#shapeshifter kink
dcigar · 8 months
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By day, he was a mild-mannered accountant, crunching numbers in a sterile office. But by night, he became someone entirely different.
It all started innocently enough. One evening, Alex stumbled upon a leather shop tucked away in a dimly lit alley. Curiosity piqued, he ventured inside, drawn by the smell of rich, supple leather and the promise of hidden desires.
As he ran his fingers over the sleek jackets and rugged boots, something stirred within him. It was a feeling he couldn't quite place, a sense of exhilaration mixed with a hint of taboo. And when he slipped on a leather jacket, the world shifted.
Suddenly, Alex felt more alive than ever before. The cool touch of the leather against his skin sent shivers down his spine, and he couldn't help but admire his reflection in the mirror. Gone was the shy accountant; in his place stood a confident, powerful man.
From that moment on, Alex's life took on a new rhythm. He sought out leather wherever he could find it, reveling in the way it made him feel alive and free. He attended leather events and gatherings, immersing himself in the vibrant subculture that welcomed him with open arms.
But along the way, Alex faced challenges too. He grappled with his own insecurities and fears, worried about what others might think of his newfound passion. Yet with each step he took, he found strength in his authenticity, embracing his identity as a gay man who loved to wear leather.
And as he walked through the city streets, head held high and leather-clad, Alex knew one thing for certain: he had discovered a part of himself he never knew existed, and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
One fateful evening, Alex decided to take his exploration of leather to the next level. He ventured into a renowned gay leather club, drawn by the promise of a community that understood and embraced his desires.
Inside the dimly lit club, the air was thick with anticipation and the scent of leather mingled with the heady aroma of cigars. As Alex made his way through the crowd, he couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging wash over him.
It was there, in the heart of the club, that he discovered his love for cigars. Entranced by the sight of men puffing on their smoldering sticks, he hesitantly accepted an offer to try one for himself.
As the rich, earthy flavor enveloped his senses, Alex felt a rush of pleasure unlike anything he had experienced before. The smoke danced on his tongue, filling him with a sense of warmth and contentment.
From that moment on, cigars became a staple of Alex's leather-clad adventures. He relished the ritual of lighting up, the camaraderie shared with fellow enthusiasts, and the way the smoke added an extra layer of intensity to his experiences.
With each visit to the leather club, Alex discovered more about himself and the vibrant subculture he had become a part of. And as he indulged in his love for leather and cigars, he found a sense of liberation and empowerment that he had never known before.
As Alex continued to immerse himself in the leather community and embrace his newfound passions, he decided to take another bold step: he grew a beard.
At first, it was just a stubble, a hint of rugged masculinity that complemented his leather-clad persona. But as time went on, Alex let his beard grow longer and fuller, until it became a defining feature of his appearance.
With each passing day, the beard became more than just a symbol of his masculinity; it became a symbol of his confidence and self-assurance. Running his fingers through the coarse hair, Alex felt a sense of pride in the person he had become.
As he walked through the city streets, leather jacket hugging his frame, cigar smoke trailing behind him, and beard framing his face, Alex felt like he was truly living life on his own terms. And with each passing day, he discovered new depths to his identity, finding joy and fulfillment in every aspect of his journey.
With his confidence soaring and his sense of self solidifying, Alex delved deeper into his exploration of leather. One day, while browsing through a leather boutique, he stumbled upon a pair of leather chaps.
Intrigued by their rugged appeal and the way they showcased his legs, Alex couldn't resist trying them on. As he fastened the buckles and adjusted the straps, he felt a surge of excitement course through him.
Stepping in front of the mirror, Alex admired his reflection. The leather chaps hugged his thighs snugly, accentuating every curve and contour of his body. He felt powerful, alluring, and completely in command of his desires.
From that moment on, leather chaps became a staple of Alex's wardrobe. Whether he was strutting through the streets or dancing the night away at the leather club, he always felt like the truest version of himself when he wore them.
Embracing his love for leather chaps was just another step in Alex's journey of self-discovery. With each new revelation, he felt more liberated and empowered, unapologetically embracing every aspect of his identity as a gay man who loved to wear leather. And as he continued to explore and celebrate his passions, he knew that the best was yet to come.
More to come…
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milkyhoneybee · 5 months
trans man who gets shapeshfiting powers and gives himself just an absolutely massive, thick monster cock, but he's still new to his powers and doesn't account for all the biological processes that need to be adjusted too, so it makes him lightheaded and dizzy and he forgets not to make the whole thing as sensitive as his tdick was, and his partner is just laughing as they stretch themselves out on his massive dick, teasing him as he's unable to do anything but act like their dildo as they ride him
they both discover he forgot to give himself a refractory period and he passes out while he's still filling his partner with cum after several hours
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transalphabf · 8 months
Corruption (2000 follower special)
You are an Angel, pure, light, and always bright. It's hard for anything to take you by surprise, for you know All that is The Will of your God.
