#shame because their outfits are so nice i would have giffed them
me-sploh-rada-imas · 1 month
mic'd up jure highlights from sea star festival last year
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pilothusband · 3 years
fly me to the moon
Rating: M-ish (a lil spicy at the end)
Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Warnings: Swearing, boner mention, a douchebag, a little hint at food shaming
Word count: 2.5k
Description: You go on a date with a complete asshole. He takes you on a helicopter tour, not expecting the pilot to be the one to sweep you off your feet.
Author’s note: Probably should have edited this more but meh. This was completely self-indulgent. Unbeta’d. Let me know what you think!
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gif by @pedroispunk
Why did I agree to go out with this jackass in the first place?
Your eyes were starting to feel sore with the amount of times you had rolled them throughout your date. He hadn’t noticed the exasperated movement of your eyes, too swept up in talking about the summer he spent in Ibiza with his former fraternity brothers, his medium rare, overpriced ribeye untouched.
So far, everything had felt off. The way he pulled up outside of your apartment and honked his horn to signal his arrival, the anchor cufflinks in his freshly pressed suit, paired with a pair of leather boat shoes and a salmon-pink button down. You loved a man in pink, but the rest of the outfit just felt like it didn’t fit together. Was he going to a wedding or going to party on a yacht? You had glanced down at your own outfit, a simple black dress that stopped mid-calf and hung loose, just barely hinting at your curves.
God, you hoped he wasn’t going to take you on a boat.
You had only agreed to this date in the first place because Liam, an investment banker who worked in your office building in the suite below yours, had asked you nearly every day for a month in a row. He was persistent, kind of like a mosquito, but you figured you were being too picky and needed to expand your horizons a bit. Maybe you would learn more about him and actually have a good time.
Not so much.
You couldn’t help but notice the way his brows knit together when you had ordered the fettuccine alfredo. The restaurant’s menu was pretty limited, and you didn’t recognize most of the items. This place was just too fancy for your comfort. You had wanted to call the waiter back to the table and change your order to a cheeseburger, just to embarrass him further.
As Liam droned on about how his father had taught him how to manage his finances, you let your mind wander to last weekend. You had gone out with your friends, Benny and Will, a pair of brothers who were each other’s polar opposites, yet they had a bond that was stronger than any other siblings you had ever met.
You were already well acquainted with their other friends, Santiago and Frankie, affectionately known as Pope and Catfish. Pope had a magnetic personality– he commanded the room without meaning to, sometimes to the detriment of others around him, who were trying to get a word in edgewise. 
Frankie was complicated. He was quiet, a little rough around the edges, and a little gruff, but so soft at the same time. His eyes gave way to a deeply settled kind of hurt. They had drawn you in almost right away. It only took one glance at his smile, brilliant and boyish, with a hint of a dimple gracing his cheek, before you were hooked.
You had only known him for a few months now and only saw him when the guys got together, but you couldn’t deny the desire that clutched at your stomach whenever his deep brown eyes met yours.
You heard your date call your name, snapping you out of your daydream.
“You ready for part two of the best date ever?” Liam asked. His smirk was all wrong. It wasn’t soft or playful. It was polished and practiced. He reminded you too much of Patrick Bateman.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you said, pasting a smile onto your face, inwardly wincing at how fake it was. You could not wait to go home and put on your sweatpants.
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Shit. Holy shit.
He was taking you on a helicopter tour. The same company that Catfish worked for. Your stomach was in knots, threatening an unwelcome return of the alfredo you had for lunch.
Maybe he’s not working today, maybe we’ll get a different pil–
Of course you had no such luck. The guide ushered you both over towards the launching pad, where Frankie stood, wearing a tan flight suit. His hair was tousled, likely from being up in the air for most of the day and he had a pair of aviators on. He looked delectable.
His eyebrows shot up in recognition. He cocked his head to the side, glancing at your date, then back at you, a grimace set on his face.
Frankie schooled his expression and walked up and gave you a side hug, his hand squeezing your shoulder gently.
“Good to see you,” he said, giving you a small grin.
“You two know each other?” Liam asked, his eyes shifting between the two of you.
“Oh, yes, Liam– this is Frankie. He’s one of my friends.” 
“Nice to meet you, Liam,” Frankie said, shaking his hand politely.
Liam gave Frankie one of his wide, practiced grins. “Likewise.”
You could have sworn you saw Liam wince a little during the handshake, but you chalked it up to pre-flight jitters. Liam slung an arm around your shoulder possessively and chuckled.
“Excited to show this pretty lady some pretty sights.” His fingers curled into your shoulder, a little too hard, and he jostled you a little, trying to come off as a cute gesture. It had you feeling like a rag doll. 
The smile you gave him must have been pretty forced, because Frankie coughed, interrupting the moment.
“All right, folks. Ready to get going?” 
You nodded, feeling a fluttering in your belly. Despite not wanting to be stuck in a helicopter with Liam, you were excited to finally see Frankie in action.
Frankie handed you both a pair of headsets and instructed you to buckle up. Before climbing in himself, he checked Liam’s belt, tightening it a little and then came over to your side, adjusting your belt as well. You risked a peek at him out of the corner of your eye, noticing the way his Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. 
“All set,” he murmured, giving you a soft smile.
Before you knew it, Frankie was in the pilot’s seat and the helicopter roared to life. The blades were whirring above your heads, making your hair whip around your face. You tucked the sides of your dress under your legs, silently cursing Liam for not warning you of this afternoon’s non-dress appropriate activity.
The swoop you felt in your stomach was unlike anything you had felt before, more intense than a commercial flight. You tried not to fidget, knowing you were in good hands with Frankie piloting, but fuck, were you already high up, and only climbing higher by the second.
You briefly wondered how high up you were now, how high up Frankie had ever flown. You planned on asking him once you were all safely back on the ground.
A large gust of wind made its way into the helicopter, forcing a shiver down your spine, goosebumps rising on your woefully unprotected arms.
“You cold, sweetie?” Liam asked. “I would give you my jacket but I need it to stay warm. You should have planned better, gorgeous.”
You instantly clenched your teeth, wishing murder was legal at this very moment.
“Well, Liam, I would have brought a jacket if you had told me we were coming here,” you said, voice dripping with a sarcastic, syrupy sweet tone.
“I have a jacket in the compartment in front of you,” Frankie said, glancing over quickly. “Go ahead and put it on.”
You obliged, opening the compartment and bundling up in the oversized jacket, instantly feeling better once the corduroy material covered your arms. You wrapped it around your torso and took a deep breath, hiding your grin in the sherpa collar. It smelled like him.
“Thank you, ‘Fish,” you said softly. He didn’t respond, but you saw his dimple appear out of the corner of your eye.
“All good back there?” You heard Frankie’s voice in your ears. You looked over to him, only catching a glimpse of his hands and the side of his face, partially obscured by his headset and his baseball cap.
“Doing fan-tas-tic, Frank,” Liam whooped. You couldn’t help but wince at how loud his voice was, and how he intentionally pronounced Frankie’s name incorrectly.
“Great,” Frankie sounded unamused.
You huffed, annoyed at your date’s bad manners and looked out the window. Terrible date aside, you had to admit the bay from above was absolutely gorgeous. You looked down at the ocean, so expansive and eternally blue. Your eyes skimmed over to where water met land, at the soft sand on the beach, turning into a thick forest.
“Frankie, it’s beautiful,” you gasped.
You looked over at him briefly, seeing a hint of a smile on his face.
Liam was momentarily forgotten, until his hand snaked its way onto your thigh, giving it a little squeeze. Instinctually, you moved your leg at the unwanted contact. Liam looked over at you, an ugly scowl marring his face.
“Careful with the turns in this thing,” he said, addressing Frankie. “Our girl here ate about 15 pounds of pasta before this.”
You felt a hot wave of embarrassment wash over you, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes. They streaked down into your hairline from the force of the wind around you. You had already realized Liam was a bit of a douche, but you hadn’t thought him to be cruel.
“The only thing we have to worry about bringing this thing down is that big head of yours,” Frankie quipped back.
Biting back a laugh, you looked out the window so Liam wouldn’t see your reaction.
You could tell Liam wanted to argue back, but he stayed quiet, since the man he wanted to lash out at was responsible for keeping you all alive at the moment.
The rest of the ride was pretty quiet, other than the persistent chopping of the helicopter blades. The views were beautiful, but you found your eyes wandering back over to Frankie every few minutes. The tanned skin of his hands as he deftly worked at the throttle. Every time he pulled on a control you saw the veins in his forearms strain with the movement. You wondered what else those hands could do.
Before you knew it, the bird touched down and you unbuckled your seatbelt, removing the tight headset from your ears. You had a slight headache and you could tell getting down was going to be a struggle.
Frankie seemed to have no issue, jumping out of his seat with grace and walking over to your side to help you down. Your legs were shaking, so you stumbled as your feet hit the ground, grabbing onto his broad shoulders for dear life.
“I– oof, sorry,” you laughed nervously, rubbing your nose. You had bumped into his chest nearly smashing your face into his sternum. Frankie bit his lip and chuckled in response, squeezing your waist. You felt dizzy with his arms caging you in like this. It gave you an overwhelming desire to wrap yourself around him, to feel him pressed against you.
“It’s okay, I got you.” His voice rumbled in your ear, absolutely sending your senses on a tailspin. His strong, quiet voice was doing something magical to your already weak knees.
You stepped away before you fell over, remembering your date after a moment. He was about ten feet away, arms crossed, his face pinched in an angry expression.
“I don’t think this is working out,” he said as you walked over to him.
“I couldn’t agree more,” you said, giving him a sickly sweet grin. “I’ll find another ride home.”
Liam scoffed and made his way back into the tour center to grab his belongings. You instantly felt a weight lift off your shoulders. Thank God he left.
“So, why did you go out with that asshole, anyways?” Frankie asked, a bewildered expression on his face.
You sighed, feeling embarrassed.
“I honestly don’t know. He wouldn’t leave me alone so I decided to give him a shot.”
“I can’t say I blame him for being persistent, but seriously, fuck that guy.”
You huffed a laugh. 
“Seriously, when he made that comment about what you ate for lunch I wanted to throw him right out of the helicopter.”
You bit your lip and sniffed, feeling the embarrassment wash over you at the memory.
“I’m sorry you had to hear that,” your voice was small and you rubbed at your arms nervously.
Frankie had a hard, angry look on his face. It made you feel a little giddy, that he was so angry on your behalf.
“He should have never talked to you that way. He’s lucky you agreed to go out with his sorry ass.”
“You’re right. And God, I can’t believe he took me here, of all places,” you laughed. This really was surreal.
“Feels kind of like fate, huh?” He said, giving you a boyish grin.
“How so?”
“Well,” he stepped towards you, arms sliding up the material of his jacket. “I’ve always wanted to see you in this jacket.” His gaze made its way down your figure. His eyes were dark as he swallowed heavily.
“And I’ve always wanted to go on a date with you, though not while you’re on one with another man.” The smile he gave you was shy, searching, as if he wasn’t sure how you’d react.
“Well, I won’t be making that mistake again,” you replied, stepping closer. 
Your tongue came out to wet your lips and Frankie watched with rapture. 
“I’d like to kiss you now, if that’s okay.” His mouth was an inch from yours, and his large, calloused hands cradled your face gently.
“Please, Frankie,” you sighed.
His lips were soft, despite the bruising urgency in his actions. Your hands immediately tangled into his hair, knocking the cap off his head. You melted against him and licked his bottom lip, asking for permission. He immediately complied, licking into your mouth. Your tongues found a delicious rhythm, tangling together. You moaned into his mouth, spurring him on further. His hips pressed into yours. You could feel how hard he was, even through his flight suit.
“Fuck, baby” he rasped, pulling away. His chest was heaving, breath ragged from your kiss. “The things I want to do to you.”
You slanted your hips back into his, pressing into his erection. “Then do them.”
Frankie bit his lip and groaned, pressing his forehead to yours.
“You’re absolutely perfect for me, you know that?” 
You grinned, leaning forward to capture his lips again.
“I want to do this right, though,” he said. “I’m going to take you out on a better date. Show you how first dates should go. And then I’m going to take you home and show you how much I’ve wanted you for months.”
You felt as if your heart had stopped momentarily.
“That sounds perfect to me,” you said, kissing him again.
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Taglist: @tenderclio @softdin @darnitdraco @freeshavocadoooo​ @recklessworry @wyn-dixie​ @manalg14​ @codenamewife @comphersjost​ @princessxkenobi​
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Belle of The Ball [Kol Mikaelson]
pairing - kol mikaelson x fem,gilbert!reader
type - fluff
note / request - “since your TO requests are open can i request a kol fic where the reader is a gilbert and is kinda shy and kol invites her to the mikaelson ball” enjoy!
summary -  the middle child of the mikaelson family takes interest in you and invites you to the mikaelson ball
warnings / includes - your jeremy’s twin, mild language, kissing, suggestive flirting, underage drinking (drink safely), mention of sex
*gif isn’t mine*
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“I think Connor likes you,” your friend, Karina, nudged you. 
You looked over to the cute, brunette boy that was staring at you from across the hallway. “Yeah, right,” you muttered.
“I’m serious! Oh, look! He’s coming to ask you out!” Karina squealed. 
You looked away from your locker, straightening up as Connor was approaching you. He flashed you a charming smile. 
“I’m gonna go. Meet me by your car!” Karina smiled. 
“No! Rina!” You whisper-shouted. 
Your attention was turned to Connor as he stood in front of you. 
“Hey, Y/n,” he greeted. “Hey… Connor,” you smiled shyly. 
“I wanted to ask you a question,” he said, leaning against the lockers. 
“Y-Yeah, go ahead,” you nodded. He smiled at your nervousness, moving closer to you.
His scent filled your nostrils and you felt yourself going dizzy. You leaned against the lockers, hoping it would help you not trip and fall. 
“So, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me at Mystic Grill. We can get dinner then go back to my place and watch a movie,” Connor suggested. 
Your eyes widened. You were pleasantly surprised. You had liked Connor since school had started, which was a few months ago. You had been trying to get him to notice you, which was going horribly until now. You were way too shy to go up to say anything to him. You guessed that Karina had something to do with him asking you out. 
“Um, Earth to Y/n?” Connor asked, waving his hand in front of your face.
“Huh?” You blinked rapidly. You looked at him, getting even more embraced and shy when you realise you got lost in your own thoughts. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m just um… not really used to people asking me out, you know? I’ve never really been on a date before. My Aunt Jenna used to say that was okay since I’m only in junior year and stuff, but my brother has already had sex with Vicki Donovan and my sister is already on her second boyfriend. It’s kinda sad how un-loveable I am and-” 
You were cut off by Connor chuckling. You cussed yourself out in your head for being so awkward.
“I’m sorry, again. I ramble a lot, too,” you apologised. 
“It’s not worries. It’s really cute. You’re really cute. Anyways, what do you say? Come with me to Netflix and chill?” Connor asked. 
You smiled, opening your mouth to respond, but you were rudely interrupted. 
“She has plans Friday. Sorry, mate,” an all-too familiar Australian accent sounded behind you. 
You clenched your jaw and balled your fists. You turned your head, glaring. 
“Kol, go away,” you said through gritted teeth. 
“No can do, darling. Jeremy asked me to watch over you,” Kol smiled. 
“Uh, who’s this guy?” Connor asked. You turned back to him. “Oh, just a uh… family friend. Don’t mind him, he’s super annoying.”
“Actually, do mind me. I’m here to pick Y/n up. Elena wants you home, now,” Kol said. 
“Oh. Well, if you need to be home, go ahead,” Connor said. 
You sighed, “Yeah, um, I do. But it’s a yes to the date.”
Connor smiled widely. “Awesome! I’ll pick you up at 8.”
“Great! Can’t wait,” you smiled sweetly. 
Connor walked away, leaving you grinning from ear-to-ear. 
“You can do so much better, Y/n,” Kol said. 
You rolled your eyes, turning 180 to him. “Go away, Kol. I know for a fact that Jeremy and Elena didn’t tell you to watch over me.”
“Hm, true. That was just an excuse,” Kol smiled. 
“An excuse for what?” You asked. “Well, I needed and excuse to talk to you,” Kol shrugged. 
You sighed, going back to your locker and grabbing your textbooks. “About what?” You asked. 
“Well, I know my family hasn’t made it easy for any of you, so we are throwing a ball! My mother’s idea, really. We are allowed to bring dates and I’d like to bring you,” Kol explained. 
You started to feel all flustered. “Uh… Wh-Why?”
“Because I like you, Y/n. I think you’re cute, funny, and all the good parts of a woman. I’d like you to ditch that Connor-nobody and be my plus one!”
You slammed your locker shut, walking away from Kol. 
“Y/n, darling! You never answered me!” Kol exclaimed, trying to catch up with you. 
“Yeah, I did that on purpose,” you muttered, knowing he could hear you because of his vamp hearing. 
��You are so rude. I take it your parents didn’t teach you any manners? Not like they can teach you them now,” Kol joked. 
You scoffed, not believing what you were hearing. “Like you can talk. And plus, why would I want to go to the ball with a jerk like you?”
You waked out of the school, spotting Karina over at your car. 
“Y/n, wait!” Kol called out, reaching out to grab your wrist.
“What!” You exclaimed, turning to him. 
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean that, but I really do want you to accompany me to the ball,” Kol said, staring you right in the eyes. 
You stared at him for a few moments, your eyes flickering down to his lips. Once you noticed him smirk, you looked away, pulling your wrist away from his grip. 
“I appreciate the invitation, but I’m going out with Connor,” you mumbled. 
Kol sighed, “Fine. But if you reconsider, it’ll be at our house.”
“Thanks,” you said, looking up at him through your lashes. “I need to go, okay? My friend is waiting for me.”
“Alright. I hope you reconsider, Y/n. I’d be a shame if I didn’t have a date,” Kol said. 
“As if you can’t get anyone you want,” you rolled your eyes. 
“But I only want you,” Kol admitted. 
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach. As much as you wanted to stay and ask him if he really did want you, you knew you’d end up a blubbering mess. And you definitely didn’t want to be like that in front of a devastatingly handsome Original vampire. 
“I gotta go,” you murmured, turning away and stomping off to Karina. 
“Hey, who’s that?” Karina asked once you approached. 
“Oh um… An annoying friend of Jeremy,’s” you lied, running your fingers through your hair. 
“Hm, well he’s hot,” Karina bit her lip, looking at Kol who was still where you left him. 
You rolled your eyes and started to twiddle with your fingers. “No, he’s not.”
Karina narrowed her eyes at you, gasping in realisation. 
“What?” You asked, full of confusion. “You like him!” Karina grinned. 
You scoffed, “Hell no.” 
“Hell, yes! You’re doing that thing you do when you talk about a guy you like,” Karina giggled, pointing to your hands. 
You looked down and sighed, putting your arms to your sides. “I do that when I’m nervous.”
“Oh, yeah? Are you nervous about Mr. Hottie?” Karina wiggled her eyebrows.
“No. I’m nervous because Connor asked me out this Friday,” you explained. 
“Oh, my God! Babe, that’s awesome!” Karina squealed, jumping up and down, clapping while doing so.  
“Thanks, I know,” you smiled sheepishly. “Well, what day is it? Wednesday, right? We need to shop!” Karina exclaimed. 
“No, no! I'll just wear jeans and a cute top. There’s no need to shop,” you said. 
“Have you seen your closet? You only have one cute flora top and a pair of black baggy jeans. The rest of your closet are sweats and sweatshirts. You don’t even have any date-appropriate dresses!” Karina said. 
“Not true!” You protested weakly. 
“Mhm,” Karina said, pursing her lips. You rolled your eyes, knowing she was right. 
“Fine, but we are only going to buy one outfit. ONE,” you said, holding up your first finger. 
“I’ll take it! Wanna go now?” Karina asked. 
“Sure,” you nodded. “Yay! We can get lunch at the Grill, too,” Karina suggested, opening the passenger door of your car. 
“Alright,” you nodded, going over to the driver’s seat. 
You drove to the outlet mall, parking in front of the shop. Karina and you walked inside, Karina immediately pulling you to the jeans section. 
“God, I hate jeans,” you muttered. “Why?” Karina asked. 
“Because they’re tight and I have to jump to get them on,” you explained. 
“Well, that’s just because you have a nice ass,” Karina smiled.
You smiled, “Yeah, right.” “I’m serious! Your figure is to die for! I’m jealous, honestly,” Karina said in a sincere tone.
You chuckled, “Thanks, Rina.”
“Of course. Now, let’s see what jeans they have. Do you want black, dark wash, or light wash?” Karina asked. 
“Dark wash,” you answered. “High-waisted or low-waisted?” Karina asked. 
“(Your choice),” you said. 
Karina pulled out two pairs of jeans, handing them to you. “Now, for the shirts! Do you want a ruffled top, knot front, or button-up?” 
“Um, ruffled, I guess,” you said. “Alright… Well, I know you like plaid… So, what about this one?” Karina pulled out a black and white top that was cropped. It was long sleeved, the sleeves ruffled slightly. The bottom of the shirt was stretchy and the top had buttons. 
“Wow, this is really cute. Simple, too. I like it,” you smiled. 
“I knew you would! Now, go try it on,” Karina said, going over to the changing rooms.
You put on your cloths, buttoning up the top and turning around to the mirror. You raised your brows, surprised by how good you looked. 
“You done?” Karina called out from outside. 
“Yeah,” you said, going out of the dressing room.
“You look so pretty. Y/n. The jeans highlight your figure perfectly!” Karina exclaimed. 
“Yeah,” you smiled, “And the top isn’t as cropped as I thought it would be.”
“I am amazing at dressing you! Maybe I should become a professional dresser?” Karina said.
You chuckled, “You should. Well, I think I’ll get this. I’m not interested in shopping anymore and I’m hungry.”
“Alright, well, I have some things I want to try on. So, give me 15 minutes tops and get us a table at the Grill,” Karina said, holding up the clothes she found. 
“Sounds good,” you said. You went back behind the door and changed out of your clothes. You paid for your outfit, walking out and going to the Grill. 
You got yourself seated quickly. 
“Y/n, hey!” Matt exclaimed. “Oh, hey, blue eyes,” you grinned. 
“How have you been?” Matt asked. “Good! How about you?” You asked. 
“I’ve been good, thanks. How is Elena?” Matt asked.
You chuckled, “Elena is good. I’ll tell her you asked about her.”
“Alright, sounds good. So, I heard Connor Askren asked you out,” Matt said. 
“Oh, yeah,” you smiled happily. “Good for you. I have to warn you, though, be careful,” Matt said. 
“Be careful about what?” You asked. “Well, Connor has a reputation of asking girls out then bailing on them,” he explained. 
“Oh,” you frowned. “Well, he seemed really excited to ask me out.”
“I'm sure he was. I’m just saying. You’re like a little sister to me. I don’t want you getting hurt,” Matt explained. 
You smiled gratefully. “Thanks, big bro.”
“No problem. Anyways, are you here alone or is Karina with you?” He asked. 
“She’s with me. She’s at the clothing store. I just came from there, hence the bag,” you said, holding up your shopping bag. 
“Ah right. Let me guess, she wanted to try some stuff on and she let you go?” Matt asked. 
“Yep,” you laughed. “That’s what Caroline does. So, do you want to get started with a drink or anything?” Matt asked. 
“Yeah, sure. Can I get a Diet Coke, chicken tenders, and cheese fries?” You asked. 
“Coming right up. Do you know what Karina would want?” Matt asked. 
“She’ll probably want lemonade, a chicken wrap, and onion rings,” you said. 
“Alright. Be right back,” Matt smiled. 
You gave him a goodbye wave. You sighed once he left, looking at your shopping bag. You would be lying if you said you were’t worried about Connor. You hoped that he was different than what Matt told you. 
Friday came sooner than expected. You were currently at home and getting ready for your date. Karina had helped you with your makeup, putting eyeliner on you and letting you borrow her lipstick. You were strapping on your heels when Karina told you she was leaving. 
“Text me if you two kiss,” Karina winked. 
“Highly doubt we will, but noted,” you smiled. 
“Alright, I’m gonna go. You look amazing, Y/n. Have fun!” Karina hugged you before leaving.  “Thanks,” you giggled as you shut the door. 
You looked at your phone, seeing it was 7:57. You smiled nervously, grabbing your purse and waiting at the door. The 3 minutes passed by slowly. It was soon 8 and he wasn’t there yet. You shrugged it off, knowing that he would probably be there in a minute or two. But as you waited, 2 minutes passed, 5, 10, and 20. Each time you checked your phone, your hope in Connor disappeared and your fear of what Matt said becoming true increased. Once it reached 8:30, you realised that Connor wasn’t coming and he had in fact stood you up. 
You stomped off to your room, tears falling down your cheeks. 
“God! How stupid are you, Y/n? Thinking a guy like Connor would want to go out with you? A football player? A guy with one of the highest GPA’s? Fat chance,” you sobbed to yourself. 
You took off your heels and wiped your eyes with the back of your hand, smudging all the makeup that Karina had done. You took off your clothes, slipping into sweats and a tank top. You washed your face of all the makeup, going into your kitchen. You went to go and get some chocolate, but someone interrupted you.
“Don’t look so glum, Y/n. Connor is an ass.” You turned around sharply, surprised to see Rebekah there. 
“I… Rebekah, what are you doing here?” You asked rudely. 
“I’m here to give you your dress and get you ready for the ball!” Rebekah smiled. 
“I’m not going,” you mumbled, going back to getting your food. 
Rebekah sped to you, grabbing your wrist. “Yes, you are. I don’t like you very much. I don’t like any of your family, but Kol seems to have taken an interest in you. I have no idea why, but I just got my family back and want to make everyone happy.”
“Well, I don’t like Kol. So you can tell him to shove off,” you said. 
“Hm… No,” Rebekah grinned. “C’mon, you’re going to the ball whether you like it or not. Your sister and brother will also be there.”
“Another reason not to go,” you stated. 
“Oh, please! If you don’t go I am sure Kol will kill Elena and Jeremy,” Rebekah said. 
“No! I… I don’t want to. Kol doesn’t even like me. He just likes to piss off all my friends,” you said.
“Y/n, look at me,” Rebekah said. You looked at her dully.
“Kol likes you. Hell, I think he’s in love with you. All he talks about it you and quite frankly, it’s sickening, but a little heartwarming to see him care so much for someone. So, please, come to the ball. If you want to leave after a little bit, I’ll make sure you go without any issue. But just try it out,” Rebekah begged. 
Your heart fluttered once you heard Kol might be in love with you. If you were completely honest, you had a little crush on Kol. How couldn’t you? He was charming, handsome, and even nice to you. You never pursued the crush because one, you were too shy for that. And two, you knew your family would kill you. But you knew Rebekah would just kidnap you and take you there, even if you said no again, so you deciding to say yes. 
“Fine, I’ll go. But don’t expect me to have fun,” you mumbled. 
Rebekah took her hand off your wrist, smiling widely. “Great! Let’s go and get you ready, we’re late.”
You nodded and went back to your room. Rebekah sat you down and did your makeup. Giving you a fox eye look with a red lip. She then got out your dress, to which you gasped at.  Your dress was a long red ballgown. The top of the dress had jewels all over, the skirt then puffing out like Cinderella’s. The sleeves of the dress were made to go across your shoulders, letting the top of your breasts and your collar bone show. 
“Wow I… Wow,” you gasped. 
“Amazing, right? You’ll be the belle of the ball! You’ll even outshine Elena, who’s dress is disappointingly gorgeous,” Rebekah smiled. 
“Thank you,” you smiled. 
“Of course! Now go put it on, I’ll help you with the back,” Rebekah said handing it to you. 
You took it gently, going to your bathroom to get changed. You came out, letting Rebekah tighten the dress for you. You then slipped on your black heels that you were wearing earlier, and took a look at you reflection. 
“Wow, I actually look like a princess,” you smiled.
“That you do,” Rebekah smiled. “Now let’s go. Our ride is waiting.”
You nodded, lifting up the bottom of your dress so you could walk. You and Rebekah walked out to the limo, going over to the Mikaelson house. 
“Hey, Rebekah?” You asked. “Yes?” She answered. 
“Why are you being so nice to me? Besides making Kol happy,” you asked. 
Rebekah sighed. “Well, I think you’re good for my brother. You make him more bearable to be around. Kinder, warmer. A lot less murderous. I know you like him, too. I can see the way you look at him when you think no one is paying attention. He’s head over heels for you and I think you could be the same for him after tonight.”
“Good to know,” you smiled. 
“Mhm. But don’t tell anyone I ever complimented you or helped you out tonight. I don’t need your friends thinking I have a good side,” Rebekah said. 
You chuckled. “Alright, deal.”
