#sharon kimble
luna-themoonie · 9 months
Chapter Eight
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Summary: It was only meant to be a stupid game of dares, 'The King's Game.' But, of course, nothing could go Stan's way. Cartman thought it would be hilarious to get under everyone's skin with his stupid dare and he did. Now, Stan had no way of getting back with Wendy because he was stuck with this dare.
Butters didn't care too much about the dare in its entirety. Stan was a cool guy and maybe they could get closer. He didn't see anything wrong with this dare from Eric. But, oh boy, if his parents knew, he'd sure be grounded. After this dare ends, he and Stan could still be friends, right?
What was the dare?:
Stan and Butters were forced to date for two months.
Stan was exhausted by the time Sunday came around. Kyle wasn't available yesterday like he had hoped so they decided today would work instead. Which… kinda sucked because his thoughts didn't leave him alone once it was a new day. He kept replaying the thoughts he had at the picnic and the feeling of constant nausea he would experience. He was still confused and he didn't like it.
He had tried calling Tweek again, hoping he had his phone this time, but to no avail. Craig had picked up for him again and Stan had hung up on him before he was able to work on any of his nerves.
He tried to ignore it, but that just made it worse and he just couldn't stand it. So, he ended up picking up an extra shift to deter his racing mind, but all that did was just make another part of him feel fatigued. Even sleeping wasn't enough to distract him because once he was aware that he was awake, nerves came flooding back and he couldn’t stop thinking about Butters again. He was all he could think about and no distraction was enough. He spent his entire Saturday thinking about the blonde. And he hated it.
He couldn't stop thinking about how he looked under the stars. Or how Stan had thought, for a moment, that the other boy was pretty. Or how when he hugged him, it was like he was given just a few moments of peace and the unfamiliar happiness mixed with a bundle of nerves piling in his stomach. What can he say? Butters' sunny demeanor was addictive once you got a small taste.
It shouldn't bother him, it doesn't bother him… but the more he thought of him, the more out of control his thoughts became. And that's when the nerves and nausea would get worse.
Everything that he recently learned about the blonde would spiral together and create unwanted images in his head. Now he kept on thinking about him making out with different people. It didn't matter if he knew them or not. And it made him feel so guilty.
Then he would start to think about Kenny and Butters kissing. How that would look. It would make his stomach churn. And then Kenny morphed into someone that looked eerily like himself. Now he was thinking about kissing Butters himself. How that would look. He even thought about how it would be like to kiss Kenny.
He felt his stomach give an intense flip and he let out a groan. It was all he could think about ever since the thought had first crossed his mind and he couldn’t help but feel guilty. They were his friends. He shouldn't be thinking about them like that.
Butters did offer to help him if he had any questions, but Stan just felt embarrassed just thinking about it. What was he going to do? He can't just go up to him and say, "Hey, dude! Ever since you told me you were bisexual I can't stop thinking about you making out with random people, including myself! I don’t know why, do you? And can I kiss you to see if it's just as enticing as you make it sound?"
He didn't want to take advantage of Butters' sexuality just because he was curious. But at the same time, he felt if he didn’t do anything, his thoughts would eat him alive. He tried telling himself that he just misses Wendy and that's why he's feeling confused. But the more he tried repeating that, the less his mind believed it. 
He was hoping maybe Kyle could talk some sense into him; connect the dots as he usually did. Help him understand why nothing was working to stop him from having these inappropriate thoughts about his friends. And maybe, finally, these stupid thoughts can go away and he can focus on something else. Like finding out how to get Wendy back! Though, he still wasn't sure what he had done wrong in the first place.
He and Kyle had decided to meet up in the park today since his best friend wanted to practice at the basketball court for an upcoming game. It wasn't too far and they planned on even getting some food afterward too. But… there was one problem - he couldn’t get up. 
He wanted to, he really did, but all he could manage was to turn to lay on his other side. He still had to see Kyle. He tried repeating in his head to try to convince himself to get up. All this did was fill him with an empty sense of dread that he would have to get up sooner or later.
He didn’t want to cancel on him again - he was more prone to doing that these days - but his entire body just felt like lead. He just couldn't move. 
He heard his dog yawn and let out a whine as he padded around his room. Stan sighed and grabbed his pillow to cover his head. And he had to let Sparky out.
His eyes kept on drifting closed, but sleep wouldn't overtake him no matter how long he stayed in his bed. Sometimes… He just wanted to sleep forever, hide himself from everything and everyone. And plus, nothing bad ever happens when you’re sleeping. 
Sparky let out another loud whine and Stan was quick to hush him. "Just hold it a little longer, boy," he mumbled before hiding under his covers. He wrapped his arms around himself and tried again to lull himself back to sleep.
A soft knock on his door had his eyes shooting open instead. "Stan?" 
He tried to respond to his mom, but the only thing that came out was a low hum. 
He heard his door open. "Stanley?"
He hummed again, this time louder. 
"Sparky has been whining this entire time. You should take him for a walk."
He didn't acknowledge this at first. He just shifted under his cocoon of blankets to try to stay within the warmth. He gave her a hum of acknowledgment but still made no effort to move.
His mom sighed from the doorway and he heard her walk into his room. "Fine, Stanley, I'll take him. I made some breakfast for you. Can you at least go down to eat that? Please? And maybe we can talk? "
He took a moment before he gave another hum and listened as she spoke to Sparky in a high voice. She did this for a bit before the door closed and Stan was now left alone. Stan sighed as he continued to lay there, struggling with an internal battle of whether he should go join her or stay in bed. She was always there for him and supported him in all of his endeavors. He at least owed having breakfast with her.
He sighed again and pushed himself up in his bed after making his final decision. He swung his legs over the side of his bed and paused again. Okay, we're getting there. He stretched and the immediate desire to lay back down overtook him. He forced himself to ignore this and got up to walk over to his dresser. This was where the key to surviving most of his days was. He crouched down and pulled open the last drawer, revealing the extra clothes he piled in there without bothering to fold them. He began to rummage through the bottom drawer and pulled out a familiar substance - his just-under-half-empty bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey. 
He licked his lips as he opened the bottle and gulped down the remaining amount, letting the warmth distract him just for a moment. He paused for a long moment before reaching back into the drawer and pulling out a new bottle. He opened it and took a few big gulps before deciding it was enough. He rehid the bottle back in his drawer, planning on disposing of it later when his mom wasn't around to see. He pushed himself up, rubbing the remaining sleep from his face before leaving his room.
As he made his way downstairs to join his mom for breakfast, he couldn't help but feel the effects of the whiskey taking hold of him. The world felt a little fuzzy around the edges, but he was used to this feeling by now. He had been sneaking sips of alcohol every now and then since he was thirteen; originally trying it when he was about ten. It was a way to cope with his problems, a way to forget about all the ways the world was turning to shit around him.
His mom was already seated at the table when he entered the kitchen, munching on a slice of toast. She gave him a small smile, noticeably happy that he had decided to join her. "Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?" 
He mumbled a response and took a seat across from her, trying to ignore the way his head was beginning to pound. 
She poured him a cup of coffee and pushed a plate of scrambled eggs, his own sausage, and toast towards him. "Eat up, honey. You'll need your energy for the day." 
He picked up his fork and started poking at the eggs, trying to force himself to eat despite his lack of appetite. He took a sip of coffee and glanced up at his mom, noticing how her eyes lingered on him. He cleared his throat awkwardly and set his drink down. “So… how has work been?” He asked, hoping to distract her enough for him not to feel like she was watching his every move.
“Oh, it’s been good. There was this client that came in the other day and she-” 
Honestly, Stan didn’t care enough to listen, but he hummed and nodded along like he was. He slowly ate his breakfast, staring down at his plate as she droned on about her work and the interesting tidbits she wanted to share.
When she grew quiet once more, Stan decided to look up at her. It was obvious she wanted to talk about something other than work, it was this look she always got. He looked away from her again, trying to avoid her watchful eye. She took a moment to sip at her coffee and hummed quietly. A long moment passed between them and she finally began to speak again. “Stan… I want to talk to you about something.” And there it was…
Stan shifted in his seat and gave a small sigh. “About what?”
She hummed quietly again, taking a moment as though she was trying to figure out how to word her question. “I was just wondering… is there… maybe, I don’t know, something you want to tell me?”
Stan looked up at his mom, confused. “What?”
She shrugged with a nonchalant look. “You know you can be honest with me. I won’t get mad at you, you know. I think it’s completely normal.”
Guilt began to bubble up in his chest and he looked down at his food again to avoid making eye contact with her. “I…" He stabbed at his eggs. "I have some Jameson in my room… I had some this morning.”
His mom was quiet for a long time and Stan was sure she was coming up with a way to punish him. She finally moved and walked over to him before brushing his hair back and pressing a kiss to his forehead. “That’s okay. Thank you for telling me. And I just want you to know that I’ll love you no matter what, Stanley.”
