charlesandmartine · 5 months
Tuesday 23rd April 2024
On our last morning on the Shamwari Game Reserve we were not permitted a lie in. Oh no, still lots to do. So we had a half hour warning at 06.30 to present ourselves for breakfast and then Raymond was to take us to the Shamwari Rehabilitation Centre to see what they do with defective animals. Unlike Born Free, the object is to fix the problem and get the animals back out into the wild where they belong, and frankly we were amazed at the time and dedication they were prepared to put into saving animals. This is an impressive new facility built as recently as 2018 for the Shamwari Game Reserve and it is an integral part of the conservation work they do on site. We saw a white rhino orphaned at birth so had been hand reared, being fed milk till 18 months old, with the plan that it'll be released when 2 years old. Being a wild animal it butts the keeper rather badly when the milk run is ready to be performed. They needed a routine to pacify the animal first before delivering the white stuff and the method devised is to blindfold him and put earmuffs on first. Rhino needed companionship, and surprisingly this is provided by Frank the sheep! They didn't get on initially but now they are inseparable.
This team is remarkable. They have Patrick the giraffe, abandoned at birth and reared also by hand. I imagined a giraffe at birth might possibly be the size of a giant stick insect. Apparently a new born giraffe is a good 2 meters tall! Patrick is doing fine. A new avenue for the centre is vultures. They have recently received some 50 or so vultures who have been injured and are now in the process of recovery. Vultures are useful in cleaning up carcasses and preventing rats and blowflies which restricts the spread of disease. A major success story was the surgery performed on a severely injured white rhino left for dead after poachers cut his horn off and basically leaving a hole in its head! Rhino are still very much sought by poachers who can get $1M for a horn in the US which buys an awful lot of corrupt officials turning blind eyes!
Other inmates are elephants, jackals and meerkats. These are long-term projects and release to the wild takes time, ensuring that the animal will be able to cope on its own.
We took a wide loop back to the lodge on the lookout for any animals we might have missed, but it was like the apocalypse had come, there were none to see! So we settled up, paid a vast amount in tips, jumped back into the VW (now exceedingly clean after the staff had valeted it) and roared off down the dusty road replacing the dust removed with a bucketload of fresh dust and out towards the main gate heading for Port Elizabeth and our replacement hotel; The Hacklewood Hill Country House, built 1898 for Mr & Mrs Mattingly. Now a five star Victorian boutique hotel somewhat favoured by Trailfinders I think. This is home for the night although we shall have to abandon it tomorrow morning in favour of a very early flight to Johannesburg and then on to Kasane in Botswana where we shall be transferred to the Chobe Game Reserve.
ps What a fantastic experience this section of our trip has been. Shamwari has been great both for service and terrific food we have been provided and also for the insight into the animals and their habitat we have been voyeurs to. To be feet away from the majesty of lions, the power and size of elephants, the height, grace and elegance of giraffes is absolutely mind blowing. To see close up the endangered, hunted, but thankfully protected rhino is quite awe inspiring. It is easy to forget that these animals are entirely wild, would easily kill you, but are in their natural environment and are living the life they deserve. After the recent rains the vegetation is so lush and green and the animals are loving it.
pps We have begun our course of anti malarial tablets essential because of the risk in Botswana. We have been warned of side effects!
ppps Superb meal tonight at the hotel. Ostrich steak, really nice and eating out here is so cheap!!
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covenawhite66 · 6 months
A mix of 160 Cape and African white-backed vultures to their new home at the Shamwari Private Game Reserve in Eastern Cape. Both rehabilitated vultures and purposely breed vultures.
The exclusive 54,300-acre reserve is patrolled by an anti-poaching team, and birds will be able to scavenge with little to no human exposure.
Vultures prevent harmful pathogens such as anthrax and brucellosis bacteria by destroying them in the vulture stomach.
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jojobegood1 · 6 months
From the frontline to ‘freedom’ – Tsar & Jamil arrive at Shamwari
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lennies-blog · 2 years
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I deciphered what it says on the certificate😅
"This is to certify that *blurred out* has adopted King the lion for one year starting from *blurred out*
Thanks to your support, King is receiving the expert care he needs at Born Free's big cat sanctuary at Shamwari Private Game Reserve in South Africa."
