trend stays the same. Additionally, franklin seems to have a lot of friction with most of the members of the troupe at one time or another.
This makes me Headcanon that emitters are seen as more reckless and less reliable, and generally not favored for group actions.
Additionally, there are no enhancers with utility to their abilities. We know from Bill's ability that this is possible, but more common with female enhancers. I also want to note that Feitan is essentially an enhancer, given the reactive nature of his abilities and how adjacent transmutation is to enhancement.
This makes me think that more than other types, enhancers are seen for their gender and possibly male enhancers are preferred for their presumed combat effectiveness.
Above all, it seems that the most common abilities provide a blend of utility and combat prowess which. yea. Duh.
I would LOVE to go deep and talk about more groups but there are so few we know anything about. GREED ISLAND and the zodiacs are the main ones I wish I could write about.
As a final note, I headcanon that manipulators generally don't play well with others, and shalnark is an exception rather than the rule, because all of the later members of the troupe who are manipulators come in with their own intentions.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
How would some characters from Hunter x Hunter react to a clingy and insecure s/o who has been left by their partner for someone else?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, paranoia, clinginess, manipulation, gaslighting, delusion, isolation, stalking, torture, death
Clingy and insecure s/o who was left by their partner
Gon Freecss
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🎣​Gon is a clingy boy himself so he is actually really happy to have a darling that is equally attached to him as he is to them. It only works in favor of his delusional mind. Why wouldn't he believe that you two are in a healthy relationship when you are so very glued to his side? It's incredibly sweet and only ends with him peppering his darling with kisses and hugs. The only downside is that he is pretty dense, he probably won't even notice for the longest time how deep your insecurities run and that there is a traumatic event behind your clinginess. Gon doesn't really see any need for you to be so shy and insecure, he views you as perfect and whilst he tries to cheer you up when you are sad, he doesn't see the bigger picture.
🎣​Plainly confused when he hears what your problem is. Why would anyone leave an angel like you and cheat on you? It blows his mind though now at least he has an idea why you are rather quiet and insecure. It's obviously the fault of your partner, you did nothing wrong and he does feel encouraged that he is the better partner anyways. He can make you happy, Gon is sure about that. There is an increase in compliments and jokes he cracks to have you smile, he drags you out a lot more on dates outside to get you out of your shell. There is a chance that he happens to say something insensitive from time to time, still unable to understand why you would feel the way you feel because of the actions of an idiot. Regarding the idiot, Gon keeps that grin on his face but it just seems a little bit too bright, contrasting with the agitated aura surrounding him.
Killua Zoldyck
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🪀​Killua is touch-starved himself so he is glad that his darling is rather clingy themselves, though he won't make as big as a fuss about it. He tries to act cool yet it's obvious that he's a sucker for your clingy behavior. There is a mild fear that you might be intimidated by his status as an assassin so it's reassuring to know that you want him always near you. Yet Killua notices that you seem almost anxious when he has to leave, your attachment seems to be fueled by some sort of paranoia that he might leave you and your low self-esteem alarms him just as much. Despite noticing all of that, the white-haired male reaches a dead end, unsure how to approach that problem. How is he supposed to handle this?
🪀​There is a dark glint in his eyes when he hears what has happened to you and there is this distinct feeling of guilt that he didn't know about it sooner. Your somewhat strange behavior suddenly makes sense and all of a sudden Killua glues himself to your side permanently. He won't leave you ever like that asshole did and in a way it's a thing of pride to prove to you right now that he's so much better. He won't say much but lets actions talk instead. Long cuddle sessions where he really only frees you from his grip when you have to go to the toilet, soothing back rubs and your favorite movies and video games where he either leans his head against your body or keeps you in his lap. Let's just pray that your partner is out of your life for good or Killua will guarantee that they pay for their sin of leaving you for someone else.
Kurapika Kurta
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⛓️​Kurapika is already overbearing and paranoid as it is under normal circumstances. So having his darling being so insecure, clingy and shy only worsens this condition since he seemingly goes crazy over them. He feels so much more protective and makes a huge fuss over his s/o, is barely able to leave them alone. He already suspects that there is a reason why you're so insecure and that thought agitates him already, gives him an uneasy feeling and he sort of pesters you to give him an answer. The Kurta doesn't really mind your dependence and clinginess that much since he can delude himself thanks to it but the idea of someone having hurt you and damaged you mentally infuriates him.
⛓️​He doesn't say anything when you tell him but the change of eye color speaks volumes and you might have to hold him physically back from storming out the house. He's enraged with this scum of ex for leaving you and his heart partially breaks for you because they're to blame for your fear of not being enough. Kurapika is loyal beyond death so now that he knows that you fear that he might leave you as well has him growing more paranoid. He has sworn to be a lover who can protect you so he absolutely smothers you in his possessive love and affection afterwards, mutters that he'll never leave you and that you're perfect. It becomes physically painful to leave you alone since he knows that you're anxious. It's easy to talk himself into believing that keeping you locked away with only him being your social contact is the best for you and your partner is never heard of again.