He was surprised, but he didn’t show it. “I… I know, Mom. I love you too.”
She patted his cheek with a warm smile and planted another kiss on the top of his head. She paused and played with his hair for a moment. “You… washed your hair?”
Stan ran his head through his hair at the mention of it. “Yeah.”
“For… the meteor shower… with your friend.”
He nodded, confused on why she was mentioning it again. “Yeah. I told you, it was all Bebe’s idea.”
His mom nodded, but something in her eyes told him that she wasn’t entirely convinced. “I see.” She moves to grab her empty plate and mug to bring to the sink. She hums quietly, obviously in thought. “Oh, yeah. Kyle called earlier. He told me to tell you that he’s at the basketball court in the park.”
Stan furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the clock in the kitchen. “Ah, shit!”
Stan fumbled out of his seat and out of the kitchen. He was late! He didn’t even check the time when he got up. He made his way up the stairs as fast as he could and into his room. He grabbed his phone and, sure enough, saw five missed calls from his best friend. He rushed to change out of his pajamas, throwing on whatever he could find that he thought were clean before practically running out of his room.
It wasn’t long before he returned, heading straight to the dresser and pulling the bottom drawer open once again. He took another few large swigs, just enough to feel buzzed enough to be able to withstand the disappointed look Kyle undoubtedly was going to give him. He shoved the bottle back into the drawer and fumbled out of his room once again and down the stairs.
When he reached the front door, he grabbed his keys, struggling to take off his car keys to leave them behind for his mom - a condition she gave him if he was going to drink. He called out a salutation to his mom before leaving the house. He rushed towards the park as fast as he could without slipping or falling and within a matter of minutes he saw the basketball court with a solitary red-head.
When Kyle saw him, his eyes slightly narrowed, but he continued to dribble the ball. “You’re late.” He called out to him as he got closer.
He raised his hand in apology. “Yeah, I’m sorry, dude.”
Kyle was quiet for a moment, but then passed the ball over to him, in which he admittedly fumbled with as it reached him. “It’s fine, just hope you’re up to try to beat me. I need a challenge.”
Kyle was most definitely not going to be challenged by Stan’s skills, but that didn’t stop him from trying. They played a few rounds, Stan stumbling around compared to Kyle’s calculated movements. Not sure how exactly to bring up his issue while they played, he decided to talk about something else until he could figure it out. “So… how’s everything going? With the dare, I mean.” He asked when Kyle scored another point.
Kyle scoffed as he caught the ball. “I don’t want to talk about that right now.”
Stan hummed and caught the ball as it was passed over to him. “Okay…” Unbothered, he dribbled the ball and tried to keep it away from Kyle, which was practically impossible.
Kyle scored another basket and sighed as he caught the ball again. “Everything he has us doing is bullshit!” And there it was. “I don’t even know why we’re doing it. His ‘punishments’ aren’t even that bad. It's not even like sending Ike to Canada is horrible, he’s been mentioning going after he graduates. But who knows where Cartman is going to have him? And my parents would kill me if I'm the reason he got sent off out of the blue.”
“And the college thing,” Stan added.
Kyle huffs and tosses the ball to him again. “Yeah, that too. But I can deal with four months.”
“But can your parents?”
His eyes narrowed at him and Stan decided to try to keep his mouth shut for the time being. They continued to play in silence, which was not what Stan wanted to go for, but he was nervous. It showed in how he played, not that he was much good in the first place, but at least he was manageable without his sweaty palms and jerky reactions.
When Stan was finally able to steal the ball from Kyle long enough, he took a shot. He wobbled a bit and missed the net by a considerable amount. "Ah, shit. Sorry, dude, I had a drink before coming." The excuse was immediate. He didn’t want Kyle to think anything else was wrong with him.
Kyle didn't respond to that, though. Instead, he picked up the ball and tossed it back toward him. So, Stan tried shooting again, but this time he hit the rim of the basket. Kyle was quick to catch the ball, but he didn't try sending the ball back to Stan’s outstretched hands. "I'm going to get a few drills in." Kyle didn't want to play with him anymore. He usually used his 'drills' as an excuse to stop watching Stan being bad at the sport. 
So, Stan gave him a silent nod and stepped back to give Kyle some room while he watched him.
Kyle was lean… tall… fiery in a spirited way. His curls were kept short, but still noticeable from under his hat and his skin was on the paler side. He had a sharp, masculine look about him, something Stan was always a little jealous of. 
When Stan realized his gaze was slowly moving down his body as he considered his thoughts, he snapped himself out of it and refocused on the ball instead, his cheeks growing warm.
That was it. Maybe he could pretend to ignore the problem if it had just stayed Butters or Kenny. But imagining Kyle! He had to get to the bottom of this fast. But how? What was he supposed to do? He’s never talked to Kyle about his sexuality, and vice-versa. It was just something… they’d never considered talking about. Not that it mattered.
"Hey… you alright, dude?" 
Stan refocused on Kyle and saw that he had moved to stand in front of him, holding the ball out and waiting for him. “Y-yeah…" He cleared his throat so his voice could stop shaking. "Just zoned out, my bad." Kyle indicated the ball once again and Stan shook his head. “Nah, man. I don’t think I’m a good match for you. But keep doing your thing.”
Kyle shrugged in response and dribbled the ball to a spot along the line, setting up a shot.
Well, it was now or never. He cleared his throat to try to get Kyle’s attention and hesitated before speaking. “Dude?”
Kyle, still focused on dribbling the ball in his spot to get a good shot, didn’t look at Stan when he responded, “Yeah?”
Stan’s words were caught in his throat and he felt like throwing up. His mouth floundered as he tried to force the words out. Anything, anything to get the ball rolling. “Have…” He swallowed. “Have you ever… I don’t know… wantedtokissaguybefore?” He rushed out.
When Stan had finished his question, Kyle had turned to look at him, eyes wide, just as the ball had left his hand. Everything happened so fast, Stan almost didn't understand how it happened - the ball had hit the corner of the backboard and had shot back to hit Kyle square in the face. 
Kyle keeled over, his hands covering his nose. 
"Holy shit, dude!" Stan ran over to him and grabbed his shoulders to try to get a better look at the damage. "Fuck, man, you're bleeding!"
"What do you mean?"
"Huh? Your nose, dude."
Kyle’s eyebrows furrowed. "Why would I want to kiss another guy?"
Stan couldn't believe it. Kyle was seriously backtracking the conversation as if a fountain of blood wasn't spilling from his nose. "I don't know! Like how you kissed Craig."
Kyle blanched. "No! Why would you think that?!"
"That's gross! I would never do that!" The color in Kyle’s face began to return at a rapid pace, now surpassing its original color. "Especially with Craig!" And you technically already did.
"I-it doesn't have to be- I didn’t mean just Craig."
"What?” He scoffed. “You think I would kiss you?”
Stan felt a harsh pang in his chest at this. “N-no, not…” He let go of Kyle, not understanding why Kyle was being mean about this and why his chest was beginning to hurt. "I just wanted-"
"Wanted what? 
I just wanted to know if what I'm feeling is normal.
Instead, what came out was, “Kyle… You’re being a douchebag.”
That was clearly the wrong thing to say because the look he got from him was scalding. He gave a sound of surprise as Kyle pushed him off and stood. "This is all your fucking fault!”
Stan felt hurt and confused, looking up at his best friend as he seethed with anger. “What-?”
“‘Let’s go to the party, Kyle!’ ‘You need to relax, Kyle!’ ‘It’s just going to be a little party, nothing bad is gonna happen. Take the stick out of your ass Kyle!’ If you didn’t fucking force me to go to that party, I wouldn’t have Cartman up my ass anymore than he already is and dealing with Craig’s bullshit! But, no, you wanted to go to the party for Wendy!”
“That’s not-”
"Look at where that got us! You're so fucking pathetic and desperate for Wendy’s attention that we have to do some bullshit game to entertain Cartman. Why is it always the same damn thing with you?”
Stan swallowed, his eyes wide as he looked up at the redhead. "Are you seriously doing this right now?"
“Yeah, yeah, I am! Because you have been the same ever since I fucking met you. Always so self-centered and pessimistic. It’s no wonder Wendy keeps breaking up with you, you’re so fucking tiring. I wouldn’t want to deal with you either.”
That was a low blow. He pushed himself up and took a step closer, but was still wary of getting too into Kyle’s space. "I really am trying, Kyle."
"Trying what? Nothing has changed. It's always the same damn thing with you! You always make everything about yourself!"
"Like you're any better?" Was Stan’s response and he was suddenly shoved to the ground by Kyle, making him give a loud ‘oof.’
"You better shut the fuck up! I don't give a shit if you're supposed to be my friend, I will still fuck you up if you keep testing me."
“You’re being a shitty friend,” was Stan’s weak attempt at any sort of comeback.
