chongoblog · 6 months
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Haircut Day for Waltz. Here are the before pics
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billthedrake · 10 months
This story inspired by the classic writings of @macstevens.
"You feeling nervous, Dad?" I asked as we walked back into our hotel room. We'd taken a walk around and had scoped out a lot of the other men we'd be seeing tomorrow.
Dad was surprisingly earnest as he thought over for a second. "I should be telling you I'm not," he replied. "I guess I get a little too caught up in the competitive thing."
"You wouldn't be here if you didn't," I assured him. "Trust me, you're gonna kill it tomorrow."
I could read all the doubts in my father's head. In 2018 he'd come here and had fallen short of placing. The pandemic came, and that meant time away from the gym. More than that there was Dad's self-imposed backaway from bodybuilding. "It's just not worth it," he'd said. "The time, the dieting, making yourself into some muscle bimbo," he said.
Until it was worth it. About a year and a half ago, Dad started getting that itch again. It took even more work this time, as he was in his mid-50s now, which meant would be competing in the Master's 50+ division
Now, Dad was probably in his best form of his life. Growing up, he'd always seemed just big - tall, beefy, ex-jock kind of body. Around the time of my parents' divorce, he'd gotten into better shape. My his mid 40s, that fitness kick got channeled into serious lifting. No two ways about it, my cop dad was a beast now.
And he was pulling off his XXL t-shirt, showing me all the ripped muscle he'd been bulking and fine tuning the last year. Dad tossed the shirt aside and turned to me. "Guess it's time for you to work your magic, Drew."
"Jesus, fuck," I gasped. It wasn't from surprise, since I was well familiar with my dad's body. But it never failed to take my breath away. He was hard, vascular, and covered with a pelt of silvery hair.
Dad chuckled. "I know you like the fur, buddy."
I gulped. Something had changed the last couple of years where the salt and pepper in Dad's chest hair was getting closer to full-on silver. "Yeah, I do," I admitted. "But you gotta show off your work, Dad."
"Yeah," he said, and started taking off his shorts. "You get everything ready."
I'd learned the hard way to put down newspaper on the bathroom floor. Dad's really fucking hair. I pulled out the supplies from my backpack - clippers, shave gels, a couple of additional razor cartridges, some aloe moisturizer. I used to wax Dad down, but we both enjoyed the slower, more intimate ritual of the shaving. And this way, his hair would grow back sooner, which was a plus for us.
"I'm afraid I'm giving you a lot of work," he chuckled as he stepped into the small space of the hotel bathroom. Dad was fully naked and his cock was already firming up into a healthy-sized hardon. We'd gotten beyond the awkwardness of this process and now got turned on by it.
I realized I was fully hard in my basketball shorts and I was glad I decided to freeball it, because otherwise my erection would feel uncomfortably constrained. I stripped off my shirt and affectionately patted his back, taking some time to feel the competition-ready muscle. "Jesus, Dad... being away at college... it's incredible to see you now."
That made my father smile. But he didn't say anything more. It was time for the shavedown.
I started the clippers and sheared off big swipes of that thick fur, watching the silvery curls fall down to the floor, some catching on his hair below. I then worked the clipped on the other side, from his lower abdomen to the base of his giant pecs. His cock jerked as I did and I could see the hunger in his eyes.
I pulled back the clippers and kissed him. Tongue and all, we make out, and I felt his prick nudge against the hard ridge in my shorts. I was actually a couple inches taller than Dad, a classic basketball jock build, and times like this, I loved the similarity and yet contrast between our bodies.
Dad was thinking something similar, too, and as I pulled back he growled. "I swear each time I see ya, you're bigger, boy."
I flexed for him some and laughed. In high school, I'd been on the leaner side, and even now my muscle looked less imposing because of my height. But I'd been working a lot with the team's strength coach and my effort had paid off. I placed the clippers back on him, focusing on the round swell of his chest muscle. "I got a bodybuilding Dad I gotta keep up with," I said.
It was Dad's turn to flex, making his knotted arms almost balloon in size. "I couldn't have gotten here without you, buddy," my father said, a twinkle in his handsome brown eyes that seemed lighter in color now that his hair was graying.