Which was why the Demon sat across from you at the coffee shop was so... Unusual.
"Um, it is a special pleasure to make your acquantaince, Mr Demonos sir, but why have you decided to sit with me today? Do you perhaps wish for me to Save you?" You asked with a bright, if uncertain smile.
The demon smiled back at you with an inhumanly toothy smile, sharp teeth glinting in the light for a moment before seemingly becoming more human again for a moment.
"Well, angel, I've been watching you for a little while now and I wanted to finally talk to you." He explained.
You blinked, confused now.
"Watching me? Why? I shan't be corrupted by you! You won't make me Fall or tempt me to the path of dismay!" You insisted, brows furrowing.
He seemed to roll his eyes for a long moment, sclera flashing black for a brief moment as the rain rolled against the window with an especially strong gust of wind.
"I have been possessed by you, from the moment I first saw you. I can See your Halo, your wings, your very Aura, and you have transfixed me!" He hissed, almost accusatory if not for the adoring undertone.
You didn't really know what to make of that, but it stirred something deep inside of you. You hadn't come across a Demon that could See your Holy aura, he was unusual in that sense.
You could See his Unholy aura too, the long, black, curved horns that ran along his head, stopping in points just below his ears. His long, pointed ears, and the long whiplike tail that swished to and fro on the floor. To the humans around you, they just saw two men, one blond, the other dark haired, one clean shaven and pretty, the other with a beard and a little scrappy looking.
"I... Am not sure what to make of that, sir. I certainly did not mean to have some affect to you." You apologised, heat rising to your cheeks.
"Come with me to my home so I may See you in your raw glory." He asked, averting his eyes, a similar heat rising in his own cheeks, bashful about your Might. You smiled, and nodded, offering him your hand, which he took in his own warm one.
It was a quick enough journey to his home, which was opulent to almost the point of gaudiness, evidence of his avarice and pride - sins you hoped to teach him to repent of once he saw your Holiness.
You stood in the centre of his living room, and he sat on the chesterfield couch, dark oxblood red leather as he sprawled and looked up at you. You allowed your eyes to close, and your mortal shell dropped, your Holy aura shining through, modern clothing dropping to the angelic robes you were comfortable with, your dappled white and silver wings catching on the light that emanated from your creamy halo.
He fell to his knees before you, staring up adoringly. You smiled at him, and held a hand out to him.
He took it, and then pulled you forward, causing you to stumble closer to him.
And then his head was under your robes, his hands gripping your thighs as he licked over your cunt.
You gasped, the heat of a tongue over your previously untouched genitalia was searing itself to your very core.
He growled quietly, and threw you down onto his couch, his own mortal shell dropping away as his leathery batlike wings spread above you, his long tail coiling around your thigh, the tip rubbing at your clit, causing you to cry out before his lips fell onto yours, his Unholy hands defiling your virginal body.
You couldn't bring yourself to dislike it.
He was everywhere, kissing and biting at your skin, shredding your robes with his clawed hands, and then smoothed his hands over your chest, admiring the smooth skin he found, before he took hold of your thighs, dragging your hips up to his face as he began to feast on your sweet cunt, long tongue pressing deep into you, touching at something that made your toes curl and your hips rocking into his face as he greedily ate you out, his tail dipping down and pressing into your ass, toying with you. You cried out, experiencing your first ever orgasm, light filling the room as you came. He moaned for a long moment, and the horns on his head seemed to become less blackened.
He then pushed your legs up to your chest and his long, inhuman cock pulsed against your cunt and up to your abdomen, promising to fill you so deeply that you didn't know what would happen.
He pressed into you, the feeling so strange, so new, so holy that you couldn't help but moan out as inch after long, agonising inch filled you, heat in your core that you'd never felt before seemed to drag out forever - until he was so deep inside of you that your stomach bulged somewhat.
And then he was moving, one fistful of feathers holding you and your wings in place, the other holding your legs against your chest, his tail toying with your clit, his demonic cock defiling your most sacred cunt.
And it felt so good, each thrust grinding up against everything you never knew you wanted grinding on. You came and came, and he kept fucking you, the pulse of his cock making you go wild - and then his cock changed shape between strokes. Where it had been mostly human shaped, it turned into a ridged tentacle, and each thrust had it pulsing and changing thickness, dragging against your hole and then seemingly giving you reprieve before changing again into being insanely thick, stretching you out.