You two arrived at Rebekah’s house, stepping out of the limo. Rebekah and you waked to the doors, opening them. As you stepped into the ballroom, all eyes went on you. Your entrance elicited gasps from everyone. You smiled shyly, your smile faltering once Elena, Damon, and Jeremy approached you. Rebekah left you to deal with your family.
“What the hell are you doing here!” Elena exclaimed. 
“Having fun, El,” you answered. 
“No, you need to go home now,” Damon said. 
You shook your head. “No. Connor stood me up and Kol invited me to this thing, so I decided to take the opportunity.”
Elena’s angry face fell as she heard what Connor did. “Connor stood you up? That jerk!”
“It's okay. I’d rather be here and in this dress than with him and drunk,” you admitted. 
“Need me to beat him up for you?” Jeremy asked. “I’m good baby bro, but thanks. Uh…. have you guys seen Kol?” You asked. 
“Nope,” Elena said. “And I wouldn’t advise looking for him. He might kill you,” Damon frowned. 
“No, I won’t! Like she said, I invited her here,” Kol said from behind them. 
Damon turned, a grimace on his face. “Why?”
“Because I am in love with her,” Kol smiled, his eyes meeting you’s.
Your blood ran cold and you looked down, holding the skirt of your dress tightly. 
“I’d like to dance with her, if that’s alright,” Kol said.
“No way,” Jeremy said. “You put a hand on her-”
“Jer, it’s okay,” you said. “I’ll shout if I’m in trouble. Please, just go.”
Elena sighed, “Fine. I have to go and see Esther anyways. Do not hurt her.” Elena warned Kol. 
“I never would dream of it,” Kol smiled. 
The three left, leaving you and Kol at the entrance. Kol approached you, you putting your head down again. 
“You look ravishing, Y/n. If we were alone, I’d rip that dress off of you,” Kol said, looking over your figure. 
“Thanks,” you chuckled shyly. 
Kol put his hand on your chin gently, lifting your face up to meet his. “Don’t be so shy, Y/n. And don’t self-doubt yourself, either. I know that asshole Connor stood you up, but you are still the most beautiful, kind girl ever. He doesn’t deserve you anyways.”
“And you do?” You challenged. 
Kol chuckled. “No, but I’m hoping you think differently.” He then offered you his hand. “Dance with me?”
“Sure,” you nodded, taking his hand hesitantly. 
Butterflies threatened to rip out of you as you touched his hand. Goosebumps rushed up your arm as you grasped his hand. Kol walked you two to the ballroom floor. You put your free hand on his shoulder, him putting his free hand on your waist. You two swayed for a few moments until you broke the silence. 
“So, um… How did you know Connor stood me up?” You asked. 
“I had Rebekah spying on you,” Kol admitted. 
“Wow, not creepy at all,” you muttered. “I wanted to be ready for if he stood you up, so Rebekah could then go and get you ready,” Kol explained. 
“Makes sense,” you said. 
Kol smiled at you, not being able to keep his eyes off of you. You kept adverting your gaze. Too nervous to actually look at him or more than 5 seconds. 
“You’re very cute when you’re tense,” Kol complimented.  “Thanks. Not a lot of people think that,” you chuckled. “Well, those people are out of their minds then,” Kol said.
“Why do you like me?” You asked suddenly, looking at him. You had been wandering this all night, waiting until you were here with him to ask. 
Kol smiled. “Well, you’re different. You’re not aggressive like your brother, or so moral like Elena. You’re quiet and calm. You think through things rather than be impulsive, which seems to be how everyone is around here. Your eyes are so beautiful, I get lost in them. When I see you smile, it makes my dead heart come alive. And when you do that hair-twirl thing, it’s so adorable. You’re also extraordinarily stunning, which is a big plus.”
Your heart skipped beats as he told you his reasons for liking you. As you looked at him and watched him pour his heart out, your liking for him grew. You subconsciously moved closer to him, too. Your body doing its own thing. 
“Wow,” you breathed out. “You really um… Thought about this.”
“Well, you are all I think about. Besides who’s head I want to rip off,” Kol smirked. 
“Gross,” you grimaced. “I’m kidding! But I’m serious about you. I’ve never liked someone as much as you, Y/n. I hope that I can prove that I’m a good choice for you,” Kol said. 
“Well, you’re proving it now,” you admitted. 
Kol grinned, “Fantastic.”
You two swayed in silence again. As the music got slower and slower, and the lights got lower and lower, you two moved dancing positions naturally. You were quite scared to move closer to him. You were already so close, practically hugging. But your bodies were like magnets, pulling each other close. So tried to go with everything and relax. 
Both of your arms went around his neck and both of his hands wrapped around your waist and went to the small of your back. You two scooted in until your head was on his shoulder. You closed your eyes and breathed in his scent nonchalantly, enjoying his cologne. Kol nuzzled his cheek onto the side of your head, him also breathing in the scent of your shampoo. 
You two danced for a while before Kol got an idea.
“Do you want to get out of here and go to the balcony?” Kol asked. 
“You’re not gonna kill me, are you?” You joked. 
“No promise,” Kol winked cheekily. You giggled, “Alright. Let’s go.” Kol nodded and kept his grip on your hand, walking you to the balcony. On the way, you took two glasses of champagne. You handed him one as you stepped out on the terrace. You put your elbows on the railing, sipping the champagne. 
“So, why’d you bring me out here?” You asked. 
“To gaze at the stars,” Kol answered simply, walking next to you. 
“Hm,” you hummed, looking up at the night sky. “Did you ever stargaze back before you all were vampires?”
“Yes, all the time. It was one of my favourite things to do,” Kol said. 
“That sounds nice,” you said. “It was,” Kol said. 
“Do you ever miss being a witch?” You asked. Kol sighed, taking a sip of champagne. “Sometimes. But I love being immortal.” You smiled, “Makes sense. If I were a vampire, I’d be the same.”
Kol turned to you, “I can turn you.”
You shook your head, “No. I like being human. Being a vampire seems to complicated. Plus, I want kids.”
“Hm. Sounds nice having your little perfect, human life. I miss that,” Kol said. 
“You were never human, though,” you smiled, turning to him. “Yes, but I was once mortal,” Kol said. 
“True,” you nodded, taking a sip of your champagne. “Hey, um… I want to thank you for inviting me. I know I said I didn’t want to go, but I’m really glad I did. I’m having a really good time.”
“Of course. I knew you would. I know you’re not the girly-girl type, but every girl deserves to experience to dress up for a ball,” Kol said. 
“I agree,” you nodded. “And I’m also glad that you are warming up to me a little bit. You’re not so much of a blubbering mess anymore,” Kol smirked. 
You chuckled, “Yeah, I take a little to warm up to new people.”
“Well, I’m glad I’m that person you’ve warmed up to,” Kol said, stepping closer to you. He put his hand on your’s, looking at you flirtatiously.
You grinned at the moves he was making, deciding to make a move of your own. 
You leaned into him, your eyes boring into his the whole time. You were standing toe-to-toe to him, your mouth parted as his eyes glowed dark brown. He smirked at you, his hand leaving your’s and settling on your waist. You wanted to move closer, but your skirt was so puffed out it restricted you from doing so. Kol noticed your slight frustration with your dress, setting his glass down, and putting his other hand on your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.
“Kol, my dress is too big,” you chuckled. 
“Not too big for me to do this,” Kol grinned, leaning his head down. 
Before you knew it, he was kissing you. Your eyes widened as his lips met your’s. A few moments passed before he pulled away, confused and scared. 
“I’m sorry, I must have read the room wrong. I-” Kol started to apologise, but you put your hand on the back of his head and pulled him in again. 
This time Kol was surprised. He didn’t waste any time in kissing you back, though. Your lips moved together in perfect synchronisation. It was like his lips were made for your’s as they fit in-between your’s like puzzle pieces. Both your fingers entangled themselves in his hair, pulling slightly as he pulled you impossibly closer. Your stomach did a million of flips as his tongue swiped your bottom lip. You opened your mouth slowly, Kol’s tongue slipping in gently. As your tongue’s fought, Kol’s hands went to your skirt, finding your legs under them. He put his hands under your thighs, lifting you up with ease. 
You pulled away, breathing heavily. Kol’s eyes opened, going down to your lips and smiling as your lipstick was smudged. Your chest heaved up and down as you stared into his eyes. 
“I just wanted to um… To tell you that i-if you were planning on having um, sex. I’m not ready. This um… This was my first kiss, too. Sorry if you were expecting to get lucky tonight,” you confessed, blushing profusely. 
Kol smiled at you, setting you down. “It’s alright, love. I wasn’t expecting anything from you tonight. I hope your first kiss was good.”
“It was really good,” you giggled. 
“Good. Now, do you want to continue to make out? Or we could go back out and dance,” Kol suggested. 
“Um… can we dance again?” You asked, going back to your shy nature. 
“Of course we can, darling,” Kol smiled, holding his hand out for you to take. 
He led you to the ballroom. You two danced for a couple hours until you started to get tired. Kol drove you back home and you went into your house, Kol kissing you goodbye. You closed the door, smiling widely and squealing to yourself. 
Your phone rang and you answered it immediately, seeing it was Karina. 
“Hey! How did your date go?” She asked. 
“Um…” you sighed, the feeling of Kol’s lips on your’s still there. You smiled again, fidgeting with your fingers.
“It was good. Really, really good.”
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knockknockchicagopd · 3 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY ANON: Would I be able to request prompt 16 “You're mine. I don't share”. With Hank voight where they go to one of those police events and she works in his unit and they are a couple with her being younger and they dont have to be in police uniform so she wears a really nice dress and as he introduces her and talks to other people he knows, some of the men check her out and try flirt with her and he notices. Could there be a bit of smut if not that's cool to ❤❤
❚❙ WORDS: about 3k.
❚❙ Warnings: swearing, unprotected sex.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to my amazing @sonsofeorl.
❚❙ General tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @inlovewith3 @ocetevasgirl @destynelseclipsa @miahelen @jadakiss13 @mcgreads @graniairish @teller258316 @i-love-scott-mccall @tclaerh. Hank Voight tag list: @sophie-writes. If you wanna be added to my tag list, send my a message! ⚡
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Fortunately, it's been a quiet day, otherwise, you couldn't deal with a Districts event like the Commanders call them. A meeting that reunites every officer, inspector, detective, and whoever who wears ‘the blue uniform’; including special agents from the FBI. These last ones are the kind of man who pushes you out of your good mood with all that quackery about serving the whole country, the unlimited resources, the missions. Every time you hear a fed talking about how passionate and exciting their jobs are, you just want to punch their faces. Mostly, they're behind a desk while cops like you are protecting the streets of Chicago in the firing line. But, as Burgess and Upton said, it's time to have some fun. And anything else.
Since you don't have to wear that horrible uniform you use at official events, you have chosen a breathtaking black silk dress that fits your anatomy to perfection, falling from your chest, with a spaghetti strap neckline, to your ankles. And a pair of skyscraper highlights on the same color, with the small difference that the heels are tremendously golden. Your back is almost bare, being crossed by four fine strips, knowing it's going to give Hank some trouble. Oh, you're going to have so much fun tonight. You are very sure.
The soft make-up delights your cute, but lethal, outfit on point ready to leave Kim's house accompanied by your friends. You've arranged to meet at the party with the rest of the Unit since your future husband and Antonio needed to be from the start of the event, which means the three of you are going to earn more than some gazes by assisting alone, with no male figures by your sides. As if you need some kind of protection. Men (...).
Stepping out from your car and giving the keys to the parking attendant, who seems he's having a heart attack after watching you walk with so much cockiness and sensuality, you come into the party. The look you exchange with Kim and Hailey as soon as you check the reaction of the assistants, makes you draw a triumphant smile while raising your chin in some kind of greeting. You aren't going to stop now, leading your steps straight to your partners. Ruzek chokes on champagne with his eyes over Burgess, while Hank looks at you over the edge of his glass of bourbon taking a sip.
“You should work like that every day”. Antonio opines welcoming the three of you in his arms.
“I second that, brother”. Jay quickly adds making a toast with his cup of red wine.
“Bet you'd be the one who wouldn't work”. Hailey replies palming his chest, making you giggle.
In the meantime they continue arguing about the dress code, a strong arm gets placed around your lower back to push you somewhat closer, letting his hand fall over your hipbone. You know exactly what it means. Hank isn't the kind of jealous man, who needs to mark his territory like a dog. But you know that sometimes he feels insecure because of the age gap. He trusts you blindly, that's a fact, but he's human; he has fears and you understand it. Putting your left hand on the back of his neck, you caress his scalp almost unnoticeably, tilting your head to leave a gentle kiss on his cheek earning a satisfied grin from him.
“You look really beautiful tonight”. He whispers, watching you sideways as if it's a secret between you two.
“Thank you, Sergeant. I always try to do my best”.
Hank chuckles against his glass about to have a last sip till emptying it. Taking it from his hand, you pull yourself away to go to the bar and ask for two more drinks. You're thirsty and too sober to be a Friday night. Checking some emails on your phone while the bartender serves your order, you can't help but listen to some backtalk about your career. A couple of suited men combed as politicians and wrapped on a strong scent that throws your stomach. You try to ignore them until they're close enough from your position to offer you a hand in a formal greeting.
“Johnson and Derrick. FBI”.
The blonde one looks like a senior official, while the other looks like a newbie. Turning towards both, you come into the forced polite mood to stretch his hand firmly.
“(Y/L/N), Intelligence Unit, gentlemen. A pleasure”.
“The pleasure is ours, detective”.
“Special agent”. You correct him inevitably, even if it sounds arrogant.
“Special agent, of course”. Johnson replies with a nod of his chin. “I've read your file lately. I have no words to describe it. Graduated with excellent grades in Yale, two years in the Army, another undercover in a Cartel… And you also know how to fly a helicopter”.
“If you weren't from the FBI, I could think you've been stalking me like one of your serial killers, sir”. The sarcasm in your tone of voice earns your Unit's attention, very focused on the conversation between the feds and you.
“Who catches a monster without becoming one, right?”
The man introduces a hand under his jacket to offer you his business card. But you don't take it, just looking at it for a second before raising your eyes towards his.
“In your academy shows you to have the big balls to disrespect a Sergeant or a Chief, by trying to steal their officers in front of their faces? Because mine shows us to serve and protect the citizens”.
His gesture changes suddenly in a sight, hearing some chuckles behind you coming from Hailey and Kim. Raising both eyebrows as you don't get any reply back, you just nod before grabbing the two drinks you have asked for when they interrupted you. Coming back to your friends, you can't help but wrinkle your nose in a gesture of disgust earning more giggles from your partners. But it doesn't seem funny for Hank, who you know he's killing them in thousands of ways inside his head.
As the night passes, you notice Agent Johnson's eyes on you with no shame, starting to make you feel uncomfortable. Although you would be delighted to embarrass him in front of everyone, he has had enough from you. But this doesn't end there. Excusing yourself, you step to the terrace almost emptied to have some fresh air, knowing he's going to follow you. Maybe, to insist a little more. He was so interested in recruiting you to miss the chance.
And as you thought, he's that predictable. You don't turn because of his steps coming closer, but because he pretends to clear his throat to claim your attention. Crossing your arms over your chest, you tilt your head to a side feigning curiosity with a forced smile showing up on your lips.
“I would like to apologize for my behavior. In my profession isn't habitual to find agents of your characteristics”.
“For sure, sir. It doesn't matter”.
“You could have an extraordinary career in the FBI”.
“I already have it where I am. I don't need schedules, cheap suits, and an earpiece to succeed”.
“I understand your relationship interferes in your decision, but you do—”.
“I'm sorry, you said what? Did you…? Oh, god, I can't fucking believe it”. You can't help but laugh shaking your head. “I don't have any relationship as soon as I wear my badge, sir. And you are starting to cross a line you don't want to cross. Believe me”.
“Ma'am, don't misunderstand my words, nor my intentions. I just think ma—”.
“Nobody asked you to think, Johnson”.
Raising your eyes over his shoulders, you can see your boyfriend sipping his glass of whisky, joining the talk as he tries to keep calm. You know Hank to perfection. If he wasn't your boss, he would have punched him already.
“If you continue pissing off my agent, we're gonna have a problem”.
The man just nods, alternating his gaze between the two of you. Seems that he has admitted his defeat.
“Beautiful and lethal. You're a son of a bitch with so much luck, Voight. Take care of this diamond. Or she will end up wearing a blue jacket with yellow letters”.
“Uh-huh”. He replies as you continue remaining silent.
Passing your boss away back to the party, leaving you alone, you can't hide the proud smile that turns your gesture into a funnier one. Taking short steps towards him, you steal the glass from his hand to drink from it under his attentive brown eyes.
“Blue isn't my color. Not at all. I'm more into black”. You whisper referring to the jackets you are used to wearing in the Chicago department.
“Imagine having your badge hanging from your neck all day like a collar. Do I look like a dog? I prefer to have it on my belt. And I'm already used to the disgusting watered coffee we make in the twenty-one”. As you continue giving him more reasons, your forefinger traces a path up from his chest to his nape. “And I have so much fun driving my Dodge all around Chicago”.
“Anything else you wanna add?”
“Hm… no. Actually, not. That's all, sir”. You reply puckering your lips, pulling yourself away some inches with a playful aura wrapping you both.
“Now lemme tell you something here”. Hank says then, leaning over your ear. “You're mine, I don't share”.
His voice and his characteristic raspy voice gives you some chills down your spine bone. Biting your bottom lip unconsciously while he stands up, you know the party is over for you and it's time to go home. Holding your hand and taking back his glass of whisky, you walk inside to say your goodbyes before leaving the fancy place straight to the underground parking. You are not going to lie saying you don't love his dominant mood when the occasion demands it.
As soon as you reach your car, you can notice sideways Hank making sure you're totally alone. He doesn't usually take risks of being seen in public too lovey-dovey, but it's not about it this time and you can't wait for him to go ahead with his intentions. Of course, he doesn't make you wait for too long to push your back to the copilot door, attacking your neck in the meantime his hands grab your hips stealing you a low gasp. Hank makes himself between your legs, urging you to surround his waist with one of them to close the distance that separates you, feeling the need he has to mark his territory, as rarely he shows.
“Take me home”. You almost beg closing your eyes as his teeth are nailed on your most sensitive spot, earning a soft grunt that vibrates your body.
“I'm gonna take you here, sweetheart. Any problem?”
“Hell, no, sergeant”.
“Get in the car. Now”.
You don't complain, taking it as an order when he takes two steps back releasing your body and opening the back door for you. And the next minute passes too fast, rolling up your dress as Hank undoes his belt and unzips his pants. In just a sigh he's deep-buried between your legs. It's the first time you take this kind of risk, almost in public, and the horniness it produces is driving you crazy. With your lips almost touching the others, you moan uninhibited every time his hands on your lower back urge you to keep swinging your hips, sitting on his lap.
The way his eyes memorize every gesture drawn on your face has you breathless. It's a sensation you can't describe. Hank has some kind of power over you that you haven't experienced before, even if you think you're indomitable he always manages to make whatever he wants with you. And you know it. You let him do it. Just like right now, marking his territory with desirous bites and wet kisses all around your exposed throat. The most visible part of your body. He doesn't need to prove anything. He isn't the kind of man who needs to call out any other man who dares to lay his eyes on you. Everybody in this damn city knows you're more than his pupil and they're too scared to say hi, although there's always an exception to the rule. In this case, the FBI agents acting like carrion birds.
The mist clouds the windows, as the heat concentrated on your bodies makes you sweat slightly. Hank takes the control turning you under his body against the seat in a position that puts you to see the stars. Every move of his pelvis is accurate, hitting your g-spot, satisfied with how good his name sounds getting drowned between pleased moans once and again. With every push to your body, his dick is dug deeper through your tight wetness making him grunt into your ear, feeling more delighted than never before. And everything is because of the way you had to reply to that FBI agent in front of everyone, showing him how clear you have your preferences; not only because of your relationship, as Johnson pointed out. But because everybody in Chicago is aware that there's no better boss in law enforcement. There's no better Unit than the Intelligence one from the police department of your hometown.
As your legs get wrapped around his waist to pull him closer, one of his arms surrounds your middle back while his free hand flies straight to your throat. Keeping your eyes closed, the suffocating sensation within your lower belly continues growing with every thrust that steals the air from your lungs and races your heart over its possibilities. You're close. So close that your mind is a total blank, just focused on the way only he can make you feel. So good, so desired, so full of life. He knows it, he takes it in advantage. And he enjoys it more than anything.
“Oh, fuck…” Hank got you almost in tears because of the pleasure, traveling your hands to the back of his neck, nailing your nails there. “God… I'm gonna… Fuck, Hank, don't stop, please… Don't stop”.
“I won't, my love… Not till you give me what I want”.
His voice always plays dirty with your mind. The way he has to drag every syllable on his tongue with that husky voice that puts you to tremble, as he continues burying his hard dick inside you with no mercy, speeding up as soon as he feels your legs clung to his body slightly shaking. Because of the fewer insecurities he has about your relationship, he feels proud whenever he makes you reach that sweet sensation of the orgasm taking control of your anatomy. He doesn't care if he has to use his hands, his tongue… whatever. It's not only about sex between the two of you, of course not. But making you cum screaming out his name is an every-day-goal.
And you don't make him wait for too long, arching your back when a lash of heat hits your spine and the grenade inside your lower belly explodes. Your gasps fill up your car, while he continues fucking you harder than seconds before not showing any compassion to your exhausted body, looking for your lips to devours them desperately. His tongue starts a fight for dominance, winning over yours like every single time, in the meantime his fingers grips tightly your throat. Instinctively, you swing your hips in sync, provoking every move to go deeper among your shaky legs.
Hank can't hold it anymore, digging his cock to the limits of your guts, almost hitting your soul with a last strong lung. His warm seed fills you up completely, keeping pushing his body against yours, pressing both to the seat with his hands now placed on the headrest. It feels like a whole set of fireworks. Your moans complement his delighted growls to perfection.
“Don't move, please”. You beg with a thin voice thread, at the same time he rests his forehead on yours.
The two of you can barely breathe, trying to recover after an intense session of your favorite cardio workout. From nowhere, you can't help but giggle in unison. You can't believe you just fucked inside your car and with the risk of being caught in the act. A sergeant and one of his special agents. Even if it's your free night and you're in an established relationship, he's still your boss.
“I would miss working with you”.
“If I get the FBI's offer”. You mumble, leaving clumsy kisses all around his face. “You're the best cop Chicago has”.
“You don't have to butter me up for a second round”.
Shaking your head briefly and laughing, you caress his scalp so gently as he sinks his face into your sweaty neck.
“Now you said so… maybe I have the fantasy of being bent over your desk”.
“Yeah, just… maybe”.
“Then maybe I could bring you to my office, before going home. There's some paperwork to attend to”.
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Mist | Choi San | Chapter 4
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Pairing: Choi San x OC (Seohyun)
Genre: supernatural (ghost), romance, high school
Trigger Warnings: paranormal, death mentions, violence
Words: 6.6k
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my original character and the story. I do not own any gifs or pictures used.
Full story on Wattpad (don’t spoil here if you read there too)
chapter directory
Seohyun was waiting for Jiwoo for quite a while now, sitting on the desk in her room, doodling in her notebook. She sighed as she shut it, a bit frustrated. It was not like Jiwoo to leave her hanging.
Seohyun considered going out; it was highly likely that Jiwoo was at their usual spot- the park near the school, her home, or the accident site. It was about 10 pm. Wasn't that late, was it? She got up, but stopped.
Maybe Jiwoo needed space.
It was probably this, but Seohyun couldn't help fearing that she had just moved on. If she'd gotten her memories back, that could mean that she was a whole different person now. She might not be the Jiwoo she knew anymore.
Seohyun fell on her bed, staring at the wall, and suddenly felt goosebumps.
"Took you long enough," Seohyun said, not bothering to look at Jiwoo, who had just entered the room.
"Don't tell me you were waiting for me," Jiwoo smirked.
"Oh, why would I?" Seohyun smirked back, and made space for Jiwoo, who sat on the bed with her. "So?"
"So, my dear friend," Jiwoo began, clearly excited to tell her her life story.
And she did. She was Ahn Jiwoo, daughter to two loving parents and a sister to a 16 year old brother. She'd had a pretty normal life; her father was a finance manager and her mother a housewife, and she had a lot of friends during her school years too. The rumours about her father being some sort of criminal were wrong; she had to face those rumours in her life too. They had her confused with another Jiwoo in her class.
"So we were a group of four friends; 2 boys and 2 girls. I was kind of a rebel in my last few months of life, because I just found life boring. I wanted an adventure. Something new. I wanted to travel too. So I was suggesting to my friends that we should do something. They were all busy in their own ways, and I didn't understand. I kept bugging them. So when we were in that restaurant, we had an argument. I knew it was my fault. I stormed off, and I was just about to go back when I got hit by a car."
"Oh... so then you went to the hospital, and they found out you lost your memories?"
"Right," she said, "But I was already in a critical condition. Brain damage led me to death."
"Ah..." Seohyun stared at her. Jiwoo's eyes were sad as she told her this, but she looked content. "So the reason you stayed..."
"The reason I stayed was not one, but two. I wanted to make sure my friends didn't blame themselves and my parents had moved on. And I spent the whole day making sure that was the case."
"And the other reason?"
"I want an adventure," she said and smiled brightly.
"Ugh, you ghosts! You stay for the most stupid reasons!" Seohyun mocked and dramatically threw her head in her hands, which made Jiwoo hit her with a pillow until she was laughing.
"That's my last wish, Seohyun. You think you could do that for me? Go on an adventure with me?"
"Haven't you had enough of adventure though? I mean, living with me is an adventure in itself-"
"I already talked to San," Jiwoo said, catching her attention. "He actually thought it was a nice idea. So we're going on an adventure this week. He said he'll make it a surprise for me."
"Hey, hey, that's not fair? You didn't even ask me!"
"I didn't have to," Jiwoo flipped her red hair.
"I don't know why I ever agreed to this," Seohyun sighed, handing her bag to Wooyoung who put it with the other few bags.
"Stop being a boomer and get in," Wooyoung said, and Seohyun did, muttering how she should have never suggested this.
"Should've thought before you planned all of it," Jongho snickered and Seohyun shot a glare.
"Everybody's in?" Hongjoong asked and they looked at each other, shouting a yes. Hongjoong gave a thumbs up and took the front seat of the van after shutting the door.
Everyone, including Jiwoo, who couldn't stop smiling, were seated. Seohyun had asked her mom to lend her a van that could fit 10 people, and though her mom had raised her brows in question, she had agreed when Seohyun said it was a trip with friends. She had just been surprised she had friends that were not ghosts, so without further questions (quite conveniently) she agreed, on the condition that the driver would be someone from the company.
She did raise a question when she found out that she was the only girl in the whole group, and there were only 9 people. Seohyun finally told her she was doing a favour for a ghost who had saved her life, and her mother made her promise she'd tell her the story someday.
They were going to Muchangpo Beach. They decided they'd see the sunset there. It was close to Seoul and the only place they could afford to travel and have an 'adventure'. They'd have a fun time, the boys promised, saying everything was fun when they were together.
Jiwoo was sitting between San and Wooyoung, and the three of them were chatting. Seohyun smiled when she saw that San was her voice; he'd say whatever she had to say.
She herself was in the middle row with Seonghwa and Yeosang by her sides. The two of them were also half bent backwards, listening to whatever the three of them were talking about. Seohyun had plugged her earphones in but she wasn't playing any music yet. She just listened to them talk.
"Tell us something about Seohyun," Wooyoung asked, giggling. Seohyun smiled inwardly.
"Well, Seohyun," Jiwoo thought, "she's quite rude, isn't she?"
"She's quite rude, isn't she?" San did his job, and the five of them laughed.
"She's not that rude,~" Seonghwa casted a glance at her, sighing in relief when he thought she couldn't hear him. Seohyun bit her cheek from the inside to stop smiling.
"She's scared of crows, of all thing," Jiwoo revealed, and the boys laughed a little. "She'll never show it, but when more than three crows are around, she runs for her life."
"Ah, I haven't ever noticed," Yeosang said, rubbing his chin, "she can hide it really well."
"Tell us some ghost story," Wooyoung asked. He was clearly enjoying this.
"I have a good one!" Jiwoo exclaimed and everyone seemed to scoot closer. "There was once a boy about her age who had the most stupid reason to not move on."
San almost stopped as he narrowed his eyes at Jiwoo and she assured him it was not Joon Hyuk. So San told the boys, and asked them to guess.
"He wanted an adventure too?" Yeosang laughed.
Jiwoo pouted, but said it could fall in that category, but it was a different sort of adventure. She told them to let their imagination run wild.
As San told the boys, Seohyun decided this was her cue to interrupt. "We are NOT going to talk about that!"
Wooyoung screamed a little in surprise. "Weren't you listening to music?!"