"Lift your arm," I instructed. This was the one part where the hair seemed less thick as Dad got older, but his pit was still well-furred. Dad's hair just had a way of growing in fast and thick.
It was going now, as I buzzed the clipper along the growth, shearing it down to a quarter inch.
Then I did the other arm pit.
My father's back isn't that hairy but I zapped away a couple of patches, along his lower back and along his upper traps. The forearms needed touching up to.
Dad reached down and gripped my boner, massaging it through the nylon of my shorts. It felt tantalizing, but we both kept the libido in check for now. Still, I pulled back with a huge wet spot at the tip of my cock. Dad used to tease me for my lack of patience in the bedroom, but now I knew how to be a good boy.
I squatted down and trimmed the legs, front and back. Then the hard cannonball ass that had been the first thing that required Dad to size up his police uniform.
This whole process took a while, about five to ten minutes for the initial trim. Now I turned off the clippers and set them aside. I wiped down the legs with a wet washcloth and put a good amount of shaving gel in my palm. This was the laborious part, but Dad would have a fresh, close shave for competition tomorrow.
It was quiet and sexual, Dad's prick dripping that slick clear fluid as I ran the razor over the quads, revealing hard muscle more fully. His dieting and diuretics meant every vein popped on the surface of his leg. I finished and wiped him down, admiring my handiwork. I took a strange pride in this, not only my skill in shaving Dad down but also an embrace of my kink. It was like each swipe of the razor blade was an act of power, of taking away Dad's masculinity, and yet giving him an even more amazing masculine form.
I started on the other leg. We broke the spell of silence some by talking about the likely competition he'd have tomorrow. Soon, I was wiping down the smooth muscle and rinsing off the blade in the sink.
I took my time with his calved and powerful hamstrings. Dad's hardon flagged. Mine didn't. I remembered when my father's ass has a little of that meaty give to it. The first time I'd touched his bare buns, or eaten him out, of fucked him. Now it was hard steeliness in my hands as I ran the razor over it, clearing a path in the foamy gel to reveal the smooth hard skin beneath. I don't know what it was, but there was something about a 55 year old's skin that was distinctive from a younger man's, even in Dad's competition ready muscle physique. Maybe because of his muscle physique.
"Want me to get in there?" I asked, my voice hoarse in excitement.
"Might as well," Dad said. And like that, he was leaning over and bracing his arms on the shower-tub rim, spreading his legs for me.
The first time Dad showed his hole to me, I had a premature ejaculation, I was so turned on. Those days were past me, but my heart always pounded double time to see this sight.
"I love you, Dad," I hissed. I had meant to save that kind of talk for later in the weekend. Or at least for a more appropriately intimate moment. But it just came out.
"Love ya too, Drew," he replied.
I could tell he was holding himself dead steady. This part involved more delicate razor work. I spread his crack further open with my fingers and flicked away the hairs around his pucker. My father's ring had seen more use lately. It wasn't a puffy, slutty hole or anything, but he'd gotten fucked more regularly, even with my absence at school.
"There," I announced, splashing some water on the pucker and wiping it down.
Dad leaned up and turned around. His prick was throbbing again. "You're the best, son," he said, reaching down to ruffle my hair.
I laughed. "Dad, you know how much this drive me crazy." I was already taking the shaving gel and smearing it around his lower abdomen. Dad trained natural and competed in a natural tournament. It put a cap to his size but also meant his belly was normal and relatively flat for a man his age.
He looked down with a look that had a good deal of pride mixed in with the lust. "I've been too scared to ask, but you having fun in college?"
I knew what he was getting at. I kept my attention on the shaving process but as I rinsed of the blade, I answered him. "Not really. Playing ball and keeping up my GPA keeps me pretty focused, you know?"
I knew he liked my answer but he nodded. "Well, I wouldn't mind if you found someone, you know." I think he half believed it. Trying to be the good parent.
I stood up. I was SO hard now. I knew I was tempting myself, but I pulled the waist band over my cock and slid my shorts down. Dad's eyes widened. "He'd probably have to be a cop," I said. "You and Rick spoiled me."
