sevicia · 5 months
I typed out a post abt Agnes (specifically about how hard it's been to draw him) but when I looked at it in my drafts Tumblr had rearranged all rhe pics in a really wekrf way Also my typos are NOT acase of taking my glasses off and not being able to see things sharpit's just my eyes keep closing on their own and I'm gonna die soon. I love you.
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cutecherryart · 10 months
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Full color and colored sketches finished commissions for @/Kassy Munro @/mgslayer @/Sharpiteal
Thankyou for commission me ! 🥺✨ This are from my recent ychs if you want one can send me a dm
Prices and info here
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pacec0rner · 1 month
putting gel in my hair and making brownies . selfcare sunday begins at 5am sharpIt took me almost 45 minutes to make those brownies. selfcare sunday begins at 7 actually when those brownies are done and cooled the last 45 minutes didn't count
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sharpitsconsulting · 6 months
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sharpits · 1 year
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SharpITS: Your Top Choice for IAM Solutions in Canada
Looking for the best IAM consulting service providers in Canada? Look no further than SharpITS! Our cutting-edge IAM solutions ensure top-notch security and seamless access management for your business. Trust our expertise to safeguard your digital assets and streamline user authentication. Contact us today for unparalleled IAM services in Canada.
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lineologyglobal · 1 year
What does Sharpit Dosha Mean? Its Significance and How it Affects Your Kundli
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What exactly is Shrapit Dosha? A person who has been cursed due of misdeeds committed in a past life is known as a shrapit dosh, which is derived from the Sanskrit word’shrapit,’ which means a cursed person.
It is a bad energy that dominates your horoscope. It is common when Saturn and Rahu conjunct in a single house. This very dangerous dosh has a wide-ranging impact on a person’s life, producing issues in practically every part of it. This dosh might also reduce the beneficial benefits of other yogas and mahadashas. Saturn is known for passing fair assessments and implementing repercussions for your good or bad actions.
To know more just visit : What does Sharpit Dosha Mean? Its Significance and How it Affects Your Kundli
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lovingexotics · 5 years
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Photo Source: @sim0nthedigger on instagram
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hyrulesmilf · 6 years
do u know any good vld twitter threads
is any of vld twitter good.
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To Benedict Cumberbatch haters, please read, it important.
You probably hate him because of the "he hates autistic people and he's a misogynist" fake news. *shrugs*. All the Benedict hate comes from 2010 because of many reasons, like, hes sort of an activist so he annoys a lot of people, his looks arent what Americans want (not thor like) and his criticism against media and stuff are quite sharpits not a surprise a lot of websites made up stories by taking his lines out of contex tbut it has been 9 years and nothing was provenhe even apologized more than once if he offended anyoneso many Hollywood guys have been taken down from their careers because they said or did shit, like the director from guardians of the g 3 (james gunn)and yet nothing was proven against benedict. websites published he was racist because, during a speech DEFENDING MINORITIES IN CINEMA (that asian and black people, latinos etc should get more relevant roles) he said "person of color" (common in British English, out of any racist context) media was really unfair with him and sooooo many people believe hes a piece of shit because of all those lies but still, nothing was proven against him and all the money he donates every year, all the propaganda in favor of immigrants, all his job with humanitarian causes, no one freaking cares about that, all they see is the stupid fake news. did you know he even left his car to stop a worker from being robbed? he risked his own life. also, the fact he's openly against Trump made a lot of websites try to stain his image and so many people believed. probably you too and thats sad. i honestly dont think hes a bad person, you know? even if he said shit at some point, all his good actions are way greater, every month.
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pseudophan · 7 years
Why does Rachel from Glee remind me of Sharpay? Sharpee? Sharpoot? Sharpit? From HSM like I kind of don’t like her kind of do but I’m on the second episode of season 1 so don’t attack me
i fucking hate rachel 95% of the time and then just when she’s nice u blink and BAM she’s a nightmare again. she has her moments though to be fair, but still. 