Kyle let out a mocking laugh. "News Flash, Stan: You're just as shitty of a friend! You always think of yourself and fuck how everybody else feels, right?" Stan began to blink rapidly as he felt his eyes begin to sting. "Until you fix whatever the fuck is wrong with you, don't talk to me. I'm done with all of your bullshit." Kyle stomped over to the ball and picked it up as he wiped his nose, staining his sweater. He didn't spare another glance towards Stan as he trudged out of the park.
Stan continued to stare at where his best friend was just a few seconds ago… or could he really call him that anymore? Kyle was right after all. Stan was so desperate to keep the bond between the two of them that he refused to see that it was fraying the entire time during these past years.
He pushed himself up from the ground, stumbling for a moment. He wanted to go home. He should've just listened to himself and canceled again. Maybe, this wouldn't have happened… He could feel tears blurring in his eyes and he hurriedly wiped them away. He didn’t want to cry. Not now, especially not now when there was a chance for Kyle to still see him. He didn’t want him to know that he had completely crushed him. He didn’t bother cleaning himself off as he finally moved to exit the park.
Pathetic… Desperate… That’s what Kyle had called him. He wondered if other people saw him that way, he wondered if Wendy did. If Kyle was right… He must be… it was almost rare for him to be both passionate and wrong. Hey, but at least he can thank Kyle for one thing - He definitely wasn't thinking about Butters anymore.
Stan didn’t even realize when he got home, so lost in his thoughts. He took a breath and tried being quiet as he entered his house, but nothing really went past his mom. 
"Stan?" Her head poked out from the kitchen. "You're already back?"
He nodded, clearing his throat. "Yeah."
She paused before taking a step out towards him. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He was quick to say. "I'm just-" He choked back a sob and rushed towards the stairs. "I'm just tired. I'm gonna go lay down."
"Oh, Stanley-"
But he didn’t want to hear it. He took two steps at a time to reach his room as quickly as he could. He didn’t want her to worry and dote over him. He didn’t want her to hug him. And he definitely didn't want to cry in front of her.
When he reached his room he immediately holed himself inside, locking the door to make sure he was left alone, falling to his knees next to his dresser and pulling the drawer open. He didn’t bother being careful when digging through it, just wanting to be quick. He pulled out the bottle of Jameson again, this time finishing off the bottle. The burning warmth only distracted him for a moment, but it wasn’t enough. It was never enough. 
With a shuddery sigh, he pushed himself to stand and went over to his bed without bothering to change. He crawled under his covers once again, letting its warmth and darkness envelop him. 
He squeezed his eyes shut and put his pillow over his head, trying to induce drowsiness once more. He wanted to get away so badly. Go to sleep and just forget about everything, even just for a moment. 
Because nothing bad ever happens when you're sleeping.
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sometranssoup · 1 year
I honestly don't know what I'm doing. Redrawing four guys as the main four? Sure,I guess. Here's 3/4 and Sharon. Fight me,Sharon's older
Anyhow,Ned's obviously Kenny's role in the group,Jimbo's stans and bc Randy's a douche,Randy's Cartman.
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Who should I have as Kyle?
Please help me I'm mentally ill
Also send me pictures of the main four to redraw as these guys
Probably best if it's just the best three cause I hate Randy and I feel like he'd not only be a douche but he'd be one of those friends who's obviously only friends with you bc they think your older siblings hot
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yo yo, TYLER KIMBLE in the house!! i didn’t expect you to come on here, homie. i guess my strong arming worked!! next plan: get cady and marwan on here. then sharon. then we got the whole mathletes squad, yo! ain’t that dope?!
<- @sickkdj
Kevin, I've been here for months at this stage for updates on my favourite games and shows- but I mean I'm only posting now, so I guess it worked?
That's a solid plan. We need Cady and Marwan for the full gang... but eh. Why Ms Norbury exactly? Or Mrs? Is she married-?
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foggyandblue · 1 year
HEY SILLIES want my sp hcs? Too bad.
I’m taking a little break from drawing bc I’m going to a play so here you go!
Jimbo and Sharon are half siblings, their mother was 18 when she had Jimbo and raised him as a single mother until she met Sharon’s father, David “Davy” Kimble. Jimbo was 4 when this happened and grew to view Davy as a father figure. He was 6 when Sharon was born!
Richard Tweak, Tweek’s father if you forgot, is Sharon and Jimbo’s maternal cousin! He spent most of his time with them because his parents were kinda shitty :(
Ned and Jimbo are really behind on technology, they have a house phone, an old radio and a record player that they bought together after the war along with an old tv that’s on its last life.
Adding onto that, Ned and Jimbo collect records. Most of them are from when they were younger, but not protest/“dirty hippie” music. Jimbo loves country music and Ned is into classic/soft rock(come on guys imagine him dancing around when Fleetwood Mac comes on the radio) and country as well!
Ned has undiagnosed autism, because yes I’m projecting onto him. He’s the type of “dad with autism”(“I’m not autistic what do you mean I’m normal 🙄”)
Jimbo used to use “I’m just bigboned!” as an excuse when he was younger as well 😞
ANOTHER Ned hc, he’s blind in one of his eyes thanks to the grenade.
In my silly little au, Ned and Jimbo adopt a little girl! Her name’s Aspen after the tree Jimbo proposed to Ned under :))
Jimbo has a bad habit of not knocking on doors, it’s very often that he bursts into the Marsh household with Ned on his heels.
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kernblanskis · 2 years
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Let the barner be with butters and the promo too. It smells like a 100% butters chapter. Although… in city people… the barner and the promo were also with butters and… then little appeared. but I don't think this is the case.
by the way… kimble wasn't sharon's last name? Is Sharon going to be part of the plot somehow?🤔🤔 aaaay hopefully.🥰
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I posted 2,153 times in 2022
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#the point is that i'm feeling like that scene in 'kindergarten cop' where mr. kimble screams his head off and runs out of the school
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Title: Keeping Watch AO3: Part of “SamSteve Bingo 2022 Moodboards” Rating: General Warnings: None Relationship: Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson Word Count: 100 Additional Tags: Moodboard, Drabble, Fluff, Canon Compliant, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Minor Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanov, Background Relationships, Civil War Team Captain America, Protective Steve Rogers, Team as Family, Fugitives, On the Run, Hotels, Reflection Summary: It was hard. It was exhausting.  Notes: For the @samstevebingo2022 prompt “Found Family.”
Sometimes Steve thought about how their lives had managed to become even stranger, more unstable than they were before.
Bouncing from motel to motel. Chasing leads where they could. Covert check-ins in Iowa, San Francisco, and Wakanda. Staying three, four, five steps ahead of Ross and his goons.
It was hard. It was exhausting.
And yet, as Steve laid awake - Sam sleeping soundly in his arms, Wanda and Nat in the room next door, and as certain as he could be that the others were safe, too - he couldn’t regret his choice.
They had each other.
That’s all that mattered.
14 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
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Title: This Love of Mine, My Valentine AO3: Part of “SamSteve Bingo 2022 Moodboards” Rating: General Warnings: Alcohol, Food Relationship: Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson Word Count: 40 Additional Tags: Moodboard, Microfic, Fluff, Valentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day Fluff, Candy, Roses, Slow Dancing Summary: N/A Notes: Made for the @samstevebingo2022 prompt “Valentine’s Day.” And yes, I know that I’m either extremely late or extremely early with this topic, but it’s what we have to work with. *shrug* Title from “My Valentine” by Paul McCartney.
Sam chuckled, shaking his head as he grasped the red wrapping paper clad gift that was soon to join the flowers and boxes of candy beside him. “Baby, this is too much.”
Steve smiled softly. “Not for you, it isn’t.”
15 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Scotty has cosplayers in Times Square and is a character in Rogers: The Musical.
Hope’s on t-shirts with Captain Marvel and Valkyrie.
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19 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
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Title: Making the Most of the Night AO3: Here Relationship: Peggy Carter/Hope Van Dyne, Peggy Carter & Natasha Romanov Rating: T/Teen & Up Warnings: Alcohol & Food Word Count: 245 Additional Tags: Moodboard, Ficlet, Minor Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov, Minor Sharon Carter/Carol Danvers, Peggy Carter & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Girls’ Night, Birthday, Birthday Fluff, Bars and Pubs, Alcohol, Captain Carter, SHIELD Agent Hope Van Dyne, Matchmaker Natasha Romanov, But accidentally this time, Timeline? What Timeline?, Canon has no power here, Alternate Universe – Canon Divergence Summary: Peggy wants to stay home for her birthday. Natasha talks her into a girls' night instead.  Notes: For the @peggycarterbirthdaybash. I wanted to give Peggy a girls’ night for her birthday and ended up smooshing three What If…? timelines together to do it. Originally, I thought I’d go the Peggy/Nat route, but I saw an opportunity and I took it, lol. Blame my galaxy brain. Title from the Carly Rae Jepsen song of the same name. 