Jiwoo was just laughing and Seohyun bared her teeth at her, making everyone laugh and wonder just what sort of adventure did the boy want. After a hundred pleads from the boys, Seohyun finally told them that it didn't actually happen; she just threatened the ghost in unimaginable ways, making him move on without his desire.
"I think I have an idea of what happened," Yeosang thought, amusement in his eyes, "But I am too afraid to voice it out."
"I think you got it then," Seohyun nodded in approval and Yeosang gaped at her.
"You got it tough, friend," he said, patting her shoulder to comfort her. San and Wooyoung were pouting very loudly, and Seonghwa just stared at Yeosang and Seohyun as understanding passed between them.
"You both are so weird," Seonghwa finally said.
"If I tell you, Seonghwa, you'll drown in shame. Better protect your ears and your pure mind," Seohyun grinned.
San and Wooyoung exchanged glances, frowning, but they shook their head. It couldn't be that bad. Could it?
Seohyun plugged her earphones again, deciding she'd take a nap and actually played music this time.
"We're here!"
Seonghwa shook her awake, and Seohyun slowly opened her eyes, her hand going in front of her eyes as she blocked the sunlight. She took off her earphones and the sound of waves hit her, making her smile. She adjusted her green dress that reached below her knees, and put her hat on.
She saw that Jiwoo was already out, running along the beach, and San was watching her with a smile on his face. He turned back, meeting eyes with Seohyun, who suddenly felt out of breath.
San was handsome- painfully handsome. And the plain white shirt he wore didn't help. His hair was flying due to the breeze and he ran a hand through them, cocking his head to the side as he watched her.
The sun making his skin glow didn't help either.
Seohyun cleared her throat and joined him, and they both watched Jiwoo, in her jeans and green T shirt that she had died in- her permanent outfit, running as freely as she could, her red hair flowing behind her, her laugh ringing in the air.
"I didn't know she'd be that happy to see the beach. Hasn't she been here before?" Seohyun asked.
"I think she has. She knew the way. And I'm almost suspicious she's doing this just to annoy you," San answered.
As if on cue, Jiwoo stopped, doing a weird dance, then started twerking-
"And that's our cue to look away," Seohyun grabbed San, now laughing, by his arm and went to join the others. "They didn't have to come. They can't see her."
"We figured out a way to enjoy with her even if we can't see her," San smirked.
And that was how, a few moments later, they all were assembled in a circle playing cards.
"Why do I think San and Seohyun are cheating on us with Jiwoo?" Yunho looked at them suspiciously.
"How do you think the cards are in the air?" Seohyun asked, and Yunho grinned. She had a point. To anyone who could not see Jiwoo, it would look like a bunch of cards were in the air.
"I WON!" Jiwoo smacked the final card and jumped in the air. Seohyun gaped at her.
"You cheated!" She shouted.
"I was sitting with you the whole time, don't give me that shit," Jiwoo smirked.
San told them that she had, indeed, won without cheating and everybody groaned. Mingi dragged the food basket and him and Jongho started spreading the food.
"Can she really not eat?" Jongho asked.
"I'm afraid not," Seohyun answered.
"Isn't it rude to eat in front of a ghost?" Jiwoo put her hands on her hip and Seohyun popped a cherry in her mouth, saying, "It is."
San scoffed. Jiwoo kicked Seohyun's leg lightly and said she was going to walk. The rest of them started to eat.
"I heard the sunset here is very pretty," Seonghwa said.
"I've been here before," Mingi took a bite of his sandwich, "It really is the prettiest."
After eating a little, Seohyun looked in the distance where Jiwoo was standing near the shore, the waves flowing near her. Jiwoo looked back and started walking towards them, then stopped halfway and gestured at them to come.
"She's calling us," San said, and they all got up, joining Jiwoo.
"I want to play in the water," Jiwoo said.
"What's stopping you?" Seohyun asked.
"With you all, you dumbass," Jiwoo laughed and took her hand, leading her to the shore.
"Hey, hey, easy there," Seohyun laughed and let out a little yelp as the waves hit her bare feet. "The water is so cold!"
Jiwoo bent down and sprayed the water on Seohyun, smirking.
"Oh no, you did not!" Seohyun bent down and sprayed back before she could run. And so started a battle of getting each other wet. They all forgot all their worries for a while, running around in the waves, laughing as loudly as they could, laughing even louder when one of them got Jiwoo. By the time it got darker, they were all quite wet.
Yunho and Yeosang ran back to get towels for everyone, throwing them one each, and wondering if Jiwoo should have a towel. Seohyun said there was no need, but Jiwoo snatched hers once she was done.
"The sunset's here, guys," Yeosang said.
They all stood silently, side by side, watching the sky change to brilliant shades of candy, the sun reflecting on the sea. It was breathtakingly beautiful. At some point, Jiwoo crossed her hand with Seohyun's, and she turned to look at her face. Her red hair shone brightly and her eyes were wet.
"I want it to be the last thing that I see before I go," Jiwoo almost whispered. Seohyun's heart sank in her knees. It was really happening.
Jiwoo looked at San and smiled widely, San smiled back and waved at her. Jiwoo asked him to tell everyone that she was thanking them for doing so much for her. They all assured her it was nothing, and said they were gonna miss her.
San looked at Seohyun, nodding and urged the others to come with him. Only Jiwoo and Seohyun remained now, facing the sunset.
"It's really happening," Jiwoo finally said. A cry of pain escaped Seohyun's mouth. She couldn't take it anymore. Jiwoo rubbed her hand comfortingly, making her face herself. "You've given me an adventure. The time I spent with you, that was enough. Today was for you, Seohyun."
"Are you serious?" Seohyun asked.
Jiwoo nodded. "I told everyone it was for me, but no. It was for you. A gift for helping me out so much. For being a friend. A little sister that I always wanted."
Seohyun smiled sadly, "I'm gonna miss you so, so much. I got used to you, I shouldn't have."
"I know," Jiwoo smiled, kissing her forehead and wrapping her in a hug. Seohyun closed her eyes and inhaled. "Don't cry on me right now, Seohyun."
Seohyun laughed a little. "I'm trying not to, you're making it harder by reminding me!" She opened her eyes and saw the boys, watching them from a distance.
"I hope you'll open your heart more, Seohyun. That's my last wish. You had a tough life, but you have so many people, dead and alive, who love you. I hope you remember that, always."
"Unnie..." A tear escaped Seohyun.
Jiwoo watched the sunset, Seohyun in her arms, and it was perfect.
She closed her eyes.
Seohyun felt it, felt her presence fade away. She was no longer hugging Jiwoo. She stood for a few seconds before finally collapsing on the sand and she shuddered as tears began to flow. She put her face in her hands and cried her heart out.
The boys approached her, sitting around her, rubbing her back, telling her that it was okay. She just cried and cried, and she knew she was letting go of Joon Hyuk along with Jiwoo too. The proper goodbye that she had so badly wanted, she finally got it.
San put her arms around her and brought her closer, caressing her hair. After a few minutes, she was out of tears. She let her hair cover her face as she rested her head on San's shoulder, trying to normalize her breath.
Jongho handed her a water bottle. She managed a smile and took a few sips, rubbing her eyes. The boys looked at each other. They weren't sure what they should do next.
"God damn me if I ever befriend a ghost again," Seohyun said and finally laughed, making everyone else laugh along.
"Are you okay?" Hongjoong asked.
"Yes, I am, actually," she said, wiping her eyes again. "I'm done crying for a while now." Her eyes went to San, who understood and smiled.
"Alright, let's get some dinner."
The driver had dropped Seohyun home now, and was on the way to drop the rest of them. As Seohyun entered her home, it felt strange. She felt utterly alone now that she knew Jiwoo wasn't gonna be back ever.
She tried to recall the time, only a few months ago, when she hadn't met Jiwoo yet. What did she even do in her spare time? She could not remember.
Seohyun went in her room and changed into her PJs first. After she combed her hair and scrolled a bit, she got up to turn off the light and saw something lying on her desk.
It was a painting. Of Jiwoo and her, cheek to cheek, smiling, the black cat in their arms. Seohyun gasped a little and examined it. It was really well drawn. Who made it?
She turned the page and saw something written on the back of it:
I remember now that I loved painting. Since we don't have any photos, I captured us in this painting. Now you have a photo!
Love always, Jiwoo unnie ^^
Seohyun laughed a little as she read how she had addressed herself. "I guess you really liked being called unnie," she thought out loud.
She set the painting on her bookshelf. After being content with its position, she turned off the light, and slept surprisingly peacefully throughout the night.
"I swear to god if you don't make fun of me when I do something stupid, I'm never gonna talk to you all again."
"Well, that's new," Yeosang commented, "You're begging for it now."
"Better that then you all being like this!" Seohyun let out a frustrated sigh.
The boys were being ridiculously sensitive with Seohyun, and she was feeling absolutely uncomfortable. She hadn't noticed it the first two days, but then she noticed in the little things; how they'd always offer her food before eating themselves, how they'd always accompany her, etc. She had enough of the special treatment.
"You're acting like someone died," Seohyun said.
"Back at it with the dead jokes are you?" San shook his head.
"Technically, Jiwoo was dead," Jongho remarked.
"So did she die twice then?" Mingi wondered.
"Oh please," Seohyun sighed again, "I just want you all to act like we used to. No more special treatment. Please, this makes it worse. I'm already at terms with Jiwoo going. It was bound to happen."
"Alright, alright," Seonghwa said and shushed her. "We didn't know what else we could do. Back to normal, okay?"
"Thank you," Seohyun truly meant it. "Also, I think I'm ready to share my drums." The boys hooted except one.
"Are you angry?" Mingi asked. Seohyun immediately turned to San, who was suddenly interested in Wooyoung's fingernails.
"Now I am," Seohyun muttered, and San smiled without meeting her eyes. The teacher came and interrupted their session, so they went back to studying.
After school was over, the boys decided to go to their warehouse, while Seohyun asked if anyone would help her bring the drums. San volunteered and they walked to her home, the black cat in San's hand.
As they walked, talking about how it looked like the cat missed Jiwoo, San stopped in his tracks. "I think you have a guest."
Seohyun looked ahead and saw a middle aged man dressed like a doctor. He was a ghost. Seohyun shared a look with San and went ahead.
"How can I help you?" Seohyun asked. The ghost got startled when he saw that San could see him too.
Jiwoo had once explained that to ghosts, Seohyun shined a little brighter than the rest of the humans, which was how they knew. Seohyun had just thought she was crazy but now she realized, now that she was with San, that it must be true.
Or maybe Jiwoo hadn't been joking that one time when she said there was a banner on top of her head and every ghost could see it, only Seohyun couldn't.
"I was told you'd help me," the doctor said. Seohyun nodded and he continued. "I made a mistake. I operated on a patient and it went wrong. It was my fault. The patient lost his vision. They were going to sue me, but when I tried to settle it, we had an argument. They gave up on suing me, saying I wasn't even worth the trouble.
"It was a few days later. I went into a slump and started drinking a lot. I was on the roof of the hospital and it wasn't my intention, but I slipped. That's how I died."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Seohyun said, "How can I help you move on then?"
"I want to let the patient know that I truly am sorry, and I want to let my family, just my family know that it wasn't a suicide. I wouldn't leave them behind on purpose."
"But... isn't it easier for your family this way? Than knowing that you are now a ghost? That it wasn't an accident?"
"I think," San began, "that he's right. It's more easier for them if they know he didn't commit suicide. They'd feel really bad if they think he left them on purpose. No one wants that from the people they love."
The doctor smiled thankfully at San. "I'll take you to the patient first," he said and asked if he should teleport the two of them.
"Do you want to come? You don't have to," Seohyun said.
San stroked the cat's head. "I want to."
"I don't know if it's safe for San to teleport. So we'll take the mundane route. Lead the way, sir."
"It's quite a distance. I hope you have money for taxi," the doctor said.
On the way to the patient's house, they had a nice chat with the doctor. He told them about his life, back when he was famous for being a good surgeon. He had never made a mistake and he had always held pride in that. But with this particular patient, he took a risk he knew he shouldn't have.
He told them he had a 10 year old daughter and he wanted her to become a doctor too. He wanted her to know that it was good to save people, and she shouldn't be afraid to take risks but also be careful at the same time and know her limits.
Seohyun was actually touched by the whole thing. It was good to have ghosts like these once in a while; nice, well-mannered ghosts.
They reached the patient's house. It was in a posh area; the patient himself must be rich. The house looked more like a mansion from the outside. Upon ringing the doorbell, a woman appeared, who the doctor told them was his wife. She seemed to be past 50s.
"We're relatives of Dr. Lee, the one who operated on your husband. We're here to discuss things about the case."
The woman passed them a skeptical look, "The doctor passed away, didn't he? We gave up on the case altogether. What do you want now?"
"We just want to talk to Mr. Cho. It's important. Please."
The woman let them in, guided them to the chairs in the garden and said she'd bring her husband. San and her sat down, admiring the lush gardens. The doctor paced worriedly.
"It will be alright. I have a way with words," Seohyun assured the doctor.
The husband and wife arrived; San and Seohyun got up and greeted them respectfully. "I am Seohyun, Dr. Lee's distant relative. This is San, my cousin."
"Have a seat," he said and they all settled down, including the wife. Seohyun sighed and decided she'd get to the point.
"Dr. Lee made a mistake. You must know that," Seohyun said. The wife looked at her husband worriedly.
"So he says," Mr. Cho said, staring in the distance.
"He wants to apologize, sincerely. I'll get to the point. He's here right now. I can see ghosts, the dead who have not moved on. He had unfinished business here, because he wanted to sincerely apologize. He won't be able to move on until he hears your forgiveness."
"Is this a prank?" Mrs. Cho asked, but Mr. Cho shushed her.
"I hope you can prove he's here," Mr. Cho said.
"Dr. Lee told you about some ginseng plant right before you went under anesthesia. No one was there when he told you, right?"
"That's true," Mr. Cho smiled. His wife began to complain but he raised a hand. "That's interesting. My father had a friend. He could see ghosts too. Are you the Mediator?"
San and Seohyun looked at each other in surprise. "That's what they call me, yes."
Mr. Cho laughed a little. "I used to not believe my father and that friend of his for the longest time, until I saw something and couldn't believe my eyes. That's why I believe you too, girl. You're doing a good job."
"Thank you," Seohyun said.
"So Dr. Lee is here? I can speak directly to him?"
"Yes sir."
"Alright. Dr. Lee, it was your fault, I know. But I truly forgive you. There are things we cannot avoid. We call it fate or destiny. What's bound to happen, fortune or misfortune, happens and you cannot avoid it. That's what I believe. I want you to move on, without the burden of my accident holding you back. You didn't do it on purpose, and that is enough for me."
Tears escaped Mrs. Cho's eyes and she wiped them. Seohyun muttered to San, 'wise man', and they watched Dr. Lee's eyes shine with tears to as he said his apology and thanks. Seohyun conveyed the message.
They were offered tea, but Seohyun told them they had to get home. The man offered to help Seohyun out if she ever had trouble with this Mediator job. She accepted, saying she would pay a visit someday.
The three of them left the house, standing in the street and reflecting on what had happened.
"That went rather smoothly," Seohyun commented.
"I know!" San widened his eyes at her.
"Thank you, Seohyun. It really does feel like a burden off my shoulder."
"No problem, we should move now. What's the next job?"
"I don't think I can see them like this," the doctor said. "I love my daughter and my wife very much. Seeing them would want me to stay. Do you think I can write a letter to my wife? You can give it to her tomorrow."
"Will your wife believe that it was really written by you?"
"We had a secret code between us; we created it. If I mention it in the letter, she'll have to believe it. And she'll recognize my handwriting too."
San and Seohyun decided that was convenient, and Seohyun handed the doctor a pen and paper. He wrote a short one, muttering something about how the less he wrote the better it would be. Then he folded it and handed it to Seohyun.
"I trust you. You'll give the letter tomorrow, right? I wrote the address on the other page."
"I will deliver it personally."
"Thank you," the doctor smiled. "Do you think I'll be able to watch over my daughter?"
"Maybe you will," Seohyun said.
"Guardian angel," San added, making the doctor smile as he disappeared. He had moved on.
"Well," Seohyun said, "That was quick. I love it when ghosts are wise enough to actually know how to handle their mess."
San scoffed. "Let's go."
Grabbing some coffee from a café they passed by, they took a taxi to Seohyun's home. Seohyun insisted that they should eat before they packed the drums and go to the warehouse. San helped her set the table. She had made pasta last night, which she reheated, and had some chocolates for dessert.
"Does your mom ever come home?" San asked as he nibbled on the chocolate.
Seohyun yawned. San reflected. They both were tired and sleepy now. "She has an apartment near her office so she only comes once a week here."
San yawned again and Seohyun laughed. "Should I let you nap?"
San smiled lazily. "Let's just pack the drums while you're still angry. I don't want you to change your mind."
Seohyun threw the wrapper at him and he caught it before it hit his face, throwing it right back. She dodged it. "Come on, let's dismantle it."
It took them ten minutes to dismantle and pack the drums. But it was already night time, and the boys had locked the warehouse and gone home when San asked them.
"Well, I'll call them here tomorrow. They should take it if they want it so much."
"Good idea." San said, yawning again.
"I think if I let you go home now, you're gonna fall asleep in the middle of the road. Take a power nap, San."
"Oh no, I shouldn't. I'll just go," he said and walked past her, only to be grabbed by the arms and led to a room despite him insisting he was not THAT sleepy.
San entered the room and immediately knew it was Seohyun's. The potted plants, the books, the mess. And the painting.
"So that's the painting, eh," he said, walking towards it and looking at the detail, absolutely wowed by it.
"How do you know? I don't think I mentioned," Seohyun narrowed her eyes.
"Jiwoo told me she left a gift for you," he smiled. Seohyun went to stand with him, looking at the painting with him.
"She's really good," she said.
San looked down at her. She felt so small; he was about a head taller than her. He turned towards her, his hand going to play with her hair. "You're really okay, right?"
"I am, San," Seohyun assured him. "I do feel lonely when I'm home, but you guys make up for it everyday."
San nodded. He was still playing with her hair. Seohyun suddenly flushed; they were standing quite close to each other. San noticed her looking at him, her light brown eyes shining.
He seemed to be searching her eyes for something. And Seohyun wasn't sure what it was, but she felt her heart pumping louder every second. She was, oh god, she was so attracted to him. He made her feel so many things just by looking at her.
"What are you looking at?" Seohyun asked- almost whispered.
"You," San said, bringing his hand to cup her face, surprised when she leaned in to his touch and closed her eyes. It made him melt. He brought her in for a hug and she gladly wrapped her arms around his waist, his small waist. She could hear his heart beat just as loudly. San rested his face on her head, rocking them back and forth. He didn't want to let go, he wanted to stay like this as long as he could.
Seohyun sighed. All she could think about was how he felt. Her mind was truly blank.
San finally broke apart a little, Seohyun's arms still around his waist. He was staring at her, his hands cupping her face, putting stray hair behind her ears. Seohyun wanted to do the same to him, but at the same time she didn't want to let go of him.
"Seohyun, Seohyun," he whispered, loving the sound of her name on his lips. She bit her lip. It seemed like they just stared at each other for the longest time, afraid to say anything, until Seohyun smiled at the situation.
San kissed her forehead first, a light peck. When she didn't move away, he tilted her face a bit upwards to kiss her cheekbone, then her cheek, leaving butterfly kisses, making her tremble all over. She clenched his shirt tighter, out of breath already. Their noses brushed and she loved the feeling of it, his breath warm on her. And when their lips brushed, San finally kissed her properly.
And Seohyun's mind went blank.
San's hand went behind her neck and Seohyun finally left his waist, only to cup his face herself as she guided him along. They tasted chocolate on each other. Seohyun was deepening the kiss, she just couldn't get enough. San mirrored her movements, following along, making her bend backwards until her back hit the desk and her hand went to rest on it for support.
San broke apart to catch his breath. His eyes were glazed, and so were Seohyun's. He put his hand on Seohyun's, the one that was on the desk, and with a sultry look and half a smile, he kissed her again, so passionately that it made Seohyun curve back and back until San was half on top of her.
When they broke apart, finally short of breath, Seohyun smirked. "I thought you were sleepy."
"I still am," he said, resting her forehead against her and smiling, eyes shut.
Seohyun lead him to her bed, making him sit. She bit her lip and smirked as she positioned herself on San's lap. San held her by her waist and let her kiss him; on his cheeks, like he had done, a peck on his nose which made him laugh, and finally a kiss to the lips.
"God, the way you make me feel, Choi San!" She sighed dramatically.
"And how do I make you feel?" He questioned. Seohyun shook her head. "I'll tell you later. Now we sleep."
San set his alarm for a power nap and with Seohyun in her arms, they both slept peacefully. When the alarm did go off, Seohyun didn't budge. With a kiss on her forehead, he left the house.
"There's something wrong with Seohyun," Yeosang announced and everyone turned to look at him.
"There's more?" Wooyoung asked sarcastically and Seohyun glared at him, turning to look at Yeosang, asking him what he meant by that.
"I don't know," Yeosang threw his hands in the air, clearly frustrated, "She keeps smiling to herself. It's creepy."
Seohyun and San shared a look and San, despite his struggle not to, burst out laughing. Seohyun pursed her lips, trying not to smile but failed.
"See?" Yeosang pointed at her, "Has she ever smiled like this?"
Wooyoung was looking at San and Seohyun. "You both.... Is there a secret I don't know about!?"
"I don't have secrets anymore..." Seohyun lied shamelessly, shrugging. San put his hands in the air and said, "I only laughed because of what Yeosang said."
"No, you're looking at each other with the most disgusting look in your eyes," Yeosang observed, "Don't tell me you two..."
"Ah, no, that cannot have happened!" Hongjoong waved him off as Seonghwa gasped.
"How could you even suggest such a thing?" Seonghwa shook his head, clearly disappointed in Yeosang.
"No, I didn't even say anything yet..." Yeosang looked at Seohyun to apologize but she smirked at him, making his eyes go wide.
"I am RIGHT! Something happened between these two, she smirked at me!"
Seohyun immediately put her poker face and looked at Mingi and Jongho, who were right in front of her, with the most innocent look in her eyes. "Did you see me smirk?"
Mingi and Jongho shook their heads. Yeosang shot Seohyun a glare. "I know I'm right. If this turns out to be true..."
"Stop being so dramatic," San said, shushing Yeosang, and got up to drink water.
They were all in the warehouse, having just left school, and were currently relaxing and drinking juice, chatting with each other. Yeosang had noticed Seohyun smiling more than usual, which made him think something happened. It didn't help that San and Seohyun couldn't stop exchanging glances.
Seohyun had brought the drum set with Yunho before coming to the warehouse. Seohyun motioned to Mingi and they got up, leaving the rest behind.
"Have you ever played drums before? Like, actual drums?"
"Yeah," Mingi answered, "A friend of mine had them."
"Alright, you should learn how to arrange them."
So Seohyun taught Mingi all about the components of a drum set, their various uses and how to dismantle them and put them back. Mingi listened carefully, and Seohyun smiled inwardly at how happy he looked. It made her feel guilty that she delayed it so much.
When they were done, they stood back to have a look.
"A much needed upgrade," Mingi smiled, ruffling Seohyun's hair, "Thanks."
"This drum set is my baby, okay? Use it well."
"Yes ma'am," Mingi saluted and Seohyun pointed at the drums. "Have a go."
Mingi sat on the stool, testing the weight of the drum sticks in his hand. He tested the sounds then, and played a little, freestyling, laughing as he did. The others had come to watch him, cheering and hyping him up.
"Not bad," Seohyun said when he finished, "Just go with your heart. Don't think."
"Your turn," Mingi handed her the drum sticks and she almost panicked.
"I think I'm good," she hesitated but someone pushed her forward. It was Yunho.
"I didn't go through all that trouble of coming to your house and carrying the drums to not see you play," he shook his head.
"Alright. Just a second," Seohyun said, tying her hair in a ponytail. "There you go."
Everyone hooted, clearly excited. This was the first time she was going to actually play in front of them, save for the time she had played the violin for San. San smiled at her as if he was thinking the same thing. Seohyun inhaled, testing the drums, and began.
She realized she really did enjoy playing the drums; there was just something about drums where you could express freely, and loudly, as if you wanted everyone to hear it. And it made her smile like crazy, put her brain on pause for a while and play with her heart.
She played like crazy, and when she was done, everyone was in awe.
"You're actually very good!" Hongjoong said, finally clapping. Seohyun bowed her head and got up. "I didn't expect this."
"It's like she was a different person," Jongho was looking at her with wonder.
"Teacher! you're my teacher from today," Mingi declared, and Seohyun scoffed at him.
"You don't need a teacher, teach yourself. I know you can."
"Nooo~" he wailed, "I would love you as a teacher!"
Seohyun just waved him off, going to San and smiling embarrassingly at him. He pinched her cheeks and she pouted, the two of them forgetting for a moment that everyone was still watching her.
"You two... there is something different!" Jongho laughed in disbelief. San and Seohyun started laughing. Yeosang just shook hands with Jongho, thanking him for finally noticing.
"They're not even bothering to deny it, guys," Yunho grinned.
"San is mine!" Wooyoung shouted dramatically, coming to hug San, sticking his tongue out at Seohyun. Seohyun glared at him, baring her teeth at him, and snatched San from him. Wooyoung gasped, and suddenly the two of them were in a battle, both pulling at San by his arms, who was laughing painfully, shouting for help.
"He's not even choosing!" Seohyun laughed, and winked at Wooyoung as she said, "Let's ditch him."
Wooyoung pushed San away, rather forcefully, who fell in Yeosang's arms. He put his arm in Seohyun and she flipped her hair as they walked away from him.
"No one loves me," San buried his nose in Yeosang's neck, pouting. Yeosang sighed, patting his head.
"You're right," Yeosang said, "Absolutely right."
"Hey..." San moaned like a little kid.
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putschki1969 · 3 years
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Wakana Spring Live ~magic moment~ 2021 Review
Note: I FINALLY got my package. Now that I watched the full live in HD, I thought I would share m thoughts and a little present below the cut ^_^ As always, I would like to encourage everyone to SUPPORT Wakana by BUYING her Blu-ray!!! Her sales numbers aren’t the greatest which is a huge shame since this is a solid release.
Overall thoughts: I got the Limited Edition of course since I couldn’t resist the pretty sleeve packaging, the bonus documentary (so insightful) and the photobook (scans coming up soon). It is quite pricey but totally worth the money, especially if you are among those fans who liked “Magic Moment” much more than Wakana’s debut album. The release comes with a gorgeous clearfile as tokuten so be sure to get it! Try going for the Regular Edition if you want to save money. As for the live itself, it was a pleasure to watch and I can see myself rewatching it a lot (skipping a few songs though :P). Wakana’s voice coaching lessons are definitely starting to pay off. She has so much stamina these days. Can you believe that this was her SECOND live performance of the day? Her vocals were solid, even during her high-demand power ballads. At rarely any point did she sound overly-screechy to my ears, there were certain sections that didn’t sound 100% smooth but those parts definitely didn’t take away from my  overall enjoyment. On a side note, this live was a feast for the eyes, Wakana looked absolutely beautiful in her white dress and I even liked her encore outfit even though it was a little “out there” XD During the more up-beat songs, her smile literally lit up the entire hall. Seeing her have so much fun on stage is healing. I feel like they may have gone a little overboard on the blurry filters from time to time but I guess that was on purpose. 
