#shan hui
sachi · 5 months
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☆ W // Arknights "WANTED VER." ☆ 1/7 / APEX ☆ February 2025 ¥23,430 ☆ Sculpt Yijiu Shi Paint Shan Hui Cooperation Zhang San Feng Meow
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facingthefossegrim · 1 year
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Lord, these new pieces are too precious. Let's talk about it!
There... there are so many people wearing white to the beach, it's driving me nuts, aha. White's a great color, I love white, but on the sand, white doesn't stay white. But in terms of OX's color prefs and how the piece looks, yes, it looks great.
He Tian also just setting his socks on the sand... bro, pls. I love the details, but it's going to be so disgusting after.
I love how Zhan Zi Qian is having fun with Jian Yi and Zhan Zheng Xi while Xiao Hui looks on. Their proximity to each other and expressions are perfect. I can just imagine Jian Yi being the one to propose the idea, and Zhan Zheng Xi just going along with it (with being buried), pfft.
He Tian's constant need for contact is perfectly normal here (he can't keep his hands off his beloved Mo), but I love the way the two look as if they're posing for the camera; the fact that Mo's posing as well.
Buzzcut in the back there enjoying an ice cream with a quirked brow at our beloved couple (par for the course), and even She Li in the back bullying some poor dude (also the norm, but I'm surprised OX decided to include him still. I really wonder if we've seen the last of him?)
The second pic is too precious, with Buzzcut playing beach volleyball with He Tian and Mo in the background; He Tian more likely hindering the game than actually playing it if he's just gonna carry Mo around like that, pfft.
Zhan Zi Qian and Xiao Hui are off playing by the shore with a woman I don't recognize. Maybe they were all playing together with Zhan Zheng Xi and Jian Yi before the pair decided to split off to take a break and dry off?
Finally, the main pair in the second pic: Jian Yi getting his feet wiped down by Zhan Zheng Xi after a dip in the water. The former's hair and body are still wet, and there's a towel around his shoulders. It's really too perfect and precious.
What I love about OX's art is that every expression and every pose tells a story; no line is being wasted. How they feel and who they are are captured in the moment, or even just their presence adds to the overall tone of the scene.
Credits: Old Xian
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swiftletinthecloud · 1 year
Dun dun dun...Shan Gu Dao is still alive and the real bad guy behind everything.
Zhan Yun Fei seems like a good and genuine dude, an actual friend to Li Xiang Yi. And despite the poison making Li Xiang Yi unrecognizable to people who knew him 10 years ago, the dude was still able to recognize him almost instantly unlike the "friends" Li Xiang Yi had at Sigu Sect.
Seeing Fang Duo Bing interacts with both his mom and dad is a treat, a good treat. They both taught him to be a good person, even if at the start of the drama he's arrogant and spoiled. It's hilarious how Fang Duo Bing hugged Minister Fang and told him how grateful FDB is that the minister is his dad after the interaction with Shan Gu Dao and Minister Fang's reaction is "oh that's nice but what are you up to?" LOL
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kayime · 1 year
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d detail tho😍❤️❤️❤️
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milolov3nutella · 2 months
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Hui is back with a design! (Will alter))
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escapisminacan · 1 year
These two are so zhanyi coded
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(Hetare to Bakatare)
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 1938 ⁇ Lee Dong-wook ⁇ Kim So-yeon Main Poster, Started a Hunt Beyond Imagination
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kaeroel · 2 years
Twin Bracelets 雙鐲 (1991) dir. Huang Yu Shan
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capfly · 5 months
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The Challenge of the Lady Ninja (1983) - Lee Tso-Nam
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chinatownreport · 1 year
Ready for Another Ramen Shop?
Wondering Where to Get a Free Lunch?
Have You Tried the New Japanese Noodle Spot?
Read about this and a whole lot more in "This Week in Chinatown"
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chinesehanfu · 5 months
[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese Western Han (202 BC – 9 AD) Traditional Clothing Hanfu Photoshoot
“这个位子 我有何坐不得?” “我欲问鼎天下,试问谁与争锋”
"Why can't I sit in this seat?"
"I want to conquer the world, who can compete with me?"