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baybeshyine · 2 years
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Ainda sobre o rodízio de cocktails 🍹🍸 (em Restaurante Shamwari) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClR-uFroZNh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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90363462 · 2 years
How Tiger Woods’ Ex-Wife, Elin Nordegren, Is Doing, 11 Years After Their Scandalous Divorce
Shaoni DasAugust 1, 2022
The world will never forget the allegations that Tiger Woods cheated on his (now) ex-wife, Elin Nordegren. It was the moment that forever tarnished the athlete’s reputation. Before then, he’d been known as one of the greatest — if not the greatest — figures in golf. There’s a reason why he’s broken innumerable records and is No. 1 in PGA Tour wins alongside Sam Snead — he’s simply phenomenal. He also carved out a unique place in what is traditionally a stomping ground for rich White men. 
That’s not to say Tiger Woods isn’t considered a superb sportsman any longer. But a lot of discourse around his career revolves around the 2009-2010 affairs scandal. The news dominated mainstream media for a solid year, resulting in the divorce between Tiger and his wife, Swedish model Elin Nordegren. 
While the allegations have been scrutinized to death, there isn’t a lot of information out there on the current dynamic between Tiger Woods and ex-wife Elin Nordegren. So it’s worthwhile to take a step back, look into their sweet beginnings, and examine how their relationship has evolved over the years.
Who Is Tiger Woods’ Ex-Wife, Elin Nordegren?
Elin Nordegren was born on Jan. 1, 1980, in Stockholm, Sweden, to Barbro Holmberg and Thomas Nordegren. Her mother, Barbro, was Sweden’s Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy from 2003 to 2006, and served as governor of Gavleborg County for seven years. Elin’s father, Thomas Nordegren, is a political journalist and writer who served as a Washington, D.C., bureau chief. She has a twin sister, Josefin, and an older brother, Axel.
Although Elin hails from a prominent Swedish family, she didn’t necessarily grow up with a silver spoon in her mouth. She and her sister had to earn their pocket money; they worked as cashiers through the summers to pay for school. Erin also did some modeling work in the early 2000s, landing a cover on Cafe Sport magazine at just 20 years old. 
She’d been working at a retail clothing store when she met Mia Parnevik, the wife of Swedish golfer Jesper Parnevik. Mia immediately took a liking to Elin, and offered her a position as nanny to her children. Elin accepted, and moved with the family to the United States. There, Elin accompanied the family to golf tournaments, turning heads wherever she went. 
Elin Nordegren ‘Had No Interest’ in Tiger Woods When They First Met
(David Cannon/Getty)
She met Tiger in 2001 at British Open. But while he was immediately smitten with her, Mia recalled that Elin “had no interest in Tiger, and he was OK with that.” Elin told People magazine that she had her “opinions about celebrities,” but Tiger made her think they were more similar than expected.
I got convinced that we were a lot alike and agreed to a date. The biggest reason I fell for him was because we had a lot of fun together. none
Elin had been seeing someone at the time, and wasn’t particularly keen on beginning a long-term relationship. She was also focused on going to school to become a child psychologist. Yet Tiger convinced her to give him a chance. In November 2003, Elin accompanied Tiger to the President’s Cup in South Africa. The two became engaged the same month during a four-day stay at the Shamwari Game Reserve. 
The two tied the knot on Oct. 5, 2004, in a ceremony that spared no expense. The golf legend rented the entire Sandy Lane Hotel in Barbados, including three golf courses and about 110 rooms. It cost around $2 million for the venue. The couple went on to have two children during their nearly six years of marriage: daughter Sam Alexis, born in 2007, and son Charlie Axel, born in 2009. 
Tiger Woods’ ‘Transgressions’ and 2009 Car Crash
Rachel Uchitel (Image: HBO)
The first of the accusations against Tiger Woods surfaced in a National Enquirer report that alleged the golfer had an extramarital dalliance with New York City nightclub owner Rachel Uchitel. Although Uchitel denied the accusation, it soon became apparent there was more to the story. According to HBO’s Tiger Woods documentary, the golfer had Uchitel call Elin to assure her there was nothing going on between them. 