1.揺れる春: 6/10. This is obviously the perfect cute intro for a Spring Lives so I understand why Wakana put it here but I would have much preferred “breathing” as a grand entrance. Still so sad that this is the only song from the “magic moment” album that didn’t make it onto the setlist of this live. I know, we already got an official audio recording but I would have loved some video footage to accompany it :P Anyways, back to Yureru Haru. I haven’t really warmed up to the song yet. It’s not bad and I honestly love the verses since they are super precious and feel kinda nostalgic but the chorus doesn’t stand out imo. Also, her singing style during parts of the chorus isn’t my favourite and not overly flattering. 2.where: 4/10. Oh no!! I was hoping Wakana would be singing the “ohhhohhhs”. She could have easily done it during the start and middle part of the song since it wasn’t overlapping with her other vocals. This seems so rushed? Is it just me? I haven’t listened to the studio version in a while but I know that I quite enjoyed that and it definitely didn’t make me feel as fidgety as this. Don’t know what it is exactly but it keeps me from getting into the song. I guess this is the biggest disappointment for me because I wanted to like it. 3.君だけのステージ: 4/10. I will admit it, this is not my favourite song. It’s just way too long :P But it is a very good and energetic performance, really no complaints when it comes to Wakana. But experiencing it live at the venue would have made it so much better for me. Oh well, nothing that can be done about it. The scat part at the end was a pleasant surprise. Would have loved to hear more of that. 4.442: 100/10. Honestly a masterpiece. One of Wakana’s best solo songs up-to-date and so very perfect to show off her vocals. Hearing it live like this with a band arrangement is a revelation. I love the wailing in the beginning and all the strength she conveys throughout the rest of the song. 5.ひらり ひらり: 3/10. Another song I haven’t warmed up to yet. No real thoughts. It’s one of those songs that’s just very forgettable, not bad per se but there is just nothing at all that attracts me to it. :-( As you can tell, I wasn’t entirely happy with some of the setlist choices. Wakana obviously wanted to include all the album songs but some of them are just not my cup of tea T_T 6.夕焼け: 6/10. This is one of the pieces that gets better every time I listen to it. And the latter half of the song is generally much nicer. I am always surprised by how much I actually like it when it’s over :P 7.アキノサクラ Acoustic ver.: 7/10. I am distracted by that harmonica sound-alike thingy Satoshi Takebe is playing XD Still, I have come to really like this song last winter so it is always appreciated, especially the acoustic version. Wakana is struggling a bit during the ending but nothing too bad. 8.myself: 100/10. Utter perfection. So much better than the studio version. And I am not saying this because I disliked the studio version, quite the contrary actually, I LOVED it but these two versions are honestly miles apart. Wakana’s live performance feels so much more raw and emotional. And her vocals in this are pretty much flawless, I can’t even begin to describe how this song makes me feel. A perfect ballad for Wakana. 9.メロディー (Cover): 8/10. My first reaction was boring. But by the third listen I was totally smitten and now it’s among my faves from this live. Be sure to give it a few tries, it really grows on you. I can tell why Takebe would choose this for Wakana. 10.元気を出して (Cover): 8/10. Ahhhhh, so freaking cute and old-school. Nothing beats a nostalgic, fluffy pop song from the 80s. I am here for this content. The “lalalas” at the end are LOVE. 11.オレンジ: 6/10. I like the song but I have to be in the mood for it. And here we have that fake harmonica thingy again. I enjoy the sound of a harmonica about as much as the sound of an accordion (which means not at all :P) but it fits the vibe of the song so I am okay with it. The bridge is usually my favourite part but Wakana’s delivery wasn’t as smooth as I would have liked. It was nice to have this right after “Genki wo Dashite” because both are encouraging pick-me-ups. 12.恋はいつも: 10/10. One day I wanna hear her sing the “baby, baby” part!! Please! Another absolutely highlight, you all know that I ADORE  this song, I could listen to this FOREVER. It’s such a shame the corona guidelines do not allow the audience to sing along because the ending is so much more powerful if everyone is actually singing instead of just clapping. 13.Happy Hello Day: 8/10. Such a feel-good piece. Initially I didn’t like it much but seeing it performed with an audience during her Music Party and now here, has really made me fall in love with it. I have mentioned it before in my initial reaction to the YouTube leak but I wish she would have sung some lalalas at the end just as she did during her Music Party. 14.magic moment: 9/10. I KNEW I would love this song more once I got to hear it live. I still feel like the composition is a bit choppy and thus not as flowy as I would have liked from a power ballad like this but OMG, Wakana’s live performance is EVERYTHING. Blown away by her powerful vocals, she OWNS this song 15.時を越える夜に: 10/10. Two power ballads back to back. What more could I ask for? I know not many people liked Wakana’s solo debut but I personally always thought it was perfect for her. I consider this to be one of her best songs. Say what you will about Takebe but he certainly knows how to make Wakana shine, at least in my opinion. And the song has only gotten better with every live performance. Although I think I preferred the version from her Voice Tour. So very glad we got at least one track from Wakana’s first album. The original setlist actually included Kinmokusei and Kioku no Hito which are two of my faves (they were later exchanged with the two covers). 16.春を待つ (Kalafina Cover): 8/10. Despite this being one of Keiko’s favourite Kala-songs I never could bring myself to really appreciate it. It’s just an okay song for me. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy it quite a bit but I don’t go out of my way to listen to it. However, I very much loved Wakana’s cover though, she does a good job singing everyone’s lines and since the original doesn’t have any harmonies her solo performance doesn’t feel too lacking. 17.あとひとつ: 10/10. Always a treat. Can’t believe this STILL hasn’t gotten an official release :P  But I understand Wakana’s reasoning, she wants to keep this song a unique live experience and it really is. I can’t help but tear up whenever she is singing this.
Documentary: I haven’t watched all of it yet but OMG, this is so cool. The first 20 minutes are dedicated to rehearsals. I love seeing Wakana like this, just being her cute dorky self. But poor baby, it was hard seeing her this exhausted after the big studio rehearsal (that’s what the gif is from - being her overdramatic self, she literally dropped dead to the floor). The second half of the documentary is Wakana talking about the production of the live and the different songs of the setlist. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Wakana Spring Live ~magic moment~ 2021 Google Drive (3,11 GB) 🎁
Documentary of Wakana Spring Live ~magic moment~ 2021 Google Drive (1 GB) 🎁
Wakana Spring Live ~magic moment~ 2021 MP3s Google Drive 🎁
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artxyra · 4 years
The Secret Life of MDC | Part 2
Part 2 – DuPont believe anything they say
Part 1
Marinette was ready for anything they could throw at her because now she can bring them all down at once. Today was the start of her first time as a spy student for the School board and splitting her time between two classes. The first half of the day would be spent with Mlle. Bustier and the second half as a TA for a new teacher that recently just began over the summer.
“Are you ready, Buggy?” She heard Adrien ask her from behind.
“Buggy? That’s a new one, Kitten, and yeah I'm ready. Just one more school year with Lila and her mindless followers.” Marinette answers, absently playing with the ends of her blouse. Adrien feeling a shift in the air, grips her hand and gives the one person he sees as a sister the biggest reassuring smile he could muster.
“C’mon losers, I only have so many fucks to give out and I don’t want to blow it in the first half of class.” They heard Chloe call out behind them wearing sunglasses indoors that clashed with her golden outfit. Marinette had to prevent herself from scoffing at the fashion choice the blonde teen had made. It was a crime against fashion and the girl is the daughter of a fashion icon.
“Chloe, you know I love you, but what in the world prompted you to wear sunglasses indoors?” Marinette somehow managed not to raise her voice at a person she claims as a sister.
“Oh hush, Manette. I’m doing this to prevent future murders on my hands.” Chloe responded as Adrien and Marinette look at each other communicating with slight head shakes and hand gestures that went from them to Chloe and back to them.
“That makes no sense, Bee, and I’m afraid to know what you meant. Should I message Tim to get a lawyer on hand or just pretend that I didn’t hear anything and go on into the nightmare that we call class.” It was Marinette that took the charge like she always does in these situations where she and Adrien are at a loss when it comes to Chloe’s hidden mindset.
All Chloe gives them is a mischief smirk causing the two friends to fear what is to come.
“Good morning, class. Today I have exciting news!” The teacher, Mlle. Bustier, announces as she setting her things down and turning to the chalkboard.
The trio never would have thought they would be stuck with Caline Bustier since the beginning of their collége years to the end of their lycée years. The only reason why this is a fact is that many of the teachers in the surrounding Paris area moved out once Hawkmoth’s akuma attacks began to become more vicious. They didn’t want to teach in an area that could lead to death or effect their trauma even more. This caused the school board committee for all of Paris to let the teachers teach their current class up until graduation with only the senior teachers teaching two sets of classes which meant teaching a younger generation outside of their grade group. So far, the change has been going well with minimum out rejection.
For Mlle. Bustier’s class, it was the best transition ever; however, it only solidifies their downfall and future in the real world. Caline, a generous carrying teacher, has little to none of a backbone. Her teaching methods are questionable especially when it comes to her classes' growth, which is why the school board's deal to Marinette was to become a student spy rather than letting her go free once she passed the Baccalauréat.
Caline turns around to view her students. She’s happy to see every single one of them, but her inner smile fades away once she caught sight of Marinette. The girl had so much potential in the teacher’s eyes and it was a shame to see it go to waste. She tried to get Marinette to be an example for her peers, but the girl did nothing but cause a rift in the classroom.
“I have some amazing news. Starting today up until our class exchange program, each and every one of you will be working on a presentation choosing an infamous city in the United States. You can work in pairs no bigger than three for this assignment.” Caline began before going into detail regarding the largest project of their senior year.
The trio already knew what city they were going to pick; however, for Marinette, she was slightly wary. This assignment has little to with her problems, but she had forgotten about the exchange program that the class was selected last year to go on for this year.
Every year a certain senior class is chosen to go on an exchange to one of the partner schools in the United States. When Marinette graduated, she had forgotten that her class was chosen, so now she needs to find out how that will change her teaching assistant job plans and how she and the principal will overcome this.
“Ooh, we should Gotham! I personally know the Waynes. They are a nice family. You know?” Of course, it had to be Lila to ruin a good mood. The trio could feel the liar’s gaze lingering on them as they mentally plain on what to do. “You know Adrien, you could join my group and we’ll get an ‘A’.” Lila begins to sweet-talk her way through Adrien, ignoring the heavily implied discomfort the model was giving her.
“Huh, Lie-la, I’m actually planning on working with Chloe and Mari for this one. I’m sure Alya and Nino would love to be a part of your group.” Adrien speaks up as he repeatedly tapes the desk for help from his two surrogate sisters.
Lila huffs putting on the waterworks, like always does when she didn’t get her way.
“Adrien? C’mon sunshine, can’t you just work with Lila. She was really looking forward to doing the project with you. Nino and I decided to be a duo, anyway. I’m sure Chloe and Marinette can handle it on their own.” Alya may not be physically violent towards anyone, but she did know how to pressure someone into doing something.
Adrien shakes his head and decides that it was best to stay close to Chloe and Marinette in case something goes sideways.
Feeling the attention away from her, Lila knew she had to come up with something spectacular. However, it would be unfortunate for Marinette who decided to take a drink from her water bottle. “I know I shouldn't say anything, but I’m dating Damian Wayne.” Immediately the loyalist of flies surrounds the liar gushing about the latest news.
Marinette, on the other hand, chokes on her water creating a coughing fit. She stares aghast at the liar once the coughing died down. Chloe and Adrien couldn't help but laugh at this.
“Calm down, calm down, class. I still have much to discuss with you including the trip.” Mlle. Bustier states trying to reel on her students as the talking increases in volume.
Fading out of the class the trio opens their group chat. Marinette looks up every so often to make sure that their teacher was paying them no attention.
Queen Bee: Our class is filled with idiots. [insert screaming GIF]
Katana’s Bitch: Uh, Bee what happened?
My Voice is Music: Aren’t you like in class?
Gotham’s Princess: Yes, but that is not the point. Besides, I already did all this shit and just in class for "fun".
R U Kitten Me:  Luka, my love, I’m gonna need loads of therapy?
My Voice is Music: Liar?
Katana’s Bitch: Liar?
Queen Bee: She tried to guilt Kitten into being her partner for this large assignment. Ooh, how I can’t wait until he comes out of the closet.
Gotham’s Princess:  It will be something like this: [insert a WTF GIF]
R U Kitten Me: Ooh that’s a good one Mars.
Gotham’s Princess: [insert bowing GIF] Thank you.
Queen Bee: 10 o clock, Bustier’s looking right at us
Marinette looks away from her phone to be greeted by Mlle. Bustier stern facials. She sheepishly smiles at the teacher and begins to write in her notebook, but the content had nothing to do with what Mlle. Bustier was teaching.
A grueling class period later, Marinette rushes over to the other side of the building. She sets up the classroom for the teacher and waits for the students to arrive.
While Marinette becomes the TA for a different class, Chloe and Adrien are forced to deal with the idiocy of their classmates alone.
Chloe nearly got into a yelling match with Lila and Alya about Marinette’s whereabouts as everything soon became aware that the fashion designer was missing for the second half of the school day.
Lila, once again, tried to dig her nails into the model to be her partner for the presentation project, she even tried to pull the daddy card over the blonde not knowing that Gabriel has little power over him since he unofficially moved in with the Dupain-Cheng home and rarely makes an appearance at the Agreste home unless it was dire.
“I can’t believe how selfish you are?” Alya attempts to scream into Adrien’s face but is pulled away by Nino, once the DJ realizes what was going on. He even mouths his apologies to his friend as he pulls Alya to comfort Lila, who was making a big hissy fit.
“I just wanted him to have a good grade on this project. My Damiboo would have been a large help when we choice Gotham.” Lila sniffles in her limp hand as if she was the victim of a major crime. Chloe and Adrien just roll their eyes and continue to ignore their classmates as the second half begins.
Marinette laughs at the messages on her phone about the class before walking into Principal De La Fontaine's offices. Due to the constant attacks and akuma victim from Dupont, the Paris school board officials declared Principal Damocles unfit to be a principal and opted for De La Fontaine to oversee college and lycée of the Dupont schools seeing as they are short-staffed.
“Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, you needed to see me?”
“Good evening, Principal De La Fontaine, and yes I do. It’s about the exchange program. The class that I’m spying for was selected to go last year and I was wondering how that will affect my teaching assistant job?” She asks taking an empty seat opposite from the Principal.
“Why yes, we probably should discuss this before you go. This might be the last piece for the school board in regards to Caline’s teaching habits. I have already discussed it with Mme. Margaux about your month's departure.”
A sigh of relief escapes Marinette’s lips. The feeling of knowing nothing will happen to her job on the school grounds with her being gone for a month.
“Merci.” She says once their conversations end and as she walks out of the office.
Nette @GothamsFashionSense Guess who’s returning to Gotham for a month?? This fille right here!! [insert a Dottie screaming & kicking her feet GIF]
Immediately, the tweet receives dozens of replies, all ranging from screeches of who is she to can’t wait to play “Spot the Nette game” on twitter. Marinette couldn’t help up chuckle as the replies from her extended family proceeds to enter the replies.
Maybe the trip wouldn’t be so bad?
Yeah, that was a lie. Before the trip started, Lila made a tearful excuse about the presentation project then saying that Marinette and her group stole the presentation from her as their city was the same, Gotham, New Jersy. That ended up becoming a large battle about right and wrong, to which Chloe and Adrien won because they did most of the project.
The moment before the trio stepped into the airport, saying their goodbyes to Kagami, Luka, and closet family members was just as emotional. Adrien tried his hardest not to breakdown in Luka’s arms but the reminder of seeing Jon made him excited. Chloe was a weeping mess saying goodbye to her girlfriend, who promise to send messages every day to keep the bee miraculous holder sane. For Marinette, she knew that Paris was in good hands and always having Kaalki on hand has been a huge help when traveling between the two cities.
Upon entering the airplane, there wasn’t a single moment that Lila didn’t lie about her experience in Gotham. She somehow managed to get every Wayne boys' name wrong except for Damian’s and Bruce’s. Like whom the hell is Tom Grayson and Drake Todd. It took every bone in the trio’s body not to breakdown laughing and cursing at the liar for such ludicrous names. Though parts of her conversation went into the ultimate group chat where everyone from Gotham to Paris is on. Let’s just say Jason was craving for a bullet to hit the liar in an “accidental” way.
Part 3 >>
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babyurthendofjune · 4 years
kiss in the kitchen
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We’re gonna ignore the fact that I keep using lyrics as my titles cause I’m not creative enough to come up with my own
This is for @lovinhesmdcn​‘s Mean Birthday writing prompt event! My birthday this year was one of the worst days of my life so I chose to create a fantasy where that day never happened. *deep sigh* one day I will stop using my personal experiences so much in my writing but today is not that day.
I feel the need to apologize to those of you that read the sneak peek and came here expecting smut! This is pure fluff sorry :) hope you still enjoy it!
word count: 3k
Harry was still baffled at the fact that you did not care one bit about celebrating your birthday.
"It's your special day, love, wanna celebrate you. With you. Y'don't want a party or anything?"
You shake your head no, strands of hair falling from your messy bun into your face. You brush them away and bring your mug of coffee to your lips, taking a long sip. This had become Harry's daily breakfast topic, trying to convince you to let him do something for your day of birth.
"I told you, Harry. My last birthday was..a traumatic day for me and I just don't want to be reminded of that."
"I know, but," He stuffs another bite of pancake in his mouth before continuing, "This year you have me. I wanna spoil my girl and s'not fair that you're refusing me that chance."
You roll your eyes, "You spoil me everyday."
"Do not."
"Do too. Who made breakfast and refused to let me help?"
"That's not spoiling. S'just because I didn't want you to burn the pancakes again."
"That was ONE time, and it's only because YOU distracted me."
"Just wanted a good morning kiss, ya the one that got all greedy and wanted more." He waves his fork in your direction, emphasizing his point, "Filthy little tease, you are." 
"Maybe I am, but you have to admit you started it that day."
You stand to take the now empty plates to the sink. Before you have a chance to stack them, Harry is pulling you into his lap. A sticky, syrup flavored kiss pressed to the corner of your mouth. His hands moving around to interlock behind your back to keep you secure.
"If you truly don't want to do anything for your birthday, we won't. It's your day, you decide how we spend it, alright? Shame to pass up the opportunity for cake though."
You sigh, admitting defeat, "We can have cake, if that will make you happy."
"Yeah?" His eyes light up at the idea, "A party with presents too?"
"No party. Just want to spend the day with you. Maybe dinner or something, just the two of us. You may buy me one present, if you wish."
"One present, huh?"
"I mean it, Harry. No party. NO surprise guests. One present. Promise me." You hold one pinky out, waiting.
He looks at your finger, level now with his face, eyes narrowed at it before bringing a hand to loop his pinky around yours, "Deal. Any other rules?"
You shake your head no, placing your hand flat to his chest to push yourself off his lap.
He catches you quickly, a strong arm thrown around your waist, ignoring your laughter as you plop back down on his thighs.
"Y'not going anywhere yet. We have cake flavors to discuss."
When the day arrives, the two of you spend most of the morning in bed before he forces you to get up for a late lunch. 
A small square package, messily wrapped in colorful paper lay on the kitchen table in front of you, 
"This does NOT count as your present. I just saw it at the store and couldn't resist.”
He's giggly the whole time you rip the paper away, you protesting about him already breaking your rules. 
"S'not a real one, of course. Knew you'd throw a fit if I did that."
With the paper finally gone, you pull the top off the box only to gasp at what's nestled there in tissue paper. 
A crown. A more grown up version of the plastic, fake-jeweled ones you wore religiously as a child. This one sparkles silver against pastel pink paper, the afternoon light reflecting the glitter and casting a glow across your face. When you don't move to take it from its wrapping, Harry moves forward, removing it from the box to nestle it on top of your head.
He pulls back, eyes sweeping over your face, hovering there for a moment before placing a kiss to the top of your head. 
"How's it look?" He's looking at you the way you look at a sunset, like he's never seen anything more gorgeous.
"Thank you, H. You're spoiling me again."
"S'your birthday, princess, will you stop being so stubborn and just enjoy it?"
"Where're we going for dinner?"
You stand in front of your closet, post-shower, in nothing but a loose sleep shirt and underwear.  Your hair rests atop your head in rollers. Your only instructions so far from Harry were to get ready and dress nice.
"Who says m'taking you to dinner?" His voice is muffled through the slightly open bathroom door.
"Oh..I just thought.."
He emerges from behind the door, towel tied loosely around his waist, coming to stand next to you in front of his own side of the closet you share. His hand snakes around to rest on your hip before pulling you close to press a kiss to your temple.
"M'just kidding, lovie. Just want to surprise you though..can you let me do that?"
His hand resting on your mostly bare hip has you pulling your bottom lip into your mouth and casting a smirk his way.
"None of that," He quickly pulls his hand away, landing a playful swat to your thigh before smiling down at the mark he knows will temporarily form on your skin, "We have reservations, plenty of time for all that after dinner."
"Well will you at least tell me how nice you mean by dress nice? How am I supposed to decide what to wear? You know I have a hard enough time choosing when I do know where we're going."
"Then let me choose for you." He leads you to the bed, pushing you to sit on the edge, a hand coming to cover your eyes. 
You let out a deep sigh, closing your eyes.
"D'ya not trust me?"
"Of course I do. You know I do."
"Alright then. No peekin'."
You hear him shuffle away, then the sound of hangers gliding back and forth across the rod in the closet as he makes his selection.
"Will you be picking shoes as well? Or do I get to decide that?"
"I'll pick them." It's easy to visualize the smile on his lips. He's enjoying this way too much.
You hear the bathroom door open again and you temporarily peek one eye open, your curiosity getting the better of you.
"What about jewelry?"
"Ah, forgot about that. Thank you, babe." He's at your dresser now, you hear the top of your jewelry box being removed and the clink of things being removed and replaced as he carefully coordinates what will go best together.
"Can I open my eyes yet?"
"Patience, angel. Almost done."
His feet are too quiet as he returns to you, and you jump when a finger boops your nose. He chuckles before bending down to whisper in your ear, "Be ready in 20" landing another playful swat at your hip.
He's placed everything in the bathroom, hanging the dress on the back of the door, shoes and accessories on the counter.
Of course he would choose that dress. He's told you frequently how much he loves it on you, the soft, flowy fabric hugging your body and accentuating your features in the most flattering ways. Lucky for him it was one of your favorites too. You laugh when you see the shoes, a pair of low set heels. He knows you too well, knows you will most likely want a glass of wine (or two) with dinner and how dangerous your higher heels are, even when you're sober.
20 minutes isn't as much time as you would have liked, but you put yourself together as best you can with the time you are given. Thankfully your hair set easily in soft waves because of the rollers, saving you that extra time to make sure your make-up looks as decent as possible.
Harry waits for you, perched on the edge of the bed in the same spot he made you sit earlier while he selected your outfit. His head is down and when you appear in front of him he looks up, letting out a low whistle at the sight of you.
"You look like a dream, love, an absolute dream." His hands come to rest on your hips, eyes sweeping over your body, basking in the glow of your beauty. 
You run your hands through his hair, trying to ignore his hand traveling further down to dip under the hem of your dress. When his fingers graze the inside of your thigh, you tug lightly at the ends of his curls, just enough to pull his attention back up to your face.
"Thought you said we didn't have time for all that..reservations, remember?"
"Damn the reservations. They can hold the table for a bit.."
"Last time you said that, we didn't even make it to dinner, H. I love you, I love your hands..and your mouth," You run your thumb over his bottom lip, which earns you a cheeky grin, "But right now the birthday girl is very hungry and she was promised dinner."
He groans when you pull your hands from his hair, tugging on his wrist to pull him up. The new angle has him looking down at you now, and for a second you regret rejecting his offer. An evening spent in bed with him would be just as perfect, if not more, than any dinner he could treat you to. He's grinning, like he knows exactly what you're thinking.
"S'pose she was. Can I at least give the birthday girl a kiss before we go?" His hand is slipping around to the back of your neck, pulling you closer. He knows you'll say yes, and yet he still waits, wants to hear you say it.
"Hmm..the birthday girl would happily accept a kiss." 
The restaurant is far more extravagant than you could have imagined. It has you repeatedly looking down at the dress you felt so confident in 10 minutes before in the comfort of your own home. It's not elegant enough, you're sure nothing in your closet would have been. You wish desperately you had brought a sweater with you, if not to cover up as much as to have the comfort against your skin.
Harry senses your unease and quickly determines the source, taking your hand from across the table, reminding you how perfect you look. You think you detect a bit of nerves flowing from him as well, but you think nothing of it, dismissing it quickly as you projecting your own feelings onto him.
He had promised your present, your real present, would be given to you at dinner. But he carried with him no bag, no messily wrapped package like from the afternoon. Just himself and his too expensive suit, sitting across from you. He's scanning the menu, rambling on about what sounds good and you hum agreements here and there, but you can't help but be curious what else he has planned for the evening.
After the waiter comes to take your order, you take a moment to scold him, "This is too much, Harry. You really shouldn't have."
He just shrugs, brushing your reprimand off, simply saying, "S'a special night, innit?"
The food is amazing, as you knew it would be. You both stay mostly silent through the rest of dinner, just enjoying your meals and each other's company. Occasionally he stares at you affectionately as you sip your wine.
You had talked him down from the idea of a cake, deciding that dessert at whatever restaurant he chose would be the more low-key option. So when the dessert course arrives and there's still no mention of a present, you don't say anything. Truth be told you don't really care if he got you anything, he had followed your requests; no party, just a day with him and a quiet dinner. But it wasn't like him and just as you're about to question him, deciding how best to word it without sounding like a brat, he reaches into his jacket pocket.
Instead of pulling out whatever it was he was so carefully trying to surprise you with, his eyes go wide. He frantically pats all his pockets, even checking underneath the table to make sure it hadn't tumbled out and landed at his feet. He straightens, clearing his throat and you laugh at his flustered expression.
"Lose something there, Harry?"
"No, no..I, um..must've just forgotten it at home. I swear, honey, I'm so sorry. I was so careful to keep it hidden from you this past week. Couldn't wait to give it to you and I just..ruined the whole night now."
"H, I don't care. I mean, I care that you're upset, but I don't care if you forgot the present. I wouldn't have cared if you didn't get me a thing. The day with you, the dinner, nothing could ruin that."
"You're too good to me, too forgiving. I forget and you comfort me, s'not fair." He's smiling though, green eyes glowing in the candlelight between the two of you.
The next night, the two of you get a rare night in to spend together. No staying late at work for you, no extra time in the studio for him. Just takeout and trash tv that Harry always complains about, but secretly loved just as much as you. You were waiting on your Mexican food to be delivered, mixing up a batch of margaritas. You would take a night like this over an exquisite dinner out anytime. 
Harry had spent the whole day apologizing, finding little ways to try to make up for what he still claimed was a ruined dinner. You shushed him each time, just wishing he would forgive himself. 
Just as you're getting glasses down to pour drinks for the two of you, Harry sneaks up behind you. He takes your hand, twirling you around to face him, catching your waist when you almost fall.
He chuckles, but instantly the energy in the room has changed. It's different from your normal, everyday butterflies you get from his hand resting against your skin. No, this feels much heavier and it terrifies you.
"Found your present." His tone is light enough that some of your anxiety is eased, the smile growing on his face chasing any other doubts away that may have temporarily flooded your thoughts. 
Before you can say anything, he's lifting your hand and slipping a ring on your finger.
"Oh Harry, it's stunning!" Your mind doesn't even make the connection at first, you're too mesmerized by the simple beauty of the silver ring sitting snug against your skin. He's still smiling, so big the crinkles around his eyes are shining, dimples prominent on either side of his mouth. He seems to be expecting an answer, but he hasn't asked you a question..
Suddenly it all becomes clear; the fancy dinner, the special night, it wasn't all just for your birthday.
"Harry, is this a..?" You can't even say the word, it gets caught in your throat and you swallow quickly. Before you can try again, he answers.
"S'what I intended it for, yeah." He's still beaming, "You said only one present and I wanted it to be one that counts. I know we haven't really talked much about this but it's been on my mind for a while. I love you so much, you're so good to me, good for me too and I just can't imagine not spending the rest of my days with you. Having children and growing old with you by my side, if that’s what you want. S'pose I should actually say the words though, right?"
He takes a deep breath, bringing your hand to rest on his chest, his hand covering yours before speaking again, "Will you marry me?"
The next breath out of your body is a single, "Yes." You think maybe it was too quiet and he didn't hear you at first, but then his eyes meet yours, searching quickly for any more doubts, "Yeah?"
You nod, tears forming as he lifts you, spins you once around in the kitchen before sitting you on the counter. He fits easily there in the space in front of you, like he was created to be there. To be yours, and you his.
"I have a confession to make." He's looking at you like a child who just got caught doing something they shouldn't have been doing.
"I didn't forget the ring last night." He's looking down, eyes darting up at you to gauge your reaction, scared to death you'll change your mind at any second.
"You had it with you the whole time? All that was an act? Looking for the ring, pretending it wasn't really there?"
"Well, no. I didn't have the ring on me then. The waiter had it. He was waiting on my signal. But yeah the rest of it was an act..had to pretend I’d forgotten it. Did a pretty good job, eh?" 
"So when was it supposed to be delivered then?"
"With dessert, but that just," He wrinkles his nose, "Didn't feel right, didn't feel like us. I would much rather tell our children that I proposed to their mother like this than in some fancy restaurant that she didn't look comfortable in."
"I really looked that miserable, huh?" You wrinkle your nose back, trying to picture the image that Harry must've seen of you the night before.
"No, you looked gorgeous, love. I just prefer you like this. Softer and messier and fun and just not a care in the world as you dance around our kitchen making drinks for us."
The tears are spilling over now and he moves closer, hands cupping your cheeks and swiping them away.
"I love you so much, H." You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his around your middle, lifting you again. He holds you there for a minute, burying his face in your neck and securing his hands under you so you won't fall.
"I love you more, baby, so much more." He places kisses up your neck and along your jaw, landing the final one on your lips.
Whatever tragic memory your birthday held for you previously, would now forever shine instead with the reminder of his love for you.