Leorio Paradinight
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🧳He's quite dejected when he sees your constant state of insecurities, your fear of him leaving you and low self-esteem. As someone who wants to be a doctor I dare to say that he actually seems to realize that something is wrong. His whole mood basically is affected by you so he seems to be down more than just once a day himself yet pushes through it in an attempt to be there for you and help you. It's already painful enough for him to see you thinking so lowly of yourself, especially since he's a woshipper. On the other hand Leorio doesn't want to be too pushy and force you into telling him if it makes you uncomfortable, he ends up asking around though. He wants you to be happy, not anxious.
🧳​Ready to throw hands once he knows who is to blame for your misery and his darling has to hold him back as well or else he'll search for that guy and deliever a good punch. Leorio is not even able to comprehend the thought of leaving you for someone else and now that he knows your condition, his heart breaks even more. Nevertheless he is beyond determined to give you the love he deserves and goes out of his way to make you happy. From praising and complimenting you, showering you in physical affection and taking you out on dates to buy you your favorite food and gift you flowers and plushies, he does everything. If he has to humiliate himself a bit to see you smiling and laughing so be it. He avoids your ex like the pest though and if he does see him, he turns into a banshee with the insults and maybe punches he throws their way.
Chrollo Lucilfer
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📖​He reads his darling like a book so he absolutely notices their clingy and insecure behavior. Chrollo is without a doubt going to use that against his darling from a pretty early point on since he wants them to rely on him and love only him. It doesn't take a genius to realize that you've obviously made a bad experience regarding a relationship in the past and with the help of his members it is only a matter of short time before he knows what exactly happened to you. There is no interest to help you to establish your confidence once again, instead Chrollo will break his darling mentally down and plant the belief in their head that they only need him. It's fucking terrifying how easy this is for him with the situation at hand.
📖​The leader is charismatic and charming throughout it all, lures his darling into a sense of security when with him. He adores the clinginess and will only worsen your fear to the point where you will end up begging him not to leave. He holds you close to him, lets you sit on his lap, reads books to you and will even let you wear his clothes if his scent helps you to calm down. It's no secret that he's greatly pleased with the way things evolve the way he wants them to do and your reliance on him has him going slightly reluctant to leave you at all even if he knows that you won't leave him. He coddles over his darling and the whole troupe ends up doting on you as well since you make their boss happy and they see you as part of their family. There is no denial that everyone is a bit overeager to take revenge on your ex and Chrollo will let them do so, torments them himself even.
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📱He probably knows from the get-go what has happened to his darling in their past and there is no denial that he will use darling's vulnerable state against them just as much as Chrollo. He does his online stalking well after all. The knowledge he collects online is effectively used when he starts pursuing you with that sweet smile of his. Your favorite movies and likes so he can lure you closer to him even if you shy away, afraid to be hurt again. Shalnark knows what he's doing though and his sweet and doting affection soon wins over your heart and you're left with clinging onto him out of fear to be left again. Something the blond loves, he sucks up all the attention and affection you give him out of fear to be abandoned again.
📱He only gaslights you and just like Chrollo has no intention to help you out of your hole. Instead he only digs deeper. The whole situation fuels his delusions that he is some knight in shining armor and needs to protect you. Who else will love you like he can after all? Certainly not the dickhead that left you and with frighting ease he breaks down your already damaged defenses. You only need and want him, everyone else is unnecessary. Shalnark at least makes it a point to fulfill the role of the lovely partner in between all his manipulation. He showers you with kisses and affection and brings you presents every once in a while. There is always this sickenly sweet grin on his face when he holds you and tells you that you only need him and no one else. Meanwhile your ex is experiencing the worst time of their life since Shalnark doesn't want nor need them in his plans. Just die.
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💘​She has a fairly healthy relationship with her darling yet is perceptive and sharp. There is little to no time where she figures out that you suffer from a crippling fear that she might leave you and a case of low confidence and naturally assumes that you had a bad experience. Pakunoda won't use the situation against you though since she's a fairly harmless and caring Yandere and would rather help you getting over your anxiety and help you. She is patient and sweet, willing to stay with you longer if she can yet she is worried that you might grow too dependent on her. Pakunoda doesn't force you to tell her instantly though, even if she could use her Nen-ability. She wants you to tell her because you trust her.
💘​Listens silently to you when you decide to tell her and supports and comforty you instantly after. She keeps her composure aside from the small scowl that shortly flashes her face when she hears about how your previous partner left you for someone else. Rather than manipulating you, her main goal is it to restore your confidence and if you fear that she might leave you, she's willing to sit down with you and tell you why she loves you. Even if it takes her over an hour, she will have that conversation if it helps you. Her focus lies less in your partner, as long as they stay out of your life she'll let them be. If they do seem to want to torture you a bit, she will have a serious talk with them, mixed with warnings to stay away from you. Otherwise she'll channel all her attention into being there for you and helping you to restore your confidence and happiness.