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【About The First Empress of the Han Dynasty Empress Lü:Lǚ zhì(吕雉)】
Lü Zhi (241–18 August 180 BC), courtesy name E'xu (娥姁) and commonly known as Empress Lü (traditional Chinese: 呂后; simplified Chinese: 吕后; pinyin: Lǚ Hòu) and formally Empress Gao of Han (漢高后; 汉高后; Hàn Gāo Hòu), was the empress consort of Gaozu, the founding emperor of the Han dynasty. They had two known children, Liu Ying (later Emperor Hui of Han) and Princess Yuan of Lu. Lü was the first woman to assume the title Empress of China and paramount power. After Gaozu's death, she was honoured as empress dowager and regent during the short reigns of Emperor Hui and his successors Emperor Qianshao of Han and Liu Hong (Emperor Houshao).
She played a role in the rise and foundation of her husband, Emperor Gaozu, and his dynasty, and in some of the laws and customs laid down by him. Empress Lü, even in the absence of her husband from the capital, killed two prominent generals who played an important role in Gaozu's rise to power, namely Han Xin and Peng Yue, as a lesson for the aristocracy and other generals. In June 195 BC, with the death of Gaozu, Empress Lü became, as the widow of the late emperor and mother of the new emperor, Empress Dowager (皇太后, Huángtàihòu), and assumed a leadership role in her son's administration. Less than a year after Emperor Hui's accession to the throne, in 194 BC, Lü had one of the late Emperor Gaozu's consorts whom she deeply hated, Concubine Qi, put to death in a cruel manner. She also had Concubine Qi's son Liu Ruyi poisoned to death. Emperor Hui was shocked by his mother's cruelty and fell sick for a year, and thereafter no longer became involved in state affairs, and gave more power to his mother. As a result, Empress dowager Lü held the court, listened to the government, spoke on behalf of the emperor, and did everything (臨朝聽政制, "linchao ting zhengzhi"). With the untimely death of her 22-year-old son, Emperor Hui, Empress dowager Lü subsequently proclaimed his two young sons emperor (known historically as Emperor Qianshao and Emperor Houshao respectively). She gained more power than ever before, and these two young emperors had no legitimacy as emperors in history; the history of this 8-year period is considered and recognized as the reign of Empress Dowager Lü. She dominated the political scene for 15 years until her death in August 180 BC, and is often depicted as the first woman to have ruled China. While four women are noted as having been politically active before her—Fu Hao, Yi Jiang, Lady Nanzi, and Queen Dowager Xuan—Lü was the perhaps first woman to have ruled over united China.
Lü Zhi was born in Shanfu County (單父; present-day Shan County, Shandong) during the late Qin Dynasty. Her courtesy name was Exu (Chinese: 娥姁; pinyin: Éxǔ). To flee from enemies, her father Lü Wen (呂文) brought their family to Pei County, settled there, and became a close friend of the county magistrate. Many influential men in town came to visit Lü Wen. Xiao He, then an assistant of the magistrate, was in charge of the seating arrangement and collection of gifts from guests at a banquet in Lü Wen's house, and he announced, "Those who do not offer more than 1,000 coins in gifts shall be seated outside the hall." Liu Bang (later Emperor Gaozu of Han), then a minor patrol officer (亭長), went there bringing a single cent and said, "I offer 10,000 coins." Lü Wen saw Liu Bang and was so impressed with him on first sight, that he immediately stood up and welcomed Liu into the hall to sit beside him. Xiao He told Lü Wen that Liu Bang was not serious, but Liu ignored him and chatted with Lü. Lü Wen said, "I used to predict fortunes for many people but I've never seen someone so exceptional like you before." Lü Wen then offered his daughter Lü Zhi's hand in marriage to Liu Bang and they were wed. Lü Zhi bore Liu Bang a daughter (later Princess Yuan of Lu) and a son, Liu Ying (later Emperor Hui of Han).
Liu Bang later participated in the rebellion against the Qin Dynasty under the insurgent Chu kingdom, nominally-ruled by King Huai II. Lü Zhi and her two children remained with her father and family for most of the time during this period.
Even after Emperor Gaozu (Liu Bang)'s victory over Xiang Yu, there were still unstable areas in the empire, requiring the new government to launch military campaigns to pacify these regions thereafter. Gaozu placed Empress Lü Zhi and the crown prince Liu Ying (Lü Zhi's son) in charge of the capital Chang'an and making key decisions in court, assisted by the chancellor Xiao He and other ministers. During this time, Lü Zhi proved herself to be a competent administrator in domestic affairs, and she quickly established strong working relationships with many of Gaozu's officials, who admired her for her capability and feared her for her ruthlessness. After the war ended and Emperor Gaozu returned, she remained in power and she was always influential in many of the country's affairs.