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justxaxstrayxkid · 3 years
Ranking every outfit Nora has worn
I've rated her human names and I've ranked her vessel names. Now it is time to rank all of her outfits 10 to 1. Why am I doing this? Because I'm a sucker for pretty clothes and babygirl is a fashion icon. These are just my opinions obviously so don't take them seriously. Though I am being dead serious when I say Mizuchi invented the fashion industry. What I want people to take away from this post is that we, as a society, need to respect Mizuchi's drip. No pun intended hehe
10. Childhood Kimono
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No sense calling it the childhood kimono when she's always gonna be a child but idk what else to call this. I put this fit last because it's quite basic. There's not much to talk about here. I don't have any particular feelings towards it either. I do think the pink obi is cute. Mainly cuz pink is my favorite color. Also is it just me or does the kimono look way too big on her?
9. Childhood Kimono Enhanced ver.
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This is the same exact fit as the last one and it only appeared in the one-shot manga bout Rabo and Yato but I want to rank it separately because of her accessory. She's just too cute with that little bow in her hair! Don't mind me fangirling over that bow like it's a national treasure. The sandals are nice new touch too.
8. Pink Kimono
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This one is only shown in anime during the flashback scene where Yato massacred the ma clan. I love this kimono because it's in my favorite shade of pink. There isn't much to say about it though. It's pretty basic so I put in this spot
7. Volume 8 Kimono
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This fit appeared on the cover of volume 8 of the manga. I have to admit, this fit is kinda crazy. Like the grape (??) socks, the random checkerboard pattern, the green hiyoku, the flower pattern, the flower in her hair. It all seems very random. But I actually think it goes together well! A hot mess can sometimes turn out beautiful. I like the way she looks with a flower in her hair. Mizuchi with hair accessories equals world domination. And why tf does that ayakashi doggie have a paper crane in its mouth? That's more random than the outfit lmao.
6. Fruit bowl Kimono
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This one only appeared in a colored page of the manga. Can't remember what chapter or volume it was in exactly but I think it was in beginning. This kimono is very beautiful. The pattern on it reminds me of fruit bowls lol. Babygirl rlly has the best fashion sense ever. You can't change my mind on that. And she's wearing a hair accessory here! Rejoice!
5. Boysenberry Kimono
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I think the color is boysenberry but I’m not sure. My eyesight isn’t that good. So this fit is from a Kami To Enishi card. The game is discontinued but I just couldn’t not add this fit in. It’s so pretty! The color of the kimono matches her eyes which is my favorite aspect of the outfit. I think the pattern on it is supposed to be temari balls. Or maybe it's supposed to be beach balls. Of course we can’t forget to mention the bow! Tbh I don’t think it matches with the rest of the fit. But hey, it matches better than the whole volume 8 ensemble. I still like the bow and I’m glad she’s wearing it!
4. Capybara Fit
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First of all, how the heck do you spell capybara? I’ve seen it spelled in 5 different ways. Second of all, I LOVE THIS FIT MORE THAN MY FUTURE CHILDREN! Seriously it’s so cute! She rocked the whole world when she put this on. I screeched when I first read the chapter this was in. That's the sheer power of this outfit.
3. Yurei Fit
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Next is babygirl's classic outfit, the yurei outfit! This fit is so iconic I had to put it in the top three. I have a lot to say about it. In a way, this fit is part of the reason why I got into Noragami. Like I'm an avid horror fan and I especially love any media that has to do with yurei. Yurei are Japanese ghosts for those of you who don't know. I saw a gif of Mizuchi here on tumblr and her character design caught my eye. I thought Noragami was going to be in the horror genre because of this fit. If she wasn't wearing this fit, I probably wouldn't have become interested in Noragami at all. Thank you to the yurei fit for getting me into this amazing series. I love her personal touches to it. Like the way she wears her hitaikakushi slanted, her big obi, her gauntlets, and her hiyoku. Her hiyoku had this lil flower pattern on it in the first few chapters. That was super adorable. It's a shame she never wears it again. Yurei are usually depicted just wearing a simple white kimono and with long hair. But babygirl has her own personal touches and she has a bob cut. She is rlly out here being a trendsetter for dead people in Japan. A round of applause for this fit.
2. Flower print Kimono
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Excuse the poor quality pic. You've probably figured out by now that I have a thing for flower patterns lol. That's exactly the reason why this is my second favorite outfit of hers. It's one of her more simple fits. But I think it's to die for! Pun fully intended ;) If I remember correctly, in the past, she and baby Yato stole this from someone they killed. Sorry but I find that hilarious. R.i.p to whoever this kimono belonged to. You may have been killed but you didn't die in vain because a rlly cute girl has your kimono now. I wonder if babygirl would ever pull this out of her closet and wear it again. She may not even have it anymore since the flashbacks where she wore this were like centuries before Noragami takes place. This kimono might've already become tasty grub for moths :(
1. School uniform Fit
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Of course, the school uniform is first. This fit literally invented the fashion industry! No one can tell me otherwise. Words can't fathom how cute babygirl looks in this. As a school girl who's been to multiple schools with uniforms, I think I'm qualified to say that Mizuchi looks better than anyone else in a school uniform. It's not just how she looks either but also the fact that Hiyori gave it to her. That really warms my heart. This fit did so much for the world. Like I've said before, it will go down in history as one of the best things to happen in fiction.
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forthegothicheroine · 3 years
Opinions on Into the Dark Movies
I’ve seen a lot, though not all, of the Blumhouse series of Into the Dark, direct to Hulu horror movies themed around various holidays.  Some of them suck.  Some of them are surprisingly good!  Most are mediocre.  Still, I keep watching.  Rather than try to rank these movies, I’m just going to give a few of them awards.
Favorite Movie: Pooka Lives
If you were there for the height of Slenderman blogging, this will hit you hard!  The first Pooka movie was a psychological thriller and definitely interesting, but the horror-comedy sequel was the thing that touched my heart.  It’s all about how the internet creates memes that completely change from where they start by the whims of each new viral art piece.  While watching it, I said “according to Twin Peaks, this would be a a tulpa” at one point, and then Felicia Day said “I’ve got it, it’s a tulpa!”  She heard me!  Rachel Bloom kills Whil Weaton in the opening!  All you really need to know going in is that Pooka is a stuffed animal bear-rabbit-monster who repeats words in a “naughty” or “nice” voice.
Most Effective Horror Movie: I’m Just Fucking With You
Somebody on the Bloody Disgusting website said the stuff in this movie is worse torture than Saw or Hostel- but the kicker is, the torment is mostly mental and emotional.  An unlikeable internet troll checks into a sleazy motel, only to discover that the guy in charge of the place is a nastier troll than he’ll ever be.  This bespectacled, southern-accented slacker just keeps pulling pranks, each one more mean-spirited than the last, until they escalate to murder and the total destruction of our hero’s remaining humanity.  The constant neon-lit look of the motel is super intense, but the most important thing about this is that it shows you how really fucking annoying the Joker would be if you actually met him.
Sexiest Villain: Pilgrim
Look, I dunno.  Brother Ethan is just the sexiest evil Puritan you’ll ever find, as small as that pool may be.  He’s totally invested in what he’s doing, he fully believes in the lessons he’s teaching, he’s maybe a ghost or a trickster spirit or something, he has a great accent, he has a great laugh, and he has great piercing eyes.  Also he has this ongoing dynamic with the final girl that’s maybe sexually charged or maybe isn’t, but the whole thing is definitely a battle of wills and beliefs between them and that is hot.  Honorable mention goes to the hitman in The Body, but he only looked hot, he didn’t actually act hot, and there’s a difference.
Most Believeable Villain: New Year New You
Maybe the murders aren’t all believeable, but “Get Well” Danielle is!  Once a loathesome high school bully, she has now found fame and fortune as a loathesome social media influencer, and a culture that supports vapid self-promotion is one she thrives in.  Are the others in the movie any better, though?  They hate her, but isn’t it partly because they want to be her?  Don’t we all kind of want what she has, even while disdaining every part of her that got her where she is?
Movie I Could Have Written Better: Uncanny Annie
This movie about an evil board game sucked, but it didn’t have to!  There’s so much a horror comedy could parody about the modern board game scene.  It could have been an incredibly complex game with mutliple expansions where you’re two hours in and still haven’t gotten to using all the mechanics.  It could have been a super artsy Euro game with stunning evil art but instructions that are very poorly translated into English.  I work for a book and game store!  Give me a chance, I could script a greatdark parody of the the Arkham Horror franchise!
Movie That Might Have Been Scarier Without the Supernatural: Pure
I actually really respect the whole setup of this movie.  The notion of a “purity camp” father-daughter celebration is stunning and sickening, the fathers are holding their daughters to impossible standards and threatening to remove their love if they ever fair, the girls can’t trust that anyone they meet won’t reveal their secrets to the Reverend, and the camp itself looks like if that Midsommar farm was just No Fun Allowed.  Anyway, I don’t think they needed a weird rewriting of Lilith.  It’s a psychological cult horror, so let it stay that.  The girls can kill their dads at the end without any supernatural power.
Best Cheese: School Spirit
As soon as I saw the trailer and realized this was a Breakfast Club pastiche, I was in, baby.  You’ve got the prep, the class clown, the stoner, the nerd, and the delinquent all in for detention.  They resist the mean disciplinary teacher, they bond, they share secrets, they get high, they see beyond their cliques, and a masked slasher murders them one by one.  The villain reveal is ridiculous but kind of charming, a fun riff on the Norman Bates archetype, and the final girl’s speech to the killer at the end should be on all those “Good for her!” female character gif compilations.
Best Villain Outfit: Midnight Kiss
I love that giallo-killer-meets-gimp-suit look!  So creepy, yet so believeable for a club scene!  (Or at least, it would fit in with my memories of Folsom Street Fair.)  The movie itself isn’t super interesting as murder mysteries go, but it’s not bad, the whole thing is super stylish, and it is neat that almost the whole cast of characters, from heroes to villains, are gay.  But yeah, great costume, great party scenes, great beach house, shame about all the murders.
Movie I Wish I Hadn’t Sought Out Spoilers For: Culture Shock
I was trying to decide if I should see these movies and looked at lists of which ones were the best and then I looked into this one and...I spoiled the entire reveal.  It’s a great reveal!  I’ll try to avoid spoilering it here, but in this Spanish and English language movie, our heroine goes from dodging cartel men while trying to cross the border to existing in a beautiful, multicultural suburban town...where they dress like it’s the Tranquility Lane part of Fallout 3, and nobody will let her hold her infant son.  One of the more serious attempts at making a good movie, and I think it succeeds.
Movie That Does a Plotline Better Than Hannibal Did: Flesh & Blood
This movie, while following a pretty typical “Lifetime Movie” style plot (she says, never having seen a Lifetime movie), it understands one important thing: a story about a girl struggling to escape the influence of a pseudo-incestuous serial killer father figure is her goddamn story.  This will have to be my Abigail Hobbes fix fic.
Worst Movie: Tree House
Man, of all the horror movie characters not to get killed...
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The Pleasure is all mine - Chapter 4
Word Count: 4366
Pairing: Lou Miller x Fem!Reader
Setting: You will just have to read ;) 
Warnings: Softest chapter so far tbh, Lou being a gentlewoman 
A/N: It’s finally here! I kept deleting and adding things and it was a big mess. I have a love/hate relationship for this chapter, I hope you enjoy it, my loves! Thank you @canarypoint​ for helping me with the grammar/punctuation you the real MVP. 
This is the longest chapter I have ever written!😂
Y/F/T - Your favourite topping
Your comments/feedback gives me life! 💛
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome​ @redcrete​ @5aftermidnight​ @iamheartless​ @deadly-darling​ @gaylorrds​ @smuttty​
I do not own the gif below!🖤
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Chapter 4 
Warmth surrounds me in my light slumber as my eyes slowly adjust to the light of day. A heavy weight lies across my waist, wrapped around me like a vice. Light air tickles the side of my neck, making me shiver. I look over to see Lou fast asleep, her face relaxed and content, clear of her signature black eyeliner and mascara, making her look younger. I smile gently at the sight of her.
How can I be falling this fast for a woman I barely know?
An unsettling feeling lies in the pit of my stomach, thinking about how I've easily let this woman sweep me up off my feet and into a world so alien to me, yet I don't want to run away from it, away from her.
"I can practically hear your thoughts swirling around in that beautiful head of yours, love," the deep tired voice next to me says with a teasing smirk. Her eyes open, showing me those crystal blue eyes.
I blush a deep red and bury my face into the soft pillow that smells of Lou and smile at her.
"Good morning to you too, sleepyhead."
She groans and tightens her arm around me, bringing me closer to her. Her lips press gently to my cheek before whispering:
"What were you thinking about?"
"You... me."
"What about you and me? No wait, let me guess. You were thinking about; what a hot couple we would make and that Lou is the luckiest woman in the world to have gotten the attention of the most beautiful creature in the world."
"Are you calling me vain?" I outrage mockingly.
"I thought I was complimenting you," she teases right back, grinning.
I giggle and rest my head on her shoulder, my fingers thread through hers. We both continue to joke back and forth before being interrupted by a loud knock on the door. We both spring apart at the interruption just as the door opens slightly with messy brown curls peaking through the gap; Rose's wide eyes stare at us as she stumbles over her words.
"I'm..uh.. terribly sorry to interrupt but I just thought I'd let you know that me and Tammy are taking Debbie to be checked over," the Irish woman says, rather quickly, might I add. I feel Lou relax next to me, pulling me closer again.
"Thanks Rose, text me later with an update and if you need anything, I mean anything, let me know okay," Lou says watching in amusement as Rose tries to keep her eyes on anything that isn't us. I smile gently as if to try and ease her uneasiness, feeling slightly awkward for her. I take in my attire that consists of Lou's oversized band tee and her in a barely buttoned checkered shirt and with us giggling around in bed, probably sounded worse on the other side of that door.
"Right, yes, yes of course. We'll see you later Lou, it was lovely to meet you, Y/N."
"Yeah you too Rose, thank you for your help last night," her head tilts slightly, her eyes slightly wide as she shakes her head.
"Oh no, no it was all you last night, dear. We were merely assisting, you are the real hero," she says sincerely before smiling lightly and leaving the room.
I blush at the compliment, not used to such praise. Sure, the job I do is rewarding and I get many thanks but coming from Lou's friend hits differently.
Maybe because you want Lou's friends to approve of you and also want to get into her pants.
I hear Lou chuckle next to me before she kisses my shoulder and rolls away from me to stand. My eyes are instantly drawn to her smooth, long legs. I bite my lip remembering that she only has a pair of panties on underneath that long shirt.
"Eyes up here, sweetheart," her head turning slightly as she looks at me over her shoulder and winks.
"I'll be downstairs making us breakfast, you go shower, love. The fresh towels are on the side by the shower."
"Is that your way of politely telling me I smell, Miller?" I tease.
She smirks cheekily at me before saying:
"I didn't want to say anything but- oof hey!" She whines playfully as she holds the pillow that I just threw in her direction, hitting her square in the face.
"No pancakes for you then," she sulks, pouting at me before winking and dashing out of the room.
Once showered and dressed into my jeans and one of Lou's band tees I make my way downstairs. From the bottom step, I stand and watch Lou move fluidly around the open space; pan in hand. 'Friday I'm In Love' plays softly in the background. I feel my lip twitch slightly before forming a wide smile; smittened.
Lou seems to sense my presence and spins around to look at me.
"Take a sit love and watch as I make the best pancakes that you will ever taste in your entire life."
I practically skip my way over to her, feeling rather giddy; loving this carefree, playful side of Lou Miller. Once I take a seat Lou places a plate full of pancakes with Y/F/T and a cup of coffee.
"Wait, you have Y/F/T too! I knew I liked you for a reason!" I cheekily say before taking a bite of the delicious breakfast.
"Oh? Here I thought it was my charm and good looks," she grins while also taking a bite of her pancakes, sitting opposite me at the countertop.
"Nah, it was that cute little white bandana you wore with that white chef's tunic. That had me swooning," I tease while taking a sip of my coffee.
"Oh so you like a woman in uniform huh? That's interesting," she glances up as if thinking about the information she's been given.
"Mmm, oh yes."
"That's funny because I kinda like a woman in a uniform... more specifically a nurses one," her eyes check me out before she leans over and stabs her fork into my pancakes and takes a bite while winking cheekily at me.
"In your dreams, Miller."
"No you're right... that kind of role play should only be allowed after we've at least been dating for 3 months, at least."
I choke on my coffee and Lou rushes around the countertop to pat my back, her brows pinched with concern.
"Shit, Y/N, I was only messing around. You okay love? Do you want some water?"
"No, I'm okay thanks and it's okay. I just wasn't expecting that response," I say feeling embarrassed for panicking.
She was just messing around, Y/N. No need to think too much into it.
"So now that I know that you're okay and we are kinda on the topic... how would you feel about going on that date...with me, today?" Her smile is wide, beaming at me.
"Hmm I'll have to get back to you on that. I am after all a very busy woman," my face serious as I pretend to think about it, mumbling about fake appointments. From the corner of my eye I see Lou lean against the countertop next to me, her arms crossed with a small grin on her face; knowing what I'm doing.
"Damn, that's a shame because I really like you and would hate to miss out on treating you to a proper date."
I think I've melted to the floor. Is it hot in here?
"Well in that case, how could I refuse such an offer."
"Okay great! So how about I drop you back at your apartment and let you rest for most of the day and pick you up at 6.30? You must still be exhausted after the day/night you've had, even though I love seeing you in my kitchen wearing my clothes."
"That sounds perfect," with matching grins we both take a sip of from our coffees.
I'm going on a date with Lou Freaking Miller!
"Okay, do I go for the black jeans and green silk top with the spaghetti straps and heels or do I wear these with this black dress?" I turn to Rachel wearing my black dress with thin straps while holding my emerald green silk top. My room is filled with crumpled clothes with small gaps of flooring still showing.
"Okay so the fact that you aren't putting that black dress on is a crime. The jeans and top is nice but that dress shows off your curves more and your ass, girl she is gonna die seeing you wear that," she exclaims while lounging lazily on my bed. After Lou dropped me back at my apartment and gave me a swift kiss to the cheek, promising to pick me up later on. I instantly called Rachel over in desperate need for help and encouragement.
"But she won't even tell me where the date is taking place! I can't just show up in this and then we end up on the back of her bike-”
"Which is totally hot by the way, how have you not jumped her bones?"
"Because I'm trying to respect both of our boundaries and I completely forgot the other thing," we both laugh at my failed attempt at covering up my lame excuses.
"Okay so I've decided to go for the black jeans and top!" I decide, happy with my decision. Rachel huffs slightly in defeat before agreeing that it would be the most appropriate.
"Besides if you don't take a jacket maybe she will give you hers?" She says with a dreamy look. I throw one of my old shirts at her while laughing at her ridiculousness.
"Okay romcom, now that the outfit has been chosen, want to help me with my hair and make up?"
She grins.
This is gonna be interesting.
Once Rachel had gone full MUA, I make my final touches with my watch and rings before turning back to her.
"So what do you think?" As I bring my curls around to my front letting them bounce lightly.
"You look amazing! She won't be able to keep her hands off of you!" She exclaims clasping her hands together. I blush at the thought of Lou's arm around me this morning in her bed; but I keep those thoughts to myself.
"That's it my work here is done, I shall leave you to it, girl. Text me all the details later... and I mean alll of it," and with a quick wink she rushes out of the door leaving me red in the face.
That girl...
My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Harry Styles’ Adore You. I quickly grab my phone and see Lou's name eliminate my screen.
"How did you manage to change my ringtone? I really have to talk to nine-ball about privacy," I tease only feeling slightly annoyed at the intrusion.
After we all settled around Debbie last night I was able to fully introduce myself to the other woman present. Nine-ball was probably the most interesting character I've ever met, who knew someone so unassuming could be so brilliant and sharp-minded.
"Sorry I just couldn't help myself... that seems to happen a lot lately with you."
I grin wide before replying:
"So this date... am I allowed a hint, I gotta find the appropriate footwear if we are to go anywhere."
"Look outside," I turn around and face the window;  standing by the bottom step of my apartment building is Lou. I bite my lip while scanning her attire; tight leather pants with a purple silk shirt that shows off some of her chest, giving me a great view of her cleavage and a dark grey long coat hanging over her forearm. I grin stupidly before grabbing my coat and running to the door.
"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes," I say, making my way down the steps, I stop on the last step so we are eye level. Lou chuckles softly before tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and cupping the side of my face, her eyes staring straight into mine.
"And you look like a beautiful goddess... you scrub up well, love," before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss to the side of my mouth. I instantly worry my bottom lip trying to stop myself from smiling like an idiot.
She steps back and bends her elbow slightly indicating for me to put my arm through it. I link my arm through the awaiting gap and fall into step beside her. As I go to question our next location, Lou stirs me across the street towards a dark grey RS6 Avant Audi. I turn and raise a questioning eyebrow.
"I thought you were a motorcycle kinda woman."
"Oh, I am but I thought this would be more appropriate, didn't want you to get too windswept," she winks before opening the door on my side, gesturing for me to climb in. She walks to the other side and slides into the car making herself comfortable.
"You ready?"
"Always," with matching grins we weave through the traffic of the streets of New York.
Once parked up in a quieter area, Lou helps me out of the car by offering her hand.
"Are you always this charming?"
"Depends on who you ask," I laugh, enjoying her cheeky side more and more.
"I've never been around this area before,"  I take in the scattered fairy lights between each lamppost and garden bushes surrounding the entrance, a sign with swirling letters reading "Alessandro's" on the front of the building.
"It's a pretty hidden spot around here, a nice place to get away from all the bright lights and loud noises of the city," Lou states, her hand comes to rest on my lower back as she escorts me through the door.
A small plump woman stands by the hosting stand, her beaming smile showing her crows feet around her emerald eyes. She immediately walks over and pulls Lou into a bone crushing hug, I hear Lou chuckle at the woman's enthusiasm before whispering into her ear in a language I'm unfamiliar with. The woman gasps and pulls away before turning to look at me, her mouth still slightly open.
"Oh where are my manners, I'm Camilla the owner alongside my Husband Alessandro. Oh what a beautiful girl, ey! You did a good job with this one, Tesoro!"
I grin as I watch Lou's cheeks slowly turn into a light shade of pink.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Camilla. I'm Y/N. You have a beautiful restaurant, you and your husband must be very proud!" She reaches for my hands and presses a light kiss in each of my palms before clasping them in between her own.
"Beautiful and polite! I like her already. Please come, come I have the best table for you both," she quickly leads the way as Lou finds her place back at my side, her hand placed one again against my back before trailing behind Camilla.
Once seated and with the promise of having the best homemade Italian wine delivered to the table we are left alone, a candle illuminating both our faces. Her crystal blue eyes sparkle above the soft glow of the candle, a soft smile settling onto her face.
"I'm sorry for Camilla, she can become very excited over meeting new people, especially someone who I take an interest in, clearly."
"Oh and does that happen a lot?" I tease only feeling a slight bit of jealousy at the idea. Her face grows serious as she reaches for my hand across the table, her thumb brushing along the back of my skin.
"Never actually, you're the first person I've ever brought here... romantically at least."
Well shit!
"Oh," I blush and bite my lip trying to hide my smug smile. She winks before giving my hand a squeeze and settling back into her chair, just as Camilla arrives with a bottle of white wine.
"Ah, my lovely ladies! Here is your wine, are you ready to order or would you like a few more minutes?"
I panic slightly looking briefly at my menu that is mostly in Italian. My eyes meet Lou's as she gestures to the menu.
"May I order for us both? Is there anything you don't like?"
"I will eat most things and I'm not allergic to anything," she grins and nods in acknowledgement. Lou turns her head towards Camilla and reels off our order in fluent Italian her voice deep and rich.
As if I needed any more reason to crush on this woman.
"Ah excellent choice, Mia ragazza! I'll get right on that, ladies enjoy your wine," with a beaming smile Camilla glides away towards the kitchen.
"So how do you know Camilla?"
She grins softly, her eyes almost glazed over reliving the memory.
"I moved out to America at an early age. I didn't know anyone and making friends wasn't my strongest qualities. One night I stumbled across this place on a walk, they were both standing by the window and must have seen me looking at the place. Alessandro came out and introduced himself to me, I ended up telling him how I was interested in owning a catering company but did I know the first thing about that, fuck no. I had all this money from running small cons around the area but nothing to really invest into. Alessandro was ecstatic to find someone who he could pass his knowledge onto, you see they never had any children off their own, so they both kind of took me under their wing. Showed me things way beyond cooking and business, they are much a part of my family as those seven women are," her lip twitches softly at the thought. I grin slightly before lifting my glass indicating a toast.
"Here's to making new friends."
She laughs at my teasing remark before tapping my glass with hers.
"To new friends."
Once our food has been eaten and our stomachs are full, we exchange stories with tears streaming from the laughter:
"So Constance then decided it was a good idea to attach the rope to the back of the car while she stood on a skateboard. Nine-ball drove down the steep road and we all just watched in horror as Constance let go of the rope and came flying down the street almost getting run over before landing on a stack of mattresses that were outside a store!"
I snort at the ridiculous story and Lou giggles the wine getting to us both making us slightly tipsy.
"Okay my darling girl, I'm afraid we are closing," Camilla regretfully says while placing a hand on Lou's shoulder. My eyes widen as I look at the time.
It's almost 10pm!
"I'm sorry for holding you up mamma Cam! Thank you for the lovely food as always," Lou gushes while squeezing the hand that rests upon her shoulder.
"Anything for you sweet girl! Now go and take this lovely woman somewhere nice, maybe the gardens at the back, ey?"
Lou rolls her eyes in good nature while looking at me and mouthing "insufferable."
I giggle quietly before reaching for my bag.
"Um, what are you doing?"
"Come on Lou we can half it," her head is already shaking at my suggestion and the gasp that comes out of Camilla's mouth clearly shows her agreement with Lou.
"You will do no such thing, my darling. You put that purse away, now! Lou knows her manners we taught her well," her scolding faint as her pride for Lou sweeps in dominating her chasting.
"She's right, Y/N, I'm paying," I pout slightly as Camilla nods her head in agreement before turning to fetch our coats. I lock eyes with Lou from across the table, they seem to soften once they fall down to see my pouting lips.
"You keep pouting like that I'm gonna have to break my first date rule," her voice suddenly huskier laced with lust. I bite my lip in anticipation and mainly to tease her further.
"What rule might that be," I say innocently. She grins devilishly before standing from her chair and making her way over to me and whispers in my ear:
"To not take you to bed," I gasp softly at her boldness, my cheeks glowing red... or is that from the wine.
Before I could say a witty comeback Camilla is practically skipping her way over, coats in hand.
"Here are your coats, my sweet girls. Lou be safe and take care of her okay, she's a keeper and Y/N darling don't me a stranger, ey. Come visit Mamma Cam, she could use the company," her eyes moving to Lou in a teasing accusation.
"Hey! I visit as much as I can Mamma," Camilla places both hands on either side of Lou's face and pats gently with a soft smile.
"I know you do, Ragazza dolce. You stay safe now you hear! Enjoy the rest of your evening ladies," she beams and waves at us as we go to turn and leave. We see Alessandro, Camilla's husband pop his head over the kitchen door.
"Lou! The arches, Neonata!" Before he winks and turns back towards the kitchen.
I pinch my eyebrows in confusion but before I have time to question, Lou is escorting me out of the restaurant and onto the quiet street, arm around my waist. Once on the street Lou reluctantly removes her arm and already I miss the warmth. Her hand gently brushes against mine, I quickly lace my fingers through hers wanting to be touching her. Her skin is soft and warm and a bask in the feeling of it.
"So where to now?"
She smiles.
The trees swayed back and forth around us as we walked hand in hand down the path, of the dimly lit park. My mind wandering back to the last few hours spent with this blonde goddess, a small smile appearing on my face. I feel a gentle squeeze around my hand and look up to see Lou staring at me with a soft grin.
"So how much of New York have you seen?"
"A lot actually! Almost all of the tourist spots have been checked off my list now!"
She chuckles lightly at my enthusiasm, amused.
"That's great but I think we can do better than that," she says before leading me around the corner and towards an open underbridge. I look over to her in confusion.
What could be so interesting under that bridge.
Once we walk closer and under it I realise why:
The arches.
The low arches and curve of the domed ceiling run low under the bridge, the light of the moon hitting the arches perfectly, making the tiles shine ever so brightly in the moonlight. I gasp lightly in astonishment.
"Lou, this is beautiful," my eyes taking it all in.
"Yeah, it sure is," she replies, I can see from the corner of my eye that she isn't talking about the arches. I blush under the moonlight before turning my attention to the walls.
"This place is beautiful but why are we here?" Without saying a word, Lou takes my hand and walks me towards one of the corners of the arches.