Dad chuckled. "I can't tell if you're kidding sometimes."
I raised my eyebrow. "I'm not kidding," I said. I pumped some more gel into my hand. The can was running low now, and I'd have to start on the second. I smeared it over his hard round pecs. I wetted down a new blade and brought it up. "I've been thinking a lot actually... I don't know, I'm seriously thinking about going into law enforcement."
"Drew," Dad objected, but he didn't complete his thought.
I shaved the chest in slow, broad swaths. It was beautiful to see Dad's new body emerge before my eyes. "Basketball's great, but I know I'm not NBA material," I explained. I gave a wry smile as I quickly glanced from his chest to his face. "And the pension's good, right?"
He laughed. "Pretty good," he replied. "But it's better in a city." Dad was police chief in a small town force.
"Then you get big city problems," I countered. I now ran the razor gingerly around dad's thick brownish nipple. "But you know what I'm thinking, right?"
"Yeah," he replied. "Just promise me you're not gonna rush into that decision lightly. I want you to think practically before you commit to anything."
"I will, Dad," I said. Feeling chastised some, but he was right. I had a way of letting my cock do the thinking for me. I leaned in as I flicked the razor along his upper chest, next to the neck. Our cocks touched, wet and leaking.
"Fuck!" Dad gasped.
"I didn't nick you, did I?" I asked, concerned. I'd been more prone to that when we started this, but I'd gotten better and a lot more careful.
"No," he responded. "But please tell me we're gonna make up for lost time this weekend, son."
"We're gonna make up for lost time, Dad," I breathed. Then setting down the razor, I kissed him once more. This once feel deeper and more powerful.
"Damn, buddy," my father said as we broke off. "You've gotten even better at that."
I grinned. "Finish you up?" I asked. "We're almost done."
He nodded and lifted his right arm to let me get the trimmed hairs beneath, then the other. Up close, my father's hard muscled body now seemed bigger and heavier. We were both tall and our combined sized made the bathroom quarters seem particularly close.
"Maybe you can trim the crotch tomorrow. Figure out how much you wanna do." Dad said as I shaved his arms smooth. I could never decide what I thought about a shaved crotch. I used to hate it, but now there was a kinkiness in seeing his mature muscled cop body shaved completely smooth. Dad mostly like not worrying the posing trunks area and was glad for me to go as tight a shave as I wanted.
"Yep," I said.
Finally Dad started up the shower and we both got in. I loved sudsing up his shaved-down body and making out with him. We'd barely stepped out and dried off when we heard a knock.
"What fucking timing," I heard Dad say as he turned his upper body some.
I patted his smooth rump and picked up my shorts to slide them back on. I was achingly hard in them, obscenely so, but I had a good idea who was at the door.
"Am I interrupting anything?" Rick Caldwell grinned as I opened the door. He was fifteen years younger than Dad and six inches shorter. He was pretty much the textbook example of meathead cop, having been lifting and competing since he was 18. He stood now in full uniform, the bulletproof vest beneath his poly-blue shirt making his chest look that much more expansive, and his huge guns straining the sleeves.
"Dude, it's your room, too," I laughed.
Rick stepped in and set down his bag. He had a big grin on his closely shaved face. "Been too long, kid," he smiled as he stepped up for a kiss. I used to joke that Rick was Dad's boyfriend, but it seemed more and more like he was mine. I groped his hard body and felt him up beneath the uniform.
"Bout damn time, Caldwell," Dad joked as he stepped in to see us making out.
Rick pulled back. "Hiya Chief. Hit some traffic after my shift." He looked up my father up and down. "Your boy does good work."
"He does," Dad said as he stepped up, pulling his hand on my bare shoulder. "Takes his time."
Rick smiked. "I bet." Then, "You guys see all the beef parading around? Lots of law enforcement, too. I figured Junior here's gotta be pretty worked up," he winked at me. I didn't share a first name with my father but that didn't stop Rick from using that as a nickname.
"Understatement," I said. While Rick always encouraged my horndog side, I didn't always like to scope out other guys around Dad. But it was impossible to hide it on occasions like this .