In his late years, Emperor Gaozu started favouring one of his younger consorts, Concubine Qi(戚夫人), who bore him a son, Liu Ruyi, who was instated as Prince of Zhao in 198 BC, displacing Lü Zhi's son-in-law Zhang Ao (Princess Yuan of Lu's husband). Gaozu had the intention of replacing Liu Ying with Liu Ruyi as crown prince, reasoning that the former was too "soft-hearted and weak" and that the latter resembled him more. Since Lü Zhi had strong rapport with many ministers, they generally opposed Gaozu's decision but the emperor seemed bent on deposing Liu Ying. Lü Zhi became worried and she approached Zhang Liang for help, and the latter analysed that Gaozu was changing the succession on grounds of favouritism. Zhang Liang invited the "Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang", a group of four reclusive wise men, to persuade Gaozu to change his decision. The four men promised to assist Liu Ying in future if he became emperor, and Gaozu was pleased to see that Liu Ying had their support. Gaozu told Concubine Qi, "I wanted to replace (the crown prince). Now I see that he has the support of those four men; he is fully fledged and difficult to unseat. Empress Lü is really in charge!" This marked the end of the dispute over the succession and affirmed Liu Ying's role as crown prince.
In June 195 BC, Emperor Gaozu died and was succeeded by Liu Ying, who became historically known as Emperor Hui of Han. Lü Zhi was honoured by Emperor Hui as empress dowager. She exerted more influence during the reign of her son than she had when she was empress, and she became the powerful and effective lead figure in his administration.
Lü Zhi did not harm most of Gaozu's other consorts and treated them according to the rules and customs of the imperial family. For example, consorts who bore male children that were instated as princes were granted the title of "Princess Dowager" (王太妃) in their respective sons' principalities. One exception was Concubine Qi, whom Lü Zhi greatly resented because of the dispute over the succession between Liu Ruyi (Qi's son) and Liu Ying. Liu Ruyi, the Prince of Zhao, was away in his principality, so Lü Zhi targeted Concubine Qi. She had Qi stripped of her position, treated like a convict (head shaved, in stocks, dressed in prison garb), and forced to do hard labour in the form of milling rice.
Roles in the deaths of Concubine Qi and Liu Ruyi
Lü Zhi then summoned Liu Ruyi, who was around the age of 12 then, to Chang'an, intending to kill him together with his mother. However Zhou Chang (周昌), the chancellor in Liu Ruyi's principality, whom Lü Zhi respected because of his stern opposition to Emperor Gaozu's proposal to make Liu Ruyi crown prince, temporarily protected Liu Ruyi from harm by responding to Lü Zhi's order that, "The Prince of Zhao is ill and unfit for travelling over long distances." Lü Zhi then ordered Zhou Chang to come to the capital, had him detained, and then summoned Liu Ruyi again. Emperor Hui tried to save Liu Ruyi by intercepting his half-brother before the latter entered Chang'an, and kept Liu Ruyi by his side most of the time. Lü Zhi refrained from carrying out her plans for several months because she feared that she might harm Emperor Hui as well.
One morning in the winter of 195-194 BC, Emperor Hui went for a hunting trip and did not bring Liu Ruyi with him because the latter refused to get out of bed. Lü Zhi's chance arrived, so she sent an assassin to force poisoned wine down Liu Ruyi's throat. The young prince was dead by the time Emperor Hui returned. Lü Zhi then had Concubine Qi killed in an inhumane manner: she had Qi's limbs chopped off, eyes gouged out, ears sliced off, nose sliced off, tongue cut out, forced her to drink a potion that made her mute, and had her thrown into a latrine. She called Qi a "human swine" (人彘). Several days later, Emperor Hui was taken to view the "human swine" and was shocked to learn that it was Concubine Qi. He cried loudly and became ill for a long time. He requested to see his mother and said, "This is something done not by a human. As the empress dowager's son, I'll never be able to rule the empire" From then on, Emperor Hui indulged himself in carnal pleasures and ignored state affairs, leaving all of them to his mother, and this caused power to fall completely into her hands.