"Turn and face the wall and listen, love," I raise an eyebrow but remain silent. She chuckles quietly before whispering "Trust me," and steps away, heading towards the opposite side of the archway and turning her back to me. Its quiet for a moment before:
"Pancakes," I gasp slightly and quickly turn around at the sound but become quickly confused as Lou is still standing facing the other way, her shoulders shaking slightly.
"But how... that sounded like you were right next to me, it was so loud and clear," she turns then and smirks softly before replying:
"The domed ceiling with the height of the arches helps sound to travel and follow the arches around. That way when I speak from this side, you are able to hear me so clearly on the other side of it. There's one similar at Grand Central Station but I thought this place would be quieter," she shrugs, her cheeks tinting a slight pink colour.
Can she get anymore perfect.
"Lou, I love it truly. This is amazing," I smile wide in excitement before turning back to the wall and whispering
"A woman after my own heart."
I giggle at that.
"So do you take all your ‘new friends’ here because this is definitely a babe magnet location."
"Only you, love. I seem to be doing a lot of firsts this evening."
I grin wide and I know she is too.
"Well I love it. You really are something else Lou Miller," she chuckles quietly and then silence. I get ready to turn around to see if she's still there before I hear the softest voice next to my ear:
"With you I feel like I have a childish crush, that's quickly growing up."
My heart flutters at her confession and I lean my head gently against the cool tile.
"I also have a confession... me too."
Before I can say anything else, I feel an arm wrap around me and spin me gently around, pulling me flushed against her. Leaning her forehead against mine she whispers gently into the open air:
"I so badly want to kiss you right now."
"Then do it."
Lou leans forward and presses her soft pale lips against mine, gently at first before brushing them along my pink lips and leaning forward to kiss them hard. My arms snake their way around her neck to help deepen the kiss, I feel Lou's hands brush gently down my waist and over to my ass, squeezing gently pulling me to her, as if afraid I might disappear. Her tongue skims across my bottom lip making me gasp slightly; granting her access, both fighting for dominance. I pull back slightly, rather breathless before whispering:
"Take me home."
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lunnanunna · 4 years
Too Short
ATEEZ Extra Member AU
Summary: [Requested] Yeosang and Yoori get into an argument, where hurtful things get said.
A/N: First off: I know Yeosang would never say anything like this. He was just mad, and when we’re mad we tend to say some mean things. Secondly, this was requested, but I don't know if it fit the whole “angst to fluff” thing. This all just kind of came out (Even I was surprised.) Thirdly, I hope you enjoy it!
P.S. I may or may not have chosen this gif solely for his cute teeth! 🙄
Requests are open! Feedback is greatly appreciated.
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Yoori walked into the living room where the boys were waiting for her. They had planned an evening out to dinner and a movie. Wooyoung got to pick the restaurant, while Jongho got to pick the movie. He wouldn’t tell anyone though, saying it was a surprise.
“You ready?” Yoori looked at the leader smiling. She nodded her head as she walked up to San to link arms.
“Is that what you’re wearing?” Yeosang asked Yoori.
Blinking slowly in confusion, Yoori asked, “Why?” She looked down at her outfit, wondering if maybe it was stained. Yoori wore a plain white cropped top and a pair of high waisted shorts, with a pair of spandex shorts underneath. She found nothing wrong.
“Is there something wrong with it?” Yunho asked, giving Yoori a once over, but not seeing a problem.
“Those shorts,” Yeosang pointed to them, “Aren’t they a bit short?” Yoori looked down again. Suddenly feeling a bit self conscious, she tugged them down a bit.
“I didn’t think they were that short. I even have these undershorts, just in case,” Yoori pulled at the black spandex.
“Still. They’re way too short,” Yeosang’s patience seemed to be waning. Yoori wasn’t liking it.
She shook her head with an angry pout. She was fine, the shorts were fine. Why was Yeosang being such a jerk, she thought. Yoori walked up to him, hands on her hips.
“I see nothing wrong with what I'm wearing. And I’m pretty sure I can wear whatever I want without your permission,” Yoori looked him dead in the eye. She had to tilt her head back, due to the height difference, but that wasn’t about to stop her from getting her point across.
“I do get a say if it involves you showing so much skin!” Yeosang raised his voice. Yoori was surprised at his tone, but she wasn't going to let it show.
“Who pissed in your cereal this morning?” Yoori too raised her voice. He was not getting away with talking to her like that.
“Okay, come on guys. That’s enough,” Hongjoong came up to them trying to diffuse the situation.
“Then tell her to change, Hyung,” Yeosang demanded. Hongjoong looked at the younger in surprise. Yeosang’s not one to talk back or be disrespectful.
“I don’t see anything wrong with her outfit,” the leader said, and it was true. Yoori wasn’t breaking any rules (Not like there were any) and she was allowed to wear what she wanted. It was her body.
“Are you kidding me?” Yeosang huffed, throwing his head back.
“Yeosang, calm down,” Seonghwa made his way over to them.
“I’ve worn shorter things on stage. Why is this any different?” Yoori asked Yeosang, still annoyed with the older.
“That’s different because it’s a part of the wardrobe,” he answered, arms folded.
“So I can wear something ‘skimpy’ on stage for hundreds upon hundreds to see, but I can’t show my legs on a night out with friends? Screw you!” Yoori shouted. She hated raising her voice, but she just hated this whole thing even more.
“That’s not what I mean,” Yeosang said, frustration rising.
“Then what?” San asked from somewhere off to Yoori’s right. He too, was getting annoyed at the whole thing.
“It’s,” Yeosang tried to find the right words. Nothing was coming out the way he planned.
“It’s what?” Yoori quirked a brow, voice seeping with annoyance. She’s never been more angry, and what made it worse was that she was confused as to why Yeosang was being this way.
“There’s just certain things that you shouldn’t wear,” Yeosang blurted.
Yoori’s eye twitched, “What does that mean?”
“Well with your body shape, maybe shorts that short shouldn’t be something you should wear.”
“What the hell?” San asked, incredulously. Yoori was just as shocked. What did that mean? None of the boys have ever pointed out anything like that. Yoori knew that she was bottom heavy, but she was always told that that just meant she was curvy. Was Yeosang trying to say something else?
“I mean- That’s not what I meant,” Yeosang realized what he had said, and quickly tried to back track.
“Dude, that wasn't cool,” Wooyoung said, surprised that his best friend would say something like that.
“No, wait,” Yeosang chewed at his lip, trying to save the situation, but even he knew that it’d be hard to fix this.
“Fuck you,” Yoori stormed off, ignoring San and Mingi who tried to stop her. She slammed the door to her bedroom and threw herself onto San’s bed, too angry to deal with the ladder.
She knew that Yeosang hadn’t meant what he said. It was obvious that things got out of hand, and even he had the decency to look ashamed, but Yoori was still angry. It’s not even that the comment bothered her (Yoori was proud of her body), but it was the fact that Yeosang had even said anything in the first place. It had all escalated too quickly, and all because of a stupid pair of shorts. Yoori screamed into the pillow, the sound coming out muffled. 
A few seconds later, a knock came from the door. She groaned, knowing that whoever was on the other side would come in no matter what.
“Come in, but just so you know; I’m still pissed,” Yoori called out, lifting her head then dropping it again.
The door opened, and whoever it was made their way slowly to her. Yoori had a feeling of who it could be, so she turned her back to them, facing the wall.
“Yoo Yoo, I’m sorry. I was way out of line,” Yeosang whispered, looking at the girl’s back.
“You don’t get to call me that,” Yoori huffed, still not looking at him. She wouldn’t give in that easily.
“I’m sorry,” Yeosang repeated softly, sitting on the ground and back against the bed. He picked at his nails as he tried to find the right words to say.
“You’re right. I don’t have the right to police what you wear. You’re an adult, and you can make your own choices. You always have,” Yeosang said, choosing his words carefully.
“Then why was it an issue today?” Yoori asked the wall. She needed to understand what made him snap. This wasn’t her Yeosang.
“I don’t know. It’s true that you have worn shorter for performances, and while the stylists are the ones who pick them, I’m still not happy with the choices,” Yeosang admitted.
Yoori stayed silent for a bit. “I don’t want to be that girl, but is it because I’m fat?” she whispered the last word, eyes screwed shut.
“What? No. I swear that’s not why,”  Yeosang turned to face Yoori quickly, even though she still wouldn’t look at him. “You’re not fat. I promise you.”
“But I could be skinnier? Then I’d be allowed to wear the shorts?” Yoori slowly turned to him. When she met his eyes, she saw hurt and shame.
“I really fucked up,” Yeosang whispered to himself. He rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palms. Yoori could see that he was struggling with himself, and the sight hurt her. Screw her pride.
Getting up from the bed, she slid onto his lap, moving his hands away from his eyes. He resisted at first, but after a couple of tries, Yoori was successful. Once removed, Yoori saw why he had fought to keep them there. His eyes were glassy with unshed tears.
“Sangie,” Yoori whispered, and the boy looked at her, a tear falling. “We both said some pretty mean things, and I’m sorry,” Yoori played with his hands.
“Yeah, but what I said was worse, plus it made you think bad things about yourself,” Yeosang protested.
“Then please help me understand,” she begged, offering a small smile.
Yeosang sighed, “You’re not fat. You don’t need to be skinnier. You’re fine with all of your curves. It’s what makes you, you. You’re perfect. Beautiful.” Yoori blushed at the words.
“And even if you were fat, which you’re not, that wouldn’t be the reason why,” he paused, taking a deep breath. “The reason for me getting so worked up over these stupid shorts,” Yeosang tugged on said item, “Is because I don’t feel comfortable when others look at you.”
Yoori took in his words, trying to understand him, “What do you mean?”
Yeosang huffed, “I mean, I feel weird when guys stare at you, when you wear things like this. Like, I get it. It’ll probably happen, and there’s nothing really wrong with it, until you feel uncomfortable, but I still don’t like it.”
Yoori paused to think. What was he trying to say? It almost sounded like he was jealous. She looked at him and saw a tinge of pink on his cheeks, and suddenly she was aware of how close they were, and wow, he really did have nice eyes.
What? Yoori’s eyes widened. What was that? She mentally stored those thoughts for another day. She needed to focus on their current situation.
“Listen, Sangie. I think I get what you’re trying to say, but I’m not gonna cover myself up in a nun get-up to avoid men,” Yoori raised a brow with a smirk, “I’d never get married if I did.” Yeosang smiled.
“I know. I’m sorry,” he looked at her, cheek still flushed, “I promise, I’ll work this out. And I also promise that I’ll think before I speak.”
Yoori smiled at him, “Good, ‘cause I don’t think San will let you off the hook next time.” They both chuckled, though Yeosang knew that she wasn’t joking.
“So are we good?” Yoori asked him.
“Yeah. We’re good,” Yeosang answered.
“Good,” Yoori smiled, happy that they talked this out. She leaned over, placing a kiss on his cheek. 
The two froze. This wasn’t something that they haven’t done before, but this time it came with more blushing from both parties.
“Did you guys work everything out?” Hongjoong asked from the other side of the door, “You’re both still alive, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” Yeosang answered quickly, gently pushing Yoori off, then getting up.
“We’re good,” Yoori added, standing up as well.
“Okay, well we still have time to go out. So, come on,” and then Hongjoong left.
“So, uh, dinner?” Yoori asked, looking everywhere, but Yeosang.
“Uh, yeah,” he answered. He cleared his throat and motioned towards the door, “We should go.”
“Right,” Yoori giggled nervously, then bolted out of the room.
Yoori’s Masterlist
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bbhyeoliskooks · 4 years
Hello!! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ ¿Can you be my friend? You look so cute ❤️ and If it's not too much trouble, I can ask you for a txt reaction when you go on a date with your crush and get into a photo booth. What would you do? Would you give the reader a kiss there? I hope it is understood and thanks uwu
❁^*っ 𝑷𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 ❁^*っ
➶ A cute little date in the photo booth with TXT.
Genre: 1111 overflowing cups of fluff !
Warnings: None except a sickly amount of fluff !! Also, these are a bit long they could be scenarios :p
Song: drop pop candy (English Cover)
(Omg, you’re so cutee ~~ Of course I can be your friend, thank you so much !! I hope you enjoy this one, I apologize that it took a while to get to. I’ve never taken pictures at a photo booth before, so I hope this is how it works ._. Also, unedited !!)
ʻʻ´。 Yeonjun 。´ʻั
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When you got ready in the afternoon for your date with Yeonjun, you could already feel those obnoxious butterflies in your stomach. He was your crush, and you were startled that he asked you out the other day. That boy was like Prince Charming, Mr. Perfect, and a gentleman all in one while you were just... there, gazing at how perfect and elegant he could be. 
You tried not to arrive too late, so he wouldn’t have to wait awkwardly on the benches by himself. 
Well, you ended up coming too early- maybe fifteen minutes before the date, so you decided to take some pictures to give to Yeonjun as a memory. Hopefully he would like them, so you wanted to make them as cute as possible. It wasn’t weird to want him to look at them before he went to sleep every night... right? 
Opening the curtain without looking down at the occupied space containing two shoes, you were surprised to see that there was already a figure inside. Their tall body was extremely familiar, the spot light illuminating their highlighted blonde strands of hair. You recognized who it was immediately and exasperatedly gasped before throwing your arms around him from the excitement and butterflies that built up. 
“Hey, you-” Yeonjun couldn’t help but choke from the giggles he was letting out as he turned around to see you. He hadn’t been there for a while, probably only a few minutes so he was surprised to see that you had budged into the photo booth without any shame. 
You were a giggling mess too, he noticed as he gently ruffled the top of your head. In his head, he was thinking of how cute you were tightly hugging him by the waist, your arms squeezing around his torso.
His blinding gaze you followed and you looked away, the least you could do to calm your beating heart. “Stop, Jun! We need to take some cute pictures to remember by-” he tenderly took your cheek into his hand, interrupting you while your face burned with embarrassment. That was fast..
He pressed a short yet loving kiss against your forehead, ultimately leaving you wanting more. It was too sweet, who could blame you for wanting more of that high?! Your eyes were screwed shut, as you didn’t want him to see how red you were because of him although it was so obvious. 
You heard a few snapshots of the camera, your jaw dropping open. There’s no way that they caught that gesture, it was too swift to catch! The moment seemed to pass by too fast, but you couldn’t tell from how nervous you were. 
While you kept staring directly at the camera, Yeonjun grabbed the few photos that came out, adoring how fond you looked when he kissed you on the forehead. He reminded himself by a mental note to give you more kisses at the end of the day, perhaps on the lips next time. 
ʻʻ´。 Soobin 。´ʻั
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(Holy mother of cheese this gif 😭)
Ah, how much were you deep in love with Soobin? It had been years since you pined for him at least every night you went to sleep, but he didn’t know and probably still doesn’t. Everyone told you that you were extremely obvious with hearts in your eyes whenever you looked at him, so you assumed that he totally knew about it. 
To be frank, you were kind of glad that he couldn’t tell and was completely oblivious whenever you made a move... Then again, everything would probably be easier if he knew. He could tell you right away that he didn’t like you in that way, and you would understand that you didn’t have any chance. 
Being sick with your unrequited love, you decided to call Soobin to hang out at the mall. His presence was enough to soothe you, despite being the one you liked. He took away the pain for a little way, but left you wanting more- wanting more than being best friends.
It was a good thing that he responded to your call, agreeing to go since he was bored too. 
You arrived at the mall, not too overdressed or too skimpy. Over the week, you had sort of felt conscious about your style since Soobin preferred something else other than what you have right now. Usually you didn’t care about what others thought of you, but every time you looked at a girl next to him, you felt ashamed that you looked like a hot mess. It just wasn’t fair. 
Looking towards the entrance, your eyes landed on the boy you were patiently waiting for. You waited long enough to see his reaction. Would he be... impressed? You hoped so. 
His innocent, doe eyes blown wide when he saw you and ironically, you felt the red embarrassment crawl up your cheeks. Maybe, you should’ve stuck to your usual outfit; he probably thinks you look stupid in this little get up.
You pretended that you didn’t see him and flung your head to look at the other side so he wouldn’t know that you saw him.
Soobin sprinted up to you, giving the accustomed embrace you always adore and crave. This time though, you didn’t hug him back as he pulled away too quickly for your liking.
“Hey, are you okay?” His voice was full of worry that you wanted to choke from how happy you actually were. You responded with a plain shrug and a pout on your face to see what he would do.
He nodded his head slowly, and linked your arm with his. An idea popped into his head, leading you over to the photo booth next to your favorite clothes store. “Well, I know what will cheer you up! Let’s take a few pictures at the photo booth! You can keep them after, too.”
You both did those cute, regular poses for two of them like the peace fingers and a finger heart. Soobin could tell that you still weren’t having fun, so he swallowed his fears and leaned forward. 
The last one were the highlight of your day, ending with your crush pressing his lips against your cheeks.
ʻʻ´。 Beomgyu 。´ʻั
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Today was supposed to be a good day, so why were you stuck on the bench next to the photo booth? You were intently watching your date hang out with one of the girls in your classes, all giddy with a big smile on his face. He promised that he was going to be with you the whole day, but here we are!
However, if you were being frank with yourself, you couldn’t care less. He wasn’t your type, so you didn’t feel any ill feelings towards him. It really was your fault that this happened, but you didn’t want to look like a loser by yourself! Turns out, it was the exact opposite because you were still alone anyway.
Groaning quietly, you shut your eyes, unfortunately missing the chance that Beomgyu had taken a seat next to you. Deep down, you knew you still had feelings for him but he rejected you right off the bat once you told him. You wanted to move on, so it seemed like having a date with that person was the best option for a rebound. Silly you didn’t think of the rumors and scandals when you accepted his pity offer.
“So how’s it like being stuck with the playboy? You must feel like a fool.”
You jumped in your spot, feeling shock that Beomgyu had sat next to you after ignoring you for a while. So he was acting all nice and friendly now, huh? You turned your head away from him, scoffing loudly.
“Trust me, I know I am, okay? Now, stop bothering me like you care.”
There was a moment of silence, his expression turning content to shock in a matter of seconds.
He didn’t say anything while you concentrated on glaring at him. He couldn’t help it, but he burst into tiny fits of laughter, mocking your “intimidating” grimace shortly after. Honestly, he found it adorable but he couldn’t say it, in fear that there was a possibility you would get sad at yourself.
“Stop bothering you? I only will once you take a few pictures with me at the photo booth.”
He connected your hand with his, his eyebrows furrowing at your suitor who had left you to wallow in annoyance by yourself. He can’t really be looking that melancholy if he was the one that lost a precious person like you.
For the first three shots, you put on a genuine smile from being this close to Beomgyu. Yes he rejected you, but this gesture was similar to a warm embrace. At least you had him by your side even if he couldn’t see you in the same way
This little activity was supposed to be quick and fun, so you were stunned when Beomgyu tilted his head to kiss you, capturing the moment where his lips pecked your cheek.
ʻʻ´。 Taehyun 。´ʻั
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Staying at home cooped up underneath your blankets was the one thing you desired the most at the moment. Everyone was having fun with their crushes while you were sulking alone on one of the wooden benches near the entrance. 
There were so many entertaining things you could be doing in a huge amusement park, but instead you were hopelessly glancing at the cute couples twirling around. They seemed to have so much fun, feeding each other cotton candy and playing those crane games... You wanted that more than anything, you couldn’t even lie. 
It was really easy to get up and walk alone to your house, but you were waiting for a specific someone the whole time.
The reason why you were staying was that you were looking forward to see Taehyun, your crush. You hadn’t seen him in a while since he was always too busy on the projects they assign at the end of the semesters, so you hoped that the two of you would make up the time you lost at this trip. 
You guessed not, this time.
Heart clenching painfully at the realization that he broke his promise once again, you begrudgingly trudged over to the exit when someone gently tugged on your wrist. 
You caught your breath when you saw Taehyun and just like that, you could forgive him because he remembered. 
It was a bit too dramatic for anyone’s taste, but you instantly wrapped your hands around him, tightly pulling him against your frozen body. His strong and expensive cologne drifted into your nose, and you nuzzled the side of your head into his chest.
He hesitantly did the same, never getting used to the warm feeling you brought to him whenever you showed a gesture of affection. He didn’t say that he complained though! He appreciated whenever you did this, but you didn’t know that you made his heart pound. Hopefully you wouldn’t hear how alarmingly it was, or else that would give his... feelings away. 
“Taehyun... you actually came.” You pretended to wipe a tear from underneath your eyes while he softly smiled towards you. “Of course, I did. I wouldn’t miss it for the world, you know.”
He pensively thought for a minute, holding your hand as the pace of your breath quickened. We need to take a few pictures of my pretty face so that you won’t miss me as much anymore.”
You couldn’t say any words while he dragged you over to the booth. Luckily there was no one there, so you were able to take a few pictures with him. You could tell that he had something planned up his sleeve judging by the smirk on his face. You waited hastily for the last few pictures, your heart racing yet again at what he was going to do. 
When he gingerly kissed you as a pose for one of the pictures later that night, you knew that Taehyun shared the same feelings as you.
ʻʻ´。 Kai 。´ʻั
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You were looking for something dumb to do after a fun day of going on all the rides at this one amusement park with Kai. The cotton candy had melted the variation hues of blue on both of your tongues, giving you time to unwind and relax from all of the scary rides. He was even sweet about it, feeding you with his hand while you happily accepted it. 
“You really like the cotton candy?” He watched you throw the stick into the recycling bin before looking at the one in his hand.
Your face lit up when you glanced back at him, making you seem even cuter hidden in his arms. “You can’t tell? The cotton candy is really good here!” 
Kai laughed his dolphin laugh and handed you his own treat, adoring the way you cooed and gently grabbed it. “Thank you so much, Hyuka! I owe you something for this.”
He shook his head, ruffling your head because boy, was he tall. “Don’t sweat it! It’s a bit too sweet for me, and you like cotton candy. It’s a win-win!”
It seemed that you stared at him for too long as he made eye contact with you, booping your nose while you mirrored his chuckle. You glanced somewhere else to find the photo booth near the exit.
You thought for a couple of seconds, pulling on his arm as a sign to stop walking. It’d be good to have some memories about what you did today! You didn’t want to rely on your memory because let’s face it, you forgot things that were extremely important.
It had been a while since you spent time with Kai due to his schedule, so you wanted this day to go perfectly. You decided to take a few good pictures with Kai as the last activity before you two would go separate ways. 
You grasped his hand to place into yours, guiding him to follow you to the nearest photo booth. The curtains were golden and inviting, and you felt compelled to bring him inside.
There were a few decorations inside like the mustache stick (throwback to that 2013 phase) and a few heart clips you could put in your hair. Kai let you put a few in his curly hair while you giggled about how precious he looked. You didn’t tell him but with the way your eyes were sparkling, he could definitely tell. 
It was an accident, but you kind of... dropped your cotton candy once the realization hit you that he had a crush on you too.
Posted: 9/6/20- 3:02pm
48 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Caught in a Blizzard - Part 1
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Summary: Luna is going to perform at the Graham Norton show, but little did she know that Chris Evans is going to be a guest as well.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Luna Hwang (Asian OFC)
Warnings: Mentions about sex and some alcohol
Wordcount: 4.5k
A/N: if you want to be on the taglist, just let me know! Also, I love to read your guys’ thoughts and feedback xx
Masterlist // Introduction // Part 2
Tonight I’m the musical guest on the Graham Norton show and I was too lazy to check who were going to be the other guests. I mean, I was severely jet lagged and a bit hungover, because they were serving some real good wine on the airplane and I might have finished an entire bottle and then some more sips from another bottle.
Normally my new agent Gia would be with me when I go to these types of things, to make sure everything is handled correctly and I’m up to date to the most important things, but since she has come down with a flu, just like her two youngest kids, she obviously stayed in New York. She told me I would be doing fine, however I wished that she was with me now, because she  could’ve told me that finishing that entire bottle of wine myself wasn’t exactly a good idea (I have no self control, that’s obvious) and mentally prepare me for the other guests.
Now I have exactly five minutes to prepare myself, because I have wasted at least thirty with hyperventilating.
Because of the tough weather, Viola Davis couldn’t be here unfortunately, which is a shame, because she herself is a whole new level of awesome. But on the couch sits the queen herself Reese Witherspoon and THE handsome ass Chris Evans is there as well!
I mean, I obviously have an unhealthy crush on him, because who wouldn’t? He is handsome, he is funny and he is exactly the type of man that I’d like to drag in my bed for some mature activities. Seeing him sitting right there, makes my heart do all sorts of different things. And I realize that when I’m going to join them, I have to sit next to him. I have to sit next to the man who thought that wearing grey plaid pants and a fitted sweater would be appropriate.
Normally I would’ve known who the guests are on the shows that I perform at when I was still with my group Brave Elegance, because we had agents and a few members that actually listened to them when stuff like this was being told. I relied on them mostly, because I was making sure I could perfect my performance, by practicing the dance moves and hum out my rap. Now I’m all by myself and the first time Gia is supposed to be with me, she is sick.
And now I have to eat up the consequences of my own stupid choices.
I wish there was a guide available, that could help me out with one of the biggest problems I have ever encountered in my life: how to NOT embarrass yourself in front of the Chris Evans?
‘So, I have a question,’ Graham Norton starts. ‘Our musical guest Luna is backstage and—’ The audience erupts into a loud applause and whistles. ‘Goodness me, I wasn’t even finished yet!’
The crowd starts to laugh and from the looks of it, Reese Witherspoon and Chris Evans are amused. I take another sip of my water, because my throat feels painfully dry.
‘What I was going to ask is if you two had heard from her,’ Graham continues.
‘I do, actually,’ Reese says. ‘My daughter was a huge fan of hers back when she was in Brave Elegance. I went to three concerts of them actually.’
‘Oh, so you know quite a bit about her?’ Graham asks.
Reese nods. ‘Yes, I do. Back when she was in the band, my daughter was such a big fan of hers. Even had posters of her in her room. I do know that she is really killing the game with her solo projects.’
‘She totally is,’ Chris Evans says. ‘I downloaded her album the second it came out. I loved it.’
I think I forget how to breath. He downloaded my album? Holy crap, this isn’t helping with my nerves.
‘Really?’ Graham asks. ‘I never thought you were the type of guy that would listen to her songs, if I’m being honest.’
‘Well, my niece was a Fairy once, so I knew about the existence of them and heard some songs. But I only started to get really invested in their music during their Golden Globe performance, little did I know that that was going to be one of their last performances. A shame really, I was ready to become a Fairy.’
The Chris Evans Captain America Chris Evans was ready to become part of the fanbase? Oh shit, is this how it feels to have an out of body experience? How am I supposed to act normal after this?’
‘Really?’ Graham asks with a smile. ‘Well lucky you then that she is going to perform here.’
A woman ushers me with her and I follow her through the tiny halls. It’s nearly time for me to get on stage, but how am I going to deal with this? The sound is pretty loud, so I continue to hear what is being said.
‘She has something,’ Reese continues. ‘Like she forces you to watch her. My daughter once showed me a compilation of her on the X-Factor and I was genuinely impressed. She was only seventeen and knew exactly how to pull the audience in. Amazing.’
‘Please, everybody, please give it up for the one and only Luna!’
The audience start to clap and whistle, causing me to smile. I always love it when I hear the whistles and the screams of fans. Graham holds out his hand and I kindly take it, but all of the sudden I feel a little self-conscious about my tight red dress and my over knee boots, but I can’t change now. I must hold my breath the entire time I’m sitting my ass on that couch.
I shake hands with Reese Witherspoon, who compliments me on my outfit and tells me I’m so pretty. Why is this woman such a nice lady?
I quickly wipe my palm when I have to shake Chris Evans’ hand. When I’m with my producers or even back when I was still with the girls from Brave Elegance, I’d tell them how Chris Evans literally bite me wherever he wants, choke me during sex and that every hole I have is right there for him to use.
Now I’m standing in front of him and those things have turned into nothing but idle talk.
I somehow manage to extend my hand without shaking like an idiot an he holds mine in his large one. Oh my, those fingers… Imagine them insi— No, Luna, don’t even go there. You are in public!
‘It’s so nice to meet you, Luna,’ he says with a charming smile and me knees nearly give out. His eyes are glued on me and oh my, he is even more handsome from up close.
‘Yeah, it’s nice to meet you too.’ Okay, good, I managed to say seven words to him, in an acceptable order. Progress!
I sit on the left end of the couch, next to Chris Evans and I sure hope the microphone doesn’t pick up on my heartbeat, since I can feel it beating with a force that it actually hurts me.
‘Luna, I’m so happy that you’re here,’ Graham says.
‘Thank you for having me.’
‘Are you excited?’
I nod. ‘This is my first solo interview on television, so I’m a bit nervous, but other than that, I’m very excited. I just hope that I won’t say anything stupid.’
‘You probably won’t,’ Graham says and I don’t feel necessarily assured. ‘I have to say, Luna, you are such an interesting woman.’