The situation only grew murkier when Tiger became involved in a car accident on Nov. 27, 2009, a few weeks after the Enquirer article. He crashed into a fire hydrant, a tree, and several hedges near his Florida mansion, and suffered facial injuries. The press jumped to speculate on how the accident occurred, with some even theorizing Elin Nordegren finally broke, and was somehow responsible for the crash. 
HBO’s Tiger confirmed Elin had confronted Tiger the same night about his affair with Uchite. Therefore, tensions were running high between the married couple. According to the Los Angeles Times, theories circulated that Elin had been “chasing Woods with a golf club at the time of the crash and smashed the back windows of the vehicle.”
Tiger Woods’ Reputation and Marriage Unravel
From the “Tiger” documentary (Image: HBO)
Tiger and Elin vehemently denied those rumors, and Tiger claimed full responsibility for the collision. “My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble,” he said in a statement. “She was the first person to help me.”
Elin told People, “There was never any violence inside or outside our home.” She added that speculation that she could have inflicted violence on him is “truly ridiculous.”
However, the reported tryst with Rachel Uchitel was only the tip of the iceberg. Over the next couple of months, a dozen or so women came forward, claiming to have slept with the married golfer. Tiger subsequently owned up to these “transgressions,” and stated that he’s “far short of perfect.”
Elin Nordegren and Tiger Woods File for Divorce
Tiger reaffirmed his love for his wife, writing, “Elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect.” He once again dismissed malicious gossip about his car accident. He also announced he would take time off to try to salvage his marriage. 
Those efforts didn’t come to fruition, however. Amid widespread media coverage, Elin filed for divorce in mid-2010. The two finalized their divorce on Aug. 23, 2010, at the Bay County Circuit Court in Panama City, Florida. Elin received $100 million in the divorce settlement. 
If there is no trust between the parents, I think it is better for the children that the parents split up. I am now going to do my very best to show them that alone and happy is better than being in a relationship where there is no trust. none
Elin Has ‘Moved On,’ and Is in a ‘Good Place’ with Tiger
Although the adultery scandal generated global interest at the time, the gossip subsided in the years afterward. That’s provided both Elin and Tiger with enough space to begin their lives anew. One can only imagine the hardship Elin must have faced amid the media circus. She’d become an overnight “spectacle,” to be mocked and ridiculed simply for existing. 
It’s no wonder Elin didn’t want to have anything to do with Tiger in the wake of the scandal. Following the divorce, she bought a 1920s-era mansion in North Palm Beach, Florida. She then demolished it to build an innovative new structure, inadvertently giving way to a metaphor of her life. Elin fulfilled her dream of earning a degree in psychology, and graduated in May 2014 from Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, earning the distinction for Outstanding Senior. She said in an interview that education “is always what [she] wanted,” and that she is proud to set an example for her children about following your passions. 
Elin Nordegren and Jordan Cameron Have Been Together Since 2019
Tiger Woods’ ex-wife, Elin, has fallen in and out of love a few times since their divorce. She dated coal tycoon Chris Cline between 2011 and 2016 (he later died in a helicopter crash). In early 2019, Elin began dating former NFL tight end Jordan Cameron. In June 13, 2019, it was reported the two were expecting their first baby (Jordan has a son, Tristan, from a previous relationship). Elin gave birth to her third child, son Filip Nordegren Cameron, in October 2019 (they filed to change his name two months later to Arthur Nordegren Cameron). Elin and Jordan are still together.
She has been fiercely private about her life, post-Tiger. However, the few interviews she’s given reveal a great deal about the evolution of their relationship. In a 2010 interview, Elin disclosed that she’d never suspected Tiger of cheating on her. In fact, the whole state of affairs proved to be an absolute shock. 