“You can’t spend your birthday alone! I’m calling Sharon. We all need a girls’ night, anyway.”
That was how, despite Peggy’s reservations, Natasha managed to convince her to come to the inconspicuous, obscure bar where she now sat in a booth, talking to Agent Van Dyne about quantum physics and her parents’ work for well over an hour. Not only did Peggy find the subject itself interesting, but Hope’s knowledge and passion for it was captivating.
(Though apparently not to their companions, as Romanoff and Hill had long since taken a post at one of the bar’s pool tables while Sharon and Captain Danvers were more interested in singing to each other at karaoke.)
“Sorry, about all these questions,” Peggy said. “It’s probably not very good bar talk.”
“I wouldn’t know, to be honest.” Hope smiled ruefully. It didn't surprise Peggy to hear that, she seemed the type to be married to her work, just like the captain herself had been since accidentally landing in the future. “That might be why Romanoff tried to set me up with Bernard from accounting.”
Peggy laughed. “You, too?”
With a nod and good-natured eye roll, the agent continued. “He was a decent guy, but not really my type of… person.”
Peggy couldn’t help but notice that particular word choice as well as the gleam in Hope’s green eyes that made heat creep up her neck.
Well, then. Maybe the Widow was onto something.
“So who is your type?”  
24 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Before Multiverse of Madness does whatever it’s gonna do to Wanda’s character arc, I wanted to say that one of the things that’s really stuck with me from WandaVision is the fact that the people of Westview had her nightmares and felt her grief and within a few days (maybe a week), they would chose death instead. That is how all-consuming and deep her pain runs and whatever her flaws, whatever happens next, it just breaks my heart.
475 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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    “I don’t say this as often as I SHOULD, but ——— fuck you, Randy. Rot in hell for all I care.” 
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A family doesn’t have to be a mom, a dad, 2 kids, and a house in the suburbs. Family can be a bisexual jungle girl, a depressed teacher, three gay rapping mathletes, and a guy who looks sexy with his hair pushed back.
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incxrrect-mxlti · 5 years
I have another blog!
It’s @inncorrect-mathletes
Go follow it!
Shameless self promotion!!
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dario-el-estupido · 3 years
When we were young Pt 2/? Tell me who you want to see as kid next if you'd like.
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More hcs.
Sharon: Was always a hippie up until Shelly's birth. Bonded with Randy over their mutual fascination for weed. Is also step-siblings with Jimbo which is why he is a Kern, and she is a Kimble.
Jimbo: Speaking of: Jimbo grew up a bi big boi, with a love for military movies and games, and harassing small animals with a slingshot. Hangs out with Randy a lot, but isn't sure why Sharon seems to like him. Unfortunately never knew Ned until they met in the military.
Liane: An age-appropriate thot. Remeber that episode where Butters got girls to give out kisses for money. Liane does that on her own. Everyone knows her habits but respects for being a mostly nice girl. Except for
Linda: In a ironic twist of fate, when they were young, Linda hated Liane and tried to get her into humiliating situations, with the ladder being to innocent to realize what's going on. That plus her germaphoiba probably won't end up good
Carol: I fucking hate the idea of Stuart being a pedo, but it makes somewhat sense for Carol to be somewhere between 1-3 years younger than everyone else. And also smol. So that's what she is. Also poor and argues with Stuart a lot.
Sheila: Grew up in New Jersey so she never knew any of the other parents. She grew up a bully that kicked ass, and took what she wanted, when she wanted it. You know the typical New Jersey childhood.
Mrs. Tweek and Laura: Grew up best friends in the cheerleading squad and gossiped about their crushes. Mrs. Tweek or I guess Helen is head over heels over Richard, and especially his voice. Laura on the other hand wonders why she likes that fat rude ginger boi
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volunteergp · 4 years
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Grande Prairie District Rural Crime Watch Assoc. nominates Sharon Kimble for Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Sharon has been our Membership Coordinator for Grande Prairie District Rural Crime Watch since 2018. She has successfully maintained all membership records. Sharon is gifted with words which make her the perfect person for submitting grant applications. She sat of the Zone 3 Planning Committee for the 2020 Provincial AGM and Symposium where she secured grants for this event as well as sponsorship in the form of door prizes and silent auction items. We are very fortunate to have Sharon serve on our Board! Thanks for everything you do Sharon!’
Nominate your outstanding volunteers in the Grande Prairie Area for Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week. Send your nominations to [email protected] or go to https://www.volunteergp.com/services/recognition-programs/885 and fill out the nomination form. Please include your name, organization's name, the name of the volunteer, and a brief description of why they are being nominated. Once nominated organizations cannot nominate that person again for 6 months. Individuals already nominated can be nominated by other organizations they volunteer with. Those Nominated for Volunteers of the Week are entered in to the Tim Hortons Volunteer of the Month Draw were the winner will be named VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH & receive a $100 Tim’s Card!
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luna-themoonie · 2 years
Chapter Five
A Raven and a Bat to See the Light in One Another
First - Previous - Next
Summary: It was only meant to be a stupid game of dares, 'The King's Game.' But, of course, nothing could go Stan's way. Cartman thought it would be hilarious to get under everyone's skin with his stupid dare and he did. Now, Stan had no way of getting back with Wendy because he was stuck with this dare.
Butters didn't care too much about the dare in its entirety. Stan was a cool guy and maybe they could get closer. He didn't see anything wrong with this dare from Eric. But, oh boy, if his parents knew, he'd sure be grounded. After this dare ends, he and Stan could still be friends, right?
What was the dare?:
Stan and Butters were forced to date for two months.
Stan jerked awake when he heard his name along with the gentle call of his name. He turned a bit to see his mom standing beside his bed with her hand on his shoulder. He groaned and rubbed at his eyes. “Yeah?”
“I know you’re tired from work, but you have to get up for school.”
He groaned again and covered his face with his arm to block the incoming light from the morning sun. “Okay…”
There was a pause from her. “Are you okay, sweetie?”
He nods. “Yeah, just… give me a minute. I’ll be up and ready,” he mumbled out.
Another pause from her. “Okay… I’ll be downstairs then.” He heard her footsteps as she moved to leave his room and close his door.
He took a moment to himself, trying to urge himself to get up for the day. After another minute or so, he uncovered his face and moved to get up from the comfort of his bed. He yawned as he went over to his closet to pick out his clothes for the day, something simple. He stared down at the t-shirt and jeans he had grabbed. The voice in the back of his mind told him to ‘not be gross and just take a quick shower,’ but something else was telling him to ‘just fuck it.’
Deciding to just skip the morning shower for the day, he changed his clothing and got himself to look presentable for the day. He went over to the bathroom to quickly brush his teeth and add on cologne and deodorant for the day. After he finished, he went back to his room to grab his belongings and his guitar before making his way back out of his room and down the stairs. As he did so, a familiar smell of a sweet mixture of batter and maple reached him. He placed his belongings down on the couch, placing his phone in his pocket, and went over to the kitchen just in time to see his mom placing down two plates of pancakes with sides of sausage on the table.
“Oh, Stan! You came just in time.”
“You made breakfast?”
“Yes.” She raised her eyebrow at him. “Why do you sound so surprised?”
He shrugged. “You don’t do it as much anymore.” He sat down and immediately began to scarf down the food. “‘s good,” he mumbled, mouth full.
She shook her head at this and began eating her own plate. “Thank you, and I’ll try to do it more often for us.”
He swallowed what was in his mouth before responding. “It’s fine, mom. I know you’re busy with work and all.” He prodded at the edge of one of the pancakes with his fork. “I… could try cooking too?” His mom choked back on laughter and he furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her. “What?”
She waved her hand dismissively and shook her head. “I just remembered when your father tried to show you how to make something,” she began to laugh, but tried to hold back, “but you ended up ruining the meal and almost burnt down the house.” She let herself laugh out loud while Stan felt his face flush in embarrassment at the memory. “Your father was freaking out and running around screaming while you were trying to put out the fire with that stupid shirt he had you and your sister wear.”
He rolled his eyes. “He was more concerned about the weed and the shirt.”
Her laughter died down to little giggles. “He was. But if you do start cooking again, please try to not burn down this house.”
He grumbled, but still muttered an, “Okay...”
His phone began to buzz repeatedly in his pocket and he pulled it out to see who was trying to contact him.
Speaking of the Devil. 
He stared down at the contact picture of his dad lighting up his screen. He watched it as it buzzed in his hand, waiting for it to pass. 
It wasn’t like he had any sort of falling out with his father, it was just… he didn’t want to talk to him. It didn’t help when he had a gut feeling that the call was only to drag him into some other crazy ‘adventure.’
“Who was that?”
“Cartman.” He was quick to lie. “I’ll see what he wants when I get to school.”