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sp00j0 · 2 years
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literally in love with the theory/headcanon that shalnark is part of kurta clan 😓
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unicreamuwu · 10 months
Can do the same one with my mikan recreast ( sorry I can’t spell ) but is with Shalnark faitan kurapika kite and there yandere
You gottcha~! And, I don't really mind spelling errors. That happens to me a lot as well.
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Warning: Yandere, Murder, Gore, A bit of violence, A bit of spoiler(?)
(I did do the request, but I didn't post it for years. I'm so sorry 😞 )
(Also, this is old and I didn't get to finish it...)
He absolutely adores you!
He loves when he hears your giggle at his corny jokes.
He'll cry along with you if you cry.
Easily gets jealous whenever someone dares to lay a finger on you.
But, don't worry, he ends up killing them anyway, so it's all good.
Normally, he would show you what's on his phone and play games together with you.
However, he doesn't bother to tend your wounds, so you have to do that yourself.
He does find you precious when you act innocent and clumsy.
Normally, Feitan is not the person to like those types of people, but for you, it was different.
Whenever you trip or hurt yourself, Feitan will always be there to help you up and tend your wounds.
So, you don't need to worry about others helping you out when he's here!
He loves your clumsiness and sweet personality.
He would see you get hurt almost every minute, which makes him stay by your side 24/7.
Which is why he couldn't let you leave his side.
He just can't let you get hurt all the time.
Besides just standing by your side, he watches you do your own thing.
Sometimes, you do catch him stalking you, but he just dismisses it.
Other than that, Kurapika is such a sweetheart to you.
Kite has mixed emotions for you.
At first, he found you kind of annoying because of your constant falling.
However, over time he did get fond of you because of your kind nature towards him.
He would get overprotective of you when you ask him if you could go somewhere by yourself.
His only answers are "Okay, but I'll come with you" and "No".
And, he would not hesitate to slaughter anyone if they try to lay their hands on you.
He would even fight that person to death if he had to.
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igot-jams · 1 year
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keiriiz · 4 months
I’ve been wanting to work more on my Phantom Troupe fanfic but I feel I can’t post it to here without posting my OC’s information! Here is the Body himself, Kastiel.
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His canon aligned Hunterpedia:
The fanfic will be named SPIDERS and is a prequel to the current Hunter x Hunter storyline with the first arc focusing on the Kurta Massacre. And of course a slow burn for the main pair KuroKast.
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Art credits: Biyue_85 and _jininn
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yeonban · 3 hours
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Send me ✔ and I’ll bold what my muse would do with/for yours.
@skarletchains asked: ✔ Shalnark (I just came to be a bother lol)
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hold the door for them | help them carry something | let them borrow something | let them use their phone | smile at them when passing in the streets | shake hands with them | flirt with them in a bar | share a taxi with them | give them a ride home | lend them money | sit next to them on public transportation | offer them some food | help them find something they lost
let them stay the night | listen to them complain at 4 am | help them get over a break up | go out shopping with them | pet sit for them | help them move houses | help them find a lost pet | go on vacation with them | stay up all night with them | help them hide a dead body | provide an alibi for them | take their side in a break up | talk about their future plans | be maid of honour/best man/etc. at their wedding | share food with them
let them stay after sex | gentle sex | rough sex | experiment | handcuffs | bdsm | whips | orgasm denial | aftercare | cuddles after sex | tea/coffee/etc. after sex | gentle kisses | rough kisses | passionate kisses | sloppy kisses | lazy kisses | hang out without sex | hide their relationship | cheat on them | cheat on someone else with them | dirty talk | loving talk | gentle touches | rough touches | nervous/shy touches | say “I love you”
take them on expensive dates | pay for dates | make them pay for dates | go to the movies | put out on the first date | get an arranged marriage | stay at home most nights | cuddle in front of the tv | propose first | drop hints until they propose | give a big/expensive/elaborate proposal | have a quiet proposal | say yes to a proposal from them | have a big wedding | have a small wedding | elope | get married in Vegas | go on an expensive honeymoon | go on a cheap honeymoon | have kids | get a pet | move in together | laugh during kisses | laugh during sex | tickle fights | fight over who’s cuter | make them sleep on the couch after fights | make up sex | angry sex | no sex | let their parents stay over | let their family visit often | tell them “I love you” every day
fight | hug | laugh at them when they get hurt | help them hide a dead body | provide an alibi for them | tell them they’re annoying at least once a day | share food with them | help them move houses | walk them down the isle | try to sell them online | set up an online dating account for them (to flood Kurapika's phone with useless messages that'll get in the way of him receiving important info) | set them up on blind dates | try to set them up with your friends | listen to their problems | help them cook | cook them food | make them watch shows they don’t like with them | tell them they’re an idiot/loser/dork/nerd affectionately
fight them | take petty revenge | kill them | try to smother them in their sleep | hire an assassin | work harder to beat them at something | follow their social media just to get mad about it | make passive aggressive remarks towards them | spread rumours about them | laugh at them when they get hurt | take pleasure from them being upset | ruin their life
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