I’m so embarrassed that I never suspected — not a one. […] Forgiveness takes time…I am going to be completely honest and tell you that I am working on it. I know I will have to come to forgiveness and acceptance of what has happened for me to go on and be happy in the future.  none
Elin Is Determined to Make Co-Parenting Work with Tiger
Tiger Woods and children Sam and Axel in 2022 (Image: Instagram)
At the same time, Elin is committed to making things work with Tiger as co-parents to their two children. The mother of three made it clear 11 years ago that she wanted the children to be close with Tiger. “I will always have a working parenting relationship with Tiger,” she asserted. 
I have moved on, and I am in a good place. Our relationship is centered around our children, and we are doing really good — we really are. He is a great father.  none
All Unpleasant Situations Eventually End
Elin’s development over the past decade speaks volumes about her sense of self and maturity. She’d been a young mother of two when her entire world crumbled and she had to reckon with a betrayal of the most extreme kind. But the Swedish psychology kept her head down and focused on her priorities. 
The scandal, and subsequent divorce, empowered Elin Nordegren to fulfill her dreams and invest in education. Yet, she also has enough room in her heart to maintain a cordial rapport with Tiger, if only for the sake of their children. 
We need to remember that all situations, no matter how pleasant and testing, have an expiry date. If we can cope with them thoughtfully and patiently, they too shall pass, and we’ll be able to climb back up to the surface and gain a fresh perspective on our life. 
Shaoni Das
Shaoni Das is a writer based out of Alberta, Canada. Copywriter by day, true crime enthusiast by night - she has a passion for uncovering perspectives that capture the full spectrum of human nature. She deploys language as a way to connect with her audience and empower them to take action. When she's not writing or scouring the internet for ideas, you can find her playing Genshin Impact or eating Biriyani
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k12academics · 2 months
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Help conserve a vanishing way of life by partaking in the best volunteer programme in South Africa: the Shamwari Conservation Experience
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The Shamwari Conservation Experience (SCE) welcomes participants from all walks of life with a passion for nature conservation! The SCE is a once in a lifetime chance to get behind-the-scenes work experience and involved with the conservation efforts of the world-renowned Shamwari Private Game Reserve for volunteers, gap-year students, adult sabbatical and adventure seeking travellers.
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This is a call to action for your support and assistance, without which our achievements past, present and for the future, would simply not be sustainable or viable. Shamwari is the pioneer and leader in demonstrating how the conservation of wildlife, fauna and flora can be achieved through Eco Tourism.
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Our passionate and dedicated team looks forward to hosting you and showcasing all that Shamwari Private Game Reserve and its abundant natural resources have to offer.
We offer two volunteer programmes: Shamwari Conservation Experience Shamwari Veterinary and Conservation Experience
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erikacousland · 1 year
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Southern white rhinoceros males, Shamwari Private Game Reserve, South Africa © David Silverman/Getty Images
Featured on Bing- September 22, 2023 World Rhinoceros Day
Sorry to crash your party | EN-CA, EN-CN, EN-GB, EN-US
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bingwallpapers · 1 year
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Southern white rhinoceros males, Shamwari Private Game Reserve, South Africa (© David Silverman/Getty Images)
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thegaytraveler · 1 year
Pride Journey: South Africa
By Joey Amato, Guest Contributor
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I first visited South Africa six years ago with a group of friends. It was one of the most incredible journeys I had ever been on, and I knew I wanted to return. I fell in love with Cape Town and of course, all the animals we saw while on safari, so when the opportunity came to visit the country again, I knew I couldn’t pass it up.
Cape Town is one of my favorite cities in the world. Words can’t describe how beautiful the city is especially when you venture outside the city center and explore the beautiful scenic overlooks surrounding the Cape of Good Hope offering stunning views of the Atlantic and Indian oceans.
I stayed at the Capital 15 on Orange, a modern boutique hotel located just outside of the city center which boasts a grand lobby, a fully equipped fitness center, and a wonderful restaurant. Most hotels in South Africa include breakfast so be sure to research those options before you book. The breakfast buffet at the Capital 15 was one of the best I’ve ever had. It will help you save a bit of money even though at the moment, the exchange rate is quite favorable for American tourists.