After a moment, he turned his phone back on to check the time and his eyes widened.“Shit, I have to go!” He shoved the rest of his food into his mouth and quickly stood up, placing the used dishes in the sink. “Bye, mom! I’ll see you after school!” He called out to his mom as he grabbed his bags and key, leaving the house. He threw his things into the backseat of his car, though he was careful with his guitar, and hopped into the driver’s seat. He quickly turned on the car and drove down a couple houses to reach Butters’ house just in time to see the blonde currently locking the front door. He honked the car’s horn to get his attention and watched as he jolted in surprise before turning around. A smile began to grow on his face and he made his way over to his car to get inside.
“I can go!” Was the first thing Butters exclaimed when he hopped into his car.
It took Stan a moment to realize what he was talking about. The date. “Oh, cool, man. That’s great.” He began to drive them to school, carefully watching the area for any unwanted officers as he sped.
“So, what are we going to do?”
“Uh…” Fucking watch meteors, how boring must that be. “It’s a surprise…” He could probably find out a way to make him not fall asleep in the middle of it.
“Really?” He clasped his hands together. “I’m real excited for it, then!” 
Fuck, he probably just made it worse for himself. He shrugged, trying not to seem too worried about it. “Well, I hope you like it.”
“I’m sure I will!” 
Stan felt himself smile at the blonde’s excitement before it suddenly wiped itself away. “Oh, sorry for being late, by the way.”
“It’s fine.” He laughed awkwardly. “I actually thought you forgot about me.”
“Nah, dude.” There’s honestly no way he could. “Just next time I’m late or something, stop by my house. Other than that, I’ll try to be on time to pick you up.”
“Okay. I’ll keep that in mi- gah!”
Stan had sharply pulled to a stop into a parking space, making them both jerk forward in their seats. “Sorry, dude.” He apologized as he hopped out of his vehicle and grabbed his things. 
He quickly grabbed Butters’ hand and began to drag him to the front entrance as quickly as he could so they wouldn’t be late. They quickly made their way through the twist and turns of the hallway before finally reaching the lockers. They separated and Stan was quick to replace the books in his bag before closing the locker. He quickly checked the time on his phone. They somehow made it with five minutes to spare. He put his phone away again and turned in time to see Butters making his way towards him.
He stopped directly in front of him and gave an awkward laugh. “I guess we gotta start findin’ somethin’ to do before we leave each other, huh?”
Stan lifted an eyebrow in question. “Like what?”
“Like hugging, or walking to class, or…” He shifted in his spot. “We could take turns givin’ kisses.” He quickly added, “Only if you want to.” He shrugged. “Or we could change it up. It’s whatever you want. Just so it looks authentic, you know?”
He couldn’t help but glance over Butters’ head to see a small group staring at the two, whispering to each other. He felt the sudden need to prove himself to them, even though he had no clue who they were.
Looking back to the turquoise eyes that watched him with curiosity, he opened his mouth to answer, but no voice came out. He hesitated for another moment, but in the end, finally agreed. “Y-yeah, man.” He saw him tilt his head slightly and he realized that he wasn’t specific, so he added, “We could do all of that, and I guess we could, uh…” kiss... “Just not like-” He couldn’t even bring himself to say it.
He nodded with a small smile. “I won’t. I promise, Stan.” His voice was gentle and reassuring. He took a small step towards him and he saw him tilt his head slightly.
Stan wondered briefly what he was going to do, almost jumping out of his skin when he felt him press his lips gently against the right side of his jaw. He felt a shudder run through his body and his face became warm at a rapid pace. He suddenly began to feel self-conscious and he began to wish he had taken the shower. 
Butters pulled away from him and flashed him a smile. “I’ll see you later.” Then he disappeared. Stan didn’t know which direction he went, he was more focused on what happened just seconds ago. Though Stan knew that it was probably not even longer than two, maybe three, seconds, it had felt a lot longer than that. The spot where he once had his lips felt tingly and warm. 
Stan felt dizzy. Dizzy and extremely nauseous. He took in a shuddering breath and tried to calm himself. He needed to get through this day and he didn’t want to try to explain why he might have passed out or suddenly became ill.
After a short moment, he decided that he was fine and adjusted the grip on his guitar case before leaving his spot in front of his locker.
He passed by the group that was staring at them earlier and couldn’t help but hear a snippet of their conversation.
“No way. I don’t think they are.” One of the girls stated.
“Really? Did we not just see the same thing?” The guy in their group asked. “They must be dating. I mean, Butters just kissed Stan.”
“Yeah, but-”
Stan didn’t stay long enough to hear her rebuttal, it’s not like he wanted to either. The tingling on his jaw felt intensified in that moment. The nerves were coming back. The nausea was too.
He tried to hurry to his class, but instead of taking the right at the end of the hallway, he turned a sharp left and went straight to the bathrooms. He crammed himself into one of the stalls before bending over the toilet and emptying out his stomach.
He pulled away from the toilet, grimacing at the new taste in his mouth, and at that moment, the tardy bell rang. He groaned out a “Fuck,” and moved to get up. He flushed the toilet and left the stall to clean himself up at the sink. He cleaned off his face and made sure to swish around some water in his mouth and spit it out to try to help with the bittersweet taste he had.
He wiped his face with a paper towel before trudging out of the bathroom to head to his first class of the day. He dreaded the glare he was sure to get from his teacher and the whiny voice she had whenever she would screech at a late student. He reached the classroom of his Life Science class and gave a deep sigh before knocking on the door to be let inside.
Stan was right. He did in fact receive an earful from his teacher about being late, even when he tried to explain that he wasn’t feeling all that well, so yelling at him wasn’t helping… This only made her yell at him more. He was happy to leave when the class ended. As much as he enjoyed the class, the teacher ruined it for him over the past year. 
He reached his next class of the day, Poetry, only to see a note on the door that told his class that they were taking place in the library instead. He groaned and turned away to head to the library instead. 
Once he reached the library, he greeted the librarian and she told him that his class was being held towards the back, near the large windows and second exit. He thanked her and made his way towards the back where he saw a group of tables sectioned off with a sign that read ‘poetry.’ After finding a table in one of the corners, he set his belongings down on it, not exactly wanting to welcome others to sit with him. Though, he did leave enough space for an extra person to sit across from him, not wanting to be the victim of another yelling spree.
He pulled out his notebook for his class and opened it, knowing exactly what their teacher would want them to do. Use your surroundings to write your next poem. Try changing up your positions and scenery, this could help you with your writing process. He opened up to a fresh page, trying to think of something specific to write about.
“Hey, dude,” a mellow voice called out to him, making him look up to see Douglas. “Mind if I sit here with ya?”
He shrugged. “Yeah, man.”
He mumbled out a thanks and sat across from him while Stan looked back down to continue to stare down at the blank page he still had. He didn’t exactly feel inspired to write a poem for the moment. He decided to look around at the new surroundings of the blocked off corner they were seating at as he tapped a gentle beat with his pencil. His other classmates were moving around, wandering the library, or taking new, strange positions in their chairs. Their teacher was seated in a lounge chair, reading a book, peeking up every now and then to make sure everyone was still okay. He perked up when he saw a peek of untamed blonde hair. Tweek. He could talk to him now. He needed to apologize to him anyway.
He leaned forward and waved his hand in front of the teen seated across from him. “Hey, Douglas.”
He glanced at him and pulled out one of the earbuds from his ear. “Yeah?”
“Can you watch my stuff?”
“Yeah, man. I gotchu,” he told Stan as he placed the earbud back into his ear.
“Thanks, man.” He stood up from his seat, bringing his notebook with him. He slowly made his way to where Tweek was sitting by himself.
He stopped beside him, hoping he would notice, but to no avail. Instead, he continued to write fiercely on whatever had gotten him inspired. He gently tapped the table to get his attention. “Tweek, hey.” 
The blonde jumped in his seat with a shocked yelp and looked up at Stan with wide eyes. “Stan!” He scrambled to cover the notebook. “Wh-what do you- ggrr- want?”
He motioned to the chair next to him. “Can I sit here?” 
He stared at Stan with wide, flickering eyes. He pressed his lips together and looked back down at his journal. “Fine.”
He pulled out the chair to sit next to him and stared back at the blank page he had. He began to tap out another beat with his pencil, trying to think of how to converse with the blonde at the moment.
“Stan, wh-what do you want?”
He looked back at him, noticing how he had an annoyed look now. “I… I wanted to apologize.” He stopped tapping his pencil. “Well, I was trying to think of a way to apologize.”
“For… getting upset and yelling at you the other day. I took some time to myself and realized that… that you were right in a way.” Tweek didn’t say anything, he only stared at him with owl-like eyes. Stan decided to add, “About Butters. You were right about him and I thought it over and finally decided to do something to make it up to him.”
Stan bit his lip. Would Cartman count this against him? It wasn’t like he was spilling out his idea entirely. “Uh… Well, I was gonna take him to watch the meteor shower tomorrow.” Tweek twitched and Stan immediately thought he didn’t like the idea himself. “I know, I know. It sounds boring but…” Cartman wants him to do it...