You screamed as you came, and his batlike wings stopped being so dark and horned, becoming smoother and more supple.
Finally, his cock settled on another shape, with a bulb at the bottom that seemed to inflate and grow as he got closer to his own orgasm - his knot.
And when he knotted you, you could feel his hot demonic cum pour into your sacred, holy womb. He was defiling the most special place with his unworthy cum, but all you could think of was how good he looked being cleansed by your holy aura - and how his defilement of you had brought you from being the holiest of the angels to being more. His cum seemed to pump for minutes into you, distending your womb a little so you already looked pregnant - pregnancy wasn't something you were certain angels could experience, but if you could, he would ensure you did.
And that had you cumming again, around his enormous cock.
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rs-hawk · 10 months
Sounds like a stupid idea but what if there was a male god like creature that was 9 feet tall and had a disabled husband. God daddy helps his poor husband around the house in his wheel chair and helps him with physical therapy, and also he enjoys holding his disabled hubby in his lap👀 thoughts?
No this is cute!! For context on this one, I’m Indigenous and I’m gonna make this God Creature believe He’s a child of Wahkontah (the Great Spirit/Creator Spirit). Let’s celebrate Native American Heritage Month a bit. Lol.
Part Two
Your Husband has always referred to Himself as “The Creator’s Child”, well, at least He says that’s the translation. You struggle with learning His native tongue, and have to enroll in some online classes at the Tribal Nation’s Cultural Center. You’re shocked how low the prices are, especially for a non-member. They just smile a closed lip smile and tell you they’re happy someone wants to learn. You know they know you’re learning for someone else, but they keep it to themselves.
When you get sick, you’re worried He will leave you. After all, even if He’s not Wahkontah’s child, He is still a nearly all powerful being. Would He still want you? He never wavers in His love for you. He says He knew this would happen the whole time, but it didn’t matter. You’re still you. You have to adjust to this new way of living, and He is more kind and helpful than you could have ever imagined. Truly a benevolent God. When you lose your ability to walk, He is steadfast. You are His. He is yours. Not even death will change that.
However, one thing He has taken to holding you more often. At first you aren’t a fan, but you get used to it. He holds you in His lap any time He has a chance. When you’re eating. Watching TV. Reading a book. He has you in His lap. You two had never been intimate before as you weren’t sure how, with Him being primarily made of wood and vines, and you’re too shy to ask. He sometimes has a dozen arms or none, and there have been a few times He has forgotten to have a face for you. It’s unnerving, but you love Him just the same. When your wheelchair arrives, He seems disappointed.
“Isn’t my lap good enough?” He asks in a sad voice that reminds you of softly pattering rain.
“It’s great but I have to move around,” you explain as you touch His arm.
That’s when you kiss for the first time. He presses His soft, grass like lips to yours. You lean forward, eager for more. To touch Him. To be with Him. Whatever way that means.
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otter-pup · 1 year
I return with the thought of a shapeshifter partner… he starts off normally sized but you SWEAR as you fuck he keeps getting bigger and bigger. Until he pulls out after multiple rounds and you realize that he’s more than twice as thick as originally and he just smiles and “I can go bigger”
(Not to mention everything else a shapeshifter might be able to do)
- 💫
he's not small to begin with- average, maybe a little bigger. enough for me, definitely, i didn't mind.
by the time i cum once, he already feels bigger, but i brush it off. and then i cum again, and the same thing, but i convince myself it's just from how im squeezing around him. by the third time, though, im sure im not imagining it. but he's not giving me any time to ask questions, fucking hard into me as i choke on my moans.
by the time he pulls out, im limp beneath him, already sure he's bigger before his cock even comes into view. it'd stretched my cunt so good it hadn't quite closed all the way when he pulled out, gaping slightly, clenching around nothing.
he smiles and says he can go bigger. i give a shaky smile back and ask him to, please, go bigger, break my cunt, break me.
he obliges, and tells me about all the other ways he could make his cock perfect to break me the entire time.
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llfreude · 4 months
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Feeling embraced yet, Liebling?
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How about blueberry Nekuma?