My favorite aspect of Capital 15 was the room. I’ve stayed in many hotel rooms over the years, and this one comes close to the top of my list. The room features a king-size bed with luxury linens, an enormous bathroom with a walk-in shower and a separate soaking tub as well as unobstructed views of Table Mountain, one of Cape Town’s most famous landmarks.
Speaking of attractions, the Victoria & Alfred waterfront is a must-see destination. Somehow, I skipped this on my last visit to Cape Town, but I quickly realized why it should be on top of everyone’s list. The area contains dozens of restaurants, shops, and entertainment options and is the perfect place to grab lunch or dinner while gazing out into the harbor.
This is also the launching point of our Cape Town helicopter tour. I had never flown in a helicopter before, so I was a bit nervous, but the team at NAC Helicopters made the process simple and kept us safe while we viewed the city from the sky. For being a travel journalist, I have a strange fear of flying, so being thousands of feet in the air is a bit unnerving, but the views were incredible.
South Africa is known for its incredible wines. If you are looking to visit some vineyards while in Cape Town, Jeep Tours Cape Town offers tours of the Stellenbosch region, just a quick 45 minutes from the city. We had the opportunity to stop by three beautiful vineyards and sample some of their world-class wines including Chenin Blanc and Pinotage, the signature grape of the region. Jeep Tours Cape Town have personal relationships with each vineyard they visit and therefore have access to private spots not available to the public. The woman-owned business can customize trips from a small party to a large group and if you would like to just visit LGBTQ vineyards or those which employ LGBTQ winemakers, they can make that happen as well.
Gay culture is plentiful in Cape Town. Almost everywhere you visit will be welcoming to LGBTQ tourists, but if you are looking to grab a cocktail at LGBTQ-specific spots, try Café Manhattan and Beefcakes, where the servers are shirtless and offer guests the opportunity to take shots off their scantily clad bodies…or so I’ve heard!
The next day we flew out to Port Elizabeth, just a quick one-hour hop from Cape Town, where we were met by our drivers to bring us to Shamwari Game Reserve, a private game reserve that offers multiple 5-star accommodations, an animal rehabilitation center, and a Born Free campus which rescues animals who were used in a circus or purchased for pets. Born Free operates in multiple countries throughout the world including Kenya, Ethiopia, and Australia.
Driving up to our resort on Shamwari was like a scene out of a movie. We passed zebra, and herds of impala and springbok as we cruised along the dirt road. The staff at Long Lee Manor was waiting for us with warm hand towels and refreshing beverages before showing us to our rooms, which came complete with a heated bed for those chilly safari nights as well as an outdoor shower so guests could feel at one with nature.
Monkeys love parading around the property with the intention of stealing food, so we were advised to never leave our doors open otherwise we may come back to stolen merchandise.
Long Lee Manor is comprised of 18 private rooms, a pool and pool house, a spa, and a full-service restaurant. Guests can relax with friends and family while they play board games and stare out into the vast savannah hoping to spot wildlife that frequents the watering hole.
After a quick change into my safari outfit, we headed out for our first game drive in hopes to spot some of the Big 5 – which include elephants, lions, leopards, cape buffalo, and rhinoceros.
Animal sightings are never guaranteed on safari. The reserve we were on was almost 40,000 hectares (100,000 acres), so the chances of spotting wildlife can vary depending on the time of year, weather, migration patterns, and behavior. Our guide Jacques has been a ranger for many years and is able to spot wildlife from what seemed like a mile away. Our first sighting was a few warthogs, then as we turned the corner, we ran into a family of elephants. Seeing these majestic animals in the wild is just awe-inspiring.
Although we kept our distance, we were still about 50 feet away, in striking distance if the animal wanted to charge us. Fortunately, we just sat in our vehicle and watched as the family ate their meal and interacted with each other. Elephants are one of nature’s most intelligent animals and develop feelings and bonds just like humans. Jacques told us a story of how he witnessed a calf being born and the others in the herd started trumpeting and dancing in celebration of the birth.
A few miles further up the road was a mother rhinoceros with her calf. The horn on the mother rhino was probably two feet in length and we were told spotting her with her young was very tricky as they hadn’t been seen in months.