Tweek’s eyes lit up and he smiled. “I think he would love that.”
He nodded. “Craig and I usually invite him and Kenny and his sister to watch it with us. Craig knows all the good spots.” Stan grimaced. The last thing he wanted to do was ask the other ravenette for help. Tweek noticed this and continued on. “Ah, w-well there’s a good spot near Middle Park High. There’s this open park, Lansen Park, I think. You could take Butters there?”
Stan nodded and thought for a moment. “
“You can…” His eyes brightened. “It could be like a picnic date. I can help you make some food if you want.”
He nodded rapidly. “We can start setting up during lunch tomorrow and skip Variety. Mrs. Duran loves me so she won’t care much if I let her know today.” Stan has never seen Tweek this excited before. “Tolkien and Nichole could help too! They could set up the spot while we get the food ready.” He pulled out his phone and began to quickly tap away at the screen. All Stan could do was watch the blonde with his mouth agape. “I can make you guys cupcakes!”
“You don’t-”
“Butters really likes vanilla and lemon cupcakes. He has to be in the mood for chocolate or to try anything new.”
“Or should we make cookies, he loves cookies. He’s usually my taste-tester whenever I bake something new.”
“Tweek!” The blonde flinched and looked at him with wide eyes. “You don’t have to do this. I can find a way to do it myself.”
He tilted his head and leaned forward. “But I want to do it, Stan.”
He groaned and pinched his nose for the moment. 
“Stan,” he looked back at him, “I want to do this, so I’m going to do this.” 
The determined look on his face almost made Stan laugh out loud, but he was scared that the blonde was going to turn feral if he did so or if he refused the offer again. He sighed. “Okay, fine.”
Tweek went back to smiling. “I’m so excited for this. I’m sure Butters will love it. You’ll tell me how it goes, will you?”
“Yeah, sure.”
He turned back to his notebook, shaking his head at himself for letting this happen. He didn’t even know how they had even gotten there. He just wanted to apologize, not invite him to plan the entirety of the ‘date.’
He heard Tweek shift in his seat. “Urgh, Stan?” He hummed in response. “Are you feeling okay?”
Stan looked back at him. “What do you mean?”
“You’re, like, either upset at something or sad nowadays. There's barely an in-between anymore. I mean, mn, you smile, but it doesn’t look right. Are… are you not feeling good?” 
He shrugged. “I’m fine. I can be upset or mad, you know.” He looked over towards his original table to make sure his belongings were untouched. 
“Okay, well…” Stan looked back at the fidgety teen and saw him picking at one of the band-aids on his hands with a frown. “You can talk to me too. It doesn’t just have to be about Butters, you can talk to me about other problems too. Craig does that with me; letting me talk about how I feel and he just listens and lets me know…" He drifted off. He was silent for another moment before speaking up again. "W-we could do that too. I mean, we’re friends, right?”
Stan nodded. “I think so.” He shrugged. “You do get on my nerves sometimes.”
“Huh? I do!”
Stan chuckled. “I’m just messing with you, man.”
Tweek pouted and smacked his arm, which only made him laugh.
“You’re such a jerk!” He paused. “Hey, are you… are sure you’re okay?”
Stan looked at the blonde with his eyebrow raised in question. “I’ll be fine, Tweek.”
“No, no. It’s not that. You keep on, uh…” He poked at his own jaw, making himself flinch. “Touching your jaw. Does it hurt?”
He quickly dropped his hand and felt himself become embarrassed. “Ah, no. It doesn’t.” He didn’t realize that he was touching the spot from earlier. How long had he been doing that? How many times did he do that in front of Tweek? God, he felt like throwing up again. He swallowed the sudden overflow of saliva in his mouth and turned back to the blonde. “It’s, uh, noth…” he drifted off. Could he ask Tweek about the feeling? Would he know about the sudden bundle of nerves he would get practically out of the blue when being close to Butters? Does that happen with him and other people? Before he could stop it, he told him, “Hey, I have a question.” Tweek looked at him. “So, uh, I tried to ask Kenny but it… didn’t exactly work out. I, uh… How do I-?” He sighed, becoming frustrated with himself. “It started whenever I dropped Butters off on Tuesday. He-”
“Tweek!” Stan immediately stopped his explanation of the situation on his mind when the familiar, annoyingly nasally voice called out. The pair turned to the owner of the voice.
“Craig! What are you doing here?”
“We’re about to test out the hover toys we made outside.” He pointed towards the window. “Wanna watch?”
“Sure!” He turned back to Stan. “What were you going to ask?”
He opened his mouth but was quick to close it. Taking a small glance toward Craig who was watching him intensely, he shook his head. “Nothing, man. It’s not important.”
Tweek’s eyebrows knitted together. “Are you sure?”
Stan nodded. “Yeah. You’re good, man. You can go with Craig. I can wait.”
The look he gave Stan was uncertain, but he still began to grab all of his belongings. He stood up and leaned towards Stan, lowering his voice. “You- gnh- have my number, right?” Stan nods, noticing the harsh look given to him by the taller ravenette teen. “J-just call or text me and we can talk about it.” He gave him a smile before leaving with Craig.
Stan groaned once he saw the pair leave the building and let his forehead hit the table.
Fuck. Why did he say that? He really needed to get off his chest how he felt. He didn’t understand it and he didn’t like that. He wanted to know why he felt that way. He didn’t think he would last long without vomiting again.
Tweek didn’t come back after he left, which didn’t help Stan at all. A part of him had hoped he would come back so he could finally tell him about it instead of waiting until he snapped. But today wasn’t that day, unfortunately.
The bell rang and Stan moved to grab his things, thanking Douglas for watching them for him as he did so. He made sure that he still had everything in his bag before leaving the library to go to his third class of the day, Regular Trigonometry.
This was another class where the teacher didn’t care much about what they did after they finished learning the new lesson of the day. All he had to do was shut up and make sure he made his notes understandable enough for his homework. Easy.
Their lesson of the day was a lengthy one, but after an hour or so, it had come to an end. Stan and his classmates received the homework for the lesson and were left to their own devices.
Stan didn’t want to work on the homework at the moment. He never did it when he got it anyways. Instead, he decided to look around to see if there was anyone he would bother talking to for the moment. The third familiar blonde of the day caught his eyes. Fuck it, why not? Maybe she could actually give him some advice for his ‘date.’  He stood from his seat with his pencil and notebook and walked over to the girl in question.
“Hey, Bebe.” 
She held up her newly manicured index finger at him as she finished writing down whatever number she construed. Once she was done scribbling them down, she tapped on her phone and pressed pause on whatever she was listening to. She looked up at him with a big smile as she pulled out her headphones from her ears. “Hi, Stannie!”
He motioned towards the empty spot beside her that held her bag. “Do you mind?”
“Yeah, sure.” She grabbed her bag and placed it nearby her feet as Stan sat down in the now available seat.
“Thanks…” He looked down at the sheet and drummed his pencil against the desk. “So…” He paused before sighing. “I… I think I need your help.”
“Okay!” She began to adjust her notebook and calculator on her desk. “Now, this lesson is kicking my ass, but I think I’m getting it.” She leaned closer to look at his sheet. “What do you need help with?”
“No, not with the work.”
“Oh,” She leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed, nodding as if she suddenly understood. “I knew it. I knew the day would come.”
“For what?”
“To fix your greasy ass hair. God, do you know how much I have to hold myself back from holding you down and cleaning it? Seriously, Stan!”
“What? No!” He lifted his hand to touch some of the loose strands that peeked out from under his hat. She was right. “Okay, maybe it is, but that’s not why I need your help either.”
She rolled her eyes. “One of these days, Marsh.”
He rolled his own eyes in turn. “So, anyways, long story, short: I don’t know how I did it, but Tweek planned my entire ‘date’ with Butters.”
“You… wanted to take Butters on a date?”
He froze and after a moment, he slowly nodded. “Yes, I was going to take Butters on a date.”
She smirks. “Let me guess, Cartman’s idea,” she whispered.
He scoffed out a laugh but nodded as if to answer ‘yes’. “No, it was totally my idea.”
She laughs. “I gotcha, I gotcha. So you just want my advice, right?”
He nods. “Yeah, uh… what do I do?”
“Like, while we’re there on the date together.”
“Stan… I’m a girl…”
“And I’m interested in men…”
“Stan, the answer I will give you is just advice on how to get him to like you enough to get laid.”
He felt his face become a dark shade of red. “No! I-I don’t-!”
She held up her finger again, making Stan immediately snap his mouth closed. “I know, I know. That’s the last thing you want. ” She gently tapped her chin as she pouted her lips and looked up in thought. “If I actually had to try to give you genuine advice… I’d say just… act like you usually do with him. Just treat as if you two are hanging out without the guys. You don’t have to romanticize it if you don’t want to. Take away everything with Cartman and it’s just two friends hanging out, right?” She shrugged. “It can also give you both time to actually talk to each other about everything without pressure from anyone else at this gossip-driven school.” She nodded to herself. “Damn, I should do this more often, I’m fucking good at this.”