Dad didn't seem to mind now. His fingers playfully dug into my delt muscle. "Drew here's thinking about signing up for the Academy after college." There was some pride in his voice, even tough I knew my father was stubborn enough to try to talk me out of the idea a few times over the upcoming year.
"Yeah?" Rick asked, turning to look at my own smirk. "You'll make a good officer, Junior," he said. Already he was crouching down in front of me and working my shorts.
I almost objected and I knew my body stiffened defensively. Dad and I had just had the most exquisite 40 minutes of foreplay and I worried now that all my patience would be squandered in a half minute's time.
"It's OK, buddy," Dad whispered hoarsely, pullling my upper body tighter against his nakedness. "Let him."
I gapsed as Rick sank his mouth over my precum-wet boner.
"Holy fuck," I gasped, looking down at him, beginning to blow me in full uniform. Big muscle head cop going down on me. Rick was skilled, but more than that he just loved doing it.
It was the two personalities of the men in my life. Dad always telling me to take it slow, to be patient. Training me almost. Rick indulging me and encouraging me to be as horny as any 20 year old would. Rick knew I had several loads in me in a given night. Why wait for the first?
I now rode the pleasure that Rick's bobbing mouth and throat were now giving me. Dad's eyes were cast down too, watching my thick son dick and his reporting officer's talented mouth quickly milking me.
"You're beautiful to watch, son," my father now whispered in my ear. Just us, something Rick probably couldn't hear. That excited me. "And Rick's right, buddy. You'd make a great officer."
I turned and like magic our mouths met. Tongues connecting a second before I started cumming. I shot hard and heavy into Rick Caldwell's craw. He not only swallowed greedily but kept working me to get the dribbles out of me.
"Goddamn," I muttered when Dad finally pulled back.
"Need a minute?" Dad asked. I knew his need was getting more urgent. And Rick had now turned his attention to my father, his chief. Licking along the thick tool that matched mine.
"Yeah," I replied. "Just a sec." I knew I should cool off completely, but I couldn't keep my eyes off these two men.
Rick sucked some more then went back to teasing mode. I don't know why he was doing this to Dad while he went right to sucking me off. But it was hot to watch. Rick finally turned to me. "You up for shaving me down in a bit, Junior?" He ran his hands openly along my father's smooth abdomen. "Get me competition ready?"
"God, yes," I said.
Dad chuckled. "Drives my boy crazy, doesn't it?" he said, looking at me.
I blushed. I don't know why I was embarrassed of the fact but I was.
Rick grinned, seeming to enjoy seeing my shy side. "Junior's gonna be SO worked up after tomorrow afternoon, he might even let us fuck him." Since going to college, I'd gotten into more of a top kick with these guys. Rick and I liked to have playful arguments about that, but he'd just shake his head and said it was a phase for me, that I just needed to prove something.
Rick never felt like he had anything to prove, at least in bed, and Dad was increasingly very open and flexible.
"How long has it been, Junior?" Rick teased, standing up and undoing his utility belt. "You let any of those college coaches sweet talk their way into your hot jock hole?"
Dad laughed. He was enjoying this. "Drew's been a monk up at school," he chimed in. "So he says."
Rick's blue eyes lit up as he pulled up one uniform shoe to a nearby chair to take off, then the other. "Is that right? Well, it's a whole weekend of bodybuilding, buddy," he said to me. "I'm pretty sure you're gonna get laid." It wasn't clear from his words whether he meant just him and Dad, or some other guy. Maybe for Dad's sake he kept it ambiguous, though I knew Rick liked to fool around and encouraged me to get my rocks off when I could.
"Come on, Rick," Dad complained. "Don't corrupt the poor boy."
Rick smirked. "Junior doesn't need me to do any corrupting. I've never met a dude so wired for big muscle."
Dad gave an exasperated smile. He knew his fellow cop was right. Fer christsake, I'd first come out to Dad when he discovered cum-crusted bodybuilding mags in my bedroom. He now turned to me and I could see a lot of emotion in his face, with the lust that had been building. "I know I keep a short leash on ya, Drew. But you're 20 now... you're your own man."