As the sun began to set over Shamwari, we headed back to the resort for a Boma dinner, where we dined on traditional African foods outdoors around a communal fire. The meal consisted of a delicious soup and numerous types of meat. As we broke bread and recanted tales of the day’s activities it was hard not to pinch myself in disbelief. I was on safari for the second time, and it was just as magical as the first. It was a moment I didn’t want to take for granted.
The next morning, we woke up with the birds and began the second game drive of our stay. The mornings tend to be very chilly, and we were advised to dress in layers as the temperature fluctuates throughout the day. The good thing about morning drives is this is when animals are the most active.
About 20 minutes into the drive, we spotted two male lions, a young nomad being chased out of the territory of the elder lion. The young lion ran through the grass knowing he was not welcome. After he no longer viewed the nomad as a threat, the elder lion took a rest as we watched the encounter from about a football field away.
More sightings quickly followed; cape buffalo, springboks, impala, hippopotamus, rhino, and three female lionesses taking a much-needed afternoon rest. They are the hunters of the family so saving their energy is always well-deserved.
As the day drew to a close, the staff at Shamwari had one last surprise for us, a sundowner, which is basically a cocktail reception in the bush. The staff set up a full bar, appetizers, and some chairs around a campfire. We spent the next hour sipping cocktails and watching the sunset over the mountains. Something so small meant so much to all of us and made for an experience we won’t soon forget.
Guests at Shamwari can also opt to visit the Shamwari Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, which helps to rehabilitate and care for sick, injured, abandoned, or orphaned animals. Once these animals have been nursed back to health, they are released back into their natural habitat.
It’s not an interactive visit, but an informative and educational experience, to give animals the best chance at a successful release. The Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre at Shamwari is a registered facility and as such, animals in need come from all over the Eastern Cape. The primary goal is to ultimately return all the animals back to the wild once they are healed.
As tired as we all were after our two-week adventure through South Africa, we didn’t want to leave Shamwari. It is a truly majestic place that is well worth the visit. I vowed to return and share these memories with other friends and family.
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charlesandmartine · 5 months
Sunday 21st April 2024
The phone next to our bed rang, and I made stabbing attempts to locate the receiver. Good morning Charles said a scratchy voice, it's half past six, breakfast is at seven. I gradually became aware that this was not general information designed to satisfy a mild curiosity but instead to instill a sense of urgency to respond, react and present ourselves in the dining area ready to start a fresh day of exploration. Stumbling into clothes we obeyed without a murmur. Life looked much improved after a strong coffee and Eggs Benedict!
Shamwari Game Reserve has been going for some 32 years. Previously the land had been used for farming cattle and sheep. The only exotic animals would have been wart hogs; aggressive in their own way way. Clearly any native animals had long ago been moved on; successful cattle rearing not mixing well with predatory species. Over the years Shamwari has been reintroducing native animals to this area, and gradually the reserve has grown in size. It is owned by a Dubai conglomerate who are sensitive to the aims of the naturalists wanting to protect and grow threatened groups. One such group is white and the more endangered black rhinos. Even within the safety a game reserve provides, poachers will infiltrate and steal the horns so valuable on the black market. This constant war now employs AI technology to monitor 24/7 each rhino successfully thwarting many perpetrators. Population figures are highly sensitive and never published for added protection. They know overall which species are available in the reserve because they put them there, but numbers and where there are at any one time is where the mystery lies and what occupies the ranger's mind. Today we have seen lion, white rhino, zebra, African buffalo, giraffe, elands, kadu, vervet monkeys, red hartebeest and loads of birds. The male lion had made a kill this morning and will be satisfied now for the next 3 days. We are told he would not turn another opportunity down but equally will be happy to sleep and relax for 18 hours a day until Wednesday. Nice work if you can get it!
After a tapas lunch we were all set to explore some more, this time looking for cheetahs and leopards.