Stan snorted out a laugh. “Sure.”
“You say it as if you don’t believe in me, Stannie. You’re so mean to-”
Out of the blue, she grabbed Stan’s face and contorted it to an awkward angle. “Ow, Bebe! What are you-”
“Sweetie, there’s nothing there. Why do you keep on rubbing it? It’s annoying me.”
She let go of his face and he rubbed his left cheek where her nails dug into his skin. “I don’t know. I just…” He began to think of Butters and the tingling came back. “It’s just bothering me, that’s it.” He rubbed at it again and practically had to force his hand away. “So, you just want me to throw out everything Cartman put in our heads for tomorrow night and just… hang out.”
She snapped her fingers into a finger gun. “Exactly.”
He thought over it for a moment. Thinking of how much he had to do for the stupid date he had to sit through tomorrow. What she said… actually helped? He sighed and nodded to himself. “Okay… Okay, I think I got it. Thank you, Bebe.”
She smiled brightly. “You’re welcome, Stannie.” She grabbed her headphones and moved to place them back into her ears, but stopped. “Oh, and Stan, if you want to add ‘extra points’, wash your hair and look nice - decent, even. It’ll look like you're taking your ‘date’ seriously to him rather than half-assing it.”
“That just sounds like a sneaky way to actually make me ‘doll up’ for you.”
“Oh, you know it.”
He laughed. “Okay, just for you, Bebe.” 
She pumped her arm in triumph. “Yes!” The bell rang for the class to end. “Holy shit, already?” She and Stan began to grab their belongings before meeting each other at the door. “Are you ready for practice?” She asked him as they began to walk together to their next shared class.
He shrugged. “I think I got enough not to fuck up today, so I’ll call that a ‘win’ for now.”
“Stannie!” She whined.
“Bebe!” Stan mimicked her.
“Our concert is next week!”
“I know.”
“Please tell me that you’ll actually be ready for the concert.”
“I will, I will, don’t worry.”
They reached the choir room and Stan opened the door for them both with his free hand. Just as they walked in, he saw Tolkien setting up his own guitar for their practice. He looked up at them and immediately waved them over.
Stan walked over to him with Bebe in tow to find out what the teen had wanted.
“Hey, Tolkien.”
“Hi, Stan.” He nodded at the blonde. “Hi, Bebe. So, uh, could you tell me why I got a message from Tweek telling me to skip class tomorrow?”
Bebe raised an eyebrow at him asking him for an answer from him as well. 
Stan sighed. “I brought up the date in passing after I apologized to him and he insisted on helping out. Then he said that you and Nichole could help and then he just kept on going on and on about what to do. I tried to say ‘no,’ but he looked all determined, but murderous when I did. I’ve never seen him like that before, dude. It was scary as hell.”
Tolkien laughed. “Yeah, you can thank Craig for that. He’s been trying to get Tweek to go for things he likes. It’s wholesome but scary.”
“Tell me about it.”
The tardy bell rang and the sound of heels on tile immediately followed. “Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to start preparing immediately. We only have so much time together. We’ll go through our problem songs first. Let’s go, let’s go!”
Stan dropped his bag onto the bleachers behind Tolkien. 
“I’m guessing I’m going to have to talk to Tweek about this, then.”
Stan pulled out his guitar and sat on the stool beside him. “You already know.”
After school had ended, Stan said his goodbyes to his friends in his final class before stopping by the bathrooms to change into his uniform for another shift at work. He then had to wait for Butters in his car for him to finish showering from his Auto Repair Workshop Class. Though it had taken longer than it had last time, it was worth not seeing him almost freeze himself to death with the lack of clothing.
He dropped Butters off at his house before driving to his job, Mick’s Churros and Delights, and immediately headed inside. 
“Stan! Great, you’re here,” was the first thing he heard when he stepped inside the building. The manager, and owner, of the workplace, came from the back with a worried look on his face. “I have to go because of a family emergency. I’m leaving you in charge for the night. Clyde and Daisy should be coming in at any moment and I already have the next batch of goods in the oven with timers. If it’s slow, you can close early. Thank you.” He didn’t give Stan a chance to say anything before running out.
Stan sighed and slipped behind the counter to grab the drive-thru headset for the moment and to look at how long he needed to wait for until he needed to pull out the next batch of sweets for their night shift. After clocking in, he began to wait impatiently for his two co-workers to show up, not particularly happy to be the only one there to deal with people driving up or coming in just to give him attitude for a fucking churro.
After some time, a familiar “Hello, hello!” chimed along with the bell of the door.
Clyde popped up with his usual happy nature as he clocked in and Stan was more than glad to shove the headset he had in his hands and push him towards the designated register. “Stay,” he told him as if he were a learning puppy as he left to go check the schedule. It’s been thirty minutes past her time. Where the fuck was Daisy? He came back out to see Clyde already at work with a customer at the drive-thru. He walked to him and tapped his arm.
“Yes, sir, we do have unsugared churros. Yes… Okay, does everything look correct on the screen?” He looked at Stan to show he was listening.
He shrugged, mouthing ‘no clue.’ “Alright, your total is going to be 11.38. Thank you.” He moved past Stan and immediately started to grab the customers’ order.
“Fuck, so it’s just us two then because I have no fucking way to contact her and Mick left.” He looked at the order screen and grabbed the sauces for Clyde as he bagged up the order.
“Shit, man.” He grabbed the sauces from Stan and placed them in the bag before moving to meet the customer at the window. 
Stan and Clyde went back and forth between completing orders and meeting up with the customers within the span of three hours. Their desserts were slowly running out and so was their patience, especially Stan’s. After a very tiresome customer, Stan hit his head against the wall. “I might just close us early.” He looked at the brunette. “I don’t want to fucking stay if we’re understaffed with two people.”
Clyde nodded but looked a bit nervous. “Yeah, I get it, man.”
He pulled out his phone to text his manager to let him know of the situation but noticed a text from Tweek with a list of items he said he needed for tomorrow. He sighed at the message. He finally sent a text to Mick and turned to Clyde who was intensely staring at the few remaining churros. “Dude, wanna go to the store with me? I’ll buy you something.”
He had a look of excitement flash across his face. “Yeah, dude! Think you can drop me off home?”
Stan shrugged. “If you want me to.”
He smiled. “Awesome.”
“Okay, let’s go.” Stan shoved his phone into his pocket and moved to clock out.
“Yeah.” He grabbed the remaining churros and placed them in a bag for Clyde. “C’mon.” He began to make sure everything was properly shut down for the night before officially closing down the building. He handed Clyde the bag of extra churros as he enabled the alarm before making a beeline to go outside. As they stepped foot outside, they saw a few cars pull into the drive-thru. They shared a look and, choosing to ignore them, ran to Stan’s car. As they settled in, they made sure to drive past the line, laughing at them as they exited the parking lot. Stan drove them to the nearest grocery store, trying not to grimace too much at the lingering smell of churros on them.
After making it to the grocers, the two hopped back out of Stan’s car and made their way inside and grabbed a cart. It was quiet between them for the moment; Stan leading Clyde around the store as he nibbled on his churros. As they walked around and picked up specific items, Stan would glance down at his phone every now and then to make sure whatever he was grabbing was what Tweek wanted. The silence between them finally broke whenever they reached the aisle that held a large variety of chips.
“What do you even need all this for?” Clyde asked him, motioning towards the cart.
Stan hesitated. He slowly pulled a large bag of potato chips off the shelf. “I’m, uh, setting up something.”
Clyde bumped shoulders with him with a growing smirk. “For?”
“It’s something for… Butters…”
His face lit up. “Are you setting up a date~?” He asked very loudly.
Stan felt his face warm up. He hushed at him with a “Dude, shut up!” He didn’t know what was so different this time versus the rest of the day, but he felt embarrassed by the way Clyde said it to him. He looked back at the chips in his hands. “I… I guess you can say that, yeah.”
“Aw~! How cute!” Stan glared at him, which only got an awkward smile in return. He scratched the back of his neck as he reached for a bag of barbeque chips. “Ha ha, wasn’t that funny, Stan?”
“No.” He grabbed the chips from his hand, placing them in the cart before briskly walking off towards the fizzy drink section. It was silent between them once more, aside from Clyde’s low comments about how ‘cute’ the idea was… but Stan chose to ignore him as he did.
Stan looked down at the phone to see which soda to choose, but it wasn’t specific. He guessed it was free-range. He walked down the aisle and stopped when he saw the bright blue, red, and yellow he was looking for. He wrinkled his nose at the fruit punch soda that he knew the platinum blonde was fond of, not particularly fond of it himself. He pulled it off the shelf, along with a drink he knew he would like for himself. Clyde picked up a single bottle of soda for himself and placed it in the cart alongside his chips.