‘Is that good or bad?’ I ask.
‘Well, I mean,’ he says, looking at his cards. ‘At the young age of seventeen, you participate in the X-Factor, didn’t win, but did gain four friends. Is it hard to now do your own stuff?’
I think well about this question. Our disbandment was quite messy, though the public doesn’t know about that. The reason we split up was because of the amounts of jealousy between the members and… Me actually. I miss my members every single day and I wish that they were here with me. But I have to realize, that the disbandment was all my fault and if I was just a team player back then, I would still have them around me.
‘It’s hard to be by myself, sometimes. I mean, I have dancers with me, but… It’s different. It can’t be compared to being with four amazingly talented girls with the same dream. So yeah, it’s hard, because I have to figure out how I’m going to do it alone. We were together for six years non stop, so it’s kinda weird.’
‘Your disbandment came as a huge surprise. Did you guys knew that you were going to disband soon?’
‘Well, 2018 was really a rollercoaster of a years and the after shocks of that, went with us to 2019. We were all kind of struggling with our psychical and mental health. I won’t really go into details for the rest of the girls, but I was hospitalized for two months, because I totally overworked myself. Being in a group is hard work and our record label was really putting a lot of pressure on us and after six years, it can be hard to keep up. So, our last two performances… We didn’t really say that it were the last, but deep down we all pretty much knew, you know?’
‘Right… You are the only one that is continuing in the music industry. How come?’
‘Well,’ I say, ‘it’s the only thing I’m good at and I love to do it. I love interacting with fans, being on stage. My new record label is really laid back and they continue to say that we are going at my pace, that my health is the most important and I shouldn’t overwork myself ever, so that really is comforting and I know it’s for the best.’
Graham nods and asks: ‘Did you know that Chris Evans was ready to become a Fairy?’
I shake my head. ‘No, I didn’t.’
‘Tell us, Chris, what was your favorite song and maybe Luna can sing a bit for you.’
I’m going to fucking vomit. Is this truly happening? I bet Gia is watching this right now (or tomorrow, since she is still sick) and she is going to laugh her ass off, just like all the producers and God who knows. I just know.
I carefully look to the side and see Chris Evans smirking. Seeing it in gifs is such an experience, but seeing it in real life… Goodness me.
‘I truly loved ‘You Know, He Did It Too’, especially because it showed how society is really fucked up. It takes two people, but of course only the woman in this story gets the blame, which is not fair.’
‘I’m not going to sing that,’ I say to Graham. ‘Or rap my part.’
‘Why not?’
‘Because…’ I can’t even think of a very good reason to not do it.
‘Come on,’ he coaxes me. ‘When can you say that you rapped in front of Chris Evans? Captain America!’
I sigh, knowing I can’t get out of this.
Remember Bieber, had that fever?
You tiny man, you fucked it up
You should come clean
No need to fake
Your fiancé leave you no matter what
So be a man, suck it up
Take the blame, she ain’t alone.
You little fucker, just spit it out
We do this over and over
Till we fucked up your entire career
‘Damn!’ Graham exclaims. ‘We all watched the news obviously and knew what happened, but you really didn’t hold back with the rap.’
‘Well, funny story,’ I say, ‘originally we wanted the song to be a diss track to society, for only blaming the girl. But then he released a statement, saying that he had nothing to do with it, that she was seducing him and basically that it wasn’t his fault. So that’s when I got mad and changed the entire rap.’
‘Dragging him,’ Chris Evans adds.
I chuckle, feeling all too happy that I can agree with Chris Evans on this. ‘Yeah, dragging him.’
‘I love this,’ Graham says. ‘So, you were just out of high school when you auditioned for X-Factor.’
‘Right,’ I say.
‘You wrote all your raps by yourself. Did you write songs back then?’
I nod. ‘They weren’t any good. I started with really bad poetry and that turned into cringy songs, that were trying to be deep, but it high school cringe. Thanks to the mentors on the X-Factor I was taught about flow and beat and all that good stuff. So I’m really grateful for that.’
Reese says: ‘What always surprised me, was how the raps you wrote matched the songs you girls were performing. But you did that all by yourself, with some help of the mentors?’
I nod. ‘You know, our time being on the X-Factor was hard, but it was so worth it. I feel like my song writing skills have improved over time and I do hope that the album showed my best writing skills and rap skills and sing and dance.’
‘You sure did,’ Graham says. ‘Can you tell us a little about who one of your songs is inspired on?’
I shake my head. ‘My songs aren’t necessarily inspired by anyone or any event really.’ Then I realize that I’m lying. ‘Wait, that is not true. One of my songs was sort of inspired on someone.’
‘I want the details,’ Graham says without skipping a beat, ‘and I want them now. Spill.’
‘Well, Ditch The Boys, Use Your Toys is inspired on someone I had sex with, back in the X-Factor days. We were already going to the next round as Brave Elegance. I had heard some rumors that he was pretty great in bed, causing me to think that if I ever had sex with him, it was going to be mind-blowing, so I had pretty high expectations.’
Graham nods, making it obvious he is really interested in hearing the rest of the story. I look at Reese and Chris, who have amused smiles on their faces.
‘I think we were two minutes into the foreplay, when he… You know… Can I say this on television?’
The host shrugs. ‘I have no idea and I honestly don’t care. I want to know how this story ends, though I might have an idea.’
I chuckle. ‘Well, he penetrates me and I’m like, oh, okay, he really wants to have sex with me. Obviously I was a bit flattered, but I think it took less than thirty seconds before he came  already and made really loud and weird noises. And I was confused, because for starters, he came real quick, but I also didn’t understand why so many girls were raving about him. Then, this guy looks me right in the eye and has the audacity to ask me if I enjoyed it as much as he did.’ My eyes widen, while I hold out my hands, as the audience starts to laugh.
‘I really want to know what you said to that,’ Chris Evans says, who seems to enjoy my story a lot.
‘So I stared at him,’ I continue my story. ‘And I said: “Well, if we were trying to be in the Guinness book of World Records for fastest male ejaculation during sexual intercourse, sure, but I wasn’t aware that we were going for a world record”.’
Graham starts to laugh, Reese places her hands on her face to hide her visible gasp and Chris Evans places his hand on his chest while he laughs, a trait that I love with all my heart.
‘But on top of that,’ I go on, ‘he got mad and said that I was an ungrateful bitch for not being happy we had sex.’
Reese scoffs. ‘What an idiot.’
‘So anyways, it was during our X-Factor days, so I got dressed and told him I was going back to my dorm and masturbate, because I obviously couldn’t count on him for some pleasure. Fast forward to two weeks later. We’re waiting for our dance training and the teacher wasn’t there yet and this time around there weren’t camera’s to film anything. So me and some other girls were chatting about orgasms and stuff like that, as one does. Since this said guy was like a few feet away from us and had been telling the other competitors that I was a slut and ungrateful and all, I decided to take my change. I say in a pretty loud voice: “Well, if you want orgasms, you have to skip on sex with… Let’s call him Peter,’—his name was Cole Springs, but I’m not totally heartless and he is doing pretty okay in the country music industry now, so I don’t want to ruin his reputation entirely—‘you have to skip on sex with Peter, because he’ll nut inside of you within thirty seconds. You better ditch that boy and use your toy, because no orgasms for you when having sex with him. So that song was heavily based on someone.’
‘I’m so glad I asked that question,’ Graham says in a giddy voice, causing the rest of the audience and Chris Evans and Reese Witherspoon to laugh as well. ‘I admire you, Luna,’ he adds. ‘You really have the guts to sing about these topics.’
Chris Evans nods. ‘I totally agree.’
‘What is in stores for Luna?’ Graham asks. ‘What can we expect?’
I lean back in the couch. What can they expect? I never thought that far ahead. I was just thinking about promotions for this album. ‘Hopefully a world tour one day,’ I say. ‘I am still working on expanding my back up crew, but I want everyone to feel represented, you know? So, that’s totally what I’m working on and for the rest… I think just more music, more controversies, because it turns out that’s what I do best.’
‘I’m here for it,’ Graham says. ‘Is it hard to sing about certain topics like sex, masturbation and female empowerment?’
I shrug. ‘I feel like someone should do it,’ I admit. ‘I know that people—especially men—have certain opinions about it, but you know… I feel that there is someone out there, that listens songs and feels a bit empowered and that’s all I care about.’
Chris nods. ‘I admire you,’ he says, causing the audience to aww. ‘I bet it can be hard sometimes.’
Are we having a moment right now? I’m lost in his eyes for a few seconds. ‘Sometimes, yeah.’
Graham interrupts this whatever it was by asking if I’m ready to perform.
‘Oh, yeah, totally am.’
‘Please give it up for Luna, who is going to sing a mashup of Inside and Silky Ribbon!’
✘ ✘ ✘
‘You have one new message,’ the robotic voice of the woman says when I want to check my voicemail on my phone. I’m at a pretty chill bar, with a nice bartender who gave me two drinks on the house already, since he liked my album and my appearance on the Graham Norton show.
‘Luna, what the actual fuck?’ Look at that. Cole Springs decided to call me. ‘Do you honestly need to tell that fucking story on television? I already got five texts from people who either ask me if this is about me or simply know it’s about me.’
I click the voicemail away mid sentence, since I really can’t use this right now. I already feel tired and like shit, no need for Cole Springs to make things even worse. ‘Could I have one more please?’ I ask with a pout, as I push my empty glass to the bartender.
‘Sure thing,’ he says. ‘Who was that on your voicemail?’
‘Cole Springs.’
‘The boyband member gone country boy?’
I nod. ‘He wasn’t all too happy I exposed him like that.’
‘That was the Peter in the story?’ The bartender’s laugh fills up the entire bar. ‘This is amazing. He looks like the type of guy that would nut in two seconds.’
I can’t help but laugh, as I feel the vodka already making me feel a bit lightheaded. That feeling however doesn’t stop me from drinking up some more. I stare outside and see that it’s snowing pretty heavily. I’m still wearing the outfit I wore to Graham Norton, but with the thickest coat worn over it. I know that I have to get back to my hotel, but for now I’ll just stall that moment and enjoy it here.
‘How long are you going to stay in London?’ the bartender asks.
‘Dunno, man. Think I’m heading home somewhere tomorrow or the day after that. I honestly don’t know. Normally Gia, my manager would be with me, but she’s sick now.’
The door opens and some guys are yelling something, but I’m too tired to look up. I place my head on my arms, hoping that I can gain some energy to go and hail a cab.
‘Hi there, can I have…’
I look up and see that Chris Evans is standing right next to me, ordering a drink. He looks really handsome, but that is pretty easy, since he is really handsome. Everything he does is simply breathtaking. I bet he has sex every weekend with someone else. I mean, I bet there is a line waiting to have sex with Captain America and I’m somewhere in that line too. ‘Hi,’ I say and he looks up, a smile appearing on his beautiful face when he recognizes me.
‘Hi, Luna, how are you?’
‘Tired and a bit annoyed though.’
‘Oh no.’ He sits on the stool next to me and his knee bumps against mine. ‘Tell me all about it.’
I start to rant about Cole Springs, exposing to Chris as well who the story was about and during that rant, I go on about my past, about the foster care system and how that is bothering me. I rub my face, not caring that my make-up is all smudged over and the alcohol that I just drank is really kicking in now.
‘I think I just have a kink for controversy, you know,’ I say, staring at me empty glass. ‘I love being in the spotlights for everything that is not exactly how it’s supposed to go. When I got arrested at that protest, boy, I liked the attention that got.’
Chris smiles. ‘Well, I hardly think what you do is that controversial. I think you are just a bit ahead of your time.’
‘That is so deep,’ I admit, absolutely in awe by him. ‘Wow, not only are you handsome, but you are pretty much an intellectual as well. You should consider writing. Bet it would be a bestseller.’
‘I think,’ Chris laughs, pulling the drink from my hands, ‘you’ve had enough to drink.’
‘No,’ I whine, but Chris gets out of his chair. ‘I’m boring you, aren’t I?’
‘Not at all, but I think you need to get back to your hotel,’ Chris says. ‘Hearing from your stories, you have to catch a flight tomorrow and I bet you don’t want to be completely hungover then.’
‘I was already hungover this morning,’ I say, sliding off the barstool. Chris holds up my coat and helps me to put it on. ‘I could use a cigarette, you know.’
‘I bet you do.’
I wrap my arm around his broad shoulders and with my other hand, I hold his face. I place my thumb on one cheek and the rest of my fingers on his other cheek. ‘You have such a beautiful face, that you could just lick and not regret it,’ I admit. ‘Has anyone told you that?’
He starts to chuckle. ‘Not with those exact words.’
‘Well,’ I continue, ‘have you ever read fan fiction about yourself?’ I don’t give him time to answer that question, as we walk out of the bar into the cold, Chris’ arm wrapped tightly around my waist. ‘I have,’ I say, ‘especially the real dirty ones. According to those stories, you know exactly how to please a woman. I bet you are really good in bed, a whole lot better than sweet Cole Springs. I bet you can last for hours.’
‘I sure hope so,’ he laughs.
‘Tell me, do you have sex with a new woman every other week? Because I was wondering that and personally, I’m gravitating towards yes, because honestly I think you are a walking sex machine.’
Chris holds out his hand to hail a cab and says: ‘No, I don’t actually. I barely have sex nowadays.’
‘Shut up!’ I yell. ‘No, no, no, that can’t be true.’ I wiggle myself out of his embrace and crouch down on the sidewalk. My fingers touch the snow, a cold sensation that makes me shiver. ‘What happened to the world that you, Chris Captain America Evans, barely has sex nowadays. If you don’t have sex, what is the rest of the world doing? Oh my, you poor thing.’
‘It’s really not that big of a deal, Luna,’ Chris laughs. He holds out his hands and says: ‘Come on, we need to get into the cab.’
‘You hailed a cab?’ I take ahold of his warm hands and jump up. ‘That is so cool. You are so talented.’
He helps me into the cab and I want to pull him on my lap, so he can sit comfortably there, but weirdly enough, he insists on walking around the cab and sitting next to me. ‘So, can you tell me where your hotel is?’
‘I don’t remember,’ I admit. ‘I barely remember anything that happened today. I was pretty hungover when I arrived here.’ I let myself fall to the side, placing my head on his legs. ‘Mister Evans, have you been working out?’ I squeeze his tight muscles in his thighs, admiring what’s in between my fingers. ‘Damn, I bet chicks love to ride your thighs.’
He burst out in laughter. ‘How much did you have to drink?’ he asks.
‘Just a few shots,’ I admit. ‘But I don’t really handle alcohol that great, to be honest. I’m wasted like that.’ I attempt to snap my fingers, but I fail miserably. My hands look for his and when I finally have one in my hand, I admire his beautifully shaped fingers. ‘You have lovely hands. You have spanked a girl’s ass with these? Or anyone’s ass for that matter’
He starts to laugh. ‘You are unbelievable,’ he says.
‘I’ve never been spanked,’ I confess. ‘I’d love that though. You know, I sing about sex a lot, but to be honest, I haven’t had proper sex in like a year. I mean, my toys do miracles, just like my hands and all. But I just want to have hot and heavy sex.’ I look up and hold out my hand, to touch his beautiful face. His beard pricks against my skin, but I’m not complaining at all.
In the background I hear Chris say something to me, but I close my eyes and fall asleep.
Taglist: @diegos-butt​
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angelliev · 4 years
Lover Boy - JJ Maybank x OC - Part Five - Heaven is with You
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Word Count: 3.4K
Summary: It’s the masquerade ball. Secrets are spilled. Aria will share a passionate moment with JJ and a heartbreaking one with someone else. Some people will put on a mask to hide their lies, while others with take theirs off to show their true self. 
Warnings: Smut, angst, cursing, alcohol/drugs, mention of abuse and pregnancy. 
A/N: Sorry I didn’t post yesterday guys! I was visiting family for the weekend. I hope you enjoy reading this one. I was definitely having difficulty writing because not only was it hard to decide what I wanted to do with the story, but I was also trying not to cry while writing this one. I hope you enjoy! (Not my GIF. credits to the owner. I don’t own the show or any of the characters.)
Lover Boy Series Masterlist
The hot sun beams down on me as I stay afloat in the pool. I am forever grateful for air conditioning. I don’t know how people do it. I’d melt away in the heat. I’m sitting by the edge soaking in the coolness of the water. I attempt to relax while soaking in the sun, trying to tan a little bit.
My grandmother Lorraine, comes outside. “Aria, what are you still doing in the pool? Come dry off and get ready.” She hands me a towel. “Where are we going?” I asked. “We’re going out for brunch, then to the spa and the tailor to pick up your dress. Now get out.” She demands. Lorraine Prescott is a lot like my father. Demanding and manipulative. Always getting what she wants.
“Thank you, but I think I’ll have to pass, I’m not going this year.” I decline. “No, you’re going. It’s the masquerade ball, you’ve gone every year and now you’re going this year, end of story.” She protests. “They do it every year and it’s not going to make a difference if I’m not there.” “Yes, it will. Your father is a very important guest, making you a very important guest, and it would be insulting for you not to go.” She argued. “I’m not going.” I still protest.
“Aria, get out the god damn pool you’re going! You’re such a fucking brat! Is it too much to ask for you to be a good daughter for once?” My father finally snaps and throws a plate on the ground, in result shattering it everywhere. I huff and pull myself out of the water. I couldn’t even look him in the eye without any trace of hatred in my own. He can just be so horrible sometimes. “Was that really necessary Claude?” My mom comes out very annoyed and angry which is very rare. I could see the guilt on my father’s face when he realized what he had said and done. “Aria, I’m sorry I didn’t mean any of that. I overreacted.” He apologized, but I didn’t care. “Your apology means nothing to me.” I spat and stomped away.
The whole day out was a drag. Lorraine was the phone the whole time and Jennifer was talking nonstop about her conceited self. She was mostly bragging about her perfect boyfriend Rafe Cameron. Lorraine is very fond of the Camerons, so it pleased her to know that her lovely granddaughter was dating someone of high class. When I get home and shower, I fling myself on the bed not ready for the night. My laptop starts to ring, alerting me that someone wants to FaceTime. I was more than happy to see my beloved’s face when I answered. JJ didn’t bother to wear a shirt as per usual, so I had to face the camera away from the door to make sure his face wouldn’t be seen if someone decided to barge in.
We talked about the usual stuff for a while. “God, I miss you so much babygirl.” His eyes turn dark as he eyed the silk robe hugging my body. The things I’d do to have him over he right now. “Me too lover boy. It’s a shame. I had a special surprise for you. I guess I’ll have to wait till next time.” I tease. “Oh yeah? What’s next time?” He asked. “My parents are flying to Las Vegas for a convention. My sister and her friends are taking a girls trip to Boston. So,” I begin to undo my robe, exposing my naked skin to him, making him smile and bite his lip. “We’ll have the place to ourselves. We can be as loud as we want.” “Mm, babygirl you’ve got me hard just thinking about the things I’m gonna do to you.” “I just can’t wait.” I can practically see the wheels turning in his head.
“Touch yourself for me babygirl.” He said with such lustful eyes. I couldn’t help but smile as I lay down and begin to rub figure eights on my clit. I then insert two fingers, letting them curl and thrust within me, chasing a high only JJ could give me. When I glance at the screen, his hand is running up and down his thick shaft. “Baby, I want you inside me so bad.” I cry. “Soon babygirl. Just imagine it’s my fingers curling inside you right now.” I let my mind race to the thought of him fingering me. God, I loved how his lengthy finger were always able to reach that sweet spot inside me. I just want to be engulfed in him. I just want him to kiss me with his undying passion and love for me. I just want to make love with him till I die. I just want him. Just as I’m about to bring myself to orgasm, a knock erupts on my locked door, the handle begins to jiggle.
“Why is this door locked? You know the rules!” Yelled my father. I let out an annoyed sigh before screaming into the pillow, sexually frustrated. “I’m getting dressed! Just give me a second!” I yell. “I got to go baby. I’ll call you as soon as I can.” I quickly shut the laptop and wrap my naked self in the silky robe. When I open the door, my father seems annoyed. “Why the hell aren’t you dressed?”
“I just got out of the shower and did my hair and makeup.” I say. Before my father could scold me anymore, my mother comes to my rescue. “Honey, I got this.” She says shooing him away and closing the door. “I can’t wait to see you all dressed up!” She’s referring to my spaghetti strap rose gold dress and matching color mask. I was a little astonished with the whole outfit. Normally, I don’t enjoy getting all dressed for events like these, but I sort of fell in love with this dress. I guess it sort of reminded me of the sundress I wore the night I lost my virginity to JJ.
“You look so beautiful sweetheart!” My mother gushed as she gazed at my appearance, kissing the top of my head. She has always been so sweet and kind to me. She’s always played with me as a child. Always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. Always accepted me for who I am. She has always had a warm heart and a kind soul. I wish my father was a lot more like my mom. “Thank you, mom. I love you.” I hold her hand. “I love you too, sweetheart. Now let’s go. You look like an absolute princess.” She compliments as she guides me out of the room.
Before I head downstairs, I head into one of the guest bathrooms, looking for a hand lotion. Without any luck, I open up the cabinet under the sink, and am still not having any luck as I’m rummaging around. Just as I’m about to ditch the idea, I found something much more interesting. My hand grips the Ziplock bag. I was taken by surprise as I scanned its contents. One positive pregnancy test and an ultrasound picture. I didn’t hesitate to take it out to examine. The fetus is tiny, so it couldn’t be that old. When I looked up at the patient’s name, my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets. Jennifer Prescott. I had to blink a few times to make sure it was real, thinking that the name would change, but it obviously didn’t.
“Aria come on!” Yells Lorraine. “Coming!” I frantically shove the evidence to the back of the cabinet before running downstairs, nearly face planting. “You okay? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.” Lorraine said. I just simply stared at Jennifer’s belly with wide eyes, still in shock. She just gives me the weirdest look as my eyes continued to stay glued to her stomach. “I’m fine. Just kind of spaced out.” I lied, finally getting a hold of myself. I sat uncomfortably in the car the whole way there. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. My picture-perfect sister pregnant? With Rafe Cameron’s baby? Are you shitting me? I didn’t have time to be bored at the masquerade. I just stood there like a fucking statue, earning a few bizarre looks from guests.
“Can you at least look like you’re having fun?” Asked Lorraine. “What?” I asked cluelessly, still gazing at Jennifer and Rafe. Does he know? Does anyone know? She just lets out a frustrated sigh. My father and a stranger approaches us. “Hello, I’d let to introduce you ladies to Francis Kline. Francis, this is my mother, Lorraine Prescott.” They two exchange handshakes as I sip awkwardly on my sparkling cider lost in my own thoughts. “And this is my youngest daughter, Aria Prescott.” I didn’t even hear my name or notice the hand extending in front of me, until my dear grandmother stomps on my foot. “Oh, hi. Nice to meet you.” I say quickly before sipping again. “Likewise. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Instead of shaking my hand, he lifts it up to his lips before planting a kiss. This caught my attention making me choke on my drink, and earning a glare from both my father and grandmother. I quickly snatch my hand away from him.
“Are you alright miss? Is something wrong with the drink? I’ll have it taken care of right away.” He tries to take the glass from my grasp. “No! I mean no thank you.” The three are staring me down, making me nervous. “I have to pee. Like really bad. Like peegasm bad. Excuse me.” I say very quickly and high with a charming attitude before walking away with speed. On my way to the bathroom, I grab a bottle of champagne. After ten minutes of searching the empty halls, I still can’t find one fucking bathroom.
Before I can turn the corner, a hand clasps over my mouth and pulls me into a dark space. I let out a voiceless scream and start flailing. “Babe it’s me! JJ!” I recognize the voice and stop flailing. The light turns on giving my eyes no time to adjust. “You scared the shit out of me!” I slap his shoulder and take off my mask. He laughs. “I can see that. What’s with the champagne?” “Oh, I was about to get wasted. Want to join?” I ask popping it open and making a mess. “You had me at wasted.” The two of chuckle. “So, what brings you here Mr. Maybank?” I asked with a horrible British accent. “I couldn’t help but notice my lovely girlfriend walking alone. Thought I keep her company. Plus, I missed her so much.” He mocks my funny accent. “Well, why don’t you give this lovely girlfriend a kiss?” He just chuckles before pulling me close and laying one on me.
“By the way, who’s room is this?” I asked after pulling away. “Rafe Cameron’s. Which reminds me,” He answers with a devilish smirk and leads me to the balcony. I am introduced to a beautiful scene I thought you’d only see in movies. Candles are lit, the sofa is covered in rose petals soft jazz plays in the background, and there’s a beautiful view of the ocean.
“Are you trying to seduce me Mr. Maybank?” I ask, still in trance. “Perhaps, is it working Ms. Prescott?” He lays kisses on my neck which I expand, giving him more access. “Yes.” I sigh and finally find his lips in a passionate and loving kiss. His tongue lips my bottom lip, and I gladly let it slip into my mouth. God, I could kiss him forever.
He pulls away to rip off his clothes. I do the same, kicking off my pesky heels and long dress. My body shivers when a brisk breeze attacks my skin leaving goosebumps, but I don’t care, because I know things about to warm up soon.
A moan escapes my mouth when his bare skin touches mine as we lay on the large outdoor sofa. “I still can’t believe your mine.” He says. “Always have been. Baby, I was made for you.” I declare. This makes him smirk as he removes my panties leaving me completely naked. Instead of immediately plunging in, his mouth attaches to my breast, his tongue swirling around my bud. His hand finds my wet core. “You’re so wet babygirl. Were you as hot and bothered as I was?” He asked looking up at me. “Yes. Baby I want you so bad.” I begin to ramble. “What do you want babygirl?” “I want you inside me! I want you to fuck me till I can’t walk! Please, I want you so bad it hurts!” God, I sound so desperate, but I don’t care. He’s the only person in this world I’d get down on my knees and beg for.
“Don’t worry babygirl. Daddy’s going to make you feel all better.” That name was always a turn on for me, always making me more excited if that was even possible. He teases my drenched pussy with his tip as he watching me writhe under him. “Daddy please. Please fuck me.” I plead once more. He smirks. “That’s a good girl.” A blissful sigh escapes from both of us as he enters me, the two of us finally connected, not an inch of him is left exposed. He stays still for a few seconds, enjoying the silky warmth of my walls that hugs his thick dick so tight. “God, you’re going to be the death of me babygirl.” He says before pulling out, only to shove himself back in.
We don’t even bother to hold back our moans. I just lay back and let the pleasure engulf my every thought. Time is irrelevant as he continues to slam into me, not holding me back, missing the comforting feeling of me being around him. My eyes were glued to the starry night sky above. I can’t help but think how erotic all of this is, as my boyfriend fucks me under the stars. I completely let go as the two of us drown ourselves in this euphoric warmth, until we both fall into pure bliss. I could have sworn I could saw stars in his ocean eyes when I gazed into them. It was then when I realized that I wasn’t lost in the starry sky, I was lost in his blue eyes.
We lay there together listening the wave as JJ smokes his weed. The two of us remain silent as we simply watch the sky. “Do you ever wonder what’s up there?” JJ asked out of the blue. “Where?” His words made no sense to me. “Heaven. What do you think is up there?” I give it some thought before answering. “You.” I answer. His brows furrow in confusion. “What do you mean.” “I mean that if I were to go to heaven, I’d see you. There’s no such thing as heaven if you aren’t there with me.” When I glance over at him, I could’ve sworn I seen tears welling up in his eyes. “Do you mean that?” He questions. “Every word.” He places a soft kiss on my lips. “Aria, I” He’s interrupted by the sound of a door slamming shut. I turn to see who the intruder was.
There stands Jennifer with a face painted in shock. My heart stops for a moment before dropping to my stomach. I quickly cover my naked self with the blanket and quickly grab my dress. “I should’ve known you were hooking up with him, after all you’d open up those legs to anyone, you fucking pogue slut.” She spat and turned to walk away. “Wait!” I ran in front her, the straps on my dress falling, as I blocked the exit. “What are you doing?” I ask desperate for an answer. “To tell mom and dad. I’m curious as to what he would say when I tell him that his youngest daughter is fucking some pogue. JJ Maybank of all people.” Fear started to kick in. What I said next was unplanned. “And I wonder how he’s going to react when he finds out about your pregnancy.” JJ, Jennifer and I all freeze when the threat slipped from my mouth
I can practically see the panic wash over her body as it shakes. “And don’t try to lie to me. I found the test and ultrasound photo. I know all about it, and I won’t hesitate to tell dad.” “Just wait!” She shouts, desperation laced in her voice. “Don’t tell dad or Rafe. At least not now. Please, I’m begging you. They’d kill me.” So Rafe doesn’t know. “You haven’t told Rafe?” I asked astonished, but then again, I wouldn’t either. “No. It’s complicated.” Her lip begins to tremble. I have never seen her so scared or lose her cool. She’s always so calm and collected. “Well uncomplicate it for me.” I demand. A moment of silence takes over the room. JJ looks down at his blunt with a questioning gaze.