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lovesilentfury · 7 years
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@Regrann from @chewslifedogrescue - Shadow is looking for his forever home. Shadow was dumped in a rural area by someone who didn't even bother taking him to a shelter. Luckily one of our colleagues saw him being dumped and she grabbed him before he could be hit by a car or turned into coyote food. Shadow is a 35 pound Sharpit (Sharpei-Pit Bull mix). As of November 2016, he is 2 years old. He loves other dogs and all people. He learns very quickly and loves to play with other dogs. He is also great with children. He'd be the perfect dog to bring with you on outings and errands because of his gentle and friendly demeanor. He currently lives in an apartment and has no issues with not having a yard. He would thrive in an active home where he can go hiking and have lots of play time. We had Shadow neutered, vaccinated, and micro-chipped so he is ready to go to a new home ASAP! 🐾Email [email protected] for an adoption application. 🐾*Disclaimer: Dog bios are created based on what fosters and/or Chews Life members have observed. Upon emailing us and submitting an adoption application you will be put in touch with the dog's foster who can answer any specific questions you may have and give you the dog's history that they have observed. Every dog is an individual and acts differently in different situations based on the person guiding him or her.* #dogsofinstagram #pitbullsofinstagram #pitsofig #dogsofig #rescue #dontbullymybreed #bullybreed #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #adoptdontshop #foster #donate #adopt #losangeles #socal #dogrescue #whorescuedwho #saveadogkeepyours #chewslifedogrescue
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When we got this dog, his old owner warned us of two things:
He won’t even eat in front of people
He picks fights
Doug is a Sharpei-Pit Bull mix (Sharpit). He hates water, his favorite snack is beef jerky, he rips papers While You’re Still Reading Them, and he’s one of the sweetest dogs we’ve ever had. In the second picture, he put his face on my mother’s feet because a horror movie commercial had woken her with a scream. He doesn’t “pick fights”, dogs just attack him, and he happily sports whatever battle scars he’s left with afterwards. He eats out of our hands.
I suppose this is the long-form way to say: it’s incredibly how much a person can misunderstand their own pets. It’s incredible how adaptive mammals are to whatever environment they find themselves in. Doug, a described “escape artist”, hasn’t tried to leave our house Once (1). He’s a monster for walks, but that’s because he used to escape his old owner’s house and roam around freely (the main reason why he was up for adoption). He was raised in a neglectful environment, so he responded in kind: getting out as often as he could, refusing to eat if someone’s watching over him, and holding his own whenever fights got picked with him. Now that he’s with us, he bats my mother’s arm with his snout while she’s eating to remind her that he’s there, curls up on the couch a good 50% of the day, and the only fights he picks is tugging on the leash to go for a longer walk than we were planning.
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vampireadamooc · 7 years
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Among the Old Scotch Minstrels Studying Their Ballads of War Love Social Life Folk-Lore and Fairyland By William M'Dowall 1888
As always, click pics for full.
EXCERPT To get the full book: https://books.google.com/books?id=HjFAAAAAYAAJ&
LAMMIKIN. THAN Lammikin no more cruel monster appears in the minstrelsy of Scotland. " As gude a mason as ever hewed a stane," his goodness extended only to his handicraft. He biggit Lord Weire's castle, But payment gat he nane, and because his account remained undis charged, and his noble employer would come to no terms with him, he resolved to cancel the debt by destroying the fabric.
It's a bit lengthy so Read More to save your Dash.
" Sin ye winna gie me my wages. Lord, Sin ye winna gie me my hire, This gude castle sae stately built, I shall gar rock wi' fire." We are led to infer that Lord Weire, instead of trying to mollify the savage craftsman when appealed to for the last time, treated both claim and claimant with contempt. Yet, as if infatuated, he prepared straightway to "seek his pleasure in the woods." On intimating this intention to his wedded partner, she prayed him to give it up : " O byde at hame, my gude Lord Weire, I weird ye byde at hame ; Gang nae to this day's hunting, To leave me a' alane. " Yae nicht, yae nicht I dreamed this bower O' red, red blude was fu', Gin ye gang to this black hunting, I sall hae cause to rue." With characteristic temerity Lord Weire threw ridicule on his wife's dream, affirmed she had no reason to fear ; And syne he kindly kissed her cheek, And syne the starting tear. Then, taking his retainers with him, he rode off gaily to " the gude green wood " on his sporting enterprise. Actuated by a forebod ing of immediate danger, the lady withdrew " to her painted bower," first causing all the windows and doors of the building to be fastened inside. But her precautions were of little avail, as the man whom she had reason to dread had an emissary in the castle bribed over to work his will. They steekit doors, they steekit yetts, Close to the cheek and chin ; They steekit them a' but a wee wicket, And Lammikin crap in. Between him and his treacherous accomplice a whispered dialogue ensued, which is rendered in a highly dramatic form— " Where are the lads o' this