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skittishmutt · 3 months
When you and your bf are both therian / otherkin [ I'm a shapeshifter and he's questioning kintypes ] so I can always match kintypes with him and we can be silly foxes or wolves orr just happy little critters!! :3
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dreamdropsystem · 6 months
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dog "pet me?" emojis modeled after me woof!! - Niko
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drsarcasticraspberry · 5 months
kink rating: rapid tf? like a werewolf transformation but not limited to becoming a Big Dog
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
i think i should be allowed to do this. like as a side-effect of hrt i should be able to grow extra limbs whenever i want? but that's besides the point.
the appeal of rapid transformation is the ability to grow whatever you need as and when you need it like... that's hot. restraining someone and you need your arm to be bigger and stronger? no problem! grow a tail and tease someone with it. slip it inside them and make it dick-shaped all of a sudden. the possibilities are endless!
but also consider a monster that can shift quickly and fluidly between a human disguise and its true, huge form. it could do the monsterfucker equivalent of flashing someone right before they walk into a social event. monster boyfriend (me perhaps. okay it's me) who grows big and huge and sexy on the doorstep to get their human lover all flustered and distracted. then immediately reverts back to normal guy human form before the door opens.
for added spice: human lover getting bent over and railed in the kitchen by huge monster who quickly shifts out of them when they hear a roommate coming down the hall. (the teasing and edging possibilities contained within this idea are endless).
slighly related but i'm also in general a huge fan of transformations not fully in control of the individual transforming. transformations triggered by moonlight, or a certain smell or sound, or certain emotions... all good stuff!
send me a kink and i'll rate it
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lunaxlee · 5 months
Morax | God of History
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Art by: michel_angelo_z
Bot Link | Bot Series | AU Introduction (Bot)
Story: A dragon guards the Library of History. Morax, God of Contracts, is considered the God of History as well due to his age and ability to record certain happenings of the world. They get stored in the Library, hidden from human sight. However, due to his new title as Archon, he had been given gifts by his followers— one such gift is a consort. Another jewel to add to his hoard.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Possessive and overprotective character. Sexual themes; user eggpreg, possible monsterfucking (Zhongli can turn into a dragon, size difference (Zhongli is 8ft tall in this), breeding kink
THIS IS AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE!! All content written above, aside from what we know is canon, is all made up by me.
Total tokens: 2189 | Permanent tokens: 1681
If you see a copy of this bot in any other site that is not JanitorAI, or a copy of the bot in JAI itself, please report it and DM me.
JAI Profile | Discord Server
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caiusmajor · 5 months
Hi! For the three sentences porn: Maybe something Magnus/Perturabo, maybe with some praise-kink or funky shapeshifting? (I have ben thinking about them too much for the last few hours)
Or maybe Fulgrim/N‘Kari? Maybe with some Eggs thrown in or generally snakey-demon-weirdness?
"For most people," Perturabo said, "'Fuck me until I turn into goo' would be a metaphor."
"Don't stop!" said the pile of red goo around Perturabo's cock.
"You're lucky you're my favorite brother," said Perturabo, and kept on thrusting into the happy one-eyed pile of goo around his cock.
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enbytrees · 1 year
I love my dick and I think she’s so pretty, but sometimes I really just wish I could have a pussy for a day so I could let hot women eat me out and finger me.
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If Adonis and Nekuma can go through blueberry inflation (assuming at the expected rate), then so can Mal. But she’s be gain weight in fat simultaneously, too, depending on how it happened. Classic gum route? Def gaining, since it’s the whole three course meal that’s supposed to provide the same amount of calories. It’d probably also simultaneously be quicker and last longer, thus making her absolutely massive for multiple reasons.
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cyberrat · 1 year
75th Batch Of Fics: 10th Fill
Cassidy/Hanzo – Part 3/4 (ish) – wolfgod!Hanzo; coyote shapeshifter!Cassidy; young!Cassidy (mid 20s); old!Hanzo (mid 40s); virgin!Cassidy; transman Cassidy – Time to do the deflowering!
Hanzo wants to fuck Cole like this; just the way he is. In his true form so none of his senses will be suppressed as he partakes in this absolutely delightful little treat – but as his humongous cock slides against the pup’s ass and along the protrusion of his spine once, twice, three times, he has to admit that he is simply too big for the shapeshifter.
Cole, admirably, does not say anything. Maybe he does not realize that Hanzo could quite literally rip him in half on his cock. He seems deep in his own head, all sinewy muscle tight as a board and trembling. Waiting and dreading in equal measures for the moment that Hanzo’s cock will cuddle up to his unused, perfect cunt.
Hanzo growls. He wants to lick Cole’s neck while he fucks him but he can’t do both at the same time. His hips keep hunching forward, dragging his dick along the delicious knobs of Cole’s desperately arched back. Fucking him in the oddest way possible while the scent of his ripe, hot peach is driving Hanzo insane.
So he has to reconsider his approach. He does not like it but there is nothing to do about it. Not now. Not when he first has to open this pup up to getting adored by him.