I didn't know if I was gonna take advantage of Dad's implicit offer. Or if I'd even have a chance to. Rick Caldwell had some wild talk sometimes, but the reality didn't always live up to it. I felt strangely touched by the idea of Dad letting me go off for some fun here.
I turned to Rick, "Why don't you get on the bed?" I asked, almost ordered. "No... leave the uniform on." His cock was already poking out of his zipper but it had been a while since I'd experienced a uniform scene.
The request made Rick smile. He gave a mock salute, "Aye aye, Junior." I watched as he got on, lying back, his big muscle body making the mattress sink. I had confidence in my father, but he'd have a hard time winning his division. Rick would have no problem winning his.
I climbed on, mounting his reclined, clothed body and meeting him for a kiss. Dad still didn't know what I had in mind but he stroked his cock and stepped closer to the bed. He told me he never thought he had a voyeur side until he first watched me and Rick fuck. I made out with the cop and pawed the muscled body before I pulled back and looked at my father.
"Just take it easy, Dad, OK?" I said. "It's been a year and a half."
"Yep," Dad answered in his deep voice.
"Fuck, Junior," I heard Rick say. I looked back into his handsome mug. He now whispered to me, almost mouthed the word. "He's missed this, you know?"
I felt bad, but any misgiving were pushed aside as I felt my father's strong hands run my hamstrings and over my bare buns. Then I felt a cool drizzle of lube and his warm finger press it into me.
"He's good at this right?" Rick said as he watched me get into my dad's prep work. The man was kneeling beside me and Rick. I'd alternate between kissing the cop and just enjoying the fingering.
Finally, I was mid-kiss when Dad stretched his muscled body on top of mine and guided his prick to my tight ring. He had the force to work me open, but he didn't rush it. Just steady prodding at my defenses, and once he entered me slow mini thrusts to open me up.
This was incredible. Getting fucked by Dad in the first time in a while. Getting past my stubborn top-only phase. And being there with Rick while I did.
Dad's thrusts were getting more vigorous, more athletic. I could feel the smoothness of his torso against my bare back as he fucked. The man had a hell of a lot of power in him, and Rick and I both gazed into each other's eyes in a feedback loop of horniness. Me getting off on him seeing the incestuous mating and him egging me on.
"Hold on a sec," I finally said. Dad's pumping stopped and he held his body still against mine while he softly kissed my neck.
"You OK, son?" he asked. I could tell from his voice he SO wanted to fuck to completion right then.
"Pull back," I instructed. As he did, I pulled back enough to give Rick enough room for what I was gonna ask. "Flip over officer," I urged.
Rick got the message, pulling down his uniform trousers all the way, his belt clinging and his prick jerking hard. But I didn't have long to see it. Already the big man was squirming to maneuver to a face down position.
Dad figured out what I was angling for and already was smearing lube on to my cock, adding some extra.
I was getting impatient now, and I reached down to guide my boner into Rick's muscle ass. He gave a soft grunt as I found and penetrated his cop hole. I should have gone easier, I knew, but Rick sensed my need and wanted this too.
Already my jock body was collapsing onto his meatier one, fucking deeper into his ass while I felt my dad cover tightly from behind, his own cop dick finding my entrance naturally and boring back in easily.
A sandwich threeway fuck isn't easy to get a rhythm on, and ours wasn't perfect. It was our first, in fact. But Dad did the driving, his hips and ass piledriving that meaty cock deep into me, jamming it against my throbbing prostate and pushing me into Rick, too.
I heard Dad's rumble of orgasm first and the idea he was shooting inside me had me nutting too. My body spasmed as I gave it up and simultaneously accepted Dad's load deep inside.
"Nice, Drew," my father whispered and slowly eased his body off mine."
I now worried it all been too hard on Rick, but as I rolled off, I saw him turn on his side, finally unbuttoning his uniform shirt and peeling it off his kevlar. His prick was angry red and it took me a second to realize the tip was wet.
"You fuckers," he laughed. "I don't know the last time I had a load fucked out of me like that."
"As long as I don't have to sleep in the wet spot," Dad deadpanned.