castle ? " Says the Lammikin ; " They 're a' wi' Lord Weire hunting," The false nourice did sing. "Where are the lasses o' this castle ?" Says the Lammikin ; " They 're a' oot at the washing," The false nourice did sing. " But, where 's the lady o' this house ? " Says the Lammikin ; "She is in her bower, sewing," The false nourice did sing. " Is this the bairn o' this house ? " Says the Lammikin; " The only bairn Lord Weire auchts," The false nourice did sing. Surely, exclaims the gentle reader, Lammi kin, cruel though he is, will provide for the safety of this innocent babe and its mother before he applies the torch of ruin to their domestic sanctuary ! Alas, no ! The sight of the prattling infant did not soften his heart ; it rendered it, on the contrary, increasingly im placable, and gave his vengeful aims a more fiendish bent. He would discharge the bond of debt, not by fire, but by blood ! Lammikin nipped the bonnie babe, While loud the false nourice sings ; Lammikin nipped the bonnie babe, Till high the red blude springs. Loud above the nurse's lullaby rose the screams of her charge, piercing the ear of its mother as she sat in her lonely turret above. Then followed another colloquy; this time between Lady Weire and her treacherous servitor— " Still my bairn, nourice, O still him if ye can ! " " He will not still, madam. For a' his father's Ian'." " O gentle nourice, still my bairn, O still him wi' the keys." " He will not still, my lady, Let me do what I please." Other soothing devices were suggested by the distracted matron, with no better success. Acting under the prompting of Lammikin, the nurse at length assured her mistress that if she wished the child pacified she must come down and undertake the task herself. Uncon sciously placing herself in the power of the ruthless mason, she broke up her protecting barricade and began to descend the stair. With a stage effect that might awaken the envy of a modern melo-dramatist, the old minstrel author of the ballad brings on the denouement — The first step she steppit, She steppit on a stane ; The next step she steppit, She met the Lammikin. Gory, gory were his hands, and the glare of his eyes spoke murder — And when she saw the red, red blude, A loud skreitch skreitched she, " O monster, monster, spare my child, Who never skaithed thee ! " O spare, if in your bluidy breist Abides not heart o' stane, O spare, and ye sall hae o' gowd, What ye can carry hame." " I care na for your gowd," he said, " I care na for your fee ; I hae been wrangit by your lord, Black vengeance ye sall dree." The hideous villain dilated with a grim delight on the utter defencelessness of his destined victim : her lord away in the distant woods, that were ringing merrily with the notes of his bugle-horn ; and not a soul near by to stand between her and death. At this awful moment a word of remonstrance is ad dressed by the doomed Lady Weire to the treacherous nurse, which draws from the latter the insolent reply— " I wanted for nae meat, ladie, I wanted for nae fee, But I wanted for a hantle A fair lady could gie." Then Lammikin drew his red, red sword, And sharpit it on a stane, And through and through this fair lady The cauld, cauld steel has gane. " Haud awa hame ! " Yet one could almost wish Lord Weire to "bide awa" for ever more, rather than return to his bower to realise the fulfilment of his murdered lady's dream. Arrived at the postern gate, "He thocht he saw his sweet bairn's blude sprinkled on a stane." His apprehension of evil was deepened by the rings of his fingers bursting ominously in twain, and causing him to sigh, " I wish a' may be weel wi' my lady at hame." But mair he looked, and dule saw he On the door at the trance, Spots o' his dear lady's blude Shining like a lance. " Horror on horror's head accumulates," as he hurries through the chambers of the castle. " There 's blude in my nurserie, There 's blude in my ha', There's blude in my fair lady's bower, An' that 's warst o' a'." Rarely anywhere do we find so much subject-matter narrated, or rather suggested, in a single verse, as in the four lines that follow ; and they are rendered all the more remarkable by the cheerful accessory which, Hogarthlike, the painter-poet introduces into his pic ture, with the view of giving its ghastliness a deeper shade— O sweet, sweet sang the birdie, Upon the bough sae hie, But little cared false nourice for Nor did the principal culprit escape. After finishing his bloody work, he hastened away from the scene to seek for shelter, knowing well that Lord Weire's men would follow on his trail in full cry. Not till they had rode all the country round did they find the wretched man. Before being led to execution, he was subjected to torture, in accordance with the custom of the times— They carried him a' airts o' wind, And meikle pain had he, At last before Lord Weire's gate, They hanged him on a tree.
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sharpitsconsulting · 6 months
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sharpits · 1 year
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Empowering Organizations with Effortless IAM System Management and Streamlined Access Control!
Is your organization struggling to manage its IAM systems effectively? Say hello to SharpITS - your ultimate ally in streamlining identity and access management! Contact us today to learn more and let us take your IAM system to the next level! 
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lovingexotics · 5 years
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Photo Source: @sharpeitzu on instagram.
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