When Lu first came to the court, she planned to establish the Lu family members as "kings (nobles)". This was not only to commemorate her deceased relatives, but also to strengthen her power in the court. However, Wang Ling, the prime minister at the time, immediately pointed out that the great ancestor Liu Bang(Husband of Lu, founding emperor of Han Dynasty)once killed the white horse and agreed that "if someone who are not Liu family be come the king, the whole world should attack them." Therefore, the move of establishing a foreign surname as the king violated the ancestral system established by Liu Bang and was really inappropriate.
Faced with the obstruction of Wang Ling, Empress Lu responded by deposing him and insisting on honoring her deceased father and two brothers as King Lu Xuan, King Wu Wu, and King Zhao Zhao. After setting this precedent, Lu was out of control. She not only named her three nephews Lu Tai, Lu Chan, and Lu Lu as King Lu, King Liang, and King Zhao respectively, but also named her grandnephew Lu Tong. He was the King of Yan, and his grandson Zhang Yan was granted the title of King of Lu.
In addition, there are also quite a few people with the surname Lu who have been granted the title of marquis. As a result, it can be said that many princes surnamed Lu appeared in the court in the blink of an eye. They controlled the government and became the cornerstone and support for Empress Lu to control the right to speak in the court.
Empress Lu's life was emblematic of the intricate power dynamics of the Han Dynasty in ancient China. Born into a modest family, Lu rose to prominence through her marriage to Emperor Gaozu. Her astute political acumen and strategic alliances allowed her to wield significant influence behind the throne. As the mother of several emperors, she orchestrated their ascensions and manipulated court politics to consolidate power for her family. However, her ruthless pursuit of control and elimination of rivals earned her both admirers and enemies. In the end, her ambitions led to her downfall, as her unchecked power and manipulation of succession angered the nobility.As a result, after her death, the Lu family was retaliated and killed by the nobles and courtiers who supported the Han Dynasty, and the family was almost exterminated.Empress Lu's life illustrates the delicate balance of power, ambition, and intrigue in ancient Chinese imperial courts.
Literati in every dynasty in China often likened women who attempted to participate in government affairs and influence national policies to Empress Lü, saying they were vicious. One of them was Wu Zetian, the first official female emperor of China. However, compared with Empress Lü, Wu Zetian was more talented. Unlike Empress Lü, who was simply vicious, she ignored the system and stability of the empire and put personal and family interests first.
📸Photo & Model :@金角大魔王i
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sachi · 8 months
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☆ Fu Xuan // Honkai: Star Rail ☆ 1/7 / APEX ☆ December 2024 ¥24,970 ☆ Sculpt Yun Nianbai Paint Yamahai / Mu / hato / Shan Hui Director Naomi
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sylvysprit · 8 months
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The Great Mountain Banquet ~ What's Cooking?
From the Touhou fangame 東方山宴会 ~ Wonderous Appetizing Bullets by Sawney Composed by me
Link to download the game: https://www.bulletforge.org/u/sawney/p/dong-fang-shan-yan-hui-wonderous-appetizing-bullets Link to Sawney's channel: https://www.youtube.com/@sawneytenmillion8339
Sawney commissioned me to make thing song! Thank you very much This is the theme for Kinnetsu, an oni from Former Hell that has caused an incident on the surface by transforming all bullets into food, what was she cooking?
It was a very fun song to compose, it's both a very playful and powerful song, i wanted to include feelings inspired by various Touhou games, but particularly from Subterranean Animism, i wanted to balance out the intensity of the song by also adding a bit of a melanholic middle moment in order to make the punchier exciting parts shine more due to the contrasts, i hope you'll enjoy it!
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kayime · 1 year
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m gone
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milolov3nutella · 1 year
Incorrect quotes for cod cold war ocs
Andros (Bell): Hui, I need some advice.
Hui: You need advice from ME?
Andros (Bell): Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
Hui: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Andros (Bell): Those are wanted posters!
Hui: I made tea.
Andros (Bell): I don't want tea.
Hui: I didn't make you tea. This is my tea.
Andros (Bell): Then why did you tell me?
Hui: It's a conversation starter.
Andros (Bell): It's a horrible conversation starter.
Hui: Oh, is it? We're conversing. Checkmate.
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celluloidrainbow · 1 year
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雙鐲 | THE TWIN BRACELETS (1991) dir. Huang Yu-Shan Two teenage girls, Hsiu and Hui-hua, make a pledge to each other to be as "man and wife" in a small fishing town. However, neither of them can escape the pressures of their society; whatever their subjective longings, how can they turn a blind eyes to the expectations of their next of kin that are anchored in tradition? (link in title)
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