Rick grinned, peeling down his trousers, down those tree trunk legs and kicking them off. "I think Junior usually takes the middle spot," Rick said.
I got up off the bed. I'd gotten off twice now, in the span of twenty minutes, and I now felt more than a little drained. "I'll take it," I said. "Gladly." My dad was circling around the king bed to step up to me. I was used to the way his fur would get wet with sweat during sex but now the dewy perspiration rolled down smooth muscle.
"That was amazing kiddo," he said. "Thank you."
We kissed softly. We got so absorbed in our making out that I didn't feel Rick's presence until he placed a hand on both of our backs.
"I love watching you guys," he said.
I turned and leaned down to kiss Rick now, and Dad then had his turn.
"OK if we take a rain check on the shave down?" Rick asked. "There should be enough time tomorrow right?"
Dad felt up Rick's front. "You just got some stubble," he observed. "Shouldn't take as long for Drew to do his thing."
Dad rinsed off first, and then while Rick hopped in the shower, I applied the aloe to Dad's body. It was sexual and intimate, but the orgasms had taken the edge off and I could enjoy the act in all its sensuality. Dad and were both chubbed by shy of fully erect.
"You're killing it, Chief," Rick said as he towelled off. I still had to pinch myself that I had both these amazing muscle men to play around with. "You're gonna blow 'em away on stage tomorrow."
"We'll see," Dad said, that earlier nervousness and doubt creeping into his voice again.
The younger cop hung his towel on the hook. "You ever think of competing, Junior?" he asked.
"His body's perfect, Caldwell," Dad interjected. My father had an embarrassed look as he turned to me. "You should do what makes you happy, buddy, but I mean... you're fucking perfect." His voice cracked in a serious tone. "And any one of those muscle heads walking around this weekend would be lucky to make it with you."
Rick patted my back and winked in a conspiratorial way. "Chief's a big softie. But he's right. You are looking extra studly these days." He turned to Dad. "They looking for some extra tall recruits at the Academy, Chief?"
Dad grinned and nodded. "If that's what the boy wants to do... I'd say so." My father held my gaze and then winked, patting my on the shoulder before going back into the main part of our room.
Somehow, unbelievably, I had a fully hard cock once more.
"You want another crack at my ass, Junior?" Rick asked quietly.
It was tempting. But I needed a break, and I knew waiting would make it all the better. "Tomorrow, OK?"" I asked.
The big cop reached down and gave my dick a quick tug. "You got it. A celebration after I win, maybe?"
"Definitely," I said. I knew Rick would win, all right.
"All right, Junior, let's get some rest... big day tomorrow."
"Yes, Officer," I said and followed him back into the bedroom.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 2 months
Pochita needs a big reset shavedown from a groomer but im so apprehensive to take her to one cus she's legiterally vicious and i dont want them to be traumatized 😪
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gentle-giant-swag · 1 year
GGS: blueberry bracket, second chance shavedown
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Chad’s propaganda masterpost
Asgore’s propaganda masterpost
Gonta’s propaganda masterpost
Milla’s propaganda masterpost
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fishthegenderwitch · 1 year
I gave my dog his Spring shavedown today, and afterwards I always have to have a ‘longer than 5 minutes’ shower because I can feel EVERY HAIR TOUCHING ME EVER...
And the shower stall that “does not leak through the wall onto the tile floor by the front door and into the living room carpet because of a 1-inch lip” [according to the landlord that always shows up days too late to observe this] definitely leaked through the wall onto the tile floor by the front door and into the living room carpet because that 1-inch lip is completely useless when the SHOWER STALL WALL IS NOT AFFIXED TO THE WALL BEHIND IT.
There are at LEAST three, possibly four walls in this apartment that need to be ripped apart to fix things, and that is one of them. I can’t call him in here to fix anything because I have A, too much stuff, B, a landlord who won’t fix shit because I have too much stuff. He gets all judgey and chatters his way out of doing anything about anything.
I feel like I can’t call any sort of Housing Laws people either because my house has too much clutter in it to want more people seeing it, or having them say “OF COURSE he can’t help you at all because you are a terrible person hoarding too many things why can’t you just clean this first like a Normal Person”, and having mental illness means that once I start thinking about where I can start to sort things I get overwhelmed and want to go to sleep. (Like right now.)