After going down the list on his phone one last time to make sure he was all set, he motioned for Clyde to follow as he went to the front where a cashier was already available for them. The two teens began to place all the different food items on the conveyor belt for the girl in front of them who looked like she was ready to pass out. Once they finished, they stood back and waited for the girl to finish up on her end. 
“So…” Clyde spoke up again, making Stan grimace. “Is it going to be like a romantic dinner with, like, a movie or-”
“Clyde, if you don’t shut up, I’m not buying you shit.”
A look of terror flashed across his face. “No. You wouldn’t.”
“I would, now shut up, will you?”
There was a silence between once again aside from the slow beep of the employee scanning their items. “But,” Clyde spoke up again, making Stan look at him with furrowed eyebrows. “If you two kiss, you gotta tell me.”
Stan’s eyes widened, before narrowing. “Dude, shut the fuck up.”
Clyde began to laugh, pointing at him. “Oh my God, man! Your face is priceless!”
He pushed him, making him double over as he laughed harder, and turned to the girl scanning out their items. He pointed at the barbeque chips. “You can take these off.”
The brunette immediately stopped laughing. “No!”  He put his hands out to stop the girl from reaching out to take them. “Not my chips!”
Stan nodded. “You’re right.” He pointed at the bottle of Dr. Pepper. “He doesn’t want the soda.” 
Clyde whined as the girl grabbed the soda and set it off to the side. Now that made him shut up.
Once all their items were bagged they placed everything back into the cart and left the store. They headed to Stan’s car and made quick work of putting everything into the backseat of the car. Once they were finished, Stan turned on his car and waited for Clyde to return after offering to put back the cart.
He hopped inside and Stan began to drive them home. It continued to stay silenced between them for half the ride, but Clyde ruined it once again. Stan was sure he had a problem with it being a little too quiet.
“Why did you take away my soda?”
He sighed. “Because you wouldn’t shut the fuck up, Clyde.”
“But you two are cute together. You could be the next Tweek and Craig! I mean, come on! The happy, ‘buddy-buddy’ blonde with the pessimistic douche of SPH.” This made Stan glare at the brunette, but it didn’t stop him from talking. He gasped and continued on. “And today I heard you two kissed today! Do you know how-”
“We did not kiss!” He was beginning to feel light-headed.
“Whoa, man. You don’t have to yell at me. I'm just saying that it would be cute to see you two together.”
“I’m not gay! That won’t fucking happen.”
“Neither am I, but if you gotta kiss a bro, you gotta kiss a bro, you know.” Stan’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. “I mean, some people have told me and Tolkien that we would be a cute couple, and, hm, I don’t think either of us yelled at them.” There was a sarcastic bite to his tone.
Stan wanted to just drive his car into one of the passing lamp posts and hope for the worst. “Clyde, shut up…”
“I really don’t understand why you’re mad. I just said what my opinion was. It isn’t my fault that you have such a fragile masculinity to see things like I do.”
“I don’t-” He huffed angrily. “I’m mad because you keep calling me gay!”
“Dude, not once did I say you were gay. What I said was a joke!”
“I don’t give a shit if it was a joke or not Clyde! I’m seriously pissed off about everything with Butters and people like you are making it worse!”
He scoffed. “I’m making it worse?”
“Fine.” He crossed his arms and began to pout like a child. 
The rest of their ride was silent with the atmosphere heavy. After some time, he pulled in front of Clyde’s house and parked his car. “Get the fuck out of my car.”
He huffed. “Geez, you seriously can’t take a joke.” There was a pause in their ‘conversation’ as Clyde moved to get out. He grabbed his belongings and clutched his chips in his hands as if it was his last lifeline. He moved to close the door but stopped to lean down to look at Stan again. “Hey, Stan?”
He tried stifling an upcoming laugh. “I’m guessing you can’t take a dick like you can’t take a joke, huh?”
Before Stan could respond, he slammed the door closed and bolted to the front door faster than Stan has ever seen before.
That fucking asshole.
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ao3feed-daredevil · 5 years
At the President's Pleasure
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XqtPAe
by emf911
The administration of Pres. Richmond, the successor of Matthew Ellis has gathered to address the two houses of Congress in the first State of the Union of his second term. Despite losing the President's favor, HUD Sec. Tom Kirkman is chosen as the 'Designated Survivor', little knowing that a long gestating conspiracy to wipe out the government will catapult him and his family to the head of a rapidly fracturing country and imploding global community.
His struggle to adjust to wielding power, unite the troubled nation, discover the reasons for the devastating destruction of the Capitol, and decide the fate of the Avengers whose recent actions in Sokovia have led some to charge them with drawing a target upon Earth itself sets up a period of crisis as enemies foreign, domestic and intergalactic all begin to advance their plans to ravage the planet and its resources and seize power by any means necessary.
The Avengers—and Kirkman survive...but for how long?
Words: 782, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Designated Survivor (TV), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Daredevil (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Tom Kirkman, Alex Kirkman, Leo Kirkman, Penny Kirkman, Peter MacLeish, Beth MacLeish, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Hannah Wells (Designated Survivor), Emily Rhodes, Aaron Shore, Pepper Potts, Jason Atwood, Mike Ritter, Ramonda (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Carol Danvers, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Yo Yo Rodriguez, Matt Murdock, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, The Confederacy (Agents of SHIELD), Melinda May, Seth Wright, Chuck Russink, Kimble Hookstraten
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death, Government Conspiracy, Heavy Angst, Political Intrigue, Grief/Mourning, Kidnapping, Genocide, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Phil Coulson is alive, racial profiling, Implied/Referenced Terrorism, Wakandan Technology, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Not Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Compliant
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XqtPAe
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stanycism-blog · 5 years
HC DUMP : hogwarts au
Name: Stanley “Stan” Marsh
Year: 7th Year
Blood Status: Half-blood
Sharon Marsh (neé Kimble) - a Muggle receptionist for an office in Leeds, but moved up towards North Yorkshire when she married Randy.
Randall Marsh - A wizard from northern England, works for the Ministry of Magic in Muggle relations. He also has a part time job as a herbologist.
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
After Stan got his letter from Hogwarts, the he was bombarded with Randy’s Hogwarts Days stories a million times, up until Stan left for his first day of Hogwarts. In these stories, Randy would always talk about how much he enjoyed being in Hufflepuff. However, with his sister sorted into Slytherin, Stan didn’t know what to expect. But of course, his bravery as well as his recklessness made him a sure Gryffindor.
Wand: 11 inch sycamore wand with phoenix feather core.
Patronus: Wolf
Assorted info:
In the Mirror of Erised Stan would see himself, settled down with a nice girl, standing with her and his best friends, maybe a Quidditch world cup in his hand, and overall happy with his life.
Stan’s amortentia would be the woody scent of a broomstick handle, pumpkin pie, and an overall fruity smell.
Stan is taking the core classes (Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, etc.) as well as Study of Ancient Runes, Divination, and Care of Magical Creatures.
He is on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a Chaser. He’s not very graceful of a broomstick rider, but he makes up for that with speed and a good throwing arm.
Stan has a pet Eagle owl named Beowulf. However, Beowulf lives in the Owlery, so Stan rarely gets to see him during the school year other than when he receives mail or leaves for the holidays.
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staniiel-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Name: Stanley “Stan” Marsh Nickname(s): Stan, Staniel  Age: 19 Date of Birth/Zodiac: October 19th/Libra Place of Birth: South Park, Colorado Gender: Male (DFAB)  Race/Species: Human Language(s): English, Latin (learning)
Physical Description Height: 5 ft even Weight: 120 lbs
Body Type: Ectomorph Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Skin: Light peach
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Honest, loyal, sensitive, moralistic, brave, depressed, animal lover Fears: ??? Mental illness(es)/disorders: Clinical depression Sexual Preferences: Bisexual biromantic Place/Type of Residence: Lives in an apartment with two dogs. Family: Randy & Sharon (parents), Shelley (sister), Marvin, unnamed grandmother, Jimbo Kern, Flo Kimble
-Stan is an alcoholic. 
-Sometimes he smokes weed.
-his two dogs were adopted from the local animal shelter. Both are pitbulls, their names are Rocky and Rita. 
-he works at the local animal shelter.
-graduated from high school but hasn’t attended college. 
-can play the acoustic guitar.
-enjoys singing.
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kernblanskis · 3 years
The family tree of the Kern / kimble / marsh family.
Unknown father and Mrs Kern: Jimbo
Mrs Kern (single mother) gives Jimbo his last name. (possibly Jimbo's father abandoned her wife when she was waiting for Jimbo)
Mrs Kern + Mr Kimble: Sharon (Sharon takes her father's last name)
Mr and Mrs Marsh; Randy.
Jimbo and Sharon are brothers (but due to circumstances they have different surnames)
That Jimbo is the son of an unknown father is completely canonical.
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