The search started around 14.30 and we soon saw elephant, more white rhino, eland and oryx but no cheetah. We stopped for drinks and nibbles. Other rangers were also on the lookout for cheetah but nothing. Then Raymond our ranger saw cheetah tracks; some going up the hill, and fresher ones coming down. Next there was a radio call to say one had been spotted. We leapt back into the Toyota and headed towards the sighting. There in a clearing were two brother cheetahs lying in the grass, stomachs swollen and the remains of a kill next to them. An unfortunate kudu had been outrun. This was a very fortunate spectacle since we not only saw two cheetahs, but also saw them after feeding. An absolutely perfect end to the safari day and just as the sun was going down. Both animals continued to look nervously around. They are predators but they are also prey to others; lions, leopards.
We were amazed at just how close we could get to these wild animals; just feet away from us.
Our Toyota Landcruiser returned us to base for a braai (South African BBQ).
ps The braai was great. We had pork ribs, chicken, oxtail, couscous, aubergine and bread type things. It was delicious. Loads of SB to was it all down. This place is amazing and the staff are so friendly and helpful.
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nv-rivera · 2 years
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Who carries sidewalk chalk in their pocket and assaults their son with bus stop fraction questions at 7:30am? This is no mystery. It me. 🙋🏻‍♀️ There’s a “Mastery Check” (“test” is a word that shall not be spoken?) today. Obviously, I needed to know what the fraction of people wearing backpacks was. I also needed to know the fraction of people wearing hats. A math mommy has needs… In fact, I also put a lot fraction info on his lunchtime note concerning the jackal puppies we’ve been watching on our new morning show SHAMWARI UNTAMED. I wrote that my drawing was only 1/3 of the jackals that were released into the wild. I also wrote that only 3/5 of the rescued jackals were released. I didn’t mention the 2/5 of the jackals that were not because every time I asked Alex what happened to them he told me they “passed out” and I kept trying to correct him to say they “passed away,” but that (unlike fractions) feels like too big of a conversation to have so early in the morning. We each have our parenting super powers, and I know my kryptonite. #GoodluckAlex 😘 #momlife #mathmom https://www.instagram.com/p/CnRqXHKu8wT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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satravelblogger · 2 years
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#holidays #getaway #vacations #tourist #tourism #vacationmode #vacay #travelling #traveling #holiday (at Shamwari Private Game Reserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjFvCJXq3Tw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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newschurn · 2 years
Win! A two night stay for two at Shamwari Private Game Reserve
Win! A two night stay for two at Shamwari Private Game Reserve
Celebrate 30 years of conservation success at Shamwari Game Reserve. Over the past 30 years, the Shamwari team has turned back the clock, reintroducing indigenous fauna and flora into what was once the richest wildlife area in southern Africa. Today, the 250km² Shamwari Private Game Reserve is hailed as an internationally respected conservation success story.  To mark its 30th anniversary,…
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baybeshyine · 2 years
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✍🏼 (em Restaurante Shamwari) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClR-SQjIeXd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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loveparfum · 3 years
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Safari 🦒 photo with Pat 🐾#Afriquedusud - #Shamwari Réserve - #pilanesberg park - #Kenya - #Rombo #kilimanjaro ☀️📷 @patbex 🔖 admin #visualgrams Founder @robbins selected by partner @jeanlucbattini . Life is a succession of moments and encounters that only photography has the power to immortalize. . La vie est une succession d’instants et de rencontres que seule la photographie a le pouvoir d’immortaliser 🍃 Patricia 🌿PatBex. - Où que vous alliez, allez avec tout votre cœur ❤️ - « Wherever you go, go with all your hearth » ❤️‍🔥 Confucius #photography- Faites-nous savoir ce que vous pensez en commentaires. Let us know what you think in the comments section... 🦏 Follow @visualgrams.fr for more 🍀suivez nous 🦍 . . . #photographer #photo #photos #bestphoto #sun #nature 🦘#instagram #photographylovers #bestphotography #bestphotooftheday #beautifuldestinations #zebra #guepard #lion #elephant #battini #picofthefday #jeanlucbattini #environment #photooftheday #animals #love 🦓🐆🐅 . . 🐘 (à South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbampAasTcw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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