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hyper-hopper · 2 years
Can you get a sinus infection from doing a shavedown on a dog, asking for a friend 🙃
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vixconfluff · 5 years
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I can be your angel..... or your devil....
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lady-ginnie · 5 years
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Brush your dogs.
I've had so many clients come in and ask for a specific haircut for their pooch, but the dog's fur is a fucking pelt.
Case in point:
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This was the fur I shaved off the little white dog. Fur shouldn't come off in one solid piece like that. Not on a dog. I could make a sweater out of that pelt.
Luckily the owners of these two pooches knew the dogs would have to be shaved and didn't protest too much. But I do get a huge amount of clients coming in with dogs matted head to toe, asking to keep the fur long with a cute little teddy bear head. No. That's not happening. Come back in a few weeks, and we'll try again then. But when your pet looks like one of those homeless dogs you see in SPCA commercials, you're not getting a special, cutesy haircut. I'm going to do what's best for the pooch -- we're starting over with the fur growth.
Brush your damn dogs, people. Because this? Isn't fun for me or the doggo getting the groom.
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justcallmesweets · 3 years
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#shavedown #grooming (at Morgan Hill, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXSxf3kriDi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#TBT BEFORE and AFTER - Movember shave down for our loyal patron, @themattmusgrave. .. This month, Truefitt & Hill is donating 20% of proceeds from all shaves to @movember. Come see us for a shave and support a worthwhile cause! .. .. #movember #shavedown #menshealth #canberralocals #canberrabarbers #mensgrooming #barber #barbershop #act #australiancapitalterritory #canberra #CBR #wearecbr #truefittandhill #truefittandhillaustralia #truefittandhillcanberra #groomingmenforgreatness (at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHLz066h7NC/?igshid=8tw5tje2inp6
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mrlandlordman · 4 years
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From a wasteland to something more useful! Before and after! #pavement #mothernature #looksbetter #shavedown #hardworkpaysoffs #mr_landlord_man (at Portland, Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAx_gQzArnn/?igshid=wssb7upqoj5h
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gentle-giant-swag · 1 year
gentle giant swag: apricot bracket second chance, shavedown
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josephquiles · 7 years
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🐶Max the #cockerspaniel Owner wanted him to have a short haircut and to tighten him up. That’s exactly what I did. In the years I’ve been grooming, one question that gets asked when a dog returns shaking its head frequently after having so much hair removed from its ears... my answer to that is, it just had a lot of weight taken off and his/her ears feel less heavy and to your dog, it just plainly feels weird but after a few hours he/she will adjust. #cockerspanielofinstagram #cockerlife #bath #haircut #shavedown #beforeandafter #happydog #grooming #mobiegrooming #portriatmode #Royalspa #petgroomimg #mobilepetgrooming #comfortgroom #dogs_of_instagram #doggrooming (at Downey, California)
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I’m crying or my mutual is
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n0nb1narydemon · 7 years
Didn't get any pictures, but I had a TERRIBLY matted dog in today. Pet parents claimed to brush her daily, but she was matted chin to tail. I had to shave her down with a #10, because (excepting her back) the #7 couldn't get under any of the mats. And it took FOUR HOURS to get her legs freed, including a few short breaks for her to settle and have some water. I was able to save her head and most of her tail.
The upside? I think we had a rare breakthrough with the pet parents. They bought a comb, a mat breaker, and set up a follow up appointment. For once, I saw people stop making excuses and start seeking to improve their standard of care. So often, it's just excuse after excuse, even at pickup. People owning their sub-par care and moving to fix it? That's so huge. Made an otherwise shitty day much better. And as icing, they actually loved how she looked afterwards since I was able to keep a teddy bear head and the tail. Too often, people are annoyed about the shavedown, like I ruined their precious baby's coat. It was really nice for my hours of work to be appreciated, even if it wasn't what they were looking for when they brought the dog in.
It's sad it had to reach that point, but I think the dog will have a much brighter future.
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