“Rafe’s not the father.” She says. “What?!” Both JJ and I exclaim collectively. “Wait, I’m confused. So, who’s the father?” I asked, feeding my curiosity. “Andrew Coleman.” She sighs. “Who the fuck is that?” The name has never crossed paths with me before. “He’s a lawyer. He lives in Boston. I’ve been seeing him for almost three years now.” The news came pouring out of her mouth. Words can’t describe the astonishment that courses through the room. “That’s why you keep going to Boston. To see him.” She doesn’t even respond as I finally connect the pieces. “But what about Rafe?” The question made her snap all of the sudden.
“Who cares?! I hate him! He could go to hell for all I care! I can’t stand him! He deserves to die! After everything he has done to me! He’s a violent and abusive asshole! He beats me, cheats on me with my best friend, and expects me to fuck him! And you know what the worst part is? Everyone thinks he’s some kind of perfect golden boy, but they’re all wrong. He’s the fucking devil and I wish I put a bullet through is head when I had the chance!” Every word that escaped her mouth had rung through my ears.  She slides down to the ground as she sobs, her walls finally fall.
“Why didn’t you tell me this Jennifer? Why didn’t you ask for my help sooner?” I ask tears welling in my eyes too. “Because when I told dad that Rafe was abusing me, he called me a lying slut and said he’d kill me if I messed up my relationship with Rafe. He cares more about him than his own daughter, and I’m no better than him. I took out all my anger on you, because I was jealous.” Her confession felt like a punch to my stomach. “Why?” She just looks up at me.
“Because you got to live a life of happiness. With real friends and apparently a boyfriend who doesn’t hit you, while the man I love lives all the way in Boston. I should’ve been a better sister to you, but instead I lashed out at you all the time making your hate me, and for that I’m sorry.” Her words were genuine as she cried. I began to cry too.
“You’re my sister. I could never hate you. You might get on my nerves sometimes, but I could never forget the times you were there for me. Like when you carried me home after I broke my ankle after falling of my bike, or the time you stood up for me when that bully was throwing rocks at me. That’s the real sister I know. I just wish you told me all of this, so I could help you.” She hugs me tight and suddenly. It took me by surprise at first. I can’t remember the last time I shared a hug with my sister.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t deserve to have a sister like you. I treated you so horribly. I just want to make things right. Please forgive me. I can’t live with you never forgiving me.” She sobbed louder. “I forgive you, but I need you to let me do something. Both her and JJ looked at me waiting for what I said. “Let me help you leave the Outer Banks.”
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-08-06
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♪ HS2 HS2 is baaaaack ♪
♪ HS2bloggin here we gooooo ♪
♪ Structural changes on their team but I don’t caaaaare ♪
♪ Already resooolved myself that its NOOOT gonna beee as good ♪ with inattentiveness to details characters like Terezi forgetting-what-they-used-to-know and an obsession with dwelling on traaageeeDEEE without relief-or-considering how weee’d feeeeeeel~ ♪♪♪ --so just gonna enjoy-what-i-caaaaaan about iiit~ ♪♪♪
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Okay time for bankruptcy
> CHAPTER 11. History's Most Notorious Haters
Let’s see how effectively my perky new lowered-expectations attitude lets me enjoy this comic  *click*
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Oh.  so is this Dave drawing comics about current events or Regular Calliope doing so for our very first lanky look at her presumably-grown-up-more cherub form
> Knight: Keep it real.
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so we just get to SEE them?!  just like that???  no buildup or anything?  :D
Okay I’m marking out a little that’s a good sign.  Also what a nerdy cop-out to turn the roboteyes into glasses that’s barely passable which is perfect, the rest of his outfit looks pretty cool tho
DAVEBOT: and thats reason four hundred nineteen why despite my mans many accomplishments i will never acknowledge big skateboardings contrived message that tony hawk is the quintessential skater of our generation ARADIA: o_o DAVEBOT: not in these trying times
Good to see Ultimate Dave is being true to form with regards to the core of his personality
DAVEBOT: beep boop ARADIA: i have told you several times that i was a robot before and i know for a fact you dont have to say beep boop DAVEBOT: hm that sounds fake does not compute ARADIA: david DAVEBOT: mom
I was with this conversation until the last two lines what the fuck
(I’m reading into it aren’t I, Aradia was trying to be atypically proper -- even though she wouldn’t have the frame of reference to know without being specifically told that “Dave” was considered nickname shorthand for the human name David, and thus if she DID know there’s no reason she’d use it except to troll him -- and Dave’s just mocking her response.  Without any shame about his continued weirdness of calling people Mom, and by without any shame I mean he made the choice EXPLICITLY to intentionally evoke the awkwardness.  Wow I got a lot out of two lines.)
(Oh, also alt!Callie’s true Jade-body incarnation here probably prompted her to start using “David” by example.  There, various mysteries solved via a pile of assumptions probably to be disproven in the next couple lines I read.)
The Knight and the Maid stare at each other briefly, having exchanged enough meaningful glances over their time together to know when to drop it.
Would Time players have an easier time gelling this way, like this particular smoothness?  Dropping it just before it gets weird or excessively irritating?
ARADIA: i think we have exchanged enough meaningful glances over our time together to know when to drop this DAVEBOT: what i enjoy about our conversations is that you just say things like that
OKAY I SNRK’D AT THAT.  That was funny.
Initially.  And now I’m concerned whether Aradia is being controlled by the narrative-speak, or whether they’re both just humorously referencing the meta-text they can both see, or--
ARADIA: oh is that what you enjoy ARADIA: well we are both an infinite number of years old living countless lifetimes at once but thats no reason to waste any of our...
WHAT??!?  She’s an Ultimate Self too?!?
Um, okay!  Yeah!  So they’re BOTH just riffing on the narrative then.  But... why would Dave need a robot body to accommodate his Ultimate Psyche without getting sick but Rose not need it?  I can understand Dirk not needing it because the merging of the full breadth of his multiversal individuality gels well with him being a God of the aspect governing the power of his multiversal individuality, but Aradia?
Were the robot bodies not necessary after all, and the sickness Rose suffered and Obama thought Dave would have suffered some sort of ruse?  Are there shenanigans afoot?  (Or are we going with the “troll biology is better” cop-out?)
She knows how this will play out, having undoubtedly tried this joke on her friend in some timeline or another. Their rapport reflects a unique combination of their matching aspects but greatly differing classes. One a passive but powerful servant to time, the other wielding the aspect like a honed blade.
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Okay if that means anything like it sounds like I guess my class chart is finally blown up, sure, they only waited (*checks last edit date*) SEVEN AND A HALF YEARS TO BLOW THAT GUESS UP, SURE
Wow.  Okay, I feel some obligation to jump to conclusions and say the whole class chart is wrong, but let me stay strapped in to see if “passive” is as literal as one would expect alt!Callie to mean, or it just means “an active class passive compared to other classes”.  And, serving the aspect?  Oh dammit, now people are gonna come at me advocating a Maid / Page dichotomy about actively serving the aspect versus allowing the aspect to be served... or Page / Maid even, jesus
I wish I had enough energy to have those chats anymore.  I’d rather hold on and see the whole ridiculous chart scheme they have in mind... which is definitely (and hopefully) the one Andrew really drew up at the time and not made up by the staff, even if it throws away plenty of my old work...  I’ll just stop thinking about it and keep reading.
--no, I don’t think I can just stop thinking about it yet.  Dammit, brain.
So um.  Maids serving their aspect.  There was a whole “Maids serve” thing going on throughout the whole plot of Homestuck, but despite how prevalent it was, I wrote it off as the story riffing on the classical definition of Maid when the actual stuff Maids accomplished was something different and more specific, just like Knights constantly got riffed on for chivalry and the like.  Furthermore, service seemed like a really shitty class definition, when class definitions are the verbs one uses to interact with reality through Aspects to change the way reality unfolds, and “serving” isn’t really an action that results in change, implying a distinct deficit of agency that I wouldn’t have viewed as fair.  (Especially since you originally think “meant to serve others” and not “meant to serve the aspect”, implying even LESS agency.)  Furthermore, MOST passive classes from their descriptions seem to have a propensity to act “as if by the will of the aspect”, so even with the nuance of “serving the aspect”, devoting an entire class verb to service would just step on the territory of other active/passive class pairs’ passive sides, right?
But... IF we were to take this for granted as what it SEEMS... then concentrating on that angle of “serving the aspect” implies a whole lot more agency than a service class might sound on its surface.  The definition fits with the story better once you contextualize all the Maid-y references to service around Jane, for instance, with the additional idea of “serving Life” by baking prolifically and creating more of its symbols in food and--
--fuck.  “Serving”, like serving to others.  Serving the aspect as its attendant AND serving it out to others that need it.  Maybe this still IS part of the Additive class pair!  Whoa.  :O
Okay okay so, what I/we thought before was:
Create/Add - Maid / Sylph
Destroy/Reduce - Prince / Bard
But “additive” really isn’t an elegant verb compared to the “Destroyer” classes, so... could it be the “Servants” and the “Destroyers”?  Like Maids cleaning up and healing the broken wreckage strewn through the halls by a bratty Prince’s tantrum???
It’d certainly be weird... and it’d CERTAINLY be a wild twist where I was partially wrong in some fascinating ways but not entirely off base?
One a passive but powerful servant to time, the other wielding the aspect like a honed blade.
And yet, I can’t bet on this being the situation yet; not at all.  First, it relies on the idea that alt!Callie’s explicit narrative here is slightly misleading, which would be a pretty extreme thing to commit to, even for a technical truth like “she was saying it was passive relative to other classes even though it’s technically “active””.  Second... it would mean that Muses are even more wildly defined than the previous insinuation of hers, that the Sylph -- what we thought was the passive additive class -- was not enough like a Muse compared to a Witch.  Muses not being that Additive?  I could grudgingly understand that, but Muses not being anything like passive Servants?!  That would be EXTREMELY weird!
So... there’s not a whole lot of chance that I’m not dramatically wrong somewhere about these classes!  In a way that throws the entire chart into disarray!
I’m... oddly excited?  Huh.
That’s a pretty nice surprise that I actually feel that way.
(Don’t hit me up all at once to discuss this Classpect development over Discord, I’ll still need a few days without talking about Homestuck to recharge as usual.  Like... maybe wait and come at me as a group chat? So I’m not talking about the latest developments separately with everyone?  No that wouldn’t work, how about... guh I dunno, look my outlook’s a little more positive right now but dealing with Homestuck still takes emotional energy okay?)
Okay the rest of this page...
ARADIA: ... DAVEBOT: time then make a weird face ARADIA: ........ DAVEBOT: waste time DAVEBOT: time ARADIA:............. DAVEBOT: i experience all points of time simultaneously please just say time and make a weird face
This is true.
ARADIA: .................. DAVEBOT: cmon megido youre killing me clocks ticking ARADIA: ... ARADIA: time o_o
The Maid casts a furtive glance around the empty crew quarters, as though to search for someone more sympathetic to her bit.
ARADIA: tough crowd
> ==>
(Lazy fruit-throwing sword-training I won’t bother to screenshot but looks fun)
(I mean, really lazy looking, these people really don’t have Andrew’s knack for action composition that would make the same amount of gif-creation effort feel like a microcosm of the event they’re depicting, unfortunately.  Again, I don’t blame them; Andrew was just too good at it.)
DAVEBOT: ok heres one DAVEBOT: how old do you think you are ARADIA: emotionally? ARADIA: that is a pretty heavy topic DAVEBOT: you know damn well thats not what i meant ARADIA: you know I have been through a lot dave DAVEBOT: ok ARADIA: its just so kind of someone DAVEBOT: ok i get it ARADIA: to finally ask how i feel ARADIA: i am beside myself with emotions ARADIA: i want to open up DAVEBOT: jesus christ ARADIA: shall i open up about my past traumas to you ARADIA: would you enjoy that ARADIA: to think even a frog like me can work through their pain with a dear friend ARADIA: you have truly blessed me on this day dave strider
Is Aradia JUST trolling here or is her Ultimate Self grappling with a ton of real unresolved trauma too that she’s bullshitting around Dave-style?
DAVEBOT: times fun when youre having flies
Okay that’s a damned good frog pun.
Alright now Davebot’s rapping
DAVEBOT: lacking tact i stay stacked while i breach contract DAVEBOT: sacred vows disavowed got divorce fever DAVEBOT: i leave her DAVEBOT: dont look back dont perceive her ARADIA: do you want to talk about it :( DAVEBOT: about what ARADIA: would you say you are hung up on leaving your wife and friends behind
Goddamnit is DAVE’S ton of real unresolved trauma leaking into his raps unintentionally Dave-style??  I knew we had to address it when we cut to Davebot but how about LESS TRAGEDY IN THIS COMIC MAYBE
DAVEBOT: arent you even a little guilty about ditching your boyfriend ARADIA: what ARADIA: oh fuck
But she knew what she was doing when she did it she explicitly did it didn’t she?  Epilogues quote:
DAVEBOT: what about your boy DAVEBOT: eyepatches ARADIA: oh sollux is in one of his moods ARADIA: this was all getting to be a bit much for him ARADIA: if i go ill probably just cut him loose DAVEBOT: good move
And then they stepped through the sky hole more or less.  Did like, distracted Ultimate Aradia not realize exactly how long she was leaving Sollux for, ie forever?  Or did she “ascend” to Ultimate status later and hadn’t thought back to the full consequences of her actions within this timeline?  Or both?  From the looks of the link we’ll probably find out on the next pa--
--Wait.  Something else I just thought of, unrelated.
If Aradia is an Ultimate Self, that’s another coincidentally Ultimate version of someone hanging around that happens to be on the prospective list of Soul-Powered Jujus that might have their creation loops closed in the coming story.  Could those two things play into each other somehow?  Like instead of their souls getting stuffed into the items, their “Ultimateness” is?  Or as if that’s a necessary component, or...  no, I’m probably overthinking things.
> (Months in the past, but not many...)
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Uh huh.  Is that flashing because he’s “watching” Aradia leave?  But I thought Aradia SAID she was leaving--
> (==>)
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--and that black hole portal doesn’t look as cool as it sounded in the Epilogues.  But why was Aradia acting surprised, she said “I’ll probably just cut him loose” mere MOMENTS before entering the portal, did she mean “cut him loose” as in “I’m going to talk to him before leaving” and then just IMMEDIATELY forget that she didn’t say anything to him because she cared so little???
Wait.  Waaaait wait wait.  I think.  I think maybe I missed some subtext.  Lemme do some fuller quotes here:
ARADIA: oh sollux is in one of his moods ARADIA: this was all getting to be a bit much for him ARADIA: if i go ill probably just cut him loose DAVEBOT: good move
His gaze remains fixed on her. She blinks and looks away, unsure what to say next. He’s standing perfectly still, presumably waiting for her to say something. She met him... what was it? Once, twice before? She can’t remember. But she knows this is a very different Dave. Aside from the metal skin, he seems implacably confident. But then, people go through changes. She’s been through more than her share. She cocks an eyebrow, recalling her own stint with a metal body.
DAVEBOT: hey earth to whats your face ARADIA: oh ARADIA: its aradia
DAVEBOT: youre coming DAVEBOT: better decide quick i doubt that dank fuckin hell funnel is staying open for much longer ARADIA: yes i suppose so ARADIA: thats where all the action is right? DAVEBOT: all the action that matters yeah ARADIA: off we go then :) DAVEBOT: word
He holds out his hand. She looks around, and assumes he means for her to take it, so she does. She didn’t know someone could fly this fast. He nearly yanks her arm out of its socket. She considers reminding him that maybe this isn’t necessary, since she can fly too. But she doesn’t want to risk saying more embarrassing stuff around this outrageously cool dude. Besides, they’re through the wormhole before she can even finish the thought. It vanishes the moment they’ve crossed.
...this was a SHIPPING thing wasn’t it.  She’s impressed as hell with Striderbot, she SAID she’d cut things off with Sollux, and then she was so busy being swooped off her feet and into the portal that she forgot to actually say anything to him.  Is that what happened????
Ultimate Self Davebot x Ultimate Self Aradia.  Huh.  Didn’t see that coming.  (Though, again... they could make it SLIGHTLY clearer that this wasn’t just a blatant continuity error.)
Anyway, a rare-don’t-get-used-to-it [S] page...
> [S] (Gaze.)
...Okay that was kinda funny.
> (==>)
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SOLLUX: h0w the fuck am i g0ing t0 get d0wn fr0m here.
HAH!  Okay, he’s taking it pretty well.  :)  --and THAT’s what she realized she forgot, giving him a flight down from the tower before leaving.
> Back to reality.
(Since the black hole is outside “canon” reality.)
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(Lord English’s blood leaving permanent timeless bloodstains would be a cool new thing to squeeze into canon i admit, i wouldn’t blame them for taking the excuse even if you could find small canon counterexamples I’m not sure of but dimly think might exist)
DAVEBOT: so youre telling me you dont even feel a little bad that you ditched him to be a weird death acolyte ARADIA: no i think he found my wiles both charming and irresistible DAVEBOT: not even an ounce of guilt or self doubt huh DAVEBOT: just like that DAVEBOT: no conversations about the greater good DAVEBOT: no revelations about your feelings
Is Aradia a jerk or weird?  Can’t decide.
ARADIA: do you often find your faith in yourself shaken like this or is it a new experience now that your mortal coil has been left behind DAVEBOT: what ARADIA: do you think now that all that is left of you is a literal ghost inside of a machine you are more or less likely to embrace finality DAVEBOT: oh dope more cult of one shit DAVEBOT: immortality changed you ARADIA: could it be that you are projecting your feelings onto my situation DAVEBOT: does not compute rose jr ARADIA: ... ARADIA: we dont have to talk about it DAVEBOT: thanks
Wow, I actually can’t follow this conversation at all.  Let me stare at it for a sec...
...okay, the first part she’s talking about DAVE’s faith in HIMself being shaken, not her own.  She’s not asking if he relates to HER experience, she’s contrasting it.
Then, asking if he’d be more likely to embrace death, or... Time?  Death.  Whether his self-worth has changed because he might view himself as “less real”, something Aradia doubtless struggled with when she was a robot who already had so many excuses to devalue herself at the time?  And then Dave talks about “cult of one” shit what does that even mean-...
OH.  Like she’s a death cult.  Gooot it.  Because Aradia’s of the position that death and ending should be celebrated, and Davebot understandably isn’t entirely bought in.  This is as hard to parse down as one would EXPECT conversations between two Ultimate Selves to be hard to parse down, unlike Rose and Dirk where their insane missions and glaring flaws shine bright enough through it all that you can follow their conversation flow easily.
JADE: They sit in each other's presence, the silence between them as meaningful as any words they could exchange. DAVEBOT: its always really cool to hear how meaningful my silences are DAVEBOT: especially while DAVEBOT: CALCULATING DAVEBOT: CALCULATING DAVEBOT: especially while i am attempting to experience them
Alt!Callie pulling a narrative-text AFTER a talk-identifier like “JADE:” is really hilarious in my opinion.
JADE: i do not need your approval. the story will continue how it must. DAVEBOT: beep boop hater detected ARADIA: wow is that true JADE: i am not a hater. DAVEBOT: classic hater line DAVEBOT: i know this because i am pouring through genuine actual quadrabytes of information on historys most notorious haters JADE: no, you aren’t.
Pffffff. This is pretty fun.
DAVEBOT: you are the exact opposite of a hater ARADIA: a liker DAVEBOT: ok DAVEBOT: perfect example your tolerance for whatever is going on with DAVEBOT: all this ARADIA: i think she looks quite lovely covered in the viscera of the all-powerful enemy she consumed ARADIA: floating lifelessly in our periphery ARADIA: observing our every action and noting its relevance :) DAVEBOT: uh huh thats what i mean
I was gonna note “liker” as additive for pointless classpect purposes, but really more quoting it just because I really enjoy this conversation.  I’m starting to get sold on the chemistry of these two a lot faster than I expected.
JADE: even though I understand that it must happen, i am growing frustrated with the direction of this conversation. DAVEBOT: do you want to talk about something else stinky JADE: what would you suggest?
How long has that dried fucking blood been on her
DAVEBOT: ok hear me out DAVEBOT: kanaya DAVEBOT: but like DAVEBOT: wearing huge jorts
That explains Homestuck’s twitter earlier
> Weeks in the future, relative to the original point of interest...
Wait wait which point of interest?  This time we were just viewing? *click*
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I love what must be this shitty imagination-ship they’re using to cross the substrate of reality
> ==>
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Whoaaaa.  So they DIDN’T stay in those outfits for long?  It showed them in a bunk bed earlier, it showed CallieJade still going around blood-covered afterward-- dammit, I’m having a hard time gauging exactly how much time is supposed to have passed between their entry into the black portal, their earlier conversation, and this moment.  And as likely as some are to call this poor scene composition, I can’t think it’s anything but intentional, given we’re dealing with a couple of Ultimate Time players bullshitting with each other.
Moments like these are not rare, and serve a valuable function to the story. They are able to show a passage of time with the bulk of the emotional labor of a lengthy bonding process happening off screen. How did we get here? What have they been through? These questions are often better left open to individual interpretation and can give the one interpreting a sense of ownership of the story.
See?  We’re being trolled is why.  (Even if the authors are pulling the trick Alt!Callie describes maybe a little too damn often, because a cut like this where we’re supposed to fill in the emotional gaps and intervening events ourselves as readers depends on readers’ faith that sensible events and decisions for these characters would OCCUPY the gaps, as if readers don’t have faith that what intervenes WOULD make sense to their understanding of the characters the way the authors are writing them... it just seems like an excuse to do whatever you want without adequately explaining yourself, when in reality if you’d spelled out the events that led to it we’d all cry foul at the mischaracterization.)
...okay, maybe I’m a BIT bitter.  Sorry.  Where were we?
JADE: As a point of curiosity- ARADIA: oh shit!!!!
The dead Cherub possessing the body of an equally deceased Goddess of Space pauses at the interruption.
She doesn’t talk much, then?  Too busy doing whatever talking you’d do as your other possessed Jade body?  Just how temporally related is you controlling THIS Jade compared to when you were controlling the other?  When that Jade pegged you as enjoying contact with friends, are these two just not enough for you, or did you “experience” the trips entirely separately?  I don’t THINK the alt!Callie possessing either Jade is a separate entity from the other, but...
Were she to voice her opinion, it would be that --actually-- it is not unusual for those whose primary concern is The Grander Scheme to have a passing curiosity about the insignificant. So when one really thinks about it, any annoyance with the attendant’s small mindedness is both understandable and warranted.
She pissed
...also, “the attendant”.  Even if “serve” is really the verb here, that phrasing really irks me as if she’s talking down to her.  Which, I mean, makes sense for alt!Callie’s character, but doesn’t make me feel better about this new definition being foisted on us.
ARADIA: :( JADE: as a point of order, you never answered dave’s question. ARADIA: which one he is very chatty JADE: you experience time in a way that is woefully unfamiliar to me and it has... piqued my curiosity enough to learn more. ARADIA: ?_? DAVEBOT: shes asking how old you are
Wait a minute, is Alt!Callie asking a question about a dropped topic from WEEKS ago?!  And is Davebot so in touch with Time and the meta ordering of topics that he actually CAUGHT ON that fast to what she was actually wondering about?????
This is getting more disorienting by the minute.
ARADIA: in this form our bodies stop aging once we reach maturity i think ARADIA: the god tier keeps our physical form locked in a state of undying ARADIA: even in death the bodies do not decay ARADIA: only lay dormant
THAT LAST PART IS FUCKING IMPORTANT.  It’s being brought up intentionally to tell us that JOHN’S DEAD BODY can still be in the wallet Terezi’s carrying around RIGHT NOW without having decayed over the past years.  I remember remarking in SOME previous HS^2 liveblog post of mine that I was alarmed by the decay that would have happened there (can’t find my remark on short notice and don’t really care to), so this explicitly dismisses it so we won’t be surprised by the fact that she could keep it in just-dead condition.
DAVEBOT: like how long have you been alive JADE: yes, that one.
ARADIA: oh maybe a few hundred years or so DAVEBOT: what JADE: what? ARADIA: well if i had known you were going to be so judgy about it DAVEBOT: when did this happen ARADIA: oh i spent some time in other doomed realities and timelines and came back before anybody could tell i was gone
We knew she spent a LONG time in the dream bubbles, enough to talk to “pretty much all of the Nepetas”, but she was actually able to access a universe or universes and hop between them?  That’s not something any time traveller we’ve seen has been explicitly able to do intentionally before, quite like she’s describing.
DAVEBOT: oh just out for a bit of fun then DAVEBOT: just hopped on over to a different reality DAVEBOT: real casual like DAVEBOT: oh hello dont mind me just popping in to see if it really is as doomed as they say it is DAVEBOT: did not disappoint ARADIA: yes almost exactly like that :) DAVEBOT: who did you hang out with are they cooler than me ARADIA: it is complicated to explain DAVEBOT: oh ok nevermind then DAVEBOT: all clear
Yep, he’s kinda bewildered.  Is this Pesterquest stuff she’s referring to?  Did she stop by Pesterquest?
DAVEBOT: a whole alternate universe ripe with the coolest motherfuckers imaginable ARADIA: you were there too i threw your air conditioner into the sun DAVEBOT: wow thats fucked up DAVEBOT: thats not where that goes at all JADE: these events are not-canonical. ARADIA: rude
Ah!  Yeah, almost certainly Pesterquest.  (Still haven’t played that and have little inclination to now that I’m more sure we aren’t being gaslit with intentional continuity errors, just disappointed by actual continuity errors.)  Oh!  And that makes a bit more sense because I imagine that’s Black Hole territory, and that territory outside of Canon seems pretty rich and easy for time-travellers to hop between stories and timelines willy-nilly.  As they’re apt to in fanfics, which is the most appropriate way for things to be in that realm!
DAVEBOT: is that the trope of being hundreds of years old but looking young forever patently sucks ass DAVEBOT: a plot device an asshole would write ARADIA: :( JADE: that is not what i am trying to say at all. DAVEBOT: hmm wow yeah thatd really be a sort of pot/kettle situation i guess DAVEBOT: i cant believe im the only woke one here DAVEBOT: its hard being such a visionary AND such a fine metallic specimen DAVEBOT: but im an altruist first and fucking foremost ARADIA: so selfless JADE: yes, the greater narrative is truly blessed by your beneficent presence. DAVEBOT: oh so you got jokes now huh JADE: i have always had the ‘jokes’ of which you speak, but i have heretofore exercised restraint in laying you low. JADE: i possess knowledge of many of your iterations, as the scope of my powers allows me to exist in several narrative structures at once. DAVEBOT: but can she see why kids love the sweet cinnamon taste of cinnamon toast crunch JADE: i do not know, or care, what that means. ARADIA: neither do i :)
I’m actually really enjoying this conversation
JADE: its cultural significance to you as an earthling is wasted on the two of us entirely, as we have not conflated the misguided notion of clinging to nostalgic cereal advertisement trivia with socially relevant conversation.
Pff she literally checked her meta notes just now to learn what the cereal ads were after admitting she didn’t know what it meant and pretending not to care
> ==>
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Oh, closer look at Davebot.  Are those actual SHAPED shades over his robotic eye bulges?  Weird, I thought it was just a lazy line drawn between them with red sharpie at first, Sans style.  That would’ve been funny.
> ==>
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Ohh, I get it.  I was gonna say that was an unwarranted reaction... but he just realized that the Time-wait puns will be coming from BOTH his shipmates from now on.  That’s gotta be a downer.  :)
> ==>
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> ==>
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Ah, was that Jade kicking you out?  Or just the multiverse punishing you for being briefly happy :(
--oh, end of the update.  Guess that’s it for now!
Alright I know I’m A BIT BEHIND on covering the HS2 commentary,
I really would rather wait on that a bit longer if that’s alright.  Real busy and stressful week or two.  (Found out my hair is starting to thin noticeably at age 31!  Quite suddenly, too.  Blood test looks fine so it’s nothing serious... gonna see a doctor to check if anything can be safely done about that, it’s really hurting my self-esteem more than I thought it would.  Didn’t think it would hit my emotions that hard when it eventually happened, knew it was likely but not so SOON... really messing with my anxiety every time I accidentally touch my hair, now.  I’ll deal with it.)
If I sound really aimless in this post, I think it’s cause I am?  My mental and emotional energy’s REALLY drained.  I’m glad that June/July break in HS^2 happened when it did, and I’m definitely glad there’s apparently plenty in HS^2 I can really enjoy, if this update is anything to go by.  Maybe this comic can help lift me up instead of knocking me down.  :)
See y’all later!  More Patreon commentary blogging catchup after some other upd8.
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