Hanzo shifts his form, moving from a large white wolf into the shape of something more human like. Still big, yes, but not uncomfortably so. His hands drag along Cole’s skinny back, feeling the bit of fur he managed to grow despite his body’s abused state.
Cole’s head turns around slowly. His eyes are wide, staring up at Hanzo throning above him in his human-like glory. He doesn’t say anything at first, only a wheezing little whine escaping him.
Hanzo curls a corner of his mouth up. He pets along Cole’s back again. “Good boy,” he croons, magnanimously.
Beneath his petting hand, he can feel Cole starting to relax downward; the arch of his spine becoming a valley as he starts to present himself. Present his juicy cunt. It’s furry lips are glistening from its own wetness and the ministrations of Hanzo’s tongue.
He can see Cole’s hole, silky and small and perfect. Too perfect to immediately destroy on his other cock.
Hanzo made the right decision. Of course.
He grasps Cole’s meager ass and lightly digs his claws into his skin as he spreads his cheeks; looking at all that he has to offer because it is his right now.
He drags his human cock along his gash, using his thumb to press against his shaft and let the tip gently nudge against Cole’s hole.
The pup is audibly panting. His tail, curved nice and obedient out of the way, trembles with anticipation.
“I’ll make you mine now,” Hanzo purrs low. He can feel his heartbeat throbbing in his cock, strong and unhurried. His balls feel nice and full for his new mate. “I will take perfect care of you, my pet. And I think once I have had my fill for the moment, fucking you raw and pumping you full of my pups… I will have a little stroll in the moonlight and sniff out whoever mangled your perfect body.”
He moves his hips, focusing on being slow despite the heat crawling through his veins. He can push him down later; put his hand on the back of his head and mash his face into the ground while he grunt fucks his squelching pussy-
Yes, he can do it all. But for now, he needs to be nice and slow… nice and… slow…
Hanzo hisses through his teeth when his crown finally pops into Cole’s body. The shapeshifter is groaning open mouthed and delirious. His shoulders start to tilt toward the ground all on their own.
His stump awkwardly waves in front of his belly like he wants to reach for his cunt and feel for himself how it’s getting stretched so mean.
Hanzo’s hand curls around the base of his bushy tail. He needs a lot of tender love and care; someone to take a brush to his fur and make sure there are no devious little pests hiding in it.
He will make time for that later; once he’s bred his pup up and got him secured away.
Once he maimed whoever dared to lay hands on him.
Cole’s pussy might be unused but it stretches beautifully for him. The little mouth suckles on his dick, gripping nice and tight. His inner muscles work all nervous and shy. Absolutely delicious.
Thumb dragging against the vertebrae of Cole’s tail, Hanzo takes care to rock into him nice and slow despite it being absolute torture.
“You feel… divine,” Hanzo grits out between clenched teeth. “A perfect, untouched flower just for me…”
Cole whines in response; high-pitched and a bit panicky sounding. His shoulders have sunk completely to the ground now; absolute submission to Hanzo. When he speaks, his words are trembling so hard that it is difficult for Hanzo to follow along.
“You jus’... you jus’ say that t-to them all right?”
Hanzo tilts his head. He does not know what that is supposed to mean, though he gets a feeling it is meant to be cheeky. And if Cole has enough wherewithal to focus on anything but getting mounted, Hanzo is not doing his job properly.
He growls low in his throat, tilting his torso forward and over the scrawny back of the pup. His cock slides a little deeper still, aided by how the peach’s juices have started to drip. Once speared open, there is no way to stem the tide, though Hanzo is very much of a mind to try and stopper it with his dick.
“You are mouthy,” he croons back. “Amusing.”
Cole does not answer. What little cheek he had possessed has obviously left him as he’s gently forced to get used to being bred. His face is pink and sweaty, mouth looking so soft… Hanzo wishes his tongue were still long enough to reach it and lick inside. Kiss him as deep as he can.
Instead, he crawls into his body in a different way. His cock is bigger than any human’s would be, even in this form. He can see that Cole realizes as much from the tears of overstimulation glittering in the pup’s eyes.
Explosively, as if Cole had forgotten to do so, he exhales a long breath, then inhales shudderingly and whines while moving as if to try and crawl away. Hanzo doesn’t let him, of course. He tilts his head, interested and amused by the pup’s shenanigans.
Cole’s insides are clenched down on him like wet velvet. It is a delirious feeling.
“You can’t go anywhere now,” Hanzo purrs, curling himself further over his new mate, covering his back, hips gently nudging forward still through the slight resistance he can feel. Cole yips, then goes still and cross-eyed.
“We’ve come too far now… wouldn’t want to spoil the fun before the grand finale, hmn?”
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